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OBSERVER Vol OBSERVER Vol. 13 No. 1 February 25, 1970 Cover Page [Sketch of modular dorm] Back Page “Capitalize on the Most Powerful Sales Incentive Ever Devised by Man—Woman” Page 1 Modular Dorms Complete Architects’ Report Page 2 [“The campus is bloody from last term’s battles between faculty groups, . .”] [Cartoon] Feiffer Letters [“ . Explanation for the abuse of intoxicants at Bard . .”] William Gottlieb [“ . Egotistical . Half-assed bullshit known as ‘Cat Of Nine Tails,’ . .”] Marty Hughes Page 3 Dr. Hip Pocrates Eugene Schoenfeld Page 4 9 Join Union Kline Named Pres. Under 40 Honor Gets Trustee Nod A Message from the President . Bard Must Grow Reamer Kline Field Period Ends Page 5 Cat Of Nine Tails Would You Let Your Daughter Marry A Groundhog? Or . Returning To Bard, Once Again, Tra-La, Tra-La . ." John Katzenbach Prof. Answers Question: ‘What’s Good About Bard?’ Peter Skiff Sells Bard Peter Skiff Page 6 Antioch: A Personal View Geoff Cahoon Page 7 Political Cartoon LNS - S. Gilbert Photograph Of Jerry Rubin And Abby Hoffman Rubin Reacts To Prison Term Page 8 Bus To Bard Library Staff Vacancy Filled Page 9 Krassner Interviews Dylan Or Does He? Page 10 Bard Grad Busted Students Run Businesses In Berkeley Seattle Mayor Stops Police Raid On Panthers Decries ‘Gestapo Tactics’ Mystery Mail To Agnew Page 11 Weathermen Busted In Philly Godard Film At Hunter Abortions On Coast volumn t hIr. teen number Eight-student dor ms proposed... Antioch:a per sonal view ... .... j..:.·/ Krassner ·ntervlewsI . Dylan ... CAPITALIZE ON 1HE MOST POWERFUL SALES INCENTIVE EVER DEVISED BY MAN: WOMAN. Clever man, to "devise" such a · meet the needs of men and of capital­ profitable item. Family, TV, school, ism. Too bad its only a mask. Too bad magazines, double standards in sex the real person undemeath is getting and work, and presto - off the end of angry and ripping off the mask. The the assembly line comes Woman- a best sales incentive ever invented - totally artificial creation designed to down the drain. cr § a: a.. DORMS complete architects' report The following is the complete text of the western boundaries of the site would seem to arehitects' report on the possibility of rrodular offer the following advantages and would provide; student housing at Bard. lf approved, these I. a lagieal adaptation of pole structure units could be in use by next tall. The Observer design as adequate bearing soil is closer believes that they are an important positive to the surface in this area. step in shaping the future of the College. ltems 2. favorable orientation with respeet to stiil negotiable in the plans indude window !)ize, view. · furnishings, and exterior finish. (We think the 3. relative visual and acoutical privacy. buildings ought to blend with the trees.) 4. proximty to proposed aecess/service Students will be able to view and comment on road. · moek-ups of the dorms before their construction. 5. proximity to existing sewer lines. 6. avoidam;e of extensive site development in terms of earth moving, paved terraces T.h.e purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasi­ landseaping, etc. ' ~llrty of developing for Bard College a repetitive 7. the preservation of the open quality of s1x or eight student living unit (module) as an al­ : the remainder of the site and its use for ternative to conventional dormitory construction. possible outdoor recreation. The following major headings will be reviewed. Possible disadvantages of this location would I. Site be: 2. Living Unit I. a probable increase in construetion time 3. Meehanieal System/Equipment due to the sloping nature of the site 4. Budget 2. the existance of trees nearby nt.Y pose a 5. Project Schedule possible fire or fire aecess prob~m not 6. Conclusions and Recommendations. associated with an open site. .' I. SITE d. Site Development: As a part of the pro­ a. Description: The proposed building site is posed site utilization plan the following work at the western boundary of an essentially flat would be undertaken: field lying south and west of Proctor Art Center I. the propesed road that follows the new west of Annandale road and ' sewer I ine would be paved from the theatre, past the faculty housetoa point w~st of l>lmandale Road and north of the pedes­ of aecess to Annandale Road. tnan path that links the main campus with the 2. a new parking lot with an approximately t~eatre. The dominant feature of the proposed 60 car capaeity would be built west of s1te at the edge of the field isa steeply dropping Proctor Art Center. grade and abundance of trees. 