March 17, 1994

Friends, Enclosed is some of my work on behalf of shaping this vision for the upcoming 50th Anni- versary Celebration. I believe there is a need to weave these "threads" into a common vision, and the Philadelphia for World Peace and Dignity Campaign dem- onstrates for the world how one city comes together to "sound out for survival." It is based on a belief in people, and in our greatest resource . . . the human spirit. It was created to inspire the participation of all people, and to serve as an empowering model for other cities to follow. It is an on-going campaign and carries with it the seeds of new beginnings. I believe deeply that we stand at a moment in time that will not come again. We have what we need to make this happen. Lifting American Dignity is the goal. Sharing it with the world is the dream. For the youth of the world, "We Hold the Light" is just the begin- ning. But it is the first step, and it is towards hope and towards the future. Inspiring future peacekeepers of the world and mobilizing youth in a bold new spirit of peace and cooperation is the mission. The global youth concert enables young people to express in their own voices and dreams of peace. It empowers them to take positive action for change, and to come together in unity and purpose. In that spirit, I submit the enclosed recommended theme song for this World Peace and Dignity Campaign: "WE CAN DO IT," an empowering song to help lift and mobilize the youth of the world. With deep gratitude for the artist Zahm (and all that he has done to keep this dream alive), I thank God for his love and friend- ship. And for the song, that holds the very heart and soul of this campaign, I will be forever grateful. Sincerely,

Barbara Bodine To: Mr. Michael Stupford Public Affairs Director, The United Nations cc: United Nations: Ambassador Borg-Olivier, Special Advisor for United Nations Humanitarian Affairs. Ambassador Edward J. Perkins, Former U.S. Representative to the United Nations. Mr. Jean Claude Faby, Director, P.C.S.D., The United Nations Department of Policy Coordination Mr. Tubman, United Nations Legal Affairs

