Central Java

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Central Java PROVINCE INFOGRAPHIC CENTRAL JAVA Legend: MOST DENSE LEAST DENSE Administrative Boundary Kota Surakarta Blora Province Province Capital District District Capital Transportation Population MOST POPULATED LEAST POPULATED Population counts at 1km resolution Toll road The boundaries and names shown and the Primary road 0 Brebes Kota Magelang designations used on this map do not imply Secondary road 1 - 5 official endorsement or acceptance by the Port 6 - 25 United Nations. Airport 26 - 50 51 - 100 Other 101 - 500 INDRAMAYVolcanoU 501 - 2,500 Water/Lake 2,501 - 5,000 Coastline/River 5,000 - 130,000 Jepara Cirebon JEPARA REMBA NG Rembang KOTA Pati PATI KUDUS CIREBON Kudus CIREBON KOTA Tegal Pemalang PEKALON GAN Brebes KOTA Kendal Demak TEGAL Pekalongan TUB AN Semarang DEMAK KEND AL Slawi Batang Semarang Blora KUNINGAN KOTA SEMA RANG Kajen BATANG TEGAL Purwodadi PEMA LAN G GROBOGA N BOYOLALI PEKALON GAN Ungaran Ungaran Dieng Volc Complex BREB ES Slamet TEMA NGGUN G SEMA RANG BLORA BOJONEGO RO PURB ALINGGA Sundoro Salatiga KOTA BANJARN EGARA Wonosobo Temanggung KOTA BANJAR BANYUMAS Banjarnegara Sumbing Banjar TelomoyoSALATIGA SRAGEN NGAWI Purbalingga KOTA Purwokerto WONO SOBO Sragen Ngawi MA GELANG Merbabu Magelang Boyolali Surakarta MA GELANG Merapi KOTA CIAMIS KEBU MEN Mungkid Caruban SURAKARTA Karanganyar Madiun KOTA MA DIU N CILACAP Lawu Kebumen SUKO HARJO Magetan Purworejo SLEMAN Klaten MA DIU N Parigi Sukoharjo KARANGANYAR MAGETAN Cilacap KOTA Sleman PURWOREJO KLATEN NGANJUK YOGYAKARTA Yogyakarta Wonogiri Wates Yogyakarta KULON Ponorogo Bantul PROGO WONO GIRI PONOROGO BANTUL 35 573 8,576 Wonosari DISTRICTS SUB-DISTRICTS VILLAGES GUNUN G Trenggalek KIDU L PACITAN Pacitan TRENGGALEK TULUNGA GUNG GEOGRAPHY The province of Central Java (including Karimunjawa) lies between 5°40' - 8°30'S and 108°30' - 111°30'E. Not including Karimunjawa, the length of the province from West to East is 263km and the length from North to South is 226km. Central Java is divided into 29 districts and 6 cities with a total area of 32,500 km² or approximately 1.70% of Indonesia’s total area. Of Central Java’s total area, 9,920 km² is wetlands (30.47%) and 22,600 km² is non-wetlands (69.53%). The average temperature in Central Java is approximately 25.2°C - 27.7°C and the average level of humidity is between 75% - 84%. (Source: Jawa Tengah Dalam Angka 2012) POPULATION 75+ Source: Census year 2010, BPS 70-74 65-69 MALE DISABLE POPULATION PROJECTION 60-64 Sex Ratio 16,091,112 0.23% 0.19% 0.03% 2015 2020 2025 55-59 Walking Not able to taking care 49.69% from Total Population 98.77 Visual of themselves 50-54 33,774,141 34,940,078 35,958,609 45-49 0.15% 0.16% Hearing FEMALE Memory impairment 40-44 48.10 47.70 48.40 16,291,545 35-39 From Total Population 50.31% from Total Population Dependency Ratio (%) 30-34 45.72% Urban Population 25-29 2.19 2.07 1.95 TOTAL HOUSEHOLD 20-24 Total Fertility Rate 8,704,482 15-19 73.60 74.40 74.90 10-14 EO (Male + Female) TOTAL POPULATION 5-9 22.60 20.10 18.70 32,382,657 0-4 54.28% Rural Population 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 (in million) 24 Infant Mortality Rate (Male + Female) WATER & SANITATION Source: SUSENAS year 2011, BPS FOOD SECURITY IN 2009 DATA SOURCES WATER SOURCES VULNERABILITY Landscan Global 5.45% 0.10% TO FOOD INSECURITY Population Databases 35.55% 16.54% 