number 40 winter/spring • 2020 first issue of volume xvii Newsstand $5ºº horiZon Magazine .….….….… .….….….… AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL PUBLISHED BY THE GREEN HORIZON FOUNDATION

a tribute to John Rensenbrink 2020

• spring / Sean Hill Welzer winter GRAPHIC DESIGN: Carla Rensenbrink MEMBERSHIP & BOOKKEEPING: Liz Rensenbrink MEMBERSHIP & MARKETING MANAGER, HARDCOPY: Charlene Swift MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, WEBSITE: Brielle LOGO DESIGN: EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE: THE TEAM A special way to honor John would be to would John A special way to honor just providing funding; they also request they also request funding; just providing copies of the magazine for multiple distribution to colleagues or for tabling at events. This would be an sign a Sustainer. up as opportune time to do so because Green making plans to is Horizon Foundation considering publishing We’re out. branch sponsoring conferences, pamphlets and books, It would take and hosting webinars. reaching for us to start resources additional an expanded in those ways. audience we’re future, in the immediate Meanwhile, to print copies ofhoping to be able additional for distributionthis issue of the magazine at during upcoming the tables literature us make it Please help campaign season. Checks and correspondencepossible! can be or below address mailed to us at the postal Thanks! at donate Darryl! Moch, , D.C. Washington, Darryl! Moch, Rensenbrink, John Maine Liz Rensenbrink, Maine Sam Smith, SteveWelzer, Alternative Press Center, PO Box 33109, Baltimore, MD 21218 Alternative Press Center, GREEN HORIZON FOUNDATION Box 2029 P.O. Princeton, NJ 08543 USA [email protected] Green Horizon Magazine is indexed in the Alternative Press Index, which is available from: LETTERS: INQUIRIES, magazine horizon green DONATIONS, DONATIONS, A Special Appeal Appeal Special A SUBMISSIONS, for a Special Issue a Special for For the sake of maximum circulation circulation the sake of maximum For Their The Sustainerslifeblood. our are With uncertain circumstances as we go to press, we express our concern for the safety With uncertain circumstances as we go are often “best builders” supporters. and health of all our readers, writers, and trial. of times these during solace and refuge our be can latter the communities; their of and experiences during the unfolding For our next issue we’ll welcome your thoughts turning point. crisis that may possibly augur a civilizational John RensenbrinkJohn started Horizon Green as a newsletter during 1990s and then the internationalexpanded it into a notable the now It’s journal seventeen years ago. only major print magazine in the of Green the coverage that features social- “greening” politics and the broad transformation movement. who we mail out copies to anyone In our Receivers List. to be on requests of the most some it reaches that way Our influential activists in the country. time, over experience has been that, by signing appreciation their show many financial regular up to become Sustainers of the publication. the inside back names appear on cover chooseof each to issue (though some beyond go Many anonymous). remain EDITORS [email protected] Rensenbrink: John [email protected] Steve Welzer: MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF GREEN HORIZON FOUNDATION Becker, Ted Jersey New Denise Brush, Linda Cree, Gerritt, Greg New Jersey Madelyn Hoffman, PUBLISHED BY THE GREEN HORIZON FOUNDATION • WINTER/SPRING, 2020 • VOLUME SEVENTEEN #40 PUBLISHED BY THE GREEN HORIZON FOUNDATION

4 8 9 2 3 43 26 28 32 35 38 22 23 25 10 13 15 18 20 ...... contents of ...... WELCOME! VIA PAYPAL DONATIONS Cover photo by Jim McCarthy 2 Sustainers Some Notes About Me...... JOHN RENSENBRINK Mentor and Friend...... LINDA MARTIN CARLA, KATHRYN, GRETA, LIZ, JON GRETA, CARLA, KATHRYN, All Right, Sam...”...... “That’s SAM SMITH Some Thoughts...... SCOTT MCLARTY Home Ground...... A Leader for Our Times LINDA CREE Reflections Upon Reading John’s Book Reflections Upon Reading John’s “Ecological Politics”...... ELIE YARDEN Building a Party of a Different Kind. . Building a Party of a Different JOHN RENSENBRINK Finding a “Larger Growth”. . . . . BY TOM PUTNAM INTERVIEW ROSALIE PAUL Letter to the Green Parties ...... of the World Notes from a Long-Ago Meeting of the Merrymeeting Greens John Played Key Role in Early US Green Electoral Strategy...... TED BECKER Role Model Friend, Mentor, CHARLES BROWN Pathfinder Toward a Pathfinder Politics...... Transformational TONY AFFIGNE Educator A Fearless and Enthusiastic MILLS BARRY STEVE WELZER Green praxis. . . . John Rensenbrink’s ...... Horizon Team The Green The Primacy of Ecology The Primacy table

