38th RESCUE SQUADRON PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT For Combat Rescue Officer, Pararescue and SERE Training


28 March 2019



SECTION 1 SCOPE OF WORK SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 Objective ...... 4 1.2 General ...... 4 1.3 Background ...... 4


GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Training ...... 4 2.2 Plan of Instruction ...... 4 2.3 Classroom ...... 5 2.4 Classroom Size ...... 5 2.5 Instructors ...... 5 2.6 Full Mission Profiles ...... 5 2.7 Videographers ...... 5 2.8 Storage ...... 5 2.9 Plan of Instruction ...... 5 2.10 Classroom ...... 5 2.11 Classroom Size ...... 5 2.12 Instructors ...... 5 2.13 Full Mission Profiles ...... 5


SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General Training Requirements ...... 7 3.2 Instructor Qualifications ...... 13 3.3 Proficiency Code Key ...... 13 3.4 Specific Training and Proficiency Requirements ...... 14 3.5 Instructional Guidance for Items Not Addressed ...... 27


SERVICE DELIVERY SUMMARY 4.1 Service Delivery Summary ...... 27


SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Safety ...... 28 5.2 Hazardous Material/Waste Management ...... 28 5.3 Spill Response ...... 28 5.4 Emergency Medical Services ...... 28


APPENDIX A – References ...... 29 APPENDIX B – Release, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement ...... 30


1. Scope of Work:

1.1 Objective. Contractors shall provide instructional services/training opportunities for Combat Rescue Officer (CRO), Pararescue (PJ), and Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) operations and procedures to include: Academic Instruction, Theater Orientation, Scenario Development, and Field Instruction. Services shall be provided in the continental United States (CONUS) at contractor identified locations during the period of performance. This will include CRO and PJ specific evolutions as well as Guardian Angel (GA) integrated with supporting assets.

1.2. General: This Performance Work Statement (PWS) defines the effort required for the contractor to provide instructional services/training for GA operations and procedures outlined in this PWS. All services provided will be non-personal services. The contractor shall supply all instructors, classrooms to include instructional documentation, equipment, vehicles, and/or aircraft, and environmental specific requirements, unless otherwise stated in this PWS.

1.3. Background: The 38th Rescue Squadron requires training to support operational requirements to satisfy annual certifications and maintain combat mission readiness.

2. General Requirements:

2.1. Training. The contractor shall provide support logistics, training areas and/or instructor expertise required to meet 5 and 7 level CRO and PJ qualification training tasks contained within the Career Field Education and Training Plans (CFETP), aswell as proficency/refresher training requirements outlined in AFI 10-3502 Volume 1.

2.2. Plan of Instruction. Syllabus must meet the Air Force Specialty Codes 13D (Combat Rescue Officer) and 1T2X1 (Pararescue) Career Field Education Training Plan (CFETP) line item task, condition, and standard.

2.2.1. The contractor shall provide course curriculum and indicate in the curriculum provided as to how its course will satisfy each of the requirements listed in section 3.

2.2.2. The deliverable from this section, the Syllabus Binder, shall be included with contractor quote and include at a minimum:

Syllabus Binder Contents: - Syllabus of instruction - Schedule of training - Detailed approach of how training will be satisfied

2.2.3. The information on this section will be used to establish technical acceptability in award of the contract.

2.2.4. Training pace is expected to mirror a “crawl, walk, run” delivery for all technical instruction to ensure the trainees are retaining, understanding and demonstrating the skills instructed.


2.2.5. The contractor agrees not to use or otherwise disclose to any third party, without prior written consent, any Confidential Information, data collected, created or materials provided for training plan development, including through the training sessions. In addition, the contractor agrees to take reasonable measures to ensure that such Confidential Information, data collected, created or materials provided for training plan development is not disclosed, distributed, or used in violation of the provisions of this Agreement unless expressly waived by the contracting officer.

2.3. Classroom. Provide classroom and audio/visual equipment needed for academics, mission planning, and debrief. Contractor will provide CRO and PJ related equipment/ classroom specific equipment (i.e. projector, computer, etc.)

2.4. Class size. Class size shall be specified in each call.

2.5. Instructors. Collectively include operational SOCOM experience for tactical types of training and/or recognition as a national level subject matter expert in the types of training listed in Section 3.

2.6. Full Mission Profiles. Ensure realistic scenarios are used to culminate part task training.

2.7. Videographers. Provide videographers that record applicable training evolutions for debrief as requested. All video recorded during training will become government property upon completion of training. All video recorded will be provided in DVD format.

2.8. Storage. Provide secure weapons, munitions, and equipment storage space for all government property that will stay at the training site.

2.9. Closed Course. Ensure training course is closed to outside organizations during the duration of instruction.

2.10. Lodging. All lodging must facilitate a safe environment with 1 bed per student.

2.11. Meals. The need for meals will be based on the location of the required training.

2.11.1. Non-Isolated Training Location. Individuals attending training will utilze their daily alloted per diem to cover any and all required meals.

2.11.2. Isolated Training Locations. An onsite chef will provide a 3,500 – 4,500 isocaloric diet consisting of three (3) meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) a day.

2.12. Length of Training: The contractor is responsible for developing a training schedule that is within the constraints the government indicates members are available for.

2.12.1. Training schedule shall not exceed the indicated days of availability unless act of nature, god, or war causes a disturbance directly to the schedule.


2.12.2. If the training is delayed due to conditions mentioned in section 2.6.1 the contractor must immediately communicate with the Contracting Officer for resolution, the Contracting Officer is the only individual that can authorize any changes to the contract.

2.13. Contractor Personnel.

2.13.1. Contractor will provide the following personnel with respect to the required types of training listed in paragraph 3.1.8. Joint Terminal Air Controller (JTAC) Must have employees that have been qualified as JTAC-I/-E in the past five (5) years, and that have served with Tier 1 or Tier 2 special operations units in this timeframe, with at least 50% of them having prior Tier 1 experience for every event. Pilot SMEs. Pilots must have held DOD flight status within the previous two years and must have held a Forward Air Controller/Airborne (FAC_A) and instructor pilot (IP) qualifications. A minimum of 50% of the pilots who service this contract must be graduates of the USAF Weapons School or the US Navy’s Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun). Must have instructors with Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and/or Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) experience. Must have personnel with at least a Secret clearance for training events/locations. Form DD254 will be utilized for duties related to handling encrypted radios, teaching theater Special Instructions (SPINS), assisting intelligence officers in building mission products, etc., as required. Instruction will include integration into Current TRADET ULT (Unit Level Training) schedule. (This information is classified). Additional instruction will be provided for JTAC specific training evolutions. Contractor should have training equipment to sustain staff for range/classroom evolutions. Controlled equipment exempt.

