

Plastic Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem

• Scientists became aware of the ocean plastics problem in the 1950s, and understanding of the nature and severity of the problem grew over the next decades. • The major chemical and companies and industry groups were aware of the ocean plastics problem no later than the 1970s. • Plastics producers have often taken the position that they are only responsible for in the form of resin pellets, and that other forms of plastic waste are out of their control.

The use of plastics in consumer resins and the companies the twentieth century. Early observ- has been expanding exponen- supplying them with chemical feed- ers concerned about marine plas- tially since the late 1940s. Within stocks — have known about this tics were specifically worried about years of that expansion beginning, problem and for how long. The re- marine animals becoming entan- observers began to document plas- mainder of this document presents a gled in discarded fishing and tic in the environment, brief overview of the history of pub- other plastic . As noted by including in the world’s oceans. lic and industry awareness of marine the United States’ National Oce- Plastic is a pollutant of unique con- . Although this his- anic and Atmospheric Administra- cern because it is durable over long torical account is detailed, it is far tion (NOAA), “[p]rior to the 1950s periods of time and its effects accu- from comprehensive, and additional much of the fishing gear and land- mulate as more of it is produced and research is forthcoming. based disposables were made of bio- discarded. degradeable products such as hemp Early Accounts of or .”1 Once plastic As the problem of marine plastic became a preferred for fish- pollution gains greater public at- Plastic Pollution ing gear, concerns grew that these tention, it is critical to begin in- , which don’t break down Researchers began to notice the vestigating what industry actors — quickly in the environment, would dangers plastics presented to ma- including manufacturers of plastic become entanglement threats. Their rine animals around the middle of

Plastic Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem | 1 | Center for International Environmental Law concerns were correct: in a -by- dence not only that plastics were cates that the indus- case analysis of turtle entanglement, accumulating in the oceans, but try knew, or should have known, of NOAA’s George Balazs notes that also that these plastics could serve as the presence of plastic in such ocean “[n]one of the cases occurred before aggregators of other contaminants, surveys no later than 1973. the 1950’s,” and nearly all have tak- making them more hazardous. en place since 1970.2 It is clear that the industry was not As the problem of marine only aware of the environmental Despite the early focus on fish- longevity of plastics, but was in fact ing gear, and industry were plastic pollution gains touting that feature as a benefit.10 In also aware of other forms of plastic greater public attention, it 1973, E. S. Nuspliger of the Society waste, including waste from land- is critical to begin investi- of the (SPI) argued based sources. Late in the 1950s, an- in a letter to the editor that its non- ecdotal reports also began to emerge gating what industry actors biodegradable nature makes plastic of turtles ingesting bags and other — including manufactur- “desirable material for sanitary land- plastics.3 ers of plastic resins and the fills.”11 Beginning as early as 1960, research- fossil fuel companies sup- The same year, the National Acad- ers discovered plastic in the gizzards plying them with chemical emy of convened another 4 and digestive tracts of sea birds, in- feedstocks — have known workshop to study ocean pollutants cluding petrels in New Zealand5 and and later issued a report entitled As- Canada6 and puffins in the North about this problem and for sessing Potential Ocean Pollutants.12 Atlantic,7 among others. how long. Among the participants were rep- resentatives from DuPont, Dow, In addition to the research into Several of the studies in this - and Monsanto Chemical (now marine animals, another series of shop were funded or studied by sci- Eastman).13 The investigation into experiments were taking place to entists at Esso, Chevron, and the marine observed that “Plastic determine the nature, origins, and American Petroleum Institute. Their objects are prominent in reports of consequences of oceanic petroleum participation in this conference indi- litter sightings although they are a pollution. In 1973, the Nation- al Academy of Sciences sponsored a workshop on Inputs, Fates, and Effects of Petroleum in the Marine Environment. Although the prima- ry focus of the workshop was on pe- troleum, studies of the ocean surface Uwe Schmid | www.niederrhein-foto.de via Wikicommons also revealed significant amounts of plastic .8 Moreover, because studies of marine included inves- tigations into the microorganisms and toxins attached to the petroleum particles, some researchers examined what contaminants were attached to plastics as . One paper notes, “In coastal waters, spherules are abundant … Bacteria and poly- chlorinated (PCB’s) are found associated with these parti- cles, and the particles are ingested by a number of aquatic organisms.”9 These studies provided early evi-

Plastic Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem | 2 | Center for International Environmental Law 1973 Letter to the Editor on Plastics from the Industry* and a Fellow of the Plastics Institute claimed that “plastics litter is a very Letters to the Editor small proportion of all litter and causes no harm to the environment Brief letters—one or two pages—are more likely to except as an eyesore.”16 be printed than are long ones, which may be cut.