3. a new pedestrian aecess walk would be b. Soil Characteristies: An analysis of soil constructed along the proposed aecess con.ditions indicate a very poor soil bearing and road and other VIBiks would be built to dramage condition with adequate hearing soil expand the pedestrian walk system to tie varying from approximately 20' --30' at the it mare closely to the main campus. western edge of the field to 40'-50' in the more 4. Considerable tree clearing would be re­ central portions. The soil value would seem to in­ quired to prepare the proposed site for dicate that anything higher than I story conven­ the new buildings. Some additional tional (masonry) construction would require de­ planting may be required once the tail~d soil analysis, special floating foundations structures are in place. des1gn or most probably supplementary pile 5. Meehanieal services such as hook up to foundations. A possible and potentially mare existing sewage, water, electricity, economical alternate would be the use of pole storm drainage, telephone and fire alarm construction whereby buildings could be held systems would be provided. ~ff the grade, thus eliminating the need for foot­ 6. Some additional pedestrian walks could mgs and foundation walls. be constructed to all ow aecess to a e. Propesed Site Utilizations: A placement of commom gathering area west of the the student living modules along the hill at the building site. cont. page 3 2 Dear Dr. Kline, given small financial grants for Since I left Bard in the Spring l've functional or decorat1ve art pieces to be used or displayed in the commu­ Phone(914)7~3665 been doing some serious thinking a­ bout what it was that made life nity. Finally, there should be a an alternative newsmedia project there so difficult for me and led me regular body through which student and many of my friends into the proposals of this kind can be brought directly to the administration for The Observer is an inclepet Kient student publ ication for rotection of drugs and liquor. rknow this problem must concer[l approval. As I remember the student the Bard College community. Publication is weeldy, you deeply so I tho.ught I would government never succeeded in twe1ve times eluring the semester. letters to the Editor pass on my conclus10ns. serving this purpose. and other inquiri• should be addressed to Box 76, Theeasiest explanation for the abuse Drugs have always been called the Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, 12504. of intoxicants at Bard is that the 'problem' at Bard. I think it is rather The contents of the Observer are copyright 1970 by The students themselves are a collection of the frustration of unrealized talent and energy. lf the abnormalities of oth.-wise statect. The opinions abnormal or exceptional characters Obsefver Press, Inc .• uniess and so, given to unusual, socially Bard's situation are taken care of I expressed herein are not necessarliy those of Bard College. unacceptable practices. That is one think that the abnormal characters way to avoid responsibility in the may weil take care of themselves. matter. But the habitual use of drugs thom mount/editor in chief and liquor is an escape and it must oe Yours sincerely, an escape from something. It is very William Gottlieb geoff cahoon/managing editor much the situation at Bard that is lorenzo black/photo editor accountable for the problem. john katzenbach/cmtributing editor An Existential Psychology seminar Editor: anita schnee /layout and design under Sheldon Cohen last Spring Weil. I auess 1'11 write a letter cam­ george brewster/business manager attempted to write a new definition plaining vehemently about the of the 'normal', stable and happy several deadly mcnes sporad1cally man. At the time we adduced three disgracing the pages of your new:s­ with:marion swerdlow, mike ventura, primary characteristics for such a paper the paragraphs of wandenng jana silverstein, luther douglas,ross person: that he be sincere, devoted, egotistical self-nghteous half-assed and express active compassian . bullshit known as 'Cat of Nine Tails,' skoggard In the last, the wider the scope of spewed by John Katzenbach. It his compassion, the happier the indi· seems that his blithering qroans, de­ vidual until his activity embraces all livered in what I suppase he imagines humanity. lf any one of those traits to be a conversational style have were absent, neglected or frustrated, finally got me off my piece of the the individual's life became unhappy, collective Bard ass, to write this unbalanced and fruitless. It is, I letter. Bloody, says Dean Selinger. The campus is bloody thinkha situation of built-in trustra­ tian t at Bard presents. term's battles between faculty groups, In other words, what I mean is, Iike from last if that guy would actually get down students' groups and everybody else. Student govern­ Though Bard offers ample opportu­ and, weil~ say something, you know be sincere and devoted a shambles, at !east on the nity to instead or kind of whine on about ment seems to be sbmewhat especially in personal relationships, his operations and his tough job as decline--as are student governments the world over.
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