2.13.2. Other Contractor Personnel The contractor shall ensure that employees have current and valid professional certifications specific to the type of training they will be conducting before starting work. The contractor shall maintain all certifications. The contractor shall not employ any person who is an employee of the United States Government if the employment of that person could create a conflict of interest,


nor shall the contractor employ any person who is an employee of the Department of the Air Force, either military or civilian, unless such person seeks and receives approval IAW DOD 5500.7-R Joint ethics Regulation (JER), Chapter 2. In addition, the contractor shall not employ any person who is an employee of the Department of the Air Force if such employment would be contrary to the policies contained in AFI 64-106, Air Force Industrial Labor Relations Activities, paragraph 3. The contractor is cautioned that off-duty active military personnel hired under this contract may be subject to permanent change of station (PCS), change in duty hours, or deployment. Military Reservists and National Guard members may be subject to recall or active duty. The abrupt absence of these personnel could adversely affect the contractor’s ability to perform. Their absence at any time shall not constitute an excuse for non-performance under this contract.

2.13.3. Contract Deliverables. The contractor shall provide to the Government as a contract deliverables, an applicable license verification and a Hold Harmless Agreement IAW AFI 11-410 (see Appendix B), for all individuals participating in parachuting activities during the execution of a call. Deliverables will be submitted to a 23 CONS Contracting Officer any time there is a change in parachuting personnel or no less than annually.

3. Specific Requirements:

3.1. General Training Requirements: The contractor is responsible for providing service based on the delivered documents required at section 2.2. The course of instruction will be based off requirements listed in section 3.4. The items listed in section 3.4 shall be trained to the proficiency standards listed in section 3.3.

3.1.1. The contractor shall provide a student to instructor ratio sufficient enough to provide a safe training enviornment .

3.1.2. The contractor shall provide the following types of training:

Medical Technical Rescue Rope Rescue Maritime Recovery Small Unit Tactics Terminal Control Communications Fixed Wing Insertion Mounted Movement Environmental

3.1.3: Medical

7 Contractor will provide National Registry (NR) or Advanced Tactical Practitioner (ATP) instructor Staff/SMEs as applicable to provide instruction to government personnel in the following areas: EMT-Paramedic. Refresh student certifications IAW NR standards to include continuing education units. Output: NR EMT-paramedic re-certification. ATP. Provide SOCOM approved test administrator for ATP certification or, if students are already certified, provide refresher training. Output: ATP re-certification IAW the most current SOCOM DIRECTIVE 350-29. Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Protocols. Instruct to most current TCCC protocols for Tactical Field Care and Tactical Evacuation Care. Civilian Health Care System Trauma Rotations. Provide access to civilian emergency rooms and ambulances in order to allow performance of medicine within certified protocols. Live/Preserved Tissue. Provide live or preserved tissue training aides that can replicate most common injuries of combat trauma. Role Players. Provide costumed role players that have life-like injuries applied.

3.1.4: Technical Rescue Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide instruction to government personnel in the following areas: Extrication. Utilize Guardian Angel extrication tools to gain access to a confined space, collapsed structure, aircraft, military and/or commercial vehicles. The Government will provide all nessecary tools required to conduct and accomplish training. Confined Space. Utilize Guardian Angel confined space tools to search and rescue/recover within confined spaces. The Government will provide all nessecary tools required to conduct and accomplish training. Collapsed Structure. Utilize Guardian Angel collapsed structure tools to search and rescue/recover within collapsed structures. The Government will provide all nessecary tools required to conduct and accomplish training. All training must be IAW the following most current standards: National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1006 & 1670; Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 1910.146.

3.1.5: Rope Rescue Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide instruction to government personnel in the following areas: Environments. All climbing needs to be performed in a natural environment.

8 Rope Systems. Construct and utilize mechanical advantages for raising or lowering loads within a rescue rope system. Aid Climbing. Scale a route by intentionally weighting artificially placed protection/devices. Lead Climbing. Scale route with artificially placed protection and belayer in place for emergency only should the lead climber fall during ascent. Ice Climbing. Scale route using equipment and techniques specifically designed for ascending ice.

3.1.6: Maritime Recovery Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide instruction to government personnel in the following areas: Environments. All maritime needs to be performed in a natural environment. Swiftwater. Accurately assess most likely location of victim swept down canal or river. Mitigate danger of performing water crossing or sub surface recovery in swiftwater conditions IAW National Fire Protection Association SRT1 and SRT1A certification. /Non-SONAR Search Techniques. Utilize Guardian Angel SONAR devices to accurately locate victim or refine search area. Utilize non-SONAR search techniques to locate victim or refine search area. The Government will provide all nessecary SONAR devices and equipment required to conduct and accomplish training. Restricted Space Diving. Utilize Guardian Angel to recover victim from restricted (not confined) space, such as a culvert or vehicle that is submerged under water. The Government will provide all nessecary diving equipment required to conduct and accomplish training. . Conduct sub surface recovery at altitude.

3.1.7: Small Unit Tactics Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide instruction to government personnel in the following areas: Designated Marksman (DM). Utilize Guardian Angel weapon inventory to suppress a target at 400m. The Government will provide all nessecary weapon inventories required to conduct and accomplish training. Tactical Movement. Move as a 6 to 12 man team from insertion point to recovery site and finally to extraction point utilizing appropriate formation. Maintain 360 degree security in all three dimensions while mitigating unexpected contact in all potential operating environments.

9 Immediate Action Drills (IADS). Respond to contact from various patrolling formations utilizing simulated and live fire drills for 360 degrees in all three dimensions. Close Quarters Battle (CQB). Clear and secure a portion of a building large enough to provide cover and concealment for a Casualty Collection Point (CCP). Proficiency Fire. Gain general proficiency with the entire Guardian Angel weapon inventory utilizing dry and live courses of fire up to 100 meters. Opposition Force (OPFOR). Provide OPFOR role players with simulated rounds. Provide ammunition/ordinance storage facility IAW Air Force Instruction 21- 201.

3.1.8: Terminal Control Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide instruction to government personnel in the following areas: Control Systems. Understand how to properly leverage the control systems for terminal attack control with and without a certified JTAC. Terminology, Formats, Types. Review the terminology, format, and types of control that apply to Close Air Support IAW the following publications: Field Manual (FM) 3-09.32 JFIRE; Joint Publication (JP) 3-09.3 Close Air Support Joint Publication (JP) 3-09 Joint Fire Support Airspace Deconfliction. Understand various methods of deconflicting airspace to include Keyhole CAS. Munitions Selection. Select the appropriate weaponeering effect taking into account collateral damage and danger close estimates. Fixed/Rotary Wing Fires. Plan and employ dry and live CAS procedures from both fixed wing and rotary aircraft in all potential operating environments. Provide certified ranges IAW Joint Publication (JP) 3-09, Joint Fire Support for conducting fixed and rotary live fire training. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR). Utilize ISR sensors to perform a search or maintain situational awareness. Understand the limitations/capabilities of sensors for various weather or altitude conditions. All training must be with a certified and current JTAC-Instructor IAW the JTAC MOA and AFI 13-112.

