Sneem Community Notice Board

Issue 179 19th January 2017 Monthly FREE

Wedding of the Year

Sneem Enterprise Centre will be hosting a Mock Wedding on Satur- day night 21 st January 2017 at Sneem Hotel starting at 7.30pm.

The wedding party consists of Syl- vester Pocock (Danny Healy Rae) and Cindy Piggott (Margaret Christian), pictured left, supported by Micksie Pocock (Sonny Egan - North Kerry Entertainer), Jacinta Piggott (Angela O’Regan), Dicksie Piggott (Batt Burns) - International Storyteller), Melissa Piggott (Cait O’Shea), Cherry Piggott (Joan Egan), Dinny (John Foley) Memee (Betty Breen), Patie (Pat O’Con- nor) and Peg Pocock (Julia O’Connor). The ceremony will be performed by Pas- tor Manders (Drew Borrett).

The event will be a fun filled evening of entertainment - singing, dancing, storytell- ing followed by music by the Singing Jarvey. Light refreshments will be served.

Please support this initiative to create employment in the greater South Kerry area. Tickets are €20 available from Kerry Geopark Information Centre or local businesses.

Pictured are the Wedding Par- ty at their recent Hen Night which took place in Healy Rae’s Bar in Kilgarvan and the Blackwater Tavern.

Next Newsletter will be out on 16th February 2017 This is YOUR Notice Board! Deadline for the next newsletter - Monday 13th February 2017 Call the Resource Centre on 064 6645545 or 087 3853237 (please leave a message), email: [email protected], use our post box outside the Resource Centre or leave a private message on our Facebook Page.

Community News Birthday Wishes Mary Kavanagh on 20th, Fiona Schots on 21st, Kate Casey on 22nd, John Ber- nard Breen on 23rd, Liz Henton on 26th, Pat Murphy and Thomas Lettaneur on 27th, John Galvin on 29th, Patrick Lettaneur and William Davies (10) on 30th

February Birthdays Deborah Callis on 3rd, Ruairi Burns (14) on 6th; Olga Tochowicz (7), Grace Riney and Gerrit Noordkamp on 8th; Daniel O’Sullivan (9) on 9th; Gerry O’Donovan and Kevin Looney on 10th; Angelica Scheibein and Robert O’Donovan (10) on 11th; Mairead O’Dwyer (12) and Anita O’Sullivan on 14th; Leona Rigter (10) and Val Murphy on 15th

Special Birthdays Kathleen O'Brien (Ross) of South Square, now in Boston will be celebrating her 99th Birthday on February 1st with her family. She still loves to chat about her hometown, Sneem . Mark O’Sullivan, Gleesk and Benihane will be 21 on 2nd; James O’Leary will be 16 on 6th; Nora Murphy will be 16 on 9th; Tara Murphy will be 18 on 12th.

Deepest sympathies We heard from Germany that Mr. Christopher Fechler has passed away on De- cember 26th in Hamburg, Germany, aged 91. Chris Fechler had a house in Tahilla for over 40 years and was a loyal friend to Sneem and its people until his death. After his career as a Creative Chief Executive for one of Germany’s biggest adver- tising firms he started writing books. One of his books is "Sunny Spells - Occa- sional Showers" in which he lovingly depicted memorable situations and acquaint- ances of his many years in Tahilla and Sneem. Chris leaves behind his daughter Katie Fechler, who lives in Florida, U.S. .

Deepest sympathies To Mav Rose on the death of her eldest son Lee Nolan who passed away recently in the UK.

Deepest sympathies To the family of Flora Murphy, South Square, Seaview and Kenmare who passed away on 13th January 2017

Congratulations To Patrick and Lorna McClure on the birth of their baby boy Noah, a brother for Farrah and also to proud grandparents Denise Kirkham and Willie McClure. Page 2 Community News Bord na nÓg Fundraiser Thanks to all who supported the Bord na nÓg golf ball guess in Riney's Bar over Christmas. €521 was raised. The winners with the closest guesses were John O’Neill and Amanda McGiff. Special thanks to Sneem Hotel and Parknasilla Hotel for sponsoring the prizes!! We hope to make this an annual Christmas event. Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit go léir. The Bord na nÓg commit- tee.

Sneem Community Centre Christmas Hamper Winners Were Noreen Moriarty, Castlecove, Sheila Burns, South Gerah and Anne Quinn, Blackwater. Thank you to all the traders and people who bought tickets, €350 was collected and will be used to maintain the Community Centre.

Daffodil Day This year Daffodil Day will be held on Friday 24th March. If you would like to host a Coffee Morning (afternoon or evening) in aid of Daffodil Day this year please contact Monica O’Shea for boxes etc.

