

June/July 2020 40p Annual subscription £4 1

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Contact details of magazine team is shown towards the back Deadline for the August 2020 edition is Sunday 19 July 2020 Please send material for inclusion to the editor at [email protected]

The magazine will be distributed for Sunday 2 August

Paying subscriptions: By cash or cheque (payable to ‘St Mary’s Church, Silverton’) to either your distributor or Gina Bush. Please make sure you say who you are and what you’re paying for. By BACS NatWest Tiverton, sort code 602127, Account No 54577993 Code: mag sub/year of sub/your name

From the Editor

As I write this we are entering Week 9 of lockdown and I do feel like we are turning a corner, being able to meet a friend for a walk is a great step forward for me! Bird song and nature is really amazing with a woodpecker on the bird table of the first time and a deer wandering around in the field nearby. We are very lucky living here and I have met some really wonderful and interesting people, so at least some good has come out of this terrible time. Hopefully this will be our last electronic edition and we will be back to printed copies. Thanks to Warren Radmore for his beautiful front cover photograph. Jill Shaw

Where to go and what to do 6 From the Churches 19 In and around the villages 27 Health and Wellbeing 32 Index of Advertisers 53 Useful phone numbers 54


If you know anyone who would like to receive a copy of the magazine by email, until we go back to it being printed, please ask them to contact Maggie Smith on [email protected] Mission Community Parish Administrator for Silverton, Butterleigh, Bickleigh and Cadeleigh 07380 247766


The Numbers You May Need

FORCE Cancer Nursing Team: 01392 406151 Psychological and emotional support: 01392 406168/ 406169.

Silverton’s AED defibrillator is situated on the wall outside the Spar shop. If you call for an ambulance they may ask you to try and get hold of it.

If you are with the casualty alone and you cannot alert a neighbour or passerby to get it to you the following people have agreed to bring it to you if they are available. Please store these numbers in your phone in case of an emergency or print this list off and keep it near your phone. Every minute counts.

Mary Tindall– Jenna Clements Nikki Bailey Trish Jones Robertson 07763751626 07779609121 07792453231 07730650523 Karen Goldby Kathy Blick Richard Harper David Wright 07769256097 or 07754452191 or 07922175800 07980550602 860559 860565

Please note that the above people are not trained medics but will have had some training on the use of a defibrillator. They will get this potential piece of life saving kit to you and help you within their limits.


Poetry Group

We were a very fledgling group when we suddenly ceased to meet, so it has been heartening that so many of us have decided to continue electronically, while Room4You is closed. Rather than meeting to read poetry, members of the group are emailing me a monthly poem and I'm then circulating our 'compilation' to those who wish to participate . They are a wonderfully eclectic and cheering mix, from classical favourites to humorous pieces written by some of us. We will resume as a physical group in due course, but in the meantime this is a good, virtual alternative.

So as not to contravene any copyright, I offer you a few Silverton-penned haiku, below. Simone Stanbrook-Byrne 881513 She eats raw garlic. Fab social-distancing tool And anti-viral! A Morrisons slot - Not so easy to get one. Should have tried sooner. Team-day boats set sail. Simon's secretary submerged. Aqueous mayhem. Balmy Roadford Day. Wild nautical happenings Bendy mast fall down.

St Mary’s Silverton Flower Club

Just to confirm that there will not be any Flower Club meetings until further notice owing to Covid 19. We do hope that everyone continues to keep safe and well during these difficult times and trust that we will be able to resume our enjoyable evenings in the not too distant future.

Keep arranging those flowers! Julie Knowles For any further information about Silverton Flower Club please contact Sally Sleep on 860678 or e-mail sallysleep1@hotmail,co.uk 6

Silverton & Exe Valley Seniors

Events & activities for the plus

Due to ongoing Government travel and social distancing restrictions all Club activities continue to be suspended. Consequently, given a lead-in time of at least two months for coach outings, advance bookings made for outings in July and August are to be refunded. It is hoped to resume Club activities as soon as prevailing circumstances permit, perhaps in the Autumn?

Should social distancing restrictions continue beyond September, the Committee is considering whether it might be possible to re-run the 2020 outings’ programme next year. In this event ALL remaining advance outings bookings for 2020 will be refunded and memberships fees to be carried over to 2021. Martin Clough Club Secretary 38 Hederman Close Silverton EX5 4HW 01392 860971 [email protected]

Silverton Short Mat Bowls Club

On the 6th March the committee took the decision to postpone the our annual charity event which was due to take on 21st March because of the coronavirus pandemic; little did we realise that our bowls club activities would be still suspended as we enter the month of June.

It has been a long time since we have all met together for a game of bowls and no doubt we will all be a bit rusty once we are allowed to resume our sport. When the government states that sports can take place again, we will notify all our members individually that we are recommencing our activities. Until then I send greetings and best wishes to all our members in the hope that they are all well and that we will soon be able to meet again at our usual time of 7.30 pm on Tuesday and Friday evenings at Silverton Community Hall.

If anyone would like to know more about the bowls club please call the club secretary, Marian Endacott on 01392 860200. 7

‘Silent’ 999 Calls

If you call 999 but are unable to speak to the operator, say because doing so would alert an offender to your presence and put you in further danger, then there is a protocol the emergency services follow to deal with so-called ‘silent calls.’

When you dial 999, you are automatically connected to a BT operator. The operator will ask you which service you require – and may ask you to confirm your location to ensure you are connected to the correct service in the correct region.

If you dial 999 and do not speak, the BT operator may ask you to cough or tap the handset to let the operator know you are still there, and if any sound can be heard, then the call is immediately connected to the police. If nothing can be heard, the BT operator will play a recorded message which will prompt the caller to press ‘55’ on their telephone keypad if emergency assistance is still required. If a ‘55’ press is detected, the call is immediately connected to the police.

If the call is made from a landline telephone, BT is able to identify the address, if the call was made from a mobile phone, then they may use telemetry from telephone masts to get an indication of where in the UK the call may have been made.

Once the call is connected to the police, the BT operator passes the police operator the details of the call. The police operator then takes the following steps: 1. Attempts to call the number back, a minimum of three attempts. 2. Researches the number on police systems. Plots the geographic data on the police mapping system. 3. Conducts additional research on names and. 4. Sends a text message (if a mobile phone) notifying the owner of the phone that a 999 has been received, with instructions to call again if necessary.

It may be that the results of the police operator’s research, combined with a ‘55’ detection or a disturbance heard on the line, warrant further attention.


The police operator will refer their incident log for subscriber checks to be carried out (mobile phone only) or transfer their incident log for a police officer to attend the home address (landline only.) It goes without saying that silent calls take up a significant amount of the police’s time investigating, which is why it is important to dispel the myth that simply dialling and saying nothing will result in a police response. It is much more likely a police response will be received if you are able to make a noise, tap on the handset, or press ‘55’ when prompted. This will let us know you are in danger. If the call was made accidentally, please assist the police by answering our return calls or by responding to our text message. All we want to know is whether you are ok.