3.1.9: Communications

10 Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide instruction to government personnel in the following areas: Line of Sight (LOS). Utilize Guardian Angel radio systems to conduct encrypted LOS voice and data transmissions. The Government will provide all nessecary radio systems and equipment required to conduct and accomplish training. Over the Horizon (OTH). Utilize Guardian Angel radio systems to conduct encrypted OTH voice and data transmissions. Tactical Data Links (TDL). Utilize Guardian Angel radio systems to receive and transmit TDLs to include position, status, and free text messaging. Full Motion Video (FMV). Utilize Guardian Angel radio systems to receive FMV from ISR sensors. Blue Force Tracker (BFT). Utilize Guardian Angel radio systems to transmit BFT information. Moving Map. Utilize Guardian Angel software to mission plan and monitor common operating picture on moving map. The Government will provide all nessecary software required to conduct and accomplish training. Survival Radio Interrogation. Utilize Guardian Angel radio systems to interrogate the most current US DoD survival radio.

3.1.10: Fixed Wing Insertion Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide: All fixed wing insertions training shall be closed to outside organizations during the duration of training. Wind Tunnel. Provide access to a wind tunnel after normal working hours. Allow use of government provided military equipment to include training parachutes, rucksack, helmets, and night vision devices (NVDs). Ability to turn off lights for use with NVDs. Provide coaching on belly flight, back flying, and sit flying techniques. Provide video recordings for post training debrief. Provide suits for tunnel flying. Static Line. Provide high performance aircraft capable of conducting static line jump operations with a minimum stick of 6 jumpers at a max altitude of 3500ft AGL. Military Freefall. Provide aircraft capable of conducting freefall jump operations with a minimum stick of 6 jumpers at a max altitude of 18000ft MSL. Canopy Control. Provide instruction on various techniques under canopy to improve canopy stack, wind indication, pattern establishment, and precision landing.

11 Military Tandem and Tethered Bundle (MTTB). Provide certification in military tandem and tethered bundle operation IAW the most current syllabus of instruction. Current syllabus of instruction will be provided by the government. Aerial Equipment Delivery. Provide instruction on various methods of precision aerial equipment delivery to include GPS guided bundles and GPS aided wind modelling for Cargo Delivery System (CDS) deployment. Equipment being delivered will range from 200 – 2000lbs and will be deployed from 300-5000ft AGL. Certified Drop Zones. Provide Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified drop zones that are surveyed for static line, freefall, and equipment delivery operations. Ensure FAA certified airfield rated for military fixed wing aircraft is available and has functioning lights for night jump operations. Ensure crash, fire, rescue is available for military fixed wing operations. Highest altitude for GPS guided equipment delivery operations will be 6000 feet AGL and will require a corresponding failure ellipse of seven (7) miles. Austere/Unmarked Drop Zones. Provide surveyed drop zones not collocated with an airfield. Drop zones should be higher than 5000 feet MSL. Drop zones should provide various types of terrain. Riggers. Provide FAA certified rigger support to repack all Guardian Angel container and parachute combinations. Pilots. Provide FAA certified pilots that can conduct multi-lift day/night operations. Instructor(s). Instructor(s) shall be required to perform parachute operations during the Air Operations period of instruction. Instructor(s) performing jump operations will abide by the training and currency requirements as written in AFI 11-410. Instructor(s) currencies and qualifications will be tracked by 38 RQS SARMs office.

3.1.11: Mounted Movement Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide instruction to government personnel in the following areas: Advanced Rescue Vehicle Driving (ARVD). Provide tactical and technical driving techniques for the Guardian Angel ARVD. ARVD equipment will be provided by, accounted for, and remain in the possession of the government during the duration of training. Advanced Rescue Craft Boating (ARCB). Provide tactical and technical driving techniques for the Guardian Angel ARCB. ARCB equipment will be provided by, accounted for, and remain in the possession of the government during the duration of training.

3.1.12: Environmental Contractor will provide instructor Staff/SMEs to provide:

12 For the referenced environments the contractor must be capable of providing a training area and the option to make instructors/guides for operations in that given training area available for the following geographic/physical attributes. These environments may be requested for any given training evolution. All training areas must be capable of permitting drop zones, helicopter landing zones, and weapons employment. Maritime. Provide a training area with swiftwater, canals, and open water. Jungle. Provide a training area with at least double canopy. Desert. Provide a desert training area. Alpine. Provide an alpine training area that permits glacier, avalanche, and general snowpack considerations. Urban. Provide an urban training area that is rated for simulated and live fire. Degraded Electromagnetic Spectrum. Provide a degraded communications training area that simulates electronic warfare threats to include active jamming. Natural or Man-Made Disaster. Provide a disaster training area that replicates natural and man-made disasters to include floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and terrorist attack. Provide opportunity for instruction on survival and tactics specific to the environment where the training is being conducted.

3.2. Instructor Qualifications: Collectively include operational SOCOM experience for tactical types of training and/or recognition as a national level subject matter expert in the types of training listed in paragraph 3.1.2.

3.3. Proficiency Code Key: All tasks identified in section 3.4 need to be trained to the stated levels in the table in this section

Proficiency Code (PC) Key Can do simple parts of the task. Needs to be told or shown Task Performance Levels 1 how to do most of the task. Can do most parts of the task. Needs only help on hardest Task Performance Levels 2 parts. (Partially Proficient) Can do all parts of the task. Needs only a spot check of Task Performance Levels 3 completed work. (Competent) Can do the complete task quickly and accurately. Can tell Task Performance Levels 4 or show others how to do the task. (Highly Proficient) Can name parts, tools, and simple facts about the task. *Task Knowledge Levels a (Nomenclature) *Task Knowledge Levels b Can determine step-by-step procedures for doing the task.


(Procedures) Can identify why and when the task must be done and *Task Knowledge Levels c why each step is needed. (Operating Principles) Can predict, isolate, and resolve problems about the task. *Task Knowledge Levels d (Advanced Theory) Can identify basic facts and terms about the subject. **Subject Knowledge Levels A (Facts) Can identify relationship of basic facts and state general **Subject Knowledge Levels B principles about the subject. (Principles) Can analyze facts and principles and draw conclusions **Subject Knowledge Levels C about the subject. (Analysis) Can evaluate conditions and make proper decisions about **Subject Knowledge Levels D the subject.(Evaluation)

3.4. Specific Training and Proficiency Requirements: The table in this section indicates training tasks required during the performance of this contract. The “Required Task” column indicates a task deliverable during the performance of this contract. Unchecked tasks are not required to be trained or instructed.

3.4.1. Ancillary Topics: In addition to training required in the table below, if an annex is indicated in section 3.4.2. Those requirements need to be included in the training plans required at section 2.5.1. Requirements of Ancillary Training: If the table at section 3.4.2. indicates a training requirement then refer to the attached annex to this PWS for reference on the additional requirements for training plan development.

