Camellias in a Windy Garden, Devon, England

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Camellias in a Windy Garden, Devon, England PUBI OA){Ol dVH:)] spu lIUE McKEE. Ann. 913 Piedmont Dr.. McLEMORE. B. S.. Rt. 4. Box 44. McREE. Mr & Mrs B. C .. 41 Wir 77.304. MA KALL. Marie & Benjamin. ~'ll1~t8~~~t~&· Ws~~urtis I. Ark. 72207. :-'1ANDARICK. Jack L.. 700 Woe 9402S. ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY. J' 1~85.1. MANN. Mr & Mrs W. F.. 2032 P La. 71115. MARCY. Lynn R.. 5701 N. Morg J7~15. MARCY. Ill. Mr & Mrs Robert. Ca.9:'i124. :v1ASSACHUSETTS HORTICL Mass. Ave.. Boston. Mass. 0211 MA YFIELD. Douglas F.. 1612 Ro 7080K MA YO. Mr & Mrs Fred B.. 334 l 2~305. MAZZEI. Edith. 1486 Yosemite .""ETCALF. Edwards H.. 911 S Ca. 91016. MITCHELL. Ivan. Box 442 R,.. 2 MOORE. Jr.. Dr & Mrs Harrv T. Tenn. .37215. MORRIS. Mrs Glorv H.. 2241 IVel MOVleH. I. John. '3929 William MUSE. Mrs Paschal. Box NATHAN. Dr & Mrs Daniel. P.t .110.10. NOLAN. Mr & Mrs James W.. P .19576. UCCIO'S NURSERIES. P.().~ Altadena. C. 91001. OLIVER. W. C .. Box 244. Pooler. O·MALLEY. Mrs C. F.. 65 Robl, OWENS. Hubert B. P.o. Box 80R' PA ·E. Mr & rvlrs Berkeley M .. 6.1 PAle; .. Mr & Mrs Harold L.. 12 Ca. 94549. I'ALMER. Jr.. Mr & Mrs Fred A .. Gonutles. La. 70737. I'ARKER. Mr & Mrs Alton B.. P.O. PARKER. Mrs Esther G .. 177 1-;11 PARKS. Dr Clifford R.. Dept. BOI Chapel Hills. N.C. 27514. PEER. Monil'Jue I.. 8159 Hollvwooc PERIGAi\. Grady. 13RO Wi;,s!on ·P-·RKINS. III. Thomas H.. 1'.0 .]9(,0 I. PHILLIPS. Dr Charles R.. 608 N 21701. PIERI. Ernest E.. 601 E. Elm Ave PIET. Mever. 757 Anoakia Lane. PINHEIRO. Anthony & Mary Jo. Ca. 95.150. ~Ll~I'~iNCCnl"~D~4~~~h6RET N.Y. 11771. PRATER. Mrs George H.. 1216 Tenn . .17814. PRYOR. William A .. 705 13th AVI Ga. J11l15. PURSEL. Frank V.. 5833 Moraga PYRON. Joseph H.. P.O. Box 132. Pain/ing by Kana Sauraku (155CJ-/o35; ola HAMllATH. Mr& MrsH.C.. 2JOX Ca. 951\25. pheasant and camellias on a sliding door ol/he RANDALL. James M .. 6500 Driftw( RA;-.IKIN. Vir~inia. 1601 Glenwo( Tenkyu-in Temple. KI'% HAY. Mrs Wilbur V.. 5024 E. La REAG IN. Mr & Mrs W. N.. 39.1.1 flr REOD. Mr & Mrs Will. C. IConS!, Birmin~ham. Ala. 35223. rWI.JERTSON. Dr & Mrs D. Lvle .1')'iO I. ­ ICS Mt!mbeu' Subscrlpllons R.. h.'s and 111 b'lclu~t:d ..... ilh ,hi.. Journal is till envelope I the S(H.:it:tys Membership Representatives Tbe International Camellia Society operation. was inaugurated in 1962 with the following motives: \FR1CA 1M 8.00. or liusbund and Wire H: \U "RALIA (S 8.00. or Husband IlInd WI 1. To foster the love of Camellias throughout the world, and to maintain and increase their \,M£RICA IS 9.00. or Husblllnd and Wife \S....\ (Y 2000. or Husband and Wife Y r popularity. FRANCE (50.00 Fn. or HusbMnd and Wlf 2. To undertake historical, scientific and horticultural research in connection with Camellias. l""I.Y "Nil SWI rZERLA!'<U 11.1.< 1l1.1 3. To co-operate with all national regional Camellia Societies and with other Horticultural EW ZE.'\l.AND (S 10.00 or Hu.sbllnd an, P<lRTVGA I. tf:. 600. or Husband and WI Societies. 'SI)AI II'. RSO. or Husband and Wlh.. P. I t'NlTUI KIi'GDOM AND W.Sn:R," ' 4. To disseminate information concerning Camellias by means of bulletins and other publications. Bransford. Worcester. WRti 5JG. Eillotla 5. To encourage a friendly exchange between Camellia enthusiasts of all nationalities. L,J4! 