Sugar fact:tory gears5 up for thhis season'I's campak B]

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w s uJ whips Ronny ‘ . . ... : Shffp j '4 f i - 4 i > ■ — _ P -B 4 -MarketpIS^^ G3 1 - Plays J ' ~ ~ r ---- — J

A ...... Copyrtomcl9M BSlj tassQ - S4th year. No. 251 Twin Falls,, IdahoIt , Friday.. SeptemberSi 8,1989 ' L o m e db u f f e rrs th res t r a l r l3 r d s(;copin<[Q heaiB i n g z : [ By N.S. NOKKENTVEDiD . . Hali;Tio\lowcver, charged that the AiAir Force H alt said infonformation about that kindd iof it’s Mountain Home ththat at gots rich, he said, i Timcs-Ncws writer Andrus commentsI t s - A 4 knuw wellH thc effects of a fighter jetjc flying " impact was nccQceded if people nro to maln a elimirmle n way of life that was Brought.lo public meetings on a pro|proposal to expand the--ran;an g c ex p an sio n . IsBues-rQiBcaised are to be Low-lev3vol-supersonic flight willill not be round of applausauso by likening thc Air Fore)rcc southern Idnho by pioneerapioi more than,100______Saylor Creclt BombingI RlRange, tha Air Force ansnswercd in an environmern e n ta l im p a c t covered by b; the first phase of the‘ two-partl\ bombers flyingig toti Owyhee County to do theheir yeara ago. — —has-neglcctad to-properl>arly ii^orm the public.--.stat;Latement AirirFofce!.' F .. l.impacL'stiitiidy of the expansion, soilloid Capt. business with a turkeyi farm er who got ricrich John Solosabal, a. GliGlenns‘Ferry rancher, charged one local rcaidencient T hursday. "You have that information,ion, you should Wilfred CnIlnssidy, environmental coorjordinator by sending lusJ tuturkeys next door lo “ieed araria said super^nic tligtlights would moKc it The Air Force has providedpr no definite haviave given us that before thiss mmeeting,' Hall for thc prc)roject. The first phase wilivill cover crap." Thc turkeirkeys would go next dcJor aand r impossible lo Jive in his homo o f 50 years,-ho ..... answtJ3-on,-thc_effoffects-of. low-levcl saidlid . • ■ ' only impncact with supersonic flight frofrom 5,000 r e tu rn hom e! aat t n ig h t to sle e p w hile th tli c said. _____ supersom’c flight, Robert'ert'Hnirtold'n'paheror Lt. Ll Col. Jim Cooper o f Mountam tain Home Air feet abovee thci ground To^OOO feet,rhiTsaid, ht “ tuHceyfamergorgofrich': ' *1 d^n’n h in k 1 couTd'uTd'k’e'c^p \vindows'in m'y ;------Air—Forcc-officialss at the crowded Fonorce Base replicd-that the Air(^r Force “can’t The secocond phase >¥111 consider supluperaonic. . The Air Foreorce will send its plnncs? tot .housc.",hcBaid. I community hall in Glennsnna Ferry. assc5SCSS that impact until wc kno’tnow the dcsi^ flight betwiween 100 feel and 500,feet ababove the Owyhee CountyIty to 'eat and crap," Presleiley Tho Nevada Dcpnrpnrtment of Wildlife, The niccting"Tvns"thB^ir^hirdnii u bcries to ofth'the-range-ond-target-flrrflngengementfi.^:— ^------ground.----- ______aaidJJutihcy-gQLgoJiom{LflLnighUprici)priotiiit. park lUigc Brackett, who drovedro his Allis C halm ers WD-D * . 2 p.m, - .Mils Itodcu Idnlio Idn horaemonahip. j “’‘■'45'to Q scconfl-p3 -place'’finisT ir“'Y'ou't'ry't()0 ■ n)deonrcna'“ ' ~ shnwl dem onstration, ■; - . decide wtuch gearc a r it’ll go best in. 2-6 p.m. - Slitcp to Shnv “T h o re 's a gjut ut reef if you drive these9 . 3p,m.--&iwioolhno(;i;iT»,ijers, park (tUtye - — ...... -tractorra lot'and:nd;you ju-st go'wiih that," hee 4 p.m. Tnmmy'n Unnce:e Knctory,Kn p a ri irtnRc said; 5 p ni, - Kiuhndi Unnecrs,TS, pnrkp Hlat;e — Korty-one-old-tId-trnctors-of-variouB-agofl- g_ Gp.m, - Kan Mil Tnri, pnrk.otagepnrli ______• r ■■■ T;30p,m,-l'n.-HodcoEnlciinlertainment .. and engine sizeszes took the.challenge of 8p.m.-PRCAnodco&l)ullliullridinK. KfiinJ«tand dragging a weighighted sled bearing severalll 10 p.m.-..Miss Itodco Idalio Ida benefit donee. pr>elo.14IKG SAL3ALSDURY tons imtil they cou;ould pull no more and cnmce rodooKrandiiUind______w-sccTitAt::At3TOft-onPage-A2 ------aults„suiicidal saililor for loMzaLtra] agedu- JHow does; $1.5 millilion for The Washington Post a n d j jjj a way that caused the prematurepr an Army maminuol callcd “Improvised — circumstantin tia l. ^ e>explosion.- Munitions Hanhandbook." Milligan said an( j irrigoficon plan soound? ' WASHINGTON - Descescribing him evidence Iled ^ R e a r Adm. R ichard D.t. Milligan, “these two bool n e -thc-24-ycar'old- th petty-officcc e r "had n a result o f hialia own actions, staging -A rchaeologists a re dividiided over Hussein, who10 is known as Saddam ___ sailors, including device betwe l^ g interest in explosive!'ch ” dating his denth hi stsuch a fashion th a t he ''' d-to-hove—in —Irn q —n n dd—thc —t Arab world, The admirals, who10 le d 'a n d bngs o f powdX -C L A Y T O N ------“hack1,° to his boyhood when hihe.blewup- 'hoped it"woulould'appear -whether the gardenspsaid- is of feet announced a SI.5$1.1 million prize,for reviewed the Navy’s fofour-month in the midd HARTWIG slum ps. Occident." graccd terraces hundreds -abovo.lhe-palmJ‘ringed.£ui:;uphratca._whomcver. comcjmes-up-with thc.most— — probe of thc explosioision” snIB a I6-lnch gim1 oflheo: turret’s three guns, Thc'bobka”wtre‘“Goltingig ’EvcnrA ------But-Millign:jnn-and-Adm—Lcon-A— existed. They reputedly wcvcrc buill plausible wateritering system, and combination of “irrefutautable facts" then operateIted loading machinery in Complete Cc Book of Dirty Tri'ricks," nnd . ' . Sco IO \ O W A o n P a g e - A 2 ____ by-Nebuchadnezzar in th t e 6 th $760,000 to the runrunncr-up. century B.C. lo enchant his h(homesick The winningJ sysystem likely will bo queen, the M edian princess AAmytis. used if tho Iraqisiqis decide to go ahead ^Sailor's; /am i/y rreacts^ bititterly to) Navy reeport Thc ancient Greeks conaidcidered the and reconstructct thctl hanging gardens -ga rdcn* ons-oE4ho-seven.woi/nnflpTu nf, -nft,pnrt. o f t]qtnrf» ...... ^ the report on the April 19 disiiisaster off Puerto Hico!~ The Associated P ress blast aboard the battleshiplip and, repented lenks lo ih the world, but' Nebuchadadnezzar crumblcd cilyin'in what is now central .c.xact, cause of_the__ __the new s m edia from-invcsti,istigatora.______^ ___ T h e. re p o rt s a id ..the...c made no-mention of themm in hia Iraq. — ■ explosion, the worst navaval disaster since thc - . CLEVELAND - Claylayton Hartwig’s family’ -•- “The Navy is kind of investigatinginv itself and c! detailed, writings, nnd no cotronclusive No modern1 technologyte can be todny rejected thc Navyivy’s conclusion that thc clearing ' itself.’' said Brusnalinahnn. ' VVietnam War, cannot bee ppinpointed since the evidence they existed hnlas been Sco GARDE gunner’s mntc probnbly' cnu.sed,lhecn explosion.thnt , Hartwig’s father. Earlirl !V. Hartwig, u Navy sailors su close enough-to seclec what was going on, ' DENS on Pogo A2 kilted 47 sailors on the: UUSS Iown by shoving a veteran, also said he didrlidn't believe the Navy incjuding in Hartwig, were; aall killed in the fiery ' m detonator between gunpow('owderbaga. • i conclusion. “I think there: wiwas a powder explosion blast. bl “I never believed itjnghtght from thc start.” Kathy — • accidental — that cau:aused the explosion." However, Rear Adm.1. Richard Milligan, ^Las VegaIS fire foiorces Kubicina, Hartwig's sister,sis said outside her i P'presenting the conclusionsns in Washington, said tgTT-tMro-hour-briefing-by—— —The-family-wnsbriefed-atl-at-Hurtwig^s-home-by n - ththere-wns much “circumBlnstnntiol-i nform otion'-.^ ------Navy — ------——thrce-ofncertcaraled 1 byCajCaptrDougins-JrKntz: ------pointingtoHartwig;pc ----- — evacuatiionofR hIviera — )f the liardesl Ihings I’ve- He cited nn FBI psych/chologTcal profile of The family attorney,', KKraig Brusnahnn, said “Thia is probably one of tl The Associated Press doors to a le rt holelotel guests, th at he took his ovm life ------H u r t wT g 'rT cl a ll v e i T ^ ■ ______The fire blackeckencd thc exterior of and hoped it looked like anI acaccident." ______j investigation into thc Nav;lavy probe of the April 19 the I hom e a h alfh o u r before■re tthc Pentagon released ar IAR VEGAS — A flmokyJlr[inL£acedl.JLsecUQnj}r ilii: o r ______throughth r a construction areaea at thc story building buibuilt in 1553. The fire. . . . . iHviern Hotel and Casisino on dfd not reachI iniinside, tire'oflicials zSfuSyrlMasts f Superfiund prcogram Thursday,^ forcing the evaciu:iiation of said. Two o ther er high-rise 1 towers at 3,000 guests at the S trip resort»rt. llie resort were; nonotafTected. The Associated Press only the wors:irstofSO.OOO dumps w here by Jan Faul Acton, otn K nnd’s sites; said Wall^altcFKbVairclrJrTlho “ ThTfiT r^ c i^ rt ed li'n o ;;20 2i a.m.,' Hotel spokcBn'csman Davo Vorbon ' waste ultimim a te ly m ay need to be Institute In; for Civil Ju.slice. EPA’b deputy! directordi of Superfund. sent sen thick smoke billowing hundredshi said all occupant)anls were evacuated ' SANTA MONICA. CalijQlif, — T he treated or renremoved. “Superfund has been supcperslow at After he was v appointed by of feetI in the air.-No injuricrics were “quickly nndid q u ie tly ." . M a rk _____ •federal Superfund programram has been------The-reportort-alBo found-that EPA cleaning-up cl< toxic wastistc s ite s , EresidenT'Buah'ish,.EPA Adminislrator reported, rep ond the was puput out in Slcrbeiis, hotelcl president,p s&id the "suppralow" in d enningJ totoxic waste spent only; $$2.6 billion of tho $4.5 spspending available' funinds nnd William-ReillyIly ordered on internal aboabout two hours. fire hotel’s 2,200 roomsoms w ere sold out. ------dun:ps-and'in~Tnaking~poilpoilutcra-pay—billion-in-SuSuperfund money-from- -rc'-recovering-its outlays-frorom-thoBo—rov-iow-that-cr -criticizcd-Superfund. ___—— Wo-wont-through-somc-e -p re tty ------Sturben3.said.ffl.d.fflLto-75-moma.iverc------fo rth e work, according to'ato n study."^ Congress dur[unrT^BSO-TSSSrand only" wlio wl: did thoTpolliilihgl^lIiew’oyn-profit; Rclllyplcdgcdcdin'-Junc to'-toughen -daidark - smoke • getting outt o f th e . dnm ogcd, nndd scflome-people-would ------_ In'tho program’s firstt eieight yeara . $L6 billion wwent directly-ljLcleanup—Sa-Santa Monica-based think. tankt said toxic w aste ciccleanup. enfoTcomcnt. cascasino," said Dr. Paul Berender of have go to othericr 1hotels'. The resort’s ____ cndinc:__iQBt__ S eptemmber.._-thc. b work,^ith_th tho rest spent on in a statement summarizin;:ng Acton’s Kovalick saidI tthat l dcspito problems, JefJpfferspn, Ind. “Thc hold■I people Jiotols an^ restnuronU re ^ re ______Environmental Protectioition Agcncy , managementnt and legal costs. finfindings. 1 thc clt-anup efeffort isn’t as boB aa 5hosho*uI3~be given c re d it forrgelling i expected tb redperipen Idtcr Thursday. fini8hl‘d-cionninB-only-3411 ddumps-out-:*i— Finaiiy,.lhclhe-0gency.recoxered.ODli‘______!Othcc studies hav£..crcriticized. - Rand’s studyiiuiauggcstfl.— _____peo people" .rriui-iirsL thing,.ing.ive d id jv a s sccunj — ; ' : oTlTI^.Ton n p r io n f ^ issrraFcofding-$2W-milliot3-i r p t3“ofthe-^.6-billio,h-fnjm—Su ■Supcrfand's-pnccrburRnn ln d ‘BiH-“n------W h ilc 'o n lyy £34“d u m p s 'h a d 'b c c n -----“ Arthur”A ‘Wallz'munT ■Ri'vTcrV^oll of llitTrinrnoy'loy'(in"tho casino} and I to tho Rnnd Corp.-studtudy, to be polluters wh(vho are supposed to pay vevery good attempt” to statatiatfcally declared cleanan by S ep tem b er 1988, chachairm ani said he went floor->r-to-flop_r evacunle a ll thLhe_people,’' e Sterbona reloii.sud Fridny. The listst represents r for,the cieaniinup work, said the study measure me progress in clenniini£g_dump • Sec SUPER2R FU N D o n P a g e A 2 wwith it security, oftlcers. knoclicking on ..said;__; . j I - -

A-2 ■nmoo-Nowo, Twinin FFoils. Idaho Friday. SoptommborO, b i9a9 ' f d e n s — Senate u S cniployees for the first twi:wo yca™ . A ll te lc p n o n e c, available td deaf audicnlienees w atcliing in the gatlerileriea.and lim it would be 25 c igners eager to participate,. the Baghdad contest, what w creoncionce the towering walls of . stores, restau ran ts and othei . on television..'- privately ovmed etc A-;slologists have beenn - ‘A hitherto unstudiedi 1hydraulics Nebuchqdnez2lezrar's palace were the Supporters likenedd thet A m cricans.W ith DisolRobilities would be prohibitcbitcd discrimination, a g.Babylon for-dccadea hutit . phcnom caon.. which J dia[iacoVered .in . foundations5 ofjof the hanging gardens. A ct to Uuj CivlLRightaits Act.25.ycarflj ago tluit.guarlarantccd facilities w ouir1 d Jia ve”lo "m ak 0 . nfodifl /o-boon-able to figure outt ..1382, helped m c solve thisi8puzde,''hc Georges1 RiR oux o f F ra n c e , wHo blacks .and other minainorities their right to'partiirticipnte accom m odatc theu! hhondicappcd if “readily im B IS ------spent yearsi in Iraq , wrote in his book cCMiblctothc how the MeMesopotamians, withoutt was quoted a s saying. _ fully in A m erican Bocietcicty. i. All new buses.wowould have to be m aae accei lumping syatciTis, watered-d- Khnflcnevich. a hydrolnilogist for 30 “Ancient Iraq,•aq," a respected.general. ?}amation—haodicflppedrrwitl n.vthat-reputcdly-wero on-In—years, said-thaUafler-expirportmnntinp history Ol the counlry, that in the ha bill. In addition, telephone for people with disabilibilities,” soid Sen. Tom Harlarkin, D -. provided for in tha high above the Euphratess with models, "I camme to the cellars'" beniaenenth tHe palace, rovidc devicbs — a t no specit=ialcJrgo-/“™ '-'e Iowa, the bill’s chieff sponsor.sf Fifty-nine senatori;ors, both would havc to prov: i conclusion ' that part:rts o f th e ex cav ato rsi foundfoi "an unusual well ICS to the to allow the'deafif aand Bpcach im paired to communicate co . Republicans and Demoimocnits, added their names Legend aaaaya the terraced gardenss construction may be unenearthed on with three, shafts,sl side by side, are not sa handicapped. - legislation. An amendmdm ent m ade Congress subjeciiecttothe witli others who arc . levels, and the most likelyy the’ H ill of B a b o r n e a r tlthe biblical probably usedsed in connection with a ______U m ^ -o U h m ig h —atmLim>>. ■■qcnntorg Quegtionecned the Voting againstst ithe measuro were HelmIma. Willimn ‘“ '1 •_u,iitP.ring.thpm waa a tvpeg tnwpr whfrn flnd_puniiptqhf>H_th(» rhnin-piimp.'i______^______' olo.; Gordon Humphrey, confititutionality. Armstrong. iR SIa I that hauled buckets up? people by making themm speak in “It is extre'mre'm ely tem pting to see in definition A. McClure, R-IdoIdaho; arid Malcolm Wallo Scn. Jeaso Hclmfl.’R-■R-N;C;, had challenged a def 3uphratQ9. f-lHfi—o f-ih e-ro o f-« i virus are Jak e G am , K-Utah.Lah. saying th a t 65 pcrccnti t ofo people with the AIDS vir gardens ma;nay havc been as high as3 findings,1 but noted: “I bbelieve the Hanging Gardeirdcns of Babylon." )day'sw« Ac<«.''eu-Wtalbcr fWMMt for 6 pjn. Friday,day,S*pu<9bcr<.— ' ------“"im'd— n oi r r “ com c------up— ^ t hr —1 “hoTno8exuality in this5 1case" but-sulfur and-othtother material, Milligan in ihc lowur lo midId 70s.7 northwest . . ^ incontrovbr'brtihle evidence thatt , in-stead i a pattern of HartvIwig having said, the Navjlavy concluded that tho ~'winda~GtoWmph.jh. TorJpht and jjf / \ Hartwig sal);al)0taged the battleship’s: hI a d a a u ccesalo n o f v(very close foreign materiae ria l had to come from a Saturdny. fnir. LowniwB in the upper turret, noror could it establish aI 1relationships w ith one m ahale a t a tim e device tliat HartwigHai was in the best 30» to lowur 40*. HiRlligliB in lhe mid motive. who broke them o(T. position to insert inS' between the two 709. of .foreign . bags of . powderpo\ nearest . the CamAS P rairio and Wood River,. { J f T h o motiv»tivation,’may' Milligan. said_bits.ol ^______Vttllay; ^ . have been,"n," said Edney, “would1 material i that the Navy/y believes projecti|e. The Tl admiral said a — Today, flimny ondd . »r warmer, tligna I i ^ rCqiiri'e (us)srtg-fac'cbtgnii-uilt r u. j i cfltnc fronnnlatoiuiLiiig "duviui.'dc wi!iu- lictonating device-that^-w»nt^>ff-a8dev ----- ... — .. -near 7O.-Wc0t windsds 10 . to IB mph. ^ \ L ' . i Hartwig.” a crevice in a cacopper ring the bags of powpowder were compressed Tonight nnd Saturday.[ay. fnir. Lowa in • * The admirnirnls rejected publishedI t that fits over the projecectile. The by the.rammiimo.r.could have been UielowcrOOs. HighainJ intho lower 70s. • suggestionsns that Hartwig and1 j projectile was still in the; gunf barrel slipped into:o 0one o f th e le a d foiU Nortbem Utah and]d NI ev ad a: -late Kendoll Truitt, whom £ ose the door p ack ets th ait t 'aare inserted between Utah — Todny. partly pat cloudy at ' ■■ Gunner's Mot afUsr th e explosion becausi i— ) litpeB ond coolcr. Slig!llighl chanco of a Hartwig naaam ed a s beneficiary of a'I tot cloae the breech was8 Ileft open, the number one and two bags. shower or thundersl•rshow cr in tho morning. Highs in Ithe m id 70s. ’ ~ Tonight. falmndTiOi j e i f u n d - moatly aunny nnd n'li Sup ------Probnbility of moasuraurnblo rain witl ' V ^ “ WA/m STAJKMASr . .. • C ontimn u c d lit> m P a g e A l . B ut the stu d y also aug(jggested the industrial dum]umping" if the polluting 7 bc20pcrccnt6^Jc^BJo' 5 Jodny- duFto court” companies cahl:ah be tracked down...... Nevada — Partly cloudycl over the Kovalick" sa’ic^‘id cleanup is under way’ cleanupc effort is lagging du o □ ES E3 CD□ CD E3 - O ^ :__bnttlea_thnt occur .hoc;5cauae._the_ The__Chemi(micnl_M anufacturers ------: - eaat and mo»tly-«un»unny-el»whero------nrrim~~~~Snnir-----to— ytCbuy— ------—on ano.lJier.-lr lTQ.-Designa-for-wastc.. t today but continuedd cool.c Fnir and I. "~r~ isolation orir treatment( facilities or■ SSuperfund law requires ththe’EPA'to 'Aasoci'ationa calso believes “the cool tonight. Moatlytly sunny nnd a ■ other cleanuinup work are in progreasi maker polluters perform 0or pay for polluters shotihould pay," although little warmer Sntuitlurday. Highs at another 232^ dumps. Studies of the; tthe cleanup worit whenever'er possible, many other polluterspol Iwve fought to moatly 70 to. SO and1 lolows In the low extent of conlontamination and cleanuj)I IIf companies responsrisible. for shift the cost co to 'taxpayers, •90»tn !ow40«. I pollution can’t be identif;ificd or no spokesman TomFom Gilroy aaid. SumniBry: - - options are! underui way for more than f The Nntioniil Wenleather Service, &W other wasi'aste sites, Kovalick said. 1longer exist, then the SuperfundSi Greer andnd Lois Epstein, an Boys high prcnsurilure over tho : The S2.66 tbillion actually spent. ttrust fund pays for the clemjnnup. engineer withith the EnviTojirapntal northeastern Pncificc nndni the Pncific F rM tdfay, Septem ber SI doesn’t incinclude formal EPA Acton said that whenin^the law Defense Fund,nd, blam'ed Superfund’s p u ih cinitwirrd . .^ • We* telephone frorroni Washington. aadversarial aystem so ititCclcnnup September 1988,988, and also has signed Trcaaure Valley, thoU‘ rnorthern part __ ------R and-falnilamed'cleanup-delays—V—work) goes slowerj but thenM we re rol'T T grecm eW wwitlfpoIlulclB’who'^on" ill " recovering very much in tlIht woy of of the Mngic Vnlley' arand the centrnl , . partly on EPA EF sluggishness under r ir own dump sites with mounninn. 7501 cx-^Presidcnicnt Reagan —. when costs." c ______— :— i— w orirvalued a t mqre_thnn_$l.biIHoa_^r ___ r—~ ~ .-.zrT-.-The.-pnllcn.countt init T w in Fnlln ~ ...... ^ I = —rSupcrfundioff T-^Hnt-i.iT,dn^_GrggrT^tiLtrrnnicni----- ;------:__ U \Vfl9te---'--=A.«.on_-ncknoi——- —■ to prisomforrbrrperjured-teatimony to director d of the Hazardoi0 8 ------cubic mcterof-nir.- i Congress — and on high staff Treatment T Council, whichircprescnLs r doean t tal^e into mt- account voluntary Tho •xtonded fcforecast for |C qV a turnover, coconfused management, companies^that c do cleaniinup work', cleonups perfo5rformed by polluters So ulhem Idnho: in_for_the__fearfuLof .bcin;o in g rnrf!i>d intn m nro___ rough Tmr.tday------'*"^1 ______fniIurc_to_Iear[:a m from exncrionce and snid s "there’s no_reaflQn Ihc ■jTh-VDs I5)WB-iinii5------otlieriinefnci,kioncioBlat-thoagency——__A A m e ric a n - ta x pny p r. t ..costliLaolulionaJ 40n to lower GOs. P 3 d « c s B forqeaat for...... 'Ocean _ The agriculture f T r a cc t o r Soiiihani'Idabo: ' Pcrccnt of posfliblelie asun.thinc nciu- JU.AOCU W f tftc. ) • C ontinulucd from Page Al 7170 ran aground a t 98.8 feet.L. ■ • — The grandstarstand at the Twin Falls ______100 in the weat 'lodood ay .'7 0 to 60 *______to a h alt wfith itl wheels still spinning ___ “You in second gear. Kenny?" rmmty fnirgmm porccnt in the cnnt todto 'ra i you t,„ through Tucaday wiliwill bo 80 to 90 I. . «l emed ever on tho verge i M f W E B E H l “Listen lo) thistt rascal. It runs like a . shouldsl have been in first.” over the en tire ,.ro« nr< Sunri.c to do “the wave" in . r — 11— a h » ^ S * ^ Pi Ol ■e »lill used »f _____ ■ Vl-wwint tomp^rotim-nr<.» will bc_in the wrist watch,’h," said the announcer, Some of the tractors are ■Ohvei 88— support of a s tn i lippcr .IOh today th

Kin«.c«y M715 71 ...... ■ PortUnO. 0>». 8080 ‘ 49 _ TocUylunsM a N a t i o n a l LaiVcou asIS 7Tfl... SI.L01M . 3131 : 72.... loraofW* ' J M.n I’co Lot *no.>oJ 70•0C3... C SaflL«XoOrr 81 ; AtMXtUMQUS ea CO II 72 S«nff»rct»0> 89MM : id a h o t r i n g Allnnla 09 70 C01 Uian»Oo»e/i 0717 001 J G«ani« eo : _____ -.Bauon______72 S0_SO------70 6 ■0 60 ,1- Spek^ 78 424 ._ Uj • Continuilucd from Page Al The Air Force wonts o0 b o u t 1.4 The proposecised expansion comes ------CHoctf------;— er-ei----- iAa«spe)n------W-S' ___:______IHU 77. . NniO'Isvii 09 7 ______iSrtT^ ^______y rriagyis - ' wlldt 1 fe— t Irat—m“ nriliio7r-acre8-of--publicr8 -fllfttc'-and—a f t t 'r —i r “ rct'ue 'c ra t TDrrgTijwritnMl" • ------Zn------TTS T w i n - F a l l s icroas'thl’ bordin' ihtdli:■"private—land “ to build D« Mo«n 77 COCOJtS ! OkU-w«C.rr 017 * HSihoftH ~7» 7 « : in ig ra fe slT c i mandate to brirbring 9-1 F-4 fighters to Deuci SO 67 C1.0 OmtM ao«M 6> 04 , l«>M»iPco L»w«ltor 0« » Idaho, w as nonot-inform ed o f th e A ir electronic el warfare range ththat would , 7H4t . .. U:CU C Itoooiula 09' 73 Itxwn.. 10606 I(13 ..' 75« allow the use of live bomb,t» o „ lw o ating tho niod for; *tou4t»o 07 74 P.ntCu'Of' 700 &C4 04 Last yy;T» .ttm »TTi Natioic;;; ...... — —niaiiagu^r-utcl vertisem ent-wfhlch-ran-ln- h i_ bighorn ahe^p;^p, mountain lions and - -Fumlture-aciv '______8ub«cripttonm rat«sr ------Girculation Ufcin. nmi!stl.-in rtiifciur • , will h<> nffprt/>f} hy tho _ Home (lcli»er>nry-TEnTmuTSUHaayrtxri pprwctlcckTTtfllty^ ------Sag£UgCOUSC^' t h n T i mle&Hews.ojO-Erl i ; r l d a y , : ______1 . Circulntiiin phones nn.-L- muiinodm bfiwct-n 7 and 10 n.mi.m. only. If $-2.00 per w «k;:■*k; Sunday. 11.00 per wwk. Mail proposed expaipansion, hc said. ^yoa uit bo paid in odvarwo and a n,B»aiinbio B' “We can’t. alafford to lose an^orc S e pitem t ber 1, 1989,«9. t —~ . .1 1 I. uitV«»lMy»«>rTt -wUdllftDnrthGdu3TTn*'WilliamsEaidr ..... Jeraml'.Wundcll-Uooding'ing'llnKcrman Sunday. I9.7B•B pr winh t luimtKiiio-ui-lli ----- FflSSHIOMS “ — — The-Tlme e t s a n y ------.--I deparlmi’nt, cnll 733-0931»931 bclwrcn 9:30 n.m. nnd 5;.10:30 p.m. Vtin Tlm«-Newilews (UPS 631.080) b publiahed dailUily a l 132 thB 'pdlr at les-Newsregreti tc news nnd nports rcault^i after\c r 5:30 and Tliird Su W... TwinTV! Fall*. Idaho. 83301. by Ma«UlU Vallc, - - wcrkdnya. T>» report Into r Inconvehlenc ave caused ' 1 1 ------^riw^-k^SHrcnirfJijrooa0931;-.- “■ ■ ------"Tfowjpop*™ TiMi.'SMcnd-elataTim!.' poataga paid aiTuTwin Fall* • .y v “ \ “ n ce this may hav by T)«! Tiim^Ne• Nowa. Odldal cily and csunljnei* -H rs.M 'sResale ^ ;^Adycrtlsing;,uj.i . Section eC-100 oflha Idaho Code. Tl•nni f l ay'-- LLadies & Childron's- -... . B gnnerJEiirirnjturei or theirs i r . v a l u e d ___ ^ L i If you wiuh to plncf^iiri nil'uilvcrtiBomcnt. cull 73.1-lfajl.Cl^Cljiajifitd ______ialierchy.dc3icmlifinaledjia th td n tc f the w tckon n ' Discount Apparel • Icu sto m e rs. ____ciilt 7a:i-OC2G Munda;idiiy through Kriduy.from H a.m...m. until 5 noiicpd willwllibnpublUhed. 1176 BItM l.«k«a N. . j'.tiumcl.Sniurdiii'H fruinijin 8 ii"in.~unlil'iK»'.”). Iiifcirmatiuitiunun l>.».lmnMrr. pl«>p irau annd chsnss of addm a TarTn I TWin Falla «o»S-«H.TwmFii< Fall*. tda)v> 83303. diiipliiy ^icIh is uvniliilik’L’ wiwi'i'kdnyn only 733-3332

*■...... k i '...... • Fricioy. SopljptombcrS. 1989 Ti/POS-.Naws,IW. Fate, Idaho ' a -3 ------....

______hdaho/Wet -L e g is k^tivc e<‘om m ittte e v o t i:c s ^ g a iiin s tt) pl>en r e c:o r d s rarrel— BOISE (AH — A lelegislative andstreamli:nline state law s on which _said%nyser. sa: t 1 ' Government Cg -whon-variouious nows-organizatians__-recommendation-rei -to th e 1990 -roviow od by tho:ho commission. — ' McDermott, Me D-Pocatoiiollo:— S h e ----- Rop:— ‘JaniVHiiiVs' StoicTieff.' D- . “intermediate’ panels to;o handleh th e could not a ggree. n Legislature. Le It probably willw go to Legislativee C ouncil sta ffe r Miko suggested sii{ a simple statemcnent that Sandpoint, saidlid heI wanted to make disputes. That eliminatedted, a t le a st T h a t d(d ead lo ck co n tin u ed the House State Affairs Cor^mmittee, Nugent presenented an 11-page law, all records are open1 unless tlie process simpimple and inexpensive, for now, n nroposal.brhnrkpfi hy Thiirsflny,,— biui— rnm m if.fpp . rn - wh hills. Thnt drawn up at thitho requeat of Smyjcr, . epccificnllY BP< exempt, nnd^:list thp ------ne.wspapat_groupa.-to_0- icreate—a—chairm nn iSi panel’s Pcliairman. Rep>p. Pam creating thee (office of inspector excexemptions. ■______“They should!d behi able to go to court______commission to deni with wit pubHc Parma, promised pi that the BeBengson, R-Boise, ia a mele m b e r o f general Uj revieview dieputei ovw open '‘‘T don't know wKaiaTs m the local level,•vei, so they (ion’t have ^ record disputes; It also shotshi down a' committeeD iwould come up wi^h the interim study committee.2e. records, complicatedcor nboutlhat," ho asaid. to drive 500 mile;liles to Boise and m i s s ___ proposal to create thoKe office of something,:, evenc if fails to please Boise 1 attorney Aller en Derr The session,n, which was attended Ron I Bush, attorney for ththe ynhon,„.jjyE D r worii,Drfc,''h^said; ' ...... * inspector generni in the;he attorney evcrj-one. presented a proposal he■ dt ra fte d , ■'■bynt least-nimlineiawyersrincluding "All: r ...... - ...... p n Allied Dailfcs,-said newiipupepwwant He .aid the} prproccss should be as______^ ------generafeijfnefc------>mittee*wilH»me-tip-mth—wil-with-flupport from the Idaiiaho Pi'Cfis four on tht; li;^Icgislutivu coniiiiittuu,' Hoine'sortrof'bulanciiigkuii lust rit 111 Lilli. gy p fl flssible. g j [, ‘It ought to be The 12-member committpting4o-g

from staiite for emnergency cidrug fund ...... miHiftfi rn«;h iinrff>rwriff»r» ?nf»w finip-trpfltm pnt__J qi .infusion President Bush’sI’s inew drug programs for juveniles and prison effieffect on what happens hen strategy would provide the;h'e anti-drug inmates. . . - state." stai : campaignjn Idaho is aI st step in th e ' “We cannotot rely on the new federal Calling C drugs Idaho’s num right direction, but Attomej•ney G eneral program toI m eet the_need we have crime crii oroblem, the attorney Jim'Jones says state gov50vernraent here in Idahoiho," Jones aaid. ‘ W e've estimated esti that the Bush pJaj will have lo comc up wiiiih evene' m ore got to have adiadditionalresources." increase inci annual federal sup] money to moke the camampaign a Jones saidlid he h a d ta lk e d w ith local loc{ law enforcem ent from Ic succcss. members of the Legislature’s S800.000 $80< to m ore th a n $1.5 i Jones said Thursday thattha he will budget-writinging committee about tho Coupled Coi with the additio _— spcciCcally ask-.statcilattir Januaryfoivan cmet-gency.^cy.$l million surplus and signs si] tho state economy this w inter arid the tougher ai appropriation to augmement drug—wll remainI strongsi for another two laws law already on the books, enforcement efforts arand then years Jones3 saids they indicated "a said-onicials sai« should produce strongly support requestsIts from: the willingness to look1 at it.” Lhe.optimjum th e drug cnforc Health and Welfare and CoCorrections "The .attenention that has been program pro| for the state.” : departm ents for nearly S1.8Sl.l m illion brought to ;he the problem by virtue o f “Drug “I enforcement is a nc i m o re in th e 1991 • buibudget to the President’;nt’s now drug strategy," (lot not a luxury," he declared. Fuel spillII endangitCT^ChihoockT^nii YELLOW PINE (AP)-') — D iesel s itu a te d juist s t below White Horse witlwith the w a te r could kill the;hem,but fV fuel spilled-into-centralral Idaho’s—Rapids, where3ro-tho.bulk^ofthe-1.700 weiA'ell-have-to-wait-and-soe.^^— PP Johnson Creek has.appapparently gallons of spilledspi diesel fuel was Federal F and state fisheryy experts ^ thoroughly mixed with thithe water, believed to) hhave mixed with the werivere researching reports} on( p a st - seriously-ondangoring-th-tho entire-w ater. ------.. ------— hlazardous aa spills to detcrmirline what - year’s worth of wild chinoollook salm on ' “The eggs ararc in a real vulnerable •he the potential im pact on the2 (chinook ' ' ■ -1- *». / i t eggs in th a t stream , officificials said state becaui3use o f th e ir a g e ,” rede'edds m ight be, he said. Thursday. Trueblood sasaid. “We don’t dare The T first mortalities■s from APLaMrphoto Fish and Game Depie p a rtm e n t excavate a nesilest to see o f the eggs are WeeiVednesday morning's spil)ill were Tooele Countnty, Utah officers searciirch the site of a light plplane crash Thursday/ in which at least ____spokesman Jack Trucbloodood said 41 d a m a g e d bec;ccause the ekcavation juv(uvenilc wild chinook salm'm on and t m fi p o n p tt. w n m TKt» plan t* lima CTpprirontly ni.slghtsecing.tTip.near-C , ir-Great-Sait-Lako------wild Chinook redds, or nesnests, were would loll thehe.egp7.The oil m ix^ ateeiteelhend. ^ T ! r Two (die^trUt Hatr4ight t plane Ci Briel5fly ~ wiriQr tip camght on siide of caiinyon 5— FbresterPFimbejer-quota-can-be-me,et------^ S B U EV p r.c;rAMn trinh <,^p> vnrnnrnHnn fmm hig pn-rt with Ihc-^-tMth nECityllrghCS!ii:Scrvica;Station;-said.~ ------Phospfiate^i^iSinETJrii^p^oval . ~ A man and w .a n d PORTLAND, Ore, (Af(APJ — The U.S..EoreBl.Scrv I w om an w ere-killed Med:ledical Detachment at Fort•t Rileyl Calvin had filedlied a flight plan ■ . POCATELLO (AP)P) — The Bureau of .Lai b y ...... Thursdarwhonon a small aircraft ' was■as thought to bo piloting thee single-i Wednesday even:vening stating- his ' M anagem ent and U.S.S. F. o rest Sorvice have givi can meet a timber solelales quota being considered '-•r.- crashed on thislis. Great Salt-Lake engiingine PA34 Comanche-when1 iiit went intention to deparpart from and loter • — right*of-wfly-authoriiati ^__^^ Co_n'grpS9.,thc agency’ss roponal.fore.sterre for.the.Paci uition for-J.R.-Simplot Co.- ^ ...... island,-the-Tooejoelo County S h'enfrs” 'ddwrjwn in the' fsland’s’Tab'by^CaiJariyo'n.'' "retuni lo Tooele ValValley Airport afler a •' ‘ ! build a $30 million phoshosphate slurry pipeline fro Northwest said Thursday.lay. ■ . ■ • ..11 B D epartm ent said.i.d_,______“It looks like he caught.thefic right pleasure.flight in thet northern Utah • • ... Soda-Springs to Pocatello _____ Dpubt_was_co8t,ovcrcr 1the agency's ability to sei fiilO—----^------i_Proctor- ggid__thc"'winiringion:n.tum,as.he:came.out. jt.of.the—area,______— “Wc-oppreciate-the-int- .jygjj_iiUion.board-foot-of-timtimboF-over-the-next-lS-monl interest-and-input-wcTcceivi ------c h arred .rem ainsin«-o|l^o6-B.-^lvin,—canymyonAthe-sherifT-fiaidr; ------T-ooele-Vftlley-fiir{ = ■ ■::[;iVannhBTiubllc'during 0 aftor-publislmJ-iwtMJilBBTpioUiig‘Furufct'&riilc;i!^fflcl hi Ig our analysls of-the projeci nSn =5iorof y ; KahV,-ahd; Johna'R — -^’ThThu" ~ "Fe'derar"“ ‘^AViv iatio n ' southcastofthe erasirashsite.' "Wallace Evans, BLM.a;I.are^a manager ih PocatelljjJIq said the sales programn wouldw negate the agency's pl ^ Alien, 23, a Dugvigway school teacher Admdministration had dispallatched ' McGurk could not say for sure how ^ said Thursday. ’ for protecting the northenbem spotted owl, ______who_moyed.to_Ul_Utah recently_from_inv£;:V£stigators to the islanind by many people werere o:on board the plane, • r....-THe‘iecisiQnjnQdclliiJiie'sday-wilLallow-SimplQt.o i t o . '...... ______Mancoa..Colo.._wi_w.ereJouDd near t he T hur: ;line from its Condg pppratic lursdsy-aftc moon,-Proctor sasaid. ; . which.8Cflta.four.:______.b.wiW.n.ninc:inc.hj)ip5]ini iiion_i£|aho m om an-aviavoids-rare-surgery------plone-’s-wreckage-i^e-at-Q ^-m m :'MD'F:------north of Soda Springs to its fertilizer manufacturir Don NfcGurk, watch superviivisor~ot A' thorough search sea or the crash ; ' " 5 ___ BOISE (AP) - Thehe tear in an Idaho womat ______p ro c to r said (3a(Calvin, apparently on p ------plont-west-of-Pocatello;-lo;-Construction of-the-58-mi e. Federal-Aviation. Administrjtration’s—site-uncovered onlyanly-twobodies.------!------J jg carotid artery that proijromptedjpreparations for t - - •—pipelijiD,_which-wilI crossixiss 10 m iles o f federal land, ' J — scheduled to begin in 19911991. ibdlism" in' 'stal'e'‘histolLoi-y ------‘ unexpectedly closed,. eleliminating the' n'eed for■ thet! ------Dam-lock-repairIr iahead of schedule history-making medical:al procedure,] officials said. LEWISTON (AP) -- WorkW to rep air tHe dam ageiged ^ navigation locks a t Icc: HarborHi Dam and open up> tlthe Boise school tni:rustees facing .recall / i.s ns.miich (API - .A_conaetvJill^£_coalitiorL A r u l e ______IJ .1 ahead o f the 20-day cons:onstniction cycle, U.S, Armrmy proclaiming a tentative:ive victory in securing enouough Corps of Engineers officiaIcials say. signatures to authorizee a recall election for three BoBoise______But they caution thnthot_crows.fncc a number < bpf-ntiqn nf thnir fiupporLfarji;!a'soxr ■■— , . . , hurdlQS before the river•er is reopened to com m ercii*cial education elective.. s tra ffic . _____ BuLarhether School Board Bo President Quinten Hoiromer “ K ey to the pace of the repairs will be testingg of( and trustees Lonnie GriJjrish am and Bev H arad will new equipment now bebeing installed at the siteiite, placed on a recall ballotot willh not be certain until at leiVi /2> located threo m iles upatrcstream from Burbank, Wash.3h. Wednesday. . . K SaBlY'sMiI Iain StreeetCleai«IEK^ -5e6-M a!n^A vo.r^ •DRY('CLEANING > ' • 3 0 N EJEW WASHERS> • ^ - ‘ FULLL SERVICES - .FULLL TIME ATTEND/D^NT- 'mB Grandparents: LDay Is September 10, •EASYY PARKING S i 'SC■ so remember your:ir special loved ones'5 withv ' " -Q gift fromA-Bokay-fre ------

------Choose-from^fit-fresh-ond-sllk-flower—•r------arrangements aiand decorative planti n f s S%F ^ ------especially lor Granclaparents' uay. Just'fir t m v s ------I - -| »Any ury uieaning what't youy have In mind.1. iand we’ll design thehe perfect . j.. Throii ------■ arrangerement-for-you. ------ough September.SDtlom ! Is Main SiRECT CleanANERSJ .... I how your grandpaiivent's Just.howspqclalI a l t h e y . - are with an arrant:ngement from^-So*Sa4 4 i ^ - - - r BB I Sabey's

bey's M/AIN StrePCH aiUIERS Sab-Owned and bperatrated by Lynwood Laulundry & Dry Cleaning*ng- ...... - . 5 . .

A-4 FlFridoy, Soptom bor B. 1969 TlTlmes-Nows. Twfn Falls, Idaho y i n i om

I ------= ^ o m iitn n g M ■ ■' ■ • • ^ u d ih ^^jesemaiitidns-^ A ir t 'orceoi the best possible inlorniirmationdn canyon areaea wnero cpticai wiidiiio nabiiBIiaE 1 senously doubtLibt thati iow-level supersonic been a strong supportwrter of Mountain Horae Goy. C edi D.I. / A n d r u s -whichh tto base decisions. and outdooror recreationi is well establishished. missions are companpatible w ith existing uses - ' ’A ir Force Base, T hefie IbascTxirforra’s a critical * — . ‘ W ee■ cannot adhere to a scheduleule at the • Impact:t oon existing uses and in thia area, nationalsccurity-funcunction, but it is also a .. .Combine that with the cun:urreDtS85million. -cxpcn&nse of collecting tho useful iniinformation . development,ent: ...... •. ‘ •Fire danger^ ■ • major employer andt>d (contributor to the Idaho____ onnual‘ im pact of Mountainin Home,R and yqu_ needed,id to cstablish an expansionm tn't Saylo r • To som e.;. COwyhee County m ust seemn Jlike a An additional comconcern is fire. Use o f live economy. ^ ^ -J - Lands, Fish and UUame, ar Parks and others ^ that transfer F-t aircrircraft from George Air ~ eexpansion is considered andhd ttheolvthe^ M^c^concerns center on the follovllowing facilities crisfrisfl-crosa portions o fth e prop Force Base in Califonfomia to Mountain Home gground efTecta o f on expandet/> fi thflt public phrtieip;clpabon _____ westernm bouhdary-of^uicxpondcd.:^■f^ ^0 Fnrro T »TTipr^»Bffion th a t lovOW— =------GovrCeci]-D,-Andi\ndru3-pr9sentedthia------' Idaho estim ates th ait t tlthc m ove, when tlthroughout the environmentalntal im pact .' the castistofState Highway 51. level supersor-sonic flights would not be a pcp a rt • statem ent this wcek-i;ek t 4} an A ir Forcc scoping com plete, will inject-t aian additional $58.4 ffstatem ent process. T he schedhedule for The! Air A Force has also cxpressci3scd to m e a o f this propos:Msal, butapparentlythatisaian bearing on the propotvposed bom bing range - ■ - - million into thc econonnomy of Southwest Idaho. completion & must be structureurcdto'givethc • willingngness to-move the range awaway from the elem ent. Thishis is of considerable concern.m. expansion. ^D espifite theiheadllines, kiid s d o rn'tconitrol drtug busiiness Continually, wc gete t tthe im pression " money and too many pepeople to hide, rebellionsts dissipated,d careers in public relations campaigigns, i t m ay Rifle Associal)ciation, the A m erican 7- from A m erica’s leadie er rs th a t drug* Tnrhom as J. Cottle Children selling drugsIgs. some a s hand, andd allq signs of puberty and w ant to think less q f highjh school PhiirmaceutiiDutical A ssociation, the ______taking and dealing areire eith er bred ------R iiditorit^a ond gfodutfl:rf>^nn______ATnprip.nn...1______• in, or most deeply affciffect, children, druga, antand govem m enta and the- - regular client list includudes Inthe drugdn business, wc would do0 ceremonies, and m ore ababout ------V and, m ore p ftciaely, ininner-city depth toto \wMch drugs perm eate the! physicians, dentists, lavawycrs, police better lookioking out for the kids, whilec convention sites o f the ArAmerican Thom as! J.J .' Cottle, a lecturer on children. • economicnic structure of a country are^ officers, athletes, entcrtirtainers. looking direlirectly into the eyes of Business Association, thehe A m erican psychologyya at t Harvard Medical And since inner city.:ityis code for sostagge[gering that any association accountants, corporate)e presidents, their eldersers. When thc White House1 p&r Association, thc Amcnerican School, isthe the a u th o r o f’Childrcn's black o r m inority. We/e a1! re 'e ith e r betw een!h tdrugs a nd children, and . federal employees — allall of them staff prepaipares thc president’s next Mcdical Association, thicAmerican e . Secrets.'Xhi‘Children in Jail' and ' shown children whenn drugsd: are particulaiilarly poor or black children,i> adults w ith access to mononey. list of^ vcnu{nucs for d rug speeches and1 Dental Association, thc NNational 'B arred' from■om School. ” I discussed, o r led to belibelieve t^t pales incn comparison, Children m ust be edu(lucatcd about ____ • — — — I -! ____T -d n ^s and-children or,-ijr,-more-._ _ k^and chpdren generally, and'protected from drugugs. But thc precisely, black childreIdren, ^ hand in 'Tiave abbibbut^'intich clout in the drugug realities of this cultureJ ccannot any . m*. hand. m a rk et asat in thc longer be hidden o r deniinied. Adults _ ^ - Children killing childtiildren w ith'guns revenues£3 of the departinent stores se t the rules and bccomcne the role M ______or_drog8 is a horrific: pfpart of , that empliploythem . .. .m odels. The kids m erelj:ly mim ic the._... J — .- 1 America’s landsc'ape.EB-Butwhyiait ' Ycarssago, as basketball g re a t BillHH adults. that children inevitabbibly becom e th e R ussell1 remindedrc us, children in thcle Children m ust learn tlthe truths a s I _ focus o f discussions abcabout drug* city smoklokcd a substance th ey calledd well a s the m etaphors ofofthe c taking and dnig-dealinjling? “weed.*’ WWhen it t u n i ^ out t ^ t intriguingly nam ed drugug-war, but , While i tis tru e .soidly, d lj that the suburbana n children sm oked th at .ramene emphasis must be placcc:ed first on the a real com batants: rich ac average age a t w hichhAmerican A cigarette,t e .i t cam e to be called adults in J J a _ , children begin sampliniiling drugs is 13 “grass.’’’■ V^en,tt a t long last, a d u lts . powerful positions. Drugug-related i ^ (alcohol b ep n s a t 12),:), it is also tru e confessedled to their ‘ recreational gang slayings make forr dramatic'c a ~7j- ^ ------that-adult8rf»tchildr©j ____^ liiLds^dlfiLeyieian.JLfoQtage^.UL, J_s.^ ^ ______m ore th an 85 p ercentit olofth e cocairie Thc nameme changes hardly arc__ ;; the undramatic, unfilmalable moment- '.■■■ by-moment business trai■ansactions ...... Mid in'the United Stateates. frivolous.ia. They symbolize the c : It is also true th a t. th(thc d rug acknowlet'ledgenient b y th e supposedlyly th at constitute drug traffiffic are business is a multi-billii•illion-dollar upright .m members of society of their whereihe men reside. enterprise involving huhundreds of useofilleillegal substances. Our Children,remain one olofthe last 'V- thousands of people herhere and in. culture;i he however, has iwt yet groups used as objects of stinging. E urope, A frica, A siaI anand South acknowlec'ledgcd all th c culprita of belittlirtg humor. Theyaiaren’t all th a t ^ - -! A m crica. The link bctwgtweenillicit cocaine.I. TThere is ju st too m uch loved inihis country: theheir health, Ij education, hou3iiig..emplpIo>-m cn tan d w elfare have never twen'inprionties. • . ' 7 We~ weepwh'en'chiiaw■en die, wmc'e]^ . • ■ when t h e /r e injured, cheheer when thcy.winXDlympic.medalails, but too > k! —:------^WiIUam-E.-Howard------— ;------WUiiamCrBtakc------manyofus protobly wsl;ishthey-had----- • —PGbasKaf —Thd and overburderdenedtcachcrs, there wen 2re too dam n m any papersI to grade, w ith selectives acadmissions and tough dem ands of students3 asns well, I would textbooks. On openingg day,di even the surly a namn by-pam by w eakness o>f f willw resulting To attra ract and develop the best amand academic requirjuirem ents so th at teachcrs-to-to- propose state achievem/ement teats. ______barbarians of last sprintring are smiling.______inin ttho fear of setting real'standjindards, tho lack b rie h te stt tteo ch ers. reform era will hahave to be. while takinging a few courses in pedagogy.;y . S w hcMma.mighLfiCjtflppm!------C olleagues a re full o f' vovows. s3t n an cnlorem g national traditiclit3on ot restraint institute t'. two bold b ut simple m easunures: could specializeize in a field side-by-side withil A m erican eyes, and thethey are if by “elitist" T hat explains thc exhixhilaration. Thc ancind discipline, and a culturalll disrespectdi for F irst, halv live the num ber o f studentss inii the future researehechcrs, scholars and college , one m eans selective oof ft tiie intelligent and indignation com es fromim io u r cowa rd ly failure the life o f thc mind. N either the educational classroomm. Second, organize professiissional . profesflorsinthfl thaLfielO/ith higherpayr—------.-know ledgE able;-but ththey e j aro’radicnlly'■ ‘ :‘to fnce up to o u r Bhortcoitcomirigs. A m erican ' estijstablishmcnt iwr state legisiatjiators c'an^o" leaching si : schools, better workingIg cconditions and more rigorouous egi^tarian in that natuiatu ral aptitude and higher educfltion is thele b c stin th e w p rid , ...... munuch immediately to correctt ththc third and The firsi rst m easure would be even1 mmoro graduate traininning, teaching m ight a t la s t pereonal achievem entnt c a rry the d a y. ______^ p rim ary education holdsIds its own, but fouiburth problems, but they coiiiauia help c orrect expensive ^ th a n incre”asirig p ay ,'b ufit flt would"— havethe-presHptlgc'of the'other profe's'sionsT”; Inleiieclual standardianisw ould probaBTy secondary education isis aan em barrassm ent. theho first and the second. 'do more ththan anything else to improv rove and prestige, aafler fl all, motivates, ofTond thc sappiest AmiAm erican notions about Most serious cducatontors and o ur recent TThe recent reform movementicnthas . working cc conditions, llie main reasonon private Tosuchtcachcichers, well-propared and - dem ocracy, which woulirauld seem lo be shockcd '. secretaries of education’onw ould agree, but ' pro:Prompted b etter teach er p ayMn in some school schools ofT )fTer superior oducation is tiuthat thoy issuing from thethe intellectual elite, the Thomasas JJcfTorson’s idea o fthe . . “ neither the education estestablishment nor distlistricta a s if th at in itself willill 1buy brains. have a mui luch lower studcnt-faculty•ratio. ra syllabus mightit blbe entrusted. They would be “natural aristocracy, thithe m ost precious gift state legislators have producedprc m easures glof;loss over difficult working cont:ondition3 and The secocond m easure would cost not nothing free to work withvith thc texts th at they decmetled of nature for the instrucfraction, tho tru sts and th al speak to the h eart of reato a profession. Money alon t o fth e crifiis, which ia croi ilone won’t. . . ex tra andd couldc be achieved in a sing!nglc. m ost useful andnd tto develop thc skills th at the government ofsociejcioty.” - th a t our students gradualtuatc from h ig h school attrittract and develop talent Mostlost ofthe board meeiecting. Elim inate the time- they thought theiiieir students needed moat, ju;just ------not knowing much. TherElereareatleastfour intentclligent former tcachers I havehai known say consumingng and silly undergraduateJ as doctors and la i law yers and engineera, whiletile Ken Colston wn'tes foi _------nrpttynhvlm isr.-.ngnntrfftT-fi-irThff~T^nrinTT nt-riqfc-— thnthatthgT ~cavt? up.nn publiiriiigh(ighachools— cdiTcati&fK ts ffrm rig = " iitgy'MU3tTipTioTglold standards ot care, nave Letters/>/ Readers comnw en t on a uarieti>■y of issues------^ ublicity for the superintendentent of the He said sueluch a procedure ju st w as noi Flag is more thanlan symbol ' not m other of twxI boboj^ myself, the m em ory ofif been used by cham bcro«cr o f com m erce officera crom e schools to fix thc alarmrm system at necessary. . thot now sends cl The Suprem e Court has m ade o u r flag into j ” y- !s chills up m y back. T h an k ...... who arc-often heard saysaying,.iWhafc9mcll?-= ------erom e Ju n io r High. , Well, itt rm ay not ap p ear necessary t a n o rdinary rag. A Vote« oof 4-5 is an exam ple ry to God our educatiostion system has changcd fronom One blinder, tho type>T)e used by EPA It was only when the m edia1 gotgc the story Gate.-t. whoho lives in W ashington, but it _____ of hQw.faiiourlConstiUitioition has boon-watorod—- ^ - t i t IS______those days. Im'~agtfagine the humiliation tluit bpboy __^exaroincraioc.yearaJir_An.oiocutive-model-for------lat Superintendent Kuglcr callcailed in an necessary I down. A s an A m erican1 arand a veteran, I find ’ y to us; and endangering theiw lives felt; and rest assassured, it didn’t help him an additional 25 centa:awill w havo a slit on the utside consultant to fix thc a la r it ofTensive knowing t hlat a t: in our nation’s 200- ilarm Bj’Stem; ‘ of409juniolior high school students, theih eir grasp w hat wasQS Ibeing taught any easier. left side for winking. ^ y in the world would the supcuperintendent principal nndn their tcnchcrs shows why.wh ______In those dava.!ya. I feel children wpfp . >-carhigtory.Americanah13 have fought and - ...... -Two-86 r-plugftrTised-brd-b y m any Idntai------st nave done so monthB ago and have tho The respsponsibility for the junior hig died a nd w ere earn ed to ttheir graves u n ^ Kigh treated like sub-t^ib-humans. In today’s residents who comment,ent, “I'm m aking a ______SltU£tuation fixed before children ar , , th a t-J a g ,., n arrived for si tun ti on, lies1 i < directly with R ichard .KuglcTjKi ____.c_ducn,tion.8y6tcmtcm..they.ara.viewedaa7vitaLJ------buck, b ut don’tw nnH fl>f) h iM*------:Ko5t? . who has knknown about the faiilty s yitem ^ ’i since asseta to our tutu It is incom prehensible)lo lto us th at there are ulurel ~ P lease comc back,, MiM r. Hiedleburg. those who would choosele tWflr>,'r - 19 Cchildren, tlyir tcachers and p cncouraging-him orherto ------Twin-Pallfl------■ freedom. Asa veteran ofofW orldW arll.Iam e ' l ^ ' a building w hichnot jfly’d id n o t _____Jorome_3______^ ______develop their fullMl potcotial^Let’s bcthankfitful ______^ ^ ___ ive a working fire alarm ' since'ic e la st spring, ' ...... ’ disgusted with this decisic:ision. th at this is onei sitsituation th at has changcd fofor South Africa cov:overage is fair _ _ Ju d g es a re also symbol:bol8 of juatice'so lt------It had no intercom , smoko a laInnn r o r ------E d u c a ttion i i has improvedI a lot Uie b e tte ro v ertho rth yeara. irinkler system . As a new resident henhero in Twin Falls and logically follows from the:their flag-burning. . . , . - I w as recccently visiting m y fnmily^ in Twin DEBBIE CATIOTpSON REIDHAAR Principal C m ig A insworth had — as a m edical doctor who has worited for the ■■■ . declBlon that, at our discrscretion, we would no hadMntm F„„,r„U.thc weekend. My sister anddlwen. I -Boise any work orders to have thc ah la st 38 y ears in SouthI AAfl frica, I feel I m ust longer ha v e to a d d rcss.tho.maB.-Your tin - n g about o ur gi^^c-school ye ted, but a p p aw ntly those workarfcordeni wcn? Finn commendyo^on:w^faIT fa ir repo rd n g on-th c— - ______Hnnnr■* Wp. a m flddrCSSIS jl j\^£C5 bVlhcitfirstL.:!*” emcntaryrflnd an event cam< .R ichfiddneneeds, tourist kit—- nored'by Utt Cenlraloitice; - ' ‘ prescnlTiappemngB inn&uth & Africa. ' nam e o r ju s t ‘Ju d g e.’ C[Jertainly, er there is no I I Imd forgotten oyer tho yea r. Hicdleburg^, who complainet Aa the JEA chief negotiatorr h - To-m On^uth-Africaiaiaisra gro a t country - — - - - “ lieed to 'stan d u p a's Ih eyy eflntor lhe“- - ^ --' tha-nflwspapeFHbout-theamcIl explain s ^ c ific cond itions in tl battling to rid itself of'f itait{ heritage of______, _____ ------coanrooni . After nil, theyleyTin; onlrsymbols.--' nd-one of thc-boys-sit on the f board memlwrs during mcdiat urg, ,JT3U cam e one year too apartheid (segregation),'3n),'justoa you good , __ LAW REN C E W .JO roIN R 30N ------lyr-Ti 10 claaaroom bccaufie he was rJcrTyC?aUis,-the- ou t-^rstatctcnegotiator,-;..- n ------:------earlyjfoxtyoar-fiirforourCont«nnial,th 0 ■■“•'people ofthe' United StatStates of Amorica have.. ______Hailey _ ' . request for a having difilfficulty understanding wKate* * • c uit tn me off. His answ er to o ur reqi iteverit tourist package'we will contain tho *Oificiar been battling (for howV mm. any years now?) to betteIter grievance procedure - waswcwc.rere stu d iin g a t the time, Idaho EPA-Ccnteintennial T ourist H elper.■* It do th e sam e; Fire alarm-deservirved attention used.ed, for instance, to a le rt thc boardboi of E ach liraim e she v.'alked p ast him , ahea k gave v.ill contain: EL8AMEARKLE ------O ne m ust-w onder w hyy itit took tho glare of condinditions at the junior-high.—.wa_-.wasa_nat n o ,- --him a sv.-iftfl kick in the behind. Being? a^"77“ " ■ clothespinlinforyournose. i These havec TwinPallfl • - . ' Friday. SoiSoplombor e. 1969 Timoa-Nows[QW3. Twin Falls, Idaho A-5 N atuion 2^ " - ~lrtfiurmprodilu&ion S e n a toS i^ a p p>rove i _

11191411 Cllj1 I d an g e s— WASHINGTON (AP) P)- — ^roductiorv All threeree have’been shut down for)r .. of a radioactive gasB usedui to make more tharlan a year and have been WASHINGTON (A P )-SSenate e: tax- re p o rte rs aftcrvi:crward that several of nuclear.warhcada, interruptedinU for undergoinling extensive repairs and -Writers, yielding.tojoud coicomplaints tho lawmakerkers told Bush the ------more than a year becaiicause of safety iraiprovemcments to meet Watkins’ from m any o ld e r Amimericans, catastrophic careca act “ought to be problom a, wili resumne e in i tho fall of safety requtquirements. indicated Thursday they w(would join repealed in toto.">to." . - ______1990. E n e rg y S c c rctary ta r James D. Environionmental groups criticizcd. thoir House counterparts■ts and go Tho' programam, enacted barely a hursday! tEe"Watlitkins announcement o T ^ -rie np ■ with—major—thaffttWffta—tn ' v r m* ngn,' 3mdgT=heH?y=firg^Tgm- ^ '-^ ------^ — Wutirim aaid low-ygw)bw^'t^ aL tng 01 r e s ta r t acliedu^e, aci eaying it would J Medi_care_inauran9 C.CQveifcring.thc somo older Amc:imcricans'who Bay thoy tho tintium-prbducinglg KI ro a c tb r’a t bring thee reactors f on line bcforo all' costs o f a catastrophic illncajcas. don’t need tho10 protection p and from r. the governirietU’s SavaBvannah River safety queslestions aro answered. Several members of thehe Senate others — mainl;linly those with higher complex in South Canlarolina would • "The Energy E Department ia- Finance Committee, hihowever,' incomcs ^ who wh object that .the. ______s ta rt late next sum m er. rejected a revision approveved by the coverage is financedfin only by the two other activc reaieactors there restart is atill number one,” said Jommitteo elderly and notoTSyaiTtaxpayeiu b .would be reatarted at subsequent Brian Co(iJostner, director of the to cut costs for the higherer-income About two^thirthirds of tho cost of the ------three-montWntervalsT—r:----- :------E n e rg r R^ for-older cataatrophicc___ Ciirfi___ infliiraacc-____ . Production of tritiumim •— oripnally Columbia,i a , S.C.-based group that people with lower incomes, program is paidaid by the 41 percent of thouRhfpossiblc'to retresume in the wanta .thc.hp renctor8_clo9ed downD_ “I’want to make it cleg;ar nt the older citizensifi vwhose incomcR nre • Bummer of 1988 — wiil start -permancntintly.-- v'7 ------_o uTa e t_t h J t , _a B _c h a i r m aan...l..will ri high enough thathat they owe federal------' aometime in the OctoboDbor-Dccember Costner’cr’s group joined- • the t f oppose any incroasc in1 Itho flat income tax off m ore th an $150. They • premium paid by retirees'of ------tju a rte r of 1990, he said.d. environmnental ei groups Greenpcace of m odest fa y a su rtax o f ll15 pcrccnt on incomc m eans,” aaid Sen, Lloyd Ber The rcactora are theie_qation’8.only_„and.thc i NaNaturalJiesourcesDefense- ientsen, D- ta x above $150;50; about. 1.8 m illion of _ -Texaff,'- -w h o -h o ad 6 -th o -{-F in a n c e the 33 m illion MeMedicare beneficiaries ------aource-oL-tritium.-a--a-man-mad® Coanctl”"ln~~flUin^~th~e~Enorgy~ ! y -Gommitteft------will pay themaxinaximunr Burta x-of-$800------^ ------hydrogen-iaotopcthatiBilUTBCti-tirtoBt-D nent last December to tlie d^estructive power/e r o f n u c le a r ur, ‘We should .neither rc|repeal ... this year, Watkins to complete an1 weapons using plutonionium,andto APUtarphoto (catastrophic (C coverage) noilor shift a Thc'surtax ratra te is due to increaB_e_____ nental impact statement- . gl power the even morere d< e stru c tiv e g rc a rc T ;^ h B ro F o f“ coBt8'tsv-T.." to“ to~28"percentit aand th^ maximum thermonuclear weapons.ns. ' starting the reactors. ______Welcome iaboard boneficiariesb( who can leasQ8t afford surtax to $1,(605 0 b; b y _ im ..::i -■...... ' ththem," said Sen. Spark Mct'ctsunaga, ' The rest off theth cost IS financed D-Hawaii, •' Soanlan Del' Gra‘ay takes which dldiscovered tho through a’flat fee of $4 p e r m onth per Meanwhile. Repi Bush pulUshes dejsfense, tickcts from passciichgcrs on Columbia River.R The ship is •publican retiree. Thatt feefc' is due to rise to congressional leaders m< tho Lady Washipi^ngtoDj^ a in Astoria,a, Ore., to start a met with S10.20byl993. _ reconstruction of P resident Bush a t the Whiteite House. C o m p la in tsa ffrom the elderly ----——— :d-yen,rl'ete-Uomemci,~K^if.M.-.-told - prom pted the changes.—cha . ■ LiiiCyy w entves^flag^ The Baltimore EveninggSun Si determinatiation of President Barco- a n d the Col[Colombian government to jPTL offijcial dennies knot>wing of JHahn jm . . BALTIMORE - Presresident Buah deal with ththis scourge, which drugs - m o ff pushed for support of increaaed on all of us." CHARLOTTE. N.C. (AU P ) — A dollars that wewere pledged daily. fofollowing Bakker's breakdodown and Bakker, his WWfe, Tammy, and dcfcnae spending and: hishi: new drug Bush pus)ushed hard for his $7.9' ii former PTL board membeber testified PTL paid1 MA s. H ah n $265,000 in commitment co in a federal prprison for former PTLL Executive Vice policy Thursday, cac a llin g fo r billion anti-)iti-drug plan and said that 1Thursday he didn’t^know. abouta hush 19S5 to keep) qquiet about her sexual psychiatric ps evaluation laat wiweek. ' President Richsich ard D o rtch h a d he' . - Tiontntinn “arill th)' n ------“frccdom -from -Jear. o£.viLwar^abroad—itsimplcma ——cncounterrwit *ith-Bakker on.Dec.-6. : U.S.-District Judge-Robenert Potter known about Mg.Ms. Hahn. I?ortch has^ - ' and dhigs'ahd cn m o athome.’ t hc bi^avbry ''an ; d ■sacrifice“’'that ~n~mohtHs’‘before S ’ak k er'r 'q u it th e 1980. a t a F Fl( lo rid a h o te l. ’B a k k e r lellet the trial reaum e Wednesdsday, and been sentenced:ed to eight yeara in Speaking at the 71a71st national AmericansIS :have shown before and teleyision t4 ministry over ththe sex and resigned in MaMarch 1987 a s P T L chief.... d.e,nje.( defense motionon for. a-prison and fine■ined.$200,000 fo r.h ia...... convention o f the Amori'erican Legion must again.".n." nmoney scandal. The Hahn pa;payment was made by mmistrial after a govei'ornment guiUy_plea_to_ _ frau d and ;hererrBuflh:.praiaedi Colombian( 'You,-asas veterans; know. ho.w__ “I never'knew the namime Jessica PTL's builder,er, who then added the napsychiatrist that „Bakk'ek e .t !.bjid_ cbnspiracy cha'rg^argea. President Virpilio Barco E for battles arere often fought, house to IiHahn until January 198'187," E rn ie am ount to hisis bbill. susun’ered a “panic attack” lailast week “That wouldId haveI been the red extraditing an accusedi majorm figure house, blockck by'block," the president FFranzone of Fort Lauderdrdale, F la.. B akker, 49,19, is being trie d on 24 but bu was competent to stand trtrial. light for me,’’ FrFranzone testified. "I in..a South America!ican money- said. 'Well,11, we'll win this battle the.. saidsi at Bakker’s federalal trial on counts of fra'raud and conspiracy. ....Bakker .. .. was composedd during- would-havo-takcjiken another ;look-at----- . laundering operationn runr by the same way.'. V We’re going to win it kid fifraud and conspiracy chargrges. Prosecutors aaaay Bakker used nearly TlThursday’s testimony, takin;ing notes whether I wouldaid havc atayed.on tho M edellin cocaino cartel1 ththere. b y ' kid,.1,’ neighborhood by Other testimony centerejred on cash $4 million inI ministrym funds obtained arand talking with his attorrirneys as board.” Ho said that the'eextradition ncighborhoocood." . flflow problems at thb nm inistry, from the sale.ile.of partnerships in the witnesses wi testified. Franzone nlso nls said he never Wednesday of Eduardordo Martinez ■ Citing a1 “new“i breeze of freedom*' irincluding problems-aL itsts flagship ministry's hotel ho to bankroll his Franzone, regional manageigerofthe rememberedI votingvc a bonus for Romero, indicted in Atlai,tianta,‘‘sends. around thee vworld, Bush said that the hihotel at the same time Ba!kkkor was extravagant lifilifestyle. ______to Rnlflfpr'g R ntf|/n r_o f—mO.mor-e-4-han—$100r000------o n d " U:SrmustTe)l^nfaTriinungr irinsisting on auch touches as a $15,000” T hursdayss wwas.the first.full day of HiHeritage. Grand Hotel, ssaid he although the board'sboa minutes show ------1- “ ch'andelierT' ’despite" millillions of testimony aft(ifter the trial resumed wcwouldn't havc approved l»nimuses for Bakker got severjveralofthem.

Teacher sstrikes aff YOU "S !. M U N b Y ! ------force winds awopt thefie island of and were'exp(xpected tb reniSin steady Otherwi'ae'. ' Be>m uda’s r n e s i d e n t s ______Bermuda on Thuraday, forforcing boats until the storrarm passed Bermuda. were wc making few preparatatio n s for CHEST FREEZER!I -- to stay in port aa aa wv oakohcd “The wind,nds won’t change much the tht storm .-Sheets said. • chest freezer Hurricane Gabrielle apjapproached, until it reachiches cooler waters,’ said -Strong •; winds stretched asa far as '' • bullt-ln lock:k Hurricane Felix, meanwhile, mc Bob Sheets,I, directord of the National 1.000 1,C m iles from Gabrielle’a;’s center. y/ • gliding wiree basket dwindled into a tropical stostorm . H urricane Center.Cei reachingrci the U.S. E ast Coast • defrost wat(ter drain Gabrielle was headinglg due( north, Swells inI Bermuda’sBi harbors were “A ship GO- miles off theB co i ast of P • adjustable ttemperature centriitrol with its center passinglg abouti 300 reported atL 1011 feet, and the island's ^ Lo n g Island roported seeinglg 12-to LS- _ Y — ------M oi bullt-ln lockk C ontrol b lam ed th e 19S989 increaae,i j - • Interior lightIt which follows two yearaI of declines, n f l N N • 3 gliding winIre baskets on the failure'to vaccin£inalcToung _____NERSWESTEBHNlNURSERY-M ------:-°-adJustab1iriEiemp^turrjcnntntiraT— ZT: ------chtVdniri'—~ and~ ~ ini • textured Ild.I. vaccinations.' H e r A v e . The CDC said th at 10,115,115 cases o f n !Falls l./.y.W .t! Model 5H27Cr c K measles have been reportecrted thus far loallaho .in 1989.

lJEC0N0MY_U1JERIGHXJEREE2EZER!______1 T o r i v - • 4.8 cu. ft.I. capacity PPT. in-AX t I>Vf ;: >.g4«»-w»dtItli-aablnet-sheives^ es------_ ^ ------______S U N ^ E P 4 Commissioned t o sSELL e AT PUBLIC AUCTIOT I -— • generousi doori storage ,_____Ju s t 21-3/tIB" w id e .______ftA^m^R.^TABWZ^'BSSimSSfN"*'?! ^------Model FV£r e c i ------4ANY RUIWERS ft ROUNDS, iS'fJ'orfnfc'L'gyfeStfT* PRESSIVE ORIEVTAL PDRC 27 cu. ft. f 7 W HITE PDRC£JLAI^ ^ SOUTH-ASIAN ORI i S K K J Ail on SALE G ROCKING CAROUS ------STARTINI ~ HOTFPOI NT fbr thenelongrun.FROM I ______NTINCS.JEWELRV OI^EM JGS, BRACELETS, PENDANl W K COCD MOUNTINGS. I IRV e D ROSEWOOD DININ [ IPAVtiq PI iPUMLAID &-GOLD-LEA P S ^ O P EUROPEAN CU It a l w e d d i n g liA S K E ^ ’ ^JEWELRV-BOXfiS^AItX: CLOISONNEXLOaC-*r1^i;CISn § - = = S i B h


I z :

■ .------r::--Tr------^ ; ' • , Timoo-Nows, Twin\ FoFoJlo, IdatK)-' Friday, Soplom:ombor 6.1969 Ition OFF h = = 5


a B m

' I ...... -^V] I— | n — - —

I : | ‘r j ______t ' h i APLMMJkhoto ' ;r^it>crkcl^pollccmemen arrest J o ^ I noma s t a l k i n y ------I l^^television actressss servati(lon fc-B£flKELEy, Calif. fAP)!A] — A Ton Rcperiory TlTheater. Berkeley B theater Fric■iday, a n d ' 1 m Ivlio pursued Justine BaBateman for Smetek was booked for Bateman B “more or less brcrushed him ...- 'ImoQths.waa put .uadcLp;r.p3ychiatric, .investigatioLion o f w eapong^offenses. ...ofi'^lPctetS-Baid.JWiei) ol .sh of thing is the w orst scscenario for Stmn:ins in stocks — -- aas. romantically involvccved-with with tried to spepeak to Bateman atthe -a person in the public eye." ...... 23-year-old.Batcmai m an -H e .w a s.. “F a m ily ._Tj..Ties'!_BQund stage in The incident was the lilatest in a CLEAj;aewood eeg. $i7»' ------^ e n to Highland Hospitipital a fter his Hollywood, S(series of security - ththreats to PRESISERVATIVE' t^ e st Wednesday at the Berkeley He first:t appeared outside the celebrities. cc |^$]295t DRII^OODGffiy ~ | i S Prote<;ects agaiis ifiildewrforot, warping...... \ Senators...... an d s\swelling. - ...... I Hispofm icitn m iiigranis J US. GALLON 3JffitJTl ------

frank ab(»out „SEML ll! L ______CABOT—REGJ33*L_ — Eihowf^o j w e t^ ------. -TRANI.SPA REN f-j^Q ^ « • -WASHINGTON- (AP) — to'ihe polh)lls in high numbers," - | !v Hispanic immigrantsnta register to . Roybal said, drug ballH o t S T A IN f i vote at a significantlyitly higher rate .T h e atud :udy gave ho overall -WASHINGTON (AP)>) _ The Guara ='.NOW than most Amorlcaica n s a n d a r e .figure.on thethi number of Hispanic o ranteed not to crack, jpeel or blister. Ne'latural beauty for deck2cks, floors, Senate, forced to choosese between “almost up for grabrabs* by both im m i^ntsIts in the United States, - , . f u : preserving its membere r s ’ m ass- uniture and fences. » Republicans • andI ID e m o c ra ts b ut sa id moi aore than~one-and-a-half „m ailing privileges and app g b'ecauso many have'e i not decided m illion hav< Dprovingaid Thke’e off this w eek avo legally entered the ftT6tf stored to votercomompafed'with“~had' madO1crcli6rc'^63'^rcent"’6 * r\ ^ -any—one- - d e c id e d 83*8 to a p pprove r th e b e s t — ^weeK at-S • 7 7 0 percent ofthe generalger U .S.. Cubans coa t buys of the o n v e n i e n t o n s id e re d th e m se lv e s amendment, g, .which was atnlU chcd lo «.S voting age populaiIlation, the Republicanans, . 9 ■ percent. jj r on Cabot 06 ■ of our con a S2 billion legislative/e-expense _. t i b h a A n d ____ fc lN a tio n a l A aaociationion of Latino PomocratB.tB. .1.*^ narcent » Y store locatio ^\idg€t-for-fi3eal-199G:-^— ins.^-A m erica's— Elected and Appointeeited Qfllcinls independenttntfl a n d 16 p e re rn t no------rtow-much • — ep ub 11 ca nsrlff d-by*S-Seir-Pt-re m o s t — ^find-outhoi J ^ a a iC preference:'C ■■■ \\i 3t r^pect^a STAI? ility your Wilson, R-Calif., propcposed the name 2-’ - P o rty -n in o p ercenent-of t those Tho corref ■ m ore qualil responding figures for measure _ Wednesday. It wwas aim ed n a mne e in quality ill buy at ----- i*intetviewcd,-all-of-wl-whom-wcro--Mox^an--iniimmigrants-were-42-- -j,, m oney will ■aftrnn3ferringto"drugliI r e a lm e h l S t a Uns l £ for over 100 a P a i n t . ^eith er naturalized1 clcitizens or percent Dot) o a o c r a t , 16 p e rc e n t - programs a large sum og f m oney y e a r s . - Ponderosa ; legal permanent residesidents of the Republican, r s . ' in, 10 percent from the account legislatoitors use for SALI United States, said tho thoy had *no in d e p e n d eint n t and_33 percent no . th^ eir m ailings...... Jr^preferonco" betweenm thet major preference. F . For'itninigranfl from The Senate scheduled a : final vote ___ ? 4;U.S. political parties.!• . other Latin ^ ftnderosa 1 n American countries, nn thn nvnrnll lr>|Ingi.qlntivp ______The Pride of Poi T r " ■'i'his is a larg e popuJipuiauon that tne tigures« " w efe^ ;i4" po rc e n t q. tionAcrylic------appropriations bill later in1 Ithe day. p, Nevy^enenrtiot ^ J is alm ost up for ^frabs,"M .'sailRcp. -Democrat, ___ 2 8 ____ p e rc e n t PONDEROSA )aintso • «Edw ari-. Roybal,, ” D-Calif., Republican,in,, percent f .... I __ An in t^o rp.weeven air — — 1 ------— i e s — — f e — ■ffP^^Bident-^>f-the-a88cssocisltuit s iiiuupcndGntnfaud'^'pei-?^ no -Envoy^hopc * _ i — LrematitaH^-weoutdoors. — ^-^educational fundjidj ■ which prWefence.-- PerG al.\y . I ' guaranty it out J^;*conducted the survey.f. Tho numibers bi don’t add up-to T — 5*1— =RepubHcans-and-D he can retuurn E l-Democrat9--exactly-l(W-j0-percent-l^ause-of- — -pond: V T / V Ig'-REG.----- v-^have an open fiold to0 gog o u t'in to rounding, ©EROSA— PRIDE ^ the Latin communlunity and-—-Twcnty-semwn-'per-centrsaid to Beirut s(;oon - 1!^ DENEW. V II — — .convince them that.ththeir party t^y had_a^ geneffiRATION: 1 | I WASHINGTON (A P )-'- The U.S. l-^and platform'la the'b(; best,” said raisers o^ contributed'mone'y,co 9 iY U C 1 1 V / ambassador lo Lebanoiion, John 1...... --- -ACRYl :;^ir o f people sa id th e y had hi helped people WP Christian commander :^^who hav6n't m ade thcireirmmdsup_ reguterorvotvote.______en ■ R O L L E em'battled city had vo.ccd -R.PAN EEG. «16»• LlEBi yet, butthfi'y'do fc ffstc r ter.* ■ Roybal saiaaid he believed the threatening remarks. BCO EEG. $11” " i>- - ‘DeBpitc the myths3 of tho past, survey’ indiidicates that more McCarthy spoke briefeflywith KIT if they will be rogisterinring in high Hispanics willrill be elected to ofilco i^$g99 .reportcrs.whenLhe_fli:cii:cdji_at-Dulics— ______m . mm — IX dLUabrir& yd~w iiriig~g(rgelUnr

- . ■ A- _____ ‘ Vs, . __ ...... L , . ______Friday. Sopt'iptomberg. 1989 Timo9-New3.'W3. Tw Fans, tdflho A»7

' ■ i______N atio / C o l t mibia l offeers $2510 ,0 0 0 ff:or c a]^ta re ^ o fliwo coc:aine baarons^ " BOGOTA. Colombia; fA(AP) — Tho Two men2h o n -'a ■- -Hie b last W ednesday nighght^uo^—Puorto.Boyac: aca, 95 milos north of Rubio, Ru a former mayor of th^ny^ i;p< »ved-to-be-«f»-with—wb m ilita ry Tnonth by Barco.a ------;- thc^rcccnt"’ Wcntiflcd'hii •4or-the-{ov«Fnoi^8-ofQc»-of gQvcraQrfl in.arcfla-vyiicj.c.:c leftist___HcjinivBLkA crackdown on drug traflickiickers. only as Cardordona, his last name. stjstate, said Mayor Marino EiEatradaof a judgoTjr-order tho arrcat of Luis guiguorrilla violence hass b e e n heavy guard. Walesa woiiMes F — ttbottt-6erm>T i a n s F ^ BONN, WoBt G erm anany : (AP) ------tW w t^ 4 -Wafesa^atd------. Thursday ho is concernedned about *a ” ^ few voices" in-West Geme.rm<>py th at______irfhjand:9yvhoh ___ question.lhe.legality ofof-Poland’s- — w estern border. - ...... The Polifih-uhion leaderse riin d Nobcl—l— Pcace laureate, deliveringing a speech ^ in'Bonn'before~about 1,00[,000 people 7 also pleade'd'pnew fofor iiiiiiiii W estern investm ent to helpicI^tavcoIT' the collapse of Poland's d’s battered iifintfilP^ n r ^ economy. In Duesseldorf earlier!r Thursday,1 Walesa welcomed U.S. proposalspro to aid Poland, but said thethi United . NTTaiHBamn kenmobe -■' -States and-Europe «houlould-do far - f f S g S ) .cnoN------V H —I m ore. - W S m Z S S S i - f i S S S S I f rreED OR - t - 1 w B — ! V Y O U M p k t / aajg-r-~ :S!!a your -__ PnlHnrf’n npw • Rnltftflid a rity U fii— ! S lOHEYBACKI W tf M I ____governm ent ia strugglingng to revive- the country’s economy,y, weighed down b ^ inefficient state! cocompanies, bUTYLARGrCm M t t r miUNDRY PAIR! shortages of goods and aS39bUa $ lion ___ fitroign ...... PER MONTH* ON^ Walesa stressed that refo-cform could SEARSCHARGE be in jeopardy. FORTHE- C| I ’i B ■ H V i ■678 PAIR G osm onauts'hihook—

w itlfspace s® I K e n m o f ^ ation 8-CY( MOSCOW (AP) - TwTwo Soviet ------WASh ...... -cosmonautJtsucceaafullyy &completed _ 18641.. _ _M W 1_;__ . Sii * 3 7 9 WWti. a series o!' m ancuvere on1 boardbc their ' Oood nraBsh Sipt. SO li"I" 15585 Soyuz TM-5 spacecraft earl}arly Friday 1POTS/PANS CYCLE ” ------•Permrm. . press.', delicala cycles- ROOMY 20.6 CU.I. FT.' I E fl to dock up with the Mir(ir orbiting jPLU& WATER MISER1 ■ emps, 3 wator levels^iex, the oRicia! newiews agency FROSTLESS TOP? MOUNT N E S TasfrMid. 7 •' :_____ L i i _____ U R G EC , CYCLE S O Q Q ' ..._Ta88 eaid the SoyuU2 capsule . ^ ^ 9 . .- wut, . - .H H — -- - SMAU-P hooked up with the spacc;c stations at «igl9= 5S3 . . - e^t. ___ ■ 2:25-a.m^oscow-time-(6>-(6;25.p.m ^^H ^^—Olhor-modelsJow.^$217 Wbltt.- -"-: •• _ ------TB<»Ul»>tUTUlT - - . - ' iszTl i _ i 2 9 8 - ^ — ------CoodHifTOBli S»pt.-SO— EDT-Thursday), five minuinutes later— B n m o r ^ ^ K H I H ...... *

-CiTt F ni|ila -OfiTtoaUltUeMlm 1 ^ ’0/4 '

-Espreso-Sm W k; Blnl-MUIcTiBloditi • M l RoU‘Onb(7 btoi'-Ciri 1 E n - I ood Through Sept. IQ e'Anantto ■ • 1 , ^ •C,fe ChocDlilc-CaTc Iriili Crene-Al 1 9 PER MONTH* ON j ' w \L SEABSCHARQE -

------DatJfmistfici-DiaHrfili&t - -CONSOLE-COLOR TV ------K t ^ MMERICA*S-BE^a±IHG I N Q --im ii[H i 3 'DtnfUIl-DtatCbocobltoiiK CHMCORDER M OUTFIT 25-FUNCTION REMOMOTE p g ] T 4207Z1»_ IJ c •DedfSna W kj ♦DeoJPiihPt^iPc^a ~ ...... --- M p a ! GOX 9 I •TMt td tu l mwiBth ------^depw aatM if^ ■ *—

r^____ — H e ai ------:------Each-of-lhtheu-advertlsed-ltems-is.n !fl-as-ailifflrtlsfl[L______UlCoffoM ------^ pyp ‘ * ~ S S U » P flfO N O P U D OEt lt Tet,'ttB*nmBBi or beat the itiiiU m er ------S a t/s/a c l/o'Jon-guarantewi i ------■ ■ ~ Antiii "ailvflrtliBil'pncnin OirtdsniliillcantBrarjDsrtjrfnB diBcomp UtM Rrait ta a m MmM. M l» (bl I or your mcu o n « y b ^ c k arany of ourRetail Stores. n trrtM tm ostnl. M'ictsMa*. ■SrtrtSum TMl WM MtflMtt cmTM »«IO»«IM a > 15-FUNCTION REMOTE- ■ iBww. I __’r SffftfT, r n IQflCi______2 towawT^F2S5'u£?rmEkt CONTROL VCR yburmoneiley^worffr r -In Ttio Heart oltho City*ity n l ?!«JfrSlK lSSiS3— saaas------L, 734-48160MIUIaAw8.»T»inlHinFilti ^ _ (Mlf,»1247M) andawhollaelotmore:

t.rsadlly-avallablaJQc.sataj b e coinpeimon’r t t i min!------mpstiUon'rciimnraii'tD

W t t l rwB lifiw H o t cnn i. ^ - ^ ----- Mat* MC n*Kt«. ll u aatUMil ri MRlttMla. liasaUKiM mltiMt ' I . A-8 'nm oa-Nows. TwinI FFalla, a Idaho .. Friday.-SeptBmboibofB. 1 8 6 9 ------t i m Wot> r /d . Nobel_wirmerJ^Mother Teresa-hohospitalized = ^ u lin g nclurl paiirty plecdges rcrfo rm s^^^dO C O TTA , India- (AP)i) — M other- IjoBpt'iat.Tuosdfijsdn'y-'with high fovor a’nd” ” ” J T eresa, who won the Noifobel Peace an irregularar heartbeat, but hor _____ JOHiWNESBURG., SSouth Africa . } largest newewspaper. Tho Western. • t Prize for h e r worft with th(lhe poor and 'c o n d itio n 'isis stable;i said Dr.-A. (AP) — I The' Natioitional Party Province Couk)uncil or Churches aaid at ‘ . .destitute, has been admitlitted to thc Dardhan, a carcardiologist who treated ------govornmont—promiseiscd—rofotm-i 1 _IcQBt 100 pooplo. p were., injyrod,; ‘ ' 'im cnsivo earc unii of a .Calcutta--the-79-yea^oldold Inun...... -- ...... including chilhildren. ThurBday aftor BuffcTYerihg heavy ho.pilnl wilh B heart eresa. who W s given the______ccompuiiloa b y - iHet, apokeamu'ii fui the ' -T ------1— L eon Me l l j doctors said Thursday. 1979 Nobel PenP e a c ^ p riz e , becam e ill protest^ and politica! ' in )rder Ministry, confirmed ‘ Law and Ord I She was admitted to) i a p riv a to Sunday night,it, sisnid an aide. which 25 people woro repireported killed.. ^ 12 deaths. HHe said at least soven ited to_ black factional _ _ ..... ILthe. dcathi toll, it ..B tfjB lS ____ were relate L _ r ' - - ^_____ id'the others were bcitig" would be the highest iiin 0 24-hour IB ~ ' n'ghting and' : ' openN IlS fiN G AGREEMlMENT period since 69 blacks:s w ere shot to p s. investigated.d, . • - death during a peacofucful protest in ^ ' South Afric‘rican PreSs Aaaociation, bfinrpeviHe township inrri96(r^ l! ------^ ^ an independtident news agency, said ”’■ "REAL ESTATE EBROKER-SERVieESE S FOR SINGL-E------Plats resembled war ------iri------Wednesday'sv’o ^tlllt c ’^ •______w ^^^HjiLltiC-Ca£iL£l£ tL4NGSr-USiW W -HaE a tm e c s - Ha m e ------residents danced around parliamentary electection, thc RH^^^H'zone Adminlstratloion (FmHA), 111 EaEast Ave. "F”, Nationalieta got less tharhan 60 porcent Pd o z e n s o f burning barricades _____of the vote for the Tirstrst time since blocking 8tritreets in the area and Jerome, Idaho0 83338, Phone (20[208) 324-2306, 1____ISW .'TheYliaQM ilmsjuuiiitK af: ...... luilliii limil1 TgpcgtBdly~at^groupff-of— ii ^ F s t a ■sed in the Stale- m z th eir seats to an ahti-apaiipartheid party o f Id a h o , to>B(act as Open LIstInting Agents In . and to a far-right.grouplUp that favors i-raco lieutenant said ■" ■''rtnct'niciareegregationrjn; i | T polico Jcd'TiotsTuesdayinthc—— -Jerome. Countyy-for the sale of Fm=itiHA Inventory “ — ^— rpoircrroscimDtjtm^tg^tcarpig'flfid ^j& | ^^^■-M itdnrilVi>hTi*laiin iru u o f Cupt! Town:------Hropertles throo u g h D ecem b er ;J1,J l, 1989, Wltn a whips on anti-electionI protesterspi in Lt. Gregor)ory Rockman aaid police •, . 1 one year renev . black and mixod-race'c b 'lo w nshlpd------t-^ t ing people; They outside Caj>o Town. couldn't carere if they wefe inriocent Inquiry prior to3 September 22,198!989 at 4:00 p.m. :_;E88a_Moosa on^ AsaAssociates, a ' i _ bystanders.i. ItJ seemed to me that ____ . The_L|stlng AgrtrAementsjyJlLta e«!xecuted without prom inent Capo Town lawlav firm ; said I . , th e y w ere enjoying them selves, regard to racee, color, sex, age, —— 25-pooplo wero killedd -WednesdayV ------— :— -fe a stin g on1 tithe pcople.-You-could— ------nighUamluiarly Thiirada3da.yinflnvrn A pairo^aif an ti -a p a rth e id M u slim clei;leric8 m o u r n th o d e a th oif f 25 block juat see thee killer instinct in their _ religion, nationalal origin, or marital . townships on the-spravrawling Cape South Afriifric a n s in v io lc o t p ro te s tsIS aagainst tho sccrccatcdG1 ele c tio n s ey es? status; USDA,IV, Farm ers Homo Flatfe. A ctivists blam ed;d imost of the killed and1 ‘'w e_exj)ect the num bers One victim was a 69-39.year.old Activists} £said IL.peopIe.were ^ Mmlnlstratlon,, IROBERT C. LOWE, llod-Wcdncflday.nighLin..:- !&— kiilm gs on police:------' — ” of the dead t d tb grow!" The new spaper • ■ wornw air whose-HcHBlcas-tFbTdywa8-«POftcd-killo C o u n ty S up erv l:Isor EQUAL HOUSING .. . Desmond Tutu, the blac}lack Anglican - Grassroots8 said 8 it had confirmed 15 fofound riddled with bullets.a, said The Mitchell’s PliPlain. Police would not OPPORTUNITY 1 Rockm an’s rem arks. archbishop, sa id 23 pcpeople were . of the bodiesics wore in a mortuary. • SiStar of. Johannesburg, thele country’s comment on R Lebanesise leadenangry at U.S. ddeeision^t*to leave- B E IR U T , Lebanon (AP) (A — Gen. Ambassadodor John McCarthy and ; . . Michel Aoun k i d Thursdo•sday that U.S. o th e r Amcmerican diplomats to' foreign policy Is-'bi■biased and Lebanon only c if Washington.. shortsighted,’ then askedked American recognizedJ hish Christian Cabinet as ...... what thc-Christ•istian loador- the legitimatlate government,— ...... - 'M, 7 calls tho war of liberati•alion against His'goveivernmont“compelefl’for~" EWIIDESAL h 0 Moslem Cabinet led by -- DRI - --Syrian troops in-Lebanon,ion. Aoun said power w ith a the U.S. withdrawalII ofo its la^t acting Premier Pn Salim Hoss. diplomats Wednesday waswa based on McCarthy,, whow had been in Lebanon "rumors, false supposilositions and since the pviival regimes were created unconvincing reasons.”’ a year ago,0, avoidedi toking-aides by— He likened the &-montl’)nth-old battle not presentnting his credentials to AVIE30 between his 20,000 Christiistian soldiers either. ' and a Moslem alliancece led by the U.S. mmilitary helicopters .40,000 S yrians to w hatIt Americans’/ evacuatedd tho 30 remaining "forefiLthers did ... 200' yearaye ago" in Ameilcans8 fromf the U.S. Embassy the Revolutionary War. com poundd ih east_ Beirut dn ' . .13'Dumood 10 Diamond' - 2 Diamond and Entcnid 16116 Diamond CocknII Rlnc Marquise Bridal Set J ^ ins exchanged Wednesdayy mc orning. Enpgemcnt Ring Faxhion Ring 1/4 Carat Solitaire Ring 1/2 Carat Total Weiglil 1/3 Carat Total Weight 6 1 Vipfrtro “Tt i n_pj]pitiful thnt Amipripnn- 3Z-4 Cifiil Toll! Weight 6 Diamond and Sapphire ____ f !------a rtilk ry -n ro -fo tJiv e -h o ______yilueJ2fi5______L_Valutl2LZS______ValutiZfifi______V.lliii»t17?-C«r4t.Tot«l-W*lgh<— y S 1/4 Carat:aral Total Wclglit iropbsal ooirhold~~ . . . Valyfl 1 b 'ValijValue *750 - ...... S VIENNA, Austria (AP)-P) — Greece’s plan, describribed by senior olTicials as $ ] ^ 4 § 7 3 7 -5 - - r - : I mistrust of its old enemyTiy Turkey, a an unprececcedentod effort to clirb ------NATOallyrblockcd-WMteist^rif plans to military'eXfixerclflcs'on thc world's ly-armedconunent:------ZT i53)IaniondAinlversarv.RlRing _ _ maneuvers, sourcess reported Diplomatictic sources said, however, IMCiratToialWdght ...... Viloo J690 . . 7 Diamond Weddinging Ring Man's 3 Diamondnd Ring Thursday after talks resumedrei on that Greecee feltf NATO set the limits Diamond and Blue Tof 1/2 Caral Total WeigIVeight 1/4 Carat TotalWeWeight ^ V - 13 Diamond reducing conventionalal forcps in too high wheihen it proposed requiring Fashion Ring Value J15603 Value J92S ...... — ------Anniversarv Rlnu - , - r Europfl. mnnguverfl■a ^_to_ b e a n n o unc c _ ' ^345-- ______yalutJ-lio______L ------Thc-West-had hoped to begin th e -a d v a n c e if 40,40,000 reservists would b e - ^ th ird six-week round betwi:tween NATO called up orr 11.200 arm ored personnel - $ - 2 x o ^ “ and the Soviet-led Warsawaw Pact with carriers used.ed. — -propQsals-that-would-holplOlp-maintain— Gro«ce.-s-sought—lower __lim its __ w h at U.S. A m bassadorr StephenS J. because oof concern about Lodogar called the "brei iroathlnking neighboringng Turkey, the sources Diamond Trio ^ 2 Diamond and Sappiapphifc 2 Diamond anddOpal ( ' / pace” of the. 23-nation taltalks,.w hich ggjjj. ------v*lu« J390...... IRlnp - - CocktaURinB-ng...... J^asliion Rinp began in M arch. • ------10 Diamond Cocktail‘ R‘.'“ 'K 3/4 Carat ToUl Cem1 WtWeight Value J l 75r ------/ i Both E a st!t nand W est have said they . VjlueS2fi0 Value 536^ 1 3 Diamond Love Rini; it prl)poaulb on verifying 7 f / - in Vienna and Brussels in conventional forces. H30— — ^T79~ ------finishing touchoe-on the »QS ~

iw to reelax - — 2-Diamond«tdPcari— 14K 7 'D ia m o n d ^ ^M a e ' Fashion Rina . Bracelet Value Jl 75 7 Diamond Pendant 1 . v«lii« 1560 ^ 3 Diamond Guard Rini; Value Jl 75 , Value J275 Diamond Earrings wiith yoiur Man's 5 Diamond Rln(( . 1/4 CaratToulWWght J^280 Value (460 n 3 8 s p a or ( hot tub. AJmiujtrtOemiNotAtti-tSJrt # DUmond SoGuW Not 1 ^ 2 ^ i ‘

a Chances, w hen you bougIght your spa o r hot tub,1, ino one bothereoa to tell you how to takeike care, o f it. So m aybed the w very thingig that w as supposeisea to help j o u r eilax l a is m akinS you) u t e n s e , B ring youilur spa to B iot3uar(ird and w e'll —^ —take-tKe-wo/orry-out of-spa eai:are-W e-can^ ------^ test and ananalyze the w ater atand put you on a sim plele treatm ent progr;^am .to keep youry spa healthy,/. So don't getg< steam ed, relaxIX w ith your ' iottuhiw ithiioguy u a r d ...... 30% ~0 5Q%^0r iBring^ursjp — : OUR ENTIRE 5STOCK CHAINS, CHAR 2 5 %( r 0 F F — i~ OF PEARL JEV itoBioGuarcJ WELRY y OUFJR CHOICE -RINGS, BRACELLETS, OUR ENTITIRE STOCK : 1/3 Carat Fanan c y S h a p e D iam onds EARRINGS3 OF WAl'ATCHES_ , ■ See The "S|Spa Team" A flT h e F a ir! , Pear, Marquise' fXI M ag ic VaDe]s y M a l l ^^^^^^iany-More^tyle:Ies-—f;—-(p H : : = p At Comparable Pricr i c e s . ~i I . _ I ThiKis Special Sale W( ill . i l f t n d on.SiSeptember 16th a t' ^ I_I ;______;___ ■ ■ , ------^PqoI>1 Gr SpQ llInc. ------— ~ tAYAWAYHOW“If------—, ,------— jn.-Ffi, Vo-9, Sai, 10-7 7 . 3 4 - 0 4 6 1 : 1 0 2 0 B lue l a.alcei l Blvd. N. » 7 3 4 -8 1 0 3 ' ______If OR AU. OCCASlOHBHS Closed Soptom bor 0 ,1 9 8 9 Timos-NOB-NOWS, Twin Foils. Idoho •