Dear Mr. Stupford, At the recommendation of Jon Duplain (Director, Washington Communications, W.N.E.T.), I am forwarding the concept I have developed for the first WORLD PEACE & DIGNITY DAY in honor of the U.N.'s 50th Anniversary and in special recognition of the unifying principles of peace, dignity and interdependence set forth at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. At that time a group of Philadelphians came together to launch an Initiative for Global Interdependence and forwarded to Rio the enclosed video postcard that was played at The Global Forum Amphitheater in Flamingo Park. Since then efforts have focused on the ways in which we can bring these principles home. Enclosed is the concept titled "A Conspiracy of Hope" in which I developed the Rio Declarations into purposeful and profitable community initiatives. This includes the launch of The Dignity Work force and The Dignity Youth Corps, which represents the mobilization of grass-roots, governmental, private sector and corporate support. The broader idea is that in 1995, in honor of the U.N.'s 50th Anniversary, the United Nations launch The Interna- tional Work Force, equally dedicated to the "mobilization and harmonization of the economic and environmental goals" of Agenda 21. A model project for the Dignity International Work Force is the Gambian Immunization Project. (Note: Ambassador Borg-Olivier, Special Advisor to Humanitarian Affairs and Co-Chairman of the United Nations Global Health Conference, likes the idea and wants to help.) Other "self-help survival initiatives" (such as those for non-violence and community recovery) are equally relevant in developing nations in recovery and urban communities in recovery. "Beyond the block," the creation of The Dignity Work Force, also provides a new and much needed "vehicle of service" to country and humanity. Those who come forward to serve will represent "the emergence of a diverse and intergenerational group," committed to building a new community of nations, and of all people committed to global peace and survival. For other countries, The Dignity Work Force provides a self-help model of service, inspiring those who struggle for economic independence, but whose very survival is dependent on the survival of others and the recognition that globally and locally, we are all interdependent. In support of these ideas, I propose that Philadelphia become a "model launch city" for such an initiative. In 1995, in honor of the U.N.'s 50th Anniversary and in city-wide celebration and support for World Peace and Dignity, I propose that Philadelphia host THE FIRST UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE FOR PEACE. (Note: The United Nations Charter calls for a General Conference for the 10th yearly session of the General Assembly. This was explored in 1985, but no further action was taken.) The proposed UN CONFERENCE FOR PEACE is recommended in respect to the Charter's founding princi- ples and guidelines, in recognition of the present need for "a new philosophy for peacemaking and peacekeeping" (see Ambassador Perkins' letter, attached), and in special honor of the principles set forth at The United Nations Earth Summit, specifically Princi- ple #25 of the Rio Declaration that states: *"Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible."* *While in Philadelphia addressing The Committee to Improve the Effectiveness of the U.N., Ambassador Perkins spoke of a "window in history," this critical time in which we stand before the future and realize that we shape now our destiny for peace with our convictions and our actions. The moment for world peace seems to have arrived, and yet their is a sense that we are unprepared and unready. In times of war, preparing for war is considered the first act of war. Readying for battle is the signal that the battle has begun. So it should be for peace. In readiness, and in that spirit, I have proposed The First World Peace & Dignity Day, a day that celebrates and declares peace, and I invite the United Nations to consider Philadelphia as the site for the first UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE FOR PEACE, focusing on issues of human dignity, global interdependence, and the principles of peacekeeping. I hope that this effort would also bring together different factions of the United Nations and help to unify the original vision and mission of the UN. By working together all UN efforts are strengthened and empowered. In conclusion, the Honorable Angie Brooks, the first African woman to serve as President if the United Nations General Assembly, also spoke recently to a group gathered in Philadelphia in her honor. Calling for non-violence in her beloved country of , the exiled Ms. Brooks is a living symbol of world peace and dignity. I would hope that the UN's 50th Year Anniversary celebra- tion would honor remarkable peacekeepers such as Angie Brooks, and I would also recommend that she be an honorary chairperson for the proposed UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE FOR PEACE. Like those that came before her (and those that will follow), she is a living symbol of peace and a light of hope. It is in her honor, and in honor of all peacekeepers of the world, that I submit this concept for the first World Peace & Dignity Day. Very sincerely,