PLASTICS IN THE ENVIRONMENT The First National On behalf of the plastics industry I would like to comment on several statements Conference on dealing with the environmental effects of plastics in the article “ Waste in Chattanooga” (R. Vredeveld and R. Martin 1973; ABT 35 [2] : 84). Packaging Wastes The authors state, “Plastics are nonbiodegradable; they will remain in the land- fills forever.” It is true that most plastics will not biodegrade; but it is that very qual- In addition to questions of ocean ity that makes them especially suitable for sanitary . Because they do not plastics and marine litter, indus- biodegrade, they do not produce polluting odors or gases. Nor do they contribute to try was concerned about waste is- the contamination of groundwater, as do decaying organic materials in improperly controlled landfills. In addition, plastics, like other nonbiodegradable matter, give sues generally. In September 1969, greater stability to the land being filled, thereby vastly improving the possibilities the of California, Davis, of reclamation for purposes. These very characteristics have caused sani- held the First National Conference tary officials to regard nonbiodegradable plastics as desirable material for sanitary on Packaging Wastes.17 Conference landfills. participants included representa- The article also states that of plastics is “also a threat to the environ- tives from Dow, DuPont, Mobil, ment: when burned, plastics give off toxic fumes… On a citywide scale, this could American Oil Company (AMO- have damaging effects on the population.” Much of the controversy concerning the supposed toxic fumes stems from the open burning of plastics, a method of incin- CO), Chevron, Stanford Research eration the plastics industry wholly condemns. dioxide in the form of black Institute, the Society of the Plastics is given off in these circumstances but is, of course, nontoxic. In a proper in- Industry, and Procter & Gamble, cinerator the black smoke is totally consumed inside the incinerator, thus releasing among others.18 Unsurprisingly, no black smoke at all. In properly operated incinerators plastics do not give off any plastic was a major focus of many of fumes that state or federal standards deem harmful to man. the presentations. In reference to the comment concerning recycling as a source of revenue: the high thermal content of plastics, which aids in the burning of other refuse, such as Thomas Becnel, of Dow Chemical, wet garbage, grass, and leaves, can be and is being used as a source of electrical power. gave a presentation entitled “Wastes from Plastic Packages.”19 In it, he re- E. S. Nuspliger Public Affairs Council of the iterated that the problems of plastic Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. waste were endemic to the material 250 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 itself, not the particular form of the product. “[I]t is ironic that the very *See E. S. Nuspliger, Plastics in the Environment, 35(4) The American Biology Teacher 230 (1973), available at http://d30vo02hkyysua.cloudfront.net/content/35/4/230.1.chemical-industry-reinvent-itself/. molecular structure that has made [plastic] so popular creates certain minor component of the total refuse with participation from key plastics disposal problems.”20 Moreover, generated.”14 Although the research- manufacturers. Both revealed the he acknowledged that landfills and ers acknowledged that there were not significant presence of plastics in dumps were impermanent solutions “widespread significant alterations the marine environment. Although — “the problem is merely moved in the marine system” at the time of scientists were not yet describing the from one place to another” — and , there could be significant issue as a crisis, there were ample proposed incineration of plastic effects if pollutants accumulated, studies available to demonstrate that waste as the only viable solution to and more research would need to be plastic debris was deleterious to the the problem.21 done.15 By 1973, the National Acad- health of marine organisms and that emy of Sciences had held two work- the damage was accelerating. Still, Other participants addressed is- shops, one with participation from in 1974, a member of the Council sues of reusability and recyclabili- the and one of the British Plastics Federation ty, pointing out repeatedly that the proliferation of single-use contain-