Finally, if you do need emergency assistance, but you are unable to speak, please: 1. Stay on the line. 2. Listen, and respond, to the operator’s prompts. 3. If possible, keep the line open and put your phone in a pocket, in a drawer, or under an item of furniture. The likelihood is that we will still be able to hear what is going on and know you are in danger. 4. Answer our return calls (if applicable.)

Silverton Link Up Plant Sale 9th May 2020 (Charity no 1048253)

The fund raising day was very successful and the total raised with plants sold at Doreen's door through the spring was an excellent total of £785. All money is towards the operating of LINK UP voluntary transport service that assists Wyndham House Surgery patients access medical appointments.

A special thanks to Doreen, Len, and Peter Butler who donated sweet pea, runner bean and sunflower plants. Also thanks to everyone who has had plants from Doreen leaving money, including donations, in the honesty box and everyone contributing in making Doreen’s hard work so worthwhile. Thank you. Roger Higman (Link Up Co-ordinator) 01392 860571 [email protected] 9

Silverton Women’s Institute

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the appeal from Tiverton Hospital for Scrub Bags and Head bands, at the moment they have enough. People could consider continuing to make face masks as they might be an essential accessory for everybody in the future.

Some of our members have devised ways to entertain us in an enjoyable, educational way. Catherine took some beautiful photographs on her daily walk of a selection of wild flowers then devising a competition to name them. If you didn’t score very highly, having the answers meant you would recognise a few more next time you walk down the lanes!! Karen has produced a Word Search with words that belong to Silverton or the county of . Which we shall hopefully let you all have a go at! Technology permitting. The topic on the WI Facebook at the moment is “A view from my window”. Inspired by the hit of 1965 from The Hollies “Look through any window”. Oh that takes us back! This has produced some interesting photos.

The Facebook page gives us an opportunity to share information, bakes and pictures and general minutiae in this time of isolation. There is life beyond our front doors. We all appreciate Trish’s monthly Countryside report about the world around us. In May she wrote a celebration of the beauty of this Spring which included the abundant wild flowers, blossom and the clarity of the bird song. As she says” The countryside remains peaceful and the seasons continue in spite of what else is going on in the world”.

We hope that you are all keeping fit and well and taking the opportunity to do all those jobs you’ve been meaning to !

Silverton WI Devon Word Search May 2020

Here’s a word search, if you fancy having a go! All words appertain to Silverton, or the County of Devon, including: people, places, food, drink and farming. Gill Eldridge - 861137 Avril Webster – 860583 devon.thewi.org.uk 10

Words: Agatha Christie Beer Christ Cross Cider Cream tea Dartmouth Devon Blue Devon Closewool Exmoor Fore Street Fursdon Hope Cove Killerton Oak Tree Pasty Red Ruby Salcombe Saxon Sidmouth Sir Walter Raleigh Slack ma Girdle Street Market Strete The Lamb


Silverton Parish Council Report

Coronavirus The Parish Council would re-iterate the NHS advice that in order to minimise the spread of the Virus you should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and water/hand sanitiser whenever (a) you get home or into work (b) blow your nose, sneeze or cough or (c) eat or handle food. For more information and the Government’s Action Plan please see nhs.uk/coronavirus

Parish Council Meetings The first ‘virtual’ meeting of Silverton Parish Council took place on the 4th May which was very successful. Virtual meetings will continue until such time as the Government Guidelines are lifted and the Parish Council is able to once again meet ‘face to face’. Should any parishioners wish to attend the virtual meeting they should please contact the Clerk prior to each meeting (first Monday of each month) for the appropriate log-in details.

Annual Parish Council and Parish Assembly Meetings Under the Local Government and Police and Crime Commissioner (Coronavirus)(Postponement of Elections and Referendums)( and Wales) Regulations 2020 both the Annual Parish Council and the Annual Parish Assembly meetings have been postponed until May 2021. The Chairman (Mr A Melville) and Vice-Chairman (Miss F Derbyshire) remain in their posts until the 2021 Annual Parish Council meeting.

Public Consultation The Parish Council are conducting a Public Consultation on its decision to plant 3 English Oaks on the lower part of the Bury. The Consultation Period runs from Friday 22nd May to Thursday 2nd July 2020. These trees will replace Lime trees which, for health and safety reasons, have had to be previously felled on the edge of the Bury in Church Road. A plan showing the proposed positions of the Oak trees is shown below and any comments or observations (either in favour of or opposed to) should be sent to the Clerk, 40 Ellerhayes, Hele, Exeter EX5 4PU or by email by the end of the consultation period.


3 No Quercus robur (English Oak) planted as selected standard. Large deciduous tree and valued for its ecological importance

Vacancies The Parish Council currently has two vacancies, one for the Village Ward and one for the North Ward. If anyone would like to be considered for co- option onto the Parish Council please send a resume of why they would like to be considered for co-option to the Parish Clerk either by email (details below) or to 40 Ellerhayes, Hele EX5 4PU

Neighbourhood Plan The Public Consultation had to be cancelled in line with other Parish Council meetings and it is unlikely this will now take place until 2021. Full details of the revised date(s) will be published as soon as the sub-Committee are able to do so.


Silverton Community Angels The Parish Council expressed its gratitude for the self-arranging and coming together of parishioners to form the Silverton Community Angels and expressed thanks for the amount of work, and comfort, they were giving to vulnerable members of the parish.

Silverdale Planning Appeal District Councillor Wright explained the report had been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by MDDC. Various amendments proposed by District Cllr Wright to the initial report had been taken on board by MDDC. There was no update as to the timing of a decision on the Appeal.

Football Field It was noted that the Men’s Silverton Football Team had now folded and the ladies’ team had transferred to . It was agreed that a Surrender of the Lease by the Football Club be progressed. A parishioner had asked if the Parish Council would agree to him taking over the maintenance and cutting of the Football Field for no cost and this offer had been accepted.

Disability Access to the Little Rec A decision from the District Council was awaited in relation to Planning before the scheme can progress.

Post Covid-19 recovery traffic impacts on the Parish It was noted that parishioners were now using and experiencing the village in various ways (i.e. walking, running, cycling) and the quality of life had improved in the village as traffic was far less and going slower most of the time. It was agreed a Risk/Finish Group (to consist of parishioners and Councillors) would be set up to consider how the quality of life could be maintained post Covid-19.

Footpath from Quarry Lane to Keywise Garage It was noted this path is almost impassable for horses and not passable for pedestrians. are aware of the problem and it has indicated that the only solution is to infill and alter the current levels of the footpath. At present there are insufficient finances to be able to carry out this work. Sheila Woodland – Parish Clerk [email protected] – 01392 881832


Silverton Local History Society

It will not come as a surprise that the society has cancelled the speaker we had arranged to give a talk to our members on June 15th, and unless the current restrictions are completely lifted during the summer, it seems increasingly unlikely that we will be able to hold meetings before September at the earliest. Should the situation change we will of course make an announcement via e-mail to our members, and also the Silverton Community Facebook page, and “Next Door Silverton” on the Internet.

Forty Years Ago At 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday June 17th 1980 something changed here in Silverton. How many have remembered that was when Silverton no longer appeared in the telephone directory? Many were disappointed that their three figure number, for instance Silverton 595, had lost its identity, and without consultation become Exeter 860595.