Parknasilla Golf Club The AGM was held on Saturday 7th January. The outgoing captain was Pa- draig Burns and incoming captain is Patrick O’Shea.

Sneem Summer Festival We would like to thank all those who supported the fundraising Table Quiz in Sneem Tavern on 28th December. The AGM will take place on Thursday 2nd February at 8pm in Sneem Resource Centre. We are seeking new committee members and new ideas for the 2017 festival - all welcome.

Sneem Resource Centre We would like to welcome our new Centre Co -ordinator, Sam Sherborne.

Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 21st June 2017 Group Leader: Tom Dennehy accompanied by Fr. Joe Begley and Fr. Danny Broderick. Departure from Shannon airport flying to Mostar airport. The price is €719 per person sharing. Price includes return flights, transfers, 7 nights half board guesthouse accommodation, airport tax, travel insurance and full reli- gious programme. Please contact Sheila Drummond 086 4098451 or Ciara Drummond 087 2745168 if interested.

Ardfert Day Retreat There will be a day retreat held in Ardfert Retreat Centre on Sunday 5th March. If you would like to attend, please contact Monica O’Shea.

Page 3 Sneem Walking Club

Upcoming walks Sunday 22nd January - Derrycunnihy Church to Kenmare - Meet at 10 am Contact: Sean McCarthy - 086 -8240332

Sunday 5th February - Kerry Way Coors National School to Waterville - Meet at 9 am Contact: John V O’Sullivan - 087 -2079033

Note: Meeting Point for all walks is Dan Murphy’s Bar, South Square. WALKING ATTIRE IS ESSENTIAL

Sneem JFK 50 Mile Challenge The Sneem JFK 50 Mile Challenge will take place on the weekend of the 20 th and 21 st May and participants may run or walk in the 50, 26 or 15 mile challenges. Registration is now open on, search for Sneem JFK. Our charity this year is Childaid. Previous participants will be familiar with Graham Tobin from the Irish Army who has brought a group of reserves with him every year to participate in the JFK challenge and Childaid is the charity that they run. Spon- sorship cards will be sent out on registration. The fee of €40 for the 50 mile walk includes €15 for Childaid, the fee for the 26 and 15 mile challenge is €25, but we are hoping that everyone will try and raise an additional €40 for this worthwhile charity. This year’s route is highlighted below, keep an eye on the Sneem JFK Face- book page for updates.

Page 4 Community News

15 th Kerry Sneem Scouts We are launching Sneem Scouts in February! We will be holding an Open Meeting on Monday February 13 th , starting at 6.30pm, for one hour in the Sneem Community Centre . This meeting is to showcase what Scouting has to offer the Community of Sneem and the evening will provide an opportunity for parents to express their interest in getting their children involved. Parents are more than welcome to bring their children to the meeting. The age range for any interested children (boys and girls ) must be at least 6 years old up to 11 years. We are hoping that in our second year we will be able to open a third section for Scouts ages 12 -15 years. Scouting Ireland have over 500 Scout Groups spread throughout the 32 Coun- ties. It is the largest uniformed Youth Organization in the Country with over 50,000 Members. It offers over 200 different activities from camping and hiking to sailing and canoeing. Scouting helps 6 -26 year olds grow in confidence, achieve their full potential and become active members of their communities. We are very excited for this opportunity for the youth of Sneem to get outdoors and participate in self led adventures. If you have any questions regarding Sneem Scouts please direct your queries to [email protected] or come along on the 13 th and get your answers in person.

Couch to 5K In line with Operation Transformation, "Kerry Sports and Recreation" are en- couraging local active groups to do a six week programme. Sneem Running Club will be holding a Couch to 5k programme which started on Monday Janu- ary 16th. We meet at 7pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and will be working our way up gradually to a 5k walk or run. At the end of the 6 weeks we will complete the 5k and have a gathering to celebrate our achieve- ment (Time and place to be confirmed!) Please note that in order to use the walking track, you must be a member of Sneem GAA (walking membership is available for €20 per annum).

Sneem Community Crèche Management and staff at Sneem Community Crèche would like to thank all the parents who donated items for our Christmas hampers and to all the local busi- nesses who sponsored prizes for our annual Christmas fundraiser which took place in December. All money raised will go directly into the Crèche for new resources and equipment. Finally a big thank you to all the parents for their con- tinuous support through out the year, it is greatly appreciated.

John Egan Memorial Golf Classic Will be held in Macroom Golf Club on Friday 28th April. For enquires and time sheets contact Jim at 087 2868855.

Page 5 Sneem Rowing Club

Sneem Rowing Club gym opening times for 2017 are : Monday: 8am to 12pm Tuesday: 8am to 12pm Wednesday: 5pm to 7pm Thursday: 8am to 12pm Friday: 5pm to 7pm Anyone that is interested in becoming a member of the gym can contact any of the committee members for information.

