An Argument on Behalf of the Primitive Diet Of
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: AN ARGUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE PRIMITIVE DIET OF MAN. BY DR, FREDERIC R, LEES. The Essay to which the Vegetarian Society awarded its First Prize. CONTENTS. FAG Introduction : Of the principles and scope of the Essay 3 I. The Authority of Nature . 4 II. The Analogy of Nature . .6 III. The History of Nature : or Experience . 8 IY. The Dietetic Laws of Nature . .10 Y. The Histology and Pathology of Nature 17 VI. The JEconomics of Nature . .21 VII. The Ethics of Diet . ... 23 PRICE FOXJRPENGE. LONDON PEED PITMAN, 20, PATERNOSTER EOW. 1 PICCADILLY, SOLD BY WILLIAM BREMNER, 5, MANCHESTER ; A. DEAVAR, 35, DALE STREET, LIVERPOOL ; GEORGE WINTERBURN, DEANSGATE, BOLTON S. B. HOWELL, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM ; 52, ; BRIGGATE, LEEDS DICKSON, H. W. WALKER, 26, ; JOHN 10, NICOLSON STREET, EDINBURGH GEORGE GALL1B, BUCHANAN STREET, ; 99, GLASGOW. , : VEGETARIAN PUBLICATIONS. Published Monthly, from 16 to 24 pages Demy 8vo., price Published, Feb. 15th, 1856, price, cloth lettered, 3s.; gilt 2d., stamped 3d. ; 2s. per annum, stamped 3s.; and 2s. 3s. 6d., 190 pp., Demy 8vo. Vol. VI. of per dozen (of 13), in coloured wrapper THE VEGETARIAN MESSENGER THE VEGETARIAN MESSENGER: Containing thirty-two Principal Articles, including Obser- vations on ihe Vegetarian System, by Professor Daumer PLAN OF PUBLICATION FOR 1857. , of Numberg, Ma n.’s Repugnance to the Destruction of Life, Twelve to sixteen pages to Leading Articles, Current The Proper Food of Man, The London Commissariat, Events, Essays, Reviews, and Supplementary Matter, con- Flesh-Eating and its Concomitants, Vegetarian Diet as a t aining Reports of Meetings, Vegetarian Intelligence, and Curative Agent—Scrofula ; Flesh-Eating an Incentive to the Proceedings of the Vegetarian Society. the War Spirit, The Vegetarian Practice in Extreme Four to six pages to Controversial Articles, and Corres- Climates, Preying upon Animals the Trainer for War, pondence, in answer to correspondents, and the contem- Birds the “ Horticulturist’s Best Friends, Moral Movements orary press, called the Vegetarian Controversialist and and their Adherents, Enemies of the Oyster, Testimony of Sorrespondent.” a Working Man, Culture and Importance of Rice, Village Two to six pages, containing a variety of interesting Horticultural Societies, The Banana, Experience of a and instructive articles, original and select; cases of in- Cornish Mechanic, The Dietetic Constitution of Man, The dividual experience; poetry; instructions, suggestions, Facts at our Doors, with other original contributions. and recipes for Vegetarian cookery; short anecdotes, &c., The Controversialist and Correspondent contains called “ The Vegetarian Treasury.” forty-six Articles, either in reply to Correspondents, or in Also, a coloured Cover of four pages, containing Adver- noticing and commenting upon a variety of Controversial tisements, Notices, and Tract-Matter for Gratuitous Dis- matter found in Works, Reviews, and the Public Press, in tribution. relation to the Vegetarian Principle and Practice. A Volume is issued yearly. Vols. I., II., and III., each The Vegetarian Treasury contains ninety-two short with Copious Index, now on sale, sewed, Is. 6d.; cloth, ArticleSj original and select, presenting a valuable store of lettered, 2s. Vols. IV. and V. sewed, 2s. 6d.; cloth, let- instruction and information. tered, 3s.; gilt, 3s. 6d. Vol. VI., cloth, lettered, 3s.; gilt, The Supplement contains Reports of Lectures in con- 3s. 6d. nection with the Accrington, and Birmingham Vegetarian Vol. VII. to he published Feb. 15th, cloth, lettered, 3s., Associations; of Vegetarian Meetings in London, Mid- gilt, 3s. 6d. dleton, Accrington, Crawshawbooth. The Eighth Anniver- Literary communications, and orders for the Messengtr, sary Meeting of the Vegetarian Society, The Banquet of by post, to be addressed to the Editor of the Vegetarian the Glasgow Vegetarian Association, and the Birmingham Messenger care of W. Bremner, 15, Piccadilly, Man- , Vegetarian Association Banquet ; besides a lar°;e number chester. of minor notices of Public Operations in furtherance of London F. Pitman, 20, Paternoster Row. Sold by Vegetarianism, presented under the head of Local Opera- W. Bremner, 15, Piccadilly, Manchester; A. Dewar, 35, tions and Intelligence. Dale Street, Liverpool ; G. Winterbubn, Deansgate, Embossed Covers for binding the Volume, price 8d. each. Bolton; S. B. Howtell, 52, New Street, Birmingham; London; Fred Pitman, 20, Paternoster Row; and H. W. Walker, 26, Briggate, Leeds; John Dickson, sold by all Booksellers. 10, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh; G. Gallie, 99, BuchaDan Street, Glasgow. Just Published, a 6th and Improved Edition of Published March 16th, 1857, price, cloth lettered, 3s. gilt, THE PENNY VEGETARIAN COOKERY, ; 3s. 6d-. 