Lack of Immigrant Influence in Decision Making Criticised
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ISSUE 20 (150) • 20 – 26 MAY 2010 • €3 • WWW.HELSINKITIMES.FI DOMESTIC BUSINESS TRAVEL EAT & DRINK Helsinki Talking Alternatives Experience BBQ Summer in to mailing the spirit of with a Guide sign cash Tartu difference pages 17-19 page 5 page 8 page 11 page 20 ki and some of its sights by taking a ride on a historic open-top tram. Helsinki The fully restored tram, dating back Lack of immigrant influence to 1919, runs on weekends with trips lasting for 15 minutes and de- a summer parting from the Market Square. The sightseeing rides operate until in decision making criticised 19 August and take in Kruununha- favourite ka, Kaisaniemi, the Central Railway Station and Aleksanterinkatu. A recent doctoral thesis criticises the absence of immigrant representation in deci- TEEMU HENRIKSSON Thanks to Helsinki’s location on HELSINKI TIMES the Baltic, it is possible to enjoy the sion making bodies dealing with multiculturalism nationwide. fresh sea air and explore the nearby HELSINKI offers a wide range of archipelago on scenic cruises that events to visit in the summertime, depart from the Market Square and PETRA NYMAN and with the daylight lasting for up to offer a variety of thematic routes. HELSINKI TIMES 19 hours daily, visitors to Helsinki fi nd Towards the end of the summer, that they can fi t many activities into Helsinki Design Week will take A FRESH doctoral thesis Immigrant one day. Around 750,000 visitors are over the city from 26 August to 5 Associations in the Metropolitan KRISTA SIHVONEN expected to come to explore the city September with numerous events Area of Finland – Forms of Mobi- during the main tourist season from taking place all over Helsinki. lisation, Participation and Represen- May to September. The Helsinki Ca- These events are targeted at both tation by Sanna Saksela-Bergholm thedral, the Fortress of Suomenlinna the general public and design pro- highlights the signifi cance of im- and Korkeasaari Zoo are still the city’s fessionals. The Design Week played migrant organisations in the social most popular attractions, while Hel- a major role in Helsinki being se- and political integration of immi- sinki’s various museums also contin- lected as World Design Capital for grants into Finnish society. ue to draw visitors. 2012. Saksela-Bergholm criticises the This year there is a unique op- See the summer guide on pages lack of presence of immigrant or- portunity to see summer Helsin- 17-19. ganisation members in the deci- sion making organisms that handle issues of multiculturalism in The Greater Helsinki area. In both Es- Alcohol main cause of adult death poo and Vantaa, members of immi- DAVID CORD Another method is public-serv- grant organisations contribute only A recent study argues that immigrants’ voices are often left unheard in policy- HELSINKI TIMES ice advertising. Finland’s Federa- to planning work executed as part of making bodies. tion of the Brewing and Soft Drinks a team. The National Advisory Board ACCORDING to Statistics Finland, al- Industry wants to change the coun- for Ethnic Relations (ETNO) took on group. Social and cultural activities of the support of these organisa- cohol is now the leading killer for try’s binge-drinking culture by con- members of ethnic minorities only organised are especially important tions, also in general health issues. adults. Among men, alcohol-relat- vincing Finns that “you’re an idiot during its third term (2005-07). for children living between two cul- “Finances are granted to these or- ed deaths outpace heart disease. For when you are drunk” (kännissä olet “The Helsinki Advisory Board on tures. Many immigrant organisa- ganisations mainly for social activ- women, more deaths are due to alco- ääliö). This is the latest in Finland’s Immigration and Integration (pre- tions also attempt to increase the ities. This threatens to reduce the hol than breast cancer. There is there- long and winding road of alcohol viously Advisory Council for For- integration of its members into existence of ethnic activities, some- fore a clear public-health need to legislation and advertising. eigners in Helsinki) doesn’t have Finnish society by offering informa- thing that has already taken place discourage the promotion of alcohol. Read more on page 4. one member from an immigration tion events and language courses. in other European countries.” One aspect of this is the limi- organisation. This has been partly Interest in taking part in civilian In her doctoral thesis Saksela- tation of alcohol advertising. The caused by the fact that it is diffi cult activity has increased especially Bergholm examines the objectives industry is continually forced