Winners of our 100’s club draw November: €100 – Stephen Burns €50 – Claudine and Alan Davies €25 – Patrick O’Neill

December: €100 – John V O’Sullivan €50 – Don Keogh €25 – Joe and Maureen Murphy

Rowing Club AGM Sneem Rowing Club AGM will be held in the Boathouse on Saturday 11th Febru- ary at 8:30pm. All members and those interested in becoming members are asked to attend.

Sneem Rowing Club 50/50 Draw This draw will take place on the first Friday of every month. Tickets are €2 each or €5 for 3 tickets or €20 for a book of 12 tickets. The money collected each month will be divided equally between the winner and the club. This money will be used to pay off the remaining loan for our boathouse. Tickets are available from club members and in different locations around the village. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

We held our first draw in D. O’Shea’s on Friday the 6th of January, it was a great success. The lucky winner was Nora Murphy. Thanks to everyone who entered the draw. The next draw will be on the 3rd of February in the Wrestlers Bar, we will also be doing our 100’s club draw for January too.

Page 6 Sneem GAA

The Sneem GAA AGM will be held this Saturday 21st January at 6pm in Sneem Tavern. All motions and nominations to Secretary by no later than 5pm on Friday 20 th January. Everyone welcome.

A Child Welfare Course will be held in the Sneem House on Wednesday Jan- uary 25th starting at 7:00pm sharp. This course is mandator y for all Bord na nÓg members.

Don’t forget to renew your Annual Lotto ticket before the 1 st of February – last draw for 2016/2017 tickets will be on Sunday 29 th of January. Ticket includes full membership and full use of the walking track at the GAA grounds.

The walking track is restricted to Sneem GAA Club members. Anyone not a member of Sneem GAA Club and wishing to use the walking track can take out Walking Membership with the club for €20.00 per year.

Fixtures 2017 Senior Football league Division 4 Round 1 - Sunday 19th March: Duagh vs Sneem/Derrynane Round 2 - Sunday 26th March: Sneem/Derrynane vs Keel Round 3 - Sunday 9th April: Castlegregory vs Sneem/Derrynane Round 4 - Sunday 4th June: Sneem/Derrynane vs Tarbert Round 5 - Sunday 11th June: Sneem/Derrynane vs Scartaglin Round 7 - Saturday 1st July: Skellig Rangers vs Sneem/Derrynane Round 8 - Sunday 16th July: Dr Crokes B vs Sneem/Derrynane Round 9 - Sunday 23rd July: Sneem/Derrynane vs Firies Round 10 -Sunday 13th August: Renard vs Sneem/Derrynane Round 11 -Sunday 27th August or Sun 24th September: Beale vs Sneem/ Derrynane

Sneem Kidz Club

The Kidz Club recommences on Friday 20th January with Juniors in the Com- munity Centre for games, art and crafts and Inters in the Crèche for a pyjama party and cinema. On Friday 27th January the Juniors will have a pyjama party and cinema in the crèche, The Inters will have games, arts and crafts in the Community Centre. Parents please check the rota and be sure to come along if it is your turn to help out.

Page 7 Community News

Sneem Resource Centre In our ongoing effort to raise the money that was taken from the Centre we are selling lines for a magnificent hamper. Thank you to Philip Burns, who donated the hamper which he won at golf and thanks to Sneem House for displaying the hamper and selling lines. The committee of Sneem Resource Centre are so grateful for all the donations that have been coming in to us since the robbery. A big thank you to Willie McClure and the businesses of Kenmare for their gen- erous donation, also the Summer Festival Committee who donated half of the money raised at their recent Table Quiz.

The Writer's Group takes place at the Sneem Resource Centre, North Square, on the first Friday of every month from 1pm to 3pm . All budding/experienced/published/hopeful, etc. writers are welcome to join. If you would like any further information, contact June on 0857700524 or [email protected]

The Window Box

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C Fin 087 712865

Page 8

SNEEM James M O’Sullivan PHARMACY Solicitor South Square South Square, Sneem

All legal work undertaken Opening Hours Mon - Sat 9am - 6.30pm Tel/Fax: Sunday 11.45am - 1pm 064 668 9664 Bank Holidays Mob: 087 286 8855 10.45am - 1pm [email protected]