1\/nllhl~nhi{H al'allable fo,. nt, I/I/lIJIJI/ No. 15 OCTOBER 1983 An Official Publication of The International Camellia Society .DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY 1983-1985 PRESIDENT Mrs Violet Lort-Phillips, Channel Islands VICE·PRESIDENTS MrsViolet Stone, Baton Rouge, USA Mr. John Tooby, Worcester, England Mr. Eric Craig, Sydney, Australia PATRON Mr. Tom Savige, Wirlinga, NSW, Australia REGIONAL DIRECTORS Africa Mr Leslie RiggaU, South Africa America Mr Lewis Fetterman, North Carolina Mr Thomas Perkins III, Mississippi Mr William D. Stewart, California Asia Dr Kaoru Hagiya, Japan Mr Yoshiaki Sakakura, Japan Australia Mr John Alpen, New South Wales Mr Ray Garling, Victoria Dr John Pedler, South Australia France M. Claude Thoby, Nantes M. Jean Laborey, Paris Italy-Switzerland Dr Antonio Sevesi, Milan New Zealand Mr Owen Moore, Wanganui Portugal Sr Jose Gil de Ferreira, Santo Tirso Spain D. Juan Armada Diez de Rivera, Santiago de Compostela United Kingdom Lady Anne Cowdray, Wiltshire Miss Cicely Perring, Sussex Mr David Trehane, Cornwall Other Regions Mme Ghislaine Rems, Belgium Mrs B. de Veulle, Channel Islands EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN Miss Cicely Perring, Sussex SECRETARY Mr David 1. Davies, Trentham, Mead Road, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 6AD TREASURER-MEMBERSHIP-REGISTRAR Mrs Joan Bowskill, 192 Ashburnham Road, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 6AD EDITOR Mr Kenwyn Clapp, Colebrook House, Plympton, Plymouth, England INTERNATIONAL REGISTRAR FOR THE GENUS CAMELLIA Mr Tom Savige,Hawksview Road, Wirlinga, NSW, Australia Contents Contenu Contenuto Contenido October 1983 A Message from the President. 3 Editorial 4 Financial Statements .. 78 I.C.S. Membership Table. 79 Membership Lists .. 81 PEOPLE AND EVENTS New Society Officers. 5 The Sacramento Congress. C~cr~~~~~r:~;: 8 The Nottingham Conference . ..........••.•.•••••.•••••••.•. 31 A Members Introduction to American Camellias. ......... Mayda Reynolds 38 I.c.S. Exhibits at R.H.s. Show 1983 . ...... Joyce Windham 48 Camellia 'Barbara Jane' - a correction. ................ John Tooby 48 A Tribute to the late Reginald Try. ............. John Tooby 52 I.C.S. Garden of Friendship. ... Harold Fraser 73 Sacramento Directors Meeting. .. Eric Craig 74 I.C.S. Member President of EryldeneTrust .. ... Eric Craig 76 A Tribute to the late Barbara de Veulle . Violet Lort-Phillips 77 CAMELLIAS ARE TRULY UNIVERSAL South Africa moves forward .. Leslie Riggall 14 Camellias in a windy garden, Devon, England. Surgeon Captain 1. A. N. Lock 25 Chasing Camellias in China .. .. Thomas H. Perkins III 35 Camellias in the Western Highlands of Scotland . D. K. Macklaren 44 Ornamental plants of China. Liu Tsu Ming 45 Camellias in Ireland. Mary Forrest & John Tooby 60 Searching for Camellias in China ... Harold R. Fraser 64 CULTURE AND RESEARCH Yunnan Camellia reticulata cultivars .. Dr B. Bartholomew 11 Flowers colours in the Camellia . Yusuke Sakata & Ken-ich Arisumi 16 Family PllInning . ........... Frank Pursel 24 Camellia Nomenclature. .. T.1. Savige 26 Camellias and Chemicals . ..... Dr Gene Snooks 39 Breeding cold hardy Camellias. Dr Wm. L. Akerman 51 