黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

目 录

大学英语(流畅口语)(4 个章节)………………………………………………1

大学英语(新视野视听说教程)(8 个章节)……………………………13

听力(4 个章节)…………………………………………………………………………37

语音实践(6 个章节)…………………………………………………………………51

英语教师职业技能训练(4 个章节)…………………………………………99

高级视听说(4 个章节)……………………………………………………………115

英汉翻译(3 个章节)………………………………………………………………136

汉英翻译(3 个章节)………………………………………………………………159

计算机辅助外语教学(4 个章节)……………………………………………175

微格教学(5 个章节)………………………………………………………………238

0 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学一 Me

(2 课时)


英语是 21 世纪就业和对外交流的金钥匙,大学生迫切希望提高语言交际、 运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动 中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着新技 术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大 学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化 工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的 新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,借助于合适的 话题、真实的语境、丰富的内容、新颖的课堂活动,一方面,充分唤起他们的学 习英语的兴趣,培养他们独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高” 的目标;另一方面,快速提高学生们的各项技能,有效培养他们的英语交际能力; 同时,减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过实施以下四个项目: 1.语音语调技巧训练 2.读写译技能训练 3.视听技能训练 4.口语交际技能训练 达到以下教学目标: 1.了解名字的构成和作用 2.了解中西方名字所传递的不同文化内涵

1 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书


1.听力和口语训练:先听一段录音,了解 Susan 的 8 个不同名字,然后设 置五个问题,让学生们进行讨论,并对自己的名字有个正确的认识。 1) Which name doesn’t Susan like? 2) How many names do you have? Which names do you like best/least? 3) Which names are typical in your country? 4) Which name is the most unusual? 5) Which name do you like best?

2.语音语调训练,学习长元音[ɔ:] [u:] [a:] [ə:] [i:],了解各自的发 音秘诀并进行操练。 3.视听技能训练:学生们完成 What’s in a name?部分的练习,了解英文 人名的构成。 4.阅读和口语技能训练: 1) 首先,让学生阅读一篇短文(on page 5)The Name Game; 2)完成短文后设置的问题; 3)让学生们合作讨论: What other reasons can you think of for choosing a name? 5.写作技能训练: 1)完成词汇练习:describing people (on page 7); 2) 复习陈述句和疑问句的句子写作顺序,并完成相应练习 (on page 8)。 6.听力,翻译和口语技能训练: 1)听懂一首英文歌曲; 2)让学生们试着翻译标题和歌曲中的两个句子; 3)口语表达:Tell your partner about a time when you’ve really needed a friend to ‘stand by you’. 7. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。



2 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意紧扣实验教学大纲来安排教学活动 2.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 3.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 4.注意讨论时间的安排 5.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 6.注意适时进行总结 7.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.你打算如何让自己尽快适应大学生活? 2.你打算如何学习大学英语?


1 . Task 1: Collect your new classmates’ nicknames or other interesting names. (25%) 2.Task 2: Finish Reading on page 6. (25%) 3.Task 3: Describe the most impressive classmate in your present class. (You can refer to page 7 about describing people.) (25%) 4.Task 4: Think of a person who is important to you and present in the next class. (25%)

3 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学二 Animals

(2 课时)


英语是 21 世纪就业和对外交流的金钥匙,大学生迫切希望提高语言交际、 运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动 中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着新技 术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大 学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化 工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的 新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,借助于合适的 话题、真实的语境、丰富的内容、新颖的课堂活动,一方面,充分唤起他们的学 习英语的兴趣,培养他们独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高” 的目标;另一方面,快速提高学生们的各项技能,有效培养他们的英语交际能力; 同时,减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。



1. 读写译技能训练 2. 视听技能训练 3. 口语交际技能训练 4. 技能提高与策略实践 达到以下教学目标: 1. 了解与动物相关的知识,并能够做出相应的描述 2. 通过相关不同主题的听说读写的练习,熟悉和动物相关的文化背景知识

4 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书


1.听力和口语训练:听一段录音 Animal tales,配合课本中的图片了解相 关 6 种动物的故事,然后让学生组队互相逐一复述每个故事。 2.语音语调技巧提高:在学习了发音技巧的基础上,学习和了解英式英语 和美式英语各自的发音规则。 3.视听技能训练: 1). 学生们完成 Special friends部分的练习, 熟悉不同动物名称,并辨别 动物的相应的不同特征; 2). 听一段对话录音,训练辩听英语会话中的所提及的人物和动物特征; 4.阅读和口语技能训练: 1) 让学生阅读一篇短文 Reptiles(on page 105) 2)完成短文后设置的问题; 3)让学生们合作讨论: a. Would you have a pet snake? b. What’s the most unusual pet you know? 5.写作技能训练: 1)了解关系从句的用法; 并使用不同的关系词来造 5 个关系从句。 2) 写一篇你最喜欢的宠物的短文。 6.翻译技能训练:翻译中的避免重复与故意重复 7. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意紧扣实验教学大纲来安排教学活动 2.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解

5 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

3.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 4.注意讨论时间的安排 5.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 6.注意适时进行总结 7.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.你了解多少不同寻常的宠物? 2.宠物对人们的生活有什么影响?


1.Task 1: Collect information of different animals. (25%) 2.Task 2: Finish Reading on page 102-103. (25%) 3.Task 3: Make a oral description of your favorite pet. (25%) 4.Task 4: Do you think a pet will influence on your life? (25%)

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实验教学三 Kids

(2 学时)


多媒体技术和网络技术的迅猛发展正在逐步改变外语教学的环境和手段,使 得外语教学更加容易从以教师为中心转向以学生为中心。教育部高教司颁发了 《大学英语课程教学要求》,其中明确指出:“应当充分利用多媒体、网络技术 发展带来的契机,采用新的教学模式改进原来的以教师讲授为主的单一课堂教学 模式。新的教学模式应以现代信息技术为支撑,特别是网络技术,使英语教学朝 着个性化学习、不受时间和地点限制的学习、主动式学习方向发展。” 自主探 索听说技能为一体的互动式授课模式让学生接触大量的视听及文字材料,增加语 言输入,然后经过模仿、训练达到对语言的自由运用。


通过以下四个项目: 1. 语音语调技巧训练 2. 读写译技能训练 3. 视听技能训练 4. 口语交际技能训练 实现以下教学目标:

1. Listening for materials for the qualities of a good child or a good parent 2.Learning to using relative clauses and practicing using relative clauses in a game 3.Learning grammar: relative clauses and would and used to


1.口语技能训练:设置 3 个有关 Kids 的活动,让学生分组讨论。 1) Note down the names of any children you know. Put them in the appropriate category.

7 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

Babies: 0-1 years old Toddlers: 1-3 years old Young children: 4-7 years old Old children 8-12 years old Teenagers: 13+years old 2) Tell your partner about them. 3) Divide into two groups: parents and children Parents: discuss and list the qualities of a good child Children: discuss and list the qualities of a good parent 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Listening Skills部分的练习,要求学生在 听懂对话内容的基础上,根据对话的内含,上下文线索以及关键词,利用逻辑推 理与判断去理解说话人的意思与态度。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练:学生们完成 Speaking Out 部分的练习,学习 在演拍卖游戏使用关系从句。 1) 首先,教师和一名学生做示范; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方。 4. 写作训练:用关系从句去描绘一事物。 5.口语技能训练:学生们完成 Let’s Talk 部分的练习,达到学以致用的 目标。 6.阅读技能训练:怎样在阅读时寻找文章的主旨。 7.语音语调训练:通过语音材料学习单词重音及音节的重读。 8.翻译技能训练:关系从句的翻译 9.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源

8 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.Discuss the generation gap between parents and children. 2.How do you think children and parents should understand each other?


1.Task 1: Listening21(page 49) (25%) 2.Task 2: Close up 1-3(page49) (25%) 3.Task 3: talk about your life at the age of eight (page 49) (25%) 4.Task 4: What do you think about the role in the children’s education?(25)

9 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学四 Soap

(2 课时)


英语是 21 世纪就业和对外交流的金钥匙,大学生迫切希望提高语言交际、 运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动 中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着新技 术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大 学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化 工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的 新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,借助于合适的 话题、真实的语境、丰富的内容、新颖的课堂活动,一方面,充分唤起他们的学 习英语的兴趣,培养他们独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高” 的目标;另一方面,快速提高学生们的各项技能,有效培养他们的英语交际能力; 同时,减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过实施以下四个项目: 1. 技能提高与策略实践 2. 英语场景模拟实践 3. 英语演讲训练实践 达到以下教学目标: 1.Know what soap opera is 2.Review grammar---will for prediction 3.Improve reading skill---scanning

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4.Improve writing skill---giving information 5.Improve listening and speaking skill


1.阅读和口语技能提高训练:阅读 Who’s who in Pacific Heights 部分 的内容,完成阅读后的练习(on page 72),然后分组讨论:Who are Annick, Katy and John? Who is their relationship to Daniel? 2.听力技能提高训练与英语场景模拟实践: 1)Listen to Pacific Heights: Scene 1; 2) Work in groups and act out different parts from Scene 1. 3) Comment on their performance. 3.复习语法:will for the future 4.视听技能提高训练:学生们完成 Who’s who in Pacific Heights:Scene 2-4 部分的练习。 5.阅读和写作技能提高训练: 1) Read the preview of Who’s who in Pacific Heights:The next episode (on page 79); 2)Write a similar TV preview, making predictions about what will happen in the next episode of Pacific heights; 6.英语演讲训练实践:Reported speech Learning about back-shifting in reported speech and practicing reported speech. 7. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源

11 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书


1.注意紧扣实验教学大纲来安排教学活动 2.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 3.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 4.注意讨论时间的安排 5.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 6.注意适时进行总结 7.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.How to identify a speaker’s attitude or tone? 2.What is the ideal family relationship?


1.Task 1: Finish the exercise on page 75. (30%) 2.Task 2: Finish Close up on page 76. (30%)

3.Task 3: Write a summary of Pacific Heights: Scene 2. (40%)

12 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学一 How’s Your College Life

(2 课时)


英语是 21 世纪就业和对外交流的金钥匙,大学生迫切希望提高语言交际、 运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动 中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着新技 术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大 学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化 工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的 新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养 学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面, 减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下四个项目: 1.语音语调技巧训练 2.阅读技能训练 3.视听技能训练 4.口语交际技能训练 达到如下目标: 1. Listening for names 2. Introducing yourself or others in a conversation 3. Understanding and talking about college life

13 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书


1.口语技能训练:设置四个和大学生活相关的话题,让学生对大学生活有 个正确的认识。 1) Where are you from? 2) Why did you choose this university? 3) Why did you choose this major? 4) How do you pay for school? 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Listening Skills部分的练习,了解英文人 名的构成。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练:学生们完成 Speaking Out 部分的练习,了解 如何做自我介绍和向别人介绍第三方。 1) 首先,教师和一名学生做示范; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方。 4.写作技能训练:让学生们根据前面所学内容和自己的实际情况写一个英 文自我介绍。 5.口语技能训练:学生们完成 Let’s Talk 部分的练习,达到学以致用的 目标。 6.阅读技能训练: 1)Read the language and culture tips of the whole unit. 2)Guessing the meaning of new words.

7.语音语调训练:学习长元音[ɔ:] [u:] [a:] [ə:] [i:],了解各自的发 音秘诀并进行操练。 8.翻译技能训练:学习如何分析和翻译长句子。 9.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件

14 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书



1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 7.注意对部分不适应大学生活的学生的心理疏导


1.你打算如何让自己尽快适应大学生活? 2.你打算如何学习大学英语?


1.Task 1: University Life (page 13) (25%) 2.Task 2: Key to Learning English (page 13) (25%) 3.Task 3: Listening Effectively (page 14) (25%) 4.Task 4: Read the story and retell it in the next class (page 15) (25%)

15 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学二 Do you work out?

(2 课时)


《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育 信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为 标志的新的教学模式。 在新的教学模式引导下,学生能适时地调整自己的学习方法和学习策略,大 大加强学习自主性。教师也从单一的以传授语言知识为主的课堂教学模式,转向 以语言知识传授、学习方法和应用技能指导的,课堂教学与学生自主学习相结合 的教学模式上来。由此,学生们学习英语的兴趣将大大增强,听说能力也将获得 不同程度的提高进而也将极大地激励教师的教学。 本次实验教学的话题和锻炼有关,贴进学生们的生活实际,学生们应该感兴 趣。作为一个启发者和组织者,教师可以设置一些和该话题相关的讨论活动,以 此了解学生们的锻炼情况和生活习惯,并增进和学生们之间的距离。 实验证明,随着对语言习得的研究,语言学家们发现讨论也是语言习得最有 效的工具之一。因为讨论体现了以学生为中心的教学理念。再者,其本身就是一 种学习,不管在讨论中有没有得到结论,学生们能够不再被动地接受信息,而是 主动地加工信息,建构信息。同时还能够促进合作学习,增进相互之间的交流和 共同发展。


通过以下四个项目: 1.语音语调技巧训练 2.阅读技能训练 3.视听技能训练 4.口语交际技能训练 达到如下目标: 1.Identifying numbers in listening

16 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

2.Asking for and giving directions 3.Understanding and talking about sports and sports interests


1.口语技能训练:设置四个和锻炼相关的话题,了解学生们的锻炼习惯, 并让他们认识到锻炼的重要性。 1) Do you often exercise? 2) What is your favorite sport? 3) Do you think regular physical exercise is important? Why? 4) Are you a basketball/football fan? Who is you favorite basketball/football player? 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Listening Skills部分的练习,学会识别和 捕捉听力中的数字,增强对数字的敏感性。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练:学生们完成 Speaking Out 部分的练习,了解 如何问路和指路。 1) 首先,观看视频,了解和问路、指路相关的表达; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方,比如语 音问题和表达错误等。 4.写作训练:让学生们学习如何写一篇表示因果关系的段落。 5.口语技能训练:学生们完成 Let’s Talk 部分的练习,达到学以致用的 目标。 6.阅读技能训练: 1)Read the language and culture tips of the whole unit. 2)Distinguishing between facts and opinions .

7.语音语调训练:学习双元音[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [au] [ǝu] [iǝ] [eə] [uǝ], 了解各自的发音秘诀并进行操练。 8.翻译技能训练:学习如何进行词性转译,比如名词和动词的转译,形容 词和副词的转译。 9.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强

17 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书



1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 7.注意鼓励学生,帮助学生养成经常锻炼的习惯


1. 课后可以采取什么方式增强对数字的敏感性,提高反应能力? 2. 如何兼顾学习和锻炼,做到双赢?


1.完成 Task 1 和 Task 2 (page 27) (30%) 2.搜集尽可能多的体育项目名称,下次课和大家一起分享。 (30%) 3.创设语境,复习问路和指路的表达。(40%)

18 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学三 What’s in fashion?

(2 课时)


《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育 信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为 标志的新的教学模式。 在新的教学模式引导下,学生能适时地调整自己的学习方法和学习策略,大 大加强学习自主性。教师也从单一的以传授语言知识为主的课堂教学模式,转向 以语言知识传授、学习方法和应用技能指导的,课堂教学与学生自主学习相结合 的教学模式上来。由此,学生们学习英语的兴趣将大大增强,听说能力也将获得 不同程度的提高进而也将极大地激励教师的教学。 本次实验教学的话题和锻炼有关,贴进学生们的生活实际,学生们应该感兴 趣。作为一个启发者和组织者,教师可以设置一些和该话题相关的讨论活动,以 此了解学生们的锻炼情况和生活习惯,并增进和学生们之间的距离。 实验证明,随着对语言习得的研究,语言学家们发现讨论也是语言习得最有 效的工具之一。因为讨论体现了以学生为中心的教学理念。再者,其本身就是一 种学习,不管在讨论中有没有得到结论,学生们能够不再被动地接受信息,而是 主动地加工信息,建构信息。同时还能够促进合作学习,增进相互之间的交流和 共同发展。


通过实施以下四个项目: 1.读写译技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.口语交际技能训练 4.技能提高与策略实践 达到以下教学目标: 1.Identifying the relationship between the speakers

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2.Asking for and giving opinions 3.Understanding and talking about fashion


1.口语技能训练:设置四个和时尚相关的话题,了解学生们对时尚的看法。 1) What do you think of girls wearing miniskirts? 2) When you are wearing something new or fashionable, do you feel shy or proud? 3) Do you think fashion shows are necessary in today’s society? 4) Do you think people react to you differently when you wear different clothes? 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Listening Skills部分的练习,学会辨别会 话中的人物关系。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练:学生们完成 Speaking Out 部分的练习,了解 如何征求意见和给出建议。 1) 首先,观看视频,了解和征求意见、给出建议的相关表达; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方,比如语 音问题和表达错误等。 4.写作训练与技能提高:根据学过的关于陈述不同观点的写作技巧来写一 段文字,表达不同人对待时尚的态度,注意使用不同的动词来陈述,比如,hold the idea that, maintain, argue,等等。 5.口语技能训练:学生们完成 Let’s Talk 部分的练习,达到学以致用的 目标。 6.阅读技能训练: 1)Read the language and culture tips of the whole unit. 2)Understanding idiomatic expressions. 7.翻译技能训练:学习如何进行翻译价格波动的句子,如商场打折促销相 关信息等。 8.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强

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1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 7.注意引导学生树立正确的对待时尚的态度


1. 我们学生应不应该追求时尚? 2. 我们应不应该穿名牌?


1.Task 1: Paying for the New Clothes (page 84) (25%) 2.Task 2: A Model’s Description of Her Work (page 84) (25%) 3.Task 3: Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Ploka-dot Bikini (page 85) (25%) 4.Task 4: Listen to the dialog, and role-play ti with your partner (page 86) (25%)

21 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学四 Does money talk?

(2 课时)


英语是 21 世纪就业和对外交流的金钥匙,大学生迫切希望提高语言交际、 运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动 中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着新技 术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大 学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化 工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的 新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养 学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面, 减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。



1. 语音语调技巧训练 2. 读写译技能训练 3. 视听技能训练 4. 口语交际技能训练 5. 技能提高与策略实践 6. 英语演讲训练实践 达到以下教学目标: 1. Identifying larger numbers 2. Learning how to express real and unreal conditions

22 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

3. Understanding and talking about credit card


1.口语技能训练:设置四个和金钱相关的话题,让学生对金钱有个正确的 认识。 1) What would you say if someone wants to borrow money from you? 2) If you were given a billion dollars, what would you do with it? 3) What qualities must a person have to make big money? 4) What do you think is the most important factor that leads you to buy something: price, quality, or brand name? 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,辨别大额数字。 3.视听和英语演讲训练实践:学生们完成 Speaking Out部分的练习, 学习 表达在真实和不真实条件下对金钱的看法。 1) 首先,学生们观看视频,了解不同人对待金钱的看法以及人们的担忧; 2)将学生们分成两组,一组认为金钱是万能的,另一组认为金钱是万恶之源。 3)讨论结束后,各组请两名同学上讲台进行演讲,以说服听众。 4.口语技能训练:学生们完成 Let’s Talk 部分的练习,达到学以致用的 目标。 5.技能提高与策略实践:根据如何使用连接词的写作技巧进行实践,写一 段文字(Write a paragraph of description that consists of a set of actions.) 6.阅读技能训练: 1)Read the language and culture tips of the whole unit. 2)Scanning and predicting. 7.语音语调训练:学习三个鼻音[m][n][η],了解各自的发音秘诀并进行 操练。 8.翻译技能训练:汉语成语和谚语的翻译,尤其注意成语和谚语中所蕴涵 的文化 9.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。

23 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 7.注意对部分产生错误金钱观的学生的心理疏导


1.你觉得金钱可以买到一切吗? 2.你认为必须具备什么样的素质才能获得金钱上的财富?


1.Task 1: Complete the dialogue and role-play it (page 92) (25%) 2.Task 2: Listening Effectively (page 98,99) (25%) 3.Task 3: Creat a dialogue referring to the useful expression (page 95) (25%) 4.Task 4: Read the story and debate in the next class (page 96) (25%)

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实验教学五 A Great Semester

(2 课时)


《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教 育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术 为标志的新的教学模式。 在新的教学模式引导下,学生能适时地调整自己的学习方法和学习策略,大 大加强学习自主性。教师也从单一的以传授语言知识为主的课堂教学模式,转向 以语言知识传授、学习方法和应用技能指导的,课堂教学与学生自主学习相结合 的教学模式上来。由此,学生们学习英语的兴趣将大大增强,听说能力也将获得 不同程度的提高进而也将极大地激励教师的教学。 本次实验教学的话题和学生的学校生活有关,贴近学生们的生活实际,学生 们应该感兴趣。作为一个启发者和组织者,教师可以设置一些和该话题相关的讨 论活动,以此了解学生们的学习和生活习惯,并增进和学生们之间的友情,缩短 师生之间的距离。 实验证明,随着对语言习得的研究,语言学家们发现讨论也是语言习得最有 效的工具之一。因为讨论体现了以学生为中心的教学理念。再者,其本身就是一 种学习,不管在讨论中有没有得到结论,学生们能够不再被动地接受信息,而是 主动地加工信息,建构信息。同时还能够促进合作学习,增进相互之间的交流和 共同发展。


通过以下四个项目: 1.视听技能训练 2.口语交际技能训练 3.读写译技能提高训练 4. 英语演讲/辩论训练 实现以下教学目标:

25 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

1.Understanding and talking about various aspects of school life 2.Learn to debate in English. 3.Learn to write the application letter 三、实验教学内容和过程

1.口语技能训练:设置几个和学习方法相关的话题,了解学生们的学习习 惯,并让他们认识到良好的学习习惯对大学生活的重要性。

1) Did you ever do a lot of exercises after class in order to get high marks ? 2) What study habits seem to be efficient in your opinion ? 3) What do you think of cheating in the exam ? 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成Listening in部分的练习,学会如何评价老师, 如何把兴趣转到学习上来,如何正确处理学习和娱乐的关系。

3.视听和口语交际技能训练:学生们完成Speaking Out部分的练习,了解如 何问路和指路。

1) 首先,用ppt向学生介绍 useful expressions; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方,比如语 音问题和表达错误等。

4.写作训练:学生们完成听力短文“Applying for a place in an American University”写一篇短文介绍留学海外的学子申请offer时的注意事项。 5.口语技能训练:学生们完成Let’s Talk部分的练习,达到学以致用的目标。 6.英语演讲/辩论训练:完成 p27 听力练习,设计一个 debate,课堂上进

行演示。 7.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的关键语言点和文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源 五、实验注意事项

26 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

1.注意辩论时间的安排 2.注意在学生进行辩论的时候给予一定的帮助 3.注意适时进行总结 4.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 5.注意发现口语表达能力较强的学生,对他们进行课外训练。 六、问题讨论

1.目前的教育体系下如何培养良好的学习习惯? 2.如何平衡学习和娱乐(休息)的关系,做到双赢? 七、实验教学的作业和评价

1.完成Further listening (Task 1,2,3) (page 27-29) (30%) 2.Watch the news report on p30 and prepare for a debate in the next class (30%) 3.Write an application letter for a place in an American University (40%)

27 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学六The truth can be stranger than fiction

(2 课时)


英语对于当代大学生的重要性不言而喻,大学生迫切希望提高英语语言交 际、运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学 活动中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着 新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模 式。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教 育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术 为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养 学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面, 减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下四个项目: 1. 语音语调技巧训练 2. 读写译技能训练 3. 视听技能训练 4. 口语交际技能训练 实现以下教学目标: 1. Memorizing the information of the world wonders

2. Talking about attitude towards life 3. Understanding and talking about the relationship between hard working and success

28 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书


1.听力和口语训练:先听一段录音,了解关于世界伟大文明成果的相关背 景知识,然后设置四个问题,让学生们进行讨论,了解更多世界闻名奇观以及如 何表达赞叹,吃惊等 1) Do you like reading novels? 2) Can you still remember some wonders in movies or novels? 3) Do you know the Pyramid in Egypt and the Great Wall in China? 4) Do you know any other wonders created by human beings?

2.语音语调训练,学习双元音[ɔi:] [au:] [iə:],了解各自的发音秘诀并 进行操练。 3.视听技能训练:学生们完成 Do you know the places of interests?部 分的练习, 了解关于世界伟大文明成果的相关背景知识。 4.阅读和口语技能训练: 1) 首先,让学生阅读一篇短文(on page36)World wonders 2)完成短文后设置的问题; 3)让学生们合作讨论: What other places of interests do you know? What are they famous for? 5.写作技能训练: 1)根据例文讲解 comparison and contrast 的写作技巧 2) 给出题目:English Study in Middle School and in College,让学生 列出提纲 6.听力,翻译和口语技能训练: 1)给学生播放电影《傲慢与偏见》片段,让学生试着听出人物对话的大体 意思 2)让学生们试着对听到的对话进行翻译 3)口语表达:Do you like the settings in the film “Pride And Prejudice”? 7. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。

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1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源(如风景图片,励志故事等)


1.听和说前需讲解相关文化背景以及相关表达 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间和学生分组的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.适时的总结和适量的纠错 6.注意各个环节(如听力活动和口语活动)的连贯性,衔接自然


1.How should we take a right attitude toward our life? 2.Do you believe the saying that “every dog has its day”?


1.Task 1: Horseshoes as a sign of good luck (page82) (25%) 2.Task 2: Superstitions or real bad lucks? (page83) 25%) 3.Task 3: This is good! (page 84) (20%) 4.Task4: listen to the news report and retell the story in your own words.(page85) (30%)

30 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学七 What shall we do when there’s nothing to do?

(2 课时)


在听说读写四项英语技能中,听说能力无疑是具有语言能力最主要的标志。 因此,大学英语教学大纲把培养学生具有较强的听说能力作为主要的教学目的。 听说也是教学的主要手段,是学生获取语言知识和训练基本技能的主要途径。如 何提高学生的听说能力成了大学英语教学的焦点。但如何能有效地提高学生的听 说能力呢? 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养 学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面, 减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下四个项目: 1.语音语调技巧训练 2.读写译技能训练 3.视听技能训练 4.口语交际技能训练 实现以下教学目标: 1. Learning expressions about recreation

2. Making suggestions 3. Expressing likes and dislikes 4. Expressing agreement 三、实验教学内容和过程


31 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

设置三个问题,让学生们进行讨论,学习如何提建议,如何表达喜爱与不喜爱等。 1) What do you do when there’s nothing to do? 2) What do you think about the computer and the Internet as sources of entertainment? 3) Would you like to go on a tour during the vacation?

2.语音语调训练,学习长元音[u:] [a:] [ə:] [i:],了解各自的发音秘诀 并进行操练。 3.视听技能训练:学生们完成How much do you know about computer games? 部分的练习,了解有关电脑游戏的表达方式。 4. 阅读和口语技能训练: 1) 根据例文介绍 reading skill: Reading between the lines. 2)阅读短文:The Romantic Life of a Detective, 完成短文后设置的问 题; 3)让学生分组讨论:Do you like to be a detective? 5.写作技能训练: 1)根据例文讲解 A General Idea Supported by Listing 的写作技巧 2) 给出题目:Our school library has a lot of good books 让学生口头 作文 6.听力,翻译和口语技能训练: 1)听一段有关 weekend 的对话:What do you do in the weekend, 完成后 面的练习; 2)播放一段 “American Album”中全家的周末计划,让学生翻译出他们各 个成员的周末计划; 3)口语表达:学生们完成 Let’s Talk: The development of the weekend 部分的练习,进一步巩固所学的表达方式。。 7. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。



32 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意课前导入时间的控制 2.注意分组的技巧 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 7.注意因口语听力较差而产生焦虑的学生的关注 8.引导学生培养健康向上的娱乐方式


1.How do you spend your weekend? 2.You’re going to babysit your ten-year-old niece this weekend. What will you do to entertain her??


1.Task 1: The history of Chinese acrobatics (page 96) (25%) 2.Task 2: Exercise to relax (page 97) (25%) 3.Task 3: How Americans use their time (page 98) (25%) 4 . Task 4: Listen to the news report on page99,and discuss the following questions: 1) Mention some benefits that China gets from the Shenzhou spacecraft flights 2) Do you think China should build her own space station or share a space station with other countries to save costs?(page99) (25%)

33 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学八 Is biotechnology our friend or enemy?

(2 课时)


中国经济的日益全球化和中外文化交流的日益深入,使得英语毋容置疑地充 当了连接中国和世界的有效手段。作为经济全球化的实践者和中外文化交流的使 者,大学生们迫切希望提高语言交际、运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身 的素质与社会竞争力。但传统教学活动中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学 习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在 英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂 改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。随着新技术在教育领域中的不 断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。 计算机网络辅助英语教学打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,坚持以教 师为指导,以学生为中心,师生互动。在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地参 与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改进 学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过积极的参与,一方面,从主观 上积极培养了学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现了“用中学”、“用中提高”以 及“学以用”“提高以用”的目标;另一方面,从客观上不仅减轻了教师的教学 负担而且有效地提高了教学效率。


通过以下四个项目: 1.语音语调技巧训练 2.读写译技能训练 3.视听技能训练 4.口语交际技能训练 实现以下教学目标: 1.knowing about GM food,cloning and the genetic map 2. Expressing doubts and understanding 3. Conceding a point

34 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书


1.听力和口语训练:先听一段关于转基因大豆油的介绍的录音,然后设置 几个问题让学生分组讨论,从而初步了解以转基因技术为代表的现代生物科技。 1).What kind of bean oil do your family have? 2).What are the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified bean oil do you think? 3).Do you know more examples of modern biotechnology? List as many as you know.

2.语音语调训练: [m] [n ] [ŋ ] ,掌握各自的发音要领并进行操练。读 3.视听技能训练: A. 给学生展示一段介绍基因图的视频,看完让学生回答以下问题: What are introduced in vedio? Ccould you introduce it in details to us again? B. 学生们完成 Listening Skills部分的练习,了解转基因在杂交水稻水稻 种的应用 4.阅读和口语技能训练:在学生手头的主题阅读教材中,选出关于克隆的 相关文章中的任意一篇, A 完成其后练习 B 在介绍 facts 和 opinion 的基础上,引导学生学会如何在阅读理解中区分 事实和观点 C 用 Conceding a point 的表达句型发表自己对该文章事实和观点的看法。 5.写作技能训练: 1)根据例文讲解 comparison and contrast 的写作技巧 2) 给出题目:advantages and disadvantages in GM rice,让学生口头作文 6.听力,翻译和口语技能训练: 1). 让学生对刚才同学的口头作文进行要点的归纳,口头给出提纲,验证其 是否听懂的同时,帮助口头作文者检验自己作文的结构和逻辑所存在的闪光点和 问题 2). 播放电影《Scent of Woman》片段,让学生试着听出中校精彩讲话的大

35 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

体意思,并让学生们分辨出听到的中校讲话中的 Conceding a point的表达句型 3)口语表达:An interview with a professor (page109) 7. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的社会背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源(克隆,转基因的相关文字和视频报道)


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和相关常识的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 7.注意引导学生用辩证唯物主义的方法分析生物科技现象


1.生物科技的利大于弊还是弊大于利? 2.你希望克隆人类成为现实吗,为什么?


1. Task 1: Listening: Stem cell research (page 102) (25%) 2. Task 2: Make a dialogue with the useful expressions (25%) 3. Task 3: Speech:“Is biotechnology our friend or enemy? ”or “Do you hope the cloning of humans come true? why?(50%)

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实验教学一 Can I Take a Message? (I)

(2 学时)


With the development of science and technology, the telephone is more and more popular in our daily life. It is one of the most convenient and quickest ways of communication. We can use telephone to make or break social engagements, to do our shopping and ordering, and to obtain all kinds of information. Telephones can save our feet and endless amounts of time. But giving and receiving phone calls requires quick responses, and it is very important to get exact information from calls. To avoid misunderstandings, we should pay close attention to things like numbers, times, dates, addresses, etc. 二、实验教学目标

通过以数字练习、寻找关键词和听力笔记为主的听力训练和讲解,要求学生 获取以下技能和知识:

1. To get some training on learning strategies 1) listen for specific information: understanding what you need and catching them—telephone numbers, addresses, time and date 2) note-taking: note down the key words 3) Memory-focus training: make a list of keywords to bring back memories 4) autonomous learning: finish the self-learning tasks with the help of subtitles & scripts 2. To expand students knowledge about the telecommunication 三、实验教学内容及过程 Task 1: Vocabulary & warming-up discussions Content: Part I-A, “Oral Tasks”-discussions Activities: 1) a quick tour of “Learning Aids”, explaining some new words, expressions and

37 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

culture notes 2) warm-up activities: ask students to list everything they can think of related to telecommunication in five minutes and share their lists with their partners; their list could include how many telecommunication companies in China, what service do they offer, what types of telephones do people often use today, or anything they know about the topic 3) check students lists and make some comment Task 2: Listen for specific information: phone number Content: Part I-B Activities: 1) explain some difficult words & phrases 2) give Ss instruction on different ways of expressing telephone numbers pay special attention to words like “double”, “nought”, zero, and “oh” give some familiar telephone numbers for Ss to practice 3)give Ss instruction on keyword note taking: focus on content words 4)play the material twice 5)help the students check their work Task 3: Listen for specific information: phone numbers and reasons of disconnection Content: Part II– A Activities: 1) explain some difficult words & phrases 2) give Ss instruction on writing down content words in their notes 3) play the listening material once and ask the students to note down the numbers and the reasons of disconnection in the form of content words 4) play the material for the second time and check the students’ work Task 4: Note-taking training- telephone numbers Content: Part II-B Activities: 1) give instructions on how to make a well-designed note taking paper, offer some examples of good page set-ups:

38 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

2) All three styles enable you to blend notes with key points, thoughts, questions, and cross-references - things that crop up during the listening and afterwards. Style A lets you write your notes in the right column and use the left for comments. Style B is a modification of Style A, allowing you to index your notes. Style C lets you insert keywords in the left hand column and has a space at the bottom for comments. 3) play the material once and ask the Ss to write down keywords on their paper designed according to the above examples 4) play the material for the second time and ask Ss to write down more details 5) check the students’ work Task 5: Listen for specific information :answer the questions Content: Part III Activities: 1) explain some difficult words & phrases 2) have Ss read the questions before listening, let Ss know what they need to understand and look for that information 3) play the listening material once and ask the students to focus on the specific information 4) play the material for the second time and check the students’ answers to the questions play the material for the third time to make Ss get a thorough understanding of it Task 6: Self-learning strategy training Content: Part IV Activities: 1)take control of the playing process by themselves, listening to Part IV and do the exercises in this part 2)reach a complete understanding of all the listening material, if necessary, listen

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with the subtitles on 3)Explain Difficult words & phrases and check the students work Task 7: Memory-focus training Content: Part V Activities: 1) Listen to the material once and try to make a list of keywords to bring back memories 2) Listen to the material for the second time and try to write down more details 3) Find the right answers according to the list 4) Check the lists of words made by students and help them to identify the keywords 5) check the Ss answers to the questions 四、实验教学设备及资源

1. 数字化语言实验室,多媒体电脑 2. 多媒体课件/ 参考资料 3. 相关的网络资源


1. 进一步深入了解数字听力的相关知识 2. 教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,比如查阅资料

六、问题讨论 How to take down the numbers efficiently?


1) Go on line and search for some articles on how to express and understand telephone message better 2) give some suggestions on taking a telephone message effectively

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实验教学二 Can I Take a Message? (II)

(2 学时)


With the development of science and technology, the telephone is becoming more and more popular in our daily life. It is one of the most convenient and quickest ways of communication. We can use telephone to make or break social engagements, to do our shopping and ordering, and to obtain all kinds of information. Telephones can save our feet and endless amounts of time. But giving and receiving phone calls requires quick responses, and it is very important to get exact information from calls. To avoid misunderstandings, we should pay close attention to things like numbers, times, dates, addresses, etc.


