Dqily~ Th Ursday Night Albert F
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,,0 VOtll I 'ld30 SNOlllSlneJV jCanweliSlated . ~'7or CUB I alk dQily~ Th_ursday Night Albert F. Canwell, Republi- can _candidate for Congress- man at Large, is scheduled to speak tomorrow night, Octo- VERGREEN ber 14, 8 p.m , in CUB 216, re- Number 12 ports Mrs. W. H. Veatch, pres- Vol. LXI Pullman, Wash., Wednesday, Oct. 13, 1954 ident of the Whitman County Women's Republican Club. He will be sponsored by the lYSCRepublican club, and fol- Gump Describes Sbere, Incidenl:s owing his speech Canwell will Richard Gump, famous art answer questions at an in- connoisseur, spoke at Bryan formal social hour. Coffee will Hall auditorium last night on the be served by the Whitman Coun- Letters Held topic of "Jade, Jewels, and IfCC Submits Junk." With his speech, Mr. ty Women's Republican club. Elected in 1946 Gump became the first speaker .Tn 1946, he was elected to the For Registrar of the year in the WSC Lecture Artist Series. Washington legislature. As a Do you have to wait quite a first Returns member of the legislature, he while for that letter from home? Mr. Gump is proprietor of the wrote and sponsored legislation The latest results as reported world famous "Gump's" store in If the answer is yes, chances by Bob Ha.rr ls , chairman of the creating the Washington State are your mail has been incor- San Francisco. Many varied art ,Legislative Committee on un- 'counting committee for the pieces are found in his store, rectly addressed. l American activities and served Greek Preferential Primary, late especially of an Oriental nature. If a letter to a student bears yesterday afternoon were as fol- as chairman of that committee Gump has attended both Stan- no other address than State Col- lows: which held hearings in Seattle lege of Washington, it must be ford and the California School of r in 1948. These hearings exposed sent to the Registrar for correct Senior Class: Barry Ma.cMah- Fine Arts. He is both composer communist activities in Wash- addressing, or it winds up in the on, president; George Prater, and author, his book being, ington. ' Department of Duplicating and vice president; Dorothy Ann "Good Taste Doesn't Cos t Witnesses procured by the Mailing, according to Mrs. Car- Donovan, secretary; S h a I' 0 n Much." Canwell Committee made the oline M. Cooper, director. Johnson, Sue Daniels, Louise first public exposition of the Gump said his grandfather, ac- Students can remedy this situ- Mullins, Mary Martin, Dorothy ctvities of Alger Hiss, Harry Dex- Abraham Gump, journeyed from ation by enclosing the correct Haight, and Georgia Burgess, ter White, and others. The com- New York to San Francisco in box or living group address. executive coundil. 1864 to start the business which Junior Class: Dick Clarke, Richard Gump has since developed into one of president; Lee DeVore, vice the most famous art stores in the Furniture O'n Sale president, and Donna Pring, sec- country. In 1915, the year of the The College Housing and retary. World Fair, many people visited Food Service has announced the growing store. He said that that discarded furniture will be Sophomo~e Class: Morrie first. Popcorn in one of Emily Post's many on sale at South House in the Hood, president. books, she devoted one chapter East Lounge on Friday, Octo- _ The remainder of the candid- of her book to the 1915 fair and ber 15, from 2 to 4 p.m , ates and positions .were expected one to Gump's store. Items include davenos, chests to be computed sometime in the forum Today· Gump reports that everyone of drawers, and a few rniscel- early hours this morning. They is welcome in his store, believ- laneous chairs. will appear in tomorrow's paper. The first popcorn forum will ing that everyone should see be held today at 4: 15 p.m. in things. He doesn't care who or CUB 116. "European Defense - what they are. A guest book is Can F'r ance and Germ a n 'y kept in his store at all times for Agree?" is the topic that will the purpose of recording all the Move To Morrill be presented. visitors. _. , . Claude Cross, history' instruc- Gump told of an incident con- tor, and Howard C. Payne, as- cerning the late Al Jolson. Jol- , ~"bv D ' f '. sistant professor of history, will, son came into the store one day in short talks, 'present the atti- and asked Gump's grandfather "e .." " e S' • tudes of France and Germany .. for a discount. Mr. (Jump ex- S Y P The talks will be followed by plained that discounts were not By Susan Falk seventy-five police science rna- discussion, on the' question by in practice at his store. He said