3.4.2. Annexes:

Annex Topic Included Pararescue Medical Skills Certification EMT-P Recertification Pararescue Medical Refresher

3.4.3 Table of Required Tasks:


3-Skill Level 5- 7- Courses Skill Skill Required Skill 1. Tasks, Knowledge, and Technical References Pre IQT Level Level Task Level IQT 1. HUMAN PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION

1.1. Character Development - B C -

1.2. Perform Stress Inoculation Exercises 3b - - -

1.3. Maintain Human Performance Standards - 3b 3c -


1.4.Perform Movement Preparation Exercises - b 3c -

1.5. Perform Prehabilitation Exercises - b 3c -

1.6. Perform Strength & Endurance Training - b 3c -

1.7. Perform Functional Training - b 3c -

1.8. Determine & Develop Cardio Training - b 3c -

1.9. Perform Movement Skill Exercises - b 3c -

1.10. Perform regeneration Techniques - b 3c -

1.11. Perform Finning Techniques 3b - 3c -

1.12. Perform Freestyle Technique 3b - 3c -

1.13. Perform Lifesaving Techniques 3b - - -

1.14. Develop a Performance Nutrition Plan - b 3c -


2.1. Pararescue Career Field

2.1.1. History - A B C

2.1.2. Duties & Responsibilities - A B C

2.1.3. Air Force Policy Directives & Instructions - A B C

2.1.4. Career Progression & Specialty Structure - A B C

2.2. Operations Planning

2.2.1. Use OPLANs/CONPLANs - - - 3b

2.2.2. Identify Crisis Action Team Procedures - - - c

2.2.3. Develop Concepts of Operations - - - c

2.2.4. Pararescue Doctrine, Concepts of Operations, & Policy - - - C

2.2.5. Tactical-Level PR Planning Considerations - - - C

2.2.6. Theater-Level PR Planning Considerations - - - C

2.2.7. Personnel Recovery 3-Series Course - - - -

2.3. Deployment

2.3.1. Manage Deployed PJ Assets - - c -

2.3.2. Deployed Personnel Mgt, Organization, Tasking, C2 - - - C Relationships 2.4. Mission Planning and Preparation

2.4.1. Mission Tasking & Staff Coordination Chain of Command - b - C

2.4.2. Conduct Mission Brief Backs - - 3b -

2.4.3. Prepare Mission Reports - b 3b -

2.4.4. Develop Evasion Plans of Action - b 3b -

2.4.5. Apply RM for Risk to Mission/Risk to - b 3b -

2.4..6 Air Tasking Orders (ATO) & Special Instructions (SPINS) - A C -

2.5. Human Remains/Material Removal - b 3b -

2.6. Intelligence

2.6.1. Identify Intelligence Elements From Friendly Order of Battle - A C - Enemy Order of Battle - A C - Aerial and Surface Reconnaissance - A C - Survivor Information - A C -

2.6.2. Identify Intelligence Elements For Accuracy - A C -

15 Map Preparation - A C - Weather & Terrain Analysis - A C - Operations Analysis - A C -

2.7. Infiltration & Exfiltration

2.7.1. Modes, Means, & Methods - A C -

2.7.2. Mission Planning Factors - B C -

2.8. Communications

2.8.1. Radio Systems Operate Inter-Team Radios - 2b 3b - Operate Tactical Radios (over-the-horizon) - a 3b - Operate Tactical Data Link Systems - a 2b - Tags, Trackers, Locaters (TTL), & Blue Force Trackers - A C - (BFT) Operate Satellite Phone - - 2b -

2.8.2. Operate Secure & Non-Secure Devices Perform Communication Procedures - 2b 3c - Use NORDO Procedures - 2b 3c -

2.9. Environmental Effects & Operations Considerations on Pararescue Operations

2.9.1. Nuclear - - C -

2.9.2. Chemical - - C -

2.9.3. Biological - - C -

2.9.4. Desert - - C -

2.9.5. Jungle - - C -

2.9.6. Arctic - - C -

2.9.7. Urban - - C -

2.9.8 Mountain - - C -

2.9.9. Water - - C -


3.1. Aircraft Duties (Day/Night)

3.1.1. General Flight Rules - A C -

3.1.2. Perform Mission Aircraft Emergency & Egress Procedures - 2b 3b -

3.1.3. Aircrew Qualification Concepts AF Publications & Technical Orders - A B - AFTO Form 781 Series - - B - Flight Crew Information File - A B - Aviation Service, Aeronautical Ratings, Flight Pay, & - A B - Badges Non-rated Aircrew Training - - B - Aircraft Systems - A B - Utilize Cargo Restraint Devices to Load & Unload Cargo - A B - Components & Operation of Aircraft Weapons/Defensive - - A - Systems 3.1.4. Configure Aircraft with Pararescue Mission Equipment & - 2b 3b - Litters 3.1.5. Perform Scanner Duties - - 3b -