...... 3 —Steve Welzer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Particular thanks go out to Tony Affigne, Mike Feinstein, Feinstein, Mike Affigne, Tony out to thanks go Particular of this compilation to present am honored personally, I, What you’ll read in this issue shows the extent to which John’s What you’ll the extent to which John’s in this issue shows read insights and erudition have touched the lives and influenced the individual afterthinking of one his the course of another over Some members of and organizer. activist, an educator, career as Horizon the Green be a good would that this the idea had Board closeAs colleagues achievements. his we commemorate to time reach but we decided to end, that to affirm toward had much might join us in contributingout and see if others material for a response. the at stunned were We magazine. the of issue special and appreciations, reminiscences, So acknowledgments, many only flooded in that our pictures one issue chance to fit it all in size the usual font was to reduce of the text! Over 70 submissions apologize about the to those who heard We have been included. Perhaps able to meet the deadline. belatedlyproject or weren’t we’ll in the with a special section the overflow accommodate next issue. who devenau, and jacqui Ralph Monö, David Doonan, that so enrich sent in the photographs John) with our (along Putnam Tom career. of the trajectoryappreciation of John’s publisher Matthew for us O’Donnell from obtained permission an interviewto reprint that originally in the Bowdoin appeared Michele Stapleton and photographer graciously Magazine; us to includeallowed the that accompanies photograph the interview. and widely deeply effective, tributes to the longstanding, I anticipate Rensenbrink. John cherished of my co-editor, work and Greens among resonance that this issue will find special a as you’ll see, social-change community—because, the broader life and achievements servessurvey up a fascinating of John’s review of the history in this politics movement of the Green at the creation! was present John country. magazine horizon green


The Primacy of Ecology of Primacy The • spring /

n influential, insightful individual writes, speaks, organizes, organizes, speaks, insightful individual writes, n influential, to distill the How of a lifetime. the course over and leads

The leftof the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries The theory and praxis the basis needed to change. It did so on

winter A Green Green This special issue of contribution? essence of their vital and presence, Horizon tributes contains Magazine to the work, They embody a Rensenbrink. John of my co-editor, prescience my own: Here’s variety the essence. of attempts to convey recognized that democracy social justice. peace require and yet to base social- attempts important, was This comprehension disappointing. were change foundation that theoretical praxis on a focus limited to class that was apparent As of the 1960s it and/or wealth redistribution, identity politics, struggle, era socialization was failing to usher in the envisioned economic a crisis outside the Meanwhile, and justice. peace, of democracy, purview leftism of traditional increasingly was consequential. an ultimate toward instead of making progress that, It showed to be heading into we appeared “higheststage of history,” climate and mass catastrophe an abyss of social breakdown, of species. extinction During nascentthe 1970s the newemerging an of worldview. suddenly an alternative movement to all presented Green the They included the Pillars. Four on It was based old ideologies. phrased as Grassroots left, of the traditional three standard But the (peace). and Nonviolence Social Justice, Democracy, a paradigm shift toward perspective pointed the way viaGreen early Rensenbrink, John newa of factor—ecology. appreciation “additional” those who realized was among the primacy of the on, the tirelessly over he has worked And Wisdom. Ecological pillar: thatyears based on to enlighten the social change movement For Ecological masterwork, The title of his Politics: realization. Survival is at that more indicates his recognition and Democracy, less than Nothing of us. is required more And stake in our time. a radical of our politics and a full transition transformation of our ecologicallifeways balances and to re-establish will be required our righteous citizenshipto restore within the community of life. 2020

