Tunis 9°0'0"E Tunis 13°30'0"E 18°0'0"E 22°30'0"E 27°0'0"E 31°30'0"E LA GOULETTE I t a l y T u r k e y

Inter-Agency bonded Warehouse Malta

36°0'0"N MALTA 36°0'0"N

M a l t a Valletta G r e e c e

Sfax C y p r u s Sfax Zarzis THYNA - Coordination and Logistics advisory SFAX - Road Transport - Inter-Agency bonded Warehouse

ZARZIS Gabès T u n i s i a Zarzis Zarzis Zarzis Médenine ZARZIS Ras Ajdir Ben Tataouine Gardane Zuwarah TRIPOLI Inter-Agency Tataouine Sabratah Tripoli Ed Dachla Darnah Castelverde Benghazi bonded Warehouse Ez-zauia Al Bayda - Information Management Cussabàt Al Khums Misurata - Coordination and Logistics advisory TRIPOLI INTERNATIONAL Al Mari - Coordination and Logistics advisory Ramadah Tarhuna Misurata - Road Transport Benghazi - Road Transport MISURATA Benghazi Yifran MISURATA - Sea Transport Tubruq TOBRUQ Jadu Zintan Yifran Dehibat BENINA INTERNATIONAL Nalut Jadu - Inter-Agency Warehouse Nalut BENGHAZI Benghazi Dehibat Zintan Bardiyah Qaminis Suluq Sallum Salûm 31°30'0"N Mizdah Buqbuq 31°30'0"N Matruh AS SALLUM Surt Alexandria Zawyet Sidi Musa EL NOHZA Kafr el-Dauwâr Kafr el-Sheikh El Dab A INTL El-ManSûra Ajdabiyah Inter-Agency Warehouses (not operated by WFP/Logistics Cluster) Mars? al Burayqah A l g e r i a Al Uqaylah CAIRO INTL Ghadamis CAIRO WEST E g y p t EMBABA ALMAZA AFB L i b y a n A r a b J a m a h i r i y a Cairo Cairo 9°0'0"E 13°30'0"E 18°0'0"E 22°30'0"E 27°0'0"E 31°30'0"E

National Capital Port Warehouse Main Road Network National boundary Date Created: 23-AUG-2011 Coord.System/Datum: Geographic/WGS84 Map Num: LogCluster-LBY-011-2A3L GLIDE Num: Airport Logistics Corridors River Major Town Kilometers Data Sources: GAUL, WFP, GLCSC, ESRI Airfield Entry Point Railway Surface Waterbody L I B Y A Intermediate Town The boundaries and names and the designations used on this map do not imply 0 50 100 200 Airstrip Sea Routes Seasonal Mineral Pans official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Small Town Nominal Scale 1:3,400,000 at A3 irregular Seasonal Waterbody Email: [email protected] Village Concept of Oper ations on 23r d August 2011 Hub Website: www.logcluster.org regular Global Logistics Cluster Support Cell, Rome/Italy