Determinants of Interest Rate Spreads in Uganda's Commercial Banking Sector
DETERMINANTS OF INTEREST RATE SPREADS IN UGANDA’S COMMERCIAL BANKING SECTOR: A PANEL DATA ANALYSIS BY ROBERT NABENDE A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF A MASTER OF ARTS DEGREE IN ECONOMICS OF MAKERERE UNIVERSITY DECEMBER, 2018 DECLARATION i CERTIFICATION ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I acknowledge African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) for organising and sponsoring my studies at the Joint Facility for Electives (JFE) at Kenya School of Monetary Studies in which I took Econometrics and Monetary Economics, and these enriched the empirical techniques applied in this study. I express my sincere appreciation to my supervisors: Dr. Ibrahim Mukisa and Assoc. Prof. Edward Bbaale for their positive and encouraging approach towards this research. Their supportive attitude and quick responses to any questions concerning this study have been invaluable. I also thank the faculty at the School of Economics, Makerere University for their valuable advice during the course of my undergraduate and graduate studies. Am specifically grateful to Assoc. Prof. Bruno Lule Yawe, Dr. Joweria Teera, Dr. Ibrahim Mukisa, Dr. John Bosco Nnyanzi, Dr. Francis Wasswa, and Dr. Asumani Guloba for introducing me to Advanced Economics at graduate level. I also acknowledge my JEF lecturers: Prof. Nathan Okurut of University of Botswana, Dr. Dianah Ngui Muchai of Kenyatta University, Dr. Jean Marcelin Bosson Brou of University Felix Houphouet Boigny, and Dr. Tom Mwebaze of Makerere University. Support and encouragement from my fellow graduate students at Makerere University: Abel Egesa, Brian Musumba, Francis Muhoozi, Innocent Okoth, Millicent Aswata, Perez Nicholas Ochanda, Ronald Mugobera, and William Ssemyalo is acknowledged.
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