Report Part I (“Challenges”) Traces the Development, Current Condition, and Utilization Levels of Baltimore’S Rail Network
Main Report Part I: Challenges Chapter One INTRODUCTION A. Committee report direction In November 2001, after the railway infrastructure of Baltimore, Maryland had attracted public attention due a catastrophic fire in CSX Transportation’s tunnel under Howard Street, the Congress made the following request: Baltimore, Maryland freight and passenger infrastructure study.⎯The conference agreement includes $750,000 to conduct a comprehensive study to assess problems in the freight and passenger rail infrastructure in the vicinity of Baltimore, Maryland. FRA shall carry out this study in cooperation with the state of Maryland, Amtrak, CSX Corporation and Norfolk Southern Corporation, as outlined in the Senate bill (Sec. 351). The Administrator of FRA shall submit a report, including recommendations, on the results of the study to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees not later than 24 months after the date of enactment of this Act.1 [Section 351 of the Senate bill reads as follows:] SEC. 351. (a) Of the funds appropriated by title I for 16 the Federal Railroad Administration under the heading "Railroad Research and Development," up to $750,000 may be expended to pay 25 percent of the total cost of a comprehensive study to assess existing problems in the freight and passenger rail infrastructure in the vicinity of Baltimore, Maryland, that the Secretary of Transportation shall carry out through the Federal Railroad Administration in cooperation with, and with a total amount of equal funding contributed by, Norfolk Southern Corporation, CSX Corporation, and the State of Maryland. (b)(1) The study shall include an analysis of the condition, track, and clearance limitations and efficiency of the existing tunnels, bridges, and other railroad facilities owned or operated by CSX Corporation, Amtrak, and Norfolk Southern Corporation in the Baltimore area.
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