通过以数字练习和寻找关键词为主的听力训练和讲解,要求学生获取以下技 能和知识:

1. To get some training on learning strategies 1) listen for specific information: understanding what you need and catching them —telephone numbers, addresses, time and date 2) note-taking: note down the key words 3) Memory-focus training: make a list of keywords to bring back memories 4) autonomous learning: finish the self-learning tasks with the help of subtitles & scripts 2. To expand students knowledge about the telecommunication


Task 1: Vocabulary & warming-up discussions Content: Part I-A, “Oral Tasks”-discussions Activities: 1)a quick tour of “Learning Aids”, explaining some new words, expressions and culture notes 2)warm-up activities: ask students to give suggestions on how to take a telephone

41 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书 message effectively and give some comment on their suggestions Task 2: Listen for specific information: phone number Content: Part I-B Activities: 1) explain some difficult words & phrases 2) give a brief introduction on different ways of making phone calls: a person-to person call, a collect call, a direct call 3) give Ss instruction on keyword note taking: focus on content words 4) play the material twice 5) help the students check their work Task 3: Listen for specific information: phone numbers and reasons of disconnection Content: Part II– A Activities: 1) explain some difficult words & phrases 2) give Ss instruction on writing down content words in their notes 3) play the listening material once and ask the students to note down the numbers and the reasons of disconnection in the form of content words 4) play the material for the second time and check the students’ work Task 4: Note-taking training- telephone numbers Content: Part II-B Activities:. 1) remind the students of the method mentioned in the previous lesson 2) play the material once and ask the Ss to write down keywords on their designed paper 3) play the material for the second time and ask Ss to write down more details 4) check the students’ work Task 5: Listen for specific information :answer the questions Content: Part III Activities: 1) explain some difficult words & phrases 2) have Ss read the questions before listening, let Ss know what they need to understand and look for that information 3) play the listening material once and ask the students to focus on the specific

42 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书 information 4) play the material for the second time and check the students’ answers to the questions 5) play the material for the third time to and ask Ss to tell True or False to the given statements Task 6: Self-learning strategy training Content: Part IV Activities: 1) take control of the playing process by themselves, listening to Part IV and do the exercises in this part 2) reach a complete understanding of all the listening material, if necessary, listen with the subtitles on 3) Explain Difficult words & phrases and check the students work Task 7: Memory-focus training Content: Part V Activities: 1) Give a brief introduction on the ways of making an International Direct Dialing call and give some international telephone numbers for Ss to practice 2) Listen to the material once and ask Ss to fill in the form 3) Listen to the material for the second time and check the Ss work 四、实验教学设备及资源

1. 数字化语言实验室,多媒体电脑 2. 多媒体课件/ 参考资料 3. 相关的网络资源


1. 进一步深入了解数字听力的相关知识 2. 教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,比如查阅资料

六、问题讨论 How to take down the numbers efficiently?

七、实验教学的作业及评价 Practice with your partners in recognizing phone numbers: one student gives out a phone and the other one write it down quickly. Do it in turns.

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实验教学三 Safety First

(3 学时)


Since instructions and advice of this kind are of special importance to people's health, try to establish a serious attitude towards whatever the speaker says in his lecture or demonstration. The focus of this unit is the understanding of instructions and advice on safety. Focus on the action words and words like "first, second", "then" and "finally", and strictly follow the steps as instructed. Any misunderstanding or a careless mistake can lead to serious problems or even loss of life. The materials in this unit are highly practical and useful. Try to memorize some of the do's and don'ts presented in this unit and more importantly, to increase your skills and ability in coping with an emergency. 二、实验教学目标

通过以列提纲技能和新闻听力基础等为主的听力训练和讲解,要求学生获取 以下技能和知识:

1. Listening strategies & skills 1)self-planning, self-evaluation, self-monitoring and pair work 2)outlining strategy —structure & format of outlines —summarizing the topic sentences and sub-topic sentences by using one key word or phrase 2. General knowledge improvement 1)vocabulary, listening and speaking practice 2)training focus: the understanding of instructions and advice on safety 3)the identification of potential hazards and ways of removing or remedying the problems a) a checklist of questions about first aid in Part I-B

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b) some advice on cycling Part I-C c) how to give artificial respiration d) something about mountain climbing e) some hints on how to treat shock 三、实验教学内容及过程

Task 1: Vocabulary & warming-up Discussions Content: Part I-A, B, and C: Activities: 1)a quick tour of “Learning Aids”, explaining some new words, expressions and culture notes 2)students having a group discussion of the topics: —Do you pay any attention to safety in your daily life? —Can you give any examples to show the importance of keeping an eye on safety? 3)Students finish Part I-B by themselves 4)Guide the students to listen to Part I-C, pay much attention the identification of key words and summarize the main ideas after filling the blanks. Task 2: Key word note-taking exercises Content: Part II-A Activities: 1)Listen to the material, take down the key words under the pictures. Task 3: Key word strategy training Content: Part II-B Activities: 1)Listen to the report and note down some key words 2)Direct the students’ attention to the instructions of AR. 3)let the students listen to the materials and finish the exercises without the help of the transcripts and reference answers.

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Task 4: Outlining strategy training Content: Part III climbing Activities: 1)Part III-A learn the definitions of some new words;  Listen to the material note down some key words; 2)Part III-B complete the chart about numbers and their relevant information  Listen to the material and answer the questions. 3)Listen to the material again to check the answers and if necessary listen with the transcriptions on. Task 5: Self-learning strategy training Content: Part IV Treating shock Spot dictation Activities: 1)students taking control of the playing process by themselves, listening to the Part IV with subtitles off 2)if necessary, listening again, but this time with the subtitles on so as to achieve a complete understanding of the listening material Task 6: Self-learning strategy training Content: Part V Surviving in the Snow Activities: 1)To take control of the playing process by themselves, listening to this part 2)To finish all the exercises in the parts concerned 3)To reach a complete understanding of all the listening material, if necessary, listening with the subtitles on 四、实验教学设备及资源

1. 数字化语言实验室,多媒体电脑 2. 多媒体课件/ 参考资料 3. 相关的网络资源

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1. 进一步深入了解与人身安全相关的知识、表达方式及词汇 2. 教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,比如查阅资料 六、问题讨论 What are the basic rules we should obey in order to preserve safety?


Listen to the parts that still trouble them. Get online to read more about safety in one's daily life.

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实验教学四 Sportsmanship and Championship

(3 学时)


This unit is to train students’ quick response to numbers and the understanding of some descriptions of body postures and signals. Part V in this unit includes a number of sports commentaries. Although the commentators' remarks are presented at a fast speed, the accompanying exercises in this part are relatively easy. Take an active part in the test and more importantly, to get a feeling of this special kind of exciting presentation of on-going sports activities. 二、实验教学目标

通过以寻找关键词、列提纲技能和听写训练等为主的听力训练和讲解,要求 学生获取以下技能和知识:

1. Listening strategies & skills 1)self-planning, self-evaluation, self-monitoring and pair work 2)key word strategy —key information selection —note-taking in short-hand form 3)outlining strategy —structure & format of outlines —summarizing the topic sentences and sub-topic sentences by using one key word or phrase 2. General knowledge improvement 1)vocabulary, listening and speaking practice 2)the understanding of a) several news item about a basketball tournament; b) a talk on yoga exercises; c) signals used by referees and linesman in football; d) women in sports

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Task 1: Vocabulary & warming-up Discussions Content: Part I-A, “Oral Tasks”-discussions Activities: 1)a quick tour of “Learning Aids”, explaining some new words, expressions and culture notes 2)students having a group discussion of the topics: —Do you exercises regularly? —What can people benefit from regular exercises? —Do you know anything about professional sports? Task 2: Blank filling: Content: Part I-B Activities: 1)Listen to a news item about a basketball tournament and supply the missing words; 2)At the same time, try to guess the meaning of the unfamiliar words Task 3: Key word strategy training – yoga exercises Content: Part II: Activities: 1)listen to the talk between two students on yoga exercises and note down some key words 2)match the names of the yoga postures with the corresponding pictures; 3)let the students listen to it and complete the descriptions of yoga postures and make a summary of the material. Task 4: Outlining strategy training – signals in football match Content: Part III signals used by referees and lineman in football match Activities: 1)Part III-A  Listen to the definition of some words and expressions 2)Part III-B  Listen to a conversation and complete the descriptions for each signal. The gesture in this part is a little bit difficult for the students to comprehend,so

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the teacher can give the students several minutes to search online for the relevant information. Task 5: Self-learning strategy training Content: Part IV women in sports Spot dictation Activities: 1)students taking control of the playing process by themselves, listening to the Part IV with subtitles off 2)if necessary, listening again, but this time with the subtitles on so as to achieve a complete understanding of the listening material Task 6: Self-learning strategy training Content: Part V Which sport? Activities: 1)To take control of the playing process by themselves, listening to this part 2)To finish all the exercises in the parts concerned 3)To reach a complete understanding of all the listening material, if necessary, listening with the subtitles on 四、实验教学设备及资源

1. 数字化语言实验室,多媒体电脑 2. 多媒体课件/ 参考资料 3. 相关的网络资源 五、实验注意事项

1. 进一步深入了解体育运动的相关知识、表达方式及词汇 2. 教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,比如查阅资料 六、问题讨论 What is your opinion to the relationship between health and sports?


Listen to the parts that still trouble them. Get online to read more about sports and matches and health.

50 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学一 Front Vowels /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/

(1 学时)


In chapter 1, the students are going to know how to pronounce the four front vowels. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with the ways and methods to pronounce them correctly. 二、实验教学目标

Help students get familiar with the following aspects through the teaching of chapter one, by using the methods based on the “student-centered” philosophy. 1. Let students know the related positions of the organs of speech when pronouncing the front vowels: /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/. 2. Lead students to pronounce the four front vowels: /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ correctly, and put them into practice by explaining, demonstrating and exercising. 3. Let students gain some relevant knowledge: ①the difference between the long vowel /i:/ and the short vowel /i/ ②the difference between /e/ and /æ/ ③the words and phrases with /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ ④the differences between British and American pronunciations with /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/. 4. Since this is the first time students get to know phonetics, teachers are expected to arouse the students’ interest in learning this course by using lots of games and activities. 三、实验教学内容及过程

本课重点:通过训练掌握发音方式及发音方法 教学过程 First part:前元音/i:/ /i/

I. Warming-up exercise 热身练习:通过让学生朗读以下句子,大致了解他 们的发音问题。

A big pig is sleeping on a ship

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Do you see the key on that seat? There is a bee on the leaf of that tree. Do you like to eat fish and chips? Eat more fish, less meat. A friend in need is a friend in deed. II. Front vowels: /i:/ /i/ 前元音/i:/ /i/ 1.Description: 前元音发音要则 There are four front vowels: /i:/ /i/ /e/ and /æ/ in English. (T lead the students to pronounce the front vowels according to the indication given below.) For all of them the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower teeth. The front part of the tongue is raised at varying degrees. There is no lip-rounding, lips are spread or kept neutral. 2. Front vowel /i:/ 前元音/i:/ ① 前元音/i:/ 发音要则(T lead the students to imitate the teacher according to the indication of /i:/ given below; correct their mistakes when walking around the classroom and listening to every student’s pronouncing.) The front of the tongue nearly touches the front part of the hard palate, and the muscles of the tongue and cheeks are tense. The lips are drawn back in a “smile” and long voiced sound is produced. ② Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as /i:/.) /i:/ is usually read in the following letters or letter groups : e ea ee ei i ie Agree appreciate Believe cheap Achieve Dream Eager Feel Extremely free Lead Secret Succeed Need meet ③ Pair work 结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) Phrases three weeks green tea Keep it a secret team leader Swedish cheese eat a piece of meat

④ Sentences 句子练习(T ask the students first to read the sentences listed

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below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) Seeing is believing A friend in need is a friend indeed Jean is as busy as a bee She agrees to leave the beach at three 3. Front vowel /i/ 前元音/i/ ①前元音/i/发音要则(T lead the students to imitate the teacher according to the indication of /i/ given below; correct their mistakes when walking around the classroom and listening to every student’s pronouncing.) The general position of the tongue resembles that of /i:/, but the front of the tongue is lower and drawn back a little. The lips are spread and the tongue is lax. ②Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as /i/.) /i/ is usually read in the following letters or letter groups : i y Ability Business Busy Consider delicious

Difficult Diligent Live Interesting million

Rich Sick Silly Think visit

③Pair work. 结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) Phrases a big ship six sticks bit by bit a silver lid three wishes Little by little

④ Sentences. 句子练习 (T ask the students first to read the sentences listed below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) A little learning is a dangerous thing

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His six-year-old sister is as fit as a fiddle Silly Billy slipped into the ditch III. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动巩固并检验学生掌握情况。 1. Pair work. 结对对话练习

Dialogues. (T ask the students to practice the dialogues with /i:/ by pairs). ---Your feet are in terrible condition. They need treatment. ---I agree, Doctor. My feet do need treatment. ---The treatment for there feet is—to eat lots of vegetables, but no meat for at least a week. ---No meat, Doctor? ---I repeat. You must not eat meat for at least a week. ---But I do eat green vegetables, Doctor. And I don’t eat meat at all. ---Then you don’t seem to need any treatment. ---But Doctor, my feet! ---Next patient, please. 2. Tongue twister. 绕口令 (T ask the students to practice the tongue twister with /i:/ and /i/ in groups) I need not your needles, they're needless to me; For kneading of noodles, 'twere needless, you see; But did my neat knickers but need to be kneed, I then should have need of your needles indeed. Second Part:前元音/e/ /æ/

I. Warming-up exercise 热身练习:通过让学生朗读以下句子,大致了解他 们的发音问题。

That’s not a bad sentence. This sentence is better Frank is very angry. Harry doesn’t like the tennis net. East or west, home is best. Better late than never. Handsome is a handsome does.

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II. Front vowels: /e/ /æ/ 前元音/e/ /æ/ 1.Description: 发音要则 (T lead the students to imitate the teacher according to the indications of /e/ /æ/ given below; correct their mistakes when walking around the classroom and listening to every student’s pronouncing.) The lips are more loosely spread and slightly further apart than for /i/. The front of the tongue is near the upper teeth ridge. The front of the tongue is slightly raised. The whole tongue lies low in the mouth. The lips are spread with the widest opening between the jaws among the front vowels. 2. Front vowel /e/ 前元音/e/ ① Word-practice 单词发音练习 (T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as /e/.) /e/ is usually read in the following letters or letter groups: a e ea u Anybody Anything Benefit Depend develop Energy Especially Fresh Essential everybody everything Forget Intelligent Impress pleasure Guess Question Remember Special suggest Terrible Together Welcome

② Pair work. 结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) Phrases seven beds the next lesson fresh and energetic

ten desks the best text wet with sweat

③ Sentences. 句子练习 (T ask the students first to read the sentences listed below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) Remember to tell Ted about the test Better late than never All’s well that ends well East or west, home is best

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3. Front vowel /æ/ 前元音/æ/ ①Word-practice 单词发音练习 (T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as /æ/.) /æ/ is usually read in the following letters or letter groups: a Absolutely Action challenge Plan embarrass Exactly Exaggerate Handle examination fantastic Graduate Practice Happy outstanding plan Shallow Understand chance(AE) laugh(AE)

②Pair work. 结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) Phrases a happy man caps and hats hand in hand a sad lad bags and sags tit for tat

③ Sentences. 句子练习 (T ask the students first to read the sentences listed below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) The rat is running on a narrow track Sam’s let the cat out of the bag He’s carrying a map of Japan in his hand Pat married a handsome young man III. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动巩固并检验学生掌握情况。 1. Tongue twister 绕口令 (T ask the students to practice the first part of the tongue Twister With /i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ in groups, and ask some of them to perform in front of their classmates as the representatives of their groups.). Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed Shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack; Sheep should sleep in a shed.

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2. Dialogue 结对对话 ---Hi, how is your leg? ---It’s getting better, thanks. ---Well, I’m glad to hear that. ---I’m glad you came. Thanks. ---I’m very busy, but I will be back again next Saturday. IV. After-class assignments: 课后练习 1. Review and remember the words, phrases, sentences, tongue twisters and the chant learned in class ( T will have a check in the next lecture) 2. Advertising slogans containing the front vowels. 3. Practice the dialogue. “The feet” 4. Practice the tongue twister “sheep” 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet 五、实验注意事项

1、教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关 知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论

如何正确发好前元音? 七、实验教学的作业及评价


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实验教学二 Back Vowels: /ɑ: / / ɔ / / ɔ: / / u / / u: /

(1 学时)


In chapter 2, the students are going to know how to pronounce the back vowels. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with the ways and methods to pronounce them correctly. 二、实验教学目标

1、Lead students to understand the definition of back vowels and the names and places of organs involved. 2、Lead students to know the characteristics of the back vowels in terms of the manner of articulation, the place of articulation and the force of articulation.

3、Help students differentiate the sound between /ɑ: / and / ɔ /, / ɔ: / and / ɔ /, / u:

/ and / u /. 4、Help students acquire correct pronunciation of back vowels (T sets good models, detects and helps ss correct whatever mistakes they may have; then ss do repetition work chorally and individually, in groups and in pairs) 三、实验教学内容及过程



First part:后元音/ɑ: / / ɔ / / ɔ: / Ⅰ. Warning-up exercise 热身练习: 通过让学生朗读以下短语,了解学生的 发音问题.

/ɑ:/ a fast car / a large shark / a starved artist /ɔ/ socks and stockings / borrow a novel / clocks and watches /ɔ:/ more and more / on the fourth floor / a short story

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II. Back vowels: /ɑ: / / ɔ / / ɔ: / 后元音/ɑ: / / ɔ / / ɔ: / 1、Description: 后元音发音要则 There are five back vowels: /ɑ:/ /ɔ/ /ɔ:/ /u/ /u:/ For all of them the tip of tongue is withdrawn towards the soft palate, lip-rounding plays an important part in producing all the back vowels except for /ɑ:/ 2、Back vowel /ɑ: / 后元音/ɑ: /

①后元音/ɑ: /发音要则 (T introduces the definition of back vowel /ɑ: / in terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, show ss the diagrams of speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing the back vowel /ɑ: /. T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) The tongue is held very low. The mouth is opened with no lip-rounding. The sound is like the exclamation “Ah”. ②Word- practice 单词发音练习 (T asks the ss to read the following words with letters or combined letters pronounced as /ɑ : / ) /ɑ:/ is usually read in the following letter or combine letters: a ar al au plant glass class fast Basket star Park car Parcel Hard Calm Half palm (l is silent) Aunt Laugh

③Pair work 结对短语练习 (T asks the ss to read the following phrases by pairs, T goes around to detect whatever trouble ss may have and give them immediate help.) A fast car a starved artist A laugh star a starry March night half past nine a large garden

④Sentences 句子练习 (Ss first underline and read aloud the words containing the target sound. T sets models on how to read the sentences, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) The dancing party stopped at half past five. Arthur didn’t pass the art exam.

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He laughs best who laughs last. A large army marched past the grassland.

3、Back vowel / ɔ / 后元音 / ɔ / ①后元音/ ɔ /发音要则 (T introduces the definition of back vowel / ɔ / in terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, show ss the diagrams of speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing the back vowel / ɔ /. T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) The sound is made with open jaws and slight open lip-rounding, the back of the tongue is kept very low and far back. ②Word- practice 单词发音练习 (T asks the ss to read the following words with letters or combined letters pronounced as / ɔ / ) /ɔ/ is usually read in the following letters or combined letters: o a ou au

Cop Lock hot Clock novel Want What was Watch quality Cough Trough knowledge Because Sausage Austria Australia ③Pair work 结对短语练习 (T asks the ss to read the following phrases by pairs, T goes around to detect whatever trouble ss may have and give them immediate help.) clocks and watches cotton socks borrow a novel wash the mop cost a lot watch that small fox

④Sentences 句子练习 (Ss first underline and read aloud the words containing the target sound. T sets models on how to read the sentences, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) John has got a pot of hot water. Lots and lots of clocks and watches has gone wrong. The robber’s name is Robert. He walked across the top of the hill and stopped at a cottage.

4.Back vowel / ɔ: / 后元音 / ɔ: / ①后元音/ ɔ:/发音要则 (T introduces the definition of back vowel / ɔ:/ in

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terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, show ss the diagrams of speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing the back vowel / ɔ:/. T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) This sound has a low, mid-back tongue position; the lips are tense and protruded. ②Word- practice 单词发音练习 (T asks the ss to read the following words with letters or combined letters pronounced as / ɔ: / ) /ɔ:/ is usually read in the following combined letters: aw or au ar al ore oor oar our ough augh

Saw jaw law Yawn Draw Horse born cord Sword Cause fault war Fall all salt Talk Tore before more Board Door Four fought taught Daughter ③Pair work 结对短语练习 (T asks the ss to read the following phrases by pairs, T goes around to detect whatever trouble ss may have and give them immediate help.)

more score short stories walk across the lawn morning news report forty horses put more salt

④Sentences 句子练习 (Ss first underline and read aloud the words containing the target sound. T sets models on how to read the sentences, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) Your four daughters are all very tall. The reporter gave an important talk in the auditorium. You ought to do what the doctor ordered. The tallest of the four is walking to the door. 5. Comparison 比较练习:通过比较练习使学生掌握三个后元音的区别。

(T shows the ss two groups of similar words pronounced with /ɑ: / & / ɔ / and / ɔ: / &

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/ ɔ /, asks them to read aloud and compare.)

/ɑ:/ /ɔ/ /ɔ:/ /ɔ/ Dark 黑 dock 码头 cork 软木 cock 公鸡 guard 看守 god 神 short 短 shot 射击 sharp 锋利 shop 商店 chalk 粉笔 chock 垫块 heart 心脏 hot 热 cord 粗浅 cod 鳕鱼

6. Advice to Students 供学生的参考的建议:通过强调/ɑ:/ /ɔ/ /ɔ:/三个后元音 不同的发音特点,指出学生在后元音语音学习中易将三个后元音混淆的原因所在。 Some students often confuse /ɑ:/ with /ɔ/. In their pronunciation, part/pɑ:t/ sound like pot/pɔt/. This mistake may be corrected if they round their lips a little. Many students substitute /ɔ:/ for /ɔ/. In their pronunciation, sport /spɔ:t/ and spot /spɔt/ sound alike. To avoid such a mistake, they should open the lower jaw less wide (about two thirds of the jaw-opening for /ɔ/) and raise the back of the tongue higher. Ⅲ. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动使学生复习、巩固所学内容。 1.Listen and make a choice 听力判断(Ss first listen closely and quietly to T, then tick the right word they heard.) Did you buy a (cart, cat)? He likes her (form, farm). The (clerk, clock) is slow. It’s a good coat, but I don’t like the (colour, collar). She wanted to find a (potter, porter). The man was (shot, short). 2. Pair work 结对对话练习 (T asks the students to read the dialogue by pairs first, then imitate T chorally) A: Hey, don’t walk on the lawn. B: Sorry, I’m looking for my wallet. A: You lost your wallet? Anything important in it? B: Yes. A lot of money. Almost four thousand dollars.

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A: That’s too bad. Better report to the police officer walking there.

Second Part:后元音/ u / / u: /

Ⅰ. Warning-up exercise 热身练习: 通过让学生朗读以下短语,了解学生的发音 问题. /u/ look for the cook / woolen socks / stood in the foot /u:/ a new rule / useful tools / stoop by a cool pool II. Back vowels: / u / / u: / 后元音/ u / / u: / 1、Description: 后元音发音要则 后元音/ u / / u: /发音要则 (T introduces the definition of back vowel / u: / and / u / in terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, show ss the diagrams of speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing the back vowels / u: / and / u /. T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) / u / This sound is produced with the tongue in a relaxed position. The lips are loosely rounded. / u: / The back of the tongue is raised the highest. This sound is the most tense and most lip-rounded of the back vowels. 2、Back vowel / u / 后元音/ u / ①Word- practice 单词发音练习 (T asks the ss to read the following words with letters or combined letters pronounced as / u / ) /u/ is usually read in the following letters or combined letters: u o oo ou

Put Full sugar bull Push butcher Wolf Woman bosom to Good Stood wood foot Soot (before t and d in the words) book Cook hook look Took shook (before k in the words) could Should would

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②Pair work 结对短语练习 (T asks the ss to read the following phrases by pairs, T goes around to detect whatever trouble ss may have and give them immediate help.) Look for the cook push aside the butcher a good-looking woman took the book Cook the soup put the sugar in the bottle

③Sentences 句子练习 (Ss first underline and read aloud the words containing the target sound. T sets models on how to read the sentences, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) The cook took some sugar and put it in the food. He took a book to the wood and had a good look at it. The woman couldn’t push the cart full of wood. They shook hands and stood talking for a while. 3、Back vowel / u: /后元音/ u: / ①Word- practice 单词发音练习 (T asks the ss to read the following words with letters or combined letters pronounced as / u: / ) /u:/ is usually read in the following letters and combined letters: o u oo ou ue ew oe

Do Who move lose June Rude Susan Too Food soon moon Spoon You Group soup through Glue True blue

chew Juice shoe

②Pair work 结对短语练习 (T asks the ss to read the following phrases by pairs, T goes around to detect whatever trouble ss may have and give them immediate help.) Food and soup blue boots choose a good school at noon in June stoop by a cool pool useful tools

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③Sentences 句子练习 (Ss first underline and read aloud the words containing the target sound. T sets models on how to read the sentences, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) That news is too good to be true. That student blew up a blue balloon on an afternoon in June. As a rule, Sue is foolish and stupid at school. The new troops air their boots and shoes on the roof. 1. Comparison 比较练习:通过比较比较使学生掌握后元音/ u: / 与/ u /的

区别。(T shows the ss two groups of similar words pronounced with / u: / and / u /, asks them to read aloud and compare.)

/u:/ /u/ /u:/ /u/ Luk 卢克(男子名) look 看 cooed 鸽子叫声 could 能 Fool 傻瓜 full 充满 who’d=who would hood 头巾 Pool 水池 pull 拉 stool 凳子 stood 站 wooed 求婚 wood 木头 shoot 射击 should 应该

2. Advice to Students 供学生的参考的建议:通过强调/u:/ /u/ 二个后元音不 同的发音特点,指出学生在后元音语音学习中易将二个后元音混淆的原因所在。 Students sometime confuse /u:/ with /u/. Remember the English /u:/ is somewhat relaxed though it is a long vowel. In the pronunciation of /u:/, the lips are more rounded and closed than for /u/. The back of the tongue is raised higher, too. Ⅲ. A Brief Summary of the English Back Vowels 后元音小结:总结归纳五

个后元音/ ɑ: / / ɔ / / ɔ: / / u / / u: /的共同发音特点,使学生更好的掌握。 The English back vowels have the following features in common:  The tongue is retracted, the back part is raised to various levels in the direction of the soft palate.  The tip of the tongue is slightly drawn away from the lower teeth.  For /ɔ ɔ: u u:/ the lips are rounded, but for /ɑ:/ the lips are not. Ⅳ. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动使学生复习、巩固所学 内容。

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1、Read a short poem 小诗朗读 (Ask ss to pay attention to the sounds between / u: / and / u / while they read individually) At noon I took a book. And sat by the pool in the wood. And put my foot in the pool. Oh, how cool! 中午我拿着一本书, 坐在林中的水池边。 我把脚放在水池中, 噢,好凉爽! 2、Learn to sing 学唱英文歌 Sing together the song, in which back vowels are involved. (Ss imitate T to read aloud the words of the song. Listen to the music T plays. Sing the song together with T.) Edelweiss Edelweiss, edelweiss, Every morning you greet me. Small and white, Clean and bright. You look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow, May you bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever. Edelweiss, edelweiss, Bless my homeland forever. Ⅴ. After-class assignments 课后练习 1. Review and memorize the words, phrases, sentences in class. (T will have a check in the nest lecture.)

2. Make sentences containing back vowels /ɑ: / / ɔ / / ɔ: /./ u / / u: /. 3. Reading practice “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

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The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A shepherd boy was looking after his sheep on the mountain. He was bored so hi shouted, “Help! Wolf!” Then he watched all the people run up the mountain from the town. He laughed. “Where’s the wolf? Where’s the wolf?” the people asked. “It ran away!” the boy said. Next day he was bored so he shouted, “Help! Wolf!” Then he watched all the people run up the mountain from the town. “Where’s the wolf? Where’s the wolf?” the people asked. “It ran away!” the boy said. On the third day a wolf came s he shouted “Help! Wolf!” The people in the town heard him but they said, “It’s not true. He’s bored. He wants to see us run up the mountain.” So the wolf ate the sheep and the boy. 四、实验教学设备及资源 1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet 五、实验注意事项 1、教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论 如何正确发好后元音? 七、实验教学的作业及评价 完成相关语音训练内容。

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实验教学三 Central Vowels: /Λ/ / ə / / ə: /

(1 学时)


In chapter 3, the students are going to know how to pronounce the Central Vowels. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with the ways and methods to pronounce them correctly. 二、实验教学目标

1、Lead students to understand the definition of back vowels and the names and places of the speech organs involved. 2、Lead students to know the characteristics of the back vowels in terms of the manner of articulation, the place of articulation and the force of articulation. 3、Help students differentiate the sounds between /Λ / / ə / and / ə: /. 4、Help students acquire correct pronunciation of back vowels (T sets good models, detects and helps ss correct whatever mistakes they may have; then ss do repetition work chorally and individually, in groups and in pairs) 三、实验教学内容及过程

本课重点:通过训练掌握发音方式及发音方法 教学过程 First part:中元音 / ə / / ə: / Ⅰ. Warning-up exercise 热身练习: 通过让学生朗读下列句子,了解学生的 发音问题。 The best player was injured. The wonderful weather was over. Were you ever hurt in an accident? Birds of a feather flock together. Ⅱ. Central vowels / ə: / and / ə / 中元音 / ə: / and / ə / 1、Description: 中元音发音要则

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There are three central vowels /Λ / / ə / / ə: / For all of then the tip tongue touches the base of the lower teeth or the teeth ridge. The tongue is flat in the mouth. The lips are spread or neutral with no lip-rounding. 2、Central vowel / ə: /中元音/ ə: / ①中元音/ ə: /发音要则 (T introduces the definition of back vowel / ə: / in terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, show ss the diagrams of speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing the back vowel / ə: /. T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) The centre of the tongue is raised with considerable tongue tension. The opening between the jaws is narrow. ②Word- practice 单词发音练习 (T asks the ss to read the following words with letters or combined letters pronounced as / ə: / ) / ə: / is usually read in the following combined letters: er ir (w)or ur ear our

Her serve Nerve Reserve Certain

Girl sir First Dirty Bird

work word Worse World Worm

Fur turn Purse Return Church

earth heard

journey courtesy Journal

③Pair work 结对短语练习 (T asks the ss to read the following phrases by pairs, T goes around to detect whatever trouble ss may have and give them immediate help.)

The girl’s curls the first term

The third world the early bird

thirty shirts and skirts a firm nurse

④Sentences 句子练习 (Ss first underline and read aloud the words containing the target sound. T sets models on how to read the sentences, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.)

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The workers worked in the dirty workshop. I urged the thirsty nurse to drink first. I gave her some pearls for her thirty-first birthday. The German prefer a fur cap to a leather one. 3、Central vowel / ə / 中元音 / ə / ①中元音/ ə /发音要则 (T introduces the definition of back vowel / ə / in terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, show ss the diagrams of speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing the back vowel / ə /. T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) This sound is read somewhat like / ə: / but shorter and more relaxed. ②Word- practice 单词发音练习 (T asks the ss to read the following words with letters or combined letters pronounced as / ə / ) / ə / is usually read in the following letters and combined letters: a e I o u ar er or ur ou our ure ( They are read / ə / in an unstressed syllable. ) about again Above Ago Around pavement government Gentlemen possible horrible Terrible oblige method Europe suppose difficult Column father better Manner particular Forward doctor effort Femurs colour Figure

③Pair work 结对短语练习 (T asks the ss to read the following phrases by pairs, T goes around to detect whatever trouble ss may have and give them immediate help.) around a corner better and better

Over and over again about the worker

accept a member sooner or later

④Sentences 句子练习 (Ss first underline and read aloud the words containing

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the target sound. T sets models on how to read the sentences, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) We’ll have a get-together the day after tomorrow. I am teacher, she’s a dancer. Read the tongue twister again and again. Better late than never. 4、Comparison 比较练习:通过比较练习使学生能正确分辨/ ə /与 / ə: /区 别。(T shows the ss two groups of similar words pronounced with / ə / and / ə: /, asks them to read aloud and compare.)

/ ə / / ə: /

as (弱读) 同样地 Earth 地球

but (弱读) 但 bird 鸟

was (弱读) 是 worse 更坏

mama 妈妈(儿语) murmur 咕噜

Ⅲ. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动使学生复习、巩固所学内容。 1、Pair work 结对对话练习 (T asks the students to read the dialogue by pairs first, then imitate T chorally) Dialogue A: Something’s burning. B: Oh, my buns! (小圆)面包 A: Mm, I love burnt buns. B: Curse this oven! Curse it! A: But I prefer burnt buns. B: It’s the worst oven in the world! A: Wonderful! A perfect bun! B: There’re thirty of them. Oh, have another. Have them all if you like. 2、Read the following proverbs 谚言朗读练习 (Read the following proverbs paying attention to the sound / ə: / and / ə /) Never judge from appearance. 不要以貌取人。

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First come, first served. 先来先得。 The early bird catches the worm. 笨鸟先得食;捷足先登。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林,不如一鸟在手。 Second Part:中元音 / Λ /

Ⅰ. Warning-up exercise 热身练习: 通过让学生朗读以下句子,了解学生的 发音问题。 Every country has its customs. It’s fun to run and jump in the sun. Could you come for lunch? What colour’s the brush? Ⅱ. Central vowels / Λ / 中元音 / Λ / 1、Description: 中元音发音要则(T introduces the definition of back vowel / Λ / in terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, show ss the diagrams of speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing the back vowel / Λ /. T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) The centre of the tongue is raised with the tongue resting in a relaxed fashion in the bottom of the mouth. The lips are spread in the shape of a rectangular. 2、Central vowel / Λ / 中元音/ Λ / ①Word- practice 单词发音练习 (T asks the ss to read the following words with letters or combined letters pronounced as / Λ / ) /Λ/ is usually read in the following letters or combined letters: u o oo ou

Bus but Truck brush Cup

Dove colour Come once Nothing

Blood flood

Country enough Young southern

②Pair work 结对短语练习 (T asks the ss to read the following phrases by pairs, T goes around to detect whatever trouble ss may have and give them immediate help.)

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much love a cup and some nuts just once a wonderful sunset blood for blood a funny cover

③Sentences 句子练习 (Ss first underline and read aloud the words containing the target sound. T sets models on how to read the sentences, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually.) Hurry up. The bus is coming. He told the funny story just for fun. I love buns and butter for supper. Look, the sun has come up. 3、Comparison (5m) 比较练习:通过比较练习使学生能正确分辨 / Λ / 与 /:ɑ /区别。(T shows the ss two groups of similar words pronounced with / Λ / and /:ɑ /, asks them to read aloud and compare.)

