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[email protected] MAKING THE WORLD A SMALLER PLACE VISIT: WWW.KAPELE.CO.ZA FTW1391 FRIDAY 19 February 2010 NO. 1898 The Freight Community’s Weekly Newspaper for Import / Export decision makers – on subscription Poor timing! New Safmarine CEO TPT to shut down computer system maps the way forward BY Alan Peat But road transport and industry at large have serious Port users are fuming because concerns about this choice of Transnet Port Terminals dates, according to Malcolm (TPT) has decided to shut Sodalay, MD of Sammar down the entire SA port Investments and chairman of network’s new computer the KZN harbour carriers’ system on a normal business section of the SA Association weekend – when the very of Freight Forwarders (Saaff). next weekend is a holiday “As we are all aware,” he weekend. told FTW, “the next weekend This is so that the new after the proposed shutdown Navis Sparcs N4 system can is a long weekend (Easter go on-line at the Durban weekend). This means that container terminal (DCT) on industry will be preparing to March 28. take advantage of the long According to Siyabulela weekend, and we can expect Mhlalaka, divisional executive to be quite busy during the manager of TPT, in the proposed shutdown period.” transition from the Cosmos But, with the way the system to Navis, DCT shutdown is proposed, port operations shut down from users anticipate major delays 06:00 on Saturday March 27 and problems at the terminals.