The Western Historical
The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine INDEX Volume 47 1964 Published quarterly by THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 4338 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A The American Party (1855) selects Simon Abolition, not popular in Pa. (1860), 332 Cameron as U. S. senator, 329 (1840), Pgh., American Philosophical Society, Neville Adams, John Q. at 292 Craig a member, 50 Additions to Collections, HSWP, 368-379 American State Papers, thirty-eight volumes (Library, 368-375, Genealogy, 376, Archives (1789-1838), 27 and Museum, 376-379 ;seventy donors and Amherst, Gen. Jeffery (1759), 195 hundreds of items not indexed ;much valu- Amish Society, by John A. Hostetler (Balti- able historical correspondence) more, Md., 1963), rev., 159-160 Aimes, Aaron, glass materials (1800), 318 Ammon, Edith Darlington, 19 Albemarle, Confederate ship (1864), 84 Anderson, Jane, letter (1852), 298 Alberts, Robert C, "The Expedition of Cap- Anderson, Niles, "The General Chooses a tain Robert Stobo/' 177-197 Road," cited, 55n Albright, Rebecca Gifford, "The Civil War Andersonville, prison (1864), 83, 85 Career of Andrew Gregg Curtin, Governor Andreas History of Nebraska, 247 of Pennsylvania," 323-341 Andrews, J. Cutler, elected president of Aldrich, Capt. C. S., 85th N. J., U. S. Inf. Pennsylvania Historical Association; au- (1864), 235, 342 thor, 77 Allanawissica (Winthesica), son of Corn- Anshutz, George, famous Pgh. ironpromoter, stalk, Indian chief (1775), 145, 152n 254» Allegheny City (1873), part of larger busi- Antietam, Battle of (September, 1862), 335 ness community, 289; population (1880), Apple Tree (Big), Mingo chief (1775) , 33, 293 40, 42n Allegheny County, Pa., warrantee atlas, 62; Apples, shipped on steamer (1884), 315 (1788/.), included much of N.
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