Theosophical Society (Pasadena) Australian Section, Library Catalogue

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Theosophical Society (Pasadena) Australian Section, Library Catalogue 1 A THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY (PASADENA) AUSTRALIAN SECTION, LIBRARY CATALOGUE: ABORIGINALS, AUSTRALIAN: Elkin, A.P., Aboriginal Men of High Degree, Brisbane, 299 University of Queensland Press, 1945 & 1977. (2 copies) E.43.a Elkin, A.P., Aboriginal Men of High Degree, Rochester, Vermont, 299 Inner Traditions, International, 1994, E.43.a ABORIGINAL MYTHS AND LEGENDS: Cowan, J.A., The Elements of the Aboriginal Tradition, Rockport, MA, 299 USA, Element Books Limited, 1992. C.874.A. Robinson, Roland, Aboriginal Myths and Legends, 299 Melbourne, Sun Books, 1966. R.663.a ABORIGINAL RELIGION (AUSTRALIA): Strehlow, T.G.H., Central Australian Religion. Personal Monototemism 299 in a Polytotemic Community. The Australian Association for the Study S.915.c of Religions, Sturt College of Advanced Education, Bedford Park, S.A., 1978. ABORIGINAL SPIRITUALITY: Bell, H.R., Men’s Business/Women’s Business, The Role of Gender in the 299 World’s Oldest Culture, Rochester, Vermont, USA, Inner Traditions B.433.M. International, 1998, Holz, G. and Holz, R., Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, A Physicist’s Journey 299 With a Remote Australian Tribe, Rochester, Vermont, Bear & Company, 2013, H.762.S Holz, R., with Howard, C., Aboriginal Secrets of Awakening, A Journey of 299 Healing & Spirituality with a Remote Australian Tribe, Rochester, H.762.A Vermont, USA, Bear & Company, 2015. Lawler, R., Voices of the First Day, Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime, 299 Rochester, Vermont, USA, Inner Traditions Internation, Ltd., 1991, L.425.V Kavelin, C., Nudges from Grandfather, Honouring Indigenous Spiritual 299 2 Technologies, Chris Kavelin, K.21.N Pascoe, B., Dark Emu, Aboriginal Australia & the Birth of Agriculture, 299 Broome, W.A., Australia, Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation, 2018, P.281.D Yunkaporta, T., Sand Talk, How Indigenous Thinking can Change the World 299 Melbourne, Vic., Australia, The Text Publishing Company, 2019, Y.95.S ADVAITA ASHRAMA: Sri Ramakrishna, (The Message of our Master), by the first disciples of: 181.482 Advaita Ashrama. Mayavati, Almora, Himalayas, 1936. R.165 ADVENTURE, AN: Morison, E. & Lamont, F., An Adventure. (Moberley, Charlotte Anne 133.1 Elizabeth, MacMillan & Co. Ltd., London, 1911. (Reprint 1st Ed., March, M.71. 1911) ADYAR: Hartmann, F., Report of Observations at Adyar, 212.509 Madras, Scottish Press, 1884 - 2nd Edition. H.325.r A.E.: (G.W. RUSSELL): Summerfield, Henry, That Myriad Minded Man. 828 A Biography of G.W. Russell, - A.E. Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, S.955.m Colin Smythe, 1975. AFRICA: BUSHMEN: Van der Post, L., The Heart of the Hunter, London, Readers Book Club, 916.81 1963. V.239.H AFRICAN HISTORY: Davidson, B., Discovering Africa’s Past, London, Longman Group Ltd., 960 1978. D.952.D. AFRICAN TRADITIONS: Griaule, M, and Dieterlen, G., The Pale Fox. Arizona, 299 The Continuum Foundation, 1986. G.846.P AFTER DEATH: 3 Wright, L. L., After Death: What? T.S. Manual #V. 212.5 Wheaton Illinois, Point Loma Publications Inc., 1974. (2 copies). T.34.M : NS.V,1975 Wright, L.L., After Death, What? (New Manual). 