Tell us how you feel about ….

Prestongrange Museum

How to have your say

East Lothian Council have commissioned Simpson and Brown Architects as lead consultant to deliver a masterplan for (PGM) to identify a vision for the sustainable future of the site and the options available to achieve this. We are interested in everyone’s views about this, whether people want no change at Prestongrange, or a significant redevelopment of the site. We also want to know how individuals and groups would like to be involved in future.

There are seven main ways to have your say between now and January 2018:

 Respond to the public questionnaire:  Comment on the project Facebook page:  Contact the study team direct by email or ‘phone through the details below  Attend one or more of the public consultation events (dates, time and venues will be posted on the Facebook page and also emailed to anyone requesting the information through responding to the questionnaire or through other means)  Ask us to attend a meeting with your group or organisation. We are particularly interested to speak with groups or organisations that use the Prestongrange site at the moment or would like to use the site in future  Write to us anonymously at the correspondence address below  Feedback your views through your local area partnership

How are we going to use the information?

The information we are gathering will be used in drawing up the final masterplan report which is due in March 2018. When it is complete the masterplan will be made public and will be considered by Council. The masterplan could be used as the basis for bids for funds to invest in the PGM site. The masterplan will provide a new vision for PGM covering:

 What local people say about how they see the future of the museum  What types of public events and activities could take place at PGM  How could PGM make a difference to local people  How the buildings and other industrial heritage assets should be cared for in future  How to protect and share the natural heritage on the site and nearby Morrison’s Haven  Whether to consider any new building developments e.g. visitor facilities or community / business facilities  How development at PGM should link to other initiatives and places  How the community could be involved at PGM in the re-development phase and in the future of the museum.

East Lothian Council commissioned Simpson and Brown Architects to carry out the masterplan study. They are supported by a number of specialists with experience in engineering, learning activities, community engagement, interpretation and design, natural heritage and business planning. Ergadia Museums and Heritage are leading the consultation and engagement element of the project on behalf of Simpson and Brown Architects for East Lothian Council.

We look forward to you getting in contact with the masterplan team.

Please feel free to circulate this information to your contacts.

Contact Annie Tunnicliffe - Business Planner Director - Ergadia Heritage Ltd; Director - Luing Consultancy Ltd Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07890 825978 Address for consultation correspondence: PO Box 70, DN18 5RD.