Barbara Bodine April 6, 1993 His Excellency Dawda Kairaba Jawara President, Republic of The Gambia Office of the President Statehouse Bonjul, Gambia Your Excellency: I am writing this letter in hopes that you will receive it before attending The Second African-American Summit in Gabon next month. I wanted you to be aware of an idea I am developing for an Immunization project that I have recommended to launch in Gambia (follow-up to a United Nations Conference that I attended last year that was organized by World Information Transfer, Inc. and titled, HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT: "Global Partners for Global Solutions." This Conference brought together prominent experts in environ- mental health, government officials, U.N. agencies and representa- tives from industry. Their goal was to search for new ways and new principles to guide and to inspire all people of the world to protect our common environmental health and well-being. At a time of rapid industrialization and urbanization, the wellness of all people (and especially children) is at the most risk. I believe the time has arrived for all of us to take collaborative action and mutual responsibility to bring about appropriate changes in legislation and practices that will guarantee our mutual survival in the next century. As a guest at this Conference, I learned of the alarming rate of liver cancer, found to be present very early in life in the young people of Gambia. I learned also that it is believed "the Hepatitis B Virus" is a contributing factor. To protect the young people from developing liver cancer, scientists and doctors at this Conference recommended that all children receive a vaccine to prevent the Hepatitis B carrier. (Note: From the blood sample data, scientists reported that by the age of 3 years, 70% of all Gambian children are exposed to the Hepatitis B virus, a suspected factor in liver cancer. By the age of 15 years, 100% are affected. They reported that liver cancer represents 22.6% of all cancers found in Gambia. 39% of all these were found in young men of Gambia 25 to 29 years old. It is highly unusual that liver cancer be found at such a young age and it is increasing at an alarming rate under the ages of 20 and 30 years. The young men are most at risk. The reason for this was not known, but it is believed that exposure to a known liver cancer-causing agent happens before birth while in the mother's womb, after birth while exposed to the Hepati- tis B virus, and again after drinking the mother's milk. As a mother, this research alarmed me personally and I have been working since that day to promote an Immunization project in Gambia that would do what we could to protect the children of your country who are most at risk. I have proposed this Immunization Project as a role-model launch for The International Dignity Work Force, an organization I have proposed in honor of the celebration of the United Nations' 50th year anniversary in 1995. I envisioned an international all-volunteer organization "dedicated to the promotion of world peace, human dignity and global interdependence." For me, the Gambia Immunization Project is the first piece of that dream, and the first step. I also believe that in this next decade there will be a vaccine for the prevention of the AIDS virus. Our ability to effectively mobilize and deliver this vaccine, throughout the world and espe- cially in Africa, will mean the survival of millions of human beings. The survival of masses of people, and of the future of nations, will be marked by our readiness to immediately provide the life-saving protection. Those who will be saved are those who will be ready. For that reason I have advanced the idea of an "immunization Box" (unit) as a pilot test project for the recommended Gambia Immunization Project. Ideally this "Medical Intervention Unit" would be "ready-equipped" with vaccines and trained personnel. These units would be mobile so that they could travel to both urban and rural locations. Video training films would come equipped with each unit, so that people could empower critical participation of the community. Ideally the youth of all countries could be trained in these immuni- zation projects and procedures. Here in the United States, it represents a Military Conversion Initiative that we could share with the world. Warfare Units could become life-saving Immunization Units and I am delighted to report that the Air Force has pledged their personal support for such a project and that on all levels this idea has been well received. In conclusion, I am only one person and I represent no larger organization or political party. I am simply an American mother and a human being that believes I must and I can make a difference. I wanted you to know of my personal commitment to this project and my desire to help in any way that I could. I have asked my friend, Bob Hellyer at AID (Agency for International Development) in Washington, to hand-deliver to you an update and summary of my work. If you know of anyone with whom I should discuss this project, I would like to know. The agenda of the upcoming summit appropriately calls for new ways to protect the health of the African people and new strategies to put into action these recommendations. This Immunization Project answers both of these critical missions, and I believe the knowledge of this Project would help to meet the objectives of your Summit. Most sincerely,

Barbara Bodine 299 West Mt. Pleasant Ave. Ambler, PA 19002 U.S.A. Phone: (215) 646-6630 646-1030 * A CITY-WIDE CELEBRATION OF DIGNITY *


In 1995 the United Nations will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter. Events are planned in San Francisco, where the charter was signed, and in New York.

The success of this concept will not be in the size or scope of the celebration, or even in the historic nature of the event. The meaning it has for all people to participate in the hope and the healing of their world, will be the measure of its success. This concept builds on the new meaning of "community" and a new understanding that peace in the world begins with peace in home, our cities and ourselves. This campaign successfully integrates the grass-roots community with new corporate, governmental and private sector support. It strategically links the success of role-mode, grass-roots efforts with the city's new, international image, concerned with human issues and human beings. It success- fully packages and integrates the individuals, institutions and "initiatives-in-action" in a way that presents unique promotional and profitable marketing opportunities. This isn't a campaign about spending money. It's about making it. The success of the proposed recording project and World Benefit Performance utilizes our new Convention Center in a way that strengthens our leadership as a world-class city, and points us towards a profitable new place in the new global arena of international audiences and world communications. It effectively utilizes our musical resources, as the most important means of global communication and creative diplomacy in a new way that could inspire the world. Sending a "musical declaration of world peace and dignity," in honor of the UN Charter (that celebrates "the dignity and worth of all people"), would receive world attention and respect. To know that the funds raised from such an event would benefit the homeless children of our city, with the goal to free them from the shelter system, would inspire and empower other cities to look to their own resources, determination and will to end homelessness in this next decade. This event, held in Phila- delphia, and lifted to the world's attention, honors the vision and the hope those held when they drafted and signed the UN charter dedicated to the dignity and worth of all human beings. There is no greater way to honor the UN and this document than with the real action and real deeds that will change lives, lift hope and make peace. MISSION STATEMENT

