Gas and Stars in Galaxies – a Multi-Wavelength 3D Perspective Held at ESO Garching, Germany, 10–13 June 2008

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Gas and Stars in Galaxies – a Multi-Wavelength 3D Perspective Held at ESO Garching, Germany, 10–13 June 2008 Astronomical News Study conclusions tion which exceeds that contained in the role in the decision of employees to use ALMA High Altitude Visitors Information OSH programmes or not. With improved From the perspective of visitors/workers packet and the site safety instruction by attractiveness and marketing of the ma- at high altitude, the results of this study the site safety officer, was sometimes terials/programmes on the one hand, and document fewer problems than ex- mentioned in the questionnaire returns. organisational culture and safety leader- pected. The visitors/workers neither re- This diligence implies that high-altitude ship on the other, we have the necessary ported major psychosomatic complaints safety and health issues are seriously tools to win over everyone to an ap- nor impairment of abilities, work behav- considered also by visitors – an indication propriate preparation for and use of OSH iour or work performance. However, the that most of them were concerned about materials/programmes. data indicated some areas worthy of visiting a high-altitude site and, there- further study that bear potential improve- fore, were interested in getting useful ment for OSH programmes, such as con- background information. References centration/awareness problems, fatigue/ Böcker, M. & Vogt, J. 2007, The Messenger, 127, 64 under-arousal and reduced capacity. Although only a minority of participants Fields, R. D. 2008, Scientific American, Although not statistically significant from did not report about preparations for April/May 2008 the study so far, workers generally re- ascent to high altitude, serious incidents Sakamoto, S., et al. 2003, ALMA Memo, 446 port slightly more problems at high alti- may be more likely to happen to indi- Vogt, J. 2002, in Lehrbuch der Umweltmedizin, ed. Dott, W., et al., (Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche tude than visitors. However, cultural dif- vidual high-altitude visitors/workers with Verlagsgesellschaft mbH), 479 ferences, for example, optimism of local reduced safety consciousness. Thus, we Vogt, J., et al. 2004, International Journal of Emer- workers versus critical view of visiting sci- need to find out how to convince every- gency Mental Health, 6, 185 entists, probably also play a role. body to adequately prepare for the work Vogt, J., Pennig, S. & Leonhardt, J. 2007, Air Traffic Control Quarterly, 15, 127 at very high altitude. This finding is in line West, J. B. 1997, Aviation Space and Environmental With respect to the preparations for high- with other studies, for example, with Medicine, 68, 162 altitude work and the benefits of OSH air traffic controllers, who in two thirds of West, J. B. 2003, ALMA Memo, 477 programmes, one result of this pilot study cases concerning critical incidents West, J. B. 2004, The Observatory, 124, 1 Wu, T., et al. 2007, High Altitude Medicine & Biology, is that some participants did not report had attended a stress management pro- 8, 88 any preparation in matters of safety for gramme and in one third had not (Vogt their work at high altitude. The remaining et al., 2004; 2007). The latter third dem- visitors and workers, who reported on onstrated a reduced performance for their preparations, mostly used more than a longer period after an incident. The one method. Some visitors have done organisational culture and the safety atti- more than expected. Additional informa- tude of supervisors play an important Report on the ESO and Radionet Workshop on Gas and Stars in Galaxies – A Multi-Wavelength 3D Perspective held at ESO Garching, Germany, 10–13 June 2008 Matt Lehnert1 An overview of the ESO/Radionet work- near-IR and sub-mm/radio communities Carlos De Breuck 2 shop devoted to 3D optical/near-infra- working on three-dimensional (3D) extra- Harald Kuntschner 2 red and sub-mm/radio observations of galactic data. The meeting was attended Martin Zwaan 2 gas and stars in galaxies is presented. by more than 150 scientists. This article, There will be no published proceedings due to space limitations, provides a, but presentations are available at http:// necessarily biased, overview of the meet- 1 Laboratoire d’Etudes des Galaxies, ing. We decided not to publish proceed- Etoiles, Physique et Instrumentation program.html. ings, but the presentations are available (GEPI), Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, from the workshop homepage at http:// France 2 ESO The main aim of this ESO/Radionet work- program.html. The names of speakers rel- shop was to bring together the optical/ evant to a topic are included here so that 52 The Messenger 133 – September 2008 NGC 3607 NGC 3610 NGC 4026 Stellar V Stellar V [OIII] V NGC 4526 UGC 3960 Numerical Simulation CO H I Figure 1. The Atlas3D project (http://www-astro. current