/Λ/ / ɑ: / /Λ/ / ɑ: / hut 小屋 heart 心 much 多 march 行军 Luck 运气 lark 云雀 came 来 calm 平静 cut 切 cart 马车 cup 杯 carp 鲤鱼 Duck 鸭子 dark 黑暗 bun 小圆面包 barn 粮食

4、Advice to Students 供学生的参考的建议:通过强调/ ɑ: /和/ Λ/ 的发音时 的对比,和各自发音特点的比较,指出学生在单元音语音学习中易将二个中元音

混淆的原因所在。 Many students confuse /ɑ:/ and /Λ/ , so that their much /mΛt∫/ sounds much like march /mɑ:t∫/. To avoid this mistake, they should pay attention to the differences in the formation of the two vowels. For /ɑ:/ the tongue almost lies flat in the mouth. The tip of the tongue does not touch the lower teeth. The lips are neutrally open. For /Λ/, the part of the tongue that is raised is the centre of the tongue. The tip of the tongue touches the base of the lower teeth. The lips are widely open but not as

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wide as that for /ɑ:/. Ⅲ. A Brief Summary of the English Back Vowels 中元音小结:总结归纳三 个中元音/Λ / / ə: / / ə /的共同发音特点,使学生更好的掌握。 ①The main body of the tongue is rather flat, only the centre of the tongue is somewhat raised in the direction of the junction between the hard palate and the soft palate. ②The tongue-tip teaches the lower teeth. ③The lips are spread. Ⅳ. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动使学生复习、巩固所学内容。 1、Pair work 结对对对话练习 Dialogue A: What’s wrong? B: Nothing’s wrong. A: Come on, Something’s wrong. B: Nothing much. A: What’s the trouble? Has Buddy come? B: Mm. Come, and gone. 2、Read for fun (T ask ss to read the dialogue with the sound /Λ / individually ) Hurry up! Hurry up! There comes the bus. Don’t worry, I’m always lucky. I surely can catch the bus. Ⅳ.Additional information. 相关知识介绍.开音节,闭音节 1、开音节:以发音的元音字母结尾,或以辅音字母(r 除外)加上不发音的 元音字母 e 结尾的重读音节,称为开音节.开音节又可以分为两种: (1)绝对开音节:指以发音的元音字母结尾的重读音节,其结构是"辅音 字母+元音字母"。在这类结构中的元音字母按字母表中的读音发音,即

a=/ei/,e=/i:/,i((y)=/ai/,o=/ əu/, u=/ju:/。 (2)相对开音节:指以辅音字母(r 除外)加上不发音的元音字母 e 结尾的

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重读音节,其结构是“元音字母+辅音字母+e”。在这类结构中的元音字母的读 音和(1)中提到的绝对开音节元音字母读音相同。 字母 读音 例词

A /ei/ name/neim/名字,make/meik/做,mistake/misteik/错误

E /i:/ me/mi:/我(宾格),he/hi:/他,Pete/pi:t/皮特(男子名)

i,y /ai/ time/taim/时间,my/mai/我的,type/taip/类型

O /əu/ go/gəu/去,nose/nəuz/鼻子,home/həum/家

U /ju:/ use/ju:z/使用, huge/hju:dЗ/巨大的, new/nju:/新的

3、闭音节: 指以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾, 前面只有一个元音字 母的音节, 称为闭音节.其结构是 “元音字母+辅音字母”。在闭音节中元音字母读 短音,即 a=/æ/, e=/e/, i((y)=/i/,o= / /, u=/Λ/

字母 开音节 例词 闭音节 例词

A /ei/ tape/teip/ 磁带 / æ / tap/tæp/ 轻的

E /i:/ Pete/pi:t/ 皮特(男子名) /e/ pet/pet/ 宠物

I /ai/ site/sait/ 场所 /i/ sit/sit/ 坐

Y /ai/ my/mai/ 我的 /i/ myth/miθ/ 神话

O /əu/ note/nəut/ 笔记 / / not/n t/ 不

U /ju:/ tube/tju:b/ 管子 /Λ/ tub/tΛb/ 木桶

V.After-class assignments 课后练习 1. Review and memorizes the words, phrases and sentences learnt in class. 2. Make up three sentences with central vowel / ə: / / ə / /Λ / . 3. Find out a tongue twister with the central vowel involved. 4. 完成课后练习 葆青编著 高等教育出版社出版《实用英语语音》P117 练 习三:1 题 1),P125 2 题 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet

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1、教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关 知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论

如何正确发好中元音? 七、实验教学的作业及评价


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实验教学四 The Closing Diphthongs / / / / / / / / / /

(1 学时)


In chapter 4, the students are going to know how to pronounce The Closing Diphthongs. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with the ways and methods to pronounce them correctly. 二、实验教学目标

Help students get familiar with the following aspects through the teaching of chapter four by using methods based on the “student-centered” philosophy. 1. Help students know the basic knowledge of the closing diphthongs. 2. Let students grasp the basic principles of the pronunciations of the closing diphthongs. 3. Put students into practice by explaining, demonstrating and exercising. 三、实验教学内容及过程

本课重点:通过训练掌握发音方式及发音方法 教学过程

First part:合口双元音/ei/ /ai/ /ɔi/

Ⅰ. Warming-up exercise 热身练习:通过朗读单词复习构成将学双元音的 四个元音。 1. /i/: did pig give will 2. /e/: bed leg says well 3. /ɔ:/: jaw tore wore saw 4. /a:/: car jar hard heart II. Study of the new lesson 1、Introduction 双元音发音要则 A diphthong is a glide from one vowel to another. It is pronounced as one

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syllable. The loudness becomes less as the glide goes on, so the second element of the diphthong is only lightly sounded. This single syllable, which is articulated with a single breath, is quite different from two separate syllables. The diphthongs of English are in two groups: one is the closing diphthongs which end in /i/ and /u/, and the other is centering diphthongs which end in /ə/ (T pronounces respectively the simple vowels and diphthongs clearly, loudly and slowly, ss listen closely and quietly for the correct pronunciation).

2、Teaching closing diphthong /ei/: ⑴Introduce the basic principle of the pronunciation and show it by pictures. The tongue starts from slightly below the half-close front position as for /e/ and moves in the direction of /i/. The lips are spread through out. The opening of the jaws at the start is medium and gradually diminishes. The tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords are in vibration.

⑵ /ei/ is usually read in the following letters or letter groups : ai ay ei ey ea say day play grey away may cake late May

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⑶pair work May Day Labor Day No pains, no gains. Great changes have taken place in only one day. 3、Teaching closing diphthong /ai/: ⑴ Introduce the basic principle of the pronunciation and show it by pictures. The front of the tongue is raised highest. The tongue starts to glide at a point slightly behind the front open position and then moves to a closer position in the direction of /i/. The lips change from neutral to spread. The opening of the jaws is rather wide at the start and gradually diminishes. The top of the tongue may touch the lower front teeth. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords are in vibration.

⑵ /ai/ is usually read in the following letters or letter groups : i, y, ie, ye, igh eye why high die sky find buy time tie ⑶ pair work May Day Labor Day No pains, no gains. Great changes have taken place in only one day. 4、Teaching closing diphthong /ɔi/:

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⑴ Introduce the basic principle of the pronunciation and show it by pictures. The back of the tongue is raised at a point a little below the back half-open position for the first element of the diphthong, and then moves in the direction of /i/. The lips change from open rounded to neutral. The opening between the jaws is considerably wide at the start and gradually diminishes as the lips begin to spread. The tip of the tongue is somewhat retracted from the lower teeth. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords are in vibration.

⑵ /ɔi/ is usually read in the following letters or letter groups : oi, oy boy toy soy join coins noise point annoyed ⑶ pair work toilet paper joyful boys make a choice The boy was annoyed because his toy was destroyed. III. Games and activities 课堂活动 A summary of the principles of the three diphthongs’ pronunciations is given by the teacher and then students make a comprehensive practice. Dialogue 1 • A: Oh, may I stay, Mummy? Please say I can stay all day. • B: Yes, if they say you may. • A: They’ve got lots of places to play, and they’ve… • B: Wait, Jane! • A: I’ll take my painting book, and some of my games.

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• B: Wait till they say you may. Dialogue 2 • A: Are you seeing Mike tonight? • B: Yes. He has a new motorcycle. • A: Did Mike let you ride it? • B: Yes. I tried it. And I like it. • A: Weren’t you frightened? • B: Sure. But I still like it. Dialogue 3 • A: What toy shall I buy for Roy this time? • B: For Roy? You want to buy him another toy? • A: Yes, of course. He enjoys playing with toys. • B: He enjoys destroying toys. • A: My boy will cry if I don’t buy one. • B: Well, you can only spoil the boy.

Second Part:合口双元音/ / / /

I. Warming-up exercise (go over the simple vowels /a:/, /u/, / /) 热身练习:通 过让学生朗读以下单词及词组,让他们复习单元音的发音,以便引入双元音。 Ask students to read the following words and phrases in falling tone and rising tone, pay attention to the words containing simple vowels. /a:/:mark part hard basket star Part of the park pass the glass the lard is hard /u/: full could took sugar good good books woolen socks look for the cook / /: about annoy alive agree forget Bread and butter at the counter attend a lecture II. The closing diphthongs: / / / /合口双元音/ / / / 1.Description: 发音要则 (T lead the students to imitate the teacher according to the indications of /e/ /æ/ given below; correct their mistakes when walking around

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the classroom and listening to every student’s pronouncing.) In the case of the closing diphthongs, the second element is not necessarily reached. The following figure show the nature of / / / /.

2.The closing diphthongs: / / (10m) 合口双元音 / / ①合口双元音/ /发音要则: The tongue starts the glide at a central position, between half-close and half-open as for / / and moves in the direction of /u/. The lips change from neutral to round. The opening of the jaws at the beginning is narrow and then gradually diminishes. The tip of the tongue generally touches the base of the lower teeth and the vocal cords are in vibration.

②. Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as / /.) / / is usually read in the following letters or letter groups : o, oa, ow go toe show grow road stove boat coat soul cold note hope don’t slow home ③ Pair work.结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) an old overcoat coke in the stove go home go to the grocery store so cold a gold bowl ④. Sentences. 句子练习(T ask the students first to read the sentences listed

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below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) It’s so cold. Please close the window. Don’t go home alone. Little strokes fell great oaks. 3.The closing diphthongs: / / 合口双元音 / / ①合口双元音/ /发音要则:The glide begins at a point in front of the middle open position and then moves to a closer position in the direction of /u/. The lips change from neutrally open to slightly round. The opening between the jaws is rather wide at the beginning and gradually diminishes. The tongue tip may touch the lower front teeth. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords are in vibration.

②. Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as / /.) / / is usually read in the following letters or letter groups : ou, ow bow allow found mouse loud plough cow out now brow fowl house mouth how about ③. Pair work. 结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) out of town a loud sound thousands of flowers downtown a brown house cows and fowls ④ Sentences. 句子练习 (T ask the students first to read the sentences listed below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.)

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Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly. The crowd gathered around the house and shouted slogans. He found out how the fields were ploughed. III. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动巩固并检验学生掌握情况。 1. Pair work. 结对对话练习 Dialogues. (T ask the students to practice the dialogues with / / by pairs) A: I’m going to the post-office. Anything I can do for you, Rose? B: to the post-office? Can you get me some post-cards? A: ok. How many post-cards do you want? B: ten, please. By the way, I’m going to the grocery store. Can I get you something? A: yes. Could you get me some potatoes and tomatoes? B: that’s easy. I’d better go now. the grocery closes at 5. 2、Poem reading. 朗诵诗歌 Poem . (T ask the students to practice the poem with / /. Cow, cow, Proud and brown, Come down to be milked, For the hungry town. 3. Game: sing songs 学唱英文歌 Sing Together the song, in which / / / / / / / // /are included. (T plays song to the students and ask them to sing the following song together with the teacher.) The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms. When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken. And I hung my head and cried. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are gray. You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.

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You told me once dear, That you really love me And no one else could come between, But now you have left me, And you love another, You have shattered all my dreams. IV. Summary and after-class assignments: 总结与课后练习 1、Review and remember the words, phrases, sentences, dialogues and the chant learned in class ( T will have a check in the next lesson) 2、Make sentences and /or advertising slogans containing the diphthongs. 3、完成课后练习 葆青编著 高等教育出版社出版 《实用英语语音》P30 练 习一:1、题 1)、2)、3)、P104 2 题、3 题 1)、2) 四、实验教学设备及资源 1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet 五、实验注意事项 1、教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论 如何正确发好合口双元音? 七、实验教学的作业及评价


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实验教学五 Centering Diphthongs: / / / / / /

(1 学时)


In chapter 5, the students are going to know how to pronounce the Centering Diphthongs. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with the ways and methods to pronounce them correctly. 二、实验教学目标

Help students get familiar with the following aspects through the teaching of this part, by using the methods based on the “student-centered” philosophy. 1、Lead students to understand the definition of diphthongs and the names and places of the speech organs involved in diphthongs utterance. 2、Lead students to know the characteristics of diphthongs in terms of the manner of articulation, the place of articulation and the force of articulation. 3、Help students differentiate diphthongs from vowels. 4、Help students acquire correct pronunciation of diphthongs (T sets good models, detect and help ss correct whatever mistakes they may have; then ss do repetition work chorally and individually, in groups and in pairs). 三、实验教学内容及过程

本课重点:通过训练掌握发音方式及发音方法 教学过程 I. Warming-up exercise (go over the simple vowels /i/, /u/, /e/, / /)热身练习: 通过让学生朗读以下单词及词组,让他们复习单元音的发音,以便引入双元音。

Ask students to read the following words and phrases in falling tone and rising tone, pay attention to the words containing simple vowels. /i/: did pig give will stick a big ship bit by bit a silver lid /e/: bed leg says well then

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seven beds the next lesson wet with sweat /u/: full could took sugar good good books woolen socks look for the cook / /: about annoy alive agree forget Bread and butter at the counter attend a lecture II. The centring diphthongs: / // // /集中双元音/ // // / 1.Introduction 集中双元音发音要则

The centering diphthongs are so named because there is a tendency for the tongue to move towards the central (or neutral) vowel / /. When they are final the second element will be of the lowered type. But this lowered / / is replaced by the mid type / / when non-final. (T pronounces respectively the simple vowels and diphthongs clearly, loudly and slowly, ss listen closely and quietly for the correct pronunciation).

2.The centring diphthongs: / / 集中双元音 / / (T introduces the definition of diphthongs in terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, shows ss the diagrams of the speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing diphthongs, T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually) ①集中双元音/ /发音要则: The glide begins with a centralized front half-close tongue position as for /i/ and moves in the direction of the opener type / / if the diphthong is final. The lips are neutral throughout. The jaws open slightly at the start before increasing, and the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth. The soft-palate is raised and the vocal cords are in vibration.

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②. Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as / /) / / is usually read in the following letters or letter groups: ear, ere, ea, eer here near fear queer idea beer beard real cheered nearly hearing theatre ③ Pair work.结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) a queer idea cheerful tears from ear to ear a real hero fearful sneers near the theatre ④. Sentences. 句子练习(T ask the students first to read the sentences listed below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) We fear we can’t hear him clearly as he has such a big beard. He is serious and fierce, but sincere. My dear brother will come home near the end of the year. 3.The centring diphthongs: / / 集中双元音/ / ①集中双元音/ /发音要则: The glide begins a little above the half-open front position and moves in the direction of / /. The lips are neutrally open throughout. The opening of the jaws is fairly wide at the start before gradually increasing, and the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords are in vibration.

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②. Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as / /.) / / is usually read in the following letters or letter groups: are, air, ear hair where there tear stare chair pears shared rarely various careless fair ③. Pair work. 结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) a scared hare share the pear a fair in the square a careless mayor repair the chair a bear on the chair ④ Sentences. 句子练习 (T ask the students first to read the sentences listed below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) He stared at the mayor who was sitting on a mare. There’s scarcely a chair there that stands wear and tear. He takes special care of his hair. 4.The centring diphthongs:/ / 集中双元音/ / ①集中双元音/ /发音要则:The glide begins in the tongue position between centre and back just above half-close as for /u/ and moves in the direction of / /. The lips are slightly rounded at the start then gradually spread neutrally. The opening between the jaws is slight to medium at the beginning and gradually increases, and the tip of the tongue is somewhat retracted from the lower teeth. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords are in vibration.

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②. Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters or letter groups pronounced as / /.) / / is usually read in the following letters or letter groups : ure, oor, our during cured fury curious pure lure surely Europe ③. Pair work. 结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) a poor doer the furious jury poorer and poorer a pure jewel the curious tourist fewer and fewer ④ Sentences. 句子练习 (T ask the students first to read the sentences listed below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) The doctor from Europe said that the patient would surely be cured. There is a duel going on between the furious jewelers. I’m sure that’s pure gold. Ⅲ. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动巩固并检验学生掌握情况。 1. Pair work. 结对对话练习 Dialogues. (T ask the students to practice the dialogues with / // // / by pairs) A: Where are you, my dear? B: I’m here, dear. A: Come near, dear. I can only hear you, but I can’t see you. B: Well, I’m here, sitting in a chair drinking beer. It’s nice beer, dear. Why don’t you come here and have a glass of beer?

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A: Oh, dear. Beer, beer, beer, I hate beer.

A: Let’s go there, Cary. B: No, I don’t want to go there. A: Why not, Cary? B: I’m afraid of the bears on the stairs. A: They’re all plastic bears full of air.

A: Do you like my jewel? B: Yes, it’s a nice jewel. A: Come closer and take another look. B: Oh my! What a beautiful jewel! Is it another gift from John? A: Yes. This is the fifth jewel he’s given me. B: Are you going to ask him for more? A: Sure. I won’t marry him if he doesn’t give me his biggest jewel. 2、Poem reading. 朗诵诗歌 Poem . (T ask the students to practice the poem with / // // /) (1)On a mare goes the mayor, To the fair at the square, Prepared to buy a little bear, That will sit on his fair chair. (2)Behold the furious duel, Between the casual tourist, And the rural jeweler, For a curious and luxurious jewel. IV. Summary and after-class assignments: 总结与课后练习 1、Review and remember the words, phrases, sentences, dialogues and the chant learned in class ( T will have a check in the next lesson) 2、Make sentences and /or advertising slogans containing the diphthongs.

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3、Sing an English song: Right Here Waiting

4、完成课后练习 葆青编著 高等教育出版社出版《实用英语语音》P117 练习三 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet 五、实验注意事项

1、教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关 知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论

如何正确发好集中双元音? 七、实验教学的作业及评价


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实验教学六 Plosives: /p, b/ /t, d/ /k, g/

(1 学时)


In chapter 6, the students are going to know how to pronounce the six plosives. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with the ways and methods to pronounce them correctly. 二、实验教学目标

1、Lead students to understand the definition of plosives and the names and places of the speech organs involved. 2、Lead the students to know the characteristics of plosives in terms of the manner of articulation, the place of articulation and the force of articulation. 3、Help students differentiate voiceless plosives from voiced plosives. 4、Help students acquire correct pronunciation of plosives (T sets good models, detect and help ss correct whatever mistakes they may have; then ss do repetition work chorally and individually, in groups and in pairs). 三、实验教学内容及过程

本课重点:通过训练掌握发音方式及发音方法 教学过程

I. Warming up exercise 热身练习:通过让学生朗读以下句子,大致了解他 们的发音问题.

The robbers broke into the bank, but was soon caught by the police. The pickpocket was peeping into his pocket. Teddy hurt his foot and was taken to the doctor. Cut your coat according to your cloth. The daughter has two brothers. II. The plosives: /p, b/ /t, d/ /k, g/爆破音 /p, b/ /t, d/ /k, g/

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1.Introduction 爆破音发音要则

Plosives are made by stopping the breath completely at some point in the mouth, by the lips or tongue-tip or tongue-back. And then the air rushes out with a slight explosion. There are three pairs of plosives: /p, t, k/ are voiceless and /b, d, g/ voiced. (T pronounces respectively the two plosives clearly, loudly and slowly, ss listen closely and quietly for the correct pronunciation). 2. The plosives: /p, b/ 爆破音/p, b/ (T introduces the definition of plosives in terms of the manner, place and force of articulation, shows ss the diagrams of the speech organs, ss are required to locate the speech organs involved in pronouncing plosives, T sets models, ss imitate T first chorally & then individually)

①爆破音/p, b/发音要则:

/p/: The air passage is completely blocked by closing the lips and raising the soft palate. When the compressed air is suddenly released by opening the lips, the air escapes making an explosion. The vocal cords are wide apart without vibration. /

b/: It is the voiced counterpart of /p/, but the breath force is weaker and the vocal cords are made to vibrate.

②. Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters pronounced as /p, b/) pear/bear pull/bull park/bark rip/rib cap/cab cup/cub happy/shabby simple/symbol pie/buy

③ Pair work.结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following

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phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) a big pear push the buttons happy news a pink bag pile the books shabby equipment

④. Sentences. 句子练习(T ask the students first to read the sentences listed

below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) Peter is picking plums and apples. Barker and Parker bumped into each other in a park. Basketball is a popular sport in China.

3. The plosives: /t, d/ 爆破音/t, d/

①爆破音/t, d/发音要则:

/t/: The air passage is completely blocked by the raised soft palate and the raised tip of the tongue to touch the teeth ridge. When the tongue is separated from the teeth ridge, the compressed air is suddenly released and escapes through the mouth with an explosion. The vocal cords are not made to vibrate. /d/: It is the voiced counterpart of /t/. It is formed like /t/ but the breath force is weaker and the vocal cords are made to vibrate.

②. Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words with letters pronounced as /p, b/) tear/dare tear/dear seat/seed bet/bed hat/had writer/rider putting/pudding center/sender

③ Pair work.结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) a bright lad hot bread pick up the bag

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a back seat cold tea heat up the food

④. Sentences. 句子练习(T ask the students first to read the sentences listed

below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) The timid rat is scared to death. The cart got stuck in the mud. Don’t waste time chatting all day long.

4. The plosives: /k, g/ 爆破音/k, g/

①爆破音/k, g/发音要则:

/k/: The air passage is completely blocked by raising the back of the tongue to touch the raised soft palate. When the tongue is separated from the soft palate, the air is suddenly released from the mouth, making an explosion. The vocal cords are not made to vibrate. /g/: It is the voiced counterpart of /k/. It is formed like /k/, but the breath force is weaker and the vocal cords are made to vibrate.

②. Word-practice 单词发音练习(T ask the students to read the following words

with letters pronounced as /p, b/) card/guard curl/girl cave/gave back/bag dock/dog pick/pig ankle/angle ticking/digging

③ Pair work.结对短语练习 (T ask the students to practice the following

phrases by pairs, the teacher will go around the classroom and correct their mistakes.) a kind girl thick sticks take a look a sick worker black dogs carry a log

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④. Sentences. 句子练习(T ask the students first to read the sentences listed

below together with the teacher, and then practice by himself or herself, and ask some of them to read aloud in front of their classmates, the teacher will correct their mistakes.) All that glitters is not gold. A good beginning makes a good ending. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

Ⅲ. Games and activities 课堂活动:通过以下活动巩固并检验学生掌握情况。

1. Poem reading. 朗诵诗歌 Poem . (T ask the students to practice the poem with /p, b/ /t, d/ /k, g/)

Where are you going, big pig, big pig? I’m going to dig in the garden. In the garden to dig! Disgraceful pig! Beg pardon, ma’am, beg pardon.

Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Until good is better, And better best. 2. Sound recognition 听音辨析失去爆破 (T writes the sentences on the blackboard and plays the record. ss listen and repeat what they hear , then underline the plosive that undergo loss of plosion.) 1. Stop doing that. 2. See you about four, then. 3. Sometimes I make mistakes in spelling. 4. I can’t understand this word. 5. I don’t think my husband would let me do that. IV. Summary and after-class assignments: 总结与课后练习

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1、Review and remember the words, phrases, sentences, dialogues and the chant learned in class ( T will have a check in the next lesson) 2、Make sentences and /or advertising slogans containing the plosives. 3、完成课后练习 葆青编著 高等教育出版社出版 《实用英语语音》P27 练习 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料

3、Internet 五、实验注意事项

1、教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关 知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。





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实验教学一 English pen and chalk writing

(2 学时)


As an English teacher, English pen writing is an important and basic skill; the skill is closely related to the teaching effect and the students’ writing habit. English chalk writing is another important and basic skill for an English teacher; the skill is closely related to the teaching effect and influence the students’ writing habit. 二、实验教学目标

1. To appropriate some ways of English pen writing on line 2. To know the correct ways of pen writing 3. To correct the formed writing habit. 4. To know the correct ways of chalk writing 5. To make students practice on the blackboard. 三、实验教学内容及过程

1.The content: English pen writing 2.用google或百度查阅与英语书写方法的信息,并要求提前做成ppt形式, 在课堂上展示。 Step 1. 简要介绍几种英文书写字体

 圆体  斜体  直体  现行小学英语教材用的书写字体叫匀笔斜体行书,是属于斜体字的一种, 具有笔画清楚,字形简单,与印刷体相近,易学易认等特点,它比粗细笔的斜体 行书要简单易学。 同时展示每种字体的字帖。 Step 2. 重点介绍匀笔斜体行书的书写特点

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1.书写时,每个字母都应自左向右倾斜5度.大写字母都一样高,占上、中两 格,但不顶第一线; 2.词与词之间一般空出小写字母a的宽度为宜; 3.字母要按一定的笔划顺序书写 4.要注意圆润度 Step 3. 让学生做练习,然后纠错 Step 4. 简要介绍几种英文粉笔字书写的原则和要求

 书写姿势和执笔,运笔方法正确  字母大小合适  用力均匀,笔画粗细合适,刚劲有力  字母,单词和行的间隔适当  熟练流畅,达到一定速度  根据教学需要恰当运用彩色粉笔 Step 5. 重点介绍书写方法和技巧 1.执笔 2. 运笔 3. 身体姿势与手臂用力 4. 字母大小 5. 字母高度与亵渎的控制 6. 间距和行距的控制 7. 书写平直的控制 8.书写速度的控制 Step 6. 让学生在黑板上练习,然后纠错 四、实验教学设备及资源

1.多媒体教室 2.多媒体课件/参考资料 3.相关的网络资源 五、实验注意事项


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2.教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,比如查阅资料,注意随时存盘保 存工作成果。

3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果 六、实验教学的作业及评价


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实验教学二 Learning of English Songs



Teaching English songs is another very important skill of an English teacher. Taking English songs to teach English not only can make our class more active and arouse the Ss’ interests of learning English, but also can help them learn a lot English knowledge, such as to improve our pronunciation and intonation. (e.g.: Row your boat /r/); To enlarge our vocabulary;To practice our listening and understanding; To exchange cultures, customs. (e.g.: (伊利诺斯), Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean(哥伦比亚,海上明珠), American the Beautiful(美丽的亚美利加)).This experiment is to find some English songs for teaching. 二、实验教学目标

1. to learn some English songs for teaching 2. to find out what can we learn from these songs. 3. to get more on-line information of the English songs for teaching 三、实验教学内容及过程

1.The content: English songs for teaching 2.用google或百度查阅用于教学的英语歌曲(多为儿歌)并要求提前做成 ppt形式,在课堂上展示。

Step1. The classification of the English Songs (1) For teaching. This kind of songs, usually short and simple, which is taught to attain some teaching aims. (2) For appreciation. This kind is to make English learning interesting and enable Ss to learn some related skills and knowledge

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Step2. The songs for teaching To presentate some English songs for teaching, finding out that from the songs, what can we learn? 1. phonetic phenomenon (1).Liaison: Liaison: Linguistics Pronunciation of the usually silent final consonant of a word when followed by a word beginning with a vowel, especially in French. e.g. take a look at it 当一个单词后面紧跟一个以元音开头的单词时,则该单词最后的原本不发音 的辅音就发音,与元音连读,尤其在法语中 连读的条件:相邻的两词在意义上必须密切相关,同属一个意群。连读所构 成的音节一般都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可读得太重,也不可音。 (连读符号:~)

(a)“辅音+元音”型连读 在同一个意群里,如果相邻两词中的前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以 元音开头,这就要将辅音与元音拼起来连读。

I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it. Ms Black worked in~an~office last~yesterday. I called~you half~an~hour~ago. Put~it~on, please. Not~at~all. Please pick~it~up. (b)“r/re+元音”型连读 如果前一个词是以-r或者-re结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的r或re 不但要发/r/,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。

They’re my father~and mother. I looked for~it here~and there. There~is a football under~it. There~are some books on the desk.

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Here~is a letter for you. Here~are four~eggs. But where~is my cup? Where~are your brother~and sister? 但是,如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能 连读。

The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer.(nearer与and不可连读) (c)“辅音+半元音”型连读 英语语音中的/j/和/w/是半元音,如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是 以半元音,特别是/j/开头,此时也要连读。

Thank~you. Nice to meet~you. Did~you get there late~again? Would~you like~a cup~of tea? Could~you help me, please? “音的同化” —常把/d/+/j/读成/dV/,did you听上成了/dIdVu/,would you成了/wudVu/, could you成了/kudVu/。 (d)“元音+元音”型连读如果前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这 两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连读到一起。

I~am Chinese. He~is very friendly to me. She wants to study~English. How~and why did you come here? She can’t carry~it. It’ll take you three~hours to walk there. The question is too~easy for him to answer. (e)当短语或从句之间按意群进行停顿时,意群与意群之间即使有两个相邻 的辅音与元音出现,也不可连读

Is~it a~hat or a cat?(hat与or之间不可以连读)

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There~is~a good book in my desk. (book与in之间不可以连读) Can you speak~English or French? (English与or之间不可以连读) Shall we meet at~eight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet与 at,eight与or之间不 可以连读) She opened the door and walked~in. (door与and之间不可以连读) (2). Incomplete plosives: Incomplete plosives: (a)When either of the two plosives(/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/) are together, the first one is incomplete plosive or stop. Eg. The girl in the re(d) coat was on a bla(ck) bike jus(t) now. The bi(g) bus from the factory is full of people. (b) When a plosive is with a friction (eg. /f/,/s/, /v/, /z/,/θ/ ,/ð/ ), a affricate(/tr/, /dr/; /ts/, /dz/ ), a nasal(/m/,/n/)or a lateral /l/, the first plosive is incomplete. e.g. Goo(d) morning! (c) rhyme Step3: English songs Practice 四、实验教学设备及资源 1.多媒体教室 2.多媒体课件/参考资料 3.相关的网络资源 五、实验注意事项 1.进一步深入了解相关的英语歌曲的信息 2.教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,比如查阅资料,注意随时存盘保 存工作成果。 3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果 六、实验教学的作业及评价 找出更多的英语教学歌曲

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实验教学三 Learning of English teaching games



English teaching games are to aid the English teaching; during the games, ss should speak English all the time. The games can cheer students up from tiredness quickly; satisfying their learning psychology and make English learning become funny so as to arouse their interest of English learning. This experiment is to introduce and learn some English game and to know from which way, they can help ss in English learning. 二、实验教学目标

1.to learn some English teaching games. 2.to find out what can we learn from these games. 3.to get more on-line information of the English teaching games. 三、实验教学内容及过程

1.The content: the learning of English teaching games. 2.用google或百度查阅与英语教学游戏的信息,并要求提前做成ppt形式, 在课堂上展示。

Step1. The classification of English Games 1. Guessing Game: Riddle, Crossword… 2. TPR Game: BINGO, Simon Says… 3. Imitating Game: Simulation, Role play… Step2. introducing and learning some English teaching games. Guessing Games (1)Riddle guessing. • Purpose: To train the Ss listening comprehension ability and imaginary ability. • Participant: The whole class

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• Content: The teacher or a student tell a riddle, and the other Ss guess it. • Rules: Those who can guess the riddle will be rewarded. • Attention: The teacher can give some clues to the Ss when they cannot guess the riddles. (2)Crosswords Content: The teacher give some letters or clues, let the Ss fill in the crossword.

a b c d e f g h i j

1 E

2 W

3 B W I E

4 E

5 C A S O M

6 E V

7 O K

8 P R

9 L

(3)Guess, guess, guess • Purpose: to practice Ss’ oral expression as well as their pronunciation. • Participant: The whole class • Content: Each student get a strip of paper on which there is a word or phrase. He/she should use other words to describe it until others guess what it is. If other Ss are still at a loss, he/she will be punished to sing a song or tell a joke. • Rules: can not ask the other ss. (4)Asking questions • Purpose: to practice Ss’ expression and imagination. • Participant: The whole class. • Content: Cover a student’s eyes and ask other Ss to take one thing whatever he/she wants. Then let the one whose eyes are covered ask questions to guess what on earth it is. The rest Ss only can say “yes” or “no”

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• Rules: No one can remind. (5)Guess the spelling of the words • Purpose: to practice Ss’ expression and memory . • Participant: the whole class. • Content: The teacher or a student draw several blanks on the BB, which may show how many letters the word has, and let the other Ss guess what are the letters of the word. If the others fail, the teacher may make a mark on the BB, till the picture finished. The picture may like this • Rules: The Ss only have ten chances • to guess the spelling of the word. TPR Games (1) Simon says • Purpose: To practice students’ listening and reaction. Stimulate ss to considerate their attention on listening. • Participant: Divide the whole class into 4 groups. • Content: The teacher put forward various orders. (Smile! laugh! Touch your nose!) • Rules: Only after the teacher say the direction “Simon says” can Ss do the actions mentioned above. Otherwise they make mistakes and should make performance. (2)Number Counting • Purpose: To practice English number and Ss’ reaction. • Participant: The whole class • Content: Ss count numbers by turns. When the Ss come across the numbers contain three, such like “three, thirteen, twenty-three…”, and the numbers can be divided by three, such like “ six, nine, twelve, fifteen…”, they should say “pass” in stead of counting those numbers. • Rules: The loser should make performance. (3) Tongue Twisters: • Purpose: To practice Ss’ response and their pronunciation. • Participant: The whole class • Content: The Ss read the tongue twisters as quick and correct as they can.

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• Rules: Speak faster Imitating Games • (1) Looking for family members • Purpose: to practice Ss’ communicative ability and oral expression. • Participant: the whole class. • Content: Each Ss has a card describing detailed information of the one’s family members. He /she starts to look for them by asking people questions politely until they are found. • Rules: Ss can not show his/her card to others. (2)Role plays • Purpose: to practice Ss’ pronunciation and encourage them to do the presentation. • Participant: Divide the whole class into several groups • Content: each student in each group will get a card. Each group performs according to the scene given to them. • Rules: the performance should be vivid and distinct. Their spoken English should be fluent and clear and make as less mistakes as possible. Step3.topics for discussion Can you find more English teaching games? 四、实验教学设备及资源

1.多媒体教室 2.多媒体课件/参考资料 3.相关的网络资源


1.进一步深入了解相关的英语教学游戏的信息 2.学生使用多媒体应提前作好相关的准备,比如查阅资料,注意随时存盘 保存工作成果; 3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果



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实验教学四 Learning of blackboard drawing


一、实验背景 简笔画是用最简单的线条和几何图形来概括各种事物形象的“写意”的绘画 艺术。它简单,快捷,易学,易画,形象直观,而且风趣幽默,寥寥几笔就能表 达很多的信息,引发丰富的联想。将简笔画应用于教学可以使课堂妙趣横生,学 生直接理解所学英语,视听结合,印象深刻,是英语教师直观教学的重要辅助手 段。本次实验主要是练习基本线条,熟练掌握基本线条形成图画的规律,然后动 物,人物和蔬菜的简笔画。 二、实验教学目标 1.To learn some basic lines and on the lines what “pictures” can we get 2.To practice the basic lines skillfully and on the lines the ss can get their own pictures. 3.Learn to draw animals based on the lines. 4.Learn to draw persons based on the lines. 5.Learn to draw vegetables based on the lines. 三、实验教学内容及过程 1.The content: the practice of basic lines, 2.用google或百度查阅与英语简笔画的信息,并要求提前做成ppt形式,在 课堂上展示。 3.basic lines Step1. Introduction of basic lines

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Step2. the pictures we can get from the basic lines

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Step3. let ss practice the pictures. Step4. Ask ss to draw more pictures on the basic lines. 4. How to draw animals 1. Basic order: Trunk—head (ear, eye)-- four limbs-tail

2. practice drawing

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5. How to draw persons (stick drawing) 1). The main parts of the body: Head (hair, face, eye, eyebrow/ eye lash, ear, nose, mouth) Body Up limbs Lower limbs

2). drawing of different age and sex persons

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3). Drawing of different jobs

4).Practice drawing

6. How to draw vegetables


1.多媒体教室 2.多媒体课件/参考资料 3.相关的网络资源 五、实验注意事项

1.进一步深入了解相关的英语简笔画的信息 2.教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,比如查阅资料,注意随时存盘保 存工作成果。

3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果 六、实验教学的作业及评价

画出更多利用简单线条形成的物体, 画出更多的关于动物,人物,蔬菜的简 笔画;同时画出关于水果的简笔画。

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实验教学一 Process

(4 学时)


Process tells how to do something, how something works, or how something happens. In unit 2, the students are going to listen and talk about what the Internet is and how it works (chapter 4), and how children acquire language (chapter 5). These two listening materials are developed by process. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with this way of description by exploring the Internet and children’s language acquisition. 二、实验教学目标

By the end of this experiment, the students will be able to: 1. be familiar with developing a discourse by process through listening about the Internet and children’s language acquisition; 2. identify the rhetorical devices indicating process in the listening material 3. develop good listening skills such as taking notes and generalizing main idea 4. learn to search for relevant on-line materials 三、实验教学内容及过程

1、本课重点:通过听力训练掌握以过程为描述线索的文体特征 2、要求学生课前利用网络等资源查阅与英特网的运作(第一章)、儿童母语 习得(第二章)相关的资料信息,并制作 ppt 课件,在课堂上展示。 教学过程 I. Pre-listening A. Listening preparation Ask one student to demonstrate what he/she has searched about the Internet (chapter 4) / children’s language acquisition with ppt courseware. After that, the other students can contribute more information that they have searched orally. Qs: What do you use the Internet for?