* The United Nations will need to expand its role in "cre- ative diplomacy" and peacekeeping, especially in this new era where the growing need for effective international intervention in the case of massive violations of human rights is demanded. While it is clear the UN must become more swift and effective in its intolerance against human suffering, the need for grass-roots peace initiatives and collaborative efforts that support preventive diplomacy is essential. The role that every citizen can play in this critical mission should not be diminished. The New World Order will, and must, be brought forth by all people who believe in peace and whose actions and commitment to end all violence and violations against humanity will not waver.

If the upcoming celebration of the United Nations Charter can effectively engage the participation of "the people" (not only "the planners"), then this event will effectively transcend the risk of becoming a symbolic target of cynicism and debate. What is needed most to ensure the success of this venture is the spirit of cooperation, good will and inclusion for all. The role-model Philadelphia for World Peace and Dignity Project is offered to the UN planners in that spirit, in hopes that as a city we can unify and play a role in helping all people to feel a part. July 20, 1993 The Honorable Ambassador Edward J. Perkins RE: Angie Brooks Former United States Representative UN 50th Anniversary Celebration to the United Nations Dear Ambassador Perkins, I have asked Nancy Buss to forward to you this letter. I remain deeply grateful for the kindness you have shown to me and hope that you would be pleased to know your efforts live on. I have been contacted by the Liberian Association of PA in hopes that I can be of assistance to them as they attempt to mobilize and reconcile among themselves. I pray that new peace- keeping initiatives will be strengthened by 1995, and that Liberia will soon be targeted for the help that it so desperately needs.

I thought you would be interested to know I plan to propose that The Bodine High School for International Affairs honor Angie Brooks in 1995, in support of the United Nations 50th Anniversary. I can think of no human being who could so inspire the young people of this inner-city school, dedicated to international affairs and expanding the vision and the dreams of future leaders. If children everywhere were to know her story then perhaps they would begin to understand that true liberty is like a light, that guides the destiny of great human beings, and inspires us all to follow in a path of peace. I pray Angie's path will someday lead back home. I have enclosed a photograph and cassette from our Tribute to Angie in December. Your letter was the centerpiece of our day and you were very much with us in spirit. May God bless and continue to guide you in your important work. With thanks and admiration,


In honor of the United Nations 50th Anniversary Celebration we salute ANGIE BROOKS, World Peacekeeper and inspiration to the world . . . .