A new automatic telephone exchange, situated beside the road to Thorverton, came into service at that time, replacing that which had been in use since 13th May, 1971. The site and construction of the building cost in the region of £44,000, and equipment installed by Plessey another £160,000. This was at the time the latest advanced electronic equipment, and had been jointly developed by the Post Office and the telecommunications industry, and at the time had an initial capacity of 900 lines.

After the changeover to the new exchange a recorded announcement was received if the old Silverton dialling code and three-figure number was dialled from any other exchange.

Doctor’s Surgery: It was stated at a recent meeting of Silverton Parish Council that doctors at Silverton have dissolved their partnership, and will be practicing separately. It was now up to parishioners to register on the list of whichever doctor they choose.

Playgroup: Raising money for new equipment the young children of Silverton playgroup set out on a sponsored toddle on Wednesday. Twenty children aged between two and four toddled around one half of a football pitch, a distance of 200 yards per lap. They were encouraged by watching mums with bribes of orange juice and ginger biscuits.

Hugh Owen and Duncan Phillips toddled the furthest, running all the way they set up a new record of twenty-one laps. The record for money raised belonged to John Ford, whose fifteen laps brought in £15.

This was the third “sponsored toddle” organised by the playgroup and the supervisor, Mrs Sue Tucker was delighted with its success. New toys and games was the reward for the toddlers’ very own efforts.

Pubs: Veteran pulls the first pint: The oldest customer at the Lamb Inn, Silverton, 86-year-old Mr Leonard Rookes, pulled the first pint to mark the opening of the new lounge bar at the pub.

Time was rung by the landlords, Mr and Mrs Edgar Railton on a ship’s bell which was once on the SS “British Judge” on which Mr Railton served.


A former licensee at Ashburton, Mr George Arthur Bailey was granted a protection order by magistrates in respect of the New Inn, Silverton which was recently sold by Messrs Whitbread.

Planning: Subject to certain conditions, the Rector and churchwardens of Silverton Parish Church were granted permission by District Council’s Planning Committee for the change of use from orchard to an extension of the burial ground, on a plot adjacent to the churchyard at School Road, Silverton. The Rector of St Mary’s Church, Silverton was given permission by Mid Devon District Council’s planning committee for the erection of an office and store on a plot adjoining St Mary’s. Mid Devon District Council’s planning and transportation committee approved an application by the council for the construction of a car park for 68 cars on land north of the health centre at Silverton. Graham Parnell 01392 860595 or [email protected]

We are now offering a

Friday evening takeaway service Orders placed by Thursday 4.00 pm the day before collection Collection slots will be allocated to each customer ordering between 5.45pm and 8.00 pm Sunday takeaway service With orders placed by Thursday 4.00 pm for collection on Sunday

Each week the menu will be available online

We have now added a drinks list to complement our takeaway service Orders taken by email only at [email protected] Payment by BACS or cash only Please bring a bag or box when collecting your order We ask for your support at this difficult time and any orders will be much appreciated. When collecting your order please be aware of social distancing Our takeaway packaging is provided by London Bio Packaging and is close to our hearts with our ethos on sustainability and keeping it green! 17


Devon County Show Knitted Bunting breaks World Record

On Monday 25 May The Devon County Show measured a line of knitted bunting which has almost doubled an existing Guinness World Record in length.

79,001 knitted flags were created by thousands of contributors from across the world, way over double the amount made by the previous record-holders, according to Deborah Custance Baker, Chief Steward for Crafts & Gardens at Devon County Show who came up with the idea and lodged the attempt with Guinness World Records.

A continuous line of bunting was laid out, with each knitted pennant positioned at no more than 2 inches apart, across the 4590 square metre floor space of Westpoint Arena in Exeter. The measuring was performed by Chartered Surveyor and official measurer, Will Morrison from Strutt & Parker in Exeter with a measuring wheel and a total of 14,279 kms in length was recorded, verified by Will Morrison and witnessed by thee adjudicators – Lord Devon, Cllr Phil Twiss and TV Presenter and crafter Kirstie Allsopp.

The existing record is held by Upton House and comprises 31,119 flags and measured 7.5kms in length.


Deborah Custance Baker said: “Being responsible for The Crafts and Garden marquee at Devon County Show , I try to come up with a different attraction each year. This should have been the 125th Show, it is the 100th anniversary of the WI and the tenth anniversary of the Exeter Nutty Knitters. To celebrate all these events, I thought we needed some bunting! Well Devon has done it, with a bit of help from contributors from all over the world (Australia (via Silverton) America, France Spain etc) but predominantly Devon.

We had originally planned to do the stringing and measuring at Exeter Cathedral, who had very kindly offered their space, with as many contributors who wanted to help as possible. As it was, we weren’t able to do this. Sadly with no Show, Westpoint was empty and seemed like a great alternative to measure the record. Normally, Westpoint would be full of gleaming cattle at this time of the year, but now it is full of fabulous bunting – and is even more colourful”.

Now that the bunting has been measured, all the documentation will be submitted to Guinness World Records and verified before the record can be made official. 20

Churches Silverton (01392) Churchwardens Dr Peter Smith, 36 High Street EX5 4JD, 860284, [email protected] Joan Miller, 33 High Street EX5 4JD, 860897 PCC Hon Secretary Dr Michael Thomas, 5 Tuns Lane EX5 4HY, 860464, [email protected] PCC Hon Treasurer Mr A W Hall Charlton Mead EX5 4DE (01392) 881339 [email protected] Sacristan Dianne Wannell, 16 King Street, 860387 Choir Leader Avril Webster, Old Orchard, Church Road, 860583 Captain of Ringers Mr A J Campbell, 11 Silverdale, 860541 Need a lift to church? Eric Newton, 860082 Hall bookings Paul Webster, Old Orchard, Church Road, 860583

Bickleigh (01884) Churchwardens Mrs Polly Thompson of Gable Cottage, Bickleigh 855309 Matt Melksham, Calendar Cottage, 855355 PCC Hon Secretary Rachel Harper of 3, Bell Meadow, Bickleigh EX16 8RF 855648 PCC Hon Treasurer Malcolm Lock, 2 Colliepriest View, Ashley Rise, Tiverton EX16 5PR, 242489 Sacristan Mary Vearncombe Capt of Bellringers Steve Batt, The Old School, 855226, [email protected] Sunday Youth Group Polly and Rev’d Thom Thompson

Butterleigh (01884) Churchwardens Jill Hall, Shutelake Farm EX15 1PR, 38812 Sarah Felton, Underleigh House EX15 1PJ, 855586 PCC Hon Secretary Linda Freeman, 3 Forge Lane EX15 1QG, 855446 PCC Hon Treasurer John Freeman, 3 Forge Lane EX15 1QG, 855446, [email protected] Sacristan Jill Neusinger, Offshute, EX15 1PR 33205


Cadeleigh (01884) Churchwardens; Rose Chanin, Stone Farm, Thorverton EX5 5LL 855251 [email protected] Margaret Reed, The Laurels, Cadeleigh EX16 8HP 855668 PCC Hon Secretary Judith Kingdon [email protected] PCC Hon Treasurer Martin Callaghan [email protected] Captain of Ringers Alec Alsopp, Honey Croft, EX16 8HW, 855434 Organist James Kingdon, 01392 861787 Choir Director Maureen Joslin, Hilldale, 855231