■ Obituaries/hos]spitals B2 M Sports B4-6 . ': \r m gic I ■ ■ I Sugar• plairt: SSI B i f ’ ■ • (1 • ■*'. FI X . X * I By MARTA CLEAVELA■ILAND ; m u H Ti'mes-News writer------' ■ p l I ' f B TWIN FALLS - The'he green flag is up on'. • H the sugar beet harvestvest as tho beets; — - Ju(lge_rules-i5-alocal— - ■ I f —ramrnntTjfthirpTnnnd-lnd-Thurrd uy. ----- man-€an-see!C -ehildr€n ------1 ^ Tlie AinalgumatcdrSugur S5 Lo. beet dumps ,' 3 at Bell Rapids, Murtaiiriaugh and the Black - • TWIN FALLS -AV nmagistrate judge- », en. opened Thflrsday T h u rsd a y d en ied ththe prosecuting • InII dump east of Edcn.i 11- m orning a s planned,-ssI,-said Leonard K erbs,^- — attomey’e request thatat a-Twine Falla man- • - g r r nt. thf^.Tvvin Fnllswi.- icw d-phumij uf u ------*■ su g ar factory. year-old Boise girl1 bbe- b a rre d from Tho first dumps scrvicrvicjng the Paul plant ' — — contact with any-juvcnicnilcs, including his own xfaildrcn:— ------jst of Pnul nnd the Instead, Judge Mcivi‘Ivin Edwards set a Schoddc dump west Addloide dump north•th of( Paul, said Alan • JI------$ 1,500 bond4~of-Ralph-R ^ Swenson, the factoryiup•iupervisor. ' ■ '. •Tyler S t., a t Hillman’si’b arraignmentc on a' “This ia what we call:all our early harvest,"'• charge of posscsiicssing _ sexually i]! 2 ^ ; K erbs s a i l ______■ ------exploitativematerial:— p '' ’The'beets being-dugdug~now-are-notifully-— — Although she acknovnowledged that the fe -m ature^,j’ottho jricldsslds'from early fields--— r- logistics would be difHcifficult, Proseciitiiig ' 1^1—ftver«ge-only-3-tons-l)is-lesB-per- acro-than—^------~ Attorney K. iillen Ba'xtcrtit made the ...... 7)m<»-N«wtpn010/AN0VAnEK3 regular harvest fields,s, hehi said. request becausc HiilmiIman lives at home p s ia tiv e h e a lth c a r c co mn m m ittc c m em b ers tb o Tw in R u lo n G ilb e rt, c c n tc r, admm ii inistrator of tho Purple!0 Sago Manor, shows Icpsi “ “People arc still surprirprised and amazed at! . _vrith.his two tccn^agc-gc-'childrcn, o hc.of------— ^------Fallfl facility-wy-whichh0u609 m entally ddisabled porsons an d iss ssi u p p o rte d b y s ta to rc immbursemcnts b what yields wc can acWH ftn. hia-nw n— ^ 0ttdr=^it}udes^toui;2f ^ vfvrnl-pnncnrns.- in clu d in g -f . recognizance. d piirple sign, a retarded1 aand disabled clients...... clause In ma'ny’ily insurance plans thnt drop; TWIN FALLS - A faded p 'rn operating sinesince latc August. . ^enlalivea' coverage for• jujt v e n ile o ffe n d e rs who g( cram-packed kitchen andnd bare pipes Gilbert.•I sBowcd the.state represen ^ Tho sugar end of thehe PaulI factory started chen and through the courourt system an d aro placed ir Kiwanis-to havele yard sale grgreeted a visiting Legislativevo committee1 al and senallators two rooms, a kilchi up Aug. 25, m aking granulated'Bugargrai from • onal area the state'a custodtody. for May's liver trtransplant i>;th e P u rp le S ag e M an o r shelter sh home eating arerea and a small recreationi . • stored juice. The Twinrin Falls1 factory began " Thursday ■ - exemplifplifying the where die:ients can relax, B ut the sta tete’s ’s Mcdicaid policy does not - TWIN FALLS-Thele KiwanisP Club will , I J tho sugar ,end of itss ptproduction Aug. 28, ndminifltralors'.ploa forincrca:reascd funding,__ 1., ,The:conimmittee;. assigned .to .studydy health rincludo xeimbursur8cment.for.the ofteriJicedec be’setting wares out forfor sale S aturday o n — — I "using Ihe'sugar extractractf^rom its molassea...... : Administrator Rulon GGilbert told care issueues in the slalo, spent itsts second: psychiatric treatealment tfr'drug and alcohol 0 ’Leary-.Juniot . ■ ' proccss. __ IcpslWora he gcts-q^ddlj^rei-reimbursement—day-of-mi tn«eliittja-in-T-w iiv-Fall9-l«i-touring—rehabilitation for those juveniles either.- ___ ..,ay.-lhcH-year-old.-,..... , ------This .is .the .first .'timeme the factoriea.have ___ raio of'only'Slfl per dayly gor| person, health'facacilitie’s nhd''talk'ifi'g"wilh'~vri viirloiis ” T nclu3ihg psyi)sycW atnc"trenlmchtlh the ------Twln''PirllF-boy who-ho-needs-a-livcr—• — had the sugar end runniunning before the beet • com pared to the per dayly pper person the health c anire providers. state’s Medicaidlid policy is optional, Doibei transplant. preparation end. K erbsbs ssaid. I •, stale hospitaJs receive. “.The pipurpose of this (tour) is .so the snid, bul sometbething the Legislature could The event, billed aaas a “humongous • “ - “We’ro anticipatingIg a good; harvest," he ------“This is a disgrace,"" Rep.1 Brent committeece can physically see the faciacililics," change.' •. yard 6alo,’’.will run from■omSa'.m, lo 2 p,m, . , _ said . “The w e a k e r haa ha{ been good to us. ■ ‘ ___ BrocksomerR-Boise-,'c6mmentitmied: ------sa id -B ro•ocksomcT^Co-chflirman—( i 1-of -the — “It has a 'sigsignificant impact-oir-thc The Kiwanis will accepcept donated items We’re expecting averageag e yicIdsT' ^ “We find ourselves stuck betweenbci a rock committeece. adolescent popjopulation," he said in a at the school from 6-ULl ttonight and early • “ The Twin Fallss factoryf dump is " an d a h a rd p la c e ,” GilGilbert said., .Thursdaday’s tour tpok'lho commillclice lo all telephone inlervifrview. S atu rd ay . F o r m ore; information, in call ?p • . scheduled to open Mondionday. The Filer dump • ' “Expectations constantly increcrease, but in 13 comers of Twin Foils, and oul lo1 GGooding He also talkedced with the legislators about Ray P arrish a t 7JJ-3082082 or Lairry B raga ^ should open Sept; 15,I, the th Jerome dump o n ' years, I cannot' recall Health1th and W elfare ' Counly Meilemorial Hos'pilal; • •-• . the state’s licenssnsing policy, which docs not a t 7334730. Sept. 18, Magic W aterr dldum p on Sept. 19 and ' ' going to the Legislature (fo(for increased At Canynyon View. Hospital - a psyc^ychfatric . gee Ann Burnett, who is in; charge' of the CARE on Page B2 the King dum p n ear WenWendell on Sept. 29. fund-raising activities} fofor Jory M ay, said tho fund set up for the youngster has > ------Tcnchcd^0;700rabonr$2mOXhif^ot fmiii_ ;2A ‘ ^donatiojTcontuTnerB'aB'at various TwTn 7 r^listeniing=bootl Falls businesses. Jor/fl condition, mo£neanw hile, hns not %i changed, Burnett said.i- . 1receives; many c:ommeniits By MICHELLE COLE ' Democrat!uts ut tho fair cither, as loca Mix announcesi intentionsii ^ ______organizersTS opted for no booth this yetyear. •____ to mn for mayoror next year ______r—TT— This iss IthoTirst year the fair boaioard has TWIN~FALLS - Along withwi whtirling ^lar^cd ''^'liticarplTrticap for b ^tlrttn>pgce. |r~- HAILEY - Kirfv^An:A nn M ix. wHo has- eight years’ cxpcricnccce :in city and state ncrides, feeding frenzies andi piprize producc Last yearir the Kcpublicans and Demem ocrals — - .govoromcnt, announccdicd-Thursdayshc-is-.- — nnand- livestock,- add- the' 'RR e p uiHl 1 c an s - —curniTd IthIhfirTTwa''TlUriting.aldiv 1 running for m ayor here.rc. lislistening booth to the lislist of lively inlo'polilic•ical outposts, Stubbs said, Gov. O c il Andrus waiwas on hand to lend altattractions a t this y ear's countjjnty fair. T h is ye;p’oar's bare-bonos booth, 1( — — hissuppw rtto Mix. a Cit]^ity Council-woman- ■- —' u didn’t, have it peoplee w ould r ir ^ Mix joins Councilmarnan George Miley, “This is a sounding board.ird," volunteer wonder if you don't care," Stubbs•bssaid. ... r /■ .\i\ ! \ i ‘ f i ' an insurance agent, in jthe race for the _ Jo,Joyce Stukonholtz said. “It'i‘It’s like going “Even iff y6u; just sit here tnlkinjj n g w ith = -—scat held by PaschaVDl-D rafe,- w ho'is-’not— — hoihomc- ^ d-krckineH ji^oiF^i fricndg;?o: running again. thaIhatBomctimes.'' S e v e raal l state legislators, the2 c o u n ty Mix said she is runrunning to provide 1It was Twin Falls Counlylly Republican proseculotor and at least one c o u n ty ^ >5 ' _ _ needed leadership tojnrimprovc Hailey’s ' Cliairman Ch Murk Stubbs who'lilo'look the heat cdmmissiolioner have all promised to overloaded'city se'rvicv iceF d'nd'’l'nck'"6 f ^on rliext year he or sho Canin apen'd ' ■' thc'Centrai'Elcmcntarjary SchoolrTvhcrc------—Uut-ho* won't be talkinj;Tng~K” m u n y . 'sornv'timc'.c'ill 1116 bboiii.',— ------■ the district’s administraitrativc offices are housed. footing queryc sUlows The, whose wh contract ^ unty comrmissioned ” ■ ricptiations ore stalled,id, will be carrying ; Blaine Cou TTf' signs between 7:30 aian d 8 a .m . a n d ' jm little^public}help I . • .bctweeaa:feand4:30p_.np_.m., Enos s a i d . ______budget hi]ike /'•o unfirTcnh'fbiah'a up"boiI approve_6_LpercentJ • ^ ■ F y ATJTTADirOENNIS ------'Bom'o'witnuBscST Miss Rodeo candididates uill By BARBARA NEIW ERT fordivvyining up the raises. ' Timcs-Ncwsiv5 writer F reem an said. TJmrs-Ncws convspondaat-...... The Roaoad and Bridge Departmentm l draws Policc think the shootirloting Is related to be in rodeo -stancnds today . . thcJargeststportian.ofthc.budget,.atS I $993.168...... __TW 1NFAL■ALLS- An inve8tigation_pf' a an incident four daysI [at[ater, in which a , ] FILER-M iss Rodeo!0 Idahoh candidates I-HAILEY - The Blairiainc County aslightdccIccreasc over last venr’fi $99(?»6.679, ______shooting incincident in the South Parkrk. Molotov cocktail wasi allallegedly thrown______^ — — wtll.hii ■circiilum m i a t „ codjom migsiODers.havc-approvedv ed .a.6 pcjcen t ^ _ 'l‘he joommisflioncrB n folt the rocroadand-.. —.neighborhoodood.iiaa been Htymied by lackck at 406.Gardncr------; . during the twin FallsIls C ounty ro d eo inc:ncrcase in the county’s cofTers'ers to arnve at bridge dcj[epartment wua"operaliiTg'T g 'flrfu ll" of-cDoperatl'olHon fi^m victnnsrT-wirrFallp[1P=vVv^rcauding-tl-lo'bur^‘sl-inlb-names:------______fnnight nnH fnmnriYiw’ fntn [rivn ppnpln nn n hi 1/ w ith o u t__adding .addiid itio n a l_____ police say..__ ------Public— Safety -Dii•Director— Paul------— opportunity lo meet them£m . TThe com m issioners this wcclvcck authorized personnel,;l, Blaine County's adminisilistrative On Aug., 22 gunfire erupted betweencn DuFresne speculated thalthnt tension in the 'j o c c u p a n tss o f .th e ho u se a t 21717 aouth Twin-Falla neigleighborhood has Tha.quccn conlcstantants are sceking tbche budget and $445,290 budbudget for the assifitant,, Chuck( O invin, said. istrict following ’ Washingtonon St. and passengers in a been caused by the h eatlat 0o fth e su m m er. ! donations to hoip dcfrefray the cost of iJ.laine County Ambulance Distr 1 public hearing Mondny wlwhich no one The Genenoral Fund is set n t $616,46,460, with Ford BroncoICO lhat~Had pulled up in thetie d ru g s, and o u tsid ersI cocoming into the : sending the winner to1 ththo national Miss- “ P ittcnded. $85-,000 80set asidc for contingenciicies. An 'driveway.—^ — neighborhood for harvest./est...... jant in Oklahoma Rodeo America pagean . ■Hiis ycarj_thu.commi8aioncralora.had a more additionallal expense coming fron'om this Benji Jasscisso, 19, and E leazar Ruiz. 23,!3, “Thore a re som e goodjood people dow n 'J "City next ycgr;'~ iizeable nurse to draw fromm esince county category' iia the anticipation of aI 2<20 to 30 bolhofTwinrin Falls, wero shot, Jasso in there," DuFresne_suid.»id:_B.y_a.d_y^[fling______\ 'm uch“run m eeting ‘They are'Tiaving so mi ncome has risen becauseJ of additional p e r c e n t lIncrease T for employee's*3 1hcaltti ihc chesfaiia'iiia'R uir in the loot. . police of brewing frictriction, he said, ; the people,” said Sheriicri Preacott, the cc. The county will alsoso begin DotcctivcVC Jack Freem an, who is axes collccted from the buildingbui boom inaurance ===taosccpcopic3amm_ncipq Idaho pageanrdircctor.jr. "I'he conlacTis ^■xperlenced throughout Blainenc (County. ^ y i n g part pr of the cost ol depc:pendent investigatinging the inpidcnl, said Juaau jg-incidents------’ actually h'elping'th'ci'r'’pefpeffo'nnance;" ' ~t“ East year’s a'mendcd budgeiIgct was $5,285' coverage. - h a s gone to TcxaB;”whcro'hc“has Ik “I’m ju s t s e a re d thathat they might . ______A bcnefit dance willl-also a: hold tohiRht______^milmllion;______.. ______• •______— A .gbpngngo-in accounting proccdurlures has family, andd RRuiz has dccidcd not to ta lk “sheriffs witiipbTce. continuo," F reem an aaid.'aid. “1 hope this is | afler the rodco. under the.he grandstand. 1'The budget includes an overallov« salary taken the2 jjailor’s salary out of the s! incincreasc of 5 pcrcent for coimtjinly em ployees, b u d g e t. The Tl jail budget liTnoWSlI$155:300,■ ‘ I’m klndd 'oo f a r a ■standstill right nowiw th eend.” ______J althilthouRh'dcpartmcnt heads arcare responsible...... ee-BIaAINE-onJPace BiB 2 . .. .. ; : j ■ . . . I ■■ ■ •...... ■ IM: B2 Timos-Novrt, Twinin FFalla. Idaho Friday, SopiomfcimborS, 1909 j Adjustmnents begiiin in storacige reservebirs Forr the Reccord— _T...... Alichucl GrceJrconJ.'Chock dispute. West i«iP )-»"'’With-thc—Therg-Vifa}vad-632=cubic^feet.-per-socond- nd—lafjt—w«ok,_whilc flo'low- .into 'the. __ R e c c a t-a Ua-probatlon. ;^-r ;fs. Palisades County indncludod thcj follow ing: J u a n G . B o r r o c a l, 336, Skylano One Bankk“SSkl^roT$2-n30.Z3 ai in - irrig u iin y se a a o n noar ni un end, of water2r boing released at Islandid reservoir wns 3,603 cfs Qg tindor tho Influonc®c« Pork Number.21, Twi;vin Fnlls: 90 disputed chocrhecks, plus attom o/a fcos. ^ . eastern Idaho waterr nmanagers arc Park Damam last week, but (592 cfe wasas R e se rv o ir p re s e n tly hih o ld s 703,635 D r i v in g nent*;. days in jail. Buspondodod; $500 Hnc, LoucllaQ SchrcnkSi vo. Larry und ,ion to'adjusting entering^ tlthe reservoir. The.rcsorvoiriir acre feot and has a cajopacity of 1.2 • Brraigmaer turning their attention dnya’ liccnHo Piitrtcin DricseJ. Dr pocd_dispute. l,977_acre -feet o^it9^127,00000 millionacrefeet.- ...... - .Cevin RR. Mack. 22. Kimberly.y. S26QLBuapcndcd: 180 dr L -rc5CT>’oi.r_9lo,nigc, IcvccvcIb for w inter _l\qid 66,97 s UHking -for c o u rU to o r d e r — imation spid i f Plondcdinrinnoccnt, -- ...... - ...... suBponBion: nnd-'2'124 m onths' • Schrtnk is uf needs and to make) nroom for-next acre-footc)t capacity on Monday. T h e T J u re ^ oTReclam nitnrtw frnm ’ ftoncndoido M. ConzaloB, 33, 13030 probatinft. , ' - th e D riesl-lubju tot e x e c u te a p ro m isso ry ______i------Wa t c!f r- is being ntnrnd atnf, ,.wnulfi r.nduce_th.c-au ------\y c . W , Jorom u. t-lendcjd-o d '- t'hJltp L. Helty, -M,, iIMlA-KusL hol^ ci^d gg^d'of iim i.'un'u;;iTied. Or 5 J.ake, where only 18 cfs is Jackson Lake Dafn toI 22,500 cfs tWs ■ Rcservoira in the upfupper reaches of Henry’s >'Bob Barton Rond, Wendndcll:90duya in the altoiltornativo. Schrenk is released at the dam and'id' week and hold it there untilu Oct. 1 to . •the Snake River wateiitershed will be being rei Ibco Plorco. 66, Routo 1, in jail, suspended; S50500 fine. $250 reque.itinglg $27,791.68S in damngen s. test dam gales. The reireservoir held „ . ___ jabout half full wh_en inirrig a tio n w a te r n a tu ra l flow fli into the lake it 75 cfs. ;uded guilty. aosponded; 90 dayi.yn’ liccnso plua attorney'n c y ’sfec B . ' - “ ‘drnfling’cnds la te r thisthislhonthrLyle-M ore-lhanla n lO.OOO a c r c - fe e t o f sto r a gjc.-'710,503 e : acre-feel of its, f 847,000 Lee Adams, 48, no nddfcaa”aa suspenaioriT^and '2424 “montha* ------PfltltionsfoIB fo r ch ild r o p p o rt:— - - - c. I t w a s filled . " '’ p . ' •Swank, Water Distric.rict 1 assistant capacityy remr ains in the 90,000-ocre-e- foot capacity this week, leaded guilty. p ro b a tio n . Stake ofjf IdahoI vn. Stephen K. w aterm aster, said WcdiWednesday. foot lake.e. - - for the first time in 13I ycnraj earlier I A. Bcilcloy, 43, no nddrcao00 Robb Harold Rodd, 2C26,817 Lociwt - Oabome. water, stacap-ia.. |-ftntiniiirfT fn ThcJIoBIflffiJxpm Pnliflfldc.q Dam.-wasas __this summer aflor comm p le tio n o f a p |f,n ------St.',«>lU;. 90.dar ln v . ---.St^ttO of-Ida•-Idalxo.vs. E a r l D . Ruflwcll.____ increase at iglanoPaiPark Reservoir, increasedS 7 foT ra93 cfs 10 8,271 cf8fs S76 m illion rcconstructioiion project M^^ioI ^ Michollo Barth, 21, 90000 uUBpondcd; $500 f in e , $250 S t a ^ oif f IcIdaho vs. G rant Lerijy - Ninth Av.Vve. N.. Buhl. Pleaded3d ouspondod; 90 duyiys’ license -Kennedy. suspcnartm; and 2-124 months' State of>r I d a h o v a . R i c h a r d D. c State to tnrv having sepp^ate public; education b<,oard b. Hoover Jr., 19. 1348 E.E. probation, v E lo rrie ta . ,2S, Wondoll: State of Idaho vo. John E. - MOSCOW (AP) -— Debate1 overabouHdWilidergarten through grade 1212 would havc supported thetl proposal 3200S., WorVondcll. Pleaded innocent. - jQvior Jungo Tapia, 2 ipCTidedr-6606— ------whether a epparati^aTe board of isuuea be jd fine; 180 daya’license! «suspension; Pati^onBIB fofor divorce: ^av^cm -public- ■ schooLaga•gendaiiprcsentcd.------InngiingP .boforo voting-c' bn it,-Under -S ,-1700 IE.. WcndoU.- Pleaded _ nnd 24.montha’probation,m, Gary BrerIrcnt Morgan vs. Shelley ------' schools in-ldaho has-bei-l«en around fo r--—“I’m-cbn:bm m ittcdto give-it-a-whirl," the circumatancea, hovowever, thcv— .innoccnL... rcKrgSafiledl “wth~th'o-Bth~Mflrjinnv' - years. Buperintenlendent~ot Public Jnstnictioniri could orily ac<;ept o r rejeiject what the Folony cl K. Undholm ,21,1832J‘nll8ll8 D is tr ic t C o lu t in T w in Pi^oUeCouniy: a J«*n Adelclele McKenzie va. David ; ■ At its meeting next}xt week at the Jerry EvEvans said. He said theic Professional StandardsIs Board and • Devun K. T w in F b IIh. Manufncturingl g C iv il la wHuita file d : Bnice McKenK enzio. ------' " ' UmviTHiiy uf Iduliur■the tin rtatcB oard fcgonte-ofl-oAefrjtftw-oomptainwl-th'uy- ly-Kvans’staff had como up.ipw ith______Avy. R '.T v le d a u b sta n c c . * UemfltUnerPriiiicia-LHi>»viH vB,.M..y __R;- va'._ RubLMt— — te a step toward have littlittle opportunity lo helpp Alternative -certiflcatation will be controlled ■ - of Edueution wili take i Eugene McBride, 28, no10 --- & May Omces. Legal malpracticen Mnltby. they spend too formulatete the public school policies!s the first issue the.commmittcc will • ^ -addressing conccmsi th givon. Perjury.. Bail act atat. dispute. Du via iu auking{forS30.000to r _--Bonni(r R, Cli;mentK„vii. Acio, J., trn~rr»'nd~'undgr theiileir purview. consider next, week, Evain n s M id .- Z T ":,. much“trmoroii'highcr.,c public defender nppointodv3; •covor- medical * cxptpenncB,- - nn -Clemenbi,--- h o p ls------E v a n s9 SJsaid-the issue of alternative'C ____The. standards.boanird mcmbcrs .P ------too little on public Gchoc nry KearingTcquiBtcd:------unflpcciflcd am ounfln dadamnRCB'-pluH------Christine-L1C-Louise G reen vs. Daniel------^Tho hoflr d ’fl-P u h l -to-teachcr.. certificationn .wilLrcport.ori. bearingsI tthey held on ------Eu«coc.Gtuei Committee will beginfin spending an brought thithe issue to a head. the m atter throughoutIt H a h o o v e r B by 6th District M agistmtoto John W. und K^thlceBen Mink vs, Arthur E. 'Trnnsue va, Murilyn R. ^hour or two each moerjoeting talking ------M a n y/-of.the.regents o said theyy thesumrner. . ...'------Judge Charutrlos Bnnnbttchi Anthony Navarotto; Accident Transue. *______L e s lie WWayno Robbins, 21, 68 S. dispute. Tho Minks aro a.asking foran Gregoryy ScottS C arter vs. Dana ------j 350 W .,Je:Jerom e: 180 duyo in jail,il, unspecified amount in dadamages pluii Lynn Carter.■er. pObitituaries- MUHpcndedt-d; $500 fine; 90 days’s ’ n tto m e y a foos. William BnBronor vs. Ironn Broncr. .uspcnsion; and 24 montha'18’ Lisa Comolison vs. Jaramea Willard Karlenee RacR Adams vs. Terry Charles E Johnh n s lo n ...... [CM, Calif.; two sons, Mnrlin1 Wunda Allon of Filer, .im Latham. . Accident dispute, Allen AdamH. jf UkoBidu, Calif., nnd Byron> Dover of Salt Lake City. ( for general Jacquelineine A. Huerta vs, Joso E. DELLEVUE - C haxlon E . " r I , U u h . Sho n o ln n dio n !Sulvatore Tores, 22. 112222 C o r n c lia o n io a s k i n g f( of Costa Mesa, Calif.; her J^nstoh, 76, of SisUistors. Ore., and wui. preceded in donthth by ono w„,hin|!tojton St; S. No. 11, Twinin dam ages of $50,000 plua pi $502.96 . - .Thomafl - FnuButt of ' - Dec, Owen va. Randy K. . . _ formorly-of-Uollouuo.M Oiad_T.^sdny._["^^.|;;^ ' - brother ond ono sintor. - - VdavH in jail, Hunpcnded;1; ~ special damages und altotorney'H feca. ______------0. lOOQ. Bt hi., ht , ^ ^^^pulnled.-90-Ua70‘-u' Wem Onu Bunk ui^ = h m m TTT M a ria n l..or Koysor of Boise, and Ermn AJce"y“of l!^rrmne Mueataa Mullins ^ ofo h e a rt nttaek. ■ S a tu rd n y n t WhiU.- Mo'rtuui uspension; nnd.2-1 months’IB- M ichuel Dnnokn. (alaoHO known as vs. John Cnrl ■villo, Pn. n rl Mullin.4. Tho funeral willMl bo n t 2 p .m . in Twin Fnlls with Uishoi funeral will bo at 11 n.m. r/wSr Solurdny ot the Churclurch of ChriHt in , ' ' Frey conducting. Durini w it tho Roorguniwd Church of Sinlcrs. DuHa) will be::b. in Bond, O™. •«d“y in tho Filor I.O.O.F. cTr'rT Cc R o ll Lnttor-dn;dny Snints in Ornngc;, Calif, F rie n d s m n y cnll at-tho clijrh ap e lfru m beat reqiquests hcome in J2.&1, ({ruduati and then worked at th /a*-bonvSopL.e. l980, in.Fort . Id Nov..?. No-one haa asked,^d,. assured that ii does-an did teeth, too, .h alf day ,ofjf ^building maintenance,___ ^ ■ ~an-n«soeiBteB'of-aT •-^Valloy-McmoriaLHoapitiitaUnA=__ ^w ill» -ld j 1, Colo., tho BOi>of O sca r and ins for the offices, including:g The Reeces plan tdid keep the which wouldlid i m ake the position full- i------oloraentary-cdutati I central service dopartmciient. After for petitions “ — Evn-Miro[iro"NtcCuTdyrHo‘ottondcd - - fliiB q u it w orking. Hhe did.dlvoluntcor ~ih'al''ot ma;iaydr, being vacuredfby—y—b5bcat"in~a~atQt(}-appi provcd'and- timc. -- attended Idaho Stntcntc ColloRo from choolss iiIn Grooloy. Colo. Ho then 1954.66, roc:0iv tn,B B « b « = h o lo r;. J work for Soulh Central Co-ommunity Ralph Peter;lers, locked m etal and wire cage. ci The 5- 'F i r e Chiefhief Jim Auclaire reported in tho U.S. Arm y from 15V12 - Action Agency. C o u n c il1 nmembers said Tuesdayy ycar-old anim al would bc a pet and that two full-tull-time firem en will soon dogrco in lacO. Shoa tataught school in . .in , disehnrgo in 19J9. when he ; Surviving nre threo «osons, Gion ^yg^e ll It would be used for breedinjing,'they say. resign, undd h.he said he is screening L am o n l fro m 1956-685-68. Sho w en t to cd j to Colorado nnd Hold e hesitant to OK a bobcat ' Prcscott of Kimberly. Hoy ns for the positions. Ron • S a n J o s e C ity Co11orr r two i weeks. They askedd i-S currently residing in the•hccountry. , Lancaster w ——:------^c7n*No'vr23,-l9ror5l IKc — o f-----N om pn-:------<»n®-----d. nurancQ-cumpuny. In^l9ra, hu 5pnn(iwnyr CitJ^ttOrnirncy Robert~WTl]iams to ” In other business: ’ volunteurfirefTfenshtCTr”: ------■“ ______C hurch in Twin Pallsalls. Thoy moved , , ' Murgucrito .Incnbs of Sp : to Htiwaii whore ho was i: 21 grent^ c h c c k in toJ p possible c liability problems.s *. Council' passed aI •: resolution ' • Councilil consideredcg a bill for S03 ______-,,ta.Nr.wport-Bmch.,Ct„ Calif..,, ‘ Wnsh.: 13 grandchildren: Bnr“'or"n socuritton and— 'al brotheri> und specifj:ify ilrty d ty 'oi'dir^tirtceaa ' ie llin t'u I'fcvr? diilO fory r u t’L'nunil In emplayeirpi!{rpgr5OTat~prnpGrtylu!»aiiii ...... - worked as n sklpporpor on u pri.«o ' grundchildren; and wvoral Ige compnny.; Hc Jnti-r und.datcra.^...... _ c o v e rin g "wi"wild anim als* in the city,f. citv election.. Two councicil m em bers Biistnincd iuringrarburglary-which dur , 7 - -yocht. - - ...... •d to Idnho-nnd w aa p'ruriidcint cbin» ot Corona “ “"'I* Tho funeral will ho aat t 10 n,m. The Reecescs havc mct all state lawsa and a mayor will be^ elecected at that took-placee aat the city poo! last Sho started tonchi Idaho Invostmont Co. In 197-1. ,ool fro n . I963.GS ■___Mondny ut White Mortunr.nry Chapel requiring a healthI certificate and bill11 time. Terms expiring areai those of month. Thee bibill was referred to the Dol Mnr High School red and movod to Eden. Tho '___in Twin FnllH with the » _____ oC.salc.showowing the.animals was notit C ouncilm an’NatHan Brooooks^Ostlcr,-. Jerome.Recre:icreation D istrict. — ^ ______where— ahc— taug] irpn-ynnrfThfThnd-llYrtl-ln— ; ------oducat>oh7i3ti~^lalcr and In-Klmberly. He wnn- : ' ““ehtintlictho wild".'" • ...... - ______L_ _and_M ayoiLJ«ation,.ln lflG3 __ m a k in g tl lg salaries at $88,779 andnd operating L-d to Idnho administraU'ator a luJI-time position ifi“'Ij ex p e n se s a t 562^6,94^71THFaTrporE v/omon'n dopartmontnt loaderli in Costa gi^to^rs - K athoryn, ...Slcrm o f HaHtings. I Neb, They moved 'W in Fall,*-;- th e p la n niing'and in t zoning office, and ------Moaa.Collf. i^la. and-Nadiini Paruchini of-.. in I9ig and fariiied-iriTW supports itself through fc(federal grants- now-positionin-tho-districl— ^------jjSurvTv rninn-Tn roi io. , , I -----U n o u iily -n rr-20 -^'uuT-;-i-Thrmrj^-fhPTi------^adding-fl-noi ^HinllWrTees:— — griiveside nervice will bc at ■ ’movedjo Wendell .ii^fnrin.Invd_f<{ran COUrtS. ^ - The Blaine County’ iAmbulance ,T^1& _^adililiQDuL2(LyvuraJ>t-furv.n.muvinuAu_r !___ T h e-c o uirthnim'fi rtl hudgel iirS2n.02Q_ .Suturday nt thn 'I'am Fnli.i— * ^ District A ud^dt. wa 8“"a'lso^passed" u 7 - «=Setvic S7y~wilh~lhc5-Rov;-TIm-~i—K im berly in-19e9.- M r-M or;nrgnn died - i s doWTl $48,(18,000 over last year due to ,e without com m ent from theth public. RUPERT - Thehe funornl for Cartwrig-ight of tho. Edon Trinity ’■ ‘in 1970. c o m p le t ioon n of a phase of the Rnndnll Williom DuDunnhoo, 65, of Luthcrnnnn Church officinting, M rs. M o rg a n w as .i >noIiemher of courthouscc tremodeling. The district will hayeIC &M5,290 on Rupert, who died Momfondny. will bo nt Friondafl mny cnll at Itcynn[{ts___»the Kimlwrly Christian Chijl,ur«h and lid Waste program for theJO -which to operate. AllI b1 u t SIO,000 ' nt the UnnHcn FunoralI ChnpclC in Twin Falls from in ' s a formor“Siembor of t collected from ambulan;ince fees will 11 n .m . to d a y n t Sh r'.l county rcc•eceived an 11 percent JSC c a l l o r v i s i t u s M ortunry Chnpcl. 71C710 S ix th S t., in 3-« p.m.. toduy. tc The fam ily nuggoiiUi IFallH Christian Church. I ,t; be g enerated by propert,rty owners in , thoM.” .! i^ncrense to t. allow $ 201 ,2 6 2 fon Ruport with Bishopp LLuwiu Roberts momorinl•inl contributionii may bo also * an nctivo morpber onii ■c the taxing district.. to d aly y totl send the F ID * Clubj Salmon Social Club.h nnd tho' deportmentent salaries and waste ofTicintinK- Fric;ndnI mny m cull at tho----- madu to) thoth Edon Senior Citizen!', ^ G ranr a n d p a r e r i t s l D a y imftJicfuouna ______— ------• • • ______• ' ___H t ills.< al..C lub_ulLWi-n.l.^li Exeebior Social Club. ------B o uiquet. q u From . — C l a d[ys y i Lx^uf-Allp.n —— ! ------S u rT iv T iT in ffifo n e srin,'“ ■“Canre ------““ FILER'- Thf pn,ER . ;R - G hidys LnRuo AlU-n. HI!, Hutchings distribute a c h a r t •andparchts' Day is ~ for Earl Moreland. V2. (Uud) Morgan of Kimherlrly; four •Contintioued from Page Bl • ,.f Filor.r. Ldiod W ed n esd ay . Sopt, G. - iday, September 10. | diod .M onday, will bc n .'granddaughlen.; eight grarand..unn; distinguishh tbetween difTerent types5 showing that'state carare centers Sunday t hor homo following an ‘ [.ono g reat-g ran d d au g h ler; ..i at SunHut Momorinlri^l^^^itb'S I ■ of hospitals.ils. Deibert would like toJ paid out $16.33 per p.atieiicntperday 1409' KimberlyKi Road groiit-grnndron; and twr ______Hov- D ak» M c'tt tf»r J:'------see. diflercnl^nt lii’f ngPQ .fn r HifTp r r n t »-ns-»mrn-{-Vb^a;-l!'t(W,- in“ - -ki^Hli-RrnnddiTlIginTn^Sh-,- ^ w h ile -h is -e e n te r-p a id $7.;7.23 p er-day ------Twin-Tv Falls Fritnds may. callII ». t Itcyn.Tl.Li Id. Utah, tho daughter of L lospitals, instead of juat Funoral Chi.pol in Twiifwin F.,ll» from !) ■ preceded in death by herr p.‘.’rV| nt7 ^03 ^ per patient during fiscal;II y e a r 1989. 7 3 in nnd Emmn Carson Allen. ^ ,r,,. the ono umtmbrella license that now ^ 3 3 - 8 3 2 2 a.m. until 1 p.m. toda=d„,.. Tho family four brothor.i nnd two niHten J The committee alaiIso visited adunted from Filor High hpspi^ls, he said in a ------■^ui'frPTtta-mcmonRl-< _____Ihc-funtiraL.wilLbo.iitlit- .. cover all._h( & H 5 r n - s —: Magic Valley Regionalml Medical ...... - | ho f.Icr Un.tod , , M onday n t WhiU- M o rtu jirjry Chnpel telephone iirt ^ r v i e w T H u riid o y . inuy bo mndo to the ,0 worked in dcvcral bean ' |. 1 (Center, Gooding County.y M em orial __ Methodist Church. in Tw in Falls, Inu -n n o n t wiwill follow Al the S'ti. 1 m.^ ”1°'''":--- -whoLhar-roiroim burfling-phyaicians— VTTrg~iiVtrohg~Tn-.-ithf-r7^:C,-^— c roptnbutionannaa-zfaennnd — ~ ~7~^nr;nT r ir.TTHrir~Sun.!.rv-;ii-ih.> ? t.urv.^ a - - c = —tirgivinirihtlsralTotrwouldlncreage— -Mt. View Comotory ininFa.rT.old, 1 Allon ofTT’tlor; 1 and two .listers,. Ki^bc-rly I- Christian Church. MO(mc3AW t h e n u mmber ! of children ' immunized.d. ______T h e -ccommittcc voted Hospitilals^—= ------^ W « d n e s day~to a y -encour^igo—tho—i t i K i t e ' Legislatureirc to shell ou^ enough iEOIONAL MEDICAL CENTETER B irth s _____ MAQIC V A LLEY H E ( money to immunize all * .Admittod Daughter*, to Mr,ilr. nnd .Mni. T rn cy Brow n o.f f .Hugeni^^rnT' one-tim c mi lildren currently not . .Chri.stuphcr.DanicLijf-l,f_Twin Falls; Mr... IlroIruw n of and M r. a n d M rs.. MiMike ReguhrofUuhl; and ho.lonstoCnrole Idaho chil ------TTiT^riHTni Curolo' DurgorgosH'br Fnor.-H..b7-KrrrCnninmpbdl-—DurgL^iirFner-rui i'andlo' Mi-.'Mnd'Mnr-Ualp-l:-Lntspmch-nf-iminunizcdrd;------^------D r t u Ja r > ^ - n nd_»,lrc .-H j» L. Ch a pma au r n ..b o th - o f iltT ii m t;.; ..M ra — ------A r T w l nrPalls'-ClearwatcirenTC— - f i M i i r y ____/ — ------hnt77TT{nclmf-.fftekp?pirNYvN Y v c rM rs rG n irP n i^ i'o r BoTsriTscT; hrid • ’ 'u'private” center th a t■ •reremator SSIA MEMORIAL HOePITAL ^ ------— h e l p s — t hm e m o n t a U y —d i s a b l e d — R eloasod • ' - A d f^ tio d independent- • - ierbyth^P arir « nAnn1f^^ff(>v.vnitn(l Mr.i. Richiinl Ri .MnriO IVternpn•n rnnd Jnek Timmonn, bolhh of Burloy: . j the Chapt k~733^6600^ ^ ■ ------— AdminiBtraU•Qtor Mike H utching told - T ^ a c o tl. ai'r»f"TwTn'^FlFalls; Hnby girl Ctimpbrll,•II, M r", A lfonso'& intu o f Rupilup<^rt; nnd Ja ck io M a rtin of P t h e c o m m i ittee that Medicaid1 136 4th Avee E . ~ Ki-nny EldrodtL- and »onon nnd Mary Alainn OToolo,lo, all o f R oloas«d Melow. all of roimburficmements ore too low and .Icrom p; MV.i. K evin C!arr a rr nnd non and Mrs. TfvntIt iSonrlo Beverly GorU>r.r. MuriuM Ingram and Martha M ‘ T w i n F a l l s , Idd . a h o ' . J e rrry q D. Holman Fl t o p r i v a t e in d i i a t r i e s , n7T

S' • • -J ' ( ^ 7^ We Chad's; life hanggs in balaiincc ^ GCourt=^1 grapplees with hiiis parents:s' requesiJts . SEATTLE-.(AP-)—------S ta te —ftfld— determ ineine-whether_SorMV^year-_--^ Jack Richey isaued at ttemporary - K ehlth'oirrcialsliave asked'aasli court'to old sister*r iAdele’sliould servo’ as thec "restraining ord^ prevjeventing the EV ______reauiro nn Idnho childId Tccciye^ fl.lirR-,_,bonfi ninrnirmwHnnnr______----fi-imnvtal fif th n until saving bone marrow trutransplant from Hospitaltal ofTicials said providingg received full judicial rcvie bis sister against thcle w\ ishes of thc -bone m arnirrow is a relatively safe andd Thc same restrictionin was later children’s parents. , p a in le sss .procedure but thee placed on Soran’s sister, - King County-CourtCt Commissioner- involvemtment'of-another-juv«nilc— c ------Soran-is-listcd in-etabUalo-condition, Stephen Gaddis, aca c tin g a s a w hose lillife is not in dangerr but physicians said his hihealth coufd temporary Superiorir CourtC judge, complicateQtes thc lega! issues., deteriorate quickly and a transplant ______began g cloBcd-door hehearing on.thc Tcsts_hi fl could bGcom o riifTicult ns i possiuiy precodent-fli.t-sctting caso sister hasas perfectly matched bonec week from now. Thursday^ The hearingng ’was recessed , m arrow foifor tho transplant. ' ^ Doctors also snid thc) situation! is . • late Thursday afternomoon nnd was Thc caseasc ia also unusual bccausee complicotcd' bccausee a-_ vital ■,'V ' ^ scheduled to continue! Friday.Fi Soran's paiparents do not object to tho0 component' of a child's reciccovcry from Doctors say the tranransplant.,could procedureirc-on religious grounds. a : 'hone 'marrow traninsplant is ------eavd-the-life-oPSoran-Jei-Jenaenr^^. who ■ 'T^eir-objet>j«tion9-6t«m-from-per8onal—; 11—par^ntal-support-aod-coop is sufTeriiig from aplastlastic imcmifl, a - Fitch said no court in1 Washington\ _____■ rare.blood disease in I wl-which tho bone Thc JenICTHens hrnuK ht th e ir non___ 1 i state, hoH_bepnJ before a3ked_ to IitM ^ iiiiiiiii marrow no longer can:an make blood Soran fromom their home in Richfield,;, intervenei on behalf'of ththc donor as ^^■ 2255 r a cells. r------Idaho, to3 Swedish S Hospital about 100 woll' as the patient. But ini^similar ii ______S o ra n ’B p ar;n t« -ln liclieve ' hp cnn h<> rinvB nfo■> onn the rocommendntrnn off. icase, n Kcntiickv iudn treated by n naturopathathic physician, Salt Lakec CityC doctors. iordered a 27-ycar-old rct«m» i‘ '-mile area in Santa Clara tree^here ti tho larvae worere breeding. I'lT 1 _ o f A m e ric a ’s w orld heih e a d q u a rte rs 60>6quare>iii ITH ^ ^ 9 Thursday, killing onene guard and County, souloutheast of San Francisco, Agriculture officials,3, who a r e COUFU PO N T M . wounding two otherr nmen before The quararrantii^e from San Jose to checking c: 1,700 traps’ in n1 81-Bquare-i r im i f , g g r i f # .1_____ fleeing.oniO-Bpeed.bic.ycli -ifl-voluntary.iintiLtha filing mile n nrpn, w nmorl rofii^ipntlOlUQ-COXfi]^ . . wSrTid Q | _ An IntGnsIve searchh o f th e city's "becom es offiofncialhextw eok. their ti c ars and rem ain indotioors during crowded financial distnctrict, involving Gov. Geoieorge'D eukm ejian declared '.the'aerial'spraying'on't '.tl i tre e s ’ a n d ' ■ B M police, FBI agents, transiinsit polico and a state ofif emergencye Wednesda^it lawns. h The quarantine, ththc'ofncials the California Highwayly :Patrol, was letting aiauthorities spray the sa s id , is n e c e s s a ry .to p re v e n t launched for thc pair,ir, dressed in posticide malathionm without issuing widespread v, infcBtation,.. , j blue jeans and baseballII an cnvironirnmental impact report that . "It has to be emphajizett’cd »hat tho BB l--|l|Jjrl4.|l|J' ! Brink's Inc. offered-ed- a $100,000 oould t ^ ee mn onths to' prepare. reason ri th^ quararitiiline kopt H I P "' reward tor inlormationion loading to Af9 p.m.nTFnda'^fthe'weatheriB. '.expanding e laBrtlfii^.Ts pepeople kept s H 'l . j K the apprehension of the suspects, good, twoI helicoptershi are scheduled ignoring i( our warnings aboi)Out moving B | ■ - • -descTib"eJ as'^te-mrialcB 'al _in th e ir to begin liveive "hours of a erial s p r a n g irmt It out onhat'zone.-iaaid-d-Greg-Van—H 3 - I —ri-jiQ SOs^Bflid thB.'annored carcar.comp’any’a ..-in'irSSTmilliilUion*bQtHe.iigain3t:a:EuglI\\ r\VasaenhoYe.".the:county.agigricultural^H -l corporate vice-presidisideiit. Buck that is capaipable of causing up to S50 commissioner. c( Crebs. ' million damimage locally to tomatoes, Statewide agriculture # 1 1 >ag:iSLflfcfo.und=flppififti=pe£ ____:_fltJhe_acenfi-and_fiome_Qe_caY.elopefl,__produ c e .-______^______■SantaSi Clara County’s ngrgriculUira'i ^ | ______^ I f .-their contents unknocnowQ, were Millionsi olof sterile medflics will bo production pi was worth .S142.:[2.5 million, ^9 5 . C O R H K I N Q U S ^ H O T ^ n ^ missing, " said ' offictfic'er David released in 10 d a y s in a fu rth e r wwith S94.3 million of the10 to ta l in 3 3 I m Ambrose. Neither authorilorities nor thc attem pt to sto p tho. sp re a d of th e frfruits, nuts,'vegetables ancnd nursery I PICNIC * HAi«M ■■ CARROT. I bank would immediateatcly release pests, crops.CI B M B Smokeokod Shoulder, Ham & Walorlor Product ■ M b . B ag. *75 I ------detaila-on-what-might-ht-ha ve-been ------^ I LIMITIT 2 ______mM I LIMIT I 3 ------WITFT B A G S------^Blotch: ______WITH ------“It looks like a well-pla■planned, well- , ^ - -r-. ThetBslter ■ oCOUPON ( _____ LB. 9B' LQ.' I — —orchestrated robbery “■flaid'Deputy ea c h | m Chief Larry Gumett. iii...... Ambrose said tho siski-masked bandits apparently entc:ntercd thc 52- f c Q i m 'sto ry building shortly bofibefore 10 a.m. through a sidcwalk-levilevel door on le-the-firink's------guards entered on Pine'ine S tre e t, a . S i m th e building. — jpr~- ^______Thc four apparently mim et near thc_ IU ------rear.indooLentranceJo_toJhc.cityi_ main Bank of Amcrica1 branch.b: The, S I cm ro b b e rs opened firo, hitting hi both ■ ■ llw H i l sm • guards, said Ambrose. SMOitm r Robert Gee, 57, of Sanan Francisco, apparently tried to inte ntorvcne and i i | BAB)BY RUTH or BUTTERFiVIHOER I H Q U A K E R S Tr A A T E also w as shot, said Ambroi I ^rose. • Drink*fl.identificdihe_d.e_d£ajLcuard_ K I I CCAM OyLBAt _M SrTOROX as Joseph San Arriola, 53, of-Vallejo, K in g S iz e . Ono Q uart. 5/30, 10/30, 10/4(^ 0^0 wt. ” ^ ^ i l IT -0------^ '■ CalifTThe fatKer of six'six'cHITaren, riTH Arriola was a nve-year ’veteran of I w n rp o N - O S OUPON the company. 0 VFOR * I S ■ / > NOTICE DF Evfinl ^ -S -LIMIT-' s . ! I X NOKDISCRIMATOR ■I'"' ^ fe- I WITH IDEHTS V ^ POUCYASTOSTUDE ^ I C O U P( 1 Ccnier^^ X ______Thp Arofn Lcatnino C Iona. Dt Royal Optlco!L5nyo.505t admits sludcnls of anymy r a c e , • o u r c o mmptoio p solocllonol oyogloss Immos03 iiin stock, whon purchasod comp color, naiioral and eihnicn ic ■ o rlQ in ^ / , wtthlonoon&os.Choosodally-woor ron contactJict Ilonsosforonly $39-50 por pair, fi lo all Ihe fiQtiis, piivil , mo|o>braibrands ouch os CMpoiTbln, Hydrocu■ocurvo Sortmnlo B. of Bausch & Lo I is - W R ITE Y O U R O W N - ■/•y programs, andaaiviliesoefL"™ S!!ia^ ;=SdBj»nJ:tftt-^iM-ym>«CTvwmfinwynndcauaTlin itmo.'vmrroumowriur^rVi^IP t ^^dfc^dod-or^iagnvaiiai F ailablfU D A ^------ooodiiMotMOughS^lomberSIh:------^------■ N J students at the school- Itt ddo o c s n ot —eOUPON-1- ..■H aminnllon not Includod- No othor ducoi.acountd npply ONE COUPON PER riEM=11 . ^ 2 ^ •' ONECOUPONPERITE discriminate on ihc basis oi X c r n E .”Is to pov>oia ol tCD. oltior brands also ovnilat}io color, naliorul and etfinicme origin* _/■ Eyowonralu anown may not bo Available ai all sto'osto/03 in adm inislraiion oi.its. ol ;V“ - -11117/ ------.^cducational-policiesradmisdmissions- ^ ------^G reairPrices.... 1Fast Service!"' 25^ oFi-F -H . 25-* Of ANY rrEM IN STORE )FF ji: - policies, sctiDlaTship a and n d i o < i n .- 4 y . - , . ANY ITEM IN STORE programs, and aihleticandand other ^ , T Mitet«ccn,ai*Ker^e •ne«Mr«eupan.ine* XO THRU »-»WWOAHOOWa. CASHMHVAUJSta y — B8M «W P0W * «nh anetfwr cot^ion. Ipticall y. CASH VALUE uay f T f T e ’E y e w e ai T T f E x p e r t s - - v v LEARMIKG CEHTHR. I ------...... - ^ 733-7055 ...... “ " S - b , ■ -O DownlmtowriTVvIn Falls, • 7 3« (668 "^I'sTMaJfTAv^^ coupon OOOO O pen Mon.-Fri. 9:00-5:3030 » Sat. 9:00-Noon I

-w.-— :r-5 ^ p _____ ■ . Friday. S Soplombor e. 1989 Timoa-N

I ■ . , ■ - m ^Spio rts I INING■ w s uJ beat?s B Y lLJ in siihooto> u t.4 <6 - 4 1 ! ______^______By BOB BLACK LINE The Associated Press ■ . ..PROVO, Utah-Brad■ad Gossoapasscd.for — ...... ,■>, . 317 yards apd two scores•res and Steve Brous- g n Good morning.g. !It's Friday, Scptcm- sard caught a 6G-yard scoringsee pass and ran b e r 8. for three other ^uchdowdowns as Washington i | K 7 Thursday's scoicores - DTtgtgntrYcpng~464t • 1 ^ . Thursday night. , ------Gossen, a junior who0 wwaa given th eistart-:.- — ing assignment .afterr Timm1 Rosenb'ach . V turned professional lastsst spring, threw scor- i H ______American Leaqiague______" ' ' . _ intr pnsses of 64 nnd 66 yards in the first D«IUmot»H.T....3 h alfto Tim Stallw orth ancand Broussard, IUIUmorTiiiU(&(h) ...... Tflracliia.Clc«UalB. . ______VVnshington S t ^ off tltho Pacific 10, 24),' ■ ^<4 ------N.wY«fk«CtWia», l.l. 'th e W estern AtKIefTc- ' — MlUiukMilCaliromln.tia. I«UI - - ‘ and Brigham’Young of thi .^Onl)'rmmei KhMluJ«d - Conference, 1-1, took turr:ums seizing the mo- . — ment-um-before-Waehingt-ngton-Stat^>-t^k-con— j t r e ------^ NatiohaMzeagpi trol in the second half.f. BYUI m ade a latc ^ Varkl3,.'k. Ix>uliJaJ ' ____ (Mc«F>n. rWI»d»tpW«2 challenge but ran out oif f time.tii ______UiiAnstle«B.Cln£lnn«ti: l'ltl*bur|h 7. Momrtsl 4 W ashin^n State bounounced back from a ------a«nrninc1»cii7.-Altinu6 21-17 halftimo deficit as Broussard scored - .... l, 7:30*30p"’m.1 team the ball on the Washiishington State 18. j '>U«.Rn>n4tnimr«cli.7:3 On the next play, BW b Ty Detmer ^^iJOpm. ' ^ Klmb*rlr at MurUu«h,,7;30p,m. 7:3( , threw his third intcrcepti(ption into the hands IL..— ^ ^ Ulolco »l Pr««lon. 7:30 p.m APLMwphoto (UI*^»lV*ll«7. Cdin.7:3 m !I of Jay Languein, who scampered-78sea yards Sho«hoM 11 Oltnna Ftrrr.:iVT'.7:30p;m. j; to give Washington Statete a first down a t the Ty Detmer is sackedd Iby Washington State's:'s Marlin Brown ______^____y.nd»l!_»t WW HWir. lUl 4-yard line.------f ^ ^ rr T jy 'a h ofTsui: s r d e ^ c k T u " Uiclic" B Y:U‘J‘ tried~' clocfc------5 . Broussard plunged over‘ver from the.l-yard ____ red- W hittingham -scored-forforBYUronn—^pin~in-thc the-closing-mincte-^ftcr-pu ' line two plays la te r andI HiHanson added a 46- 5_yardrd nm and Detmer teamedled with Matt within five■e fpoints. But Washington StState's- - Detmer completedeted 34 of 53 passes for 537 ; -y a rd field goal for a 46-2020kid.--- li -jrTBjBiMini •fof-scoring-passcs o f 8even-'and-22-Anthonyse Prici’rior came up-with Ihe ball afleraf a -yards and four tottouchdowns, but he had ------r B «.m. — Chanralt 11,, 12. Tannla: U.S. Op*n. aamifl- n«l<. Washington State wasIS hhardly hortie free, yards,Is, The second scoring passISS was set up mad scramb!mble, nnd the (Sugars ran ouout the three passes interceprcepted...... J p.m, — Qunnat U. rrCA-Colf: c / GTE Nonh a»»»le. NKinil round. 5:30 p.m. — Channal n, A, Ma>orM Laagua Daachall: Al- lanUatOMlnruiU. Expeiicenced B3ulil delifense siihuts ouiit Filer, !I 5 -0 BU H L-Buhl’s defensl)nsive unit controlled “I tlthought the first half was18 goingi to bc made a drive dri stick when Yost pa3ushed turning completelyJy tto the air and the Indi- the night but il took the offense a .little like last la week, getting to the fivfive yard-line across with:h thet one with 2:28 lefl in thi^he pe- ans kept them in1 tntrouble vrith some inter-' Witness savlys he made i longer to warm up againslinst the Filer Wild- twicee without scoring. But thenlen these kids riod. The con:onyersion kick was wide, ceptions and la te r wiw ith a m isplayed pimt. cats. reallyly brought it back," said winvinning Coach *.The Indianlians pushed out of reach witvith 13 The last score gamgat e 89 seconds into tho __: money off Rose'sE bets_ L— -^Then.-AndrYost-scored-•ed-fourtimes-in-thc—Jorry- he-third'qaaTtcra3:TErry'Cr>anGr“ finiil'pcriodw a“}’OBt>’OBrthrcc^rd Tunnftem i CINCraNATKAP)iP) —■ Thomaa Gioiosa ' closing three quarters to lifl1 the Indians to ’ BuKihl sa~w two' penalties pushtl it back from set up the firstfin one with a 39-yard run; tot< the bom b from D an Winn Win to (Jhad" Schabot p u t' , tesUfie'd Thursdayf tlth a t ho m ade thou* a 25-0 decision over the westend rivals the se'jeven-yard line to-a fourth1 andai 28 in the Iffi and thenlen romped 11 more on thec next the ball thore. - Bands o f dollars offT PPete B ose's b ets with T hursday night. openinling quarter. On the nextKt possession, play. Thatit sets up Y osts' five-yard rromp bookmokerB and oftcoften shared in Rose’s The Indians saw two first-halffin thrusts die BuhlI aagain threatened but coulduldn't find the with 7:47 leftleft. Just five minutes later,•, iBuhl Filer 0000-0-0 . • track winnings. inside the Filer 10-yard linolin due to a combi- end zone zo as a holding penaltyy inulhfied an capitalizedd o:on a fumble recovery, imnimedi- Buhl 06136-25-25 -- - Gioiosa, on trialI In U.S. Difitrict Court nation of penalties and-i- FFiler dofonse. But aapjiaiJarent touchdown play andd ana offensive ately abettecLted by a major penalty agjigainst B-Yo8t 1 run (kick;ick failed) ------r : ------: — for-€ocaino-and-tax*<}'x«ova8ion.chargca,.tc8-— - i n r nfifj m n rn n v p n ri. in tp rTp-fprpnrf* m il ■ihnyeH t hpJ?all h farther—the-Wildcnte^its.-Thot led to-two-ynrd hun ___ B-Yost 5 run (Bybely^ejcick) . • tifled Thursday th atIt heh considered Rose a cnced Indians bccamc memore noticeable as away.y- Yost. • B-Yost 2 run (kickick failed)1 ’ . ______fathcE-figurc-wha-gagnvo him >nrgf» rngh _____ gifts from ^ 197^9^4,,w,_when he was R ose^.. __ h o u s ^ n t c r ------: Gioiosli also admmitted it that he placed — ^11 fSc:e d§f(Mitsdifg^liampioim Cente bets with varioufl boolwokmakers in the ear------" H y igSDs'for'thTTorm; By LARKY HUVL'Y“ ------: w 'p nTfvc^Jdhd-smd^ftfiirtluba )\ ibsPTycHjoth ‘‘gCTtehntalhial^s-fi—blg-^Iub-agalii;^ ^ uikI—lH«i^^pwved^o;d~sXz_OnJ~secondary“ ~lrrOrlando~PivarBrenrBa lff 3axtcr~' because it-means: wewc-can-kecp-fresh'dcfen------GREEN BAYrWiii.^isj.^AP) — nookio of- as the best in the state. depth1 ini the line will be the m(lajor aj test for and Ryan RolRohde. sive down linementlenl in the gamo at all — ------fonsivo-tacklc-Tcny-ly.Maniiarich wilLbe_____------The Bruins, fresh-fromm tan-opening-victo- the Bi ruins. n ------— — -^-ti..“Contenninllinl -is - a-very- - good-, defencnsive. -times," he said------paid a base salary ofiof $300,000 this season, ry over Jerom e, will be nnt t Boise State Uni- “Stopopping (Kirk) Clifford, theirleir returning reading teamam, which is not unusual f(for a which is well belowIW the highest on the versity Stad’ium nt 6 p.m.m. today to take on leadingng ground-gainer, will be the main veteran teamQm," Jund said, “We certainly havelave no quarrel with Cen- Green Bay Packersera, the Green Day the Centenninl PatrioLs,, a 4-1-16 victor over problerlem. They line him up everywhere.- e\ -Looking at the things the Bruins musljst do, tennial being voted;d N No. 1 (in the state Absi>- Press-Gasette reporteirted.- - ...... - ■"Coeur" dTntrne in tlieir seiseason-opener last ’When1 he’sh in the backfield theyf usuallynm.u; • - Jund said “Wc"Wc have to be patient olTensiisively ciated P ress poll) aat t thist time. They are the Lincbacker John ArAnderson, a I2th-year week, When1 he’s 1 lined up outside theyey like to try and we haveve toI establish the running gagame, defending state char:hamps with a lot of re- _____ ■ linehnckcr. hns the hiihip h fst hne but tho coach concludod.od______. . ------... ing Fedomtion juniorior lightweight cham- pionship-in a reipaipatch ngninst Juan "John Jolm" Molinda nnext month at Arco A rena. Lopez's promc)motcr. Don Chargin, Wolf Pacick to takie Miarmi debtmts Rc^ping COontest *Mid Wednesday thatm l NBC will televise ______tha JxlUt .te n tfltiyelv-gc .S aturday, Oct. 7, /ashffigto Viscmsi mains~uitineven^ By RON ( By The Associated Press By T he Associateded Press ^GATES T}m es-Ne,^cws writer The first full weekendJ nlof Big Sky Conference foe"ootball T hird-ranked Miami, M Fla., makes ita deblebut under Jim- __ IR • Ropers m ight have accoiccounted for a large por- • features the first gameime o f thc season between leaguele -m y Johnson’s succjccessor o&-Saturday a t WiseWisconsin, a team ^ , a larger-than-usual crowd: on night two at the Tvrin W hen we plplay Green ' opponents,i nnd m ay offer• an early clue to w hether Ne\fevadu- th a fs just b a d enoinough to worrySiew head coacoach D ennis E r- ' Falls Coi^unty Rodeo Thursday. The excitement failed to Reno will mount a seriouss challengecl for the Big Sky tittitle. ickson. Bay here,, iyou can’t ilize,...... - ...... — ...... ■ The. Wolf P ack' picked1 to finishTourihln the'nihe-ie-team The Hurficaneses are 28'^j-pohit fnvoritesVar,-and nothing le ss-“ “‘•"" ‘i tell w ho is5 tf h e h o m e league I but coming ofT a 41-3il-3 home thrashing of NCAAA Divi- will satisfy the foolootball fans back home in MiiM iam i. „ •time defending nation champumpion team ropers Jake , sion ^AA foe Southem^lllinllinois, "You have to bcbt realistic with the playen.ers,- snid Erick- °and Clay O’Brien (iJooperr heheadlined a field which ’ team becata u s e t h e r e ____ 'hiHpd Cnlifominnq Donnig On ii- r n re ngningr RnQtPm -W nslashing*— 60!»r-wh0-cam e-ta--ta-^iftmi-when-JohnsOTrlcfl ? Gntz and Bobby Hurley, Iv.ranked No. 1 on the profeas are so maia n y P a c k - . . ------nnllnfl-Cowhovftr-^■r^I-^on:kwan^ten,"______tional fin'inals Rodeo cham p Leo Camenmarillo. . TTT'theystartrt yelliiii} - - Adt, "EaHtern traditionall;mlly is a very physical fooootball Miami also willill be trying out a new quartlarterback, Craig . ! GDtz'and'HurlcyilniahBd'ihln W rd ^ h ln in iie T T ird S f:------w h e n G r e een r Bay has team. i ... Anytime you phplay them you better ha\lave it Erickson, Steve WWalsh has 19ft for the Cowk)wboy3. too, but nessC ircircuit duo of Brock Andrus and George Ellis. Pickctt missed a head catch and a mistakeike ■- an animal not in the w h a t a r e ’?itrapped on bocau.'^; it’s goin^in g to be a contest." som e say Erickson» n is better. ___ __ t h e b a l l^ u ra U o m c of the scaaQPLaftentn a 2-8- E rickM n. rio' ■relationjQrc -thc-cuach. plax*.ay-ed_nearIy'_t_\v:o_«Jraw e r”rroneously released - relegategated Bnmes and (>)oper the officialsils going fo 1 record in 1988, and Coach:h IDick 2Jornes knows the kcjcy will quarters in Miamimi’s 23-3 victory over Wiscoreonsin la st year, fo ThursdudQy’Blatc'Blncktimer ------m ilo also put in appeara’ncc d o t hl e n ? ]bc quickly clamping downT) ono Nevada-Reno's explosivfive of- com pleting ju s tS5 oo f 17 passes for 57 yard s andnnintercep-an Caman inces in calf roping, his fense. The Wolf Pack scorec)red 34 points against the SaSalukis tion. 14.206-seciECond showing socond to Texifexan Keith Hudson, who in the sccond half Inst weekeek und hus won all five pre\•evious “ The ofTenae never ne> really clicked, nnd I Lynn, general aevJn[h~Th'llwBJgSky. ------bions-Kenent-GoopePrcurrently^lo^e-;o^e-gecoWd in -NPR-saddlc------'th e iCnneeota "Our problem with UNUIU i in the past has been plnyilying a . . The rest of SatuQturda/a gaincs have Nonhirthem Illinois at broncs arand a winner in similar fasfashion at Burloy three manager of tt iack-______1 . VakingB, on tfitfifi NFL'a new " —good-firfit-halfi-wo-Roem-to- ! -to-play-fairly-woU-in-the-se' second— No.-4-NebraBka ;-P-Pacificj atrNo.-5 A ubum ;-TerTennessee ot No-.— wecks.bac -antj-Doiae rule jhalf,’" Zomea said. "We havilave to eliminate mistakes irin our 6 UCLA; Baylor■ ntat No. 8 O klahom a; Coloradrado_State_at No. (hooper;r took on a field of 12 in his specialty and injured ,, ------■ ^firatgamcl^T.” climThiiiiTthe'.he'blg-play with ourdofensis6-ari3 — 9 Colorado; No. 10 Glemtwn ut N o.-16 Floricarida .State; -Vir-— his-ribs oron the riderbut-not-before‘ taltariying-79-pointa-to-lake—— • — ------\ havo somo ball control qurscxsclvcs." ginia a t No. 12 Pen.'enn State; No. U S yracuaoo nnl t T em ple. • See RODEO o na PP a g o B S

f . , . a " . . . 1

Ffiday. Sopiaptombof 0. l9 8 9 Timos-Nows.OWS. Twin Falls. Idaho B-5 Torontto tops Glevclaiind, 12--4 Chicicago inccreases b^LEastllead CLEVELAND (AP) -— George Bel! — i ■ w in se a so n a r e v ir tu a lly over.ov PHILADELELPHW. (AP) - D oi " maintiiin their2ir lead1 in the National hit'a threo-nin .doubleble and Lloyd A mlerican e: League The Oritfles boosted thitheir rccord Dascenzo hit\it his first; major-IcQgue National Leagig u e ' League West. Moseby had three hitaita including a' ' ~ ■' ...... ■ £a g a in s t th e R a n g o rs th is. seasonsi to 7- home run andmd Mike Bielccki got his - ' ■ i-i- San Franciscciscp began the day with leadolT home run a s thele 1Toronto Blue Brook Jaccacoby tripled home -Cleve-• 1] and have beaten Ryanin all three 15th victo ryy.Thursday .' as the first- Minnesota ,on July 31, gott 101 hins in a six-ganie lead Icati over San Diego in Jays beat the Clevelandnd Indians 12-4 land’s first•st r w and scored on Joey' ttim es they've faced him.; • place Chica,icago Cubs; beat the his h first seven starts, for NNow York, the division, —in-n- min-dulayod-gani'am e—Tlm rsday—B elle’s do'ubfubld. ^ ^ — ------Ryan-only'tniiled-4^iiiirthc~BOV~Phiiadolphiaia Phillies1 &-2.------It•'It-\va3-ju3t the third time iniri lS stu rts The G iantsa scscored throo'times in flight. Fem andeidez hit an RBI triple andI •. conth, but he’d thrown 130 K pitches ■ The Cubs9 i:increased thoir load in sisinco June 23 th at he got more n than the sfvcnth for a 4-all tie nnd look —:------Mookie Wilaon alau h 11 Kullj' GruLt‘r‘b“sH'lgk'~lni o v e r BIX in n in g a a n d w a s urm“tii we"ary':— O urT JE ttoiSroil Lfuguii “Eiiat lo I*-’;, ' thtl a 'i’'n in !r------Uu- lfa"d~lij,^ain'btinsv reliever Mike Stun- : the Bluo Ja y s’ 17 hits. the sixth, He yielded a leadon"T single to games overrSt. Sl Louis. Tho Cardinals ton. 0-1. Doncllicll Nixon led off with a won ita 'fduifdurth ■ etraight The grouiounds crew had trouble get-■ SSteve Finley and afler FinleyFi stole lost to Now YcYork 13-1 as the Mets ro- L o s A n g e l e s 8 single, pinch, hitterhill Chris Speter.dou- .. L . nndjts, ninth in the lastit 10.jnovingK 15- ting-the tarlarp on the field-during thoI -e-6econd, Larry Sheets was-'s-walkcd in - m ained in fourth foi place;-3>/i-game9-^ ------bled-homc theic g) - IFernando j;ie. 1 -American League Eastsst since Sept. 1 the infieldsld to makc it barely • ppitch over the lofl-fieldI :fcncc, !\ie three-gam e scriesse Friday at Wrigely Valenzuela ^ pitched'a .’iix-h:.hitter and . ’ Smithiil_h hit a fincrifice fiy in ' — I—and-aro CC-39 «iiiL-i;'Citir3itp~Oa'^ton'Te=—phsyablc:—------:------——eighLh-homc!-of-thtr-scir g jaum..-Dt!v-- r k ‘ia.-_-=-.;;~ -Eddtg-Murroy and-Wlhg-iritimdolplr-lho Braves' ~L^>Iilir^iTgaTrik'~SCeve~ ^ .each-homcrcd-and .gol U •6. , - . - - • _ 2 laced J im y WilliflmB ns.» m anager in B a l ti m o erediuc added an RBI'siningle in the Dascenzo,I, (called-up-from-Glass Uirec Ints uidfraian, I ' M ay. - ■ lo r e S °eighth for his third hit of ththe game. AAA Iowa ththia mqnth, homorod in Thursday T night, leading the•he Los An- ' The Indians have losts;stsirofBCvciT .— T e x a s 3 ------R y a n stru c ly o u t 10 o r mmore-for ( tlie—tho-third_inniJining_afk:r..a Jouirpilch., .R'geies Dodgers ovor the CCinciiinnti P i tt s b u r gg h h Z ■ Winner John Cerutti, i: ■■Reds8-2.~'■ ■■ ■ ■■ '• i, IM , gave up ARLINGIGTON, Texas (AP) - The I'fourth straight tim e this season,se 16th walk to Biolci;lecki, Dascenzo conncct- ^ Valonzuolo, 10-12, beatt thei Rods M o n tr e ai l I A 4 • -two runs on five hits inin f five >-Oriolo.-conlinU«d-U»it-»ovemll nnd 197th tim e in hishi career. cd against KciKcnHowell. IH I. fornS- — —^lor liie second lune ihis ScasunV'IIesc MUN'l'RKAL ' i both runs and Tour of Aethi hits cam e over Nolan Ryan'Thursday Texas used a two-run fififih to cut Oload. " M. (AP) Pinch hiltor • - walkedw four and Ktruck outI fivef in his Jeff King Iriplocplod homo tho ticbreak- . . in tho bottom of the fiflh,lh, immediate- i,„p„proving to 9-0 in Ryan’s last ^Baltimore’s lead to 4-3. RoCookie Juan - third com plete gam e in 2& ststarts. ing run and cont . _ - Iy after, a. thunderstormm interrupted . j2-stiirts-as;agaiastrthont,--withyiJi:fr3::ii-G o nzalez got his-first-majlajor league N e w -Y ork continued-home on right - - Tom BfuwiuiTiJ^ 1511“ ; the gam e for an hour andmd 33 m inutes, victory ovciver the Texas Rangers in RBI with a single, tlie si — hffd-hlii fieldPr"MlRc-7U: Ald,reTe s erro r"In lK e is 1 r eieight-Bame winning streaktk stopped, eighth inning ai Jim Ackc’r pitched tbthe Sixth, al- goo.amaoradoiibl.haad»r------5:scored when' Jeff Kunkel's g as the Pittsburgh Pi- He had given up just IH earam ed run.s rates beat the . lowing Faul Zuvelia's9 ssolo hpm er, Mj^e DevJevereaux hit a three-run -' went^ through third baseniinan C raig NEW YOHl)HK (AP)-— Gregg'Jef- H he Montreal Expoa M in ()8 2-3 innings during tho thi .streak, Thursday night, and he was followed byly tithree rcliev- homer nndid knockedI in five nm a for W ' orthing^n'a legs. fcrios homerci*red-twice, doubled twice in ;ht. in five runs Thursday, but bi the Dodgers tagged hiniim for sev- The third-plai ; ors. Orioles,2S, who saw 16 players go The Orioles jumped on RyanP for a and drove in place Expos, fell three ch runs on II hits in th re e lninnings. gam es beliinclcl NationalNi League East- . Loser Tom CandiotU.1. i:IM .lasU'd 1 strikeouts, including PW l-'^- two-run first. Ryan struclick out the leading the MetsM p a s t‘the St. Louis ei ....-Randolph,hit.a solu-home • r - 1-3 innings, giving up fivei v e - i ^ on SII -.Bradley liveivc tim es. __“first two battors, thon Cal Ct Ripkon .' Cardinals .13-]13-1.aa Frijnk-Viola, g o l___ a•avcs 7-510 games beliindSaISanf'rancisco. Shoshor>ne Indiarns stay uiindefeatei'4 Clcearwaterr leads iin BX. Di p e n ^ " 'SH O S H O .N E .^ e ]a3hQshonejDdii_J)ec/o-l-i Q i 1 5 ^ 5 — T F “TI ans maintained theirr undefeatedi ____ _ r ------TA-ENDICOlOTTrNlYrrA-P) - K eillrie“ sesHrnn’”a rth e lead whon^BiBbb~Eslcs ...... AllemMorgu'irg u h lin d EicKellib'rge'r ^ ____boast,in. the-Magic..VaIl<'alley Confer- : Ferry & 6_ __ __VM lley-5:9. .~ Clearwate r mimode fivo birdies in a bogeyed bo his final hole to finis;iish al6 6 . teed off in thee mmi orning and th eir 67s 'ence Thursday night bjby downing DECLO — Unbeaten Declo seven-hole spaipan on the way to a 6-un-' Fulton Allem, Gil'Mor^frgnn and wore "good forr lhthe lead 'whcn lhe af- ' H agerm an 15-12,15-8. trimmed Glenns Gl F erry 15-6, 15-6 FILER — Filer gam e off„65 ,Thursday_-and .Tl a one- Dave Dt E ichelberger were Iwcwo strokes tem onn roundid began.1 Clearwater, T hursday nightnig to protect its load in the th heels of Dcclo in the CananyonCon- -stroke lead ovover a tightly bunched behind bo afler tho opening roi•ound_pver hasn't won onn thetl PGA Tour since ' Jackie Hibbard’s ail-arl-around play the Canyon1 CConference standings. fe:feren c e b y b e a tin g V a lle y 1515-5.15-9. 'field afler the first round of the the thi En-Joie Golf Club, Thehere were 1987 when he bccamcbee the first rookie paced the win. .Shoshonejne also took Declo alsoso won the preliminary 12- Valley took the first gamene 15-8,15- S500,000 B.C.. Open,0] ' seven se a t 68 and 24 were fouilur strokes in a decade to0 wwin two toumamonla' the jayvee gam e 12-15,15-115-11,15-6. , 15,15-7,15-9.•9, 1,1. Clearwaterr .maintained sole pos- off off the lead a t 09. in his first Racewayy crowns Andersoni n champicon CS/volleyba 1 all tea m iupendsRicksf — -TWIN-FALLS "=TloS;;od7And6T^‘“ fppeals~pa-ndrnel'of three"dnvers'Frid^dc"decision alier a 90-lniiniielnineetiSg:^ ------:REXBUR&-G-— In one of-its m ajory—15--15-12-in-the-opening-rounc ind-of-the—la st week-^------was officially crowned thothe pro stock two track ofiicials of who decidcd on It means Anderson windidsupthe victonesmasa still-young carcer, Col- • ViVikings Volleyball Invitationonalr— ...... • “Tonigljt we ci:e challenged everyt!iing- champion for the season3on for Twin protests lodgidgod aflor Monday night's seseccind a s No. 1,. follow edlby I Eddie of & uJthemg Idaho Coach Ben The Eagles will advanccice in pod a t the nel undd woundw( up with 15 stufi' F alls Racewfiy Thursdayly night.n final competiietition of the season. MiMcKean in second and Wileilcy Oodhy St™ud saw his Golden Eagles knock play pli along with 11 other team ti s to- blocks," he said,ild. Anderson’s title waa uphold up! by an The panellel reached a unanim ous in th ird . Ricks College;e out of tho undefeated wiw ard a S aturday night conclielusion. “It was- justst a great game! They volloyball rankinks T hursdoy night. “We blocked better, we pa;lassed bet- had a packedd househi and the crowd I The Eagles,IS, behind tho 15 and 12- ter, te: wc moved better wcwe did ev- was going wild;"ildr" Stroud said. “It re- ...... 'kill elTorts Dilof sophomores Angie orerything better tonight," sai:aid Stoud, ally was u gfcalreat night for women’s is^nd sttats Olsen and Bedlock Brower, respective- refering re: to a-three-gamee loss to volleyball in Idaho. Ida I AviaK a, lot of ------^ —ly^dropped.thithf> Vitcinpq H.lfi Ifvin__RicksRi in the tltah Valiev Invivitatianal people could hnvtiflve seen it.!______.PltE*]ur^7.Unr«t4 C»«UJl«LJ>t 12J.4 3 1001 1 ______. *FVTTll(>n "to 0 0 C“0 0 ■ W>-Vfck ' B>rW tt. Lain (UiQrira tS-T) B OWi9>3^(KII' Urryff Iterwi, D».l«; FliH..{Udt. Qji CbWnBilI 400(UB1MM2;ji“ “Agasjssii:t)iness b a d i t ^> beatiCor A;L-standings SKsre. QnQo: TNm Kibi«, Ocpwrp------ooocamuMc >nnors ^ Ailwu{PAnims-U) dOndnielnel ____ T—3:11. A—Mja______C0n[tny 300CKAMIIIr(sjoiooa------NEW-YORK ______Dy-TT* P im ------[BbiiddwM}.'5:*[im:~...... TJdmm~ 'lOICKJwin': IK (AP>----- Y outh-w as—shoshow-the-dctcrmination-and-:d-staying—20 s e ts ." ...... — T._-warBtcwtEW»6-.-— - I 0]5ir b a i" '“ ilHH&;pl»,^l =!?efvrd n n Ktr;S,-,Opcnr'So:was-agcrT—pov ^ powci“ hc-has-not-displaveded-ih-hisr— Had-it-gone-ai:;~all - night, ■ th e -m n t^ EaiDlvWen {K.Q«i«n<).5;a[im,-- -...... - ...... leftti ■' ...... E3cdw3>' ’ I0903r«t)^i W L Pet 00 (OrM IMO)« Nn>■•Yofk Yi OtininH •33210«x«o«4(a4000 OitrrwiS Jllt^rtcr)2,S;?°o ' Andre Agass:issi, overcoming every four fou years on tour. couldn't have been be tighter, Every Torano ' TD O JQ — (0|«ai»Xq.9:Xpm. nr«l(n2> 923Z^jn»3b3i3b3010 Durfmtb t00(Meftr»WH3 110 sort of obstachicle and the stigma of With V tho 20,839 funs firm ly against tim e one player.:’er.scemed in control, DtfMDn n a .SS 2 8«iFrmno(aR»ncn af}ttl Mutr>y1t> S133EO«vUdd 4 t21 1 OimBtyrl 3 0 t ODsrTOI I DoBEii :<3 » jcD r* ■an(Pam«tf>)].<:Sp.m. 4001Q(rrqr tb4tb4IIO MvtMtl IOOOM40B31'” ” ^22 foilure in the* clutch, c. won a five-set -hin-him. even applauding hiss double tho other respondtinded. m im *m cb 72 .k « n .«! O (OraiM).a:CS(xm. LH»»tliB 20100fme 40tt 40 Pi^nSb lOOCtevc ------CiMUni}------______%______90 1 Cnrmi* tl_3n30l_0___UTTmpa C ____ ^4 02CCktvH»_4’toj__ rallying to elimiiminate Jimmy Connors 4,______4. guts nnd to playii^the_wayjjlldahal!a tl ______------WtWt------QsmtttJ-----it3(Ommat(B2000---- ZiltiC------3eiH*»*Tinfrmpoooo— “ au h o U ;S ,‘Oponlenr'^ ------'■------I~donT”khdw' what T pproved," good," Connors1 said.sai VMD»«Wan 8ANOIEOO KUTOJ Ome»ye 3111DfwnrgplQPIOOO Pnwp loocMsnw ______W-L.Pn.QD_, .. «rfC( . ^■brtW v«l«ignc 402{».t^l»rp3 OOOOQC Ktrcwp OdOCVloUpr ^ 2°2“? The 19-yeJr-cir-old - repealed AgiAgassi said, "Losing in five■ sisets wns 'o rtlsem o n t------' CMiund a a .as - ...... - T ttw ait------moYou^-^-TO —Tuuii— cwisspi------nnncHaifTi ------RJi-I988qua?terl.erfiiial victory over tlie aiT Ihing t that evaryone war KvMBOty . O 9 j n 4'4 nAlorn>2) 901C03rBl2) 3000 30 OCirap' OOOO OO ,.7 H « ry p ... OOOO______cwiiimu n (D JS S'* m>yind 30ICUnbn&a>llbiooo nwigiip I 00 OOOO LmoBTinn :ooo — .... ■ '37-yenr-old ComonnoKS, but in entirely dwtdwell on. It wns a great achicicvcmcnt I flO T y - Jicurkm )OOCCsnlnnXl3Cb3012 CWIImpi tooo to TotMt swrroiM < Tm Jl P J « t3 . *mt$ti different style.e. Last year, he swept out there, under those circumimst;inces i. jL,- Mmracu n es jot M't Ja ra rf SOOtOOMUDO03000 FteMrp 0000 Ofl TinpttnM 300c0wi«nrt30 31292 QLulM rrrm-nlaxcD-i thrce,.8cts fromom the five-time Open, to, fpull out tho win. 1 don't ca Oitciig) ' rt'» r.4 ira V anUQSE <00CDIgolOC 303000 pte.vo 401Cn«nlrZB2112100 LcaA:v»Mi 1209X0CDICM C-fWori2.MT7pnf«oaOc^tedwz • champion. Thislis time, Agassi had to wa.nwa.s three sets, fiye sets, two ______OMOnUrMsnt------1,1,1 111 .ancifTMlI , ,_____ flUglgl)03X0=3___ im -a iaiU Hur«p 201ff»iW« 1000 10 E-MHuaw.0P-L«AfQ^1.■ 1. .^W1»rW2.hnhxTi| " 'SL Mrenil.KnaatyS a;mncf) looocmyp totOOO LCO-l,OiAroila1iancl(ir«tl&.:el&.a>— Md^ >nitk.L>OTt ^-- FACTS Tcrtnlo<,CNcaQ3 2 orm p . OQOOUitBlrp ODODQO 0/mln,0l)y*r,O3raala.HH-HnlHBxtAiti.. (l).HJtf¥Kn(SI),aj«rwo(l3) • , FHirrph -.OOWi ^ p O1 Otl t l 0 0 (?), EDarli (3), kkjrily (It), SO—C0-Q3tV -E«TW.J Hncnooasla o ---- 1 PomtL^__ 3-J-a-t.O 3 ___ L^OCTmin-b.^ ___^ L£iArg>la Kirstr 1 S 4 3 0 2 ^ a l — ^'BATTERY ------—'------tfrtYYiVrt:m=t ---VthfaiAWlA,} a 1" rat croj3SS eeuHtryy invitation RY OF TESTS — ------,- —Bjrtfi'o timoI lhcthe alternator light ' ' 0«nimcnl.T«i:Ml. IMgvn* HSUBOfl”"' ' - ‘"tliUIIXk.m i - i anewwi Cvprt' 2 2 t 0 0 1 DfWim MCD t. l-txMtcn I. LCD—X>-Ovi DrownlnaL.tS-11 3 It 7 7 t 1 NMYork _ ^ R O M E -— The Joromo Tigers ..aOOS.OfLOQ.tJlQ-[tiQ_dashhoflul._o£_a ------Not York - Dlttpt. Ha»Knl »-PiBlltnjtaJtx aS - - - M**r------1-2-0-0-1-0—0------Y1oUW>4-----7 a-1-1-*-* ------Hweprboth“ val-iaTsity-divfaions ortho .s.ifiniT-n.n.4 Hir-wTs noodlo gaugo sheshows lhat a b alto^ MI»«*»BC«mofrM.(n) „ TOirvm. Clircy. 2 Uwkrm t I 0 0 0 I is ciischarging. it i _ IP _ HnEROOOOCO - FWrlguK 14 0 0 0 0 0 - ---- 1 0 0 0 1 ' 2j’ _ __ ^annual' J-Clubjb invitational cross I. it is usually too lato - - CWyonaKtiiAiM...... _ UtdmU ■ iin>-;3 M.rt}nh~)c..s.ta£aJ:5£ri-i:/iii-P-a-p-iiait.jcx.:_ -K j-aave-a-car-ba^b6lfefy^-To'p^olQng------FrUi/(0«nM teO l«p (taiKr 9 1 0 0 0 03 PO-Lyo» country m eet Thureday.TH . a?’3 21,« lT>*rloi»(:irn..n.Jfr,a C Tcnraa d C M m Hui»LU-« < 3 2 2 2 4 ' OtPiK^ IKKMI IS 3 (Mtltn Mil>a4n !>• < Uivi(lkIl,T-i ] iiLiHwt bnttory caps inn unsoalod ur battorios. ______S in iim (Jcrraon II-m a -o^tousiaM. t .to o o -0 __ ...... FlmO«n» ------^nd-looking-lhroihrough-tho'^'windows------, {K.Bfls«iinlH).l:apm. Ctnypficradia I b*n»r Rh OilCAOO PHILA EULTUCnE TEXAS The’Tigcra had hi it even easier in tToilT lo-Knr VKliir, llJ-j, I7.>, ; DiriinT M‘-CUncy.An)»rwtx. MxtU B>n I'.ul Jc. H ®. 4 M.mhitin.J."/TiJ'ln^V • soalod battorietorios. to chock thoir UlhrtiAM (MwfQ *-7) 0 Oialll* B>rtCI Bvttt *rttii the boya. divisiosion, winning with 30 uid chocks should'bo IZMrvm M)..n:CBp.m. Umplrw l bm» Uxdoui; FInt,tt, DMCarecf S1 tS)Halr«d41d 4 l2 l POrBOy" tOtOCirMK i/ivt'.st'mi fluid lovols. Fluid I Doecn (OeddkMr U«) « telilomla, Mtr«i;anrYl,lMnMM;7>>lnlIinlD«r. tKbrgS) 3t1r(A Umcir«*-HjrT», DwM: FIf*. OrtOiMk: ' La>3b 2010REna 40*0 10 D » « « d 9 136UB«l4a>a>oooo J ■ _ _ . Iluid is down, top off batteries with CNciOa H Dxrcn. ):S [im. Oacontf, Onoo; TNftl. KW»r. LBEHlrp 000CCH%«3b30lbSOOO TrBwib 400tFrro32b ------dlstillod walor wh[im. T—3:11. A—M,XQ. DimoriM 401 l[U>i«1[i)10i*>1000 ■ UJIIlTitb OQOOSBrarf : KOCle mako suro thatI'at bt a tlo ry te rm in a ls Olrtnfle 4OOEObjI0i C 201 eo Tcma « C ^ t n t 7:ttfi3bl3b0D00 .. ------pfrreBunoM—MCKraEAL------—...... -OMsMp---- »10a<»*> 4000ln»8^l(- OoMm « CalllWTM. n:0[im. 31 1 IFUkwll 4000 40C OtlBvSb lOORvmanpOOl>0000 USMy 1b‘“2120 the day and clailaim second overall in cowl:owboys and cowgiris in totonight's batlory is boinging unduly compro- , UlhmikwMOMnlft WIM 422C ttl«m i«l3^IJO Fort^ 001 ; “ ’0 the rodeo. rodeodeo action, scheduled to bogo(rin ut 8 misod. V«Or«cl 9l3SU«iQni91• 9122 Mcflrsyp 00(OOOOSS2J ...... Jttnaxd. s ■ ufciiiuto 733-703: Oonlllirb JOOCSrtdart 301 033 ., . RANDY *000______■ “ : 10 ■ A current NlNFR money leader, p.m,I.m, a t the fairgrounds arena, ■ HANSEN CHE\HEVROLET for an' ■ . - ttrum------UitOnBMUlBM ^larloaaJ^ R nm nh^l: ______- Cgy,3J»pj---"^ —fiKXM 10 ~ 801 ismm^poofl V. ifigaiag" — ____mppointmsfrt»byoiLvQuErjrHgaftovvtngr ------Dtn knor* « Tam. 1 a nm LVlilwiic JBOOOiTir pi 'l'6clfiOO OiM(v;n. 10< ^ 3 « 3 ------OTadcffthrtlfca^1^ 6 Ch>wd on Tliura------5^ •rritlin* signs ol any-prot3foblom. Uur tocnni^ QMcn ■ OUHorrl«, 4:CB [im. Klng[»i nifWWl«ft3M0i33000 Touk Mia, Ad>, (kU. 4 irn 3. Uin, Mr DJlirdMIc OOOOfdrra) 401 aoio-a day with a victortory in women’s barrel jft.SI),J» iluiibumrti.T.ii linod lo handio Iho >«-m— o««(^------^------Daum i- ■yrrtm------racing.------' oroblQins lhat .mav.QCCUfma' ClftiCiS.PNlKk^7.a>—V>^ LCD—0»n*Twr»11.T«u»a. calf roping sLancandard established by 1.1, >[inxli AnJrum. .H Ovrct, I'Uh «nJ Cn0-,-t* Wl". first. Our salos sl; WrwirO 1011010 M bx 30-l(7).GD-0« lgllt.>f^O*rr<(2i).OMreBa don Bedkc a night cor- - uffiHy, lOZD J, Drrmii Hm ■!>] [I.>|;ljj Hull twra' tho drivers soal.Q a'Uuii » 'o — 1000----(»)-----—------lierrbot-Oklnhoihomn’a'Mike- Sandcrs^<'*'’'-'■ Irf , USIM.Ctrr ao^ KrrtfirHMWscVl 1— bost-tuilt-your-fanr-famlly Bize-and d f i v ------ToUk S7IIST0UM 37 4X ing roquiromonilonis. For Iho bosl Ucniwr n a J30 ) aao 4.870 was alightjhtly better thnn^.lhc. ,, ctu York M m A I'a H RER GO eo00 p HnEnnoo deals in townI forfor'both sulos'and' Plltrtuftfi «l » CB IT* . pnaeurtfi - (um iiit-8»-7 CMCV ■ time of his travjavcling partner, Mike' ^ PNMik«M ‘ 81 B MortfMJ , ZDIOJKO-CO-4, Dlib*IW,1M S3.3 t 2 2 4 t> Dlll(n>yv.»7 t 7 3 3 1 2 r sorvico. wo'roi horo ho al 1654 Bluo WMOhMSI ' E—AliVin, CStWwU. LCD—Pltt>-tt>- ' AMmdir It.) t 0 0 1 21 . WIOBBSiat- 3 3 0.0 Q 4* Sanders. ' ' Lakos, 733-3()33,33, Parts 733-8440. «urtf< t, t 3S-0»vr«iLX LBi::»af 7 0 0 0 0 3 ______T « "_____ ------‘Horniome ot------^ ------— IW iFrwBte^ ' II 'S i: ----- OrtaonrVirf^'FftiowtJia»xk«k...... miKbtftU"-;— 7' . , HjfBlL.14-10 *1J t 7 7 4 W ------;------^„;n'l— ------iB—Mlre-tft~fmye*«W:------T h u ts d a /j—-Other—wmoer— ol waa .. ,1.^* P.K..». fV.I. .^.1 ------voSiS,------S-HTS-7------GD-OnH 2 (27), Of MOT (T], team la carmn 2 3 2 2 1 3 1.3 0 0 o o r ■ -NoPres'SureireNo^Hype— QnOMgs M «a .S3 7 t Canadian’ Steveva ' D unham 'lri'biire^ un. L'Uh. 1721 «. Ill;«l nubin^n. Albrrti. au .: - OvAMJ S 72 .«B 0 (II). 04*01 (JJ}. UrElrar 1 0 0 0 0 1 McMunry 2J t 1 1 1 » --- -taAro«(«------______B*_HBenQD(D_,0_____FjtrtKlffl___ 2_9.9.e.0.0___------0H*»------WOO O .l-I-______._bnck..Bul!._ridindin£_-WQ8_not_yet-in___ ' _ — RANDYr IHANSEN- — , Alkru S B J O a • Pnatur^ .1 FMiOoll 1 0 0 0 0 I JcOvtWd 1 0 0 0 0 » 2 progres* at press2SS tim e. I's - — ...... mjMriOwi« ' WikHCt2.10 7 S 4 4 3 S ...... HP—' . I, !V- nurJ^"^., r.n.Ji, tl, 2. U» Kict. lUlt ...... L«nir.AJ0»:Flnt.Bfg*lra*.----- PB .KmMt______^------__ ■...... _ _ . ; __ 3.lli)inort.caa4tfi.n______Urtnd ______la ^ ; Ckzni. ZZt^; TNrd. FWtwl CHEVIfROLET CKaeilPNiMMfUl um^rw—Hots. itorrMBn; Flnt.*• Erroneously announcedai as a par- tVdiSfbrencn'l'ni CaAn^t'Oixlrrati: . QOnKh - « 7 4 4 J 4 - T—s:J9.A—um. YOUTT OKBit CVBW; ThW, »iu jantm 210 0 0 0 0 3 ticipantonThursiirsday, 1988 all-aroiind"‘;^-_^-'I, Kri< Cc'OT'r, AIImi. 7) 2, I'u; t 8«l Fm *B] 7. AllaUS T—1:21. ij.All«fU,C«n.4i,7X 4.(li^nl’rvt,Millie ______cq^ft-oby Dave ApAppleton of Austrialia 7t _ - 1 ^ --3033 : -J. ___ I______■” B-6 Timos-Klows. TwinWin Falls. loaho Fridny. Soptorrtomtwra, 1969 j „IAA5will puniiishrJohnsjsoQis-doeztor—MieDonalhizmakiesrhxsid : “ B A R C E L O N A /Sipain p ai (AP) — Thc said thehe body has tho power to takeake' tion had beeri asked bby the federal BALTIJriM ORE (AP) — Tho Baltialti- - men on and two rung13 in. His first Bob(Melvir:Iyin) put up his hands, and I ; • Internfttionul-Airialeuileur-Athletie-Fed— flction-flf-againet-coaches, trainers or inquiry not to take nnyy :further action ^lore Oric)riolcs, still very much i:on:on- pitdi'to'Cory Snyder reBulte'd'fii"ah~'tF6ught'ihe''r ihe''ur^Tiaa’tnvenliirTimc; ff-because of it-9 overall juris-ris- until afler its report is r ' oration promised Th'Thursday to im- doctbrff-I 3 made. He said cemedwith wit the j)resent, are takingig ai inning-ending doublo phplay. .. so I just sto|stopped my windup." o v e r th c sp o rt, Francis, aa a full-time pose sanctions againstinsl the coach and diction1 o\ 10 employee of look atLheir the future, "I was wolking on air.a It usually Like thcho Orioles,( the Indians were sci sa id th c lA A F c a n im p oose se the (7TFA, could be fire • doctor wild udministeistercd Ben John- . Cassei redb'ut.thatthe gen McDonaldMe made his majorjor- tokca me about 15 mintinutesto-warm also.impressiressed with McDonold. 3ns to. ensure that any athlete ■ eon’a steroid .. sanctions ete .organization could notlot .takc. action - loaffUB-daldebut-W ednesday-night, and--and iip, but il seemed liko 1:I -was-pumping-— li I thoughlught-he-looked good, had-a ated with~a"doctor or'coach'jch againi't Aslaphan, who ■ Federation proiTdor'don't Primo NcBi- associate 10 waa under q the Oriole{lies gol a glimpse of their No,'No. afler.iwo minutes. I'mm ju s t glad to lol of poise.'isc," Indians outfielder Dion IS admitted providing steroidsids personal contract to I______olo snid oncn the lAAAAF is in posses- who has i I J o h n s o n , a n d 1 pirW In Junfi’adrnft.______L’e t thi.q fir^ t nnP hobiihinrf m p," M p. .Tntnng a u L ------ned from competition and thatRat was paid out of thc sp i sion of the report fron'rom th e C a n a d ia n banned spnnters trust Theyliklik e d w h a t th e y s a w , too. Donald said, " H e ’s got a good arm , you con see le d fund. I government inquiry-faslb»lM) reeksoka—ttring-ftmHie-liad-H-renl ■al-^tkm rvo, ",I4iaar4-t ..... -of-the-IAAF council;-said in--in in which-the internatiot ------decision,—Nebiolo-eaieaid-in- an-inter— retary-of lonal body-was— do'wn';_and;nd..,in,- and~nie. first one •nged, like he’d when I-waavaa .warming up,, but once -L . ion acting, v ; viow. "Be sure thatI w(wo will do some- an inter\erview that his organization popped out3ut of my glove?’ been out there all year." made thatat firstf pitch I was conccn- ask. thc Canadian Track nndnd "How many times d I ' th in g . B e su ro ." could a s i do ,you put a McDona:nald pitched 2 2-3 innings, al- In the fourth inning,g^IcDonald-'a tratijig onn mym job," McDonald said. i : , -Thc lAAF decidedded' Tue'sday“ to' Field'AasVasocifltion “to ensunr. Franciscis knife-into-nn-alreadydid e ^ body be— lowing oneine-hit-dndone-run-to-Gleve- ye— secondJoiL ______< . . s tr ip Jo h n so n o f h iss 100-meter 1C world and Astaj■taphan have no further part, in fore it’s considered deadid ? " h e sa id . ' la n d . T hic c Orioles.lost ( the gam e, 9-0,9-0, a n o u t, a n d t h e n h e s t‘ruck n out Brad After sign! ------iigning w ithlhe Orioles, Mc- T— — -Tpcord and to crns(rnlim il g lu b a l'm a rk s— th c -gp o rt: ~~ZTk to tfie "Hfii diah^ "jjnU~ilropped_Lw'Q.WQ_ K o m m in a k a n d J o e l S kciriner. ir | ^ Uonald wasvas se n t Class A Freder- I hold by coi^esse_d stonte ro id u.se_rs from ____ ^ o u li!d_sucb d action not be forth-th- _ Franas,_who o'^rja'law the trans- gnmo.s b>>hichiad-Toronto-in tho Amori- to :iri------In-the -fiflh.- McDorionald -walked--ick-of therGarolina-LcnguorHo'm'ade Ga ------; from’ the Canadi'an associa-'in- formation of^hnson fr i_:L. - ..jt.'jre'corahdo^H. ' I . . . ' c o m in g fl from, a skinny -can League7UC E a s t. leadoff'battor Jerry Browne, B who two appcaraiarances there, pitohing a to­ thon-thc- IAAF-has.power-(tO-(to -Jiyear-oldlinlo _the_wc I------Noifchor—Francis—r(:_;nor—A staphan—-tion,--Hho world’s-fastest ------" I - d idIn't-feel-any-pressure.-'M n 'l rlc- c- - stole second -ond advananced to third tal of ninene inningsi and allowing 10 •' ^ havo lAAF alTlliation,jn. but Ollan Cas- take actio:tion) against tho CTFA." sp_rinler, told thc Canadadian drug in- Donald sai(laid. "I’ve pitched jn front: of on fly to deep center byi)y P a id Z uvel- h its a n d twtwo o runs. In his second ap-

ssociation, said his orgunizu-Ul- he coached used steroids eration’3 2'1-memberr gehcralg( eouncil, dian asso ds. College WcWorld Series. The crowd is when Dion Jam es hit a1 (comebacker, total of-555 pitchcB,pi 48 for strikes, in- ^ ^ not a fact^ictor once you get into theLhe b u t sc o rc d w hen M cDoDonald balked eluding ^.14 in a row. Against thc Indi- before-making-a 2*2-p-pitch- to-Joc- • an.s,-hc threw thr 3i pitches, 21-for — Fickle»athlctcj>s may b<)e punis]iheCl ^ M c 'D a ala a id, s a t o u t m o s t o f lh e su m - C a rte r, s tr ik e s . ______^______m r r n , ^.rnnt,rar,I. - ^ nf-gnlintifias—with,ith ,-'.',lAIlcr,']k,,~Carteito r ^ o u b le d - tn ------; BARCELONA. SpaSpain (AP) — W’ould be stripped of any world, rc-•c- th e m se lv e s to m e e ts , ththen refuse to the Orioleses dragged and dragged. He right-center, but McDon,maid got Pete "I wasI pleasedpic with my velocity, I . World track’s govijoveming body gionnlorr)r national titles and medals, . finally signig n e d on A ug. 19. 0 ’l3ricn Jo ground outit to ond thc They saidd I wns between 93 and 95 warned Thursday it moy suspend . While2 notn as serious a problem ns "The president’s letterer made clear McDonal'laid, a 6-foot-7 right-handerler Jnning. (mph). I dondon't know how jong I can ------athletcB'whoTenego onon their commit- dnig-tnkirkingrNcbiolo-sirid-under-tho- 10- that where nn nthlote is selected for ou r‘of--LSt-SU r rolioved startiiPCurt^irt^— ^Thc-balk-wag-just a litllc misun- "kcop'lhar'upr'up; bul l was’luippy'with ; • m e n ts. table payiayments to athletes had got-)t- a national, area or wovorld champi- Schilling in tho third inning wilh twowo dcrstanding,” McDonaldId said. "I saw it,"McDqnnl(nnid said. ; ^ International AmatTiateur Athletic .ten out oflo fh a n d . onship. or a match, the‘ aathlete is not • I Federation presidentIt FPrimo Nebiolo "We hahave rules by which moneyiy permitted lo renege on,n his or her C y -r [ said the lAAF wouldJ ncno longer toler- earned by athletes mu-st go their fed-d- obligation." Holl said, ictice of.athlotes orations,”s,” Nebiolo said, referring loto "Track and field is ninot a profes- y /ar says Natural Ph(iotography I ate thc growing practi ___ ' ' ' fiw iicK ing' 8 t ■the-Jagt-mom«nt—the-trust- the st-fund-ftyfit^em-in-track andod— sional-»port und there ia — hy.n oiigl;Ias-Bobb------1 ‘ . "just to'cam more tnoheahey. ‘ field.'"WcWc know that sometimes thele .ment of choice. But w e^^rcon^~t^^^r^^ At a news conferencenco, Nebiolo .said money dotdocs not go to federations bulul cerned for the good of thehe sport when 1 j For your scnilo said a proposalpi_.suspend__id tbe need for unity to malaintain high- ' larsca.son. -y-' It's almosrtiili m e l6 ”i-la~rtT stop this praclice ... we ore .working athletes'■ wwho'refuse to fulfill-theirir quality fields in lAAF evevents. ' Patriotss .coach Raymond Berry ^... . thinking about y o u r . • ,, on a n n g re o ra e n t to alioallow suspcnsion”-Dhligation2ans-will'bc-on-the agenda at ------m a y n o t ddecidc-until c shortly-bcfore- t r a i t . ' ___ of any athlete who do(docs not accept the nextt 1lAAF Council meeting inin P a r t o f th e te x t sa id locLoo many nth- the game whetherwl Fryar will play in r ‘>“ " thoniles'." Tokyo in1 JiJ a n u a r y . leleii woroignoririg theirir rcsponsibil- Sunday’s opener of again.«!t thc New On Tueeday, in a series,ser of swoop- ."We wiwill take serious decisionsIS ities to the sport and loLo the paying York Jets.I. /Afler less than a week o“fof . 7 3 3 :22 8 3 9 ing anti-drug measureures, tho lAAF from nextxt year against athletes who10 public. practices,, FryarF said he’s made upIP stripped Ben Johns(inqji of his track do not ncc(cccpt to tiiko part in nationalII his own minilin d . world records following/ing the Canadu- championsinships, or olhor official11 "Regrettably, in certjrtain events, "I'm readady, I played in an’s positive test for■ steroidsst ot the chompionsinships,” he said, there have been example:Ics o f a th lc le s p ra c tic e " WcWednesday, he said. “ I can Seoul Olympics, lA A F gficneraj e secretary John HoltIt ..who wore physically capiipable of takr start. I’m1 -f fine. Nobody bolioved I It also said Johnsonin anda any othor said Nebiobiolo h a d w ritte n to all l&l(•I ing part but have refused:d the request was in shaptspe until I got here: Nobodyly ------athletes_wha..havo .tc£•testified uncTor member-fi:-fcd(’raUon.‘5,-urging-strong— g—of-thcir-natidnal-fedoratic tionANebiolo— wanUirlo—h—believe-thal— Now-lhey-:y — ------oath-to-drug-uso-undcteIctccted-by-tests— letter______------know . I’"-. • .. — , « Last-Aug,ug.-30. Berry said Fryar, - tho lop pickck overall in the 19&J drafl, Falconns give!Sanderss his wii wns out oftlf tho Patriots' plans-for the season. Fryar Fr said thnt • nighl,' I DON’T E3AVE^...... not willing to deal fairlyr ^ S U W A N E E , G u. (AP) (A — Doion while, so) wwe’ll know in the next cou-1- • "It’.s a lest of wil«ll," Sanders "they’re noi . Sanders got his April1 2i2-i wish Thurs- pic of days,ys," Sanders said. said ofthe process. "I'm1 noti going to with me. If that's the case. I don't day — an NFL contracract thnt made Sandersrs was playing bascbliH for~r~say I won. Thcy~jot a hhelluva'deal want to be; niaround thoso'people." Y ork in S<'i>Ul«‘ pnn__ , also. 1 fpol like both ofLus. u are_cflmr__ _£QurL.daysiy^IatcrJhe-oftcD.aciimO.-.,. m m iYOriR Sanders, thc All-Amer■nerican com er-, Wednesdaylay night when he got word1 pensated well." nious bargaigaining ended when Fryar ------back-rfrom-Fiori;,\ithJDcionJl_CairuibelL_ L ___ Sandcisjaid.no_QncJs.t9 on stage all ■ can put grcgreat pressure on secon-i_- ______J ------tir the-April 23-NFL-dirdran'B aid'he" said, "I’m'jTi'glad to finally see liim in^ Ith e tim e . ------dnri.csrOykfykcs*also-iva5-a“contnict—:t------•------wanted a contract thatlit wv ould rh y m e th e rig h t kitkind of uniform, "When you see Michn'inel Jackson holdout forr i much of training cnmp, with his nam e — "Millioillion, Dcion," "rm haplappy to have thc guy andi ’wearing lhal glove, do ycyou think he but now Newow England has its full of- it on hand. BB . Falcons coach Mariomon Campbell he’s goingg toti help us tremendously." •:•sits around the house wtwearing that fensive unite said there’s a possibilityity Sanders will Sanders•s ( concluded thnt the worstt |glove nil day? No he don't,l't, "This isi tJthc timo to do it," Fryarr _____ hp iispd in Simfiny’s rojnilnr rpf gfitit;nn thinjf Iip fliidid w/m tn pot InvolvL-d in1 " D o von th in k FHHie Ml^Tiirp h y n ir q . Said. " Y o «1 noed n a trront dpfons’o hutIt ______oponor against the LLos Angelu.s the contractact negotiations, y.Qoiini«-_Cnmpfcctf------E o H j : RolXcru Of Treo suL U j n ^ ______------? h i s - MlemphiB-reekef^nd-femie e raer-GefiSj^ ------^------A n ^ : : ------■ ------ofrIikene(i'(i to JenyLee Lewisris sos o jg o o d h e ...... in terio r Design perform s al f j o h n 3 " - ; at the private parties of Jo! C o u g a r Mlellencamp e! and Tom Petty,?tty. H e ’s L ain r ^ Raspberry. And he ppla la y s 6 0 s rock 'n rollII the way ifs meant toI bebe - e£Fer- ______a ...... v e s e e n t r e mintliusiastic,' .. - ______.. . A n d . r emaembei n our.greaLdinnei:a c L s h o w - ...... - _ - specials.* WednesdayV\ nights, enjoyo y io u r $4.95 Steak & Shihrimp dinner: Fridays, ifsi f s 'our •••; ■ HS $4.95 Primie e Rib dinner. And don'tl't f(forget dui ■- ida3ti^ho w s^^l-h(XH--p,m;=m ,...... =