Jors at WSC and more students students and faculty. that many famous people traded (This is the "first in a series of two articles concerning the com- are taking, courses in' the 'de- . These forums are sponsored there and he couldh't grant dis: Al Canwell pletion of the renovation of Mor-' partment than ever before. by the campus YM-YW groups. counts to all of them. Mr. Gump ~mittee also first introduced testi- rill Hall.) , States Bepr'esented The meeting today will be the then asked Jolson to sign his ;::_nonv on the communist affflr- Seventy-five thousand' dol- Students from all forty-eight first weekly speech-discussion guest ~?ok. The famous singer :ltions of Harry Bridges. Some states' and eight foreign coun- event in the year's series. wrote, A. Gump says, 'We have of the' individuals exposed by the lars. Every bit of $75,000is be- tries have come to WSC to study the same price for everyone,' Canwell committee have since ing spent to. renovate Morrill police science. The, department . and Al Jolson says, 'Don't pay been indicted for subersive ac- Hall. The ivy-covered hall is here is the only one in the Paci- QUI·ntet'W.·11Play it'." tivities. getting a complete face lifting fic Northwest. The slogan in Gump's San Canwell was appointed by 'M -. L - Francisco store is "Good taste with new lighting, heating and Training facilities at the dis- uSle .uneheen costs money." President Eisenhower this year posal 'of the student in police At Af' hi I t to serve a'S an adviser to the plumbing systems. work include a ballistics lab for tel' IS ec ure, Gump show- State Department delegation to Sharing the revamped build- the identification of firearms and Four music instructors and ed numerous slides of his travels ,e Geneva conference on Eur- , one ,WSC. student will take part to different parts of the world. opean migration. He also at- ing will be the police science a laboratory for the comparison in a musical program at the These slides included different department and the geology and identification of paints, .rab- Eastern Washington Music Eldu- types of art work in the places tended the Asian conference at rics and other materials. t he had traveled. Geneva. department. Both are tempo- The photogr-aphic laboratory ca ors Association luncheon in Spokane Resident rarily in the Services Building will be used for reproducing Spokane, Oct. 16. Al Canwell was born January but will move back to Morrill other types of evidence a.s well Members of the ensemble are: Today is "D" Day at the 11, 1907, in Spokane. His par- around November first. as taking, developing and print- associate professor Randall Spic- CUB! r , ! ents were early pioneers of Materials Listed ing' pictures. er, clarinet; associate' professor Be sure to come to the CUB Washington territory. He attend- The department will 'also be George L: Scott, French horn; fountain t.oday for a special ed public schools .in Spokane, For the first time on the WSC equipped with all standard mak- Elmer Erickson, bassoon; and campus, plaster with the color treat. D·Day is here. Want to Spokane Junior College and Gon- es of polygraphs (lie detectors). chairman of the department of know more? Drop in at the CUB zaga University. already in it iil being used. Walls A communications laboratory music, Kemble Stout, piano. The on the south side will be green, fountain TODAY and find out At the present Canwell, his will be equipped in the near student is Kenneth Kuhn, senior, for yourself. while other wails' will be yellow. wife, Marsinah, and five chil- future. who WIll play the oboe. dren operate a hay and stock Brown marblized tile will be ranch in Spokane county. He placed on the floors while flour- previously has been a newspap- escent lights and accoustic tile erman and news photographer will be used on the ceiling. and served as chief of the "The police science depart- SDX Scholarship ,Fund Initiated identification bureau of the sher- ment will have adequate ~uar- iff's office, Spokane county. tel's for the first time," said de- The name of Sigma Delta Chi, He is a Protestant, a 32nd de- partment head, Dr. V. A. Leon- men's journalism honorary, will ,gTee Mason and a member of ard, "to accommodate its pro- be perpetuated in a new scholar- 'EI Katif 'Shrine. He is also a gram of instruction and re- ship fund which is the outgrowth member of the Washington State search. Our department, which of the dissolution of the Inland Cattlemen's ASSOCiation, Pom- was established in 1941, was the Empire professional chapter. ona Grange, and Sons of Nor- first in the country to have a The last secretary of that way.