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What is the Internet and how does it work? How do e-mail messages get from your computer to the computer of the person you send them to? How do Web pages travel to your computer? How do files you download reach your computer? Cultural Background (chapter 4): The Internet is a standardized, global system of interconnected computer networks that connects millions of people. The system uses the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) standard rules for data representation, signaling, authentication, and error detection. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private and public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections, and other technologies. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services, most notably the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail, in addition to popular services such as video on demand, online shopping, online gaming, exchange of information from one-to-many or many-to-many by online chat, online social networking, online publishing, file transfer, file sharing and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) or teleconferencing, telepresence person-to-person communication via voice and video. The origins of the Internet reach back to the 1960s when the United States funded research projects of its military agencies to build robust, fault-tolerant and distributed computer networks. This research and a period of civilian funding of a new U.S. backbone by the National Science Foundation spawned worldwide participation in the development of new networking technologies and led to the commercialization of an international network in the mid 1990s, and resulted in the following popularization of countless applications in virtually every aspect of modern human life. As of 2009, an estimated quarter of Earth's population uses the services of the Internet. Cultural Background (chapter 5): B. Preview of Vocabulary and Sentences

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Ask the Ss to go through them silently for 2 minutes. II. Listening A. Initial listening to get the main idea and find out those rhetorical cues indicating the process: The data is first broken down into… Each of these packets is then sent off through… Finally, when all the packets … they are put back into… First…the next step… after… finally First… after that… then B. Second listening to answer: For chapter 4: a. What is the process that everyone on the Internet is able to connect with others? b. How does information that leaves one computer travel through all of these networks, and arrives at its destination, another computer, in a second? c. How can you send a friend a book as postcards? For Chapter 5: a. At what age do babies begin to communicate? b. At what age do children begin to use the past tense? c. When do children begin to say two-word sentences? C. Consolidation to take notes on what you hear. Ask the Ss to use their notes to recap the information they learned about: Chapter 4: how the information in e-mail messages, Web pages, and downloaded files travel over the Internet. Chapter 5: how children acquire language. III. Post-listening A. The Comprehension Check: Finish the exercise on P 24 / P30. B. Expanding on the Information in the Talk Chapter 4: Discussion: agree or not Every student should have a laptop computer and an Internet connection.

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Chapter 5: discussion: agree or not All people who live in a country should be able to speak at least one common language. IV. The Listening Expansion Deal with the two tasks in the book. 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet 五、实验注意事项

1、了解英特网运作过程(第四章),了解儿童母语习得的过程(第五章) 2、教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,包括查阅资料、制作多媒体课件。 课堂上要求学生展示,也可适当准备与本章节内容相关的图片和音像资料。 3、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 4、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关 知识。 5、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论

Chapter 4: what makes a courteous E-mail correspondent? Chapter 5: Is it necessary for the people around the world to speak in a universal language? Why or why not? 七、实验教学的作业及评价


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实验教学二 Causal Analysis

(4 学时)


Causal analysis is a way of analyzing the reasons, or causes, responsible for a certain result. It is often used by speakers or writers in presenting an explanation or argument. The reasons are usually presented in a certain order, either from most to least important or from least to most important. In unit five, Chapter 13 analyses the reasons why dinosaurs disappeared and chapter 14 is about why the American Civil war happened. Both of the chapters focus on the reasons for a certain result. This experiment intends to show students how to state reasons or causes in a logical order. 二、实验教学目标

By the end of this experiment, the students will be able to: 1. master some techniques of causal analysis according to the listening materials about the dinosaurs disappearance and American Civil War; 2. identify the rhetorical cues used in the listening material to introduce causes and effects; 3. develop good listening skills such as recognizing information and checking accuracy; 4. learn to search for relevant on-line materials. 三、实验教学内容及过程

本课重点 1、通过听力训练掌握在解释或论证中如何分析原因的说话策略以及几种陈 述多个原因的顺序; 2、除了听说技能,学生应该掌握教学内容相关的背景知识并能够发表意见。 教学过程

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I. Pre-listening A. Listening preparation Ask students to share what they have already known about dinosaurs and American Civil War. The teacher gives some necessary complementary information after that. Some related cultural background should be provided. Cultural Background for chapter 13:

Millions of years ago, long before there were any people, there were dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were one of several kinds of prehistoric reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era, the "Age of


The largest dinosaurs were over 100 feet (30 m) long and up to 50 feet (15m) tall. The smallest dinosaurs were about the size of a chicken. Most dinosaurs were in-between.

It is very difficult to figure out how the dinosaurs sounded, how they behaved, how they mated, what color they were, or even how to tell whether a fossil was male or female. There were lots of different kinds of dinosaurs that lived at different times. Some walked on two legs (they were bipedal), some walked on four (they were quadrupled). Some could do both. Some were speedy, and some were slow and lumbering. Some were armor-plated, some had horns, crests, spikes, or frills. Some had thick, bumpy skin, and some even had primitive feathers. The dinosaurs dominated the Earth for over 165 million years during the Mesozoic Era, but mysteriously went extinct 65 million years ago. Paleontologists study their fossil remains to learn about the amazing prehistoric world of dinosaurs. The dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, which was a time of high volcanic and tectonic activity. There are a lot of theories why the extinction occurred. The most widely accepted theory is that an asteroid impact caused major climactic changes to which the dinosaurs couldn't adapt.

Cultural Background for chapter 14: The American Civil War was a four-year armed conflict between northern and

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southern sections of the United States. The fighting began on April 12, 1861, and lasted until May 1865. For a long time before the Civil War, the North and the South had disagreed with each other on many issues. Most people in the North wanted to abolish slavery, or at least to stop its spread to new states, while the slave owners of the South held that slavery should be allowed everywhere. Another issue that divided the North and the South was a political one. The North believed in a strong central government, that is, the federal government. Most Southerners, however, held that a state had the right to withdraw, or "secede ",from the Union when it felt its interests to be threatened. In November, 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th President of the United States. Since Lincoln had become well known for his anti-slavery views, his election caused a panic among the slave owners in the South. By Feb.1, 1861, seven states ---South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, , Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas--- Seceded from the Union, and formed the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as President. President Lincoln knew that if these seven states were allowed to leave the Union, it would soon break up. So shortly after he had taken office, it was decided that the Union was to be preserved by force. On April 12, 1861, the Confederates fired in Charleston. South Carolina and the civil war began. Then more southern states ---Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee joined the Confederacy. In the war, the Union soldiers wore blue uniforms, and the Confederates gray ones. The war went on for 4 bitter years, with ups and downs on both sides. The first two years of the Civil War went badly for the North. The Battle of Gettysburg has been called the turning point of the war. After that, the Northern troops drove south and won one victory after another. As a result of the war, slavery was abolished and the Union was preserved. B. Preview of vocabulary and sentences Chapter 13: severe, dwindle, asteroid, comet rare earth element, layer of the

121 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书 earth, lizard, scaly body. Chapter 14: friction, plantation, domination, the Union, secede, the Confederate State of America. C. Rhetorical listening cues Chapter 13: In this talk the speaker discusses two possible causes of the dinosaurs’ disappearance from the earth. The speaker will use some words and phrases which signal causes and/or effects such as “was caused by,” “since,” “why,” “caused,” and “resulted in.” Chapter 14: In this talk the speaker explains two of the most important causes of the American Civil War. The speaker uses the following words and phrases to signal the reasons or causes of the conflict: The main reason... Because of... One of the important reasons... Other causes were... Since... The speaker also uses certain words and phrases to introduce results or effects,such as: As a result... Consequently...... so... that...... resulted in...... caused ... II. Listening A. Initial Listening to get the main idea. Students relax and listen carefully, concentrating on the talk but not taking notes. B. Second Listening to find out those rhetorical cues and try to keep important information in mind. This time the talk is given in messages unit. C. As consolidation, the whole talk is given once again. Students should take notes on what they hear.

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D. Ask some students to sum up and read out their notes so that the teacher can judge whether they understand the content or not. III. Post-listening A Checking the answers Chapter 13: Finish the exercises in page 89 and 90 in the textbook Chapter 14: Finish the exercises in page 97 and 98 in the textbook B.Discussion Discuss with classmates why they agree or do not agree with the following statements. Chaptert13: It’s important for scientists to keep trying to figure out why dinosaurs disappeared Human beings might become extinct someday. Chapter 14: it is said that “Old men declare war, but it is youth who must fight and die.” Do you think this is true? If so, is it fair? Explain it. C. Watch the video and ask students to retell the talks to their partners IV. The listening expansion Chapter 13: A. recognizing possible causes of a situation There are ten situations. After listening to each one, students read the four choices and select the possible cause or causes of each situation. In this part, some choices might be controversial. This is a good chance for students to have a discussion. B. Predicting the ending of a story: stating the possible results In this part, students will listen to five stories. None of the stories has an ending. Students are required to supply the ending and to tell what happened in their own words. Imagination is important to finish this part. Chapter 14: A. A listening dictation Listen and do a sentence dictation. Each sentence is spoken for three times. Check the sentences and tick out the expressions that signal “cause and effect”

123 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书 relationships, such as (1) because, (2) since, (3) as a result of, (4) because of, (5) due to the fact that. B. Guessing possible causes of events Listen to some situations and then give some possible causes for the events described in the situations. For each situation, there is a picture to help understand the situation. Students should find out possible causes and tell the class to see whether the causes are reasonable or not. The answer is open. This listening exercise is very good for students to analyze causes or reasons logically. 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet 五、实验注意事项

1、听说结合。除了充分听取材料,更重要的是学生要能够复述内容、发表 口头观点。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关 知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论

Chapter 13: Is it natural for animals to become extinct? Chapter 14: What are the possible causes for a war between two countries? 七、实验教学的作业及评价

Homework for chapter 13: prepare an oral report on the movie series Jurassic Park for about three minutes. Homework for chapter 14: analyze possible results of the American-Iraqi War and share the report with the class.

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实验教学三 The American Character

(4 学时)


In unit 2, the students are going to know about the family,religion in the United States. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with the content words by exploring the family,religion in the United States 二、实验教学目标

By the end of this experiment, the students will be able to: 1. identify the rhetorical devices 1) introducing a topic/subtopic 2) digressing and coming back 3) summarizing 4) Emphasizing certain information 5) checking for comprehension 6) Indicating the end of the lecture 2. develop good listening skills such as taking notes and generalizing main idea 3. learn to search for relevant on-line materials 三、实验教学内容及过程

1、本课重点:通过听力训练掌握如何寻找信息词和关键词 2、要求学生课前利用网络等资源查阅相关的资料信息。 教学过程 Chapter 1 Family in the US I. Pre-listening A. Listening preparation Qs: Are single-parent families common in US? Who takes care of the children when parents are not home in China? Cultural Background:

The First Family of the United States consists of the President of the United States, the First

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Lady of the United States, and any of their children. The First Family is accorded Secret Service protection while the president occupies the Office. Amenities of the presidency, including the use of Air Force One, Marine One, Cadillac One, the White House, and Camp David, are at the full disposal and use by the First Family. The Obama family is the current First Family of the United States, beginning on January 20, 2009. The First Family consists of President , First Lady , First Daughters Malia Ann and Natasha (Sasha), and Barack Obama's mother-in-law Marian Shields Robinson. The Obamas' dog, , is often referred to as the First Puppy. B. Vocabulary and Key Concepts 1. Ask the Ss to go through them silently for 1 minute. 2. Predict what will appear in the blanks. 3. Listen to the original and check the prediction. C. Note-taking preparation What is content word? Nouns, verbs, adjs and advs. II. Listening A. Initial Listening to get the topic, subtopics, and main idea. B. Second Listening to find out those rhetorical cues 1) introducing a topic/subtopic 2) digressing and coming back 3) summarizing 4) Emphasizing certain information 5) checking for comprehension 6) Indicating the end of the lecture C. Third listening: Focus on note-taking What should be taken down? Ask the students to focus on the names and events appeared. D. Consolidation to take notes on what you hear. Ask the Ss to use their notes to recap the information they learned. Then present the information to the class or to their desk mates.

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III. Post-listening A. The Comprehension Check: Finish the exercise. B. Expanding on the Information in the Talk IV. The Listening Expansion Deal with the two tasks on page 42-43 in the book. Chapter 2 religion

I. Pre-listening A. Listening preparation Qs: What is religion? Can you name some of them around the world? Cultural Background: Religion in the United States is remarkable both in its high adherence level compared to other developed countries as well as its diversity. The First Amendment to the country's Constitution prevents the government from having any authority in religion, and guarantees the free exercise of religion. A majority of Americans report that religion plays a "very important" role in their lives, a proportion unusual among developed nations, though similar to other nations in the Americas.Many faiths have flourished in the United States, including imports spanning the country's multicultural heritage as well as those founded within the country, and have led the United States to become the most religiously diverse country in the world. The majority of Americans identify themselves as Christians (76%), while non-Christian religions (including Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and others) collectively make up about 4% of the adult population. Another 15% of the adult population identified as having no religious affiliation. According to the American Religious Identification Survey, religious belief varies considerably across the country: 59% of Americans living in Western states (the "Unchurched Belt") report a belief in God, yet in the South (the "Bible Belt") the figure is as high as 86%.

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The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., is the largest Roman Catholic church in the United States. Several of the original Thirteen Colonies were established by English settlers who wished to practice their own religion without discrimination: the Massachusetts Bay Colony was established by Puritans, Pennsylvania by Quakers, and Maryland by Roman Catholics. Although some individual states retained established churches well into the nineteenth century, the United States was the first nation to have no official religion. Modeling the provisions concerning religion within the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, the framers of the Constitution rejected any religious test for office, and the First Amendment specifically denied the federal government any power to enact any law respecting either an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. The decision was mainly influenced by Reformation ideals, but was also a consequence of the pragmatic concerns of minority religious groups and small states that did not want to be under the power or influence of a national religion that did not represent them B. Vocabulary and Key Concepts 1. Ask the Ss to go through them silently for 1 minute. 2. Predict what will appear in the blanks. 3. Listen to the original and check the prediction. C. Note-taking preparation 1. commonly used symbols and abbreviations 2. listen to some sentences and take notes based on the above skills. II. Listening A. Initial Listening to get the topic, subtopics, and main idea. B. Second Listening to find out those rhetorical cues 1) introducing a topic/subtopic 2) recalling information 3) giving framework of the lecture 4) summarizing 5) Indicating the end of the lecture C. Third listening:

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Focus on note-taking What should be taken down? Ask the students to focus on the proper names appeared. Esp the big events. D. Consolidation to take notes on what you hear. 1. Ask the Ss to use their notes to recap the information they learned. Then present the information to the class or to their desk mates. 2. Ask several students to show their notes to the class and make comments. 3. Collect all the information about religion. III. Post-listening A. The Comprehension Check: Finish the exercise. B. Expanding on the Information in the Talk IV. The Listening Expansion Deal with the two tasks on page 52 in the book. 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet 五、实验注意事项

1、教师应提前要求学生做好相关查阅资料的准备。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关 知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论

How to take down the content words efficiently? 七、实验教学的作业及评价

完成课后相关练习,关注训练对 content words 的识别训练。

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实验教学四 The Official Side

(4 学时)


In unit 5, the students are going to know about the different aspects of American society,especially the government system. This experiment intends to familiarize the students with the outlining ability by exploring the government system in USA 二、实验教学目标

By the end of this experiment, the students will be able to: 1. identify the rhetorical devices 1) giving the framework of a lecture 2) drawing the audience’s attention by raising questions 3) making suggestions 2. develop good listening skills such as taking notes and generalizing main idea 3. the ability of outlining and prediction 4. learn to search for relevant on-line materials 三、实验教学内容及过程

1、本课重点:通过听力训练掌握 outline 的基本归纳整理方法;学会听前预 测技能 2、要求学生课前利用网络等资源查阅相关的资料信息。 教学过程 Chapter 1 Government by Constitution:

Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances

I. Pre-listening A. Listening preparation Qs: which building does the president of the Untied States live? Which building houses the meeting chambers of the House of Representatives

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and the Senate? Which building is the highest court in the United States?

Cultural Background: Federal law is the body of law created by the federal government of a country. A federal government is formed when a group of political units, such as states or provinces join together in a federation, surrendering their individual sovereignty and many powers to the central government while retaining or reserving other limited powers. As a result, two or more levels of government exist within an established geographic territory. The body of law of the common central government is the federal law.

Examples of federal governments include those of Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India,

Russia, the former Soviet Union and the United States.

The United States Constitution provides for a federal government that is superior to state governments with regard to its enumerated powers. These powers include the authority to govern international affairs, the currency and national defense. After the American Civil War, the Fourteenth Amendment applied the Constitution's Bill of Rights to State Governments. Issues that arise under any legislation passed by Congress, an Executive Order of the President, or a decision of federal courts pursuant to the Constitution are governed by federal law. The Supreme Court makes final decisions regarding all federal laws. United States federal laws are codified in the United States Code. The Gun Control Act of 1968, Pub. L. No. 90-618, 82 Stat. 1213 (also known as GCA or GCA68, and codified as Chapter 44 of Title 18, United States Code) is a federal law in the United States that broadly regulates the firearms industry and firearms owners. It primarily focuses on regulating interstate commerce in firearms by generally prohibiting interstate firearms transfers except among licensed manufacturers, dealers and importers. The GCA is Title I of the U.S. federal firearms laws. The National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA) is Title II. Both GCA and NFA are enforced by the ATF. B. Vocabulary and Key Concepts 1. Ask the Ss to go through them silently for 1 minute. 2. Predict what will appear in the blanks.

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3. Listen to the original and check the prediction. C. Note-taking preparation How to outline a passage? Get the students to finish the outline appeared in the textbook. II. Listening A. Initial Listening to get the topic, subtopics, and main idea. B. Second Listening to find out those rhetorical cues 1) Introducing a topic/subtopic 2) Introducing a subtopic by asking questions C. Third listening: Focus on note-taking What should be taken down? Ask the students to focus on the terms on three aspects in the American society. D. Consolidation to take notes on what you hear. Ask the Ss to use their notes to recap the information they learned. Then present the information to the class or to their desk mates. III. Post-listening A. The Comprehension Check: Finish the exercise. B. Expanding on the Information in the Talk IV. The Listening Expansion Deal with the two tasks on page 140-141 in the book. Chapter 2 Common Law and the Jury System

I. Pre-listening A. Listening preparation Qs: What is your impression on American courtrooms? Is it different from that of China? Cultural Background: Common law is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals (also called case law), rather than through legislative statutes or executive branch action. A "common law system" is a legal

132 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书 system that gives great precedential weight to common law, on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions. The body of precedent is called "common law" and it binds future decisions. In cases where the parties disagree on what the law is, an idealized common law court looks to past precedential decisions of relevant courts. If a similar dispute has been resolved in the past, the court is bound to follow the reasoning used in the prior decision (this principle is known as stare decisis). If, however, the court finds that the current dispute is fundamentally distinct from all previous cases (called a "matter of first impression"), judges have the authority and duty to make law by creating precedent.Thereafter, the new decision becomes precedent, and will bind future courts. In practice, common law systems are considerably more complicated than the idealized system described above. The decisions of a court are binding only in a particular jurisdiction, and even within a given jurisdiction, some courts have more power than others. For example, in most jurisdictions, decisions by appellate courts are binding on lower courts in the same jurisdiction and on future decisions of the same appellate court, but decisions of lower courts are only non-binding persuasive authority. Interactions between common law, constitutional law, statutory law and regulatory law also give rise to considerable complexity. However stare decisis, the principle that similar cases should be decided according to consistent principled rules so that they will reach similar results, lies at the heart of all common law systems. Common law legal systems are in widespread use, particularly in England where it originated in the Middle Ages, and in nations that trace their legal heritage to England as former colonies of the British Empire, including the United States, Singapore, Pakistan, India, Ghana, Cameroon, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Hong Kong and Australia. A jury is a sworn body of people convened to render an impartial verdict (a finding of fact on a question) officially submitted to them by a court, or to set a penalty or judgment. Modern juries tend to be found in courts to judge whether an accused person is not guilty or guilty of a crime. (There is no such verdict as 'innocent').

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A person who is serving on a jury is a juror. Most People Become a juror at least once in their life. The old institution of Grand Juries, which are now rare, still exist in some places, particularly the United States, to investigate whether enough evidence of a crime exists to bring someone to trial. The jury arrangement has evolved out of the earliest juries, which were found in early medieval England. Members were supposed to inform themselves of crimes and then of the details of the crimes. Their function was therefore closer to that of a grand jury than that of a jury in a court. B. Vocabulary and Key Concepts 1. Ask the Ss to go through them silently for 1 minute. 2. Predict what will appear in the blanks. 3. Listen to the original and check the prediction. C. Note-taking preparation 1. Deciphering notes Give the examples in the textbook and finish the exercise. II. Listening A. Initial Listening to get the topic, subtopics, and main idea. B. Second Listening to find out those rhetorical cues 1) giving the framework of a lecture 2) drawing the audience’s attention by raising questions 3) making suggestions C. Third listening: Focus on note-taking What should be taken down? Ask the students to focus on the words and phrases related to jury, law and related areas. D. Consolidation to take notes on what you hear. 1. Ask the Ss to use their notes to recap the information they learned. Then present the information to the class or to their desk mates. 2. Ask several students to show their notes to the class and make comments.

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3. Collect all the information about jury, law and related areas. III. Post-listening A. The Comprehension Check: Finish the exercise. B. Expanding on the Information in the Talk IV. The Listening Expansion Deal with the two tasks on page 150-151 in the book. 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、多媒体课件 参考资料 3、Internet 五、实验注意事项

1、教师应提前要求学生做好相关查阅资料的准备。 2、教师应该做好实验准备。准备好一切实验上可能要用到的硬件和软件, 安排好实验课的程序。比如听力材料,相关背景资料,相关图片及影像资料。 3、实验课完成都应当布置一定量的相关课后任务,目的是巩固和深化相关 知识。 4、实验完成后要检查设备并确保关闭电源和设备安全。 六、问题讨论

How to do an outline? How to do a prediction? 七、实验教学的作业及评价

完成课后相关练习,关注文章 outline 归纳整理的训练和听前预测的训练。

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实验教学一 Techniques Used in English-Chinese Translation: Annotation and Paraphrase

(2 学时)


Globalization has seen the ever-increasing communication between different cultures, but such communication is almost impossible without translation. It is through translation that different cultures can come to understand each other. However, good translation, especially when it concerns the implications of two cultures as different as Chinese and Western ones, is not so easy to come by. That is why nowadays people are attaching much importance to the study of cultural translation theory. This experiment is trying to explore the basic conception and techniques of translation through guidance and practice. 二、实验教学目标

·To know the basic translation techniques: annotation and paraphrase 完成实验项目:使学生掌握英汉翻译的技巧:加注和释义,达到这两个实

验目标的要求。 三、实验教学内容及过程

提前将教案做成 PPT 形式,并附有动画效果,以便在课堂上展示,方便学 生实践操练。


由于英汉文化存在许多差异,因此英语中某些文化词语在汉语中根本就没有 对等词,形成了词义上的空缺。在这种情况下,英译汉时常常要采用加注法来弥 补空缺。加注通常可以用来补充诸如背景材料、词语起源等相关信息,便于读者


1.1 音译加注

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采用脚注,还可二者合用。例如: pizza 匹萨饼. Toyota 丰田车. tango 探戈舞. Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠.. Poseidon 波赛东(希腊神话中的海神) Sauna 桑拿浴.(芬兰式的一种蒸气浴) Jazz 爵士音乐.. 音译加注法也可用来翻译句中的词语,例如: (1) Pizza* is my son's favorite American food. 比萨饼...是我儿子最喜欢的美 国食品。 (2) New York was never Mecca to me. 纽约从不是我心中的圣地麦加....。 (3)He did it a Jordon*. 他投篮像飞人乔丹....那样棒。(*乔丹:全名叫 Michael Jordon,是美国 NBA 职业篮球巨星) (4)Then she discovered Harry Potter*, and was attached to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by a very short string until she had finished it. 然后,她发现了哈. 里·波特...。就像是一截短绳紧紧地拴在《哈里·波特与魔法石》这本书上似的, 她手不释卷,一口气把它看完了。(*哈里·波特:英国女作家 J·K·罗琳的畅 销系列小说中的小主人公) 1.2 直译加注 直译加注指直译原文,并附加解释性注释。注释可长可短,既可采用文中注 释,也可采用脚注,还可二者合用。直译加注可用来翻译单个词语,尤其是某些

专有名词,例如: Zero Ground 零地带...(指纽约世贸大厦 2001 年 9 月 11 日遭 两架被劫持的飞机撞击坍塌后所形成的瓦砾

场,源出自原子弹着陆后的爆炸点) Tabloid (猎取并报道名人轶事等以迎合低级趣味的) 市. 井电视节目.....

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Fly girl 飞飞女...(指时髦撩人的年轻女子) Tree hugger 紧抱树...干的人...(指极端环境保护主义者) The Freedom Ride 自由乘车运动......(六十年代初期由民权运动积极 分子发起的活动,反对南部各州在公共交通

中实行种族隔离政策) Rock 石毒..(一种晶状可卡因) 直译加注法也可以用来翻译句中的词语,例如: (1) But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the “sandwich generation”*, caught between kids and parents. 但我的脾气不 好,都是这些事给烦的。我是个夹在孩子和父母之间的“三明治人....”。(* 三明治人:指既要照顾孩子又要照顾父母的人) (2) He suggested that a truly-inclusive politically-correct pronoun would be “s/h/it”. 他建议,真正既全面又符合政治正确性的代词应是“她或他或.... 它.”。(注意:s/h/it 唤起 shit 联想,意在揶揄被美国媒体大肆炒作的“政 治正确性”)。 (3) You told me the other day that you weren’t going to write anything about him yourself. It would be rather like a dog in the manger to keep to yourself a whole lot of material that you have no intention of using. 前些日子,你告诉 我你自己不打算写有关他的任何东西,可你却又占着大批材料自己不用,

这岂不是狗占马...槽太自私....了吗? (4) The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference that they rarely leave hope at bottom. 政府的恩惠如同潘多拉的.... 盒子..,后患无穷....,主要不同之处是:盒底很少留有希望。 (5) People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss. 人们认为他在那种场合所表演的不过是犹大之吻....,居心险... 恶.。 (6) No one knows how many accidents are caused by highway hypnosis*. 没有 人知道,“公路催眠....”造成了多少交通事故。(*公路催眠:指驾驶员由于 长时间驾车不知不觉进入的一种催眠状态) (7) The professor rapped on his desk and shouted: “Gentlemen, order*!”

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The entire class yelled, “Beer!” 教授敲着桌子喊道:“先生们,安静!” 全班学生齐声高叫:“啤酒!” (*order 既可表示“安静”,又可表示“点菜”,而学生们却故意曲解为“点 菜

2. 释义(paraphrase)

释义是指舍弃原文的具体表达形式和比喻形象,采取解释性的方法译出原文 的意思。在翻译一些具有鲜明民族色彩的词语(如成语、典故、超常规搭配)时, 如果直译不能使译入语读者明白其意思,而加注又使译文太罗唆时,可采用释义

法,将原文的意思传达出来。例如: (1) Bill’s new girlfriend is certainly a knockout. 比尔新结识的女友确实是个 迷人的姑娘.....。(knockout 如直译为“引人注目的人物”,令读者难以准确 理解其意。该词语源出自拳击比赛时将对手击倒在地,后词义扩展为女

子因美丽而让异性倾倒) (2) Our team won the game, all right, but it was touch and go for a while. 我们 队是赢了,但有一阵子险些输掉....。 (3) The island’s three main newspapers never feature nude pin-ups. 岛上三家 主要的报纸从不刊登裸体美女照...。(pin-ups 如直译为“钉在墙上的东西” 则难为读者所理解。) (4) We are one nation, one people. 我们是全国一体....、全民一体....。 (5) If anything goes wrong now, what a come-down that will be! 如果现在出 差错的话,该多倒霉..啊! 释义法也可以用来翻译某些不可直译成汉语的英语表达形式,或是处理那些

虽可直译成汉语但表达效果不是令人费解就是不够简练的英语表达形式,例如: (1) He was smooth and agreeable. 他待人处事....,八面玲珑....。 (2) What is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy. 众所周知,过度肥胖或消瘦.......都肯定是不健康的。(字面意义为 “体重的两个极端”) (3) He acts a lot older than his years. 他年纪轻轻....,做事却相当老练.......。

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(4) If you think me in the way to be happier than I deserve, I am quite of your opinion. 如果你认为我的幸福来之太易......,受之有愧....,那我完全同意你的 看法。 (5) Franklin Roosevelt listened with bright-eyed, smiling attention. 富兰克 林·罗斯福眼睛发亮....,微笑着注意.....倾听。 (6) He was quick to use self-deprecating humor to throw anyone off the scent. 为了迷惑别人......,他机灵地说些自我挖苦的笑话。 (7) His best jokes fell flat. 他那些最能逗人乐的笑话都不灵了............。 (8) Nothing, whether a weighty matter or small detail, was over-looked. 事. 无巨细...,无一遗漏....。 (9) The more you try to hide, the more you’re exposed. 欲盖弥彰....。


1.数字化语言实验室 多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 参考资源 3.相关的网络资源


1.进一步了解翻译的相关研究动态和发展 2.教师应提前让学生做好准备,比如预习以及作业 3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果


1.根据自己所查的资料,回答课本第二单元的课后练习。 2.10 个英译汉句子翻译。

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实验教学二 Techniques Used in English- Chinese Translation: Amplification and Omission

(2 学时)


Globalization has seen the ever-increasing communication between different cultures, but such communication is almost impossible without translation. It is through translation that different cultures can come to understand each other. However, good translation, especially when it concerns the implications of two cultures as different as Chinese and Western ones, is not so easy to come by. That is why nowadays people are attaching much importance to the study of cultural translation theory. This experiment is trying to explore the basic conception and techniques of translation through guidance and practice. 二、实验教学目标

·To know the basic translation techniques: amplification and omission 完成实验项目:使学生掌握英汉翻译的技巧:增词和减词,达到这两个实验

目标的要求。 三、实验教学内容及过程

提前将教案做成 PPT 形式,并附有动画效果,以便在课堂上展示,方便学 生做实践操练

1. 增词(amplification)

增词也叫增益(或上下文增益)(contextual amplification)在译文中明示出源 语读者视为当然,而译语读者却不知道的意义。英汉两种语言由于表达方式不尽 相同,翻译时常常有必要在译文的词量上作适当的增加,使译文既能忠实地传达

原文的内容和风格,又能符合译入语的表达习惯。 英译汉中的增补大致可以分为两种情形:一是增补原文句法上的省略成分;

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二是根据原文上下文的意思、逻辑关系以及译文语言习惯,在表达时增加原文字 面上没有、意思上包含的字词。具体来说,有以下三种情况:一是为了句法上的


1.1 为了句法上的需要(Syntactic Consideration) 英汉两种语言在句法结构上存在很大差异。英语里有许多上下文中的省略


1.1.1 问题的回答省略部分的增添(Supplying the omitted parts in answers to questions) (1)Is this your book? Yes, it is. 这是你的书吗? 是我的。 (2)Rebecca: What! Don’t you love him? Amelia: Yes, of course, I do. 怎么你不爱他? 我当然爱他。

1.1.2 省略动词部分的增添(Supplying the omitted verbs) 1)Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。 2)An eagle and a fox had long lived together as good neighbors; the eagle at the summit of a high tree, the fox in a hole at the foot of it. 一只鹰和一只狐狸长期友好地住在一起,鹰住在一棵高高的树顶上,狐狸

住在树下一个洞里。 3)Everything was on a larger scale for him, the highs were higher, the lows lower. 他总是喜欢夸大事实, 高的说得更高,低的说得更低。

1.1.3 比较从句中省略部分的增添(Supplying the omitted parts in the clauses of comparison)

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1)The footmen were as ready to serve her as they were their own mistress. 仆人们愿意服侍她,就像服侍他们的女主人一样。 2)Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own. 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教训更好。 3)I can say to you, without any flattery, that the Chinese way of co-operations is more inventive and fruitful than others. 我可以对你说——我这样说没有任何奉承之意——中国的合作方式比别国 的合作方式更有特色,更有成果。 4)Children receive better education in the nurseries than at home. 孩子们在托儿所所受的教育比在家里受到的更好。

1.1.4 条件从句中省略部分的增添(Supplying the omitted parts in the implied conditional clauses) 1)We didn’t admit it (escape) was impossible. To do so would have been to surrender one of our few hopes. 我们并不认为越狱是不可能的。如果认为不可能,那就等于我们仅存 的一线希望也放弃了。 2)In agreeing to what was already the status quo, Kruschev would have had far more to gain than to lose. 假如赫鲁晓夫已同意维持现状,对他来说,就会得多失少。 3)But without Adolf Hitler, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich. 然而如果没有阿道夫·希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定没有第三帝国。

1.2 为了语意上的需要(Semantic Consideration ) 因为英语和汉语在表达方式上的不同,在英语中意义表达完整的句式在汉语 中表达则认为是不完整的。因此,在英汉翻译过程中需要运用增词法使意义表达


1.2.1 动词的增加(Supplying verbs) 1)In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions,

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he would work on the drafting of the final communique. 晚上在参加晚宴,出席音乐会,观看乒乓球表演之后,他还得起草最后公 报。 2)There were no speeches, no foreign diplomats, no “ordinary Chinese” with paper flags and bouquets of flowers. 没有发表讲话,没有各国外交官到场,也没有“普通中国人”挥舞纸旗、 花束的场面。

1.2.2 形容词的增加(Supplying adjectives) 1)With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism! 中国人民正在以多么高的热情建设社会主义啊! 2)How time flies! 时间过得多快啊! 3)The plane twisted under me, trailing flame and smoke. 飞机在下面螺旋下降,拖着浓烟烈焰掉下去。

1.2.3 副词的增加(Supplying adverbs) 1)The crowds melted away. 人群渐渐散开了。 2)As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。 3)He sank down with his face in his hands. 他蒙着脸,一屁股坐了下来。

1.2.4 名词的增加(Supplying nouns) 1)Mary washed for a living after her husband died of acute pneumonia. 玛丽在丈夫患急性肺炎去世后,就靠洗衣服维持生活。 2)Day after day he came to his work—sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 他每天都来干活,扫地,擦地板,收拾房间。 3)This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine. 这打字机真是价廉物美。

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4)A new kind of aircraft—small, cheap, pilot-less—is attracting increasing attention. 一种新型的飞机正在越来越引起人们的注意,这种飞机体积小,价格便宜, 无人驾驶。 5)He is a complicated man—moody, mercurial, with a melancholy streak. 他是个性格复杂的人,喜怒无常,反复多变,具有忧郁寡欢的特点。

1.2.5 复数标志的增加(Supplying plural signs) 1)The lion is the king of animals. 狮子是百兽之王。 2)Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满庭院。 3)Newsmen went flying off to Mexico. 记者纷纷飞往墨西哥。 4)There were rows of houses which he had never seen before. 一排排的房子,都是他从未见过的。

1.2.6 量词的增加(Supplying quantifiers) 1)A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea. 一轮红日从风平浪静的海面冉冉升起。 2)A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river. 一湾溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇合到江河里。 3)I was extremely worried about her, but this was neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument. 我真替她万分担忧,但此时此地既不宜教训她一番,也不宜与她争论一通。

1.2.7 概括性词语的增加(Supplying summarizing words) 1)It is remarkably clear. It shows streets and factories and a winding river and docks and submarine pens. 照片十分清楚,从中可以看到街道、工厂、一条蜿蜒的河流以及码头、潜 艇修藏坞等。

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2)The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers, artificial satellites and rockets. 论文总结了电子计算机、人造卫星和火箭等三方面的新成就。

1.2.8 过渡语的增加(Supplying transitions) 1)For mistakes had made, bad ones. 因为已经犯了错误,而且还是很糟的错误。 2)Two, we heard later, were sent to college, at the government expense, while one, it was rumored, had attempted to blackmail the Agency. 我们后来听说,两人由政府资助送进大学学习,并据传说,一个曾试图对 中央情报局进行讹诈,结果并未得逞。

1.3 为了修辞上的需要(Rhetorical Consideration) 为了使译文优美自如、活泼生动或是得到强调,有时需要增补适当的描述 词(如名词、动词、形容词或副词等)、语气助词,或是使用叠词和四字词


1.3.1 增加名词 It was a crime so quick, so mean, so harsh, it shocked even veteran crime investigators. 这桩罪案发生的速度之快、性质之卑劣、手段之残忍,就连身经百战的办 案人员也感到惊讶万分。

1.3.2 增加动词 Since her earliest walking period she had been as the right hand of her mother. What scrubbing, baking, errand-running, and nursing there had been to do she did. 自从她会走路的时候起,她就是她母亲的好帮手。擦地板,烤面包,跑差 事,喂孩子,样样都是她做的事儿。

1.3.3 增加副词 1)Over Christmas vacation she devoured Charlotte’s Web, explored Aesop’s

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Fables, and got lost in Bound for Oregon. 在圣诞节放假期间,她狼吞虎咽地读了《夏洛特之网》、细嚼慢咽地读了《伊 索寓言》、心驰神往地读了《到俄勒冈州去》。 2)Earth and heaven glitter, and the sword-fern clumps are diamond sunbursts pinned to the silver-sequined ground. 大地和天空都在闪闪发光,蕨草丛恍若别在银色大地上的旭日钻石胸针。

1.3.4 增补形容词和重复动词 The sky is clear blue now the sun has flung diamonds down on meadows and banks and woods. 此时已是万里蓝天,太阳把颗颗光彩夺目的钻石撒向草原,撒向河岸,撒 向树林。

1.3.5 增加语气助词 1)“In such cases a woman has not often much beauty to think of.” “这样看来,一个女人家并没有多少时候好想到自己的美貌喽。” 2)Don’t take it seriously. I’m just making fun of you. 不要认真嘛!我不过开开玩笑罢了。

1.3.6 使用叠词 The sky had turned a sullen gray. As he left the park, scattered raindrops felt like slivers of ice. 天空变成阴沉沉的灰色。他离开公园时,零零淅淅的雨点落在脸上,感觉 像薄博的冰片儿。

1.3.7 增加重复词语 1)I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time. 我希望这次大会不要开得太久,太久了只会浪费时间。(重复状语) 2)But I looked neither to rising sun, nor smiling sky, nor wakening nature. 但是我既没有去看冉冉上升的太阳,没有去看笑盈盈的天空,也没有去看 正在苏醒的万物。(重复谓语动词)

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3)France, mother of arts, of warriors, and of laws. 法兰西,您是艺术之母、勇士之母、法制之母。(重复名词) 4)Where there is water, there is life. 哪里有水,哪里就有生命。(重复连词)

2. 减词(omission) 减词是指将原文中需要而译文中又不需要的词语省去。英汉两种语言在语法 上差异很大,例如:英语有冠词,而汉语却没有;英语重形合、连接词较多,而 汉语重意合、连接词较少;英语中介词丰富,而汉语中则较少;英语中经常使用 代词,尤其是经常使用人称代词、关系代词等,而汉语中代词则用得较少。因此, 英译汉时可在不损害准确传达原文内容的前提下根据具体情况将冠词、连接词、


2.1 Omission of Articles The horse is a useful animal. 马是有用的动物。 A jet plane flies faster than the most up-to date train in the world can run. 喷气式飞机飞得比世界上最新式的火车还快。

2.2 Omission of Connectives The children usually read in the school but play at home. 孩子们经常在校读书,在家游戏。 Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 智者爱好真理,愚者躲避真理。 Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill. 车未停稳,切勿上下。

2.3 Omission of Prepositions Many flowers blossom in spring. 春天百花齐放。 Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes.