■ - Scatlng-3r6:(X:00 p.m.- D in n e rs h o w 5 ta rp ra ------EB uBSlers-^Wa!ilkers=tt' ' CocJcailsHowjw se atin g a t lUiiX) p.m . t-or rcscreservations. B--- ^--- oill (bllfrcc;; l-’800-821-n03.1 In Nevada: l&Oil-SOO-821-3935- s ttart i Trainiiing •MJiugcmcm ICSicicrvcs ilic iijdif 10 modify or oncclcl offcffcj at jny foi the annual time Minors muiluil I’e atcumpjiiicd Ijy jJu la to cxxkUlJtkuil ilujwi *gust 29tfp7r 1 9 8 9 nnic Campbell & XKa iitr^ n n ______Tt i c t z n c r Riin 1To Rim 1Race ------1 ------H proM4--tosimwMnc£c e . t o ...... ___ Satuidday^-Septemliber 3 0 _____ . J - ______^ '_Vallcxf o u nique ccc o n c e p t i n •______------Foi-rilegistialian-and-n- m o r e ------I PTix>r d e s i g n & g i ft t

I i’l ■

Ffkloyloy. S4)ptom bor0.1689 'nmnos-Nowo, os- Twin Falls, Idaho

s i f i e is s ^ ■ _____ I■ Classified adve/ertising C 2-8 ...... e Stocks continuec Ho lose Expert says Mlafia CO3>ntrols Jpenny stockss Trie Associated Press so-called *pinllink sheets’ rather than comniittco ci chairman. Ho cucalled’ For- later.conyicledted of participating in a anedtfy- with lofgcr -aftd-moroar otoblo- eotnpa— bi -frftwHnvolving a bogus------WASHINGTON - Ann adm itted nies. Brokersrs andi investors m u st call ing ir indictment of tho, entiitire penny company, Lascascr Arms Corp., that I ThDAssociatcd Press 'correction'm" as traders seek to cash •penny stock scam artist,, \wearing a u broker thati t dealsc in a specific com- etstock market.* purported toI haveha developed a sclf- in profits bubuilt up over the first eight jj „ hii.idenli'ility, told a ..panys.sbarcs.lBs to-getapricc.quote.. __ Formato. entered the.crovQwded-con-. _chillin£ beverngirnge cnn...... ______i -NEW -VORK-SttStock"'prices” monthabfthrthc'year ■ House subcommittee Thurursday that According; toU a survey by state sc- gressional gi hearing room susurrounded Formato wosVOS described at tho trial showed some spotty'dec!:eclines Thurs- Brokers9 asay stocks have also been _ penny stocks traded over-tl-the-counter curities rcgu]gulalors, American in- b;by federal marshnls and wwearing a ns one of thehe imasterminds behind day ailcr a modest carl down by doubts that tho jj ■arly rally at- weighed do aro often controlled byI organized vestors havee been1 cheated out of at gigray hood with holes for hihis mouth, lhe scam. InI additionadc to the fivo con- — _ te m p t fa ile d to o k r a e t m ti Roflcrvo will take any fur- - m u c ii s u p p o rt, ’ F e d e rn L Ro» ' . - .... :______• lettat=fel)illitillitjitttryttttp-by-crooked-^ Kl-from-be— yjcted^ t - trial..Junc..pthgc-PMplr. ^ — - — ' ~^TKe"Dow Jones avera’jira g o o f 30 in-, th e r ste p s in the near future.txi relax 1 Loronzo Formato, n formrmer broker schem es invol''olvingpennystocka. - hihind a aCreen with his voiclice altereiT^'-'flacd guillyly tto charges'involving — \dustrinls, up about eighttit pointsp in the its crcdil pol policy.-'- „and promotor of the ihexpc;pehsiye but ' The Natioitional Association of didcliteratcly to protcct his ididentity. Loser Arms, early going, was dowi n led the active list, down own 12.91 at Allergan 1 highly risky securities knovown as^en-. Securities Dea)ealcrs, a self-regulating He said he got involvedid with the Formato gavejave several recommen- 2,706.88 b y th e close. 3^4 at m on( volume of more than ,._ny_stocks, testified thnt •orgonized * organization1 that-ov^rseest over-the- _m_ob_in_hiB_native m New Jcrs(rseytopre- “ ns for cleaningclei up the penny ...... Thai extended ita lossIS o over the last ■ 3.16 millionion shares. THe company. ".. •' '.V ■ sto c k -m a rk,— t-,- especially-- toughct------crim e has thoir hand on thehe shoulder counter stockck brokers, said any in- vivent conlpctitors from tryii H im ,' 8i.usioiis'to‘45:21‘poiT y nl! lh •” ot someone inside any^(over-the- ve8tigali'on~ofot organizes criih'e links _dercuthim.______------Advancing-iesues-and-dd-declines-ran—as much as-iis-it previoUBly p ro jec te d * ------""counlert-brokerti'gc'-'thHt'gt'3~Tnaking“ to"the^miustrstrywa8”in govcnunent~ —Hc-saidho.usii.uscd to laugh at^the Se*------: “I needed the protection.. 1 needed curities and Exi about even in nationwideido trading of Tiffany jiju m p e d 6 ‘/ b lo 6lFfl. F i- m o n e y .’ hands.-- -'• 1 Exchange Commission, New York- Stock-Exch _.the Btrength.of.orgoniied crimc,ci ..he the watchdogJ of the stocks and bonds------xchange-listed -nancierDonjtonald-Trump-receivad-reg ------^^Forfiuifo'is n d w 'iirth c'Tfederal e t Wit- "We‘re craclacking down liurd“on“uri-~ stocks, with 713 up, 714 do said. But Formato, who iss !serving a markets, becaus:ause it did not have the i down .and 5© ulatory clealearance to invest in the ness Protection Program, scrupulous peipenny stock brokers, but ------r^nohangedi------■ ■y hrokfr?, fr*^^ thom Ati eluding trades in those st< of money takcn'iiraluck'ft B-thomands“ of"pcopl6------' I stock, on re- 4, , , t o l •prom oters or salogmcn. ■■ ■ ■...... FBI o r the Jus:lualice Department." _ to 751/4------...... Pi cording to Robert-W arron,I, ai federal jnaking millioalions-of dollors doing — gional exchanges and inmthe. over-* , Although their price — a feWcenla "Penny stoclock swindles are now the among the blue-chip indus- prosccutorin Newark, N.J.- what he did,““ saidsa John Baldwin, di- the-counter market, toteto ta le d 1&1.08 . up to a few dollars a share■e — m akes No. -I th re a t. ool f fraud and abuse fac- - — rmillion shares;— r------______tn{ila.incl«d(wdcd Philip M orris, down 2 ^^1 Formato -was the govevemment’s rector of the UtaUtah Division of Seiuri- penny stocks attractive to0 small in- ing small monlom-and-pop investors in : In the last few days a debotoi tai I®''*: Procter P' & Gamble, down P* key witness at lhe trial of fi^five people ties, vestors with limited funds,!, jm any a rc Uie United States," St said Rep. Ed- Street over 1"‘ « 124*.; International Business heated up on Wall St prone to abuse because infnformation ward J. Marki le for Q puli- Machines, dowdc n‘/lat 116'/4,and Gen- whether stocks arc due 1 about the issuing companyny often is back after their sharp-rp- runup to eral Electricric,down^«al56^«. ^•hard to obtain and fraudulei claim s atarvvxA fSwt^5(5^ina5 .record highs this summer.ier. Applied BiosystemsHi tumbled 3^4 to arcq , difficult to dispute. LUrgaAAJB. Sv.7. 5 r a P JB apiA Jt-a . _ aiocKS______t h n t th e m a r- 2.^3^ {n th o o w>vor-tho*countoc-n)arkct------— Small—or^uhg^^m pii ------Vcrn, w UaCha Oa ------. .. :ket’a rise.has.not yct.pnproduced the The compan NMYorneiedtEatargdnjai. _ 273BMMB. lOaUKnUB—tu t lany said its earnings for ththose that trade infrcqucntlitly or in a |iljwo"f«icSfvamumortinaili. . _ ■ . . . — ■■■ i Sim - 27; excesses of speculation andai exuber- ^or »Tm fliai4Un5lt4MawtU7-47.M ’ 1 er ending Sept. 30 would • limited lir area, are often listeited only on Voiim LM O e ■ tJUti 2 U a 2 IU 12H n 114.98—o a X1MJO S ^ -3 % ■ ;ance that typically occur oc when f„u,,,„rteft AHaroain BGDt nraB.74iiouiicn.nmti-ui )f their level in the compa- _ 2,122,10 «r* . <* ■ t i m t o _ p ric e s a re p e a k in g o u t. _ 21'k t1««< ty R v g miCUarefiln 0 PtKllpPa IAVO zr* — >* wm . prlsntr««nMag>M_wwaJ^iQ|oy*ik'aiaytetequD- _ T aaa • »?______. _ _ t« jn - 8 i ..'.s. _ ■ ' EjOUdtft t4BUB 48'* » t ■ FM Oltin ce. ol anang raportad icn >til ______CRuoe.ou______-txtai.tiMtAJ.itt . O rM ttint ijeua eo.-'* ■ l,CCObt)L;iUUnpllnaA^Ai«. daiivary, , FH Parra ijDitn) wii __ _ _ CtaB^OB^M ^ IcronTeo^ ta* 1148 m a 1141 KOI ^ Qfltad l.ali Utuum H m bf mat■atOrUnOiki McOntl* 1.»*0 ^ ...... - - «v - H » HB-Tlff 1 1 1 *QwBno. S ...... _____ .. 0»rfen . ..m eo 9B AlA lb e rta o n s ' a 63- ’i* — 48 + % aniltaNMiMcMVe 1 rapan* tra W- AmarTkT iA n > » « — '* B| 0« tuo n is ILD u n —£i kMrtroBrtlnprlca;, ^ . BIuChpValFnd Vfa 7 -I- % Paclfloorp ...... • ...... 4 1 + - ^ 4 ------OMUIn kra MM prios cdlicM M*rrbrE>m jan ______.»«jmj»,7*.i»^.-ffl . LOCbrp UBlTO >«i . '* ------UuMM«.'aa:D^wtHMcfA«rlcu>^ncuHur^PrlM^ " p S ------a n «7S uBi %m_—M Ai«.iMlr«rr;&ifti>ntt*<0i«nn* Lorv.U Fiber m73' ■»• % Ojotatotatlons fn x n rnou land radnac&iaso; luM i KO I U17 -fii AlIKctahiW AJl .« .0 f t 2 Valk*. cum 2, Maxtor _ 11% 11= -'U EdwarddQ.JoneeaCD. D ___ ^A.nMta0cnlCMA:.atordnLCD-.'uOt«!S*OnSn____ « l . BCBOTKtrolow im 153 Nx2Vall9i>Q)m2J S S S M 7iMa. l2aieBB,-H14JDl,------C»1 Cdlitei— — ...... - '- -MtDMa- •• M«C«BrW«.------FkMtniicelor>.iaB£an;Wnn« HEATiraoiL CtiysnCtl . ------.m i a »t*rffiimJMMisr6iai D.17X0; l(W» tlio. ^CtDo»l;«r*»;wpwpn • caCBwrMlna I7JS t7.75 ftklTtawv* JI .O “ IM ortl^^Com m oditi^^ ^^Ooe^^Ottnge tUO; WMrelan VXD; CMorato tlCMlCMKaiaitn nSia7S MINNEAPCLI3(AP)-P) — M«a raolpt>'nwi>My4»l,t ^ ate: cngan i7A-uoa .XB Haclth* 11.75 HS yauas>t9B.^lro»t0«rfaacatilildlnaeialautMr 0ad Oct. 0 ■ llvecattiB •'• ■ ?a97 7230 7270 + .33 ______F«b HonwtM 14.73 112 tO(t)«1B.^iaeUlipllllTililinoor aiacui tuiiirfl iraBro B lo r , 52.™ SIM ttTO 817» -.CB |rcIrdvnMrv JO -X Otb»ai«io»Pilc*u»i*)*.IOi*«»n9V 1/Dec. Il\«cattle ' 7140 7272 73.27 +.95 ■ P M H l ' ' ~ ' Lrni*ai>»« - - . - - .10 .12 Nil 1»rt(nirtt»mortioran^-i7prtii«tn4ji'*i0nn>- • Sopt. feeder cattle 8285 _ 8210 u « . .«nnC04a93 4t.»4.-.11 ’ UaU«n^iiW»». ------.. -X a txm .. ' 8260 -I- .53 Mknt* OB .10 TatM«^pr«nkm; Oto 1 c* n (^ '* p ^ f l b » OlO ct...... Ilw h b fip ’ 39.85 ^ 38.40 9 9.75' ir^p.W.mir»-. 4H04a.104S.104tBt —]ll Prlnsm Pri a .n ta: HBlc«4<9aaxR■xRtorMOi'apknintoMta, ------. - -■^ a SN w C y a n ______a XB PiotMnprlcacCroMtrVluv.4Jl^*^a1llMllo.%; iipar-. . ^S e p t. ______v r f w a t ______3.96% 3.96% a 9 7 + % -----S ^lrw .TPpw parirWYQWl^^■pdmonWTTxL------*»■------UO-tO- - oM ^W nm lM lup-iu(Jh|^paeait,xa»vpihr-S------^ aST^tr— — :- - .2 0 0 V i ------Cqwt1J7nipantUA.0Wlr«Un______— US------. Q,«ailr»------• 1 0 33 partan.4.U'*4a'*lflaHJV Mpa«n^.i«Wl4'•^>^ ^ ----CI(VV-1.9Uc««fwpM«.NVQm«Srawipotmtm .. ' ...... a « " mTHmflarMtn .______so y 1?sa^ :------aco ------6.82’*^ r T_ r 6 . 0 6%_ , - f . 0 6 ------,B7.-“ ------^------r ------KiKEtarPcMr ' ' ‘ 1 T — SSjtf’aa ■ oart.4.W«*>V M.4Me««tipeunl VM.1c« a Ml ihvdMmtaawtriwtntw4.U'*n]mlialipV OC9gpt. ‘ silver 5.13 ■s.oreo 5 1 .1 1 5 0 • .’01 ’4 LNLEADEOCWBaSCLINE . Vn (E .n u n m o . Na ti«/diri are • B nm I taM iMh>m 4 irliwr 4. U>* imkwWJD'* reml- Oct. I gold 3627D 361.40 36230 - 1.40 Tm • B.n> Uiuk VM> ompBRa prlca> r.,p I .r.., pvgd CV«in»Q»fR»x nalm'i. — aBB-tmgtyay*H»)^(crtra»i» _ iUB auo &4D SS.O A ACc W H Inii...... J .. Na.jnt’tlirjbtr.aunjrunjtn: MUDnBlKHJS: Mrminii mm- S s E p t_ ^_ ^ copper _____ 129.90 12a0 1 2 9 .y ■>•3.36 ______^1« im iWi'nii - - ■ : -____ _ Am ,,80 ,g, _ tBacBlmmuMJuM MllydM]------. ------aiasw>aia-arw-r* — *ni -18-3 r ureimpBrNuronre ~ aUMr-e.10)Hn9y«.HtRn«i(cnliraillli -BiAsiJE8iA8i.ea call a Mr. Al fT pw I rvy KV CSmwiWOtmmtiTtu «sl J " • CaiUfwiCBn ■ O ct. s u g a r iaTffi 13713 13:61 Umurr • BBXMCT.03 pw n b tu*.fc. Mm Yorfc. [-• s,ai S1.BJ H a S1.50 .jo Ev*r5fanevi ■ ot a m I»jeu tXjhrth. oaeaii PlBKun • W7»»*r»X0 troy at. N.Y. (co sia OoiOiMPUcar* SaSept. Treasury Bills 9223 p?,pr) . 0 2 2 2 + .04 PlBtajn .m taH Y . Mm VM pw trcv SUO .,13 M«Mtrgir ,17 'j2 CBmto.2y*lbr2JS'*B '.tp l, 2 »UB *,a NrNacyLM .tf .\S CK>rb2rwry1JBwBwt.Oaaycaraia.()mrv> ^Sept. Treas. Bonds 07.18 97.03 97.07 + .CB K SUO » ,» S « aair/ .a sa 7I.MtflnoaPI.MaraioraiMutlSrDnlnaM.nif>- ^S e p t.______D -m a r k 5a45 5a23 5 a 4 3 - .1 2 ______---- rCWVtn((/W>)—HMdVAfMnwuh ______st*s . atmOoml ah' ______— aiB - 9I»9hnrBu^le — ------...... - .« -,t2 bvlarMimaapeiarevt)t)uai*;Duk)iftUitMiinnl. - - ' Sept.- ^ - " “ — &f rare------58.51------5 8 .1 5 ------5 0 .4 8------.08------TT»bUtt>iptlalorilK>waullw IflLsnO; g a r» « r ^ n .79 l^aremlntJijranoM;Ni2iamnlna>- jxmwrnti-XO. si2s i a s i 2a iu -XB ai-aoriiM si. .CS JB ^KfcmlnalknMnoadoad S 0|q0 . J - y e n 68.19 67.07 68.18. -.28 ...... — ______4aa-=-jii. _ ai_ Tn an _ Flg.te_n»<>fr.. Q ct:=-rcrudeD li-777=:------19.42 T.:_____-19.32^----— -1 9 .4 1 ------1-743------eMrvd. ------J5—a ‘ ayBBamhanilEwB.'wB-WipTV------^ NV CDTMK tl hw «c( m nn VMaMcyl*ylB.10m>aDO H V*dV«-iW 4^t4« vm.VMleaar a .a iU^baaraMAOuMriluthtoviKvrsviM. Q jo taatlons t from Sinclair & Cb.>.

C&mlnUO tl1ZB4^—^ OaniOaraco m ill 9% L«a(4a£nt .« rasa 11’* orrcSrrgC&XB* S tt f t SianSmu 2 t « i a « Ytuna rtc a 2aij7t*% wwoirM »n 34Mt7%.% c q«P«!'t.40 3«aC . ya^JtJB BO 91-% WarnimiLUB . aU B tc^.'* Wllllar I ■ f g T § ■ ' J ~ r mwzw— 11 — WBOn ______— QjmEnUO MCD'* Qlt>rQltvFn 827.19 Lin IiaiS4'* - P - Q - -arwanrtn ,70 14110 IT*. % VW*Maf 3 . 91109 B MnrtgA nrtp^ , . 14XD T%-% c oiiaa JB - at4M4n.s iituinar ttauB S V -i phmIHHM .Q 7TO taW ^ »yU»yllni .48 MTM a .% « J«Unicn JW % -% . i«*«n* * ^ i a _____ a tj» t» _ .i% ___ -D -o- - - ...... -oO m ino'Jte------fltast-s'»*-v - u mUMB 1 « BMBa—M---PPQ antffi!------ttwB — m a HJC-14B------wyFSr ^rrra JD' O 3 » * —% L R J 1 1 2 -D P i-ia i------. O T .a v _ owiOKWug..,______j}«0»W-««*_ to^ .IBU •fc*.'*.. »ntS» ra# « Q ------« H « i% -^ — y»r* — —itaa-avw^^------j ------0DCE Ijg U T S S '**'4 .oeriiOSllcfl 2 . . ISIStQ W ’* IralOaflitb 'tta n 'a v -W p«t* OGial i 177730%.% HtvktvU t.« aatSIW 1* Xaroi ■ N6WVC«K(A<1— a 0««Q>l« nW4tM.«<* OsMOealfr IJD MN8UC7H LILCILCS t IW V, PaC>afie i « atzaBS*.*'* -&m|t&miQ>JBi a iS B rw % W«rWm lit nom 32% 2«ncamne “ _ « D g % .% ' ___«l(n»lprlM.tofNi-YflrkaKi* Dwrtr Di ' Z7M n 0OMOn 074 lt'k ^ ’4 OrKa ra a 1J0 nun V* l«Li(Lvxf 1 ■ 3a 4 1 ^ w Pan i a tos7S4 48 aweautfCOtM S K 2T *.% ------E d w o ih u n ------' BlBM-O A) ttaSaiH. W DDwtHi} « W e fS • OtAlPc'OtAl ,5 0 ------— CVl V K —1“— ^-----Iim3B-«JW»— PKI1»Knipt7B------T7WD4T-4-^----SaOlSaOWZO' '~Ult3SB3%-% PEetMUMOv {»{W4«l1.a 170t]K«i*Sk OnrttA. 0 tJPISV-S anntts QtW 7nB<2'*—s lim >avMn . SB 4 »rtP»>tPS UO i2 » 4 i^ '.% OaMnoitJO 1M4SBV-S 0OiftMflJH QtlAFn JD t2I2MJI'*. -> * - u - ___ P>a£c a i 2 i2saa'* av*ajjao 2 aa8a%-% ----- *W------0I74HKT=«----~D*iCT«)a ------7ifif44«=V~B xs^ims------icnra'B — u o ------tTMB «71*—W----e«*&M*-J------097*-lira— - AHX tt 4 DtOorcMni 19)773 0Otglltl tMTlI n - I OruTHi Orui I aiS B S ^.'* MOLtou t.42 « Bl ar* Pata’atai ,12 7S1 I'* . '* OurCourCODiJo a siia M i.i'* AM M ...... 0 3 « V -N ■ BeBoMEd l « ------I0n7 1 ^ —H—-0«™ 0 y,4»...... 27Jt»12»W*. oustonaui - - • tHSS 12V| - MIrhliiH a .l» ...... 4JJB« Pan> a i» ft« - 11280 -8rnt«BrntatlJO^ 173234^% - AttUb i.« r a w j i w - * BrKMy B> 2 l7tZM9l —<* 0Oomniia itBrei(09y .11 uBi72aa%—** TEaTEco tJ2 a o j( r * - % - > n-ar*—J*—------ZZOBJPfc-^— o> .-OmlfJi 0 ------U40C»W ’«__ M=Ji__U*il TBW-1,73a------y UiLprlaa t taAmalea ia ^ E ji. m ittt Akvttt: E»ai'*»'k cbORnk .4t ' 1SZZ7 trk . <* . 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JB seta M —I’* Pitny»ltnyO-1fil 1711*7 81% TaorTaoro 9B1S«— W M(M ii t a I 9 Lka«iera M8a 7%-% AEPwttt (CB79a^'« OBC CQ tJ« 1CBSK»V-’* ElEmnEI1.t2 Waa 3 ^ S HautHMlMlUb '* UalKMen 1.40) 't a l a ’* Pitts’ittsn JD at71 lf%—'* Tautraiaa k 11MOBI.% ^ CAM It 19 8%—'* i« nsn ' a 1% AmEjDJt MSIU»«.-'« ca Enmil«» a»ttiffl%.lS Hool(Hoolndia 1 » « J f * - S*i.s MWtsi*— *• PiertherOeJD 107 e V - S TairTaira .72 tot8«7a'*-%tiOn 12 1% M i^ 4481 r * .'* ... Afrnilr . . . i a » » » S Qntfki Qi JS . .. .Z B a«V r1*k. .Eranft .Ej J ) ...... BSXS<'*. IlmU n ai UM...... U»Q37%t Marclana..K. . .132S41..S. PoUr'oltattJD . IX B A . *• TkPaniP* JO » « 7 38%.%mtm „ , O 2 3S Ucunsun - tmQ%—% AHm in u tastB ^ fk CipOHJD Ci Jt97aWV-'» ElEmww I »iaff21V-' in 2tX9t 7t'*-I'* Porte•onOCIM 12M2}t\ T«r«KUii£nkU « i7 » a —%litilD Bt ^ adu .44 ffscsa A/rtncfi^tt M USti'*.'* ca ‘ tttMOW. EBifi El A nma'*-'* ifttiIFTTa t.M 9 a I3r* UarLlarLim 1 UOWXf* Pitm•itmeaJB T a t a a ^ '* T«tfr«t(Bn 1 BM8»%-%irl 9teO B%.% K«iE.aia a sD n % .% __ AlrB3r,.4l_____OH7].n'»->;„0»„C»ftHB.______a c a jj'^ ___Ej_E JD sn^«_____MaaI^4^'*♦_'^__riTQrrroi.i-4a______»i7»«i'*-i_ mww? t_10______.O B a '* .j* _ P re•fwt « QBWP ck tJD lOBIOMW’* nFMC . 1IB7 47S—^ ld«l«0 irrfn.'i.TB n t a a — w Pixc1X0 u t .. . COBB j n . % TVnkinmkat.81 - HM30B.I% OW rT>n J2 aaD3T%-% ATIT IJD Iftanxv-'* Ccar ««l*1« BTBRfll « '• nFPtXtia DOJI'*-'* II»»oiIl»^ IJIl • I« «'<■ u*llCUI ZK . amtuEB^.-’k Punai>U(|alP I.7B nil€]21'* TWlriWwnJB 227 » - %,T JBa 1M» 12% I " ™ . AITIMM.M n 4 « H V -'* CBC n£n IA tSB 0«. 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FLF u p rg ia ...... m a a ' * ____- ______3ml ______J7D 7% RayWHjwij t a : esBt a —% ucfcixFai«__ ii«83i'fc-% O""tn iEa ' ' 197 7%— % T»CU•Cu .JB n s 2 a rb —% Allat______OlOu«: MW4T*. >• FfFtaOm .tB S V -V , JRVairo»ar S) IIMBt sn Nm\tWHI s s a «> Rtta^SIMM A 17117338%.'* UQDJOQ 4«B2 4% Hm * 1» «XBB9l%-T*- -tMvnmt\ ' m 4 w % • - A^;a .40______Ul a 'w 'k Ckxui Ck 1.31 11(74 4:% -^ FlFkor ,« ita w a *— Jdnlktrgntt.lB 17Caa'*—S P>^ l i t 1231912'*— '* *jftMia |U 14 E7 S'*— Ml UD(JDt I4J ttt2taM%*% O 1» 11% T«A)f«A)f 4BI tg%-% Amry M ■_____ . 1S4CI27V-'t — Oa JO------t4ta»4IWV. RFlNin JB _ . 3 2 r*» '*__Jemi,IcminiXl l s o % NErgErgClUt 0748 2'* nxioecinl .78. . . t n o a UQvtJCM t a n a % - % wiia a«i2 f7Sti% . 1.. AittW jo______iaM »A Q Q> za aijg z«7iM<. FtFortM 3 aaaSTV -'* JcalarKaian M- .nrxszt*—'^ " M«i.i■4.^ A 4 4 S m FWam m ijd - 1110 38%.% xrca 2 - • n c B a v - % M ------B»-»-1-W . (B^ a ' 7ff} M%» Ann I______t » X'b— «i »|Q>Mc »|C gg S FrFrpt).i;tai -nta>t'*—<* A(P.S)t 18<737|12W* Mdv v acaitw-% urf>>jrfteta Mam-% oaa .72 0 6 3 % .'* tSiOy'“o T- -w m # WD 1.44 i t a a a w '* r >w Arunt______II a in- Cbl^Oai 1.4S( t2DITeB1..«> 104(821'*-'* FterCcyO dSa tni«t7%*'% UMa =oMA ’ a n % . %______— oetytins------cu • CWMH------0*0p'.l0Ot ------IIOIB-a-*’*— K«IQ<«ioe-i.«------« M »«tf«P »U 3------ta a i 3»*.>l*....HyoaVda-JO------KSN »!*—J*— UlTa* ira ftia ------______|7M “ a __ _ « 3% UFwaA 1 DahOEllO IOtZD}l%-’* OrOnoC 1 t137«V^ O Oi ntttI StZOSTII'*.!'* C a ^ l.7 1 ttZBJM'k.'* Hxirxiip v a m a t . — B -a — IWTa«Tal 1J2a HITI 7i%- % V r t:u t»«a-«.^'l.M UFcnfixadi t a 2%.% Km^ •a JD n B I9 - U90allDali a >t%- % ereCralM u m h S -« < Orc»TMi.a iia37«-.% aof) O' I Bata*'a Kartcajw «17l 2 -<* • Wr*XW 2 t41tm«%*l% flCEqiXqiUB atar3S% UJ m m l 1 B71Z7l«'*.1 __ctr cm eattra_____ iw ni a - > _. QiO r t ljw _____ Uitai.7l .iggan—1'* Nnn'a i , ? * _____ t*9stjiws_jearis a r « x a ..... _a.iia'*-%-..ui*nttftt.a . ..saaatcft.A «u a t s a . % Urwpa - - _“L®. ** _ . . MUVn.«* . OrQnK3t.71 SIXe4m*'* O' cmuJt «aii«> Karrt.CarrtnlalJI W777 48'*.S Nrr» rrw 4.a o tw D . 8Fa«FafKtt ia « a% -% ULir*LiFEi.« n t a 48'*.% p ""-W-—------IttB W .-’*- ilFrg JB 13 fl M EtutfilW I7BDBWS CtrCtrvall \S> . t&ra 44-1 Ol (Imeciuo MK7t«Tk—I't - 0 - 0 - brM.trMja1.44 «IHB87%— '* . —v - - ^ — F>»yii roO.O |. 308 1%.% n*R»r se___ ' % _OOor_j_ Of - gtaa-5*»* ’« -O ' - tt*ti!at»-_i:___ « • « __Kr^« CNeE«£d t.M W3D 2«. OCMPJuPtUO » B 0 7B%.% Van,'■ m y ...... tacaoj% Qi .auLji----— naisTi*'* ■ — U-4. — ' OJaC JaOEUB aS T ia'*. <* oo*nMrnb IX 44W - Ta ' ia87®i9l"2 Mid . « f i .% oxazs uats^% cmCM«i>ZKr . .-« ..c» ajrjl - w - w - dug .40 «7 t2%—% WIgni»gni 7011 8%. % OanlQ) IX Q4e7S^>—S QCQOM TX » . I* OFOPU U) 117X41 vIL-niILTV.______S3 .rt 0 »». . L. 08087 — '* aasfsBP.JQ. 8t«BgD%-1% YkM«EkM .a « w ■%-% 0^1 iftCTta 17'« a% • lu a 4%-% caQxpwi 1 i s z s a s * <« CKSgmi* SM 09S—S Lawn.aaiM ,4t K C t:^ .- «• CNe

i f . *• T--Z.-— 7—r r C*2 "'nmba-Nowo, Twinn FiFolio; Id.-Jio'' Ffidfly. ScptomfaiT^faore.iOSS ~~~. ^ r : ^ B uusiness als ^ -— LEGAL NOTICE L^LflglFJElEPIMPE)tLj - INVITATION TO BID ^G o o dI t i m e s b e g e t 1f e a r s ud th ra n more. The latter is oneB iroasoa why tljat occxir' b;by the day. week, month : - fe e l th a t so m e th in g , waa'vaa'missing, ryutilizntiiation rate was up to 84.4 per-r- recessions seem to grovow on them- and even ququarter are meamngleiis.'^accorcHng to^^p/'olan- .'tomothing.tfasn'trightT-ht.Bomfthing ____ rpnt, Righighty-fivr,pci:fjjit-bccflinft-a-n flelvpfl. ______They m ightit notr even be real, as s i^>• ■ cfflrtfa.-Cornplqlo.tieo^fca-., d •Forecasters must forecast, fo be- sequent reviijvisions demonstrate-. Butt bora oncJ roquiromonts oro : -unseen and ominous laylayinthefu- mngic figfigure; beyond that would ovoilabJo a t tho Twin Foils * ture, and that aomcthlnj■Jng,was about como inflal(lation. cause thoy a rc paid to doIo so. Success they service;e theI crisis-a-day mentali-‘ Highway District. 1234 ___ to hap|»n. _ ; _ . _ Inflatiojiiqn_and^^ buddy, higher in-V for a forecaster is in bei>eing first, in ty. H l^Uind Avo. East. Twin ._.Fi?la..ldahQ ______I That mood in itselfif mightn end the terest rateiites canTas'most people'real-"'l-" being right and being bucciccBBsful.- “ ln--the'mi:mix" of "current "economic"'^ AU fuel tank Uda must bo . crisis fihortagQ, sincce i'it-vinight soon i u , lead1 to t< rcccssion. And even thelO Success, however, isn’tI’t always de- events nrcJ ingredientsij sufficient'toJ lobolod 'Fuol Tank Bid' , a n d filod with tho District be documented as a decline dc of tan- mere prosjospect of recession has beenn tenninod by accuracy,jr, as subse- gUr up a real rc crisis one of these ■ Bocrotary by 3:00 p.m. ------fl»rnnr_pnnfiHpnPA. Riif,’ Rn m rrly rin knnwn tnn Ihntti»r Btfick_DricC9. hous-'»• qmnt events show. Manyly work for fi- r^nva FTPf*Btesses eventually must bc'__ SoptQmbo^5.^B 9..^t__ — -■ -t^most - Americans -hav«lave- to invent ingi'emplo;)!oymenl, tax receipta, confi-i- nancial firm s'w here BuccciccssiB-itctei'^i^-clcdrFo For Bomcof them — debts-j~ ' wfttch timo tho bich will bo mined by tho amount of o publicity , a„a dclicits, oponod and rood aloud. crises. .■Experts" creareatc a steady dence andid more.i 5, for example — ‘eventu- 'Bidders socurity In tho R,ral Eztnttt r... Sata s u p p ly fo r th e m . . R waai a Q crisis forecaster’s econo-h and revenues generated. ally-miBhtbit bo soon. Iamount ol livo porcont So far thia year thotio iexperts have m y. find. they th exploited it. When tho0 Often, a poor forecastiBt IB forgtv- t | , 5 „ isi tio„ assurance, however, (5%) j ol tho amount ol tho bid m ust bo prosontod — '— warned of-n!CC8sion,infinflation. rising_ economyf f(ifailed to pyerhcat,_when re^_f^.able, but a.duU.one_^ifln.’t^ - f o r e c a s t e r s - - w i l l — h a v e- . -w _i it h oil b to .------^‘lntciTBt"ratCB 'and'"a”3TBtffCkTTinrket i) 'CtissIiJn ■ftltcd“ fill tb"kccp its"nppolnt=“?—corrcct ftrocQBtffTjfteTnn l*"n>0d m5 ini advance. When the: ' Ih o " Twin hdio"HigriWoy— when the stock markett reason to oiTor etill anoth•ther, rcvBrf ^ Dlalricl rosorvos Ibo right i collapse, and the probabbable reason for ment, wh •ket crashed in 1987, th o .- , it forecast. * •- to 'o c ^ t C3T rujoct any or -their recent-reticence:e iis that-they, - reached a . record high, thoy went tad-forc3ccp-e:vent3.. were—l_pfM?WsJ3T | tp^^ .tho_;. ' ~'^loo7rteediTnWcasronana fre s h ^ 5ntf the“cruptry toppTcdThto a[------~ YOtrAREHEREBY-NO-“ "seemed an equally safelafo forecast a s rope- ovorr the t coming-of a common TIRED that tho Diroctor ol IJ..Boskinon recessionalfler nearly seven years of , ------mv.------hero in 1992.------• ——— economic* adviser Michael J ._tho.ldoho Dopnnmont o(_ :^~ThurBdfly^niEfa^ccd■the-BtIBnshTidminis'—ecoDomic-expi xpangtoiu-T i^ aidc'ai-BuflhI— ~ ]Fish-and-GamOr-pursuanl— The experts gave the th rationale: .Explanatlations for the crisis phe- • , tration'fl call on the_Federleral Reserve later endorseded Darman’s statement jto his authority undor With unemployment down dt to just. nomenonI aiare many, and thoy seem | Idaho Codo Soction 36- J Board to lower interest rateit£8.' Boakin’ haaaa generally avoided pub- i over6 pcrcent, the poolol ofc productive to bridgo5 thet gap between the two ‘ 106{o}6, has ordorod that “My own personal vieww is if there licly criticizinj□ng the Federal Reserve,> two\ controliod doprodation workers was depletedted, and that disciplinesJS o( f economics and psychol- the economy which is con;onsidered on independent; |oik hunts bo hoW on tho meant producer costsits-would-rise. - -ogy. Amongjngthem : ja re signs of soRseas in tb following dotoa and in tho , that further branch of gov.:ovemment, and hia state- ( Producers wouJd passI on the expense 'G ood tirtimes beget fears, often ex-. from* whore we are now, t following oroo: . easing would probably bc appropriate,’’a; ment was mimuted compared to Dar- IH unt No. 218-1 to consumers. . pressed inn thet phrase “this can’t con- ‘ NoPorniits:2 . said Boakin, chairman of thGork-belly-fuliitures-soar—grow, albeiranrSloiiVer'nii TTInlds; 9/13WT7 ^ 3" , 1fairly rapid pace of 1987 orand 1968; hc volved. I thinhink that’s counterproduc-’.•. Typo: Any-Antlorioss Elk LEGAL NOTICE tLEGALNOTICE By The Associated Presscss ties Inc. Aroa Doscription: , said. .. tive," Boakinisaid si ...... ■ & ybeans,ns settled 4’/« cents to 9^4 ‘ Thoso portions ol Unit 18 crood _ or naUonal ongin. tion tior is 2876.2 fooL Nor­ His rem arks at a U.S. Chamber C of Tm sure ththe Fed is monitoring the loacod. ownod or con- -r- __ Futures prices fpr froz‘rozon pork bel- cent9..highigher with. September at . TWIN FALLS, . maman minimum forobay ok>- ; Commerce -breakfast - cacame a s closei)lely as .we are and Pm cer- troilod. b y -B o b .S o n to r - . PuWic-Accoss-and Uso. vation vat is 2876.2 loot- - lies soared the 2 y |> sholtor and a soll-guidod pluiplus a shaded, grassy plo- u n .J ] prtactaardtvaprKiprlvttaereparalyMrbutlMlKrvw. t» ^ n s foe contracting -and In ■_ lo rm a lio n a n d p ro jo ct nic aroa with 10 tables, 'tracts: live cattle settledtied .12 cent to cents higheiher with O ctober a t $19.41 a Jai Uar' t2« OBSJWIttB..* t tOfn^Qramlufufa(utMekaadmbad mooting with tho history cSspIay. dridrinking walor and ro- .55 cent higher with Octo)ctobcr a t 72.70 b a rre l; heateating oil was .11 cent lower Uiy jza OS] I OM tZS .J7 Atlhact3aa,«la«luitfluturam ral’keanlibMrMI*! . tandQwndor(s) U at tho hunt- Rocroatkin p nnd fish fadli- strcstroom, SiT]MneiarM&B7abkM;Gemwaa1 ing in n ro a Lnndownors-will ‘cents a pound; feeder ccal attle were .30 to .W centnt higher with October at Jul tus a «9 t: tU B O ,« .« oailariV«r lioa. A boat nvno rjirTOf.ti.. RoCToation R( and R sh Fa­ cu as .JB cartB-arBf*^camhVariMin&pMTbartfC^a bo t>i nolifH)d rogartSrw thoir givos accoss to tho rosor- dlitdlitios. Fadlitos ara pro­ -cent to .58 cent higherr wwith October 55.50 centsts ia gallon; unleaded gaso- '%caftb2cafiahl^«vn- oUglbiUty d for a landownor voir “J for lishormarj, boatorB vidod vide for raftir>g, fishing, VM.'a cvBi n W.OB, ort «&. barattJl'kit&mM :c>ytB ng.-wator GU(Mnt4 Copios.ot Ordor No. „pany proposes to oxpond ckiiskiing and hunting.' ------worc^ centhighec—w ith Octobe:iber.at55.63 cents a gallon------e9-22-oro-avoilablo-from_^ Hj. JUBXBJoxmauTTxa ' oiitiobiAP)'-^ n n d gravol-thoboat iounch——Normal Nc moximwn foroboy— ■[ w ith O c to b e r a t 39.75 cen:enta t aipound. On Neww York’s Commodity EV I2U7 2U1 .JC Trai»T>iir«»y; tho Commission'Socro- parking- arba.-replaco-old--ofoi-o fo v a tio n -b -2 7 9 0 ,6 fool-...... Jai .2ZJ7 2UIZ -tary. Idaho FIsh'and-Gamo- Jr ’ Soybean: futures - pric)ricc8-'reached - change,—golgpld -futurea- settled $1.40- ^ ...... ttTStUBlna7Stu»-*.o ------CpenHV»Lo.-Lkl Ov' “ m o o rin g a n d s k i d o c k s NorNormal minimum forobay Uiy 22B2UB2BOB S B . a V»CAT ' Commission, 600 South wilh now o n o s a n d placo olo\ 'two-week highs on tlthe Chicago lower acros;-0S3 tho board with October olovation b 289^6 foot Jul a n a no 3 a n a r a s,aoieumtnimum;a)i;ct>lliraparCurBl V\Wolnut. Box 25, Boiso, ^covorod picnic jablos noar LcLowor Salmon is opor- Board of Trade, boostedted by percep- a t $362,30 a troyI ounce. a^> aM ap aj7%H7'uaB7^i* 7% ..01 IcIdaho 83707, Tho toIo- ^Iho bool launch facilily. oted oloi on a run-of-rlvor ba­ a a .,C8 Ok 4a'«407 4.CB'»4.a7 ..CD'* n hono numbor lor tho tions of increased foreiireign demand .. 4 a UB^i:tmifapirbu*»l ,O F.F lSH AND GAME T h o T w in F n lls p o w e r PuPubik; Accoss ond Use. " plant IS oporaioa run-ol- ~Ad|ocont JSJi to tiw doM AM 4araia.:cs«i^ rRU^LISHclFrldayt'^^^^^ ~ H3r(}K£iigiBi:mas,e«t«Ul fT vorso-thoro is-n o mini- pow er houso a park wllh - [ilC lU ^H - ^ ------a a « J) & » .7T« I •: . . _i44^2.«_2.44*ii«V»JJl' - _ to lombor-e,-lB89____ Jj,’ ta ~ UriSrnlr«-^tm&-cM|ia- mum w ator rokiaso.------chadochn troesand’imnBSv: e J B M H H I ^ 7as7is7 7i»7in .41 I - ______2a 2s t ^ i » ^ » .a"* - 7103 7a«-tt7*7127 *X ~- ui>iJnfmI iiJuifai:p:wa, HZ'* ia"* u z * tsj'* ♦ 01 LEGAL NOTICE MALAD M picpicnic aroa. Rostrodms gnh MHeek npM ThMdwt r r ~------F » ------— 71® 70m Jia TIB LLcRlaMa:t»A«nil7a Oac 2.42 1«J 240'«.210'*—OS'* YOU ARE HEREBY NO- Public f Accoss ond Uso. and one a baskotball court POCATI OO - MM 1» (\<>upl}:bt(liy4.4S 1} Apr 7175 7<0 710 7iB .J) PP«r« Mamaen rbtng: tBUI, cntt4i WM'atakaSS.Oa TIRED thol tho Diroctor ol A small park loc^ilod noar also aisc oro avoilablo. Frartdurt Iblm: B9U2. cfl tlM ■ttw-Idaho Dop anm ont ol . th ei3Lli£¥£eea:ti!t _ ^ ------ZiSKKWaii.rn«n;iBLa,«Tliar“______lAkd^attanJrUia-la______111 Jho-LDwac_Malad..powQC;___—Rocrealioruand-Flth-iaca4.n{«K):ta>l !!.» :“ *tm m tm tii------■ M»-Hrty»MtrwrtS!aarff|t:Ql ___ ■ ______r UOl£nilninium; oa;dcillvipa( M a l ...... -t'o-filstC authority uriHor._biibio-xirrd rostroom. foaliiroo. . .cos MpranlvrtnonsQjM: M «im Wkd'tffannn,t7iCT,c«i.«a. h ap IJI 1J9 tja IB .Bl Idaho Ij Codo Soction 36- Fountain Fc Park, localod od- tho FEEDER c^ ma E e nW Ergalwd: t m < ofl H.COi tf>o roson/olr. A boat romp l,«V149<.l.4ffl.1.« .JDV 106{o)6, ,, h as'ordorod that ia ja c o n t to S ta to H ighw oy gwc paicainrm tD- «4.Q0Ji».:(»ntip*aparb. KC K E/gaHam l«ricM : tn « l. cfl |ii« a , 2 s I.U^ 1^'* 1S«I 1JI ' grvos accoss for boating KdJD«kxi(«wn 1): MpwoRKxmg^»MQt7H«wna; 11 g K,10eZBB»CS} *.Q Dn2atftii.4a m u . “controliod doprodation 30. 3{ provides drinking foUn- and anc olhor wator sports, BtA BZ.X) IIA) CiE tJ I Mr ^ SSStawSJSrt 4 ^ ^ * P door hunts bo hold on tho, tatains and w aste disposal plus plu: fishormon and hunt- ______— i;following datos ond in tho faciliiios. la on>.on». _____ i v o ia m .------1: _ anBEAw______zRo£yQotlon:nnd;fl5h:ladl]-:z:rrhz^hotnormaLmaxImumi __ - M4, “ - OCLD------I1.W »1* lt.»U.42 VJ7 ■ 0 JJtDtnjinWmiiiiidol: dcHUra par ta M ■T?unTNoflSS^ H " Sctios. Fishing a ro o s oro a c- fo foro ro b ^ elevation Is 2,654 . PCmiAK). cW (APJ — M>n*01irwxalweralratr- rw. Apr ma«lCBX12BU7 ♦,« too * troy ol; dsllarapar ircysL 38133-1.40 ^ IM UB in 'a lB ..OTk No. N Permits: 25 «cossiblo noar tho powor foot Tno normal minimum _____ fhlra«Pwll«»J,TTVK>lir*9rwrTwmTWifOi'iniSy.rilL _ “ V.______S»7*B_7»?7 g _____ U71BklS'aUS-.I81t —0-Dot06:09M-e/10------pi,plnnls-olong-Iho-bonks of • fore •------mnortarniisrwst.------. . . . r £ i - . - v :' I ^ ------—Tl lorebay otevatkm b-2.644----- 4.CB ViM'iHlal.XS. ata -t40 X —TVporAntlortoss------^th'iho'Maiod'ana'SnaKo'RW^ootToot ------UB ta in'afto; .0 tjHunlNo:1S5-4 or 4.(7 MKl'ic^miU 0Ok . a&S)BU03B.1a«aco-i.4o 112 t19'«B.12 t.U .S '* r orc.'Hunting ot gome birds. Tho Th Bliss povror plont b Uvlh>rtnd-ol-ffvor t.71 XlCt9t&;cvnp*apart). AApr JTlOWJOSltnttj74.ce-1.40 1^ J.C7 sjT*it7 &er*DDatosro/11-9/17 oronco ol tho two rivors. bas.b a sis with daily rogulallon. CEt S B S B &40Si73 *,1] *Jun I77jp]7IXD377J W^-aaal-aoB Typo: Antloflotts hNonnol maximum lorobay Tho projoct ha# no mini- ; _ ------POITUVC.C»«.(AP)-O>di«n;nia;3Dp,tn, P tm W OK 41A An « a n - i o . it.« « js ta4t .JO M Public Accoss and Uso. Nl 2 eem ttmMU IM' i4l a t 41*4U0 4l»4UD EaL atka M,CED. Mkdl M a t9.73S, 19.03 n « n-n tuB No. " Rormits: 25 • --- ofol-nvor. Noilhor ono has o - ProiProposed fadltioe-for-lho — ------^-W W M M Btet: - JB»UganW>g.^«fiw...... :— 3iar-ari0-xuir.3u7—..a —yDolos:_9/25-,10/1 _■ ro ■------ra - «3MC.en4&. -. ------aau.vEn—. _____ M*y zuiZLBaiaaui .j» -Typo:Antlorio6® -1! - bebolow U»o Lower Malad di- am0 naturo trail, boat launch. - - I hird nd wtnMr srOranr pratMnttMn 4M PCPKBELLieS.9 ...... - uUD9troycc:Mtip*r.iroya: asaiaaaoaiB ..a AroaDoacfiotion: Ai - vovorsion is ostnblisheci' at portpnrfOng, float boat o cco ss »p3prmln 4M «LcmfaL:nntap* «II1> - o a - s a i . ' u kKisod. ow nod or con- mmooflur^d al tho.USGS—-Rocroation Ro and Iish fadlt*: UrctcntaM 4aaj47,tl4B.4D<7.0 .UD Nar N _ _ ...... • ------««-e40'41« 4t« ♦ixo Dae 0 ...... j2UBX5Bn InSkid by Jomos Short-, gjgaging station at Iho iiio:ities, Idoho Powor pro- • ------SpapraMn------IW - U-. whit Jl tSUDUUDttUOWXO .1 « T2SS. R24E: T2SS. L"south sidos ol tho canyon. waU Mar / R 2 5 E w ith C a s s ia ^ wotor boator put-in a ro a a t ! Limltod boalirtg a n d walor tho bridgo bolow Milnor • 99U9BUtn KUDmo)iKia)mco .2X0 ' ____ w 5 t6lB ( W ^ | 5 p F ^ ^ uS Jul * ! t ^ skiing is availablo. DonDam, a -tako-out aroa b o - ! ___I___ 1._1U - ___ _ 5*______^ mcomconicoanp.ia Huntors will bo drown °cRncrnnlinn nnci Fish Fn- low “ “EHTHHreamwrnttrrai------MM.'aaaMU.flCQ lfl«_ihQ_pLciJacUiaw9.t^_____ ------pBwnT------VWdlcianMROOIlcin^*!.------“ Vifcd’acp«.Hria • dliiios._Scenoiy ob3on/a-..hou:houso ynth parking. foaUr;.. . OODEN — m n bM 4.10 (>9 9]: lailqr4iD|Mc>ir):tel k Hp««n«r«^f). » - ‘ ■ "hunl'opplicoljons'rocbrvod"hi ff!lion and photography Is ties, ------1 byty tho Dopartmont on or tns, ar^ provisions fpr a ■ P c n n jv o - VMM irtM 4 A ( «i2>; z>: Itvlty «a(&«&a]akn(m2}: ttpanait probably tho num tior ono tailwtaitwator fishing area, b o - ; •rVttr4B(««cV). >boforo July 31. 1089. and activity. T ro u t a n d Bmall low CM.OWEU — Vltn* irtatf ( » m1(M«rt;LAeailt)-n.i^' (M will bo notiliod by tolo- low tho powertiouso. phono. m o u lh b o s s In h n b il th o T Tar arget flows from Milrior • 3 _____ ' p] w a to r. b u t s i n c e th o Dorr OMHA, NA. 1A^(UDC3A} — OnM»LhwMdimfiati>gmiaamg»a»r: Lh ■ — CopfoB-of-Ofdor-No.— Dam woukf bo 200 c uW c! ------H v ; BnOrrtandtoHMMMyrOa otaM omnus w}aunfea«a9, ^ ------EffecJive ®80-23 aro availablo from p r o jo c t is lo c a T o d in a foot fooT por socond, buflOUltf^ US i-2>ioaobrraKf4ixim(az3>i.'Z3M30 ka ravid 4U>44jQSBM: 3D PWCMw«.OM»rB.nhi(^.ua 1-isHco tho Commission Socro- ^doop and'noarly inacossi- bo roducod il nocossary . ta m o lliracau s U9X>ODt a actK91Ct>U0 bio canyon. Ihoro is limiied during durii any periods whoro • CMIMnlCa^; Sl MX •m ^i inyiy ill clM B iflord ■ marwi tMi. dcjte Klary, Idaho Rsh and Gamo ^ Commisflion, 600 Soulh „t>oat and bank u so lor fish- sufficient s u f l w ater Is nol 1 awp: HX9. ______ormon...... • ovai thru W S alnut. Box.25. Boiso. availablo through loaso - KANSAS CCTY. M3, {/in'-O sU lknnfDrTTmlir: h caul*; laaArXD: a ircMKi»f»dlal«TT*if»clw.»«^a?OMl)Ia?1 la TfcGMDB; hn bt« 1 »4Q la 7tO»nA.LB. - 3771-...... ^allsic 3362 loot. Tho. PUauSH; PUS Frkfay, August . . OS: ompmd 13 WMwdv fewmarnMif«0nim«v: nzsaobasMU 2&S0 bO.CC; 2»SD b4U0; DATED this 31st day ol ^wrmal-minimu loroboy ol- 18. 25. Soptombor 1 and * Z H n ll a ca CbM inMr S33 b S hffw.o>wgabB«»drio8oic>»ar: h jXMCOb9UM7.CD-. m U90MEObS.Ca •••...... __ A jvotion is 3357 loot, 8.8 .1 1{ 9 8 9 . : Jrhc;pormr.plant;a:opepj______CO>*Wgltaw(W_(lJO«J—Cw> Can r ■! u a m«M I r ■» cn Tlvndiy; [TWITONESPAY - 6 (■ -QEjastUHOBAMt_____ »!»itod mlo-ol-rivor co thoro tsMf rTvrciTw4 ird dmtrd V*re««*«ri«e*r"**'*r«h»k'«ri4«0 taa I11 n ia w tWRt to an b « moi.i. dowi«• a . CARI ? iw {£tombora. 1&89.______S oalod bids will bo ro- . OcM 9 n ) Oolca 4 canaMi M dr.■».Otl»3iaialCOaa«r.i*nurt)pait[rc 0 Public Accoss and Use. M Mia nnxiM cn 71 ioMi< /taaMOaka9eaM03tanai.CTolca ' gr MONDAY PUBUC NOTICE MJ.S. < Highway 30 provides Mivod undl 1:00 p.m, on • W, SEPTEMBER 11,1.1989 , h^onday, Soptombor 18, . 4 eO M la MA (CMS b 0.COI7.C0 Ib » » . Witr cvowa* Oolo* 1 EB>«n«D laI lOUa Chote } iDMD la im a ^ ZACHARY' EESTATE - HOUSEHOLD - KIMEIMBERLY - 7:5 ••‘ J In compllanco with tho nriccoss to most ol tho crem a «MCD ta ma. o v n 4 OM03M03 bi HCa SMC114 XMCO ta TA M>BcaaMKm4CMBbaea«ittO; «( - ’WVEfrFSEueMT • SEPTEUBER 0 _F-Odaral,Enofoy-BoQula-.. -o.louihwoslom boundary 01- ’"“'*1989, in Iho offico of^tho • rd tull careaM tinn IB m Ntfar. da> M E ESERSMITM ^ AUCTION SERVICEICE - tory-Commiasion's-OFR-ihoho Upper Solmon Rosor- Doan ol Financo In OhTT tnvd I tfl« prw * prka iMk, mo>«T inwerMavuimyMCOUMUp ~ S 7 H U r s d ; s .Section 8.1.-Idoho-Powor ^^jiroir.'Ac^acont to“lho:two i®.rraylor Adminlstrallon - (UOl3MAnailycai.Ea«iouiny ^ >AY, SEPTEMBER 1414.198 9 Tt: Building ol tho CdkMO of ; iny lOcobMi«S7aioBAinenv*'C s. ROSEirfTERIORS 3N - TWIN FALLS ^ providos fjj tho following in- no>oworhousos, a small lOUR rnonv tn o ; bju irW ijB«»S ;-T-r - - AO' torniabon concorning roc- ihodod a n d orassy picnic Southom Idaho, 315 Tolls ; g OM cn S'* b O o( perk ot>Miind I V*b«airln)«rEaB (**n parkpa kira W, tl ta onraJV ____ ^il>TlnnjstCDN^,_iadlMi■ t e ta< hlgr^ (k n n f rraxkmaM_B sp]dj[^taajfCarM_c^^ .--•'li - MESSESERSMITH AUCTION SERVICEICE v ! ro.roation. occoss and othor nr«ir o n Is a v a ila b lo w ith AvorAvonuo, Twin Foib, Idaho, . H mcwTwi iiuJpisa, oAwlroiffedKst*! ...... ^ - — THURSD/I Jrtnktng watorr-toilutj. uiid~ofTd-Bnd-then-puWidy-oponod— 1| - ►AY,-SEPTEMBER 14I4r1989------it H s lor f u m la h ln g m o .f o B o w In g :■ UA roL I porti CBRH cuom MVrad.Sid .74 I Mll.etpar luxirad oaicn. IrWlpomemblra U-Uta'K&C&KftCa'■m'' BIGOERS CONSTRUCTI'TION • COMPLETE UOUIDATtCJIO N - I DAHO FALLS ^ _-its l“ -Twin-Fans.-Uppor-and—,vaviishlng'fadmies. ------forfi ------lxim'Uf*T7r.CDr*>»»Ih«r»'*':7aei9 ta f7ora}3ta«cD«mrwow( tattM•naa-iMatajiccmoa-iMitaiji^ - . Lower Maladj^^Shoshono aRocroation.AMl-Fish.Fa------£r rvmlnirting a paiWng -M... » ca------■------AMERIcXmgSgTATfoTugflgN^EiEERS ” ■ f”Falto.- UpfHK ^ I m o n A 4 diil3litk)s. Y ear-round fishing ktot odiocont to tho S t u - ' LKMCkallnuuitikliytlxrMr: ctfilCtfiw m m easaaioa rcQi MAO, tfiapra v a o a S. Lowor Salmon, and h dent_Hpusjng_Buikling Q ^ S A T U R D AAY, SEPTEM BER 16,16.198 9 -ii 3_pprmittod. .00 Itl waioc.-___ .d -eftsB— hyarooiffcifii—(ijowl and phoasant hunting ori 0 tho dolkigo < ^pus. - h - HATIOiU.SIOO]*lililyactlM: CBirtiaradrad tot VMaadqr. bartoaa and #IB .a . PLAYER ESTAji^ L D -R U PER T ,V.. • pr,projocts. Of, D moi )y JD Ntfw, tfxk ■ a ) b sMdy.■Jy. . . >n tho irrigated lands odja- W V ork c o fts b tt ol corv- naM7afc**a»>m(»i’f44jo:«»,)ai>30 bMomjp: aMObCOMtQ);. xa p>jnfv^fri WALLAUCTJONEERS------Idaho Powor ollors oqua! cora n n o tho projoct Othor ' • ' - structiiius a 14;000-oq^— ■ - Qm : RM » t) SJCxax ------ito its parks and rocroation fa- hoijoating. wator skiing, and A Ibid bond of 5 S (five am k wi> MVM: 4C0 axwunI Cf llIndar esna M CM IV n^ni/TTuratt;ndKyuttK; ro tor » U u ^ cat- ...... ; .~Ul. {cili |cilitios to all mombore ol pic)icnlcf«nn. porecwreont) ol Iho bid lc ro- IM tho putilic wilhout rogord Upper u, Salmon B normal ------\- toiO roco. color, religious ^fjnaximum forobay olova- ■ • Continued--

- r ■ C h _ ------A______,______' Friday, SopKplomber 8,-1989 - •nmos-NewirOWS7T>vln'Ff'»8JgatiaiC:a-.::-z;:: v t r o u n c e wm i g n t s - S ee i l e c t e d o j>ffers 0*02-008 0 S H B l tm tiifflipn a

- LEGAL NOTICEE------: — 002 Lost & Found 007-Jobs of Interest 007-Jobs ' ol Interest 007-Jobs of Interest 1007-Jobs ol Interest' Oi007-Jobs ol Interest 007-Jobs OO: ol Interest 007-007-Jobs of Interest • Continued fromn Lost: It brown Tabby. Poplar 22 conts por mio. paid lorr CCaroor oriontod porson lor 1Experienced bakory rnan- Inside Ir sakn lor tool distrftu- LoLocal tolocommunlcationa A rchltect o r e x p e rie n c e d SnlM „&LficuslM aJ3ai5dO_, - -wh>ntoot»-tO • transport 'c t-- IrIronl-dwk-ln M wfial OlSca. « -lorT-fto-expetiftnca jto c c a - ca nsrehiuemr*rartn»p*fMir n ^ A uS ll^ o r o ^ ’dT :------rAlt'domilrof-tho-bld pio-- tnn- 5^iithnn-a ol Jofomo,0^ onts lor HonBh & Wollaro)_ WMost havo prolcsskxtti .ap- b S ^ T ^ ^ o 't or-733-6144. sary; si will train, guarontood. |mInslaltofs/lechnicians lor to wodc yoar round, tulMimo oygo o o tb a so d com pany, high Suoarloaf aroa, moSiumm" t?oprO £o own car, mia -E r P -aateryr-C«Mot-4f«oryiow,-7- jgsoutliuiii IJuho'atDtr. Ooe -P*P^rlof4A/f>qhl,-Bryan^&- - i,^ coduro. Including plans,, i ’ sizod dog. black w/whilo l^ x p erlg n o e a MK> & MU TCDnnjpwomlat ^ ■opocilicallons. proposals 10 insured. Contact: Joan At-• tht^ tho puUic and have goc^ w y, olders, apply In p orson: am lo 11 am or 4 pm to 7 mtmanaoof, ITC. 734-1300 Johnson in Sun volley. Must c1^11619-231-0589, ^ne ______om, 733-2526 or 733-5137, — fomic ond olhor informQ- chost & paws, brown onm wood at 734-5700 or 1751' socroianola skils such o s typ- Mogic. Valloy Holi-Arc. 168 E Noodod hnmodiotolyl Caring, ”bo , abto to provido rosumo. togs, vory (riondly. $200 ro-0- Elirnboih Blvd,______Inlr>g, filing ar>d pleasnt toio- p SOCIAL.WORKER bon. may bo obtainod Irom Freighlway Strooi. Twin Insulation Ir workers needed. ^dopendablo Nursos' Aldoe, rolofoncoa & examples of ward ollorod, II anyono has phono manpors. Send ro* Fnltg.p ID. - Sun S Volloy-aroa, lull-timo, tn| MSJ work. Salary doponds -ull-timo tieonsod social- ‘ Bob McManaman by call- lull-lirrw, port-lime, dnd on- ^ vorkor. Apply in person at :-i:zi:>flg420aP33.BSSl of'iwil>- - sumo and salary roquirod to: 7 immOdialo oponings. Export- cn!l „ Rhiflq nvnitnhln, nmirf- an .exp o rio n co . C all 726- • PorffDrmot-OoptrPO B or-*£»poooncod.plumbot‘Jwod-_ J n o to tn o lollovVIng od- 1 — 3 0 — ? od. Call 734-8778.______£ . 2414. Twin Falls. 10 83301. | ~ortc<)'p40 Filer Avo. Wost. Tvnn ____ dross; Physical Plant "Of- Ewoiioncod rool estoio loan Iniorslalo ^ Implomont neods loct: lai Carol JarroU, RNDNS. P^an-limo " institutional cook, pnnj'nils, ______. J!i- 003- Spsclal Nolico* -, - _ «JA.posilionJuivaSobk)._on.. ^ .'Bcor'colloflo'of Soumom' = DELIVERY-i ollteo/origlnotor needed.- working 8orvieo.mnnagqL_ J^lBiQjyh3W.Cflro.Conior.._m< 0^ipprox 20 hours a wook. sr—: ------W ahorPTOrBox-t gaOT- - eMit»rluU-and-part-lJRUi______u ^ h r y nngiMlnhlf» Will piy ^onlMrPftfSftnftoCXanyon. "ho Times Newa fa occcpt...... 13I Slop lorodosuros. ropossos-r ------Tm ivERS—GGraan A craa^re C«nt«r Must-havff-lhoroogh-knowt— ” •?; ig'dpisiictiiioris'ioi' fuir-tuTH) • Twin Falls, Idaho, 8330^ edgo of FHA. VA, and con- $500 ^ moVng costs lo nght Nood livo-in manogor lor 14 uj®'/tow Hosp, 228 Shoup Avo f i fJ 1238. Tho Collogd ro-0 . tions, suits, gornishmonis & InGoodino, Col 934-5601. ® porson. Call 324-2800 days W.. Twin Falls. 734-67&). • md part-time positions in tho 5 NEEDED != vo n lto ^ ro- ^ unit gpi. house, 73l-3653_^ g j Tail room. Applicants must sorvcs Iho right to rojoct,ct ■ olhor colloction qgion, Froo^ ______CCook wyitod: brDoklf^ and >. nnd 324-3700 ovonlnQn. — ; -'anygr aii-BaB-aM 'ia"^ny " fanOT. tull trmo, apply t>o- jninos ar>d Loon. P. O. Box Kolchum. K Idaho-Porry's >,1 lospitat, no p s y ^ ' copt the t w doom ed in tho twoon 8 am and noon a] Ra- ^ h a r v e e l. E x p e rie n c e Tn ble to w ^ ovonings arid IMMEDIATELY S 1536. Twin Falls. ID. 83301. Restaumnl R b now hiring lor inco n o c o s s a ^ . C ontacl: ^iahiaighls. Pay wiB commonsu- ' ■ bost Intorost ol tho col-01. AtlomcytLtw. Must havo oconomy car/' mmona Roatauranl in Buhl. ^ bookkeeping, weighing □ lull-timo. yoar-round sia tl. in 'orsonnel. Canyon Viow ,^auo y with oxporloncal AppU- ______toQO____:______. P.O. B ex 166. — mbtorcyclo-of-truckr-MusI — iruckB. and.genoral olKco. losp. 228 Shoup Avo W.. — — -Posilrons-avBllabto Indudo; ^work. Apply al Borgor & Co, aitons win bo accoptod until A Public -Works Conlrac- havo noat.oppoaranco. - CORRESPONDENTS counior work. Ilghl'baklng & •^Falls. 734^60. . tor U conso (or tho.Stalo ^bl 1'S0(^■548^1e6 : 733-2°733*. 1 pm” o 6 pm° « -316 Wost B In Joromo, — let. I.______- I In Floral shop neods ofSco per- ^ ’astry Porloctioo. kxalod in ______ldahQ.h.rQquirQd,to bid o n . Nood swathor opomtora and Varoman It. now o c c o p i i n g ^full ^ time mikor wanlod,______- iJoodod:_Ono_lo^coyer-ir:jonpiouilno.dall)Lroponsz. ------Ihts^prefeeL------aj Z - oonns-ForrriirtHrnntf-Bno-^ ■lofjg totiii wiiployuoii. tf”yoir" . iFjjttentonsrAppjyirrporscir ^ PUBLISH: Friday, Sop­ compuler oxporienco pro- ^ iar with 13 spood R oad'll? P- weight hss throvgh nuai-f AM BmoUS LADIESI for fo Edon, Kozolton and Mur- ; aro^king fora mmo In tho p THE WINDBREAK tombor 8. and Wodnos-0 - tional rogonaration. Sun- fotrod. Somo lolqphono and mountains - 4 enjoy working ,7!Ranger In lormlng condi- ^ Porloci opportunity showing laugh to aroa. Ploaso sond in-storo salos, 733-2674. ’orson noodod lor waro- ® f*ownow laking oppltoolbns lor dav. Soptombor 13.1989.l _ ridor productx. 324.3413 _ bod and pooplo In a !|5Hons). Eilhor lull-llmo or Pof - booutilul lino ol homo docor, covor « lottor, resume and ony ,i — part-timo. Call 423-4269. lOuso & sotos route lor local cockli)ckloil so rv o rs. Apply In writing samples lo Bruco - HFUa-T1M£ CNA POSmON lively [j> olm oshpore. Perry’s E2 irson. 1749 KlfflDerly - toys a-gilts. Froo training & w, in 25 bod skiilod nursing fa- m lUtomotivo painl & supply po rso finnouncam ants ~ 006 Personals kit Earn wookly paychodt Whiling, • ' regional editor. ; m aybe Iho right job lot you. MeMountain Vkiw Caro Center’ loro. For m ^ inlormll^ion BOtar~. 2 < ^ ------:i.-r • —----- 1*1cilJy In Hailoy. Conpoirtlvo c; h Kimberly to aceoplir)g ap- . . 1, - now unlif Christmas. " wages, oxcollont bonolit Cajl726-;703, ^ _h all 734-1355 botwoon 9 am Truckuck driver, hay hauler, a l c o h o u c s - CaU Rhonda 017 3 3 - 0 8 3 1 ^ - Jv p s ^ s lor.RN coverago. ■ ^ T podiago, floxblo schoduto. - ^Horizon fiit is occopling a p - 3pm rask-forOon ur Kriral,~^ ommroundr^ooddrlvinB n n i ------pBcalkjns lor gonoral ticket ^Comorin our stall ond on- s— ANONYMOUS Night shift position open Call Tina Brown. P“ )oy on atlracJlvo rural sotting. 'orson lo work in door shop, rocorccord. FLYING DUTCH- Con 733-8300 AN LINE, 934-4064. 002 Ufit & Found - working wilh devolopmon- Blalno Manor. 78S-2243. W Compotitivo salary In Iriendly ^arpomry exporionco helpful, MANL CUSTOhCn SERVICE ^ atmosphere. Contoct Carol omo hoavy lilting involvod. Twinvin IFoils Hotchory noods ■ _ Aro thoro rololkxtsh^ thatit tally disablod chldron, lul- REPRESENTATIVE £Full-iimo dotrvoly and waro- — Found al Travolora O asb,}. you long Icr bul donl soom'n- timo, 10 to 6 shill, training n, Local trucking company Jarrell. Jar DNS. 423-5591. o«. Cohlor. 1-86»367-B7aa. _ Goodina. 934-5603. fj, our Iruck kiiiiang e m otion. pications n(c for LPN coverage, )3-4263ooiwoon 10 om litude.? Do you possoss Full Fu limo experienced moal Must u!! hovo own oquipmont vo.Twin Falls, 734-7770. a n>d2 d 2 {pm. Thurs or Frf. malo, k yolJow Lab,- possibly culler noodod in Burloy Como Join our stall and en- — ' 'y HOTLINE • 733- Bost Wostorn Canyon gcgood soiling ability and hu- cu and 01 loas] 3 yoars o w r f - uv SMvod. Cnll 734-2446. Springs Inn is o cc^ting -op- > man m; relation skills? Aro you sicsloro. Good wages, vocotlon loy on ollroctivo rural sotliru. _ PLANT ENGINEER Vogota•geiaoio procosslng, Sopt 7 0122 onco. Contact Kevin al TNC, K , ho J.R, Simplot Co' Food Ihroug ■ ptcalions lor part-limo calor- organized or ar>d do you hove onand medical bonolits ovoil- Compotitivo salary In friendly rough March. Northwest FOUND; Bfitarw/Shorthalr X, A problom b r>ot a prob- rocossing ploni ol Hoyburn, Commt>mm0dli09. 326-4114, in Iho Soulh H is. Coll 734- ■ ing/col-up & wookond g gc o o d tim o m a n a g o m o n i nbablo. Call 678-5652 lor nool. ^ atmosphoro. Conlaci Carol '• lom whon shared. Montal LPN-Charge Nurao. night Jar : Is accepting.opplicotions Wontec 0250 or 734-6168.______skills?? Woll. i{ Ihis is you. i rFull-iimoJ porson lo oporalo Jarroll, DN9.423-5591. intod; oxporioncod hord- - Hoolth Association. 5pm to shilt. part-timo, compolitivo f 0 plant onginoor. Appli. sporeororeon for dairy. 324-5691. Found: vory small molo Poo->• 7nm. 24 houre on wkndS. wo havo a Goldon Opponu- noisorvico bay lor Itoot ol trucks Nood 2 good pocph) to grow r , ------. . „ - phono calls ok) nitnHyl .... ; ______lan, wagos. Wood Rivor Conv ,with expanding pump and.Ir-- jntodioxporloncod bolor______------dto-X.-blondo/oprkiot-cotor, and-lamjoquipmonl,.oxpori-. Ctr.Canom3-88S:2228, p," ------S?' woAdoring Bluo Lakos Blvd Bost Wostorn Canyon W o'ro 0 multtbllllon dollar iorvof>coprolofror423-426r ^ rigailon buslnoss. Do«p woi oratof. C al 324-7125, ' . ° ANONYMOUS corporation and o toador in a onginooring with 3 to 5 N, In winiiy ol Gomnl Solol- •LPNS.flNS turbine, iwt submorsiblo pump ord‘9 Choose Inc, an ^ ______733-S1I3______I tho Rnandol Sorvlcos Indus- ! ^Full-iimo rocoplionlsl/olllco Green Acres need* you. and sexporionco, proforrobly ■ Cio Systonu. Will bo toKon lo - socrotaiy. N oodskiUsinlyp-. r ! ' and contor pivol installalloo i Sth , tho-lood-procossing in- OP onvloyor. is c u m m tly -______Citv Pound. ® - PREGNANT-NEED HELP? oyrMiist\ bo riedt'ahd 'fVtry; Wo cuiiontty hovo o n ! ^ luD 'and part-timo positions and anc service, Exporionco 7 ^, »pting opptcotions ai its _ Froo pregnancy testing j ejxtning in our Twin FAIIs of- ing, filing, answorirw phono available. „ “ New admlnisira- hoV isiiy. Must p b s^ n ^ Mility ““ “ pt" 3 sonablo.Apply in porson. hobful. or il you havo tho “ “Splan, onjoWio, tfnd diroct rmilooiuring focilitlos in - - ■ Afo you planning a movo?7 - -availablo.Call Prognancy i llco for a porson-who Is lion wilh excellent col- desire, des aplitudo and attHudo / Mon-Fri, « to 5 pm, no *1* d th o a ciiW ie so l ^ ^'>Vitold 5 '' & Coroy. No o>po- Clasiiliod ads will point youu Hoillno & Crisis Contor,-r.• phono c.ills ploaso, Hhighly motivalod a!hd wiliiig Sy' kiogues.' Modicoro tacikiy • consWeroJlon con wll bo givon. 5 ^ w'roquIrod._Cal JolTall d 734-7472. 24-houre a day:— | -to-do-what iHakd s lo b o sw - Kfmborly_Borionco. Sond re- ^ Iblophono'. Computor 4 rj— ivostock, Cnll 637.4531, ts b now occopling draft- comoimo, family' hospitaliatlon policy, savings, and rolito- bobookkeeping exporionco Moior relailoris cuffontty. *3££ g dosign opplicolions start- and v wtwnd. Rownrdl 733-3875. position. p Excollont salary sumo s and photograph 10: lootang tor a luU-limo retail Noodod Noc oxp. loom lo mon- |( nd vacatkMU. Contact Ron 0 and bonolits. Contact Jill Box £ 1987, c/o The Times- K?mont plan. hoholplul. Salary commonsu- g immediately. Ptoaso con- Bustoi Lost: Chihuahua, lawnMhllo f Only Sorious Individuals m, loss provonlion officor. Ex- ago ago sm. wookly molol, living (qci - Howoll. LTCU, St. Bono- Nows. ^ Box,548. Twin Falls, lalo with experience. Sond cl Connio Olmstood at son a: markings. 8/29/89, 734- \ nood apply in porson ol: re: porience prolorrod, but not Q quouortors & salary, 436-4036. ygs.;(8-3456 or sond rosumo lo BuIck, ' 5734 aftor 3:30. Howardl diets, c 324-4301, oxt 201. ID II 833(13. X; resume lo: Box 5297 c/o ulek, 712 Mnin Avo. Sotrth, I Avco Financial Son/icos ' Tho jh Timos-Nows, PO Box roc)uirod. Wages .based on Noodod Immodlaloly, lull- P.O.0. Box 1066, Hailoy. ID. ------' J ______70i705 Bluo Lokes Blvd N. S46. Twin Falla. 10 83303. oxnrioneo. Sond rosumo to: time RN or LPN lor day and 83331333. ______I win Falls. ID 83301. j j r Bw 6907, c/o Tho Times- ^ T Coy Bank ol Idaho. AN AA- n q , ovoning shill. Excoltonl bon- p,oloolossnnal rosumo sorvico. « EOgM/FA//R- Nows, Box. 548. Twki Falls. o£t ^ poouigo. Salary nogolla- Kpo S T O P - :0 . Employer sooklng port- 10ULB3303. ( • 2 ;;; >0 of organizo. 733-2009, _ 1Dopendablo cook and dish- ijmiimo tollor. oxperionco pn>- r ;~ bio. P lo aso contocl A lien PoylyStolton < LIstonInn Post. w ash o r n o o d e d rA p p ly .frr jorrorrodrComacf-Poul Olfea. Manicurist position open. Slotfonson. Sto' ONS, Haualis. n r r i B H i g a i wmmlsston or hourly wago. 'NunNursing Homo. 543-6401. ogrtaslvo folail lorliliior R " I G H T -AvamJOWOSi- ____= Slaiisji ijiiiiuflricJrxoir lailoy iu3got Ronl-A-Cor p S y^^^toid^pororvlw^ I— .Doakclorkl.NonrSmoking., 1^“! •odorol.iow requires om:.. I^rr.umo.ond/or.qulairicoltons , . IH J E R E ! “ = GLASSIEIIlE D O R D E firrainifFfi l evenings and ovornighi. ounlor sonnco rcp,-Applyat Maliklaluro'loam for manogors n|oy( 224AirportWay. Hailov. ID iloyem 10 vorily that 08 om- to; EBox 6561, c/o Tho No> noodno to look lurthor. maida also needed. Call 77^ )f small mcbilo homo park in nbvritoyoos hovo tno legal right Timoslos Nows, PO Box 548, -$4.00.00 on hour lo start w/ It you are unable1 toti call or come by tthe Times-News r 625-5200. S ______Hiriiliring 20 demos lor House Twirrwin Fans. Call 788-2858 or 100 Z,work in the Unitod Slotos. Twhri 1Fnlls. ID 83303. raisesSOS ovory IS days lintil r Lloyd, supor party plan! 734-'34-9128. ______^ ^°mp JJdIla£*Jiofparij¥nm«.d,. c,- Rosolralorv Thomnv Y°»u^roach^|» rc> .0(yhr.-Patt- - fllfleer-slmply::ellpJPTBnd-nislHhls-ordi rder-rorm-to-eui^ — Lang Exploratory Drilling roo-kili-Priz«fr,-T4ainIng.- .MH)c■liikina pasitionfot------doctiI iTuulu IJ° ^ ail829.5017- ~ - ii-iimo o M n ln a cRT-T, ~ 'Cluoingd ilepartmenent'sniiat w rcairgelDryourad'startBd' ^S^06KIhfl^drTf8pbns^bIo~~ rxperlonced-person-with- -tdont and dopendablo pooplo to 7lousekooping ®*- positon. goolodd work haoHs.'Salary statota!??5'card) ond your w ork' ^ 0^SK Stef'SSSants Passbook ...... wlUioufdBlay. worwork In Iho wator ond minor- ”^ply PI In porson al W««t DOE!)0E, Cnl 324-2431. oolhcothorizollon (soclol socurily on-cacall. Excollonl benelita. „ „ ais drilBng industry. Employ- “laglc •! Car« Canter, 640 MoriCorning and wookond part- c^rdnrd Of birth cortlficalot. Conto'llaa; Shorrkj Matonoy ol IMMEDIATE HIRE • Please printnt clearly with dark penigncll or pen . oos must bo willing lo travel ^ilor Avo. Wost, Twin Falls. jj^ a v a l^ to virorking Nowlow taking applications lor 436-0>-0481 or so n d rosum o . . . Iho Woslorn U.S, nnd bo HOW WOULD YOU fwilh ^^ono pperator/ordor.__...... ------sppronlniately-Zfrcliarai filh monlally rolardod.chil-. o:?«ixpertoncod .lloral. deslpnor. lo: WiMinidoka Memorial Hoa- 3 6 ^ »JhBnn r n p racters------ijji~gni[na tb work 60 to 70 ------LIKEA--. ' ' - droniron^^mua be 18'yoars o r 'P I'loaso o a ' sond resume Io: Box pial,ri224-eih' Sireet.' Ru.- (including bliblank spaces) per line,I. fioohbbraporwijoICTh'is'Iofaea T7CrCom^Ioirvo salary? ! ago.'go, rib oxporienco'nocos- ‘5190.190.-c/o-Th0^os-Nows7- poit,~l[1,-10 83350,------JST -droaa-neal-lor ------: so olHco posit»ns. permanoni postilion with 2.. PPaid vacation? soryory. All training provided. ' POO Box£ 548. Twin Fals, ID R f5, ^ lull limo. roliel lor om’o ------^ •I’ l e a s a p a yir-a - a c c o rd ln g t o r a t e s c hliedule e which Is . goodgOO' pay. bonofii6..and.op-_ .3,8.Bonuaprogrnrn?- . , ; GoOi»ood pay raises. nvaSabto^ 8330:2221 ______- anJ-pL p m 't^lO --.-. por- hour pply .Tuosday thnj Frf- 1 portunily lor advancomonl. 4.. HHoallh & klo insuranco I Con yflb'nm-S pmiot t025'------iontaci Pally at Groen part-art-tlme certified teacher basodod on exporionco. Magic iLA; printed belni*low : Coll fi0r973-6667’ MoSday" " ‘pl•plan? ------— ;Aic c ri ro s Training C o n lo r in for»rreading.grades re r-3. Con-' VanoyoyManor; 536--6623;-- ' 3ho3hono.NuSuilfl 1. ______—;------•------ihro through FrkJay, 8 am lo 5 5., AAdvoncemenl oppoiluni- 1 Gooi^■'>9. - tactId I Kon Black. Suporinton- _____ pm. lor an ooolication.______ly 934-5603. dont.ont, 837-4777.______, Colocation posibillilos?.',. _! Please runI imy ad in ciassisiflcation ! ^ DRIVERS ...... UVE^N NANNIES Part-iart-timo Engllsh-es-o-soc- 007-ir-JobsolInlerflst. 007-J17-Jobs of ln tfife s tl_ ; ____ ft « J Loosing is rocoiving ! f l « ^0 nood Immodiotoly, a ' IY a n d DC fam ilie s p a y I ond-lind-langu'ogo insJoiciors In # ______L f o r ______now tnjcks and is accc^ting j 200/por wook and up plus i Jackiockpoi, NE. Coll Oianna - J a y s . ! SappJicalions lor tho positions I ul). Jackpot School 702-______ol soto long haulWrrors. lor ] ------W E ' R B G R O W ------' {Hrint one character pep e r s p a c e p le a se , includiri!ling blank spaces.) j ^ J? Apply in porson al Iho 55-2375 Of Chll Forry 702- I I Wosiorn Slates. Com- 'annios..1.-0O3-27l.-2289...,.., 738-G38-8493 ...... - p'onsatiori' ranges' Irom \ } J•avolor'a ^ O ase; nonh ol tho i f - k -kSr - - - - - 20-23-oonts-periTrikhforlhfr-iHQ: — a ’s "I said and oflicloni drivbrs. I H y&uyC oro ((Uolifiodlo do'fino . ’ECH N ieiA N S-WWANTEDT ------I Loot woodworking, wo'd love to w7-»7-Jobsollnterest _ 007- Loading and unloading, and 1 w» : W« bait-gpealDBs f ir 2 q ta llfirt >»acaiioft-payrmajor-modical i —-talktoyt«j;Colliisot l Ifirtfaclmltlra.- .------: 3aid paid ahor probation period. : - Engbe^js>fumlture, E ■ MlnlminnSreanapsrlepsrieoca. For moro information and' ^ . EicflllsntHorUngcaQdloodlUoits- » 30ssibl0 posi omploymont call Indedopendoni Horbolilo Dis- *J o n io it C ARRIERa bsiteHb/salanf commensuratBa ««ll lth a p etiaan . ______I Scott. Scot 208-64f-^9S. trjbuibutors noodod. 324-5273 [ • E g IHoRtact: Mr.ChuckHosniao CanPaulnCttevrololPlol Pontiac GMC Geo R o u n noma ' 007-Jobs 007- Of Interest 007»7-Jobs of Interest ARE NOW AVAILIILABLEIN _ i5 Name______- , ------j ( Address SALES REPRESIi E N T A T l V E .'''1THE BURLEY RUPIPERTAREA - -^Clty/Slate/ZIjL._____ It Interested, pie:lease call______j Phono Mnmhor ~ —^ : * r ------TftffTnnBS=-Hs EgH niaiiT ______! 3900 or 73'3 4 -6 5 6 j Kumber ol Days Charlarge per llne~_ “ >1 Part time 8veil e n l n g POSITIONS AVAILUUBLE Plant •Canteen* WaiW a r e h o u s e telemarketing pelpersonnel z > 1-3 d ay s...... 5i2.S0 2 . per line • Ag Departmentn t ai n d * t r a c a s h ____ ------...... : !4J)0.j>eiLlIna^4. needed. Earn ext ----- Speolal-Sanltatioiro n C r e w ------. M S riayf>— !63Sjjec4Irfe_ - tetuetrlni;., S J i ]ui>t;ly;tBlin5ii5nilillural business localed = ==OAY=SHIFT- ^ 16-30 dav3.....7..—■■ 112.00 per Mne i - ' ini, Buhl, Idaho, Is seeking an indrvidiidual to fill its Coti/ollor — vacation. Btoi o n n s — - 5 ^ - 6 days per weell e e k " ' ' ■ ~ ~ pusittuii.P' Rm)jon3ii}itltiss*inclidudcrfflflftftgtngTtnd ------6:00 BimHo 6:001 » l i n e s _ xS/llne dcvelc^ing finaflcial control syslerlems and organization; • ; - ^^r~lncentl\refflBCli p i c l n d e d ~ ^ ^ ------NIGHT SHIFl “ S u b t o t a l I " supovisinfla accountinfl; (rnanciaJli i planning and control t e h o n i s ^ ^ ------^ ^X^DodpayJar-llie 6 nights per weew e e k " For each Sunday insinsertion7add-,$1if'adi i adivillos; and analyzing financialJ mn ulls, Roquirements - ' ^ C dis-5------6:00 p.m. to 6:00:10 a . m . or less lines; add $2 if ad IS 6 or m ore lineslin +______. includo a minimum ot 3 yea/s controller c( upcricnco ; l \ t Involved ^ prelerably-wilh a tnanut£turino conOTipany, having a good • ■ ^ 1 > SeeSandIa SPECIAL SANITATATION ; knmledgo ol cost accounting. Mu kn Must be a CPA. Salary i, ':’ -SS Every other even!e n l n g range Including bonus, $45k |9 65165k, Reports dircdly to ■ .,i , V L rrrr—.-igtotal"- ■ ^ - — - trom4:0B p.m?to 8:08:0Dp.m=—^ ^

-- ■______■ MaiMail.your.ordor form lo;____ - For immediaJo consideration, picacast! send you resume ______APPLY AT ■ along wiirsalaiyhiitflrytorPiGslcJclflait“(tangcnrtnc,7 P0 : I . 7 p ^1323rd;st. JPILLSBURY/GREENENiGIANTz: -i-— ^ .fl• Bcx7O0;Buhl,t4ih(j83316, P l e a s e ^ ^ ^ - — AflCijalCRwuayCfri ‘ Ho P ^ e Calls Pli 4 3 0 7TH a v e n uE e S: O U T H ------1 3 ^ 2 =B U H L , IDAHO 838 3 3 1 6 ; P.O. Box 548 -...... TV/lrwin Falls, Idaho 83303 5 4 3 - 4 3 2 2 OR 5 4 3 3 - 6 6 4 6 ;

^ _____ ------:____ :______:------^------— :— ’ " T------______:______- ______Friday, Soptombor 8 . 1989 Timos-Nows, Twin Fnlls. Idaho C-5 ■ C-4 nm os-N ow o, Twin Fallaalia. Idaho Friday. Soplombolibofa, 1 3 0 9 '^ ' — ------fw^ - f » g -

_ 2 f 198'19 DODCGE RA»M T 5 0 .

?------— AI lo t o f t r u c k: k ^ - — - 1 % m _ _ J I ---- ve c/uci'’’- in a little- itackt p a c k a g e ! ^ L______^ S _ _ 3 _ r

1 F?53------— pTA

#1500' r ^ ^ " T w l iKi&jy tnngdo $ 0 “Di P* I & »Icpriceafterrcb.ileS10.788. Unitssubjoct lc>priors.iIi', Ierm.s72 montlv., 13J7% A PR ,tol.ll monthly pynH -nts.inddow n p.iyment$t6.559,2H. ____ ^ . .ifter rc b jlf S6.768, Dnlls subfubK-ct lo prior sale, tcrm a 72 m onth;nths. 13.41% APR, monlhlyly ]p.iymcnL"; .m d dow n paym ent!:ntS10.«0.00. -No U.illoon I’jyniL'niL'nld. L^stiiuUon Is IncludL'd inn ouroi pncL-. do uuw :i, u x 6c title; inciuoi'a.inii paym em . J j w m m M W m m ...... 'i p 9 - 8 9 - . P Bm ] a w r u A AM .^0-t• C l u b ^ O>afo \ ^ ^ ' ' a-DODGE CARA¥AN^^Eassen^er---.-H— : a ? i m e ^ ^ - B i g - 1:-Inside,but. E__.^======^ (531 \ f u sst i th e righ t m . ■ “ ____ ^ ?______^s i z e t o yo~ I m y w h e r e l 7 h " ^ ' ^^rowdyY R I C K Y ^ r a n k s B H jW J ? ...... r r n F ^ BrifTiii r ^ ______.JL.. -. / 3 Down '‘^M S S m o . _ ,...... #1451' - 1 9 M ®.™®0I ______-, . ------Sak-pricc51Z-1^-UnitssubjL-ctlnpri6r&ik-,term&72monlhs,13J4% APR.toUlmonthlypaymentsanddownpaymcntS19,I51.2a...... n . ______ibjcct to prior sale, term s 72 m onths.iths. 14.027c. APB. m onlhly' ppaym cnU and dow n paymenl^ou saS i6 a .o o- ^ ^ * 6 rico after icbalc S7788. Units sub jc --- ^S^F^LhH !i No Balloon P.iymenln.De.'itinjitianU included in our prinv SO dow n, tax iclille included in paym ent. ^ a ------N o Balloon Paymeim enis;DcstlM tlon la Included in1 ourou pricc. $0 dow n, Uix & title includedin in p.iymcnt. S e p t . T [ l ^89 DOD)GE POIWERIL^ 4M 50 A4X4 ^ b’veCot13118^1111^ fSan’t ReAlSe! 19S9 dodge WISO 4X4 Long-bed 11 ■ T B Wh —2 J --- -

ow er packeda ( T ^ ^ J7 r f i l i ; -i^|?;[L3lB aajB }M 4x4, try it! i r : : : '

______• I — n ------§ ' ^ | H ...... C a n ^ ? «356 &ile pricc .ifter reb.ite S12.58a. Unils subjecl lo prinr sale. Icmvi 72 m nnihy13.61^. APR. total monthly paym cntnand-down paym ent $lQ/Oq,28,------SilcpricciICC nf WT Ttb.1 te 5890a.-Unltrsubjeibjcct to p n o r salc.'IciiiLi 72 tnonths^th.ir13<030^ArR.-tolaln>OAlUy.p ■•payment* an d do w n paymont t — ------— ~r— ------; ...... - ...... - r ------— ■ No!oonTayincnts. Deslinalion is includL>dinourprice.SOdown.t.'>x&tillo included Inpaymenl. t No Balloon PaymciTients. Destination w included in^ ou6u r pricc; $0 dow n, tax& litlu includedin in paym ent. ^MOVT^rAN/k'DON” ^ e n a e n ______?ETS89-B0BCGE 0-l/2^Toi»ii Lon§-l■bed- -M

: ...... / ' ------^uannnii^ ^ ^ itra length - ^ _____ B i >r-the-lonx— h a u l !