"A WINDOW IN HISTORY" "Angie opened a WINDOW IN HISTORY . . . . That window remains open, and she now serves as a shining BEACON to guide those striving to fight for JUSTICE, EQUALITY, PEACE and HOPE . . . ." * Edward J. Perkins for Angie Brooks of Liberia; first African woman to serve as President of the United Nations General Assembly, on the occasion of The Friends of Angie Brooks Tribute, December 1992, The International House, Philadelphia, USA Barbara Bodine 299 West Mt. Pleasant Ave. Ambler, PA 19002 To: Mr. Jeffery Bewkes President and C.O.O. / H-8 HBO, New York, NY 10036 Dear Mr. Bewkes, Your good friend Carlye Frank has kindly offered to bring this letter to your attention. The terms? Keep my thoughts to one page. . . .( I have forwarded to my friends Kimball Howell and Claude Wells an idea (and creative presentation) I have been developing for a Global- Youth Peace Initiative titled, "WE HOLD THE LIGHT," in honor of the United Nations 50th Anniversary. This event could take place in New York and serve to strengthen and reinforce the critical peacekeeping missions of the U.N. *In spite of the turmoil, we must never abandon the original vision and dream of those who founded the United Nations fifty years ago. The concert concept was created to celebrate, through the diversity of music, "the dignity and worth of all human beings" (the U.N. charter). The most compelling aspect of this concept is that it would invite celebrities to "share in the light" of gifted young performers. (For example, Whitney Houston could sing with a gifted young performer (a young Whitney) who dreams of becoming a star. A songwriter whose dream it is to write a song for Joe Cocker would perform it with him.) As for Zahme, HBO brought his vision to life and could share it with the world. Standing beside youth and "saying yes" to the dreams inside them is at the heart of their endeavor. HBO could lead the way. Finally . . . some thoughts . . . . At no other time in human history has the role of the media been so very crucial in peacekeeping efforts. To inspire and to motivate, to bring hope and to encourage, to lift up democracy and to lead the way to responsible freedom. We cannot do everything for those who suffer around the world, but when and where we are called to lead, we must. For the youth of the world, the message must be one of peace and non-violence. The media is the weapon against indifference and hopelessness, complacency and despair. In this next decade, the role of "creative diplomacy" will open a whole new world of imagery and opportunity. I submit my concept in the deepest faith that everything is possible, including peace. My regards to Kimball——and all HBO friends.

Barbara Bodine cc: FYI: contact person for U.N. Kimball Howell 50th Anniversary Celebration: V.P. Program Promotion/G-8 Attention: Tabtabai, Room 3161 / The United Nations Claude Wells RE: The United Nations 50th Director of Ethnic Marketing/H-7 Celebration S-3161 / NYC, NY 10017 Fax: (212) 963-1185 To: Mr. Angel Carreras Naval Air Warfare Center/Technology Transfer, Aircraft Division Warminster, PA 18974-5000 Phone: (215) 441-1143 Fax: 441-3946

Dear Mr. Carreras, Happy New Year! And thank you again for a productive prelimi- nary meeting a few weeks ago. Our desire to advance the concept and development of an Advanced Immunization Unit is a timely one, and we look forward to the opportunity to explore this further in January. As you requested, for information and security purposes, attached is the original Core Collaborative Group that came together in support of this project. The idea was to create a winning strategy and partnership that would create long-range economic impact and insure health care recovery in the community. Ultimately our goal is the Rapid Development of a Health-Care Systems Outreach Model that will service community needs and insure our national readiness for future global health and environmental missions. (Note: For effective planning, Dr. Sendula has suggested our team be divided into Two Project Development Teams: Project A will focus on immediate community health care needs (outreach and delivery systems) and Project B will focus on the development of a Mobile Immunization Unit for future global health and environmental rescue missions.) Target: 1995 Launch Strategy: United Nations 50th Anniversary Celebration Naturally, the research and work of the two proposed Develop- ment Work Teams will parallel and intersect. Still, this strategy will insure the most effective use of time, resources, and key support people. I endorse this recommendation and look forward to discussing it at our next meeting!

Barbara Bodine Core Collaborative Group Barbara Bodine; Public Relations Consultant/Community Affairs 299 West Mount Pleasant Ave. Ambler, PA 19002 Steve Pina; Executive Director/"One-Day-At-A-Time" Drug and Alcohol Recovery Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition 121 North Broad St., 5th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107 (*Recovery Work Force Initiative) Dr. Henry Sendula; Associate Dean College of Engineering Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 (215) 204-7819 Jack A. Williams; ARA Assistant Regional Administrator GSA/Federal Supply Services (3F) 841 Chestnut St., Suite 540 Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 597-1261 Dr. Lawrence Robinson City of Philadelphia Deputy Health Commissioner for Health Promotion/Disease Prevention 1600 Arch Street, 7th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 686-5026 Fax: 686-5177 *Support: Donna Gentile O'Donnell Philadelphia Department of Health Re: City Mobile Immunization Outreach Hon. W. Wilson Goode/"The Goode Cause" 2246 North 59th Street Philadelphia, PA 19131-1208 (215) 878-6010 New Title: Regional Representative for U.S. Department of Education Fax: 596-1094 Mr. Bill Griffin; President/PWC/R.J.I. Manufacturers Representative P.O. Box 484 Spring House, PA 19477

