WWW.KEYSNET.COM WEDNESDAY,MAY 29,2013 VOLUME 60, NO. 43 ● 25 CENTS KEY LARGO New fire agency takes over By DAVID GOODHUE vehicles the department owns. Ambulance Corps is now in charge, its attorneys can figure out Marilyn Beyer said they were
[email protected] The Key Largo Fire- how to acquire the land fed up with the department’s Rescue and Emergency issue remains over property ownership through eminent domain. leadership, in particular Chief The ousted Key Largo fire Medical Services District The new department is Sergio Garcia. They said department will use the rest board of commissioners says land on which the south fire ly leases the land and all the headed by the leadership of Garcia, who has led the depart- of this year to try getting in the property belongs to the station sits. The county equipment from the depart- the Key Largo Ambulance ment for 15 years, ignored key the good graces of the board public. But the Key Largo Property Appraiser’s Office ment for $1 a year. But effec- Corps. The new chief is the recommendations made in two that oversees its budget in Volunteer Fire-Rescue says it’s valued around tive Monday, a new fire Ambulance Corps’ chief, independent consultant reports. hopes of providing fire serv- Department’s board is con- $200,000. The department also department — the Key Largo Don Bock. Commissioners Jennifer Miller ice for the community again sidering charging the special owns two special response Volunteer Fire Department — The district severed ties and Tony Allen are against by April.