TOiRcDNA- •Vi\R 9ao17 Ex-spy links Watergate burglar to Oswald just before JFK killed NEW YORK (Reuter) — An Pedro Diaz Lane and two it blamed for the Bay of Pigs they did not want a woman on ex-spy is claiming that she Cuban brothers, whose names disaster. the job and Miss Lorenz flew 0. accompanied an assassination she does not know. The statements made by back to from Dallas ;-'• squad, including Lee Harvey Oswald was officially fin- Miss Lorenz to the newspaper the next day;'day; according to the Oswald, to Dallas, Texas, a gered,as Kennedy's assassin. and to a federal agent were f e w days before president The Warren Commission said reported to Robert Blakey, Two days later she was on a John F. Kennedy was killed he acted alone. chief counsel of the House of plane to New 'York when the $ .there in November, 1963. According to t h e article Representatives a s s ssina- co-pilot announced t hat e. Another in . the gang was Miss Lorenz said the men she tions committee, He has as- Kennedy had been killed In ' said to be Central Intelligence accompanied were all mem- signed a senior investigator to Dallas, Miss Lorenz said. Agency contract agent Frank bers of Operation 40, a secret interview her, the News said. Sturgis, convicted as one guerrilla g r o up originally Miss Lorenz said that after Sturgis has already been t h e Watergate burglars in formed by the CIA in 1960 in a midnight meeting in Miami, questioned about the assassi- 0973. connection with the ill-fated shethought the group was nation by the Senate Water- e Maritza Lorenz, a former of . planning to raid an arsenal or gate committee, the Senate undercover operator for the She described it as an some other place where weap- intelligence committee, the t Central Intelligence Agency';, ,k "assassination squad" con- ons were stashed in Dallas. House assassination commit- (CIA). and the Federal Bureau-I'l- sisting of about 30 anti-Castro She said they left soon after tee and by former vice-presi- dent Nelson Rockefeller's 1 Alf Investigation, told the Cubans and their American t h e meeting and drove to Tort Daily News that hoe advisers, Dallas in two cars. She added commission that investigated companions on the car trip Miss Lorenz claimed the that they carried weapons - the CIA, from Miami to Dallas were group conspired to kill both rifles and scopes in the He told them all that he had Oswald, Sturgis, Cuban exile Cuban Premier vehicles. nothing to do with a conspira- leaders Orlando Bosch and and president Kennedy, whom However, the Cubans said cy to kill Kennedy.