Film Processing Evening and weekend appointments still available available

064 6645288

Page 9 Tahilla National School Happy New Year 2017 to you all. Athbhliain faoí mhaise dhaoibh go léir! We wish you health, happiness and peace this year. Christmas Celebrations Our Christmas celebrations were a great success and a large crowd of parents, friends and some past pupils were in at- tendance on the afternoon of Wednesday December 14th. We began with Mass which was celebrated by Fr. Liam and Dea- con Jean Yves. The pupils prepared and participated in many elements of the liturgy including the music, prayers, reflection and the dramatization of the Nativity. This was followed by a dancing presentation which included all the pupils. They danced The Sweets of May, a traditional dance, to irish music and later danced it to the tune of YMCA ! The three hand reel, Bonfire dance and solo dances were also per- formed. The dancers looked so smart in their white, red and black attire and their fancy footwork was rewarded with tremendous reaction from the enthralled audi- ence. LiQin entertained everyone with an amazing solo display and earlier in the week she performed in Paris with her friends at Bernie’s School of Dancing ! This term Bernie, our dancing teacher, will introduce us to jiving and we had such fun during the first lesson! There was a tea break after the dancing. The guests enjoyed refreshments while a slideshow highlighted some of the excitement of the year. THE musical presentation was a polished and quality performance. These young musicians and their teacher Peggy could grace any stage with such a production. All the practice paid off and the show was very well received and much appreciat- ed. The tunes from” Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat” and” The Sound of Music” went down very well with the audience as did the seasonal renditions and the irish trad music. There were individual performances on accordion, guitar, fid- dle , tin whistle, keyboard and cello with the pupils introducing the tunes and giv- ing interesting information also. It was an amazing achievement by a small but talented group. We can look forward to their next show. Kerry Minor Footballers Visit Barry Clifford, Castlecove organised a visit of three Kerry Minor players to our school on Wednesday December 21st and we are grateful to Barry for this. There was great excitement as , Séan O Shea and Dara Moyni- han arrived and brought the Tom Markham Minor Cup. The players

Page 10 Tahilla National School were given a warm welcome and they answered questions, signed autographs and posed for photos very willingly. Their visit was much enjoyed and appreciat- ed. We wish the players every good luck with their football pursuits this year. Santa gives a surprise visit Just after the footballers departed and we settled back to sing some Christmas songs, who should appear outside the classroom window but Santa Claus him- self! There was tremendous excitement as the junior room pupils made the ob- servation and this also alerted the pupils in the senior room. After the initial hearty welcome Santa was led to the hall and he chatted and gave a present to each pupil. Then his busy schedule intervened and it was time to be off ! A big Thank you to Santa for Swimming Lessons The pupils from Second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth classes have completed a series of six swimming lessons at the Parknasilla Hotel pool. Thanks to the gen- erosity of the hotel staff and the expert instruction of Norma Foley, a past pupil, the boys and girls have become very competent swimmers. We appreciate the support we get to advance this very important life skill and element of the curriculum. Christmas Pantomime There was a surprise in store for the pupils on Monday morning December 12 th . They were treated to a trip to the Carnegie Centre , Kenmare to enjoy a Christ- mas panto. Old Mother Hubbard was produced and performed by The Centre Stage Theatre Company, Belfast and generated great reaction from the audi- ence. Christmas Plant Arrangements Fiona from The Window Box came and hosted a very popular workshop on Mon- day 19 th December . There was an abun- dance of greenery and seasonal foliage on display and some very attractive deco- rations and glitters to add the wow factor to the individual creations. What unique and fabulous presents these centrepieces were! Thank you Fiona for encouraging the creative talents of the pupils.

Enrolment for September 2017 Enrolment forms are now available at the school for pupils wishing to attend the school next year. Please call to the school, phone the office on 087 7910532 or email [email protected] for further information.

Page 11 Coomanassig Day Care Annual Dinner

Pictured at the Annual Christmas Par- ty at Coomanassig Social Centre which took place on Sunday 8th Janu- ary.

Page 12 Coomanassig Day Care Annual Dinner

Parknasilla Employee of the Year

Congratulations To Amy -Lee O’Regan, Parknasilla Resort & Spa Employee of the Year 2016 pictured left receiving her award from Managing Director Tony Daly.

Kenmare & District Garden Club

Happy New Year everyone. We are preparing to start a new gardening year and our first meeting will be the AGM on Thursday, 2 nd February, 2017, 7.30 p.m. at The Gateway. Along with appointing the committee, there will also be a slide show from Ros Green and a short talk on Winter Pruning by Damien O’Flynn. Herewith advance notice of a garden -oriented film at The Carnegie called “Born to be Wild” on Thursday, 23 rd February at 8 p.m. Mary Reynolds will take the viewer through the preparations for a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. Further information at our Club meeting