• spring / winter was battling both industrial pollution and nuclear were American communities Economically, power. from the 1973 oil crisis, from struggling to recover corporate and from wholesale deindustrialization, While this labor agreements. attacks hard-won on John’s was the world we lived in at the time we met, were I later learned, and political personal roots, own well. learnedHe lessons his Depression. Great the in understands John I’ve ever as anyone met, As much and economically, politically, our worldhow works, culturally. WALKING WITH KINDRED SPIRITS WALKING ON COMMON GROUND paths and I first crossed John Against this backdrop, meeting of radicalat a national at scholars convened praxis magazine horizon green John Rensenbrink’s Green AND PHOTOS BY TONY AFFIGNE ARTICLE Few friendships in my life have been as important, or as fruitful, as my partnership with or as fruitful, friendships in my life have been as important, Few why. Here’s Rensenbrink. John RensenbrinkJohn midst of the political crises and I met in the of the and economic and Asian Latino, Indigenous, defending Black, were mass movements home, At 1970s. Internationally, abroad. and opposing US wars equality, advocating women’s peoples, white anti-apartheid a powerful threatened movement decolonization was underway, and counter-insurgencies and insurgencies in southern Africa, regimes nationalist Salvador(funded by the US) kept Latin America Allende had been turmoil. in Domestically, just two years before. at US direction, and assassinated in Chile, overthrown left and the had largely War, both major political parties enmeshed in the Cold were In the post- movement. Democraticthe labor both the and Party from been purged a reactionary the Republican Ronald was well Party down path toward era, Watergate movement environmental A growing the postwar assault on consensus. coming Reagan’s When I came into the the Green I came into When an activist working on in 2000 as for President campaign the Nader a small , I was one of in Toledo, party. people of color in the handful of focus on seeking consensus I found the it and tedious. In short, cumbersome I wondered if was a culture shock and right fit for the Green Party was the was one of the me. John Rensenbrink GP who were visionary leaders of the truly difficult willing to address the comprehensive issues of our time in a This went and compassionate manner. me to a long way toward convincing a chance. give this fledgling party many I noticed that there were leaders, and it educators among GP people who made sense to me that spend their lives researching and educating would play an important role in building a that seeks to move humanity forward. John was one of those critically thinking educators of the Green Party who laid the groundwork for the GPUS based on Key Values. a set of values, the Ten John is kind As a Green Party leader, and compassionate while also being courageous and tenacious. He fights ideas, innovation, with the right way, and vision. I will always be grateful to him for the example that he sets and for the countless hours he has devoted to the creation of tools for transforming the voice of the people into a political force. Anita Rios has been co-chair of the National Committee of the Green Party (2001-2004 and again 2018-present) and co-chair of the Latinx Caucus (2017-present).

4 John and Tony

...... 5 As he is one of the founders of the and the US Greens’ International Committee, I can always solid knowledge count on John’s of the history of the movement—and his encouraging and supportive advice that has been a great help for me in my work as a co-chair of the International Committee. Bahram Zandi

magazine horizon green to make things right, are equally are right, things make to action


