ICIAM Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2013

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ICIAM Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2013 Editorial Team ICIAM Officers Managing Editor President C. Sean Bohun Barbara Lee Keyfitz ICIAM University of Ontario The Ohio State University Institute of Technology Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science 231 West 18th Avenue 2000 Simcoe St. North Columbus, OH 43210-1174 Oshawa, ON, Canada e-mail: bkeyfi[email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Past-President Reporters Rolf Jeltsch James M. Crowley ETH Zürich, Seminar for SIAM Applied Mathematics e-mail: [email protected] CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland e-mail: [email protected] Iain Duff The ICIAM Newsletter STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Secretary Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2013 e-mail: iain.duff@stfc.ac.uk Alistair Fitt The ICIAM Newsletter — Barbara Lee Keyfitz 2 Maria J. Esteban Oxford Brookes University What is the Name of this Newsletter? 3 CEREMADE Headington Campus A Report on a Satellite Conference of ICM 2010 e-mail: [email protected] Gipsy Lane — A. H. Siddiqi 3 Eunok Jung Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK e-mail: afi[email protected] Changes to the By-Laws — Barbara Lee Keyfitz 5 Konkuk University Workshop on Applications of Mathematics to Department of Mathematics Industry — David Marques Pastrelo 6 e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer ICIAM 2015: Call for Proposals of Thematic and Roberto Natalini José A Cuminato Industrial Minisymposia 7 Istituto per le Applicazioni University of Sao Paulo at Workshop on Mathematics of Climate Change, del Calcolo Sao Carlos Related Hazards and Risks 7 Dip. di Matematica, Department of Applied US National Research Council Issues Report on Università di Roma Mathematics and Statistics the Mathematical Sciences 8 e-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 668 VII ITLA 2012 — Domingo A. Tarzia 8 Alexander Ostermann 13560-970 Sao Carlos - SP 2015 CIMPA Research Schools Call for Projects 9 University of Innsbruck Brazil Educational Interfaces between Mathematics Numerical Analysis Group e-mail: [email protected] and Industry — Alain Damlamian, José- Department of Mathematics Francisco Rodrigues and Rudolf Sträßer 10 e-mail: [email protected] Officer-at-Large News from SEMA — Sergio Amat 11 Preparation for ICIAM2015 11 Néstor Thome Taketomo Mitsui Call for nominations for ICIAM Prizes for 2015 12 Universitat Politèchnica di Doshisha University ICIAM’s Officers — Barbara Lee Keyfitz 12 València Faculty of Science and About ICIAM 15 Departamento de Matemática Engineering Aplicada The ICIAM newsletter was created to express the interests e-mail: [email protected] 1-3 Tatara Miyakodani, Kyotanabe City, 610-0394 of our membership and partner organizations and the views Japan expressed in this Newsletter are those of the authors and e-mail: [email protected] do not necessarily represent those of ICIAM or the Editorial team. We welcome articles from members and associations, Mario Primicerio both announcing events, on-site reports from events and Università degli Studi di industry news. Firenze homepage: www.iciam.org Dipartimento di Matematica c 2013 International Council for Industrial and Applied Viale Morgagni 67/A, 50134 Mathematics (ICIAM). For reprint permission, advertising Firenze, Italy requests, potential articles and event notices, please con- e-mail: [email protected]fi.it tact: [email protected] 1 A Report on “Mathematics in Science & Technology” a Satellite Conference of ICM 2010 The ICIAM Newsletter by Barbara Lee Keyfitz The ICIAM officers are pleased to present the second is- by-laws now under consideration by the Board, a snap- sue of the ICIAM newsletter, soon to receive a new name shot of the current functions of the ICIAM officers, and (see the contest instructions in this issue). At the up- a report on the “Educational Interfaces Between Math- coming Board meeting in Beijing in May, we will ask for ematics and Industry” project, which ICIAM undertook approval from the Board to continue to publish a newslet- with ICMI. Beyond that, we hope to include in future ter in the name of ICIAM. We will ask the Board to des- newsletters ignate C. Sean Bohun as Managing Editor (as appears already on the masthead) and to approve an editorial • A “letters to the editor” column, in which readers board, which will operate alongside Sean to ensure that can respond to articles published in the newsletter, the newsletter will adhere to accepted professional stan- or air their thoughts and concerns on matters per- dards for publications of an organization like ICIAM. We tinent to ICIAM. It is recommended that letters be are pleased that a number of member societies have al- no longer than 300 words; longer submissions will ready designated “reporters” who are making periodic re- be considered as possible articles. ports on news of their societies that will interest ICIAM • Reports on projects supported by the ICIAM devel- members. And we are beginning to assemble an individ- oping countries fellowships. ual subscriber database. We encourage readers, whether members of ICIAM member societies or not, to become • Topics for discussion at Board meetings. Some top- subscribers. ics that have interested Board members recently in- The intended publication schedule will comprise one clude aspects of journal publication, the role of com- volume per year, with four issues, slated to appear on mercial, academic and society publishers, and alter- January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15. The dead- natives to the current modes of publication, such line for material to be included in each issue is the end as various flavors of open access; maintaining the of the preceding month: December 31, March 31, June 30 integrity of scientific publications; and the use of and September 30. The publication is “electronic-only” metrics to evaluate individuals. and, because of its size, will be distributed by means of • Articles of general interest to the community. a link that will be mailed to subscribers. The link will appear also on the ICIAM home page. ICIAM holds the We look forward to hearing from you. copyright to all material published in the newsletter, but readers are encouraged to print copies for their own use Barbara Lee Keyfitz and to share privately with the community. Permission (bkeyfitz @ math . ohio - to reprint articles should be sought from the editors. It is state . edu) is the Dr our intention to seek an ISSN number once the newsletter Charles Saltzer Professor of is established and has a permanent name. Mathematics at the Ohio State University. She has a As can be seen from the first two issues, the newslet- PhD from New York Uni- ter will serve in part to disseminate information about versity, and works in partial ICIAM itself: calls for nominations for prizes and awards, differential equations. She news of the upcoming Congress, and opportunities pro- is the current President of vided by organizations (currently CIMPA and ICSU) with ICIAM. which ICIAM is associated. In this issue, you will also find a summary of some important amendments to the Subscribing to the ICIAM Newsletter The ICIAM Newsletter will appear quarterly, in electronic sue is available, please subscribe to the Newsletter. There form, in January, April, July and October. Issues will be is no charge for subscriptions. To subscribe or unsub- posted on the ICIAM Web Page at www.iciam.org/News. scribe, visit the webpage given above, or go directly to If you would like to be notified by e-mail when a new is- groups.google.com/group/iciam-news. 2 ICIAM Newsletter April 2013 A Report on “Mathematics in Science & Technology” a Satellite Conference of ICM 2010 What is the Name of this Newsletter? Competition Announcement ICIAM’s Newsletter needs a name, and the editors and 4. Editors and reporters are welcome to submit en- officers wish to have an open competition to find one. tries, but Here are the contest rules: 5. The judging panel for the competition will consist 1. Submit your suggestions by June 15 to Barbara of those editors, reporters and officers who have not Keyfitz ([email protected]) or to entered the competition, to avoid the appearance of any of the officers conflicts of interest 2. You may submit as many entries as you wish 6. The winning entry will be adopted as the name of the newsletter, from Issue #3 onward, and the in- 3. If you wish, you may attach a supporting statement ventor of the winning name will be acknowledged in or justification, but this is not necessary Issue #3. A Report on “Mathematics in Science & Technology” a Satellite Conference of ICM 2010 by A. H. Siddiqi Introduction gaged in technological rejuvenation, applied mathematics has a vital role to play in India. The International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM, meets once every four years to discuss the most impor- While there are excellent applied mathematicians in tant results in mathematics. In 2010, the Congress met in India, their number is not high, and the participation of Hyderabad. Built around that main meeting, a number of the community in enhancing the technological base of the Satellite meetings were held on various sub-disciplines of country is not yet fully effective. Meetings like this have mathematics. The Delhi meeting on “Mathematics in Sci- the goal of improving these conditions. Also important ence & Technology”, one such Satellite meeting, was held are long-term efforts to improve the quality of applied under the joint sponsorship of the Indian Society of In- mathematics—organizationally, institutionally and indi- dustrial and Applied Mathematics (ISIAM) and Sharda vidually. This is the view of the organizers as well as of University. The meeting was held on 15–17 of August, many who wish to see India prosper. preceding the Hyderabad Congress. The Satellite meeting included a workshop on Inverse Methods and Wavelets.
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