212.5 T.34 AKNATON (PHARAOH): Aldred, C., Akhenaten, Pharaoh of Egypt, A New Study, ?, Thames & 932.01 Hudson, 1968, A.365.A Weigall, A., The Life and Times of Akhenaton. London, 932.01 Thornton Butterworth Ltd., 1934. W.419.L ALCHEMISTS AND GOLD: Sadoul, J., The Story of Alchemy through the Ages. 540.1 New York, G. Putman’s Sons, 1972. S.126.a ALCHEMY: S.K. De Rola, S.K., Alchemy, The Secret Art. 540.1 New York, Avon Books, 1973. R.755.s Coelho, P., (Trans: Clarke, A.R.), The Alchemist, (25th Anniversary Ed’n), 184 San Francisco, Harper One, An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, 2014, C.672.A Doberer, K.K., The Goldmakers, 10,000 Years of Alchemy. 540.1 London, Nicholson & Watson, 1948. D.633.G Stanley Redgrove, H., Alchemy: Ancient and Modern. 189 London, William Rider & Son Ltd., 1911. R.316.A Regardie, I., The Philosopher’s Stone. 540.1 London, Rider & Co., date? R.333.P AMERICA; RELIGIOUS & SPIRITUAL GROUPS: Ellwood, Robert S. Jnr, Religious & Spiritual Groups in Modern America. 323.111 Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., U.S.A., 1973. AMERICAN CONVENTIONS: Blavatsky, H.P., Letters from H.P.B. to American Conventions. 212.5083 4 Point Loma, California, USA, Theosophical University Press, 1934, 1973 B.61.Le Blavatsky, H.P., Letters from H.P.B. to American Conventions, 1888-1891 212.5083 Pasadena, Theosophical University Press, 1979, B.61.HPB AMERICAN INDIANS: Boyd, Doug: Rolling Thunder. A Personal Exploration 299.7 into the Secret Healing Powers of an American Indian Medicine Man. B.789.r New York, Random House, 1974. Johnson, P., (ed.), Return of the Indian Spirit, together with Laws of the 299.7 Lodge & the Wisdom of the Old Ones, London, Grosvenor Books, 1981, J.68.R Kroeber, T., Ishi In Two Worlds, A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in 299.7 North America, Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press, K.93.I. 1969. Storm, Hyemeyohsts, Seven Arrows. The American Indian concept of 299.7 the Medicine Wheel and individual perception. New York, Ballantine S.885.s Books, Inc., for Harper & Row, Publishers, 1972. Thompson, Lucy (Che-Na-Wah Weitch-Ah-Wah) To the American Indian 299.7 Reminiscences of a Yurok Woman, Berkeley, Heyday Books, In conjunct- T.473.T. ion with Peter E. Palmquist, 1916 and 1991. AMERICAN INDIAN TRADITIONS: White Eagle, channelled by Grace Cooke, Beautiful Road Home, Living in 299.7 the Knowledge that you are Spirit New Lands: Liss: Hampshire: England, W.591.B The White Eagle Publishing Trust, `992, White Eagle, channelled by Grace Cooke, Practising Peace,(New Edition 299.7 of the Gentle Brother), New Lands: Liss: Hampshire: England, The White W.591.P Eagle Publishing Trust, 2007. AMERICAN INDIAN RELIGION: Luckert, K.W., Navajo Mountain and Rainbow Bridge Religion, 299. American Tribal Religions, Vol. 1. L.941.N AMERICAN HISTORY: Fell, Barry, Saga America, New York, Times Books, 1980, 970 F.317.S 5 Fell, Barry, America B.C., Ancient Settlers in the New World, 970 New York, A Demeter Press Book, Quadrangle, The New York Times F.317.A Book Co, 1976, Menzies, G., 1421, The Year China Discovered America, 970 London, Harper Collins Publishers, 20…?, This copy disappeared M.551.F Menzies, G., 1421, The Year China Discovered America, 970 London, Bantam Books\, 2003, (replacement copy), M.551.F Menzies, G., 1434, The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed 