The Wesmen Upset In Final Page 19 The Weakerthans Rock Page 11 VolumeUniter 58, Issue 6 october 9, 2003 THE Uniter T HE O FFICIAL W EEKLY S TUDENT N EWSPAPER OF THE U NIVERSITY OF W INNIPEG Happy Thanksgiving! page 2 october 9, 2003 the uniter uniter the news Volume 58, Issue 6 October 9, 2003 STAFF Jonathan Tan Editor In Chief
[email protected] Hollywood Squares Michelle Kuly Managing Editor
[email protected] in Winnipeg? A. P. (Ben) Benton News Editor
[email protected] MICHELLE Cheryl Gudz KULY Features Editor Managing Editor
[email protected] What do Bill Clinton, Jeff Robson Dr. Ruth, Ed McMahon A&E Editor and Wolf Blitzer have in
[email protected] common? Winnipeg. This fall will see the kick off of My Leighton Klassen Life…Our Times: The Interactive Series, a four Sports Editor part speakers series that will see each celebrity
[email protected] in an exclusive engagement at the Centennial Concert Hall. The series will deal with four Stu Reid categories: Lifestyle, Politics, Entertainment Production Manager and Media, with each speaker addressing
[email protected] issues appropriate to their area of expertise. It opens on Nov. 18 with world-renowned psy- Julie Horbal chosexual therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer, fol- Listings Editor lowed by President Clinton on Dec. 9. The
[email protected] second half of the series will unfold in the New Chandra Mayor Year, with Ed McMahon appearing on Feb. 17 and CNN anchorWolf Blitzer concluding the Copy Editor series on April 1. Despite the unfortunate association, the Ted Turner series is no April fool’s joke.