• isn’t an empty word. It’s a way of life. It’s how he balances an how It’s of life. a way It’s an empty word. praxis isn’t where transcendental thought guides transformational action. He is transcendental thought guides transformational action. where spring / John’s international role has been just as important. Greens from 70 countries 70 from Greens important. as just been has role international John’s John and I were clearly and I were SinceJohn have that first meeting we spirits. kindred winter And do it, he has. John has been a central figure in Green intellectual and organizational in Green has been a central John figure he has. do it, And life, of areas many so in organizationsframing and new strong building ideas, history, his wife Carla) could possibly perhaps, (except, person that no one years, so many across After at just a few standing with John of his historic in Green name them all. moments deeply and people both I’ve of understanding his how firsthand seen politicalhistory, When Politics helped establish the Green John the Earth shaped his political has work. which (ASGP), which gave rise of State to the Association Parties Green Network, of his he imbued GPN with much of the United States, Party then became the Green conviction drew heavily John’s on for example, statement, The GPN mission spirit. own a time when At each“how other is as important we treat as achievingthat our goals.” with the let alone one another, with struggling ground were to find common Greens we also needed enough to have the right ideas, concluded John it wasn’t public, broader all sorely lacking1990s. in the and trust, consensus-building, of respect, the right spirit, to in 2001 Congress at the Global Greens Australia, came together in Canberra, Charter party a Global Green Green and unify the international approve movement. in the led the effort that somewhere John to ensure that first-everAt gathering, John’s participation. grassroots new global organization would be a place for broad, campaign culminated with a unanimous vote to authorize Network a Global Green means of effective “a as every including from representatives party, (GGN), national Without John’s partiesworldwide Green and Movements.” among communication perseverance the only to emerge from cooperation formal structure of global Green “Global Green would have been the small leadership cadre of the the 2001 Congress of western Europe. Greens well-resourced by the powerful, dominated Coordination,” by if unequally so, became balanced, Coordination of the 12-person the role Instead, A GLOBAL GREEN MOVEMENT important. In other words, John’s passion for social and ecological passion change embodies John’s In other words, important. a deep praxis, to actually and a determination do it. of what to do, awareness inspired by a distinctive vision but knows how crucial in concert how it is to work with but knows by a distinctive vision inspired John, For others. Brown University in Providence, RI. In his keynote lecture to a hundred peers peers keynote his In hundred a to lecture RI. University Providence, in Brown Murray Bookchin, Cloward, Richard Piven, Fox including Frances Betty Zisk, Morton Stanley Aronowitz, Murray Edelman, Roelofs, Joan Christian Bay, call rousing a delivered personal for John others, many and Schoolman, at a time when politicalscience in particular (the courage and political action, soulless and timid a seem to enterprise. come had share) now we profession as known which organized of the group was president the conference, John was my role while as student president Science, Political the Caucus for New successful mobilization As a veteranof the prior decidedly year’s humble. more and faculty to overturn aid, financial cutbacksminority in student admissions, If the nation’s the visiting scholars I appealed to for relevance. diversity, the ground, with activists on communicate radicalforemost academics couldn’t could they everhow change history? an experience I’ve found both inspiring and exhausting. spaces, many shared still the depth of awed by I’m neverAfter John stops moving! all this time, naturalthe to and him, around people the to commitment and love John’s for Rensenbrink John with will worked recognize this: who’ve Those world. humanity where understanding of intellectualgone has work hard the him, the practicalthe and work, wrong, 2020

• spring / winter when it was still a small project of GPN, with John handling with John most writing and when it was still of GPN, a small project magazine horizon green For many years, John and I traveled together as Green Party representatives, including representatives, Party and I traveled John together as Green years, many For PRAXIS AND GREEN POLITICS on our seats years and I first took have that so many passed since John remarkable It’s Rhode Island, Maine and me from he from Committee, National Party’s the Green we’ve worked With of others, hundreds sharing responsibility for a new praxis. Green than two decadestogether for more to develop party and to ideology and organization, had both been at the We internationally. well represented were that US Greens ensure editing, and my duties final composition and layout. Before long John, Steve Welzer, Welzer, Steve John, long Before and layout. my duties final composition and editing, had transformed that first incarnation the into Horizonand the Green Foundation hands. hold in your journalinternational you to Ottawa and on speakers at in 2000 as guest Topsham to Providence tripa road from speech explained the difficult John’s Convention. National of Canada’s Party the Green developing addressed and mine relationships we face in the US, electoral environment In and sustainability and Indigenous sovereignty between US Greens campaigns. of the Italy to the founding congress in the US delegation 2004 we traveled to Rome, to Quebec together drove City for the hemispheric in 2008 We Party. Green European of Green de las Américas (Federation Verdes de Partidos meeting of La Federación Bolivia, new welcomed parties Guatemala, from FPVA where of the Americas), Parties established the FPVA of the Americas; Greens Young initiated the Guyana; and French of nuclear around and voted to oppose the resurgence power Commission; Women’s the world. and John with Canadian Greens Tony ROAD TRIPS AND GREEN HORIZON ROAD TRIPS AND of this path with to walk some been my pleasure it’s than forty more Through years, and an example in his leadership, who also found inspiration and with others John, promoting in his life as political together have He and I of service. worked scientists, the study of ecological community of and transformational within a broader politics gatherings up to help organize teamed and regional national We’ve politics scholars. political together 27 independent which brought parties, ’96, Parties Third including achieving and unanimous points broad Declaration” Ground “Common a producing Green of the first iteration he and I produced direction, Under John’s of agreement. Horizon, the broader, two delegates per country, Global Green Network. Again, John’s vision of vision John’s Again, Network. Green Global two per country, delegates the broader, the global South accessible to a participatory East as well and as the movement, Green history Green into its way found as because he was willing to actively engage, West, to the Global and as delegate Committee, International Party’s US Green leader of the Greens. (2002) and co-authored The Earth is Not for Sale (2019). Since I have long been a member of been a member I have long Since of Committee (IC) the International our mainland’s GPUS representing DC, I first met Washington last colony, the IC convened during John when A and other events. past conventions the US Social Forum meeting during out in my in Detroit in 2010 stands where a rather contentious memory, was principled debate occurred. John without but direct in his remarks making it personal. to Green Horizon contribution John’s a journal has been invaluable, in-depth providing badly needed to our analysis and provocation readers who members and interested our party yet. may not have joined diversity of our Articles show the rich party—let this dialogue continue! The most recent outstanding contribution John has made is the letter he drafted to the Global Greens, It already promoting principled unity. has received a positive reception. I am looking forward to many more years of working with John Rensenbrink. contribution is critical to Our party’s prevention mounting an effective program embodied in an ecosocialist Green New Deal as tipping points to catastrophic climate change loom ever closer. Long live John Rensenbrink! Long live Green Horizon Magazine! David Schwartzman is Professor Emeritus, Howard University (biogeochemist, environmental a longtime member of scientist). He’s the DC Statehood Green Party and the International Committee of GPUS. David serves on the editorial board of Science & Society and the advisory board of Capitalism, Nature, Socialism. the and He authored Life, Temperature Earth