192 pp., Demy 3vo. Vol. VII. of Or Vegetarianism adapted to the Working Classes: contain- ing an Introduction, showing the economical and beneficial THE VEGETARIAN MESSENGER: tendency of Vegetarian habits; an Invalid’s Dietary Containing forty-three Principal Articles, including Public Table (being suggestions for Dyspeptic patients), a Family Dietary Bachelor’s Dietary Table Opinion in reference to Diet, Cruelty to Animals, Experi- Table ; a ; a Marketing instruction ence of a Cooper, Is the Practice of Eating Flesh injurious Table ; a Chemical Table, and and recipes for to Man ? a Picture of the Chase, Preservation of Vegeta- upwards of fifty different articles of food. bles, the Air we Breathe, My Vegetarian Experience, a Visit to a London Potato Market, English Cookery, Mis- taken Destruction of Small Birds, Dietetic Reform, Re- FRUITS AND FARINACEA marks on a passage in the Life of the late Rev. Joseph The Proper Food of Man j'being an attempt to prove from Gilbert, Shadows of our Social System, the Flesh of the History, Anatomy, Physiology, and Chemistry, that the Pig, Reasons for Abstaining from Flesh and Wine, Facts original, natural, rind best diet of man is derived from the for Vegetarians, the Food of London, Chemistry and Vegetable Kingdom. By John Smith. Physiology in relation to Diet, Reasons for a Vegetarian “Few persons will read from end to end, as we have Diet, Instincts of Animals, the Claims of Suffering Animals done, without receiving impressions that must tend to What does Man Live upon ? Experience of a Cornish frequent reflection. We can recommend the volume as Shopkeeper, with other original Contributions. equally curious and useful.”—Athejieeum. The Controversialist and Correspondent contains fifty-nine Articles, either in reply to Correspondents, or in noticing and commenting upon a variety ot Controversial matter found in Works, Reviews, and the Public Press, in PRIZE ESSAYS. relation to the Vegetarian Principle and Practice. Now ready, 32 pp. Crown 8vo, in Coloured Wrapper, The Vegetarian Treasury contains eighty- nine short price 4d. Articles, original and select, presenting a valuable store of instruction and information. AN ARGUMENT ON BEHALF OF The Supplement contains Reports of Vegetarian THE PRIMITIVE DIET OF MAN. Lectures at London, Manchester, Droylsden, Rawtenstall, By Dr Frederic R. Lees. The Essay to which the Vege- and Northampton ; of Vegetarian Meetings at Crawshaw- booth, Bradford, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Greenock, tarian Society awarded its Prize. Rawtenstall and the Ninth Anniversary of the Vegetarian London: Pitman, 20, Paternoster Row; Manchester, ; Society, Soirees of the London, and the Manchester and Bremner, 15, Piccadilly. Salford Associations ; Banquet of the Paisley Association, of Public Published Nov. 1st, 32 Crown 8vo, in Coloured etc , besides a large number of minor notices To he pp. Operations in furtherance of Vegetarianism, presented Wrapper, priee 4d. under the head of Local Operations and Intelligence. Embossed Covers for binding the Volume, price 8d. each. THE PROMOTION OF London: Fred Pitman, 20, Paternoster Row; and ZEAL AND STABILITY IN THE sold by all Booksellers. VEGETARIAN MOVEMENT. By R. G Gammage. The Essay to which the Vegetarian Published, 296 Foolscap 8vo., price 4s. gilt Lately pp , Society awarded its Prize. edges, and 3s. 6d. cloth boards, the Fifth Edition of Issued Jan. 1st, Roval 32mo, price Id. per packet, or 13 for VEGETARIAN COOKERY. Is. also in '6d. packets, a Third Sebies of ; By a Lady. This edition of Vegetarian Cookery has been carefully revised and entirely re-written. Many new VEGETARIAN MESSENGER TRACTS. and receipts have been added to those formerly published, These Tracts are adapted for extensive distribution, and explanatory of the work now contains, an Introduction, any one Tract may be had separately by ordering a Six- Vegetarian Principles; an Exposition of Vegetarian Prac- or, if no par- penny Packet, and stating the No. required ; three Styles of Cookery, are illus- 4 tice, describing which ticular No. be specified/ Assorted ” Packets will be sent trated by Plans of Tables and Bills of Fare, with numerous Fred Pitman, 20 Paternoster Row; and references to the Receipts ; upwards of seven hundred and London: all Booksellers. fifty Receipts and a copious Index. sold by AN ARGUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE PRIMITIVE DIET OE MAN: BY Dr FREDERIC R. LEES. THE ESSAY TO WHICH THE VEGETARIAN SOCIETY AWARDED ITS FIRST I Contents. Introduction : of the principles and scope of the Essay... § I. The Authority of Nature 4 II. The Analogy of Nature g III. The History of Nature : or Experience 8 IY. The Dietetic Laws of Nature ... po Y. The Histology and Pathology of Nature ... 17 VI The iEconomics of Nature 2P VII. The Ethics of Diet o<$ LONDON: 1857