3.1.6. Perform Aerial Search Procedures - - 3b -


3.1.7. Perform Aerial Site Evaluation - - 3b -

3.1.8. Perform Enroute Flight Following - - 3b -

3.1.9. Perform Night Vision Goggle Operations - - 3b -

3.1.10. Operate Aircraft Intercom Systems - - 3c -

3.1.11. Operate Aircraft Hoist System - - - -

3.1.12. Forward Area Rearming & Refueling Point (FARRP) - - - - Operations 3.1.13. Marshall Aircraft - a 2b -

3.1.14. Establish Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) - - 3b -

3.1.15. Perform Trans-Load Operations - - 3c -

3.1.16. Perform Land & Water Survivor Recovery - 3b 3c -

3.1.17. Handle Patients & Litters in Aircraft - 3b 3c -

3.2. Perform Alternate Insertion & Extraction (AIE) Duties

3.2.1. Day Rapid Tactical Vehicle On/Off-Load - - 3c -

3.2.2. Night Rapid Tactical Vehicle On/Off-Load - - 3c -

3.2.3. Day Land Hoist Operations - 3b 3c -

3.2.4. Night Land Hoist Operations - b 3c -

3.2.5. Use Litters During Hoist Operations - 3b 3c -

3.2.6. Use Tag Line During Hoist Operations - 3b 3c -

3.2.7. Use Barrelman Technique During Hoist Operations - 3b 3c -

3.2.8. Day Rappel - 3b 3c -

3.2.9. Night Rappel - b 3c -

3.2.10. Day Free Fall Swimmer - 3b 3c -

3.2.11. Night Free Fall Swimmer - b 3c -

3.2.12. Day Land Rope Ladder - 3b 3c -

3.2.13. Night Land Rope Ladder - b 3c -

3.2.14. Day Land FRIES Insertion - 3b 3c -

3.2.15. Night Land FRIES Insertion - b 3c -

3.2.16. Day Water Hoist - 3b 3c -

3.2.17. Night Water Hoist - b 3c -

3.2.18. Day Water Rope Ladder - 3b 3c -

3.2.19. Night Water Rope Ladder - b 3c -

3.2.20. Day Water Fast Rope - 3b 3c -

3.2.21. Night Water Fast Rope - b 3c -

3.2.22. Short Haul - a 2b -

3.2.23. Equipment Deployment - - 3c -

3.2.24. Fast Rope Descender - - 3c -

3.2.25. Soft Duck- Combat Rubber Raiding Craft (CRRC) - - 3c -

3.2.26. Tethered Duck-Combat Rubber Raiding Craft (CRRC) - - 3c -

3.2.27 Perform AIE Master Duties Rappel - - 3c - Fast Rope - - 3c - Equipment Belay - - 3c -

3.3. Perform Parachute Jumps TR: AFI 11-140, AFI 16-1202, AFI 11-411, AFMAN 11-420, AFI 11-409, AFI 11-231


3.3.1. Day Water Full Equipment SL Round - 3c 3c -

3.3.2. Night Water Full Equipment SL Round - b 3c -

3.3.3. Day Water Full Equipment MFF - 3b 3c -

3.3.4. Night Water Full Equipment MFF - b 3c -

3.3.5. Hard Duck Operations - - 3c -

3.3.6. Rigging Alternate Method Boat (RAMB) Operations - b 3c -

3.3.7. Day Land Full Equipment SL Round - 3b 3c -

3.3.8. Night Land Full Equipment SL Round - b 3c -

3.3.9. Day Land Full Equipment O2 HALO - 3b 3c -

3.3.10. Night Land Full Equipment O2 HALO - b 3c -

3.3.11. Day Land Full Equipment O2 HAHO - - 3c -

3.3.12. Night Land Full Equipment O2 HAHO - - 3c -

3.3.13. Day Land SL Ram Air Without Equipment - - 3c -

3.3.14. Day Land Full Equipment SL Ram Air - - 3c -

3.3.15. Night Land Full Equipment SL Ram Air - - 3c -

3.3.16. Employ Air Deployable Equipment - - - -

3.3.17. Canopy Control - 2b 3c -

3.3.18. Night Vision Goggle Jumps - 2b - -

3.3.19. Conduct MFF Emergency Procedures (MFF-Eps) in Vertical - 2b - - Wind Tunnel 3.3.20. Tree Let-Down Procedures - b c -

3.3.21. Perform Jumpmaster Personnel Inspection (JMPI) - - - 2b

3.3.22. Advanced Parachute Operations Tandem Equipment - - - - Tandem Personnel - - - - Use Advanced Parachute Systems (APS) - - 3c - Shoot Free Fall Video Photography - - 3c -

3.3.23. Perform HAHO Duties Navigator - - b 3c Stackmaster - - b 3c Use Prebreather & Parachute O2 Systems - - 3c -

3.3.24. Perform Jumpmaster Duties Static Line - - - 3c Military Free Fall - - - 3c Rescue - - - -

3.3.25. Perform Drop Zone Control Officer Duties - - 3c -

3.4. Aerial Deployment of Equipment TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, AFJ 12-210, applicable TOs

3.4.1. Determine Aerial Delivery Methods & Procedures - - - c

3.4.2. Pack & Inspect Rescue Equipment for Land/Sea Aerial - - 3b - Delivery 4. MARITIME AND AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS

4.1. Diving Theory (Fundamentals)

4.1.1. Identify Hazardous Marine Life B - - - TR: Navy Dive Manual, Appendix 5c 4.1.2. Identify Dive Physics Principles B - - - TR: Navy Dive Manual, Chap 2


4.1.3. Identify Dive Physiology Principles B - - - TR: Navy Dive Manual, Chap 3 4.1.4. Identify Dive Injuries and Treatments B - - -

4.1.5. Use Tables at Sea Level and at Altitude c - - -

4.1.6. Identify , wave, and current effects on diving and B - - - TR: FM 3.05-212 4.1.7. Perform Surface Swimming TR: FM 3.05-212 3c - - -

4.2. Open Circuit

4.2.1. Identify Operational Planning Principles B - - - TR: Navy Dive Manual; FM 3.05- 212 4.2.2. Identify Ice and Cold Water Dive Procedures c - - - TR: Navy Dive Manual; FM 3.05- 212 4.2.3. Inspect and Maintain Open Circuit Dive Equipment 3c - - - TR: Navy Dive Manual, Chap 7 4.2.4. Perform Buddy Rescue TR: Navy Dive Manual, Chap 7 3c - - -

4.2.5. Demonstrate Water Confidence 3c - - - TR: FM 3.05-212 4.2.6. Perform Open Circuit Compass Swim 3c - - - TR: FM 3.05-212 4.2.7. Perform Pier and 3c - - - TR: FM 3.05-212 4.2.8. Perform Open Circuit Qualification Dive 3c - - - TR: FM 3.05-212 4.3. Conduct Closed Circuit Dives

4.3.1. Identify Closed Circuit Dive Systems Principles B - - -

4.3.2. Perform Closed Circuit Dive Equipment Inspection and 3c - - - Maintenance 4.3.3. Perform Buddy Rescue Techniques With Closed Circuit Dive 3c - - - Equipment 4.3.4. Perform Closed Circuit SCUBA 3c - - -

4.3.5. Perform Closed Circuit Compass Swimming 3c - - -

4.3.6. Perform Over-The-Beach Infiltration Techniques 3c - - -

4.4. & Recompression Chamber Operations

4.4.1. Not Requiring Recompression Therapy - - C -

4.4.2. Diving disorders requiring recompression therapy - - C -

4.5. Perform Dive Supervisor Duties

4.5.1. Open Circuit Access and log a dive into dive/jump reporting system - - - 2b (DJRS) Operate an Emergency Recompression Chamber - - - 2b Charge SCUBA and O2 Cylinders - - - 2b Plan a Dive Mission - - - 3c Supervise an OC Dive - - - 3c Perform a Dive Supervisor Personnel Inspection - - - 3c Perform Casualty Recovery - - - 3c Provide Differential Diagnosis - - - 3c Initiate an Emergency Recompression Treatment - - - 3c Perform Pre and Post Dive Maintenance - - - 3c


4.5.2. Closed Circuit Identify CC Exposure Limits - - - C Identify Dive Supervisor Responsibilities - - - C Perform Pre and Post Dive Inspections & Maintenance - - - 3c Perform a Dive Supervisor Table Top Inspection - - - 3c Perform a Dive Supervisor Personnel Inspection on an MK- - - - 3c 25 Team Perform a CC Dive - - - 2b Plan & Supervise a CC Dive - - - 3c Perform a Differential Diagnosis to Determine Course of - - - 3c Action Direct Dive Injury Protocols & Procedures - - - 3c