to ad- to fi nd a democratic way to take all among immigrant women, Saksela- and activities of immigrant organi- just its marketing in response to immigrant organisations into con- Bergholm believes. Organisations of sations, their co-operation with local new and generally tighter legisla- sideration,” Saksela-Bergholm says. immigrant women share the impor- authorities and their opportunities tion. In comparison with many oth- According to Saksela-Bergholm tant task of counselling and helping of infl uence in a national level. Her er countries, Finnish legislation and the crucial part of immigrant organ- women who have faced mental or research comprises of interviews guidelines on alcohol advertising are isations’ work is identity reinforce- physical violence. Children, youth with members of over 71 immigrant exceptionally strict. ment of the members of an ethnic and women are particularly in need organisations during 2002-2005. 24.2.—6.6. The Power of Africa Tue, Fri-Sun 11-18, Wed-Thurs 11-20 Free entry Wed-Thurs 18-20 Ahertajantie 5, Tapiola, Espoo Busses from Kamppi, Helsinki: 106, 110 2 20 – 26 MAY 2010 Q & A HELSINKI TIMES Isabella Lövin is a Swedish fisheries policy activist and a Green Member of European Parliament. ”There’s a limit to fish harvesting’’ Q: Every December, the EU’s if European vessels have ac- José Manuel] Barroso came marine ministers set quo- cess to fi sh in [African] wa- out with a very strong state- The perilous state of the world’s fish stocks has received less media tas limiting the amount of ters?’’ He said: ‘‘I think one ment. But two days later, we attention than the more visible, palpable environmental problems fi sh that may be caught over should not be linked to each were going to agree to pay like air pollution. Swedish fisheries policy activist Isabella Lövin is the following year. Given other.’’ But the case is that one million euros [under the that they are under intense they are. We do not have a fi sheries agreement]. This seeking to redress that balance. pressure from fi shermen to coherent European develop- would have been paid di- set those catch levels above ment policy. rectly into the pockets of what scientists recommend, The fi shing fl eet should the same man [Guinean mili- DAVID CRONIN This was a mystery to me. One very important thing do you think this procedure pay for its own access. Tax- tary leader Moussa Dadis Ca- IPS We wanted to save a wild re- is that what was happening needs to be stopped? payers should not have to mara] who had ordered that source but on the other hand was under the surface. This A: I don’t think ministers pay for that. I don’t think the fi re should be opened on in- Isabella Lövin’s 2007 book the European Commission leads to a large disinterest should be the ones to set quo- Swedish and Danish and Brit- nocent people in a football Tyst hav (Silent Seas) hit the told us we can’t do this. I from the general public. It is tas. We should have long- ish should pay so that Span- stadium, killing 153 people. best-seller list in her native could not understand who is much easier to make people term management plans, ish and Portuguese vessel Everybody knew there was Sweden, garnering her three wrong here. angry and engaged if there instead of setting quo- owners have access to Afri- no way that this money was awards, including the title of As a Swede, I was brought is the destruction of wolves, tas year by year. We should can waters. going to hospitals or schools. ‘Journalist of the Year’. up in what I thought was the something you can see, than not have the kind of circus, Until the [European Par- Blending the techniques most environmentally con- something that is under the where everyone tries to grab Q: You have queried the le- liament’s] fi sheries commit- of investigative journal- scious country in the world. surface. the biggest bit of the cake gality of the EU’s fi sheries tee voted ‘no’, nobody was ism with the style of a crime But I found out that there It is diffi cult for politi- every December. agreement with Morocco taking any initiative with re- thriller, the book is still wasn’t even one cubic metre cians to stand up for some- The ministers should because it allows Europe- gard to the fi sheries agree- awaiting publication in the in our waters that was pro- thing if they don’t get agree on principles: to follow an vessels to operate off the ment [with Guinea]. From English language. But it has tected from fi shing, while encouragement from their the precautionary approach coast of Western Sahara, the beginning, the commis- helped introduce Lövin to on land we have had national voters to do so. Fishermen, principle, the ecosystem ap- which is under occupation. sion was coming to the com- an international audience.