Silverton Evangelical Church School Road EX5 4JH. A short walk from the shops on the right before the mini roundabout Here’s a brief resume of our term-time weekly activities. Do come and join us! Sunday services, 10.30 am Toddlers Fridays, 10.00-11.30 am (every week in term time) Prayer meetings 2nd Saturday of the month, 8.30 am and every Thursday at 7.15 am

Silverton Methodist Church Fore Street, Silverton, EX5 4HZ Loop system – switch hearing aid to T. Copyright Licence 217490. Charity No. 2007 2655 Sunday Worship: 10.30, coffee, chat, etc. Worship also at 6.30 Prayer Meeting every Tuesday at 2.30pm Minister: Revd. Dr. Brenda Mosedale. www.silvertonmethodist.church. Rooms available for hire; supporting Book Aid, Work Aid, Hospiscare (old/used stamps). Surplus spectacles. General enquiries, firstly try 01392 860483


Clergy Contacts Rector for Silverton, Butterleigh, Bickleigh and Cadeleigh The Rev’d Paul Kingdom, The Rectory, 21a King Street, Silverton EX5 4JG. 01392 860560, 07803 922605, [email protected] Other clergy assisting in the Benefice The Rev’d Judith Wright, 4 Hele Square, Station Road, Bradninch EX5 4PN, 01392 882019, [email protected] The Rev’d Catherine Jenkins, Butterleigh House, Butterleigh EX15 1PH, 01884 855379, [email protected] The Rev’d Thom Thompson, Gable Cottage, Bickleigh EX16 8RD, 01884 855309, [email protected]

Church webpages – for further information please visit our church webpages at www.achurchnearyou.com . Type in your postcode or village to get to the appropriate page.

Letter from the Rector

Dear Friends

As I write this letter I have been rector of these parishes for just over two months and yet I have not taken a single service in any of our churches. In fact, until just over a week ago, I haven’t even been able to enter any of the buildings for most of that time.

That doesn’t mean we have stopped praying and worshipping, far from it, but to date my sole experience of worship with our four church communities has been sat in my study with a computer screen in front of me full of small rectangles containing welcoming and smiling faces. That in itself has been a joyful way to praise God but not how I planned my first months in my new parishes.

However, guidance has now been received that, hopefully, means we will be able to re-open our church doors again in early/mid-June and allow anyone to come in for private reflection and prayer. By early July, limited forms of church services, with careful social distancing and, probably, no singing, will also be permitted. It is the start of a slow path back to normality or what we seem to be calling the ‘new normality’.


In the early 6th century BCE, many of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judea were forced into an exile in far off Babylon following defeat by the King of Babylon. They could no longer worship in the Temple which was at the heart of their spiritual life. Their lament is heard in Psalm 137. Even if you are not familiar with that part of the Bible you may recall the 1978 hit by Boney M: ‘By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea we wept, when we remembered Zion … how shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?’ Although being forced to leave your home and go to a foreign land doesn’t really compare in both upheaval and severity to our current situation, nevertheless for many this has seemed like a period of ‘exile’ in a ‘strange land’ –in our everyday lives and also from the place that is so special in our spiritual lives.

For many of us the sight of the church door locked shut has been distressing. Even non-churchgoers have echoed this sentiment to me. The locked door seems to symbolise an emptiness – almost like God has deserted us in our time of most need. Of course, that is not the case, far from it, God doesn’t need a building to dwell in, He is everywhere, alongside us, especially in our troubles - but the power of symbolism is strong.

In 539 BCE, Cyrus, the King of Persia, conquered Babylon and issued a decree to free the exiled people to return home and to restore their Temple. The decree, in the form of a clay cylinder, still exists and is preserved in the British Museum. The new guidance just received from the Government feels a bit like that ancient decree from the benevolent ruler Cyrus. The return from exile to Jerusalem, to rebuild the Temple and re-dedicate it for worship was a major event in the history of the people of Israel. I believe the re-opening of our church buildings represents a significant marker in our time of our own journey - returning from the exile that all of us have been experiencing back towards our own land. I hope many will take the opportunity to visit their parish church, to spend some time in the quietness to reflect on the events of these past months, to give thanks for the sacrifices and selfless dedication of many, to remember lives lost and those who mourn and to ask for God’s blessing on us all for the continuing strength and resilience we need as we gradually return from our ‘exile’. As the priest Ezra wrote to the Israelites as they returned from exile to an uncertain future: ‘yet our God has not forsaken us …. but has extended to us his steadfast love…’. (Ezra 9.9). The Revd. Paul Kingdom 24

Worship and Prayer - a Message from the Rector, Paul Kingdom

Our Church Buildings will hopefully re-open this month As I mentioned in my ‘Letter’, our church buildings will hopefully re-open for private prayer sometime this month. Keep your eye on the church notice boards and our websites. Unfortunately we cannot yet gather in the buildings for public worship. But virtual worship continues … Whilst we cannot be together in our church buildings, we can still worship together using the wonders of modern technology. Sunday Worship at 10am is being held every week streamed live on Zoom. Join us (orders of service can be emailed or posted – see contact details below): By internet: The internet link and details are new and will apply for every Sunday in June: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81275250857?pwd=RVdYL0tPMTJoWWk4bHd RMTdNRFVGdz09 Or go to https://zoom.us/ click on join a meeting and use Meeting ID: 812 7525 0857 and Password: 658809 By phone: You can join in the worship by phone by dialling any one of the following numbers: 0203 481 5237; 0203 481 5240; 0131 460 1196 or 0203 051 2874 Enter the Meeting ID, followed by #, and the Password, followed by #, when prompted. Ignore the request for participant number – just press # again. Please note these are UK landline numbers and you will be charged your phone provider’s normal rates for calling in the UK. If in doubt please check your contract. Not able to join by internet or phone: you can still join in the worship at home on Sundays at 10.00 am. Contact me (01392 860560 [email protected] ) or our administrator Maggie Smith (07380 247766 [email protected] ) and orders of service and other material for worshiping at home will be posted to you. Orders of Service etc. are available on the websites or by email or post (see contact details above). Holy Communion – the worship on June 7th (Trinity Sunday) and 21st will be services of Holy Communion. Whilst it is not possible to receive the bread and wine it is still possible receive Spiritual Communion. This is a means of grace by which a person, prevented for some serious reason from sharing in a celebration of Holy Communion, nonetheless shares in the communion of 25

