1st October 2009 Winter Outlook Report 2009/10 Winter Outlook Report 2009/10 Outlook for winter 2009/10 Introduction 1. This document, the final report, sets out our analysis and views for the coming winter (October 2009 to March 2010), and reflects responses received through the consultation process. Ofgem plans to hold a seminar for industry parties on 14 th October 2009 in London. The preliminary winter report and previous year final reports are published on our website at http://www.nationalgrid.com/uk/Electricity/SYS/outlook/ . Industry Feedback 2. We would like to thank the organisations that responded to the consultation. In all five responses were received, which we have reviewed and reflected in our final report. Whilst the formal consultation process has now closed, we continually seek feedback on our outlook reports to increase their usefulness to the industry and to reflect all changes in trends when they become apparent. To feedback comments on our outlook report please contact us at
[email protected] . Roles and Responsibilities 3. The competitive gas and electricity markets in Great Britain have developed substantially in recent years and have successfully established separate roles and responsibilities for the various market participants. In summary, the provision of gas and electricity to meet consumer demands and contracting for capacity in networks is the responsibility of suppliers and shippers. National Grid has two main responsibilities: first, as the primary transporter, for ensuring there is adequate and reliable network capacity to meet anticipated transportation requirements; second, as system operator of the transmission networks, for the residual balancing activity in both gas and electricity.