...... 7 John and Carla magazine horizon green


• spring / At the 2014 state convention of the Maine Green Independent of the Maine Green the 2014 state convention At I had the good fortune to know John for years in the capacity as “my dear friend Liz’s dad,” getting to know him little by little over dad,” getting to know him I had the good fortune to know John for years in the capacity as “my dear friend Liz’s spouse and I coincidentally moved to a house the years, including during annual visits to Maine. After moving to Maine in 2015, my activities, welcoming us to our new hometown. up the road from John and Carla, who generously introduced us to people, places and his book, Ecological Politics: For Survival and I then began to work with John on some of the administrative work associated with and then with Green Horizon Magazine. Democracy, it has been my pleasure to get to know the visionary side of John and to be continually astounded by how Through our work together, such inspiring to work with someone who has open he is to ideas. John sees the world with a very broad vision, which I admire. It’s passion, energy and drive for furthering ideas that benefit the common good. been my complete honor to work with and know such a kind and joyful person as John. It’s has volunteered with the Maine along with her spouse, dog and cat. Charlene Charlene Swift lives near John and Carla in Topsham, years. She works for Maine Coast Heritage Trust, administrative duties of Green Horizon Foundation and Magazine for the past several a statewide, coastal land conservation organization. winter Tony Affigne was present for much of the US Green Party’s early history, as a co-founder of co-founder as a Party’s early much history, Green the US of for was present Affigne Tony the Horizon Green Quarterly, Network, Politics the Green Island, of Rhode Party the Green In 2001 he co-presided Latinx and the national Caucus. of StateAssociation Parties, Green call of the the roll Party Californiaover which established the Green vote in Santa Barbara, Australia, in Congress at the first Global Greens US Greens represented Tony United States. founding of the European and attended the served co-chair, Committee as GPUS International of a something was already Tony Party, Green was a there Before Rome. in Party Green City Council Providence as independent candidate for in Rhode Island politics; historic figure first-ever becamehe state’s the Citizensand 1982 in candidate 1986, in Party governor for doctorate holds a He in political currently is and science a Latinocandidate office. public for politics, he teaches courses in urban where and environmental College, at Providence professor and Latino studies. Black studies, 2001 Santa2001 Party Barbarathe Green where of ASGP meeting the years have and over felt Statesof the United was founded, the party to grow commitment holding fast while a common and Democracy, Equality, principles—Ecology, to its founding historyfarther much goes back than John’s sure, be To Peace. when US in 1984, the very at He was there beginning, mine. to the his contribution Since then, first came together. Greens his clarity of thought movements, Green US and international have been unparalleled. and steadiness of purpose, founding many yet John’s another of Party—commemorating bring to greetings me to speak, Mainers invited fellow roles—his his closest remind Rhode Island and to neighbors of thefrom the hearts holds in special place John minds of Greens and John’s his 90th birthday At party the world. around in 2018, less the warmer, but from family me to do the same, invited been both friend and political formal who’s perspective of one these memories to share with you, pleasure great my it’s occasions, both As I did on ally. that John Horizon to Green readers, to affirm again, and love; admiration, with respect, an example of just He is an inspiration, veryRensenbrink of the world’s is one best. to rise the above and a challenge to us all, fully-engaged life canwhat a well-lived, be, broadlythink to do deeplyand modernthe despair world must we what about invokes, ourthat faith keep to all, planetarya as and species a as above and survive, to ecosystem, we can do better—and can be better, We human purpose than we’ve seen so far. is greater praxis points the way. lifelong Green Rensenbrink’s John fortunately for us all, 2020

