Studia bot. hung. 40, pp. 37–124, 2009 THE GENERA GRIMMIA AND COSCINODON (GRIMMIACEAE, MUSCI) IN HUNGARY P. ERZBERGER Belziger Str. 37, D-10823 Berlin, Germany;
[email protected] All available specimens of Grimmia and Coscinodon collected in Hungary and kept in BP together with the collections of the author (B) were revised, in total more than 1,400 speci- mens. The following 20 species were found to occur in Hungary: Coscinodon cribrosus, Grimmia anodon, G. crinita, G. decipiens, G. dissimulata, G. elatior, G. funalis, G. hartmanii, G. laevigata, G. lisae, G. longirostris, G. montana, G. muehlenbeckii, G. orbicularis, G. ovalis, G. plagiopodia, G. pulvinata, G. teretinervis, G. tergestina, G. trichophylla. Descriptions, il- lustrations, distribution maps and a key are provided. Re-identification of specimens dur- ing revision is analysed with respect to the frequency of errors. The incidence of sporophytes and of mixed stands and mixed gatherings is given and evaluated. Some eco- logical, bryogeographical and conservational issues are briefly discussed. Key words: bryophytes, Coscinodon, distribution maps, Grimmia, habitat requirements, illustrated key INTRODUCTION In Central Europe, the family Grimmiaceae is represented by the follo- wing four genera: Coscinodon, Schistidium, Grimmia (including Dryptodon and Hydrogrimmia) and Racomitrium (LIMPRICHT 1889, LOESKE 1930, HILL et al. 2006), not considering attempts to split some of these genera (OCHYRA et al. 2003), which have not received general acceptance (HILL et al. 2006). In the past, many taxa of this family have not been well under- stood and often confused, and a need for their better recognition has long been felt. Recent progress in the taxonomy of these groups now makes it possible to analyse the Hungarian collections of Grimmiaceae and to estab- lish the occurrence and distribution of taxa in Hungary.