1 ...... p H ln S DOWN )

H . . « ^ ^ D E IILIVERS!/ -- -sljl------^ . _ -#T115 ^®wm— I ^ ------— S.ile price .ifter ix-b.ilc512,688. Units subject li> prior s.ile, lem is 72 m onths, 1331% APR, monlhly p.iyments and dow n p.iymL'nt S1‘J,439.2H. S.'I«.‘ prtroro .1.iflcr nrKnte S10.488. UniLS subfiibjcci to priorM lc, term s 72 m onth:nths. 1.1.61% APR, luLil monthlyy p.iymento{ and dow n p.iymentntS16.2X.00. 5 S ___ NoD.illoonP.iymenl.s. Di-Slinalion Ls includi-d In ourprice.SOdown, I.1X& lillcincludfd inp.iym ent. ______^ ^______^ ? | _ 2 _ N o lUiloon P.iymotn o n ti' Dl■^lin.^tion ts included in1 ourou pria*. SO dow n, t.ix & title includedim in paym enl. ANPACALK^ —Mol<;---- '

'.... Til^at's Mi| ___ ^ ^ ____ ■ __- SIESMa l! ^ ^ \wLj' / ~, " ■ Z i ? ______^______«A7>r.. : .L _ -

“ 1 ? " ~m m ; Falls T I m ^ ::i:= CgHRYiS E lfiF~^PI^iWWITI'F>^^B>0PGE = = ~ ^= ^^

------^ ^ ^ “ ^ “ T^ ~ 7 r : ' ^— r------i — ______- _____ ^ u . ' . ; _ £ - 6 Timos-Nowa. Twfn Fnjio•njl9. Idaho Friday. Soptombcnbor,6.1989

i l c s t a i ^ M ' M e n t a l &i s ^ M c r c h am t d i s e 7 70 6 9 - 0 6 T :...... eictedjjifsJ e r s - R e a l - - I . ------

052 Fumlshod Apts. 060o& Warohouso 009 ' Adult Caro SorvicosI 030 Homos For Saio 0 3 0 Homo* F o r Salo 03>-HoniO9 For Sale 03>>Home9 For Salo i03a Acresgo & Lots 045 Uobllo Homos 1 ;& Ouploxo* & Storago Rontal A lew Sahara, 28 x 5273 . Oolrfon Ago II rotlromoftlnl Boaulitu|-yard.-~4-t>odroom.- ---- JUST LISTEDI----' j Custom 4 .l3drm homo, on t iDuplox plus 1 bodroom 44 aaos on comor of E (? / a a o In q u id NE locolion. hhomo. $£3€0 gross ren t Fl- kland and Konnolh. C al 789- bodroom. t 2 bath.'asking ;Ctoan 1 bdrm, w A vashor^ ^For ront: spaco in my stool, fcmo. r»w h43 0 vacancy, brick, lull bacomonl. liro- 526,600. Cafl DoooM. 733- ] comont floor bom. Ctril 324- f ^ il y cJyJo coBimi^. Fof moro'to ptaco, $62.500. . ' many amonrtbs. nico land- nandng r availablo. $49,500. £9636. J inlomintpn 73i-77B3. ■ ___ Quality.builto'norgy—- * 116,000. CaH- 1 bathi n g T i^ lta ir sun 37 2 acros. 2 bodroom homo,“ 'only c tWHTW 6 yre. w c . conii.. H ------^^|._.s*rvlca*-,.--- ... baih.garago.$68.500., _ . nlcoly-linishod iiving-aroa.^ •*UqulcWvU.bdnT»,’2b e a lh . j Lrg.l bdrm, quot no^htwr- Wantod vvt to ront: smaU b ^ __ tvornroon Roahy porch, huQO lot. 423-4226 . ccorral. Twin Falls wator• £C ^ 645-6975 or 645-208S. Pricodatjust$52.000. full h bsmt, fruit troos. gardon t ■ Doublo-wkto mobilo homo. 3 ho^, 5185 dop. Can 734- nesa^tF. spaco In Jerome. Can '' i AMERICAN 734-0200 > 4 moro, $34,900. Will con- rights, $59,500. • [ 324-5676 w 324wt648. _ o a c y t o own- ossumabio S Evo^roi^^ony bdmi.t 2 bath. $6000. Cali ^ I ______32. nPor»onnel & Temporary - FHA loan'. Ownor wiil canv- ssidor olfor. Coll 733-1364, REDUCEOI N k»1 bodroom. all utiiitios •= -M erchandixQ ______.______*1 _ S«rvlc*» ___ _ - hic oquity-W ith-S2S00' PONY-PERFECT— -. . .8 8 6 ^ 7 2 1 ______- Ilndudod,-$1 BO; 734-S32S.- ~ — ; T^Sovoii ollicos to cbrvo yoo down. Call today • won't . Charming older hom o In ■ fFabulous vtow ol Snako Riv- »Mobiki homo. 28 x 48 It, ! •J M/F/HAT-EOE “"W e r y t h in g ‘ * has corrals, pasturo. tack ^ or.2 +ocros. 2 Wotor shares. £Buhl Mooogksw Adult MoMo !SmoD apl. 5165 f dop, utils ■ lost John Banuioss. h oxcollont area. 4 bod- c od. 733-0340 or 734-8422 — ; ffw h Falls______J34-6452.52 - _YOUR HEART _ bam;..big Bhop,.and,n 4. room J s. V /a baths, lovoiy ^May split-2 parcois. S15.000 . Porit- F 2 txlrm. 2 bath, 2 out- 1 ------bbdrm_2_baih-homo.-ALL. - ’/^.dowrt, OAC^r 720-7999,-— t -Studto apt-in-Twin.-AH-ulHi- -fli i ■ *60120.... 55^ -DESIRES.------THIS FOR $67.9001 T73. - :c*nInfl'Toom“ J a n d Wtchon.- I '067''Usc«Ilsneou* > -gtoragp-faa so m e n t ' i t e u g y- iiirrHoOstonownslto nuxfto- t -1ttr*-pdT-5^W0/mor^hato- — roofs, not lo bo movod. 1 :------Por^ifi ^ ^ In c lu d in g on ollico lor7 —COtDW Ettr“- TROBERrOORES' has'tMonf rocondy* painted tltho school, tots 24-27 on) r bnlh, 834-4216 ovos. »Elko,NV...... 702-738-1595S Dad. 3 bdrm. 2 bath on tho outskto ond looks tunim provod, lot 26-32 im- Can ( 1-362-2604.______' .1 0 X 24 Svriss motal lotho, ’ . .— ■Wkinomocca.702-623-2399 H.__ BANKER REALTY ‘ 054 Unfumishtid Apts. S tiom o: Boautiluiiy romod-- ...... 733*a404...... -. Isharp. CalLRolph. 733-_ provod. r includos comoni Modom n doublo wk)o mobiio I fulfyjootod. 51625; hoavy I . oiod kitchon. wroodstovo., WESTERN REALTY S576, #165-89. 549.900. floundatioo. sprihWor sysJom.-■ 1 hbmoTIn.boaCtlilul Bronti " " i Dup'loxa*------d'd uty l w o f powdr-hodc saw...... r qioaning o i^ isuina lor old-d- Jovoly rodwood dock, lullII - 733-2355 ccity wator, olociriclly' woodv Woct, Mosa Arizona. 5563. Can 7 3 ^ 6 2 4 Bvoa, d Indopondontly ownod 4 1-000-262-5001 • hook-up and soplic lank. 733-29951 for tnlonnaHon. ' ■ ody in thoir homo, navo rol-}|- c p r in k io r s y o to m . a n d ______FXT 1?11 ______J 20x42^ t ^ ^ _____ !------te?ftcoa.C^34-fl76^^ ------__ oorolroo-llletim»-«iomg— ------— _ — ^------JGEM STATE - j^tlco-noflotiblo. Call 7 t7 i.- I»-Nka -U ^Sg-Govomorr-flH- _____- l i 2idmuipta______^ HnaUy, s shopping sorvicolr This homo shows prido o f REALTY^ -"^ 261-0310, 2 ______1_,. . ssot up at Comoo MHP, Twin QUIETLUXURY mount. 5 4 S « ^ 6x20 poly ^Joo<^ grocoitos. o ^ s or pro-L ownorship, $47,600, Call" M O -H o m M f o r S a l e I030-Homos For SalQ 734-0400 • »Mobile hom e lot*. Adult 4 •Falb, -f Has skirting, caiport.' ' • «Lg ^alk-in d o so ts; AC sun scroon. cost 549.9S/of- __ Forost today.______family, torms, FHA 4 VA ap- iutils all hookod up. Movo Laurol Park Apartmonts fo, (■pbllofta7C«ll 4 23^ 7B 9._ ____ Q B J Q L L I tor. Coll 733-6276.______r 'righHTTT-^^goo^ondr ------1?6-Mauri«>-6L-Nn------S l^ondlng and oliorolionsi«' 512 ALPINE BEALTY ceplionar&ewiltrW'” !1-eOO-34S~4665 o x t E lT S t 'Uoauiifui cardoiui uropnetr------^ . qnll 326~4625 0V03. YOURDREAMHOMEIN v Apt 304, m anagor 5t50/otlor. K Col 733-7414, • 734-3373 . lart on main level, Lovely. . V.I.P. ELEGANCE THE COUNTRY ' BI ^ l ^ n ' a Mobllft Homes 734U 195. II Prolattlonal housocloan- h?Rf)khsl nooK, anolnI r tjedroom & baih in • 734.3167..-324^203- ‘ ------1 ^ . TIrorw gh ft mBu^«to ond pSancos. j 1412 6th Avo East. ^ f f ^ n n b io rnlM. 4M-6340. — EasciM iil w llli laiiillv lui 3 balhs, bam 4 outbtjildioflS. ago 3-7. 569 or offer. Call fi covercd oaUo. alufnmym sidi family room witf) firoplaco on ; 2.63 ocros. Apt A, Twin Falls. : 2^ ~ For sakl by ownor: 2. bdrm,, oj>d w ot bar, dock to onjoy 7S^167&. - - homo wilh loncod badtyofd.^-i.v'pafking. partal-^rinkter.sysl B am ea Really -tho torrillc viovf. lovoiy - Blazo Kina wood stovo. w /...... 2 advertise . cloco to shOM>ing. schools 4 ynrri M U ST fiF gl______'1043 Blue L a k e e ^ r th '1R g n W i t 5 ~ parkrS24;000:-C«!l-733— - 733-8227------| • ca»o^r5750-of-bost-o«of:------4 ------yO U R ------— COuWRy-QuVET^^cre^ Attraclivo 1 4 2 bodroom' Call q; 734-2794. __ B925 days. 734-5763 ovw _^ ROBERT JONES : n p ta , w /npplB . DW. r^lco ;r- r— :isEflwc£5PHCJAm- ,/ For salo by ownor: TwTnT — : re a l t y to all your noods. 733-0626. - • y a rd , C loso 10 Shopping,- ^ pU eed under lf)o hotaing o f - : ^ S ------y '575; Toro pbwoMliovoii” Fails. 3 bdrm homo, totally Im m edialepos^sion. REI 733-0404 ------^------' C 050 Fumlshod Housos rontal ^ assistanco avalablo. y^urefioleet ropaintod ft ronovatod. now E.H.O, WondoD. S36-6244. 520; | | roeUypo push mowor. B corpolB..now_opp!inncps. J or r039 BuBlnoss.Hrop«cty. j 520. Call 7 ^ 7 3 9 , evos. __ Y«ur-«d'W[ll-mch-33,000 ...... 1.800-26Z-5001 FuifyJumishod. 2 bdnr*. don;- CkMin c 1 bdnn.-stovo. Hdgo. ^ a wator coltonor. drapos.- ji lisfed'is ihis-2 ^droom - - Comptolo salolito systom. 4 ll)nlilo» ovcfydiy *rid lha le&new oqitpatelhislhe ______EXT. 1211______j2400 sq rt commorcial buik)-' Iiroplaco. * garago. loaso 8 0a l utils pd. 5215 + dop. No ^ Lorgo loncod comor tot. wilh m o 5350. Rols 4 dop. Ma- £pots, Carf33-38B9. days. years old, 5895:734-9294. • - r v u lli will Sorvico Directory, da3y • * Desk.\ 7 draw or...... $99,95 ft nowly carpolod palio. woman. 4300 sq ll. architoct RETABJPROFESSIONAL ' • Desk, drop lo a f-...... $89,95 (»4 Chlldcffrs StrvlM a dosignod. plu s 2Mt>acros. in Timos-Nows Classiliods. * J Roady for rww ownors to BULOMG FOR SALE- 2 ; bdrm. 633 2nd Avo Wost. r • Carpol sam pler...... $,60 ea ; & IRVOIN f iEEALTYmc. f l SHftndy Iccniion. 423-4934. HIGHTRAFnC ' In Jerom e: 2 bdrm, V/a I r Bo-Poop Kindorgarlon &r movo in. Cali 825-5655 or stovo, rofrig lurnlshod. 5295 • Chost of drawers, 4 draw ... d-jltnr.Sjin-fl25:5141i______734-6500 ____ J bath. W/D hook-up. 5235. IQ______: ■tO1“ O U t'0P rD w n;K 0iT W : ‘b 824-7127 w S244}499 t t tM a^^i^^ol 1 00 maicvimEn-80»453«30 , ° - .733.8656.------| V rorW Hravw ^— - cMiToamgoumiEiMci room for smjoll'iivmg q u a r-' '2 hBco unit In a irif^x. 2 bod------} teflmlng oxponorwo.-Qoal- 3 bdmi-houso. 5245 m o-f- ...... V...... 579,95 - - • 'HHa2olTenr2 bodroom houso.- titors.'oxtra storago spaco. ;• room, oeprianeos, good locff^ • .-5 5 p c bodroom sot.T.5429.95------ity doycaro. In txislrrasa ovorIt O3&-Hom03FofSala loncod yonl, slorago shods. pparking. S39,900.CaIi John £doo. Coll 734-0586- g i s voofs. Call 733-5097. tkxi, 5^5/m onth. .• COinotto fiot. 5 choirs...... assumablo loon. Phono |Barenoss. 733-6939 to ^ 23 tjodroom. 2 balhSj Mom- . . F o ita r M a n ^ m e n t ...... $99.95 Children! Vlllsga: Quaiily B?&-4?g1 nfior Som, f,for moro doatils. ijingskJo aroa. 5400 plus do- ‘ 1720 Addison P733-0730 90 days aam o a s caah daycaro, allordablo priMS, poaH.Call324.7t28. “ Ronl to own all now 4 usod M bnchofl. 734^72 j. NORTHVIEW MANOR R EXTRATlXXTRA! I!032 Buhl/fllsr Homos 4 t}dmi. 2 bath 2700 sq R cCloan, 1-2-3 bdrm. 5200- home furnishings ------Daycaro, my homo,- wnlWng COLDWELL JR a n c h -st^ . DW, firopbco, $ G et o n tH e rig hh i t t r a c k ; 5300. - Froo Cabk). Seniors .-d ^ n c o lo school, $6.50 lor MotQl siding, spirt ontry. 5 BANKER kkonnd. Joromo on canyon «wolcomo w/discount ovail. CAIN’S xmo. $10 lor Iwo. For moro bdrm,' 2_baih, 2S bO sq It, all i rim. 560QM1O.M6-6121. 11322 Washington St. N. Can cCtearanca & Rantal Ctr ------inlDrmaliorrcall-423-6102.------B H o m e 0 w n e Es s hI i p - w i t h ------5 W ESTERN REALTY- £ ‘oloclric. libroryw/caroosol.- 'A 3 bdrm homo, ostabtshod' 0oFiebT733:OT0:No'^uhl,^-5e68, - Woarorok>c3Uingloa(argo ^ ^bath, ulllity"rm.. lamily rm.; ...... 664 Quincy ^ Lots ol TLCI Moots, play- loncod bockyanJ, 5340 plus *' • 1 and 2 bdrnis Fiber glaaa cover lor long ■ "room ,'largo loncod back : CM-JBrofnBHotmt------Wo nre soiling our boiWing |jdooosh. CaU734-3537. from $255.------wheelbaaeplckup, S3C0;— ' yard on quiot stroot in Mom- i J O ] • ------° ~ Iand odiocom land. Locatod - Family community Receiver for Valloy hitch — ■...... 3 bdrm, woil-lnsulatod, 10 on Idaho St. botwoon 9th [Downtown aroa, small 2 adapted to Ford PU,-S75. i n g i ^ Dist. aR agos woi- I bdmi houso.'- loncod back­ , CIIBonnl. - "J c»mo, Gail 733-SS47 ovos. I yrs. old, largo lot. Equity and 10th St. >: 734-6600 SB;S8-200 IlnMr, good condi- 3200 eq ft offico buikling Vyard, no oppls, 5225/mo. tion. 5300. C a lia 4 -2 a 4 7 Molhor ol 3 vnii botjysit in I $ 8 ^ . or trodo lor mobilo PMRl isn ON I i R i homo. RV, car, otc. Writo wUh 3 ^ sq It storago ^starUan^m ent my homo, by Harrison^! 1720Addlion F7334?739 ------^ ------U9IUght bluo uphobtorod chair, ' Box 342. Joromo- basomont 058 Offico & Builnw* slrghtly (l^g lodod but othonviso sw ool. any ago, $25/wook M l ■ I Inquiro at Elko Fodoral e BY OWNER: 3 bdrm, lormal Filor, 2 bdrm. 5230 plus In oxc. condition. 550. lor,1 c^id or $40/wook lor 2. - Crodit Unk5n • - i - cijl Dm.i'733.5345.______“OO dining, covorod trom porch, 5125 deposit. 326-5920. SuQuoon size paddod hoad 1 260 2nd St. E. ondosod bock porch,' partial 976 Idaho St ~ t»ard, light twlge. liko now, Will b a b y sit in my hom o. PlayIiouse/Si/s to r a g e 1Z'X4', « Elko. NV 89601 CGetting your homo roady lo 11061 Bluo Lakos Blvd N. Monday thru Friday, hot T w in F a lls bsmt. loncod back yard w/ ront? Got holp Irom Iho Sor- pprimo location, with oxcol ]|!^would blond with any docor. . swing sol. now rool, walking , 8(702 738:4083 J] 575. 4 cushion davonolto, lur>chos & snacks providod. Stop by our bobooth to register s Mon thru Fri., 6 nm lo Spm. »vlco Diroctory, daily In pparking. 600 cq It. availablo *7...... U )U ol TLCt Call 733-4246. i 734-3930 distance to schools or shop- J ' Timofl-Nows Clnssiliods, «{mmoJAloV. Call 734-4139. 95’ long, in boautilul paddod ping, ya2,000.324-6344. floral design, light groon and W ill do bab y sittin g in Iho E 044 Vacation i K«lth U«rm an, 324-4206. ^G e a r Lakaa Country Club E 2 Main Icvol shcy» in CalCall 733-7131.______; 015 Bat)y8[lter8 Waniod tot lor saJo, boautilul Hogor- JJoromo; 3 bdrm, 5290; 2 ddowntown R ogorson Mall, Now.oxordoo cycfo w/odom- man VaUoy. only 1 k>( k)f! on tbdrm. 5230/mo. 324-3232. FRoasonablo loasos. Call CANYONSIDE ' oter, 5100; doctric train, 3- F o t my 2 year old w n. in my golf courco. 530.000. Coll JONES WE HAUL Vom ' • Doshior Roafty, tracK. .3-ongino. w/occossor. homo or yours, In Filor. E N p E IE D ! ! ! REALTY 734-2922 or 733-1866._____ j EXTI rios. on poddod tabki, 5200. sttlio ovonings and woeh- I will m ovo you ■■ ^ ^ 5 4 : - - r - - ANYWHERE-tortosslhan- -A1fl34,-PFimo-otlioo■* cpaoo CaH-733-6741: Call ------— — ------oods. Musl havo roloroncos.!’ .. . HUD'S landscapiriiting allow ances H ave b«beensowelf. availablo at Bluo Lakos .- I i r Col 326-5136 or 737-2120 - renting a tru^ Nodd - j Now availablo Aloo -Vera bv ■ lood^ 10 ualif a Ariz.- -Offico-Pafk7734-6fl58. ' ------c t ------ftgnor-SKoffv:— • " — received'thatw eV(V e'dfecided'tO 'extend’tltthe-gllowance------o H X -5^ fos7 AI6d-Vora iuico.------Wondoll Homos ]14 X 70-. 1988 CostlowoodT FREE ESTIMATES Throo M Property M gm t jolly, i^jj^ activator, hoot lotion, Stttor wantod in my homo tor' program through1 SeptemS ber 11,1989.). >Allowance will 2 bdmi. 2 iMih. AC, garago, Call 324-3490. Office C 4 w arahouse apoco etc.qic Also Cholalod liquid 2 boys ogo 5 & 6. roloroncos 3 bodroom wood whh brick on J doodod tot in Adult park, r in Shoshone now.avaiiabio. mir> roquirod. 4;30 pm to 11:00I be available on allill hom es sold throughlh Monday.I ^ 542,500, Call 734-8943. ^Largo 2 bodroom. now applic i| minerals. Call 423-5104, facing, pavod drck) drivoway i ' oncos -stackablo wasJior 4 ■ Plano-tickDis lor 2 'on-H «l-“ ...... pm-Mon-Fri, 8:30 pm to __ froni and back, front 4 back 1970. 1 20 X 70 Sahara. 3 a ------TITOO-^BfTS'undoy. Cali Septem ber 11. -19E9 8 9 : ------l-^?W r-::z= ± - ^tJ30 Addt»on:E333i07Jfl— :i S! i Doahief BoBltv.734-2922.. ^ r—r -oia:. EmploymontWantsd - '• Jiico'2ibdnn-hotao-:W/oa-.: 1 ...... -F o rp u rcrcHasers f of HUD owned property:pro ------a037- Farm* 4 Ban^Vi~ " j1982 14 X 56 mobio-homo. ^ „ ^ » 5 0 + dop. No Pots, ^ ------2 Porublo steam carpot ctoon- Ctooning, palming & carpot'F- SeiSeptember closing bonuses,es. 2 bodnxim, 1 both. Isbnd 7 OGO Warohouso ing equipment, musl solll tub.(I woshor. dryor, vory 7; shiflpooing. Hovo rolofonc- C lose y a u r sales transnsaction with HUD anytimene after September Unhjmishod 2 bdrm housos, & Storage Rontal HiglH ig h ^ otior taiu» its. Call 260 acres doan. c many oxlras. $8500. ^ 7 2 6 - ^ 5 .______0 ^ Call B3M7B3.______543-4715 or 537-6906. Poppls. oloctric hoot, c b so to - 4th and before Octobeber 1st and receive the folioshowing bonuses: 5 . Iroo^y. intorchanoo, 5185. ttooo squaro loot storago. — ...... -E^'-twusoKooping...guani;). Sot*up-lor-horwM.-rogi»-- ____ tood-woric^rcl _ 1'. HUD will p ay the owowner's portion of the title'ln3'lnsurance'poilcy."~ " _® ■ '1982'Govomor; I4x70-with- a 207B1UO liJkoa South: Ci3l ::ijH Q i5tT5n£Sszz:r-iii -tofod-ealHo-or-o*cfllt®nt-: -jiizxizrosira-bdrmrifiiirfin 2 . HUD-wiil isayihe-FUFUUrclosing-feernot-justha -hath—— ------'ddairy sito. Custom built f, - Wondoilrsmall-l-bodroom— - Froo-bumpor-wrth'purchoso------RfiyihmTuiarist nxid fomaio~ room. Assumatok) loon, jusl ^oppte^^smaU g a ^ ^ 5^150 * 12x30. l: convoniont storage ol 8fi hp tillor. All laclory vociiisl. looWng lor a bond. These two bonusesjts_areLip..additi,on,.to_what,HL HUD has previously 2400 sq It brick homo. tako - • HUDicsei^tslliSdoMtoiejixianyianyoraiibids. iial-basalpainLEzii . ■ mo, piajw . guiiar. voco catodSW ol Buhl. Good ■ m ...... ^ ' • lr>:sepiope(l)(siTViyM)nCiificoclJv■devioiilions. ______suOniiiicdwllilfieHls i ! ffnirV I fiflP ^ hnHrrwn g p -»~Ti;*vv;rnSTirt5nt7T77pn^7 family. $7.50 lor occasional hchomo, corrals othor im- _ — 2 — toftsons. Burloy, 678-4773. .m. and bids will bo PJprovomonls, $55,000 as- II John’a Sharpening Se«IoT'Je* * ASPHALT SEAIALCOATINO ! NOTE: Ploaso nolo lhal tho0 bkjbi period now ciosos at 10:30 a.m '.; 215 6th S t.f5 o r oponod at 11:00 a.m. sumablo loan. Asking ■ , ^ - ■ -Protoct yoor-drh»irhwways and . J | — - I D)AHQPAJMTER3 ^ ' ...... - ■ ______r^vat Es(at« for Sal« ALL^FULL PRICE OFFOFFERS AND OFFERS ON EJaENDIINDED LISTINGS- 5?$92,000. ■■^ Call 326-4462 ' M parking lol* boi•oforo wintor . Nojob lil o ^ or lo small - * ARE CONSIDERED) AlAT 3 P.M. ON THE DAY OF RECEIF: eipt . I with asphalt prododucts. Avai^ ■ oalmaloa. 734-5373. 9 c j r t - ' - T c r MUNROE ROBIRTS ! ...... (.N<(No_blds pponodon Fridays) ■ .ablo k)cai:contnitractor. Oor- ■ REALESTATE...... I ;------■ don Pavino Co.>.733.1800. i J _ _ _ _ _ I 543-6606/543-6339 ! | Sam e Day Delivery 030 Homos For Salo D*IIS B.OC>iM.G AODWSS ffllCt EORyBAIll SQ ri niMAiiKS CAseumtifts — ■ throughout tho Magic an' HANDYMAN;U( or, extorfor palming, I ------t680 ACRES------1 Woodflrvw-VeHovs.------1 bdrm. 1-balh on lovoiy lot H Mr Poalm an 73>8006.------1 — SB2 sp(inkk»r irrigolod. Soo it I ■ — ofiIy,JJ3.500 ^ GROUP 1I -A S IS INSUU R A ^E swith crops stOTKlng | r s s ' s i S p ^ io u s 2 bdmi. 1 baih on ■ U 7 0 . ealed B ids R equired Irg Id. only $38,500. ' ______Se£ ______s Small dairy at Casllolord, I M ountain View Roolly ail63‘l»6WetxWl.TWnFUU.10, .. 549.400 3 n 1041040 12105lS6S265Ua g,good 4 bdrm homo. wiD har»- ■ r-oxtorkir. spray bnish ! ■ 7 I )II. 30 yr* oxp, rols. ■ 7 3 4 -1 8 9 8 . a'11WW G 4rtnef.TWlnfiIbJD, $23,900 3/1 . 1081096 12103732&203$Sn oldto 200 cows. Jimasm 1 734-86481'M8 lor froo ostimato. g 5 bdrm bricJ? homo, lamiiy, 780 121072<437Ftth,ia $ 3 7 p 0 0 2^1 780 40 aero doiry North of BuN. - ^ 5I;- ® Dollvorod for•drivoways, d - - ...... " Corian. Kitchoo. baih. walls ■ nnridno lota, ote)te. You can ■ . ^ ------ary[ra»per_._32Ma79 lul robuilt kiichon, 2 liro-~ Extendod Listingsgs: Offor may be subm lttcittod at aif^lm eT~^ ’— ■ 7® I S?uttoo7ClaIFTI NarthWftai— ^ pbcos w/1r«on, 1 a a o , ciiy 60 aero dairy at Costktlord. a S O L D 2/t 697 8 97 85%bWBl1210g525703CM ___ * CuUUliii PubLvii W 3 ^ M 0 .__ H Bamea Realty, 73M ^ _ i i i i i n y\RP£TlAVlI^" ...... 5 ...... ^ iGROUm^iALL CASH, UKININSURED 1043 Blue Lakea BlvdN. ■ S H I :i " CollStovo . . - ■ ^______Seiieafed bids R equiredid COWBOY C COUNTRYl ■ jpoirs Of ro-‘ B ‘ 4-438-5379 , g ------C k»n 3 bdrm with 39 a a o s "* AS typo* ol coneroto wort £ g lomdca. ■ NONE______------of hny and pasturo. Just fiet- B| . . Expoiw^.quki(*orvico. - j — Evontngr734-440O:------Iz :------■ ___ coramlcJllo.Jft: BRICK DUPLEX. Spo-. Ertonded LlstlnpsQ8; Offer may bo submittetted at anytime. "'o o d i , wonT last toiigl 570.000. _ ■ rock-lroo ostim doCi5.2 bdrni units in oxcc JMW1.7SftJrt,T«iiFihkiiho $22,800 2 / 2 1350m ------^121042544203 -Barker Realtors ■ jj U a J...______„:T33.7355. j - cond. Noat kitchons w/! 21lBucniVlitj.TwtnFtto.ll LB* 814 ■ 121060773203 _ Call 543^71 ■ | ' boilt-lns. 'B sm t 4 dbl c ar­ Hazelton, 400 A760tl or - mw ~ - RVpads.drtvwfays-andK TREE 4 U W N CARE . ! port. NE location noar' NEED CURRENT SASALES INFORMATION )IB01IOUTANYOFTHE mronl. all sprlnklod. nico * 'f m ^ m m - * - and shrub trimming m shopping contor. Only- • houio; Canfo frj^ - ...... — - 1 apIogXaH 734-5710.------g ------'1 LISTINGS IWTHISISLAD?-CAIL .THE.24.h r . i ..... ^ g - Troo’tHnLhaiinr ------$6*;W0r^l|.OOWl------r IB. HUD SAIESJ^. 'Roanor-ownod;-?0 to 100"if ------■ ------nmgr retoroonwa HAMLETT REALTY ______HOTLIN.IHE - BOISE 334-93J 3 1 9 ______Socros, 'A miki on Canyon ■ ■ Iroo otl, Tony, 7 ____ OFFICE...... 733-4079 .flim -Col543^m ^ ------a 2 LI-LBEAVEAVER stump and ! Bumos Realty. 733-^227. ^ - troo rofflovolOVOl. 040736-1121.------H------____By.,owncf..flair-ic,,ridof.ib|o,_. W u U M ^ m m 4 bdrm, uniquo lloorplon, z z z i H OO l ...... j ------B - 03S Aerugo & Lot* - g 2 2 3 2 ^ ^ 1 — ------cpaCious porch, lull bano- . JIEPARTMENTOFHDUSINGING AND URBAN ° ■ Cuslom com 4 loragp chof I ::~m - j? . Ear.t. Can 734-9621. ------DEVaOPMEH-EHT------a 4 3 0 t------B — Now'DtswmTFrFoiliBiStl-^------■ - m m i l . tt ™ o o est.-Jofm-Mc^-^— B ------Box 042, FB/USCH, 55050 West Fort St. SE p ol Twin Falls, loncod. ^U SlE2of<.-VMlW. ISO______J Brido_733-C3^j?939.734-4365_ g By ownor: nico 3 bdrm, PftllAI HOIIRIHfi _____lonaad yardr-SS5-l

-—U —— FrkJoy, Soptiptombore. 1989 Timos-Nowslows. Twin Fans. Idaho C-7

r c h a n d isse -F a rtn eirs'm i a rk:et i -R ecrt' N a t i o n a ll^Autom ' oitiv e Ot)67-136

067 itiSicflUaneous 079 ApplianMs 083 Garage ' '0•087TiwrrrGwd*n-— - -03r-HSyrGSan>Feod-0 ' ' 11iW -tM o a tlo n ------FofSajB 1984JohnDoore tehplawn T _ 15.6 cu fr uprtoht Iroozor.r. DISCOUNT ^ Aeproximatoly 7000 boles of GATED PIPE Folding adjusloblo wolkor>r vory good ooncuion. $200/V " PRICES . and 4 o&rden trtetor, 2. 38in 2straw, 2-wide. in Bold. In Je r-' ' Nbw ond Usod ito now. tIOQ. 733-7108. _ offor. Can 543-4465. ONALL "■ omo area. CaS 734-6459 or Ui^dorground p b o FACTORY OUTLET Custom lobricalion ------fOR 3ALEI FrtBkJaiw w ash- - oflor Call 733-6378.------~ ot, GE bSovo, sowing ma>t Wanlod d»odor'«IIV«“» CLOTHING ------0 Oonoho Tiuddng, wo haid' — “ AHOTH IRniGATKW“ ~ hon tink. floor hav.h Can 326-6869.______AND SUPPLIES ^ KAVaKlfy^FT ' 5 Washer end-dryer,4100.J. ..1704 ASbMOfAvo East .... or01 professional pruning . - ______p m M - CaB734^18, ______' ' hehofp? C hodt our Sorvico 0 * . SEALED - W h i r ^ l rofrig with ico, ol-r • ter e c l o r ^ ^ In T im e s- g 113 Firm a Ranch 0^ CoiTfuttrt ESTATE YARD SALE: col- N< ______m o o d .» 9 9 - -***1------K Supplies BANNtH'a. ~ >ectUes,-aniictues,-iumiiuro.- “ KAY-aiwway you want It,-75- ^ A ppio II c o m p u to r. d isk - misc. 525 Soulh pridian . acrosai 3rd crop. Standing/ Foxes po tor salo. comploto W dnvD, mtpandod to.64 IC n uJ- L 0M-H«tinff4 ------wfthT»mi&Jo-po«rioeddnC— nJco tor »chool. homo or ol- ' VoHsty F oods si CalU36'^657 or jjj . Air C ondlloning . ^^v^^fftT Ssi? 0“ and 4 of ta).CAn43&«733anor6. - _ 8.10.4. M 5 H oA um A vgrW .- .5 Star Sr-10/15 Dot Matrix . Womon's clothos. su e 3 lo ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 2 oven. Sapphiro Gom wood stovo. 0! - orintor. i7S. Call 734-8671,_ dual tans, oxcollont condi--'L.- largo, dining tablos, kitchon £ 096 1 ^ 1 For Rant ~ Itoms, now .T-shirts, olc. CANNING PEACHES Uncoln otocliic weldor, AC- tton. $425, Can 324-3508, Want to rent: 80-120 ocro ^ 069 Camaras & ” Frktay. 10:30 am • ?. ANO EARLY APPLES 265-6. usod very littto with Avaiabto at Kellev Orchard term la with houso In Jerome holmols. $150 or bost ottor. ■ Equlpmonl 081 Fur^turT&'Carpalt 1071 2nd Avo: W oct Soc- A a re a ; Will c o n sid er la rg e r- n _ t»nal sofa, antkjuo sowing ^- 2 mUos wost of b i a and 7 ai CanS43.5139.- - — mitoa north. 543-5330. A bo farm [J II sprinkler irrigated. ^ Darkroom Mulpment: . 3/3 M o c ^ ^ ^ robuH.-^I.-' machlfw, b t^ ,,ln v a lid chair, . avaiMate at-K«Uey-G»tttea- £ i-tl 1 4 - t ^ - lrriphwnw^ — — - | | ------Durerxos-ofliujorrTTWsr Center. Twin Falla. film dovoiCfsiM tanks,'som10 o BANNER'S. 7 i» » 1 W . _ Friday from 10 to 6 , Satur- ^ o n ^ s t u t M Fgr R ont T( oaoar. Call 7 » 5 3 a . Canning poachos & poors, ^ 16 ft nol ioKk bod, hoovy I SB i . 8 It boigo & nist couch, likoo day from 8 to 6 . Clothing, X duty. 2 go3 tanks & tool box ,, girta sizo 14. lodios slzo ?, Baggott's% Rivorviow Or- jt MlnoWn M’axmm 7000 eam-lb. approclalo. . jhari,-2.m»ila.flaaLflt CkiaL Want lo renl: pasture lor ntlttd»J_$100^543-6674 o» ------ora. 36-70 mm zoom Ions LakosL. bridge. 6436987. _ S 16 It moial Leonard spud I F E R S H E d Darling oniiquo, twln-sizo '.w;Tlas^. w/caso. honSly usod. . Elborta canning poachos. bod, bod, bon & motor Uko ------t425^CalLM4-S59anftML6_i , l?ng-3-bod. $350.,V w y doli. 102 C a tm .______n n . illVm ______C ^ g - FH R E W A RRD _ catovttkiuo i^or ook dross-^ n Jng tablo oak-with oval irir-'r-- turn right 1/8 mile. Table' ' S S 3 5 L d b R m ch. 2^ mflM ^160 Holsloin springers, call i1976-Thiokol i potalo haft-esl- Bob & Sharon Maledone of is just what theythe' need. Whether 070 Went»dToBuy NW of Buhl In tho boautiM ^ or. huggor bott on sido oto- ^ ror, $400. ChiWs oak aniiquoo p l ^ 1^ M from October to F o b i ^ , or - Kimberly_sold their campnpershell it's a tent, travel tn trailer, or 0 antiqoo-eamival-glBas-end Molon “ VaOoy. ItoHan.pninoa som ~ e are oul-ol -registorod votor, vi toductlon ------A-1 Happy H ookw W orm tr -1000mma.-CaH828.6187------^nd-caipet-kit-after-advdvertising— camper-shellrVllrW 0-can-help-you- — ------N o w b u y tm n i^ cn tw lo rs- I t:- olher anHques. ------— “ hord.-Ateo-200-hoad of-650- 'Ji ' An In mint cond, 734-2482. _ Fruit )ajB, plants, lota ol Ho- yr b s and 100 hoad ol 450 b s . 1978 It Intornational 1700 2 them in The Times3S-News earn a cashlh reward.r As the Grapes now ready, aomo Can o 356-3560. _ ___ toton truck. 2 -spd, 16 ft dump ______a26-45CT^ l S s i Lv ^ ------— Wo havo worm oro d ar"L ble. matching hutch. $499 2 hfoisto^ bu l catvos. 4 mos ■*? CI1I636-22B4. ______% tion'boot/groln tollgalo. su ­ other-people interesteced in the Times-News(s'a ( a s s it1e d s ? e t BUYINQ; scrap goM lowokY.y, . BANNER'S. 733-1421. to 5 pm. Sat. 8 to 4, ^ oM. $S50/boih. 734-6364. « d Plant-o-Gram Caro Unit. MMacintosh applos. poachos. por tow mitos. 1 of p kindl cam per shell, too. Mayb/be yours results:. diamonds, storllns silver-r- Dining tsbto w th 6 paddod DanWrighiUvestocIc Asking ? $12,000. Call 324- waro, pockol wslchos. silvoror ichalre. $50, C ^ 734-3621, 335 6lh Avo. E. gcpoars. CaD 734-3035 or visa Tranaporta^n-324-3407. ^ B&LOrdurdat4275Cioar ^ 3608bokyo9pm.______donors, coin ooOoctkins. otc.• 1 King size wator bod wAvavo- Holsloin & Jersey steers a ~ ,Idaho Coin Gallarias " Gan>goSolo:Sol.9-9,eam ULake Road h Buhl,______|* 20 fl m u d bed w ^ I t, $700/ , toss maSross, 6-drawor pod- heifers for salo. all sizes. offor. ^ 1 7 3 3 -2 1 0 7 . 3Ca Worth Main. 733SS93 \ !: to 4pm, 614 Concorde Cir- mMacintosh. epploa ready, U- Ca»S37-693& ^ S h r r e a L oslal. bookcase hoadboorf' do, moving salo. Small ep- p« Nightenmlots i W 9 W W ' 9 wAnirror & ^ h to d cabinots,;• ptantos.fumluro.ota ------PRODUCERS LIVESTOCK 1 Gllllland’a,734-4944 _ i makos up liko regular bod. f ‘ Oarage salel Sal, Sopl 9.23 Ctxm diary heifer sato. Fri- scoping f l boom. 1 Spudnik Wanlod: old Indian lioms,I, ! $300; quoon size walor bod. Peaches A Plums 2 £ y ^ $ e p U ^ 2 2 a t l 1;00 1 W 317 S, Joromo, 8 lo 5, % mi. s. ol Hwy 30, on » totoscoping conveyor, 30 In. boad work, moccasins,I, i w avtioss matlntss. mirrorod am. 324-4345. Jerom e. C g a n ^ a 4 4 . ______wonoons, « c . 837-4702, _ > booteyo_hoa*ffltfd. $125;. carousel lireplaco. stereos, Stovons sii St 326-310. ^ waoL^^toop.anal, brfcy_ —~ soimmetefAmts — -n; n p Kwy mmhlfw^ ma&f tQ : ~ clolhoa, China. 324-5429, pj Hogisteroo Long Hom i5® r „cgo. hytfraulto lift hoador. hy­ 072 Antlquat ' organ w/entertalnor, $600; ~ \ PkWor»4‘.6*-$8.ovor6‘-$5 proven slro. 7336473. gj S o ^ deluxe-riding mower,! (Garago solo. SoU.Sopt 9. 9. Groon boons nowl ^ draulic swing = Antlqu* roll C-top detk w/*/ i $500; Soars oloctnc mowor{ 10 1 a 840 W Tayior, iSmbor- 0 Started Holstein bulls and tyi windrow pickup, rolum holtorcahres. 543-6415. ol 120 Aviation 12125 Travol Trailers 12B12a Utility TrtllM* • - choir, 3- X S'A\ 5 drawer.f > w/backcalchor. $50; CollI ly.■ Singer uphofctory sovnng Y( r 'alor thresher a many 1. musl soD-bost ollor. An orn->• { 543-5601. Buhl, aftor 5 pm, machlno, r upholstery lobrfo, 2kti, 2 S. olBuhl, 543^189 U«Usod call hutdws. Call 536- rnmoro extras. $16,500. - Call 829-5597.______1 9 ^ PA160 ChorokiM witti 1988 19 26' Kilt, doutrie bod, 6x8 6x81 trallor. $250,324-3064~ b u l 16 toco (Hofshoy Co.]■) j LASTTIHE AROUND, Ar 'l• Early Amwican dawono. ox- §116______Cj orciso. rowing maolilnd, T ' h e B e r r y P a t c h ’s ^ Ixonspondor, mode C, Narco front fro kJtchon, tots of extras, — Santa Ctaiisa chocolate• i BfQ YARD SALO Fri a Frosh borrioa will < » Fonj 3 pl sickle mowor. Lin- „m/2 rd vor. gs. now p>rop. in- oxcollont ex condition, $9300. sucker m o td /324-5174. | : men's & ladioa'^biko, 3-man t03 lUiy ^Ipnxm coin CO portabto Woider,noods ,'V _ ENTIRE CONTENTS OF [ torcom, tiros, brnkps. boost- Can73«-0»0. Cj ______Antiquo ctorling silvor, by In-I- i homo lumlshings. plus many, [ rubber raft, 20* McCultough . vmrk OT molor. & 4- ^ 6. e l ^ saw,> downs ^ 12 HoniiMsone milk stalls, ^ or, wing tips, carpel, battery, 23' 23 1986 Shasta 5th wheel. - • ternational. sorvico'for e. op->. rmore kiidton a garogo tto m s-; For cato: 1 year okJ. 12. ft, copf^^cabjos, cc oxcellonl - 4 m ij^ . much more. .'1 . DeUval-stainlocs.steel-feed- Immaculate,-Uu>.now,-*oH.- “ prnlBod tSOoarnirprlco0 -1 w a -b 6 ■avaiafak».-4-.3-mitos- 2 -johft’ 0 (Joro-i}oli'picktip.'aB~' compression,« ^ l o d plane* ro, lOM-POTSuppHsi bowls,^0 complolo, good ^ contained, stoops 6. awning, 132 .132 Auto P a r ti...... •” ■ MOOO/otfor: Antiquo Lo-. Wost V from Orchard and Bluo< HUMONGOUS _ now I0 LakosI S to 3711 Vista 4 kinons Iroo to good homo, ^ aftorejWL______.Cl Call_78e.4oe4,*^_..._._ oxtraa. S $10.500.324-3853. AccMBoriM ' appnilsod~$3000. my prico. Grande < Une. 733-7058. ; Y A R D - S A L E ! •2 m alesrZ ferrawe.-eil hove Feodor bex-wtth scalos.on ^ Forsalo: Newhouae balo — .J97 -$g5xV0llOf.Cen678-3jl6. -" ■ Malchingcouch andchair." - 6 toes. Call 324-2816.------}»Uailor. good conditkn. Com chopper, iusi pul In now ’ 12121- Boats 4 - 1975 Dalsun pickup lor la d 6 6 2 ^ 1 7 or 862-3293. ■ 27 ft Nuwa HhchhiKar. fifth ^ garti s , 77 OUs aa tor parts. Fumituro s t r i n g lank ondd "' $159 Twin Falls' largest yard Adorable Ad Smoky Pomora- ~ knives, almosi liko now. Con Marina Ite m s ' auppG0S,'S7^. Gotng out 'ol,1 - ' • BANNETrS.-73»142l.- ■ eato of th o yoar Will bo ~ nta Hash 350-M food Inick. Ev- ^lordotolls. 438-8020. _ whool, sloops four, largo S ^ in 324-4552. Of 324.^724. busineasT Tod Kloosv Coll ~ holdfdrlhobonoriiof Jory- 1^ hutea bohod boon picki^). S' 16 It iri hun. 115 More.-plus' bath, ba very dean, good eon— 4 4-Er Enkel rto7if,-15T 8r4 fog.------" Scubtufod gold camel, 1413er4a»ei58.. Ciub . AKAKC rogisiorod sablo Collio 104 10 H orses ' . bino, bii good cond. I'oU roady, -pr exira parts. 7330192. ^Our 1990 Sooswrl boots oro tnKk. tn W31 trade tor PU. mo- 074 Musical faistrumonu - HYellow rocker.' brown‘rodcn-' v '______ex b io homo, otc. $9000. Sob — i ■ All thoso in tho d)mmuriily SSfl^Mna7aa^4^^ Co Appolooaa Ap gelding, 3 'A . ^4, in stodL 1989 prtoos. bi ------.- Q or. good conditton, make ol- vrtOng „ to donato ony itoms — • f4ew groin auger, $300. 3 tTom, 's Marins & Sport G ds. at at 401 7lh'Avo- E. Joromo. years, dark brown, groon comoni co food bunkors wilh. u 133 Autos WantMt ■ A largo Hammond Organ,. fi > ( ) r .^ S 4 3 ^ 7 8 . for this vrorthy cau so con q j ; Layton traitors 4 5lh wheels. excellent cond. 7 3 3 - S ^ . BIRD HUNTERS. Rogis- Srbroke; rogisiorod Arabian stands. gi, $275. 934-4140. . coll Roy Parrish (734- ten boy maro, 5 yoars, woll- “ SiockkigSt now 4 usod units, Alto saxophone, oxcollontI 0 0S2 BuDdIt>g ttetarials torod AKC Gorman Shonnair bo POTATO BEDS i2 WANTED: J u >K's, Austin 3082) or Lorn Braga nn,p ^ » , 5 wooks oM. W ^ a tratrainod. 324-4146 aftor 5. , . 122 Sporting G oods 81Buy 4 consign units. Hoaloy u-„i 3000*a, MGA's, Tri­ • condltton: CaD 734-4922 or - (733-1750) r BiS 1-20- Dene's w/motor $1250. _ BERT HARBAUGH ^ ^ Garago door 9'x 7". Mako of- livor color, Excollont podI- ACAOHA Impressive Mini t- umph TR-3's. in rostorabto ____ 733-9e84.______^ C groer-734-4280,-days.- 734-- . t-.18‘_Scholl w/iTiotof 4 ron .10.lO'Spood .biho_.&n6w shoas.___- — UOTORS-INC------■ forr734-3063 or 734-3815— . ' moro; 5 4-H, Wostom 'oovortnrp, v $1600.629-5720. shshot-sholl ro-loodor, fish C0ndnton.“ CASK-W AnW 0!------Clarinot and Bitvor Conn ^ HELP MAKE A 6468 Sunday and ovonlnga. pj,Ploosuro, Weslern Eq, ^ Wendol, Idaho CanSS t coifed. 1.37WH1 .or------^ LJko.nnw.L2 - o a c h ..b iJ o ld _ . .S ave yotir-caah nnd - le a ia . JJJsmoker, duck docoys. Con S2 . 5 3 6 -2 4 1G- ^ doors. 6 tl x 6 ft 8 in, $50- — HJRACLE^— B-Buff AKO Oockac Sp e r ^ g - ShShowmansWp.-Trai.-$1200. 324:26130r-324-3389.-^— 'JT i-miiTiBfeS.. ------males. $t25Asrlling lo nego- 73734-M&1. ______'Jthol ; now or used term equip- £ ■ ooeh: 1 3 ft X 6 fl 8 in. $25, moot. CroativD Funding,_CoU. -(-B A G fiOY GOLF CARTS R( Comploto drum sol Induding' ^watnul stained, comploto - HAPPENII tiaio. Can attor 6.734-6665, JMlontkm u Huntorsl 6 'A yoar 135 Cydts A SuppIlM ' cymbals and stoofl $600. T * Sales & ropair contor bic wHh hardwaro. 837-6223, ^MOVING SALE; 6920 Col- __ jUAppy.gokJlng.-well broho,- THECLUBTOUSE ba — enaro drum, $100, Call 034- 2 logo Dr (list si p u l EaslIanJ" -BULK-BIRO— ixchunting horso, packs- SOLAR POWERED_PUMPs1 __ bath. This is in PRIME CON* 1S7S1975 KZ 400, KawaaaM, luJ Lumber A Palrt — 610 Mnin N 7 3 3 W 7 ----- Dfnm O N lI Call 734-4776. dnw SSeZnfto^Spm.______on' East Faltsl lurnituro, ap- SEEP ^well, must cod to acprodolo, Moro oconomical & bflldent, __ toss maintonanco, automatic HaHarley Davklson goll cart. 4 _------7 7 ------Can::^3»63jS°“’ For salo:1 Yamaha Ikjta & 1 ■ W .fS«i?C0. pEancos, garden oqubmonl. PaPam koot. Cockadol. Ham - {Tlt700. CnII 678-765!^ ==yamaha-:p{ccQlaniaasQnAbISz = ahiml/gn.1. $1C0a_Aiao- ~ _ otter. Cat! 734-1809______- ==Clira886 or 733-7423,______T B A C T O R S a campor shoB wilh bool rock. 19791979 Honda CX 600, $900. condhion. Call 423-4427. «RED CEDAR, skJing.Imorior f, femelo, black female. 8 • JD 4450 PS w/duols only $12l Can 324^253. Call;I^all 324-4663 after 4:30 cm. • wan covering. D-P Lumber !;Moving: Sal. Sopl 9 ,9 am to fofi inglish’cr Western horsos 123 Gum > Rinil ii Silvor Yohamo lluool horn, ? 7pm. 2 'A miloa wcrst. 2 'A "lomonlhs. Trodo/paymonls boi>ought, sold and irolnod. , 1300 h rs '*■ 1974 Olympic campor. in ex- 1079 ; 324-8120. Evos/wookoflda. 'i . JD-4440 quad PF w/du- TT 979 Yamaha GT 80. good, _____obsoluloly m ln t. C all 734- ^ south from nashlng:yotlow,. Pp)0S8bto « lor s p o ^ ^ n w s : ^26-9644 nm 'sorpm 's. t Woatherby 300 mag Mark col»llont conditton, 6 loot with - Usod-brick,-undoonod $.10- S — als.-4500hra-»old - i ’ l^ ^ t o ^ i t o s , $295/otlor.------_ l^ht-iru-WaadalL(H^Qtman_ £Si HCIORSE-SHOEING t-C b II - r - i V-v»(h-Bi»per^Usod-^6oa— -ovi5vd«hot«id-ja(is;4e00/ol^ r or-ckjanod'$rf5noo*wini*-*_ aBood),_Salo indoorsjn_caao_ DacDaddy's a n>g!stered Boston —JO-44-40qCa-d.-3900Tirr“ 'or. 734-1908 afier 6 pm,____ — — r—Siudonl-violin-w/ca£b.-Good[ ^ mumrPhonn734.2S63.- ■ g RoQ»rr.1fony...... 734-<68i. ...j• JD 4640 qual 4 200 h rs— Sw " n s ^ ^ to aw>roclato. CaU tor, 980 KowasoM L T O ^ .-fu lt------condHlon, $1B5, 733-2018, olbadwbalhbr. ♦______SciScrowlairirom Arizona, 1974 Security, 8 It overshot, Momma's a local girL-Pup— HUKTER/JUMPERS: • JD J 4430 quod PF. 5800 ^ xosa, 6,0 0 0 -m ltoe.-$1200/- - Yamaha clarinet, oxcolloni> 083 n: Garage Sale* ^Multl-lamity sato, Sal, Sopl M® 1EGI3TEHED THOROUGH-- ~— ’ hrs------^ ------99 n mm auio pistol. $200. Th- wAw^eobox furnace, 6COV0. h y - Dttorrtt0T7 0^ 7 3 3 4 4 2 7 ------9, 9 to 3. Infamo. -alns and pios P®' are boautilul. jLBt r o ^ S | jraullc lacks, excel cond, condilion. $250. Call 734- JREDS; 16.2 Chostnut . «J JD 3020 Syncro-aold ompson om Contender frame, drt 980 Yamaha II 125 nins 2g ^ ° » o ^ 6 pm,______V adutt doihing. huntag bow, lor sale, $150 oo. CaD 5 4 i $ 1 ^ , (both now In box.) 9 t975. $ ^ can 7 3 ^ a B 2 aftor 5. • 156 Olh Avo Nonh. Fri & Sat7 <»! 4586 early am or tnloom. naro. 17 hand 5 yr grey • . IHCII 70 hydro \ ft- root. $375, 543^8062. Yamaha dorinot, oood con- 2 girlsbiko, and lots moro. 745 iS § telding. -16 hand Chostnut . • IHCII 1 5 « w /cab . mm carbine rifto, $250. 22 19; 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE: &Hata Q rcle. (OH Caswoll). 982 Honda 450, 1800 ao ' dilon. $200,733-7108. . 8026( Toton Dr. Joromo, Sal- - OOG FOOD gottolding. exc lunior horse. • IHCI 1 0 6 6 w /c a b a n d slngto actioo pS o l, $75. 12 . cloi :ouago2 3/4inchLongTom. ^ u l miios, has wlndshtold, Yamaha trumpol. used 2 Nood "loblo's'lof'your yarf ' 50# TrI-Pro $9.95 - 72«‘26-9644-am'B-or-pm'e.- or------Bl 8 ft, ln Toblo Rontal. 733-6621. ___ Twin Fana ID Hoiloaihor.______Bo^ o l l o , Slir i. tumneo. 886-2476. ^ . 09. boots, fumituro. 702 East tj 3S2Jliiinaha.650.S«ai.vrfth______Avonuo H In Joromo. Sop- * Sat.s 9 to 3 pm. 1909 G nm ^ ------S O U T H W E & T ------Wj,' UUIILMJI. UUVU, leu bOXT* ad nn lands, WIM txoklD. handtos 1 w/3 to -0 scopo; Browning u h 6.000 mllos, runs good, tow 076 Office Equlpm snt Iombor8a la 8. aemlo? do, (j, (across Irom Cascade pot POt and show. 0011423- har EQUIPMENT CO. ^ acka. o n -67 Ford F250. AT, *liios, i5o* good shopo. wind- ' 4265 aftor 6 pm.______QOClOod. $1500. ^ - 6 8 7 1 ovoa - «(*><|;^'»^7g^|^TwinFalb - modol 78, 243 Winchostor ^C. $1100. C a li^ -4 4 0 3 . ' 3 famly yard 6ak)l713 East- PPark). Antiques.‘good W/12X LoipoW scope. Coll ^ Wold. Tuggogo"roc}5.''crarf' 34 storage Motlin phono ^land Drive. &al only. Sept 9. clctothoG-loddlor, teen, (Ouoss - For 6ale;-Fomalo RoBwielor, Shg,t^$7JQ _ mh,iht nftw llfix Innk hivn gor^^|tfnont. ______^ and small opol| otc. p j^ M I32a-30ie.' JM Ave E a s t Fri & Sat, S ept 8 & 43S-82B2 o r 438-6605 ' ~TraTrailer for Sale: 1983 Big~ ^ 1500 or bost otfor. C ol 1- Frooi CoIkxj kiOon. lemafo, __ • Modol 659 Smith and Wos- ^ a 9,810 6, SSat and Sun, 9 until ? 527 houso-broke, ^ou 6 wool’s oU. Yoi Tox Sih w hod traier, drop Mo 363-0es^tafiorspm. 'oarfing filty quarter horso, son 9 mm pistol. Liko nowl .97 HP lasor ]o( printer, tuny ro- 4th Ave. E, Jerom e. Last 20 Can call 734-8140.______k^scisentivo fund haBer pros- dock, 3 axlos. 750x16 tiros. &or 27 M obr Homes 1885 4-family garage solo a! 1 5 » rocks, tooding ramps, great 2^$400 flmi. 734-1546 atlor 8. 985 Suzuki RM 125, Jusl corxlitionod w/rtew boare 4 o yoars ol coUodions, lame la- ^ vorhautod, now eprockets, . font caniidoo, $ 1000. Cottonwood, X ofi Washington dios S ctoihos and lots olm ise Freo to good home, AKC 2££oct,VgttJi^fflg J 2fc*di6^ Ifor S hauling nay or oquip. Pn South. 9 to 5. Sat. Sopl 9, f EngHsh Secor, malo, t yoar Pr«44 model 12.16 gouge lOO000 b.. Kjudoblo mijhl xcclonl s h i ^ , 32&-564S. - *oms. ■ mont. Can 934-4140. aheshotgun. 870 3* magnum. dblisttixjtinghilehes, t $199,05. 7^ tots of misc. ■ h o j ^ 326^911.' 10505 Hors* Equlpmant ^ 985 Yamaha 700, bright ' . Salurday OnIyl-a-5pm,.513-.r^ UsedFarmTraclo^Pirts ___ 5 4 3 ^ 1 ^ pICilckup {ocelver hitches, Ja , 4(amnyyBnlaalolStf. Sopr | rd. now rea r tiro. 9000 m l,' 077 Hom» EnteVWntnTnV ^ H ni Avo. East. Joromo. Lots 2Hoiiso n breWWiiVoniJUonSr •5:5;986 Outwost 18 ft traitor, BBuying Salvage Traders Rem Rei 1100 2 3/4* 28‘ Mod, »6 9 .911988 Komtort, 31 ft. 9 trom ft30 to 5. 339 2nd uoon b e d , lo a d o d , 6 000 22££Lxcol cond. 436-3897. ■ . ■ I'Cf“ lw3“dothc6|-4^dO'frbedt— = r» illy-ondosnd, alidlnn-UriL _ B J s n n iL Z Q jin . 3 i v . J i - _qfj‘ Curtis "Mxdhis' color' ? ! school dosks. home remod- 11^ (indows. $3500. 487-2128, ___ singto borrol. Savage 9 M mis1I0T I 957 Konifort-jrifT 9o7-Big-Wtieuf-Ymnatra“ ------TV. $175. oxcol condilioo. .ah^horthair X pup, tolher 50 cc. olodrto start, roar ______B A Z A A R ______-0\ olingitmfttni:?,— ^ ^ VormoQrtwinrako..goodcon-_ 3fld Sav. Coll Challenger Iwiiwin bods, loaded. 23,000 350 < ------C^'423:593a.' ------M Satiirday Onfyl Sopt. 9, 9 to AKCTogrtajbrmwhorAKC- 7^fedrteVSw*’*734U^M~*^' -VorflUioo. $3200. CaIIB36-2412 3 ;22 2 auto. BrowhliSg 20 ^ mislis;. 1985KlftOoltho Rood rack.ick. toca than-500 mitos. - Now taking table res- s rog, Shorthair. Paronts oxc. H!2£ 1750.C,do^t66 5. - Lumb6r-tacK-lor-sma>l-plck» - PurPurebred Bassett Hound ^ rwlnFflns..|D83301.------ail. $ 1 D 9 5 .C a n to ^ 5 6 e ._____ up, $150. Groenloo gong pup^ g lo s, $100 oach. Call ^ xiJlMlaloVTT-lnriib now; 'ISSi '15"lt F !o W i’Slro-am c a n p Tike ______B an;g4.4146altorS. Irailor, roal clean, $1150. carr 988 Honda CR 250. oxcoB- Boot bargains of Iho summer ^box. 2-x i s 115 Farm Work Wanlod ini condilion. Call 734- Motorola MTX 800 radio w/ on 0 giris clothos. 0-Gx, toys, a or Sato; New & usod stock Can 733-7348,______otoc ^urobrod Gorman Shepherd p, i974 Socoflty, 11 It; 2255JE;394 or 733-5051.______tolopfwfw 'Ifaorconnoctrox-^ 'housohold'hi goods70utdoor - horso traitors loaturing------a D t 1965 GoLite camp Irailor. up, puppJo8,'5singto axto, slovo, lumaco. 085 Bleycl«« fiSl /ado ZoHinger 436-8125 or o . le ctric Irig., port-o-poti. boihJ«Jih lor $450. 823-4349. . - nowl $1100, Cell 837-8631. t to o T a l 626 East 18th. Jot- ______«iS($1S0._Cnfl_734jm ______[ f t Randy Woavior. 543-6888. 1 ^ico box, excenom condition, 2 '° ' omo. - KlO-spQod Schwinn bike, indawfcdavs. 678-2286. ^ $ 100p, 324-3461 after 8 pm. *1295, '2 now 1989 Lynx. 18 877 HaHajtoy Davidson, Sports- 2 WANTED: Shih-tzu puppy. ttT 3orn chopping wanted: 2- ^ . Borfcontainod troitor, fat to r , 1 _ 1 079 /^pllance# - c good cond. $50. 543-6947 lot w olkor, $ 4 0 0 . P h o n e ..11 >r. 1 1 0 0 c c , tow m iio s.' Cor tbormats'% soatcovors. 0< Can eollocl. 887.5405. 1969 U yton 21', self-con- rice $9100. owner must $44954495. 324-1309 days. -Good seteaien. Loteof rr>ieft- °ti» r4 J0 pm.______34-4518. ovoning.. g g j’ toinod.$2195 543-5157. _ - .. 30 Indioloetric groon. Rm goH-ff eaillca;:ioUdor:472»5.- porsT'satongso e Hondd'CX T~ -e7SShcehonaSL-So:Ftfctay Alplno^fO^Uh?voga-mOui>^=p5 Al Fam v^garlw t-^- TIot<7«r2-hOTd, slarjrVHBnra*^ :uEtom boan iKrosM^. CB 1ff7?W(?a4i*h:whooUutc- c io t An now 19511 ------$ « n W R to -S to c W 0 r:$ 9 0 . 4& Salufdav. lOam-Com. ta or Bost offor. r, lock room, ■^o|uxo, oood $4195. 543-5157 : ------TOadfooag;^a^734.7gao- -s ^ayo3j:ombinn.,Cantract- £22 avfllJtailors.and raotor_ t700/< Ooaning out bam. old hoo^ omoB in Block. SPPftrat- , OE dishwasher, oxcollont ^ DX 200, now 240 kit. now slors, antiquos, ctothos, — :— :------:— i drdrVing hvnose tor 800 lo- Trwrriie k sg v a m ^ . 423-6158.' NonNomad. e I o ^ 6 . 733-7924. pR|,RICINGI Loriys Leisure 086 Firewood 0 .$ 795. Con 536-6568. tiros, otc. 'A mito oast Dead- 01 tio100 b horse, never uaod, cu<» m O M CORN Threshing. 1971978 Rroban, sloeps 4, now Livhvin RV'S, Burloy, Idaho, B A N ^ ^ T O 1 4 2 1 . Uman's Curvo on Pololino.. - 096 Fam iS ow l jo,,tf sato or trado lor saddto. ^ ust selll 1979 Suzuki Firewood lor ftale..543.4166... I macrtlnes, also trucks tire s S b a tle rlo a & w alo r Dawog 67^7057. AW hours GE portabto dishwasher. Now N thniSeoL 10th. E ivaJlHblo."An"mireMnos"wfih“ TwahOamiTCall 676-9674.______67S- FJOOOL,.ox«il.cond.-runs______— owortxn'wcrt«'ffood,-$40.- -f . Firewood lor salo;-734* ^MlaMaaMd^mred.. / ~ -eat, now tiros, $1150 or Estate and 5-family aalar addio, bridle, halter and Ti ro row oom >76 Dreamliner, 23‘. oxcol- ___ Caa3a4.7i2a.iL - ...... — ^ 3305. Bob Hamllion, 734-3587, Sad 1978'lnvader,2sn. uHl-con- 1971 Klollor„733^1g?,ovo8, . i=orrr!ttir*r«»’* ^ ‘**^**‘-*'P“ - 33-1477 cr734-600l;------|? £addle rackroxcel oond. -tort Ulried,^c-condr-$4g00.- Iqal GE washor, $ l5 d . Konmore riiright piano, oak drossors, FiFirewood lor salo. $65 a ^ ■5o,5a3.6947.,Bgg j g r - ^ 734-3722 ftm/734-5564 pm ___ uzuki GN400. Windshloid. - d ow , $ 100. 20 cu. B. chost. oak „ kHdwn sol, groon rofrig, a Vornoma alfalla seed lor C ustom Hay Swathing. 2 2 i ick. now tiros, good cond. tale by grower, rankod lop 6 1978'WildemoES 18 ft, sotf- 197 froozor, $150. 30 inii) har- gicrib, dining,room sot. c l a ^ A X Swin# • *8 wefl worth your can for 197 S50/otlor. ATVtrIr, now Radial saws; 9‘ Rockwell ^Bt KimUrty Rosoareh Con- )uaUvwotkandaConpo(^ concontained, excellent condi- cone i b ] _ vest gold Frigidafro rango, cscai topoa. knic»-knacl^ M qDo!ta_9*. $150. 10* Crafts- 5 , " 08.$250/0tler. 733-6276.______ler: variety trial. Mornings - 7^ w jrio e.-flco tt Ba gg eC:------!i22i|ionr$3tOO.- Can 733-1837.- - - ig» s /4 Horttngo Class ArZd f t r $150. m ito 2 OT man, $185. 12' Craftsmans ^ 'aJf 8llos7Tnovir^“ wjtiiaia97-a-H«xIa-fiO^_____ contradora modelrWZb.-- t mPST^EUJ CJU 3 ^ 4 ^ ^ ■=£-> 4 » 6 1 3 0 o fS 4 3 .fi6 & ------lOS1983 FtlUMlfl,-20-:y ,- Mtr-- -2271?7000Tictuot m r.-m icros -dil-Iow.rango..l2aQ ,r? mlloa,______a « 7 roof qooon bod.' O ran- condition.'Cgg 7^ -0 6 7 0 , boots, bt 2 TVs, VCR ond cCall736.8680. ______*5, CUSTOM THRE8H1NQ conlcontaIr>ed & other goodioB; w w 150. Can 686-2476.______, tnmks; Stainod glass-lam p,- ^ Q97.Jlay,.QrBln 4 F t« l . ^ ...... - -Peaeas, grain, beans, oom, 19a1985-FonJ-Vii-ton, 4x4 XLT, fionsnorator, excol.cond, ” ' Inw'alflutomdtrc'washof, THEE REMOVAL' a FIRE-" landing or windrowod. IH LarLariat, 18,300 actual mi, M?7.900. l CnII 733-7635. . . whSo. .coo(J_»ndmofi,_?7S., motal dosk with liing cabi- _VVOOD lor salo. 734-4776^ _ 2nd, 12 WgsUon toft ■TTOt.-S«pt eth & 9ih e t 8 em .- £ 2nd. and 3rf_ hav, d<^verpd. xlaMowcombinoa.------toailto a d o d r- C o n ^ a wiih-hitch- ioe<)ee-Roclwood 27 ft. d e . 16 -Heavy Equlpmonl____ Can 7 3 3 ^ 5 1 .______™ oromo area. 324-3547. 200 S, 200 E ol Burloy. teel pipe: new and used. Kipip Wooten. 423-4994 or a o oqu<zer bare a 8' shofl. tuxe;xe and loadedi 20.000 m l small r ^ landscaping road Konmoro washor ond diyor, Make ^ left el Farmers Cornor. 087 OS Lown & G arden 2nd!nd culling'hay aparoxi- Rododcy M ^ a i n Industries, 733-864917 W (TOblH. BoltBolh liko now, 733-4638.______734.80307 or 734-0217. L,dorador. 580 K C ^ back- ' ----- whUo.-oood-condition, $200/ -no-g-miios. s a k>-in-tho-m»d-- = tfOCTO. 324.2142,_ , , .9widw«hing. baling » baton).- 198-1904 Hilchh>ttefr3V{i

ito m o tiv ee - A u to m clo tiv e -A mito m o tiv ee ______■ 136-1751 I

'I ......


___ 1.46. 414:3 & ATV'S______15B Aulos-Chovrolol __ 162 Autoi-Ford______jI 175-Aulo Doalora _ |I irS-AuIoDoalors jI US-AnloDealeis — I-THE :ES eN-BRIBi^ G E^^OB BY^OIF F--- 1973 Seoul. AC. PS, liros^^ Comino. o^^ox^ras.r Must Solll-1988. Bronco 11. ------$t500rGelhag4~*107:------OL XL sp o rl NORTH • »-«-A ■ ~“ 1 9 8 4 Bronco'll WHh’XL~T— (Jffag ie — = packago and running F 19989=feep^ir I “Admiltmg £rror clca•lears the Score ♦ 7 ' , 160 Aulos-Dodgo rcr than bclorc " 9 w d s , Excellent condtlon. , _ 166 Aulos- ' ■ And proves you Wiser V A 8 7 5 6784966 altor 4 pm. I — ArlhUithur. Guiterman. • 1976 Dodgo Aspon. noww Morcury & Lincoln ♦ A Q J 10 7 1985 Jimmy 4x4. Siorra' . trans. runs good. $600. Callill ______Classic Blazor. oxcellonl-i _ 1908 Contirtonlal. 4 door; - --♦^^^EAST -- ___ condltlon.-Calt-324-aiB3-[■ OVM-...... I “ "A vory nico u / ArTosTCCifT FINAL ♦ A Q 6 5 4 3 ♦ J IQ 9 . day. 733-3095 ovo. 1^ $18,995, ------, . . - 5 ^ k J3 ^ - • 4-door, AT. $6250/roason- ^------■ ¥ 2 ...... —— ■ 1988 Dodgo- Ram -60 cpoti - -nbln olfor: Cnll &36-gQ25.------Call Rogor Jor.dotails------♦ 8 2 ‘ ♦ 0 4 3 PU, 5 spd. oxc. condition. “ BUDGET RENT A CAR ;------4 -J-8 -5 44-3------4>.K-10a-- -3 ------.—; $4495j6a-266a.aftQf 5 pm ._-*r162-Auto»-Fofd ------______^— afta-ao9Q nt------_ 459-8314 after 6 pm. SOUTH 1987 GMC S15 Jinm y. PS, CLO] g i g j "I mlaplaycd ihce trumt p su it,' i 1968 Thundorbird. 429 ♦ K n 2______^ PB. AC..PW. door-locks. i ad- I gone-the------M- 168 Aute»-Old«mob»«------▼ Q 10 9 6 4 other way in trumps,s, I would have roo. Tako a look & molio anI Landau top, PS. PB, AT. r ------ALL lERS-— — - — ♦ K 6 5 olfor. 436-0731, 436-9737. AC- CaO 7 3 ^ 3 ^ 7 ollor 4. ’ 1970 Vbta Cmisor wagon, made the gamc.“ r AT. runs good. $400. _____- + _ 7 .C _ . ___ •:W,Joop_WflQon_4x4..6 cyl.I 1972 Ford, 6 passongor car.[; Call 736-7273______^______LOW INVOICE “ -good, dopendablo. fJood lo Vulnerableb le rB o lh ------1— ovordrfvoroid tjodjrciyio.- ir — — — — - - BEBSTE------East took his spadeide ace and rc- D ealer SoiS outh Inow liros' & whools. $1500-.I-. solll Call 734-9212. ftsk lor -D p l or trado. 543-5793, 8am- L oslio.______172 Autoi-Pontlac______0 • turncd-ttig-3ult to SouSouth's king,, A „ ,Thft hirirtin trump was led to dumnimmy’s ace and South W ell NorTh' E a s t ; ” T 9 7 4 PIrilOTJIimonwogBTTr ‘85 Toyota oxtra cab, 4x4. $300 or mako olfor. CallIj 1978 Bonnovilk), runs groat, ' ^ a trump back broughtIght bad news, Pass PassP; 1 ♦ . 1 ♦ EFI, I Sloroo, 55,000 milos. 886-2694. ______oupor cloan, AC, cruiso, ALLL EAGLE SUMMIiiifs South's spot'Card losin)sing lo West's 2 V , 2 ■♦ 4 ▼ ^ All p a ss ' oxcolloni ( condiiion, $7995. " powor coats 4 door locks, 1978 'T-bird, now transmis­ jack. West shifted to ciubs, but - Open>cning lead: Spa^c jack Call | 733-7111 days, ask lor ;L0W INVOICE sion, 302 ongino, PS. AC, ■■ South refuscd-thp finp'ini’ 173 Autos-P/ymduth *500"“ Scout. $150. 423-5516 on dummy's diamonds.'is. These hopes South hoidi•ids: ,.,.D - j or bost oior. Call Ri<^ Hunteral Camouflaoo Chovy 536-2124 from 9am-5om. . 1987 Roliant LE, 4 dr, AC. were dashed, aiong withwit his game, ♦ 7 ;Suburban. 1979. Now on­ 1981 Ford FairmonI Squiro) ^ / ^ ^ a o r o o ^ ^ ^ ^ . Call when West ruffed the•third Ihi diamond gino. now upholsiory, lock­ V A 8 7 5 wagon, 68,000 original and ied a club for oneic down.d out hubs, cruiso. now tiros, mikwi AC, Cfbiso. 6 cylindor. ; ALLLJEEP PRODUClICTS ♦ A Q J 10 7 3$5500. Call 726-3009. $1600. Cnll 324-3006. ' 175 Aulo Doalers * A Q 3 - Loaded! 1979 Joop Wag- "It-would "have been-t'm -b ettcrio -fi'— ivcnu— s«i 1984 Thuridarbird, black. ■sauTU------. tonoof. molor-4 transmission ,AC. good tiros, cruiso, runs AT INVIDICE W/RIREBATE ncsse trumps twicee intoi East's i V ? roconlly robuiX. $5200/ollor. ,good. Great Carl Only WE PAY hand," continued Southuth. Thc odds ANSWER:’[I: T h re e d ia m o n d s, a ju m p Ml(-a44rcurd. p P alm , now doluxo Iniorior, " vents West from attacklicklng th e club »ump*d »«v«t»»«t»p* lor r«pty. 44-epood. powor disk brokos. ■ I— suit." .....e»(7n*»e91; w». u«M Srr-K.t.------—A AM/FM.-NK:E CAR, $6500.- : Sorious inquirios only. Call ______734.93n. • j j j TOYOTA.^ Eagle------— Boautilul rostorod 1957 ” Ford,F 2 door cusiom, 351 Somebo^" ~^ l U ' ______FFord ongino. $4500. Call al • noon 545-8970.______Smashed 136 Heavy Equlpmont 139 Pick-Up Tfuckf 142 Import/Sporls Cars ^Motors repair manuals and . _ :______11llat-r6lo manuals, 1935 to ^MyCary SHOSHONIIE ST. W. -7 333-BUY-1 7 9 301S Michiflon grador. 6 7 9 ’A ton Ford, wAinlod win-in- 1980 Honda Accord, 4-door, ]1976 and othor old aujo ro- WD. 3400 hrs. 522,500; 77' ' dow fiborglosa campor sholl,ill, 5 epd.. 61.000 mis.. 1 own^ ppnir books. Call 324-3064. Cat 2S0 KW gofwralor, 3405 302 ongtiio. hoovy duty autoto or. $1800. Call 734-4614. £ ! Cat ong.. switch goar. . Must floill. 1952 ’/^i ton Ford , txana. oood llros, tuns vory7 1980 Toyota Torcol 2-dr., PPU. Flot-hoad V-8. rUns [• 515,500; Codof Rapids Jr.i i - aooa,-fe350..543;KM6.___ AC.-AM-FM-cat«»ltc.-$950,- g ■,V fock'cfushOf, fioll-comajnoO' - goodrgood-bodVi-$3&0i—- W e H ave Excel]silent B u y s dn- -I ” -85 S-10 Chovy long bod.d. Call 324-4552 or 324-2724. . T 1950 3-yord Fora comoni ! w /W Knckof, *37,500. N ew & Q ualit) , Hsll't Equipment 42.000 milos, 6>apood,<». 1981 Audi.5000 S . diosol, all Jrtruck. $250/otfftr 326-4624. ity Used Cars cloan. $4800. 536-2422. I POCDtSllO.ID - _ Iho goodioa, runa good, At W ills M otoi I 1.B0Q.66&-7175 T allgatea • '80 or 7 8 Ford,d, kMks good, woll mainlainod.’.• 1 .152 Aulps-Bulck lor Company! - good cond.. $65. 423-5516 104K.WIconsk!orVWBug - ,i BeOBbocWioo. Jn ,5 0 0 ;5 0 0 -. 08 pan irsdo. $2450. 11987 Buick Contury 4 door. 76 ODDGE COLT I' JO w /lf06 h o v e rh a ull. l, 140 Hsavy Trucka/SomltI ’ CaU37-6283. '______AAC. cruiso. now tiros, $4500, *484 I S10,500;(2] igS83tOCJO'a — t981 Honda Accord, oxcol: £ Cnll 324-4552 or 324.2724, ' ba^hooo, J27.500 & 4x4.4. 1.1979 Froighllinor cabovor,[^i cond. $3100. 543-5351.____ 74 CHRYSLER NEWr YYORKER THEis 5 2 9 ^ ; ' 930 Cot loador, _4_ 4 -lO-whool Iraclor. rocont out ' 154 Autos-Cadillac ’ yd,-trostrpalnrrS29;500:------t)rirt'm o. robuIfnniBlnoT* _ UJDOLLQMJODfTl..„u,*L, . . ' Hall'a Equip.. Pocalsllo, IDD $g2,500/ollor. 734-6368. ^ 1983,BMW-32pi, potfoclI T: 1977 Eldorado.-vory.good- i------— — t-BOO-669^717a------^ c©ndjtion,~io#dod."Must"80oh ci : 53iilSSUtKlHDCAfi. 1971 Whito 10-whoolor, 13 $6995. Call 734-4534. fc Mechanic Special...... 1978 Cat D3. w/6-way blodo;o: epd, 20' dump, comblnalion . rear''^*bui^.^3M T PlT” ^ra8 4 = = R#WM t 1975 Lton Lilioll lOTklid. 7000>0 box. cotnploto trailor hook- 1983 Toyola Colica GT, 5; $50. 423-59f2 altor 6 pm. .. b . 30 tl. Call 67S-3749. up. $9000. Caa 324-7686. spd, AM/FM cassoilo, AC,, RodR, 1976 Cadillac convort- 82 FORD COURIER W ilhToobox...... 1 45 n polalo Iflf.-IB in bon, 3 1973 Titan diosol. tako 20 r fl now liroa, oxc condition,. ibloibi EUorado. 77.000 origi- ..: '2884 II £4395. 934-4216 ovoc. r»£ hp molor, now brakm. Gamm bod, tandom drivo. Call , nal milos. $4000. Call 734- • 81 FORD raUHDERBII USEDCCAR SPECiCIALS ' Intofnatlonat. 67B-9057. [ 543-5257,______1985 Honda cMc, 4 door. 5■ Si 5463. s? n » d ^ ~ condition. CaU 788-2568: -’ Tl 156 Aulof-Chryalar ------CENTHAL-EQUIPMENT and 4,427 ongino. - - 79 CHEVY 4X4 PlCKli 1980 C O S S S = = ^ — NEW & USED • 1378 Chovy, 5 and 4. 427r 1986 Honda Proludo SI, AC. — Clark Michigan WhMl ongino. sloroo, PW, powor 8un rool, 1981 IS Chovy Citation X li; l/2 T o n ,V -8 ...... *3484 Loadar, Modol 85-111-A. • 1971 KW convontlonaJ, 4J cruiso, bra, rod, oxcollont sport sp modol, V-6. AT. load­ Now S/N401-0-106. Dolroil and 4 trans, 350 Cummina. cond. $10,995. Call 734- ed, od all options, now ongino, 81 FORD F-100 Only______diofiol. lully onclosod.i. Nioh! or day call 785-55000 2543. loavo mosaago.______tirtiros 4 palm. Must soo. V-8. Auto., Mag Wfieels...... *3484 8 8 $2950, Phono 733-3151 or |3 .asM of ______J986 Subaru GL 2 door, |2 83 MERCURY CAPRI I 1 9 7 0 BUICK I WAGlGON ______“ -T1975-IH-1700.-5 a-2.-16'bod-H- auio.-low^fnlTEluo-molSrie,- 22 _____ condition.,, . 4 hoist; 1979 F600 Ford 6 A-t . AM/FM Blotoo. $4850/must 2-Tone. Aulo., A/C...... *3984 : ...... $32,500. i-2-15Lbod -&-hoiBtM977-7_ solll 423-5412 or 733-2660. T5^~~AutoB-ChPVrolol 15 ------Clark Mlchlgpn Wheel , F750 Ford 5 i 2. 16' bod & ‘80 Honda Accord, oxtro 'To 82 CHEVY CAPRICE ■ Uader.Moclol5S-l11-A, 1977 Uonlo Carlo, powor Only______hoial; 1977.IH 1700, 100 cfoan. AC. PS, PB. 5-spd. equip,Iz good liros. runs good, 4 Door, Exlfa N ice...... “ a a = S/N 433-B.110, Cummins LZI:^39^ whool, 5 & 3 .2 0 ' potato bod;[; tapo-dock, AM/FM, $2850. $go6.U 825-5402 atlor 5. diosol. fully ondocod cab 1975 J:-750 Ford. 10 whool.I. 733-7550 nttor 6 & wkonds. ^ 77 JEEP CHEROKEE 4 wiih R.O.P.S. 17.5x25. L-3 1978 Chovy Chovotlo. good 1979 MAZDAl\ WACIGON 5 4 3.20’ potato bod. lim . 2.25 yard buckol. good '83 Honda Proludo, silvor. condilton. ^ $800. 73»7071. V-8, A/C, S u p e rS h a fp ...... ■'‘“““"*4484 ° Call 7 3 4 .6 ^ .______condition. _ S^spood. oxcol cond. 67.000 — 3 1978 GMC, C 6500. V-8 5 &1 mitos. $5700. 324-7998. 1981 Corvoito. low miloogo...... *29,500. . bost OllOt.Call 734.8504. . .. 84 BUICK CENTURY Now ------Ctflfk‘ n u b b « fT lfe d 'C ab lou " - ' 2 with Of without 16 ft-Rugby-y - '85 Honda Accofd. 4-dfr ^ ■^DoorExtfa'Nice'..;:.:..;:;..": -Qriiyi-.:;...... !" bod ond hoist. 432-5404. 1982 Chovy Chovolto diosol, ^5484 8 » - Sklddor, Modol 667-B, s/n _ AMiFM cassrtto, cnjiso, oxc ------504-A-2497-CAC. Cummins . OM mi: $6500. 326-5211 pm k5-spd. l PB;Call 423-5783. 85 CHEVY CELEBRin 1979 Ffalghtllnar, cabovor.■ ,... ------: ± = . .16 1973 MEBRCURY MARQUIUlS 4DR ___— diosol-ong'no with-23.1x26---l-3n5poodr«V9?r220-lncfr-’ . .iea3-Camaro,-4-cytindor,-5-- -^-OoorrWell-Equipped " *5884^ = ------llroBrCtark-winchrbrush-h- ■ whobrB a5or*13,500. Also, 146 4x4‘l & ATV'S spspd tranemisdon, AM/FM , -______Etcstoroo. good o m miloago, .guards and blado. Qood° j; parting out 77 Prelghtlln- 85 FORD MUSTANG U Now ...... - . . — fftflr on^ts anfi trancrrifc' 1974 Toyota Lnnd cruisor mtmako-olTof.-324-2061 - altor ] Iwogon, 4 'Spd, 67.000 m ilos,'■ 6:t6:30 pm. wookdays— ...... - CoadccJ, Shafp...... '...... ^ ■■ Qnly-:...:--— :..;,.-,.,,-::^ ...... S27.500.TI sion. oxcolkml condtk>n. 10 *5984 8 s : 1 ------UNITS LOCATEO IN -^— ! tlroe-nnd'rtmsr11=24:5rnrr-- oxcollont condition.i2900_- .ig l&M-Z-ierloadodrruns-OK— , Cali 934.4375.______^ ^FORD-THUNDERBII BOISE. sliding 5lh whool, Morrill collont, $5600. 733-4854. Herilaoe Pkg., Powei. Lcalher?'"“i::*5984 ------" 1 9 773 CADII.LA< NEW MICHIGAN hoadacho rack, 36 chain,, 1977 Bronco, robuilt ongino. ig1986 Chovrotol Sprint Plus. LOADERS IN STOCK. binder holders, Iroy, also) Irons, now tiros, also rog 5.>5-spd. AM. 50 mpg. 50.000 85 OLDS CUTLASS SALES-SERVICE- many moro patls. 53&2036. top, oxcol. $3k)0. 423-6106 ml. $2995. i ; ^ 754.€9a9. "Now PARTS 4 Door. Loaded. N ice ...... *6884 . 1984 F700 Ford, 429 on­r 1978 doop Chorokoo Chiol. ig1988 Chovy Corsica. 4 door, Only______------CENTRAL EQUIPMENT . AT, AC, cruiso, PS PB, S V-i 8 8 gino. 5-spood transmission, COMPANY INC. V-6. AT. a 6. AM/FM. approx 84 CHEVY S-10PU/C/ 2-spood roar axki, with or( pkg., woll maintainod, $2400 ?626.000 mitos. $8795. CAMPER,6984 Bol»«^&-2702or Pop-Up Camper, Musi See! .. ^ without bod and hoist. CollI or bost ollor. Call 733-6047 Co 1985 MAERCURY Ci::apri ______1^00-346-7560______. Call Rogor for doUiils. - ^4-86a6^>f-324^S6.------_ Qliof6.______Poc«Wl5:?J5--2850------T ___ BUD&ET.^ A C A R i 1979 Chevy Luv 4x4 good 383-3090 or S8XHEVXS4nJUCKl or 1»800-234^002. I Ford LNT 9000, long whool SSpeeti, Special SIripes...... - I baso. 6V 92 onnino. 13-spd. condition, $1500. Phono 459-8314 BflBf 6 pm. ■‘“'^ 8 4 - - 2 door, • Fivo 10-whoolors. 3 diosols, ■ ; PS, now painl. Call Gem kv• 734-6145 nllor 6 pm. . 1988 ig Spiinl, oxcollont condi­ 85 FORD T-BIRDTTURE oxcolloni condition___ 2 gas. w/groin. silago or b e d” .^ lernnllonal. 678-9057. . 1979 Joop CJ-5. Ronogado. tion. tio AC, AM/FM sloroo. 5- bods S hoists. Roody lor •• Good Looker...... warh^495:2232..MoJhn in I|, Hay truck ond tiailor, 19765 V-8 standard, 4:whool drivo, ifid. sp 4-door, bluo 4 silvor. *7484 1985• FORD TEMIflPO =-^W hito-Ffoighilinorr28 II-I- $2500. Call 734-8620._____ - mr may-taKo.lrado..55450j::oll_ _ Wobor pull t>po.trai)or, - 1980 Bronco,-full 8jzo,“ 4 x 4 r- 2®Dovid.-643-S252. ------8ZJUaC.£AGLES^A 4x4, Aulo. Air...... ------139 - Pick-Up Trucks------i iruck bod. roni good cond,, 6 cyl. groal all-around vohi- 7S79 Nova, good cond. $350. Now - £I6^XnlL3g4.g?1 . d o for h u n lin o o r tow n. '7i'76 Monza, ongino noods Only------1965 Ford PU. 4 spd, 390 ' Good miloago. (4200. 788- work. wc $350/ollor. 2 Chevy 88 NISSAN SENTRA ongino. good work truck.'• 141 Von* 3308 days. 788-2361 ovos. rirrim*. $25 63.423-6056, “ 4 Door, Like New...... t700. 0011734.3322. *7884 1977 JJEEP WAGONElEER . 1963 El Comino. 307 V8. 4-1- 1977 Obdoo window van, SA CHEVY CONVERSK epd. chjomo whools. $800.). 3: 1 8 .outo. PS, PB. sloroo, 7 Passenger. Sharp...... ; iZ^Aulo Dealers . l175-Aulo Doalors "“"'“"*7984 . Call4B7-2128. ______Iruns oxc. St695. 543-5157. • 8£TyjTA4X4 PICK! Sspood irans,, ______197Q.GMC,'A.toft..35Q V-8/,o- l982FotdEconoIinoconvor- air conditksnlng_____^ 2 8 48 8 ------*82:ooo~mD0';. ttsoo: c airj-'gfTttVn-vanpccapaiftc=enaw;= :E=3984= = 734.Q470 oflor 6:30 pm. couch, | lablo. trallor hitch, yga^irw rG T r y 15ha^LCaH-6k22Q4^lonYO_ ' BiBiE 84TaYDTACELICAGl ^ *8984 - Call 733-4 t4G ______, - 142 import/SporU Cars ■Row ' 1 973 '/s Ion Chovy. runs 89 CHEVY BEREHA G Only .:______nood, good body i liro s, ' V-6.5Spd..AyC,PwrWind/l 8 S ^ = ^ ! j 967 VW_Bug,_croam putl_ d!;Ls*ii,984 ------fesO.-Call 32S:46g4. _ ( -j g'rouHa up rbworiilohV Muss A DECCADE 86 GMC SUBURBAN 1985 MllERCURYTG 1976 Ford Coufior, goodj soo: lo approclato. sorioua roPAz - .condiiion. £600 or bosi otter.•. ino1 only, wkdys 734-8500. 3 Sealer, Loaded...... *12,984 C.-UI 436-6539 atlor 6 pm. . ’ 1971 VW CONVERTIBLE.- 1084 Chovy 4x4, B 2 diosel.. tvd i w/whilo lop, $2295/ollof. ' 89 JEEP CHEROKEE pi> Now $4995. Call 53G-6S66. ^ Call 536-2975. CLOSIEOUT 4 D/.. Aulo., A/C, Cruise, Cas;ST16,984 Only______8 8 ~19njLJiQyLonoin(j._ p WILLS n)S-£a3lesi-Place-h-Tff^WoriVork}^oBuy-ACai~ -For-Years-artd'Years-T?) ’CS’Fo'rd'F-lOO campcr spo ” AM/fMfi Sloroo. oxcol running S tioshpne S t. Vif. condition. $1,195/ol(or..Call g g j g 701 Main Ave E. TV^In Falls 733-7700 I 436 &86^<)llof-6^tnd-wKnd<—

i - - ______4>> :? R o b i n C r o w>w brings I John Candy^ gives I Steel Wheel:bIs ' has I m ulti-m edicia show I subversive eienergy to I energy of vinintage | j T o ^ S r = D 313------1 ‘Uncle BucR’i’^ D 5 ^ — Im ~Stones~^D6^

y F e a t u r M T i f E i a i BS Friday,Sootombore, 1198 9 8 9 ...... nrnenf^^S^ii.^ ^ Brie

jESIJvim phoii o n i c B a n d _____

tiorbc^n reh

Television show portrays w - ' . n dangers of drug:igs^alcohol TWIN PALLS - T»TSvice Pardoned," a show featuring Dr. JaiJames Dobson, will I t J be broadcast twice byyK K K V I, Channel 35. Tho presentation will1 tetell the story of ex- convict Harold Morris,ris. who challenges . young people to avoidi tlithe snares of drugs and alcohol. The half-hiif-hour show will air a t noon Saturday and16:30 6:! p.m . T uesday. - ■* - ^ .^ - 1 - -'r - Boise Art MuseuBum begins A r t In th e P a r k[ fefi stiv a l BOISE — The Boisese AI rt M useum 's an- nual Art in t^ P ark fe^ivalfe^ begins_today r n m m ■ and nina through tlie*le* weekend'ih > 'Jiilia '" " TlmM-Nmphinphelo/ANOYAREKC Davis Park. Hours arere nooni to 8 p.m . to- D)uring ur a quiet summer even!•ning in Shoshone, a couplelie of teenagers discuss matnatters Ihrough the windowV iof a drive-in, 1987 day, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.m. Saturday nnd 10 ii:nrrttrfrp.Tir-Snnda^ _ Mr.>A thnn 9fifl nrtigf.Qists from Idaho-nnd— — 1 the Northwest wil! displisplay jewelry, pot- I tcry, paintings, prints:nts, folk a rt, col- . Prom* thefrroTitTJilage tc(rargalUery wall—V lectiblcs and toys, Therelere will be plenty of food and an a rt area forfor children. E ntertainm ent will^irI ;includ^lhTTJnite'd'' ' —T i m e s - N e w s photojournl a l i s t A n d y AArenz puts hhts best w orkk on displa\;I c a t C S I ; States Air Force Bandd aai t 5:30 p.m. today, ?ETYE : ideal conditions____ _. Jim Fowler of Mutualal ofc O m aha’s- “Wild . ^By JULIE FANSELOWSWET •Several sports shots,its, .Arenz captured a . .- Kingdom' with animalslals from the Boise Timcs-Ncws wriler — golfer trying-to-extricate'late^his-bail-from-bo- ' ■ Zoo^t"H.a.m. Saturdardayru‘nd"lhe“Eoise‘::: ZIIZ — TWIN. FALLS - Like'mbm'oBr'n'ewspuper' hind a tree, jubilant basejaseball players c e le -.' ' ...... Philharmonic's “Popss ii in the Parkl con- staffers, photojourrialist And^ndy Arenz lives ■ K j|g braling a victory and a clcheerieader consol- - • certaf4;30p-.m.'Sunday i»y.------t with tho knowledge his bestest v.'Ork usually ing a heartbroken highh schoolsc gridder after - . ends up on the bottom dff a bird cage or a defeat. Idaho Cowboy Pay&^¥gBlg 7 ?;^n ie s = ^ ^-wante- Vujle_l>^iuu'tig^nc7rgllgd ------.-Raiflcd-inlhcSi4} Smokoy.Mountains of-rurai-i - b , , ------son colleagues— notablybly-manager Henry — ii.- three' deadly sins in a recent~Vo;~Vanetycol- ‘Whlchreirecent movie has d ealt wilh^ s( __ wpRti-m NfirtJ^ — ■ Willson-andrtn-'comMs,r08,--Eli2abeth-Taj ------J— ii^insaircH& sem usicraltrovcflaw------— um n, saying th at there “is a growinggro con- , blunllyaOrM ike Njchol?‘"Uam al Knowl est musical mtmemories a re of the gospol - ■' lor, James Doan and RaoulRc Walsh. Pro- ?1), o r as explicitly a s B em an cemihroughout the land overi r tltho vulgarity edge" (1971) 5^0 -music at tentmt revival meetings and of.f. that my father’s familyy nndar all the gen- ..! duction-is-expectcd to begin-late next - - li’a “Last Tango in P aris" (197c now com m onplaccon the’dcrce:rcenundeythe Bcrtolucci’c “ 7 ” ■ the bluegrusaia alstrains of local pickers. "■ orations before me'hadi beenbC' in. If 1 had : “ moTith. i the F-word counl topped that .P"pretext lh a t this is how Americiirica Bpcnks.’ 'W i!" !»>» U At age six,c, hho was sent to a school forr been bom sighted in westeestem North Car- 'Item : The mowcTjusmesYisris 1booming. ^ Sidney Lunim et’s ‘Dog Day Afternoon’ (1 Co-producer Larry Sanitaky Sa; saya that ^ Raleigh, N.C.” wherc he en-• olina nnd gone throughI the public school : • This sum m er's'box office grossiOSSCB will shat- or in Georg,rge Roy Hill's “Slap Shot" (19TiS tho two-hour movie willill probo “the pres- ^ tered a .progrTjgrom 'o f classical music: system there, I certainlylly vwouldn’t be do- ' te r all previous records, and[according nc to To side withw Hollywood on m ost issuisues IB training and be •, Burcs of a m an who —— aas a result o f his 1 became proficient on tho vi-- ing w hat I’m doing now." industry projections, the th eatrical a tr ond quiring fleas, b urthe rising;^ h: te _ ^ ------olin-aad-tJ^pi ------earcer-.^had-to-live-upJlip in nn ttnngf th at ______i^iaoo-Ho^lso-bccnme-^n- - Aftor-two-yoars-of- stud8tudy^t-a-junior._ —4^— vI3co outlets tor hlm s win comiDmbine to take Ha over thehe'grjrpliTc'cohte'nt'df movies 9 personal life." excellent guitnlitar. player. In high school,, collcge in G eorgia; MilfiapInap turned down : ■ ______was i (1 ict with his p( Q------^ e e m r t o ^ jbe-just c onrm ore-attem pt-by-t — ...... ~~in-i trnnoTOthan $8 billion-in-19S9r; he snng in aI rockro group which played at.t, a scholarship .to study“law Ia\ and inatead— t )ffcndcd of the Reagan-Bush c ------Ovor- at-NBC,-a-foi-four-hour-Hudson— ------__Conclusion:^ _Ypu PM D<-ypfr have too _ _ Morally Of! ______iDcaLTiinctinns.ins.______:______— chose-to-become-part.of.Qf.Atlanta’s.muai-. A ______us'all to'lhys'qua're roots o f th miniseries is iri develop‘lopment with pro- much sex,'Violence and profaniiai^ty in' ’ tbi^tijrhua ' In hia biogragraphy, Milsap says, "It’s al-• cal scene during the eaieariy 19G0s. He -i .-______. . .Eisenhowerrcr era, to theJut pop-cuiturc — --duccr8'Stnn~MirrBulic5-a5"and-Carmen-Cul*'• • moyio8,.cspcciaIly-bad ones,— £?.d5yi_,-but-in-6om6-ways-3—played-in-night-ciubsi-woi -worked-in-bands-— m m ercinlen- of lava lam;mps and “Pillow TalK? .. vcr. Cuiyer is writinglg 'whnt .she called , }It is axiom atic in m ost comm , it’s a blessingng that^I wos_^m blind. I for other artists and eveieventually began . , Lerpnses'td leave alone'whatt lfl-nofbroken.ifl" The probl)blcm is not that Ihcrt-is tooomuch n ■ wastotnllytaki ■the authorized Rock Hudiudson TV story." taken ourofthe environment‘ ' .S c o M ILSA P o)n n PPago 02 V amand in Hollywood, clearly thee mmotivation to • Sc3 e o MOVIES o n P a c e D2

1 ■ D-2 Timos-Nowa. TwinI FaFoJIo, Idaho Friciay, S oplombo^bora, 1909______

Calendtiar/Lots toI di o — ____ ■ .If^UihaveaniUmforforjhejlrms-. play fromI 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Pio-- :Pioneer Club. Oakley Ave. iri Burley. B O I S E- - Air A Force Appreciation l/Wedne^ay ' entertainment caJe:alendar,'mdif -neerClub.b. TWIN FALLS — Radadio Station 13/^ TWIN FALLS - Centeten'nial Edi- Day, an Airr SIShow and Open-House ------^ ------I it to: The Hmcs-Nms,ws. Box 548, TWIN ,E.FALLS —. Radio Station1 1KBSU (90.3 FM) will oiru r a t 9 p.m. ------;------Uon I: an exhibition by foubur painters will be Saturdiurday and Sunday at tho I whose works focus on reprciresentation: Mountain Homlomo Air Forcc Base.. For . Thin Falls, 83303, or bring'itbri, to our KRIC (98.38.3 FM) will air at 8 p.m.. New] Dimensions. j'f- ’ BURLEY-( — Doloroa Rochford will ' John Horcjs of Burley; Royoy Mason of moro informatiiiation call 587-4334. ' officc 132 Third St. W.V. WcV must re- First Houstuse on the Right and al 9 irge K s. ; , Wendell; Michael J. Milleiler of Boise; BOISE —- “Naturalism : Sclejitions _____ :_m’t’e-^'_Hidacdflcsdoyjioo/j___p.m. Car'HiTa]k. ______^______' t WIN_FALLS - Rad E----- C-ond R Exprca»-will— ~ah'd'Iyh Stdllard'of K ^hhiihf i will'be—fronriho'Glorinlorin'CrJansrCollcction;* • ~ . to print it in theS'riday'ay Special for ------KRIC (98.3'FM) will air ,m. a l Wood’s Lounge. M P'w 9 p-“- , presented through-QrtrS-aat the Her'- will be presenticntcd-thnrogh Oct. 22 af“ ______that ivcck. The listin/^r inin- the calen- t - 9 / S a tu r d a v ______J Pipcdroams: M any Voices:” , ------TOON-EAISAl.T.S — nanra-l0B8onB- rctt Museum and ^ (ialliillery on the the Boise Artrt M useum. ; ------dar ia free.-but eventR-mi --p.m.~MiJwau£ia Symphon; theLhe Sweot Heart Shodi«h- ! ,",College of Southern TdaK(iho cam pus.'...... lo the public. BUHL-— The Bottom Dollar B andJ Newman,| Organ; Purcell;'I: Ode for St, ^,1 be toughIght from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. -, [. M useum hours •' are’ 'Tbcsesday, 9:30 “ BOISE ~— 1Exhibitions ' featuring ‘ ------will play a t t '9 p.m. a t M a nd D'a Stage> |(Cecilia’s Day; Newm an:• i Symphomo leer Club. Live music will • a.m. to 8 pjn.; Wednesdsday-Friday, outdoor theme^mes ^ l^ jisfo rm in g Uic _ - 8 /T o d aly— y —Lounger" — for-a-Great O^sidR.-Hanin d e tO riro n j m idnight. j 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. andid Saturday American Gafaen’ Ga “Field and ------^ BUHL-— Raven H ill vrill play a l 9) . Concerto,^ Op, 4. No.Io, I and i’ALLS — Radio Station J from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m: wiwith college Stream’ andid ““Naturalism," will be p.m. a t thle e RI and R Lounge. ■ ^Beethoven: M ass in C. KRIC (98,33 IFM) will air at 7 p.m. i ■ holidays observed. featured a l the thi Boise Art Museum i^Y — Firew ater will play a l * " B U ^ — Tho Bottomm DollarJ Band I ...... 1 1 nr .f____J —•' Amoco/iChicaccago Symphony: Natoha liiunonlh;______ello: Konald: Inddental ~ *V-_____ Gutmnn. celli ______Hn/»nTnTTTiT- JERO MIE E — C and R Express willI . ^ ______i.Much. Ado.-About'Noth.—, ______lupvuining. Lounge. ------r ------^,_Mu,s>c from .J ______On loan fron-from H arvard University, I will ploy a t 9 . p lay .at9 p.Ep.m. a t Wood’s Lounge.-...... i: Cello Conccrto in C; Re- -■■■ -' BUHL-Raven Hil! w -m,„ iing; Haydn: C ng the American Gar- p.m. nt the R and R Lounjunge. ■ TW IN F;FALLS — Country Sun-." TWIN , FALLS - Tl ich; E ight LihLihes and Honeggon Sym- ,er Reelen. JEROM E — The Rive; s on view at the museum II play from 8:15 p.m. to, Squares*■ dance club will 2 and at 9 p,m. High Per- ESquaro Dance Club danciice, will bo BURLEY - Firew aterler will play ot shine, wll ^ phony.No,2i ct. • 22. In - ‘P ie ld -a n d ------n^irgft IC.i------i.atn the Weston Plaza.______guesf? caller Chris'Vear w: fevgoni Mravinsky.______^£ p t . 15 with pre-rounds s e-museum-bringB-togeth------. HAZELTON - Outlawlaw Blue’s will TWIN FALLS F — The Magic: astarting a t 7:30'[ra i7 n n it^ 7:30 p.m. arid sq'uaros.aT . !;Iorthwe_st artists .whose__ -p.m.-to-l1-a.mUat-the—Squares 4 dariance club will dance from.4._f. p.m. at Anderson Camp. B:Bring jlnger ______-Gilla-HaU-with-. Mike -KS e B ' 4/Thureday -C • a co’ntem’^ f a r y view, of _____ Sagehruflklflimgcjitihehp 1Tjindmnrk.. . p.m._t0 .5_:5-pjn..Qt..tbe Twin Fallai'rooB ^ s to serve, .-callcr. A poUuck-diiineE-w "landHCupe: Partiripathig ^ JEROME - C and R Express£ will County Fairair. ~ On c Sept. 16 all dancers ar are encour- i„ u,e „,hibiUo,ition arQ 15 artists eelectr - _ play a t 9 p.m. a t Wood's8 Lounge. T W IN FFALLS / — Radio Station TWIN FALLS — Radi aged to atteiid the State FederationF , U ' — Glen West will play a t a ho. M ontana, Oregon and Cum nry SiiJi- ICD0U- t90:80:8-FM)-win-^ - a t-2-p:ni.— KRIGM-3-PM^lWMt- {: l?i°p,nS°Thc ' ' —dancirln'JeniniB d a t th e 'Mt shine will play from 8:15 8: p.m! to MountainI Stage;S^ a t-9 p.m. Tho Best Record ^ Shelf: Stock o f Chic.licago m d a t ^ALLS — Radio'.Station ’EDancing sta rts a l 7:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Dream s o f Rio. ! 12:45 a.m: a t the WestonmPlazo: I ■ of Marian1 McPartland'aJ Piano Jazz; 1 KRIC (98,3} PM)F will air at 1 p.m. rounds. r Callers will be fromim the fioor - - —p------. - - I - t w in FALLS — An-LrLDS Singles- at 10p.m;. .lThe Amtrican Jazz Radio ------“Keyboard' Imnidrtals'n“Ttefrcshments'will be'fumisl i from-the Glenn C.-Janss------" CoSon cr5S September dance “Rodeoico ’Hme’ will Festival antand at midnight the Four 12/Tuesdauly - Br’ahms/Boetliethovon and at 9 p.m. Al- r American Realism enti* fifi? Hnrriwiti-' Q ueens JazzazzNighl. , tpmfltivpg* Onf)np N ight in-Vipnnn,—...... ------tled'NaturalisialiBm.’’ will be on view “ Dafo Pl'otU Orchcs^!stra will pro- "TWIN FAFMiS — Radio Station | Out-of-the^rMU ' e y — ------thr oogl r 0 ct722:r22rThp-BoT5e-Art-MnBe=------•vide the music. A $3 dodonation per KRIC (98.31,3 FM) will air a t 11:30 a.m. ■ BURLEY-Glen West, willw play a t q ------um is located3d o 00" Capitol Boulevard person is requested. Drescress western if NPR WorldId of Opera: Oliver Beauty CGeorge K’s. O n g o i n g ,* in Julia Davisis FPark. H ours are 'Ries- BOISE — The Boise A rt I you wish. and tho Beaieast and a t 5 p.m. A Prairie tMuBcum s days through1 FridaysFr from 10 a.m . to i ^ ’ 35th 3 annual Art’in the Par'ark will ^ 5 p and weel TWIN FALLS - Therhe Svringing HomeCompnpanion: Garrison tells of a TWIN FALLS - Radi fVcekends.from noon to 5 dio Station DTrniirv The Desert Art Guild’s todaj; tt tomorrow and Sundaj Sixties Dance Club willI holdhc a public S aturday mgnight date. RKRIC (98,3 FM) will air at byatJuIio p.m. Thursdaysays are a public free day. • le month for September Davis D Park. Hours arc from dancc a t 8:30 :p.m. a t tlthe I.O.O.F. ------r BP America/Cleveland ( m noon to 8. R egular admissinission is $2 for adults, ? will be Lethehe Rasmussen of Burley, p.m. p today; 10 a.m . to 8 p.r}.m. tomor- for seniors i Hall. 235 Third Ave. E.E. The' Senior 10/Sunday sStrauss, R.: Mctamorphosci irs and college students Igs may be viewed by th e row n and from 10 a.m. to 6 Sem aders Seven Piece Ba«Band will pro* ------^------: SymphonyS No. 6 in a TVaj■agi’c ond at Her pamtings 6 p.m. on w ith ages 17 andam under and museum ng regular office- hours at Sunday. S For more informsnation call members free, F vide the muaic. TW IN FAI%LLS — Wild Country will 10:30 ii p.m. Sound of Wrilin e. For more information )f Dr. Paul Nester, 1254 34G-8330. 3- ■■ TWIN FALLS-W3‘Couhtry C w ll play from 8 p.m. to midnight, at the gel gi of Mercy, Angel of Wratl; call 345-8330.).

