Sugar fact:tory gears5 up for thhis season'I's campak B] ~ ~ w s uJ whips Ronny ‘ . ... : Shffp j '4 f i - 4 i > ■ — _ P -B 4 -MarketpIS^^ G3 1 - Plays J ' ~ ~ r ---- — J A ............... Copyrtomcl9M BSlj tassQ - S4th year. No. 251 Twin Falls,, IdahoIt , Friday.. SiSeptember 8,1989 ' L o m e db u f f e rrs th res t r a l r l3 r d s(;copin<[Q heaiB i n g z : [ By N.S. NOKKENTVEDiD . Hali;Tio\lowcver, charged that the AAiir Force H alt said infonformation about that kindd iof it’s Mountain Home ththat at gots rich, he said, i Timcs-Ncws writer Andrus commentsI t s - A 4 knuw wellH thc effects of a fighter jetjc flying " impact was nccQceded if people nro to mal<ake Others in thc slandiniiding-room-only crowd of ■ .......... _ fa s te r tha:lan ihc speed ot sound atil'&tiu t tc e t inietliguni commnm ents in thc scoping proccss hai thc expansm n ^-ouJd ^ GLENNS FERRY - 1In,ils rush to hold heaear public concerns nboutt eleffects of the above thcc iground. ' Lee Preslty,y, ia King Hill rancher, won>n a elimirmle n way of life that was Brought.lo public meetings on a pro|proposal to expand the--ran;an g c ex p an sio n . IsBues-rQiBcaised are to be Low-lev3vol-supersonic flight willill not be round of applausauso by likening thc Air Fore)rcc southern Idnho by pioipioneera more than,100_______ Saylor Creclt BombingI RlRange, tha Air Force ansnswercd in an environmern e n ta l im p a c t covered byb; the first phase of the‘ l\two-part bombers flyingig toti Owyhee County to do theheir yeara ago. — —has-neglcctad to-properl>arly ii^orm the public.--.stat;Latement prapared.by.thc AirirFofce!.' F .. l.impacL'stiitiidy of the expansion, soilloid Capt. business with a turkeyi farm er who got ricrich John Solosabal, a. GliGlenns‘Ferry rancher, charged one local rcaidencient T hursday. "You have that information,ion, you should Wilfred CnIlnssidy, environmental coorjordinator by sending lusJ tuturkeys next door lo “ieed araria said super^nic tligtlights would moKc it The Air Force has providedpr no definite haviave given us that before thiss mmeeting,' Hall for thc prc)roject. The first phase wilivill cover crap." Thc turkeirkeys would go next dcJor aand r impossible lo Jive in his homo o f 50 years,-ho ..... answtJ3-on,-thc_effoffects-of. low-levcl saidlid . • ■ ' only impncact with supersonic flight frofrom 5,000 r e tu rn hom e! ata t n ig h t to sle e p w hile thtli c said. _____ supersom’c flight, Robert'ert'Hnirtold'n'paheror LlLt. Col. Jim Cooper o f Mountam tain Home Air feet abovee ithc ground To^OOO feet,rhiTsaid, ht “ tuHceyfamergorgofrich': ' *1 d^n’n h in k 1 couTd'uTd'k’e'c^p \vindows'in m'y ;------- Air—Forcc-officialss at the crowded Fonorce Base replicd-that the Air(^r Force “can’t The secocond phase >¥111 consider supluperaonic. The Air Foreorce will send its plnncs? tto .housc.",hcBaid. I community hall in Glennsnna Ferry. assc5SCSS that impact until wc kno’tnow the dcsi^ flight betwiween 100 feel and 500,feet ababove the Owyhee CountyIty to 'eat and crap," Presleiley Tho Nevada Dcpnrpnrtment of Wildlife, The niccting"Tvns"thB^ir^hirdnii u bcries to ofth'the-range-ond-target-flrrflngengementfi.^:— ^------ground.----- ___________ aaidJJutihcy-gQLgoJiom{LflLnighU<ijkePi_P.npnd___ • S e e H E A R I[NG N ( on Page A2 e^mctor- proiwes a cnowd pleaaser r ........... By MARTA CLEA.EAVELAND • ■ TT"E -------- . —T im cs-N cw s writeriter ____________ ______ GOP fair booo o t h - B l .antique tractorpullisnbour ------------------------ T Z Z r — r F I L E R “ An.ani I t- j ________ as gripping da'aa'a fobtbair'game. The' ,spcctators-don’tt g<get excited until there nrc-c - loss th a n 10 yards"ds to go. ■................. But at that poipoint, hold onto your hatsr- g. The crowd rousesses itself inlo a crescendoing ;i roar, punctuated.ed by helpful hints for the tT i. s driver, ijjfc.! . "Come on Kennjnny. b ear down." . Gntcsopcn: 8n.m. lo midnJilidnighl “Dig, Mike. Leaiycan forward. Dig.'Dig." Cnmival'opcn: noon (o midnighlmidr 11 AUcndflncc; 12,728 peopleoplc attended lhe Tair ' J s H ||H . At the first everev antique tractor pull “ Wcdncidny. The total thith ii yoar li 60,733 . _ sponsored by theth newly formed MagicC compared wilh 48,218 by Wcdn/cdncwi«y la»t year, Valley Antique TractorTr Pullers Associationn Todsyi highlight*:r: W«Watt End Day ....-._ -.'.-Thursday,-driveivcrs and spectators alike.,C- . 0n.m,•noon-DnckhocRodeRodro, rpdco nWiw_____ ... ______ k ‘ I- were getting a fee!feel for the sport, 9«.m .