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大街小巷早就传遍了各种流言蜚语。 New complaints are heard in all parts of that country. 该国目前怨声载道。 Note: In translation the preposition after the verbs are usually retained: He stood by the desk. 他站在桌边。 I stayed in my brother’s house. 我住在弟弟家。

2.4 Omission of Personal Pronouns She covered her face with her hand as if to protect her eyes. 她用手蒙脸,好像去保护眼睛。 The more he tried to hide his warts, the more he revealed them. 欲盖弥彰。 We regarded it our duty to get our country modernized. 实现祖国现代化是我们的职责。

2.5 Omission of Copulas He is in the army. 他在服役。 Peter is six years old. 彼得六岁。

2.6 Omission of Subject He worked so hard that he fell ill. 他忙得生病了。 Zhang told Li that he wished to go to Beijing with him. 老张对老李说愿意同他去北京。 It is never too late to mend. 改过不嫌迟。 He who hesitates is lost.

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当断不断,必受其患。 Every Jack has his Gill. 破锅有烂灶,李大有张嫂。 四、实验教学设备及资源

1.数字化语言实验室 多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 参考资源 3.相关的网络资源


1.进一步了解翻译的相关研究动态和发展 2.教师应提前让学生做好准备,比如预习以及作业 3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果


1.运用增词和减词的翻译技巧做 10 个英汉句子翻译练习。 2.一篇专业八级真题英汉翻译练习。

150 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学三 Techniques Used in English-Chinese

Translation: Shift of Perspective

(2 学时)


Globalization has seen the ever-increasing communication between different cultures, but such communication is almost impossible without translation. It is through translation that different cultures can come to understand each other. However, good translation, especially when it concerns the implications of two cultures as different as Chinese and Western ones, is not so easy to come by. That is why nowadays people are attaching much importance to the study of cultural translation theory. This experiment is trying to explore the basic conception and techniques of translation through guidance and practice. 二、实验教学目标

·To know the basic translation techniques: shift of perspective 完成实验项目:使学生掌握英汉翻译的技巧:转换,以及翻译的语态,翻译

技巧:拆分与合并等,达到这些实验目标的要求。 三、实验教学内容及过程

提前将教案做成 PPT 形式,并附有动画效果,以便在课堂上展示,方便学 生做实践操练

转换(shift of perspective)

由于英汉两种语言在语法和表达方式等方面存在着许多差异,因此英译汉时 常常有必要改变表达方式,使译文通顺流畅、地道可读。这种变通技巧就是转换

法(shift of perspective)。转换的形式多种多样,大体可分为 7 种:①词类转换, ②句子成分转换,③表达方式转换,④自然语序与倒装语序转换;⑤正面表达与 反面表达转换,⑥主动式与被动式转换,⑦分句转换。

151 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

1. 词类转换 词类转换是指英语中的某一词类译成汉语时转换成另一词类。

1.1 英语名词、介词、形容词或副词转换为汉语动词

(1) The streets are marked by an absence of colour. 街上明显缺乏色彩。 (2)The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。 (3) All were unconscious that this experience was a test of character; and, when the first excitement was over, felt that they had done well, and deserved praise. 大家 都没有认识到这番经验却是一次个性的考验,最初的兴奋过去以后,又觉得自己

已经干得不错了,理应受到赞扬。 (4) He appeared at her side, breathing audibly, a moment after she reached the stop. She gazed ahead, rigid. 她到车站不一会儿,他便出现在她的身旁,听见他喘 息的声音。她凝视着前方,表情严峻。

(5)After several blocks, he found an empty park bench. 过了几个街区,他发现 公园里的一条长凳,空着没人坐。 (6) Through the airport, into the cab and then into the client’s office, Pyles struggle while the men forged ahead.几个男同事一路轻松自如地走在前面,而派尔 却十分吃力地穿过机场,钻入出租车,走进客户的办公室。 (7) She was gazing avross the sea, apparently ignorant of him.她在眺望大海, 显然没有看见他。

1.2 英语动词、副词转换为汉语名词、形容词

(1) In the past 10 years, China’s GDP per capital has increased greatly. 在过去 的十年中,中国的人均国内生产总值有了很大的增长。

(2) Formality has always characterized their relationship. 他们之间的关系,有 一个特点,就是以礼相待。

(3) Most US spy satellites are designed to burn up in the earth's atmosphere after completing their missions. 美国绝大多数间谍卫星,按其设计,是在完成使命后, 在大气层中焚毁。

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1.3 英语名词转换为汉语形容词、副词、连接词

(1)We find difficulty in solving this problem.我们觉得难以解决这个问题。 (2) The security and warmth of the destroyer’s sick bay were wonderful.驱逐舰 的病房很安全,也很温暖,简直棒极了。

2.句子成分转换 句子成分转换是指英语中的某一句子成分译成汉语时转换成另一种句子成 分。句子成分转换在主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语之间展开。例如:

(1)With the fear of largely imaginary plots against his leadership, his self-confidence seemed totally to desert him. 由于害怕有人阴谋推翻他的领导,他 似乎完全丧失了自信。但所谓的阴谋在很大程度上是他自己假想出来的。(主语 转换为宾语,宾语转换为主语)

(2) With a thunderous roar a large flight of aircraft appeared in the sky. 空中 出现了一对数量极多轰鸣而过的飞机。(状语转换成定语) (3)He will give an immediate reply. 他会立即答复。(定语转换成状语) (4)Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the new day.他于 9 月 3 日攻克了布鲁塞尔,次日又拿下了安特为普。(主语转换为宾语;介词宾语转换

为主语) (5) I say this soberly in the interest of peace and in the hope of preventing another aggressor miscalculation. 我说这番话的时候,态度是冷静的,是为了和 平的利益,是希望阻止侵略者再一次打错算盘。(主语转换成表语;表语转换成 主语)

3. 表达方式转换 英汉两种语言在表达方式上往往因角度不同而异。要克服这些差异,翻译时 也就常有必要把一种表达方式转换为另一种表达方式,使译文符合汉语表达习惯。

3.1 英语中有一些计量词,如 score, dozen, decade, quarter 等,在汉语中没有相 应的表达方式,所以在汉译时得对其加以转换。例如:

(1) But about three decades ago, the course became something of a stepchild when bilingual education became the preferred method of teaching foreign students.

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然而大约 30 年前,当人们更喜欢用双语方式教授外国学生时,该课程便遭 到了几分冷遇。

(2) A dozen and a half aeroplanes poured out into the airport during that five minutes. 那 5 分钟内,有 18 架飞机涌进了机场。 (3) During the first part of his life, Watt studied weather and storm.瓦特年轻 时研究天气和风暴。 (4) Well, a couple of years later, they became enemies. But we are getting ahead of the story.几年以后,他们反目成仇,不过这是后话,我们说到故事后头去了。

3.2 由于英汉两种语言在表述角度上不尽相同,翻译时常常有必要转换角度,才 能使意思明白清楚、表达自然。例如:

(1) Our Faux Sapphire 25% discount. 本店人造蓝宝石打七五折。 (2) You are quite a stranger here.这儿的人不认识你。 (3) There used to be a river here two centuries back of this. 两个世纪以前,这里 曾经有一条河。 (4) I’m low IQ (intelligent quotient), you know. 你知道,我这个人很笨。 (5) There is always a place for you at our table. 请你随时来吃便饭。 (6) It never rains but it pours. 不下则已,一下倾盆。 (7) John was a fool for danger. 约翰是天不怕地不怕的人。

4.自然语序与倒装语序转换 句子的自然语序是主语在前,谓语在后。倒装语序主要是指主谓倒装。英语 中使用倒装语序,主要是为了加强语气、突出重点、平衡句子结构等;而汉语中 使用倒装语序相对较少,所以英译汉时,常常得将倒装语序转换为自然语序。例如:

(1) Great was the excitement as procession after procession poured its eager masses into the town. 一队又一队的热心群众来到镇上,情绪十分激昂。 (2) From the Middle East have radiated the sparks of the world civilizations which have been a blessing to humility. 造福于人类的世界文明,正是从中东放射出它的 光芒来的。 (3) Of all the worshipers of that day who bent the knee to Smith, first and foremost

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stood Johnson. 当时对史密斯崇拜得五体投地的,要首推约翰逊。 (4) For three weeks I had both jobs, working from eight in the morning until midnight. Never in my life have I been happier. 我身兼两职历时三个星期。每天早 晨 8 点钟一直工作到午夜。我的一生中以那段时间最为快乐。

5 .正面表达与反面表达转换 由于思维方式的不同,英语中有些从正面表达的东西在汉语中习惯从反面来 表达;而有些从反面来表达的东西在汉语中则习惯从正面来表达。因此,英译汉 时常常有必要进行转换。这就是通常所说的“正说反译、反说正译”法。英语正

面表达这里指的是不带否定词 no, not , never 否定前缀 non-, in-, im-, ir-, dis-和否 定后缀-less 等的句子,汉语正面表达则是指不带“不”、“没”、“非”、“未”、“否”、 “无”、“莫”、“勿”、“别”等否定词语的句子;反之则是反面表达。

5.1 英语正面表达转换为汉语反面表达

frost-free refrigerator 无霜冰箱 Freeze! 别动! Wet paint! 油漆未干! mortally ill 不治之症 Keep off the lawn!请勿践踏草地! (1) I failed to understand your meaning. 我弄不懂你的意思。 (2)We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust. 我们相信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。

(3) A person who does a regrettable action is often regretful afterwards. 行为不检点的人,日后往往要后悔。

(4) But I could see that my arguments were hopeless. Those pigeons would have to go. 但是我发现我的争辩是徒劳的,这些鸽子是留不住的。 (5) This was the last place the colonists would leave, for in it lay riches and natural resources. 这是殖民主义者最不愿离开的地方,因为那里蕴藏着财富和自 然资源。

(6) A vacuum, which is the absence of the matter, cannot transmit sound. 真空 中没有物质,因此不能传播声音。

(7) Thre’s no much difference between a bare tree and a dead tree in winter. Only when the others begin to leaf out the next spring, and one is left behind in the general green onrush, can the eye tell. 冬季里,一棵树叶脱落的树和一棵死的树在外表上

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并无太大的区别。只有到了来年春天所有的树木开始抽枝发芽时,那棵赶不上普 遍绿潮的枯木,一眼就能看出来。 (8) Looking back now I’d say that in spite of his lack of orthodox schooling my father was a learned man. He taught me more than all the teachers I have ever had at high school. 现在回想起来,我认为父亲尽管没有受过正规教育,却是一个有学 问的人。他交给我的东西,比我上中学时所有的老师交给我的还要多。

5.2 英语反面表达转换为汉语正面表达

(1)In no time at all, they were cooing contentedly. 它们很快就发出“咕咕”的满意叫声。

(2) The significance of these incidents wasn't lost upon the judges. 法官们注意到这些事件的意义。

(3) Such flights couldn't long escape notice. 这类飞行迟早会被人发觉的。

(4) The importance of this conference cannot be exaggerated. 这次会议是极其重要的。

(5) Where is that wretched girl? /Why do you not come when I call you? 这死丫头她在哪儿?怎么叫你半天才来?

(6) Pieer: Hey, What the…! You old fool. Lena: Don’t talk to me that way! I’m not your wife. 皮埃尔:唉,怎么,你这傻女人! 莉娜:嘴里放干净点!我不是你老婆。

6 .主动式与被动式转换 英语中被动语态用得较多,而汉语中被动语态则用得相对较少,因此英译汉 时被动语态常常可转换为主动语态,当然有时也可以保留其被动语态。而英语中 的主动语态,有时汉译也可根据汉语的表达习惯转换为被动语态。

6.1 被动转换为主动 英语被动句式转换为汉语主动句式时,原文中的主语在译文中有时仍可作主 语,有时也可作宾语,有时全句还可译成带表语的主动句。例如:

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(1) Over 700 of the world’s finest footballers were gathered in Japan and South Korea for the 17th World Cup tournament. 700 多位世界顶尖足球运动员聚集 在日本和韩国参加了第 17 界世界杯比赛。 (2) In a moment he will turn and see us, and his face will be lighted by a smile so radiant you'll feel warm all the way through. 过一会儿他会转过身来看着我们,那时他脸上会泛出灿烂的微笑,让你全身 都感到温暖。

(3) Much effort was made in determing the difference between the two schools of painting. 为了弄清两个画派的差别,他们费了不少工夫。 (4) Thomas blushed again, and when a few more words had been said of a not unpleasing kind, Venn mounted his horse and road on. 托马逊的脸又红了,他俩接 着又说了几句不算中听的话,维恩就上马走了。 (5) The horse are said to be hard-working, skillful, friendly, enthusiastic, freedom-loving and the life of the Spring Festival party. 据说马吃苦耐劳、技艺娴 熟、友好热情、热爱自由,是今年春节聚会的灵魂。 (6) In July of 2001 he was named as special envoy for the United Naions Enviroment Programme. 2001 年 7 月他出任联合国环境规划署特使。 当然有时英语被动语态翻译成汉语时仍可用被动句式,例如:

(1) She is not even 2, but she’s already obsessed with the Disney cartoon versions of Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. 她甚至不到两岁,却已经 被迪斯尼卡通版的《白雪公主》、《灰姑娘》、《睡美人》迷住了。 (2) Most people agree it is students who will be hit hardest. 大多数人同意这一 看法:只有学生遭受的打击最大。 (3) The barns that remained were pretty taken over by adventure-seeking young boys like me. 剩下的谷仓几乎全被像我这样寻求冒险的少年们接受了。

6.2 主动转换为被动 有时, 英语中主动句在汉译时可用汉语中的被动句来表达,但这一现象似不 多见。例如:

(1) The Senate ultimately will have to ratify the new treaty.这个新条约最后必

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须由参议院批准。 (2) The young man was under the sentence of death because of murder. 年轻人因 为谋杀被判处死刑。 (3) Back when I was a preteen, the barns in our town were beginning to give way to detached garages. 在我十岁出头时,我们镇里的一些谷仓开始被独立的车库代替。

7. 分句转换 分句转换是指一种英语分句翻译成汉语时转换成另一种分句,例如:

(1) They felt that it was much easier and safer to rob their own people, for they knew that white policemen never really searched diligently for Negroes who committed crimes against other Negroes. 他们觉得抢劫他们的同种人要安全得多,因为他们知道,如果黑人侵犯的是 黑人,白人警察便从来不认真搜捕。(定语从句转换成条件状语从句)

(2) Her great grief in this relation was that her only child, on whose education no expense had been and would be spared, was now old enough to perceive these deficiencies in his mother. 这一方面给她造成了极大的苦闷,也就是有关她的独生子的问题。虽然过去 和今后在儿子的教育费用上既不曾也不会省掉什么钱,然而如今他的年纪已经不 小,能注意他母亲的这些缺点了。(定语从句转换成让步状语从句)


1.数字化语言实验室 多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 参考资源 3.相关的网络资源


1.进一步了解翻译的相关研究动态和发展 2.教师应提前让学生做好准备,比如预习以及作业 3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果


1.运用转换的翻译技巧做 10 个英汉句子翻译练习。


158 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学一 Diction in Chinese-English Translation

(2 学时)


Globalization has seen the ever-increasing communication between different cultures, but such communication is almost impossible without translation. It is through translation that different cultures can come to understand each other. However, good translation, especially when it concerns the implications of two cultures as different as Chinese and Western ones, is not so easy to come by. That is why nowadays people are attaching much importance to the study of cultural translation theory. This experiment is trying to explore the basic conception and techniques of translation through guidance and practice.


通过教师演示讲解和学生练习,使学生了解汉英翻译实践中恰当选词的重要 性,并通过适当的技巧在实践中做到这点,使译文准确、通顺、流利等,以完成



提前将教案做成 PPT 形式,并附有动画效果,以便在课堂上展示,方便学 生做实践操练 翻译中词义的选择(Diction in Translation)

I. 基于汉语词语的特点,如意合词,语境词,笼统词,比喻词等,翻译汉语 词语遵循一下基本要求(课本 p419-424): 1)确切:这个人私贩鸦片。(secretly sell?)This man is a trafficker of opium. 他想这样会使工程及时全面展开,从而减少中途停工的可能。He thought this would lessen the chance of the project’s being stopped before it really got under way. 2)简洁:他们你一句,我一句,说个没完。They talked on and on (without

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stopping.) 你们的计划要进行调整。Your plan will have to be adjusted. 3)生动:他总算把记者招待会对付过去了。After all, he survived the press conference. 公共汽车为人们去长城参观提供了方便。Buses provide easy access to the Great Wall. (more vivid than “provide convenience for…) II. 汉译英时如何使译文准确:汉英用词都比较讲究,同时他们之间又有相 当的差异,这缘于文化、语言、习惯等,翻译时必须根据实际情况,作出恰当的

选择,掌握词的搭配。 1.概说: 1) 用词要忠实于原文,不能只凭“大概”,差不多 A. 在提及工艺品的发展前景时,于经理说:--- While speaking of (dwelling on) the prospects for handicraft, Manager Yu said, -- B. 技术革新受到了鼓励 Technical innovations are urged (encouraged) C. 允许一部分人先富起来 We encourage some people to get rich first. 2)注意汉英词汇广义、侠义、具体意义与抽象意义的不同: 狗把他的手抓了。 The dog scratched his hand. 抓住机会 grasp the opportunity 抓苗头 watch out for the first sign 抓生产 attach importance to production 抓住机遇 value opportunities 3) 不能够字字死译,要考虑英语的含义。 为了多积攒点钱买房子,他们省吃俭用。 They live frugally to accumulate more money to buy a house. * They save food and expenses to --- 无论天晴还是下雨,他们明天都得去。 Rain or shine, they will have to go tomorrow.

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2.去掉不必要的夸张 1)世界上公认他是最伟大的政治家。(社论) * He is everybody’s choice as the world’s greatest statesman. He is generally acknowledged as the world’s greatest statesman. 2)和这里的人们一样,他也喜欢吃土豆。 * Like all people here, he likes to eat potatoes. Like most people here, he likes to eat potatoes. 3.用词要注意轻重(always remember to consult the dictionaries or teachers) 1)我国的进出口贸易总额有了较大幅度的增长。(sharp) There has been a big increase in the total volume of imports and exports. 2)我们必须广泛地利用现代科学技术的新成就。 We must utilize the results of modern science and technology on a wide/large scale. 3)他们向解放区发动了全面进攻。 They launched an all-out offensive campaign against the liberated areas. 4)合同的基本条款和内容不完善。(*imperfect) The basic provisions and content of the contract are incomplete. 2.用词要具体 1)他是一个土木工程师。

He’s an civil engineer. (not engineer: sanitary, mining or telephone engineer)

2) 在火车离开的前几分钟,他阔步走进了火车站。 He walked into the station a few minutes before the train’s departure. 思想:毛泽东思想 Maozedong Thought 解放思想 Liberate one’s mind 军事思想 military thinking 人民战争思想 concept of people’s war III. 使译文清楚: 1.名词所有格: 在看到张三的杀人行为时他感到十分震惊。 He was very much shocked at the sight of Zhang San’s killing.*(himself or somebody else) He was very much shocked at the sight of Zhang San’s killing a person.

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2.指代准确 她喜欢这些知识分子。She likes these intellectuals. (not the) 那个挨过烫的孩子怕火。This burnt child dreads fire. (not the burnt child) 你看见我那只鹿了吗? Have you seen my deer?* Have you seen that deer of mine. 3.该用名词时,不要用代词 母女二人告诉他:女儿相信这个故事。 The mother and the daughter told him that the daughter believed the story. (not she) 小王答应他父亲,他永远不抛弃父亲的朋友。 Xiao Wang promised his father never to abandon the friends of his father’s. (not abandon his friends) 3.数词的使用: 他的学生们都到同一个村子去了。 *All of his students have gone to one village. All of his students have gone to the same village. 他们俩有 10 个苹果。 *Both of them have ten apples. *Either of them have five apples. They two share ten apples. 4.形容词的使用 这匹马的肉可以吃了。 The horse was ready to eat.* (The horse could be eaten readily./ The horse could eat grass readily.) The horse could be eaten.


1.数字化语言实验室 多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 参考资源

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1.进一步了解翻译的相关研究动态和发展 2.教师应提前让学生做好准备,比如预习以及作业 3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果


1.课本上本单元的课后练习一、二。 2.十个汉英句子翻译练习。

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实验教学二 Amplification and Omission

(2 学时)


Globalization has seen the ever-increasing communication between different cultures, but such communication is almost impossible without translation. It is through translation that different cultures can come to understand each other. However, good translation, especially when it concerns the implications of two cultures as different as Chinese and Western ones, is not so easy to come by. That is why nowadays people are attaching much importance to the study of cultural translation theory. This experiment is trying to explore the basic conception and techniques of translation through guidance and practice. 二、实验教学目标

通过课前的热身练习、教师的演示讲解以及学生们的实践练习,完成汉英翻 译技巧:增词和减词的实验项目,使学生在汉译英中能熟练使用增词法和减词法 的翻译技巧。

三 、实验教学内容及过程

提前将教案做成 PPT 形式,并附有动画效果,以便在课堂上展示,方便学 生做实践操练 增词法和减词法(Amplification and Omission)

Amplification: 一、为了保证语法结构的完整: 代词:汉语中有许多没有主语的句子,英语则一般需要主语; 另外汉语中很 多名词前都没有代词,需要增补。 1.大作收到,十分高兴。 I have very glad to have received your writing.

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2.没有调查就没有发言权。 He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. 3.把这些故事看完以后,用你自己的话讲一遍。 After you have read these stories, tell them in your own words. 4. 我们响应了祖国的号召。 We responded to the call of our motherland. 5.她用手蒙住脸,好象是为了保护眼睛。 She covered her face with her hands, as if to protect her eyes. 6.孩子们天天带午饭到学校去吃。 The children take their lunch to school every day. 7.我们的心永远向着祖国。 Our hearts are always towards our motherland. 连词:汉语重意合,英语重形合,把汉语翻译成英语时,要适当增加连词。 1. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 2. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 So long as green hills remain, there will never be a shortage of firewood. 3. 村里的男女老少都喜欢那个小超市买东西。 Men and women, old and young in the village, all like shopping in this small supermarket. 4. 我妈妈来了, 我得回去了。 My mother has arrived, so I have to leave now. 5.送君千里,终有一别。 Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last. 介词:英语中的介词比汉语中活跃得多。 1.我们应该逐步消灭城乡差别。 We should try to eliminate the difference between town and country. 2.你白天还是晚上飞广州? Do you fly to Guangzhou in the daytime or at night?

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3.那我们在山脚见吧。 Let’s meet at the foot of the hill. 冠词: 1.她不把他当阿公,而当作亲爹。 She considered him not a father-in-law but a father. 2.我们对问题要作全面的分析,才能解决得妥当。 We must make a comprehensive analysis of problem before it can be properly solved. 二、为了保证译文意思更加明确。 文中暗含的意思: 1.大家都知道朝鲜战场是艰苦些。 Everyone knows that life on the Korean battlefield was rather hard. 2.要提倡顾全大局。 We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration. 添加注释性的词语:汉语中的典故、谚语以及在一定的历史、政治条件下形

成的某些名词、术语和简化的说法,汉语读者熟悉,而英语读者不一定能看懂。 1.班门弄斧 Show off one’s proficiency with the axe before Luban the master carpenter. Show off one’s skills with the axe before an expert carpenter. 2.三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind. 3. 这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞。 This young couple is not well-matched, one is a Xishi,--a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhangfei—a well-known ill-tempered brute. 4. 滥竽充数: pretend to play the yu(an ancient musical instrument) and retain one’s position in the orchestra/// (of incompetent people or inferior goods) be there just to make up the number 增加概括性的词语:汉语里有时不用表明事物范畴的概括性的词语,而翻译

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成英语时却往往需要增加进去,使意思更加清楚。 1. 结婚大办酒席,实在可以免去了。 The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with. 2.也许您忘记了7月份的购货帐还没有结算。 Perhaps you have overlooked the fact that your account for July purchases has not yet bee settled. Omission: 汉语中有许多句子,如果直接翻译成英语,就显得冗长,特别是汉语多用排

比句。 一、重复出现某词(排比句中) 1.俘虏望望沈明,又望望其他的人,没有说下去。 Looking at Shen Ming, then at the others, the prisoner of war fell silent. The prisoner of war looked at Shenming and then the others. He did not keep on talking. 2.我们必须坚持社会主义道路,坚持人民民主专政,坚持共产党的领导, 坚持马列主义和毛泽东思想。 We must adhere to the socialist road, the people’s democratic dictatorship, the Communist Party’s leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. 3.郭末若同志曾说:“中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、用语革命的。” Comrade Guo Moruo once said, “The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolution.” Comrade Guo Moruo once said, “The people of China have always been courageous in exploration, innovation and revolution.” 4.质子带正电,电子带负电,而中子既不带正电,也不带负电。 A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a neutron has neither. 二、原文中表示范畴的词: 汉语中的名词,如任务、工作、情况、状态、问题、制度、事业、局面等通 常具有具体的含义,应当照常翻译,但如果用来表示范畴,失去具体含义,可以

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省略不翻译。 1.基于伊拉克目前社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面,中国驻伊拉克大使馆已经 向德国订购了两辆防弹轿车。 The Chinese embassy in Iraq has ordered two bulletproof cars from Germany due to the social unrest and upheaval in Iraq at present. 2. 在党的领导下,中国人民已经完成了解放事业。 Under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people have succeeded in their liberation.


1.数字化语言实验室 多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 参考资源 3.相关的网络资源


1.进一步了解翻译的相关研究动态和发展 2.教师应提前让学生做好准备,比如预习以及作业 3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果



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实验教学三 Conversion

(2 学时)


Globalization has seen the ever-increasing communication between different cultures, but such communication is almost impossible without translation. It is through translation that different cultures can come to understand each other. However, good translation, especially when it concerns the implications of two cultures as different as Chinese and Western ones, is not so easy to come by. That is why nowadays people are attaching much importance to the study of cultural translation theory. This experiment is trying to explore the basic conception and techniques of translation through guidance and practice.


通过演示和讲解,主要是学生的练习和讨论,使学生在汉译英中掌握词类转 换的翻译技巧,以完成实验项目翻译的技巧之转换和改写,达到该实验项目的要



提前将教案做成 PPT 形式,并附有动画效果,以便在课堂上展示,方便学 生做实践操练 词类转换法 (Conversion)

I.Conversion: Conversion is also a common practice in Chinese-English translation. It is to change the parts of speech into another. If you want your translation to be both faithful to the original text (source text) and idiomatic in the translated language (target text), you should not mechanically translate according to the original parts of speech. You must make some necessary and proper changes or conversions in your translation.

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例如:借刀杀人 murder sb. with a borrowed sword 徐悲鸿画马画得特别好!Xu’s drawings of horses are exceptionally good. II. The Chinese language abounds with verbs and its sentences are comparatively short and straightforward. When translated into English, many of the Chinese verbs have to be converted into other parts of speech such as nouns, adjectives, prepositions or preposition phrases, and so on. For example: 1.Verbs to be converted into Nouns. 1) 林则徐认为,要成功地制止鸦片买卖,就得首先把鸦片销毁。 Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of the trade in opium should be preceded by a destruction of the drug itself. (v.—n.) 2) 邓小平在“十一大”上说:“一定要少说空话,多做工作”。 Deng Xiaoping said at the 11th Party Congress, “There must be less empty talk and more hard work.” (v--n) 3) 绝对不许违反这个原则。 No violation of this principle can be tolerated. (v—n) 4) 采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。 The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products. 5) 他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。 He laid special stress on raising the quality of the products in his speech. 6) 中国人民百年以来不屈不挠、再接再厉地英勇斗争,使得帝国主义至今 不能灭亡中国,也永远不能灭亡中国。 Thanks to Chinese people’s unrelenting and heroic struggle during the last hundred years, imperialism has not been able to subjugate China, nor will it ever be able to do so. 7) 他们一不会做工,二不会种地,三不会打仗。 They don’t know a thing about factory work, nor about farm work, nor about military affairs. 2.Verbs to be converted into Adjectives. Verbs that have to do with senses, emotions and other psychological state can be converted into “be + adj. …” structure.

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1) 获息贵国遭受海啸,我们极为关切。 We are deeply concerned at the news that your country has been struck by a tsunami. [中国语言中的敬语和自谦语:谦受益,满早损; 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人 落后;三人行,必有我师;鄙人,小人,小的,小女,下官,犬子; 有时候,中西文化存在相异之处:如 a story of praising a bride, She is very beautiful! Where? Where? 宴会上,满桌的菜,却说:没什么好菜,别客气;不成敬意,多多包涵。 书的前言,错漏之处,在所难免。英语:We’re looking forward to you suggestions and comments for improvement。 2) 他们怀疑他是否能负担得起。 They are doubtful whether he can afford it. 3) 他们不满足于现有的成就。 We are not content with our present achievements. 4) 我们相信,在两市的共同努力下,我们两市的合作必定进一步发展。 We are convinced that with the joint efforts of our two cities, the friendly relation and cooperation between us will develop further. 3.V. – prep. (phrases) Compared with Chinese, there are more prepositions in English. Some of English prepositions are actually derived from English verbs, therefore they have some characteristics of verbs. 1) 政府支持这个项目。 The government is behind this project. 2) 我们全体赞成他的建议。 3) We are all for / in favor of his suggestion. 这种人闹什么东西呢?闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。 What are these people after? They are after fame and position and want to be in the limelight. (They tried to keep the women out of the limelight.不让出风头、引人注意)

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4) 孩子们都上同一个学堂。 The children are in the same school. 5) 我们对待世界大战这个问题的态度是,第一,反对;第二,不怕。 Our attitude towards the question of world war is, first, we are against it; second, we are not afraid of it. 6) 他们不顾一切困难、挫折,坚持战斗。 They kept on fighting in spite of all difficulties and setbacks. 4.Chinese adj. or adv. – -- English noun. 1) 这个问题至关重要。 This issue is of paramount/vital/pivotal importance. 2) 他试图以热情的款待把他的窘态遮盖过去。 He tried to cover up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality. 3) 街中的一切逐渐消逝在灰暗的暮色里。 Everything in the street was gradually disappearing into a pall of gray. (adj. – n.) 5、Chinese nouns (such as 印象、态度、特点、地位 etc.) into English verbs. (Accordingly, the adj. modifying the noun should be converted into English adv.) 1) 他的演讲给听众的印象很深。 His speech impressed the audience deeply. 2) 该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。 The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability. 3) 她在最后的一幕里占了很突出的地位。 She figured prominently in the last act. 4) 社会主义革命的目的是为了解放生产力。 Socialist revolution aims at liberating \ emancipating productivity. 6、Others 1) 我们的教育方针,应该使受教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发 展,成为有社会主义觉悟、有文化的劳动者。 Our educational policy must enable everyone who receive an education to develop morally, intellectually, physically and become a worker with both socialist

172 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书 consciousness and culture. (n. – adv.) 2) 你熟悉这种晶体管放大器的性能吗? Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier? 作业: Exercises: Verb to Noun 1.反对三峡工程的人说新形成的水库会淹没许多城镇和乡村。 Opponents to the Three Gorges Dam argued that the new reservoir would flood many cities and villages. 2.了解过去有助于了解现在,了解现在有助于预知未来。 An acquaintance of the past is helpful to the acquaintance of the present, which is in turn helpful to the prediction of the future. 3.工人们坚持取消旧的规定,建立新的规章制度。 The workers insisted on the abolishment of the old rules and the establishment of new regulations. 4.坚持一个中国的原则,是实现和平统一的基础和前提。 Adherence to the principle of One China is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification. 5、他们的儿子令他们失望。 Their son has been a disappointment to them. 6、这本书一问世立即受到人们,特别是大学生的青睐,并多次再版。无须 解释人们为什么这么喜爱这本书,因为只要稍加浏览,就可以看到书里反映了文

明社会中对于友谊的看法。 This book enjoyed an immediate acceptance, especially among college students, and was reprinted many times. Its popularity needs no explanation, for a browse through it shows that it reflects the notions of civilized friendship. Verb to Adj. 1.并不是所有人都喜欢这个计划。 This program was not popular with all of the people.

