
Classified Ads Set Resuits! “** Going Full Speed at MGM S__Ha*eI Scott started at MG1I on I June 21 in her role in “Broadway NEIGHBORHOOD FI RMTIBE NICHOLAS BROTHERS OUT OF STEP FOR THE FIRST TIME Rhythm’. £ CLOTHING '•HOP f Xot only does she play the piano Boa jr:~fc. Atiaata. 56* Ladies Dresses Reasonable. DR. FRED PALMER'S The i in her inimitable fashion, but she lt«' Pairs of Shoes—No Stamps. SKIN WHITENER complicates'’ the lovelife of Lena | Rugs of All K.nds. Radios, etc. | Home and Eddie “Rochester a We Buy and Sell. Tel. AT-1171 : lersou. is directing 1715 NORTH :«Sth ST. | the musical, which producer Jack ROOM FOR RENT- Cummngs is bringing to the screen. Auto Parts Wanted TOR RENT Front Rotor WE. 2*10 , the thrust who de- BURNED. WRECKED or witches Rochester in “Cabin in DILAPIDATED. CARS AND LA LN DRIES & CLEANERS WAITERS’ the Sky", celebrated her bir: =d v j TRI CKS. BRINY; EM IN PARTS FOR CARS EDHOLM A SHERMAN June 38, by rehearsing “Tele a j COLUMN CONSOLIDATED AITO 8401 North 24th WE. 606* Tete at Tea Time" with Rochester ; PARTS for the big musical which introduc- CO. EMERSON LAUNDRY es Ginny Simms and Mu-- 53®1 Cumins St. Phone AT. <324 North 24th St. WE. 10?> George ! pay as a romantic team. want to i t »- Furniture cf a.I kinds—dressers, NORTH 24th STREET H. W. SMITH) beds, end tab! s, chairs and chest (BY SHOE REPAIR WE. MSB af drawers or complete home— “W ENS 18Q7 N. 24th St. WE-I240 .. HER MASTERS" apartment inn;.things Kettles and -___ —POPUI-AK fishes. Sell ug yours. Miss Alberta Foster, on leave PRICKS Vacation tise is here and all of LOOK AT YOUR SHOES IDEAL Punwtjre Mart. 24th & Tuskegee Institute. during the are who goes Other People Do. Lake Street—WL 2224 the boys asking academic Fear, 1MS-2M3, for ad- next! vanced study, has been awarded Join—Reliable Friendship Quo- the degree of Master of Education Tor Pleasure Send Dime for mem- from Winnetka graduate Teachers “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" iership blank. H. Brooke*. S17 The Fontenelle waiters are on in Winnetka. MAYO'S BARBER EL College III. This Col- SHOP Weadell Chics.so. the up and go at ail times. lege is regarded as one of the most Ladies and Children's Work FUNERAL DIRECTORS progressive edutgition-l institu- A Specialty Capt. Davis of the Field dub is tions in this Country and Miss 2422 LAKE ST. THOMAS FUNERAL HOME quite a stranger on North 24th St. Foster has the distinction of being 2022 Lake St. WEbstsr 2022 it first Negro graduate. Miss Fos- Musician headwaiter of the ter is a native of Anderson, S.C. REAL DISCOVERY FOR Green Trees and Cornfields which (Press Photo Service». can be seen at Happy Hollow club HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE i^efense is on the job. Dangerous High Blood Pressure “UN-AMERICAN” (Essential Hypertension) is usually MYRTLE M. marked by Paxton Hotel with the Race (by GOODLOWi distressing symptosu such as dizziness, throbbing head- Organizations preaching racial Horse headwaiter and quick, step CLEAVES TEMPLE PRESENTS aches, sleeplessness and nervous* and hate, ness. If this crew are in the running on prejudice disregarded, may lea< ping "An of to Heart BUY Shouldn't be allowed to operat Evening Song'* Trouble, Stroke, Paralysis; fine. ...very fme service. With the -John S. Williams Hardening of the Arteries or Kid- In our own United States. Trouble. UNITED Choral Ensemble. ney Diamonex, discovery of a Ho- Hitler and his henchmen, an heart specialist, is designed te STATES White Horse Inn and Regis SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, 3:3# p.m. excellent quickly aid in the relief of thess example. At rim Chnm tel waiters are top notchers in any Pile Baptist distressing symptoms. SAVINGS How men can rai one's notch. trample Patron Tickets $1.10. Gen A Chicago resident says: “I suf- 1 Kingdoms and nations into dust, Adm. 55c. Children 2Sc. Tick- fered from High Blood Pressure foi /BONDS 1 ets must be secured several years with When their cause is unholy and by Aug increasingly AND Omaha Athletic Club with the severe dizzi- I SIAM PS 112th. See members or call the throbbing headaches, unjust— ness and shortness of breath- 1 beadwaiter from the Show Me LKFT TO RIGHT: T-5th Fayard The interview revealed t Nicholas. mind about Harold. Pastor, WE. 6251. Will America let the Klan con- showed the Diamonex formula tc State, and the Second man from Nicholas. Thetma * ^ ^ C & C- 0 Thurston Gordon that they may soon be in step a- Nicholas bros out of for the my doctor and, on his advice, tried step tinue to operate? the Razorbaek State ana the the treatment for two weeks undes Ho? Post Feature writer and Harold gaan if L'ncie Sam changes his first time head please k ! Preaching racial prejudice and identical conditions as previous new waiter from the Arkansas treatments. Within three :