4.6. Perform Safety Diver Duties - - 3c -

4.7. Watercraft Operations

4.7.1. Operate Inflatable Watercraft 2b - 3c -

4.7.2. Operate Advanced Rescue Craft - - 3c -

4.7.3. Raise/Lower Inflatable Watercraft To/From Larger Vessels - - - -

4.7.4. Raise/Lower ARC To/From Larger Vessels - - - -

4.7.5. Operate Rigid Hull Watercraft - - - -

4.7.6. Perform Boat Master Duties - - - -

4.8. Shoreline Rescue

4.8.1. Wet Rock - - 2b -

4.8.2. Surf Zone - - 2b -

4.9. Perform Diving - - 3b -


5.1. Individual Combat Skills TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

5.1.1. Use Tactical Clothing & Individual Combat Equipment Tactical Clothing & Influencing Factors - A B - Individual Combat Equipment - 3b 3c - Body - b 3c - Load-Bearing Equipment - b 3c - Ruck Sack - b 3c - Sleep Gear - b 3c - Food & Water - b 3c - Communications Equipment - b 3c - Night Vision Devices - b 3c - Individual Combat Equipment Levels - b 3c -

5.1.2. Perform Hand-To-Hand Combatives - 2b 3c -

5.1.3. Environmental Camouflage, Cover, & Concealment Considerations TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Desert - A B - Urban - A B - Mountain - A B - Cold Weather - A B - Jungle - A B -

5.1.4. Perform Cover & Concealment TR: AFTTP3-3. Guardian Angel

20 Natural - 3b 3c - Artificial - 3b 3c - Imaging Signatures - - - -

5.1.5. Perform Fundamentals of Movement TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Rush - 3b - - High Crawl - 3b - - Low Crawl - 3b - - Toe-First - 3b - - Heel-First - 3b - -

5.1.6. Combat Tracking - - - -

5.1.7. Perform Tactical River & Stream Crossing TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Fording - b 2b - Swimming - b 2b - Rope Bridge - b 2b - Inflatable Raft - b 2b - Boat - A B -

5.1.8. Use Navigational Tools TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Perform Map Navigation - 3b 3c - Digital Compass - - - - Lensatic Compass - 3b 3c - Floating Needle Compass - 3b 3c - Altimeter as a Compass Aid - b 2b - Pace Count - 3b 3c - Six-Point Navigation - 3b 3c - Global Positioning Systems - 2b 3c -

5.1.9. Navigation Environmental Considerations TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Desert - A B - Jungle - A B - Cold Weather/Alpine - A B - Urban - A B - Mountain - A B -

5.2. Combat Marksmanship TR: AFMAN 31-101, AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

5.2.1. Perform Weapons Safety - 3b - -

5.2.2. Perform Safeguarding & Transportation of Weapons - b 3c -

5.2.3. Combat Mindset - A B -

5.2.4. Characteristics of Munitions - A B -

5.2.5. Perform Live Fire Training TR: AFI 36-2654, AFMAN 36-2655, AFMAN 31-129 Pistol/Handgun - 3b 3c - Rifle/Long Gun - 3b 3c - Day Shooting - 3b 3c - Night Shooting - 3b 3c - Lasers & Optics - 3b 3c - Battle Drills; Immediate Action Drills SIM; Shoot, Move, - 3b 3c - Communicate Grenade Launcher - - 3c -

21 Crew-Served Weapons - - 3c - Grenades and Pyrotechnics - 3b 3c - Operate Other Unit Assigned Weapons - - - - Foreign Weapons - - - -

5.3 .Surface Operations & Small Unit Tactics TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

5.3.1. Team Size Considerations - A B -

5.3.2. Team Designated Marksman Considerations - A B -

5.3.3. Supporting Force Considerations - A B -

5.3.4. The Art & Science of Tactics - B C -

5.3.5. Offensive & Defensive Operations - B C -

5.3.6. Forms of Maneuver & Defense - B C -

5.3.7. Pre-Combat Inspections (PCI) - 2b 3c -

5.3.8. Combat Patrols - 2b 3c -

5.3.9. Perform Tactical Team Formations TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Wedge - 3c - - File - 3c - - Column - 3c - - Line - 3c - -

5.3.10. Perform Tactical Movement Techniques TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Traveling - 3c - - Traveling Overwatch - 3c - - Bounding Overwatch - 3c - - Tactical Communications - 3c - - Night Operations Considerations - B - - Danger Area - 3c - - Defensive Firing Positions - 3c - -

5.3.11. Perform Rally Point & Tactical Techniques TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Initial Rally Point - 3c - - Enroute Rally Point - 3c - - Objective Rally Point - 3c - - Extraction Rally Point - 3c - - Patrol Base - 3b 3c - Noise Discipline - 3c - - Light Discipline - 3c - - Team Movement - 2b - - Shelter - 3b 3c - Resupply - 2b 3c - Noncombatant Evacuation Operations - A B - Team Casualty - 3b 3c - Methods of Handling Deceased Personnel - 3b 3c - Imminent Capture Action - 3b 3c - Rotary Wing Call For Fire - b 3c - Fixed Wing Call For Fire - b 3c - Aircraft Support to Personnel Recovery Operations - A B -

22 Perform Recovery Operations - 3b 3c - Search & Rescue Security Team/Quick Reaction Force - a 3c - Actions 5.4. Mounted Operations TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

5.4.1. Mounted Operations Considerations & Principles - B C -

5.4.2. Perform Convoy Operations TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel Weapons Mounting & Retention - b 3c - Live Fire Firing Sector - b 3c - Site Security - b 3c - Blocking Position - b 3c - Friendly Position - b 3c - Formation - b 3c - Driving - b 3c - Map Navigation - b 3c - Digital Moving Map Navigation - b 3c - Gear Configuration - b 3c - Danger Area - b 3c - Immediate Action Drills - b 3c - Bail Out - b 3c - Blow Through - b 3c - Remain-Over-Day (ROD) - b 3c - Remain-Over-Night (RON) - b 3c - Vehicle Drop Off (VDO) - b 3c - Travel Considerations & Limitations - A B -

5.5. Urban Operations (CQB & Breaching) TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

5.5.1. MOUT Principles & Communications - A B -

5.5.2. Use MOUT Terminology, Commands & Signaling - 2b 3c -

5.5.3. Perform MOUT Team Movement - 2b 3c -

5.5.4. Perform Team Movement with Casualty - 2b 3c -

5.5.5. Urban Evacuation Considerations - B C -

5.5.6. Perform Personnel Recovery Operations in Urbanized Terrain - b 3c -

5.6. Perform Close Quarter Battle (CQB) TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

5.6.1. CQB Principles, Fundamentals, & Communications - A B -

5.6.2. Use CQB Terminology, Commands, & Signals - 2b 3c -

5.6.3. Two, Four, Six-man Entry - 2b 3c -

5.6.4. Angle Man, Corner Boy Procedures - 2b 3c -

5.6.5. L-Shape, T, & Four-way Hallway Intersection - 2b 3c -

5.6.6. Fundamentals of Breaching - b c -

5.6.7. Personnel Control/Search Procedures - 2b 3c -

5.6.8. IEDs/Suicide Vest - A B -

5.6.9. MOUT/CQB Full Mission Profile Exercise - 3b 3c -


6.1. Confined Space - - 3b -

6.2. Swift Water - - - -

6.3. Personnel Rescue Support to NASA Astronauts - - - -


6.4. Land Party Search TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61

6.4.1. Land Search Requirements - B C -

6.4.2. Prepare Search Plans - b 3c 3c

6.4.3. Perform Search Party Duties - 2b 3b -

6.5. Low & High-Angle Rescue Fundamentals TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61

6.5.1. Knot Classifications - B C -

6.5.2. Tie Knots - 2b 3c -

6.5.3. Perform Rope Management - 2b 3c -

6.5.4. Perform Mountain Walking Techniques - 2b 3c -

6.5.5. Select Routes - 2b 3c -

6.5.6. Care For Climbing Equipment - 2b 3c -

6.5.7. Use Belay Systems - 2b 3c -

6.5.8. Use Climbing Communications - 2b 3c -

6.6 .Perform Rope Ascent Using AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