Jesus Christ. Contact me for further details. A prayer for use at this time can be sent to you or seen on the website. Morning Prayer is uploaded daily (at approx. 8am) to YouTube. Either search for ‘Paul Kingdom’ or use the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI5Ulh3MZTAcTNzpV9h08bA Other worship – BCP (1662) Holy Communion will be held at 9am on June 14th and 28th –. Said Evensong according to the Book of Common Prayer (1662) will be held on the Sundays June 7th and 21st at 6pm. The joining instructions are as for the Sunday morning worship. Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals No baptisms, except for emergency baptisms, or weddings can take place until further notice. However, please keep in touch with me or the administrator if you have a wedding planned later in the year or want to discuss your plans. Funerals can only take place at the graveside or in a crematorium with a minimal number of closest relatives present. However, it is possible to have a memorial service later when all family and friends can gather to celebrate the life of a loved one. By the time you read this, there may be further guidance issued – keep an eye on our webpages, notice boards or contact me. Keeping in touch Please feel free to phone, email or message me or let me have a number of someone. It is the only way at the moment I can get to know people. Keep praying - here are some prayers for these times Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress. Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. God of compassion, be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness, be their consolation; in their anxiety, be their hope; in their darkness, be their light; through him who suffered alone on the cross, but reigns with you in glory, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Gracious God, give skill, sympathy and resilience to all who are caring for the sick, and keep them safe. And give your wisdom to those searching for a cure. Strengthen them with your Spirit, that through their work many will be restored to health; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. There are many more prayer resources at the Church of England website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/coronavirus-covid-19- guidance-parishes/coronavirus-covid-19-liturgy-and-prayer 26

Diana Messer RIP

I am sure most people will have heard the sad news of Diana’s death on 5 April. Diana moved from Court View in Bickleigh to a retirement home in Oxfordshire a year or so ago. Diana and Michael lived in the village for many years. Michael died in December 1992 and was buried in the churchyard. Diana’s funeral took place in St. Mary’s Churchyard on 18th May. Sadly, due to the current restrictions, only representatives of her immediate family were able to attend. However, her niece Deborah, nephew William and two great-nephews made the journey from Oxfordshire. They were made to feel most welcome when they had a stroll around the village in the sunshine following the short service. They are pleased Diana’s wishes have been fulfilled and she has been re-united with Michael in the village they both loved. It is hoped that a memorial service will be held next year when the whole family and Diana’s friends can fittingly celebrate her life. Paul Kingdom, Rector

Readings for Sundays

Sunday 7th June (Trinity Sunday) Isaiah 40 v 12-17 and 27-31 2 Corinthians 13 v 11-13 Matthew 28 v 16-20 Sunday 14th June (First Sunday after Trinity) Exodus 19 v 2-8a Romans 5 v 1-8 Matthew 9 v 35-10 v 8 Sunday 21st June (Second Sunday after Trinity) Jeremiah 20 v 7-13 Romans 6 v 1b-11 Matthew 10 v 24-39 Sunday 28th June (Third Sunday after Trinity) Jeremiah 28 v 5-9 Romans 6 v 12-end Matthew 10 v 40-end Sunday 5th July (Fourth Sunday after Trinity) Zechariah 9 v 9-12 Romans 7 v 15-25a 27

Matthew 11 v 16-19 and 25-end Sunday 7th June (Trinity Sunday) Isaiah 40 v 12-17 and 27-31 2 Corinthians 13 v 11-13 Matthew 28 v 16-20 Sunday 14th June (First Sunday after Trinity) Exodus 19 v 2-8a Romans 5 v 1-8 Matthew 9 v 35-10 v 8 Sunday 21st June (Second Sunday after Trinity) Jeremiah 20 v 7-13 Romans 6 v 1b-11 Matthew 10 v 24-39 Sunday 28th June (Third Sunday after Trinity) Jeremiah 28 v 5-9 Romans 6 v 12-end Matthew 10 v 40-end Sunday 5th July (Fourth Sunday after Trinity) Zechariah 9 v 9-12 Romans 7 v 15-25a Matthew 11 v 16-19 and 25-end Sunday 12th July (Fifth Sunday after Trinity) Isaiah 55 v 10-13 Romans 8 v 1-11 Matthew 13 v1-9 and 18-23 Sunday 19th July (Sixth Sunday after Trinity) Isaiah 44 v 6-8 Romans 8 v 12-25 Matthew 13 v 24-30 and 36-43 Sunday 26th July (Seventh Sunday after Trinity) 1 Kings 3 v 5-12 Romans 8 v 26-end Matthew 13 v 31-33 and 44-52 Sunday 2nd August (Eighth Sunday after Trinity) Isaiah 55 v 1-5 Romans 9 v 1-5 Matthew 14 v 13-21


. Bickleigh

When my wife Judith and I moved here from Southampton just over two years ago we were a little concerned about how we would manage living in a small village compared to a large city. As neither of us had ever lived in a village before we didn’t know what to expect - we imagined the village would be inhabited mainly by retired Devonians and that it would be at least ten years before we would be accepted, despite the fact that I was actually born in Plymouth and love cream teas the Devon way!

Fortunately we very soon discovered that our concerns were completely unjustified and in fact we couldn’t have been more wrong!

Admittedly, I’ve no other village to compare it to, but we both just love living amongst such a friendly, neighbourly and active community. Nowhere is this demonstrated more than during the current Coronavirus crisis with so many villagers joining together simply to help each other.

In recent weeks we have seen the village hall being used for a food collection service with the choices increasing weekly. We’ve seen villagers coming together with ribbons and other material to help make matching hearts for those separated from loved ones at this time. We’ve also seen a tremendous response to the appeal from CHAT for food and groceries for the Food bank in Tiverton and our band of hearty volunteers continue to run errands for villagers in need of some help.

I read this morning that Google searches for ‘prayer’ have increased by over 50% in recent weeks so it’s good to know that although St Mary’s sadly remains closed the church is open both locally and nationally with a plethora of online services to match every religious flavour. The Bickleigh Bible Study group continues to meet on a Thursday evening via Zoom before venturing out to our doorsteps at 8.00pm to bash our saucepans or in some cases to ring the church bell.


Although I miss tremendously my two daughters, currently living in New Zealand (and not forgetting my son in London), I am slightly envious of them as they emerge from their lockdown and fortunately now able to see each other. I can’t help but think that if you have to be locked down somewhere, and New Zealand is out of the question, Bickleigh has to be at the top of the list!

Perhaps like me you are starting to get a bit frustrated at the albeit necessary restrictions and long for a time when we can get back to ‘normal’, hugging grandchildren, socialising with our friends and family, and attending public gatherings such as theatre, cinema, church and football – events I won’t be taking for granted so much in future.

But it’s not all bad news! From cleaner air to liberated wildlife, the lockdowns across the world have had a positive impact on the environment. Here are just a few examples:

Cleaner air - citizens in northern India can view the Himalayan mountain range for the first time in their lives. Clearer water - in Venice locals are now able to see clear views of shoals of small fish, crabs and multicoloured plant life normally obscured by the churned up waters of the lagoon. Liberated wildlife - with animals emboldened by our ongoing lack of activity, marauding goats have been taking over a Welsh seaside town and deer were spotted in a Japanese city roaming the streets in search of food. In Barcelona, boars have been spotted snuffling and trotting around whilst in Santiago, a wild puma was found wandering around the city’s deserted streets. Closer to home it is believed that wild flowers could bloom in their greatest numbers for years as councils have cut back on mowing services particularly roadside verges.

At the time of writing, Bickleigh Primary School will reopen on 1 June so our thoughts are with the teachers, pupils, parents and everyone involved in what is an essential step towards normality but nevertheless an uncertain time for many.