Mr. Irv Lichtenstein Philadelphia Search & Rescue Federal Emergency Management (215) 233-3360 Mr. Joe Ponticello/Office of Public Affairs United States Air Force 913th Tactical Airlift Group Willow Grove ARF 19090 (215) 443-1062/1097 AV 991-1062 Gordie Elwell/Pilot & Instructor for C-130's (215) 443-1910 Mattie L. Humphrey; Community Health Care Advocate Healthy Block Initiative 149 East Coulter Street Philadelphia, PA (215) 438-7314 UPDATE: On March 10th I attended a meeting of THE WHITE HOUSE TECHNOL- OGY REINVESTMENT PROJECT (TRP), sponsored by U.S. Senator Harris Wofford and the City of Philadelphia.


The intent of the government is to encourage the transition and transfer of defense technology to new public priorities that will help to meet the challenges facing communities in transition. They seek innovative ideas and partnerships that will foster the free flowing of resources and jump-start economic, job training and educational opportunities. They will target strategies and systems of development that bring together people in new ways that are profitable and purposeful. The opportunity to capitalize on the development and commercialization of new ideas and to turn them into products and processes that create jobs is tremendous. Global Health and the Environment will be the focus of this next century. *Our participation as a City, in the unification and harmonization of those larger goals, insures the most effective involvement with TRP. This proposal creatively positions our City (with its unparalleled resources of Science, Health, Education and history) for the longest-range impact in the next century. The vision is broad-based, but the focus must be immediate impact in the community and the quality of life for all Philadelphians. For this reason the symbolism and the significance of the first project profiled is the most important. The proposed "dual-use" technology concept for Military-to-Medical Intervention Units (Example: converted warfare modulars to serve the community as Mobile Immunization Units) provide both the impetus and inspiration to jump-start the larger vision for the City. Our challenge will be to begin the great task of integrating our ideas, our institutions and our energies so that we can guarantee our mutual survival in the next century. The creation of A GLOBAL HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY AND RESOURCE CENTER (for example), specializing in conversion expertise and innovative health-care delivery systems, could utilize the Naval Complex in a brand new way. Philadelphia could become the GLOBAL THINK TANK for both world health and the environment. We could create new kinds of environments that would foster the free flowing of ideas, attract the brightest minds, and engage the most committed individuals. Most important, for Americans, is the protection of democracy and freedom. Our new national security will be defined by the health of our people and guided by the hope they hold for the future. This Project provides not only the impetus and the inspiration to drive this concept home, but a unique means to launch a global initiative that effectively positions our city for the dawning of this new age of global interdependence and world peacekeeping. To trigger this initiative into the global community, I have prepared a strategy for Philadelphia to launch an American Initiative for World Peace, Dignity and Interdependence in honor of the United Nations 50th Anniversary, 1995. From grass roots to global, this Project provides the linkage and activates the alliances that will not only provide a role-model venture for the transitional transfer of technology, but like "swords-to-plowshares" (and those experiencing true recovery from addiction), the total TRANSFORMATION to new beginnings and true peace. THE MISSION

The United States can no longer be——nor do its people in the main want it to be——the exclusive architect for the global community. The community of nations no longer automatically accepts our leadership. However, in those cases and areas where we are able to lead, either through technological skill, diplomatic capability or moral example, we should seek appropriate opportunities and accept the responsibility to lead.

Oct., 1975 Bicentennial Remarks by Mr. Fred Heldring now President of the Center for Global Interdependence Philadelphia, USA Taken from his remarks on the subject of "A Declaration of Interdependence: An American Response to New Global Imperatives."


