The Essential Plastics Industry
vii ix x 15 25 37 45 57 81 89 109 123 adidas APME (Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe) British Plastics Federation Cannon Rubber Ltd Dunlop Siazenger Dyson Ltd Ford GE Plastics GlaxoSmithKline Harkness Hall UK ITDG (Intermediate Technology Development Group) Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners Ltd Nuffield Design and Technology POD PP Global Technology Priestman Goode Rapak (0 S Smith Plastics) Seymour Powell Skystreme smart"? (DaimlerChrysler UK) St Paul's Nursery School, York Symphony Environmental Ltd The British Council The Design Council The Eden Project The Fabric University UCB Group Wolfson Electrostatics Worshipful Company of Horners John Amner, Ivor Davies, David Egglestone, John Featherstone, Mandy Haberman, Bernie Hanning, Denny Lane, David Oxley, John Sale, Colin Williamson Our grateful thanks also to ATOFINA for their very generous financial support. adidas,70 Aesculap AG and Company KG, 20 Amanda Penny, 85 Arcadia Group, 48 Apex Photo Agency Limited, 34 ATOFINA, 19, 52, 55, 61, 62, 73, 75, 76, 77, 88, 91, 108, 113, 115 AVENT, Cannon Rubber Limited, 40, 41 BASF,69 Board-a-Line Limited, 32, 33 Cambridge Display Technology Limited, 17 City of York Council, I I DaimlerChrysler, 63 Dan Gavere, 10I DuPont, 5 I, 69 Dyson, 72 Elizabeth Hubbard, 85 Erhard & Sohne GmbH, I I, 27 Gilbert, 54 GlaxoSmithKline, 55 Graham Johnson, NSW Agriculture, 9 Graham Hearn, Wolfson Electrostatics, 12 Graham Mathers 4, 8, 9, 19, 21, 22, 27, 39, 43, 64, 66, 68, 84, 85, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 99, 102 Hemera Technologies Incorporated,
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