Until next time, Stay Alert and Stay Safe. Clive Williams [email protected] 30


Apart from the continued coronavirus crisis, I thought there would be very little news to report this month as all events and celebrations have been cancelled and we are still in lockdown. How wrong I was! One fine evening toward the end of April, when most people were still pottering in the garden, a low flying RAF Chinook was seen flying over Butterleigh. Not such an uncommon sight but this aircraft looked as though it was landing! Sure enough the Chinook had made an emergency landing in farmland belonging to Nigel and Jill Hall just outside the village. Unable to take off, the crew prepared to spend the night in the field. True to Butterleigh hospitality, two local families whose properties were nearby, ensured they were made comfortable. The Cridland family provided a hearty meal of chilli con carne and rice and as luck would have it, on a nearby farm, the Davey family provided comfortable accommodation in their holiday lodge (which otherwise would have been fully booked by holidaymakers). The following day military personnel descended in the field and pitched tents to guard the aircraft until new parts could be sourced and repairs carried out. The Chinook was finally able to take off around midday the following Saturday. Flying low over our houses, the crew were enthusiastically waved off by Butterleigh residents. The RAF later thanked the landowners, Nigel and Jill for their understanding and for some fantastic socially distanced hospitality from the Cridland and Davey families. As a sign of their gratitude, the crew of the Chinook have subsequently sent their ‘hosts’ signed photos of the aircraft complete with the Squadron Standard and list of Battle Honours.


Although the VE day celebrations had to be cancelled, there were some festivities that continued in the centre of the village. Bunting and union jacks adorned the Village Hall and the Butterleigh Inn whilst some residents got into the spirit of the occasion by dressing in the mode of the day. Following the two minutes silence at 11am, a wartime siren was sounded followed by a recording of church bells. Vera Lynn sang We’ll Meet Again and there was some socially distanced dancing to other 1940’s favourites.

Village Hall 50/50 Club – April Winners: Graham Clayton, Kirsten Deauville, Anne Smith, Robert Chave, Helen Cooper and Wendy Weekes. Anyone who has not received their winnings should contact Liz Williams on 855448 and she will arrange to leave your envelope in her porch for you to collect.

Finally, some good news. Sally (nee Hall) and Adam Smith are pleased to announce the birth of their first child on 23rd April, a fine baby boy named Finley. Also, hearty birthday wishes to Ingrid Dickinson-Chetham who celebrated her 101st birthday on 31st May. Congratulations to you all.

Stay safe and well. Best wishes, Janet Taverner. [email protected] 32


The Cadeleigh Arms are offering Friday night takeaway service! A great way to access gorgeous food and support out lovely pub. Just ring the pub by 4:00pm on Thursday to place your order for a Friday night pick up. The available menu can be found on their website or you can find out over the phone when you ring in. The pub number is (01884) 855 238 to speak to Nick or Tina and the website address is thecadeleigharms.com

The weather of course is lovely, however, for the farmers and growers it is beginning to cause worry with grass running quickly to seed and the ground desperate for rain. And as for the veggie patch…

We have been enjoying the little Dart at this time of lockdown more than ever before and the children have connected with the river wildlife in a wonderful way. Earlier, to their delight, we found eels and minnows. Now they are entranced by green and blue Damselflies. There are mayfly larvae and now dragon fly larvae, the children spend ages exploring the water. We have found so much here at home that rushing off to the beach doesn’t seem nearly so appealing as it once did. So despite all the uncertainty and indeed deep worry there is lots to inspire and cherish in and around Cadeleigh which of course continues to make it such a special place to live. Miriam [email protected]

News from Cadeleigh Village Hall

Next Events Please note all Village Hall events are postponed or cancelled until further notice. This includes Pilates and the VH car boot stall. The situation will be kept under review and you will be updated with any new information. WI Report Members please note that, on advice from the Devon Federation, all WI meetings and events are now cancelled until end of August, when the situation will be reviewed. Dates for your Diary The village hall will still be there when we get through this, so we will continue to publish our programme and hopefully will not have to cancel too many more events! A full list of events, is also published on the village website. Please see our webpage https://cadeleighweb.wixsite.com/cadeleigh/village-hall Stay safe and see you soon! Cadeleigh Village Hall Committee


Silverton Community Hall

Due to the breakout of coronavirus we have had to close the Community Hall. Thank you to our users for their support throughout the year, we will re-open as soon as it is safe to do. Hoping you all keep safe during this very worrying time. Gill Barrett

Silverton Memory Café

May has been a lovely warm sunny month, teasing those more vulnerable people enduring lockdown, unable to go outside, living alone or have no private gardens to enjoy. We have been keeping in touch with our visitors by telephone as most do not use the internet. They are all missing our weekly get togethers and the delicious homemade cakes at tea time. I have sent letters to all of them reminding of the importance of keeping hydrated during the hot weather, with strategies to remember to drink plenty of water. I also sent a seated chair exercise leaflet and some printed pictures to colour in for those who enjoy art. It is difficult to think what else we can do as it is the group activities, camaraderie, chatter and singing which we all enjoy most about the Café.

Several of our Carers are getting great benefit from weekly Mindfulness sessions, which have been adapted for the internet or with printed instructions and weekly telephone support. We are very grateful to Sam Baker for delivering the course and hope to run it with groups in the future.

June the 16th will be our 4th Anniversary and it will be sad not to have a party this year. We can only hope that it will be safe for us to reconvene before too long.

Trish Jones – Chairman 0748 437 7298


Friends of Wyndham House Surgery

Volunteer Secretary/Trustee needed for Local Charity

The Friends of Wyndham House Surgery is a registered grant-aiding charity for the benefit of the community within the catchment area of the Wyndham House Surgery. The Committee seeks anyone registered with the Surgery (over the age of 18) who would be interested in volunteering to be a Trustee and Secretary for the Friends to put themselves forward for nomination no later than 15 July 2020. The Secretary organises the four Committee meetings and AGM, compiles and distributes (via email) the papers and produces the minutes of those meetings. In addition, they look after the charity’s policies. No previous experience as a Trustee is required but enthusiasm and commitment are essential and, to complement the existing team, an interest in publicity and social media would be a great asset for our worthwhile charity. Applications are particularly welcomed from those with a minority background, with young or teenage families, and/or with a keen interest to help our local community to stay healthy. If you feel passionately about local activities to preserve health and well- being for the young to the elderly and would like to support your Surgery, please send your contact details for further information to: Sylvia Wakeham, Chair of FOWHS, email [email protected] or by letter into Reception in the Surgery marked for her attention.

Silverton Link Up Charity 1048253

Our priority is to protect our volunteer drivers and patients, hence our position following latest government advice is, regrettably, to continue with the suspension of our hospital and surgery medical appointment car service until further notice. We will return the service as soon as it is safe to do so.

If you require any further information please contact Roger Higman 01392 860571 or [email protected] 35

Please help Silverton Room 4 U

We need your help in these unprecedented times. We know that many people are suffering in many ways as everything has changed around us. For the most vulnerable in our communities, it is a particularly hard time. Room4u is a community run facility for the people of Silverton and neighbouring villages. We also offer facilities and weekly events for people with dementia. Room4u is somewhere people can come to socialise, for respite and to get support from others in similar situations. We also have a purpose-built therapy room.