6.6.1. Friction Knots - 2b 3c -

6.6.2. Ascending Devices - 2b 3c -

6.7. Perform Lead Protection Placement TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61

6.7.1. Aided - - 3b -

6.7.2. Unaided - - 3b -

6.8. Construct Anchors - 2b 3c -

6.9. Rappel Using TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61

6.9.1. Standard & Non-Standard Techniques - 2b 3c -

6.9.2. Knot Bypass Procedures - 2b 3c -

6.9.3. Retrievable Rappel System - 2b 3c -

6.10. Snow & Ice Climbing TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61

6.10.1. Perform Ice Axe Arrest - - 2b 3c

6.10.2. Perform Cramponing - - 2b 3c

6.10.3. Construct Snow & Ice Anchors - - 2b 3c

6.10.4. Place Protection - - 2b 3c

6.11. Snow & Glacier Travel TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61

6.11.1. Use Movement Fundamentals - - - 2b

6.11.2. Terrain characteristics Affecting Travel - - - B

6.11.3. Use Skiing Techniques - - - 2b

6.11.4. Use Snow Shoeing Techniques - - - 2b

6.11.5. Use Crevasse Rescue Procedures - - - 2b

6.12. Avalanche & Rescue TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61

6.12.1. Avalanche Causes - - B -

6.12.2. Avalanche Hazard Prediction Methods - - B -

6.12.3. Avalanche Survival Actions - - B -

6.12.4. Avalanche Rescue Equipment Requirements - - B -

6.12.5. Perform Avalanche Rescue - - 2b -

6.12.6. Perform Avalanche Hazard Crossing - - 2b -

6.13. Mountain Evacuation Operations TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61

6.13.1. Use Haul Line Rescue & Recovery Operations - 2b 3b -


6.13.2. Perform Downhill Evacuation Methods TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, FM 3-97.61 Low-Angle Evacuation - 2b 3c - High-Angle Evacuation - 2b 3c - Buddy Rappel - - - - High-Angle Pick-Off - 2b 3c - Improvised Litters - b 3c - Suspension Traverse Method - - 3c - Rescue Belay System - 2b 3c - System Knot Bypass - - 3c -

6.14. Perform Tree Rescue & Recovery - 2b 3c -


7.1. Obtain & Maintain EMT- Paramedic National Registry - - - - Certification 7.2. Pack Medical Kits TR: AFI 16-1204 - 2b 3c -

7.3. Patient Assessment TR: Pararescue Medications & Procedures Handbook

7.3.1. MARCH PAWS - B - -

7.3.2. Conduct Patient Assessment - 3b - -

7.3.3. Traumatic Brain Injury/Neuro Exam - b - -

7.4. Extended Field Care, HITMAN Principles - B - -

7.5. Documentation TR: Pararescue Medications & Procedures Handbook

7.5.1. Complete Patient Treatment Card - 3b - -

7.5.2. Complete Patient Care Reports (PCR) - 3b - -

7.5.3. Medical 9-Line - B - -

7.6. Triage & Mass Casualty Incidents TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

7.6.1. Triage Principles - B C -

7.6.2. Element Leader Responsibilities - - C -

7.6.3. Team Leader Responsibilities - - - C

7.7. Behavioral Illness - b - -

7.8. Perform Wound Care & Closure - 3b - -

7.9. Thermal Injuries TR: Pararescue Medications & Procedures Handbook

7.9.1. Treat Burns - 3b - -

7.9.2. Systemic Heat Injuries - B - -

7.9.3. Systemic Cold Injuries - B - -

7.9.4. Trench Foot - B - -

7.10. Administer Pararescue- Specific Medications - 3b 3c -

7.11. Perform Advanced Life Support Emergency Procedures TR: Pararescue Medications & Procedures Handbook 7.11.1. Sedation - b c -

7.11.2. Rapid Sequence Intubation - b 3c -

7.11.3. Surgical Cricothyriodotomy - 3b 3c -

7.11.4. Needle Thoracentesis - 3b 3c -

7.11.5. Tubal Thoracotomy - 3b 3c -

7.11.6. Urethral Catheterization - b - -

7.11.7. Subrapubic Needle Cystotomy - b - -

7.11.8. Nasogastric Tube - b - -


7.11.9. Venous Cross Clamping/Ligation - b - -

7.11.10. Field Amputations - 3b 3c -

7.11.11. Escharotomy - c - -

7.11.12. Fasciotomy - c - -

7.11.13. Intraosseous Fluid Administration - 3b - -

7.11.14. Administer Blood Products - 3b - -

7.11.15. Hemostatic Dressing - 3b - -

7.12. Orthopedic Injuries TR: Pararescue Medications & Procedures Handbook

7.12.1. Dislocations - b - -

7.12.2. Immobilization/Splinting - 3b - -

7.12.3. Sprains - b - -

7.13. Crush Syndrome Protocol - b - -

7.14. Maxilla-Facial Injuries - B - -

7.15. Aero-Medical Evacuation Patient Treatment Considerations TR: AFI 41-307, Pararescue Medications & Procedures 7.15.1. Decreased Partial of Oxygen (paO2) () - B - -

7.15.2. Barometric Pressure Changes - B - -

7.15.3. Considerations- Thermal Changes - B - -

7.15.4. Decreased Humidity - B - -

7.15.5. Ventilator - - B -

7.16. Weapons of Mass Destruction (CBRNE) Injuries & - b - - Decontamination 7.17. High Altitude Illness - b - -

7.18. Treat Dive Medical Injuries - b 3b -

7.19. Perform Scenario-Based SIT Medical Exercises TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel

7.19.1. Care Under Fire - 3b 3c -

7.19.2. Tactical Environment - 3b 3c -

7.19.3. Adverse Terrain - b 3c -

7.19.4. Limited Access Environment - 3b 3c -

7.19.5. Extended Field Care - - 3c -

7.19.7. RW Aircraft (In Flight or Static) - 3b 3c -

7.19.8. FW Aircraft (In Flight or Static) - 3b 3c -

7.20. Tactical Medical & Environmental Emergency Protocols - b c - (TMEPs) 7.21. K-9 Evaluation & Treatment - B -

8. LEADERSHIP, SUPERVISION & MANAGEMENT TR: AFI 36-2103, AFI 36-2406, AFPAM 36-2627, AF Handbook 1 8.1. Orient New Personnel - - - 3c

