Exhibition Of
,' ` ýl ýiIMý ýýýýý ..T----- '189c). CATALOGUE-OF- ThF"lY"EXHIBITION OF. 'r'cir. n. ilA. r+Ann w wýrrý ""'r AýY U r. ' YC1UI U1141ýf-1Pilll: " JALU N DUDL'Y.GALLERY, -PICCADILIY() i ý '1ýýýý .. .. ý. ý/ý ýýý- ý, ýýs _- '. ý"ý: i. OPEN FPOOM fF. P'rFMBEkTHr 2"I , TO "At. 71 OF NOVEMBER, J T YI IEI AUTOTYPELONDON.COMPANY, :i ýýý-ýýýýý. vý PERMANENT AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTIONS of FAMOUS \CORKS of ART from the PRINCIPAL NATIONAL COLLECTIONS OF EUROPE. The Series embraces almost the whole of the Masterpieces of the Great Artists of the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries, and is rich in Examples of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch, German, French, and Spanish Schook of Painting. NUJIFXOL-S F.YAMPLC'S OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART, includingBl1RNE-JONES, Per- manent Copies of Wcrks by LORD LEICHTON, SIR EuWARI) G. F. WATTS, DANTE GABRIEL RossETTI, FORD MADOX BROWN, FREDERICK SHIELDS, HOLMAN HUNT, ALBERT MOORE, HENRY RYLAND, RUDOLPH LEHMANN, HERBERT SCHMALZ, and many others. SELECTED PICTURES from the PARIS SALONS. A NEW SERIES OF AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTIONS from the NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON, now in course of publication. Each print ii sold separately. Price, Its. each. At the AUTOTYPE FINE ART GALLERY may he seen numerousexamples of PERMANENT AUTOTYPE COPIES, framed in special Moulding of appropriate design, suitable for the decoration of Hall, Library, Boudoir, &c. NOIV READY. The AUTOTYPE COMPANY'S FINE ART CATALOGUE of 184 page,, and REUSED ILLUSTRATED) SUPPLEMENT, containing 86 Miniature Reproduction. of Selected Autotypes. Price, Post free, ONE Sit I1.1. I Nt:. IPI-ý-1-6--ý-opl-ý--"ý -, THE AUTOTYPE COMPANY, FINE ART GALLERY, 74, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.
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