Page 13 Blackwater / Templenoe News Blackwater Women’s Group AGM - takes place in Blackwater Tavern on Tuesday 14 th of February. The monthly meeting takes place at 8.30pm followed by the AGM. All members are requested to attend. Membership is €5 per an- num, annual membership is due for renewal at the AGM. New members wel- come. Introduction to the Internet - Kerry Flyer are providing the training. There will be five two hour sessions with training in the following subjects; Using email, Search Engines and Websites, Online Government Services, Everyday Transactions - Shopping Online, Banking Online, Downloading Farming and other Application Forms, Booking Flights, Trains etc . Social Media - Face- book, Viber, What’s App etc. Using You Tube. Digital Photography - Uploading Photos to Computer and Editing Them. This Class is free of charge and limited to 10 people per class. Laptops will be provided but people can also bring their own laptops and tablets. Give your name to Mary in Shop on 064 -6682003 to book a place asap, starting in Feb. Open to everyone, men and women welcome. Suitable for beginners and all levels of ability. Drama Classes - continue every Wednesday at 7.30pm. The group are writing a new original play which will be staged in O’Neill’s Dancehall Blackwa- ter in May 2017. Video Editing - Class on Filming and Editing coming up in the Spring. If interested contact Mary in Blackwater Tavern. Exercise Classes - No Exercise Classes in January but hopefully they will start in February. Members will be notified by text. Go For Life Classes have also been approved for the less active. Annual Mid -Week Break - The annual outing this year is in September. Three nights in the Falls Hotel & Spa in Ennistymon, Co Clare. This hotel is only 15 mins from Lisdoonvarna, is close to Lahinch, the Cliffs of Moher and the Burren. Contact Mary in Blackwater Tavern 064 -6682003 for further infor- mation.

Pictured left, Kerry Co Committee Chairman Tim Murphy presents Mike Hussey with a clock marking his contribution to Templenoe's success in the All Ireland Junior campaign as Physical Trainer. At the recent Templenoe AGM Mike Hussey replaced Mike Crowley as the new Templenoe Senior Team Manager. Photo by Mary O'Neill.

Page 14 Blackwater / Templenoe News

Templenoe GAA Club All - Ireland Junior Club Champi- ons 2016. They are pictured in Kenmare Bay Hotel at their medal presen- tation ceremony with Tim Mur- phy the new County Chairman of Kerry GAA. Back Row; L -R; Shane Cremin, Dan O'Connor, Teddy Doyle, Killian Spillane, Jonathan Egan, Josh Holland, Cian Hallissey, , Adrian Spillane, John Moriarty, Anthony Sheehan, Patrick Clifford, Ste- phen O'Sullivan, Diarmuid Quill, Jordan Whyte, Colm Breen, Mike Hallissey, Pat- rick Palmer, John Rice and John Spillane. Front Row; L -R; Kieran O'Neill, Danny Cahalane, Sean Sheehan, Martin Reilly, Brian Crowley, Tadhg Morley, Tim Mur- phy County Chairman of Kerry GAA, Timothy Clifford Chairman of Templenoe GAA Club, Gavin Crowley, Denis O'Neill, Will Sheehy and Joseph Sheehan. Photo by Mary O'Neill.

Pictured left, Tim Murphy Kerry Co Committee Chairman presents Tadhg Morley Captain of Tem- plenoe with his medals at the Templenoe Social in Kenmare Bay Hotel. Photo by Mary O'Neill.

Footstool Upholstery Workshop Sunday 29th January 10am - 5pm Art & Mór, Kenmare Golf & Walking Tours Cost €150 Taxi Service To Book Call 089 4616573 Sharon or [email protected] John V. O’Sullivan 087 1671315 Louise

Tel: 087 2079033

Page 15 Crossword No. 31 by Setanta


1 Person ridiculed because of happy -sounding farm animals? ((8,5) 10 Does burning aromatic substance make people angry? (7) 11 Get rid of sailor, spilt oil, and be silent! (7) 12 State of a broken down hut (4) 13 Steps on quiet cards (5) 15 Burn the servant, but not completely! (4) 17 In case the peas and beans are found there (3) 19 A forceful request can drive one mad in the end! (6) 21 I ran joined, as it were, to a moveable spire (6) 22 A circus performer can really be filled with booze! (7) 23 Caused a disturbance in endless Detroit (6) 25 Was carted about until finally found (6) 27 Often to go to marshy ground (3) 29 Part? Just the reverse – it's a set -up (4) 30 The meeting was developed from you, we hear (5) 31 Mundane words cover others from scratch (4) 34 Do you want something offensive? Look here. No I have an amount already (7) 35 Found on plants where a wounded flea can grow older! (7) 36 Don't stay out there – the defect about males provides great enjoyment (13)