8.2. Manage Daily Subordinate Duties - - - 3c

8.3. Evaluate Subordinate Work Performance - - 2b 3c

8.4. Counsel Personnel and Resolve Problems - - - 3c

8.5. Utilize Forms & Reports - - - 3c

8.6. Prepare Awards and Decorations - - - 3c

8.7. Leadership Principles - - 3b 3c

8.8. Provide Mentorship - - - 3c

8.9. Use Unit Manpower Document (UMD) - - - 3c


8.10. Use Unit Manning Personnel Roster (UMPR) - - - 3c

8.11. Readiness Reporting Tools (ARTS, SORTS, DRRS) - - - C

8.12. Identify General Supply Procedures - - 2b -

8.13. Identify Budget Management Principles - - - 3c

8.14. Identify Requirements Principles - - - 3d

8.15. Identify Security Classification Guides & Security Measures - a 2b - AFI 31-401 8.16. Publications

8.16.1. Maintain Individual Pub Sets - - 2b -

8.16.2. Technical Orders - - C -

9. TRAIN, PLAN & SUPERVISE ENLISTED SPECIALTY TRAINING TR: AFMAN 36-2201, AFMAN 36- 2236, AFI 10-3502 9.1. Determine Personnel Training Needs - - - 3c

9.2. Prepare Job Qualification Standards - - 3c -


10.1. Conduct Personnel Recovery Procedures as a PJ Journeyman TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, AFI 10- 3502 10.1.1. Roles & Responsibilities at Element Leader - - c -

10.1.2. Conduct Night Extended Surface Recovery Mission - - 3c -

10.1.3. Conduct Mass Casualty Recovery Mission - - 3c -

10.1.4. Conduct Rotary Wing Recovery Mission 3c -

10.2. Lead Personnel Recovery Procedures as a PJ Craftsman TR: AFTTP 3-3.Guardian Angel, AFI 10-3502

10.2.1. Combat Leader Training (CLT) - - - 3c

10.2.2. Roles & Responsibilities as Team Leader - - - c

10.2.3. Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) - - - c

10.2.4. Lead Confined Space/Structural Collapse Recovery Mission - - - 3c

10.2.5. Lead SCUBA Recovery Mission - - - 3c

10.2.6 Lead Water Jump Recovery Mission - - - 3c

10.2.7. Lead Night Land Jump Recovery Mission with Mass - - - 3c Casualty

4. Service Delivery Summary

4.1 Service Delivery Summary:

Performance Objective PWS Paragraph Performance Threshold SS-1: Academic Instruction 3.1. & 3.4. 100% of identified tasks instructed.

SS-2: Training Location Requirements 2.1. 100% Location specific requirements provided.

SS-3: Syllabus Binder 2.5.1. 100% Adherence to syllabus binder

SS-4: Contractor Provided Operable 100% of provided equipment suitable Equipment and safe for use

SS-5: Instructor Ratio 3.1.1. 100% met required instructor ratio


5. Safety Requirements.

5.1. Safety. Safety of all personnel and performance of work shall conform to the Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements and the FAA.

5.2. Hazardous Material/ Waste Management. The government does not intend for the contractor to use or provide any hazardous chemicals during performance of this contract.

5.3. Spill Response. The government does not intend for the contractor to respond to a spill.

5.4. Emergency Medical Services. Emergency medical services will be provided by the contractor. Contracting Officer will review planned emergency action plan and inform the contractor of any required improvements.




Applicable Documents: (Refer to most current dates) AFCFETP 1T2X1 Ranger Handbook AFTTP Guardian Angel 3-1 FM 3-23.35 AFMAN 31-229 AFMAN 36-2226 AFMAN 91-201 AFI 10-3502 AFI 10-3501 AFI 11-410




I, ______, hereby certify that I will be participating in parachute activities conducted by or on behalf of the United States Air Force and/or using equipment and aircraft owned or leased by the United States Air Force for parachute activities at the following location:______.

I understand and agree that my participation in these parachute activities and/or the use of United States Air Force owned or leased equipment and aircraft for parachute activities involves the risk of serious bodily injury, death, or damage to property. I fully understand and appreciate the following:

a. The risks associated with parachute activities include, but are not limited to: equipment malfunctions, collision with other participants, collision with trees, power lines, towers, buildings, fences, and other manmade and natural obstructions, impact with terrain/hard landing, , aircraft crash/accident, and high winds or wind gusts.

b. Parachute activities may involve a substantial risk of serious injury, death, or damage to property as a result of my own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others including agents, contractors, officers, service members, and employees of the United States Air Force and the United States Government, the conditions of Government facilities and the natural environment, the known or unknown condition of any government-furnished equipment, and the inherent dangers of parachute activities.

c. Parachute activities require me to be in overall good physical health and condition. Persons who are not in overall good physical health and condition should not participate in parachute activities. Participants in parachute activities should consult their physician before engaging in such activities to be certain they are qualified to do so. Anyone suffering from any injuries, conditions, ailments or pre-existing conditions that could affect their qualifications or jump status may not participate.

I hereby declare that I am certified and qualified for the level and type of parachute activities in which I will be participating. [If applicable] My United States Parachute Association (USPA) license number is______.

In consideration for my participation in these parachute activities and/or use of Air Force owned or lease equipment and aircraft for parachute activities, I voluntarily, willingly, and knowingly ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS, known and unknown, in any way associated with these parachute activities. Furthermore, I, for myself, my heirs, administrators and assigns, hereby RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS the United States Air Force, the United States Government, and/or any of their officers, agents, or employees, acting officially or otherwise, from and against any claims, demands, actions, liens, rights, subrogated or contribution interests, debts, liabilities, judgments, costs, and attorney’s fees, arising out of, claimed on account of, or in any manner predicated upon my participation in these parachute activities and/or use of United States Air Force owned or leased equipment and aircraft for parachute activities, including any loss or damage to property or the personal injury or death of any


person, including myself, which may occur as a result of my participation in these parachute activities, even where that loss, personal injury, or death is caused or contributed to, in any manner, by the United States Government.

I, for myself, my heirs, administrators and assigns, hereby covenant and agree that I will never institute, prosecute, or in any way aid in the institution of any demand, claim, or suit against the United States Government for any destruction, loss, or damage to property, personal injury or death which may occur as a result of my participation in these parachute activities and/or use of United States Air Force owned or leased equipment and aircraft.

This Release, Indemnification, Hold Harmless Agreement and Agreement Not to Sue shall be interpreted according to federal law. It is to be construed as broadly and inclusively as permitted by relevant federal law. If any portion of this document is held to be invalid, the balance shall continue in full force and effect. The term United States Government as used herein includes the United States Air Force, the United States Government, and/or any of their officers, agents, or employees, acting officially or otherwise.