Plastic Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem | 3 | Center for International Environmental Law tkremmel/Pixabay “In coastal waters, poly- is the fact that each returnable bot- Public Coordination spherules are tle displaced from the market means the sale of 20 non-returns.”24 Finally, to Address the abundant… Bacteria and Alfred Heller, of California Tomor- Problem polychlorinated biphenyls row, admonished the industry for (PCB’s) are found associat- “hiding behind the consumer … By the 1980s, the problem of ma- and then declaring that the prolif- rine pollution was becoming unde- ed with these particles, and eration of packaging wastes is only niable. In 1984, NOAA hosted the the particles are ingested a response to ‘consumer demand.”25 first Workshop on the Fate and Im- by a number of aquatic pact of .28 Although Similarly, Outwater and Darney no industry representatives are ex- or-ganisms.” (NAS 1973) addressed the issue of multi-mate- plicitly identified among conference rials, packaging that contains more participants, it is clear that by this ers and the development of hard- than one kind of material. Both point the industry was acutely aware or impossible-to-recycle materials presenters described multi-materi- of the need to manage plastic waste. were profit-seeking industry devel- als as nearly impossible to recycle, as A state wildlife official noted at the opments, and not the result of con- “multi-materials make the econom- time that “the Society for the Plas- 26 sumer demands. ics [of] re-use virtually hopeless” tics Industry has allocated $5 mil- because these materials are “virtually lion to establish a Eric B. Outwater, an industry insid- 27 unrecoverable after use.” and Institute to aggres- er representing what appears to be sively pursue methods to make it an early industry front group,22 ex- Fights are currently raging in economically feasible to recycle plas- plained the trend away from depos- Asia over the use of , small tic in large quantities.”29 Moreover, it-type . He noted that “each multi-material packages that are she announced the industry was re- deposit-type displaced from functionally impossible to or searching ways to produce plastics the market means the sale of 20 one- recycle. It is worth taking a moment that degraded more quickly in the way .”23 This sentiment to reflect on that fact, given the un- presence of light.30 was echoed by another participant, recyclable nature of such products Arsen J. Darnay. “The powerful mo- was known — and touted as a com- By the Second International Con- tive force behind the development mercial advantage — nearly fifty ference on Marine Debris in 1989, of the throw-away market years ago. the Society of the Plastics Industry

Plastic Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem | 4 | Center for International Environmental Law (SPI) was an official participant.31 ued funding from the industry.34 The Both the fossil fuel and SPI took the position that almost closing was described as “an indica- plastics manu-facturers all plastic pollution was “beyond the tor of reduced support for recycling ‘control’ of the plastics industry,” but in the plastics industry.”35 In 2016, were aware of the ocean that SPI had a responsibility to deal at the inaugural “Our Ocean” Con- plastics problem no later with plastic resin pellets that might ference in Washington, DC, Dow than the 1970s, and were end up in the oceans.32 Chemical announced that it would invest $2.8 million to “increase the involved in work-shops The plastics industry has usually rate of recycling and reuse of plas- and conferences actively taken two parallel positions on the tics.”36 question of marine waste. First, it dis-cussing the issue and claims that it is only responsible for Resin Producers how to deal with it. plastic resin pellets and flakes be- cause end products are out of the in- Engage Downstream duced in 1976 by Mobil Oil (now dustry’s control. Second, it promotes ExxonMobil).37 reuse, recycling, and proper waste Plastic shopping bags are ubiquitous . and an easily recognizable symbol Recently, growing concern over the of plastic, but they are not often as- impact of disposable plastic bags has In 1985, SPI created the Center for sociated with the manufacturers at resulted in new taxes on single-use Plastic Recycling and Research.33 the beginning of the supply chain. bags or full plastic bans.38 The Eleven years later, in 1996, the Cen- However, the first plastic shopping success and proliferation of these ter was shut down due to discontin- bags in the United States were intro- regulations have not been due to lack of opposition by the industry. On the contrary, industry organiza- tions have fought aggressively to sty- mie such regulation. The American Chemistry Coun- cil (ACC), which represents large companies like Exx- onMobil, Dow, LyondellBasell, SABIC, and others,39 often leads fights against regulations. During California’s 2007-2008 leg- islative session, the ACC led a group of seven major resin producers in a $5.7 million spending campaign against plastic bag bans.40 The group then spent over $1.5 million in 2009 to overturn a bag tax in Seattle,41 and over two million dollars in 2010 when the California legislature was considering a statewide ban.42 These few examples demonstrate how resin makers at the beginning of the sup- ply chain pay close attention to, and act to defend, the products their res- ins are used to produce. The 5 Gyres Institute/Greenpeace

