CONFÉRENCE DES RÉGIONS PÉRIPHÉRIQUES MARITIMES D’EUROPE CONFERENCE OF PERIPHERAL MARITIME REGIONS OF EUROPE 6, rue Saint-Martin - 35700 RENNES (FR) Tél.: + 33 (0)2 99 35 40 50 - Fax: + 33 (0)2 99 35 09 19 email :
[email protected] – web : 43rd CPMR GENERAL ASSEMBLY 5-6 NOV EMBER 2015, FLO REN CE (TUSCANY , I TALY) L I S T O F PARTICIPANTS 5 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5 I - REGIONS ALBANIA SHKODËR Greta BARDELI, President Andrea JAKOVA, Advisor on Foreign Relations TIRANA Aldrin DALIPI, President Idar BISTRI, Director of Cabinet CYPRUS / ΚΥΠΡΟΣ Andreas KTORIDES, Acting District Officer, Ammochostos District Administration DENMARK / DANMARK BORNHOLM Søren SCHOW, Vice Mayor Henrik EYBYE NIELSEN, Chief consultant MIDTJYLLAND Henrik QVIST, Councillor Peder BANG, International Advisor NORDJYLLAND Henrik RINGBAEK MADSEN, Politician Karen Greve SOMERSET, International co-ordinator ESTONIA / EESTI HIIUMAA & SAAREMAA Kaido KAASIK, County Covernor Jaan LEIVATEGIJA, County Secretary IDA-VIRUMAA & PÄRNUMAA Kalev KALJUSTE, Governor of Pärnu County Riho RAHUOJA, Hiiu Gounty Governor Toomas KIVIMÄGI, Member of the Pärnu city council Anu SOMMER, Assistant of the county governor CPMR General Assembly - List of participants - page 1 FINLAND / SUOMI HELSINKI-UUSIMAA Jari SAINIO, Vice-President of the Board Pasi SALONEN, Vice-President of the Board Jaakko MIKKOLA, Director of International Affairs Ossi SAVOLAINEN, Regional Mayor Janne TAMMINEN, Head of Office, Helsinki EU Office KYMENLAAKSO Harri HELMINEN, Chairman of the Board Kai HOLMBERG, Vice-Chairman