The President's Annual Report Spring 1998

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The President's Annual Report Spring 1998 EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE The President’s Annual Report Spring 1998 Report on calendar year 1997, published in Spring 1998 Contents Introduction by the President, Dr Patrick Masterson . 5 The Department of History and Civilization . 9 The Department of Economics. 13 The Department of Law . 18 The Department of Political and Social Sciences . 24 The Robert-Schuman-Centre . 29 The European Forum . 35 Research Student Developments . 37 Events. 46 People . 48 Publications by Staff Members . 50 Physical Developments . 58 Funding of the EUI . 59 The Institute’s Governing Bodies . 61 3 The European University for postgraduate research in the social sciences 4 he purpose of this Annual Report is to provide a concise account of the activities of the European University T Institute during 1997 in the fulfillment of its mission to contribute to the scientific and cultural heritage of Europe through high level research and doctorate formation. The very satisfactory progress of recent years in doctorate thesis completion was significant- ly advanced this year – 85 theses were suc- cessfully defended before international juries – a clear indication of the manner in which our young researchers meet the challenges as well as the opportunity of the Institute’s de- manding standards and multi-cultural context. This is by far the highest annual number of thesis defenses and represents more than twice the number defended five years ago. In the same period the number of students com- pleting their theses in under four years has also doubled. The number of students applying for the 120 Dr Patrick Masterson, President of the EUI first year places was of the order of 1,600. Notwithstanding continuing funding difficulties This research activity – detailed later in the a number of excellent students from Central Report – is carried forward at a very high level and Eastern Europe were amongst those ad- in our four academic departments of History mitted to our doctorate programme – probably and Civilization, Economics, Political and So- the largest such programme in Europe in cial Sciences and Law, and our two interdisci- those areas of the Social and Human Sci- plinary and comparative research centres, the ences with which it is concerned. Robert Schuman Centre and the European Forum. The close cooperation which has In June Sweden and Finland were welcomed evolved between these various components as full members of the Institute. The Swedish of the Institute’s intellectual life greatly en- authorities provided a generous gift to the hances its scholarly output and helps to dissi- Institute’s Library to improve its holding of pate the misconception that there is a qualita- Swedish publications and the Finnish authori- tive distinction between basic and applied or ties have pledged support for research on policy-related research – the only qualitative issues relating to the Baltic region. In Decem- distinction which the Institute recognizes is ber the High Council approved Austria’s ad- that between good research and poor re- mission in January 1998 as the 15th full member of the Institute. Austria is providing search. special ‘entry’ support for a European en- largement research programme. The advent In support of its commitment to high quality of these three countries constitutes a valuable research it relies upon the appraisal and enrichment of the multi-cultural and compara- advice of its Research Council, composed tive research capacity of the Institute. mainly of eminent external academics, which 5 sociated for up to a year with the research programmes of the Departments and Centres. Further complementary coordination has been promoted during the year between our Robert Schuman Centre, which covers a range of comparative interdisciplinary and policy oriented research and our European Forum which assembles a group of scholars to provide over the period of a year focused interdisciplinary enquiry into a particular topic (this year’s topic is International Migrations: Geography, Politics, and Culture in Europe and Beyond). This synergic development contributes to the implementation of our policy to build a Euro- pean centre of advanced post-doctorate studies complementing our main programme of doctorate studies. Pursuing this line of de- velopment we have expanded our contacts with other research centres and with the re- search programmes of the European Union and various major international organizations. We also developed close contact with and welcomed to the Institute representatives of In the Institute Library allocates funds to our professors’ research projects and periodically reviews the academ- ic profile and performance of the Departments and Centres. This year there were very help- ful reviews of our Departments of Law and History and Civilization. Besides the activity of publication, thesis pre- paration and external contributions to interna- tional scholarly meetings the Institute is in- creasingly a centre where international schol- ars collaborating with our professors