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2.有人建议降低政府开支,提高教师工资。 Some suggested lower government spending and higher salary for teachers. 3.只有加强与世界的联系,中国才能继续执行她的对外开放政策。 China’s policy of opening to the world can only be continued by its closed ties with the world. 4.他热爱科学研究,但对升职不感兴趣。 He is keen on scientific researches but indifferent to promotion. 5、那个孩子半张着口坐在前排。 That child sat in the first row with his mouth half open. Verb to Prep. 1.政府正在开展一场反对铺张浪费的运动。 The government is waging a campaign against waste and extravagance. Noun to Verb 2.水银的重量约为水重量的 13 倍。 Mercury weighs about thirteen times as much as water.


1.数字化语言实验室 多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 参考资源 3.相关的网络资源


1.进一步了解翻译的相关研究动态和发展 2.教师应提前让学生做好准备,比如预习以及作业 3.注意随时存盘保存工作成果


1.深入阅读课本上本章内容。 2. 应用转换和改写的翻译技巧,翻译二十个汉英句子。

174 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学一 Application of Microsoft Word in Teaching

(4 学时)


As a will-be English teacher,it’s vital to learn some basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, since it will help a lot in the teaching and testing. This experiment will enhance the students with the basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, also it will give the students an overview on how to apply this software in their future teaching, researching and learning. 二、实验教学目标

By the end of this experiment, the students will be able to: 1. have a global understanding of the usage of Microsoft Word. 2. know how to apply it in teaching. 三、实验教学内容及过程

1. 本课重点:Microsoft Word 的基本操作及在英语教学中的作用 2. 要求学生做好相关操作记录笔记,根据自己实际情况,完成一份 45 分钟 的教案。 教学过程 Step 1: Getting to know Word Screen Layout

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2. Menus The menus in Word 2000 display only the commands you have recently used. To view all options in each menu, you must click the double arrows at the bottom of the menu. The images below show the Format menu collapsed (left) and expanded (right) after the double arrows at the bottom of the menu were clicked:

3. Shortcut Menus These features allow you to access various Word commands faster than using the options on the menu bar. View shortcut menus by right-clicking with the mouse. The options on this menu will vary depending on the element that was right-clicked. For

176 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书 example, the shortcut menu below is produced by right-clicking on a bulleted list.

Actions such as "Decrease Indent" and "Increase Indent" are only applicable to lists and therefore only appear on the list shortcut menu. The shortcut menus are helpful because they only display the options that can be applied to the item that was right-clicked and, therefore, prevent searching through the many menu options. 4. Toolbars Many toolbars displaying shortcut buttons are also available to make editing and formatting quicker and easier. Select View|Toolbars from the menu bar to select the toolbars. The toolbars that are already displayed on the screen are checked. Add a toolbar simply by clicking on the name.

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5. Customizing Toolbars There may be certain actions on a toolbar that you do not use and there may also be commands that you execute often but that are not located on any toolbar. Word toolbars can be customized so these commands can be added and deleted. Select View|Toolbars|Customize and click the Commands tab.

By highlighting the command categories in the Categories box, the choices will change in the Commands box to the right. Select the command you would like to add to the toolbar by selecting it in the Commands box. Drag the command with the mouse to the desired location on the toolbar and release the mouse button. Remove a button from the toolbar by clicking and dragging the button off the toolbar. Step 2: Working With Files 1. Creating and Opening Documents There are several ways to create new documents, open existing documents, and save documents in Word: 1.1 Create a New Document Click the New Document button on the menu bar. Choose File|New from the menu bar. Press CTRL+N (depress the CTRL key while pressing "N") on the keyboard. 1.2 Open an Existing Document

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Click the Open File button on the menu bar. Choose File|Open from the menu bar. Press CTRL+O on the keyboard. Each method will show the Open dialog box. Choose the file and click the Open button.

2. Save a Document Click the Save button on the menu bar. Select File|Save from the menu bar. Press CTRL+S on the keyboard. 3. Renaming Documents To rename a Word document while using the program, select File|Open and find the file you want to rename. Right-click on the document name with the mouse and select Rename from the shortcut menu. Type the new name for the file and press the ENTER key.

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4. Working on Multiple Documents Several documents can be opened simultaneously if you are typing or editing multiple documents at once. All open documents are listed under the Window menu as shown below. The current document has a checkmark beside the file name. Select another name to view another open document or click the button on the Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

5. Close a Document Close the current document by selecting File|Close or click the Close icon if it's visible on the Standard Toolbar. Step 3: Typing and Inserting Text To enter text, just start typing! The text will appear where the blinking cursor is located. Move the cursor by using the arrow buttons on the keyboard or positioning the mouse and clicking the left button. The keyboard shortcuts listed below are also helpful when moving through the text of a document: Move Action Keystroke

Beginning of the line HOME

End of the line END

Top of the document CTRL+HOME

End of the document CTRL+END

1. Selecting Text To change any attributes of text it must be highlighted first. Select the text by dragging the mouse over the desired text while keeping the left mouse button depressed, or hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard while using the arrow buttons to highlight the text. The following table contains shortcuts for selecting a portion of the text:

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Selection Technique

Whole word double-click within the word

Whole paragraph triple-click within the paragraph

Several words or drag the mouse over the words, or hold down SHIFT lines while using the arrow keys

choose Edit|Select All from the menu bar, or press Entire document CTRL+A

Deselect the text by clicking anywhere outside of the selection on the page or press an arrow key on the keyboard. 2. Deleting Text Use the BACKSPACE and DELETE keys on the keyboard to delete text. Backspace will delete text to the left of the cursor and Delete will erase text to the right. To delete a large selection of text, highlight it using any of the methods outlined above and press the DELETE key. 3. Formatting Text The formatting toolbar is the easiest way to change many attributes of text. If the toolbar as shown below isn't displayed on the screen, select View|Toolbars and choose Formatting.

Style Menu - Styles are explained in detail later in this tutorial. Font Face - Click the arrowhead to the right of the font name box to view the list of fonts available. Scroll down to the font you want and select it by clicking on the name once with the mouse. A serif font (one with "feet" circled in the illustration below) is recommended for paragraphs of text that will be printed on paper as they are most readable. The following graphic demonstrates the difference between serif (Times New Roman on the left) and sans-serif ("no feet", Arial on the right) fonts.

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Font Size - Click on the white part of the font size box to enter a value for the font size or click the arrowhead to the right of the box to view a list of font sizes available. Select a size by clicking on it once. A font size of 10 or 12 is best for paragraphs of text. Font Style - Use these buttons to bold, italicize, and underline text. Alignment - Text can be aligned to the left, center, or right side of the page or it can be justified across the page. Numbered and Bulleted Lists - Lists are explained in detail later in this tutorial. Increase/Decrease Indent - Change the indentation of a paragraph in relation to the side of the page. Outside Border - Add a border around a text selection. Highlight Color - Use this option to change the color behind a text selection. The color shown on the button is the last color used. To select a different color, click the arrowhead next to the image on the button. Text Color - This option changes the color of the text. The color shown on the button is the last color chosen. Click the arrowhead next to the button image to select another color. The Font dialog box allows you to choose from a larger selection of formatting options. Select Format|Font from the menu bar to access the box.

4. Format Painter

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A handy feature for formatting text is the Format Painter located on the standard toolbar. For example, if you have formatting a paragraph heading with a certain font face, size, and style and you want to format another heading the same way, you do not need to manually add each attribute to the new headline. Instead, use the Format Painter by following these steps: Place the cursor within the text that contains the formatting you want to copy. Click the Format Painter button in the standard toolbar. Notice that your pointer now has a paintbrush beside it. Highlight the text you want to add the same format to with the mouse and release the mouse button. To add the formatting to multiple selections of text, double-click the Format Painter button instead of clicking once. The format painter then stays active until you press the ESC key to turn it off.

5. Undo Feel free to experiment with various text styles. You can always undo your last action by clicking the Undo button on the standard toolbar or selecting Edit|Undo... from the menu bar. Click the Redo button on the standard toolbar or select Edit|Redo... to erase the undo action. Step 4: Tables Tables are used to display data and there are several ways to build them in Word. Begin by placing the cursor where you want the table to appear in the document and choose one of the following methods. 1. Insert a Table There are two ways to add a table to the document using the Insert feature: Click the Insert Table button on the standard toolbar. Drag the mouse along the grid, highlighting the number of rows and columns for the table.

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Or, select Table|Insert|Table from the menu bar. Select the number of rows and columns for the table and click OK.

2. Draw the Table A table can also be drawn onto the document: Draw the table by selecting Table|Draw Table from the menu bar. The cursor is now the image of a pencil and the Tables and Borders toolbar has appeared.

Draw the cells of the table with the mouse. If you make a mistake, click the Eraser button and drag the mouse over the area to be deleted. To draw more cells, click on the Draw Table button . 3. Inserting Rows and Columns

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Once the table is drawn, insert additional rows by placing the cursor in the row you want to be adjacent to. Select Table|Insert|Rows Above or Rows Below. Or, select an entire row and right-click with the mouse. Choose Insert Rows from the shortcut menu. Much like inserting a row, add a new column by placing the cursor in a cell adjacent to where the new column will be added. Select Table|Insert|Columns to the Left or Columns to the Right. Or, select the column, right-click with the mouse, and select Insert Columns. 4. Moving and Resizing a Table A four-sided moving arrow and open box resizing handle will appear on the corners of the table if the mouse is placed over the table. Click and drag the four-ended arrow to move the table and release the mouse button when the table is positioned where you want it. Click and drag the open box handle to resize the table. Change the column widths and row heights by clicking the cell dividers and dragging them with the mouse.

5. Tables and Borders Toolbar The Tables and Borders toolbar allows you to add border styles, shading, text effects, alignment, and more options to your table. Access the toolbar by clicking Table|Draw Table or View|Toolbars|Tables and Borders.

You will need to highlight the cells of the table you want to format. Click and drag the mouse over the cells, or use the following shortcuts: Selection Menu Method Mouse Method

Click the bottom, left corner of the cell when One cell Table|Select|Cell a black arrow appears

One row Table|Select|Row Click outside the table to the left of the row

One column Table|Select|Column Click outside the table above the column

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when a black arrow appears

Click outside the table to the left of the row Several rows (none) and drag the mouse down

Several (none) Click outside the table above the column columns

Entire table Table|Select|Table Triple-click to the left of the table 6. Table Properties Use the Table Properties dialog box to modify the alignment of the table with the body text and the text within the table. Access the box by selecting Tables|Table Properties.

Size - Check the Preferred width box and enter a value if the table should be an exact width. Alignment - Highlight the illustration that represents the alignment of the table in relation to the text of the document. Text wrapping - Highlight "None" if the table should appear on a separate line from the text or choose "Around" if the text should wrap around the table. Borders and Shading - Select from a number of border styles, colors, and widths. Click the Shading tab to change the background color and pattern.

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Options - Click the Options button on the Table Properties window. To change the spacing between the document text and the table borders under Default cell margins. Check the Allow spacing between cells box and enter a value to add space between the table cells.

Step 5: Graphics 1. Adding Clip Art To add a clip art image from the Microsoft library to a document, follow these steps: Select Insert|Picture|Clip Art from the menu bar.

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To find an image, click in the white box following Search for clips. Delete the words "Type one or more words. . ." and enter keywords describing the image you want to use. - OR - Click one of the category icons. Click once on the image you want to add to the document and the following popup menu will appear:

Insert Clip to add the image to the document. Preview Clip to view the image full-size before adding it to the document. Drag the bottom, right corner of the preview window to resize the image and click the "x" close button to end the preview.

Add Clip to Favorites will add the selected image to your favorites directory that can be chosen from the Insert ClipArt dialog box. Find Similar Clips will retrieve images similar to the one you have chosen. Continue selecting images to add to the document and click the Close button in the top, right corner of the Insert ClipArt window to stop adding clip art to the document. 2. Add An Image from a File

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Follow these steps to add a photo or graphic from an existing file: Select Insert|Picture|From File on the menu bar. Click the down arrow button on the right of the Look in: window to find the image on your computer. Highlight the file name from the list and click the Insert button.

3. Editing A Graphic Activate the image you wish to edit by clicking on it once with the mouse. Nine handles will appear around the graphic. Click and drag these handles to resize the image. The handles on the corners will resize proportionally while the handles on the straight lines will stretch the image. More picture effects can be changed using the Picture toolbar. The Picture toolbar should appear when you click on the image. Otherwise, select View|Toolbars|Picture from the menu bar to activate it.

Insert Picture will display the image selection window and allows you to change the image.

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Image Control allows to to make the image grayscale, black and white, or a watermark. More/Less Contrast modifies the contrast between the colors of the image. More/Less Brightness will darken or brighten the image. Click Crop and drag the handles on the activated image to delete outer portions of the image. Line Style will add a variety of borders to the graphic. Text Wrapping will modify the way the document text wraps around the graphic. Format Picture displays all the image properties in a separate window. Reset Picture will delete all the modifications made to the image. 4. Auto Shapes The AutoShapes toolbar will allow you to draw many different geometrical shapes, arrows, flow chart symbols, stars, and banners on the document. Activate the AutoShapes toolbar by selecting Insert|Picture|AutoShapes or View|Toolbars|AutoShapes from the menu bar, or clicking the AutoShapes button on the Drawing toolbar. Click each button on the toolbar to view the options for drawing the shape.

Lines - After clicking the Lines button on the AutoShapes toolbar, draw a straight line, arrow, or double-ended arrow from the first row of options by clicking the respective button. Click in the document where you would like the line to begin and click again where it should end. To draw a curved line or freeform shape, select curved lines from the menu (first and second buttons of second row), click in the document where the line should appear, and click the mouse every time a curve should begin. End creating the graphic by clicking on the starting end or pressing the

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ESC key. To scribble, click the last button in the second row, click the mouse in the document and hold down the left button while you draw the design. Let go of the mouse button to stop drawing. Basic Shapes - Click the Basic Shapes button on the AutoShapes toolbar to select from many two- and three-dimensional shapes, icons, braces, and brackets. Use the drag-and-drop method to draw the shape in the document. When the shape has been made, it can be resized using the open box handles and other adjustments specific to each shape can be modified using the yellow diamond handles.

Block Arrows - Select Block Arrows to choose from many types of two- and three-dimensional arrows. Drag-and-drop the arrow in the document and use the open box and yellow diamond handles to adjust the arrowheads. Each AutoShape can also

be rotated by first clicking the Free Rotate button on the drawing toolbar . Click

and drag the green handles around the image to rotate it. The tree image below was created from an arrow rotated 90 degrees.

Flow Chart - Choose from the flow chart menu to add flow chart elements to the document and use the line menu to draw connections between the elements. Stars and Banners - Click the button to select stars, bursts, banners, and scrolls. Call Outs - Select from the speech and thought bubbles, and line call outs. Enter the call out text in the text box that is made. More AutoShapes - Click this button to choose from a list of clip art categories. Each of the submenus on the AutoShapes toolbar can become a separate toolbar.

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Just click and drag the gray bar across the top of the submenus off of the toolbar and it will become a separate floating toolbar.

Step 6: Formatting Paragraphs 1. Paragraph Attributes Format a paragraph by placing the cursor within the paragraph and selecting Format|Paragraph from the menu bar.

2. Moving (Cutting) Text

Highlight the text that will be moved and select Edit|Cut from the menu bar, click the Cut button on the standard tool bar, or press CTRL+X at once. This will move the text to a clipboard. To move a small amount of text a short distance, the drag-and-drop method may be quicker. Highlight the text you want to move, click the selection with the mouse,

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drag the selection to the new location, and release the mouse button.

3. Copying Text

To copy text, choose Edit|Copy, click the Copy button on the standard toolbar, or press CTRL+C to copy the text to the clipboard.

4. Paste Text

To paste cut or copied text, move the cursor to the location you want to move the text to and select Edit|Paste from the menu bar, click the Paste button on the standard toolbar, or press CTRL+V. 5. The Clipboard The last 12 elements that were cut or copied are placed onto Word's clipboard. You can view the elements on the clipboard by selecting View|Toolbars|Clipboard from the menu bar.

Place the mouse arrow over each element in the clipboard to view the contents of each item and click on an element to add its contents to the document. Click Paste All to add all of the items to the document at once. Click the Clear Clipboard button (the icon with an "X" over the clipboard image) to clear the contents of the clipboard.

6. Columns To quickly place text in a column format, click the Columns button on the standard toolbar and select the number of columns by dragging the mouse over the diagram.

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For more column options, select Format|Columns from the menu bar. The Columns dialog box allows you to choose the properties of the columns. Select the number and width of the columns from the dialog box.

7. Drop Caps A drop cap is a large letter that begins a paragraph and drops through several lines of text as shown below.

Add a drop cap to a paragraph by following these steps: Place the cursor within the paragraph whose first letter will be dropped. Select Format|Drop Cap from the menu bar. The Drop Cap dialog box allows you to select the position of the drop cap, the font, the number of lines to drop, and the distance from the body text. Click OK when all selections have been made.

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To modify a drop cap, select Format|Drop Cap again to change the attributes, or click on the letter and use the handles to move and resize the letter. Step 7: Students’ practice 1). After the teacher’s explanation, ask the students to do some basic practice; 3). Ask the students to make a teaching plan and exam paper by using Microsoft Word. (范例详见《教师职业技能训练》一书) 四、实验教学设备及资源

1) 多媒体计算机 2) 相关参考资料 五、实验注意事项

教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,包括 U 盘等存储设备的携带,制作 材料的备份以及整理。 六、问题讨论

如何更好使用此软件,你是否还有其他小技巧? 七、实验教学的作业及评价


195 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学二 Application of Microsoft Excel in Teaching

(4 学时)


As a will-be English teacher,it’s vital to learn some basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel, since it will help a lot in the teaching and testing. This experiment will enhance the students with the basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel, also it will give the students an overview on how to apply this software in their future teaching, researching and learning.


By the end of this experiment, the students will be able to: 1、have a global understanding of the usage of Microsoft Excel. 2、know how to apply it in teaching.


1、本课重点:Microsoft Excel 的基本操作及在英语教学中的作用 2、要求学生做好相关操作记录笔记,根据自己实际情况,完成指定数据的 成绩计算及相关处理。 教学过程 Step 1: Introduction Introduce the Microsoft Excel software to the students with its function and the significance of learning it. Step 2: Start Microsoft Excel (Fig 1-2)

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Figure 1

Figure 2 Step 3: Build an Excel Form ① Work out a scenario (i.e, how many cells are there in the form); ② Specific operation • Merge the cells into one (Fig.3)

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Figure 3 • Setting on the cell format (Fig.4-5)

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Figure 4

Figure 5 • The merged cell (Fig.6)

Figure 6

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• Edit the table (Fig.7)

Figure 7 • Add frame to the table (Fig.8)

Figure 8

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• The finished work (Fig.9)

Figure 9 Step 4: Proceed the Date with Microsoft Excel ① Sum calculation (Paper scores consist of 6 items.) (Fig. 10—12)

Figure 10

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Figure 11

Figure 12 ② Comprehensive calculation (Fig. 13—14) Figure out the total scores of the students (Paper score * 90% + Daily performance)

Figure 13

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Figure 14 ③ Reorder the scores from the lowest to the highest based on Total item (Fig. 15/17)

Figure 15

Figure 16

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Figure 17 ④ Average Calculation • Sum-up the total score of each item (Fig.18)

Figure 18 • Average score (Fig. 19—20)

Figure 19

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Figure 20 Step 5 Homework Review what we have learned today and do the following work.


1、多媒体计算机 2、相关参考资料 五、实验注意事项

教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,包括 U 盘等存储设备的携带,制作 材料的备份以及整理。 六、问题讨论

如何更好使用此软件,你是否还有其他小技巧? 七、实验教学的作业及评价


205 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

实验教学三 Application and Appreciation of

Microsoft PowerPoint in Teaching

(10 学时)


As a will-be English teacher,it’s vital to learn some basic knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint, since it will help a lot in the teaching. This experiment will enhance the students with the basic knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint, also it will give the students an overview on how to apply this software in their future teaching, researching and learning. 二、实验教学目标

By the end of this experiment, the students will be able to: 1、have a global understanding of the usage of Microsoft PowerPoint. 2、know how to apply it in teaching. 三、实验教学内容及过程

1、本课重点:Microsoft PowerPoint 的基本操作及在英语教学中的作用(6 学时) 学会从哪些角度去完成评价课件(4 学时) 2、要求学生做好相关操作记录笔记,根据自己实际情况,完成相关任务。 教学过程 Step 1: Introduction Introduce the PowerPoint software to the students with its function and the significance of learning it. Step 2: Operating PowerPoint ① Start the PowerPoint panel

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Figure 1 ② PowerPoint Design • Choose a suitable PowerPoint Model (See fig. 2 and 3)

Figure 2

Figure 3

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③ Insert Text-box (H: horizontal; V: vertical) and Put Contents (Fig. 4-5)

Figure 4

Figure 5 ④ Edit the contents in the inserted text-box • Location of the text-box • Paragraph, font, size (Review the ways in Microsoft Word) • Demonstrate the ways in PowerPoint (font, size, color) (See the procedures illustrated from fig. 6—9)

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Figure 6

Figure 7 The color of the words can be set at the PowerPoint maker’s own will, as shown in Figure 8.

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Figure 8 After all the setting are done, the effect of the contents is as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 ⑤ Manuel setting on the slides (See Fig. 10—11)

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Figure 10

Figure 11 ⑥ View the PowerPoint • Start from the tool-bar (See Fig. 12)

Figure 12

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• Start from icon at the left-bottom (See Fig. 13)

Figure 13 Step 4 What should be take into consideration when doing a PPT for teaching? 幻灯片 1


幻灯片 2

幻灯片 3 11。对象。对象 22。用途。用途 33。受众。受众 44。美学观念。美学观念 55。符合教学法理念。符合教学法理念

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给谁看? Eg: Lesson Plan for Unit3—Reading Unit 3 Adventure Travel

幻灯片 4

Teaching objectives  1>practice making  3>appreciate their comments and giving favorite stars opinions during the appropriately and interview learn something value

 2>talk about films ,actors  4>learn to talk about and directors some poster with imagination

幻灯片 5

Integrating Skills

1 Revision 2 Lead-in We have learned something about New Zealand. Today we’ll learn more about it. Now open your books and turn to page 41. Let’s read the passage - ---- Life In New Zealand.

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幻灯片 6

用途 要考虑用于什么方面 1。讲解? 2。展示? 3。训练? 4。。。。 不同采取不同设计手段  Example 1  Example 2  Example 3

幻灯片 7


 学生的层次

 学生所处的阶段

 根据不同层次,不同阶段的学生的心理和接受能 力设计符合自己教学的课件

 Example 1  Example 2  Example 3

幻灯片 8

美学观念美学观念 幻灯片 9 形式美形式美




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课件的交互性 师生互动 课件与学生互动

定位的准确性 辅助

规范性 语言等各方面

幻灯片 10

Do you know what are they doing?

幻灯片 11 OtherOther filmfilm starsstars

TalkTalk aboutabout themthem withwith youryour partnerspartners

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幻灯片 12


评价以下几个课件,给出不少于150字的评 论(从可能的听众对象制作等各方面) 1 argument 2 学生范例 3 英美电影科幻片

Step 4 Homework Get the students to work out a PowerPoint courseware based on their teaching plan. Get the students to evaluate the given PPT. 四、实验教学设备及资源

1、多媒体计算机 2、相关参考资料 五、实验注意事项

教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,包括 U 盘等存储设备的携带,制作 材料的备份以及整理。 六、问题讨论

如何更好使用此软件,你是否还有其他小技巧? 你认为适合英语教学的 PPT 课件应该是怎样的?写出你的评价标准。 七、实验教学的作业及评价

根据课上讲授知识及技巧,要求学生课后完成 PowerPoint 课件的制作和课 件的评价。 其他参考技巧: PowerPoint 2003 文档打包全过程

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1、做好一个 PPT 文档后,保存好此文档,“文件→打包成 CD”将打开图 1:

在“ 将 CD 命名为”后的输入框内,加你入你想给此打包文档使用的名字(在 演示过程将全部使用默认的名字、路径等),然后选择“复制到文件夹”将打开 图 2

用“浏览”可选择保存位置,选择好保存的位置后,“确定”后,PowerPoint 2003 将会自动在你所选的保存位置上创建一个名为“演示文稿 CD”的文件夹。 打开此文件夹,如图 3

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此时可以说已经完成了 PPT 的打包过程,只需点击文件夹中的 play.bat 文件, 就会自动开始 PPT 文档的播放。 如果想要制作出一个可直接点击播放的压缩文件,就需要继续往下做。点击

“AUTORUN.INF”(此为安装信息文件)文档,将打开图 4

复制用红线划出的那部分内容到剪贴版。然后关闭记事本文档。 全选图 3 中文件夹里的所有内容,点击鼠标右键,如图 5,选择“添加到压 缩文件”。

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将打开图 6,在“常规”选项卡里选择用红线划出的各部分选项。

点击“高级”选项卡,打开图 7。

选择“自解压选项”,打开图 8,在“常规”选项卡里的“解压后运行”栏 里粘贴上刚才复制下来的安装信息里的东东

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点击“模式”选项卡,打开图 9,选择用红线划的部分。


果不想别人看到你所做的是 RAR 压缩包,可以点击“文本和图标”选项卡,给


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实验教学四 Application of Adobe Audition in Listening Test (6 学时)


As a will-be English teacher,it’s vital to learn some basic knowledge of Adobe Audition, since it will help a lot in the teaching and testing of listening and speaking. This experiment will enhance the students with the basic knowledge of Adobe Audition, also it will give the students an overview on how to apply this software in their future teaching, researching and learning. 二、实验教学目标

By the end of this experiment, the students will be able to: 1、have a global understanding of the usage of Adobe Audition. 2、know how to apply it in listening and speaking classroom. 3、assist their teaching and testing of listening and speaking with modern multimedia 三、实验教学内容及过程

1、本课重点:Adobe Audition 的基本操作及在英语听力测试中的作用 2、要求学生做好相关操作记录笔记,在教师给定的素材库里面选择听力材 料,完成一份听力试卷。 教学过程 1st , 2nd and 3rd Period Basic Knowledge and Usage of Adobe Audition Step 1. getting to know Adobe Audition 1、Adobe 推出 Adobe Audition 软件,这是一个完整的、应用于运行 Windows 系统的 PC 机上的多音轨唱片工作室。该产品此前叫做 Cool Edit Pro 2.1,在 2003 年 5 月从 Syntrillium Software 公司成功购买。 2、Adobe Audition 提供了高级混音、编辑、控制和特效处理能力,是一个 专业级的音频工具,允许用户编辑个性化的音频文件、创建循环、引进了 45 个 以上的 DSP 特效以及高达 128 个音轨。

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3、系统要求 Windows 400MHz 或更快的处理器(建议使用 2GHz 或更快的处理器) Microsoft Windows2000 或 Windows XP Professional Edition 或 Home Edition 64MBRAM(建议使用 512MB 或更高配置) 75MB 可用硬盘空间(安装可选音频片段时,建议可用硬盘空间为 700MB) 800x600 色彩显示(建议使用 1,024x768 显示) 立体声声卡 建议使用多轨声卡) CD-ROM 驱动器 适于制作音频 CD 的 CD-RW 驱动器 视频导入所需的 Microsoft DirectX9.0 软件 建议使用扬声器或耳机 麦克风(可选) 对多通道编码器的附加要求 对于多通道 WMA 导入:Windows XP 对于环绕预听:DirectX8.0 和多通道声卡以及 DirectSound 驱动程序 4、现在推出了 3.0 版本,但相对来说 1.5 版本较为稳定,对硬件的要求较高, 本次实验都基于 1.5 版本进行。

Step 2. Installing Adobe Audition

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1、设定好安装目录完成后,系统会自动执行“Adobe Audition 1.5”英文原版 的安装程序,输入序列号以后,下一步会有音频文件编码解码关联选择,默认是 不安装 WMA、MP3 编码解码器的,但必须都选上,否则就不能保存为 WMA、 MP3 文件了。方法是把所有的单选按钮的点选到左边的 Associate 中即可。如下 图:

2、安装完成以后会让你选择软件运行时存放临时文件的 TEMP 目录,自定 义是你电脑最后一个盘和倒数第二个盘,如 F:\TEMP,点“确定”即可。 3、安装完英文原版后,先不要立即运行主程序。我们要安装汉化补丁,汉 化补丁设置安装与软件安装在同一目录。注意:必须处于同一安装目录,否则汉 化不成功或是不完全。下图为英文版截图:

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Step 3. Basic knowledge and students’ practice 1. Audition 1.5 包括 3 种界面模式,可以通过模式按钮来随意变换,以下分

别代表单轨模式、多轨模式和 CD 模式。 2. 基本界面认识:

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3. How to start a new wave? 如何打开一个新的波形文件,如下图,在单轨模 式下,选择默认(4410,stereo,16bit),效果基本就已经很好了。

4.How to record your own voice?

图表 1 打开 Windows 的录音音量控制条(即“录音控制台”),里面就列了各个录音 设备,在这里,我们要把“麦克风(Microphone)”下面的“选择”小框打勾就可以 了。 单击图片中红色部分,就可以使用麦克风录制自己的声音了。 5. How to open a file?

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点击 file-open-然后定位到你自己需要打开的文件就行了。 6. 对于选定音频切片的音量调整,effects-amplitude-amplify/fade:效果--振 幅--扩大/渐变。

7. 降噪处理 首先进入人声轨的单轨状态,在波形的前面有一段较小的波形,一般情况下,

噪音会出现在波形的前面。噪音一般会是电流声,麦克的噪音等等。 首先,我们要进行噪音采样。点击噪音采样后,这就是该噪音的当前采样。

关闭降噪器,因为已经完成了噪音的采样。 下面要做的就是降噪了。

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降噪过程中,首先要进行调节的是降噪电平。电平越高,降噪的程度越大。 因为降噪只是去除噪音,达到适中的效果就可以了,太高的电平会削弱声音的原

味。所以,根据噪音本身的大小,把电平调到适中即可。一般都会在 55%左右。 但是,大家千万别照搬,因为每个人录音时产生的噪音是不同的,这决定于你本 身的录音设备和环境。所以当噪音较高时,噪音级别可以尽量调小,以免对声音

削弱太大。当噪音很小时,级别可以调高一点。 为避免降噪过度或不足,我们可以进行预览,如图所示,大家就可以看到预

览的地方。边听边降,能达到更好的效果。 再看看下面的一栏参数,一般不需要调整,按原来的参数即可。 一切都调节好以后,预览一下降噪的效果,然后再点击确定。 这样,一般的降噪就完成了。最重要的是对噪音的采样,如果采样错误,就

无法降噪了。所以,希望大家谨慎地进行采样。 值得注意的是,降噪过多会有声音失真的现象,如果噪音不是很大,电平不

要超过 80,否则很容易失真。


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8. 保存 保存格式最好选择为 mp3 或是 wav 格式。

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4th, 5th and 6th Period Adobe Audition in Listening Step 1: the components of a listening testing paper Analyze a listening testing paper with the students to work out the components of it. Printed paper Listening material Listening material includes: Music + (开始音乐) Title (xx 考试或是测验) Section A Conversations (具体分为哪几部分以及各部分的指示语以及具体 题目) + Directions+ items+ Section B Passages + Directions+ items+ Section C Spot diction

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+ Directions+ items+ End (告知考试结束) + Ending music (结束音乐) Step 2 Students’ practice 1. Ask the students to use the database to work out their own listening test paper. 让学生使用所给定的材料制作出所需要的听力试卷以及听力录音。 2. 试卷范例

Practice Test 1

Section A Conversations (2’x10=20) Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be spoken two times. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. A. They don't have to go to the concert. B. His brother will let them use the car. C. The subway is fine with her. D. They'll have to rent a car as early as possible.

Section B Passages (4’X10=40’) Directions: In this section you will hear 2 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken two times. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage Ⅰ

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11. A. at Sydney. B. At . C. At Hong Kong. D. At Melbourne. 12. A. A number of iron boxes B. A pile of woolen goods. C. A number of wooden boxes. D. Some clothing. 13. A. A box. B. A cat. C. A woman. D. A man. 14. A. After the plane left London. B. Before the plane left London. C. Two days ago. D. That morning. 15. A. $ 345. B. $ 435. C. $ 230. D. $ 335.

Section C Spot Dictation (4’X10=40’) Directions: In this part, you will hear a passage three times. The passage is printed on your test paper with 10 blanks. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words you have just heard.

In my (1) _____, I have had to master three different kinds of writing machines. I began my career on the manual typewriter. I soon (2)_____ and typed between sixty-five and seventy words per minutes. (3)_____, I found myself (4)_____ to an electric typewriter. At first, I swore I preferred a manual because I had trouble remembering (5)______. Also, it took me several days to quit reaching for a carriage return. After a while, however, I (6)_____ returning to a manual. Recently, I was persuaded to give up my electric typewriter for a word processor. (7)_____, I complained in the beginning (8)_____ the new keyboard and the commands. But after using the word processor (9)_____, I don't believe I would consider (10) ______of the electric typewriter.

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1. 学生应注意的问题 a) 录音时对话筒的控制 b) 制作时录音声音大小的一致以及协调 c) 降噪的处理 d) 保存的格式 mp3 或是 wav Step 3 other related skills 1. 用菜单“从 CD 中提取音轨...”: 用这个方法来抓,是先将音轨抓到 Audition 1.5 中,再根据你的需要转换成 其他格式保存到硬盘。 (1)启 动 Audition 1.5,切换到单轨模式(点击工具栏第一个按钮或用快捷 键 F12 可以在单轨模式和多轨模式之间转换),并用“查看 | 资源管理窗”菜单 将资源管理窗调出。

(2)菜单“文件 | 从 CD 中提取音轨...”,在出现的对话框中将要抓取的音轨


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1、多媒体计算机 2、相关参考资料 五、实验注意事项

教师应提前要求学生做好相关的准备,包括 U 盘等存储设备的携带,制作 材料的备份以及整理。 六、问题讨论

How to use Adobe Audition in daily listening? 如何在我们平时的听力中使 用此软件? 七、实验教学的作业及评价


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实验教学一 Practice of Teaching of Listening and Speaking

(4 学时)


Teaching of Listening and Speaking 二、实验教学目标:

1) Students should know how to teach listening and speaking by giving their own teaching practice; 2) The students who have done the teaching practice should know how to reflect on what they have practiced by reviewing the videos of their teaching; 3) The students who have observed their peers’ teaching should take down some notes and give some comments and suggestions on how to improve their peers’ teaching practice; 4) All the students should know how to teach listening and speaking for NSEFC. 三、实验原理:

1)The principles for teaching listening: Focus on process; Combine listening with other skills; Focus on the comprehension of meaning ; Grade difficulty level appropriately) 2) Three stages for teaching listening: pre-listening: to prepare the listeners for what they are going to hear; while-listening: to help the learners to process the information actively by involving them in practicing different listening skills post-listening: to help the listeners connect what they have heard with their own ideas and experience. 3) Different activities in different stages:

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Pre-listening activities: Using visual aids Asking leading questions Discussing relevant experiences Associating ideas with the topic Associating vocabulary with the topic Predicting information about the topic Writing questions about the topic Setting the scene, etc. While-listening activities: Listening for the gist (to get the general idea of what we hear) Listening for specific information Listening for detailed information Inferring (to listen to what is not directly stated) Note-taking (to combine listening and writing) Post-listening: Giving opinions Relating similar experiences Role-playing a similar interaction Writing a brief report Writing a similar text Debating the topic 4) Characteristics of successful speaking tasks: maximum foreign talk even participation high motivation right language level 5)Types of speaking tasks: pre-communicative activities: structural activities quasi-communicative activities

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communicative activities: functional communication activities social interaction activities 四、实验教学过程:

1. Teacher chooses one representative from each group and asks the student to do the teaching practice of teaching listening and speaking. While the student is having his/her teaching practice, the teacher records the student’ teaching by using the video. Each student has a 45-minute teaching one time. The other students act as the student teacher’s students and classroom observers and take down some notes. 2. Teacher replays the video to the whole class. All the students are required to take down some notes and to get ready for their comments on the student teacher’s teaching. 3. Teacher asks the students to form groups of six and discuss what comments they can make about the student teacher’s teaching of listening and speaking based on the theories about listening and speaking teaching. 4. Teacher guides the students to present their comments by comparing the student teacher’s teaching with the principles and theories about teaching of listening and speaking.