-lp.m . - Coulc showshows, cnUle arena ,, l,3.Gi7p.m.-RiKmce.,cva, n u th park K ) ., '“They’re simpleiplo to drive. They ju st don’t I:X p.m. - Gacktiliv Hodroidco rinala; rodeo arena W J j^ ^ have a lot ofrhorsepowcr," i said Ronfl 2p,m. -DcnSpcticcr, li>prici)priotiiit. park lUigc Brackett, who drovedro his Allis C halm ers WD-D * . 2 p.m, - .Mils Itodcu IdnlioIdn horaemonahip. j “’‘■'45'to Q scconfl-p3 -place'’finisT ir“'Y'ou't'ry't()0 ■ n)deonrcna'“ ' ~ shnwl dem onstration, ■; - . decide wtuch gearc a r it’ll go best in. 2-6 p.m. - Slitcp to Shnv “T h o re 's a gjut ut reef if you drive these9 . 3p,m.--&iwioolhno(;i;iT»,ijers, park (tUtye - — ......... -tractorra lot'and:nd;you ju-st go'wiih that," hee 4 p.m. Tnmmy'n Unnce:e Knctory,Kn p a ri irtnRc said; 5 p ni, - Kiuhndi Unnecrs,TS, pnrkp Hlat;e — Korty-one-old-tId-trnctors-of-variouB-agofl- g_ Gp.m, - Kan Mil Tnri, pnrk.otagepnrli _ ______ _• r ■■■ T;30p,m,-l'n.-HodcoEnlciinlertainment .. and engine sizeszes took the.challenge of 8p.m.-PRCAnodco&l)ullliullridinK. KfiinJ«tand dragging a weighighted sled bearing severalll 10 p.m.-..Miss Itodco IdalioIda benefit donee. pr>elo.14IKG SAL3ALSDURY tons imtil they cou;ould pull no more and cnmce rodooKrandiiUind___________ w-sccTitAt::At3TOft-onPage-A2 ------- aults„suiicidal saililor for loMzaLtra] agedu- JHow does; $1.5 millilion for The Washington Post a n d j jjj a way that caused the prematurepr an Army maminuol callcd “Improvised — circumstantin tia l. ^ e>explosion.- Munitions Hanhandbook." Milligan said an( j irrigoficon plan soound? ' WASHINGTON - Descescribing him evidence Iled ^ R e a r Adm. R ichard D.t. Milligan, “these two bool<ooks nre very explicit on - - a g “a-loner, a man-of-lo\v^i\v^elf*esteem—them - - •who'”-l)uadcd the — fauaur-nionth ■■ how to’-bunim a - s u c h ' lhTngs a s . Thb-Associnted Press ™ But the Iraqiiqi government,i which who talked of dying in1 an explosion conclude th investigation of the Nnv^vy’s w o rst detonating devievices." •— BAGH-DADr~Irflq-^—t-PrPresident—is—rebuilding- ig—the-city—where ------------- in the line of duty, andI bebeing buried Hartwig, t "slupljoaTdlrFgirdysTn'cU'lireluTVietnurii A’C! di tio nilil“ 1~ :— cTfxumat'u'nii'al~~ ‘ercd.Sl.5.. Nebuchadnczzazzar.. ruled-ancient . • a t Arlington National Comlcmctcry,”tho captain of W ar, m ade his casc ngnin.stwt Hartwig • evidence; thehe admiral-contendedT*-^-SaddanuHuasein has.offei an solve a McBopotamiaI fnfrom 604 B.C. to 562 Navy Thursday formallally named gun crew during a packed news confinfcrence at cam c from, thehe FBI’s National Center miliion to any Iraqi who can how King B.C., believes the Gunnor’o Mato Gln^lniiftJ.l-Hnrt.wig W Tiirrrf. fhff Pnntn^mn Hp held iipI twot hooks for the_Analv!Ivsis of Violent Crime 3,000-year-oId^ puzzle — ho they did exist based on________ Nebuch'adnezzur managed i ierman archaeologiats as “most likely" resporponsible for probabl found among Hartwig’s po,jossessions Whose “quali:ilified psychologists" ^ the fabled-Eanging-Garc,rd cn s o f wilt) firs t cxcavslavatod Babylon more causing the turret blastst aaboard thc slipped which, thc admiral said, sheihowed th at concluded: “CUClayton Hartwig died as Babylon. than 75 y ears agoago, ySS lowa' A pil 19;thatfiat killed 47 d cto n atii:> n e -thc-24-ycar'old-th petty-officcc e r "had n a result o f hialia own actions, staging -A rchaeologists a re dividiided over Hussein, who10 is known as Saddam ___ sailors, including Hartwig.vig. device betwe l^ g interest in explosive!'ch ” dating his denth hi suchst a fashion th a t he ''' d-to-hove—in —Irn q —n n dd—thc —t Arab world, The admirals, who10 le d 'a n d bngs o f powdX -C L A Y T O N ------“hack1,° to his boyhood when hihe.blewup- 'hoped it"woulould'appear -whether the gardenspsaid- is of feet announced a SI.5$1.1 million prize,for reviewed the Navy’s fofour-month in the midd HARTWIG slum ps. Occident." graccd terraces hundreds -abovo.lhe-palmJ‘ringed.£ui:;uphratca._whomcver. comcjmes-up-with thc.most— — probe of thc explosioision” snIB a I6-lnch gim1 oflheo: turret’s three guns, Thc'bobka”wtre‘“Goltingig ’EvcnrA ------But-Millign:jnn-and-Adm—Lcon-A— existed. They reputedly wcvcrc buill plausible wateritering system, and combination of “irrefutautable facts" then operateIted loading machinery in CompleteCc Book of Dirty Tri'ricks," nnd . ' . Sco IO \ O W A o n P a g e - A 2 ____ by-Nebuchadnezzar in tth e 6 th $760,000 to the runrunncr-up.
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