• spring / winter magazine horizon green ohn Rensenbrink is professor emeritus at in Brunswick, Maine. Maine. College Rensenbrink Brunswick, in ohn emeritus professor is Bowdoin at after career at Bowdoin he first entire his spent almost came to the CollegeJohn in John introduced the study of Africa at Bowdoin in the 1960s. He was a charter the study of Africa in the 1960s. introduced John at Bowdoin to the College that diverse to speak about important voices would come ensured John important He was an of principle as a person and courage. is well known John in the late ’60s who is forever grateful to of those students at Bowdoin I was one J MILLS BY BARRY A Fearless and and A Fearless Enthusiastic Educator the 1960s from the Midwest after a short stint at . John remains to after the Midwest remains John the 1960s from Williams a short stint at College. inspired students who were of Bowdoin generations on influence a profound this day who is a scholar political of John, and challenged by him in and out of the classroom. His fearlessness the best of educators at a liberal arts and represents college. philosophy, special, him make disciplines of set broad a of concepts the connecting in enthusiasm students. and important Bowdoin of so many in the careers member of the efforts and literacy studies to bring environmental to the College at the led with persistent and fearless John education as a discipline. dawn of environmental importancethe in and educationof Collegethe the at about environment the in work his activism through John, In addition, an interdisciplinary in environment manner. important modeled for students and for the College how it is to be and political work, pragmatism. at appropriate moments, of principlea person and, especially of linkage the about educating conversations leading and day, the of issues these vital concepts brought John inequality. and income the environment social justice, and education of conversation at the forefront these issues were well before to Bowdoin college campuses. America’s on educating and challenging at Bowdoin his colleagues and college presence institutional was a place that was intellectually that Bowdoin and administrators to ensure presidents while he always change, institutional and of concepts open to the most progressive scholarship to intellectual rigor commitment in his teaching, maintained a profound always was John deeply in all committed those efforts to challenge, But, and leadership. to Bowdoin. I in 2001, returned to the CollegeWhen I as president on me. for his influence John was so often there the alums’ found that in my travels the globe, to see alumni around John’s to him. Rensenbrink about John and to ask to be remembered to know request and is etched into the fabric is secure legacy of the College. at Bowdoin Barry College. Emeritus of Bowdoin Millsis President John Rensenbrink is a legend in his own time as a Green founder and leader. Though I haven’t often had the opportunity to work Though I haven’t John Rensenbrink is a legend in his own time as a Green founder and leader. From his hometown, to Maine, to the national and Global directly with John, I’ve seen the fruits of his labor at all levels of the party. people, planet and peace that we continue to Greens, his vision and community-building have laid the foundations for the party for years included in the Green Horizon Magazine that he co-founded I’ve been fortunate to have several articles in recent build today. and am honored to be among those paying tribute in this special issue. physician, longtime teacher of internal medicine, and pioneering environmental-health advocate. organizer, is a mother, Dr. She was the Green Party presidential candidate in 2012 and 2016. John Rensenbrink is a GIANT. He can He can is a GIANT. Rensenbrink John to vote, to work on move people to answer reporters’ Green campaigns, to organize Green Party questions, the write books about meetings, to to work on national Green Party, with to educate the public committees, to go to almost letters to the editor, Meeting every GP Annual National help write the since the eighties, to and Platform, party Rules, Procedures as a Green, running for the US Senate radio interviews, doing television and publishing Green Horizon Magazine, for years and going to state meetings Green Party years, testifying for the many issues, and at the Statehouse on over the state to traveling endlessly all help Greens advance! John wrote this in 1992 in his book The Greens and the Politics of “In times of great Transformation: change, people feel directly and personally a threat to their existence and way of life. This is how it is now are for more and more people. We under threat for our physical and our health, and psychological safety, in our opportunity to find and enjoy a new life.” If some of the rest of us could do this for so kind of work, all without pay, many years…we might call them a GIANT too! John is the Maine Green Giant of all time. second Nancy Allen ran Jesse Jackson’s campaign for president in Maine in the ‘80s. She had been elected to the crew going to the Atlanta Democratic Party Convention that year and was so shocked at how Jackson was treated that she came back to Maine to work as a Green. Since then she has been a co-chair of the Green Party and worked on many issues with many committees (for example, she started the Media Committee for the Greens). Through worked with John often. the years she’s


