United States Patent (19) 11, 3,708,396 Mitsuhashi Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11, 3,708,396 Mitsuhashi et al. (45) Jan. 2, 1973 54 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING 3,492,203 1/1970 Mitsuhashi............................. 195/31 MALTTOL 3,565,765 2/1971 Heady et al.................. .......... 195/31 75) Inventors: Masakazu Mitsuhashi, Okayama-shi, 3,535,123 10/1970 Heady.................................... 195/31 Okayama; Mamoru Hirao, Akaiwa 2,004,135 6/1935 Rothrock.......................... 260/635 C gun, Okayama; Kaname Sugimoto, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Okayama-shi, Okayama, all of Japan Abdullah et al., Mechanism of Carbohydrase Action, Vol.43, 1966. 73) : Assignee: Hayashibara Company, Okayama, Hou, E. F., Chem. Abs., Vol. 69, 1968, 53049d. Japan Kjolberg et al., Biochem. J. p. 258-262, Vol. 86, 1963. 22 Filed: Jan. 8, 1969 Lee et al., Arch Biochem. Biophys, Vol. 1 16, p. (21) Appl. No.:789,912 162-167, 1966. Payur, J. H., Starch, Chem. and Tech., Vol. 1, p. 166, 30 Foreign Application Priority Data 1965. Jan. 23, 1968 Japan.................................. 43/3862 Primary Examiner-A. Louis Monacell July 1, 1968 Japan................................. 43148921 Assistant Examiner-Gary M. Nath July 1 1, 1968 Japan................................. 43148922 Attorney-Browdy and Neimark 52 U.S. Cl.............. 195/31 R, 260/635 C, 99/141 R 5 Int. Cl................................................ C13d 1100 57 ABSTRACT 58) Field of Search............. 195/31; 99/141; 127/37; A process for producing maltitol from a starch slurry 260/635 C which comprises hydrolyzing the starch slurry with beta-amylase and alpha-1,6-glucosidase to produce a 56 References Cited high maltose containing product and catalytically hydrogenating the maltose with Raney nickel after ad UNITED STATES PATENTS justing the pH of the maltose product with calcium 2,868,847 111959 Boyers.................................
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