As we are unable to fundraise with the mini-market stall, Ali’s fabulous raffles, our brilliant bingo, the much-loved cream teas and coffee mornings, we find ourselves at Room4u, having to ask for donations here. Maybe when you next chat to friends or family on the phone or online instead of meeting them at a nice café, you might consider donating the cost of the yummy tea and cake you would have bought, or the money for the petrol you might have put in your car to drive to their house, or the meal out that you currently can’t have. Just a small donation will make an enormous difference to Room4u and the people who use it.

Room4u only runs on voluntary donations; we receive no government funding. We all look forward to a time we can fundraise together again, but until then, if we can’t cover our running costs, this charity might have to close. Please help us so that Room4u can once again offer support to people across our local communities once the Covid-19 restrictions are altered. We are very grateful for your generosity during these extremely difficult times for everyone.

To donate: visit crowdfunder.co.uk – UK fundraising and search for Room 4 u or pop it in the post box at 5 Hederman Close


Why don’t we make an appointment to see you?

Along with everyone else GPs have had to make a lot of changes as to how we work in the last two months. Many of the new methods of consulting and corresponding with patients have been around for a while, however, everyone has started to use them more quickly than previously anticipated.

The Covid crisis has meant we need to ensure the waiting room is kept as empty as possible and this has been achieved by using a telephone triage system. Lots of patients are feeding back that this works very well for them. The option has actually always been there but our appointment system meant it was never difficult to see someone in person and this was generally what patients chose to do. Telephone consultations are certainly more convenient but they can take just as long. The process can be improved by supplementing them with other digital options. There is excellent guidance to physiotherapy advice for sore shoulder, hips, knees and backs via our website. You will also find links there to advice about treatment of minor illnesses and guidance for parents with sick children. Rather than using Google we would suggest patients use a combination of eConsultation and/or Patient.co.uk to get medical information – again both available via our website.

I have written before about the excellent digital links we have with some hospital departments. We have been part of a Teledermatology service at the RD&E for over 10 years; regularly taking pictures of rashes and skin lesions that we needed advice about and receiving this back within a couple of days. This process is now working in an identical way between patient and GP. Almost all of the pictures that patients are sending us lead to a diagnosis and treatment plan. Of course, if we are stumped then we can always forward the photo on.

The power of a face to face interaction must not be forgotten and we think that in the long run both GPs and patients are going to prefer video over telephone consultations. Given time both of us will become more familiar and adept with the process. It is still the case that nothing trumps seeing a patient, we are just discovering that it does not have to be in a consulting room. Anthony O’Brien, Wyndham House Surgery


Silverton Youth and Baby Groups - Postponed

Day Time Name of Contact Place Age group (01392) (Silverton) Sunday 10.30 am Children and Andy Mathers Evangelical 0–16 youth group Church Monday 7.00–9.00 1st Silverton Andy Ellis Community 10–18 pm Scouts 0778 831 0549 Hall (mixed) andyellis@devonscout s.org.uk Tuesday 6.00-7.00 Taekwondo Shane Knight - Community 6 pm Tigers 07871520903 Hall upwards Wednesday 7.00–8.30 1st Silverton Sacha Feehan 861046 Community 8–10½ pm Cubs [email protected] Hall (mixed) m Wednesday 9.45 – Baby Weigh Katie Holmes - 07932 Community Babies 11.15 am in and Play 980078 Hall and [email protected] toddlers Thursday 6.30–7.30 1st Silverton Pippa Eyles Community 6–8 pm Beavers 861767 Hall (mixed) Friday 10.00– Parent, Baby Andy Mathers Evangelical 11.30 am & Toddler 861340 Church Alternate Recep to 3 Friday’s apmathers Evangelical Fridays 3.30-5.00 Children’s @gmail.com Church Year 4 up Group 6 -7.30 pm Alternate 6.00–7.00 Friday Club Sue Tucker 860518 Methodist 5–12 Fridays pm Church

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John Kirkaldy 22 Fore Street, Silverton, EX5 4HP 07970 875601 38 01392 861423

Exercise and Dance Postponed until Further Notice

What When Where Who Fitness Monday Butterleigh DIY with a DVD 7.30 pm Village Hall Keep fit Monday Silverton Margaret Clough Men 55+ 9.30 am Comm Hall 01392 860971/860034 margaret.mcassoc@ btconnect.com Keep fit Monday Silverton Margaret Clough, as above Women 10.30 am Community 55+ Hall Walk and Short/medium Silverton Anne-Marie Eveleigh Talk Wed 9.50am Community 01392 824752 (Walking Long 1st, 2nd Hall [email protected] for Health) & 3rd Tues www.walkingforhealth.org.uk 9.50am Pilates Wednesday Cadeleigh Sheila Perry 01884 855782 11.40am Hall Pilates Wednesday Silverton Alice Weekes 6 – 7 pm Community [email protected] 7 – 8 pm Hall Yoga Thursday Butterleigh Pat Bell 01884 253229 7-8.30pm Village Hall [email protected] www.yogability.co.uk Yoga Thurday Butterleigh Pat Bell, as above 10.30am to 12 Village Hall Yoga Tuesday Silverton Diana Chambers 4.30-6pm Methodist 01392 860627 Thursday Church Hall [email protected] 7.15-9.15pm Balance Thurs 10 and Silverton Margaret Clough 10.50 am Community 01392 860971/860034 Hall margaret.mcassoc@ btconnect.com Tai Chi Friday Silverton Bill Croome 01392 861264 10.30 am Comm Hall [email protected] Pilates Friday 9.30am Bickleigh Booking essential - Angela Mead (body- and 6.30pm Village Hall 07811 855182 control) [email protected]


Flixx Hair and Beauty Silverton Community Hall, Wyndham Road, EX5 4JZ 01392 861558

Open Tues, Wed& Fri 9am-5pm Thursday 9am- 7pm Sat 9am-1pm

Here at Flixx we offer a wide range of Hair and Beauty treatments including Bridal Packages, Spray Tanning & Gel fx Nail Varnish, & Ear Piercing

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J&J Carpet Cleaners

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Professionally cleaned carpets using the best German machinery and old-fashioned customer service

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A friendly, relaxed, flexible, professional, consistent and personal service to each client and their family.

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L Adams Tree Services

Tree surgery Stump grinding Hedge trimming Fencing Garden maintenance Grass cutting & Strimming Landscaping Logs Contact Lloyd Adams 01884 32864 07809 613490

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A local service for home or business users.

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Contact Ian Gunter Dialword Limited 01392 851841 48

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I can remember when I first discovered Voice Recognition on my computer. This was a programme that used a microphone, and after programming it to recognise your voice, you could dictate, and the computer would turn it into written text on the screen that could be printed. My first attempt was so hilarious, but still quite comprehensible, that I sent it to my friends to amuse them.

But it set me thinking.

In my brother’s papers I discovered a piece that illustrates this point quite well. I ask you to read it in order to see how easy it is to follow the sense at some speed.

