Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, September 16, 2010 OUR 120th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 37-2010 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J.
[email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield Council Hears Residents’ Objections to Central Ave. Project By LAUREN S. BARR the traffic light and crosswalk instal- agreed that for a traffic light and Specially Written for The Westfield Leader lation in front of her home makes it crosswalk to not be located at an WESTFIELD — The town coun- difficult for her to leave her driveway, intersection “is a terrible idea.” She cil heard complaints at Tuesday and “is not safe” for pedestrians to said that this light has “completely night’s public meeting from residents cross because it is not at an intersec- destroyed” the portion of Central along the Central Avenue corridor tion. Ms. Enculescu’s home is the Avenue that looked residential. regarding the construction of a traffic second house from the intersection She said that while she understands light and the removal of a crossing of Clover Street and Central Avenue. it is a project being undertaken by guard at Sycamore Street. She also told the council that water Union County, she was told that it Adina Enculescu, on whose prop- now pools at the base of her driveway was designed and approved by erty a traffic light was installed, called because of the newly constructed side- Westfield. Ms. Carluccio cautioned the Central Avenue project “illogical walk, and she said that, at the age of the governing body that if a child is and irresponsible.” She said that her 71, she is not able to shovel in the killed while crossing at that location, property has been devalued because wintertime.