‘Batmcan ’souindtrachk g i v e s ^ . Prince reneweed musiical suciccess The W ashington Post man' havee pput him back in the pub- last la album , “Lovesexy," onlinly m ade it a to p -th e ir respective re charts, and “I“Rain" and recently to produces..^o[Ters | opportunilunities to a new genera* the theme as the MagJagic Valley Christian' Wonromen’s ------• married his I wwifo, Joyco, and had a his hi own records and chooseses his own tion of blind stustudents. This founda- Club m eets a t 11;45 a.ia.m. Tuesday at Westofi'Pl'P laza, The TimcS’News welcomes i news of-commtmunity top five Rhythpthm and Bluos hit of his material. ni His ultra-modern’n Ground* tion has raisedsed and donated- thou- 1350 Blue Lakes Blvd.d. N.1 “Golden Delicious Reciocipos” events. Send rnuteriierial to Times-Ncws'Valley'y 'Hap- own called “NeNever Had It So Good,' star 81^ Laboratory recording’ !studio is sands of dollarslars to provide educa* will be featured, and1 spspeakers will includc Julieio Molt1 pcnings. Box 548, Twin Tw Falls, JD 83303. Pleaseise sub- In Memphishis. wilh his own band,, cocontinually being modjfitidd and up- tional scho^arshijrships for blind students ...... — o f Jefom o, M olanec HutHutchinson of Twin F ails andnd Sue mit news a t least a vweek in advance and inchelude a _ Milsap bccamamc the' featured per- ' dateddo to M ilsap’s own spccifijfications. in.many fieldsIs ofoi study. The founda- , ' Dtiy of N am pa. Cost; forfo: th e salad buITet is S5.50.50 per phone nuniiw r where;re ,you can be reached. ______~ former at aa major ~^ub, playing — “I’ve' always-wunltd-iKe'fl‘flexibility~lib-^nlilsb-'p‘rdVrdel ;rde8'fundrrig’for"cye re------— }- •counlrv.-jpck-,:kjm l jazzjate.into the -of-rccordlng-liniry -ownn ti night. He alsoIso worked in recording explains of his 48-track capallability fa- portunities fp'r'th'r'the blind and visually------______studios, playiflying piano behind tho cility. cil “I’ve always wantedJ tthe free- , impaired, lArenz — likes of Petulaula Clark, Dionno War- dom do jusl la turn,off the linim e clock vis P re sle y .,.______and^ make music the way»y ^ w as . iie foundation . estab- jeuS S jU ------A renijoos-hii-his-v,'orki------^------black-Hnd-whi(«T-^It-will-bnonpoltncninmgfinlfl ::1 fcBl com lortabie.ahootlooting.whenj __ _ ‘ Xou^to be aldtTiriore'.careful liJr fil the film a to tlii IliiTiissifn- Tcnn,,-signod-’d-a-recording-contract-br -bringing in now equipm entit and try----in--my-iifc^ir-some-timc,” Milsap------;it’s a sitiiation where I caican blend in with your light Iig an d expoBureB,” hc m mienls," Arenz says. w ith RCA RccAccords and started his ing il. This is one of only/ threeI o r gayg. ' ;and not stand out,” he saysays. The best says, “I’ve literallylit< gone months and u . e long string of :hit records, including four state-of-the-art stududios in ;and most natural picturesres result un- months witho.hout taking light readings 'Tho exhibition runs throuilOgh Oot, 5 . p ^ . Nashville, and I’m proud of I," “A Legend In My Nc e time, the six-foot tall _ ;der. those conditions, hc adca d d s ._ ...... - for black-and-nd-white film. With color, at the gallery on th^ seconc always been a gadgcl.freak.fin n 'r I"U=«P»reti) Time,- -Daydydreams About Night ol' . P, -^3tngei^is-an-avidivid-colloctor-of-old-ra— ^ — * ~ T he Tim es-News is moviioving-to’^rd--^qu-just_can^ n^C hthat^’::;:-^— = r r r - - —-tho-Taylor-A dm inislration • 1 rA' Stand By^-W om a^'du,'duciDgmy:own':i‘ecoi:d3~ wus V BinMmg^rTHirBir TiiTA UB a natiir d-has several hundred \ising more color photogra]jraphy, a sit- Some situaiuations cry out for color; Hours Ho are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.0, Monday .,t ral progression for m e.’ II Was Almost Like A -^^.„r^,.„-hourB,of originalnal itrnnnpripf.R nf ahnwa ^tIori_,U}at is changing_ng the way others arei_be9t_P_hpJpg.raphod 1 .in J.thi■,through.Friday.‘______• -• Milsap-hcads' his'own 'c; ■ _ ------Song.'- - 1? 1 dnling'hack ton Ihi h c 1920’s, He is also 0 __ . 'bualnoss-drgnnlzfllionrthroagn8hT»teh-|,-^ji— -pe Tnliis countiintry-music carcer, operator arid spends he controls his own booking, ------sap. has had aian im pressive 33 num- he - P“'=''*- many houra tilltalking to people all JMovies^ bor one chartI Along tho way. infing, recording and publicity. ’i'...... over the. worid.Id. I M ilsap’s call letters...... • C o n tin u e d fro m Pa{PagcDl InHollywoovood's brief, Golden E ra ju jus st as likely to fiag seriouss themt ea he has won dozlozens o f m ajor national ' 'A m ajo r project of this e n lertainert are WB4KCG. «ex, violence^nd profanity,ity in m ovie.s of social andd ppolitical consciou9ne.qs, for for moviegoing adults a s il^ww asto ■ aw ards, inclui:luding five Grammy too many spanning rougH j ^ y the y enrs I ^ t o ale 'hicrirawaTdg'1'roTirthc— ^ ’day, blit th a t th ere a re toe OAIiCING STARTS SSEPT. E 1 1 ,1989\ •movies th at depend on thosilosoele- 1979. Sidney LumetL (“Dog Day Afler- fru fru its: When th is c e n tu r y is} written;---v Country.Muaiciic Aflfiocialion th a n ,a n y ___ — :^ e n ta to s'ell them;-Whethe!Iher ifa a-re- .noon.'“Nctwowork’)^obertAltman the the film decade that the '80aBwill ’ - o ther sjnglo malo mo artist. He has won------...... - - - Ag« 3 Ihtoughih-Bdult- BC ------/--■-• -- — ■ “Album o fthle e 'Year" four tim es and Illectionbffilm makera’limiim ite’d skills (“NlASH;*“ifcVfcCabeTind M rs. - • moslTcsemble mo is the '50s. - ~Iiot too late ttD) regist'efire ■or America’s sicopy apoliticitical mood, ,, Miller"), HalII /Ashby (“Shampoo,’^' , was named “J“Male Vocalist..of-the ______,, Top. • T eenageage cloues - -movies of th e ’80a have ^«en e r com ic------“CommgHomijmc-JrMilos Forman . . JThe real sin of the la s t decijcade is . Year" three tiitimes. Milimp, ha8..8ix„ , lh a t there Have noi'been enoiiSOgh ------gold~albumg—flnand~bniT"doiiblO^piiit^ — Modem Creatlve-»-CoupIe’5Jle’sSwityjCIoss ------strip panels — with cartoon3on violence (‘One Flew OvOver'the"Cuckoo’r N ^ l ’T tha Adult Joti, Top, Excrrlw lovies >num album. He Hi was “Entertainer of rclse Classes, ^nd passionless romance• veveiling the William Friedicdkin (“The French (Jon- sm art, socially con.scious mo Join us this year for a spcclelel dancedi expertencet 'fact that the movies don'tt hihave any- necUon.'Thehe Exorcist*). Alan J. ' tolltold with w hatever sex, violeilence and ihc Year" in 19'1978 and is currently a ithing to say. ; Pakula (“P arairallax View,” "All the proprofanity w as necessary, andnd too regular perfom)rmcr al fairs; casinos, 260 3rd Ave./ e . M. 1 In responding to th at ColuColumbia President’s M{Men"), M artn Scorsese mamany th at m erely used thosesocle- festivals andd universities nation- »/ Informationll C Registration CALLCA 733-6343 I studio’s - (Taxi Driver’er’), Bob Rafelson (“Five m me enls to pander to the tasteses o fth e w dc. R c tu re s stockholder, the 6ti 32. Years of Expcricncce Willa Dean & Kim hiclsi[lelscn, Inslrxictora 'chief executive officer, VicM'ictor Kauf- Easy Pieces"),s"), Rom an Polanski - broadest bro audience. In his dazzl:zzling road show, the igswioBiop.....fChinfltown’).iXMicMslfiminorThc ______-•singer carriess moren tto n 30 people -' back, on sex and violence..Kaufman Ki Dccr Hunter")r") and even Woody Alien 1The good news for those ofof us who trom musiciansms to technicians- trav-— said the industry rcacts too thtl e "pub- (“Annie H all’):I’) m ade their m ost pow- agragree th al "they don’t m akeJ moviesn cling ip threee 1buses plus a tractor-, lie’s needB" {hcm eant, of course,coi tho orful movies.3. liktlike thoy used to" is th at conynvenient trailer for eqmpLiipment. ___ pnM»<»‘Q nnH oniH thnthot thfrf. id Go back nndind_?lpaaihem-vip.r=.take__jieishbp.cho.&dj:ideojtorea.stoneij less graphic content in films;ras tad ay out all lhe rott-«hock-us— SpielbergTxnrv■rivcd o ii Uiu ba-iiu' tg------COLLECTIOI — ntiniit .qpt? A ftpr seeing thehe {nrowlpr marry old-fashishioncd m yths and leg- -^ E ircGROSSI , W E E K get his head caught in a beaiieaft'fapin ~ ^ 8 t0 5Ult^moulhed -Times-News about profanity? movies, and manymi thal trivialized £3l>ravMfing ------FIlirrrnnfecTrnrc'Bho^ng-ingTnorc------aes and-violencjncerThere liave-also------— carrier;— . . restraint today because theyfiey can't been a few goo(ood films of social im- MMonday, Septcte m b e r 11 top w hat h as gone boforo, nnnnd be------p o rto n ce, thou^3ughscrious critics m ay • m sides, the industry’s ratingg sys; ste m __ havc trouble fiifinding enough to fill ; ------f r c r o m 2 : 0 0 p m u n t iil l 6:00 PM - once the a liy ^ f the £oI3er• fil:film maic^ o u rih eird ecadade-ind Top lOlIsls; ^ ’ fu^day, Se^itember 12 ~ — ere-r—hae grown 6o conservorvQtiveand— ■------^ ^ ___ Z' Tl powerful, real craziness inIicouimer- C( ' Mostly, the’fe ’fiOs have showcased - f rr c o r n l 1 : Q 0 _ a m u natiL3xOOPM t 1 claf movles'is'virtually impoi^ ib T e ^ ------sUckra^Mi-inti'llti'lloctufll fantasies— __ FUm_m,nkcrs.now_haYe.tP.ogagree in wheth er ii^lhele Iform of teen-age sex _ thoir contracts to deliver mom ovies comodiog, slasl-asher horror movies,' with R ratings or less, a factact th at has sciencO fiction,m, adventure or drama, turned the ratings board intonto a wlU And regardless!ss of th eir ratings. Fif- ing censor ■ ' - tccn j'cars ago. an R on a film-was------f«M i'iiiiriiTiTiri-rTiffill.

1 . Friday, Soptoitomborfl. 1989 Tlmoa-Nows.■3. TwinT\ Falls. Idnho D-3 For mei:r Laker• Girl wirins big diuring MTVVkideo MuiisiG Awaards UNIVERSAL CITY, CalCalif. (AP) - 'P au la Abdul doesn't mi known as a former Lake; MTVgives boc)otto. comi MTV. VI;jdeo winnel e r s ' the four, MTV Video Muai lie Andrew luaic Awards vClay ‘ LOS A N G E L A ( A f i - fihowcred on hor “Straightjht Up’ video UNIVERSEISAL CITY, Calif. (A P )- '“As you know, our showV ia a live appearing onn 1MTV in', the future," — Hero is “StraightJUpj;___ ehould hclp’sidclinc tlic) cheerleadercl Comic Andre[rew Dice C lay w as booted performance pe and wo hacad assur- Wugersaid. a list of winners for the th MTV Stage: Livingng >(^lour for “Cult _Videb_Music_Awarda,_prpresented—otPorsonality.^ ------image------^.-off-the-M T VV-cQble-networl^flfter-de— -. -ance3r«P«8tedlyrthat-his- ^ s-m aterial------Thc-eomcdiaihan-had-stopped'bytho— ~ - “-You-don't-wflnt- to - see - . Wednesday night. •Direction: ,MaiMadonna (director ee-me-wecpr-livoring-fl ' '’mohologue~'la^~ t witH'~'^'wfld~bo unino' with our pprogram- pres-l area imimmriiately after hia. _ ... Video: • Nell Young for fo Tlus David -FmcherJ y and relbrenccs to obese ming mi standards, 'which naturally r -routine and ansinswered questions in a ierj for ''Express Note’s for You.* ; Yourself." • '-“Straight Up’-collectcd-tn' Irophies for womena Isex. , preclude P« profanity and objbscenity,” b rie f session irin which he stayed in Group: Living Colour for f< “Cult Video Vangi best female video, dance,e, cchoreogra* , As the MTITV Video M usic A w ards KliKluger said. his stage chanaracter of an arrogant anguard • Award;- • of Personality.' ’ -p h y and editing. ______show cqntiminued Wednesday night ‘“MTV apologizes for his bbreach of chauvinist. George'M ichael.el- • - . M ale: - .?Jvi3 --C ostcllello . for Editing: Abdul “I owe a lot to being aiI L15 ak er OiFl,’ glwrtly n flcrc r C la /s segm ent, MTV highis .agreem ent with us and1 wov apolij- He.lefl.befijefore Kluger arrived dui (editor Jim Hey- •.‘Veronica.’’ - the ex-cheerleader for thehe Los Angc* \1 cc Presidcident Barry Wuger camo gizgize to our viewers. backstage w ithth the MTV reaction...... good) for “Stnughiught Up."- Female: Abdul for “Straight Post Modem:Ti: R.E.M. . for “Or- les basketball team saidd bbackstage, backstage anond read to reporters a “Andrew Dice Clay did nonot do this K luger wouldold answ er no questions. __ ------angc-€raahr=------Qnly-nominatiMe ’Alone."" for “Sweet Child 0 ’ Mine." Art Direction:in: Madonna1 (direc- Young and newcomers LivijvingCk)lour the crowd inn a joking echo of actress performing por in concert wilh w the vocals by Tomom Jones Was nam ed * Rap: DJ Jazzy Jefff & The tor-Vnnccj Lorenzicnzini) for “Express - _____; also were top winners at the sixth- Sally Field's*8 "You like me* accep- Rolling Roi Stones.______breakthmughi_yidoo_pfthe_venr. vi ______: —fn ’sh-'Princc-fbr^Ptmm annual event. = tance speechch ot tho • 1984 Oscars, “Veronica' gave Elvis Cosostello the gnts-JusfY ourgeir ------Don't U nderstand.' Cinematograph;aphy: Madonna Young's satirical-"0^9-]is-Nolc’s-for “AndTd-likec Utd thank'P ep'srfor calis-"' nfale'video m a honor, and R.E.lS.M's “Or- Guns 'N Rose:)ses had the bost heavy ' Dance: Paula Abdidui for fcinemntofmphpr ____ Xflul-W Qn. thft rnvpt/‘dL-best-vidco__ing.8o-much hi I controvcrsyJl.:ct ------ango-Crugh".an( cnpturcd.thct.pc ihe r M ark Plum-______"Straight Up." mer) for'“Express■ess Yourself."- aw ard, although ?^rrV once one banned ..The.Pepsiij ColaC .Co. J n April .with- em cntegory.__ :______1..1 . Mine" nnd the10 i combination of Irish ' Film:-U2 With B.B. -K the video, ostensibly becaucause it con- ■ drew ita TVV commercial featuring The 1 career-achiovomcntnt Video rockers U2 ancand veteran bluesman . King"for ~ BreakttTrou^h»h ..Video: A rt of =^¥heQr-Lo¥fla—Comas—to-o^T^own^=iIoi#fcfofc^sitr^ .... ______------t n im d cnMiiniin-iiil mpmngi ------^ M a d o _ n n a ~a~rgnd-ilB-Hponaorship ; o l-h er—VaiVanguard:ftward:\vcntitp-^ Kjp-fringe r—BlB~:'King-cam(m ed-n besrvidco‘l'rom'“ — ; from “Rattle and H um .” " Viewers (JfioiiJfioice: Madonna. ■ Madolma^oh'the Vieweiwers’ Clwice tour. The cocommercial featured a George Gei Michael. film trophy for”)r “When U v o Comes to. ChorcographyiL'IiLIAbdii] ____trophy for “Like a.P rayer.")r." H er“Ex--burning crossiB9 and other-images-thal——Rap t went to D.JrJazzy JellefT & The • Town’ from the:.hc-ConccrtjnoYia,*;Rat-„ [.I: luI_T_To'r_“Like A .P r a y er.‘ r .'' ____i l l . - ' . . , , - press Yourseir video earramed direc- offended someme C hristians. . FFresh n P rince fo'r “P arents JuJust Don’t . tie nnd Hum." • ____Son honors for David Fjncher, Fin the Living Coloi)lour, a band that blends Understand.* Uni '______^______;______'MniMadonna— ______------cial effects trophy:p h y :...... ------Qrt3jrectioiHrophy-for%n Tegga»-and^att7-wotrthe ““This~ts a drcani Liunic." said— Flic show, ^ wit th 'h o r t- AT^cnig-H'aitT——Two -T 8 ta itrlsrd' niuj6r disasappoini- zini, and best cinematogrography for best group, nenew artist and stage per- Frosh Frc Prince, 19, who urgei;ed all^ of featured perfonbrm ances by Miss Ab- meimenta. Michael Jackson’s wovork was Jody Watley,'ley,' the G ram m y Mark Plummer. formance aweiwards for .“Cult of Per- th6 “kids out: there" to “statay nway dui, Cher — in a lenther jacket nnd nonnominated in eight categori)ries, in* Awards’ best newlew artist of 1988, hnd “I guess this means you^ou like me, sonality.” The;hey accepted by satellite froifrom drugs and all that stuff.’T." .skim py teddyf -— Def Leppard, Jon dueeluding best video for “Leacave Me six nominationsis fo for her “Real Love" you really like m e ,' Madeladonna told from Pittsburjurgh, where they were “Kiss" b y A rt of Noise .fc.featuring Bon Jovi,, Ricilichie Sambora, and AloAlone," but cam e aw ay with1 oneo spe- video and’cam e2 aw ay em ptyhanded. Celebri'ities* acddresse!JS shoutId not hbe availlable to) everybbody DEAR ABBY: I am veryry m uch up- two beautiful daughters. Jtfhniindied DEARWATTUTING: Your common- • lookooking through hor purse remminded. “Freddy, did you find w hat you set afler having read aboutiut thoI 19- - . . . whcwhen thc girls were 5 and 7. NNow law marriage wouldwo not have been meTie of m y own experience. were looking for?r? Ifnot,I please.let - y e v o ld m an who becamle e oobsessed ' Abigail . the;they are grown and w ant to jojoin thc valid under anyly circum( stances, m e know and I will help you find it."' with a 21-year-old movie actactress, so J M VanBuren “a;Mayflower Society. They needed some since John wass alreadya married. • WWhen I wos a bride, I was sishocked Then I signed mny y rnam e. T hat’s the '' he tracked h e r down and fatfatillyshot. vital records in order to do so,10, and Even if you hadid beenI m arried by to0 leamIc that m y husband didn'in't know 'last time he ever2r lolooked in my purse. h e tl • - DearAbbv ivcI've put them off as long a s popos-siblc. someone authori;irized to perform .a_____ the.:ho.meaning oLlprivacy," l...... -D IA N E (MYIY IREAL NAME) . What is even more frightehten in g is cCan I get a back-dated m arirriage marriage ceremc■mony, your m arriage cau|:aught him going through m y purse.] —------___ the fact that he was able to obtaine _ _ ...... ______cerlcertificate?. I.hav.e.Jolin’s.deallatlicer*___would have been.en.bigumou3.and..______^OLc)Lcourse Jtold hiniinJio.uiicecertain' _____ Is^'\imp?-Get______this girl’s home address throhrough h er DEAR HEA]^ARTSiCK; I think thP tificlificate and'*iiiy daughters’ birlirth cer* therefore, invalicilid. ternerm s th at I didn't liko it, butI ilit too^c Abby's booklet, ‘Hi‘How (0 Be Popu- motor vehicle registration.n. I under- home addresse3ses of private citizensj- tific;ificatcs, showing John a s thoileir fa- himdm a while to realize th at I mimeant" iar" - for peoplee of all ages. Toor- stand th at because th is inforiformation regardless ofwfwhether they’re , thej;her; now all I need is a back-k-dated You cannot get a “back-dated m ar- busilusiness because I caught himm at ita —t/er, send your and address, is a m a ttc ro f public record,rd.itis ac- celebrities orr not-should n not be matnarriage certificate. - - riagcxertificate"te" bccirase-the m ar- • secoecond time. ■p/us c/ieck o r monewncy order for $2.89...... cessible to anyone who wan ant ts it. available toanyone an without thc - AAfter John died, I marriedi againi riage you de.scribribo ns*common-law" ($3.39 in Canada)a) Uto: Dear Abby, Abby, I think we need someTie laws to knowledge andnd consent of thc people andind had a third child, bul myy ionly was clearly invalvalid. Sorry, but y o u r' FiFinally, I wroto a note and\ stucksi it Popularity Bookletklet,P.O.Box-M7. p rotect public figures fromm peoplep . who are beingig isought. It’s not only a con(:onccm a t this tim e is gettingIg a . daughters a re outoflucksofar-asou inn m y p'urse. I t read: Afount Aforris, ii/.in. <61054..______who are obsessed w ith celeb:lebrities. matter of privaivacy: it's a matter of badjack-dated marriage certificacate 30 joining thc Mayfiyfiower Society-if '• R em em ber w hat happened!d tto Jodie security. mny y. daughters can qualify forrth I e their eligibilityy'depends di upon their I 3BBBBBBBBBEQBBBBBH Foster, John Lennon and ThTheresa Maj'ilayflowcr Society. Thank yotou for parental nncestn!try and the legality of I E = B r u cc i e R j . ' B a c o n Saldana? And now Rebecca;caSchaef- DEARABB'VBY: I wos a common- anym y help you can give me. Pie'lease your relationshiplip with their father. I •n OTORNEY AT L W fe r can be added to th a t list,ist. W hat do law wife 40 yea'ears agCn John and I - hunlu rry .. .1 g ' B : you think? couldn't m arryr y bccause his wife , -WAITING IN>I NORTH DEARABBY:Y: The letter from the B | ___ B N OR RHON wf)'ildn't giVf*•> him ^ n r?ivrtr<»n Wo h iiH : ______• CAR J^QLINA wfQ_who.resL‘nLciited-her-husband's______| - .. “I D.U.I. ’350P B ankruptc’tcy 5500- B ‘ : B Divorce “4;150 Personal InjuryIii B Robin CCrow brrings vaiiried shning tfl his recordings, it is an experience not T Tc ouringheavily on the'coll.e11.ege cir-_. soon forgotten,Dn "'said a repre'senta- cuit,uit, Robin, opened for majoijor acts tive from his shshow. suchuch as Firofall,. Tim Wei'eisburg,. "lusualJ Robin Crow'jw’fl “Windows to the Ozarizark Mountain Daredevils, anda At- intn Rhythm Snrfinn Ditrinj ~~ahffw— probablsbty-thclarRcst-for-flny 'Robi solo artist on1 theth college c irc u it The Mou:fountains, where he recordirded his stage productic:tion includes nn over- thirdaird album, “Finish Line." Now N re- ■ .ffv Ss p m s e framf p T — B L I sized screen tovtowering 14 feet. Behind sidiniding in Nashville, Tenn., he 1 has ROBIN CROWiV the screen, twitwo wide-angle projcc- recoi!co^cd thc albums “Seven SeventyS | Conccm'cd'^tir^'^ m y a d sJj f l __ HO PROFESSIONS^AL DANCE ARTf _____TWIN F /a L S "-R o b in Cros r p B s tim edia show will be preseesented by______Dircctcd by jcnnifcr’CcCondic Obcrdiaw Idaho" SiateTlniversit^ni~Program“ ' - Aa t ^ o u n c e s t a x -i t•REGISTRATION-'^ r i ------E F l ^ Board at 8 p.m. Sept. 14, in Ithe Fine Aug. 31st, thru S 6:6:U0 pm claily. Southern Idaho campus! a t th e N&W Bcginniinir^s Centcr This show is free of charg'irg e to CSI SQO AHi^ico n A v r in 1 ui'id~aluin‘ * ni. G eneral adm iasion chargerge is S3. . ‘ . Classes available to beginnersbe thru ' ^ I ^ - J Crow’s records are bothJ eremotional acccUderated advanced studements, in B allet and Jazz, and enchanting with an-impmpression- ' . as Well as various m odern:rn and tap courses. istic stylo embracing rock,(ck, avant- 1IDAHO PROFESSIONALAL DANCE ARTS __j^iden^olkj^ju^and jjlasaic,isical influ- - ______In assoclacion with Bcvkycrlt.HQckr»ey— ^ encee. Thoy have receivedGd glowing ■ ’ IBallcc classes also avait'ailable in Buhl. reviews by much of the! o country’s In associatlation with Tammy FolklngaIga of Tammy's Dhncc Factcto ry _ jazz and pop music press. For moilore inform ation phone:j : 733-1163'i or 733-4657 l is o n e inw a s I “Robin Crow's continual wcwork with c q m IEE EXPERIENCE THE NEVE W E S T A P P R O A C H T O Compassion International (encourag-(en DANCE EDUCA-:;A T iO N n i p i s t o l ! " . lw\rt atw%noA>^hin nf nAvortv i lOH | a I ( / e . p u r c h a s e ita iy l — ^ se d ' a B ilpm ent-G f A ctio n B- iolf Glovess a n d ■ R i i leei^:ea--t-G --5f:5f3e€fal-H- — :hem in an ;ad in ■ rhe Times-NN e w s. B___ bwBIsI W e w e r e a m a z e d B . V-at-ttre-resp tI ii I I B — , T hey even cai^ a m g i n B ^

- ■ ■ ad in their fnands". m B — ~:TimeL\6:00:p.i Narrated by . . j .' ^ 'SeptrWth^= Channel §26 r further Informalration on how Tin[mes-News advertirtlsing H „ _ . RobertIDuvall ______can hjhelgjrour busine:ess,_call^______Voice of Mary BiBaker Eddy jjjH i t e f c r 7 3 ! T p f m f t e t a i r AiLcivertising i I _ ...... J u l i ^ I ij;' rZ2^B.3 \ p - 4 Tlm os-Nowo, TwinI FoJIo, F a Idano Friday, SoptomIombor 0 .1 9 8 9 ' - |*m ,60IN0IN6TOBEIN A RACE • ( I'p 5U65E5t"a, .• ■ IF'i'OO'i'rE e e o i N S T o e e ______^______JDMORP)RROW..1_WO/4P£R.WHATJ_X _ ^tUNA-SANPWIGH J ______W .A .R As,ca C E alwa'<'s_e a t ______5H0ULPLP EAT BEFORE THE RACE.. ----- SOMETHINSNSTHATSUIIMSFASt^ - - t O I C o m i c s ■„ .... , p flfn ’V j ------..... TH E FAR SIDE BLONDIE • ______, E ^ ‘'V ~ jWHfCH OP THESErlUMllllllllf ]{( |ON& >S ON SAL8SANOTHB > A ------5 T ' - i i i - — J OTMfin ONH ISN'1 N — ® >

. T S ■ p r m m

------/ ^ 'A R T - |3 ~ S " ' — ------j - / — I-THINHIINK-I'LL CALL I T ^ ---- V 'SQ O IR)»RR£L-TRACK5 F ,A , , C leaping'1N(>- FROM EM PT V V - Ij^ \ - LAStfiiSAGNA PAN". . y ...... ^ I G ■ g

ll UH.AH.I ‘^ANO-m> THAT'S 1 -VcWHeW-l-- THArsF sT n n n fi r (E ONB < WOBSe THAN BUS ------'SR^J “ ^ BouLBi're y 4 ~ ON6 ON THS - y. , I j # E I \ j ' i ~ L " - i D

______fiyjsc------jJa.So.i2ci o u e S ! ’’Now wait 0 mln'ui l n ' u l e Ho sflTd two Jorks h io ca L A T B 'MKE.-'------^ j - a B B A T -M IN P S ’ -AtJct 1 ' moant 'more slack'nck'Tnd Ihroo irfoarinctffflo J— — I up',., but ho novaiovor said nothin'aboul ono' ____ 0 ! £ : ^ X Z Z ^

. . ^ ■ 601PXF7KMXW. Ill*itiavsA nefnes/cwzuroniKtim}t^WG\.\ AFTlR.CClN5a.Vrt5 I •fv’ Bxof-fimxjucuiifiTi-MTX)AW<£. 1}lE.£/JaXJNTlft,mi;WCZM;£i.y J >WflttKSi475/»15ti!C« 5 H 0 0 !: ■ A ^ J.7COatATI^V9AM:.^V■,^K5, ir.. ; -UAViVNCPK^CaV.5SS4WV*-J- -Cfi£Si,0UlFfi£ND5 ___ A£i&i_____ G- •O BUSHBNOMTmDAP A U V iX fi££M£HTTBAV,lVhOhH }F O W V '^ 2:OOP.M.,THBf^Si -W— M/NP.6£Cf3X. A T' - ; 0 MTMHiB SUimVNO■NO ■W THSCfWNSi AK7UW1mNffim n . TOLivmmTHima'OPOJCY.A'JPUB .-- — R ------N '"’»B'f<^ITSH0U5aP(X.POOL... : ...... j f f i ------t — ~}sr-USeKf£&TO- .... -E FSftLTUB i • s P „ r > .t jE [ | ...... —/^esp£c\Auyi-Y I kTls/OlV ‘ l u I --- - I / % Z \^UATB2 A ^ II ;---- j ^MSt5 IS TAU- TO T H A T \R W S PUT I f' jK a b r o c s s eeeuy'^jef^i^otj e i ^ jD ( :Y ^ . V ON He I f a j 7TH0RLIS£.' ^ M v K -® COPKtei VJS HBARPHB -\ I I— / ~MA w h a t y "CHH I E F fe 1 & -Aht-eXPLO^tON.ONi ARE -)-- - z A ’ whA WERE A 5uRlRPRISE" . . V - ^ ;E y o u GKAV?-/ ' C? 5 y o u , K . L . 3 ^ M AKIN& J y j m ^ ] O I KJ m -M s n ' S l i '11 I i l T r =0 r _ ^ ^ E

miHGS GET '\ - M S K (»WG L ______“;

Io ■—:---- :------J m - I k

b u l d n ’t - y w e l l f u o a\-l^-nS ^ A /-I-haven’-fe I - * needgla com puter! /VinowDwhow could rearn'Ji/ s o s u r e i - j U45 5( 6 o n e ! j v - - i f ^ ; — ^ - - 7 - I O • r T7tx)$wi M « j « t f e p w■It, t , I WWT 0FH 66P O'BSB iT i "Iw L [D :B ^ mee^ s e o a ^ W ^ > J i d t w ;s e N \ b o e t o i D H i e s c E H e ■< \ ^ I ^ r ‘st.oM fe.vC s^ v jg o J ® ( h i» H i 'i i i J i . J - A — fc ------m ^ ¥ - III ^ ______nFNNI.«raSTHEMENACE ...... T H E; IFAMILY CIRCUS------


j S M f c E=A1 ■ > ______i _ _ 5 ______


------X ------E W ? S /V. KAVC5' 9 > ^ 1

I ~~ ^

• ACROSS fTTI ' 1 tdvnlloal ------M«toh*d pilt' n il . s •- • 0 - E a t iw ih ln g — - eDNEY K m 1> B » o . ” MARR_, ------1 4 - E Y * - o r -E n o c h - ^ ^ -JlOsl'en; o o r------;— ------1g-C0ttwriiw ------phone-namber;^ 17 '*- poor ■■■ MtgoesES WITriOlTT SAYIN0-, .6UT MARCARSARET WILL Y odok...” WM iiii p ^ : = “ i l £AY ITATA^^YWAV-*______18 i3Ing«r Fr«nkl» a r IB U nafftottd ------n M five daughters.s. WiWorstpossiblo motrimo* ;; 20 Uttl« •htvtr » ASTROLOGlIICAL • on romance, ad'adventure, speculation. Lucky 21 ••Dr***y" party — - ;TS ...... number ia 4, nial matchup,, accaccording to a marriogo ------23 .P it or DabbI# FOREGAS1 ...... VIRGO (AuiAug. 23-SepU 22);'Older indi- L . M1 . . .' couhulor, woulduld Ibc-for tho youngost so a' 25 Smoothi 5“ - M IF SEPTEMBER 8 IS YOfOUR BIRTH* .vidual, powiblyibly family member, agrees to ^ i V T i to m arry the younyoungest daughter. Next 2® Pwpar** • _ _ k for you in talk about “deUiJelicate matter.” Clash of ideoa' BO\ _____ 2ft.FQMn<<«»on____W DAY remarkable comeback * worst, this authorthority says, would b c for ------SO C o m r from :------BP Scjjltfmber; %ru wer* ’‘betrayetre d H y ^ e -y c u — rw d ts -but. •»] narry thi oldest:------— b * h in d trusted. That occurred just 0a little over a Scenario incluidudes property valuo, rtsi* m onth ogo. Ycu work cztremelncly well under • dence, future! prospe^.pr it’s w hat 31 Cooking htrb ■ - Q. What’s ‘prosprostitu;ion by local op* 32 Stbiing: abbr. ** i l pressure, arc romantic, scntimimenUl, seniu- LIBBA (SetSept. 23-Oct 22): You were 35-8upport»r------= — al. You deal successfully w ithh 'il[ be back on track,ck. Fresh start, curs at home. An iasurnncc actuary Baya,"0 insure a ^ ru n n in g 1___ L sccond chance for you during: November,N SCORPIOj(Oct.23-Nov. (( 2I):Holdofron son , underwriters prefer not to i „ r „ ij Q- Didn^ thele AustraliansAi send in cats i ------40-F»m-a«ctlon— ciowi0WTn0vn»-M»air9»nicetrl nedW3i3rnHaii7 aia: r UfV nf r»«K jg— relationahip.—a—addod _rcaponsibilitiv—You ____ • j? ' n ~'b pr)if>in U Q. You hold two U.S. coins ir jySI*y£ly9i|lPI—•- temporary .la y n w a y plan.I. ?Money comes' might be iayinjring, *1 can handle it but why ' fig P o p atar 10 “...“•• haa. — ICU lAll iinslMIM BlHtEI a tKH>~F I -« handrThcytotal’35c'cnt8rWmt^ tJTyou fllmosi DU Klft- Lw say« 63 Do ponancA 'and'tiunoT? ar ------RlATltlils"isj|(2jJitR tO E lsl3 64 Strong wind look'* Io< hrTcisigifH approach!* Focus on scnsuolilility. creativity, persona play roleroles, - -not-»^uartor-So-what^oinAanfouBoidono . ^ CAPHICORl)RN (Dec. 22Jan. 19): What j p jg changed since! 1331339? ** . ■ ; 65 C a a a a tt# I t Closea Cl tightly B ? O E liir^nnd,>fresh start. A. A quarter and a dime. Yc - content* • _12 firldgofir chargo ":r_CEMffa.{May.2LJuce.20j:DjLYouJcccntly " . JDUJcft^behindlind^nprd-not.bcjrsurrcctcd..: TOt a quarter, but tho other il __i-.-.:A. Ifj-oufipin!pircJ6(»asthepricot^_- ; =iinK«..;r*» totom ■ . one obviously heard you. Youlli 1l_ha\-e plenty unusual expcrie:rience relating to the psychic, / annual incoracc th( then and 3 pcrccnt r»w. ; 67 “rcannoJ '' 21 •RobtJtffurR* ------tK t i l l to M l )mpleted, youll TVavel ormnKtn:icemcnt can be negotiated, _ p Q. Wliat sort of oil is found ir of company, projcct will'be com one John Gordon, who haa ; *•' tell 22 WiW icked • (i'liltlp lifB c |^ |y,li |i-MK{Mii_f|] ( crroit long overdue. Fanamily member AQUARIUSJS (Jan. 20-Fcb, 18); Brinht • places on earth? ^dit./ Or»i.p«M, 6 8 A llow anc® fo r 24 Unctuous Ur [YtT'lT'ry'H gIodt6 bcback. aunlight fl^bolibolically rcplaccs gloom: i\l- _ : j ^I^nnnoM oil. Youcj^l*dcof),or-- "■■-rtl'rf'h.™le matter. ; -- ___ _ w a s t o ______26 SoSolver kr477+?4 = -B^r H ur r r ____ ^ CANCER_tJunc_2L-Jiibu2' 22>r-l/>w.krv ~ moBt as if ii^i^fia fair^-tnlcr^ishp'Tcnmp true, “3rB8thtno— — l2iSi£i*JB Rub TOur finger across the siue 59 Drib'rdor 27 3r I approach brinRs desired resului. re: Cycle falling in linee as'if'Sominoea.n: Vbu'll say, '1 "J] sound a9;o8rB9 ' '• -noHcrThcn nnothor'frn^rocroi wa„ilhcrFr.,Franklin D. Rooscvek or ; __ graduolly-JBovea-up,-but-far naw.plfly.wait:_mun.l>c:hoMinino ling thp Horn of Plenty!* Leo J; ■ , “Moloton tha — 37 — Bnd'b - boar-11—45-A««o»»ment* ------f onu Af-hifl writOE^iiir’fl u.’hn pniru»fllhn pKmim i ing game. Emphnnis on work,k, peta, depen- involved, forearm. Notice the differcncc^ ' DOWN , lulurfcay 30 D uds 46 Dock post ' __ dcntfl.LKencml, heftlth._M c^{mge relates to PISCES (M . l^MarchJO^: During mdrc.m? ■te.thi.t.poll,-ell.' j —:------»-Quan«l— - — M.iS*-£tal» phrasa ___ 40.0Id-Qlorlory______47_Tlny-bll______c " tiic o y 41 H am m er '48' Flower eBodal invitation. pail''two w'eelu,ska. yo'u augliniavb IcU.aalif"_ _ *__ ...... Ifa pOMlblc! tO(toestimate ajmual rain- 2 Sing*'' “ _____L E O ,(July 23-Aug. 22): YoYou need only you were beingng dcaerted.,.By tonij^t. how-_ — ^----- Q ir th r ia ------3a-Vo^-VoU «Q B ln st^_ 4 2 “ M att _ SO Tennis*______• "A-That-of-fnllmpr-- " ... ~ ...... fallof.aay..ycatJivimver. this last 20 centurica - 3 S tu p id gu y a 33 It. city Dillon” N a sta so eslight push to nccclcmlc jououmey. M tans ever, youHTccl':cl'vindicalcdrfainily'mcmbvr’ "■ Has debts 43 QuidancoICO old 51 L ogal p a p o r you'rey goinR ploccs, youll brcalcak from tradi- might say, "Wo'Wo'ru very sorry if you were ' by mcaauring' widthswid of tho rings in tree 4 Utter 34 H« WORST MATES ^ :. 6 C law * 38 Porrldgo Po 44 Run awaway 54 Csr-fuel______-..U«vyoulLcrutti.yoiir.oafiLalyli tylff Fm p)ini>te .hUTt!" Ai^UOriaiiianrcatuitd...... n.s, another truidcs...... Sny one fomily Iins five non.^, . , 1

- ^ r ------......

Friday. Soploiilombof 8 .1 9 0 9 Timos-Nows.fS. TwinT Falls. Idaho p-S i' piedsiia h tlp mmndlesisdespiiite Mastvtrantonmo, Maitrris The foUowinB'ai^ capM)aii/e ro- ~ " ■ . • •■ st: strous beca and towering folibliage. • and companyr-make m this a super- ments me like smelling ^lts,.to) bbring us ovororunder.l212 to t< sleep, and a dog. -. - V30H-S ofmovios now showiowing in the B Reviews , Wj\yhat happens to them is whi/hat hap- craltsmanlikec jijob; Gibson and arcBfound a fter th»»laughing gasas effect • story th(it dogss th<^ e m se lv e s m ight nc- - ' Matic Valloy. RaUngs aire r e ^y.the , - _ ------^ pens to the movie: thc humaaansshriv- Glover keep theLhcir cool and charism a of thet jokes. R obards and a vtvastly . tually enjoy—ifif theth pages w ere edi* Motion PicUireJissocialiot tion of. . eaay^. . . , ■ el into c raw lii^ pifflea or catraterwaul- even when toileliletsflypas't.tbcmrBut "pulput-upon Eileen Ryan are pararentsof ble. • - Amcrica oM thc Los Angc ^gcIes EDDIE ANANDTHECRUBERSn: ■ ingim robots and the grass andid tho in- the violence seeseems wildly over- two twc sons: Steve M artin and y.young Times. OpinioDS arc by La- EDDIE LIVEVES-nt-Dmnnf»-Wt<^: twf “ ^ ■^I'lHe^’wRiwho r e s u m e ^ p e r f q m in g ~ but^thc v erb al jo t e havc.'C-thccQni- __tiaamovie,.____------!------11— ------huihu3band-has-lGft-bor,-and-lovevely-new— ilXflC.tly fl staplejiJi^Ql!.3um m eLm avics, ------It’s perfectly' - imder an alia:lias M years a fter he w as ic tim ing of a m ating dancee Iby blind, ' PARENTHOCIOOD (P(3-13). Those comer cor Hariey Koaik, whose> husbandh Reiner’sr's rnevi’ from Nora possible to have a mindlesslessly pleas- presum ed drodrowned. Although the .. jcijealous ^ephants. with ‘impossibhible" neon-haired teen- (Rick (Ri M oranis) alas, h as not. Ephron’s screenpljnplay bristles with it a n t tim e in thia intense Tid_ridy.Bowl -- - script couldd haveh used a polish a n d ------—: LETHAL WEAPON 2 (R);); B e tte r - ” agersrw hose-cv•cVcryscntence is pimc* — ______.asbroody.Billyy CrC rystal and sunny------bluenesa. You ju s t relax:andlctgo._ an despite pedesllestnan dire^ng,^e_film_ thjthim the firet “Weapon" — becauscbe tuated by a slanlam m ed doojj m ight____ _ ITURNER AND HOOCH (P(PG). A Ryan m eet,et, a ttra c t, then w o rry ■ ■ ' “You m nyjust wonder whenhen you has a «rtainiinswebtsquarenessras th{tho dialogue is cleverer andd the1 end- sw ear th at "PParenthood" ar was th eir dojdog-meets*cop version of “Thche Odd a lot w hether loveovers c an be friends, come out if >du haven’t pruprimed a lib' doca Eddie hiihimself, Lilckily, Pare is in{ing does not fall into genericickung fu group n ortm it, J , . p^A,, . and Ihg reverse.iC. Ivovclv1. ensemble -tlfrrWriter-directCTT-Jmmjr^ ^ :----- U.-t‘rific andriKe th music rousing. With' " lil,Billiness — this reunion of sirsuicidal alcToholica mightght claiiii tho movie as FelFelix type and a jowly,drobliiiling, ■ work with C arrieric 1Kishorlind Bruno' ' - Cameron’s vision (carriedjd \w ith him — M arina OrsiniJini.BcmlG-Coulsen; ------Ri;Riggs (Mel GibsonJ'andTuth'cJTe'rly Iheir own a f teef r w'alching ' the emo^' ^pugnacious Dogue de B ordeaiaux Klrbyro are juS st fn r g h t a s a couple'the ^ not surprisingly since he} wiwas 17) ia M atthew LamQurence. MiM urtaugh (Danny Glover) puputs ^em tional falloutJ’rofrom Jason Robards’ narnamed Be.aa!py_asji_8lob Oscacar. The audience is pushirshing together. Yes, complete wilh m en who say^Stfiady,saj HONEY, IJISmUNKTOEKIDS thithrough comic and crime-builusting boozy, indiffcruiirunfattempts'at father- co-:co-stars generate somo chemi■nistry, M anhattaiitta n setting and “real" •• - big fella,” to each other witiwithout a ■ (PG). Shmnkeiken, acci- ppaces, c a s they battle a Southth African ing, four dccadeides later. Director Ron butbut three team's of screenwrititers married couplec in'interview s interfard- trace of irony. M ary Elizabz a b e ^ M a s- . dentally tossei;3ed out with the trash-hy - dn nlcn ttlP'film's __>hflVhave-come-up-with-a-'mystery ilhn.snnnup nf______!_ trantom o and ice-bluc-eyedyc3D d'H ar- their ma^d scieicientist daddy, try to be:b eu lin g mob accountant (Jotloo P e k i) original atory' writhw Lowell Ganz and thathat could'only bamboozle 12*:2*year- Woody Allen, but-'aut'with ch aracters ris do monaRe to bring fireLro^lUhia_JighLtheiLua: A/flyhnrlt Kfini<» fhm iigh a_„. to ]form a varintion on.thc Thrhrce ---BabalooMandoidoUSSplashr-^Mght------old;olds wlio w eren't paying atteni;ntion.-a— dialogue thialhiatoniCj-isthalneceB------dam p Under, b ut it can’t hahav eb een yard turned1 intoin a jungle of mon-______,^£csJ}ircctoLRjchflrdJ)jSic tnw gtnry tKnt afiniiM piit-nn'-. .'inrilvbnd?

T l I I DISNEY'S CHtt:h UIAH & FBIINDS (C) ■ ------c/o/iH”Gc ie Buck'’subversstUBTorrTi / \J I FBI .SATSAT-SUN AT 7:00- - Ti^energ^ - I EPDIE&CRil> CRUISERS IMPC13) 5AT^UN-AT-5rf».-^ i ...... - ^ ligiisiyijsjii^B'By y d W E N -M C N A L L Y ^ "^ onh_ose_nice white houses' whehere all Th^HaiifordOiumnt- -— . - - ^ acview-.-; 'oofthe ff families seem right out i ^ieave-Il-la-Bearerr------7- — Directori John Hughes andid the gi- another, ButE thero oIt; plenty o f scenijn eaan d JOHN CANDY,3Y. UNCLE BUCK (PC) ant, economy*8ized funny mia a n John • W ar breaksi oiout on the home front sigl UY 7 :15. 9:10 sight gags that tranacend mere er for*- SUNDAY CandyCai have come up with thehe right- when Buck claslashes with his niece Tia mula. m u 1:30-3:25-55 -5 :2 0 -7 :1 5 - 9:10 ingredientsing for that all too rairare (Jean Kelly), a bbeautiful, cynical, . A Among these a re Unclc Buc“'k.the. — HijNtTrsBli! dessertdes — a light sum m er coiromedy self-centered I5-year-oldI5-, who is conconsummate couch potato, mencticu- - - PAILYUtY 7:15 - 9:10 seasonedsea with genuine laughshs. _• palled by his slo]sloppy habits. lou£ StJNOAY lously vacuum ing his clothing t s . 5:10-7:15'. 9:10 | E ? | B | | b l Candy is in top form in thcic title Even worseI thanth the stomach* pigipigpngouton cereal; a gaggli ------W KkEMUAIiA i ymKim{w:i3)— rolen)l< in “Uncle Buck," playingIg a n>-. . turning, mountaiitainous m eals that Un- stylstylish high school kids scramimin in g DAILV;llY7ja.9:30 tund slob and all*araund uncocouth . cle Buck cookss uup, is his insistence forfor cover■ w hen Uncle Buck'sI ppollu- SUISUNDAY I^^^^BHji booboor w ith a h e a ^ of gold. Hiaia aubvor* on running a tigFight ship and keeping a tiontion mobilc.backfires on thc scschool ' ll30.3:J0-50 * 5 :3 0 .7 :3 0 . 9:30 sLve^cnsc.of humor.macks snsmug, . . close watch on1 TTia'a lecherous. ____ -groi?rounds; and Uncle Buck puttiItting a «n ticooutuiuTuu------IK. auburbanites living in th eir safe,lit-sa -boyfriend. • pon-pompous, classic, anal-retenti'lU vovice tie bourgeois world of white! hhouses Underneathlallofhisblubbery al prirsrincipal inherplace. - 1 ringed by white pickot fences.58.- 'aleaze. Uncle BuckBui is o strict diaci- “Uncle “I Buck"- is an extensior„ a „ r . . ‘ SUNDAY: - UncleI Buck, a freo*spirited:d40- plinarionandara moralist vitally con- Can-andy’s'slob'role in Hughes' ‘F a:40.7fl0 year*oldyea bachelor,iivea in a■ ppigsty, ccmcd with othei•her people’s virtue. • Traifrains und Automobiles.” It’s3 a much 1 dri^drives.a.piece of junk.that_cououldj)ol: __ And, m uch.harder___ -- lute an army, nukes his la undidry in a to put iip with tiuthan slovenliness. haslas been sm othered in. K|pi!C microwave, haa never had aI rreal job Since thc PG*rj*rated “Uncle Buck" is WHEN HARRYRRY MEETS SALLY (R) andand livea olThia winnings a t tlthe racc a formula cornedledy — a sitcom onthe • _ d aILY7J10.9:00 ily ; track. silver sc re e n —- it.comil es qs nb su r* ., H ...... SUISUNDAY...... " TThe middle-aged nc’er-do-w•well is prise th at Buckk aand Tia become aU___ F 0.7:10.9:00 preipressed into baby-sitting hisI titwo lies a fter a hard-lrd*fought cold war. f l you-young nieces and a nephew wlwhen his And, naturally,', bboth become better f l A Tim'es-N(3 w s SBIlSBSi well well-to-do brother and sister-ii•-in-law people for all this.his. f l C la ssifie d Will Fillill f l ...... PARENT^?Tw 5o d TpC13) areire called out of town.. Buck finally sesees the error of his fl f l DAILY7:00.9130120 I SATURDAY. SUNDAY e v e ry N o e d f l 3:20.4;«• 4:<0-7ach^orlir in 'Uncle Buck' the 6-1- - - UN®;!?rflBSc”Vo — - -Jbhh Candy Is a frei ,he suburbs, it is one d isa steir r; after gan). He may eveeven settle down in one 733^0^ .0Alir7l1S-9i10lio SATURDAY.! SUNDAY'. ■■■■ 1dO*3i2S*!2s.sao.-^ns.9:io

the'ABYSMPG13)T b^ daily«LY7i00-9a0; — ------fsarp SA1URD>>JRDAY- SUNDAY Writers''League2 chapter■r marks anniver -4a0.7i00.9t30 WETYE yeara. ‘The marketm. for the type'of AAt next week’s workshop,p. Smith whg .was laterr .named,ti Idaho’s_ Poet TOM HANKS ■ By JULIE FANSELOW SWE TURNER**R & HOOCH (PC) book I like-to} wwrite doesn't exist any- vill wnll pass .along some of thccr 'writing Laureate, ^ ,r r OAIlV7l30.9d0JO J SATURDAY. SUNDAY . Tlmcs-News writer. J0-Sl30.700.9j0 more," aays SmSmith. exej(xereiaea she.leamed-in Sarlanta Fc. League membinbers also read about W-— ^ — Twin Fails . So ahe haslas switched to main- She’shell-alsa share somc.sccrcticts about the group’s histo:story and activities pf ® TWIN. FALLS - The Tw eihalWeapov ^ r s ’ League atream fiction,on, and'she’s currently howlow to m arket work and howw to han- currenfparticipaipanta via the newsiet-- (fj| Chapter of the Idaho Writers annivcrsory^orklng"on"n"lB"book about th e Cora^ dielie rejection.i Smith says shei IIeamcd“ ler““Writing Pun'uramts.' The, publica* posbooeSliowbo 11^ is-marking its-golden arm anthTmd'a-^8l5ck"Lod^llll garnered favoroble re- .rejcejection olten h as nothing to0 dot with tion is edited By^nrWRite,by a com- ^ “ wfthTrworiahojrthtsTnont ;m in Octo- viewa from •her he instructors at the a'wir writer’s talent. - - - puter teacher in ii the Twin Falls \ V All Seats $a IIY7:10.9:20 special historical program fl 2:50.5:00 .7;! 0-9:20 Santa Fc worksckahop, Smith aays, and The Ti workshop is free and1 copen to Schools who also ali serves «a thc bor. 1930s'by a she’s now work)rking vrith a tutor from thehe public.j It will be a t 1;30 p.ip.m., foi- league’s vice presresident. - — Form ed in thc mid>193( R s w S l B g S e pptV l BIG DOUBlUetE-fEATURE— ------Twrin F alls the Universityty of Utah to pojish thc lowiowinga luncheon a t 12:30p.m,m. group of writera for the Tw I f , - A TMIS TIME. HAVf niPf.rn.wini£V wilHmtil Brlir,:Uirzicngi tff-fe - = coreTOgKqp= ------—NewB-and-Idaho-Svening-ifi: )0ut-I6-pc0— scarch fora pulpublisher.— ------•'------itg-tLs-anniversary-program-Oct;ct;-2I-at^thc-group hoperbs-toboostitB-mcmber-— ^ i^fc5^^fl-S A T *S U N ------~chapt«r-now-include9-about -jJ iTi EK .I.JH as«o [•hr of Rich* Smith saya9 she-begane: writing fic* - itsts i regular m eeting spot, .theiic Twin ship rolls duringng its golden anniver* I ” * \ \ ~ -7)00— ...... pie, according to Alice Bchr p’s current- tion about 10' yearsyc ago when she re- • Falli^alls County judicial annexIC by th» sary year. “We’re're alw ays trying,” she / tf FWaSAr«7.ttl49:15 , field, who is the group’s , \ W / i W W alized she wantanted te do more in life courourthoyse. ■ . adds. “It’B.open1 tat nP 1)if» pTiih TT)<>mh<> iarriB— teretlledTinl-wrilinilingrrwhether-they-vo— an for pay, still does’ att”‘Burley"Junior” " High an'8n 83-year*o1d Hansen reaideilent who done a ny o r not." for the fun of if more than 1 published. School. “It.gaveive mo a reason for ge^__ receecently compIetcd-hcr.jnafiteiter’s-de------although n^ajiyjuwe Jicen pi eafchcrt, an - tirigoutof bVdT'"d," she says. ^greeree' in”heaIth'educutioh"froniw Idaho------The. diib’s raiQis in dude teafc •al-rcdrees.___ j e ..write, in. tho..moming— StaUtate_Univeraity„T=.-is ..coordi•dinating _____ | ______. officc.asaistimt and several- the Magic but finds that’st’s the beat time of day thele program . She saya sheshe'll be They hail from all over th( to exercise; So50 inow ahe writes in the drawraw ing from memorabilia, sisuch as Valley. Sept. 16 at 'evenings andt oion weekends, striving thele ascrapbook kept by early mim em ber The woricshop, slated m Sep rant, will to finish five pa(pages a day. ______Sudiiudie Hager, a Kimberly Uteacher ______the China Gardena Restonniry Langer — feature Albion writer Maryh er recent Smith, who will describe he s de Santa y v i - I participation in_Recureofl_dw B b o p , Fe, a New Mexico \yritcrs’/en wi insmra- yORAHAMEFROMLOm Smith has published sevennir s r u ig m ------tional romance'nov^a. Four VIoon for a A / f t t - "Wait for the Sun,’ *Moo' and -Ride I V l Uurderers, thun e v e s , Candle,” “Divide the Joy”jleased an by __ - . with Wings" — w ere releandl987. w a id alcoholicss Zondervan between 1985 andI were : big ostitutes am Inspirational romancesgenre’s w iiri*..... for. 8 Jcw .yeorB, J)u tlh o ^ g• .n past few nstantJywrii pact. has .declined in. the _pi ^ ------^ 'Is ilthere m ^ ------a r tyhope y ^ SEEOURBBOOTHAT THE FAIJR" r m e ? " I g g lilT ^ F ro m^ BillyI Graham ’s ste m o f _ . m e s s aage g to n ig h t - .' . ^ tegister to wivin d in n er fqor 2 at Club» !93 T he fivc-catcgorysystcrListry ® thc voluntary film industi ly .Glory in the Cross?”s r ’ ■ ^as_____ ^ (5 d raw jn g s p e r da)*>y) ■ __ rating proiJram is now as ______io U o w ^ sgristeitrtoaw'Inrovernlghfc li 1 ^ 3 - — ^ G. Gcncnii A udicnccs,: —f2-drawing^per-day — -admitted^—^------ice R T U N E .______• P.G ^ Parental gujdcnoelialraay.. . ’ VJ tOD-«-FUN-« FORT suggested, Sdrh& n^^ , - g — ------;------Id rc n . ^ B A R T O T T S not be suitable for childit ^ F w A T C I strongly ____ re P.G . 13. Parents tuT lapstr ^ F O R O UUR caution^ to give spccialundcp-13^ ^4U 9|SK U fl — g^uldanoe-for;ohildrcn-unc ^ ^ G R A N BID— 1 S o m e m a te r ia l m a y b e[f(»n — inappFOpriauUbp-childm ^ - O P E N I N t ____micstriclwlr-u^dc£-17_ f c E E E g parent H H iiiM U <5> ...... requires accompanying p - - ^ ______„ T hIO o F rlo n d U c» f 9 p o t In N«i\N a v a d o o r a d u lt g u a r d i a n ______a d m i t t e d .. ■ - ■ A'dultsIts over 21 only-eliglble-)le-for.drawings._____ JJACKPOT, NEVADV P A " X . N o one under 17 adr TsppMlI ______I ■ I— ■ ■ -


S , • d -6 "nmos-Nows. Twinvin Foils.I Idaho i Ffiday. Soplomtimbora. 1389 JSteelI WheelIsLshouWS Rolliing StOimes are usty i By ROGER CATljlN ■“ flirts wth.a_couple of.nei.lew sounds, a s The joy.’ of “Steel Wheels’ ia that it •righteous smugness. - ...------ffig Courant nt — Review welt. came togeth:ther quickly enough over erimontalism comes on - On earlier Stones albuilumsandpn the winterr aiand spring montha to y “Continental Drift,' . ' provi•ovod on his solo ' ButofTcrii3ring a new product odds ' liis unsuccessful solo LP£P a .Jag g e r’a avoid the usualusi socoad-^fising and ds on the E astern vocal iiv ; outing last yeSr th att siisim ply the com--- fioinccrcdrcdibility to their understand-3- idea of experimentationn imeant post-productiiction pouting; JtggcrbyusingthoMo- •• • ___ manding,. Bnaking charhard ofhis guitar., abledesinsire (greed?) to tour, m erely glom m ing hopcleilcssly onto - H ere is a RollingI ^ n e s album 60 - ,6ter Musicians of Jajouka— w as enough to conjureire upi the years ..' And woin'orking faster than they havefc the latest fleeting trendI (i(disco singlo, .stripped dowlown tha^ o'ne track, the un* {ground. Yet this new step, «tJ»M />- I- V ___TT-i" . iQ'lwginning.of.thoir 2&yon r. —:------^------OOn>{>F(mH6Htill 11^ ^ RVIU L*ll Mi 1 iiUL [‘'Uu-Kolling..:-.^, Still lacking the cxprKpressive bluster old nasocii)ciation, the Stones havc Hia difTerence with Riclichards’ st^ic features justlist a straight-ahead fbur- t; co*rounder Brian Jonea o f Mick Jo g g er’s voice,co, the convinc* turned out as credible a work as they;y traditionalism m ade forrsome £ occa- piccc: Wattstts. Wood on basa. he.groupbofori! his d eath . ing anap o f Charlie WatrVatts’ drum s and have in Bionnllyintercsting.crentntivetcnsion.,_ Richards^antandJnggcr. ;______■■ th e c reative b ^ l a y witlwith Ron Wood’s- “Steel1 Wheels"W will stand with very■y But m ore often, it resultcted in an aim- It is p a rtt 0of a scorching four-track ir inevitable question guitar, R ichanls was8 glglnd to join up few albumurns — “Somo Girls* and less morass repreeentinglg too many opening thatlat is designed to sock the Sleel Wheels* and its at- with his old m ates forir a venture in “Tattoo You"Yo — 08 shining exam pless of the band's post-“ExileaonMain c windoutpftlfth e strongest naysayers. ir is, of course: Can mid- “ - - - tlio utuuiu uild OH lhBTTT‘Trm*----- .im iJT can - ^ Stresctuuta m&javer Vho _ _ B v _ r q r r ^ H irm mRN N . And-thathat^R-just 'tho Iwginningr—T*—1w iir-^ ll----- that-imie-WvAAr-larg^l^M)— A b and-d^onK>nRt«Jt«drqualit.jHneteriel— I Los Angeles TJmcii sHirt and'iid .mercTiirndimrig“ [ncome~ e~ roregonc”conclusibh’bcror( 3rc thlf shows can~fe'Hisl“"the th -nostalpa tendencies, I : ...... from the.‘.tour t the tl appeal of the Stones’’ SStones’ first U.S. tour in e I eight years cause we arerren't, after all, pretending, e And thore was no contlontfist in term s body o f workwo — a liistory of great. vwas to combat the nostalgiIgia inherent • to be a compmpetitive'band anymore,, o f how m any people wei were vrilling to aingles'thatlat stretches from “Satisfac-- doingflfjust your oldieses, a la the the Slones caicame out here with guns shell out big bucks,, accordinga to tion" ond1 ‘“Get Off My Cloud" toI \Who shows. ■ blazing, Philadelphia ticket broke•okers. - — “Tumbling-1 lg-Dice" and “S tart Me Up," While the Slones perfoiformed only They demananded to be judged by “The dem and for SttStones, ticket.

^ Precious]X ■if Moments A /|9 3 I \ ( H a l l o w ^ F i g u r i n e s < 2 5 % r LiiC, ^

> ^ a l R u s s ^W A ll \ P l u s h ^ ^^OFF25% ^

rolo avoilablo up (o onoo yyoar only y All AlV^ ______W ifh.m in Tiinlnnum p u fc h o se -o f$ 200;30.------T V ^ s ^ lfj------j ‘C ounter Carts^, jJkG'M iftw are > 2 5 % ^ i i F 25% XJI^ ------^D O N 'T MISS THIS CW life: r ; T O G E T ,T '9 .9 % ^ i e N T s t b ^ p , ' C f ' financing ' W AlK^ \ L-E- N S M g >=er^fc«f6f^G uw Jytjiftwran /

- ^ 2 5 % 9 ^ A u d io tfiwJll'h Id e o dpe "_ S A 9 0 's r P ll TDK, High Bias (J®* ___ -O— __ .'nc/uc O ta p e s H A L i I everyday!» D[3i3 —1______9.9.%-flNANCIN:ING NOW-AT-ALL-STORES!—------ever^ayy . ' — ------_ 2 J S l.A S a ln Avo. W. mmrorland I TWln F a lls ------'-O34-9052^sro^loy------=r— ^------I . \ r r r i ; : ^ 1 Chamberla islan^d Son -. ,...... ^ ■ ...... , ..' ■ !

^3 ' " s £

J jp M a ' '. t U P ! ^ ; ^v'j-^j^i^gr' ?.j^g ..;-•

. 8 —Sept;i4'

-r— 22 i i n i liJ iPlR^ ssiiri' Cover story

New seaiason's ser:ries mix oold, new,K . borrowcisd, but ncOthing toe10 risque ByKIRKNICEWONGERR ' ner goes froma bbionic to biolo^cal as (ABC,sc, Fridays) is a family-orioi a zoo managerT Iinj "A'Peaceable King* comednedv.. ‘.“Hie Yonog Rider*" (A(ABC.,, The new s^ea for the'ue'upcoming dom” (CBS, WWednesdays). Harvey Thorworwutys) revolves around tbee rid-i TV KasoD bleod Lhree-qusfluaiiers of Korman and CloCloris Leachman return ersI of the Pony Szpress. ABC mlmight the ingmlleats of a traditioiUonalwed. In “Nutt House"ie" (NBC, Wedncwlays), wantnt tto keep-its fingers crossed;d; th e ': ding: some things old; somlome things os m anager andujd head of housekeep-. rcalP11 Pony Express only lasted a yy< ear.’ ‘ new, some things ; borrowrowed:' but. • ing of a bizorrotro hoteL WUUam K att... THErHE BORROWED: "Free SpilPirit-”: ’ - thanks largely to lettar-wrlUTlting Mich- (“ TbeG reatestit A m erican Hero”) (ABC,3C, Sundays) Is a ■ rewritrittea ■ ,_Jg».n housewife-Terry Rakolikolta, noth- plays a "Mr. Smith".type Si congress- "Bewllswitched.” "Homeroom" . (AJ[ABC,,, Ingblue. manin“Topoft)f the HIU * (CBS. Thurs- SundajKlays) rewrites every series ababout-I I — -]^ake-^'IslaIKJ-Soo.■-i*tBe-B d Dapbne MaxwellHeld•Idealistic- iaim n Uy.,'— Tueaday-olght series starrii ic«")^liy78leinFmat«9 mcmbther cheesy wedge of . reall Something new? How ;^bout I "BayT,.Wi" (H a c ^ , a doctor who was rea; (NBC, Fridays). : And "ChlekiJeken Soup- (ABC. Tuesdays, Hawaiian family and who dl om MichacI Learned all its advance hoopla,-b baaica holistic - medicine? Somethlething bor- ;cr four teen models In "Bridgidget Loves Berriie'’ for (he oI and( __ removed-from -”Pr..-KJ-K ild are, - - pftrf.' Chambalaln's first serioTi irc8-tftn famlIyJLfaof-a-~jiisJco« land Son”'borrows its loca lir 18-year-oId son who - ncr-A i :Fri- (mdrome. In "Tho F a. days) 1: other'shows whose lay of ( s) b a spinotf from the nbtoricrious was In the Und of the lei, (CBS,-Mondays), Jon "Favorivoritc Son" xnlniseries. ' from ■'Hawaiian Eye" to 1 mailroom clerlrwho F iv e ^ ." iob OS.a.high-powered • talent ag en t Jack Jai Scalla-is a San- - ONIN T H E COVER Richaha’rd Here's a look at tho restest of TV's Francisco ex-coj« p In "W o lf (CBS. ciiamitnbcrlain b stars as a Hawaiiaimn trousseau, ortaoged by catcgitcgory. Tuesdays). Stcvcjiven Bochcos new se- . , ries b "E)oogleJ Howser,H M.D." (ABC, Lor in ‘Island Son.’ Tho now sercrics THE OLD: •‘Dyuasty'’ 's S Wednodnys), .babout a 16-year-old I Tuesdays ^ .on CBS. - Beacham will trade In herr< di ^^cad medical resident.m t "Family Matters” ______gowns for a simple wlmplolein-Siater ii ______K ate" (NBC;. Sundays), as a nun ...... 4Aarged-wltb-tI»e care ofof « orphans.-' - ___ ^Gerald__M cR anev T'SImtImofi and SlnjonTreports'for duty' in "Major B Q ------Dad-(CBS. Momtays)rngTgTB-MOTinff- officer who weds a liberal!ral widow ■ J J J WSNTiTO*!SQWNFlri with three daughters. Llndsjidsay Wok* • C Q L.OR O TVs RENT TOrOOWN...... START I »SHAB^RP VCR S w /W irpln<;«;Ppn~ficmolc— H ftfltiNGAT m ■ ■ -IlSEHflfI J • NEWV RANGES r i DEIITTOIrOOWM-.;...... STARTI I BUY ITI ! *NEWV REFRIGERATORSts $1 R0P ■ A T T m e s - N Ww s s REHTTOIra owM :.'.=r..:;:.;..::;..:.;.STARTi^TINGAt.lw ■ C lassified WillI F ill Also SolSofas, Dinettes. Desks, Washers, LanLamps. Ctialrs. Etc. H Every-N eed-d ____ - ______J N w Of Used-Purchase or Retrt»Ttt*To*0«D. H iAliCE& RENTAL ■ 733-062I ■ I CEKIER ■ ^9.7S3<7111 v ! ■ BUYIT!rf ■■2ndA vs. ll. ; ■ [SElirJT ■■J.TWIaFalte. ■

.2 lifTMS-Nows. Twin SxUs. Idaho-iho— - PfWay. Soptombor 0, 1989169 . jl ^ Hollvumod gossipgi Rourke decks4 CO-)-star duriiing filiiiini I Q: Is it tnie that Mick[ickeyRourka * si ( had a terrible fight withith one of hia ^ ^ mernercial for a pork company. JSay i t - co-Btars while filmingg ijin Rio and .^ ■ C s n tM .— T.M. beat him to a palp?—RJd A; But it is so, nnd who ddo w6-“ A: Mickey Rouricc U ocone of those ^ - .. kno\;now th at would tu rn down-cra-$1.5 actora who displays a lot)t o f intensity miillion illi for a'commercial thallat will m ' only in hia roles. During a senscripted fight . nly be seen in. Japan? All StaItallon^ - 6C0DC for tho movie “Wild'ild Orchids;' ' P hndad Ito do was hand a GeishaI.girl .g a_.-.- ho, landed a punch on co-ico-star Paul ackage of pork while o shBlognn.V. acro! - L _ ^ d bxacddent. -Howe>ivever, after cross tho scrcon read, "ito haham ia.;^ - HH -^L- -sode Land was treated for a brbroken ribl )delicious;-ltistho gift of lovo.'0." "•‘;’ the first one wl» came to esee him a t ___ tho hospital was Rourke_. thcy..H |^^^H Q: Did Msrjd 8troppinairtoiuajnor*jj|i— — areilill fneHHillThe'twotvo are even- * See GOSSIP on Po'gQ 4 ,J"' . planning on doing anothoi picture together. «ovJ* ouuu“»««««« - .....;...-...... *** ■: I Ezc«tli ...... _*****to- : Q: A Mend irto worked: Japan ...... *** anW. recenUj twear»» : «bad...... SytveiBter Stallone doing a TV' com- MICKE InIntense | poOf.,».,......

1 ------^ Cable tet(e f e v l s l d h ------j ' conversloiIon guide . -|pH|| | I « (uo*criw^toKrgVSatocM,. Jl • - # $

OK4aA2T«inF«l«(M i - i jjljijl) I OKAeKWMfPOSjZIi ~ ------: OCNIMttiiil««»"»>*)______OKIVIOoU#(aI}C)__ ...... OK3«AS.TwlnF*»»(M0< ------fl _ 1 . ~ "__^tDFAU(Cftrt»ii*n).:___ ,-.- = r ==^KUVr-T«nFaM'(CDS’ ------~ 1*; O G Sm (24 hOu> Nxj/tit ------^ »aL— : n ©TNT______’ • 4DNkfco(

cn-si — ■A • fgAxuAErJaiWnmontt______Q 9 0 i w ^ ______(Dviii — ' ®Tf«y#lCh«moi. - . ---^C -S P M — ______

bokhrmM»tUtintrri)olM.C»:S»nuk»a7(PBs ■ r ’ s woMCto I : : ___; ir • i

yiiit^i^bfCaooha . !^ tU ,'h rj^ r,}u.Xinbs*tncfHtmma^ o n j i TlnifNoJtffitMc ; ■. • _ •Tr.vr .- -;- :iJ = LJ=fida>^eplemtxarirt6®94¥=Tln^ m f e ‘N(nt3jIWlHJfliJ2IliI5RDr3 : .v’' :• — i S o s s i p ^1-^ ■ . ----- • C o n tio aed fromm P1 ag e 2 ing ber family to CiConnecticut Ibecause she has a paraiiranoid fear o f H ' -^ I jlddxiapping? — H.G. ' H

} A: Not kidnapping, juatjust the kind of H f ; ' ___ . ; ilimciight the childrenI of celebrities f t. J S jP i :oflcn.^vo tc live with.u StreepSl want- ' ,ed her three childrenJ — H enry, 9, - ;^ ry Willa, 6, and Grajrace,'.3 — to B !*'< ;J |||| 2 ^ 0 norm al lives, Bo0 slshe and her gwilptpy husband Donali[laid G um m er Saught a 90-acre lakcsid home in chic but rural northWi p art 3 £lhe state. ------tax------•------g^AME-TAQS Althougllugh tho-crew B e Joan Rivera’ new TV show has PBcn together Tor quite a& while now, lady has trouble renremembering M B y o n e ’a-nam c. H e r 'soi'sdlutioh'has - • MICK:KEY ROONEY JE R R Y H A L L )J{en.ta insist that thejhey all wear I-oLong career BiBathing pictures publislished; gam e tags. Ono of her writerswri sports Frenchman,I. NMichael LoUto, who haa QQ: There have bees persisistent *«tag which says, "HiFli Jo an , I’m devoured suciuch items as 10 bicycles, -rmn’um ors P rlsc e u Aooe as been BSucc." six chandelieliers and a Cessna light inTOaTolved for a long tim e .withlaw a elj^ plane. knoisown actor. Any idea who hee ii s ? ~ . ------SSQ’" Why arfln*t more efl films being ' ~- ...... D.O.x o ; ------Bguig-abou t the hot-gamem e of tennis?— Q r ls Mickickey Rooney eo old and BB I Bee today are thaaale bstupidI baae- holt nag^eYBT-dQ.apothBr movie? A:__IhaL_Kauld_be_Ant A: S U dm m movies. — G.FB .F . - a q . Andikndrews o f ‘Brideshead Reviivisited' fam(amo. Thoy do know cach othehor b o t - 1 'A: With- tennis bacjack in the- * . indrews, whea asked pointt I blank. t an.,Rooneys long and plympics for-tho first t ecently, answered angrily,f, -■‘The - jareer spanning soine 60 gj fyears, well'btf watchingBltasamoon th «ar oasip is so far from reality aIS s to on and on. He’s ploying a bp, the big screen os well osM Ithe court.. e^ndbeli^.* „ ^ :------.llrtda-EVflha-wiU-py a t werful-part-i^thfr^rth— 7)0 “Home Grown,’ which - oCthe Istc-SOs who.'was18 aolso n U.S. ivolred with eanng the "trimw is producing in Guthrie. ^ oals aa ^ v : VanesM Redgrave0 wwill star a . t» was some years back? — W. 'ttje mother -of—the-fo-formidablo OUa. Rodnay,ly plays the p o i ^ n t role a-man-child-charactar----- —— flSzanno—L englonr^twlth-Kaniir-““ :*»^“':^ -' "ATBarddf now makes animAl itutionalized in a re9_t_. A lAlpro------Sldwin-AS-the-gredt-Pren:renoh-pIny«r,-?!!tS-'“^ B :ction-almost-cntiTBiyher-|r-life’s-— I he finished his worii on " ' t S d 3 n iie n 7 c ^ ''K in g will111 tbo t o rah- ork. SJie has just broken offn* with e other day, the' entire u - , jFct of a major movieibiopicwilh bi ‘ho nlm the 0 er longtime”friend’FrenchI eactoiv— ost and crew alike, rose . serenes lenscd at Tennis,is Mountain lain Delori, because hc lenlint his pplaud his.outstanding Paric a t the Concord in the im cforpublicity to anltoUnn-lrjforri- ______thf»v n nm oa n moiir :e With that, the Mick orThis way bad^ to sftBencTpeakTvitlfhiitt.- ^GOODBYE GLUTTOTONY The Q: As a hi^>5chool m ath teatlacbar,. famed Guinness. Book)k oi f W orld Q: Someonene told me there was a I cancan't believe iriiat a □etold Itccords has dccided to quiquit printing h o ^ scandalII ini Dublin about Jerry me.e. HeI claims a teenager is gdi ------iKosc-incrcdiblo-ooting-ro.:-rocordfl^No—Hall pogingibt-j)t.porso-pictaz«s.-Tha^e—teacl ach-adTaQced-math-et-Her! irvard ------n^'orc item s o b o u t-ppeople e o who not true, is it?-;? —K.C. is fjfall. I tWnV tMs is impoBsiblH e .- dftwncd 50 blueberry pics;s o r six kegs .S.MCMcD..,_: . .. ------...... _ol.becr._AIthougE.the, Gulriiulimcsa book ' A :'Je rry wasb-as phologniphcd having------has carried warnings,thathat this kind a bath while viivisiting wealthy friends A: Seventeen-year-old Ruth f of gobbling is dangerousous, th ey ’ve in Dublin. Somomeone got hold of the Lawriwrenco, a m ath prodigy, wilvill bo now decidcd to give up} mentioningm photos, whichh ^were totally innocent, teachaching at Harvard next sprpring. thu winners o f these eat*it-i•it-up compc* and sold themn bto a British newspaper Lawriwrence, who graduated frotn f ti^ions. One title will be retained, which publisheihed them, not knowing Oxforcford at 13 and expects to recoceive ■ ------howcYor, for-higtoricand'ndTnretalgic-they did nofbelbelong to the seller, The h erdr doctorate i soon,"will do VcMi«arch'- value, The current'hoiholder is a newBpaperapolpologized to Jerry. „ .• See G O SSIP o n P a g e 6B ____ 4 'Tim.-!;-Ncws. Twin Falla. IdafIdaho Friday, Seplomborfl. 19B91g, - .------f Soap opera»sfcgne i _____ Conawa ay's charaacter stirss up soap) • There’s a troublemaklakor on “The p ^ Bold and the peautiful"J" —• he's Je(T Conaway’fi Mick Savajvage, a New York photographer who w} is into 1 • exploring emotions.- Mickick Savage — u good a soap opera natniame as any— > - - Sdes.aroimd telling you!'oung girls to y feel intensely, to dig out9ut their pns- I a lo ia :' , . S' - So fqr, lust among thefie >'oungster8< ^ OT'tWa soap h a m ! blown'ivn out house- • . i &Td TV eets, so produceiicer Bill Bell J ------bringa inacity 8iicl(er thishis Bummer.------

Bell hired Jeff Conavlaw ay , who playi^ihe emotional woulcould-bc actor f l Bobby Wheeler in “Taxi.’The T magic ^ o£JTajd’B--wriUng and-nctacting didn’t ------^ when C onaw ay' titried the J ‘^."rin g e r’s” ecrica.'

