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Nbr Shali 0531 shali a tribute to john m. shalikashvili the national bureau of asian research the general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom. Sun Tzu, The Art of War George Russell and John Shalikashvili—2004 e is a career military man, a world- est-ranking military officer, Chairman of Asia program. To honor these contribu- H class strategic thinker, and a skillful the Joint Chiefs of Staff. tions and those he made as a truly remark- consensus builder. He is also a great In true American spirit, Shali selflessly able soldier, we are establishing the bipartisan leader in the tradition of the worked his entire life to promote democ- Shalikashvili Chair in National Security late Senator Henry M. Jackson, the racy around the world through the strong, Studies at NBR, with tremendous appreci- Washington Senator to whom NBR traces yet compassionate, extension of American ation for the enthusiastic support of his its roots. He is as down-to-earth as they national interests. As Chairman, and after, family, friends, and colleagues around the come. He is the man we are honoring, the he also devoted his talents to addressing world. Thank you for joining us in our general we all know as “Shali”. the most intractable security challenges in tribute to Shali. They say “Great accomplishments start Asia, including the China-Taiwan issue To Shali, I say, thank you for your with dreams—and dreams are brought to and the North Korean nuclear program. 39 distinguished years in uniform serving fulfillment by unswerving dedication, In doing so, Shali recognized that our nation, and, since your retirement preparation, and plain hard work.” As a America’s policymakers need the perspec- from public service, for your remarkable young boy, first in wartime Poland and tive of the best civilian minds in the world tenure as an NBR director. then in Germany, John Shalikashvili must to help inform their decisions. have had his share of dreams. But he could This thinking guided his enthusiastic not have possibly imagined that one day interest in NBR’s work, his commitment he would end up in the United States, to the institution as a leading director, drafted into its Army as a private and, after and his critical advisory role on security- george russell a 39-year career, leave as the nation’s high- related research, especially the Strategic The National Bureau of Asian Research dear shali, e are here today to honor you and you reminded us all that “Other militaries redouble our commitment to our service W to thank you for your extraordi- might envy us and our high-technology men and women and their families. nary leadership and service to your coun- equipment. But they stand in awe of our Shali, I am honored to be counted try—as a soldier and as a civilian. young men and women in uniform, and among your friends and sincere when I You and I have been through much the sergeants and the petty officers who say “No Secretary of Defense ever had a together. We have had some successes and lead them. Our men and women in uni- better Chairman!” some failures. The challenges we faced form were always, are now, and forever will together—both as public servants and as be the key to our operational excellence. private citizens—were tenacious. From No technology is about to change that. We Bosnia to Somalia to the Taiwan Strait— must never forget their sacrifice. We must Your Secretary, your council was defined by integrity, and never underestimate their importance. your effort by determination and courage. And we must never cut back on our sup- But your most important inspiration to port for them or their families.”And now, me was your dedication to our troops. maybe more than ever, we as Americans william perry When you stepped down as Chairman, should heed your advice and example and Stanford University John White, Sam Nunn, William Perry, and John Shalikashvili—Stanford University, 1996 Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, 1960 t is the privilege of a lifetime to have ern Europe recommitted to its transat- behind stability in Europe, peace in the I worked with and learned from General lantic ties, an eastern Europe integrated Balkans, warming relations with China, John Shalikashvili. When I first met through Partnership for Peace and NATO and—most importantly—the superb U.S. him in the Pentagon in the early 1990s, he membership, and a Russia that did not military that has performed so well in was Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, descend into the malignant self-pity of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the war on terror. the Berlin Wall had recently come down, Weimar Germany. As Chairman of the Through all these accomplishments, and and throughout western and eastern Joint Chiefs of Staff, Shali and Bill Perry all my work with him inside and outside Europe military leaders looked anxiously formed the most capable and respected of government, he has shown decency and to Washington for a vision of Eurasia’s civilian-military leadership team in post- civility that are so rare in Washington and, security future. John Shali exhibited an war history. Wise, firm, never blowing indeed, anywhere. ability to see into the hopes and fears of with the headline winds or strategic fads, these European leaders at a pivotal Shali gave the Secretary of Defense and moment in history, interpret them to President his candid military advice and Washington, and shape them deftly to then oversaw the execution of their orders dr. ashton carter America’s purposes. The result was a west- with amazing managerial acumen. He left Harvard University hen I first met General Shalikashvili inspiration in itself—fleeing from Poland and advice, and when I learned that he W at Fort Lewis in Washington State, during the Nazi aggression to his adopted was returning to the Puget Sound area I knew this was someone very special. He country here, where he dedicated himself after retirement, I urged him to share his was the kind of leader who encouraged to military service and spent his career wisdom and experience with NBR. True to and energized troops serving under his “repaying” the nation for the freedom it form, he made an enormous commitment command and who inspired an unbeliev- offered to him. He was the natural choice of time and energy to NBR programming, able amount of loyalty among officers at to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, because he understands the real strategic all levels. I recall thinking at the time that and during his tenure it was apparent to importance of Asia in the 21st century. this was the most unique combination of a me on the Defense Appropriations and The Shalikashvili Chair at NBR recognizes “soldier’s soldier” and an “officer’s officer” Intelligence Committees that his advice to those contributions as much as it extends I had ever encountered, and my later inter- the President and to the Defense Secretary the vision he has brought to NBR. action with General Shali only confirmed reflected his strikingly clear vision of U.S. that assessment. And only later did I interests in the world and the role of mil- understand how much his life story was an itary force. I appreciated his friendship congressman norm dicks Leading a training exercise—Fort Lewis, Washington, 1988 Farewell Address—Fort Myer, Virginia, 1997 t was my enormous honor to serve as for being a true visionary. Shali always funding which would determine the I the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs thought about the strategy for the future future capability of our country’s military. during General John Shalikashvili’s term while he was leading us in the present. It was my great honor to have served by as Chairman. Having had the pleasure of He cared about the spirit of engaging his side, and it is my honor to be a small serving our country for over 30 years, our allies and friends around the world, part of this event to acknowledge his great over 10 of which were in the Pentagon, I he was committed to the Atlantic Alliance contributions. had never known a more committed and in a way that put him in a very special loyal military officer than he was. All of leadership group among nations, and he us knew him for “Duty, Honor, and was deeply involved with me in the pro- admiral (ret.) william owens Country.” I know him for that but also gram decisions for new weapons systems AEA Investors ohn Shalikashvili enjoys and deserves our opponents. General Shalikashvili was Shali’s dedication to the security and J our unrelenting admiration and a voice of wisdom and knowledge in the prosperity of the United States, despite respect. As a military leader with global interagency deliberations in which he not having been born here. He brought wisdom and concern, he led our nation’s participated. He always came well pre- to all of his work that special vision of a armed forces with intelligence and dis- pared, knew the subjects well—many of person who chose to be an American tinction. But he played a larger role on them first hand—and took into account rather than having the great good fortune the national and international stage as a the special nature of the problems with of merely having been born here. gentleman with strategic vision, wise which he had to deal. This all reflected a judgment and solid policy advice to offer lifetime of service in Europe, the Middle ambassador thomas pickering his government, his colleagues, and even East, Asia, and beyond.
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