Plastic Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem | 5 | Center for International Environmental Law Daniel Müller/Greenpeace

Conclusion The scientific community became they recognized the ways in which Originally, the plastics industry aware of the problem of marine they contributed to the problem and ignored the issue, claiming it was plastics shortly after oil-based plas- the viability of different solutions. merely cosmetic. Now the indus- tics came into widespread use af- These industries were aware of the try acknowledges the problem, but ter World War II, and awareness ocean plastics problem no later than resin producers promote reuse and continued to grow throughout the the 1970s and then were involved in recycling43 while fighting local reg- 1960s and 1970s. Both the fossil workshops and conferences actively ulation of products made with their fuel and plastics manufacturers were discussing the issue and how to deal plastic. familiar with general plastic waste with it. issues no later than the 1960s, and

Plastic Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem | 6 | Center for International Environmental Law Endnotes

1. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Piggha Og Lundefugl Med Gummistrik, 24 15. Id. at 430. Administration Marine Debris Program, Fauna, Oslo, at 35 (1971)). 16. Jose G. B. Derraik, The Pollution of the Marine 2014 Report on the Entanglement of 8. See generally, National Academy of Sciences Environment by Plastic Debris: A Review, 44 Marine Species in Marine Debris with an Ocean Affairs Board, Background Bulletin 842, 842 Emphasis on Species in the United States 2 for a Workshop on Inputs, Fates, and (2002), available at http://derraik.org/resources/ (2014), available at https://marinedebris.noaa. Effects of Petroleum in the Marine Publications/003.Derraik_2002-Mar_Poll_Bull. gov/sites/default/files/mdp_entanglement.pdf Environment (1973), available at https:// pdf [hereinafter First Marine Debris Conference]. .google.com/books?id=FD8rAAAAYAAJ& 17. U.S. Envtl. Prot. Agency, Proceedings: 2. George H. Balazs, Impact of Ocean Debris on printsec=frontcover&dq=background+papers First National Conference on Packaging Marine Turtles: Entanglement and Ingestion, in +for+a+workshop+on+inputs+fates+and+ Wastes (1971). Proceedings of the Workshop on the Fate effects+of+petroleum+in+the+marine+ 18. See id. at v-vi. and Impact of Marine Debris, at 387 (1985), environment&hl= en&sa=X&ved= 19. See Thomas B. Becnel, Wastes from Plastic 0ahUKEwiG0oKis4LVAhXIWD4KHUW8B available at http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/tm/ Packages, in Proceedings: First National xkQ6AEIKDAA #v=onepage &q&f=false. swfc/swfc054.pdf. Conference on Packaging Wastes 85 (1971). 9. Id. at 388. 3. See id.; Stephen E. Cornelius, Marine Turtle 20. Id. at 85. 10. See E. S. Nuspliger, Plastics in the Environment, Mortalities Along the Pacific of Costa Rica, 21. Id. at 87. 35(4) The American Biology Teacher 230 1975(1) Copeia, at 186 (1975). 22. Eric B. Outwater is listed on the participants (1973), available at http://d30vo02hkyysua. 4. Peter G. Ryan, A Brief History of Marine list as a representative from the Foundation for cloudfront.net/content/35/4/230.1. Litter Research in Marine Anthropogenic Responsible Conservation of our Environment 11. Id. Litter (M. Bergmann et al. eds., 2015), (“FORCE”), however, is considered an 12. See National Academy of Sciences, available at https://link.springer.com/content/ industry member of the Steering Committee, Assessing Potential Ocean Pollutants pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-319-16510-3_1.pdf. representing packaging firm Stuart and (1975), available at https://books.google.com/ 5. See P. C. Harper & J. A. Fowler, Plastic Pellets Gunn. See U.S. Envtl. Prot. Agency, books?id=eicQOgkswusC&printsec= in New Zealand Storm-Killed Prions (Pachyptila supra note 17, at iv, vi. Ostensibly a not-for- frontcover&dq=inauthor:%22National+ spp.) 1958-1977, 34 Notornis 100 (1987). profit corporation, FORCE was created on Research+Council+(U.S.).+Study+Panel+on+ 6. See Stephen I. Rothstein, Plastic Particle August 8, 1969, just over a month before Assessing+Potential+Ocean+Pollutants%22& Pollution of the Surface of the Atlantic Ocean: the Conference on Packaging Wastes, and hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjThf-2tILV Evidence from a Seabird, 75 Condor 344 what little documentation exists about this AhWHwj4KHYnEAxsQ6AEIKDAA#v= (1973), available at https://sora.unm.edu/ group suggests it maintained close ties to the onepage&q&f=false. sites/default/files/journals/condor/v075n03/ packaging industry. See Entity Information 13. See id. p0344-p0345.pdf. for Foundation for Responsible Conservation 14. Id. at 423. 7. See Ryan, supra note 4, at 4 (citing B. Berland, of our Environment, www.dos.ny.gov (under geraldsimon00/Pixabay