Jrt the d ay tim e stor'yliiyline, Mick -Savage eomes West whenlen hired by . .. the hustling, iintaicnilentod fash------; . ion rival to the Forresteisters. Mick if^ n d s to rekindle nn old.IoH ove afTnir’ :d Kristen Forrester. On thc side.'savriavagc flirts, with'ybiing Macy. Sally'sy's restless datigHler. Macy can’t gett eienough of the New Y orker.,A nd whcwhen Mom gives Macy her *Mick Savaavage isn't ___ gonrf Pncngh-for-you^ pcc - daughleris a gonerl-

^ 'F flM ta n figure ouf Mncy:acj^eJuturc.. — 3l»_ywngBtfciLleatna4ilI-abcabout-pas-— sion from a seasonedjcflchji c h f r , nnH ~ lh en IS dropped. Supposedly sm a rt' Mom IB no help In tWs grow — adventure. “ J e f f C o n a w a ji ** MlckSavafle ooLlThelie ^ ld >' " ”»1notionrWill Jeff have "■®f’ “Santianta-Barbara;’ taking bvertl-the’- - ' ------mmuta he goes to acting claiclnsa and “ “ “ h input a»8 hhe did when he was jf ^Mason Capwcll. Lestor’a firI rs l' _.wntes,.‘I’ve spent 29 years-:ra in 3*Taxi7.-.. . oppejirnarance.aa MasonJs-slated foi-,-fc -...... - business,Jeff declartsr*! knoknow ydii Will B iirB fllrbe"bpen b to actors^ m ber 25.------have to changc. This is na rroller- suggestions? coaster businesa.” Michac Slay tuned. :hael E. Knight, who has takeken' .7 T 'lqs J-/,.i t : . :r< I,; *. home tw(two Emmy aw ards for his poi« r-‘' /.You go with the role I Fii ll o f Tad M a rtin in “All M; Finding- CHANNEL*l-CH^VTTER, . another ‘Taxi", is highly doulloubtful. ____ ren,* will be'm oonlighting ofj ------Saya Joff, .'The, four produce iW ay. in a'^riew p la y titlec ucers of Emmysdomnkek^difTbrehc^r ■ :ed„ • SOAi^ on Page 6 __Friday.I Soplomt«f 8.1009 T, Gossips ...... ' — • C o n tin u ed from)mPngi!4 ■ A; Thererc is a new boxing hopeful graph g n bomxla in public? — 0.15.P. fornng.rortlifthe hot new heavyweight autiautograph. ‘Don’t you knolow I’m of*UpetairB, Downstairs,'in.'thrtjlM t s’s a grcat-grandnephew of shopchopping?” asked Ringo as'hele reluc* British TV wriea. Canan you tell ua John Wayni^ne. Furthermore, he’s tantJintly provided his signature,«. When what Joan-Uarabrthee aactr«a»iriio good-looking,ng,.women like him. he’s, thehe shopkeeper invited him hi to - plAyed tha wondorrol'dal-downataira «ngle. andt hehi has a great left hook, patrlatronizc her store, Starr snanapped: mold, has been doing;lg; an d is aha I can a fight monager ask? “NotNot now. I w ont.’ All Ringo ntneeds ia _____ m arried ?-~J.L______aI littlittio mon; love.______V. Q T A rectBceht a'rticle on'Sonth , . - A m erica mimentioned that come Q: A; Marsh has been dc Q: A local TV atation’s pror o g r w ' D « « n b « rththe e P e n n s win be back in ootai ■ s e rie s in E n g lan d -cj otai for the movi* V y Fairf l-: a i f - Snea they're both dead,' madQade tbe tanfaiHTing eonuDen St^pgs,” which may v e^ B stth at well make jgnt tHs stattatement most pecnliar? two : thfc" tra n s a tla n tic 'Joijourney to tro Camotia male stars tamed)d down roles American TV. In-.’-.‘Upstairs. oles in this pictore. Would jntDO b a p -, penien to know iriu theae acton i Downstairs" her nairwM ■was Rose, .. r* a wero? ^ trs to Carlos Menem, who —-G.K. G. nr^'in this new sitcomn .hsi » -8 R o .i« , (1,^ he new president of Mojfsh, wha lives in the < Argsnlmn,, n nnd.hjs wife ^ u ie m a .. _ A: olso finishing b book aboi A: C ary .G rant nixed a n ofiofTer to :ards himeelf os the now play sido walks.'Marflh has Wbee d i v o i j t d lay Professor Henry Higginss ini the he description is apt w ith - film fo r w ars, ^ th o u g h she’p t linked lm version of “My Fair I^ dl/;W / ith for power, money and the t wilh many’dashing mon le remark. “If you don’t get;ot Rex .en.ndud.iB b»aomy«cteresses. Zulcmn is cert^n- Harr Albert Finney, she saysy» tshe doubt, ij i arrison. who starred in the5 show,i shfill remarry. . lg in E vitn’s fo o tstep s, thenten 1 won't come to sec the menoviel" spending a fortune fo on clothes and Plus,lus. Jimmy Cagney was initfiitially argcry^AMJikc-Evita;—appnjproochedto-play'th^role 6f^ ------Q ;- l8 tt tn w 'th a r if iw 'iTewTieavy- she’s had'liianlany romances since her, Doolioolittle. but also declined, so that w d ^ boxer vlio'a relate lat^ to John marriage. - liim liltima te ly .wont-to-S tetan l^y ------W ayna'hu HbUywdbd an a ira g o g a n a Holloolloway, who was in the stagee

------AdamiB'Blilltauritin'g’Ilg Dixie and Flagg find e tcncmaT peace. sh^commits herself to La Laurel Hill, DawnDai worries about renovavating nn institution, in -‘All My ( Iy Children.* Max hires JonJo to-defend Gabrielle Windiindem ere in “G eneral Hospiip ita l.' Tad goes to his father, Dr Dr. Martin, nnd Clint annoinounces that Asa has Ionana iis manufacturing five dcdollar nnd’asks his ndvice'and hi d help. Ninn named him the^le owneri ofthe Banner. bills._Is.^Felicia nurses Frisco_aftifter.a ______------odmits io-Angie thal she 's ic'sUiriovca------^------b a r fight. fi Lucas Spencer ia clchns* CTifT. Angie asks Cliff to m a make sure Clay arriveses Iin Maine to find Alex tened.led. Robert has visions of hisia a bo- he’s over Nina. CHIT andlN N in a.m cct—in ^Loving.*- He lowers-him self into—rigine^ne friend.------..and-rccalLihe^aBL-Jert(erem y-nnd -th e mineshalV.eIV .and ie-about- to-ehoot------Dnvid have a confrontatioItion. Erica Alex when somomeone takes tbo rope— Clin:^int’a-con artist friends settlttio In- calls Jackson bgain andd heh< adm its away leaving thithetwo.trapped.togeth- as KKaj a /s servants on T h o Youngigand ------he’s en'chfanted v r er. Ava^s.^iKcn^ Jtj;^diaal ^ '^ I ta l thef Restless,^Re but it’s not clear'v"what 1 , , Ml,'" by th e policoico. Triflho ; goes tto Clintnt rreallJi ^anta. Victor's plananajfor Gabriello confesses ollif rl|^andAeg?_Tiiickeri.cabinbin-and thc^ pive in-fc revend^engfc. ag ain st: Jack^'m ay^h! ------Michael to giveHhe-hotyity bj^'ck' io thcir mutual paapasmopj'-backfii rkfired. e TifTKjB-Nows. Twin Fails. Idahc laho Friday, SapiombofS.' 198'939. j - T ^ ^ h B a yytim i e p ro g nrams~----

‘ “ 6K)i5"OQiLaiiliaAN's Ys Ia n o ...... e 'I MORNINQ O A DAY AT SCHOOL IN MOJoscdw>‘i ------HBO MOV OVIE (THU) (I( R i l J [SHOW] U ...... 1 MOVIE (WED) eO DEAF MOSAIC OVEO) S;00 IB MR. WIZARD'S W >W MOVIE (THU) i bTN ' QD BODY BY JAKE SSSSiCM. WEATHER 0 tr.’fi-i CD ALICE 6:20 HBOI MOVIEM (WEO) I o u m E s 6:30 O PIN)'INWHEEt 7 SDRESSn «D P fU m iE HOME CG DAHO AT SUNRISE a* .'S 'n.ur"^ COMPANION: • S * J 2 " «^aRHS3,ONAU HEAEAR/^/d’’ - THE TWIRD ANNUALU F I A H E W E a FER ROGERS ^ NEWS - . TOUR (MON) 5 WATERSkliNQ (RII) CD SW ISS FAMILY I C.O.P.8 . t r ROB,NSON g ; ; ; j g O ROAD RACE OF THE m M( o n t h "' (TUE) CBS NEWS (I(MON) CD CARTOON EXPRESSSS o maple:LETOWN (FRI-MON. WED) . flO EASY STREET E3 VIDEO DISC JOCKEY •VANIAN Va m IUES (TU^ H EY (TUE-THU) t e r ) ^ 3 a ‘M TT1E SONQ OF3f 1 S in «, d . -COHEN (FHI) aOLEROCK------^s a , ® FREUD (MON-THUrHU) O C B A T™ T I m;^mon.tue.thu) c ® LAST CHANCE SALEiLE IFRU ® 8W RTTSC6 T 8 MTER 7-* C L A ^ q ® CLOTHINQ CLEARAN H A rS w h a t FRIENDS ARE ^OOTS«RRlED’ Q ( r a “ " '° '' ____ THU)______J K r) 8 ' BENEFIT ‘M (FRI)------1T:4«-0-®-AJI*.-WEATHER"'~T:4i W DESIQNER ROW (TUETUE) [SHOW] MCMOVIE rrUE) 7:517:50 CIN MOVIE (MON) ■iCOi fiD JEWELRY SHOP (WEI OVIE (MON) sio! - . S S ’ S nW TCHEO...... Tl IE LIT- - . HBJ>UBUC POUCY. CON OVIE (M O N )...... -^CJD f r JA M l L Y i r e U D - i .- ^ ^ . I , (FRI, TUE-THU) >ORTRAIT OF A FAMILY O (TUE) O CB HOMESTRETCH ’O n ’ROURES' O ( « ) DINOSAUCERS (FRI) ^ tSHOWl OAUCHO (FRI)I) - ...... OA QA W^ 81 ALL OODS MADNESS (MON) ■...... o o REMOOeUNO a DECORAT^T IW -' . 5:25 SHOW ITS GWRR^RRY SHAN. DAY’S SPECIAL TOTOOAY OVB. THU) DLIfjQ'S SHOW (FRI) D •; pooD- WRNma o O C O U ^ Y KITCHEN (WED)*) • - S:30 O DENNIS THE MENAENACE ■ AMERICA a LOST IN SPACE ' ; (2) CD CBS NEWS 0 ® C D TTODAY O . a H' CS 200B1LEJ O WDEO DISC JOCKEY fTUE-T ------.QD MORNINQ STRETCH' LEEZOO a• e GOOD TIME CAFE . : O M HEADLINE NEWSS O m > D EU4NI8 N f THE MENACE sSFOCUS. CD M U R F 8’ CD JEM 'S ’ ADVEW m RES ■ gm DESIQNER.RQW.fFRL WED> ______— O (11) THIS _ .«8(11) NEWS . ^ W W U t^ NEXr(MON-TUE.-TI ------rO-;OINOSAUCERS ANO < ACRES (fS O SAFARI (FRI) , CHET SCOUTS “ ™ SSSr“ „"OUSEoS' (MON-THU) m B l u n t e r w it h k i u POPEYE HOUR ■ ' ______O Y W ANDND ME. KID Bgt LLEA ------IKIIB IHiyMOHNlNQ'S Bl cwnMOJonHfi------O'O WILOUFE CINEMA (TUE) . O BUSINESS DA Y - ® ^ SHE-RA: J ^ PRINCESS OF POWER O^m t U L S OFTHE GREAT NNC 0 R 9 " ...... CD EVERYDAY WORKOUTiin- _ _ « m o v ie THWEST (WEO) - [SHOW] MOVIE (THU) C9 VIDEO DISCDIE JOCKEY (FRI) O i O B IU BURRUD’S ANIMAL OD^DYS"'^ 5:40 HBO MOVIE (TUE) a IB VANmimrPAiR .V a«SEYflHU) ------6:46 8 HOW-MOVIE (TUC»— iERROW(TUE) niD u.a:'HQuse~0 F BPPBPCCIJ, ------C tW M O V IE (THU)------'— ntffiS (TO, WED-THU). . 5:55 CD IDAHO JOB REPORl ■ fO f iHORSE SHOW JUMPING (MO SHOW MOVIE (WED) fO N P ^ S o r “ '“ ■ DRAG RACING (THUJ - —CIN MOVIE (TUE)' 6 DBAU-APA 0 WHAT EVERT BABY’ KNOVOWS CIM CINEMAX COMEDY I TR>. WED) ^MENT(WED) , . OT LONDON ^ U ) y ' i B WHAT EVERY BABY KNOW) W ^ ------^ 0:00 O LA SSIE'------ODAYWATCITCH ...... — t h e ...... BJHOROUQI PHE FIRST THREE-YEAHa'(MON ------mmmiaM oaHiNQ..... JQHBReD.SPQBTS D ta ... DJH07KERWORKSKTUE.-THU)^ ------O D O C D O ABC-NEWS—j-iii— C —iESTTFRiirr: IBO NATURE WATCH (M O N )--E = = o a n NBC NEWS o p q a S enic IBO BABAR (WEO) IB AUTO RAC CD HEAOUNE NEWS . HIBO 80 PADDINGTON GOES . T CD BOWUNQIQ (THU)I ' SCHItCHOOLOHU). Allr. mem SHOIHOW OAUCHO (FRI) .BUSINESS HOW. ROBIN HOOD J*OVlE-(MOM-THU)— ----- m MOVIE (WED) - -©-JOURNALISTS'' ROUNC 5 O H 0 V I E '' ' ------^------t u . ...DISCUSSION (FRI) 1— .. S'S ^.^IWCE I 8:30J JI P T WORLD OF DAVID TH a VIEWER CALL-IN (MON- STREET ' ONO* S9 M ARCUS^ELBY, M.O. . J I . I. ,{DW11 WHEEL OPPORTUNE. (SHOW} MOVIE (fRI.M ON),' I ® READINaRAINBOyif (FRI) ro^:(M ON-W ;:;' ■ Sra - - . » HAZEL (FRi; » ® «WARE ONE TELEVISfoi/o n "" {r53§'nn^*ORK8?M lON-THU) — -CIN- cnrcM AX-SESsiONS'ffI 2L-;,;:U^4;~s5i CIN MOVIE (MON) ------g - J i lg SGE-FAMILY j ...... m d J O (B JANE EY .. •'.f/ EYRE • • 0 (bfSKfflNCBoUN i a DN-______...... Frid8y.-SetWffl«r8.'^1S857== 0 ( 1 1 ) FAMAMILY FEUD (MON-THU) SO SHOPPING WITH THE STARS S1 _LPavtime ______ID-MOVIEi(Fm.-TUE-THU) (F ------(fc(MON)-.------O KOOKY C ,------gjY CLASSICS (MON) QO DESIGNER ROW (THUt -O^PACEWATCfTIFflj)"'^------TMU) a THROB3 (I(FRI) SO BEYOND 2000 (MON) I REACTION (MON-THU) ' 61 ID WEtCOME TO POOHwc ( o n n B R ' O COMPUTER MAQIC (TUE)) ^ ______„ 0 . TOP CARD______g g y g f: (FRI-MON, f WED-THUI______SI • tB IH) O O L D ^ AQE OF Tl TJiscaoctevTFRi) aO EQUINOX (THU) FTELVISION S b ' p BIFI ______(FRI) ...... IFECT STRANGERS SIO U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESEf€NTA- a » OOU>eN AQE OF . PROGRAMMING (FRI) TI’TIVES (FRK WED-THU) S V S S t , " , SION (MON-THU) G AND THE RESTLESS OID COLLEGE FOOTBAU (FRI)II) W ALONG NATURE'S I) aID AUTO RACING (MON) T lS’I bBOX, (MON-TUE. THU) OO CFL FOOTBALL (TUE) ■’SVaCIFIC OUTDOPpaa (WED,0 ES OF THE RAIN FOREST OO COACH’S CORNER (WEO)I ;-o» boating w orld (fri, Oo TOP RANK BOXING (THU)» '^ O MOTHER’S DAY UNODOMS (MON) 6 69 9 COVER UP • .H 80 ADVENTURES OF'T TC O M SAW. g 5 ^ * 5I 5OF LONDON (TUE) HBO HB MOVIE (MON. WEO-THU)I) YER (FRt) WINDOW (WED) SHOW SH MOVIE HBO ENCYCLOPEDIA (MO IS APART (THU) CIN Clf MOVIE (TUE) “O'" SISKfu! HBO TALES. OF UTTLEL£ WOMEN UVE IN LA. CIN Cir CRAZY ABOUT THE MOVSVIES . H 8 0 NATURE WATCH (WI ■ TIVES (MON-1•N-TUE) 11:051:05 O MOVIE , 4 ^ SEABERT (THU) . e BODIESUN IN MOTION. 11:301:30 GB PINWHEEL ^ O W MOVIE (THU) O U FET1MIE EI NEWS UPDATE (FRI) CS CT AS THE WORLD TURNS (MlMON- (TM O CIN MOVIE (FRI), . e FOOD Ak ULA FLOYD (MON-THU) THI 9:00 O SHARON^ LOIS « OVIE (MON-TUE) - - O O SUPERIOR COURT (F R I)~ ...... - - ELEPHANT SHOW - «E (FRI-TUE, THU) 0O ( 8 227 / CO «B (11) a> U.S. OPENENTENH.S : (FRJ, WED) O O l(12) PETTICOAT JUNCTION (f (Pfll) RY MASON O O 0 2 ) LOVE CONNECTION (M<» C E O (11) ® PRICE «S Rlflh 3VIE (WED) THI ...... T H U ) ...... D reNNER-S PLACE . (M(W O I AND THE BEAUTIfriFUL O (19 3-2-1 CONTACT . a 0 » MISTER■ER ROGERS . (MC GO GERAUX) a a CE CUCLASSIC CONCENTRA- O O CELEBRITY< CHEFS O CC O HOME TION ®^YOUo ANO ME. KID (FRI-MCMON, O Ofi FAMILY TIES a (12) WIN,. L(LOSE OR DRAW (MON- WEI CD. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM- PR< ™U) OO' TOP CARD MING 0 (11) 0 U.S.J.B. OPEN TENNIS (FRI) O FACEI THE MUSIC (FRI) CD GOLDEN GIRLS 0(11)W H EE•EL L OF FORTUNE (liON- ID WIPEOUT.’ (MON-THU) O <12) HONEYMOONEAS (I SBMPHORLES ...... i O (12) TRAPPER JOHN, MJ3SToSoTi. -g & E R ^ BABY (F R P H O N ;...... Sm IMIDDAY MATINEE (MON) THU) OGRAMMING (TUE) O0 fPRIMAL FURNACE (FRI) CC JOAN RIVERS O AMERICANAN SNAPSHOTS (WED) 6985 PERSPECTIVEf (WED) ; CD DONALD OUCK-PRBSEN*e k t s ------UTCHEM(THU)— '------HBC►IBO MOVIE (FRI)------O VIDEOCOUNTRY ' ID MY SISTERER SAM (FRI) CIN:iN MOVIE (MON) GD LAND OF THE GIANTSrs O BUMPERR STUMPERS (MON- 11:4545 CIN< MOVIE (WED) KB MEDICAL CENTER (FRt, C l VIDEO DISC JOCKEY (M AFTERNOON---- ‘------€D «S HBO MOVIE------W..------® E IB iS WORLD S S“ - I oFCOOK,™S.6Nr — G I PARADISE CAMP (FRI)II) a iB T O U C HHA A CHILD’S UFE (THU) ______fD FIRST IN THE PHIUIIIUPPINES I OF BEUZE(MON) X) O T0DAYV5 SPECIAL 6 B AMERICAN ALBUM (TUEruEV O OPEN*WIN0INOOW (WED) O9 Q09 READING RAINBOW (MONW) 63 MOSCOW’S MAN (WEO)iO) O BODYSHAPlAPING O9 (f(KD SATSCREEN (TUE-THU) CD eiRTH OF THE BOMBI (Tl(THU) O FRUGAL QOGOURMET CSD aCC O ONE UFE TO UVE ID GETTINQ FIT ‘ HBO MURDEREH OR MERCY: FIVE O3 H HOLLYWOOD SQUARES (FRI)'II)' €D ATTTTUOES AMERICAN FAIFAMIUES (FRI) OS PiPEOPLE'S_CqyRT (MONiTHU)U).------SHOW MOVIE (FmiMONi:—i:------HBOHOW TOR 3 RAISE A DRUG;FREE-----^“ 0 ffi — — CIN-MOVIE^E=THOp^...... — — CMtt.O-{THU)-=>...... ^ ®^mSTRUCnONAtr^OOIWK - l ioir— ------9;05 SHOW MOVIE (WED) [SHOW] MOVIEm s (THU) MING 9:30 IB EUREEKA'S CASTLEtP (TMC) MOVIEE 0(WED) CCD HIHEADUNE NEWS OUOI SESAME STREET 11:00 O NOOZLE!LES 01 ( 1(12) LEAVE nr TO BEAVER O OS FAMILY TIES CD BOLO ANDiND THE BEAUTIFUL CCD LEAD-OFFU MAN (FRI-MON) - 0 3 2 2 7 (MON-TOU) CDH(D HOGAN'S HEROES (TUE-THU)L,)- a (12) GILLIGAN'S ISLANDND{FR11 O aaO E O G RRAPHY A I SKILLS (FRI) 09 ( 1(11) TENNIS (FRI) ' ------fO-SCOTLROSS-TAUC------* '______OQ9-SPANISH8H.(MON-THU)------0 - ( 1 tHg _____m 'upMBorsxiRcaa: _____ I X ia j O AtL~HL-HYICHICDftEN ______(MON O ON STAGE O PEOPLE’Si COURTC< (FRI) O} HIHERE COME THE BRIDES (FRI ID'SHOW MOVIE (TUE) O DALLAS (MOMON-THU) OI BBONANZA: THE L O S T 'e p S ) SHOPPING WITH THEE JSTARS ■ ® golden:N 'GIRLS . SOOE30E S (MON-THU) (TUE) CD DONAHUE IDI WALTWl DISNEY PRESENTS ID BASIC TRAINING WORKOIKOUT O (12) LOVE: CEQREE (MON-THU)------O»PRESS-YOUR PR LUCKTFRI)------9:40 CIN MOVIE (MON) CENEWS OTI(I TIC TAC DOUGH (MON-THU) , lO.HXIIDYOUNGANDTHERESlESTLESS 0(11) TO BE! ANNOUNCED(MON-Al OI MCMOVIE (FRI) (MON-THU) • THU) OI VIDEOVII DISC JOCKEY (MON) ------o PAID PHOGRGRAMMINQ------9 ®r ® CHRONICLE ' ^^^UV^HEaiS*A-KATHlEllE tE E ------® WmO-INTHE>irWIlXOWS-(MONI------OTEI TENNIS-(FRI)------O U l 0 } SCRABBLE O NAME THATATTUNE O NNEWS E (MON-THU) 0 ( 1 2 ) TRAPPER JOHN. MD.I D . (FRI) I S VIDEO DISCC JOCKEYJ (TUE-THU) O PRPROFILES OF NATURE (FRI) 0 ^ 1 2 ) GOMEH PY te, MSMC (i riL D ER N E^ ...... o wWONDERS e OF THE UNDERWA','*V; rORLD TVRNS (MON- TERR WORLDW (MON) , ...... (K GERALDO THU) O SSECRETS E 4 OF THE COAST (TUE)IE)! ____ o^;tlli^Ai,kx_aESs;L.aAe]lAHHAE^_____ yg-^QPA3LH&' N^RAkWQRLDUWED),______ownWILDUFE-CINEMA fTHU) ' ' ' 6 nmiJF-Now. Twin Fdla. Idahoho • Friday.'Soptomljofe, 1989389 O N E W ^A Y . 1:05 0 TOMS111 a JERRY’S FUNHOUSE ------«D-CAOKCY-*-»JVCEY------(MONT------[SHOWI MOVIE (FRI.W^EO; SH0WM0VI1WIE (WED) ----^aytm fTMC) MOVIE (FRt-MON. 1 1 :3 0 O n N 0OERS E I KEEPERS CIN CRAZY ABOUT -mEHE MOVIES VORCS-COURT...... ------Oo T 12)T » A T IN a-Q A M £ lra ir' ------fFHIJ------CC YOGI BEAlEAR (TUE-THU) n CIN MOVIE (THU) CD GREEN A< O (12) BRADY BUNCH (MON-^ I ACRES (FRI) m(D G.I. JO E (TUE-THU) ' #J ) 12:05 O MOVIE (WED) KNOWS BEST (MON- o 12:16 a MOVIE (TUE. THU) O ROGER RAMJET ” HBO MOVIE (TUE) )-S CIRCUS SCD BUMPER STUMPERS (FRI) « 1 ^ ^ CE MAJOR LEAGUE: BAbaseball O COUCH POTATOES (MON-fl : ANO CHASE mO YOI MTV RAPS ‘ (FRI-MON) O S2S.OOO) PYRAMIDP' (FRI) m O MOVIE (MON) ffl WIN. LOSE OR DRAW.(I« O PRESS YOURYC LUCK (MON-THU) THI < » ( ,. : 12:25 (TMC) MOVIE (TUE) O fB G O L ODEN E AGE OF TELVISJON O 12:MOlAS8lE ^ g O P P I N G WITH THE STATARS ; ; CC PICTIONARY (MON-THlt HU) o ® GOLD!LDEN AGE OF TELEVI- ^ O a a WHIGS AND TORIESIIES: CORN- SION (MON-T O CENTENARY OF TKE MOTY ■J-THU) CAR g j i (FRI) I WALUS INVADES THE CAFKAROLINAS O DEAF MO!itOSAIC (TUE) SB ;a:: ; . (MON) O MAYANS( O OPEN WINDOW (MON) IS OF BEUZE (THU) O O FOCUS ON BRITAtN (TUE) O LOVING CD MOTORCYICYLE RACING (MON) HB< ' a Ofi HEADLINE NEWS HBO HBO COMING A nR A C Tib > O HARNESSSS RACING’89 (WED) (WED) fWl -a QD GENERATIONS HBO MOVIEE (MON)(I S b a (12) BEWITCHED SHOW MOVIE HBO DIANA’S WORLD TOUR (ffl y*|,n>IU ) [SHOW]ISH MOVIE (FRI) = : CC ONE DAY AT A TIME; (Tl(TUE^THU) ...... (TMC) MOVIE/lE (F R I)------(t M ...... BD TIC TAG DOUGH (FRI) ‘ (TMC) ftOVIE (TUE-THU) «) (TMC)HEPBUIb u r n a n d TRACY (THUJ 2:35 I c c .: , ID $25,000 PYRAMID (MO^«ON-THU) - CIN MOVIE (V 35 O BRADY BUNCH = M O YOU CANTDO THAT ON T< a « WORLD OP SURVIVE''YAJ: “ - 1 :3 S O F U HS r e s ■ a WORLD OF THE SEAV (FRI)(F 2:00 O HEATHi THCUFF ®CD WONDERFUL WORLD OF tj] O THIS LAND (MON) OQi»ADVAN(^NCED TOPICS IN MATH NEY O WILD REFUSE (TUE)i (MON-THU) . O ALONG - NATURE’S, ROUTESI QD PEOPLE’S 0 ( 3 HOMETIME (FRI) ;’S COURT ...... OO CO T MAKE Y0UHSEL5 AT HOR 'E TO UVE [MON) (HO ffi^^LACK ' COLLEGEr^sPOBta--- ~i NOTHER WORLD O C (WED) D OQ THIS OLD HOUSE (TUE)' O (12) NEWLWLYWED GAME (FRI) O G SHOW MOVIE (FRI) D O GEO (WED) ■I 0(12)GILUGUGAN’S ISLAND (MON- VICTORY GARDEN (THm^ [SHOW] MOVIE (THU) ' THU) D MAGNUM. P.L ^ C ) MOVIE (WED) ______, I I BUGS FF a FRIENDS (TUE-THU) na GENERAL.C HO.SPITAL,...... ' :u JUNG ANO IHb H bS r- '-----O 6 12:60 O TOM a JERRY’S FUN 9 S ) SANTA BARBARA ’ TJNHOUs'e l e s s (MON-TIl-THU) CDDZOOBILEEZOO z (FRI. TUE-WED) O FONZIE a IFRIENDS 0 0 o _____ 1:00.O.C0UNT.DUCKULA___ D DAYS OF OUR LIVES ------^------c a j ^ M A xlX.(FHI)—_ . ( ------:------0J ( 1(13) SMURFS’ A dventures'-'3^i ------: ® CB (11)€D GUIDING LIGHlQHT(M0N- ISCROPPFAfI=AMILY NATURE ALBUM CDCD C .O .P .a (TUE-THU) ^ (MON) CBB (11)(1 TO BE ANNOUNCED * ■' O (10 e l e c t r o - m a g n eTISM t i s (FRI)------O MOVJE (TUTUE-THU)...... OB B.BATMAN -....- o G# SPANISH (MON-THU)4U) O NASHVILULLE NOW fB t CD CD O GENERAL HOSPfT B ANY FRIEND O F 'n ic h OlS PITAL O CHAIN REAlEACTJON (FRI) NICK^K IE B Y IS A FRIEND OF. Mlft O ALL MY CHILDREN O S HOU3LLYW00D SQUARES (FRI) O cm DAYS OF OUR LIVES ES (MON-THU) ID9 KIOSKI MAKE'FILMS TOO! IMnH ------ClWNTA-BAflBAHA------O O W O MJ-MOVIE------CBTtnB-DANGb PARTV USA----- wi------0 ( 1 2 ) THE JUDGE OHARD30:PhN-WITH'-|TI-DINAH ------m O g SB3WgR-|tR-RawrruEi------o ' w (FRI-MON) , t NATORaL WORLD (TUE) , 0> MIDDAY MATINEEMA (WED) Ot Al ANIMAL WONDER DOWN UN O REMODELING & DECOaORATING O ARTHUR C. CLARKE’S WORLD DERSR (WED)( ; • TODAY (TUE. THU) OF STTtANGEE POWERSF (FRI) O1 AhANIMALS OF THE GREAT NORin-'*’ O COUNTRY KITCHEN (WEEVED) O OPEN WIND W ES T (THU) - « CD HIGH ROtXERS - ...... O WOflU) SHC - STKlI NEWSWATCH O VIDEO DISC JOCKEY (FRI[FRI)______O FAMOUS I s PEOPLE PLAYERS g )! TRUCILANO_JBACTflR_EmiTI ------O » GOOD-TtMg-CAFE------iOM.TUE)...... — ...... l^ 'jnBEr^'FOHBIPOteN JOU roURNEYZIiro^VRutlfH!THEJlis tO H Y lO E lA Y rZ lZ oI MONSTER-TRUCKMC CHALLEn S ERS ROCK (THIm u ) , (WED]'ED) ' ^ 6D BALI . A PATTERN OF LIFE ONEW SDAY (MON) ^ OI TNT T^ ALL-AMERICAN PULlJASS O U.S. HOUSESE OF REPRESENTA- SERIER IES (THU) ^ • - O THIS ENGLAND (TUE) TIVES (FRI. WEIVED-THU) O PE< O HUMPH (WED) PEOPLE'S COURT CD PGA SENIORlORS GOLF (FHI) -. HBOO MOVIEh (FRI, WED) ' ------O LOST-KINGDOMS (THU)IJ —------1 0 •tfiOBNDS-C J-OF^WORLD-CLASS------SHOWOWHOVrCTFW-WEOJ------’■'i*tii»------a INTERNATIONAL HOURI WRESTUNQ (Ml 10W J GAUCHO (THU) "Z' GB U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESEESENTA- HBO MOVIE (TU . AC) MOVIE (FHI) ____ TIVES (M O N -T U E )______sr ______^SH PW ].A 0 VE^/ENTUHES_OF_COM-_____C I NiJ40Vl£-(M0N).^ ji ------L- n T B E s r 'o r MUSCLE m akOAZINE g a MANDER CRUMJMBCAKE (FHJ) 3:05 O — (MON)------0 MUNSTERS • ------[SHOW] MOVIE'IE (MON-WED)------3:15 HB)HBO HOVJrOWON)------CD AVTO RACING (TUE. THU)HU) (SHOW] MISSIS ■' PEACH: CAREER CtN1 MlMOVIE (FRI) ' ” ID NFL YEARBOOK (WED) DAY AT THE KEIKELLY SCHOOL (THU) 3:30 O0 DONT JUST S i r THERE . ffl ATmUDES ,. . , , (TMC) MOVIE (M HBO MOVIE (FRl. WED-THU)LO CIN MOVfE.fTHU HBO WARNING: DIETING ;mMAYA' BE 2:05 O FUNTSTO ID FFUNHOUSE U f iir HEAUW------M S CIN MOVIES (tiHo^&^^NNOUTiceitirfte: ------2:30 O DENNISj^THE Tl L e n Xc e ;; : ' § } t i ! SHOW MbViE (MON-TUE) CD THE JUDGE CIN MOVIE (FRI-MON) CD 3-2-1 CONTAlt a c t ; ' S hHAPPYAF PRlMCe ITHU) - . — Ffidn)r.-S^lambef ar.1983—r-Tl—TlrtKi6.Nows,Twtn ransrldaho'Jj O ------D a y t i m e CD MOUSEE FACTORY F (TUE) AT A l THE KELLY SCHOOL (THU)IU) CDCONTRAPJAPTION (WED) _rSHOW] fSi ROBIN HOOD (MON)1 ------iP.WUZZLES^ •(T H U )------^------CII ------CB BUGS BUIBUNNY a PALS S:05 6-05 O JEFFERSONS O O N S tA Q E OD-CURRENT;NT AFFAIR (MON) 5:30 6:30 C9 LOONEY TUNES ID DIAL MTV S9 89PROFIIJFILES G0CS<11)S)C8S CD NEWS CD IMI WORLD OF COOKINiKINQ (MON) ® E6 IN CHARGE ' 'a n aa 3-2-1 co n tact JSlSfli TOUCH A CHILD’S LII ECnVE (FRI) c c s n 19 QD CD NEWS ------Q atreW E X P L O nB R S fFHI) VNCHE AWARENESS: A O O < » (X) NSC NEWS © OVLONQ NATURE’S= 'r I o u t e s g > |5 S 0 N1 0OF . BALANCE (WED) QD QD MACNEtLA£HRER NEWSHOHOUR (MON) )IZ TODAY O O MAJOR LEAGUE BASEB^•BAU 65 WITH SUCKING TUBESA.S.NOP,N- 1 CAU-IN (FRI) (FR CERS (WEO) >F SPORTSLOOK (FRI)' O n (12) UTTLE HOUSE ONI 1THE €9 PACIFIC OUTOOOHSt (Tlnuuj ® SPORTSL(3L00K (MON-THU) . . PRAIRIE PR^ (FRI) (TMC) MOVIE ID SUNKIST K.I.D.S. (MON) i^lE (THU) O O (12)I FACTS OF UFE (MON-T•THU) ...... © fNSIDE THE POA TOUR IY ORIFFOH CD (T) BENSONI (FRI-MON. THU) (D RUNNING ANO RACINQ . ’ECTOR GADGET OD QD MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBi;b a ll "is 1DYI ^ C9.TH0R0UQHBRED SPOR■O RTSD ,-. CTUE-WED) EST (THU) EADING RAINBOW (FRI) CD Q ) BATMANj (FRI) ED SUPERIOR COURT o m a o iS QaUARE u / ONE TELEVISION . CDICD DONALD DUCK PRESENTS5 HBO MOVIE (TUE. TWU) (MON-THU)I O O TOP ' CARD SHOW CIN MOVIE (THU), CSOODCD/iD ABC NEWS O IFRAQQLE ROCK {SHOW] MOVIE (MON) ' OSSCENEVilEWS IQ1CD WEEK IN ROCK (FRI) 3:3S O QOOD TIMES O (12) WEBSBSTER oID INOW HEAH THIS (MON) A R -fW E D l~------QDANDYORIIIRIFFITH ------03 1 ...... tSHOW] HOME FROM FAR-ARfWED) CBdD^OSB' ID 1/2 HOUR COMEDY HOUR fTUE)(Tl I 4:00'€B THINK FAST SBY-SHOW ______oe ,JU8T-8AY JULIE(WED}- CTJIDUCKTALES CD BATMANN (I(FRI) oQ I BIG PICTURE (THU) CU FAMILY TIES (FRI-WED)p n , CD OUR HOUS)USE (MON-THU) Q9 <1lJCAKE ^ (FHI) CIN:IN I MOVIE (THU) ■ 9 (H) NEW WILDERNESS IE (MON-WED) 5:3515 CO SANFORD AND SON (MOIION- m COSBY SHOW SHOW MISS PEACH:PE CAREER DAY THU)HU) ...... ____ ffl-AUTOMATED FACTORYIY (FRI)( ------: •' e a SENTIMENTAL WOMENEN NEED 0 ______NOT APPLY (MON)______~ X * _ • _ ____!. S3 HUMPH ( T U E ) ------OT.SPACEWATCH (WED) QD MOSCOW'S MAN (THU)J) O HOME RUN DERBY NEW YORKl a(AP) — Hero are the ll GoUm Clrti.*HBC. U.L U.7 .UIM Iodm. Ga.CAQNEY & LACEY ni-Enic<4 of !>■ Anc. U1. Ul alllbs b« Q O «l MISTER ROGERS nnd total homca^a. ______:urCr—l.^P.if-.*ADC, UO. niBilU«ih»« ------^ « N 8 0 N (FRf-WED)------ttl H A R L E S IN CHARGE3E (FBI- ' parcnthoscs denotes i»:'(ui-(Ul "UAMlfffd NBC, III. 11.4 mil] one-tamc-only pre presentation. A rating ^'^‘■,5,.-, ADC, in . It 4 a JtOT ^ ( ^ I S T E R ROGERS (FRI-TII-MON, m c Q B u res th oi percenp ta g e o f th e n .im-iI4|-LA.U..-W>C.1I1 ______IhonTV homes. a'a!-arALr,'Kbc,ai. * ^ H I N IN G TIME STATION f ClUnlU«.nJmiUMk>aM.----- 1X 02} LEAVETTTO BEAVEH ------^H T F R f) 1 i3j Oi« t..'KDC,«A rrVu«U»TrBrfll».-AOC110. €^•♦12) MR. BELVEDEREE (MON-(I lllj-7t>fQ>»>9«i..*n..•KBC.!AlIUBai«h«i.t. M Ix)’-X)' NNPt, rooUi.ll.'ABC, HI niTM.'KDC.ll* ■ .■ - - - ^ E F F E R S O N S ------.: ------XaUAIUi^UItartJIl ..... «.lU>"«aniirYMn-AD>-ADCU;;iaMllWhnD.a. ' 9(0)-"(I-Menbrsanrno'aail^.-—— IT' JEOPARDY! ; M ADC. 139. Ui isiUm s IXIa)-ja*«irfTi»r»ua»A.*' 'D ‘ ‘ q^MOUSETERPIECE THE■HEATER ^ <9:PEATLES fMON) See ^tlN G S^Page 15 . . 10 "(^os-Ncw^Tvvi’n'Folls. Idahoaho. .Fittay.Sapiombcffi,jQ8!389...... C o n g r e s s has h yet to ap\oprove plan U.S.p}rogrami iming malay invad Cuba with\ ad\[vent oiF 1TV Marti\i'i I; WASHINGTON (AP) iP) — The The Housese earlier authoriMsd $32 aubjmbjcct to periodic radio blastfsts' from United SUttes is planningng tto use what m illion for T TV Marti over the next enosnorraously powerful CCuUaii m ay be the ultimate weepeapon against two years, andant thc House and Senate Iranransmitters. , Fidcl Castro’s Cui)a: televiIcvision. measures areire awaiting resolution in Bytheendofthcycar.flr, a miJlion or conference cotcommittee. "The idea is technically fl more Soviet-made TV flawed.,, rv sets, aro If the spenending plan gains final andmd there are no-provisioiions’U' . , ; : - expected to tune in six ho hours a-day,- congressiona!nal approval, the USlA prot•rotcct U.S. broadcasters8 from : i seven days a week to.A0. A m e ric a n -.. will begin sateatellite relays of Spanish- cithiither dircct interference froirom'.TV . ! made news programs an< and the best language programs from_ Mnr-Inrti’s signal or retaliilia tb ry j reruns Hollywood has a s to- o ffer, ■ Washington: to o receiving station ih broiroad^casts t frVm ■■Cub'n,.’’.’ .NAB...... courtesy ofthe U.S. Inf Information CudjoeTCey,"y,"TIa.'There, weather spoipok'csman Wnit Wurfej1 said Agency. permitting, thethi s i g n ^ will bo fed to Wed:/edncgdny. Could p ro g ram s isuch as a transmittersr Jaboard ^ g ia n t balloon "Dynasty," "D ays of Our 1 ur Lives” and te th e re d twc;wo miles above thc ”C"Cuba has demonstrated: iiin th a pro bowling lure bif b ig C uban Atlantic, andd thencetJ to Cuba some 90 past a st it has poworful transmiflittefs' audiences away from stateate-nm TV? miles away. thin at l can c a ^ c interference to ..: PropotH»nbi Hny f hihnna t o U X inB.williloct-. Cubans,'TVTV M artf-backers say , ■ riidicjdio 6tations“ from-P'lo'rida toD North-—...... I to their seta, os they appapparently did a re eagerly awaitingaw U.S. television. Caarolina rc and as far west nsns Des with Radio Marti, andd ttake their "My underserstanding is they ca n 't Mointoinea, Iowa, Wiirfcl .■mid. ------first-uncenflor«i look-at;t tithe-outside w ail for it to start,” Jncqneline ------i_____ world in 30 years.______Tillman, exec:ecutivc_director,Qf_tho. _5fy?.c_Qyb.nn:Amcrican_giij So ?u)upB ____ But critics say TV M,Marti may Cuban-Amori'irican National alsociso oppose TV Mnrti. harden anti*American aatl ttitu d es in - F ou n d atio nI iiin Washington, said Cuba, violate inteiJtemational Wednesday. MaManuel R. Gomci. presidentto o fth a ■ communications lawsI aiand cause "Radio Mar[grti has, and hopefully Cuhniihnn-American CnmmittPo PPiinH,'' . ' ;•------ma-B8lvo-hBflda?h«B"f&Tfo r F lo rid a TV Marti willII ast well, provide views wrolfrole recently in a New Yoric T im o t ‘b ro a d c a ste rs who mi m ay find to the CubanI pepeople th at they are not op-cdMjd piece that TV M arti violallatcs a ; th e m se lv e s b lacked o oui ut by TV receiving." ______1982.'82_treaty that stipulates-s-thatr; . Martina powerful A*S?“ L oor.L who'may Tillman aaiaaidlRadioJJarti haa—norm•rm al—— I-V------tra n sm isissibaT^r;—^ ' b"e bludgeoned by reiretaliatory helped nurturere human rights groups, waavclengths. ve a re for do-meileatio,^ : ------broadcasts from-HaTonor^ ------madirthe-Cubaib^n' populace a ware.of._natioi.tional uac only, ! —___ _ . Preside_nt_Buflh fiupportiarts sending' the~numberif of Cuban army TV to Cuba, a s do m any me members of casualties inn iAngola, the level of "Tl"Thc creation of TV M arti w ould, Congress and Cuban exileegrot^s. ^ oppreasion.inn (Cuba, AIDS and thc. surcl;rely be pcrccived by Cubaa affi a ' But the plan has faciaced somo new era of optopenness in th'e Soviet hostiistile a c t,’' G omez said . "T " h e" isTBloc. .... Cubaiibo n com m unity in tho UTS,r ^ i T -— : ------CIaibome-PollrD-R:I—chachalraainif— -‘A irthat-n• news IS frequently suffe:ffer tHe Erulit o? bulJuba.’a , the Senate Foreign R elatio n s censored by thothc Cuban government dispiciplcosurc, as we did after RRiadib; Committee, and thc: 1National media, so the0 promisep of TV Marti, Martiirti, when Cuba virtually clcSlOEJ^, ... Association of Broadcasteraera. with pictures,s, is very important," off all family visits to the island.” After throe y^ars_of_rQr a ncorous aho aaid.______debate over tHis wisaom of such an Cuban oHlciccials Imve labeled TV H H enterprise, tlie House andI SeSenate this M arti "anti-Chibhiban propaganda" and year voted monoy to beginin 1TV M arti s a id th e y winlLtakc_apptop£iatc-^^^ 11 ____ - - ‘tefltingtlosf^i;------measures agei;a^stjt. When R adio_^H | ------But—tbe “ Senater'beibefore il Marlt was lainlunched in M ay 1986, appropriated $7.5 million in July for Cuba brieflyy tried to jam tho a 90-day TV Marti test,, ajagreed to broadcasts. . hbld up funds for full operat^ration until the Senate Foreign Rns,-which-aiready are j j i m

- Fflday. Stfptember sT T gi? ■ ..TlmBaTMmYa JTwin Fnlln Iflnh ...... ■

■ / ^ F r i di t a y e v e n i n gg p r o g r a ti ^ ' ' “ x .

EVEWNQ D a y t i m ^; imovies 6:00 CS BEWITCHED DoDarrin ond Sa- —. ■— ^ J o n a th o n Stork. m anlho quorrol wtionlOarrinoccusos Oc MORNINlINQ______- k hor or using wttchcrall. a}oi»(£o(it)S)I a NEWS a o s NEW SOUTHER VWalt Olsnoy's oto Fuksz.taiama. ‘ 1:1:30 (TMC) *W "Hom o is Wh«^ o ro tho most lamouo charoctor:to rs, CIN * *f* * "Barbarosft" (1982. Wost- Hart Is" (1987. Comody) Vairiiiri Brom- O R E A L PATSY CUNEJNE Vintage nim ern) Wlllioillie Nolson. Gary Busoy. field, Stopheri E. Millor. loolago and InlorviowsOWS wim family 9:00 ffi (BB "Waltz of tho Toroo- 2;2:00 CB **Vi "They Made Mo\ie a on- ond trlonds from tho0 acountry music dors" (19£1962. Comody) Potor Sollors. minal" (1939. Orame) JohnI GGarfield, world highlight this documentary do< of Margaret•et ILolghton. Giorlo Dickson. • - tho logondary countryitry singer, who ' HBO *V4 "Dangerous Curves" S ) (B *** "Waltz of tho Toreireadora" ...... Blod In a piano crashlo ot tih o o g o o lS O - (l9B8.-CorCorrody) Tato Donovan, Dan­ (1862, Comody) Peter Sellener», Mar- - in 1953. - lollo V oin n Zornock. : garet Leighton, ______CajaURDER..SH£.WBCWROTE______SHOW_AJ * * "S nlnn" <1988. Ornmo) O ** "Tho Steplord ChChildren" ______CD MOVIE:*’* * :iT hho.Nakod o ,l Spur;:_ _ RotJby RoRosa.-Rodnoy Harvoy. ■■ ~(19-arrrhH • llerrB arbaro Edodon. Doit;. (1953. Wostorn] Jamnos os Stowart. Jo- 10:00 CD *•**• "Tho‘Horao Withoijl'A ------• — M urray.------^------not Lolgh. Hoad" (V(1963, Comody) Jean-Poul a o o HBO **Vt "The Last o()t :Sholla" _ O MTV TOP 20 VIOVIDEO COUNT- HerbertK Lorn. (1973, Mystery) Jamos Coburn. C DOWN I "In Old Santa Fo" (1934.* •• Jam os Mason. ' CD ENTERTAINMENTf r 1TONIGHT Ac- Wostorn)nj Kon Moynord, Goorgo SHOW **V2 VTho Ponitonl"It". (1988...... iross Jackoo ("227").•). (I(in Storoo) ’Gabby'' Hayes. H Droma) Raul Julio. Armand AAssonto. a ( n .EAGLE ANDNO THE BEAR • "W hoopeo" (1930. Musical) (TMC) *»Vi "W itness for thoho Proso- 3 involvomont in Eddio Ct*"^ n tof^Eleaw -Ouot------___ QJilQn '.^ 1 9 8 2 . Dram a). Roltoryprmo-do------

m MOVIE "Ttio Ratings Qam o" (1964. Comodylody] Onnny Do------—------10:10:30 «5 (11) 0> U.S. OPENI 1TENNIS Vito. Rhoa Poilmon. M O R N'^ING______I^ W omen’s somlfinal motchoi100 from CD PEOPLE'S COURTRT Ouoons. N.Y. (Uvo) . HBO SOUPMAN Jooyly tnthinks It's easy 11:00 CD COLLEGE FOOTBALt,LL W ash------to-rot>-U)»-«kl«rly.unUIinUl-ho.flnda.cut-— fiJO.CD.aPaj»OaTSCENTEFl.Up-.lC>:d(ito ______lngtDo.StntQ.aLBflflharTLY.o_uounp. (R) tnoy con givo him somoiimothing ho can'l scores. steal, 6:50 HBOb BiBOXING'S GREATEST HITS AFTERNOON [SHOW] MOVIE **V) "Risky Busl- A retroapipspocilvo of Iho greatest m o-. — ------r.--— noBs;- (1083. Comody)idy)-Tom C n ilM r--^ = m o n tt In M80‘3l7-yoart boxing his- • R obocca DoMornay. tory, i12:00CD : b ( li) ajTENNIS U.lCT^Opon 0:30 C9 MISTER ED EdEd ttho m ascot is 7:00 CD TlTHOROUGHBRED SPORTS Tennis Continues, (Live) stolen by tho rival loan'aam, DIGESTT (f(R) i12:20 : CD MAJOR LEAGUE BASA S E B A a CD 0 (1 1 ) WHEEL OF FORTUNE g 7:30 CD WWATERSKIING U.S. Opon. Sl. Louis Cardinals at Chlcagago Cubs. O OSI NIGHTLY BUSINI3INESS REPORT From ZocI^ochary, Lo. (R) (Live) Schodulod: M trkot MoiMonitor. 8:30 CD BOJJO*TlNa WORLD Wookly aor- 52:00 CD PQ « SENIORS GOU)LF North 0 3 JEOPARDY! q loa (or bojboating lovor9..(R) CIOBslc. ■ First round from1 IIndiana- D (1 1 )« U.9. OPEN TENNiS------polls.-(Uvo)------■ 1 3 CMSEf^S D lorwtnoij3«3-gam-as tho------9:00( £ f B ( f ...... — 8ublocf_of_hor. payclaychology. term ..-Womon's-Vs-somilUia)-mstchos Irom - - 44:00 O HOME RUN DERBY papor, Q O ueons.s. N.Y.r (Uvo) i4:30 CD BEST OP SPORTSLO.OOK _ O g $ M ‘A‘S ‘HA c!um;um sv soldier lllis 10:00 CD BOBODIES IN MOTION t5:00 CD SPORTSCENTER 12 Timos ilovifS. Twin Fallsalls, Idaho Friday, Soptombof)0f8. i 1089 SJ - ' FRIDAY EVENINI(N G . ■ 'f . . . . - . V ' : I 7:0Q I 7:30 I 8:8:00 8:30 9:00 I 9:309:1 110:00 110:30 111:0000 111;30 112:00 112:30 MUNsn/tawor wu!Wflih— wall S | - Evening-al Pop'i*op'» SmltHaonlan Woiia~ Of! Sign'Olf'...... O Fuil H'to, PrtrviBW Stran- Stfj Tan of 20/20 ______Newa Tonight Enlertaln.lain. Arsenio Hail SignOfl • B ® Preview Saved- Movie: Mm "Tho Cover Girt and Iho Cop"op" Newa Toftlgtil Show ___ DavM Lottemian Videos A Bssebsil • |nw,NWA Wreilling jNlght TrackiI ______Movte: "The Bluea Brothers"s" h : BetOiBoys (mMovio: ov "Someone i» Walchinp Me"_____ Night g Frt. the 13th Seriesles ^11 Guy ' [jeffer- O Billy Qfaham Movio: Mov "Once Upon a Teia» Train"r _____ News M'A*S'H [Tenniss |patSa|ak ~~ O •The Naked Spur" Movio: Mov 'Thbuta lo a Bad Man" ______Movio: "Fiiieat Guilar Aiive"e" [Earthworm TracioraI _ : B 8 Movio: "Cuta" , - , l ~ ■ .. Eagle. . Vic. at. Movie:i:"Cuba"-. "C 6B Full H'le. Preview SiraiSiran- |Tor>ot [20/20 ______Nows NlQhlline Araeniolio H Hall Slgn-On______

DISN Gooly Vidoo- MovMovie: "Tho Reacue"______Movie: "Pefrwee'a Bip Advonli'onlure" Ortie [how- HSO "Moon Ovor Parador"'C Co onl’a [MovIo: "Danqafout C urWves" Movie: "Doad Heal"______[Movio: "Cold Steel" • MAX Movie: "U2 flanie andI HuHum" ______Movie; "A Rjri>h CCalled Wanda"______Movie: i:"J. "Jack's Back"______SHOW Rovengo ot iho Nerds II [ B f o th ^ Movie: "Riskyy Business"Bt Boys Shan- Supor D. Cha)- TBAvjTfflvel |Pcff. TripjBargbargain? Almanac ot Travol [Travel»vel' [Scut?a [ Passport Eur. Bargains Travol Travol

tflo 4077m’s spirits, but Col.ol. Poftor1 Connery, romalns dowm In tho dumps.s. r a AMERICA^ CCOAST TO COAST F r i d a s : CD NIQHTLY BUSINESS RJ^CEPORT . ____ Four.Bay'oxlahsris IJolfi a ralt trip down- - ^ (XI C0S8Y SHOW Elvln offorsors to bo tho Colorado RiverRiv in tho Grand Con- — — TMoo’a wroamng coach, (in SlorS lo ro o jg yon. VIEWEWO 0 ( 1 2 ) CURRENT AFFAIR O LARHY KIN<;iNQ LIVE Schodulod: ‘ C] S O O CD ID PERFECT STRANGERSRS CD G) USA TODAY Toy manulinufociur- lormor Rodakin'Wn’s quodorOock and Bo'klilkl fools obligated to go throughigh IngMho prondoloscont yoars•s (Part(f 5 host of "Amoriairican Giadiatora," Jo e th ao prcorrangod marriago. (R) □ Theiamann. B<3S1 OT CE MOVIE * W "Tho Covor Gina . - 03 (Ul VICTORY AT SEA Amo^moricas SHOW MOVIE*I "Rovengo ol tho endId theti­ C op" (1989, Comedy) Dinahlah first ground vlcto^ In tHo_ PacPacific l8 _ Norda II: Nerd#ls i(n:Pomdiso" (1987_____ Monoonoff, Julio Duffy. ahown' on' coplurod Japanoat1080 film Comedy) Robert>ert Carradino. CurtJs GD) OFOFF TWE RECORD soguoncos. Armstrong. OI (12)(1: MOVIE * * * "Someone Is -----«B-SUPERIOR-COURT------(TMC) MOVIE-*: ' ‘The~Sorpom------Watchatchino— Me'*— <197ft— Mystgry)ry) ----- . --1 HBO MOVIE **V, "Moon Qvorvor IPam - ond lhe RolntMwow" (1987. Horror) Bill. LaufOiuron Hutton. David Birnoy. ■ ■ dor” (1S88, Comody) Richardird'O I fby-...... Pullman. Cathyy T Tyson. , CENEiN E W S qr - - (uss. Raul Julia. CIN MOVIE •* ** : "U2 Roillo and - IDI 70070i CLUB Host: Pat Robortson.n. 7;00 O PATTY DUKE Roofl thinkhinkshis . Hurn" (1988. DocJocumontary) U2. B.B. O)' MOVIE.**MC "TTto R escue" (19B8.38. family is planning a surprlso birthdaybid King...... AdvonIvonluro) Kovin Dillon. Marc Price.:o. — p n n y fo r him.’.'' 7:30 CS CAR 64,I, WHEREV ARE YOU? O HHITCHHIKER D • 3 ) GD HERE COMES GARFIEUlELDAni- Tho poilcomon1 Of 01 tho 53fd unknow- • O MOVIE MC * * * "Tribute lo a Badad matod. Qarfiold tho cai occldocldontsiiy Ingiy rohobiiiiaiolo ai group of criminals Mon"in " (1956. W estern) Jam os Cap-‘O v ______rttrroBTnarm?:------fw ynr pound?.(R)q - IGS BUNNY WON THE *3 ‘ «m TV FHIDAY NIOHT ROCK: k ; O 09 MACNEIL/L£HRER NEWSH- NEl WEST Anlmolod.Id. BugsI Cleons up the BLOCIOCKS OUR Wost by outwitUnjaing notorious villains. ffl LATE LA' NITE SPECIALS ------0 1 0 . 0 0 O FUU. HOUSE-Mi(-Michollo- — Includlng-Yaaomltmlttt-Sam.JR) p ------O NANATURE-OF-THlNOS.Tholhroa-la------_ haa a ^ 3h on Robocca’o nophophow;a (SOODOPERrSRFECTLY STRANGE tonod\lod wilderness end wiidiilo on Caii- ccary mbvlo Qfvog.SiophanlB'til»-f>lQht. - - SATUHDAV MftBOBNINQ-PREMEW A ., — flflft'irir a Qimnri~RHnrinttn~hinnrta mafos. (R) cp preview of Saturiturdoy morning pro- O HEADLINEHEi NEWS ' O iSD ( £ SATURDAY MORIORNING gramming to be9 debutingdi Soplom bor 63 DAYS DA AND NIGHTS OF MOLLY.Y PHEVIEWf SPECIAL A provlow3w Ofc Iho 9. Q DOOO'DO Molly's piono studont i.i a NBC Saturday morning cartoup;Ofem!QfinQ_SapU«nb«r-»r-B. E (In...... -fro flk -llg h tn lnj-'a g - c c ia o n i“ onoblo8~^ [SHOWlOW] BOYS (InSIbreb) g ------Storoo) Scroech to prodlcdiet tho future. □ 0:16 O NWA WRESTUNG POWER:n ___ m WASHINGTON WEEK IN RE\REVIEW CD WALL m iE E:ET T WEEK "Olo. Mox- HOURUH ______:------— ____ - - ~ _ ~ »00"- GWStrrDOPte uglns A. C uhium ii. 0:30 -C h Sketches: At J Brroau ' S-(12)^BEACH-B0YSr:^tN0CES5 ------profiiaenrand-CEC:E o of D.A. Campbell piayaya tho t son in "ino Jazz Singor''p' SUMMER Tho Boach Boys wolcwolcomo C^ompany Inc. q3 spoof:wf: Lola H oathonon's (O'Hara)a) AnImotJon. Juno Poinlor. Bachiachman- O VIDEOPOUSIS STARTRACKS IV nowrV ahowah "Way To Go Woman." Turner Ovordrivo. Ja ck MocktandUio ani Host Jonathan1 IPrinco wolcomos O (J® US W A U STREET WEEK "Gal-ll- Honn Attack ond comics Pomsm Mat- slngor-actor Mlchochael Damian nnd oc- bralthIth onc tho Economy" Guosl:'Johnin toa. Goorgo Wallaco ond Marcore Woi- truss Sara Qiibortort ("Hosoanno"). (in' Konnolmoth Galbraith, q -----:------— C?)0-(0 - { E a JU6T-THE-TEN-OF-U5- C9 (11) BILLY GRAHAM CRUStUSADE CD RAY BRAOBUFJURY THEATER FiodgiirJgiing nowspapor critic Conniala Thomo: "Why Glory In tho Cro;C ross?" ID WATERSKIING:nG Coiomon Cham- it r®roviow tho Coach's ploy (R)0--J-. . . . From tho London (In pionahlp. From WIcWichita. Kan. (Tapod) CD EVEiVENING AT POPS Tom ond Dick:k ------7;40'lSHOWJ-COMl3MEDY CLUB'NET------Smothosthors' Bong=flnd^ow»dy oct'ln~'r ------O NASHVILLE NOW Foatioaturod: WORK cludoslos tho Yo-Yo' Man; John Wil­1- Chorloy Prido: Rodd Bucklo.kle. (in B:00 O BEST OF' SATURDAYS. NIGHT "arns’is’ COlympic Fanfare from tho 1988a Sloroo) . UVE aam10S. os. (In Storoo) G) ALFRED HITCHCOCK: PRE-F CS IB ( It) 8 ) MOVOVIE "Onco Upon a U ) USAJSA TONIGHT SENTS Texas Train" (1988988. Wosiorn) Wlllio O CLASSIC CL> ROCK WITH-WOLF- £D (Hi MOVIE • * * "C uba"• (1(1979. Nolson. Richard Wldmark;Wl MAN‘J JJACK F«alUTod: Iho M ariass -Aduonlufo) Ofooko-Adamei—S,_ S « a n — -O .O ffl WASHINGTC2TOU WEEK.IN RE^-...... and thotho Pjipasj mQ.FJfm Dlmohslon...1____ ■ _ ------Friaay.-Sbptomt>or8.'T'3B3Pi ------Timos^NuwarivvinTin FJHa.ldaho' 13—13 ------ID SPOIPORTSCEHTER ^ -tb -d a to , Johnsiohb'is host. - ^ i F t f d a y ^ , ______acoros. . 03 EASY STREET LJC andI companyo ISHOWl1 MOVIEI *ii.Vi -Tho Chal- havo a hard time deciding ho^lowtofirt j ~ lonpo" (1 Scott a menaclna aardotwr.

~ t O WEREWOLF “ iSoo o'DCDONNA REED Oonna pun- a TONIGHT SHOW H o stt Johnny I «D HORSE RACINGi W ost Virginia Manlary and Joff. Carson. Schodulod: actorr Chartaa< Sroodors Classic III. From Frc Charlos- CCGDOl3 0 a i l ( Z ) l 9 ( 1 1 ) Q D S ) 0 Grodin; trumpotor Dlziy GI ton. W.Va_(Uvo) NEWS comic Ja n n Karom. (In Siarw S ) DAYS AND NIGHTSITS OF MOLLY O O fl SMDMrmSONIAN WORLD An ex- CD ALIVE FROM OFF CENTER O DODD Nina Is (ho bur{burglary victim;. ploratlonn ofc ISIam'6 Jodoo-Christlon Emmy winner Skip Blumbergrg dirocts Molly has a Jot> infonrtow^oM rataCroon- ' roots, prim•rfnc/ptos and tMllets. (Rl n the alf-v/omen percussion animd vocal Ich Vlllono gc CDFOXYLY LADY Ram sdan Holl and Its onsomblo Womon of Iho Cali^alabash. K9 0 MOVIE *'/! "Oangofous • fopuied ghosisgh may bo iho moans ol (In i Storoo) c? Cufvos" (1988. Comody)Idy) Tato Dono- solving Daisy'sDal problems vtrlih hous- CC I r a NIGHTUNE q ' van, OanloNo Von Zorno0 his jobb aflora coping with his Inabll- WORK ' ■■ SHOW (In Sloroo) Q Ity lo holpIp a{ dosUluto dofondonl (Su- 11:00 11: a BEWITCHED Oarrlri and oi Sa- - t:OOCDROWAN&MARTIhn iN 'S LAUGH- sanRuttan]tan) and hor so r t (Part 2 of 2) m f antha quaaof whort DarrinI aac ccuses IN ID LIBERTRTY ANO THE LTTTLES Ani- hort of using witchcraft. Q CICTEVENINQ AT POP30PS Tom and malod. Thorho Uttlo Fomlly crash lands CD ( 19 (11)TENNIS U.S. O pen'in Tennis Dick Sm olhofs’ oong-j^g-and-comody on Libertyrty Island and ’discovop a Highlights. I Highlights from theho USTA .. '.act includos tho Yo-YoYo Man: Jo/in flfoup ofI FronchFr Lltllos that oro rulod . - Nationalt Tonnis Contor In Oueons, a W illiams' Olympic Fanfainfaro Irom tho >5y o cruol:el tyrant.I N.Y.t 1988 oam os. (R) (In SionJloroo) CD MOVIEIE**V4"Poo-woo'sBlgAd- 1 O I 09 AUVE FROM OFF CECENTER I GO O (C CD 20/20 Q vomuro”• (i(1985, Comody) Poo-woe Emmy E wHnner Skip Blumborgg directsc CC TALES FROM THEHE DARKSIDE Horman,. EllEllzabolh Daily.' , the tl ail-womonporcuaaioniindnd vocal - Botoro stio moves to0 a roliromonl O NASH\5HVILLE NOW Foaturod: onsomblo e Womon of tho Calialabash. . homo.'a burdonsomoB qigrandmolhor Charley PiPrido: Rodd Bucklo. (In (In (I Sloroo) p toachos hor family whntthat it's Iiko to - Sloroo) ta VIDEO DISC JOCKEY grow old, O MOVIEIE 1* * "Whon Nature Calls" ' O 6 (B MOVIE "C uba"’■.{1679, i . ------©BATM AN (1985. Comomody) David Orange. Bar- Adventure) A S.robko-'-'Adams'I. Sean O VIDEOCOUNTRY Foal'oaiurod: Roba Oora Marcirrcinoau. , CConnory. McEntiro ("Caihy'o ClO>Clown"); John- O MOVIEE •** * "Fastosi Guitar Allvo" O fl WORLD MONITOR Chrlstia:tian S d- Conloo C'Hopolossiy Vours"); Vol Ricky - - -<19S7. Musiluslcal) Roy Ort>ison, Joan onco e Monllor news report, S kaggs ( "Lut It Bo You”).u ”). (In Storoo) Froomon. af CROSSFIRE I d MIAMI VICE O (B iE AiGLE 0L AND THE BEAR Amor- SS 8 PUBUC POUCY CONFERERENCS BB ANIMAL WONDER1 DOWND UN. fcJ'S to Oroasod .l Involvemont In Vlot- ID 0 AMERICA’S HORSE .. DEfl A proflio or Ausirallirauairalia's s oanoibandi- ® pron"romptod by Franco's loss at a 6 a SELF-IMPROVEMENT GUUUIDE coot. > of Dion Bion Phu. SHOW S BOYS (in Storoo) 13 - MONEYLINE ' ~' • -© M O O NNUGKT-MA0NE68 U {H0ME ^ -~-(TMC) 0 M0V)6<*V^-The-Reta'llia'liatof"- — ^ - ' CS EVENT OF THE DAY SHOPPING)«0) . . (1987, (1 Advonturo) Robert GInty.ity. S a n ------IS-MOTORWEEK-ILLULLU3TRATED------O WONDEIDERS OF THE WILD Dick dahl Borgman. .. . . ------Motor 6pon»-cerio6.------______;__and Browniomio Bordon adopt a pair of -----. C CIN M O V IE.**iit_l'Jflck'a , £Ba c k 'i_____ ID SPENSER; FOR HIRESIE Sponsor in- orphanodt OttOfS.o t (1(1988. Mystery) Ja m e s Spador.or. Cyn- vostioQtos tho murdor of a m an who* O NEWSNIIINIGHT • thia th Gibb. w as ro-onactlng tho midniiIdnighl ride of O HARNE!NESS RACING Broe^loro 11:05 ( 3 INSIDE EOmON Pnul Rovofo. ' Crovm Series. Sex From Montreal. O ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHTHTAc- ...... SHOW .MOVJE-**Vlj--;Ri-•;Risky .8 u5l------fTapod) ...... - ______.tro tress Jockoo (:'227l').(ln Starec noss" (1983, Comody) TomTo Cruiso, © WHATS’S UP.I DR. RUTH Foaiurod: CD P.O.V. "Partisans of Vllna" I ------Pobocca OoMornay. ^ body Imago)0 Vwilh Rick Duocoman and 40 40 Intorviows augm ent this portrirtraftof^ ______------ISHOWhSUPER-DAVE-e?- “Iho World Wflr~ll Jewish'^oslstltrtonco (TMC) MOVIE * * * "Big'0'(19eB,Co- ( HOOMOVll"riE *W "Dead H eat" (1988, movomont me In Uthuanla. .• mody) Tom Hanks. Eiizaiiizabolh Por- - Comody) Troat Tn Williams. Joo Pis- (D QD ID ARSENIO HALL From Mayay: ac- kins, copo. trosstro Brigitte Nielson and MariekG ( as- -.-C IN MOVIE * * * "A Fish Fi: Called 10:15 O M010VIE \ *** -"Tho’ Blues limtinoau: m usic group the Nevlllo No - -W anda". (1938, ComodTiody) John Brothora" (I960.(1! Comody) John Bo- Brothora. Brc (R) (In Sloroo)______Clnnsn ,lnmln I nn Ciirtii LfiyhiDyd------,11:06l:Oa - a ,TEKWtS U,S ,- O p an mnUirMt.r » - " £ • 1 5 O NIQHT.THACKS (In SiofOO) ------I0;3irCBMAKElKE r o o m f o r DAOOY HIHighlights.q Highlights from tho USTAUl ------fc30'C9 MV THREE SONSS RiRobbie and CD CHEERSRS An oK-convlct falls In NoiNationol Tonnis C^ontor In Quoijoons. his aalo aro frightonod by a man in a lovo wllh DiaDIano. q N.VN.Y. trortch coat. O (») (X)) TTONIGHT SHOW Hosi; 11:301:30 O MISTER ED Ed Ihe m ascot sa Is GD WILD AMERICA A lookok aln a pair of Johnny Cora:orson. Schodulod: actor stolen slo; by the rival team . oVphanod fishors, caJ-slii'Sliod mom* Charlos Grodrodln; Irumpolor Dizzy Gil- CD IB (11) PATSAJAK T7'.:,'iitwro:yitngiw ga^ojjai^t^ny. __ lospio;comic.nlcJann Knram. (In Storoo)_:___ OO o a JACK_HORKHElMEH:~81STAR ------_ stacftonrrtp—^— O^lSV-^RliiR i O A V ^ e ^ 3 T w H r H g ^ = Hti:HUSTLER Toylcs In UBUuiiuiiiV” . mily. (P a n '1 ^ r:;:.. sEfiresi^yan and Mickl trail a klllor - oO ai ® LATC NIGHT-WfTH DASa v id CC MAGNUM. P.I. Magnumum and Cyn- who lurns ln>invisible whllo wearing a LETTERMAN LEI (In Storoo) - thiQ Invostlgaio a drug ca:caso In Los cursod World3rld War 11 jacket. (R) (In O 0 ( (12) FALL GUY Rykor Is murdodored Angolos. (Pan 2 o( 2) Sloroo) byb y 0 « govornmont ogont. (Part 2J o f 2) ' I ID BATMAN .C S MOVIE * * * "Tho Yoar of Living O CLASSIC ROCK WfTH WO/O U r ' O CROOK AND CHASEIE Foaturod;I Dangerously"Ily" (1383. .D ram a) Moi MAN MAI JACK Foaturod: tho Manlamas ^ ------Mlchool-Martln-Mufphoy-Ui gournoy-Woavor______andand.tha Papaa;.lho Flfth.01mon»ln jlo n ,------hts fosiival "Wost Post"; RaymondI O (11) M'A*•A*S*H A now oroa com- (In Storoo)5 Buff and his nowr showiW '"Trial bv mandor scarcares everyone In the 6S 0 ( CELEBRATE A Viking fire fesbislivaJ Jui^. ' (In Siofool ------J — J OTTIh-wtrn'hh'hla~miniarism : ~ ______inIn SjS h o llan d .^ t^ o Jh q u san d (orcJ ...... t a :o4'EVENlNG AT THEHE IMPROV . ® '<(9 VICTOiTORY AT SEA America's and ond a burning galley. Acior Chrislophor LooI wolcomosw fii'SI groundd victoryv In the Pacific Is *O 1 NEWSNIGHT 1 UPDATE •omo of today's rtaing com:omics. shown on capturedca Jap an eso nim HBCHBO MOVIE *Vi "Cold Stool" (19.s a ., . Drat i SB SAGEBRUSH COUNTRYrRY Animals soquoncos., Drarru) Brod Davis. Sharon Stonone. •Irugglo to survive In Orogorigon's Great ® WILDUFEIFE CHRONICLES A prI- SHCSHOW IT S GARRY SHANDUN

/ { ■ '(Ei( To Amo)" (1981.I. Drama)D SonIa 1:15 [SHOVIOW) RICHARD JENl: THE ------Ofa&a.-Pauto.Co»ar.RafP^folo______-BQY.FHOt tia 3 ti>WtOHTttNE q — O ARSENIO HALL From Frc May: oc- hts uniquo|uo brond ot Now York humor ” tross Brigttto Nioison1 aniond Mark Gas- in Chicago O ADDAMS FAMILY ' tinoou: fnusic groupjp Iho Novillo 1:30 O DONNA DC REEO Donno pun- O C R O s s n n E Brolhora. (B) (In Storoo) lory and Joft. 3 5 5 [SHOWI BOYS (In Storoc•00) Q 11:36 01 PAT S A JM SS hlEADUNEB NEWS 33:30 O ANN SOTHERN SHOVOW 12.-00O C A H 54, WHEREERE ARE YOU? CD CARSOISON'S COMEDY CLASSICS O GET SMART Tho pollcomon o> tho0 53rdSC unknow- OB MOVIEflE ’’Going W iW (1930. ID MOVIE * * "Tho Roscuo'm" (V988. • Ingty rohot>ililoto a groupoup of crimlnols Comody)I) JooJi E. Brown, W alior Pidg- Advonturo) Kevin Dillon. Morarc P/ico. who oro trying to rob3 0a bonk, oon. a SHOWBIZ TODAY ID 700 CLUB Host: Pal Robertson, ® M EVIEVENING AT TNE IMPROV CD LYN ST. JAMES A Now WcWorld Ro- : CD ADVENTURES OF)F IOZZIE AND Actor Chri:hrlsiophor Loo wolcomos cofd, (R) . HARRIET Ozzlo hoa1 his hi: hands full oomo ofr totoday’s rising com ics. 33:35 (TMC) MOVIE ’ WitnItness lor whon ho babyslls forr thitho nolQhbors’ CDPQASESENIORS QOLF North Clas- • Iho Prosocutlon" (1982. Oroma) olc. First roi kittort. t round from indlanopolls. (R) Ralph Richardson, Olana Rio<109-..« ...... O REAL PATSY CUNEINE Vlnlago rilm HBO EDGE)QE A hit mon Is ordorod to 3 ^ 5 HBO MOVIE *Wi ’ Nlghiniimofp at '■ footogo ond Iniorviowsiws with family Jormlnata0 Itho woman ho lovos. (in Noon" (1988, Horror) Wingss Haysor.h . ond frionds from Iho1 cocounlry music Storoo) q Bo Hopkins. world highlight this docidocumentary ol '1:38 O) FOCOCUS 44:00 O MYSTERIOUS CITIfTIES,' OF ^ • * -tho logondary counlrytry ;stngor.-who - 1:45 [SHOW])W] MOVIE "Privato lr>- GOLD diod In a piano crash ol01 thotl ago of 30 vostlgotlon!o n s" (1987, Dromo) Cloyton O GOMER PYLE, USMCC Whon in 1953. Rohnor. RayRa Shorfcoy. Gomor rofusos lo marry oJ fatjwusf ID MOVIE *V4 "Tho Pin>Pink Chlqultos" 2.-00 O MAKlAKE ROOM FOR DADDY movlo stor. oho turns hor otiorlontjon to__ - • - (1986. Comody) Frankk Stollono,St Jo h n ------O NlOHT-1IT-TRACK6 (In Storoo)------' Hsmphill. CD MOVIEIE *1 * % "M ockonna’s Gold" ID PAio PROGRAMMING C& MOVIE **V3 "EonhBnhworm Trac- (1989, W’ostom) ost Grogory Pock. Omar O MOVIE * * '’Lawless. 'Valloy" tors" (1936. Comody)) JooJo E. Brovm, Shorlf. (1938. Woslom) Goorgo O'BrKIrion, Koy . , .Juno Travis,...... - - - ...... CDMOVIE*E **** ;'Halr"(1879.Musi- - S utton.— • ...... ' O 16 DAYS Td'TIMBUlISUKTU'A Jour- col) John1 8Savogo. / T(oat WilllomB,' ' O NEWS noy ttirough Mali In WosA/ost Africo. ID VIDEO0 CDISC JOCKEY CD AUTO RACING InlornaliorioncJ’Jso- CD BEST OF SPORTSLCSUOOK ffl (B MOVI>VIE **V j -Tho Last Safari ’ don Cup Sorios- From Son Antc^lo.A SHOW SUPER DAVE• q (1957, Advodvonturo) Stowart Granger, Toxas. (R) 12:05 O ) BENSON Koz Goros,as, [SHOW] MOVIE *V, "Hollo , 12 :3 0 0 ) ROWAN a MART1IRTIN'S LAUGH- O LARR1?RY KING OVERNIGHT (1987. 1 Fontosy) Sholloy Long. IN Schodulod;Id: form er Rodskin'a quart- Ivoy. 1. . • O tai'O D FRIDAY NIQI‘JIQHT VIDEOS erback andnd host of ’’Amorlcon Glo- 4:4:15 SHOW RICHAHD JENl: TH ______.TlnaTumorond PoulShiShoflor.praaont____ dlatora.llJo■Joo-Thoismann.------1- FROM NEW YORK-CITY StiS ta ^ J - - • ------VIdooa-tjy -F ln tr^o u■ung-Cannibals n g ------© PU B L ICIC POUCY CtJNFETlENCE----- ■^comoBionRichnra‘3onrporfori'orm_sjiis— ' (•'Don't Look Bock").'). Chor■ ("If I • © SELF-IM•IMPROVEMENT QUIDE 1unique brand ol Now York huhurr\^ ln_ _ — Could Turn Back Timo"no") and Janot------HBO MOVIEVIE "Laguna Hoot” (1087.------—1 Chlcogo.-- •• ------Jack so n ..(-'Misa You-JiU-Much‘').-.(ln_____Dromn). HHarryqi -Hamlin.-Jason.. Ro- - 4:30 4i O SPARTAKUS ANO THI•HE ‘^ N - Storoo) bards. IBENEATH THE SEA 0 ( 1 2 ) JEFFERSONSI Roronco’sRc un- (TMC) MOVlOVIE * "Tho W izard of tO BETWEEN THE LINES compromising alllludoude towords Gofo" (197i1970. Horror) Roy Sagor. (CD MAKING IT HAPPEN Goorgo changes whonn hho o g lv o sh o ro Jody Clor. )O CHECK IT OUTl -— - -...... hot invostmont.- — ------2:30 0 SUSIEiSIE...... — •- - • J©mOOLDENAQEOPTELVLVfST&N- ...... CE WOMAN’S BE&T FRIENDFHI (D ASK MAMAX A brilliant 12-yoor-old- Tho : originol pilot of "Tho Virgirg in ld |" • CD MOVIE * * * * ’ Howow Groon Was Invonts o hlihigh-poworod bicycle. (In ' storrlng ■ Jnmos Drury.______My' Volloy" Drdi^rom a o o r O l^ n ^ H N A ’nONAL CORREJE SpC ^- - Pldgoon, Mouroon O'Har OVIE **V i ’'1 Lovo You (Eu DENTS t O SPORTS LATENIGHT3HT . To Amo)) ’" (1981. Drama) Sonia CD I SPEEDWEEK Wookly auto.ori.clj.g I CD SPaRTSCENTERR Up-to-dolo Bfflja. Poulclulo Cosor Poroio. - roport. r Bcoroo. 2:35 & NEWSWS (R) CCIN MOVIE * * "Manioc Cop">•■ i(19^ 8. ------8H0W-M0VtE^**^r^V ^ T h o -C h n l.- 2:50 CIN MiMOVIE * * "And God______i Horror) Tom Atkins. Bruco Can-ompbcli. ------•’r(1 0 57,.OrarT*a).Bfl------4i4£sHOW-MOVm P ago 10 ««.INA) -rc*»iljlli41»iiVMjM,‘ f-0X,»l 1;OOOMY THREE SONS 1 O.mi-tf Ibtin Nonit.Ijl.I!om.,'ClUS,ti ir.-KDClLL. 2 » < s l ' his doto oro frighlonodjbyomanino. by lMC*IUf.'KDC.I1i. ®a.l®|-CMth.*AflC.«...... tronch cool. a. (TSl'Ib^rBan.* ADC, > I , \ M. 1»J"M;TnUi><.‘ . 'AUCaLinlir.-iid:!.(«iu«.* . . O D C D (n) MOVIE ’•Qno Pollco lin N.liiul I>ritin«Tfri.*CI13.111 , . Plaza" (1988, Droma)) RiRobort Con- Uu«,*AIlC.lU ____ ...... _ . .Mr.laiivM«Jt^do».!AUC.lia __—S U iai"OMPCu>Tr,*-"KllCfWirN<|MM — rod. Qoorgo Dzurwlzo;— > t* lUck In Trminlnf,* — "QCJ " ■ BlNAl-Annrv*'* U~l ff.fl*J7rOX7J 5“ 0 NIQHT TRACKS (In Si fl. IZ )"9 ^ c /te D>uU,’aiS, 7.7. n Storoo) TuMa»rU»ri..*i*r' ta.)>uj-cynii«»,-rra,;.t . 3 0 ( 1 2 ) CD USA TONIQH-QHT xin> rru>Miw*i».u«,‘Aac,ios «(NAI'«ii«i^ii7fCIX;T.i “ ------,.,.L - 0»n-ikiirf..k..tKDC.UL:------—XnO-QBlrtVlfOTr.'’-^ -CWfndnMsnr,* JN K S (HOmI • - r S> MOONUQHT MADNE ... \ SHOPPINQ) (Contlnuod) ' ttlS7)-K.U*Aa e.iOi «in71”U E*M.*K..-KK... Jo.iui-MjT-»n«ij,*Knt J.a. ... ,g a HEADLINE NEWS OVo v e r n ig h t «:lnip>4.iM..-ABC.aa fTu (X rNFL r/» roijit»ii,* aw. 11 . _ID ^E E D W E E K Woo.klyj_kly nuip radng' M.oti-adc k*-: mirt la »nuuA«m»,* -O.-Uti-.rkmif'nii.-KOC.tJ...... a ro ^ rt. (H)‘ • as. I Ul "Knu CDi «T. HBO KIDS IN THE HALLJ.(inStoroo)q (ll • I ilitptH;.' - 'riBC Moiulir NI|K1 n. ^ IW -'A MinaiM lla>i.‘ AltC, e S. 3 a rO>>ri»IIniMi.'mH,64 1K)6 CD USA TODAY ToyDy manulacluf-n .*ADC.I& 2 Ing: tho proodoloscontt yeyears (Port 5 «i»-aj,'KDC.mtii ------...... ;v- ■■iri-Bhaj ^ UmAO»U»C.-—ICS 01 6 ) . ______« ix rN rj.rf^ rooU)tU.*J.DC.»l ___ Friday. Soptombor 8.198939 Timos-Nows, Twin_Falln, Id; -- . . i ______f______trdaftprost^r a m s ~

. MORNING I Sports Higl 1C! 5,00 CS ADVEWTUBES OF W E LIT- ' T IE KOALA L y j Q •O ) LAHHY JONES CD ORAL ROBERTS CD PAID PROORAMMINQNO 1:00 p.p.m. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALLBAI (NBC)New Yoifork J D VIDEO DISC JOCKEYiY Y an k e es18 nat Oakland A‘s or Chicago WhWhite Sox at Detroit Tigers. -CD ««) LEGEND OF ROBlOBIN HOOD lu n n ttB u Tho im prlsonoa Morion l3 &Doing pros- surod Into marrying Sir Guy.Gu) who on- 3:00 TENNIS.(CBS) U.S. Oponon tennist continuess. _ Inlo n ctuoJ wllh Robirobin in Shor- wood Forost. (Port 11 ol 1 p.m. PGA SENIORS GOLF)LF (ESPN) Socond roundd at CO) DESIGNER ROV/ 3:00 p. ■: is , soarch ann Adirondack; Siroam (or -. films, '“f .a-young boy ond his memonior plonnod. , ______brown trout..r,DT CD IBI (•(11) 6D JIM HENSON'S O 5:aS C« IDAHO JOB REPOR m u p p e t BABIESb a Q CD ^ PAID PROGRAMMING 6:00 O BEST OF TOTAL Pt £D NEW ADVENTURES OF Q ® (Kt PROFILES Foaturod: Brilrllain's ----- ^------C-^J-0-C*)-®-PUP-HAME£>-‘e d -s c o o b y ------i n e k u u H'(S oaSOii Piu-“ Qjj DOO (Sooson Promloro) Tr imatod. Tho escapades ol 09 BD PERSPECTIVE A aludy oiof poJ- Scooby Ooo rolurns forOf ia socono wtnnio tho0 P Pooh. Tlgger. Plglot ond luted lut' watorwoys. aoason os o rambunctious thO fOSt Ofif tftho Hundred Acre Wood O O MONEYWEEK p o t ) KISSYFUR (Sooson^on IPfon’loro) ,osldonls. QO S3 S3 PUBUC POUCY CONFEREfENCE . .. — Anlmated.^rnw.circut-boai :;CAPTAIM--N;;.THe;aA«£=©=©fJSH!N^HOLE^- . ------laitior'loavo’tno awampJaniT o MASTER ,(Promloro)' Anlmaiod. S> S ' WOMANWATCH -'Oa-'On in KaooiocaoF : Soaod on ihctfio Ninlondb vidoo gumoS. -HBO— SURVIVAL— Photogrop aboyoncourountors hero es and viiiianB Tony To and Liz Bomlord rovoai)ai the HEADUNE NEWS os ho travelsois through magical Ninlon- lives Hv‘ ol two apoclos of seal foui)ur>d in iilnnd'a U.S. FARM REPORT' doiand. q 1 tho th< Outor Hobrldos off Scoila CD (11) NEWS (R) coasLCO. . CO SW ISS FAMILY ROBINlBiNSON CD OUTDOOOOR IDAHO Tho Moose (TMC)(t I MOVIE **Vi "W ho Is JuJullaV CP FINANCIAL FREEDOM5H______Crook Ra»go>oer Sintlon In the S e lw y -4i9BB_scionca_fJcitonUslPr.«_ n c o_Win:______CD-TnAVELS.OF_JAMIE-»IP M rPHPP- " Siiibrfbot VW'^dornoss;_cotching on e-___ nlrnlngham. Jameson Porker. , - ~ T E f t S “ - foot slurgoor SHX)-^FINDERS-KE£PERS . m f«) JOURNEY TO AD\JADVENTURE 0 (1 2 )H O3NEYM00NERS N i (D IS (11) 6D PEE-WEE'S ' PIplay '- Irqlnnd Is ioaturod. - CBCHARLAh-ANDO HCH O U SEg 0 3 ADVENTURES O F•• -R RAGGEDY - ID RAINBOWOW BRITE oo 0 0 ELEMENTARY EDUCAl:A‘nON ANN AND ANDY □ ' CD YOU ANONO ME, KID Foolurod: Jn- fcFOB TEACHERS - O N E W S ...... ___ not, Lynn. _O_flS_aD_SMUHFS_(S00S0nn P re-______------© VIEWER C A U .IN (Tnp<•npodl___ - O AMERICA CA’S.WEEKENOOARDE- miofo) Animotod. Tho conUnuln(ing ad- G) OUTDOOR SP0RTSMA1MAN n e r vonturos of tho Inhabitants ol! SSmurf ISHOWJ MOVIE **Mii '''Bhowor^l CD PAID PRCHOGRAMMING___ ytlVillage who oiiom pt timo travel'Oi dur- Jfjpction" (1956. Droma)1) AviTGa'fd.A CB HONDO ■[ng thoir ninlh sooson, 13 ~ nrif, Stowart Grangof______^EDGEED _A N D _BE Y O f/0_____.CDSESAME.STHEETq...... CIN MOVIE * * * ••Tho Tofminator'' Tfli Kayaking; AlpAlplno ico climbers; swim- 0 q ( 1 2 ) WHAT IS REAL? (f904. Sclonco Fiction)on) Arnold ; mlnglnonOBfjonndia'swhito-watorflv- GO g] MINORITY BUSINESS REPCPORT Schwarzonoggor. Llndo HnHamilton. ofs. CD I'M TELUNGI 6 :0 5 .0 NATIONAL GEOGRAIIRAPHICEX- ® DESIGNEI'IER ROW (Continued) cnCD WELCOME TO POOH CORtRNER - PLORER Foaturod: Ffonchnch wofknrc BBAITTOMATlATED FACTORY How IhQ Oq REMODEUNG & DECORA'IAT1NG - fUfi Arianoapoco In tho3 lungjoalu ol- Japarw so uso robots in laciorles. rTODAY r Featured; inBlaliIngI itrack S outh Amorica; lomurs;;'Ci0M Ci Y o rk O HEADUNEINE NEWS UPDATE Jlghllf'OLi’o iini y 'Jo jo '^ o ’'®'J* an light -______Pi'nnisuia iri.Ausifniroiiiob:ioba.focrodE:------CD.'JrMMYjHCHOUSTON OUTDOORS:.'- l ~ b-buib.-(ln.sioroo) u ------J. , 16 Timos-Nows. Twin Falls.1. IdahoId Friday, Soplombor 8,18, 9 8 9 I ------f ■

------O -tA N D OF THE GIAI3IANTS Margrot. ' m HOW THE WESTT WAS.WONW ______€D CtUB10 fMTV ______S d t u n' d a y ^ EJ YOI MTV RAPS © IU HELENA KEI RUBENSTEIN This _ 0> o a DECADES: 60'SO'S In 1968. Mar> woman foughi(ou hor way oul ot povony Iin Lulhor King Jr. w ol accurate sox oducollon. Porklns. PIrnio" (1961. Advonivonluro) Siovo SHOW M0\ilOVIE * * V i "Bhowani June- [SHOW] MOVIE * * "Trading '1 Roovos, Valorlo Lagrnncronga. . tion" (195£956. Dromo) Ava Qardnor. Hoorts" (19S8. Drama) Rauoul J u k CIN MOVIE * * * -BlodJiatkboard Jun- Slowarl Qrangor.Qri Bovorty D’Angolo. glo” (1855. Drama) Qlonrionn Ford. Anno 9 :1 0 O S C:iENCE IE AND TECHNOLOGY 1 10 0 - ^ © INSPECTOR QADQETET F ronds. WEEK O 0 9 BUSINESS FILE Tho conceptcc a:05 0 MOVIE * * -’CharIharloy Varrick" 8:30 © DENENNIS THE MENACE of c managomoni; tho Importartance ol (1973, Dromo) Waltorlr i danco d o b from of< ovii J_t)Od.Q - • • CD a CE © BEETLEJLEJUiCE (Pro- buslnossnuiman’a plans. (In Storoo) O | M (3D ALF-TALES (Soosoison P ri- mloro) Animolod. A con:on artiai flhosl O ROY ROGERSRO mloro) r Animatod. Tho irosdOlcDie oiion and o molodramailc 12-j12-yoar-old girl © DONAUALO OUCK PRESENTS appliesb his blzarro ksglc 10 lo WOUr bocomo frionds. Basod^od on Iho loa- O SIDE■ BY G SIDE Foaturod: San known h lalry tales, q Uiro film, qj Francisco.0 . Collf.( (in Sloroo) CD c SEWING WITH NANCY •'Spe;BALLJ98______a | (12) SUPWBOY A young compu-cc O NEW GENERATION)N CD GAMEDjEDAY ter tl genius acdddhially ~aclivaivatos',5 O DUMBO'S CIRCUS3 (TWC)MOVOVIE * * * " e tg " (1988, Co- codo c thol will ond In a nudoarrmlsslio n O COUNTRY KITCHENHEN Foolufod: «ody) Tomom Hanks, Ellzabolh Por- launch. it (R) Jayno Moadows proparo © RIFLEMAN A 'gunm an IhronoaionQ ------pea pods. (In Storoo)— b*OVlE-* *W-^Chofry-a000^^------—U lo kin Mtooh actd Lucas trios to help. - .....- © TRAVELERS SHOWlOWCASE Pro- nS&S. Sdor::lonce Fk:tk>n) Molanio Qrif- O f THIS WEEK IN COUNTRYr MUSICN lossional blkors uso spociaifyspOi modi- f'lh, Dovldid fAndrews. (In (I Sloroo) (Iod moiorcyclos to climbImb stoop hills, 10:00 © D OUOUBLE I OARE q GD Q © DENVER. THE LASTr DiNp-.,;I O STYLE WITH €LSAA KKLENSCH O 09 BUSIUSINESS RLE Tho dlstinc- SAUR S,______liaujaimftj}•0 ef corporailons: tho incor- ___| O WHAT EVERY 8lABY AB' KNOWS: pomting prprocess: tho odvamogos © C COLLEGE FOOTBALLL m Io^ THE FIRST THREE YEAFEARS artd disadvadvanlages of tho corporsto mi(Ohlo) n at Purduo, (Uvo) HBO MOVIE "Thono FPoonul But- businoss. . © ESOUIRE: ABOUT MEN,N, FOR tor Solution" (1985. FaiFantasy) Ma-. C23 BUGS 1 BlBUNNY’S BUDDIES WOMEN V Feeiured: Richard Doaloon An- ______thow_MocknY^!Juc!tJflySnvnnnnsv. OCIDfflANANIMAL CRACK-UPS (Soa-_____d— dor8on:-Unda ElIorbM,------' 9:00 ra DONT JUST SITrr THERE1 son Promloinlo?o) Foaturod-oudste^'on^— 11H3i1 H » O L A 5 S (E ------______GD.O-CmjLJEMMlSJIS u_<;_npnn owor auosti M on's eomifinals and wowom on's nnal nnlmaismis soon tn uniquo lilm'fob- "Tho ColorUai Expononce" from Ouoons. N.Y. (Uvo)ivo) ta g o .H o st:st: Alan Thlcko. Also too- ( Q 5 ANIMAL CRACK-UPS (S<;Soosoi‘i O 0 9 BUSINESS ANDT1D THE LAW turos puppolipol ’’Rogolo the Hodglo" in- Promioro) p Foaturod guosis aransw er CD O (D O BUGSIS BUNNY St trodudng Iin' Inlormalion, q quosllonson q tho behavior of wllwlldoiii. TWEETY SHOW (Soasonison Promioro) O ® ODD i ALF (Season Prbmierb) ■ mals n' soon .In uruquo Him loc'ootogo. Animalod, Vintago Warr^oirnor Bros, car- Animolod Iso sorios based On tho prime- Host: H Alan Tlilcko, Also features’o s p u ^ . laortJ'r^ilurrngBugsBumSunny, iwoory. llmo romod] L>ot"*’Rpcwio'tt^e'HodCTlo'*'lr^trod ...... Syi^stor.andoinor3.q .,q j______ion who comibmoVlo'^a'nH'from ifio'plo'^ .. InforiTiatlon.'q ir ’ ...... O t a CE CHIPMUNKS> (S<(Sooson Pro- nH Molmoc.IOC. q ■ ■ O c COLLEGE MAD HOUSE mloro) Animatod. Tho slnolntjC sin hip. CD WELCO.COME TO MY STUDIO O C 39 CE TRACK AND FIELD0 World,\ munk trio - Alvin, Simonion ond TIioo- Highlightinging to m ako things shine, (in Cup C Championship, From Borccrcolona'..' doro - and tho Cnippottoattoaomharkon Sloroo) . Spain, aopod)______a sovon^ soasof^M>or SD COLLECTORS Exporlondn.ynothQ______...... turos. a — _tums into'oJ B businossman When ho 17003 r -Maino litostylo ntTJof.loflariaa. . .. CD THE GOVERNORSIS MONTHLY bOCOmos «a com pany’s mojority Form: Fi duck decoys: antlquo shshavlpo, NEWS CONFERENCE olockhoidor.Jor. (R) m m ugs; Victorian gloss, O (12) Q ia.iO AN 'S ISLA5LAND CE SOUL, TFTRAIN Jam es Ingram: HI- 0(12)'8T C A R T R E K Kirk, SpocI3ck end _ C E BETTER WAYS TO BETTER • roshima; M.(M.C; Hammor. ' . . ' McCoy M find ihomsolvos on a1 pplofiot! ■ GRADES------:------— ...... - ...... O LONE RiRANQER...... - Ihlhal rosombios Earth.In the. dod o y s.o l, ...... CD SKY KING © MOVIEE * * ’’Emil ond tho Ootoc- a ar ndonl Romo, ' © GOOD MORNING MIC:MICKEYI tivos" (1964,>64. Advonluro) Wollor Slo-, CE d MOVIE * * "Tarzan ond Ihoho Loo-- - O WISH YOU WERE= HHERE Foo- Bryanin FRussoll. . ' pard pj V/omah" (1946, Advor'onluro) ' turod: Loxington, Ky... andor Rugby. O CELEBFiBRrrV OUTOOORS Foa- Johnny j{ Welssniullor. Brenda Jeof Wllh ' Minor, Joonnq Barnos. Jo n o s aid n d ttM> ' Last C rusade." (R) poa P pods. (In Storoo)' 11:30 ID HEATHCUFF ON TWINS A horror-film Star CD I CHECK IT O U n d v e » ™ r e - a - O Q9 AMERICAN ADVE ^at his yard has boon takon O 1 YOUR MONEY "Now Sodoly" molo pooplo. (In Storoo) CD I COLLEGE FOOTBALL S(SCORE- . ,’ffi WEEKEND SPECIAl;iAL "Monsiof JOTTEN CHILDREN OF THE BOARD | (Livo) . Bod" (Season Promloro)ro)Animolod.A < {TMO MOVIE **V i "DriDrognot" young boy Is myotorlooMously trana- HOfiTSTORlES - A convalos- (1987. ( Comody) Oan Aykroydryd.,Xom . . "ported lo D spot undorlor ai m onster’s ® ® n rocolves a strango nightly Hanks. ^ bod. q ON TEL- g visitor In 1 ’’A Swimmor Drowlng^ -2:12:00 CD YOU CAN’T DO THAT 01 O PETS ON PARADE .E V«TH ELSA KLENSCH EVIStON A saiitlcal look att IUfa for CD PIERRE FRANEY'S■Y'S CUISINE r s UP, DR. RirrH Foaiurod: kids ^ in tho big city. . . . . RAPlOE Cold foods Incluncluding soups ® x: Lynda M adarae. - - - -. 1GM-SlU------;----- (l55B.-Cbmo(iyrCoror> ly one small rivor. (in Storoo) dios' q f Foldman.______IRS Foa- ______L. q O CELEBRITY OUTDOOR! (B STARTkHTINO FROM SCRATCH turod; singer Honk TTiompsorlon (ishoa ^ AFTERNOON ------Ja m o s' stLstubbom ess whilo sorving for catfish ond hunts quail1 IrIn South jury dutyI mmay cost Holon hor droom Carolina, (in Sloroo) M TVBaioa_on______vocationI foifor two. (R) _ CD BUSTIN' LOOSE ------J-ia:0O-€3-BLACK-BeAUI3i ROEffA'nolghtxjrtngninchar------CJ-MTV-T0P-20-VIDEO-C-coukr----- ______» -Anna Sownll'a classicc 5tstory. CD MONRO r m B Mll.gl_TENNIS oro squatting on his lnnd. ------SB B® BRAT FARRAR An InImpovor- - ; Tonnio Contmuos. (Uvo) 08th«d0- kMPBEUL AND ID 2 0 R R7 0 Zorro m ust sto p Don Car- fshed orphan; who rosomlMos ’ O Cl® JOSEPH CAMP coosod holr to o family■ I(ortuno. ■THu WITH BILL 0 trios onco again to capturo . THE POWER OF MYTH: tho mountaintaIn man.* b w om os involvod in a plot loto tmppr. • MOYERS q i^iPR O REMODlODEUNO A DECORATING sonato him. Stars Mark Groooonstroot .^ -^ I- ,- { 3 i.M A K lN 0 LIFE EASIE "RaKTfo MOWlfc'IE ** "Hong Kong" (1951. Trons-Am Championship. Frc ' J returns 10 Cairo (or.Ed ro) Ronald Reagan. Rhonda ington, Ohio. • ding w here sho la reunljunltod with hor Advonturo) 7) Q Fleming. 6 3 MOVIE * * "Eight Is Enc•noughr'A « husband. (Part 7 ol 7> C ■ ■ Fomlty'flounion“"(1987r'C"Comedy-" "l^or,.Yo«-va ® ;o 'DISC JOCKEY ------...... * ■ O(l2)M0VlE**W "0c Dmmal'OiCkVan PoTton. Mar^nryFya'nn. • Got 10 bo KWding" (19( iDWARD ANO MRS. SIMP- y S d ww . ard's ' relationship with Mro. . HBO MOVIE, **^^ ;-;Sp}iC'f.cobflll?'' ------J BaMra^)ooT“Goof9*-Ha — (itjt)?, ''CWTiocly)-Mur; BiouK:3K3:^Jotin ------• CD 810 VALLEY Nickt QC or8.1980 ■ ISHOWJ ROBIN HOOOO. FRobin must and Auiomomobilos" (1987, Comedy) chooso botween his loyalijyalty to Homo Stovo Martinnm, John Candy. S a t u r di a y ^ • or proi(K:tJng iho (ab:«dd RRi im d T a b lo - 3 :4 5 .HBO MlMOVIE **V i-'.'M ado. in of Kino Arthur. Hoavon" (IS(1987, Fantasy) Timothy 2:10 O SPORTS CLOSE-UE-UP Hutton, Kollyoily McGillis. ChChoor" (1934, Musical) Shirtoy! Tom-T 2:30 CD OUT OF CONTROLROL 4:00 6»MISTETER ED EO helps on ostro- ' pleplo. Womor Baxter. O 09 FOCUS ON s o cCIETY i e cizod boy. O COUNTRY KETCHEN Foatuiturod: CD MAKE YOURSELF AT , HOME O ® FHENlENCH IN ACTION ' Fam- Ja:Jayno Moodows proparos boot)f wilh Building a child's playf siructuro:su )u- moD” ------— ...... , ^pga^p ^ ~ ~ -nior cho/s; plant cuftnflS'ifls:------O W U S A -n O WISH YOU WEREE HEREH Foa- Latin oO BIG PICTURE Each wook.. Ihost tufod: LoxInQton. Ky.,. andai Rugby. CD JUUA CCHILD AND COMPANY ChChris Connolly, senior odilor ofif IPro- Tonn. (In Sloroo) ■ Bulfot lorr V. 19 " rni(mioro magazine, presents clipss fifrom e DOUBLE TROUBLEI O WORLD3 CCHAMPIONSHIP WRES- thotho top flvo box offico hila andI irinter- SB RENDEZVOUS A travolnvol advonturo TUNO . . vieviews wilh c a s t ond crew m omnbors. b to fosdnating locationsIS arounda tho ' CC SUPER1 SiSPORTS FOLLIES IDCD B STAR SEARCH (in Storoooo) vrorid. - 0 ( 1 2 ) MOV]3VJE **Vi "Baby... Socrot OS 09 CHRONICLE Tho Hududson . O FUTURE WATCH o l tho Lost3t L Logond" (1985. Advon- RivRiver Vailoy is homo to controvoi/orslal SHOW SUPER GAVE Q3 turo) Williamim Katt, Sean Young.- foBfotk'singor Poto Soogor. 3H>0 O MR. WIZARD’S WCWORLD g Q 80RDERTiRTOWN A blind girl Is tho 6BS DESIGNER ROW SPECIAL GO O (11) O TENNISIS IU.S. Opon only wllnossss to a Murdor. OS SPORTING LIFE Divors oxplKploro' . Tormia Ccntinuoa. (Uvo)0) O SWISS FAFAMILTROBINSON A Bri- thetho CarlbtMan Soa oil tho Cayrlyman OCQ) ECONOMICS USAA ThoTl first op- tish warshiplip .orrtves ot tho island to IsliIslands ai night Isodo in this look ot U,S.3.S. monolary kidnap monin ( (or a cam paign against BB CAPfTAL GANG policy focusos on oconoiinomic trodo- - Nopoioon.. .. O AMERICA & THE COURTS offs In tho oroos of wrildorrdomosspros: O COUNTRYniYCLiPS (In Storoo) - CD COLLEGE FOOTBALL SCOi;ORE- opvotion. omployoo hoallhlilh protocllon . CD DIAMONDiNDS . ■ BOBOARD (Live) ...... and w ar production. HoHost: David IB 8U 0S BUIBUNNY & PALS SHSHOW ROBIN HOOD Robin rrmust* Schoumochor. q CD WEEK IN ROCK ChcChooso botwoon his loyalty to HoHomo QD WOOOWRIGHTS SHOSHOP roaking O dill GLOBEIBE TV: A TICKET TO THE Of|Of protecting tho foWod Round TabloTt wooden toys. Including farmyardfar; onl- WORLD Foati)aturod; ar> Arabiar) dosort of IKing Arthur. mois and puzzles, p ...... golf course;M>; Mongolia herdsman: ISI-ISHOWJ MOVIE "Hollo Agt>00ln ' O BONANZA: THE LCLOST_EPI- CoHforriia cam ca era, safari; a Sono- . (19(1987. Fantasy) ShoUoy Long. JJudith u - - SODES Uttlo Joo bollovosi'OS that a mon golose choir,>ir. iveivoy. who Is sontorKOd lo hangng forI murdor O 16 DAYSrs TO TIMBUKTU A )our- 5:30i:30 B LOONEY TUNES is really Innocont. noy ihroughIh Maiit In W est Africa. O ( tt MCLAUGHLIN GROUP C9 CAROL BURNETTr SSPECIAL... O NEWSWAWATCH OB ( » ( D N B C NEWS CAROt, CARL, WHOOPI>PI & ROBIN O NATIONA(NAL PRESS CLUB AD- CD THIS OLO HOUSE Instaltallin<7 . Carl Rolnor. Whoopi Golc3oldborg and DRESS ...... OOitKHJttwm yellow pino flooring; Buiit?- B«. Room wninoms join Carol•oIBumottfor E © MOVIE: -* "Tho Letter" (1982. - ing-^tho mastor bathroom 's vanit

m BUYER'S SPECIALS3 ' ” score to solOi#lUo. ^ O SECRETS OF THE COA:OAST Plants ® £PPARD Foaiuros inior- thot toioralo boing smotmothorod by the bond 03 woll a a Octo- lof?s of sond; animals thatlatcanodjust < 'y^^TOri» n c o rt foolago In AUonla. ------tadowtOiko-tompofaiuro:u re- Go., from thotho "Hyslorla" tour. e NEWSWATCH •------OPINMACUXE ------UAX SE88 iOW8-^ThoJJ«i------round from IndlanapoUs.». (t(Uvo) _ villo Brothersors - Toll It Uko It fs” Tho SHOW MOVIE * * * "Thi•Tho E lo ^ lc ■ Novlllo Broth,3thors present t>kjes, rock. . Horaomiw" (1979, Dromioma) Robert ond zydocoo fromfi Now Orleans, with Rodford. Jano For>da. guests inciudiluding Grog Allman. Horblo [SHOW] MOVIE * * 'ThoTio Big Bluo" Hancock. BotBonnie Roitt. Jimmy Buffot ______(I960. Advonturo) Joan-SS IPam learns of a family 0 ( 9 OED ____ Qonettf diwnwrdor. and Lucy's mothof______------r HOUSE U ndscaping O CLASSIC BOCK WIT^flTH VirOLF- with shrubsJ5 and ftowortirlrwtaillng • •• MAN JACK Feoturod: UnieJttio-Anthony. tho ronovalo