Ther has bene sum controversie becos a lot of potenshal teechers faelle basic tests in numerassy and litrassy but that thay ar being alowd to go on to teech. It must be obviuss to enywun that peepl dont need to be abl to spel to be good teechers. With komputers to help us with things like speling cheques, menny of the old fashunned idyurs abowt the three ars ar irrelephaant. Only dinosores think children need to be able to reed and rite and count as they did in the past and so teechers don’t nead to be able to eyether. Wot is more impotent is that thay can introduce the next generashun to teknologee and get them reddy for the world. At the same time it wood be a good idea to do away with things like histry and jographee and maps and stuff and forin languages. After awl thers a lot of informashun on the internet abowt histry and maps and stuf for jographee, and komputers kan translate things, so who needs it. In fact, thinking it throo carefully, wy have skools at awl?

In many of the emails I receive nowadays plainly written at speed without the writer checking it over, there are many spelling and some grammatical errors that do not change the message and merely give a little light amusement. So why bother?

I was preparing to give an after dinner speech at my club and at the same time I took my prescription to the chemist. When I got home I realised I had given him my speech instead of the prescription. I rushed back. "I'm so sorry Mr Pharmacist I gave you my speech instead of the prescription". "That's alright, Sir, I've made it up. - Some soft soap, a flannel and a lot of eyewash!"



Advertising in Silverleigh

Eighth-page £2.50 per issue, quarter-page £5 per issue [email protected]

Editor Jill Shaw, The Coach House, Cadeleigh EX16 8RZ [email protected] 01884 855034 Bickleigh correspondent Clive Williams, The Willows, Bickleigh EX16 8RH 01884 855093 [email protected] Butterleigh correspondent Janet Taverner, Underleigh Cottage, Butterleigh,EX15 1PJ, 01884 855764 [email protected] Cadeleigh correspondent Miriam Deaks [email protected] 01884 232 902 Distribution Mary Clark, 6 Silverdale, Silverton 01392 860927 Subscription and distribution changes/enquiries Dianne Wannell, 16 King Street, Silverton, 01392 860387 Proof readers Bill Croome, 11 Exeter Road, Silverton 01392 861264 Michael Griffin, 01392 860519 [email protected] Treasurer (subs) Gina Bush, 22 Newcourt Road, Silverton, 01392 860261 Invoicing (ads) Mr A W Hall Charlton Mead EX5 4DE (01392) 881339 [email protected] Outlet sales Belinda Lyon-Smith, Bilbrook, School Road, Silverton EX5 4JH, 01392 860413 Marketing Liz Gilbert, 01392 860572, [email protected]

The small print *I take responsibility for my own mistakes but not those of others. *I reserve the right to alter or leave out material because of lack of space or editorial considerations but will always try to contact the contributor first. Some alterations can only be made at the last minute (eg because of space), in which case there may not be time to contact the person concerned. A copy of the Editorial Policy can be provided. *The views expressed in the magazine are not necessarily my own. Editor


Architects Financial advice HMAD 48 Plumbing and heating Chris Vicary 46 New British Design 55 NJT 40 Cathedral Financial 47 Edwards Plumbing 48 Animal and equipment care Energy Systems 47 Forestry H&A Dog Grooming 39 Tiverton Plumb & Heat 48 L Adams Tree Services 45 Rug Revolution 30 Plumb In 48 Trish’s paws and claws 39 Ken Hogan 44

Builders Garden machinery Pubs Kevin Luxton 49 T&D Garden Machinery 45 Cadeleigh Arms 2 AC Garden Machinery 46 H Pring Elec & Property 49 Roofing Garden services Carers AIIR Roofing 50 Ed Rogers 45 Kilbride Roofing 49

Independent carer (Sue) 42 L Adams Tree Services 45 Lesley Collins 41 Sewing, soft furnishings Ken Hogan 44 AD Isaac Landscape Svs 44 Harris Stephens Design 39 Carpentry Duo Interiors 40 S L Chanin 47 Steve Land 44 Marcus Riggs Landscaping 44 Shops Catering/Food Sydenhams 43 Bickleigh Mill 2 Bickleigh Mill 2 J Kenshole 50 Heard & Sendell 38 Cadeleigh Arms 2 Exe Valley Farm Shop 45 Gifts Solicitors Old stable woodturning 55 Chimney sweeps Hole & Pugsley 46

Clean Sweep 41 Golf Storage Appleyard’s 42 Silverleigh Golf Centre 2 Silverton Local 41

Exeter Chimney Sweeps 43 Heritage 43 Taxis Hair and beauty Exe Cars 40 Robin Maynard Exe Valley 39 The Nail Box 2

Cleaning Flixx 38 Tutor J&J Carpet Cleaners 42 Silverton Barber 38 John Kirkaldy 36 Foot care services 38 Computer supply/support Mike Shipton 36

Ian Gunter, Dialword 46 Handymen Utility bills JSP Eletrnics 2 Paul Gawen 43 Utility Warehouse 47

Digging/Drainage Health and well-being Vehicle repairs Stuart Luxton 49 Systematic Kinesiologist 39 C+R Repairs 40 Willow Wellbeing 41 Electricians Pilgrim Motor Svs 42 H Pring Electrical & Pty 49 Landscaping A Heard 49 AD Isaac 44 Estate Agents Marcus Riggs 44 Venues Wilkinson Grant 55 Ed Rogers 45 Bickleigh Castle 2 Twenty Twenty Property 55 Painting and decorating Firewood Kevin Luxton 49 Culm Valley Firewood 39 Kevin Sussex 50 APC 49


Useful phone numbers and information

Emergency Fire, police and ambulance 112 or 999 Police – non urgent 101 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Gas emergency 0800 111 999 South-west Water emergency leak line 0344 346 2020 Western Power electricity emergencies 0800 365 900 Power cut information 105 NHS Direct/ Devon Docs out of hours service 111 Mid Devon District Council 01884 255 255 Devon County Council 01392 382 000 Highways, footpaths, rights of way, etc 0345 155 1004 Street lighting faults 0800 197 6763 Consumer Direct SW, trading standards 0345 404 0506 Canal Ranger service 01884 254 072 Health Tiverton Hospital 01884 235 400 Exe Valley Leisure Centre, Tiverton 01884 254 221 Help Samaritans 01392 411 711 Childline 0800 1111 RSPCA 08705 555 999 NSPCC Child Protection Helpline 0800 800 500 Job Centre Plus 01884 703 000 Age UK Tiverton, Cullompton and District 01884 255 362 Library – Tiverton 01884 244 644 Tiverton Museum 01884 256 295 Council/MP Contacts Mel Stride is the MP for Central Devon Constituency [email protected] 01392 823 306 Margaret Squires County Councillor [email protected] 01363 84337 Bob Deed Leader of Mid Devon District Council [email protected] 01392 861258 Josh Wright Lib Dem represents Silverton Ward 01392 860896



My drawing is based on an icon depicting St George of Lyda. There are lots of St Georges, although not much is known about the saint himself. We, in England, share our Patron Saint with Palestine and a load of other places. The picture was finished on VE Day. Jen Bell

Photos taken locally by Gary Lancelles