Camellias and cold weather .. ,John Tooby 53 Grafting in Vitro. .................. Dr J. Creze 56 Studies and application of Camellias. ......... Professor Chang Hung Ta and Sandra Yau I Leng 67 Cover: I.C.S. Group at Sacramento. Standing L to R Back Row: Tom Savige, Registrar; Jean Laborey, France; Ken Hailstone, U.S.A.; John Pedler, Australia; Lew Fetterman, U.S.A.; Tom Perkins, U.S.A.; H. J. Tooby, VIP, U.K.; Bill Stewart, U.S.A.; David Davies, Secretary. Middle Row: Eric Craig, VIP, Australia; Richard Clere, N.Z.; Claude Thoby, France; Leslie Riggall, South Africa; Ray Garling, Australia. Seated: Lady Anne Cowdray, U.K.; Mrs Violet Lort-Phillips, President! Channel Islands; Mrs Violet Stone, VIP, U.S.A.; MissCicely Perring, MrsW. Stewart, U.S.A. Courtesy Greg Davis-Houston 2 Message from the President Message du President Messaggis del Presidente Messaggis del Presidente MRS. VIOLET LORT·PHILLIPS President, International Camellia Society "lhave been greatly honoured to have been many blessings that stem from membership of appointed President of the International the I.C.S. Camellia Society". These words were written I have everyconfidencethat our new British by our first President, Professor E. G. Executive will maintain the prestige and fame Waterhouse, in December 1962 and are of the Society and its beautiful symbol, the repeated, with humility, by me in 1983. camellia, I wish them every success in their work. Reviewing the twenty-one years since the Now what of the future? The Society must inception of our Society and re-reading the grow, and must find new, enthusiastic members. journals, I realise the debt we owe to these We have many interesting projects to complete; pioneers; again quoting the Professor, "not journeys to plan; breeding programmes to least to Mr· Charles Puddle for his able, initiate and carry through, forthe introduction sagacious and untiring 'work in launching the of the yellow Camellia chrysantha has opened Society". My wholehearted tribute also goes up a new range of colours to .the hybridists. I to those who have maintained and expanded believe progress is also being made in the the work of the Society during the last decade. ex traction of oil from the seeds of Camellias. I Without the devoted efforts of the Australian have a small phial ofthisoi~ which !treasure. I Executive, led by Eric Craig under the banner am told that application of this oil prevents ofTom Savige, therewould today be no Society. hair from going grey - is this a challenge to We must not forget our American members, the Society? I was even toasted on my birthday, who showed such wonderful hospitality to us in Georgia, in Camellia wine! As you can see, and so ably directed the successful Congress there is no end to the versatility of the Camellia in Sacramento this last March, and who also Let us,. as aworld-wide Society, explore this arranged a most interesting pre-Congress tour: versatility and encourage each region to make this will bereviewed later in the journal. its contribution to the pool of Camellia. I extend a big thank you on behalf of all knowledge. members to everyone who has helped us to May I wish you all "good growing" in the benefit from the instruction, pleasures and coming year.
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