studies of neutral hydrogen out to the Atlas3D project with the SAURON includes a multi-wave- cosmological distances and will provide imaging spectrograph (presentation by length coverage of a complete sample of nearby early-type galaxies, including optical IFU, CO and H I information on the cool gas in and around Michele Cappellari, see Figure 1) that data combined with a specific effort on numeri- galaxies. All of these devices and tech- early-type galaxies show a surprising cal simulations. Illustrations of the Atlas3D datasets niques are necessary if we are ever going amount of rotation. This was not apparent are shown, from top left to bottom right: stellar to understand the complex interaction previously because of the narrow range velocity maps of NGC 3607 and NGC 3610; ionised gas velocity map of NGC 4026; CO velocity map between gas and stars in galaxies. of magnitudes and the limited number of of NGC 4526; H I contours of UGC 3960; and a pro- the galaxies in earlier surveys. Less lumi- jected snapshot of a numerical simulation. It was clear from the meeting that we nous, and more numerous early-type gal- are indeed learning a great deal about axies tend to show more rotational sup- further reference to the presentations can the detailed relationships between gas port than their more massive and rarer be made through the web page. phases in galaxies, how star formation cousins. So most early-type galaxies are proceeds, and how the global environ- lenticulars and not ellipticals. These ob- The optical/near-IR community now has ment within galaxies affects these rela- servations can plausibly be explained by access to an increasing number of pow- tionships. Perhaps uniquely emphasised mergers with a range of mass ratios that erful Integral Field Units (IFUs; see pres- at this meeting was the important role are typically 1:2 or 1:3 (Thorsten Naab). entation by Eric Emsellem) and the sec- that instrumentation, especially those But of course, the final result depends on ond-generation VLT instruments, as well that provide three-dimensional (spatial the initial orientations and amplitude of as the proposed E-ELT instruments, will and spectral) information, can play in our the various angular momentum vectors of all have IFU units (Niranjan Thatte). These overall understanding of star formation the progenitors and the orbit (Maxime instruments will thus provide large data and galaxy evolution. Bois). However, there were some puz- cubes sampling the stellar content and zling, and perhaps alarming, comments the warm/hot ionised gas. that these merger models, while perhaps Early- and late-type galaxies explaining the large-scale dynamics, can- Radio and millimetre interferometers have not account for the orbit families within provided 3D information on gas in gal- One of the most fascinating themes of early-type galaxies. Obviously, the exqui- axies for decades (Thijs van der Hulst). the conference was the nature and con- site 3D data that we are able to produce ALMA will – by design – always provide tinuing growth of early type galaxies. The is a real puzzle for modellers (Mathieu high spatial and spectral resolution data paradigm that early-type galaxies always Puech). cubes of the cold gas (Robert Laing), mean pressure-supported systems with allowing the molecular and dust distribu- no recent star formation, and certainly no It also appears that we can watch the tion to be traced in galaxies. Future accreted gas, has been consigned to growth of structure within early-type gal- radio facilities (Philip Diamond) will extend historical novelty. It appears now through axies. By studying the CO and H I emis- The Messenger 133 – September 2008 53 Astronomical News Lehnert M. et al., Report on the Workshop on Gas and Stars in Galaxies 1600 1600 29˚1420 29˚1420 ) ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 2 2 u J J l ( ( a s n n / V o o i i m a t 1550 t 1550 t k a a a n 14 10 n 14 10 i i D l l c c e e D D 1500 1500 1400 1400 9h52m09s 08s 07s 9h52m09s 08s 07s Right Ascension (J2000) Right Ascension (J2000) Figure 2. Comparison of CO and optical 3D data for Late-type star-forming galaxies in the Active galactic nuclei and black holes NGC 3032. Left: Stellar mean velocity field, overlaid local Universe are also full of surprises. with contours from the integrated/total CO(1–0) map (Young et al., 2008). Right: CO mean velocity field, There are several theories for explaining What is the role of active galactic nuclei overlaid with the optical (roughly V-band) isophotes how star formation is driven on large (AGN) in galaxy formation and evolution? (Emsellem et al., 2004). scales – from gravitational instabilities, to The relationship between the mass of such instabilities aided by magnetic the supermassive black holes and the sion from early-type galaxies, it is possi- fields, to large-scale convergent flows or mass of their surrounding spheroids is ble to observe a relationship between density fluctuations in the gas.
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