COLLABORATIVE CAMPAIGN PROPOSED IN HONOR OF THE UNITED NATIONS 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: "PHILADELPHIA FOR WORLD PEACE & DIGNITY" CARRYING THE MISSION FORWARD . . . * * Finally, we can provide a flow of investment and ensure transfers of technology that will enable these countries to better realize their agricultural potential and to enter the industrial era. By thus meeting the poorest peoples' need for hope and dignity, in facilitating the establishment of a new world economic order, we will not only be remaining faithful to the principles that do honor to our civilization, but we will also be helping to open the way to a more stable, more peaceful world. * *


ADDRESS AT THE LUNCHEON GIVEN IN HIS HONOR BY THE U.S. WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF PHILADELPHIA AND THE U.S. COUNCIL OF THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PHILADELPHIA, MAY 19, 1976 PROJECT PROFILE (A) JUNE, 1993 ! STEVE PINA/REV. WELLS/ A mobile-immunization unit O.D.A.T. designed for on-site community ! BILL GRIFFIN/PWC outreach and delivery of medi- ! HENRY SENDULA/TEMPLE cal services. Adapts to C- ! WILSON GOODE/G.C. 130, C-5's and Naval trans- ! GERALDINE PERKINS/TEMPLE port. Unit is ready-equipped SBDC with operative technology, ! DR. ROBERT ROSS/DONNA GEN- utilizing expertise in conver- TILE PDH sion electronics and engineer- ! MR. ERNIE JONES ing. ! JIM DAVIS/VAC RE: LOCKHEED MODULES——Warfare * HEALTHY BLOCK: MATTIE Units HUMPRHEY/HBC


The attached draft mission statement helps to create the long- range vision to build the most effective collaborative. "Most influential" in the selection process is the FIVE PAGE EXEC. SUMMARY. DUE JULY 23. My contribution is to inspire you with an idea that could jump-start the bigger picture: * THE MOBILE IMMUNIZATION UNIT, an "INITIATIVE 6 IN 6 ACTION" that could be video-documented to tell and sell our story. CODE NAME: PROJECT HILLARY! demonstrates-in-action our Core Collaborative and commitment to objectives of TRP.


Key is to understand the larger vision, but to unify and focus on getting our unit operational in support of the Summer Immunization effort (Dept. of Health). I recommend we launch as a pilot program for a *HEALTHY BLOCK CAMPAIGN, that will open the door to future community health and drug prevention programs. (Fast-track trauma care, Youth Outreach, Diabetes Prevention, etc.) The vehicle is symbolic of a block-by-block "ONE BLOCK AT A TIME" Campaign, inspired by "One Day At A Time" and *Mattie L. Humphrey. * FOCUS *

* SHORT TERM 6 MOBILE IMMUNIZATION UNIT, Summer Philadelphia 1993 (Conversion from City to Civilian Usage) * LONG TERM 6 MEDICAL INTERVENTION UNIT, Target: Gambia, 1995 (Conversion expertise to adapt on C-130 Air Transport)

* Project Description *

A mobile immunization unit to be utilized this summer for on- site community outreach and service delivery. The unit represents a unique military 6 to 6 medical, "dual-use" conversion project with both defense and civilian benefits (spin-on/spin-off). We will target military parts and available city resources such as Fed. Express Truck Maintenance parts and retired Lockheed ABCC Warfare units (Location: ASO/Aviation Supply Office, Philadel- phia). This project points the way to 1995 when Gambia is targeted for a role-model International Recovery Workforce Initiative, in honor of the United Nations 50th Anniversary and part of a proposed "WINGS OF HOPE" campaign to launch Willow Grove Air Force Base. Most critical, however, for community health and well-being is that the vehicle and the collaborative campaign effectively integrates existing initiatives in action to maximize their impact and strengthen their visibility. The creative campaign is designed to build on success, turn towards the future and drive it home. Literally.