2 A century can demand the right to praise (7) 3 The noise of a medal, perhaps (4) 4 Not cold headgear, meteorologically speaking (6) 5 Confined to the fireplace because it made a rasping sound? (6) 6 Just the instrument with which to return the plundered (4) 7 Old saws that may be overused proverbs (7) 8 Rusts in demand? Did you get the wrong idea? (13) 9 Not long and sour but brief and to the point (5,3,5) 14 At last he is working again! (7) 16 Harold Pinter loses his head? Bury him! (5) 18 A small fruit that sounds like 16 down (5) 20 It's useless no matter which way you look at it! (3) 21 Has the favourite had a fit of sulkiness? (3) 24 How to find an address in Ontario? (7) 26 No, I can't hold or check it (7) 27 It's quite wooded towards the front a little way (6) 28 Takes more that one heart for my crazy uncle (I follow) to join (6) 32 Is this the only fish you have? (4) 33 Such a tree is close at hand (4)

Page 16 Crossword No. 31 by Setanta 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

32 33

34 35


Solution to Crossword No. 30 S T R A N D A M B I A N C E E S A M L N H A R C T I C E M E R A L D S I H I D E O R E A C T E D R A T I N G S N E P E E N B E T R A Y A L R E V O L T R A O A O A O E V E N I N G S B A S I C S A C D T I I K S T R I K E E N C L O S E D E D R R S N R

Page 17 What’s On Sneem Hotel Music every Saturday night Restaurant open for Valentine’s Dinner on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th Febru- ary

Blackwater Tavern Live Music and Dancing every Friday night.

Coomanassig Day Care Centre Eucharistic Adoration 2017 Mass at 11am 9.30am to 12.30 am

Tuesday 24th January Wednesday 25th January Tuesday 14th February Wednesday 22nd February Tuesday 7th March Wednesday 29th March Tuesday 11th April Wednesday 26th April Tuesday 9th May Wednesday 31st May Tuesday 6th June Wednesday 28th June Tuesday 11th July Wednesday 26th July Tuesday 8th August Wednesday 30th August Tuesday 5th September Wednesday 27th September Tuesday 10th October Wednesday 25th October Tuesday 7th November Wednesday 29th November Tuesday 5th December Wednesday 20th December

Sneem Events 2017

21st January - Sneem Enterprise Centre Mock Wedding 2nd February - Sneem Summer Festival AGM 16th April - Sneem Resource Centre Cake Sale and Easter Egg Hunt 28th April - John Egan Memorial Golf Classic 3rd May - Confirmation at St. Michael’s Church 5th - 7th May - Sneem Walking Club Weekend Festival 6th May - Holy Communion at St. Michael’s Church 20th May - Sneem JFK 50 Mile Walk 17th June - Unveiling of the John Egan Memorial 19th - 23rd July - Sneem Summer Festival August Bank Holiday Weekend - Sneem Regatta 10th - 12th November - Sneem International Storytelling and Folklore Festival 8th December (TBC) - Christmas Lighting Parade December (TBC) - Christmas Fair



NEXT DRAWS Sunday 22nd January - D O’Shea’s Bar Sunday 29th January - Riney’s Bar Sunday 5th February - Sneem House Sunday 12th February - Wrestlers Bar

Tickets available throughout the Village in Pubs and Shops.

Please support your local GAA Club

Sneem GAA Lotto Results Sunday 1st January Numbers Drawn: 13,18,20,23 No Winner: €40 consolation prizes went to: - Barbara O’Connor, Village Kitchen, Sneem; Tim Murphy Snr, Moularostig, Sneem; Breege Timoney , Mayo/Dublin; Colm Hussey, Avonlea, Sneem.

Sunday 8th January Numbers Drawn: 6,15,21,26 No Winner: €40 consolation prizes went to: - Hilary O’Sullivan, Sandymount, Dub- lin; Noreen Drummond, Pier Road, Sneem; Kathleen Bowler, c/o Murchú's Bar, Kenmare; O’Reardon Brothers, Seaview, Sneem.

Sunday 15th January Numbers drawn: 13, 17, 22, 28 No Winner. €40 consolation prizes went to: - Geerit Noordkamp, Inchinageela, Sneem; Mary and John Teahan, Derry East, Sneem; Heather O’Shea, Rossdo- han, Tahilla; Paul Flynn, Bohocogram, Sneem.

Page 19 Local Information Bus Services Sneem to Kenmare Monday and Tuesday at 11am returns at 2pm Wednesday at 9.30am returns at 1.15pm Friday at 9.50am returns at 2pm Leaves from outside Riney’s Sneem to Caherdaniel/Castlecove Monday to Friday leaves outside Riney’s at 10am Sneem to Killarney Every Saturday leaves outside old P.O. at 11.30am returns 4.45pm Lo Call 1890 528 528 to book your seat. For any other routes or information contact Teddy on 087 2315014. Courier service also available.