-— ^ 1 S A T U R D A Y SVJENING ______11:00 111:30 112:00 112:2 :3 0 7:00 1 7:3^;0 I 8:00 1 8:30 | 9:00I I gr.’io 110:00 110:30 11 ^1 |AualinC(tyLirnil5~~ VideVideo Sign-Olt______*' leGrBSSl QuldooflOf La»vtonce Woik Myatoryl Me»to; "Darkark Nighif ot Iho Scarecrow" Sign-gn-OII telwj- TBA____ Movie J>gmUvo )mb>vs 27 Amen Goklon Emp. (Hunior ~ | now$ Saturday I iNight Tracks Movio: "Mokinioking tho Grade"______2. to____ Sanfls ol two Jima'ima" Confd U.S. Olympic Gold | I Comic Strip ||mTV i ^ Video Music Awards teport- |Tomof-If. Movlo; "Tho VinOi&alor" Atinouncod . |w afo tlh o1 wWorlds o [Fri-the 13th seraracli&e _ Tour of Duty To Bo Anr Movio; "Blow-Up" ______^ ,g Blue" [Movio:"ho1Io Again" Euf.* iBarggins Travol- |Travravel Travol IPaasportport Eur, lAlmanac ot TravelII loiscovofI Scuba I Passport Eur ■ ■ houso...... - ...... - e about starring In ».W o6iom. I ) 0 ( 1 2 ) CCOPS C Response to a bal- c ( n CD JEOPAROYI g y lorodwilot(0 and arrost ol tho husband. - ' OI QQ) RAMONA Ram ona trtries 10 S a t u r d a y squoaky Invostigali:ation of a doublo homlcido show : ofl by wearing her sc scono. (In:;ln Storoo) 'new shoos to school, q FORT\JNEq CDMOTHE•HER/DAUGHTER INTERNA- ,O THATS INCREDIBLE I S (11) WHEEL OF FOf . PAGEANT From Loa An- , 3H Voula" CD CAMPBELLS Whonhon Iho Camp- TIONAL P CD DEQRASSI JUNIOR HIQH , tho Sims find it goles: Ovor Ov 20 molhor/daoghtof ■'(JOOS shopping wilh Lucy in ah ai- bolls' ptg go ts looso. th( tom around .tho world com------ond conspiro to koop3 thoth< animat per-... .. team s Iron tem pt to dross liko hor. p poto In swimsult.swi ovohlng gown and _ aDM*A‘S!H Ch0ri0?.r0tu509.l'9.lQ.90ly«> _____ monontly. OUNTRYMUSIC porsonalilyiliiy ■catogorioi, A m ong'tho lorn; Pof- O THIS WEEK IN COU^ his annoying snoring probler contostant:anis: 1989 Mothor/Oaughter lor's son-in-law visits withIth Bomo (In Storoo) :KEY USA wInnimners Ja n and Jill Squafdo. shocking nows. CD VIDEO-^C JOCKE ohn Davidson, (Topod) SSIMEAQ^ANDTHE•HE BEAR An'Or- Host; Johr O (12) REPORTERS (In Slcrloroo) ' ' ilvcmont m Viol- CD (11) onCT STAR TREK: THE NEXT CD MOUSETERPiECE THEA1ATER ico's incfoasod involvot ATION Goordi's lilcrls joopar- UVE (In ■ nom Is prom pted by FrancoFro s loss a( OENERAT O GRAND OLE OPRY U lo n j’hu.______dlxod whowhon an allon raco kidnaps Sloroo) ------tho barUo.oLDion 81«n_Canodai's annual tiim; f>icd>i;drd is no'or doalh wilh hoart O SPORTINO LIFE Can Q) StSKEL & EBERT jlp -lO -p fe 3orvQ_.- ... complicabiab o n s. (R) (In Sloroo) q ____—7:007, r a pATnr-DUKE-PaUy., ...... ------6qoomlBh-Oayft-holp- VIE ** "Blockheads" (1938. >'ut oj.two ______s om o ol tho older tradiiraditions of log- CD MOVIE mined to mako a success oul ------^------ComodTrl — Bmistrsingonr------^ND OLE OPRY LIVE BACK- In Storoo") 0 SPORTS SATURDA’.DAY O QRANE C O O ( l l ) a ) PARADISE (In TBALL Clomson STAQE: (In storoo) CD COLLEGE FOOTBA iViE "Slaughiof" (1976. 3R HlOH______at Florida Siato.-(Uvo),-0) ____ ... CD MOVI£ n OS! DEQRASSI JUNIOR rCH A study ol Horror)I 0Oavid McCallum. Goorgo Voula goos shopping with Lu<.ucy in an HBO NATURE WATCH 5 , ------______mafino o Storoo) q ------CIM MOVIE "Vibos'Joll Goldblum, constructiijction ol tho 1983 gold hoist ot CD STRUGGLE FOR DEMOlO C R A ^ mody) Cyndt Laupor,------Je - - tho Brink'nk's-M at warehouse tn Lon- An oKomlnaiion ofjho froodtMJom ofok- don. prosslon, focusing ori lhe bvolutionO' ■■ ______EVENING ...... - g N EWS — o f tolovfsod public trlal3.(P a n ____ VENTUBERS Australian K on------: cK ----- ^HTUWb O ...... Wa'fOratT"Dnompiirro-biTiak-the-work}------BniEHE^BXSOMER Boonwrnor-end a ------6:00 C»fWH£EL"OfT^ff spood rocordroc b n wator, or^ that N) O ao FIRING LINE Chauffeur loach a young mtw TUNE O PRIMEMENEWS can bo cuccosslul without boijoing rich. ------CD WHEEL OF FORTUf 3LIC POLICY ADDRESS BADOUn, O TWILIQKT ZONEE Af mysionous 6B PU8LI< O THANKS. TROUB/ 1 tost pilot to on ------S3-CA0NONEY » LACEY-Mwy-Both THANKS: ERNEST-TUB8 S AAmustesi - - ■ paosaQO^ay loads a to do9 an^oppar^nlly succosslul______documonlfliy.pfpr-iing c ^ n l r m usic ------idyHW-world-and-tho.auj.aubLQQuontJ3i:______flissuodos o roturn or stay. buslnossvsswbmah from leaping td'hor porformor Ernost Tubbs, fronomhls'bo-i lomma ol whothw to fo death, thontho trios to discovor tho roa- ginning In Doprosslon-«ra T exas to (R) (In Storoo) O I. Magnum holps so n s bohi«hind hor act.. _ . . O Q <; MAGNUM, P.I. M - Iho G rand Ola Opry. d trlond wilh hor QS TO BE ANNOUNCED ilosa mor- to rounllo an odopod fr GD IS9 ULLIE Ulllo's lovoloi 9n Bronnan). Co- HBO MOVlOVIE * * W A M a sto rp io c a o r.------riago drtvns hor to arwtherrm#n.-Ww> n - natural motnor (Etloon E r (1986. Drama) Bob Hopo. lCO»COAf>- losto Holm also ouosiral ssla rs. Murdor”' i Princo ol Wales. Stars Franco SE Installing ac- Don Amoimocho, nls. (Part 3 ol 7) (ZI THIS OLD HOUSEInk and custom - SHOW MOVIE M Ht* "Tho Big Bluo" 69 WORLD SHOWCASE EsEoch ,««»•- rylic countonops. sink ols: 0 tablo saw (1988. AcAdvonturo) Joan-M ore Bon-, son prosonts a dilloroni dadanger td mode kiichon cabinols: •fountains. domonstrallon. afldtngItng plckoi-stylo Joan Ronlono, tho animals ol tho Rocky Mo - S:05 03 MOVIE Ml * * * "S ands ol Iwo 0 SHOWBIZ THIS V/EEK (oncing. q ...... qj-THREg&-COMPAW)p tho ihroosomo Wayno.(, JiJohn Agar, F u rloyaiiom pttosiop tt DISCUSSION (Tapod) a luxury booch 3:30 CD MISTER Ml ED Ed .sn't Ihrlllod Q MACQRUDER & LOUD> J An Inox^ Ifom moving to a li Fansnoaho------FncnyrSeptcmbo-ibor 8 ,- 1 0 0 9 ------:------ZO^nios-NOAS. Twin Fall: — ------>— porioncod otiicor ham pors MolcoimMoi s S3 DAYS AND0 INIGHTS OF MOLLY otforts to rmd tho ormod robboiDbors who DODD Molly oniioniists Iho aid of a for- S a t u r d a wounaod Jonny during q c:ti8S0.Jio! luno tollor to sorsort oul hor feoiings. p ------CaJTO BE-ANNOUNCeO------OTOBEANNC(NOUNCED------^ O W l MOVIE **W "Rodlod Hoat" SHOW MOVIEIE "Hollo Again" (TMC]MC) MOVIE "C^ptallain (1988, Drama) Arnold Schwanwarzonog- (1987. Fontasy)!.y) Sholloy Long. 'Judith Kronoonos: Vomplro Hunter" (1972, AcAd- nor. Jam os Boiustii. Ivoy. vontuinluro) Horat Jonson. John Carsorion. (TMC) MOVIE * * * ■•Big" (19£(1968, Co* B:20 O U.S. OLYILYMPICQOLD CINN KMOVIE **W "Tho Ooad Pool»l" mody) Tom Hanks.. Bizabollbolh Por- 8:30 0 SCTV SkeSketches: Scroonvtrilor (1988.388. Drama) Clint Eastwood, PatrDtri* W n s ...... Soapy Maxwolloil (Thomas) discovers claJ Cl;Clarkson. 7:15 CIN MOVIE **Vi "Bootlelotlolulco" Ihat 11(0 imltatoslos art; Mayor Tommy 9-J0I aO NIOHT TRACKS (in Sleroo)» (1988. Comody) MlchaoiI KKoaton, Shanks' (CandyIdy] grandson disap* 9;30I ao MY THREE SONS Miko bo- bo Goona Davis. poars. come:m es 0 sports editor wllh the schocI ooi 7:30 C9 CAR S4, WHERE AREiRE YOU? O O CD EMPTY>TY NEST Carol falls in popor.per. Bonny ino Booklo does tiisis bbost to lovo with a Soutf>utn Amork»n (reodom (X)) M(MOVIE ***V 2 "Tho Groundstomar arro5tod_ nftor losing oa t bot ho fightor. (R) (in1 Storoo) St p Conspm spiracy” (1972. Drama) Goorgi con l pay...... oB u s a t o n iqQHT” h ■ Poppaippard.' MlchaeJ Sarrozin. a aa oim>ooR id a h o O CROSSBOW9W Matthow foils and IntiIntorvlows wllh family oI LEGENDL£i OF RREFLY MARSHlAn Ai MORROW and (rlonds frorr■omTho country-muslc • oldorfjJorfy mah-flpins a tale about the1I0-- to . Schodulod: a now JoponosoOSO troat- world highlightIt this tl documoniary ol ' gondandary monslor ho spotted yoarlors mont roputod to euro variousIS typosty o( Iho logondaryI country o slngor. who ogo.10. but his skeptical grandsoison c«ncor ond strains o f ’flu.J. (R)( (In dlod in Q piano) crushcr at the ago ol 30 doesn« s n 't beiievo him until ho soos theih Storoo) in 1953. Cfoatuoaturo himsoK. O TEEN WIN. LOSE OR DRA3RAW O ALFRED--HITCHCOCK » PRE* OI CiCLASSIC ROCK WITH WOLFLF- O FOCUS ON BRITAIN. S 0O DONNA REED Mary and JoJefI LIVE NOUNCED thinkInk Ithoir parents oro having 0 soijor- CD a 0 ------— -young-doslc“ ciork (Malcolm-jIm-Jomai Canon Ponnyfat^lather's dlsappoaranco n eEWSW£ Womor) Is asslgnod to Andondorson’s sppoar to bo llnky-by-Thom B ro sK -an d ------r tPAQE.dn a q Storoo) ...... m A ^^ R E A T U R E S QBEATEAT AND Lono Brody whilehilo Iho Foroslor'Sia- ) heHEADBANGER'S B A U ------SMALL-fi A calving Is madoImofo mo dlt-' —to rs—Biity "Monla m a 's Novor* "Soon »® tIVINa DANGEROUSL-YAn ficull“*hon'ihofflfm6r5TJncKncK n rp n p ------Tliusu Eyus.“ (tn- Wiitru u u o n u n iiu foa a y u m ieisi,' s«nt ond constantly claimingM thattl ho CE '89 BEARS:: BBACK TO NEW OR- ,,,50 Brlnk’s-MatB warohouso In Lor.on- knows a moro compotont mmat an than LEANS )n. - tho vot (or tho Jotj.------O R IN TIN-T1NJNEW 8 C7^ ------...... - ■■■ --O-M OVIE-***-*«—:iTtMi-Jerusa>om------both-sath a aoufco ot li(n an d a dooth.UflUnp ____ ■ O BOftOERTOWlii ADtind flirlgirl is t h o - — Fl!o".( 1972. Dfanf'am’g) Bruco uovison. foirthffTinwnry: rth ------^------1 NEW6NIGHT-~ ■ — O MOVJE * * * '-Tho Dragorigon That - © «9 SHORTiRTSTORIES - Charlio------OI PPUBU&POUCYCONHERENCI l ICE ______W «n’t.,T Or Was Ho?" (1983983. Fon-...... - Shoon In-'-'A U(oKo iIn tho Oay";.Ronny . . CDI AAWA CHAMPIONSHIP WRES1ES-; Export”: ond "It's a TUNtUNO . tasy) Cox In "Tho ------Ex ------.. V. O CONVERSATION WFTWH CDtNAH -Porty." J-LEQ-WORK Clalro mvestlgQlcolos _____ Schodulod;.tornior.pf05ident.cnt Gornid ____® JJEWJkNJMALIAL WORLD ^ v ls lt to ______wh_onh^n a man Is charQOd with m e) at-______a Ford, (In Sloroo) A rizona's Sonoraora Dosort Museum. tempiimpiodmur'doV o r a m obator G» HITCHHIKER O CAPfTAL aA^UVNG - - SHOVHOW MOVIE **V!2 "Rod Hoaioai" O YO MTV LAFFS Tapod att SoulhSo of O-SPENSERi-Fi:-FOR.HmE Sponsor ____(1988988. Ornmo) Arnold Schwarzonoi ______Cronshaw In Loa Angolos.-thl:.thls apo> travels to Salem;»m.-Moss.-rto-invo3ti ------ger,-Jjr.-Jttmos-Beloshl;------cial comblnos tho bosl of' rap roj and goto ino prophothotic nlghimaros of a 10:155 O0 CD O ABC NEWS p black stand-up comody. I 2>yoor>old glrf.1. 10-.200 CO MOVIE **V^( " itIho S I LATE NITE SPECIALS HBO MOVIE *r* * i* "Big" (1988, Co- Grad dolphins In thoIho coas- kins. 03 ( 1(11} ' WAR OF THE WORLDS Su3uz- lol w ators of Shark Bay inI W*W ostom [SHOW] MOVIE(IE " P r o d a io t " anno’m o ’s former husband, an invostig.iiga- Australia. ' • (1987. ScloncoICO Fiction) Arnold ih»oto reporter,r« h opes to gel tho ccoc;oop ------O ^ E A OUNg NEWS------9chwttr*«»OT«ftjeft-Gort-Woothoffc------on-m Fhday. Soplombor 8, 1989 Timos-Nows. Twin Fails, Idahoiho 21 : -’ I ’ ' ' ------Stallonb, Ricfiard Cronnnnb.'' ------1 . S a t u r d a > ci) MOVIE * * * "Ouol (or Ono"10" 1:00 O MY THREE SOrONS MIko bo- lay 306. Droma) Julio Andrews, AlanInn com os a sports editor wlthwl tho school • ' ' BalojDOS. papor. 11:06i ea s MOVIE **V> "Sistor, Sistor"or" O(12)WIL0.WlU>W0lrORU>OFANI- > Storoo) 382, Orama) Olahann Corroll. Ros-os- MALS 10:30 *D MAKE ROOM3M FOR1 DADDY An- a r s a s nn oitchango nd Caah. CD USA TONIQHT notui Fuolcollo sta rs ) C l TRAVEL QUIDE CD PRAISE TKE LORDD . ■ • student who atoyaKa vwith Iho Vfllllams > CD FB/DA KAHLO: POBTfUfT OF CD MOVIE * * "Tho Inirilrudor V/ithln" family. Lvorott{ Joseph HE WORLDS Suz- J ARTIST Profllos Moxlcon p^ ntortor (1981. Horror) Chod Eve C3D WAR CF THE ida Kahlo. for whom recognition, of Bottoms, onno'8 formor husbasband, an Invostlga- " ' f “ os to got tho BCOOP r lalont w as overshadow ed by thalia l 63 VIDEO DISC JOCKE tivo roportor. hopes IRIES Charlie te st mission. (R) (In hor husband, Dlogo RIvora. S (B SHORT8TORI on tho toam'a latest (11) FRIDAY THE 13TH: THEHE S h o o n ln ./A U fe in th0 o lDoy"j flonny Storoo) :RIES Ryan and MIckJ trail a killorlor Cojc in "Tho Export";"; and "It's a .::OarK Niont ol.iho. . SW I! — _— ___OMoviE-**ii_::o 10 tum s Invisible while vrtaring-a,- a ------P«f1y.^^— ----- ^ - Scarocrow" (1981. rsed World War II jacket. (R) (In a MOONUQHT MADN3NESS (HOME Duming, Robort F-Lyons"'’ F. t '^'°"““ }roo) SHOPPING) (Conllnuodl»d) O 0 $ (X) SATURDiRDAY NIGHT LIVE I. Musical guost: Uv- I CD MISTER ED Ed isn't thrilledled a NEWSNIGHT HostiMoI Gibson. Ml out starring In a Wostorn. 6D PUBUC POUCY CO:ONFERENCE Ing Colour;-spocia)cial -guost; Danny FRIDAY THE 13TH: THB SERIESES O COLLEGE FOOTBAJALL Clomson lofoo) S i ? Glovor. (RJ (In Storo an and Micki trail a killor vrt>o tumn s ot Florida Stale. (R) CD DOCTOR WHOHO Tho Earthlings "Vf"' "Honoysiickk* n to inoir dosonod Islble wtillo wearing a ctirsodod 1rf)5 QD MOVIE **V4 "I proparo to roturn ti )]. R oso" (I960, RomanccICO) Wlllio Nol- planot whon a Sont^ntaran who wonts )rld Wor II lackot. (R) (In Storoo). 1 thom-arrivos. OS JACK HORKHEIMER: STARilR son, Dyan Cannon. to oxporlmont on th' 1:06 0 USA TODAY Tho10 popularity of RTS ISTLER Topics in astronom y. - ' O ORAL ROBERTS SCTV Sketch: "Tho Young Woa-la- Latin music, , O ORAND OLEE VAK- ed: Loxlngton, Ky.. and Rugby,}y. FAMOUS Dr. Rulh Wost O^EVANS & NOVA rxn. (In Slaroo) dia. 1(h3S CD NIGHT COUF CENTENARY OF THE MOTOR-R- IB MOVIE * * "Zabribrisklo Point" 10:36 S ) M’A 'S 'H R Utility vohlclos ploy on Impor-sr- (1970, Oroma) RodToyklylor, Daria Hal- 10;45 CTMC) MOVIEIE "O rognor' C *” ' (1087. Comody) Oan Oa Aykroyd. Tom it rolo in w ar offorts ond poacotlmno o prin. jnomy. • e THIS WEEK IN JAPiiPAN Hanks. - ...... 1:35 O-m OH r-TRACKa.(In-St8rB0) a. ___ . . . - ...... CIN MOVIE"* »V5-n5 -T llo BIOB - (1988. PIN»iACLE------Ion.ShawnooSmith. OC9 CAR 64. WHERE ARE YOU?J7 2:00 CD MAKE ROOM FOrOROADOY An­ Horror) Kovin Dillon. to nolle FunkMlka stars esis an oxchango 11:00 CD BEWITCHEDIED Oorrin discovors nny tho Booklo doos his bost to th tho WUnoms thot Sam anlho hosns tboon onlortoinlng B®*: arrostod after losing a bot heho Btudont w ho stays v^th family. aflor ho loavos loror workv oach mom- ' VI pay. IS) HEADUNE NEWS CB MOVIE "Hoy Abbottonl" (1979J , Ing. REVIEWS GOES VI- ® MONSTERS Two pool hualloraira O 09 MOVIE **V^t ‘"Tho Party" O rtfl) SNEAK PREV la-______(1968, Ownody) Potorr SSollors, q a u - DEb“ Joffroy Lyonyo'fis and MIchaol »‘JU8r«jorooff (or-thoiiighastatakaaima--. now homo vldoo ro- ablo. (R) - dino Lbngot. 1 Modvod look al nov e LARRY KINQ WEEKEKEND . loasos in trtlo rovaiovampod sorios. (lr> g JEWISH VOICE ------MOVIE * * * * "Friendly Peraua-a- S3 SELF>IMPROVEMEfENT GUIDE Storoo] "Ul" (1979. / VIDEO MUSIC • n” (ISSB,'Drama) Gary Cooper.)r. - SHOW MOVIE * * • ______o tig ) MTV ^Rlchanl Rpr a WARDS 1ho"5ixtF7 dos now awards lor 2 COCOUNTRYCu'ps (In Storoo) doo iributo Includos 3lg" (1988.CO- p. danco and post- J® BEYOND 2000 Tho fastosi c ar in ^ C ) MOVIE * * * "Blj hoavy motal. rap. < Jd mody) Tom Hanks. EliEiizaboth Por------modom-music.- AraiArsento-Holl folum s------wofjd; paint tho^rcan bo_applip^ rto-Unlvorsal-Amphl- 4 2iorwoter; ^ ^ lo o tin g the Titanic. " ‘kins: ...... a s host. From iho-l 2:10 H B6 MOVIE *i » “Action igolos. (Uvo on Sect,------* |INTERNATIONAL ^ CORRESPON- tnootor.ln Loa Anpol MTS------— • y ------— ■JocMon'*(1980. Dfama]na)CBTlWoath-..... To------ofsTCTflKnTNolKm:— CD PAID PROGRAMHa m m in g 2:15 CIN MOVIE *★ "1"Tho Unholy" a THIS WEEK INCN COUNTRY MUSIC 8“ ^°=ires. D MOVIE * * * "Wall Stroot"t" (1988, Horror) Ben Cre:ro ss. HaliHol- (In Sloroo) Q7. Drama) MIchaol Douglas.s. brook. CD MOVIE * "SchcSchool Spirit" (1985. irllo Shoon. ______2:30 ID SUSIE______ComQdyLIom.Ne!arelnn^lMt?om-Eox*._„... r ' O CONVERSATION WI i "Blow-Up" (1967. 3W MOVIE - - W "Prodator" WITOQEORQE CB MOVIE **V i "I Id ' BURNS Gooroo Bum sitalksabouthls u ______Myslory) Onv[d HonHommlngc, Vnrjoasa 97. Scionco Fiction) Arnold ------:------Schwa iv«r28negQor.-Cafl.WflaiharacL-i=_____ longcareor'ir^'onteftaiflsinnwtt-befpro— ,■ -I Hodgravo. • d ~ .....— an sudiancs a t tho Diaru - © iSs LILLIE-Lilllo;illlo'9“lovolo35-mor-— 1 2 5 6 {SHOV/J{W M OVIE-**inh , ■ " ■ nis. (Pnrt 3 Of 7) CD ROWAN & MARTIN'S LAUGH- . ?CLARKE!SA«ORLO------, must choose botwoonn hisI loyalty to ■:------O-ARTHUR-C.-CL ------HemaorprotoctlnoTnirinrfatjl^ Rpond— OF STRANGE POW>0W ER9 Why oomo ® «•!;G.LO.W. WRESTLING ...... y: Table ol King Arthur. ------poopio can.w alk-onLQn.flra.wimouLfo,oi;____ AT THE MOVIES From July: LothaiihaiWonpon2."-(R) ------3:00 CD LASSIE------Ing any pain, ______CD PAIPAIO PROORAMMINQ CD PAID PROGRAMMirilIN O ' 1 o h e a d l in e T jelEVifS w UPOATe d ) -~ CCD" ENTERTAINMENT THIS”IS------CD MOVIE A -S c n o o lrtSplrtr‘-{1985, 5 • EUzabotn Fpbc. | I CD k a r a t e . Sup<> u p o r. Hoavywolghi , WEEKEK The notworka’ (all linoupo. (InIn Comody) Tom Nolan. EU I . Cliamplonshlp.Fron•romSonJoso.Calll. . Slorooroo) ED EARLY BIRD BARQIGAtNS. ; i (R) O SSPORTS P < LATENIGHT O SPORTS REVIEW ED SELF-IMPROVEIVEMENT QUIDE CD INSINSIDE THE PGA TOUR 3:05 GD ABC NEWS Q HBO DIANA’S WOFi/ORLD TOUR Diana (tmC]HC) MOVIE **V> "The Man With1th 3 2 0 CD NEWS (R) Rosa porformo frorrrom L ondon's ,Wom- o n10 o RodP Shoo" (1985, Comody) Tom,m 3:25 SHOW MOVIE ***V*«i'•Broadest bloy Arona duringig hor.h "W orklog Ov- Hank!nks. Lorl Slngor. Nows" (1987, Comwfy(fy-DTOTa)',WH------ortim o-lniom atlonaonnl,lour..{lj? .Storoo) 1 2 ^ 5 Oq NIQHT TRACKS {In S lo ro o). ). Ham Hurt, HoiJy Hiintor. (SHOW] MOVIE£ * ★ * ." L lz " (1979. CINWM MOVIE "Rnmbo: First Bloodod 3:30 C9 ANN 80TWERHHSHOW ------" Drama) Elona GlotQlonn. Richard Ro- portrt II"ii (198S,.Advonturo) Sylvosiorlor O MONEYWEEK ' ;______22.-Timos-Nnws. Twinfln tFalla. Idaho - -Frldnv. Sopiorilombof 8. 1989 ------S u n d aa y p r o g rn i s

MORNING______' g J S p o r t s HIghIhfightsE^— —

&00 o ADVEMTURES.OP TWE TWI LIT- TLE KOALA ^ TOM AND JERRY - - 0 ) 0 JAMES KENNEDY a CALLIOPE . 11:00 a.m.a. NFL FOOIBALt {NBO Cinciincinnati Bcnplfl n t (Chicago O BUOS BUNNY * PALS Bears. 9 e CAMPAION PaDlBinentent Is dls- sohrod.- wroaklng havoc wlth w)i the . . ' fllAcUon ads, but romancA conco U : W a .mm. . NFL FOOTBALL (CBS)3) e S a n 'F ra n c isc o 49ers at ------o t Hamilton. For&et and K*nt. to copo wllh tho realities of thc& hero in ’’Tho G reat Advonturo. a 09 AIR POWI)WER Marinos socuro roalat world.w (TMC) MOVIE *★ "Invadare S aipan for aliiodod airstrips. ' 7rf)5I 0 O BRADY BUNCH Jan Is dotonor-. ___ 1 Marai; (1988. SclencB.Ffctlon)in)HuntfiC J------® WONDIRFUI»UL-WORLD OF D IS ------mlnodnod to-fltlabIlsh.hoc^wnJdantlt>tity ------''Caiwn. Karon Black. NEY ”Tho Castastnway Covrtjoy" A bocau■cause hor toachors aro constantl)>tly ^ HBO HBO COMINO ATIATTRAC- Tokos cowpokoko finds moro trouble singiniiging Marcla'a pralsos. TIONS Footured: highlightsI of mov- than ho oxpocteictod wranglinn on a 7:30I a TOTAL PANIC les. specials and ovonta. (Inn Sloroo)S Hawraiion cattlo0 ranch.n A 1974 movio OI ®( » W AU STREET JOURNAL RE-lE- 5 ; « SHOW ROBIN HOOD Robir>bln m ust storrlng Jam os38 Qamor and Vora .■ --PORT. ' chooso botwoon his loyalty to HomoI Miles. (Port 2)...... CD ZCIZOOBIUEE ZOO ____o t protecting the tabled Roundjnd Toblo _ Q EVANS & NONOVAK CDI 0*DAY OF DISCOVERY of 1 ^ Arthur...... a JIMMY BAUfcUARb"Q0UP"C0N: ------0 (1(12) 1 2 QOMER PYLE; U8MC------CIN MOVIE * * * ’’Imaglno;no: John ■ n ECTION FundaiidamontalSwlnB.(B) ■ ®) SP SPIRAL ZONE pennon’’ (1988, Oocumontary)ary) John g SELF-IMPROilOVEMENT OUIDE a OI GET E ALONG GANG Lennoh: Yoko Ono._' , 6:35 O FLINTSTOTONES _ . . ______TOMCIMOUSERCISE • ------:------6!S0 O ' AUTO RAi HBABSMASTSRS^ln-SlarooK— -* O ,® ^ M U 8 I C ? ^ 0 THE SPOKEN 8P< . .Grand Prlx off From M onza...... O FRI FRAGGLE QpCK .WORD aI wWORLD ( TOMORROW ~ _____m ADAM SMITH’S MONEYr W'WORLD 6 : r a ® IDAHO JOBJO REPORT avoI YOUR MONEY ___;ilow .tQ .W Inihe Chip Ware:a: Mfcrdn N T.-OO'a LOONEY;Y TUNESI — ' OTPUrPUBUC POUCY CONFERENCF: f ------,, lochnolooy’.’.Gueata Indudo.ijo Chair- CZ)a(11)SUN0INDAY MORNING p SHOWilo w MISS PEACH; CAREER DA;A •______man and c ro~3pe' PorWhsbhri^. ' m BUQS BUNN\JNY’3 BUDDIES ATr THTHE KELLY SCHOOL Ahlmitooe«: (D CHICAGO’S V ^ftV O Wi N " C M A M E S KEN^•NNEDY SaiudohiAnrwisrpfincrrB-ciflnt a! inti ------ID SWISS FAMILY ROBlNSOf O ® CD HEADLiDLINE NEWS actt Olout what they want to bo whor'on 0 BEST OP WALT DISNEYEY PRE* CD MISTER ROGOGERS O ay 0grow up. 8ENTB “From the Pirates off thethi C a r.- o (12) ROCKYY ANO; FRIENDS (TMC)MC) MOVIE.**% ”Tho PIck-Up ArAr-_ — ~H?beftn4athaJ manu- Q ) LITTLE CLOILOWNS OF HAPPY- R o)bort ^ r Oownoy. ' fdcture and instaltatlon of o m sajorat- t o WN N MOVIE **V i ’’The Creeping ...... -^r^4^:thatw asr«d(J«J to'Oj'Dlsnoy------^^^OrTOtrAND MEMET-klCHG^jostrL aurie £^Flo*hli*hll^l9t3_HoiiflaiCtirfslophoihor______------Mahoftoy.------a CARTOON EXPRESS O EXCmNG. WORLDVl OF SPEED 7 :3 5lO 0 ^ ^ t^ Y G R W rr H eam oy loso!JOS a 0 JOURNEY TO ADVENVENTURE AND BEAUTY’ Foaturod:F< a roco up his» oolf-confldonco oo whon two farmrm- Ireland la featured...... PIko's Peak In In Colorado Springs, eras Ignoro(gi his warning. ____ aiAVEHMEJLSHlBtBL------Colo.:.a.corobratiurt--e-yoooo-gif a VIEWER CALL-IN aopcrcOId) Ing. (In Storoo} js t co p e with her twin's death orK«nd ...... a RUNNlNO AND RACING3 {B (R )------a FRAGGLE RCW k ------t^oD arrivalai of hor newly- adople

a POLE posm oN m t o WELCOME TO POOH CORNERCO portrcr o H s lw d io o PERFORMANCSPLUS5 Featured;F( picluros fronN Popular Hoto t Roddingf ond Super Chovy magui/na SUS- pension Bystems. (In Stertto)r«o) O MOVIE * « "The Bravirave One" (1956. Dram*) Michael Ray.ay. RodolloI Hoyos. CD 1W 9 VIDEO MUSIC: AWARDSA' f i O O DD THROUGH jEPT>TEMBER 1 6 WINNERS SPOTUOHT SHOiH O W F ea- . turett profiles of nino ol mis tnlt winners of Uw MTV Vldoc Awards. (D a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE a » GLOBAL AFFAIR « SUNDAY M O R H IN a g :. 5 S DESIGNER ROW - O AMERICAN MEDICALKL 'TELEVI- I SION O HEADLINE NEWS UPDA’DATE . m FAMILY PRACTICE6 IUPDATE 4^ irsuE 14-pipiece p o rtraitIpaclcage I ~ OU SOLEIL Tho iniomaliot cl lell. com biner traditionalI di^s d r acts V O llBIR C H O ICE o f a t rra a d lA o H a l, with dance, faniaay and3 muste.m (In e w i v * Sleroo) ir)^fprtng,or fSHOW] MOVIE *V» ■■Switching -S B A Channels" (1988. Cwnedy)!dy] Kathloen o c K g r a u n a . „ Tumor, Bort Reynolds, iBir 6 M a OOOD NEWS 8:10 a ON THE MENU ------e « ) CD TABERNACLE CHOII 0 ® 3-2-1 CONTACT Tho« sdonce JS■ I— 01 fingerprints. 9 CD FACTS OF LIFE ------O THATS INCREDIBLE— o (13) r r IS WRrTTEN A t S e airs, r s b u r pH otographors ai CE BUGS BUNNY » PALS . — - fesslondlidis in eveiy woy. They' mmake sure yoiur baby^ a (11) CHRISTIAN U FES T just right, so your portraitaits coriie out greatl . GAZINE lo o k s ju s lio r P a s s p o r t P h o t o s CD STARCOM A l s o anronoW v e^stant Coloi CS DUMBO'S CIRCUS ------B HIDDEW HEBCES FeaUtorwJrTyifli tur ------a n d - C o | >loKondor. toam manBBoror forf Mario pticainciMiwSU>&2.00k.A>iM . ourwUalon.V«.W M*a»dttodBodi- AndroHi. (tn Sloroo) «ublihofur«onde>h*r CE CB JIMMY SWAGQART •aihM»uary.Mullt& opihamotOQist. hanUwiwtlconicoflw.UMyoutSMn . SHOW HENRY’S CAT "Qroi3reat Advon- O«ncord»rdorOlMewwCord. tufoA.ost W orld" Aninaatod.tod. in "Tho •eppf<»w«it. ------LtrerWorid," Henry’a catire res s c u e sm e siv>nok«uruj.ruSu*.:Slonhaun groal spo King Kongo: HoHonry’s cat |wh*r»u«r«u — ImafllftW thai ho-ts a apKa[»CS:n#rO-lri^^ ------ilnguniloMlieurpnor ______'UHft.UfOat Aflvuruuiu,:- 8 J 5 O MOVIE * * * "Tho»Profe'ssion^ Pri als" (1966, Myatory) Burtrt LarKOStor.U Leo Marvin. ___ 9:00 d HISTORY OF DIETlfrriNG ------«-®-8H8AME-STREET_ET_Knmioon______:______Tumor audlliona for o rolo rol in mo Count's movio. O CD UVE YOUR DREAMSs a orAlhoberts • ------CD SHINING TIME STATIATION Malt ond Tanya make'a wrongsng decision------whon thoy koop a lOst saxoax o p h o n e.q 0 ( 1 2 ) JIMMY SWAGGARlAHT CD MOVtE * * * ,"C 0wb05(boy" (1958, Advonluro) Ja ck Lommoimon, Glonn ford. CD (11) ROBERT 8CHULLELLEfl ■ ------CDKIDSWORLD------CD OOOD MORNING MICKICKEYI O INSIDE WINSTON CUP:UP RACING '------—• _____24Jmos^N(PA«.TwinFoiIsJd>, Idaho Friday, Soplowbof 8. 1989 l ______I, ■ ? ------'


now works betetter than ■ rTwTri^It! Classified n ever. When'1 you place ann ad to run in[Sunday's 5 Timtaes-News,iti£ isautomaticall illy G U A R A NJTEED I to appjpear in our W

EBM ISBSI less and $ 2 for ads • A a additipna) chaiharge of $1 will b e m adade for a d s 5 lines or les :h Penny Saver insertiorion. ' : '-6 iinlines or larger for each

Timeo-Nows, Twin Foils, Idaho 2&Z5------FlFriday. Soptombor 8.1989 Tim Bturtng torf-rankod contondors. O IRON HORSE Dove a>and Ben fin^ . , Sunday (S» MOVte * * * TTho Duellists"}" them selves In the middkIdle ol a kjvs y ■...... ■ ^ B.i7B, Advonturo) Kelih Carradino.fl. triangle.:. ~ HofvorvoyKeltsl. ' O TENNIS U.S.-Opon.»iv.lWomen’a doubles semifinals, fronom Flushing, enosi-look ot oulo ® DESIQNER ROW (Continued) A bohinb-tho-occno ADVENTURERS Australian Konjn N.Y. (Uve) “ ------radng.- IndudfngJ Intorvlows.Ip hlQh- • ™ Id ID WEEK IN ROCK . •ooking nows. Host; ^ ' 2irby ' attempts lo break the worid lights and Isto-brook sod record on w o to r...... ------e SUNOAV-MATINEE - . Ned J a rr e tt (In Siofijloroo) O ANIMALS OF THE OFOREAT NOR- iO VIDEO COUNT- g NEWSDAY O MTV TOP 20 ’ PHYSICIANS’ JOURNAL UP-P- THWESTHowthegladonersoftheCoi- DOWN I - umWa teefleW etowly grinrindCownltio fTURY "God 01088 ,TE T o ^c s: pufmonary embof/sm • • e t OUR CENTU ombolytk: therapy In acute my-y. - Rocky Mountains. * V'! Yoo Mr. Chamberiflliriain" Prfmo Minis- O NJ^SD AY ’ tsrNovUloChamtMrliwrialnbargoinswllh 2“^'’irdial infarction. O MOVIE * "Hot to Trot" (1988,8 . O PANEL DISCUSSION•N Topic "Do Httier to koop Britalirltoln out of World ' Comomody) Bob Ooldthwalt, Johnin Oofldts Mattor?" Ih,' W ar il. O At/TO RACING CAR1KT Amortean EWS UPDATE ' a HEADUNE NEWI MOVIE * * * » /2 0 0 1 : A 200. From Elkhart Lake.», ^W lsa (Uvs) «B SPORTS REPOir•OHTERS iNE UPDATE lY UPDATE Topic: Spacflaco Odyssey" (1966, Sdonco Fie­c- O -INTERNAL MEDIClNl m CARDIOLOGY I Topfe: oplhanwlogy lor tho noh- auroory tor suprovorivontricuiorarmyth- ri) Koir Oulloa. Gory Lockwood. O MOVIE **W "Oonvor and tho10 opthamologlst. ; mias. d- . O TO BE ANNOUNCED:b )or rocolis making a 5,*°) 5 Grando ' (1952. Wostom) Ed- HBO 8A8AR BabQf I ind O'Brlon. Storling Haydon. SHOW MOVIE *W "Sv/ltcPitching Chon- , decision botwoon} thetlio low 01^ loyalty ^ - • t w l s - (1088. Comody) KaKathlaen Tur- . “ , to hia trloncJs. OS INSPECTOR QADGET 0 (11) a NFL TOOAY NFL pro­e- ' nor. Burt RoynotdSs SHOW MOVIE * * "TT"• jo W onders of ® ® ms show hosted by Br»nt Musbur-If- (TMC) MOVIE ir*i*V1i * ' • "Fatal ; Aladdin" (1961. O lh Attraction’' (1937. ,Su«jspenso) Mi- O’Connor. Noollo Ac r wrtth Irv Cross. WII McDonough j Dick Bulkus. ' ■ chool Douglas. Q)«nn CIc:io8«. • . (TMC) MOVIE * ** •■Socrot Admlror" or • , 11rfW O AUTO RACING Rtellichmond 400. C. Thomos Howoll.______*■ 'J®OS! REA01NQ RAINBOW Ed Asnor • , ; _j1985. Com«^)_C^ rrotes-"Dlno3BurBob-end His Ad— Lbriljjughlin. iluros V/ith tho Fomily Lazordo"; 11:30 OHEATHCUFF , CIN MOVIE * * * ''-mo Qoddoss" kland A’a spring trsining. q O OS ADVENTURES IN4 SSCALE MO- v r (1956. Drama) KimIE MENACE 2 SWORLD TOMORROW m IXI NFL UVE NFL progome10 CB BUSINESS WORLDI ’ CD WORLD TOMORIlORROW ® ® th CB THiS WEEK IN BASESEBALL V/lth GD HEALTH SHOW Show3w hosted by Bob Costas, with mad Rashod, Poul Maguire, Frankik Mel Allen. Nows and higl O KENNETH COPE5PELAND * ^ 7 '“' ____tha Mafor Laaouos._____ - OaCEMEETTHiTHE PRESS q ford ond Gavlo GonJnor. avicoiALOGue------O SELFISH GIANT A"epeaoTchnd S| CE RAMONA Ramorfnona end hor eialor ® « <)l toochos a gruff, lonoly' oogro how to ______Beozus must propw)poro dinnor (or tho **' RIFLEMAN Lucas' frionds lobql 1-o.tinhofn .bocauso .oLMs. 8om-_n- kivo. (In Stereo) O BUCKMAST£RS W Hn«TETAIL’MA^“ 1°; O|11)D»VER0EV S r' ^ H °^FISHING n 1989 BASS Mastersrs QAZINE Foatured: photo>tography Ups y O ROY ROGERS In • from* outdoor photograiirapher Jerry ' ID DONALD OUCK:K IPRESENTS S-*?]isslc. From Richmond.- Va. (In troo) ' Sm llh. (In Storoo) ...... O TRUCKIN’-USA Fl A Foolumd; a du b in______— -'m-jusrsAY-juuE““ ' Florida that restorosiros old trucks: new yu t» H IT IS-WRITTEN'...... SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYIY . . O PACIFIC OUTDOORSts Dirtblko ri- „ ;■ product# for picJtupup itrucks: tochnlcal ®* dors arguo that thoy haveivo the right to tips on soats. (In.Storoo) Sti •EK PUBUC POUCYCONFERENCE_E tho desert, but onvjfo _ . -iq . O SHE-RA: PRINCtNCESS OF POWER. ------so y th o y a ro killing doso]w rtnfo:------. fic DR. JAMESIS HKENNEDY m -35 SfiSHOW HOME FROM FAR Filled>d OMONEYV/EEK ------*M usic7ttJtrrHr'HnPCKEW W OHD----- h ho^stillty ond hurt, a young gI?T7Iri C0 U h I HOPAEDIC-'SUflimOERY UP-— XTTO'SPORTSCENB-B 'irius'lsl ccopo wiUThor tw ih's doalh and)d ------OATE Topic: Idiopathic: sscoliosis.------“ ~ •In- O NFL OAMEDAYJAY Proviow of to- ^ ,ho arrivalqi ol hor nowly adopted>d • HBO BOXINQ Sugar RaylyLeononlvs. I nl) d a y s NFL Footballrail schedule.I orothcithor. Thomas Hooms.-WBG; SuporI MkJ- O OBSTETRICSIICS/GYNECOLOOY 1 CIN htOVIE * * "Groosod Ughtn-n- dlowolgm title bouLTopoipod Ju n e 12th ------31— UPDATE-Topicsiuilr.uilraaound;.now ro:_____ ,-l-.(1977._Blography).. Richardrd In l ^ s Vegas. (In Storoo) . ______|K^ u ^ l t f o tochnoloi yor..BootJ Bridges^ ______■ ••- - - AF=TEBW(X)M -^"- Te Volumo" From X-ro(•rays to lip codos. gj: SDg NFL FOOTBALL Rogkinollal “ (In Storoo) q ivorago. Los Angolos Rom s at At- 10:00 O COUNT DUCIiUCKUt> ita Falcons. Dallas Cowtxjys at 12:O O aM eERK A T8 AnimoTiol^. A mon- CX) r a (11) ® f'ACEACE THE NATION iw Oiloons Saints. Phoenix Conli-li. gooso family living In tho10 Kolohsrldo-I -A ' oaaS H IN IN O T lMnMe.BTATI.Ol^MMi— I ;- la-at Dotroit-Uons.-Tampa.BayBV Mrt must'deal with tvra■0 mojoi moor- ______and.Tanyo moko0 oa-wrong dodslon aucctiCCono»rs at Greon Bay Packers orJ • “ koto nghUftg ovor th a saisanwflirl. - n Francisco 49or3 .a t lndianapoHa_no- (}»~coup(nER'CHnoBONICLES".: iltsrfLtvol------■ ixr-FRED-MgYERS-OOlOLF-CHAL------II..------o-ia-V IE W PO W T- (iSP RAMONA Ramono ond her sls-Is: iS n q e CE OFF THE RECOi Boozus must proparo dinner Toro r o BUSINESS WORLD CD HOME SHOW I (amity o s a punishment, g (B SMITHSONIAN WORI>RLD An ex- -rt; o (12) ROBERTrSCHUUER SC , o SCB THIS WEEK WITH DAVIDID piorotion of Islam's Jud»deo-Chriotian ------U rcO W M A N G BfHSfVThq-LonfrBanoer------nniNIlINKtEY-q------roots, prindploo dndTSaiRMiarsrn ------______' ftiyj J o ntQ_W 0 CtUP.h a-lossort to theif q «K&NFL^ FOOTSALLCindnnaU.ati-— o M2)-«OV»E***-^-AjtMiailng-Sio------io: young friond Tomm:mmy. • • ■ Bonoiingols a t Chlcogo Boors. (Uvo) rios: Tho Movie" (196969, Fantasy) ID MOVIE • Windnd in tho Willows'' I FRIDA KAHLO: PORTRAIT OF ANIN Kovin Costner, Christophiphor Uoyd. _ :(i988,Fantn5y)Rich^ chard Pfloreon. )on______m sT ^ - ProfUoA-Mexican ^ pslntor.'a r . T . (J) l e a d o f f m a n ------ici-"- Carmicnnol.-...... dtrKDhiortorwhomTocognittotrof-of------a BlCrVALtETTho Bartirktoysaro at O CHEVY ALL'S*L.CTAn'wiEiSlD r tolont w os overshadow ed by thatlat oddswlthonooftholrnolgDlghbors over r.o- FeBturodidrogniciflicing's "TOP S ^ - S lhoihor husband. Dlogo RIvora. q ownorship of an orango0 (grove. man" compotltlon;Ion: "Tho Widow- n I (12) JERRY FALWELL ID TEEN WIN, LOSE ORWDRAW ffl nfwljor." tho woricJorid'fl only Chovy- I TRIPLE THREAT • O TR U C K S ANDTRACTtTOR POWER ongino. nltro-fuollol motofcyclo. (in j g. (11) j., NFL FOOTBALL Son Fran-in- Foaturod; tho Americanr> '— a -ALL-AMEfltCAicAi4-wBiitn.i»m gTO) g, ------n o n '‘ from Cowtn a -S piLMHKlwSV c In ' <;i 26 Tlmoo-Nows. Twinvin Falls,I tdaho Fridoy, Soptonitombor 0.1989 I.' - ■ ' • Islands nl tight.tifl S u n dl ( a y ! ; : Nownan. Oa. (In Storoo) D REPORT a MOVIE * * « "Mooamti ENJORS GOLF North Ctos- _ - Drama) Ctartc Gable. Ava ( « P A - ■' e VU3E0 DISC JOCKEY ISssssnoisrup.j a RA ’90: A NEW AGENDA FOR ^ a PHYSICt thrltis: I-, OD HEALTH SHOW )lcs: pulmonary embolism - TIETIENT CARE ’ Rhounvatold Ai^hi . / 0 . e 8HORTSTORIESUES Charilo Tho Disaasft and Ils ConsoquencmCOS" ;; Shoon In "A Ufo In tho Day":Da; Ronny (Part 1 ol 3) S ” “ ?HBO • MOVIE * * * "Cro8Slng IDolan- ^ Co* In :'Tho Exporf'« « J « i S t o MAI: ANNOUN<»D KB cey'- (1988, Drama) Amy Irving..P P e te r It iMTTi A uvir- H S 0H 80CCOMEDY C HOUR "I. Mnrim cO) DAYS TO TIMBUK1 Short. GoesMS Hottywood" Eight ol Ro rwy throogh Mall.ln W oalralA < lrica. Martin Short'Offs characters toll his life- C?NM0V1E CH * * "M othra" (19M.a.s^'3 onoe Fiction) Frankie Sakai. Hirtlroshl “ ■ S S « ! -2001: A Koizumi. lyaaey" 0 9 6 8 . S d onco Fic- SMb30 a OUT OF CONTROL 2 ^ “"”- Sp.C«Od™ NIORS -1 Sro8ei^SS<^r* Duiloa Gary Lockwood. a O ® MEALTN CARE FOR S ^ 12:30 CD MAJOR tEAQUEEBASEBALt. B !KoMOV« f » ANDY GRtFnTH Helen vrrttV1E "Murphy's Rom- O tod lor ; SL Louis Cardinals al Chic 985. Comedy) Snlly Field. ^children's book thal Is accoptoc ACING 1 2 ^ ) ^ K lOn'S WORLD An wS jCOME TO MY STUDIO O0 * ’if«ID E WINSTON CUP RAC 1 t'OUtO I the magical world ol ogr al approach to pomiing a' AA behind-the-scenes look at- racing, induding Interviews, high- t ] .. , poacoful life l» thfoalonod a, (In Storoo) ------, ra< lights and late-broaWiw nows..H l- o st: T . aS P O R TTING IN UFE Canada’s annuol Ilg a®*»Tdo™ £CT Nod Ja rro tt (In Stereo) ^ 8<5uafTJshT CDays help to prouerve N( >Fear" o HEALTH SHOW the (^or tradlilons of log- Oa MOVIE * * * "Joum ay Into F ’ a EDISON TWINS AnnionloondUnco I ^ (1942. DrorpcO Orson Wolles, JoiJoseph I,; become trapped^skte a ( jf f ia v o uU cCAN'T DO THAT OH TEL- C< :______saarcWng lorJofl8ils..(la-S _S"!'l'0BalETiiiP8JaYMroL3L0QY i- a MOTOWORLD F e a t ;rs;SnT .rss"sis— sUPDATE Topics: uttrasound; no'[lew ro- i Sprlngfleld MUo d ono th e novel s.Eaolas.- HouatOfl_OilOfS a l------_S8 0 0 E S Uttlo Joo h a s som e d ------*-byjuiwV*mo;~—— jtaAflWnds; Butlalo Bins a t a jfl (a ART OF A S * ^ oaturod: ^ K £ T ^ technol- — ------^ I tO y iE - M n ^ * "O rtlna t Denver Brdncos.SonOlogo “ t Mrar- Pn— _ (I880.'0rama) Donald i — •Chargors■s aat Los Angolos Raldors or ( < P R E -_ id-Browns at Pittsburgh Ia ^ A L F R E D HITCHCOCK Amortca rotal- latas against Japan; thero th« Is loss a VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 1 8TERY1 '"A gaiha ChrisUe's I I Irtanats' SignQg — — 3 O iMscGyvef------Movio: "ThuntfcrBoat Row"rvT______Nows - ErgTOiWis Week Danas |ssig^on '| B ® [Arts Fostival Movio______- Baby 8 , Nows Naw» Rk:h F A Famous Guinnesa NNews f o [NaUonal Gooflrnpgraphic Explorer All • Help Marrtago Tonw- CDieting |O f > d ^ Solotto Chid, C .1 O Waniod jvidoo}oo Marned... Opon H. Ultmanlari Shan- Mtma Shorld Trapper 1 John. M.O. Caraon SSIgnOfI ^ O [Mufdflf. Sho WroloWw Paradiso Movie: ••DoBtfOfOoe""Ou • • ~ [ SSlgnOfl / - ' • • I j^'lR B acW no Skies05___• floaehing SKiaa . Movie:■to: "Commnnd Docision" .______[Movie: " B y tn g F e» i^ s " - • ' ' I s ® (Brat Forror Polntor Sisters . Bud..Bill|siap. Bi [HanySTruman [[Brate Farrar [polfitar sistcstorg I £ 9 MacGyvor - . - Movlo: "-Thunder Boat RowIW" " . . . [Rich t FunFamous Slgn-On DISH loangef [Boarlar . Movio; "Bolloa on Their Toe;oes"|sw an j Going HoOywood ~ Otzle [sta n ley TLR ii ____ I HBO l^ v io : "Standd anar>d Ooiivor" Movio:lio: "'Crocodilo' Dundop M"' [Morle: * ”010 Hart"

q l UAX ImovIo; "Chiicfcsilvkjiivor" Movio:lio: "The Tormlnaior"______»Movie: "Nuts" '______ISHOwlMovto: "Swtien^;MnQ Channola"______Moyie;_:io:l'Marr>od,lo.thoMob''...... CCarnjOa Boys - ^jg a g o d .______

I trAV jTfavfll jPaaapaapofl Eur. [Almanac ot Travolivol jvacalion [Scuba |Pas8p ortEttf. ^ b [Barpalns Travel Travel T

I • H I MOVOVIE "Skoozer" (1082. O HARBOR'SEAL The> threatened t ^ u n d a y Drama)a) Koron Vaiontino. Martdaro population or Iho hartwrrae g al. Coslollo.lilo, a INSIDE BUSMESS ------O B O RIRDERTOWN C A bUnd girt ia tho m FAMILY PRACTICEE UPDATE ho attompis to dostro;.ro y a Nazi con- ^ 1 / witness to a murdor. Topic gyr>ecologk»I proo lACKSTAQE DISNEY: MAIN 6.-00 O I N ^ C T O R GADQXIET . . ------to^UCKIN'USA Foot•ooturod; o dub'ln...... ET ELECTRICAL PARADE CD THUTH ABOUT T E ACHERS » Thia (Florida that rostoros8 olold trucks: now Host MlcMIcKabrYoungtakoavlowora '" Boccnd "Ratstng-Qood KWKI rln. B ad------R o d u c ts (or pickup1 Irutrucks; tochnlcal bohindd trtho sconos ol ono of Disney- Tlmea" apodal pronieas innovative ------Oipa-one«at6.-(lf>-Slorg to ------. — Oiiai-VlCTORr.OARD giris on a now pond tor(or tho suburban MOVI3VIE Q MOVTE 'Tho Huntingig Instinct" oordon, qj ______HBO OIADIANA’S WORLD TOUR Diana - - (iflOl.-Comody) ...... QD ROCKFORD RLES porform s from London's Worn- __O^Bfl!CAN_8EQBm lSQE.ChaxloU=______CADE Featured; tho CMiMC Dodge floiormlne_d»ogothl3ll(i »:iin!orT'atlof)(>i.tour,.(iaStereo)______JfucK_OoWen State.. Natlatlonai# J n ...... ------HTff holp of an oloctronk UV] MOVIE *Vi "Switching Carlabftd. CaUf: (In Storoo)o) Op HEART OF THE DRJ le ls" (1988. Comody) Kathleen BD MIAMI VICE nuohco ol China's ancianciont traditions r. Burl Reynolds, a COUSTEAU'S REOISCOJOW RYOF . ------— on dolly lifo is OMifuinocmod through pro- — ^ I ^COUNT DUCKULA------...... TOE W O t ^ Tfr* c r w 0of the Al­ - - - n o s o( throo (ormor-lowloadors-lncJuding ------cyooe oxplorBS Uio lalandsla 01< tho P a - - iiEmporor Qian i^ n gg oiond Moo Tso- O MI THISTJ OLDWSTJSE Beginning ime tho bungalow 's hip-roof cinc Northwsat. atudytr>g) tht e HaJda fing. Co-hosts; Robinbin MocNoll. Jim ■? Indiana and animals Indidudlng the io h ro r, dormor;)r; rmilling the pergola and build- now stairway, o wolf ool. rat fiah and hum h pback' i s NWA MAIN EVENT;NT WRESTLING 1?^ “JJ?,’; whalo^... ------0 ( 1 2 ) WAR OF THEE VIWORLDS Suz- O N•WSWATCH ^ . THIS WEEK MTIN.TINK-DCOPg DECADES: 7 0 'S DuriijringArrterf- nnno's (ormor husbond,in0.arlnvo=UB«. g S K ca's U contert^ yoar Jlrnrrnnty Ca^r »vo roportor. hopos 10to ;got tho scoop QHIOPI3DEN HEROES Featured: Tyler "on tho toam s latostt'VniB3iof»"(R)'(l<> mi AndroMl.* apacocraft on Mara. .;. ^ to r o o ) ttl..(ln Storoo) ------2 ^ m o a -N o w r., Twin FallFalls, Idaho Friday. Sopl^mnborS. ta 1989.. . ------______^an Sd ’ cardioloov updateLTE T opic guros. inctudlnt D DANGER BAY Nicolo d«scovoivors Iar arrtiyth. 01« ® S! k). 0 flurgory lor auprnwoniiicular i RY S TRUMAN "H.S T. thathat Jenny's mothor {Mlmi Kuiyk). iny Farm•' Days of Dociskitio n " A vWkJ record of H M MOVJE * * V t -Funny n president w ho dropped (19B8. Comody) Chovy Choi:h a so . Ma- tho Amortcan pi tho bomb onn JJapan and pulled tho lor General M ac^ u r In f ^ > W tf i e *** ‘Big" (19B8.Ce- . . . rug from uMJor ; abolh Por. Koroa. . . . sn Sody) Tom Hanks. Buabo OM ARY BAlAKER K EDDY: A HEART M /Isiblo Kid " IN PROTESTrr .Jullo Harris stars os CW'MOVIE • "T rw Invisit Eddy, tho lounOor o l tho (1988. Com ody)- Ja y UncJJhdorwood, Mory Baker Ed Chrtstian Soor:ionco religion. ‘ 6 : ' « S S K r 1MET1MESScc co res ond O PRlMENEWi FL PootbaO" OBOOKHOn ^ / ^ - H O M I hlgh!ifltit5 o« today's NFl._ ? 2 f s - JOURNAL UP- — i \ O PHYSICJA / ^^i^PUANCiCB8 DATE Topics::s: Ipulmonary ombollsm • M l fcsS'o^i.OONEY TUNES . c therapy In acute my- m o a # INNOVATION HowV idoHiKytnoId thrombolytic t 1 ^kod g o n o s...... ocardlaJ Inlarcarctlon. . . ■ ______ond-locaUno dlMoao-llnkoi DVtE*»*"Marriedtoiho ■■ moy resun lo trooimonit oior obuso. • [SHOVOMOVl M ob- (1988.J. CComedy) MicholloPloil- = ( P ^ 2 o l 2 ) lor. Matthoww ^Modlno. K (D WEBSTER . u. 6:1SOCOOE(LEGE FOOTBALL Wyom- ■ 0 9 NEWS Ing vs. Air ForForce. (Live) 0 a KEAOUNE NEWS . TER EO Wilbur rem oves CD MOTOnWEEK T^o Acun from Ed's stoble. sodan; tM future o( cor h ' f e sUU4 SNAPSHOTS tfw QMC-Chovrolol Suburt) THE POOH AND TIGGER _ lom la crulalno- ••• • olod. Winnk) tho Pooh. — CE M*A*S*H A QfuIT aonorol ; Robin and their Irkinds U ------aovorTy-'” t ' j ^ »on and fi thobouncooutofTlgger. - g harsh roollUos ol military t WINSTON CUP RACING Iho youno man woydD la fwmpd.■i^.i^inKo— -tnnanflTfroatnj:nniTMKJ-.Qus-(Pa«''WH------GD O C E 0 INCREO tBLC£«JNDAYA S m pGpaifB MACGYVER MacGyvor ^ ll U.S.-U.S.S.R. soarch lor young boy mlislng oftprr aflaf oir-ahow loads a Jolnl U Awithonn*J k.3tgoWln^tho Arctic, but his life Is in dtsooior survivoa: a maaw fter tho g(M Is found. (R) | tromoty hfgfrpof' toioranco;nco-, a woman, joopardy after who fK)hts <^mp w im .p s/ ^ 6 m TNE HEART..; THE Modei M cioanToucu c h ^ EOTDCnONAt VERY SPE------n , jRLo.oEbiS!___— nnnqimXT— c dnsola' ■ 1 ------o^'^ofeSreA tw ^ } FESnVAL^^So'+weto-Mi— • ------NEY •■poronrri'ap' I i r O o ^ jlas and John F. Konnody VcMtl • MJ» S»U«n“ • 16 ponding miirrtago. toor>-a{ Ite tho achlevoftwnts o l __ _ “ sdi> 9w io;vnuo s m s ; ad chflllonoed artista Irom V” SyConlor for tho Perform- x > a r t i o l 2 ) P tho l iBAPHIC .'No- ing Arts inin W ashington. D.C. (In VOUSAVE W 1-LOWOVERH! using on Uvo Swroo) WHEN YOU H 2-VOHJM BmUY1NG\, tional Ooogrfl^c Focusir re VOYAGE A poruait ol projects, RjcfiaKl.KllW.!s>• las homo. «ota Spoodway In tion trom Cowott IS profilos of nino of Ihis yoar'sS a l » d ) BABY BOOMU J,C. rogrots ■ Nownan, Ga. (In Sli lc firing Holga oltor a succcse s s io n of re- V?r^lESK,HSA nors ol tho MTV Vldoo Music CD REACHING FOI Sv d s. placem ent nannies are1 unsuitableui tor advonlurors, Includ- look ot oviallon od\ Bl FOR THE POINTER SISTERS - Elizabeth. (Postponed tromfrc anearllor Ing Chartoa Llndtxifiborg ond Howard ™®®‘INDING OVATION Fomalo rockJc dato) (in Sioroo) g ...... HughoB.------up, th8 PoimorSlstorsi-ponorm—TT------0-T1L-HELP ARRIVES3- ' • _ B3-W EEKINR0CK5ck“" iy of thoir hll so n g s at "Tho Attic" O (12) r r S GARRY SHSHANDLING'S 9 SS BRAT• FARRARF Simon SHOW (Soason Premierlore) Garry re­ odlt his oldor twin as iroonvllio. N.C. schom o3 lo disrodlt LATE NITE SPECIALS ludantly paniclpatos Irin o golfing tho ro sto t Iho Ashbshby lamUy proporos ® J;*; fund-roisor. (In Storoo) ■rat. a s Patrick, to g HEADLINE NEVtTS ) to wolcomo Brot. OBSTETRICS/GYNECOLOGYY OD TRAPPER JOHN, M.O.M, Enraged ■ ■ Latchotb. (Part 2 0 )- that her prem ature Infarfan! has been ^ ••pfodalbrs ol Iho, )ATE Topics; ullrasound; nowvo- SB MOVIE **V 2 " rushod to San Francisc cu m o n l..,) Suctlvo lochnologlos- S oa - (1977. DocuiT OW] CARMILLA Mog Tilly starss wilhout hor. a prison innnmale attacks a WEEK IN REVIEEVIEW I * " '" " >• tho warden, QENDA Foaturod; a “a boautiful vomptro who tw- . 6 9 CAPITAL AQEI Aos a young Southorn bollo andd CD WINNING WALK discussion ol ihocc0 coming wook's log- ovorprotocuvo falhor. Pnsffd onn —__ CD SWAN LAKE STORYlY.Thb classic . ' Islatlvo agonda. novol by Shoridan Lo Fanu. ballot Is prosontod os a1 nman (Captain S3 CARDIOLOGYo v UPDATE Toplci 29 SCTV Skotchos; Raoul Withers3 Mike Gordon) narraloss ttho Btory to surgery tor supravc ravoniricular orrhylh- [‘L^vy)'ry) starts a now gossip show; vi-i- . his gronddaughter (Batti:ittinaRae). _ _ m ia s ., . ^ _ d ------O INSIDE WINSTON ClCUP RACING . . -SiiridniS-d Do.------S "s “ by-6lng Crosby (Flohorty) ond HBO MOVIE * * * Young (Moronls). A behind-the-scenes look lo ai aulo Uvor" (1988. Dfomiamo) Edward Jomos 2; 0 racing, including Inlervirvlows. high- imond Phillips. ® [12) J OPEN HOUSE Tod trios lo Olmo's. Lou Diamoi ir lights ond lato-broaklng kVi "Swiichlng Chan- lilo Unda and Richard attor SHOW MOVIE *Vi ''vo hod B big Hght, (In Sloroo) g3 Nod Jorrott. (In Storoo) nols" (1968. Como,.mody) Kaihloon Tur- « )) JOHN ANKERBERG CS> HITCHHIKER (In Storloroo) nor, Burt Reynolds3ldS. m pFAMILY . PRACTICE UPDATEE €D (H) SLAP MAXWELLX STORY An- (TMC) MOVIE * ***V^ * •Toial Altrac- ic; , gynocoioglcal procoduros. nlQ-s gol a gun. -— ------_^ttoo::_fj087:,—Sus| " - O TRAVELERS-6HOW>WCA8E-Pro- Douglas, Glonn Clo; D ROWAN & MARTIN'S LAUGH-I- tossional blKors uso spc;peclally modi- CIN MOVIE * * i "Ou E L , " 1-586. tied motorcyclos to cllmtmb sloop Mils. Drama) Kovtn Bocoi aeon. Jomi G om . w »rr,r.D (19 MASTERPIECE THEATDE O SPORTS TONItfkr 7;3p 09 CAR 54, WKW H ^ E ARE YOU? O CD (! ; CD SPORTSCENTER) Up-to-dalo ------— Toody ofKl Muldoonson ar« nvaift lor tho - - /Id Copportlold" David's oarly a Brothorhood Clutt. cWIdnoc:hood ts Idyllic until hlo molhor ______prosldoncy ol iho Bi [ ^ I ^ R N A L MEDICIh:i n e j j £D A IE____ ■ C r (12)TOTAt.L-¥-Hif-H»DOGN-VJ0 EO41n _ _ _ E a n103.Iho ^ Itl-tomporod Mr. Murd- oTiHnPtfn~rorS)-g ------^------T opic 'opUiui»DI60y~roTor Iho rnon- Sloroo) ) oplhamologisl. MTRY An Amoricon O A LLL L IN THE FAMILY Miko Inherits CD. BEAR COUNTR 5 [SHOW] MOVIE **V.kVi "Jaggod , black boar ralsosj. s J.o r cubs In tho 0 monoy and gives a donation to licGovom cam paign, causing Ar- -E d g e" {1985. Drama) Glonn G Closo,' Rocky Mouniains. ______Jetl Bridges. 1 10;60 19 MLF-IMPHOVEMy4£MT- . — : • ' ■ Annual U.S. Dlosolsol •Trucking N aiion^' ■ 12) TRACEY ULLMAN (Soason - nioro) Thohilorlou sB nilsh como-_. _ ols trom Englishlowrown, N J , (In StofOQ)------c n ^ a o OS QD 1 5 ((1 ll) C D P O ------ID 'D E F LEPPARD,RD Foaturos Inlor- oionnono rdlurns w;lh rogulars^ulib) ------N E ^ ------ior_flnd_Dan_Co3loHaf)ota,_tin1______O q u UPSTAIRS. DO50WNSTAIRS ------vtows vrtttrthff-t«ndsnd-as-woH-as-Octo^------______While Richard’ is^fisliingg iinJ)ie_Hi5K-, ...... bor..l 088 concortUootagoinAtlanu la ------BO) ______lONSTEHS A whooicnaif-bound1 Inhds',"James' rovoais hhis'roM nlic ______Go.. Irom Iho-Hystlysioria" lour, ,______tn«llngo tr,r r.nnrpinn ICYXONFEHENCE------womor*iar«-tighlo-h9r-«bufiivo-»onUn-iaw— CD MOTHER'AND SON3N Arthur at- , 69 INTERNAL MECVlEDICINE UPDATE 'i!''? .“I®Iho help of a mlroclo drink. (R) LOYD OGILVIE tompts to imprison Mo{haggle In hor . Topic; opihamologi„o,y fo, non. ) own homo, . opthamotoolBl. - • MOTOWORLD Foaturod: tho ignold Milo from Iho lillno^^s Statq] ' O IS THERE LOVE AFAFTER MAR­ ...... BJJOCBBEST-OF.SA'.SATURDAY NIGHT-.. _ SpnngO jroun'ds; tho'-'AMA-f^ood-ftaco— ------C3)-®-t1,ir®PARl>ARAOISE (Soason ' O (12) MAMA'S FAMILYLY Bubba falls ______Promioro) (Itj Storoo,f o o )g ___,_N atlonajnal j i t H o a ry ^ d Park In To- i;'Kan. (In Storoo)..... ------irriovoiMtmno^ronddauiiuqhtorofMg------.-I .-.- :------: n Hft-{NFtNITE-VOiVGYAQtAportfoil ---2°??:'^ ^OLLYWOOD--INSIOEft.S c h o d -:-- of Iho hunling banc)ands- who-crossod '' ® : Goroldo RIvora; Donny Os- - . "S? ^ ”r^JO N ES tho Boring tand bridgo brid botwoon iho ^ CD GOING HOLLYWOOD3D: THE WAR Siborian Peninsulaila andi Nonh Amor- . 2 ? " d. i., MOVIE ***V i "CommandJ YEARS Historical footogogo. film d ip s - tea. (R) (In Storoo)0) (Pori(I 6 0112)0 ® “ . and iniorviows comprisese this k » k ot QD O ® OS MOVIEIVIE "Thundor Boai sion" (1948. Drama) Clark Ga- ^)^,Evoro».-^.^o,.,WWaltor o Pldgoon. ______tho film m ade botwoonon 1941 and ------— R o w ^ l 68Br-Orama 5C7n.------“ JaTdri'A'dbrnsI ______ii93SrHo5Tryan.~Jotois{?i rC3 © M9 B BUFFALO BILL A now co-hostt a AMERICAN SPORTRTS CAVAL- O ( » (E MOVIE Q CADE Foaturod: tho CMC C Dodge ______CDNATURE_Ap_roJiloanio Ola World Wild- , the show. i^D\/ENTUREnS-nolU.r..^lsrs—I______Tnj£k_Goldon_Stalo_N-■Nattonala In -;— filo Fund projoct studying stu tho Ama- ®rtom 3rm stunts In Vonico. Calif. C arlsbad, Colif, (in Storeirob) -----: 2on and tho wlldhicdhio II oholiora, (In q >4SIDE BUSINESS CD PAID PROGRAMMINIING Storoo) Q - “ 59 era HARRY S TRUMIMAN ''H.S.T. — O (12) MARRIED..=0... WITH CHILD. ® DRTHOPAEDIC SURGERY UP- E Topic: Idiopathic scoliosis. Doys of Decision" A vlvl'Ivld rocord of - REN Pogpy windsds up toachlng an tho American prosidontt whow dropped aoroblcs instructor ' MOVIE **W -'-Crocodilo' Dun- lor obout oxorciso. Sm II"' tho bomb on Japan anamd pulled tho (In Sloroo) g ir- (1988, Comody) Paul Hogan, .Undoa Koslowskl.K rug from undor GeneralIMacAflhurin h ' NEWS Q- I Korea. - • - CD BEN HAOEN SHOWW MOVIEI *** - Married to the -• (1988. Comody) Michollo Pfoif- m MOONUQHT MADNENESS (HOME CD MOVIE * * *• "E”801100 on Thoir SHOPPING) Too3"(1952. ComodnodylJoannoCraln. - '0^ >.(atttiow Modino. “ 30'Tiifl03-N<>W9, Twin«n IFalls. Idaho------FnoayrSDptontombere, 1389-^---- ~ ...... ~ '■■■ :— . I...... : - ......

S3 AMERICA. COAST.TO.C3 COAST to wolcomo Brat, Bn a s Patrick, to y ; trip dovm U tchotls. (Partr t 2 o f 3 ) ...... S u n d a y Four Bavarians join a rail trip ALBUM A review ©i ______----- tno Colorado River (n iho Gron-randC orv------B9 AMERICAN A Treaty, tho Charloslon. yon. tho VorsoiilosTro famlr^o and piag>iaguo in Russia and 69 M9 9 1FOR THE POINTER SISTERS5- • O WORLD REPORT ANDING OVATION Fomalo rockck , 0 3 SELF-IMPROVEMENT QUIGUIDE Fronldln Roosoveovolt. STANI ***V^ "Olo Hard" group.sup. tho Pointer Stetors. performrm 10.10 63 120 MINUTES Now■ trotronds in HBO MOVIE * c" i isponsiblo (19S8. Susponso,ISO) Bruco Willis. Bon- manyciny ol thoir hit songs ol "TTie Attic" music ond tho groupB rospc in GrO'Grotinvino. N.C. oro tho contorploco of this orocrampre . • f'i® Bodoiia. SHOWCARMILLILLA Mog Tilly atari} a s O PflPRORLES OF NATURE A go-IO- I 10:15 I S (11) CBS N E W S g npiro w ho bewitches a sling'sig 's dovekjpmont Is lonowed from>m CD CD ABC NEWS Q m Bello and her over- Birth K 10:30 ID AMERICAN MARKI,RKETING younO S o i^ o m ' protociivo lathor.lor. BasAd on tho novel CD ‘^R S T S C E N T E R Up-tOKlatOIto ; SYSTEMS ores. (D TWIUQKT ZONE A myat.ystorious SvShoridan^JO Fanu.F scores I ; tk* "Twolvo O 'clock SHOWlOW BOYS (in Sloroo) Q passagoway loads a lost pHoipilot to on f™ C ) MOVIE * I ID ROWAN A.MARTIN^S LAM HjM-____I ■ idyllic world and tno suBsoquoquom-di- - - Hlgh'-.-(1949 Advonturo) A GroQorx- i2:30ID lomma ot whothor to rotum■n oor Slav Pock. Hugh Martlartowe. IN CIN MOVIE *1*** "Nuts" (1987. softI » HEADUNE NEWS an William and Hostor al iholr i 3 Q Riversvers: Paul LaBolle: W hoopi Gold.Id- tor's wodding. S ’W n e w s c CD ARE YOU BEING BE SERVED? Tho borg.irg. (in Storoo) O WORLD TOMORROW I NOAH'S ARK Arilmaf life on thTE . Los An- troublo may prov>rovo lo Loulso and He- 12:33 Q TIONAL PAGEANT From L< itforis ot UM) community LIVEJIVES • goloo: Ovor 20 mothor/dor/dauflhtor Ion thal thoir etfo ro rwt useless. 12:355 CICD MOVIE * * "Oh Godl Book,11" II' loam s Irom around tho work,orld com . 980. Ck)mody) Goorgo Bum s. Suzuz-' gown and O ® >ROGRAMMING (1980 poto tn swimsuit, ovoning gov OZZIE AND HARRIET annonno Pleshotto. porsonallty calogorios. Amoi,mong tho ID BEST OF 02 gin r/Daughtof Whon Dovo andndhlslfiend.Waiiy.dis. I , 1;00O0 CD MY THREE SONS A Baby gii contoatanis: 1989 Moihor/Dn nd a log ol lamb turn up in the Oougug------USA'w innors Ja n and,JillI ScSquflfdo. • cover thoy ro I both Intorostod in tho and a somo glri.-WallVally tricks Oavo'-into las>8 hihomo...... Host: John Davidson. (R) 1 HISTORY OF DIETING II for Ono" brtnging a gagag gilt lo hor birthday 13 HI CS (11) MOVIE * * * "Duol fo CDD U!USA TONIGHT (1985, Droma) Julio Androwi lEROES Foaturod: Tylor |BB afl PAID PROORAMMINQ Botos. SX d e n h e r ------— AKixanTwm.managor. for-Mario------IBMP MOVIE ★* "Conoiiosto f th e Air^ir'' “ CD'JOHN OSTEEN' ------(lor, • • L ■ Androiti. (In SloiSloroo) (193£1935. Drama) Laurence Olivloi lenry Vlclor------(D ea LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH------« * - "Flylno-Portrcaa::______Henr ituro) Richard Groono, OD Kin BUFFALO BIU-A new co-ho!>osi AND FAMOUS Ricardo Morvlontaiban; (1942. Advontui ("Amon")' Donold Stowart,art. loins Anna Marta Horslord ("A AYThopopularltyofLa- • 9d" Mm S oNUGOT MADNESS (HOM>ME gomo show host Jim Langongo: b<.so. CE USA TODAY IJ tin music. SHOIIHOPPINQ) (Continued) ______ball's Tommy Laoorda. (fl) _TB1\/R0j^^rg^''- “ ■l^'ffi'SPOBTS-BEATZir:: [wn,____ ------11:S3 S U FE sin5TYLE8 OF THE-RICH------(198!KIM, Comody) Don ^onaha 10:35 (3!) MAGNUM. P.l. JS WyaiVyalt Knight. ____ iq:*a.m-LAVELL EDWABPU iH-AttEN-(lTrStwt»)— ------tMO-flO^TMChMOVIE-VtA lJ h a-Mafl:in -n ------10:54 O (1# 4*TEL ima) ^RCH 1 1 :4 5 0 D A afcS A S J.R : allom pts to stop thefjo (Gray Flonnol Suit" (1956. Oram 11:00 CD GATEWAY RESEARC Srogory Pock, Jonnlfor Jonos. •Ious Tvrtj" W» lather Irom>m soiling: oil loasea. and Groc CD MOVIE * * "Mystoriou: relusal to soo the baby 1:2020 [ [SHOW] MOVIE ' Flor.h;h & (1982. S d o n ce Fiction) John Jol For. 3toodi:-m9B5,-jm v m ^ ) .nrng ------^-^^h».-JamB3 Siophons:------54. WHERE ARE YO^ ^ ^u^Hauor. Jonnlfor JflSBflLOigh." IE^ _ ^ 1 2 ffl-0 -'CAR 54. 30 p n O N N A REED Mnry_ottondsd s.n ____ itihfrBrollwnood ciub, iouoao.homocom>n3 .^ n co r ==^AND2F*MOUETBIc:ordO-MO•McntatOaii, ------pm ia u n e D MOVIE-***'^ "Captatns Cour Anno Maria Horsford “ C'Am an")r------O ®-SPECTAXTACULAR-WORU) OF...... _ 0 . » flcer - RECORDS M olorcydo flooinobus"' (1937.-'Advonturo) Sponc gamo show host Jim Longcjnao: baso- QUINNESS RE Tracy. Froddie Bartholomow. - - Ball's Tommy Lnsorda. (R)H) . and Bkotoboardord coniosta. (R) Trot 3EA DY A reader who wroto a CD 1TALES FROM THE OARKSIDE CD YES.'MINISTER Tho Ministor Mii is CD FOXY LADY shady rool ostato tycoon ottroctsslh ll o /'8 ovasivo- lottor io lhe• editor «c throatons Daisy ohai purzlod by Sir Humphroy's i ottoiattontion ol o peculiar o*ocullvo0 ro-i ------no66-ovor.a.dopanmonta|al Cl construe-______with a gun. ids. i l l feULuFLEX Oon proloct in iho Midlands. BB LIVE YOUR DREAMS O HISTORY OF DIETING3 O (12) CARSOSON'S COMEDY CLAS- CD L ______,_SICS_Johnny w odvlsos. vlewora ,,on SBdSB (Bl SLAP MAXWELL STORY' AAn- ______£ D a A M l X ______ile'sflolofioh ------O (12) TRAPPER JOHN,IN, M.D. A sitribiirri haio:ofOs.^ ri ...... nle'i wonts Trap- CD 700 CLUBB VHo&l: Pat Robertson. OB fFUTURE WATCH povifltllunBfy surgoon wan "Stanley and Liv> 6DSD PUBLICF POUCY CONFERENC

iSSf Moohday evertrting progratt m s r ~

EVENING D a y t i mt e e m o v i e s 6KM O BEWrrCHEOED A toon-agor In------Wondoll Coroy. torvlows Oarrln abOLibout hia caroor, MORIIR N IN G ______CCa<»CEO(11)111) ffl NEWS " AFTERNOON o OB FHUOAL QOURMET 0 0 Pacific Northwoat NoiivoI AtrAmorlcan (ooda In- 6:00 CIN;iN * * * * '"T h o Big Chill” (1983,i, • dudlng salmon jofhy,Kky, two soups, tid- ComodlOdy-Drama) Tom Borongor,r. 12:00 (TMC) * * "Instananl JustkM" dlohMd lomsand) babannock broad. (In Glonnin Closo,< (1967, Drama) Michaol PiParo, Tawny Sloroo) 6:30 (T»[TMC) * * * "M ad Lovo” (1935.>• KItoon, ® WHEEL OF FOmORTUNE Q Horror)ror) Poler Lorro. Colin Cllvo. 12:20 CD **'/* "You're 0Only Young O GD IB MONDAYJAY NIGHT FOOT' 6:35 SHC5H0W *Vi "Thundor Run” (198Q.>• Onco " (1938. Comody) LowisU Stono. BAU. 20TK ANNIVINIVERSARY SPE- Adventonturo) Forrost Tuckor. John Iro- Mlckoy Roonoy. CIAL A look at thottio bost plays and land.I . , •1:00 SHOW **W "Tho MoiAon With Ono most momorabloI poporsonalillos (rom 7:00 CD * * * "Mrs. Mlnivor” (1942.!. Rod Shoo" (1965. Conomody) Tom Uw first 19 yoars.s. I Frank Glllord Is . Orama]ma) Groor Carson, Wollor Pldg-I- Hanks. Lori Slngor. host. oon, CIN * * * "Tho Inlorrjm s " (1962, 0 (1 ?) QROWINQPQ PAINS 7:S0 CIN **Vi "Amorlcon Droamor" ' Orama) Michaol Callan,, Clift C Robort- CB JHRNITE VOYAilYAQE How scion- (19B4.14. Comedy) JoB oth Williams. lists aro using oihloihlotos OS living la- .TomI OConU. 1:30 HBO **V^ "Stoalliillng Homo" boraforlos In tftoirIlr qc u est to undor- 0:00 (TMTMC) * * "Thundor Alloy” (1985, ' (1900. Drama) Mark Hanarmon. Jodio stand tho humanI bot)Ody and improvo Drama)na) Roger Wilson, LoK Garrett, Fostor: how It works. (In Sl«Sleroo)cp 6:0SO«3 * * ”Ruloo o( Morrfogo" (1982. 2:00 n» ***. "God Is M)My Co-Pilot"— O MOVtE * * *r "Thundofhoad -- Drama)Tia) (Pon 1 ol 2) Elizabolh Monl- (1945. Advonturo) OonnIinis Morgan. Son ol Flicka" (IS(1945. Advonluro) gomorylory. Elliott Gould, Dano Clark, Roddy McDowall.I. Proston Pr Foslor. 9;00 S)B ((iM * * " T h o Big Blutf” (1955. ffl Uffl * * "Tho Big Blufl" Bl (1955. Q KJOS INCORPOB»ORATED Ttio girls Drama)na) John Brnmfiold. M anha Vlck- Drama) John Bromflold,, Mh artha Vick- chaHengo ttie boys>ys to 0 baskotball ors, gamo In a battio o(ol thot soxos. HBOI * * "Hiding Oul" (1987. Co- Q) **'/^ "Tho Brody GinJlrls Got Mar- a CHURCH STREElEET STATION Foa- m ody).y) Jon Cryor. Kollh Coogon, riod" (1981. Comody)ly) Mouroon turod: guost Hoot KaihyKai Matioa: Skip SHOWiW * * * "Blg-.i-(l98S, Comody)') McCormick. Evo Plumb,-},— OoVol. (In Storoo)I) TomI HHanks,i Elliaboth Porkins, r m c ) * * ^ L 0S l0t tho RodRl HotLov- ICTMUnDER. SHEEHWROTF V ------9r<0 CIN:IN **W ^‘Prolocol" (1984. Co- ors" (1972. Comody) /Alan Arkin. CB REACHING FOR=0R THE SKIES A mody)Cy) Goldio Mown. Chris Sarandon.I- Sally Kollorman. look ot tfto-tochnoi ** "Back to Iho BoacH" 3:15 HBO *Vt "Poltorgolsllist III” (1988. tho brootntakino worvendors ol oncionl ,(1987.7, CComody) FranWo Avalon, An-, Horror) Tom Skorrttt. NaiJancy Ailon. ______nottoI FlFunicollo, . 4;00 CTMC) ** * •’StandI anda Ctejlvor" — gt=W 3~.».e: i ..'._ (i989rDriima) Edwsrd JoiJunws01iiT>Si7.'_' soarcti loam moiilioiliiors thb aciivity of ' bramna) a) SIdnoy Poitior, Rivor Phoo- Lou Diamond Phillips. Nicaragua’s mon-oaii-oaling sharks. nix, 5:00 HBO *V» "Coddyahaclack II” (1968, O PRIMENEWS SHOWW * » * "Sunday in Now York" Comody) Jackio Maaon.n. Dyan Can- 69 EVENT OF THE^EOAY I ■ (1963.3. Comody) CliK Roborison...... O MOWDAV-NlOKtIKtJdAlCH U P ______^nnop Fonda.F< SHOW **-"Poond Pupppploo and th ® ~ ' ■ ------© S P E N S E R : FORIR HHIRE Sponsor iTT— qD *•** "Spartacus" (I960,—______Logond o( Big Paw " (19J986. Famosy) im>.tlgntn«» thn miifrifiirrtnr n t n man whn p fomo)no)-(Pofl-l-ol-2)-Klrk-OouglaSi— w as ro-Onacting tho mldnlghl ride ol Lauronconce Ollvlor, CIN **V^ "Ton Tol! Mon'>n" {1951^A d^’ Paul Rovoro. 11:30 CIN;IN * * * "No S ad S ongs lor Mo’^______vonluro) Burt Lancastor.>r. Gilbert Ro------^S H O W hM O V IE -iM-nMrVV-^Homborgor . ------rrSSOT Hill” (1987. Droma)\a) -Anlhony Barnlo. Michaol Patrick BoaiJoaiman. • • - -.... CTMC)-MOVIE *k**- * * ••Wail Stroot— ...... D a y t i ml e e s p p r t s . ^ ...... (1987. Drama) MlLEAD-OFF MAN Promioro) O <12)-CURRENTr AlAFFAIR

J ------32 Times Nows, TwinvFoirs7rdaTio=^iTdny,^ptomfc Fo I ______I M O N D A Y E V E M NNG ( • (l|ll:30ll2:00ll2:3Q 7:00 I 7:30 8:0R:On I 8:30 r9:0ff r9i30i.^D"|lOiOOllQ:^ 11:00 lers Faces of AIDS Outdoort SIgrvOff5 ______- lacNfltl/LenfCf Gooqtwgraphic Amortam Masters Nows |Enienaln,)Foot&aJlll Areonio/ Hall ' Cflmo IFL Foot&»H: Now YofKI GitGlanis at Waahlnqton Redskins wn" Nevrt Best of Carson jlOavW LottenMn Costas ' ,LF . [Hogam "Botwkitweon tho Daftowa and tho Dawn" Uants Haiioftal GoographicHieExptofof E ______Pronch' Murphy's U W Mn)ofa)or Lcsguo Bnsobalt Braves at G to ( ^_____Night Ct. Star Trek jliFadCuy Animals ixKit Teactiflfs Movieovie: ••Doad Man's Folly" ^ Nows |M 'A « y H |P atS o|ek |er Addody. :alft.Alllo|DMlOfv Mutptutphy [N o w h ^ Design. [Nowha Yu^s of Eaglea" • ■ I'|Movle:"C<>irinoZcro" (Bschlnfl SKIPS Hoacfeactiing Stties Movio: "The Win; i [Rofnor's Egypt Our Conturintury | Sh o rtsto p )ur Coniury Shorthorwohos Jack Scotia ^ loru^T Nowa iNighUino |Ar>eniooHaJ Ha StgrvOff '______'o Bfl Announ^d______r e * ■ jEnloru O aw [Stonno OoCario, CD SIDEKICKS Emlo must ch •om Sonom a. 7:30I O CAR 54. WHERE ARE YOUIw ------whothor to-atay-w ith-R lzroKOAZINE o G rand Prlx. trom Ing 63 MOVIE •'Family ‘'Fn S in e - (1987. Toody>ody and Muldoon laKo tw o vtsttln£ with his aunt and uncfo. O ,3 Foronilno. JlII ElKon- Russiijssian olfldals on a tour of Nowow O CROOK AND CHASE (In,0 Sti Pogo" Dromo) Jam o s F •Ico. Rulh tjorry. . York ( CD MTV NEWS AT NIQHT iNOUNCED GDI C90 ° 1 1 ) ® DESIGNING WOME^£N CD USA TODAY How hypnothi CD TO BE ANNC larlene. now happily enqapodod.______r w ants a • HBO MOVIE * * '-Short Circuit 2 " ;____ Chorlr holpa athlotos win. O NEW EXPLORERS A looKrrn'lil ( hor— logncy lolt by tho gold sookc'Is Jr. and q -. nonhom Canada. iPEGIAL! RRestonic ©..M ONDAY NIQHT MAO/Koto ond Profllo ol Harry Caraon. ros whon ^ ;eri S ize^ SHOW MOVIE * * * "I Go f (1980. Comody) Vlneonl PfIco, Buz*l.” NEWSH- D rtH btohic ■ 7:00 O PATTY DUKETfltTy w. groat ontoftalnor to porformNow i York S l e e p S e t prom. Guests: Sammy OavlaRodskins. J ___ Potor Lawford. ( S O <11) K A TE* ALUE '«a-(oi.UuL—Kni Z Allle ond »P no sc o n o s Show.-'-(R) ____ I'm arvelous" rillod. (R) (In Stdrbb) C5" O a a MACNEILn-EHRERNALQECP NE m i d d l e ~ OUR 5k at boav- GD O CE NFL FOOTBALL 1No\ poiids fot— ■r»'20yeai‘f= = ^ _____Gionts-at .-W ashlr^n_Rocd animals. ^ (Uvo) p ...... ‘ nun=proT2 ted” •-- JT O baby’oTimvBl By ro-fltiactlno.!o d Kids In tnam "The Dick Van Dyko ShO':os inrwva- - w a r r a n t y om wort; In «*, ( D ^ ^ ^ O F THE NATIONALinto. Host: ■ r - GRAPHIC SPECIALS A look a „ ------oraUian)uiKnintnnaintatrrpo:------WESTONiej—£»39^og-set tho bonofll ot plants andVoodlawn:: a ___ *— ^=^Hore-M ilw;rarton=mSchulman.- r^ - o (12) TRUTH ABOUT TEA! ^ 3Z6 2nd Avenue, This socond "Raising GoodStoroo) “ ' B l W B twin Falls Bad Tlmos”, apodal promos i iJvo taochora. many of w h5 o m SKIES ' a ' difflcolt school onvironmonto MATTRl^ESS FACTORY 733-3312 B______------O-MOVJE-iCackUa—WooDRiDWAR Open Me«on-Frl 8:00 ■ 5:00, SalurJavSa 9:00-3:00 (1989. Advonturo) Emny-Sci■Dpo begins I ■nmos-Nows, Twm Foils, ldahoUf*g Bill’s HER FACES OF AIDS Exanv only-Intorostod In tho poiMrfomwr's mothor. (R) (In Storoo) c 10 grovrth ol AIDS In minority money. B I S (C HCXIAN FAMI»J.7LYWW»ln " J unities within olght U.S. citios. O MOVIE * * * "Thundodorhoad - U a VegaB, David e n d hi: or ABC nowsmart Goorgo - Sor> of FIJcka" (1945. Athwnturo) At ]all6d for imdorage gamii™b»ng.(H)(Tn Roddy McOowall, Prostonn IFoster, Stereo] a S s FROM THE DARK8IDE A O MOVIE * * * V i "WhMURPHYBlYDROWHMur- S V18S FAMILY ROBINSON CUS phy diseovor* Corky'a imlo (f=ric Olson) dlsappoara. , o IB ROMER’8 EGYFT: {Egyptolo- wher) aho sorvoa aa co- at Oolany) hoads to tho lorbld- gist John Romor oxptoros ththobrooth- notwork’o oarty morning,*°-'rR)'!in r s iros to search lor him. uking wonders of andontIt IEgypt. S l o « o ) q - EOCOUNTRY (In Storoo) ■ m MOONUQHT MADNESESS (HOME . O O NATIONAL QEOlEoanAPiiioA HjJSSf,Ml VICE SHOPPING) profllo of a northern AustmUaAui a t» rl- g VIE * * * "Tho Wings ol Eo- O EQUINOX A vorloty ofr oolarmis aind gino trlbo. trodng thoBrlsoandfallof rl9 ® 1957. Biography) John Wayno. thoir ringing m ochanlsma. - tho Qofludju'a aftdontn (R) (in g}” ™ond tho Oo Hosi: Jade Scalia ("Dallas"), O HEARTBEAT Banka' llf(l i f e ^ ^ o s . Drama) Eltzaboth Montjontgomory. I.W- Comodlanliana: Jorry Minor. Jofl Bolt. wh^n aho has (rouble docioailng v^th rolhy McGulro.- KamonofI and Tom Parks. atrou;-Ev« proparos to mit a k o o T V OD ADVENTURE A. Cfcrow ol nino q ^S mICEWATCH c E Summer conatol- appoaronco. cfoaa tho Indian Ocooncan In o Stono- . tho Skylab and SalyuL HBO MOVIE * * * "Big"■ ((1986. Co- Ago atylo cartoo to provitf'ovo thot tho In- NEYUNE mody) Tom Hanks. Blzazabotti F>or- habitants of Madasca>,car^o dos- ENT O FTH E DAY kins. condod from Indonosiorslona. p an •k uNSTER i s ' TRUCK CHALt£NGE (TMC) MOVIE * * ’ Instananl Justieo" O MAJOR LEAGUEUE BASEBALL g •NSER: FOR HIRE A group ol. (1957. Droma) Michael PaParo, Tavmy Atlanta Bravos at SS»oj Fmna=«, ® orrofizos Sponser’a noighbor- Kitaon. Glanta. (Llvo) 10:M O MAKE ROOM FOI-OR DADDY O (12) MOVtE * * %A "D•• ead M an's »BE , ANNOUNCED Danny runs inlo troublo wlwhon ho at- Folly" (1986. Myatory)y) P'Potor Ustinov. btABARAB B abar and Arthur aro tompts to loach Gina tho> customc s ol Joan Staploton. partnorsra inli a bike roco. 0 0 NEWS p MOVIE * * V i "Hamburgor CD CHEERS Coria's prexomls^'ous O 700 CLUB Host: Pat R ot»fison. 5m® m b987.? Oramo) Anthony Borrllo. sister (Rhea Perlman In a dual rolo) ------« BEACHINO-FOH-TlI-THE-8KIE8 A ------u ' kSsflToWai^oUnart: t p ------~ --- — hiis'of^ovoryonointhotnnro r “ lnc!udlng— look at thoso wtw dofloc)flod tho limits ol OVIE * * "Tho Crimson Pif- naivo ciirr. p technology to blazoizo now trails nto-MSS;952. Advonturo) Burt Lancos- o (9 CD BEST OF CAR!RSON H o st ------inyougrnipaco:— ^------:k Crovotr"— ------• JoJinny-GarsonrfR)-(tnSt« eESAJowlshboy VIY THREE SONS Tho Oouglaa O (ia) STAR TREK The0 EntorprisoI - converts to Chrlstlanlhr IC 0 piano. transports 114 dologatoss tto a Fodor- ondnq fl mireeto in "R< 4»l»-®-NEWHABT.-Dlclu«>------— — atloftm aotin& igyotfl.o nwnlmpnrtnnt- iin "M oosio." a spoof onnhoiTorrSovios, he 10 bollovo thot Johnny Carson issue. ' O ) LATE NFTE SPECIAI )nd ol Larry. Darryl and Darryl. (B MOVIE **V^i "The1 (Chairman" 69 AMERICAN ALBUh Storoo) q ■ ‘ (1069. Susponso) Grogc.gbry Pod<. ■ on Ulllan Gish. Ut>eH)«rty Bonds, tho ,GNUM. P.I. Thom as Magnum Anno Hoywood. Rod Baron, tho rovolul^ o n in Ruosla • Sollock) rotlros from the Navy tO:3S CD NIGHT COURT .. ■ - ...... a r>d armlsUco In Europi >comoa.fl.piavata.invflatlgfltot.------^------a HEADLINE NEW S* oplsodo. Magnum aoorchoa : lor Jo h n Travolta. (In Stor;or*o) . 8H0W ROBIN HOODOD Robin Hood “J *I ^truth behind a friond'a death. CD INTIFADA; THE PALELESTINIANS m ust roscuo tho prlceliiceloss C ross of TMAN ANO ISRAEL A panel dlsoscusalon ox------St. CirlctJB trom jhlovoi OOK AND CHASE (tn Storoo)------— pioringrofatqdt^oyfoilollowa lha do- “ *rt^’-nwU,c>.V''" " ° >EaDisc:aocKEr--— ------(1987. Scionco Fiction)on) Pdlor wenor.------fALANCHE AWARENESS; A ' Youno Palostlniansi" linI SSleroo)p ______pogT MnnPPM MTV J ______^------IM S (TMC) MOVIE.* *SS*ja_:;Edd]a-Mur------3f"wuuU>or. torrain'and -onow—------— (BIB NtQKTLJNEp " ■ ------phy-Raw"-t1S07—Co-Comody)-Eddi^==:g-.^qrfnnow-stablitty:------10-.36-0-<11>-M*A*8m Havlawkoys.ond___ Murphy. ORT8 TONIGHT Troppor aro loft to enlivenen tho camp 8:30 O SCTV Sketcheshos: Jo o DiMog* ' 5 IPORTSCEKTER Up-to-doto ..... when tho nurooo aro ovacla cu a to d .:_____ glo‘9 (Bill Murray) resrostourant: rcKk ^ ®1. O M*A*8*H star Clay Colilfts (MorMoranls) morrios „ pmTERTAINMENT tei TONIGHT Ao- 10:46 O NATIONAL GEOORjIRAPHICEX------6oo-Blon-^0'Hore)-on- fin'TrBVOltnr(lrrStoroo)------— — PLORER Foaturodi.tho;^i;NavyJl»_alri. __ - W o o k ." --...... JIM HENSON'S GHOST OF boss: locusts of northorfirfiATricfliSL CSI9(11)0NEWHAIKART Tho locals f | ^ 4ERe F H A U (In S tero o JP Lozaria Island; England's}'B W ashing- _ think-Dick hnamurdOffdofod.joonno of^ .. K)W1 MOVIE A * "Porky'6 R07- . ; •.. tonKItoFestival;wrod^Jo lSwodorfa.-^ ------tor hls rirat mystofy r ". (1985, Comody) Dan Mona- Royal Worship Kronan. ------lIshod-tR ) (In Storoo) c ^yattKnlgW. ' . • 11:00 ® BEWITCHED A to«toofvager lo­ QD USA TONIQHT I DONNA REED Fflonds think torviows Darrin about hislls u ro o r. O ON STAGE Foatioaturod; Johnny I “has tho portoct husband. CS PAT SAJAK Loo. (In Storoo) 0 O IB a (B> OUTDOOR IDAHOO • 6:00 CD ROWAN & MARTARTIN’S LAUGH- ^ w s1 ” * O D R A GN ET IN OTHER FACES OF AIDS.Ex- - ID VIDEO DfSC ’JOCKEY CS 0 ( 1 1 ) CD DESIGN s tho growth o t A ipS in jrtnpf-:

v/hon sho nnds BillI hohandcuftod to 0 Narrator. ABC newsman wllh tho destruction of WiWarsaw, and scantily d a d dancor.•.(R) (R (in Sloroo) p Q w ra10 o Strait.5 □ continues with tho InvasloiIon of France ------WTImoB-NowsrTwin'Fall^ldaho—-Friday, Fall Soptombf■nbor g - i9 g g ------I,-W iti VlfORLD OFANN------1 VKi tt>« a«tt)« of BrIttJn. (Port ~ a y H ' O WOALO MONTTOR ChrlsUi Monda •nc* Monitor rw n roportJ CEU8ATONKJ _ f l l CROSSFIRE B MOVIE *I* « « * ‘T h e Story ol Alox- rERENCE Grahjaham Boll" (1939, ’ Ins. ' ■ PUBUC POUCY CONFER :1N MOVIE * * "S unsot" (198988, a jitso flh e . Btogrsphy) Don Dc Amecho. Lorotta ' • NFL YEARBOOK HkghllQbtJ Convlomedy-Dramo) Bruce WilUs. Jomim es 19S8 S«n Fr«»d«o {P lamor. . m SELF-IMPROVEMENT '(WOU O E B O ^ m C H STSTREET OTATION Fea- Q“'2; RoboCop ‘ turad: gu a st hohost Kathy Mattoa: Skip 2 ^0 0a SUSIE SHOW MOVIE * * * ■•Rob BCROPP FAMILY NATURE ALBU)UM (1087, Scterwa Fiction) P ote t tr rw ' e u ^ . OGRAMMING The Rhythm of Ufe-24 Hours on}n a N inw A D en. Ofai Reef" 7T» Cropp tamOy o: c m MOVIE * * * "TTW Flama i tATENIGKT , ! j S ® S o S 4■8CENTER c Up-to-dato lores Australia's Great Barrier Res Arrow" (1950. Advonture) Bui 1 UVE YOUR DREAMS CMtvr. VlraW t Maro. scores. O N MOVtEi **V4 •■•The Gypsy jJ®®BO MOVIE "Tallspin: Behind the tti 11M O) I^O E EDmON oroan Airilner Trogedy" (198!989, 1. O NFL FOOTBALL N*w YorKor1( QIanta M oths" (1989.19. iAdventure) Burt Lan- (Uva) □ caster. Deboral>rah Korr. rama) M ichaol. Morlarty. Mk:hainaoi I a t W ssltingion RadsMns. (Uvi lurphy. i CC • ARSCN10 HALL SchtU te d X j - 12:35 Q ) BENSONION ny Danza O CRIMEWATATCHTONiOHT 5 [SHOW] MOVIE * * "Ono TorrirTinc .■ slnoar Paula AMul; Tony u y " (1966. Drama) Morfotte Hsrtlo-uoy, . J ("vK o’« tha Bo#»7"). (In StarS^roo) lajS • (11) AOAODERLY Addorly and ( O reanspan trytry to stop a notorious rayne Rogers. 1 1 M e (11) • PAT SAJAK Q O LASSIE 11:30 [SHOW] MOVIE * *k* * "Big" terrorist from Iks, EUza- w ater supply. (I 1 B PAID PROGRAMMING (1988. Comady) Tom Hanko. ) EARLY BIRD BARGAINS tw th P w to w . a'vacatlon'' 12:45 B MOVIEIE ’***% "French Con- „ f?I CROSSFIRE 2 - 11:30 B MISTER ED WUbur-B vi 5 O THREE STOOGES plans are up»et wtwn his auntlunt visits. nectkjn ll" (1975, (1 Drama) Gone ?1»S [ER: STAR Hackman. FerrvB^ndiRoy. 32259 O ANN SOTHERN SHOW O ( 9 JACK HORKKEIUER: I GOMER PYLE. USMC Whonn a i nom y. SHOVkf MOVIE/IE * * "Porky’a Ro- um olrt flubduoa two hoodlumi ITH OAVIO------venpfl" (1965^5.Xomfidy)J3mLMoQft:^------SSES’iffiSasSSS omor ond Cortot hi'o^IVOmrWTSn LETTERMAN (R) On Staroo)ao) han. Wyatt KnitCnlghi. - ^ 0 ahd Howle IrfJOBliYTHHEHEE SONS Tho Douglaa O (ia ) FALL OUY Cott and 1 LARRY LEA mu*t pick up two moonaWnaninerslnHa- menftxapiano»no. ® I- MOVIE—***V 4..rW hnl'a_UUp*^ l ______; waO. B S HEADLDHJNEHEW 8 ------J foc?" L ? (1972. Comody) Ryan ONe«leal, B ON STAQE Featurod;d; Johnny B (12) USA TC ilSSlTEASURES ■ arbra Strolsond. Laa. {In Starao) QDtomiSONl 1 PAID PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING S Z: B P A IO PROQRAMMIMQI a B PAID PR I SHORT SUBJECTS B MOVIE "CaUlngling Zen>" B B JACK< 8SCAUA AT THE IM- g Jack Scalia C'Dallas"). I HEAOUNE g NEWS (1935. Drama) Jam aa Caflr*agney. Pat PROV Host Ja » GETTINQ FIT Comedians; Jorry Jo Minor, JoB Bolt, ™ ^ O'Brlon. s e s NEWS (R) m GLOBAL VILLAGE Tha celobra-C Wendy Kamemerwfl and Tom Parks. ^ GHT MADNE8S,(H0ME I 09 MYSTERIOUS CITIES OF O Oon of centurlas-old trsdiUIkdlbotu in B MOONUQH OLD' - - - England. 6HOPPINQ) (Contlnuod)(C< B NEWSNtOHT UPDATEi B HEADUNE(E IHEWS OVERNIGHT OI BO KEADLINE NEWS D KENNETH COPELAND B 8P0R T 8 TRIVIA SporttK>rt8 b r a in ------B COLLEGEE fFOOTBALL.Wyomlng ... ® « J TODAY WITH MARILYN— - taasafa. vs. Air F orctt (I 11:35 GD NIQHTUNEqi ______I ^ S ® TBIALLsy’juny B ______gB " NEW ' HEALTHY DIET ------O -ARSENIO HAtl. Schadul-idulod: sin- 1:10 [SHOW] MCMOVIE * * • "MontanB. wI FUN ZONE------^----- : I (D SIGNATURE Sailor • Fhillililllp • gar Paula Abdul; Tonyrty Danza gro" (1981,, Comedy)C Susan An- O « _____ ■ c m o ’B the Bpaa?^. (InStaS tereo )______speeh..EflolKl.JKl.JOMPhMfL______JJiPlg:fold. B ZOARCZorro must atopipD D onCar- 1:14 B FOCUSIS BITIEWS Nl ------^— ------^ los. os ha tiles.pnca Bsainito to c I ap tu re 1-.30 B OONNANA REED.Frionda.thlnk____ 2 5B 5BODIES IN MOTION Oonna haa theft^ r l|^ hu8band.______3 SELF-IMPROVEMENT GUIDE2------tt)B mouTTtaln man. TytQ—MOVtE— vProtococoii: ------ARC*VOyf"" 'BPAlOWlOO ------ItOO B CAJt-S4, WMEWe AWt 584, Comody) Goldio Hawn, ChrihriB ------Toody and MukJoon take twohvovialtlofl B MOVIE **V4*V4‘W n g 8 o rth o N o v y ‘ HB84 arandon. R u u ^ officials, on a toutlUt iof New (1839, Advenaintwo) OUvlo do Hnvil- - ^ |a r a r land, John Poyi 5 HBO M OVIE-***—S a s t SoUOJ York City. 987. Drama) Jamos Woods. BrUirlan B 700 CLUB H o st P a t Robitobertson. 1:39 GO MOVIE*E * * * "Tho Fallon Idol" 088 7 ZZIE'ANO------ri648«-Drama}na}-Ralph-Bichard5on. ^Donn ------CB A ovE N T U ftE a-op-oaaa ano------HARRWT-Whan-O^rAWIUamsm s sp e n d s------BotobiuHaomy- 0 SHOW MOVIE * * * "Montoni ■avaral nights wM the Nelaotlsons, Oz- 1:45 B CNN NE??EW8ROOM ro" (1SU1, Cflmaay)"Su5on-Ai riptoma. 1:55 HBO KIDSfOS .IN THE HALL (In oach, Erland Josophson. - - IN MOVIE *Vi "Fatal Boaut)uty" ______B VmEOCOUimtY.(in StanStaroo)...... StDfBO )a------937,' Drama) Whoopi Goldbor B PAID PROORAMMINOi 3 M B MAKEi'RboiTFOR^DAbbY' org. — ------BB8H0irraT0RIE8V^-a*wJewish boy;::------Owny-ruaaOati: om ElHott. converts to Ch^Uanly alterIter e xpeiV tom ptt to teachBCh Gina the custoro of OTTO U TTLE PHINCE------o m tg c r r------r ~»J ^ . OM A JERRY.-S.FUNHOUSE- "M ousla." a spoof on horrorror movies.i (I) MOViE ****Vi * i "Mado lor Each ^D FAITH« TWENTY — ----- B8ECRET80»iNATURBAilA e tu d y o f------Oth«:i-(1971.l.Comody).Ronoo-Toy < ------WD -J^ JAMES R O B IS O N ______D'PAID PROORAMMINO snakes and their habits. ior, Jo se p h Boi M . sD s8 A&E PREVIEW Tho upcomirning ♦So'iK w e^V i "Youngjng Ouns". B 80L0FLEXEX #boww vrt on Arts & Entortnlnment. 1 BUSINESS MORNING...... (1988. V^estem) EmUlo Estevitevez. Klft- B VIDEO DISCJSC J o c k e y 2 ? ’ ______' m a a m o v ie 9 NATION'S BUSINESS TODAYY ------lar Suthartnnd.------JMOW] MOVIE-««W "The-FoorlOfth—^T-T^.— (TMC) MOVIE **★ "Wan'an street" HoartMfWTTl ties, I Douglas, • flBh" (1978, Drama) Robert Oottlo (1087. Drama) Michaol 0 3hn.Molilon______i -Chariifl S h een...... ______12:00 GD CRIMEWATCH TONIC B LARRY KU*ONG OVERNiaHT------12:30 B ROV/AN A MARTIN’Sr s ILAUGH- B PUBUC POIPOUCY CONFERENCE • I _ IN B 8ELF-IMPRIPROVEMENT GUIDE S ElELL I IT! BUY ITf f CD ADOERLY Adderty andmd Green- 2 M (TMC) MOVOVIE **V> "Eddio Mur. 7 ^ ^ ClaaUlwSWill nil Ev»ryN»tto-d sp a n try to sto p a notork)^sVS terroristI phy Raw" (19(1987, C o n ^ y ) EddIo from p o i a o i ^ the ctty's wwpi pteraup- Muiphy.- & , 2:20 MOVlOVlE * * * "Big" (1S80. "7 ’ 3 3 - 0 6 2 6 ScAt^UMTMWl^'BOBCtBCOSTAS Comedy) Tomm Hanks,t EUzabolh Per------FfKtny, s^piom por's , i S89— isday evenitihg programn s 7

