mark on PA’s Commonwealth Court Commonwealth PA’s on mark debate rights environmental the of milestones and making news making and milestones Judge P. Kevin Brobson ’95 makes his his makes ’95 Brobson Kevin P. Judge center the at Dernbach John Professor Harrisburg alumni reaching reaching alumni Harrisburg Raising the Bar the Raising Ground Breaking Class Notes Class FEATURING: Widener Law Delaware WIDENER UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Volume 21 Number 2 FALL/WINTER 2014 WIDENER UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW OF SCHOOL UNIVERSITY WIDENER Volume 21 Number 2 Number 21 Volume FALL/WINTER 2014 FALL/WINTER Harrisburg Widener Law Law Widener FEATURING: Making Waves—Creating Ripples High Vantage Point Class Notes Faculty’s impact on environmental law Justice Lee Solomon ’78 named Delaware alumni reaching extends from the classroom to the world to New Jersey Supreme Court milestones and making news Widener University School of Law Magazine CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Mary Allen, Megan Cantalupo, Erin Daly, Laurie Grant, Mary Lamb, Mary Marzolla, Where has Gilberte Pierre, Andy Strauss, Constance Sweeney, Suzanne Watts, Katrina Womack Widener Law PHOTOGRAPHERS: “What gives me hope is that I see more awareness Mary Allen, Laurie Grant, Mike Mathis, Nancy Ravert Ward taken you? of environmental issues around the world and EXECUTIVE EDITOR: GRAPHIC DESIGNER / CO-EDITOR: HEAD WRITER / CO-EDITOR: Laurie Grant Leigh Friedman-Prescott Mary Lamb We’d like to feature your story. I see countries taking it seriously enough to put Write to us at rights in their constitutions and to invite people to
[email protected]. claim those rights by broadening access to justice.” Interim Dean Erin Daly WIDENER LAW DELAWARE | Volume 21, Number 2 | FALL/WINTER 2014 Board of Overseers National Advisory Council Alumni Association Eugene D.