...... 9 I first met John in early 1985 when hein early 1985 met John I first the New England Greensrepresented meeting of theat an interregional I of Correspondence. Committees that first time I met him realized the the a leading role in he would play the Greens in the US.evolution of I also sensedAnd, indeed, he has. would be friends,immediately that we these years. as we have been for all get the nascentAs we both worked to established inGreen movement/party a struggle inthe US, we shared many always seemed this ongoing saga. We the same side ofto find ourselves on were part ofthe many disputes that those early years.the growing pains in we experienced plenty of Together sense of joy andfrustration but also a satisfaction as we saw our movement/ party grow. Through the years, John generously gave both his time and unique talent whenever and wherever it was needed. I always knew he would be there. He never failed to come when we needed an inspirational figure at our Prairie gatherings. And this was true of hundreds of other national, regional, and local green events as well. For me, John was and still is the lodestar of the American Greens, a defining presence, always representing its most promising aspects. His commitment to values—above and beyond loyalty to any organization—was what made him the special Green that he is. For all of these thirty-five years I have treasured him as an activist, a leader and a friend. Indeed, my life and the Greens are both much richer because of him. Dee Berry has been a Green since 1983. With others, she founded the City Greens, the Prairie Greens, the Green Party and the Green Politics Network. She served as national coordinator for the clearinghouse of the Green Committees of Correspondence from late 1984 until 1988. She also represented Missouri in the governing body of the US Green Party during the ‘90s and ‘00s. She now lives in Overland Park, Kansas. magazine horizon green (APSR), the top-ranked peer reviewed journal in the (APSR),



/ hen I first met John Rensenbrink, in the mid-1980s, I had not of even heard in the mid-1980s, Rensenbrink, hen I first met John in residing reputations we political scientists all had our research After all, him.

So, how did John and I meet? It was in an unlikely place. In the mid-1980s, the the mid-1980s, In It was in an unlikely and I meet? John did place. how So, them to organize disaffectedOne method they members was to allow used to re-recruit at the University Science I was chair of the Department of Political that time, At John Rensenbrink of Dr. of and heard heard It was at that first meeting that I first that? would I know how And who to wit: each new was able to organize panels, section its own As I noted, W winter

Transformational Politics BY TED BECKER Pathfinder Toward a Toward Pathfinder sub-fields or niches. His fields were political philosophy, Africa, and Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe Africa, political philosophy, His fields were sub-fields or niches. Politics and in Conflict Judicial create: My focus was in a field I helped (Poland). world. which practiced I also in the real Resolution, Its prize was the was sensing a crisis Science Association for itself. American Political ReviewScience AmericanPolitical because an all-time was approaching readership the editor in low chief at the Its field. had turned of the University of at Berkeley, Polsby Nelson Professor time, and fewer political professional Fewer it into a statistics and mathematics publication. its premier at the attendance diminishing This was its contents. read could scientists the upper ruling class of the APSA was hearing increasing Moreover, annual meetings. peasants. the grumbling from discontent and members into these of the APSA which a couple of hundred could enroll “sections” new to these new to join allowed In order entities which were sections.” “organized neophyte the APSA fee had to pay (which one enabled you panels, organize professional their own plus a fee and junk the APSR) for the organizedto receive as well. section I was immediately members of my notified by numerous main campus. of ’s Organized Politics department a newTransformational of “The organized called section least half of those At to which about ten members of my department joined. Section,” When I also joined. a group had also begun to organize of Hawai’i, Party the Green it became obvious to me that it was the we had our first meeting of the new section, I had no States. of the United Party of the Green section” “organized de facto APSA with that either. problem It was immediately clear that he was a guru College in Maine. of the section Bowdoin Over the next twenty I was impressed. years Greens. links to the U.S. and had strong I met the more of the APSA, section Politics Transformational the lifetime of the or so, him as a top flight political to like and respect I got and interacted the more with John by He led talk. walked his He person. and organizer, activist, Party Green scientist, human He had a major trait American that eludes many political scientists: example. and compassion. empathy and the usual litany who would give papers or chair workshops, would chair them, Another resume. can that one one’s put on organizational functions” “professional of of having met its goal because the APSA, important job was recruiting new members, began to now of politicalcorralling scientists into its dues paying a larger share roster, bristle at the highly political and academic content riff-raff these new were sections to and harder they made it harder Thus, annual meetings. bringing into the APSA’s I’d “organized section.” recognized of membership to be floors as an meet increasing both were We with John. along that I was a key in the recruitment effort, say person 2020

