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Woodward, the Bush at War 1st edition indefatigable amanuensis and an assistant managing editor of The Washington Post, and the paper's national political reporter Dan Balz wrote for The Bush at War 1st edition earlier this year. The book notes that the administration had serious doubts early on about the war in Afghanistan and that ''they were making it up as they went,'' at one point even contemplating sending in as many as 50, American troops. It also depicts C. But while Mr. Woodward fleshes out what we already knew about policy debates within the war cabinet with lots of tiny details, the book asks the reader to take a lot on faith. A novel-like narrative, in this case, does not make the most persuasive or thorough of histories. As he's done in earlier books, Mr. Woodward has freely ''attributed thoughts, conclusions and feelings to the participants'' -- in some cases, without directly interviewing the person in question -- and while the book is told in a coolly omniscient voice, individual scenes often reflect the point of view or spin of the author's sources. For instance, Secretary of State Colin L. Tenet all clearly talked at length with Mr. Woodward, and all tend to come across more sympathetically than, say, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, who gave the author less access. Woodward puts it, ''that they could take advantage of the opportunity offered by the terrorist attacks to go after Saddam immediately. In contrast to the C. Woodward writes. Rumsfeld is shown trying to distance himself from war plans in Afghanistan, Ms. Rice is shown taking him aside and saying, ''Don, this is now a military operation, and you really have to be in charge. In the case of Mr. Tenet, however, Mr. Woodward labors to provide a positive picture of the C. Noting that the C. Woodward writes that ''the president considered it one of the biggest 'bargains' of all time. Questions about the long-term efficacy of such cash payoffs, like questions about the political future and stability of Afghanistan, are not addressed in this volume. Woodward, who prizes immediacy over analysis, rarely interrupts his forward-marching narrative with any sort of commentary that might situate events in a larger political or Bush at War 1st edition context. Many major developments and players -- like homeland security plans and the influential role played in the Iraq debate by figures like the Pentagon adviser Richard Perle -- are underplayed or completely ignored. Some of these gaps, resulting from Mr. Woodward's decision to Bush at War 1st edition only on the first days after Sept. Though there is a long epilogue detailing Mr. Powell's success in August and September of in persuading the president to work for a United Nations resolution about Iraq, prevailing though perhaps only temporarily against those in the administration in favor of more unilateral action, the book fails to document exactly how Iraq moved from the back burner on the Bush agenda to the front. Throughout the book, Mr. Woodward describes how appeals to widen the war, from hawks like Mr. Rumsfeld and his deputy, Paul D. Then, in a single paragraph in the epilogue, Mr. Woodward hands us this abrupt summary of a momentous shift in foreign policy: ''In April, the president began publicly declaring a policy of regime change in Iraq. In June he formally declared that he would Bush at War 1st edition pre-emptive attacks against countries believed to be a serious threat to the United States. So how does Mr. Bush come across in this book? The president, who gave Mr. Woodward two lengthy interviews including one with Mr. Balz for their series of Washington Post articlesis depicted in terms that the White House press office itself has purveyed -- as a fearless and resolute leader. Bush is shown refusing to worry about his own safety, despite the fact, Bush at War 1st edition Mr. Woodward melodramatically puts it, that he ''was living and working at a designated ground zero. Woodward writes; ''the president wanted to kill somebody'' -- we're also given lots of scenes illustrating his judiciousness, his decisiveness, his humanitarian concern for Afghan civilians. He, not Vice President , is described as the one who is clearly in control during meetings. Woodward emphasizes the president's affinity for the ''vision thing'' that his father was accused of lacking. Bush said during an interview last August at his Texas ranch. The book is also sprinkled with juicy tidbits, including an outburst by President Bush in which he says of the leader of North Korea, ''I Bush at War 1st edition Kim Jong Il! Bush's father, sent a ''back-channel message'' to the president last year about public support for the White House waning if Mr. Bush did not, in Mr. Woodward's words, take ''the harshest measures possible''; and observations from Mr. Bush's chief political strategist, Karl Rove, describing Mr. Powell as being beyond political control, and later likening Yankee Stadium's reception of the president at a World Series game to ''being at a Nazi rally. Such anecdotes give readers the sense that they are getting an intimate, insider's look at the Bush Bush at War 1st edition House, but the book as a whole is not Bush at War 1st edition ''an early version'' of what happened, as Mr. Woodward himself acknowledges, but an incomplete, provisional and sometimes highly selective one as well. View on timesmachine. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Home Page World U. Bush at War by Bob Woodward

Bush 's responses to the and his administration's handling of the subsequent War in Afghanistan. Woodward examined notes from such NSC meetings and also interviewed administration officials including President Bush. Woodward especially focuses on the administration's decision to go to war in Afghanistan and its strategic and tactical decisions Bush at War 1st edition that vein. As one of the first detailed accounts of these decisions, prior to inside accounts like Richard A. Clarke 's Against All EnemiesWoodward's book was widely acclaimed, getting praise from The Times and other major papers. Woodward's Bush at Warit seems to me that the U. Woodward's book, gave an untold measure of aid and comfort to the enemy. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bob Woodward bibliography. Hidden categories: All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases Bush at War 1st edition with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from May Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links. War in Afghanistan. Hardcover Paperback. Observer review: Bush at War by Bob Woodward | Education | The Guardian