Domestic and Recycling Bags For sale at Sneem House, D.J O’Sullivan’s, Mace and Sneem Resource Centre. Brown bags for Household waste € 5, Green Bags for Recyclable €3. All full bags can then be left in the trailer on the Seaview Road. No Black bags to be placed in the trailer.

For all your aches, pains, medical problems and well -being! Keep in balance with PHYSIO & Relaxation Appointments: call 083 80 221 29 [email protected] Jutta Raschke , Sneem

Page 20 Local Information Important Numbers AIB Community Bank Mobile Library Dr P. Malone / Dr D. No AIB Mobile Bank on January : 24th Forde December 28th February :7th and 21st Surgery 064 6645102, Wednesday 4th January 12.30 - 1pm Castlecove, Home 064 6645133 2017 from 10.30am - 2.15 - 2.45pm Sneem Mon/Wed/Fri 2 -5pm 11am in South Square. School, North Square. Tues/Thurs 10 -1pm 2.45 - 3.15pm South Bee Keepers Meeting Sat by app 12 -1pm Square 2nd Wednesday of every Public Health Nurse - month, 8pm in Coo- Tide Times manassig Day Centre Here are the high tides for 086 7872096 the period 19th January to South Doc - 1850 335999 Sneem Men’s Shed 15th February 2017. January Gardaí - 064 6645111 Every Monday at 7pm in the Old Dance Hall 19th: 09.04, 21.19 Pharmacy - 064 6645288 20th: 09.52, 22.12 21st: 10.50, 23.18 Mobile Vet Kenmare Opticians - 22nd: 12.01 Every Thursday 4 -5pm in Mon / Fri: 10 - 6pm 23rd: 13.10 Wed / Sat: 9.30 - 1.30pm South Square. 24th: 14.10 064 6648569 25th: 15.01 Sneem Market Local Taxis 26th: 15.45 Every Tuesday morning, 27th: 16.24 Kerry Experience Tours / South Square selling 28th: 16.59 Gerrit Noordkamp fresh fish. 29th: 17.32 086 2554098 Sneem Toddler Group 30th: 18.07 GoSneem Tours/ Every Monday 10am - 31st: 18.45 John V. O’Sullivan 12pm in Coomanassig February 087 2079033 Day Centre. 1st: 07.12, 19.26 All Welcome. 2nd: 07.55, 20.11 Mass/Church Times Enquiries 086 812 6546 3rd: 08.43, 21.01 Saturday 8pm .- Sneem 4th: 09.36, 21.59 Church Sneem Resource Cen- 5th: 10.40, 23.08 Sunday 9.30am - Tahilla tre Services 6th: 11.54 Church Photocopying, Scanning, 7th: 13.12 Sunday 11am - Sneem Faxes sent and received. 8th: 14.23 Church Internet and Office ser- 9th: 15.23 vices available. Meeting St Michael’s Church, 10th: 16.13 room. Nearly New, Book Parish Office, Presby- 11th: 16.57 Shop, Drop in Centre, tery, North Square. Open 12th: 17.36 Sneem newsletter and Tuesday and Friday from 13th: 18.12 much more. 10am to 4pm. Mobile 087 14th: 18.47 15th: 19.21 3480050 Coffee Craft and Chat -

Church of Ireland Every Tuesday 11am - 1pm. North Square, Sneem Sunday 10 am . Page 21 Local Adverts and Accommodation

Offered: • Five String Banjo €50 o.n.o contact • Good home wanted for Guinea Pig Resource Centre (Jackie) on and cage - free. Contact 064 Wednesdays 6645010 • Pine Office Style Computer Desk with • Suzuki Grand Vitara SL7 2006. 2 3 drawers and extra storage Unit Litre Diesel. Commercial, long €200 o.n.o contact Resource Centre (Jackie) on Wednesdays wheel base, 220,000 km, excellent condition. One lady owner, no • Yamaha Electronic Keyboard, hardly heavy use, regular service, Timing used in good condition €150 o.n.o belt replaced. CD Player, Air condi- contact Resource Centre (Jackie) on tioning, Electric windows, Remote Wednesdays Central Locking, Sat. Nav., power steering etc. €4,000 Phone: 087 - • Suzuki Vitara Passenger, 2ltr Diesel, 2426781 2004, 118k, Perfect Condition, Taxed to end of November, NCT to 16th • For Sale: Muscovy Ducks - Point of June 2017. New battery and clutch, Lay. €12 each. Can deliver in good tyres. Fully Serviced. Reasona- Sneem. Please call Richard on 087 ble. Contact: 064 6645431 773 8159. • 2 Black Leather Armchairs. Good • For Sale: Full set of golf clubs with Condition. Going Cheap. Contact: carrying case. Would suit lady or 086 3058432 younger person. €50. Please call Richard on 087 773 8159. • Laptops for sale. Prices from €70. Various models with 6 months guar- • Firing, sally wood. Contact: 087 antee. Fully operational and updated. 6180515 Perfect for internet browsing, etc.