Plastic Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem | 7 | Center for International Environmental Law “Businesses” tab, click “Business Search” 30. See First Marine Debris Conference, supra 38. See Lily Kuo, After Issuing the World’s Harshest and search for “Foundation for Responsible note 28, at 158. Ban on Plastic Bags, Kenya Adjusts to Life Conservation of our Environment”). 31. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Without Them, Quartz (Aug. 31, 2017), 23. Eric B. Outwater, Packaging – U.S.A., in Administration, Proceedings of the https://qz.com/1065681/after-issuing-the- Proceedings: First National Conference Second International Conference on worlds-harshest-ban-on-plastic-bags-kenya- on Packaging Wastes 1, 8 (1971). Marine Debris 1077 (1990), available at adjusts-to-life-without-them/. 24. Arsen J. Darnay & Willian E. Franklin, The ftp://apapane.soest.hawaii.edu/users/hafner/ 39. See Member Companies, American Chemistry Changing Dimensions of Packaging Wastes, in NIKOLAI/5IMDC/2IMDC%20proceedings. Council, https://www.americanchemistry.com/ Proceedings: First National Conference pdf. Membership/MemberCompanies/ (last visited on Packaging Wastes 11, 14 (1971). 32. Id. Aug. 31, 2017). 25. Alfred Heller, The “Bias” of the Concerned 33. See Nancy A. Wolf & Ellen E. Feldman, 40. See Freinkel, supra note 38, at 163. Citizen Toward Packaging Wastes, in Plastics: America’s Packaging Dilemma 80 41. See id. at 164. Proceedings: First National Conference (1991). 42. See id. at 165. on Packaging Wastes 53, 54 (1971). 34. News Brief, BuildingGreen, Rutgers Center for 43. See, e.g., Operation Clean Sweep, http:// 26. Outwater, supra note 23, at 7. Plastics Recycling Research Closing (Nov. 1, www.opcleansweep.org.au/ (last visited July 12, 27. Darnay & Franklin, supra note 24, at 16. 1996), available at https://www.buildinggreen. 2017). 28. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric com/newsbrief/rutgers-center-plastics-recycling- Administration, Proceedings of the research-closing. Workshop on the Fate and Impact of 35. Id. Marine Debris (1985), available at http:// 36. Press Release, Dow Chemical, Dow commits www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/tm/swfc/swfc054. $2.8 million toward collaborative efforts to pdf [hereinafter First Marine Debris reduce marine debris (Sept. 16, 2016), available Conference]. at http://www.dow.com/en-us/news/press- 29. Id. at 158. See also Leo H. Carney, The releases/dow-commits-collaborative-efforts- Environment, N.Y. Times (Sept. 15, 1985), reduce-marine-debris. http://www.nytimes.com/1985/09/15/nyregion/ 37. See Susan Freinkel, Plastic: A Toxic Love the-environment.html. Story 144 (2011).

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Plastics Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem is the third in an ongoing series, Fueling Plastics, that examines the links between plastics and fossil fuels. Plastics Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem by The Center for International Environmental Law is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Cover image: hhach/Pixabay

Plastic Industry Awareness of the Ocean Plastics Problem | 8 | Center for International Environmental Law