5. Teacher’s summary of the student teacher’s teaching of listening and speaking.

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实验教学二 Practice of Teaching of Reading

(4 学时)


Teaching of Reading 二、实验教学目标:

1) Students should know how to teach reading by giving their own teaching practice; 2) The students who have done the teaching practice should know how to reflect on what they have practiced by reviewing the videos of their teaching; 3) The students who have observed their peers’ teaching should take down some notes and give some comments and suggestions on how to improve their peers’ teaching practice; 4) All the students should know how to teach reading. 三、实验原理:

1)The nature reading:  Reading is an active process. It constantly involves guessing, predicting, checking and asking oneself questions.  Reading is the ability to understand the written words and respond to them in proper ways.  Reading means getting meaning out of a given context. 2) Principles and models for teaching reading: A. Principles for teaching reading:  The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible the students;  Tasks should be clearly given in advance;  Tasks should be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning rather than test the students’ understanding of trivial details;

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 Tasks should help develop the students’ reading skills rather than test their reading comprehension;  Teacher should help students not merely to cope with one particular text in class but to develop their reading strategies and reading ability in general;  Teacher should provide enough guidance and assistance at the beginning to help students read and develop reading strategies but gradually withdraw his/her guidance as students progress so that they can eventually become independent readers. B. Models for teaching reading:  Bottom-up information processing model: Bottom-up information processing proceeds from sounds to words to grammatical relationships to lexical meanings, etc. to a final ‘message’. The process of comprehension begins with the message received, which is analyzed at successive levels of sounds, words, clauses, and sentences, until the intended meaning is arrived at. Comprehension is thus viewed as a process of decoding.  Top-down information processing model: Top-down processing refers to the use of background knowledge in understanding the meaning of a message. Top-down techniques are more concerned with the activation of schemata, with deriving meaning, with global understanding, and with the interpretation of a text. Top-down techniques are more concerned with the activation of schemata, with deriving meaning, with global understanding, and with the interpretation of a text. Interactive model  Reading is viewed as an interactive process. 3) Three stages for teaching reading: Pre-reading stage: to arouse students’ interest in the topic or type of text; to motivate students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading; to prepare students for the content of the text. While-reading stage: to help the readers understand the content and structure of the text, as well as the author’s purpose in writing it.

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Post-reading stage: to consolidate or reflect on what has been read in the text; the other is to relate the text to the students’ own knowledge, interests, or views. 4) Different activities in the three stages: Pre-listening activities:  Examining the accompanying visual information (diagrams, maps, photographs)  Reflecting on the title or the topic  Stating what they would like to know about the topic  Stating what they already know about the topic  Writing their own questions that they want the text to answer  Answering the teacher’s general questions about the text type or topic  Brainstorming the topic in groups or whole class  Guessing the topic by looking at key words from the text While-listening activities: • Skimming to get the gist of the text • Locating specific information • Transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picture—information transfer activities • asking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the text • Drawing a diagram to show the text structure • Answering factual questions on the text • Answering inference questions on the text (reading between the lines) • Putting the events in the correct order • Stating if statements given about the text are true or false • Working out the meaning of words and phrases in the text from the context • Examining referents in the text and stating what they refer to • Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order • Giving sections of a text appropriate headings • Giving the text an appropriate title Post-reading activities:

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Oral discussion (of the topic of the text) • Role-play (a different situation from that of the text but using the same/different characters) • Writing (a summary of the main content of the text) • False summary • Gap filling • Comment on the content of the text • Retelling the story of the text • Finishing the story(either predicting an ending or changing the ending ) 四、实验教学过程:

1. Teacher chooses one representative from each group and asks the student to do the teaching practice of teaching reading. While the student is having his/her teaching practice, the teacher records the student’ teaching by using the video. Each student has a 45-minute teaching one time. The other students act as the student teacher’s students and classroom observers and take down some notes. 2. Teacher replays the video to the whole class. All the students are required to take down some notes and to get ready for their comments on the student teacher’s teaching. 3. Teacher asks the students to form groups of six and discuss what comments they can make about the student teacher’s teaching of reading based on the theories about reading teaching. 4. Teacher guides the students to present their comments by comparing the student teacher’s teaching with the principles and theories about reading teaching. 5. Teacher’s summary about the comments of the student teacher’s teaching of reading.

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实验教学三 Practice of Teaching of Vocabulary

(4 学时)


Teaching of Vocabulary 二、实验教学目标:

1) Students should know how to teach vocabulary by giving their own teaching practice; 2) The students who have done the teaching practice should know how to reflect on what they have practiced by reviewing the videos of their teaching; 3) The students who have observed their peers’ teaching should take down some notes and give some comments and suggestions on how to improve their peers’ teaching practice; 4) All the students should get some ideas about how to teach vocabulary. 三、实验原理:

1. What is vocabulary? Vocabulary refers to the words we teach in the foreign language. A new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word. e.g. post office, mother-in-law, etc. 2. What needs to be taught in vocabulary teaching?  Form: pronunciation and spelling  Grammar: verb forms, noun forms, etc.  Collocation: throw a ball, toss a coin  Aspects of meaning (1): denotation, connotation, appropriateness, register, etc.  Aspects of meaning (2): synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, co-hyponyms or co-ordinates, super-ordinates  Word formation: affixation, conversion, composition, blending, backformation, shortening, etc.

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 Receptive/passive vocabulary vs. Productive/active vocabulary 3. Ways of presenting vocabulary:  Draw pictures, diagrams and maps to show meanings or connections of meanings;  Use real objects to show meanings;  Mime or act to show meanings;  Use lexical sets or word series. E.g. cook- fry, boil, bake, and grill;  Information-gap presentation ( GU: 124)  Use synonyms and antonyms to explain meanings;  Translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meanings;  Use word formation rules;  Define or give explanations;  Use the context in which the word is found. 4. Ways of consolidating vocabulary:  Labeling  Spotting the differences  Describing and drawing  Playing a game  Using word series  Word bingo  Word association  Finding Synonyms and antonyms  Using word categories  Using word network  Using the Internet resources for more ideas 5. Developing vocabulary learning strategies:  Reviewing regularly.  Guessing meaning from context.  Organizing vocabulary effectively.

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 Using a dictionary.  Managing strategy use 四、实验教学过程:

1. Teacher chooses one representative from each group and asks the student to do the teaching practice of teaching vocabulary. While the student is having his/her teaching practice, the teacher records the student’ teaching by using the video. Each student has a 45-minute teaching one time. The other students act as the student teacher’s students and classroom observers and take down some notes. 2. Teacher replays the video to the whole class. All the students are required to take down some notes and to get ready for their comments on the student teacher’s teaching. 3. Teacher asks the students to form groups of six and discuss what comments they can make about the student teacher’s teaching of vocabulary based on the theories about vocabulary teaching. 4. Teacher guides the students to present their comments by comparing the student teacher’s teaching with the principles and theories about vocabulary teaching. 5. Teacher’s summary about the comments of the student teacher’s teaching of vocabulary.

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实验教学四 Practice of Teaching of Grammar

(4 学时)


Teaching of Grammar 二、实验教学目标:

1) Students should know how to teach grammar by giving their own teaching practice; 2) The students who have done the teaching practice should know how to reflect on what they have practiced by reviewing the videos of their teaching; 3) The students who have observed their peers’ teaching should take down some notes and give some comments and suggestions on how to improve their peers’ teaching practice; 4) All the students should get some ideas about how to teach grammar. 三、实验原理:

1. The role of grammar teaching in language teaching Despite many different views about the role of grammar (explicit grammar teaching, no grammar teaching, and implicit grammar teaching) in language learning, the importance of grammar cannot be denied. Grammatical competence is essential for communication (Brown, 1994; Larsen-Freeman,1991) The ultimate goal of language teaching is to develop students’ communicative competence, which includes both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. Most research has agreed that there is a positive role of instruction for grammar learning. Grammar teaching “can enhance learner proficiency and accuracy and facilitate

248 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书 the internalization of its syntactic system”. Grammatical accuracy on its own is a dead end, unless used to receive and produce interesting and purposeful meanings within the context of real-life language use. 2. Grammar teaching model: PPP model—presentation, practice and production 3. Different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom:  Deductive method The teacher presents the rule of the structure on the blackboard and explains it to the students. This would be followed by the teacher giving several examples and then asking the students to apply the rules themselves in some exercises.  Inductive method The teacher does not explain the rule at the beginning, but presents various language forms and the students are left to discover or induce the rules or generalizations on their own.  Guided discovery method Similar to the inductive method in that the students are induced to discover rules by themselves. Different in that the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly. Implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge: Implicit knowledge: knowledge that unconsciously exists in our mind: e.g. our implicit knowledge about our first language. Explicit knowledge: our conscious knowledge about the language. 4. Two categories of grammar practice: Mechanical practice: Mechanical practice involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. By doing mechanical practice, students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used in mechanical practice. Meaningful practice:

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The focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students “keep an eye on” the way newly learned structures are used in process. Meaningful practice usually comes after mechanical practice. 四、实验教学过程:

1. Teacher chooses one representative from each group and asks the student to do the teaching practice of grammar teaching. While the student is having his/her teaching practice, the teacher records the student’ teaching by using the video. Each student has a 45-minute teaching one time. The other students act as the student teacher’s students and classroom observers and take down some notes. 2. Teacher replays the video to the whole class. All the students are required to take down some notes and to get ready for their comments on the student teacher’s teaching. 3. Teacher asks the students to form groups of six and discuss what comments they can make about the student teacher’s teaching of grammar based on the theories about grammar teaching. 4. Teacher guides the students to present their comments by comparing the student teacher’s teaching with the principles and theories about grammar teaching. 5. Teacher’s summary about the comments of the student teacher’s teaching of grammar.

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实验教学五 Practice of Teaching of Integrated Skills (I)

(4 学时)


Using Language (I)—reading, listening and speaking 二、实验教学目标:

1) Students should know how to teach integrated skills (I)—reading, listening and speaking by giving their own teaching practice; 2) The students who have done the teaching practice should know how to reflect on what they have practiced by reviewing the videos of their teaching; 3) The students who have observed their peers’ teaching should take down some notes and give some comments and suggestions on how to improve their peers’ teaching practice; 4) All the students should get some ideas about how to teach integrated skills (I). 三、实验原理:

1. Why do we have to integrate different skills?  In our daily lives, we are constantly performing tasks that involve a natural integration of language skills simply because skills are rarely used in isolation. One’s overall competence in a foreign language involves performing effectively a combination of the skills.  Production and reception are quite simply two sides of the same coin.  Interaction means sending and receiving messages.  Written and spoken languages often (but not always) bear a relationship to each other.  The interrelationship of written and spoken language is an intrinsically motivating reflection of language and culture and society.  We teach learners to do things with language, not just to teach about language (the forms of language). Often one skill will reinforce another.

251 黄冈师范学院 英语语言学习中心实验指导书

2. How do we integrate different skills into one class? Simple integration: to integrate different skills within the same medium (either oral or written), from receptive to productive skills. In other words, we would use a listening text as a model for the students’ speaking, and a reading text as a model for the students’ writing. Complex integration: it involves constructing a series of activities that use a variety of skills. In each of the activities, there is realistic, communicative use of language. 四、实验教学过程:

1. Teacher chooses one representative from each group and asks the student to do the teaching practice of integrating reading, listening and speaking. While the student is having his/her teaching practice, the teacher records the student’ teaching by using the video. Each student has a 45-minute teaching one time. The other students act as the student teacher’s students and classroom observers and take down some notes. 2. Teacher replays the video to the whole class. All the students are required to take down some notes and to get ready for their comments on the student teacher’s teaching. 3. Teacher asks the students to form groups of six and discuss what comments they can make about the student teacher’s teaching of integrated skills (I) based on the theories about integrating reading, listening and speaking. 4. Teacher guides the students to present their comments by comparing the student teacher’s teaching with the principles and theories about integrating different skills including reading, listening and speaking. 5. Teacher’s summary about the comments of the student teacher’s teaching of using the language (I).

252 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

2010 级艺术类、非艺术类大学英语 实验指导书

黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

目 录


大学英语(创新视听说教程 1)……………………..25

大学英语(创新视听说教程 2)……………………..49

黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书



黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学一 New Friends, New Faces

(2 课时)


21 世纪对大学生的要求也是与时俱进的。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们 迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交际能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质 与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣 不高,教学效率低下。随着新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英 语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在 英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂

改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养

学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面,多 媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下四个项目 1.视听技能训练; 2.口语交际技能训练。 3.语音语调技巧训练; 4.阅读技能训练; 达到如下目标 1. Listening for names 2. Introducing yourself or others in a conversation 3. Describing yourself and others in a conversation


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1.口语技能训练:让学生两人一组,就以下问题开展采访活动。 1) What’s your name? 2) How old are you? 3) Where are you from? 4) What language do you speak? 5 What’s your e-mail address? 6) What do you do for fun in your spare time? 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 2 Listening 部分的练习,了解英文人名的构 成,并完成 A,B 部分的练习。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: A: 学生们完成 3 Speaking 和 4 communication 部分的练习,学习寒暄语的表 达,并了解如何做自我介绍和向别人介绍第三方。 1) 首先,教师和一名学生做示范; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方。 B: 学生们观看 Lesson B 部分的两个 Video, 完成相关练习,学习和操练如何 描述自己和描述他人。 4.写作技能训练:让学生们根据前面所学内容和自己的实际情况写一个英 文自我介绍。 5.口语技能训练:让学生用英语介绍自己最喜欢的人给自己的 Partener 6.阅读技能训练: 1)Read the language and culture tips of the whole unit. 2)Learn to read a website, and learn to write one of their own 7.语音语调训练:学习长元音[ɔ:] [u:] [a:] [ə:] [i:],了解各自的发音秘诀并 进行操练。 8.翻译技能训练:学习英语人名,地名的翻译 9.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


2 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.你打算如何学习大学英语? 2.你打算如何在大学期间结交新朋友?


1.Task 1: optional listening1,2,3,4 (page 8--11) (50%) 2.Task 2: optional listwening5 (page 18) (25%) 3.Task 3: topic discussion: How to make a good impression when you meet new people?(25%)

3 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学二 Vacation

(2 课时)


21 世纪对大学生的要求也是与时俱进的。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们 迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交际能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质 与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣 不高,教学效率低下。随着新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英 语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出 在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课

堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养

学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面,多 媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下三个项目 1.视听技能训练 2.口语交际技能训练 3.读写译技能提高训练 实现以下教学目标 1. Asking and Talking about the weather. 2. How to give people advice in English. 3 Learning the differences between suggesting directly and indirectly.

4 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.口语技能训练:首先给学生呈现与天气相关的词汇、短语和句型。让学 生根据所提供的表达与同桌讨论各自家乡的天气。 2.听力技能训练:让学生们完成 Listening in 部分的练习,了解如何直接或 间接地给他人提出建议。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练:学生们完成 Speaking out 部分的练习,训练 逐步如何给他人提建议或如何接受他人意见。 1) 首先,教师 presents 对话中的 useful expressions; 2)然后,让学生听对话,并复述; 3)下一步,分组进行 role play; 4.写作训练:让学生写一篇有关假期规划的短文。 5.口语技能训练:学生们完成 Let’s Talk 部分的练习,达到学以致用的目标。 6.阅读技能提高训练:快速阅读课文里关于各国文化的小常识。 7.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识及练习过的 useful expressions。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意时间的安排 2.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 3.注意适时进行总结 4.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 5.注意发现口语表达能力较强的学生,给他们机会练习。


1.你认为什么样的天气最适于出游? 2.你认为怎样才能让他人接受你提出的建议?

5 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.Task 1: Further listening practice “Where should I go”(page 25) (25%) 2.Task 2: Listen to the passage on p29 “Lost and Found” and rewrite the content. (25%) 3.Task 3: Watch the video on p35 and share it with the classmates in the next class (25%) 4.Task 4: Listen to the passage on p37 and rewrite the story. (25%)

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实验教学三 All About You

(2 课时)


英语是 21 世纪就业和对外交流的金钥匙,大学生迫切希望提高语言交际、 运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动 中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着新技 术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大 学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化 工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的

新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,借助于合适的 话题、真实的语境、丰富的内容、新颖的课堂活动,一方面,充分唤起他们的学

习英语的兴趣,培养他们独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的 目标;另一方面,快速提高学生们的各项技能,有效培养他们的英语交际能力;



通过以下四个项目 1.视听技能训练; 2.口语交际技能训练。 3.语音语调技巧训练; 4.阅读技能训练; 达到如下目标 1.了解娱乐消遣和体育运动的英语表达及如何拒绝邀请,如何表达喜爱与不 喜欢等; 2.了解西方国家人们的娱乐爱好和消遣方式。

7 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


Lesson A My favorite pastimes 1. 词汇训练:学生完成 Vocabulary Link 部分的练习,并列举更多的与娱乐 消遣和运动相关的词汇及搭配。 2.听力和口语训练: 1) Listen to Whose trophies are these and finish the related exercise on P39; 2) Listen to the conversation to underline Gina’s invitation and circle the words Connie uses to accept Gina’s invitation. (P40) 3) Read out the useful expressions related to invitation; 4) Design a conversation by using the useful expressions. In the conversation, students are expected to extend invitations to people in English (reference on P40, 41); 2.语音语调训练: 听对话,然后分角色扮演(P43, Track 1-3-4). 3.视听和口语技能训练: 1)学生们完成 Optional Listening (P44-47)部分的练习, 训练细节信息的听 力。 2)情景再现:周末邀请朋友去看电影并吃晚饭,请学生根据这一场景设计 一段对话,在对话中训练如何发出邀请,接受或拒绝邀请。 Lesson B Sports and pastimes 4. 视听说训练 1) Watch the interviews two times to finish the exercise on page 49; 2) Watch the second video to grasp what the story is about and finish the attached exercise on page 51, 52; 3) Speaking: Have students work in pairs to think of a friend and talk about his or her personality and likes and dislikes (students may use the given information on page 53). 5. 听力训练:Optional Listening 5 (page 54) 6.写作技能训练:口头作文: My Favorite Sports 7.翻译技能训练:小品词的翻译 8. 扩展练习:Class surveys.

8 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

Divide the class in groups. Have each group choose a question about an activity with How often… Make sure each group chooses a different question. Form new groups with one member of each of the original groups. Students take turns asking their questions and recording the answers of all members of their new group. Then have students go back to their original group to compile the answers the received. When all groups are ready, have them take turns presenting their results to the class. 9. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。 四、实验教学设备和资源 1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源 五、实验注意事项 1.注意紧扣实验教学大纲来安排教学活动 2.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 3.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 4.注意讨论时间的安排 5.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 6.注意适时进行总结 7.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 六、问题讨论 1.你会怎样向外国游客介绍中国? 2.你能介绍一下你所了解的国家和它的文化象征吗? 七、实验教学的作业和评价 1.Task 1: List as many as expressions related to pastimes and sports (25%) 2.Task 2: Finish Reading the attached information: Language Notes, Useful Expressions, etc. (25%) 3.Task 3: Tell the class your free-time activities including some description of your personality. (25%) 4.Task 4: Write a letter to invite your friends to join the baseball game on the weekend. (25%)

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实验教学四 Change

(2 课时)


英语是 21 世纪就业和对外交流的金钥匙,大学生迫切希望提高语言交际、 运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动 中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着新技 术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大 学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息 化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志

的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养

学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面,减 轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下三个项目 1.视听技能训练 2.口语交际技能训练 3.读写译技能提高训练 实现以下教学目标 1. Learning to talk about making changes in your life, plans and dreams. 2. Learning to make and respond to requests.


1.口语技能训练:提出话题 Do you need a change? 让学生 free talk.

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继而引出本单元 lesson A 和 lesson B 的话题, making changes in your life, plans and dreams. Do Vocabulary Link: I need a change 2. 听力技能训练: Do Listening: New Year’s resolutions 3. 口语交际技能训练: Do Speaking: Can I borrow $20? & Bad habits 4. 语音训练:Before watching, say vocabulary items aloud as students repeat for pronunciation practice. 4. 视听技能的训练 : 1. Do Global Viewpoints: Making changes Goals, plans and dreams 2. Do City living: Mike needs a change---Preview 3. Do City Living: Mike needs a change--- While You Watch 4. Do city Living: Making a change--- After You Watch 5. 读写译技能训练:Write a paper on the title “ Why I need a change?”


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力训练前的单词和文化背景的讲解 2.注意训练时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 4.注意适时进行总结 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.What habits are hard to change? 2. What habits are not so hard to change? 3. Talk about a habit that you changed. Was it easy or hard? 4. What is some good advice for changing a bad habit?

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1.Task 1: optional listening 1 (page 61) (20%) 2.Task 2: optional listening 2(page62) 20%) 3.Task 3: optional listening 3 ((page 62) (20%) 4. Task 4: optional listening 4 ( page 20) 5. task 5: optional listening 5 ( page20)

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实验教学五 Around the world

(2 课时)


英语对于当代大学生的重要性不言而喻,大学生迫切希望提高英语语言交 际、运用能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。在传统教学 活动中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着 新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模 式。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教 育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术

为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养

学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面,减 轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下四个项目 1.视听技能训练; 2.口语交际技能训练; 3.综合技能提高与策略实践; 4. 英语场景模拟实践; 实现以下教学目标 1. Know how to ask for and give directions; 2. Locate places; 3. Talk about neighborhoods and cities; 4. Improve reading skill-----distinguishing between facts and opinion;

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5. Improve listening skill---predicting and listening for detail; 6. Improve speaking skill---fluent speaking for communicative purpose.


1. 口语技能训练: Warming-up practice: 1) 指导学生们完成 Vocabulary link A 部分练习,并解释生词; 2) 以小组为单位,请学生们列出在 Vocabulary link A 中提到的场景中能进行 什么活动,并完成 Vocabulary link B 部分对话 2. 听力技能训练:学生们完成 Listening 部分的练习。 3. 视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)学生们完成 Speaking 和 Communication 部分的练习,根据课本上提供 的短语,句型学会用英语问路和指路,并且学习如何描述 neighborhoods。 2) 英语场景模拟实践 1:请学生们自愿表演,并根据表演情况强调需要注意 的地方,比如语音问题和表达错误等。 Divide students into groups and have them prepare a role play. One student is a foreign visitor to their campus who needs to find three places, the others give him information. Have them choose a location where they are standing, and then prepare their role play. 3)英语场景模拟实践 2: Divide students into groups accorging to the neighborhoods they live in, or assign each group a different part of the city. Have them prepare a guide map to their part of the city, with a list of useful business. 4. 听力技能提高训练与语音语调技能提高: 1) 指导学生们完成 Lesson B 部分练习; 2) 模仿对话,并着重训练弱读,连读和失去爆破。 5. 阅读和写作技能训练: 1) 给出视频片段(Lesson B Video Course)并配少量文字,指导学生们学习 如何按图预测故事情节; 2) 指导学生们学习如何按图写话。 6. 翻译技能训练:如何翻译地点状语。

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7. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意紧扣实验教学大纲来安排教学活动 2.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 3.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 4.注意讨论时间的安排 5.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 6.注意适时进行总结 7.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.Describe your neighborhoods and their problems. 2. If possible, which city do you prefer to leave for a vacation?


1.Task 1: Finish the exercise on page 81. (30%) 2.Task 2: Finish the optional exercise on page88 . (30%) 3.Task 3: 老师给出一组图片,根据图片编写故事.(40%)

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实验教学六 Home Sweet Home

(2 课时)


《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育 信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为

标志的新的教学模式。 在新的教学模式引导下,学生能适时地调整自己的学习方法和学习策略,大 大加强学习自主性。教师也从单一的以传授语言知识为主的课堂教学模式,转向 以语言知识传授、学习方法和应用技能指导的,课堂教学与学生自主学习相结合 的教学模式上来。由此,学生们学习英语的兴趣将大大增强,听说能力也将获得

不同程度的提高进而也将极大地激励教师的教学。 本次实验教学的话题和学生的情感,心理有关,贴进学生们的生活实际,学 生们应该感兴趣。作为一个启发者和组织者,教师可以设置一些和该话题相关的

讨论活动,以此了解学生们的锻炼情况和生活习惯,并增进和学生们之间的距离。 实验证明,随着对语言习得的研究,语言学家们发现讨论也是语言习得最有 效的工具之一。因为讨论体现了以学生为中心的教学理念。再者,其本身就是一 种学习,不管在讨论中有没有得到结论,学生们能够不再被动地接受信息,而是 主动地加工信息,建构信息。同时还能够促进合作学习,增进相互之间的交流和



通过实施以下四个项目 1. 技能提高与策略实践 2. 英语场景模拟实践 3. 英语演讲训练实践 达到以下教学目标 1. Describing different parts of an apartment ; 2. Knowing the culture differences of housing in different countries;

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3. Describing surprises; 4.Improve reading skill--- reading a map ; 5.Improve writing skill--- writing renting notes; 6.Improve listening and speaking skill ;


1.口语技能提高训练: 1.1 给出一副平面设计图,随机让一名同学介绍这套居室的机构布局 1.2 小组对话,一问一答,熟悉如何描述方位并熟悉居室相关部分名称,如: 1) what is it in the left corner? 2) What words can be used to describe “the place where we take meal”? 3) Do they have the bath and toilet in one room? What can we call it? 4) Which parts doyoiu like? And which parts don’t you like? Why ? 2.听力技能提高训练:让一名学生描述一套居室布局图,让其他学生根据 所述画出自己所理解的方位图 3.视听和口语交际技能提高训练以及英语场景模拟实: 3.1 学生们根据刚才自己的所听,两两之间互相评判所画布局图的正确与否 3.2 选出一名同学饰演售楼小姐,另外一名同学为意欲购房者,针对户型结 构展开对话 3.3 老师挑出其中的惊讶语句的表达,加深学生对惊讶语句的了解。 3.4 学生们完成 speaking 部分的练习,达到学以致用的目标。 4.写作技能提高训练:Master the writing skill---renting notes; 5.阅读技能训练: 1)Read the map and describe the parts of the apartment building 2)According to the description of he parts of the apartment building and draw a map 6.语音语调训练:学习运用音调的升高,以达到加强语气的作用。 7.翻译技能训练:学习翻译时如何进行词性的转换。 8.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。

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9.学生们完成 communication 部分的练习,达到学以致用的目标。 10.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 7.注意留心学生的心理状况


1.如何表达自己的惊讶情绪? 2.如果买房,你最理想的户型是?


1.Task 1: Draw a map of parts of your own house (25%) 2 . Task 2: A report on the differences of house sturcture in different countries(25%) 3.Task 3: Performance: suppose you are a sales lady ,make a dialogue between you and the apartment buyer.( 50%)

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实验教学七 Your Health

(2 课时)


21 世纪对大学生的要求也是与时俱进的。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们 迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交际能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质 与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动中,学生的信息接受量小、方式单一,学习兴趣 不高,教学效率低下。随着新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英 语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出 在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课

堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养

学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面,多 媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下三个项目 1.视听技能训练 2.口语交际技能训练 3.读写译技能提高训练 实现以下教学目标 1. Talking about health problems 2. Rewrite the story after listening. 3. Understanding and talking about the techniques to stay healthy


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1.口语技能训练:Show students some pictures with parts of the body, enlarge their vocabulary, and then 设置几个与身体、健康有关的话题,让学生对此话题产 生兴趣。 1) What does the expression “to keep body and soul together” mean? 2) When do you usually get up in the morning and go to bed at night? 3) When you don’t feel well, what do you usually do? 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Listening 部分的练习,学会描述人物外表特 征。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练:学生们完成 Speaking 部分的练习,学会谈论 和表达健康方面的问题。 1) 首先,教师 presents some useful expressions; 2)然后,让学生听对话,并回答问题; 3)下一步,分组进行 role play “What’s wrong with you?”; 4.写作训练:学习 P110 的 poster, 练习如何写海报。 5.视听口语技能训练:学生们完成 P116—120 的 video 部分的练习,达到 学以致用的目标。 6.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识及练习过的 useful expressions。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意时间的安排 2.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 3.注意适时进行总结 4.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 5.注意发现口语表达能力较强的学生,给他们机会练习。

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1.你认为我们应该从小就养成什么样的健康好习惯? 2.你认为如何保持身心健康?


1.Task 1: Further listening practice “ optional listening”(page 112-115) (40%) 2.Task 2: After watching the video (p117) “Laughter is the best medicine” ,write a mini-paper about the way of staying healthy. (30%) 3.Task 3: Study the posters on the page 111, prepare a poster for the next class (30%)

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实验教学八 Jobs and Ambitions

(2 课时)


《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)倡导新的教学模式。要求学生适时地调 整自己的学习方法和学习策略,大大加强学习自主性。教师也从单一的以传授语 言知识为主的课堂教学模式,转向以语言知识传授、学习方法和应用技能指导的, 课堂教学与学生自主学习相结合的教学模式上来。由此,学生们学习英语的兴趣 将大大增强,听说能力也将获得不同程度的提高进而也将极大地激励教师的教

学。 本次实验教学的话题贴进学生们的生活实际,以听说训练为主线,通过看、 听、说、演练等一系列教学活动,使学生获得最基本的英语听说能力,并在教学 中充分激发学生强烈的学习愿望,注重学生知识能力发展。其目的是培养学生英 语的听和说两种实际的语言交流能力和技巧,在使学生了解英语语言及相关文化 知识,能够自如地用英语与他人进行口语交流以适应社会发展和国际交流的需 要,为培养国际化复合型实用人才而奠定基础。在训练学生英语听说能力的同时, 通过预习指导和预留作业等各教学步骤,逐渐培养学生养成的良好的学习习惯,



通过以下四个项目 1.语音语调技巧训练; 2.读写技能训练; 3.视听技能训练; 4.口语交际技能训练; 5.英语场景模拟训练。 达到如下目标 1.Listening for different jobs; 2.Understanding job ads and job interviews;

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3.Asking about jobs; 4.Having improved skills.


1.阅读技能训练:Match the job with the person and understand different professions. 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Lesson A 中关于 A part-time job 部分的练习, 了解更多关于职业的信息。 3.口语交际技能训练:Asking about jobs 4.英语场景训练:Listen to the conversation between two people at Ramon’s birthday party and then ask students to practice the conversation with a partner. 4.视听、语音语调技能训练:学生们完成 Lesson B 中 While You Watch(page 134)部分的练习及模仿对话中的语音语调。 5.口语交际技能训练和英语场景模拟训练: 1)学生们完成 I can get this job!部分的内容; 2)将学生进行分组,模拟一场面试; 3)请学生代表自愿向大家表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方, 比如语音问题和表达错误等。 6.阅读和写作技能训练: 1) Read the want ads on page 138; 2) Think of a job and make a want ad on a piece of paper. Write the job, the days and hours, the pay and skills needed. 7.翻译技能训练:学习如何翻译定语从句。 8.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


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1.视听和口语练习前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解; 2.两个课时的时间调配,合理安排各个步骤的时间; 3.在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助; 4.适时进行总结; 5.各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然; 6.鼓励和帮助学生养成与师生交流的习惯; 7.鼓励学生进行合作学习,同时培养其自主学习能力; 8.老师还应指导学生进行个性化的学习,真正做到因材施教。


1. Tel your partner what you want to be in the future and why. 2. What should be taken into consideration in an interview?


1.Task 1: Optional listening on page 129-132; (60%) 2.Task 2: Optional listening on page 139; (20%) 3.Task 3: Review the cultural background and useful expressions of this unit. (20%)

24 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


(创新视听说教程 1)

黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学一 College Life

(2 课时)


在现代科学和技术迅速发展的今天,社会需要大量既掌握专业技能又懂外语 的复合型人才。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言 交际能力。大学英语教学改革的方向是要加强听力,以听力为突破口,发展听说 能力和运用语言的综合能力。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信 息量小,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也 明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为

核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学 习计划,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更 多提高听、说技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与, 一方面,培养学生自主学习的能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻


二 、实验教学目标

通过以下三个项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.语音技巧训练 达到如下目标: 1. Learning the expressions of college life 2. Listening to conversations about acquiring information of college students. 3. Identifying telephone numbers. 3. Talking about differences between university and middle school.

25 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

三 、实验教学内容和过程

1.口语技能训练:要求学生两人一组,就以下问题展开讨论: 1) Please list something concerning campus life in English you know as much as possible. 2) Interview the partner to tell the class about his or her first day on campus. 3) What are the differences between Harvard’s past and present students? 2.听力技能训练:要求学生完成 Exercise A and Exercise B 部分的练习,熟 悉确认姓名的方法和辨音及语音训练。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)通过完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,让学生学会确认人名。 2)请学生观看完两段视频后完成 Real Listening 部分的练习,并逐句复述对 话内容。。 3)将学生分组,要求根据所给场景进行角色扮演。 4)要求学生完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,然后大学生活展开讨论。 5)学生两人一组,互相交流彼此大学新生活的感受和对未来生活的期望。 4.语音训练:学习 /p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,和 /g/的正确发音,并进行辨音练习。 5.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的大学生活的焦点问题和相关的英语交流技巧。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 2.注意讨论时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 4.注意适时进行总结 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然

26 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.你如何看待大学生的感情生活? 2.中学生活与大学生活差异在哪里? 3. 你打算毕业后去国外学习吗?


1.Task 1: Pair work (page 6-7) (40%) 2.Task 2: Commnication task (page 8) (25%) 3.Task 3: Commnication task (page 9) (35%)

27 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学二 Having Fun

(2 课时)


随着全球化的日益发展,国际间的政治、经济、商业和文化交流活动越来越 频繁,社会需要既掌握专业技能又懂外语的人才。新时代的大学生必须在学好本 专业只是的同时,提高外语水平和实际运用能力,这样才能在激烈的竞争中站稳 脚跟。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信息量小,学习兴趣不高, 教学效率低下。随着新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学 成为重要的教学模式。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教 学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计

划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,老师可以根据学生的语言基础分层的教学目标,真正做到因 材施教;学生可以自主制定科学的学习计划,选择符合自己的学习材料和内容,



通过以下四个项目 1.口语交际技能训练; 2.视听技能训练; 3.语音语调技巧训练; 4.写作技能训练 达到如下目标 1. Identifying the relationship between two speakers. 2. Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of entertainment. 3. Learning to write a composition: My Favorite Entertainment


28 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

1.口语技能训练:让学生两人一组,就以下问题展开讨论: 1) What activities do you like most in your spare time? 2) Why do you like it? 继而引出本单元 Lead-in A and B 的话题,让学生了解更多的娱乐活动和娱乐 所带来的益处。 2.听力技能训练:学生完成 Part 1 Listening Skills 部分的练习,掌握谈话者 两者的人物关系并且了解娱乐所带来的弊端。 3.语音语调训练:学习辅音/s/和/z/,了解各自的发音秘诀并进行操练。 4.视听和口语交际技能训练: 学生们观看 Part II Real Listening 的三个 Video 并完成练习。 1) 用所学的句型来完成 Guessing game, 教师拿出实体做示范,学生通过提 问的方式把实体猜出来。 2) 将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话;选出几组来检查对话效果。 3) 让学生自编对话并上台表演,教师进行一定的核查。 5.口语技能训练:学生们完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,学习和操练如 何表达娱乐的利与弊。 6.写作技能训练:让学生们写篇作文,介绍自己最喜欢的娱乐活动。 7.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 3.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 4.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 5.注意适时进行总结

29 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.你最喜欢的娱乐活动是什么?为什么? 2.你如何看待娱乐对你的学习生活造成的不利的一面?