• Please call Jay on 086 -3461288 04 Ford Mondeo. €600 O.N.O. Con- tact: 087 9242918 • Calling all Rock 'N Roll Bands - a full

drum kit comprising of four drums, • Two female tagged donkeys for two symbols, all pedals and stands. sale. Contact Tom O’Sullivan 064 Some parts absolutely new. Used for 6645388 only one gig in the past two years. Cost approximately €1,000 to • Nearly new hedge trimmer for sale put together. Open to offers. Phone Contact Tom O`Sullivan 064 087 -2426781 6645388 • • 2 teak windows 2’8” x 3’8”, €100 2 windows 60” x 60”, 1 bathroom win- each. Contact: Tom 064 6645388 dow 48” x 48”, 2 windows 57” x 34”, 3 windows 28” x 43”, double Glazed • Seasoned timber blocks; will deliver PVC Windows 1 year old. €500. - all in bags. 087 -8173706 These can be sold together or sepa- rately. Contact 083 4631810.

Page 22 Local Advert and Accommodation

• Manual Walking Machine and Sit Up Bench. Contact: 087 6451580 for more details.

• Corner Unit with 2 top glass doors. €400. Contact: 087 6451580.

• Timber and Turf for sale. No or- der too big or too small. Contact Brendan on 087 6780600. • Colour TV 24 inches - working - in good order with remote control - free - Contact 0870535925 Wanted: • A drop leaf table. Not too big. contact 086 1083948

• Ergonomic keyboard and monitor SNEEM COMMUNITY CRECHE wanted. Contact 087 7865053 Safe and affordable childcare.

• Double glazed windows of vari- Full / Part Time /Drop -in Service ous sizes, free please. Also scrap metal anything considered. Please call 064 6645551 Thank you. Contact: Tom 0879181712 or Bara 0862303640 Jeff Prior Electrician • Local Computer Technician re- quires office/workshop space. RECI REGISTERED

Must be dry and have power. House / Farm / Commercial Please call Jay on 086 - 3461288 CCTV, P.V. & LOW ENERGY

• Stabling available in Sneem ar- 087 2312993 ea. Please phone 087 9717016 Offered: BOOKKEEPING • Farmhouse to let long term, 3 AND bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen ACCOUNTING SERVICES dining room and sitting room open fire and central heating. Contact: 086 -3622478 Contact

• House to let Blackwater: 2 sto- June Hunter rey, 2 bedroom, fully furnished, 085 7700524 central heating, wood burning stove. Contact: 087 -1657583

Page 23 Over €25,000.00 CURRENT JACKPOT won in prizes in 2016 €4,750.00

SNEEM GAA CLUB ANNUAL LOTTO VALID FOR ALL DRAWS - 1ST February 2017 to 31 st January, 2018 JACKPOT PRIZE MINIMUM PRIZE - €2,500 MAXIMUM - €15,000 Draw held every weekend - weekly consolation prizes Select the four numbers of your choice and return along with €100.00 to The Secretary, Sneem G.A.A. Club, Sneem, County Kerry, Rep of Ireland before the 31 st of January, 2016. Your €100.00 entitles you to full Sneem G.A.A. Membership and a yearly lotto ticket valid for all draws from the 1 st of February, 2017 to January, 31 st 2018 Please remember to include your full name & address and your telephone number & email address. TICKET RECEIPT WILL BE FORWARDED TO YOU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

NAME: ______



Sneem GAA Annual Lotto 2017/2018 Eanair 2017 A Chara, Another year has come and gone and we make our annual appeal for annual lotto tickets. As always, we would like to thank all of our supporters both at home and abroad for their continued support. For the first time in a good number of years we are able to celebrate some success for the team with promotion to Division 4 and also winning the Novice B Munster Final in Knockaderry in February of 2016. If you would like to support the club via the annual Lotto then please select 4 numbers and return to The Secretary, Sneem GAA, County Kerry together with €100.00. Your annual lotto ticket entitles you to entry in all Lotto draws from 1 st February 2016 to 31 st January, 2017 and membership of Sneem GAA Club. Membership also entitles you to apply for Championship Tickets whenever Kerry are playing. We are delighted to announce that the walking track for the use and benefit of all members has been a tremendous success and annual lotto members are more than welcome to make use of this facility to their hearts content. Keep an eye on our Facebook Page – Sneem GAA and in the Newsletter and Kerryman for GAA news. On behalf of the club, I would like to wish you and your family a prosperous 2017. Is mise le meas, Daithi O’Laoire, Runai, CLG An tSnaidhm