come together in seminars, workshops, confer- ences and longer term cooperative research projects. This provides our young doctorate researchers during the course of their studies with a privileged access to the widest range of leading authorities in their discipline. A basic component of this ‘added academic value’ is the group of 30 Jean Monnet post-doctoral and senior research fellows who become as- A researcher at his workplace in the Library 6 the EU Trade Ministers, Directors of the Euro- pean Agencies, the OECD Secretary General and Ambassadors, senior EU officials and Ministers of the Member States of the Con- federation of Independent States. During the year I signed on behalf of the Insti- tute agreements of scholarly and cultural cooperation with the University of Paris and the City of Florence. In April, as part of our policy of establishing closer links with the Uni- versities of the member States of the Institute, we welcomed the Heads of all the Irish Uni- versities to a meeting at the Institute. In July, I had the pleasure of presenting the programme and work of the Institute at the European Parliament to its Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media and was encouraged by its expression of contin- ued appreciation and support. The 20th Jean Monnet Lecture was delivered to an audience of over 700 by the Prime Min- ister of Italy, Prof. ROMANO PRODI on the topic ‘The European Industry and Finance in Inter- Professor Jaime Reis, Department of History national Competition’. the European Commission’s 4th and 5th Sci- entific Framework Programmes, of the Euro- pean Investment Bank and of the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank. More generally our research activity contin- ued to attract funding from the Institute itself, from the European Union and from external research contracts which totaled 3.6 billion lire this year (3.1 billion lire in 1996). The Robert Schuman Centre was further strength- ened this year by the creation of an additional joint Chair with the History and Civilization Department. The relevance of the Institute’s research to European development was emphasised by the increasing number of meetings at the Institute involving key public figures such as Prof. Romano Prodi and Dr Masterson 7 welcome newly appointed Professors AMATO, BECKER, BERTOLA and BREEN. Links with our alumni were further strength- ened by a very enjoyable reunion in Lisbon attended by EUI graduates from many coun- tries. On the occasion His Excellency the President of the Republic of Portugal Dr JORGE SAMPAIO graciously hosted a reception for the alumni. A further development during the year was the institution of a career adviso- ry service for our young researchers at the Institute. The alumni have given valuable assistance in this initiative. In December we learnt with great sadness of the untimely death of GIOVANNI ALBERTO AGNELLI, the first Chairman of our recently established President’s Development Council. The Management Review of the Institute’s administration conducted last year with a view to better facilitating the scholarly objec- tives of the Institute is being progressively Researchers taking a break on the terrace implemented with beneficial effect. Because the Institute recruits professors on a In conclusion I wish to express my thanks and four year contract, renewable only once, there warm appreciation to all associated with the is a regular turnover of academic staff. This Institute, its Councils, Professors, Research- year I want to thank for their splendid service ers and Support Staff for their dedicated con- Professors DIEZ-PICAZO, HROCH, HUFTON, tribution throughout the year to enhancing the PHLIPS, SALMON, VASSILAKIS and WALDMANN achievement of this unique institution. who have gone on to new challenges and we DR PATRICK MASTERSON President of the European University Institute 8 art and antique market of the late nineteenth History and and twentieth centuries, which was largely fueled by American money, to examine Civilization American conceptions of Europe, European conceptions of America, and different na- tional views about art and the cultural patri- mony within Europe. To that end the project Staff Developments is divided into three sections: American col- lectors and collecting; the processes and The past year saw the departure of Professor networks of the European art market; and OLWEN HUFTON, who left the Institute to take the public debate and legislation affecting up the post of Leverhulme Research Profes- cultural patrimony. sor at Merton College Oxford. At the same time the Department acquired a new col- Professor KIRTI CHAUDHURI’S research project league, PETER BECKER, an Austrian historian, Trade, a Comparison Between the Mediter- who has worked in Germany and the United ranean and the Indian Ocean 1500-1750) States, and who takes up the position in East makes a historical comparison between the and Central European history. Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean within Professor JOHN BREWER was appointed Head the context of long-distance trade, society, of Department for a second year.
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