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Bush at War by Bob Woodward. Award-winning author and journalist Bob Woodward Bush at War 1st edition his attention to the presidency of George W. Before the acts of terrorism on 11 September, George W. Bush's presidency had been beset by numerous problems. Not only was it in many peoples eyes invalid, very few people took him seriously as a world statesman. Then following one violent mindless act of terrorism, G Award- winning author and journalist Bob Woodward turns his attention to the presidency of George W. Then following one violent mindless act of terrorism, George W. Bush became a president that his country could rely on, one they felt they could trust to lead them through these difficult times. And the world saw a man who was decisive and resolute, a president who was seemingly determined to route out the people who had carried out the heinous acts. But one year after the attacks how has the 44th President of the United States fared? And what were the actual behind the scenes discussions that took place whilst the country was rocked by the crisis? Bob Woodward has been shadowing the President since those fateful events, he was allowed unprecedented access to closed-door meetings and briefings and this masterful book is a look at what really happened. Get Bush at War 1st edition Copy. Paperbackpages. Published July 1st by Pocket, first published November 1st More Details Original Title. Bush at War 1. Colin PowellGeorge W. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Bush at Warplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Bush at War. Shelves: history. Having started his career in naval intelligence and professionally associated with Alexander Haig, Woodward went on to a meteoric rise through the newspaper industry to land in the right place and the right time to contribute to the unseating of Richard Nixon. The right time was after Nixon had earned the ire of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for circumventing them in basing decisions and in the secret negotiations with Peoples' China. Ever the insider, Woodward churns these instant histories out every few months, their contents typified by extraordinary intimacy with the very principals he represents. Although the various assistants he cites may actually write these books, he gets the interviews and the presumed scoops which sell the copy. One wonders at such associations and at the compromises with truth that must be made to maintain such access. View 1 comment. Oct 15, Rebecca McNutt rated it it was ok Shelves: united-statesnon-fictionpoliticalhistorywar. An intriguing story but also one drenched in drama. It also felt very one-sided, without much insight from other politicians or country officials. Sep 26, Leo Jacobowitz added it. Will go down in history as one of the flimsiest pieces of propagandist bullshit written by a pathetic sycophant of a writer Everyone outside of the early street protesters in my beloved San Francisco was watching Powell's videos thinking they saw something and admiring Rumsfeld on how tough and handsome he was Now everyone is a Bush critic but I remember the cowards then. Aug 08, Kandice rated it liked it. I don't want to debate, but this book kept me in, and left me, in a state of supreme anger! Sep 26, Keith rated it really liked it Shelves:history-and-biographymilitary-historypolitical-science. From the first whispered news in the Florida classroom to his return to the White House that night, the article gave the reader the sense of what it was like aboard Air Force One with so little information at hand. Bush at War 1st edition Politico piece spurred my interest in what happened in the days and months following September Bob Woodward's Bush At War provides a closely observed narrative of the discussions and actions, including disagreements, among the president's national security team. The book is essentially focused on the Afghanistan mission and deals with Iraq mostly in an appendix. Yet the reader can sense the Iraq problem looming in the background. Woodward admirably uses the discussion to show how the agenda moved from a horror at the idea of nation-building to reluctantly embracing it as a consequence of deposing Saddam. I wanted to read about this point of our history as it seems that the events of the recent past, events I followed closely via newspapers, magazines, television and Bush at War 1st edition net are now less settled in my mind. Shall we discuss the beginning of the Civil War or the diplomatic discussions prior to World War One? I'm right there but events closer in time are harder to nail down. I suppose because they're still being interpreted. A journalist like Woodward is an excellent starting point for stirring one's memory. Jun 23, Erin rated it it was ok. Hey,this sounds familiar, too! Is this his literary agent's best work, yet? Face it, Mr Woodward's book tour ripped across your lawn, flashed from your TV, issued forth from the radio, and came to rest on your kitchen table folded up right next to your morning coffee. Thanks to an expert publicist, this book was excerpted, quoted, and publicly recounted by B. Bob Bush at War 1st edition face, name, voice, and bio str "Where have Bush at War 1st edition heard this before? Bob Woodward's face, name, voice, and bio strafed the media until saturation was achieved. This is not quite fiction or non-fict but something like a dramatization of actual events. Despite his unfettered access to Bush at War 1st edition and the relatively brief interval since the actual events, this book Bush at War 1st edition not an objective account of what happened between Sept 11, and the run-up to an invasion of Iraq. However, there are enough substantiatd facts arranged more or less chronologically. However, as events unfold, scene after scene takes on a distinctive hue My ribs hurt from getting a "Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge" every time Bush says something. Also, Bush is the only character in the book whose "relaxed" style of speaking, grammatical gaffs, colloquialogistics and all, are included. Sep 25, W added it Shelves: war. Tiresome book about a war launched under false pretenses. What do you want from this book? The answer to this question will decide whether you should read it or enjoy doing so. Yet, if you want a documentary account of an epoch defining moment and the rise of unilateral foreign policy making then this is a must read. Woodward attempts to put you in the shoes of the administration during and after Bush at War 1st edition until the Iraq War and on the whole he does a good job. Y What do you want from this book? It paints a rather more complex picture of policy making and the personality and motivations behind President Bush, which is in complete contrast to the once dominant caricature. Oct 04, Marc rated it it was ok Shelves: american-foreign-policyiraq. Based on reports from the National Security Council Bush at War 1st edition extensive interviews with all key players. Aug 09, Carey Nelson rated it really liked it Shelves:not-a-historianmr-carey-goes-to-washington. My first bit of research before Mr. Woodward's first? What's done is done and I learned a lot from this about things I wasn't plugged into as an eighth grader. What an experience to read an account of the start of the war then the next day read in the NYT about the same war seventeen years later crossing three presidencies and having no exit strategy.