11.03% 5.56% 3.83% 0.44% http://web.ornl.gov/sci/ Priority 1 Districts Priority 4 Districts Priority 2 Districts Priority 5 Districts landscan/ Priority 3 Districts Priority 6 Districts No Data/Urban Area Road Network 14.37% 3.93% 2.86% http://maps.navigasi.net 0.34% The prevalence of food security is based on the WFP Food Security and Protected well Unprotected well Vulnerability Atlas. Vulnerability to food insecurity was determined based Drilled well/pump Unprotected spring 90.80% 9.20% on nine indicators which are related to food availability, food access, food Administrative Boundary Protected spring Rain utilization and nutrition. The map was produced by combining the indicators Subscribed water River http://bps.go.id into a composite food security index. Refilled water Others Percentage of households based on the usage of water resources Retailed water Packaged water Clean Drinking Water Sources Areas in red shades are less food secure compared to areas in green shades. The map Not Clean Drinking Water Sources highlights the prevalence of food insecurity at the district level and it should be noted that not all household living in dark red (priority 1) districts are food insecure, and conversely that not all household living in green (priority 6) districts are food secure. SANITATION TYPES Food Security and Airport 82.90% 1.98% 12.77% http://www.wfp.org/count ries/ indonesia LIVELIHOOD Source: PDRB 2012, based on dated price Admin Capital Private Shared Public Others 2.36% 85.95% 4.14% http://geospasial.bnpb.go .id SRTM Relief Background HEALTH Source: Census year 2010, BPS http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/ 6.06% 3.33% Agriculture, Veterinary, Forestry, and Fishery Trading, Hotel, dan Restaurant srtm/ Mining Transportation and Communication HEALTH FACILITIES Processing Industry Services Electricity, Gas and Clean water Finance, Leasing and Services company HOSPITAL PUSKESMAS PUSTU POSYANDU OTHERS Construction Others Highest contributor for GDP: Port, Volcano, Coastline 253 868 1,823 48,876 7,082 Note: The livelihood under 1% are not displayed on the chart. 1. Processing Industry (31.60%) and River 2. Trading, Hotel, dan Restaurant (20.38%) 3. Agriculture, Veterinary, Forestry, and Fishery (20.10%) http://geospasial.bnpb. go.id Population, Water & MEDICAL STAFF Sanitation, Education, EDUCATION Source: Census year 2010, BPS DOCTOR DENTIST MIDWIFE OTHERS Health, Vulnerable EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT LITERACY RATE Groups, Livelihood, 5,551 896 14,179 16,303 Natural Disaster http://dibi.bnpb.go.id/ Postgraduate 89.88% From Total Population Undergraduate 0.14% 2.29% Never attending Diploma school SCHOOL FACILITIES NATURAL DISASTER (2008-2012) 1.64% 9.57% 25000 PROVINCE BPBD Vocational 20000 CONTACT DETAILS: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1.51% Not graduated from Elementary 15000 148 325 449 471 356 Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 1F, Senior 19.32% 10000 12.99% 5000 Semarang. LANDSLIDE 573 0 Phone. (024) 3519904, WHIRLWIND 527 Junior JUNIOR MADRASAH Fax. (024) 3519186 FLOOD 478 ELEMENTARY 17.33% Elementary KINDERGARTEN DROUGHT 135 SENIOR (INCL. SMK) 35.20% State-owned public schools FLOOD & LANDSLIDE 23 Include private schools HIGH TIDE 4 Madrasah FOREST FIRE 4 This products is prepared by: EARTHQUAKE 3 VOLCANO ERUPTION 2.
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