970 To Italy and Ignited the Renaissance, London, Harper Collins M.551. For Publishers, 2008 AMERICAN RELIGIONS: Eck. D.L., A New Religious America, How a “Christian Country” 323.111 Has Become The Most Religiously Diverse Nation. New York, Harper E.19.N. San Francisco, Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 2001. AMITABHA: Hall, Manly P., The Western Paradise of Amitbha. Reprinted from Vol. 21 of the P.R.S. Journal, 1961-1962. Los Angeles, 294.320931 California, The Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 1962. H.178.w AMMONIUS SACCUS: Theosophical Society (Pasadena) (compl.) Ammonius Saccus Information. 212.5 from: T.397.A 1) International History of the Church, 2) Theosophia in Neo-Platonic Literature, 3) Ecclesiastical History, Ancient & Modern, 4) Sources of Plotinus, E.R. Dodds, 5) The Middle Platonists, John Dillon, 6) A Dictionary of Christian Biography. W. Smith & H. Wallace, Faxes from Theosophical University Press, U.S.A. ANCIENT AMERICA: AMERICAN HISTORY: Fell, B. Saga Americana. New York, Times Books, 1980. 970 F.317.s ANCIENT EGYPT: Emery, W.B., Archaic Egypt, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, U.K., 299 Penguin Books, Ltd., 1963, E.53.A 6 Glanville, S.R.K., The Legacy of Egypt. 932 Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1942. g.546.l Maeterlinck, Maurice, Ancient Egypt. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 932 1925. M.186.A ANCIENT EGYPT, ORIGINS Collins, A., The Cygnus Key, The Denisovan Legacy, Göbekli Tepe, & 285.2 The Birth of Egypt, Rochester, Vermont, USA, Bear & Company, 2018, C.712.C Phillips, G., Act of God, Moses, Tutankhamun, & the Myth of Atlantis, 285.2 London, Pan Books, An Imprint of Pan MacMillan Ltd., 1998, P.559.A ANCIENT EGYPTIAN RELIGION: Hornung. E., (Trans. By Lorton, D., Akhenaten & the Religion of Light, 299.31 Ithaca & London, Cornell University Press, 1999. ANCIENT LANGUAGES: Walsh, Rev. W. Parkenham. The Moabite Stone. 209 Dublin, George Hubert, 1873. P.152.M ANCIENT TEXTS-PHILOSOPHY: Cory, Isaac Preston. Ancient Fragments. Minneapolis, 180 Wizards Bookshelf, 1975. (S.D. Reference Series). C.833.A ANGEL: Davidson, G., A Dictionary of Angels Including the Fallen Angels, 134.133 New York, The Free Press, 1967, D.252.D A Student, The Angel and the Demon (Old Manual). The Aryan Theos. 212.5 Press, Point Loma, 1907, California. T.S. Manual Old Series No. 12, T.34 Vol. 1, Theosophical Society Universal Brotherhood; Theosophical Manuals (No. 1-18), 18 vols in 1980, Point. Loma, California. ANIMAL COMMUNICATION: Henry, W., Language of the Birds, Hendersonville, TN, U.S.A., Scala Dei, 428.6 date?, [email protected] H.525.L ANIMALS: 7 Bhagavan Ramana, Friend of All, Sri Ramanasamam, Tiruvannamalai, 2010, 294 R.195.F Caruso, L.L., Blessing the Animals, Prayers & Ceremonies to Celebrate 205,693 God’s Creaatures, Wild & Tame, Woodstock, Vermont, USA, Walking P.559.A Together, Finding the Way, Skylight Paths Publsh’g, Div. of Long Hill Partners Inc., 2008 Rose Evans, Friends of All Creatures. San Francisco, 179 Sea Fog Press, 1984. E.92.F Gauding, M., Personal Power Animals, For Guidance, Protection & Healing, 133.259 London, Godsfield Press, A Division of Octopus Publishing Group Ltd, 2006, G.267.P Hull, J, The Pet Psychic, London, Headline Publishing Group, 2010, 133.259 H.913.
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