Theosophical Society (Pasadena) Australian Section, Library Catalogue
1 A THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY (PASADENA) AUSTRALIAN SECTION, LIBRARY CATALOGUE: ABORIGINALS, AUSTRALIAN: Elkin, A.P., Aboriginal Men of High Degree, Brisbane, 299 University of Queensland Press, 1945 & 1977. (2 copies) E.43.a Elkin, A.P., Aboriginal Men of High Degree, Rochester, Vermont, 299 Inner Traditions, International, 1994, E.43.a ABORIGINAL MYTHS AND LEGENDS: Cowan, J.A., The Elements of the Aboriginal Tradition, Rockport, MA, 299 USA, Element Books Limited, 1992. C.874.A. Robinson, Roland, Aboriginal Myths and Legends, 299 Melbourne, Sun Books, 1966. R.663.a ABORIGINAL RELIGION (AUSTRALIA): Strehlow, T.G.H., Central Australian Religion. Personal Monototemism 299 in a Polytotemic Community. The Australian Association for the Study S.915.c of Religions, Sturt College of Advanced Education, Bedford Park, S.A., 1978. ABORIGINAL SPIRITUALITY: Bell, H.R., Men’s Business/Women’s Business, The Role of Gender in the 299 World’s Oldest Culture, Rochester, Vermont, USA, Inner Traditions B.433.M. International, 1998, Holz, G. and Holz, R., Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, A Physicist’s Journey 299 With a Remote Australian Tribe, Rochester, Vermont, Bear & Company, 2013, H.762.S Holz, R., with Howard, C., Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening, A Journey of 299 Healing & Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe, Rochester, H.762.A Vermont, USA, Bear & Company, 2015. Lawler, R., Voices of the First Day, Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime, 299 Rochester, Vermont, USA, Inner Traditions Internation, Ltd., 1991, L.425.V Kavelin, C., Nudges from Grandfather, Honouring Indigenous Spiritual 299 2 Technologies, Chris Kavelin, K.21.N Pascoe, B., Dark Emu, Aboriginal Australia & the Birth of Agriculture, 299 Broome, W.A., Australia, Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation, 2018, P.281.D Yunkaporta, T., Sand Talk, How Indigenous Thinking can Change the World 299 Melbourne, Vic., Australia, The Text Publishing Company, 2019, Y.95.S ADVAITA ASHRAMA: Sri Ramakrishna, (The Message of our Master), by the first disciples of: 181.482 Advaita Ashrama.
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