Curriculum Vitae Qijin Chen Page 1 of 4 Qijin Chen Shanghai Branch, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale, the University of Science and Technology of China, 99 Xiupu Rd, Pudong, Shanghai #$%&%', CHIN); Email:
[email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D., University of Chicago Chicago, (L #$$$ Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics M.S., Instit te of Physics, Chinese Aca!emy of Sciences #CAS$ Bei0ing, China %99' +3!eri,ental Condensed Matter Physics %.S. #with honor$, Univ. of Science an! Techno&ogy of China #USTC$ Hefei, China %99# N clear and Particle Physics/Theoretical Physics PRO(ESSIONA) EMPLOYMENTS University of Science an! Techno&ogy of China Hefei 5 Shanghai, China #$%9-!resent 6isting ished Professor, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale +hejiang University Hang7ho , China #$$8-#$%9 6isting ished Professor, 9he0iang (nstit te of Modern Physics and 6e!art,ent of Physics University of Chicago Chicago, (L #$$:-#$$8 "esearch associate and "esearch Scientist, Ja,es <ranck (nstit te Argonne Nationa& )a, - University of Notre Da"e )rgonne, (L S ,,er, #$$: >isiting <ello?, (nstit te for Theoretical Sciences .ohns /o01ins University Balti,ore, M6 #$$# @#$$: Postdoctoral <ello?, 6e!art,ent of Physics and )strono,y2 )dvisor- 9lat=o Tesanovic Nationa& /igh Magnetic (ie&! )a,oratory Tallahassee, <L #$$$@#$$# Postdoctoral "esearch )ssociate, Condensed Matter Theory Aro ! )dvisor- ;2 "obert SchrieBer University of Chicago Chicago, (L %99C@#$$$ "esearch )ssistant, Ja,es <ranck (nstit te )dvisor- Dathryn Levin Instit te of Physics, Chinese Aca!emy of Sciences Bei0ing, China %99&@%99' "esearch )ssistant, State Dey Laboratory of S rface Physics )dvisor- 9hangda Lin /ONO'S AND A2A'DS • #$$9, EChang0iang ScholarF Professorshi!, Ministry of +d cation, China • %99C, First Prize in Natural Sciences, Chinese )cade,y of Sciences GJointly ?ith 9262 Lin, D2)2 <eng, ;2 Hang and B2I2 S nJ, the most prestigious award of CAS2 • #$$:, >isiting <ello?, (nstit te for Theoretical Sciences, )rgonne NatKl Lab 5 Univ.