' EVENtNQ______D a y t i m e ; m i o v i e s e:00 CD BEWrrCKED OoOorrln Is burlod ------11 11:05 O **** "Sponocus"6" (1960, in worK whon hia bboss os loavos for MQRNJfWJG______Dramo) (Part 2 of 2) Kirk Douglas, 0 Paris. Louronca Olivier. CD 0 < » CD 0 ( 1 1 )) SSI I NEWS a 09 FRENCH CHEFiF '"Hom Iro n s- 5:40 HBOJO *»'/^j ’Travollng Mon” AFTERNOON formation" (1989. Comody-Oroma) Cc John Uth- — S ) WHEEL OF FORTU^TUNE q ------flow. J008 onaihan Silverman, O COSBY SHOW a^ilfl's ifl' paronts In- S;4S SHOMOW * * ”Ono Torrlfic Guy" , 12:16 12 I S * * * "Follhful In My FiFashion" vile Rudy to spend tnoIho nlghl a t thoir (19BB. Dramo). D Moriotlo Hartley, (1940, Comedy) Tom Droko,10, .Donna _ _ ' houso. (In Storoo) oJ Wayno RcRogers, Rood. >AINS S:5S CINI * "Friday tho 13th - A Now HBO **V^ "Mado in Heaven'3n" (1907, a (12) QROWINQ PAI> >n, Koliy G l MOVIE * * V t "ThoTho UttIo Sho- • Beginningling’’ (1985, Horror) John Sho- Fontosy) Timothy HuHon. phord of Kingdom Como" C< (1961, pard, Moll•lolanle Kinnaman, McOillls. Droma) JImmIo Rodgor:gora. Chill Wills, • 6:00 (TMC)dC) **V% -D iam cnds" (1975, 1212:25 (TMC) * * * "The Cottorton Club" CD KIDS INCORPORATEATEO Whon Slo- ' Advontoraloro) Robort Shaw .-R ichard (1984. Drama) Richard Gorloro. Ore- da hG srrott oaks thO girlgirls 10 bo In hor floundirottroo. gory Hinos. now muslo vldoo. thoho Iboys want o 7:00 CD * *'/i "Tho Mlnivor Story" 12:30 1J CIN * * * "Sunday in No\low York" pleco of tho ocilon,------...... (1950. DMDramo) Greor Qorson, Wollor,. (1963, Cornody) Clllf Rolloborison, _ _ Q C0NVERSAT10N_V4_WIIH_D)NAtl ___ •_ ^ — T^— Jano Fonda. SchbaulodrDorrHbTodUbdilh: (fn siarao)------7::Sorl Bottles, John 'dor'J-(1980. Comody) RIchar»ard Oroy- O REACKINQ FOR) TlTHE SKIES A Moiiion.’I. fuss, Raul Julia. look ot bombors ondd ththo pilots who CIN * ***Vi * ”A Hard Day's Night" 52:00 CD "Tho U st Right otor N oah's fly mom. (1964. Musical) Mu Tho Bootios, Wilfred Ark" (1900) Elliott Gould, GeGonovlovo A CLASSIC p.rrv Brombotl.otl. Bujold, O ENTenTAINME^«ENT TONIGHT 0:00 (TMC)IC)*** "Ot0ll0"(1886, Musl- O **V) "Sovon Womon"n" (1966. '^oryl stfoop and Rose)osoanno Barr’s cal) Placicacido Domingo. Justino Dioz. Oroma) Anno Bancroft. SuoJO Lyon, Mpcoming movlo •'Shi•Sho-Dovil." (In 0 : 0 5 0 *** * "R ulosof Marrlogo’'(1982, S B ® **Mi "Bom to Bo Bada d " (1950, —€toroo) Dfoma)) (P(Port 2 of 2) Blzaboth Moni- Dramo) Joon Fontoino, Robobort Ryan. s a ® ELIZABETHI AARDEN (Pro- gomofy.y. ElliottE Gould. 05 * * "Tho-Toughost Moi(an In the T, Dennis mloro) This w om nn'si' b irovolutlonary 9:00 GB (SO * * V i "Born lo Bo Bod" W orld" (19B4. Oroma) Mr. T approach to wholo-bod>xx)y hoalth pro- (1950. DrcDrama) Jo a n Fontaino, Robort Voyage of OTilsd hsr to tho lopp ool tho boauly Ryon, HB§) * * * "Tho Sovonth Vc ftdustry. , H B O ***t* * ”Tho Long Hot Sum m br"' ~“ :““ Sinb-ia"-(1958rFflntacyjTCor ADVENTURERS •A A rmountainoof- (1905, Oromo)On Don Johnson, Jason ------th«wft..Kolhryn GranL------[ng toam skis tho 13.26C.260-fooj foco of Robards,ds, :2:15 CIN '’eoforo Wintor'jr Com os" - W ountW addinglonlnn scsouthw est B ri-■■ ■ ClfT"***/*\1 — Cnscodilo'- Dundoo II" (1969. Orama)-DauJcLJJivai.fnn. Anna tfsh Columbia. (1988. CcComedy) Paul Hogan, Linda Karina. Koslowskvskl. :2:30 (TMC) * * "Hot Pursuitull" (19B7, ______PRIMENEWS ob-oHTogr------ffl'EVENT OF THE DA^DAY------9:30-C B>'-**« -* ‘■Belty-Aro~f^lnging~~~~------^Como’dy)^ohn Cuiock, Rob ID TUESDAY NIOKT•MUSCLEBody- ML (I960. MiMusical) Judy Holliday, b o a n . gia. Duildlng. Junior Noilonoonal Champion- Martin, 3:00 SHOW ** "Maynowor 1 rgon,Chri?i_____ npotWon— from------SHOVH' »h * * •’SwooH.-otfoinft^fl&Sy,------(IQBTTOromaHiandlcfreorgi ——; .....Woniphls; TonnrfTapodp o d ) ------Dnjma)‘Wi)‘fu1ouroon Stopieton.-Tflni At------C l SPENSER: FOR HIRE HI Sponsor varodo.). 3:30 HBO **V» "Poo-woo'3■3 Big A{1- ) Poo-woo (looks rovongo ogalnstnst Q man who 10:00 CD *V*\^ "Tho Now Advonluros of venture" (1985, Comody) I toriously woundod himIm llIn •sh o o to u t. rPlppiLon.on26lOCl‘ln9--(l988. Fantasy) —-—-—H _ onnan, B iratjeth Daily. PH O W ] MOVIE **V^ »"( "C h o rry 2000” ' Tami ErinErin, Eileen Bronnan. 4:00 (TMC) **T5“ "ProtbCbi'foi” n984;------hfiSS.-SclOncO nctidril)nVMoiani6'Grir. l 0 * * " R"RolnbowOvorTouos" (1946, • Comody) Goldie Hawn, Chriliri6 Sarsn- ______;__ flUiJavJd.Androaa.______Wnniorn)rn) Roy Roj^ers, Da^o ____ CTMC) MOVIE * "AJionJion From L.A." fTM C)-* ------CIff*T'’5oIlorOn Dofltrn(198S.CU- - ng87, Fantasy) Kalhyly Irtrolond. Thom ' Bluos”’ (1972.i Biography) Diana • mady) John Cusack, Oavkvid Ogdon R oss, DiliBilly Doo Williams, Stiora. CIN MOVIE • "Ghostat FFovor" (1907, 11:OOSHOWOW * * * "Blackboard Jungio” 5:00 SHOW **Vi "Tho Four!urth Wish-’ ______Con^ody) Shorm an Hemsioy. He Luis______(1955. DDramo) Glonn Fond. Anno . _ (1976, Drama) Robert BotU'itUos. John ------e : t» t» ^ S H ^ F - T H B*B-CHAMPION9 - < ------CIN -**^ ___ 6l30 HBO * Rnnnnn«ifta" (1387. Oromo)») CCandlco Borgon. Chris Sor- Comedy) Oom DoLulso,0, Jimmio e j o CD MISTER ED WillWilbur buys on ondon, Wallu)r. tfntiquo statuo. . CD 0 (1 1 ) WHEEL OF3F FORTUNEI Q D a y t i m ee s p o r t s O OS NIGHTLY BUSINEINESS REPORT ------Schodulod:- tho Monoy.oy.Filo I ...... — ■ ' ------^— a^E0P*HDYrC5^“ ...... — M O R NNtNG" tt 1 - — —AFTERNOON ------______QCDCOSBY-SHOWr.Cilff.trlaaJQjat Cii • " 1 . . " _____ -._o.'.borgDln_prlco. o n.0 . n .now, j c a r._(ln._----- gg-sp ISPORTSCENTER Up-to-date.- -lOXJ CD AUTO-RAClNO-SCa ...... Sioroo).£3------From Lox- ______O.aS.M'VS'HRodarJdor^s dopanuro _ scoros. Trans-Am Championship, Fr uis Kllngor and B.J.I. In Iho d u m p s.' ~7:00 CD'PtPOA-SENIORS-QOLF-Norlh ------ington,-Ohio. (R)------SD NIGHTLY BUSINESSESS REPORT Classic,c. F Final Round from Indlana- _ 2:00 CD LEGENDS OF WORLIIL ^L A SS ~ O (12) CE CD CURREN'EWT AFFAIR IR) WRESTLING BODIES IN MOTION 3:00 CD TRUCK AND TRACKrrOR PULL CD SIDEKICKS Ernlo omond his frionds « compoti- discovor a cavo boingiing..,sod 00 o ) CFL FOOTBAa Calgary Powerful enginos In fierce ' vMrohouso by tjurglars. □ Siompodcodors 01 Edmonton Eskimos. tion. TOUR ______O,C ROOK AND CHAaE (Trooai 3:30 CD INSIDE THE PQA TC 3e'^m o9;N ow a. Twin Foils■oils, Woho FfkJay, Soplombor3orBri089 ------,------1

if 1 TUESDAY EVENIN'tNG Z Hll1:.’!nll2:00ll2:30'- a-nn I «:30 9:00 I 9:30:30 10:00 110:3011 1 :^ _ 7:00 I 7:30 8:0 . Slgn-O n'______Upstairs, Down1 p,o.v. • ______• l‘ .acH^llthiv Nova - lEt>iflnaln-|Nlohtllno - lArsentoH^ ~ Q. ISoup^ uteGoesOn w ? Iwooflef Ro- jpavMLetterman IC ostasr ^ B«lol N m MIdnlflht Caller't News Tonight Show |l HBoefc______Hb«H 3r»ves at Giants |Movio: "Me"McCabe and Mrs. Miller" ' H$ti ot Uw cnnffploo*i VIIVill |Major Laagoe Baseba'li: Bi«» NigtilCl, |S u r Troll . jliFoIIQuy ii iflhway lo Henvw Movielo w "Murder Is Easy" ______News ~ M-A-S-H lP8tSa|a>r|ak ■ . . Night HL \ lovio: ■•The Man In the Brown Suit" I Wings for lhe Eagle t[ ---- : Bomber"______iBBCfting Skica |Road;oscWng SKIes | movI9: •'Dive Bot "Entro Nous". -______; i1 ” [improv)rov Bliabelh Arden Movie: "Er «:"TheBk» Blob'^______Movifli^Tlio.Blot ^-L^^fvv' Ovnf ParadoC - W*h * iTTwmb^ Movie: "Cherry Z islnessl Scuta |PaBSport Eur. |[Bargains |Cruise Travel f aarpalns" Almanac ot Travel IbusH^

"The Uon ol At- movW: "SwBrt lOftHna" HBO MOVIE *i> T u e s d a i problem s rico" (1BB7. AdAdvonturo) Brian Don- li Nllalllo I Pwl. Trip I Baro 9 Adams, — Sh"« v’.riEb' * * * "Swoot Lor- 59 57. Droma) Mouroon j,nd,d fJ Borlot. 1 c a MTV N6W8 AT NIQHT loinfthot- roino’ (196T. Stopleton. Trinirini Atvarodo. o NE O USA TODAY Current pro aoarchos 7:30 O CAR S4.4 . \WHERE ARE Y0U7 A .gHO\H O ^M O V IE * * V t "M oot ^ aa botched In 1919 is at- paradirndor'- (1988. Comody) Richer/ : . i s r ? . S ! S Kjest: « Rob- crime that w aa I i . inmotod aaainiln iovon though most ol orgyf, worW# flf«at pllols compolo In raro now m an old-tolks—ftJO'i!“in» W T v '^ ^ tS io s :. boWnd;thq air t»!k>on roc« In Austria, i r q ------■ alminals or .MEW8H- ...... , sconoxinos look ot.SCT>LdurLnoSwMp 7.-00 C9 PATTY OUKE Potty m i WONDER YEARS Kovin, yVookook with Lomo Groono (Uvy). -jRJ« ------1 (or hor tuturo husband. Quest lo-Fon-(Short)-and-Unda-LBvl,vto------! IF'BOSST------pnulund-Wlnnlinnlo-hnvo-dlftoront-atti------nilo-f ------ort Goulet. ,tr first roal tudoa to w a rdd ^tho upcoming summer (^5^1 CD 0 ( 1 1 ) © R E S C U E 9 1 1 C 3 0 ® O CHICKEN 60U P (Serip ------O ' ® MACNEItAEHHeR______HI vacatlon-(B)) (It(in^lofoo) O ------0 3 0 InUock ot- (TMC) MOVIEIE I * * * "Good Morning, pfo„ilromiere) (in Storoo) g sldanw no Vlotnom -.(191l19B7i Comedy-Dromo) q I MAJORm . LEAGUE BASEBALL■4 A ------® VaTffl'W HffS-THF-l isco lurder ot a Robin W^llgmsm s. Forost Whitokor. mmanta Bravos al Snn Frandac ■ Tony nnd Ar>gola havo ihotr lii pi^K*' MO^fl r iant ThrrW en— ^H offor) Stovo»°''‘ Tiij ir if^ r i i o r ( ----- presa»GI»n.Tim- 0 ( 2 0 8 NO'*JOVA Exam ines {>o33lt3lo gion MorlU to Zermatt. . 19 tor Eastor island's Iso- B f NOAH'S ARK A camol apoct O (12) highw ay TO HEAVlFeatured: oxplanations ti lotod cuUuro•0 andI Ita oncionl hloro- |f,o|rial dweno in tho Andos ana Pal :--7-^®MOV!E-**V>-^Harnb^ I glgantHT carved hoada.. ggni tie" (1984. Comedy) Ulllonh Gl! Canadian glyphs ond gl ^roV-THOMBEttNA~Ar*lm*u sTrorrzotfb/:------(fi) (Port l-ol-!t3t-2rt?-^------— :— -SHO othy Bottoms. - 0 MISTER ED WliborT buysI a n " ID HYDFrOROPLANE RACINQ HFC antique statue. - " ' ' American:an Series. From Lexington, O » JACK HOflKKElMEIIER: STAR (1941. Advonturo) ErroErrol H,nn. Fr«d HUSTLER T ^ c s In astrononooiy. ' MacMurroy. SARTBEAT A -s in g ie older • O O JiA 'ra N K W T W mTH ' DAVID O REMOTE CONTROL woman) se ek s Paul's hoip with In vitro. LETTERMAN Schedulad:'n'm usician O FIRST IN THE PHIUPPW PNI ES A “ fIlion; 'i ? a roconti)' wWowod Branford MarsaUs; antomolo)logl9tRo' I Study Of tho confUct botvjotwoen Philippi- w om an> mustmi follow strict instructions g w Qrothaua. (In 8ter*o) nos nnd Amorlcans aaitt lter tho Unllod ’I?may losa hor Infant O (12) F A U QUY Con anctnd Howie .« -Slates won rulo overr theth Philippines MAKE ROOM FOR DADDY run Into a rough gang of bOcars bi a s j during the Spanlsh-AnxAmerican War, seeks his parents' advice on they search for « bail Jumpeiser. O MONEYUNE m ON STAGE Featured:'1:' Russell - O EVEMT OF-THE DAId a y ------_._CDCHEEFiER S Coach m anages a Uttle Smith, (in S tar« y »loamTwim nn lrt>n fist, q a UQHTER SIDE OF3F !SPORTS Jay 3 “^ ^ U MOVIE *Vt "Secrat of S>nakeand n Johnstone Is host. CD TONIQHT SHOW Guest Crane" (1978. Adventure) T an Taa a SPENSER: FOR HIRE HIR Hawh be- ay Lono. (In Stereo) Uang. Fang Fang. comos D murdor susp n t ^ ^ (C SEASON SAMPLER£ R d ) l o n' the palm ar and others, q CE MAQNUM. P.l. Whilolilo Investigating chary Rk*lichard and the Z ydera Rode- CD ARSCNK) HALL Sci>ciMduled: Ns triand’s death. Magnum Mi con- ors perfoirform tradlttonal Cajun and DvirW HassethofT ("BaywatdItch"). (In fronts a drug doolor,r. a an Arob gold ^ d o c o •mi music. (In Storoo) Stereo) dealer and a powerfulul ccriminal. ID POSTr r I MODERN MTV 12KW O C A R 54, WHERE AREEY0U7A > O BATMAN CD O NiaNIQKTUNE "Capllal to Capl- crime that w aa botched In 1919 1 0 laat- O CROOK AND CHAStASE (In storoo) tal" SctXKJnodulod: a W ashington. D.C.- tempted again even though1 mr ost of O VIDEO DISC JOCKE5KEY MoscowH c conlorenco botweon public the criminals are now in an otd-foDnol - O ID IMPROV TONtTEITE (Iri storoo) ' Officials 1 arand scholars. (Uve) g home...... O SPORTS TONIQHTrr lo-jflo(ii)11) M»A»S*H Radar helps o u ! ' - ' O TOO CLUB H o st P a t Rc*« ______CD SPORTSCENTERsR up-to-date alambmwiieantforaGrM klestivaland ------___ O AOVENTtmES OP OZDZ I E * ^ . scores. Frank IsI chcheated out of an (»ponun- HARRIET The Nelsons 00go to a (TMC) MOVIE *» "H"Hot Pufsulf Itytoporsjo n e ^ e a young soldier. Hawaiian luau. ______Li,987.j:i3niQ{Iy)John_Cn_Cu3ack ..P o ^ ID M’A 'S ’ O VIDEOCOUNTRY (In Sterisreo) ort Loggia. ^ IT C H E D Ja 'rrin Is burled O MOVIE * * "Wings for thata Eagle" 0:45 [SHOW] MOVIE **«k * * "Wish You In V«irk: wwhon his boss leaves for ------n942rOramo>-AnnihaAJan..iV-Oannia—— W ero Horo" (19B7, CoirI^mody-Dramn) Paris. Morgan. . . . ------Emily Lloyd. Tom Bell.III. CD PAT 84SAJAK O CHALLENOE An Interrjmational Tf 0:54 O ( 9 4-TEL ODRAQN ) team of exptorora goes v^lti r ^ / with an irnto customor er on< his papor a iB MOMOVIE * * * •'Enlre Nous^**-^^^ route. (1883. OnDrama) Isabella Huppert, ■ ^ O SPORTSLOOK ^ ______CTaoegtctnsdQ(11)Q D S)CD Miou-Mlou.iou. (TIilC) MOVIE * - AUen Frono m j ^ " ------O-WORLD^LD^l^ONfTOR-Chrt8tIar^Sc^------— |1 9 e7.-FBmaay) Kathy Irelandn d i.T h c m ...... :_____ U _IiaSP,O .V . "Bost Boy"oy'^ Dlroctor Ira , onc« Monitsnitor hows report Wohl’s Oscar-winningg 19T9-portniit1 ----- ^ -« - C n 06 8 » R R E ------12*5-0.AR9EN10.12 HAU. Sch.:heduled: U C -P0U 01K »N fT O eH C e------David Hasselhooinua------Droma) Jimmio Rodgorslors, Chin Wills. Unda Kosic»tow skl. ID MOVIE "T'The h Sunshine 11:05 (DINSIIeNIQ-HALL EF - Sct>eduledl------~ vtewa wfth tfoae m ends WflhDjip o m this - m o n t y p y t h o n ’Ss FCY1NQfi c ir :------David H assassalhdff (“Baywatch"). (in ~mfUe of JadO e Q leason. CUS Storoo) O CONVERSATION WffH1 DINAH O ® EUZABETH ARDEN Al This n.-Oe 0(11)1nOPATSAJAK Scheduled: Oon Meredith. (Inn S^ tareo) . _ w om an's rovolullonoryry opproacho lo 11:15 O MOIWVIE-*** "McCabe and O SPOffTS LATENIOHT whole-body hooith pfop0LBStDay8"(ig89.Drama). 12:38 12 O (11) NK2KT HEAT GiaUambone a SENTIMENTAL WOfVOMEN NEED Haing S. NgNgor. Steve Antln. and 0 ‘B i ^ b w om a curtotws a1 tic y ta ------^------NOT-APPLV-Tho hisioryiryofnurslnflis c ------(TMC)-SHO»< O f r m L M w o w c » s E ------preaonlod, from Fioronironco Nlghtin- 11:29 [SHOW3WJ MOVIE * * * "Miles dead sister’s memory aOve. (I ..-aalo to today's hoollh-oh-earo profos- From Home'me" (1988, Drama) Richard ONEWS _ _ 3 a jnmca-Now3,-Twin FaJi«,_;l«, W aho------Friday, Seplomberf 8.e.-ieee^------'!

12:45 HBO EDOE A hit mnn ist ordoroaor 2:55 [SHOW] MOVIOVIE * * * "Park Row" T u e s d a y to lormlruito tfio womon ho lovos.low (In 0 9 ^ Drama)I) Gono' Evans. Koy y ; — Storeo) ------SHOW MOVIE * * * "Wish You Woro i-00 B LA ^V " Horo" (1907. Comody-Oramo)no) Emily OGREEN-ACRE*RES Eb finds an Ingon- Bumsjm s, Waltor Mattnau. Uoyd. Tom BoU. • Ious way to raisellso cash. BI FUNFU ZONE 1:00 O MY THREE SONS A. lotloud ox- B PAID PROGRGRAMMING BI« « etONATURE Interviewed: WlkWl------pknlon wokos Bub up. a EARLY BIRDnOBAROAINS llanvPnvProxmiro. S ta i HEAOUNE NEWS a CROSSFIREIE O NiNEWfS E O (12) CD USA TONIQHT a JIMMY HOUS(OSTON OUTDOORS 0 BOBOOiES IN MOTION B PAID PROORAMMINQ 3:25 HBO MOVltiVlE **W "TDe Big S SSELF-IMPROVEMENT E i QUIOE B MOONUQHT MADNESSS (HOME(» Town" (1967, OnOmmo) Mntt DllkMi. Dl- 4.-05 GDNEWSGD SHOPPING) (ContlniKKl) ane Lone. 4:10 CtlCIN MOVIE "Above thehe B HEAOUNE NEWS OVERNIRNIGHT 3 = » tt A N N S 0OTHERN ; n SHOW U wW " |(1888, Drama) Sleven Saagal,:al, B AUTO RACINQ IMSA CallCalifornia O GOMER PYLEYLE, USMC Cartor b»- Honrynry Silva. ____ — GranffT>rlK.”from-Sonomo. (R)j p . ------comos-the-Mir-cill-ooneckHia-stv-^.a— 4;35-SH■SHOW-MOVIE-** rUz'-'.0978.rC ------i CIN MOVIE *Vi "Vlbos" (11988. 9 « Co- television docuncumontary obout tho Dramosmo) Elona Glonn. Richard Ro-10- mody) Cyndl Uiupor. Joff Goldioldblum. MarlnA Corps. 1:05 d ) BENSON • - B LARRY LEAA 4 : 3b ^ LITTLE PR IN C E...... - O CRIMEWATCK TONIQHTrr a n e w k e a lt>LTHY DIET O TOMTOI & J E R R rS FUNHOUSE 1:14 B FOCUS a HEADUNE= Nl (BI FFAITH A TWENTY 1:16 HBO MOVIE *** "Cloorloan nnd B QETTING FTT IJAMES ROBISON Sobof" (1988, Ornmii) Michaollao lK o n - 3:45 (TMC) MOVM5V1E * * * "Otoiio-; 2 ; ^ (1986, Musical)al) Pladdo Oomlngo. I« AftE PREVIEW Tho upcominfIng ton; Kaihy Baker. owa on Arta & Entertainment. 1 i 6 ISHOWJ MOVIE * * "Uz z" " ((1979. Justino Diaz, I BUSINESS IWORNINQ Oroma) Elono Glonn. RIcharcluird Rb- 4.-00 O MYSTEFreRK>us crnEB of ggu ------G O L D ------I NATIONS BUSINESS TODAY man. ' ...... fSHQ)iHOWl'.MOVlfi-AA-UJQflh-HflftcI ll t flP POMHft InUhnao d RawtOda" (1985, Orama) v m aam ir - wim on Iraia customor on his paper CE KENNETH CCCOPELAND B TOOAY WITHrrH MARILYN . latner, Christopher Ponn. routo. I QD UTAH 1969 WrTH PHIL.RIEIE-______O HOGAN’S HEROES Hogon'ilon'amflti .- - ® MOV]E>**■**Vi "TTm.Sunshlno__ rj,------dupo tho Gosiapo end holpolp throe B oys (1975,5, Comody) Goorgo SEN . atomic sd e n tistsesc ap o to England.Eni d 7 DICK CLARK'S QOGOLDEN ^ ^ GREATS.Amoricn: Buflalo 8 flold; Momas and tho Papas: ponwolf. (In Storoo) Speci:ial makes3 Top 10 O MOVIE "A U tto r to ThrooIO WV\ ives ' 1 --.(IflSS^DramnJJjjnLAndoraon liere on Tuesday. Tho followining phanlo Zlmbailst. LOS ANOELK.ES '^ " (lW r~Bto flrnityT^w ^ S followedby4ffig«» Neagle. Robort Newton. Fox Broadcastasting Co.'s highest- Hereire are the Top 1 0 : A Bc C i B VIDEO DISC JOCKEY n r ■ ratod' show, "I"Married ... With "Rosoarlo a n n e N B C ’s “ Cheers," *'Thr h e B « m o v ie **V i ■'TTto Bla ly Show,” " A Differont Worldrid" ------cW ^1 •'TDoyI MtModo Mo NBC made It163 C straight weeks as Giris"i" oiand NBC?s “ Empty Nest" anand a Cftmlnal- {1939. Dromo) JohnJol Gar- the top networkk withi on average of ABC’s’s "Anything But Love," tied. fiold. Gloria Dickfton. 11(0 Joan Rivera Show," a ne'lew — 2 5 5 8H0W:M0V1E ***-7’.Mlle^ik«-From__10.6,.ABC_waa,se ; second with 9.7 and ' “The Homo" (1988. Droma) Rlchorihard Gore;—CBSwarthirdArttirtth'9.0.'------^ -s y n dlicato ic s 'd "3 ay tlm o -taik “ 8hdi*o w r~ ■■------_____ KOYlnAPderapn.______J_____------^------T ho m tin g ifl1 thoth porcontago of the. premniered ie: J'ues^y with gooood ------2:30 0.SU SIE _ ...... l-miUionJiomes with ratingsIgs in: the Nielsen'dve'rfiightsTi : i] t - ; - - O A U IN THE FAMILY AaiJofumoff— r ( ^ CBtimatod.90.4-jn with Jealousy, w hen-an old socrol televisions in thehc United States. The was Tirsifirrt in six of 13 citics, accordinling ' about EdKh-artd hor-tomwr-lw-bottu-ia —ehare-is'the-periercentagr?)f.B(jtsin~to Tribaibunc'Entortalnmontr ' ' ravoalod. B MOVIE **V t "Kombonon o t a n d ^ ^ _ T h e first of^UieJiencvy fall.^w s for; ABC^JC was first among tho eveainling ftovi* - :.Jfthe thiijo m ajorfif networkfl inakes ita newsI shshows with a rating of 9 .1 CB::b s nas Sbar^W appearance in'in'tho-next ratings was secondsec with 9 .0 and NBC wa -^------roriicapa^^lgfit., 3 39 •Fritoy,-Soplofrt>or8,1989 T •C inesday evt)ening progrf r a n i s

EVENING______D a y t i m e r m 1 o v i e s 6:00 O BEV/rrCHEO Sanuamanihs learns ■- —— gorao. m at her fattier Is comln{ M0RN1NIING ______11:'11:05 O **-"RaWor8 ol tho0 Sovon CD o » CD e (11) CD60 NEWS Sons" (1953. Advonturo)1) John 0 ( 9 YAN CAN COOKIK ""T oo Busy to Poyno. Donno Rood. Cook" 6i S SHOWiW *** "Pnrk How" (1952,. 11:45 it;! CIN "Soul Mnn" (1986. CoCornody) CD WHEEL OF FORTUNU NE g Oromo) QoGono Evans. Kay WoIch. do, Anthony Ai - _Quent_*ccklont9, tho kids kli suspoct 7:30 SHOWW i* * "North Bonch nnd Ro- _ ( Q u l n n .______, that sh e may need glato * W " T h a Bot*y'‘-(1978i------I (1S84. Drama) Robert OuvaU. turod: gOesI host' Loo C Closo. Pinkard & Bowdon. (Inn SStoroo) Dromo) LiLnuronco Ollvior. Tommy ' p r n g : 1 ...... „Loo Jonoa.loa. 1:1:05 SHOW *V t "Rovongo.1 .o l tho ------« MURDER, SHE-WRCI - - Nofd5-|l: NorOs in Pnradise’*o’**(19«7; ------O REACHING FOR THITHE SKIES A CIN **r-'U ke'Fo^'dko'Son”- ' 1 Ircfolt carriers. (1907. Con:k>mody) Dudley M oore. Kirk Comedy) ' Robert Carradlne.e. Curtis k>ok a t tho work ol olrcfi Armstrong. from tho slnklr>a ol the10 EBismarck to Camoron.n. 8K35 0 * * V "Dlnry of a Mod House- 1:30 1: CiN *** "The Countorferfelt Tral- the FalUands. tor'' (1962. Advonturo) Wllllaillam Hol- O CLASSIC MTV wi(0''(197G970. Comody) Richord Bon)n- ENT TONIQHT min. Carriorrlo Snodgrass. don. Lilli Pnlmor. CD O ENTERTAINMEN1 , Musical) • iStoreo) 9:OOaM*J "No Mnn of Hor Own" 2”.2100 O * * * "Cindy ” (1978, W Actor Bruco VVUIis. (In SI Chnrlnino W oodard. CliftonI Oavls.0 O (B BATTLE UNE Th(The gronl nm- (1950. Oramo) Oro Bnrbora Stanwyck, Iho dOMnoso- John IB _ **% - "Battla . Circus'’.'•. - (J953. , ------phlbtous nsssolt on Iho Dramn) Humphrey Bognrl, JuiJuna Ally- _ hokS iftland bocom os a0 cccostly Marino ” 973’**Vi ^ ,.’’Tho Lost ol Shoiia’;, , . ■ victory. y o lo lo rm sn n d Jom os Mn:Vtoson. O (U **V^ "No Man of.Horfor O w n ": O EQUINOX A variety ol (1950. Drama) Barbara Staitanwyck, their ringing mochanlsmasm s 9:05 SHOWlWHT* " S o ls a "(1988, Oromo) Robby Roalo a n . Rodnoy Hnrvoy. John Lund. O PRIMENEWS ____ sby John lAY 10:00 0 *** * "Tho Greot LocomoUvo r a "The Kidnapping of Bob' e s EVENT OF THE DAY rw Enst- IRE A group of Choso" (1!(1956. Comedy) Foos Par­ Doe" (1986, Drama) Jayno O SPENSER: FOR HIRE wood, Geoffrey Bovms. - thugs terrorizos Sponsor’sor’s neighbor- q ry Corey Jr. 'Homo on tho P ro irio ''(1939, 2:2:30 (TMC) **V» "TTtreo O’CkKk C hood. High" (1987. Comody) Caseisoy Sift- HBO MOVIE *V2 ■"Oongorous Wosiorn)1) Gono( Autry. Smiloy Bur- -r----- Curves 0958.”Comedy)idyl Tfllfl Uorro^— ------rwtte:------k "B atw s In Arm s" (1939,- a von. Danielle Von Zerno«mock. *** ■' II" (1988. Comody) PaulI Hogan,I [SHOW] MOVIE ”R0vRovongoofthe Musk:al)) Judy Gnrlnnd. Mickey irodiso • (1907. Rooney. Unda KoBlowski. Nords tl: N erds in Parofl S H O W **"T hoB ig B luo"(191988.Ad- ______Comfldyi-fiQborLXiirtftirrodine. Cunia * "Big" (1988. Comody) Tom Armstrong. 4:00 (TMC) "Mogic M oments3 "’ (1989! (TMC) MOVIE "MurMurphy’s Rom- 10:30 (TMC)IC) * * * “ Big " (19B8. CO-____ 4i ro m 'H n n k sr ETnraWJtn~Por=; Orama) -John Shoa, Oonny Oetiengrovo. ------ro^TiSSS. Comody)-jy)"SQiirRo'3;------nraoy)-ror CIN **V t ’T h e Fnmily"•• ,. (1987, James Gornor.__ _ - Drnmo) Vittorio O aum an,.FFannyAr- ai ------'e-OSO MOVie * -Cavorwo'man" (19817 ' '1 1 H » HBO)'*'**-’Crosalng-Ooiflncoy '* ------•. Sholloy Long. (1906. Drama) Drt Amy Irving. Potor ^ dam. Comody) Ringo Starr. SI —5:00 SHOW* *^ThO-WondorssoLAlad--.- c ------6:300MiSTER^t>-WilbUfIbur’s thrown in -R olflori. - >ro(u808tdpay . SHOW ***% * -Oomng~(i965,'— ■--- din" (1S61. Comody) D onaWid~0’Con^ ••• oM exk:an]oll itto rh o rol nof^ooUaAlam...... -— ------a-mochanio'* repair WH;wh; ------»------Dfnmo)-Lo -GDOdD-WHEELOF-E»E.EORTUNE.g ______--- : — 0 or■or 8.1 1989 [WBPNE^AYEVEVENING - I 7:00 I 7:30 fci8 : 0 0 I 8:3Q I 9:00 I 9:31:30 110:00 110:30 111:00ilO rfr:30riaO0lK:30 [ O |M«cNail/UhrBf SufviSufvtvai ______Fifing Uno Spod;>ociai DeOala: Free Martat Vets SignOflt .______ine AfscnioHan Crime . I O |0/iwrtr»g PtIfW Comil^ o d y Coach Koppct Reportrt News Entortain. Ni^tline ^ lB8|Un»o>vBdMy»tafl»» Niphi^ightCL FM_____ Yeaiefday. Tod*^xtoy ~ News Tonighi Show David Lettennan Costas I Q |"C tv e < W Corn'd Majo■tajor Laague BaMt>ail: Bravw at P»dPjdros Movie: "Once Upon3on ia Time In the West" | Q |HlpnwaytoHMYen WhoVho Concert______Night Ct. Star Treit 1 ICoeches |je B e f-~ Artmals Nows M'A'S’H Pat Sajak»lak .______Adderty- U p [cOMWutw. Tofo BBe Announced i: 'T he Lost Squadron" Ace of A I I P [RaaeNf>g Stiiw RtacHsachlng SWea Movie: "FtghiorOf Squoclfon"{ MovH:'Ti |S8|s«bot^ D»ca>sca0e8:60'8 ~ Carol Channing[ig Battio 20th Saboteursaurs ■ . Decades: 60'8 .. |Qrowikxnedy |Coad< KoppelRBportrt News NightPne | A rs eJo n i^Haa Sig^Oll Ozzie [ Sweet L IDC8N I Movio: "Poe-weo'8 B*g) MAdventure'.' Taachw [Oan^ingor Movie: "Jano Eyra" I HBO pangw- |Mov*e: "Dteofd«iofdeiltos" ______Movie; "Croatlntiing Oolancoy"______Movie: i:"B "Battered" Cfoc.Dundoe2 |>tAX iMoviff "IB Agttln" Cont'dnt't) . [Movie Movie: "Big" "Whorere thetl- Boys Are '84" Gada - -|p « W I Movlo:"North «fw3tnd RawMda"— Rnvnflgo ol the.^ _____ Boys , . . Movie: i:"S "Salja" Sedoc- Ttip I Bargains I NilaBla ' Ttaval • | t m v |t h »«i | i w . t # | trtavetef^ lAlffianacot Travel |Trcveltvel I s c u b a ^ Travel- Perf, Ttip

w ar machlna. Host: Woltor Cronitite.Crc O ARTHtJR C.:. CCLARKE’S WORLD 1 l y ------a U S A TODAY Fall TV provioaviow;------OFSTTUNOEPO'POWERS P«>plo w ho^-...... W 1 e d n e i s d a i a OREAT AMERICAN 8ASE« E B A U claim they receivBlivo m e ssa g es ol guld- QUIZ Trtvla quostions. anco Irom the deidoad. CIN MOVIE **W " tfl Aflalnn"(1988. ' ( a LARRY KINO10 IUVE basedied In 1 tho automoWIe induatry. Comody) Qoorgo Gums, CChariio O BIUJARDS} V World Opon 9-Ball HBO0 MOVIE I *Vi "Disordef1k>«\’ Schlatior. Championship.. ^Mens Quarterfinal (1987,67, Comody) i Tho Fat Boys', Ralph)h 6 J 5 SHOW HOKE FROM FARAH Fined from Uis Vogas,IS, INov. Benam'lamy. wllh hostility and hurt, a your’Oung girl 6D MOVIE * * "h"Not in Front ol tho [SHOW1 0 ^ BOYS (In Sloroo) q . must copo witt) r>er twin's dootJoathand Children" (1982.2. CDrama) ------U nda Oroy.------8:00a_B a I E S T OF SATURDAY N IQfT ^ tho arrtvdl o t hor nowty adODtod ad G etz.' ____ b r o t h e r . ______- ^ SHOW MOV IE* ** * "North Beach and (X)a B (11) 1 O TO BE ANNOUNCED0 7-00 CD PATTY DUKE R oss sndSa~Patt9 ------Hawhtde" (IWto.iw. urama) wiinom DllViQg SURVIVAr ( S a a 8on pmm iere)«) ...... torment each othor with practical pn , Shatner. Chrlstopilophor Ponn. TheJ ninthnli season of'"Suryfval >n-n- I 7:30 0 CAR 64.. WHEREVi ARE YOU? glia"r programs pi on Public TelevisionJO s a (11) O 60 MINUTES “201•20th An- Toody and LuciHo;iIlo unknowingly take opensms with tho annual anow gooseM ntvarsory; The Socond Tonn YYoara" in a countorleltorlor a s a boarder. mlgfatiiiration from tho Canadian tuM ra.•a. Hlflhlighta trom tho w»«kV nowsma-fW" ffl CENTENARYlY OF THE MOTOR- (In Sloroo)Slot q oazino'9 past ton se aso n s incluTClodo in- CAR Wost QormaTnany’s econom ic ro- (3)O 0 .C C E O COMEDY SNEAK PEEK•K terviows with such nowsmakolaKors a s covory aftor Wocli'ofid W ar ll ha's bSon ' q Jackie Gleason. Ayatollah Khomeini Kho - — ------and Naniy Roitjaiv (Rnt^TSto?S toroo)q O ( 9 MACNEIULEHRER NEWSH* NE' ^ OUR I (3) O QD O QROWtNQ PAIN!MNS Tho ^ S T PHOTO Seavers go e1or>g whon~Ja~ Ja so n 'e — mother decides to gol marriedTied on a f & VIDEO son ox'presBos his disapproval.ival.(H)g - a a CD UN80LVE0-MYST1rSTERIES— ------(ln Stereo) q S -SURViyAL. (Soaaon- Pr»PremlorB) -“ W | i | TTie ninth seaso n ol "SurvIvirvlval An- lidhWeeic^Ipecials ------gUa'.^pfogram»^.Putaic-Tfliflffliavlaioa—— ______• npnna.wilh.thw nnnimt tlnUh z— ~ a REACHINO FORTHE^SKIE«Esw fwndim role ol tho hollcoptor in mllllai cMiian life. a VIDEO DISC JOCKEY a e SABOTEURS OP TELEI” FREIX! FREE!i! Pfice! (Premiere) The story ol tho0 danger-di Your O n e'S to p P h o to VideoVl( S h o p I : _ de{yir^_8abotoura who <^ppl(pplod tho - _fJa^ ato«t^ rMearch ^oQratnram. Ntu-______709( Blue Lakes N- . ■ ' 733-4363 : •: rotor Buitiosa.Merodiih. ___Friday. Soplombor 0.1 9 8 9 TT^mos-Nows, Twin Folia. Idaho0 41 EOCOUMTRY (In Storoo) Imprisoned formor pQiion|: Jqanno W ^ n ^ dd i a y ------' s s Ml VICE ■ battles td g o ta nurso Tolnstaitatod;L'oo ------IBMOVIE/IE *** "Fightor Squadron" bollovos a toon-ogor dolibonoratoiy in< . ■ <1948. AdvAdvonluro) Robort Stack. Ed- iurod himsoif. (TMC) MOVIE * * * "Big" (IS11988.CO- ‘ O (St NIQHT COU:OURT Harry's J-Brion. cc iIOTE CONTROL mody) Tom Hanks. Eiuobeboth Por. [i Bting oporatton is succo!^ossfu.:polon. g 5!'!^ kins. tial k lllo rs run looso» inIn tho court- CAROL , CHANNINQ AT THE 2, □ IMPROVV CCorol Chonning wolcomos 10t0-.30.CD MAKE ROOM FORR OAODY houso. (R) (Part 2 ot 2) i tan Jr.. Slophonio Hodgo and Kathy storms out of tho hou:luso whon c n H R tN a UNE SPECIJSCfAL DEBATE h?" sho and Dbnny otQuo ovor wl orkol Compotl. ■llrsch. w ho’s Iho "Rosolvod: Froo Mark( EHITANCE Tho irogic Ilfo of b oss. tlvenoss Is Bost tor Amormorlco" William ® '” ^ 2 ' I Homslodi. (Part 2 of 2) (C CHEERS Diano searchesos (or an< F. Buckloy Jr.. JockI K.Komp. Jofino othor fob. g KliVpotrIck ond NowtA GingrichC do- ® •4EYUNE orn. Gary Hart. 2 ;NT o f t h b DAY e i a (DTONIQHT SHOW nn:tn Storoo) bato Qeorgo McGovorn, iNSER: FOR HIRE A fodoral O (12) STAR THEK AboulI to t< beam Patricia Schroodor ond JOM. K .n- , down to an uninhabited piaminot, Kirk, nolh Golbrolth. (ormorly Rita’s lovor. ossiots r on 0 murdor caso. Uhura and Chokov aro sont so tight O MAJOR LEAGUE BASHBALLBA Al- SS ?T S A 5 D»oo P.dr„. HBOMOVOVIE * * * "Crossing Dolan- years oway lo another pianon o t." ' - lanta ersvos at Son Die )88, Drama) Amy Irvmg. Potor C£) MOVIE *Vt "Rabbit Tost'SI" (1970, (Uvo) . Comody) Billy Crystal. PaulII Lyndo. I O (12) WHO CONCERTEHT Ono ol IM S S S f f 'Mn niancoo ol tho JHOW MOMOVIE nVi "Rovongo of tho a M TWENTIETH CENT\/H>RYApro- two complolo portormoi I: Nords in Parodlso" (1987, filo of Gon. Goorgo Pattonn andi his " on Iho Vflio’s , rock opora "Tommy" ot f) Robort Carradino. (^rlls wor machino. Host: Waller Cronkilo.C rocont lour. Tapod Aug. Aug 24 at the ' Unlvorsal Amphlthootor CD NFL YEARBOOK HighlightIhlsof tho Itor in Los An-. efw m q)WE w i *** "Big" (1988. Co- 1988 Los Angolos Roldors. ______aolo»._Guosl stors Philhil CollinsC C'Un-^ .CIN MW Il Ttjm- Honks,-Elizaboth Por------— SHOW BOYS (In Storoo) pJ ------in ("Tho Pinball clo Ernlo"). (' . 1010-JS CD NIGHT COURT Wizard"), Pott! LaBolloBiio ("Tho Add O ENTERTAINMENT TONICh q h t a o . Quoon"). Stovo Winw/inwood ("Tho 9-30 0 MYIY THREE s o n s Robblo and ndortoko variod projocts. tor Bruco Wiiiis. (In Stereo)) Hawkor") 'o n d Billy Idi r c ousin Mrtralt of ------Koviln;).(ln5tor®o)------INUM. P.I. Magnum’s hlrod lo GD INFINHE VOYAGE A ppi thff huntlng'bandS“wtio cros;3SS0d tho------O TOO CLUB Host: Pol Robortson. o'pHcoloss iirri. MAN Boring tand brkjgo tMtwoenn thot Sib- OREACH1NQ FORTHErHESKIESAin- “ BATOA jmooi.os.ion, “ “ ““EIGER BAY Tho R oborts unk- orion Peninsula and North Amoiico.A buto to tho ploncors wtto (in Storoo) (Part 5 o t 12) gJ In balloons and airships. y gol Invoivod vrilh ort thiovos n old trlond givos Nicolo o O POST MODERN MTV O lfS DECADES: 60'SS r 1969 w as tho 3 oniracl. (In Sloroo) q CD m NIQHTLINE Q yoar of Iho Apollo nioon5on landing and g c R ^OK K AND CHASE (In Storoo) 1010:38 CB (11) M‘A*S*H Hawkivkoyo fO* tho Nixon family, CB VIDEO•O IDISC JOCKEY cords 0 letter 10 his fathor-d•■dotolling e LATE NITE SPECIAL tEN .Karon Ulano.. formarly . . ..hisdaylnlhoOJl^wlthamad o d T u Jk .a ______------a SECRETS OF NATVIR^REAsiudyof I Ulonovrtkl. discussos hor missing corpso and a gun-hofmppyofli- snakos and thoir habiis.*"’ • ilfo sinco) horhc 1979 sox chongo opera-. cor. a NEWS S I M*A‘S*H CD LADIES PRO BOWLINruNQ Columbia 10:45 0 MOVIE * * * "Onco0 IUpon a Opon. From Claymont,It, Dol.C (Uvo) o s i wiHTS r TONIQHT 10 >ORTSC£MTER Up-to-dalo Time In Iho Wosl" (1969. Wostorn)VK {SHOW] MOVIE * * "Si"Saica” (1988. «B SPOf Henry Fonda, Claudia CardtnJtnalo. Orama) Robby Ros visit.v (TMC) MOVIE **V2t "Moon"I Ovor o> 'IKia" (1972. (■ Oroma) Mario UI|o- ™ .o „ « c h „ d innart Undborg. CD C PAT SAJAK Porodor" (1986. Comot LY...... Droyfuss, Paul Juila. ONNA REED M ary's friond is O I (Bl FOR VETERANS ONLY _ m _ D RAQNET ------BiSO-O-flCTV 'SKotchoa:-09H3uy*<^t»'— ^ 1O(»CDCS<11)CD0CB ICB MOVIE * * * "Tho Lost1 &quad- i ------loro (Flohorty) trios toJ beboost Iho rat- ard Dlx. Ings amid statt disoppoapoarancos Iron" (1932. Drama) Rlchari CD O QD O COACH:H t Haydon lios CD YES, MINISTER ^ Tho Minister Is >Mary Aslor. IS whon consol- puzzlortI by Sir Humphroy's ovoslvo- ICD VIDEO DISC JOCKEY aboul his marital status w LEMARK______Ing on alumnus’s wide.,dow . (R) (in n o « o^o;^'or o doportmontal conslnjc- IO (B) SABOTEURS OF TELE RtnroQ^ ra______j y t in Iho ^ _ T : h o atory of tha danooNdofyl a » CD FM g ------^ O ’d a; Wl' — buioury wh o cripptod iho NariJ i ^ m?o _____ rosoarch program. Narratoror. Bur- ______NEWS cy— ------— ------whon ho0 fi foils lo got along wilh his ' i urod: Southorn diminutiveve new boss. Guest: Robert \g e s s Morodtth. O ON STAQE Foaturo< jllan S d- Pacific. (In Sioroo) Engiund.i. I0 WORLD MONITOR Chrlstli ______CIN MAX MOVIE SHOW I /IE * * * "Homo In Indiana" «onco Monitor nows roport. thoatricai roioosos. movi Advonturo) -Loft-MeAHbiof;— ^—I— g | CH0 8 8 RRE------...... u ctton-ond -Inlorviouvs- < 3ronnan.--..... - ISB PUBUC POUCY CONFER:•HENCE ______J" — j S ^ v ^ E ; ___CD By N N iy i W O I ______j_ "TIN'SliUOHr— • I — — ^ ...... I ------—1 HBO MOVIE **ViV^Battoi^'-'-3'-'-(i07a.------O 09 FIRING LINE SPSPECIAL DE- . « “ SHVILLE m NOW (In Sloroo) IDramo) Karon Grosslo. LoVaVor 0ur- BATE "Resolved; Fr•o^»o Morkot Com- S M 'J Ut KMIKE HAMMER Iton. I for Amortco" CD MONTYrTY PYTHON’S FLYING CIR- SHOW I MOVIE * * "Salsa"." (19M. ______poUlivonosa la -B o y fo Rodney -William F. Buckloy .Jock Komp, CUS IDramo) Robby Rosa,. F ______Joana.Kirkpatilck.ondi NcNowt Gingrich------«B-W-eATiATTLE^UNe-Tho-Qrool anv------1 :GovornT-Qaiy------phioious; o oosauti on ^^o •Jopafw so- • '- 'C?N MK3VIE * ••Vflioro tho BoBoytrAro ------...... 'dobalo! Goorgo McGo Hanm an, ______HaiL-Eotricla-Schroodoiodor, ond-John_____ in^b o co m o ; a costly Marlrw ■e4" 0 9 8 4 . Comedy) U sa H« ------Konnam-nflmrnitn : i i i - _ ------^viclory." • Ruaaan Todd:------CD O OD IB KOPPEL[' Rir e p o r t q ’ ® MOONijNUOHT'MAONESSlHOME i iV: r:05 (D INSIDE EDITION O OS GD YESTERDAY,IAY. TODAY & s h o p p inNO) g ' IO NIQHTUNE p TOMORROW (In Sloroo)00) S3 BEYONOND 2000 Foaturod; o com- (0 0 O ARSENIO HALL Sch<:hoduiod; jro"). (in (X USA TONIQHT pulor lhal^al hoips locato m issing child- actressi Ana-AliciB ("Romorc ______ron; ttiO wc world's largest homlaphoric i O BATMAN ...... rH EB bY CD DISNEY SALUTESS THET AMERI- ...... ^ovio scro.croon: turning soil 'inlo bu^)c^ ■" (SHOWI j W ^H X Sb- jeN I: TH k s. ' 1FROM NEW YORK CtTY 'BtStond-up . .._.CAN_TEACHER Firstt.lody.Borbara lo ______fonns his - ______auah.hQai3ahi3XQiioctiQiction QLpto!ilca___MJicW[5H1QHT— Sh V t t :/,:: .— r . . ci Qmofltnn Rlctiard J ^ l faorfot of.Am orica's too toachor:hors. • O INSIDEDE THE PQA TOUR iuniciuo brand ol Now.york;tit H3HEARTI^TBEAT Paul trios lo Iroai an Chicogo. 1 ' A? Tirtios-Nows, Twin Fails.alls. Idafio Friday. Soplomboro re £ . 1389 ------11:0e O (11) « PAT SAJAK—K— ------Larw»art-UoclB5»r< 11:30 O MISTER EO Wilbur'ss thrownth In CIN MOVIE •*W"GlldaLlvo"(1960, -WI edriesdiii1^ — B Mexican jaU oltor ho roruso: la Rodner, Oon Novoilo. • a mochanJc's ropair blU. E **V4 "Aco of A ces" ------O 09 JACK HORKHEIMER:IER: STAR M833, DramalRI)flichard Dix. Blzabelh 2:40 HBO HB MOVIE *V2 "Dead Hoat'Bt" . HUSTLERToplCft In ostronor (1968.168. Comody) Troat Willloms. JoV1E "M oon Ovor O NEvreNE' ■ , O VIDEOCOUNTRY (In Start ------P a r lo r ': (19M,IW, Com«dy)^nictiord------OBOBODIES IN MOTION • CD DECADES: 60‘S 1969B9 Vw as tho Droyfuss, Raului JJulia. 0 8E1SELF-IMPROVEMENT GUIDE year oi tha A poto moon landl 1:55 HBO BOXINGINO'S GREATEST HITS fTMC)rtC) MOVIE. * * * "Fish Hawk"V the Nixon (amity. (Part 10 of 10) ' A rotrotipoctivavo 1bl the greatest mo< (1980,'leo.'Dramn) wm Sam pson; Oiortlolh) ------' O COMPUTER MAOIC Therw hlatost In "'onts ‘f’ HBO's3's 17-yoar boxing his-' Fields.itds. computor animation, graphl( c m< MOVIEM ★ ** "Big" (1988, Co-:o- apcK^l oflocts (rom electronSSS,T. =.a.MA«EROGRAMM1NQ Broga.sga. Paulo Cesar Perolo. James Gomor. ’ OMOVIE***'r* "Cindy" (1978, Musl* 4:30 OCB LITTLE PRINCE 12K» ( E CRIMEWATCHTONIQ!4IQHT______cnanaino no Woodard, aition OTOiTOM a J E R R rS FUNHOUSE ----- 12:30 D nOWAN & MARTIN'S L ------■■ OD’FAIFAITfl TWENTY------...... SC JOCKEY.-...... o JAIJAMES ROBISON ...... ji*»rThoOiK-canBar" QNB' klriko in his latest creation.3n an 03- ('93®- Advontuinturo) Frodrlc March. O H9 9 9 .A&E PREVIEW Tho upcomingmg ' plonogo oqulvoloni o> tho MMo onopdy lal. show3ws s on Arts & Enlortalnmont.' board garrto.'(R] ITCH (R) e BU:BUSINESS MORNING .4 ' a®(£LATERWITHBOBCl ING OVERNIGHT o NANATION'S BUSINESS TODAY O^WItDTWIt0WORLO< ■OUCy CDNFEflEHCE . . Q SELF-tMPRO'ROVEMENT GUIDE...... CHARD JENI: THE BOY J _____aDJ^UCEJ«^ol:9J»oorlC^orle -YORK-CIT¥-Siftnd-W= ------aquabbllr>o'ovar-wnoi-^)n v^on lw posses on. I ol Now YoA hurtior In e MOVIE * » * "Sw oot Lorraine" U (1967. Drama) Maureen Sta aS5‘S??i.'^io ,,..E very.N eecJ'i i v (R) SHOW MOVIEIE jir*W ."R edlH oia"- - ^ l - - .y*rnoti=Scfrrr6rMtieQ-- ■ ■ ■ 12:40 SHOW MOVIE "Sodu. solushi,;' •’ ...... Inga" (1972. Drama) Morie U ‘ > — Friday. Soptombor.8.-iaB9 __ TTtmes-Nowa, Twin Fallo, Idaho0 43 ~ ^ / ^ T h u ursday everming-prograi

EVENING______Daytime3 movies 6:00 O BEWITCHED) EnEndora asks Iho .. Glonn Ford. Jullo.Adams.I. . halp o( snolhor wttchchtosowdlsson- ti MORN^NING ______- tton tMtwMn Oorrlnn arand Sam antha. ------cso<»(iie6n O N E W S 6:45 CININ **V) "RiBky Businas*” — . AFTERNOON O a s PIERRE FRANEANEY'S CUISINE (1983. OComody) Tom Cruise. Ro- luttortllod log of bocca DoDoMomoy, . RAPtDE Grmod buHO 12KK) (TMC) * "UnmasKiogg tha k W Foaturod restaur- 6«> {TMC]WC) » * * "Tho Sovago Inrva- lodib and a curry. Foai (1988, Advonluro) Ion l^unto,itor.VVUliam ant: Bouloy In Noww ^York City, (In conta" (H(19S9. Oroma) Yoko Toni. An- . iT.Hicks,_____ . . . , thony QuiQulnn...... Stereo) - CtN **Vi "Chamjiions" (la ITUNE Q 6K)S HBO10 *Vi "Nightmare at Noon" ISW.'Bkjg- O ) WHEEL OF FORTU f o p ^ ) Jo h n Hurt. Edwnrcnrd Wood- O C0S8Y SHOW SondraSon and Elvin (1988, HiHorror) Wings Housor.-Bo honeymoon with Hopkins.IS. roturn trom thoir hon 12:15 CB *V i "Young Ideas" (1S43.CO-(1 •surprising, nows for>r Ihoir Huxtablos, 6:10 SHOW3W * * "Tho Wondoro of Aiad- din" (196961. Comody) Donnld 0',Con- mody) Susan ' Rotors., Hartwrt (In Storoo) Q M arshoil.,,--'.'...... PAINS nor. Noollpoilo Adam. a (12) OROWINO PAI 1:00 HBO **V 4,"A Mnstor GD MOVIE * ■» “ A=Hmrhfjnmtiny W o'W iir*~~7i30 CfN?«»»^-Motpt‘‘ » i (1965rMt«tcol)------^ loa'K19^.______jatloa. Loo McKom. . Comady)-Dom--OoLotso.-». • -Jtmmio • • Go" (1942. Comody)dy) Stan Louroi, \ TDo BOfltli Walkor...... 8H » (TMC)IC) **W "Anna lo tho tnfinlto . . Cllvof Hnrdy, 2:00 O **1^ '•Chandar, th RATED Tho Kids Pow or"‘ (1(1983. Sdonco Fiction) Dina the Black CD KIDS INCORPORAl Leopard of Ceylon" (1972,^2, Adverv ______bocom o.ouspicioujI .wr vrtion a "supor Merrill. MiMartha Byrrw. _ » agont" asks thom toOdOBbonem. di 8:050*** * ’•TWs’Chlid'ls Mlno" (1&85. I Lindsay Wagner, Noncy e * * "Double Troublo" (I9iI967.MUS- > O CONVERSATIONIN \ WITH DINAH Dfama) I ical) a v is Proslay. Annotto I Schodulod; actor notx?obort Stack, (in McKoon.«. aOay. 6:30 SHOW3W * * * "Lady Jono" (1986. O . I B * * ‘;OetogrV (1945.15. Dramn) ' Storoo) Tom Noal. Ann Sovaga... ------O MUROEfl. SHE WR( I Hoiona^onham C n ^ C n i- y ‘'Balifoground" ' EIwos. ‘ ' ------® -»»W -*;TTia-V lolatlon-o- o f'S w a n ------O MOVIE ''E McOovid" (1981. OrofiM) Pol (1949. Advonturo) Van/an Johnson. Rl- 9:00OlI%«a * * '•Dolour" (1945. Dro™ ) ’atty Duka Tom Neal.sal. Ann Savngo. Aatin, Nod Baatty. - , - - cordo Monialbon. CfN ** "Human Daslro" ______O.CUASSIC MTV HBO*V!i "Dolonsa ’ Ploy" (1988. Sus- MENT TONIQHT ponso) DoDovid Oliver. S usan Ursitti. , Orarna) Olann Fot«L Q orta^ CE CB ENTERTAINMEI 2:30 (TMC) * * • i DosJi Set' U za MlnnoRI IQIK9 abouibout hor new al- CIN * *** * "U2 Ratllo ond Hum" * et" (1957. (1988, OotDocumentary) U2. B,B. King. . Comody) Spancor-.Tracy,. KKfttwrjr)#j - - , Dum. (In Sloroo) Hopbum, , .. ffi (M DURRELL IN IRUSSIA Tho 10:00«D**Vr*W« "Rolurn of tho Antelope" -3:30 HBO * "Walk UKe a Man' whlto storko of tho0 BorozlnaE Ro- (1988. ForFontosy) Gall Harrison. John on" (1987. , aorvo; a boaver lodgo..go...... BfonvrtjII.iH. ■ ...... - ...... Comody) Howio Mandol^Chflh f i s l ^ r O SAFARI fi.^an‘5 carolsirolossncss has O ** "B"Bells of Coronado ' (1950. s a * * "Tradl'r>g' Haarta" roducod tho buftalo populationpo| (fom Woslom)n) RoyF Rogers. Onlo Evans. ta" (1988, six million to loss (hanlan a thousand. O ***ir"Nnvy "I Bluos" (1941, Musi- Drama) Rau) Julia. Bevat^D'iD'Angoto. CtN **V^ "Tho Now imams'u " (1064, e PRIMENEWS cal) Marthirtha Rayo. Ann Shoridan.' ___ Drnmn) Mlrhn'nl ri^llnn, , f ------m - e v e w r c F TH roA - o Zu- . Quirk Is ounnod down.Mn. SHOW *1**Vi "Ico Station Zobro’’ 'niga. mlnoalhoJlfo of (1968. Drai3rama) Rock Hudson, Ernost 5:30 CIN . * * * ''The. Outlaww -Josay ______SHQWQAUCHQEyomini Unt-East------Iho gaucha cowboy. "Man From Alamo" (1953) 'wood, Chlol Don Goorgo. -r • [S h 5 w ] CARMILLA Mo{Mog nily slnra ° a s B boautitul vampireipiro who bo- ...... - - - witchosTi yotjng Southorthom bollo ond ------h er ovwprotoctivo-fothoT — Daytirneii-sports-^- ^ tho novol by Shoridann LoLe Fonu. ' ...... {TMC)7M0VIFT*'*~"mytiftwaddra- From ■' " ' ' ■ _MafS"(19a6;SciQftC0Fic1 Fiction) Hunior : 'M O R N^ ^ tN^ G ---^ ------roii-H oad- . . T Caraon.'KQron'Bfflck. GrandPrix. .From iwAngolijolaa. (B) 6:05 0 MOVIE ***"Apo>ftpocho"(1954. ■ 2 : 0 0 0 LEQEKDS OF. WORLDJ> CLASS Woslorn) Burt Lancasiotisior. Joan Po- 6=30 CD SPiSPORTSCENTCT Up-to-date * Bcoros, WRESTUNQ ,.,M. . tors. 3KW O TNT ALL-AMERICAMUJ.PUlj.* 6:30 O MISTER ED EdEd bidsI on his 7:00 OS B30W 0\ UN0 High Rollora Tour- 3 namoni.:. FiFrom U s Vooas. Nov. (R) . IHOSER*8(R>q;WT' ___ mother ot on oucilon. -330'0-TMOROUaHBRED-a ------■ ^ CD 0(11) WHEEL OFFF FORTUNE p 'a-iW ID DIRAQ R / RACING CoirfOTlo Na- 3 From Sonom a, CaUI. (R) DIQEST • - ...... C l CZ) 09 NIGHTLY BUSJUS1NA?3RE,_ -4:00 O HOME R tM DERBY (R)(F PORT 3001ES IN MOTION r ------* ______11:00IBTQPrOP BANK BOXINQ FfOm Alt__ 4:30 0.SPOHTSLOOIC. •• t n JEQPARDYI Q — ROOID 8POfrr8CeWTEF»-l>p^>p-to-Mto ------L a CHEERS Sam 's crush-'■ Sl iXl C03BV SHOW Sondr,indra ond Eivm 4 ; ii.nos-Nowc.TwinFalls,dlls, Idaho Friday, Suptombor-0 lt______• : I O iMIittoo: lmpo»»a)tew ABC* Newt Sp. PrfcwiwoUY■ Uvo Nows Enlortaln. HighUir}tillino AfMftloHslI . CrimoI ___ ^ [ ■ a c o i a r |w . cC?iaaf8 .jD aaf~~' LA.Uw .. Nows . ronigfit Sttaw DiykSLotteman- Costu..s. |"Apatf»"ConrUvo Nows Nlghtlino Axsonlolofuo Hall SIgn-on______I DtSH iMotte -Tha Rncut"^ ______WanPteoey>y______Movio; ::Royal Wockliftg" Tmoe Ultia WordsJs I ta p I-Tha Legend D ia ame e JJean" |Movte: "OBfefaa P lr ^______Movio: "ACioo Jackson" InsldolhoNFL I m x Outiiw Joaey I Movte: -Two Mules tor SHtnr Sara" ^ ^ o s j"lmaglrlaglno: .^^y in n ran " [t-ess ~ {8H0W{“Sbff>«wt>»f^onwlTgiXTOW" • gnw — jcannffla------iTmvjsaovt- |Part.Trip|Bp|Barg«ha AtmanaertTravH I swing Scuba | Passport Eur, I Bargains Travol [Travel

ratum • from'tneirtwwymcymoon wftn Stttj Quartetto t (In Stereo) - - ...... aurprtslng n«w» (or th«I Huxtabtea.Hi ® BEYONDD :2000 Foalurod; com- Thursda (InStsrooip muhlcaUon arT) Mongolian M SHOW MOVIEIE < * * " ^ m o w h o ro To- ol th>t tho various spoclos living onrifio tl ------; cowtMy. ■■ ------morrow" (1983,83. Fantasy) Sarah Je s - Ga'oaBlapagos IslarxlB...... ■ USA TODAY Tho nowew cara for slca Parker. NaNancy Addiaon. OD NEWS 1990. [8H0W1M0VIEmE*fe"SIooloJu9lico" -- 0D » MONSTER TRUCKS ANO MLUUD . . HaO MOVIE * * * m w L o 9>gondO(BU- o r . (1987, AdvonturIture) Martin Kovo. Sola RAClACINQ SPECTACULAR l)a Ja an " (Is a s . Dmma) Hala^elonSlator. W ard...... TMC) M OVIE.***.l'M anlod toi tltho P a t a r C o ^ . 7:30 0 CAR 64.54. WHERE ARE YOU? Mob^ob" (1988. Comody) Michollo Pfe>felf- 7:00 a PATTY DUKE Pattyitty builds a Too^ and Muhkfuldoon mako plans lo for.or. MatthowI Modino. racfnoctt'’for Rosa. cslobrate thoirJrlO 1 th y o a ra ap a rtn o rs. CINI;iN MOVIE * * * "Two Mulos for;_Sla- SI ------eDe (ii)®48Howfr^f>-i;nolum-to------» nr Snrn" (1fl70. ComfldylCliflLgfl] Crack' Stroat" (Soason) Promloro)-P -Owayno fooraa FroddioFi may (ace dale vraog eaffect this & FRUQAL. GOURMET< Unusuol wornwoman to got rid ol SCTV's etrarvange opidamlc Is having on Am*ktnorican Ufa chocolate rodp>dpos Including groon _ ' Invainvadors. through Intorvlows with towtow Bhforco- chtn poppor brcbrownlos ond.o'cocoa ~ OQD d ) DEAR JOHN Tho usuaualty r chlckon, laro»._-m ^acffg ^ ------(19519&V®'fin’fl)-V«n-<*ohn»on;Gi«nanrm -, ; -:.=r . LABC-NEWS.SPEClAl______Marlvlorla.Conalo...... JS So^c^YSHOWV CCUfl baby- -Making iho Orado"On g 8939 VWORLD OF THE SEAT^ioTni sJts tho twins and ghrss thethem plenty B O QD CHEIHEERS Rebocco can 't Kanridgol^ V m a g o 'a North Africann{Ksi<«^e::ii9M. a m a jo r leaiEAQUE BASEBALL AI- Nor%“Jorwogian cruiso ahlp. '.’MSS. S< Adventure) Kavin ODon, MaMarc Price. larita Bfav6S"ararSofTOISflO Podros:------wart o NASHVnif NOW Faatioaturod: tho (Uve) . , 8:3535 [SHOWl BEST OF BYUIU iii,------Hagars. (In Storoo) O a 2 ) MOVIEIE * * % "A Caribbean SHOSHOWTIME Hoat Michael Korda,1. 0U-.i ______Q.B0X1WQ (L hf)______ihof and editor tn chlot of Simonon A______a v to e o DISC J o c k e yY H ayo^B am ard'ird Hughos. SChiSChua'for. pTonloa" today's top“w^i .w ; m B INHMATE PAOeSES Britoln'a CE NEWS g lors,lora, . ______BaHot Rambort la (oaturodrrod Irt ■•tntt- Q 7_00 CLUBI Hool: H. Pot Robortson, 9:00DO CB 1 ROWAN > MAR~nN'S LAUGJG>^: ■ m ate Pagoe," a portormixmarKO-ln- O^^IVALDtLDh THE FOUR SEA- ININ splrod by Loo Jonacok'a^ 'a Socond SONS Isaac Siom.‘ Sic Plnchoa Zuk'o'r-' '' OOfWMYSTERYI f? "Inspector Mora)r80" ' PiH]jyr9eptom bcr6.- 196»T:r:^_ ^ n » » - N o .’*'8,:Twin Falb.adotiiIho-A S_____ ( marrloa tho10 llMomporod i Mr. Murd- Mi Minnelli talks about hor new albumal .-.. T h u r s d a y ' — • • 5lono.-(R>(PJ(PartlofS)p ...... (In(In S le rM )...... • ______CD FRESHI FIELDSFl Mooting tho now CO POSTMODERN MTV In-laws lo nolnol tho only problem facing CE CB NIQHTUNE a V uthor Cotln Ooxtor's taloslos about on William ondId Hostor I ot thoir daugh- 10:36M 8 CB (11) M*A*S*H Trappor'as iulcor unconvoniidnal Oxford homlom lcldodo-- . lor'a woddlngJing, prka tho stoying. (R) (In Storoo) p J (1951. Musicalical) Frod A atalu. Jano . hoiholp of artothar wiich to sow disjlsaarv- CD MYSTERYI "Inapoctortor M ofso" Powoii. . - - OonOo< bolwoen Darrin a n d Somanantha. Author Colin Doxtor's toloaOS iabout on o NASHVILLILLE NOW Fealurod: tho CE (E PAT SAJAK unconvontlonol Oxford homi omicldo do- Hogers. (in Storoo) Sto O O 09 EUROPEAN JOURNALL IFoa- loclivo bogin with M orse's's invealign-In CD NEW MIKEKE HAMMER turod: tun C ^ s . a divtdod land. tion of a suicide. (Pan 1 oof f: 2) p o MONTY PYTHON'SPY FLYINQ CIR- C CD D D R A ^E T CE TAUES FROM THE DADARKSIDE CUS c a VIDEO DISC JOCKEY Two bickoring occultista ca its (Phyllis (B 00 DURREIRELL IN RUSSIA Tho 0a » INTIMATE PAQES BrIUrllaln's Oillor, Lawronco TIomoy)f) ccould bo white storkss of< tho Borozlna Ro* Ballot Bai Rombort Is featured In " S50.000 richor - that ia If l I "Inli- If Ihoy con sorvo; o boaveiver.lodgo. maimato Pages." a porformancoCO In- . auccood in oxorcising a poipossossod Q) MOONUQHIQKT MADNESS (HOME spiispired by Loo Janacsk's Sococo n d . — — gtfi— ...... SHOPPJNO) StriString Ouanot. (in Staroo) CD BATMAH...... ------03 WORLD SHSHOWCASE Four North O Q 'WORLD MONITOR ChristianinScJ- CD BEST CF WALT DISNE5NEY PRE- Cofollna Slalo>lo University professors or>cor>co Monitor now s r o p o r t. ' SENTS "Goofy-Tokos o > Whon Goofy m ust holp with witf spring working in Jolopon. p iO Q i PUBUC POUCY CONFERENJNCE cJoonlng on his doy off. hisIls Imaglno-ii o NEWSNIQHQHT oO : SELF-IMPROVEMENT QUIOE lion aplcos up tho task, D E ...... CD MOTOnCYC:YCLE RACINQ Boat of a N MOVIE * * * ■■Imaglno: .John J o vioEocoumnY (m stor Storoo) AMA, LonnonLen ' (1988. Documentary)' j.John CD MIAMI VICE S3 NEARTBEiBEAT Treatm ent ol a Unnon. Lon Yoko Ono. 10 REMOTE COrOROL mother with posiportum pc doprosalon ilrfJS«S CDI INSIDE EDITION a (B IMPROV TONITE (In;in Storoo)i ______cau99!L«);i(licti!Ctj>otwoofLNothan.and------&JUQHTUNE-Q ------O -SPO R TIN Q -U FE ' ComofiTieras cap- JoonnojLooon> ond hia brother confront (X) E 0i ARSENIO HALL SchodulJulod: turo tho abundant ond variodrlod wlidllfo thoir fooilngsa oboutoi iheir fatfTor. octcDctor Raul Julia .(••Homero").). (in - In and around tho G alapagos:JOS islands. HBO MOVIE: *** "Action JacKson" storStoroo) O MONEYUNE (1988. Drama)la) Carli W eathers. Craig iirooe e eI (11) 0 PAT SAJAK GB Ev e n t o f t h e d ay T, Nolson, 11:3030 ICD MISTER EO Ed bkJs onm his...... ------€D-AUTO-RACfN1J-CoTV0tTi/OttO-CThOI- SHOW MOVIE'IE "Stoelo Justice" motl ------lango. . - . . ■nother a t an aucthjn...... (1987. Advontuinturo) Martin Kovo; Sola ' OD (39( JACK HORKHEIMER: ST 6 3 SPENSER: FOR HIRE S STAR E Sponaof . Ward, HUSBUSTLER Topics In astronomy. bocomos Invoivod whon a t a shon- (SHOW] MOVll)VIE **Vt "Rod Hoot" eB a « CE LATE NIQHT WTTH 0A\AVJD ordor cook confoaaoa a murdiurdortohis (1988. Dromo);0) Arnold Schwai30r>og------LET prioai; -ETTERMAN (In Storeo) gor. Jom os Bo!'Bolushl, oa ( (12) FALL aU Y wmilo havlnting a SHOW.CARMILLA Mog Tlily% starsa os (TMC) MOVIE'IE * * "Salsa" (1986. gooc a boautiful vampiro who bowl' jood timo In U s Vogaa. ConI onda owitches 0 Drama) Robb3bby Roso. Rodnoy How^owlo aro ordered to pick up onn o< b - young &iuthorn ^llo and1 horho over- Horvoy, D’d N S T A tfc Foaturod: Holly thjiSmn! by Shoridan Lo Fanu, "Montgomoryy Ccilftr HI3 Place in tho (inin Storoo)S (SHOW} SHOVmME'S COMEDY CC Sun" Homo m Court nominoo hlros Magnurr ow ! num 10 lo- _(1947. Mystory)iry)_Bola_Lugosi.. Joyco. TIMEIME Host.Michaol .Korda..authIthor - - • cato Ws long-lost wKo, - Cijmplon, ------CB BATMAN-— - — ndodLtoHnfW,LQf5k^ - x -t:— ------O 02) STAHTrTHEKTw oontro tui- ~ tor,ir. pfonkJs.todoy.'sJop.wrilara^c ------O CROOK-^ANO CHASE (InInStoroo) S ------tofprlsoVcrow’rw m em bers are killed Ih 11:45 [ CD VIDEO DISC JOCKEY 5 [SHOW] MOVIE * * V i "Rialiiak'y oulor spaco andindKirklsdotorminodto Buslrusinoss" (1983. Comody) Tom Tc r a 9 9 BLACK AOOER THEHE THIRD destroy tho cronToaturo rosponsiblo. Cruia Edmund must oscapo doath rulao, Robocca DoMomay. ath at tho CD MCSVIE **V "The Babysitter" '12.-000 0CB CAR S4. WHERE ARE YOIOU? ...... - _____^ n d a of tho Ouko of WoMingi!!n3Lofi;______tlflSO^Suapanajinsa)-Ea»y-Dukn_Afltln, . . Tootf =^'B P0nnH aT3FE’0i^?^-j oody-and-Muldoorv-mak^-ptona------a year, a — Wiiilorn-Shalrier:ior. ■■■ coleb)lobrato thoir 10th year a s partnerMrs. Toronto stadium ia (ransformc>rmed inlo o MOVIE **■* * * "Toko tho High CBTC er suporcross raceway, > 700.CLU a.Hoab P a l nobertsorK jn .---' ...... Gfouhd'i:(J953, Advonturo) RIchord CDM1 MOVIE * * * "Throo Uttio Wordt t l SPORTS TONIQHT rds" - - Vfldmark, Karlrl ^Molden, (1950950. Muateal) Frod Aatalro, Rod Rt CD SPORTSCENTER Up-tJp-to-dato ffl M WIU) WOIVORLD OF THE EAST A Skoltcmelton. look o( tho skillikills of the Mongolian o VI 0;% ONNA REJD Joffls IVIDEOCOUNTRY (In Sleroo) ''isJrlop_d_...... cowboy______— IB) MlMAOAME'8 PLACE ixins away fro n a hd'arby ri y mllltory qd f OCUS ON‘J BRITAINBi Tho ofTect of ai EA: ______Bmistr-dosignornors?DrnDotnm!gnrTu.-;_— $05H8-Tsaac^SSmrW>a«8"Zuko H9 —•------gD ^ob'(»C D CS(l1)CECB G}.€D shton and filgh|h tech. t •, Shlomb Ml{itz and Itehak Poi’ort-';: CQAVTORACIN;iNQ IMSA QTO Sorios. manan portorm VlvaWi’8 worlork . ■ ^ n a MASTERPIECE THE gompyUod-ty -theMwaaLPttfttai 'Oavld'~&oppor(iold" David'sId's oorly 10:35 GD NIGHT■COURT C( S Sonlc. S _ ____ o{iiidhood la- idyiUC until hlo n lo mqihor- , OENTERTAINIVINMENTTONtQHTUza S9HUt HUMPH African natlvos attem ptIt tot .' 4G Timos-Nows. Twin Fnlls, idnhcInho Fhdav. S<1- tamo. Louisuis Jourdan. O SPORTSLOOK 1:40 (TMC) h ) MOVIE * * * "Marriod lo T h u r s di a j T HBO (NSIDE THE NFL. (in(Ir Sloroo) • ihe Mob"" (•(1988. Comedy) MIchollo SHOW SHOWTIME'S'S COMEDY PlolRor. Matvlatthow Modlno, ------CLUB NETWORK ALL-: LL-STARS III 1:45 a CNN4N NEWSROOM t Tracy a n d Hathartna - Hoi H o s» Ponn A TtlTer tvtjiwofeomo fnro 2:OO0M AKEiKE ROOM FOR DADDY QI- |h Mpt>um young comkcs irom tha Ihrough clips Irom thoir movlo tha Showtimo n a 's friondid arrivest Irom Italy with a cl >rlos, iiW Comody Cfub Notwork,, IncludingIrK Kfp fow ulterior i eluding "Stato of mo Union"o " and or motives in mind. "Desk Set." Aivtona. B o b ^ CoUlns.s. Billy6 Elmer. QD MOVIE IE *** "Droozy 11974, 3:30 3:31 O ANN SOTHERN SHOW Stophanio Hodoo and WtWarron Tho- Drama) WillitMlliam Hoiden. Koy Lonz, • o V mas. a PAID PR(’ ROQRAMMINQ O S QOMER PYLE. USMC Hacker Hi (TMC> MOViE * * "tnvocivadors From ’ a MOVIE *1 . -boi# Cunor-that ho can 't oo 24h 4 1 o u r» •★ ★ W C handar. tho Black ' without wl losing his tompor. Mora" (1986. Sdofjco Fictii•iction) Hunter Leopard of3l ^Ceylon" (1972. Advon- a Carson. Koron Black. turo) O LARRY LEA - 12rf)5 (3) CRIMEWATCH TOhTONIQHT O VIDEO 01 0 MOVIE * * * "Royal Wodcfddlng"> DISC JOCKEY .•(p1951.^ S Musical) Frod Astairo. . 12:30 O ROWAN & MARTIN’!TN’SLAUQH- SB 89 MOVlOVIE # * * * "inloriora" Pc ). JarW IN (1978. Drama ima) Diana Koaton, Qoroi- - Oq PAID PROORAMMINO QD NIQHT HEAT Jooy attompta atl. to Aino Pago. a HEADUNE NEWS protect his wifo who witnoItnossod Iho — O LARRY' KIKINQ OVERNIQHT S murdor of a drug doalor. (fl 0 QETTINQ FIT (R) r a PUBUC; PPOUCY CONFERENCE 3-353:35 CS NEWS (R) O ® OD LATER WfTH BOB'OB COSTAS J9> SELF-IMPMPROVEMEMT GUIDE - 4:W O MOVIE * * * "LastIt Sum£ mer" . 2:25 CIN MOVII)VIE ★* "The Pointsman" * oQ c O L ? CITTESts Oft (1969. OramoJ Borbare HonHorshoy, Rk (1986, Dramama) Jim Van Dor WoJdo. ra chard TTiomos. Stophano EocEacoflior. O 0 HEADUNE-NEWS ______O4MKWILD,W lL04iV0flL0lUXOPANI----- ®KENN5JM.C0P.£LAND_ O TODAY WITH MARILYN OAUINTHI CC HISTORY OF DIETINO THE FAMILY Mlko inherits - 0 O NEW HEALTHY DIET 0 some monoyoy ond givos a donation to . O O FUN ZONE ...... ■ O CONVERSATION WITHfITH DINAH tno McGovorr ■om campaign. causlngAr- O O S> SIGNATURE intorvioviowod;J Schodulod; actor Flobort1 Slock.S (In chio lo hit tho colling. loi Storoo) Louiso Novolson. O MOVIE: * * ."Wnai! No Boorl" ONEWS O O FEATHER ANO FATHERmody) Jihimy Ooranto. 0 0 BODIES IN MOTION _ _ _ B -8B0RTajJWENIQKT_-r------—Bustof KoatoiJton.------g j- O SPORTSCENTER -Up-Up-to-daio - - 2:4S SHOW MO ra^H^MPffOVEMENTOUiMDE - jiZ Z MOVIE *T»W-Rl3ky Bosi------CINCIN MOViE ** ★ * "-Rio Big CIChin"3 nosa " (1983.13. Comody) Tom Cruiso, 1191 12:35 ® BENSON ' " Robocca OoM (1983. Comody-Oramo) Tom BoriorortJl toMomoy. flor. gor, Oionn Close. - - - ■!i — a CRIMEWATCH T O N iamIHT 2:50 HBO MO«OVIE * * "Socrot Ad- ’ “ 4:30 ( 12:39 O (11) NIOHT HEATIT Jooy . at- miror" (1985. ;30 0 LITTLE PRINCE • . 85. Comody) C. Thomas O 'TOM i JERRY’S FUNHOUSE tompt# to protoct his wliolo whov wit. Howoll, Loriri Loughlin.L . •- —r r 1 IE_ 9 — nossBd tho m urdor of a druoirug doalor. 3.-00 0 LASSIE CBFAITO TWENTY- • - SIE © u JA ) M E S ROBISON (R)- 0 PAID PRO<^OQRAMMINQ f n c O NEWS 0 PAID PROORAMMINQ 5 O MADAME'!IE’S P U C E - S O 12:45 O MOVIE "Call Cut t r a OS A4E PREVIEW Tho upcom>mln{^ lut tho Mar- 0 EARLY BIFBIRD BARGAINS ™oi ino*" (1942, Comody) Victor;tor McLag- O CROSSFIR Jhowa on Arta & EntortalnmonL -IRE Qa BUSINESSE MORNINQ Ion. Edmund Lowo. _ 3K)5 O QREENEN ACRES Usa wanis a O ^ CIN MOVIE * * "Loss Tharflan Zero" Uith honoymoc D) NATION'S BUSINESS TODAYlY. - noon In Hawaii. HBO■ISO MOVIE "Laguna Hoot" (10) ______(1687^ Drama)’ Andrew MeMcCarthy. 3:20 fSHOWl1 MOVIE_**.I "Trflrtlnn A m . 1007," Hoarto" (1988)88. Drama) Raul Juilo. bard -R p«r------1.-00 0 MY THREE SONS StoviItovo w ants Bovorty D'Anoi■ngoio. SHO tho boya to onm thoir monoymoy. 3:25 (TMC) HEI IHOW TO BE ANNOUNCED fl •• HEPBURN AND TRACY (TMCTMC) MOVIE * * * "Sw oot Lof-J L< a a HEAOUNE NEWS ______Host Kovin MetycCarthy rocailn.tho pur. r»inn ------O (12) (B USA TO NIO Kr T- - oors ond pHvi'nvato iivos o f S p o n c o f "ploto O PAID PROaRAMMINQ !•' . . 0 0 IMPROV TONITE (InIn Storoo)S a MOONUQHT MADNESSS 3 (HOME A p ------SHOPPINO) (Continued) e HEADUNE NEWS OVERf a THOROUGHBRED SPORT appoints EST (H) s writers ------HBO MOVIE ** W ’ 'M o6n Ov«O^in>ori: NEW^ORl IRK (A P) - The' AJieam h ^ said Sharbutt will be A dor" (1988, Comody) Rlchanhard Drey- appointment of fuas.-Raul JullaL o f J a y S h a r ^ t t as a 2_lead1 te!television'writer'iiTNow’^ ------SHOW MOVIE">ir*Vi""Rotr ...... -(1988.-Drama)V»rrhoIrfSchworwoaonbg- Mon3ayT>y THo’ho Associated Press, He sue ' gor. Jam os BolushI. succeeds Kathryn Bokor, w h3 - - ■ which alao aaid 1KI5 0 3 TRIAL BY JURV ■■ aid it will expand its resignigned to pursue a fr'celani n c ^ ___1 :1 4 a F 0 C U S New York-baacm d TV staff to two- writingingcareer.._;.:._: .. :: ^ j orri'.'friondJ r s __ w riters'.______--_------Jorryirry Buck-will continue aa anV runs away Irom a nearby3y mlllljiry,i _ Shorbutt joins lA R '—~ acadomy,.. ----- >n8-the-AP-on-Sept; 4 televisivision writer'in Loa Angele»lei? CB CARSON’S COMEDY CLAaASSiCS f"-™ Iho Lo.I aAngelos .TimcB, for whererc JohnJ Hom also covers TVV tii Quosta: Carol Wayno, Art Cai Camoy. ' w nicn ne h asB ccovered television part: of a gonordi enterlainmele itt a MOVIE Faro«irowoli to since 1983. The! second8« TV w riter will beat, y Coopor, be Scott Willion ioms, now a national For>r SSharbutt, 49, it is a return ® f .0 a 0 BLACK ADDER -niE>? NewV York 1 /or thc nows the AP’{\P ’s TV beat, which he coven ,-:::::^Cdfr>Uf><{-,fTJUflL-«9tMpo-dOath*aHratm o ' Bcmccr:Wiilimn8 nts^lltraHiifeTtoTJie from-l‘rn97Z-fo=I978;'Ho“ wlB'APIP ’s; hand»-oU ho Duho of WolUnijtjnglOT; - UilevisionbcatiQl O CffL FOOTBALL Cnlgary, latcrthis year. dramana c ritic u n til 1983 a n d the podars a t Edmonton “ T h is oxpahsahsion o f telcvlBion joinedd thcth Times. Sharbutt ioinod t> l^nO W j MOVlfi " PF r» ^ a ^ '-— coverage for our'ur raotnborpifl partof- AF in ] (1987. .Scjonco , Fiction) i in 1966 a a a ncw em an in .ilitB- I Arnold , a general enhaihancement of AP'b Richmimond, o Va., bureau afte — 1!35 Inti fbr Tho Ledger in Ljtkiiintv Nlgms" (1953. Drama) Joan Ahcarn, execuUvitiv cW to r. Fla., oneand for The Otlando Sentinel.L ______— f ti^ »y. 68ptembor.O. i s ao____=Tim(nrNowBrTwm-Fonsi-ldaho"4'Tm " 4 7 = - - C0l>le ITy subscribers...

% Startiliih g S e ^!fflber 8 ,wmatch thew ' HBOiandClneiimaxFalll Preview amMl get a cl:lear plctuureof Jwhat it’silltetolN lave HEIBOWdXi!inemax. FREE.F There’s no instiistallation. N o risk. N o cos:ost! Catcltjiit nioyicsjikc _____ Friday.•'»iHlFri vS;mirday a n dIsampleCineniax.HRF.E. sa Cai ike A F ish C a lle d W,Wan da, T h e D e a d P o o t aiu\n\XBeetlejuite. C lassics like The Manchurian C a n d id a te . P luus s thei unique musical sliowo w case Cijicmnx Scssiom—-w\\ctcTbeNevUlc vv! s — - — I Brothers“T ellltItLike-Itlf." Then try HBCliO FREE Sunday V w a n d M o n d a y forjr hits !ikcB(j7,D«,— ■ H (ird,'‘CrocodiliIile" Dundee II and ^L>. ^ I others. See big; events,e> tcx)! T h e ------' Leonard vs. Heaiearns rematch on AriSHCAlS£DW/'WANDA lY^rtdChojnpiohsmship Bavhijj a n d P W ^D iana’s WorldTbf T bur in an HBO World StnStatje c o n c e ri event. U |M •n‘ vo iir frec-samplcoPl^l U(^„u{X4ncniaxJItt------QM BtG1 THBDEAD Cheekschcdulce (I(b ciu w ) Tor air tim es. POOL

7 FI R E E f A l l p MlEVIEWHIGHI/IG CI□ IN EM A X HBOH . ------F r i diaj/,Scpttmbcr8 ^ ------____ S u n d a yV, , SSeptemb er 10 ~~ ~

------1 : 0 0 P M - —T—nw MuHJuirian GuhIhIiic —------11:30 A M ----- Wodi^orld paying? 7:0 0 P M U2 U R jnlc aiid Hum Suga:ugar Ray Leonard vs. 9 ;0 0 P M A Fisli Called Wanda______Tliorliomai Hearm 9:0 0 PM “CroCrocodile” Dundee tl______- - - — -Saturdtrdayf September 9- —_ _ _ Uli^hard icl 4t3 0 PM Cinemax C Sessions: ______M o n d a yy, , September i 11 . _____ . ______T’I'he Neville Brothers - -Tell It Like Iris"------horr Circuir2------______7 ilS -E M _ ___BcctIciuicc B ______lo iw .P M ___ Pig_ 9 j00 p m TTlie Dead Pool 12:00 MID YounoungCuns

' T o R D E R N O W iGSE E T T IN STA LLA TIO N F OiR'CNLY R '/iTRICETEUS} HBO'ANDH CINEMAX FOIOR ' J U S T $ 4 ^ 6 A MOMONTH P E R S E R V IC E TTHROUGH l NOVEMBERl•d L IM IT E D .T IM B O F F E HB. . CAJLLNCNOW 733-6230 FREE ON CABLELE CHANNEL 10 iq vm ieso ca b le 73733-6230 • 536:6-6565 ---- — —“OffliT«iiniiim'Wiiy u iw»iiu<’ HBCTcmram maurom . otr«r nw i ISrWaJw------Eriday^pUwfitJOiLfl.