1.Task 1: Pair work: 3,4,5, (page 12) (10%) 2.Task 2: Pair work: 3,4,5, (page 14) (10%) 3.Task 3: Pair work 2,3, (page 16) (20%) 4.Task 4: Communication task: 1,2 (page 17) (25%)

5.Task 5: Communication task: 1,2(page 18) (35%)

30 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学三 Emails

(2 课时)


随着全球化的日益发展,国际间的政治、经济、商业和文化交流活动越来越 频繁,社会需要既掌握专业技能又懂外语的人才。为了适应时代的需要,大学生 们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交际能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素 质与社会竞争力。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信息量小,学 习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。随着新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络 辅助英语教学成为重要的教学模式。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确 提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心

的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,老师可以根据学生的语言基础确定分层的教学目标,真正做 到因材施教;学生可以自主制定科学的学习计划,选择符合自己的学习材料和内 容,提高学习效率。同时多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师的教学负担并提高



通过以下四个项目 1.视听技能训练; 2.口语交际技能训练; 3.语音语调技巧训练; 4.阅读技能训练; 达到如下目标 1. Learning to write an email in English. 2. Identifying the main information.

31 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

3. Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of emails.


1.口语技能训练:让学生两人一组,就以下问题开展采访活动。 1) Have you ever written a letter? 2) Have you ever written an email? 3) What’s your email address? 4) What do you use it for? 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Lead-in A and B 部分的练习,了解 Email 的 发送流程和使用 email 的利弊。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: A: 学生们完成 Part I Listening Skills A,B 的练习,观看 Part II Real Listening 的两个 Video 并完成练习, 学习抓住主要信息并根据情景练习关于接收 Email 的 会话。 1) 首先,教师和一名学生做示范; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方。 B: 学生们完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,学习和操练如何表达 Emails 的 利与弊。 4.写作技能训练:让学生们给朋友或家人写一份英文的 email 介绍自己的 大学和生活。 5.口语技能训练:让学生用英语表达自己对 email 的看法。 6.阅读技能训练: 1)Read the new words and expressions related to emails in conversations. 2)Learn to read a website, and learn to write one of their own. 7.语音语调训练:学习辅音[f:] [v:],了解各自的发音秘诀并进行操练。 8.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。



32 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.你为何使用电脑? 2.你如何看待电脑对你的学习生活造成的不利影响?


1.Task 1: Pair work:1,2,3,4,5,6 (page 24) (40%) 2.Task 2: communication task: 1,2 (page 26) (25%) 3.Task 3: communication task: 1,2,3 (page 27) (35%)

33 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学四 Parents and Children

(2 课时)


为了适应时代的需要,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力,大学生们迫切希望通 过英语学习提高语言交际能力,了解国外先进科学技术和西方文化。形式单一, 信息量小的传统教学形式产生了教学效率低下的弊病,不能适应日益发展的社会

对人才的需求。 在《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)中明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进 教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技

术为标志的新的教学模式;学生是学习的主体, 大学英语教学应充分考虑到教学 内容与社会及个人需求之间的相关性, 调动学生学习的积极性, 针对学生的能力 倾向和兴趣特点, 开展个性化教学,注重培养学生自主学习的能力,让学生在学习 语言的同时掌握有效的学习方法和学习策略。《大学英语课程教学要求》将大学

英语的教学目标确定为:“培养学生英语综合应用能力,同时增强其自主学习能力, 提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。”从这一要求中可以 看出,教学的目标不再是简单的传授知识,而是要开展个性化教学,培养学生终

身受用的学习能力。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,老师可以根据学生的语言基础确定分层的教学目标,真正做 到因材施教;学生可以自主制定科学的学习计划,选择符合自己的学习材料和内 容,提高学习效率。同时多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师的教学负担并提高 教学效率。自主学习中心的大学英语语言实验课程就是在这一社会背景和教育改 革背景下建立的,它将是我校非英语专业学生的语言基本技能训练和大学英语课




34 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

1.视听技能的结合; 2.口语交际技能训练; 3.纠正语音语调的训练; 4.阅读技能的训练; 达到如下目标 1. Stimulate the students’ interest on learning English. 2. Distinguish the pronunciation of [∫],[з],[t∫] and[dз]. 3. Use the expressions of substitution. 4. Talk the family life freely.


1.口语技能训练:让学生两人一组,就以下问题展开讨论: 1) Which of the activities have you done with your family? (Having dinner, Chatting, Playing badminton, Visiting grandparents, Shopping, Watching TV, Traveling, Reading, Going out for a walk etc.) 2) What do you like best? Why? 继而引出本单元 Lead-in A and B 的话题,让学生谈谈对家庭生活的看法。 2.听力技能训练:学生完成 Part 1 Listening Skills 部分的练习,先看题再听 可节约时间。 3. 语音训练:区分[∫],[з],[t∫] and[dз]的发音。 4. 读、听、模仿相结合: 1)先读 P 30-31 的 Substitution Expressions; 2)再听 Part 2 Real Listening,做练习; 3)跟读,模仿对话。 4)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 5)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方。 5. 此部分的内容适合给那些基础较好,尤其是语音和语调都很好的学生: 1)听录音,完成练习; 2)再听录音做 Pair work; 3)分组讨论:Who does the housework, your farther or your mother?

35 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

Should the children help with the housework? What kind of housework is not suitable for the children to do? 6. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 3.注意讨论时间的安排 4.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 5.注意适时进行总结 6.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.你为何使用电脑? 2.你如何看待电脑对你的学习生活造成的不利影响?


1.Talking about the your family with your dormitory members(50%) 2 . Talking about your interests and hobbies(50%)

36 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学五 Telephoning

(2 课时)


在现代科学和技术迅速发展的今天,社会需要大量既掌握专业技能又懂外语 的复合型人才。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言 交际能力。大学英语教学改革的方向是要加强听力,以听力为突破口,发展听说 能力和运用语言的综合能力。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信 息量小,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也 明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为

核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学 习计划,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更 多提高听、说技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与, 一方面,培养学生自主学习的能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻


二 、实验教学目标

通过以下三个项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.语音技巧训练 达到如下目标: 1. Learning the expressions about telephoning. 2. Identifying telephone numbers. 3. Learning to make a phone call to others.

三 、实验教学内容和过程

37 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

1.口语技能训练:要求学生两人一组,就以下问题展开讨论: 1) Do you often call you parents and friends? 2) How often do you call them? 3) Have you ever left a voice mail or a message on an answering machine? 4) To whom would you speak and what would you say on the phone if it were the last minute at the end of the world? 2.听力技能训练:要求学生完成 Lead-in A and B 部分的练习,熟悉一下与 电话相关的词汇以及如何进行电话留言。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)通过完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,让学生学会辨别电话号码。 2)请学生观看完两段视频后完成 Real Listening 部分的练习,并逐句复述对 话内容。 3)将学生分组,要求根据所给场景进行角色扮演。 4)要求学生完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,然后就“Do you know some good telephone manners?”这一问题展开讨论。 5)学生两人一组,对一段电话交谈进行口译,达到学以致用的目标。 4.语音训练:学习 /n/, /l/ 和 /r/的正确发音,并进行辨音练习。 5.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 2.注意讨论时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 4.注意适时进行总结 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然

38 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.除了打电话外,你还知道其他一些通讯手段吗?各自的利与弊是什么? 给我们的生活带来哪些影响? 2.当你最高兴时或最伤心时,你最想给谁打电话?最想说些什么?


1.Task 1: Pair work:1,2,3,4,5 (page 39) (40%) 2.Task 2: Group work: Telephone Game (page 42) (25%) 3.Task 3: Commnication task (page 45) (35%)

39 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学六 The Media

(2 课时)


在现代科学和技术迅速发展的今天,社会需要大量既掌握专业技能又懂外语 的复合型人才。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言 交际能力。大学英语教学改革的方向是要加强听力,以听力为突破口,发展听说 能力和运用语言的综合能力。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信 息量小,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也 明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为

核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学 习计划,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更 多提高听、说技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与, 一方面,培养学生自主学习的能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻


二 、实验教学目标

通过以下三个项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.语音技巧训练 达到如下目标: 1. Learning the expressions about media field. 2.Identifying likes and dislikes. 3. Learning to create dialogues about media

三 、实验教学内容和过程

40 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

1.口语技能训练:要求学生两人一组,就以下问题展开讨论: 1)What are your favorite movies? 2) what type of movie you enjoy? Why or Why not ? 3) What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? Why is it funny? 4)If you have a chance, would you like to work in the movie business? In what kind of work ? 2.听力技能训练:要求学生完成 Lead-in A and B 部分的练习,熟悉一下与 电影相关的词汇以及如何进行电影话题方面的交流。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)通过完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,让学生学会表达喜欢和不喜欢。 2)请学生观看完两段视频后完成 Real Listening 部分的练习,并逐句复述对 话内容。 3)将学生分组,要求根据所给场景进行角色扮演。 4)要求学生完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,然后就“What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?”这一问题展开讨论。 5)学生两人一组,对一段电影场景进行模拟对话 ,达到学以致用的目标。 4.语音训练:学习 /m/, /n/ 和 /g/的正确发音,并进行辨音练习。 5.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 2.注意讨论时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 4.注意适时进行总结 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然

41 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.你喜欢在家看 DVD 还是喜欢去电影院看电影? 2.如果你有机会在电影行业工作,你愿意从事哪项工作?


1.Task 1: Pair work:1 (page 47,) (10%) 2.Task 2: Pair work:2,3,4 (page 49,50,51)(30%) 3.Task 3: Communication task (page 54) (35%)

42 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学七 Working Together

(2 课时)


随着全球化的日益发展,国际间的政治、经济、商业和文化交流活动越来越 频繁,社会需要既掌握专业技能又懂外语的人才。新时代的大学生必须在学好本 专业只是的同时,提高外语水平和实际运用能力,这样才能在激烈的竞争中站稳 脚跟。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信息量小,学习兴趣不高, 教学效率低下。随着新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学 成为重要的教学模式。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也明确提出在英语教 学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计

划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,老师可以根据学生的语言基础分层的教学目标,真正做到因 材施教;学生可以自主制定科学的学习计划,选择符合自己的学习材料和内容,



通过以下四个项目 1.口语交际技能训练; 2.视听技能训练; 3.语音语调技巧训练; 4.写作技能训练 达到如下目标 1. Making calculations; 2. Talking about the advice for the first day at work 3. Learning to write a composition: Work at Home or in a Big Company

43 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.口语技能训练: 让学生就以下问题展开集体讨论:What advice should be given for the first day at work? 继而引出本单元 Lead-in A and B 的话题,让学生了解更多的办公用品和 职场建议。 2.听力技能训练:学生完成 Part 1 Listening Skills 部分的练习,学会英语的 数字及计算。 3.语音语调训练:学习元音][i:],[i],了解各自的发音秘诀并进行操练。 4.视听和口语交际技能训练: 让学生们观看 Part II Real Listening 的三个 Video 并完成练习。 1) 将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话,了解职场新人需要掌握的公 司规则。 2) 让学生进行对话排序,选出几组来检查对话效果。 3) 让学生自编对话并上台表演,教师进行一定的核查。 5.口语技能训练:学生们完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,并举出他们的 父母日常工作安排来作口头阐述。 6.写作技能训练:让学生们写篇作文,讨论是在家工作或在外工作。 7.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力前的单词熟悉和文化背景的讲解 2.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 3.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 4.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间

44 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书



1.第一天上班有什么注意事项? 2.你是喜欢在家工作还是在外工作?为什么?


1.Task 1: Pair work: 3,4,5, (page 58) (10%) 2.Task 2: Pair work: 3,4,5, (page 60) (10%) 3.Task 3: Pair work 2,3, (page 61) (20%) 4.Task 4: Communication task: 1,2 (page 63) (25%)

5.Task 5: Communication task: 1,2(page 64) (35%)

45 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学八 Animals

(2 课时)


在现代科学和技术迅速发展的今天,社会需要大量既掌握专业技能又懂外语 的复合型人才。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言 交际能力。大学英语教学改革的方向是要加强听力,以听力为突破口,发展听说 能力和运用语言的综合能力。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信 息量小,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也 明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为

核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学 习计划,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更 多提高听、说技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与, 一方面,培养学生自主学习的能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻


二 、实验教学目标

通过以下三个项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.语音技巧训练 达到如下目标: 1. Learning the expressions of animals. 2. Listening to conversations about various kinds of animals. 3. Talking about animal protection.

46 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

.三 、实验教学内容和过程

1.口语技能训练:要求学生两人一组,就以下问题展开讨论: 1) Please list animal names you know as much as possible. 2) Of the all animals, which do you like best? Describe it with as much detail as possible. 3) Which animal you would like to keep as a pet and why? 2.听力技能训练:要求学生完成 Lead-in A and B 部分的练习,熟悉一下动 物的英文名称并猜测出对话中人们所谈到的是哪些宠物。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)通过完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,让学生学会辨别不同动物。 2)请学生观看完两段视频后完成 Real Listening 部分的练习,并逐句复述对 话内容。。 3)将学生分组,要求根据所给场景进行角色扮演。 4)要求学生完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,然后就美国动物园黑熊袭击 事件展开讨论。 5)学生两人一组,分别用一种动物来描述对方的性格、外貌等,达到学以 致用的目标。 。的正确发音,并进行辨音练习/:כ/ 语音训练:学习 /ɑ/ 和.4 5.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 2.注意讨论时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助

47 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

4.注意适时进行总结 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.你如何看待人们穿着毛皮制品? 2.我们应该如何保护动物,尤其是濒危动物?


1.Task 1: Pair work (page 69-70) (40%) 2.Task 2: Commnication task (page 72) (25%) 3.Task 3: Commnication task (page 75) (35%)

48 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


(创新视听说教程 2)

黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学一 Internet

(2 课时)


21 世纪对大学生的要求也是与时俱进的。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们 迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交际能力,了解国外先进文化,增强自身的素质 与社会竞争力。大学英语视听说课程是把传统的单一的独立的视频课、听力课及 口语教学改革成为视听说相结合的三位一体的全方位、立体化英语教学。听力材

料同时是口语材料,视频材料又是训练听力和口语的材料。该课程利用多媒体教 学课件,通过声音、图像、文字、动画全方位立体化界面,营造出身临其境的现代 化学习环境,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,制定科学的学习计划,探索和改 进学习方法,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养

学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用中提高”的目标;另一方面,多 媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师的教学负担并提高教学效率。


通过以下三个项目: 1.视听技能训练 2.口语交际技能训练 3.语音语调技巧训练 实现以下教学目标: 1. Listening to the tape and watching video, so as to get interested in listening and talking in English, and then develop the interest in English learning. 2. To understand the materials listened to, esp. difficult sentences. 3. To share their opinions about Internet. 4. To practice role-playing on related materials.

49 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.口语技能训练: 1) Ask students to match the words to the pictures to enlarge their vocabulary. 然后就以下问题展开讨论: When did you first use the Internet? About how many hours a week do you use the Internet? For what purpose? 2) 学生们完成 Lead-in B 部分的练习, 总结大家一般上网都做些什么。 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Part 1 Listening Skills 部分的练习,掌握以下 技能: 1)Indentifying large numbers; 2) Sound linking practices 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: A: 学生们观看 Part 2 Real Listening 的两个 Video 并完成练习, 学习抓住主 要信息并根据情景练习会话。 1) 首先,教师和一名学生做示范; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方。 B: 学生们完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,了解 Internet 在人们生活中的重 要作用。 4.口语技能训练:让学生用英语表达自己对 Internet 的看法。 5.阅读技能训练: 1)Read the new words and expressions related to Internet in conversations. 2)Learn to read a website, and learn to write one of their own. 6.语音语调训练:学习连读并进行操练。 7.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件

50 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书



1.注意时间的安排 2.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 3.注意适时进行总结 4.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 5.注意发现口语表达能力较强的学生,给他们机会练习。


1.Task 1: Pair work: page 4: C, E; page 5: C; page 7: B, C; (50%) 2.Task 2: communication task: page 4: D; page 6: D, E; page 8: C; page 9: C (50%)

51 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学二 Sports

(2 课时)


随着社会对外语人才需求的增大,提高外语水平和实际运用能力是为了适应 时代的需要。大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交际能力,了解国外先进 文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。强调听说能力是大学英语教改的重要方向。 随着新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学 模式。以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的

教学模式以适应新的教学要求已经成为一种必然的走向。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养学生独立思考、主动学习的 能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师的教学负,为学生自我展 现自己提供了很好的平台,使学生能根据自身的需要来学习,增强了学习的兴趣,


二 、实验教学目标

通过以下三个项目 1.视听技能训练 2.口语交际技能训练 3.读写译技能提高训练 实现以下教学目标 1. Listening for words related to sports. 2. Learning to understand times and dates. 3 Understanding and talking about sports.

三 、实验教学内容和过程


52 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


表达与同桌讨论各自最喜欢的项目。 2.听力技能训练: 让学生们完成 Listening in 部分的练习,了解如何表达自己喜欢参与的运动 项目或喜欢观看的运动项目。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 让学生们完成 part 1 部分的练习,训练连读的辨音练习和如何表达时间和日 期。 4.口语技能训练:学生们完成 part 2 部分的练习,达到学以致用的目标。 1) 首先,教师 presents 对话中的 useful expressions; 2)然后,让学生听对话,并复述; 3)下一步,分组进行 role play; 5.阅读技能提高训练:快速阅读课文里关于国际比赛和 NBA 相关常识,并 能够随意的谈了运动相关的话题。 6.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识及练习过的 useful expressions。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意时间的安排 2.注意在学生讨论的时候给予适当的引导 3.注意适时进行总结 4.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然 5.注意发现口语表达能力较强的学生,给他们机会练习。


1.Do you think that someday Yi Jianlian will be better than Yao Ming?Why or why not?

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2.Do you think more Chinese players should go abroad to compete with foreign players?Why or why not?


1.Task 1: listening to passage2 on page 19 and do the exercises (50%) 2.Task 2: retell the story with your own words. (50%)

54 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学三 Music

(2 课时)


在现代科学和技术迅速发展的今天,社会需要大量既掌握专业技能又懂外语 的复合型人才。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言 交际能力。大学英语教学改革的方向是要加强听力,以听力为突破口,发展听说 能力和运用语言的综合能力。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信 息量小,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也 明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为

核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学 习计划,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更 多提高听、说技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与, 一方面,培养学生自主学习的能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻



通过以下三个项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.语音技巧训练 达到如下目标: 1. Learning some terms about musical instruments and different types of music. 2. Talking about music. 3. Understanding and talking about the effect of music on our living.


55 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

1.口语技能训练:要求学生两人一组,就以下话题展开讨论: 1) Can you play a musical instrument? If so, what do you often play? Are you good at it? 2) What kind of music do you like? 3) What do you like about you favorite music? 2.听力技能训练:要求学生完成 Lead-in A and B 部分的练习,熟悉与乐器 和音乐类型相关的词汇以及如何交谈自己喜欢的音乐。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)通过完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,让学生掌握与音乐相关的常识。 2)要求学生观看完 Real Listening 中两段视频后完成听力练习,并逐句复述 对话内容。 3)学生二人为一小组,根据所给场景----邀请朋友去参加音乐会-----进行角 色扮演。 4)然后就以下问题展开讨论 Do you listen to music while doing homework? Does music interfere with your thinking? 5)要求学生完成 Focus Listening 的部分练习,并复述听力材料中的笑话。 4.语音训练:学习英语单词连读发音,掌握连读规律和技巧。 5.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 2.注意讨论时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 4.注意适时进行总结

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1.Task 1: Pair work: C and E (page 24-25) (40%) 2.Task 2: Communication task (page 28) (25%) 3.Task 3: Communication task (page 29) (35%)

57 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学四 Food

(2 课时)


随着国际交往日益频繁,社会对于以听说为主的大学英语综合应用能力提出 了迫切的要求。深化大学英语教学改革,是当前提高大学英语教学质量的重要突 破口,也是加快我国高素质英语人才、提高国际竞争力的重要措施。为了适应时 代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交际能力。大学英语教学改 革的方向是要加强听力,以听力为突破口,发展听说能力和运用语言的综合能力。 在传统教学模式下,教师进行听说教学的方式单一,学生接受的信息量小,学习

兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行)要求各高等学校“要 特别重视听说能力的培养和训练”,也明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信 息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标

志的新的教学模式。 大学英语听说教学改革的目标是以听促说,提高学生的话语交际能力。应此, 大学英语听说课必须结合话语知识的系统学习和训练,充分利用互联网的丰富话 语资源,发挥教师的主导作用和学生的认知主体作用,建立一个网络、课堂、教 师、学生四者有机结合的教学模式。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学习计 划,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更多提 高听、说技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与,一方 面,培养学生自主学习的能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师



通过以下三个教学项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.语音技巧训练

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达到如下教学目标: 1. Learning some terms related to western food; 2. Understanding various kinds of foods; 3. Learning different expressions to order food in a restaurant.


1.口语技能训练:要求学生两人一组,就以下话题展开讨论: 1) Where do you usually have your meals (breakfast, lunch and supper)? 2) Do you like the food served in the school canteen? Explain why. 3) How do you order food in a western style store? 2.听力技能训练:要求学生完成 Lead-in A and B 部分的练习,熟悉和西餐 相关的词汇以及如何在餐厅点餐。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)通过完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,让学生掌握如何表达对食物的喜 好。 2)要求学生观看完 Real Listening 中两段视频后完成听力练习,并逐句复述 对话内容。 3)学生二人为一小组,根据所给场景----打电话给餐厅定餐-----进行角色扮 演。 4)然后就以下问题展开讨论: What do you think of junk food ? Does food affect your mood? 5)要求学生完成 Focus Listening 的部分练习,并复述听力材料中的笑话。 4.语音训练:学习英语单词连读发音,掌握连读规律和技巧。 5.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源

59 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间。 2.注意讨论时间的安排。 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助。 4.注意适时进行总结。 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然。


1.Do you eat street food? Why or why not? 2.Do you like eating in restaurants or do you prefer eating at home? Explain your reasons.


1.Task 1: Pair work: C, D and E (page 33-34) (50%) 2.Task 2: Communication task (page 38) (50%)

60 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学五 Careers and Job Hunting

(2 课时)


《创新大学英语视听说教程》这套教材突出了“创新”,同当前的大学英语改 革是同步的。从大环境来看,全球化进程加快,各国的政治、经济、商业、文化 等交流活动越来越频繁,于是既懂专业知识,又能运用英语自如地进行交际的人 才还有待于大量培养。因此听说能力的提高在当前语言学习中所占的比例越来越 大。新的课堂教学模式突出以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下, 学生积极主动地参与教学的全过程,包括确定自己的教学目标,选择符合自己的

教学材料和内容。这样可以培养学生独立思考、学习的能力,实现“用中学”、“用 中提高”的目标。 本次实验教学的话题为就业。随着大学生毕业人数逐年增多,学生的就业压 力也越来越大。作为一名大学英语老师,虽然只是课堂教学的启发者和组织者, 但是也可以在此充当一次就业指导员的角色。除了帮助学生掌握课本上与找工作 相关的知识,还要在课前多渠道地搜集各种信息,拓宽学生的择业范围,优化学 生的就业理念,引导学生进行相关话题的讨论等活动。总之,通过本次实验教学,



通过以下四个项目 1. 视听技能训练; 2. 口语交际技能训练; 3. 综合技能提高与策略实践; 4. 英语场景模拟实践; 实现以下教学目标 1. Know various occupations in differennt fields; 2.Talk about one’s favorite job;

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3. Improve reading skill----- grasp the key information of job advertisemants; 4. Improve listening skill--- listening dialogues and guessing the speakers’ jobs; 5. Improve speaking skill---how to introduce oneself in an interview.


1. 听力技能训练: 先带领学生完成 Lead-in 部分图片和职业的连线练习,并补充一些社会上新 出现的职业如“闪客 ”、网络小说撰稿人等。再引导学生完成 Part One Exercise A 部分的练习,让学生能够根据对话内容猜出说话者的职业。 2. 视听和口语交际技能训练: 帮助学生们完成 Part Two Conversation One 部分的练习,根据课本上提供的 短语和句型学会用英语表述就业意向和要求。 3. 英语场景模拟实践: Let students watch the video cilp, ask the students to say what are good behaviors and bad behaviors in an interview and role-play it in pairs.One acts as the interviewer and another acts as the interviewee. After the practice, change roles. 4. 听力技能提高训练与语音语调技能提高: 1) 指导学生们完成 Part One Exerciseb 部分练习, 让学生体会重音和连读现 象。 2) 模仿对话,并着重训练弱读、连读和失去爆破。 5. 阅读和写作技能训练: 1) 给学生几段工作招聘广告,让学生根据自己的理解和喜好填出关键词 2) 指导学生按格式写一封求职信。 6. 教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


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1.注意紧扣实验教学大纲来安排教学活动 2.注意做好听力练习前背景知识的讲解 3.注意在学生讨论的时候要给予一定的帮助 6.注意适时进行总结并适度给予肯定和赞扬 7.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.Describe your favorite jobs in the future. 2. How to make a good impression on the employer in an interview?


1.Task 1: Finish the exercise on page 48. (30%) 2.Task 2: Finish the optional exercise and blank fillings on page 49 . (30%) 3.Task 3: Write a composition. What advatntages and diadvantages might you experience working in foreign countries.(40%)

63 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学六 Shopping

(2 课时)


在现代科学和技术迅速发展的今天,社会需要大量既掌握专业技能又懂外语 的复合型人才。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言 交际能力。大学英语视听说课程是把传统的单一的独立的视频课、听力课及口语 教学改革成为视听说相结合的三位一体的全方位、立体化英语教学。听力材料同

时是口语材料,视频材料又是训练听力和口语的材料。该课程利用多媒体教学课 件,通过声音、图像、文字、动画全方位立体化界面,营造出身临其境的现代化学 习环境,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学 习计划,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更 多提高听、说技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与, 一方面,培养学生自主学习的能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻



通过以下三个项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.语音技巧训练 达到如下目标: 1. Listening to the tape and watching video, so as to get interested in listening and talking in English, and then develop the interest in English learning. 2. To understand the materials listened .esp difficult sentences. 3. To share their opinions on and exprerience of Shopping.

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4. To practice role-playing on related materials


1.口语技能训练: 1)要求学生两人一组,就以下问题展开讨论: Do you enjoy shopping? Where do you often go shopping? Why do you like to go there? Who do you often go shopping with? 2)学生们完成 Lead-in A & B 部分的练习, 了解并掌握与购物有关的英语词 汇和表达方法。 2.听力技能训练:学生们完成 Part 1 Listening Skills 部分的练习,掌握以下 技能: 1)Listening for prices; 2) Sound linking practice 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: A: 学生们观看 Part 2 Real Listening 的两个 Video 并完成练习, 学习抓住主 要信息并根据情景练习会话。 1) 首先,教师和一名学生做示范; 2)将学生进行分组,根据所给场景进行对话; 3)请学生们自愿表演对话,并根据表演情况强调需要注意的地方。 B: 学生们完成 Focus Listening 的相关练习,了解男士和女士在购物方面的 差别。 4.口语技能训练:让学生用英语表达自己对 Shopping 的经历和看法。 5.语音语调训练:学习连读并进行操练。 6.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


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1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 2.注意讨论时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 4.注意适时进行总结 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.Have you ever noticed the difference of shopping habit between man and woman? 2. When you buy something, what is most important to you: price, quality, fashion trend, status or image? 2.Try to compare which is better, shopping in stores or shopping online.?Why?


1.Task 1: Pair work (page 54-58) (40%) 2.Task 2: Commnication task (page 54-58) (25%) 3.Task 3: Commnication task (page 60) (35%)

66 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学七 At Work

(2 课时)


随着社会对外语人才需求的增大,提高外语水平和实际运用能力是为了适应 时代的需要。大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交际能力,了解国外先进 文化,增强自身的素质与社会竞争力。强调听说能力是大学英语教改的重要方向。 随着新技术在教育领域中的不断应用,计算机网络辅助英语教学成为重要的教学 模式。以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的

教学模式以适应新的教学要求已经成为一种必然的走向。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则,在教师的精心指导下,学生积极主动地 参与教学的全过程。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养学生独立思考、主动学习的 能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻教师的教学负,为学生自我展 现自己提供了很好的平台,使学生能根据自身的需要来学习,增强了学习的兴趣,



通过以下三个项目 1.视听技能训练 2.口语交际技能训练 3.读写译技能提高训练 实现以下教学目标 1.Learning to identify signal words. 2.Learning to express yourself with complete sentences. 3. Leaning to discuss the work motivation.


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1.口语技能训练:提出话题 What kind of job would you like to choose in the future? 让学生 free talk. 继而引出本单元与 Work 相关的话题:Which of these activities are important if one wants to improve his working performance?。 2.听力技能训练: 1) 让学生们完成 Listening in 部分的练习,完成相关练习。 2) 让学生完成 Part 1 ,让学生了解单复数的构成及相关变化。 3. 语音训练:让学生完成连读的辩音练习。 4. 视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)完成 Part 2 视听部分的练习。 2)让学生用所学的相关内容进行表演。 3)让学生讨论:Do you think an employee could be promoted that quickly if he or she were not boss’s child or relative?


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意听力训练前的单词和文化背景的讲解 2.注意训练时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的引导 4.注意适时进行总结 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然


1.What would you say if you got a promotion at work? 2. What kind of manager would you like to work for: one who is kind bur careless or one who is very strict but efficient? 七、实验教学的作业和评价

1.Task 1: listening passage 2 on page 69 to complete the sentences.(50%) 2.Task 2: rearrange the sentences into complete paragraphs. (50%)

68 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学八 Tourist

(2 课时)


在现代科学和技术迅速发展的今天,社会需要大量既掌握专业技能又懂外语 的复合型人才。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言 交际能力。大学英语教学改革的方向是要加强听力,以听力为突破口,发展听说 能力和运用语言的综合能力。在传统教学活动中,由于方式单一,学生接受的信 息量小,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》(试行),也 明确提出在英语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为

核心的课堂改革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 新的课堂教学模式打破了传统的以教师为中心的教学方法,而是坚持以教师 为指导,以学生为中心的互动教学原则。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学 习计划,选择符合自己的教学材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更 多提高听、说技能的机会,极大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与, 一方面,培养学生自主学习的能力;另一方面,多媒体和网络技术的应用也减轻



通过以下三个项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练 3.语音技巧训练 达到如下目标: 1. Learning to describe some famous tourist attractions. 2. Talking about tourism. 3. Learning to make and communicate one’s trip plan.


69 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

1.口语技能训练:要求学生两人一组,就以下话题展开讨论: 1) What places have you ever visited? 2) Which one impressed you most? 2.听力技能训练:要求学生完成 Lead-in A and B 部分的练习, 了解一些世 界知名的旅游胜地的相关知识。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)通过完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,让学生掌握如何表达自己对旅游 景点的喜好。 2)要求学生观看完 Real Listening 中两段视频后完成听力练习,并逐句复述 对话内容。 3)学生二人为一小组,根据所给场景进行角色扮演(提供场景:与旅游归 来的朋友交流旅游心得。P74)。 4)然后就以下问题展开讨论: Do you have any idea about the tips of a safe traveling? (P75) Where will you go on your holiday (with your family or friends)? (P76) 5)要求学生完成 Focus Listening 的部分练习,并讲述听力材料中的笑话。 4.语音训练:学习英语单词辅音连读发音,掌握连读规律和技巧。 5.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源


1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间 2.注意讨论时间的安排 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助 4.注意适时进行总结 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然

70 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书




1.Task 1: Pair work: C and B (page 74,78) (40%) 2.Task 2: Communication task (page 80) (25%) 3.Task 3: Communication task (page 81) (35%)

71 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

实验教学九 Career Change

(2 课时)


长期以来,我国的大学英语教学一直处于比较封闭的环境里,阅读成为语言 输入的主要甚至唯一的途径。随着国际交往日益频繁,社会对于以听说为主的大 学英语综合应用能力提出了迫切的要求。深化大学英语教学改革,是当前提高大 学英语教学质量的重要突破口,也是加快我国高素质英语人才、提高国际竞争力 的重要措施。为了适应时代的需要,大学生们迫切希望通过英语学习提高语言交 际能力。大学英语教学改革的方向是要加强听力,以听力为突破口,发展听说能 力和运用语言的综合能力。在传统教学模式下,教师进行听说教学的方式单一, 学生接受的信息量小,学习兴趣不高,教学效率低下。《大学英语课程教学要求》

(试行)要求各高等学校“要特别重视听说能力的培养和训练“,也明确提出在英 语教学中要大力推进教育信息化工程,推出以多媒体、网络技术为核心的课堂改

革计划,建立以新技术为标志的新的教学模式。 现代化信息技术使大学英语听说教学改革前景广阔。大学英语听说教学改革 的目标是以听促说,提高学生的话语交际能力。应此,大学英语听说课必须结合 话语知识的系统学习和训练,充分利用互联网的丰富话语资源,发挥教师的主导 作用和学生的认知主体作用,建立一个网络、课堂、教师、学生四者有机结合的 教学模式。在教师的指导下,学生可制定科学的学习计划,选择符合自己的教学 材料和内容。丰富多样的练习活动为学生提供了更多提高听、说技能的机会,极 大地增强学生学习语言的兴趣。通过主动的参与,一方面,培养学生自主学习的



通过以下三个项目 1.口语交际技能训练 2.视听技能训练

72 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书

3.语音技巧训练 达到如下目标: 1. Learning some terms related to career; 2. Indentifying main information; 3. Learning different expressions to quit the job.


1.口语技能训练:要求学生两人一组,就以下话题展开讨论: 1) Which is more important: to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job? Why? 2) Would you like to try different jobs or would like to have only one job in your lifetime? Explain why. 2.听力技能训练:要求学生完成 Lead-in A and B 部分的练习,熟悉和职业 的词汇以及如何向老板提出离职。 3.视听和口语交际技能训练: 1)通过完成 Listening Skills 部分的练习,让学生掌握与离职相关的表达法。 2)要求学生观看完 Real Listening 中两段视频后完成听力练习,并逐句复述 对话内容。 3)学生二人为一小组,根据所给场景----向老板提出离职申请-----进行角色 扮演。 4)然后就以下问题展开讨论: Is the working environmnet important to you? Explain your reasons. What kind of boss is the idea boss in your mind? 5)要求学生完成 Focus Listening 的部分练习,并复述听力材料中的笑话。 4.语音训练:学习英语单词连读发音,掌握连读规律和技巧。 5.教师对本次实验教学的内容进行总结,重申本次教学的重点和难点,强 调教学中所涉及到的文化背景知识。


1.数字化语言实验室,多媒体计算机 2.多媒体课件 3.相关的网络资源

73 黄冈师范学院 大学英语实验指导书


1.注意两个课时的时间调配,合理安排时间。 2.注意讨论时间的安排。 3.注意在学生讨论的时候给予一定的帮助。 4.注意适时进行总结。 5.注意各个环节的连贯性,衔接自然。


1.If your company were losing a lot of money, what measures would you take? 2.If you were a boss, what kind of employee would you keep?.


1.Task 1: Pair work: C and E (page 85-86) (30%) 2.Task 2: Pair work: C and E (page 87-88) (30%) 3.Task 3: Communication task (page 90) (40%)