• spring / winter (continued on top of next page) on (continued magazine horizon green first met John in Warsaw, Poland where we attended an environmental conference hosted conference we attended an environmental Poland where Warsaw, in first met John Internationalthe of conferences bi-annual the at again met We Senate. the Polish by Frankly, after a while, the papers and workshops started and we papers and workshops the to get repetitious after a while, Frankly, Section virtually Politics Transformational that the was another function There along Rensenbrink, John that sure was…but I’m idea it whose know don’t I Now, in charge sit in a circle and no rules. was no one there and we’d sessions, these At I got to know John better when he visited my university better the positive John role on to know to lecture I got asked me to review his manuscript; when John on and comment I was honored while know we already us of what reminds Ecological Politics timelyLike many books, like circus barkers trying to lure new members into our quasi-Green Party niche. I’m I’m trying barkers like circus niche. Party new quasi-Green into our members to lure and intellectual. low-key more was much John hyperbolic of the typemore of salesman. the constantly to meet increasing membership kept team and our we made a good Thus, alivedevelop and needed to stay of members we higher number our network. kept at But I in numbers veryplateaued It became work. hard level. near the extinction It was becoming began to wane. But outside interest ever. was as diligent as it and John frustrating. have experienced, readers As many conference.” “professional kind of for any invented but also emotionally can not only conferences these annual professional boring, be a bit papers is tiring all by itself, “academic” a series through Having to sit of draining. is all that self- Then there interest. even engages your one if every in a while, once “the meat market,” is there finally, And that characterizespromotion these conferences. interviewedattend who Many are wannabees young where tracktenure for positions. these meetings have to serve as interviewers when their department at the meat market These interview or less more are sessions for a newly prowl the minted Ph.D. is on just being part of mass process of the larger However, by themselves. depressing even depression. stimulates greater rejection DC) and Betty Zisk University) (Boston were with Jeff Fishel (American University, during “Support Groups” if not more, to set up at least one, main movers the among after dinner, held in the evenings, were sessions These each APSA annual conference. were the years there but over was voluntary, Attendance for hours. on and could go was a too, I, “regulars.” who were including the trio above, several mentioned people, The average size between 25-30. was somewhere attendee. regular not only concerning the dreary nature “emotions” to talk about their free were People Societyfor Universal society Dialogue—a dedicatedacross dialogue to philosophical his of that organization; was later elected president John differing cultural traditions. for constructive his love political life, In his professional and lasting. impact was strong politics. dialogue is matched to Green only and commitment by his love of never-plowed stand tall found time to drive the last great across We parties. of third grass prairie in the Flint Plenty Hills of Kansas. of time to talk about politics and ecology. Survival and Democracy. For subsequently published (2017) as Ecological Politics: argues John know. to make better sense of what we already shaping a new of how vision of our species and destiny direction is needed to change the current “bigthat action” Friend, Mentor, Role Model Friend, Mentor, BY CHARLES BROWN I Thanks go to John Rensenbrink, who who Rensenbrink, go to John Thanks across Green efforts has inspired several generations. John in 1992. As a scientist, I first met Earth First forest and college teacher, contemplating running activist, I was in the Second District for Congress the ecological in order to highlight in the North disaster taking place of Maine. Searching for any Woods I solicited the support I could muster, who called help of a group of folks was among themselves Green. John this group and he enthusiastically under the Green encouraged me to run enthusiasm was contagious. His banner. to implement the together set off We race in the first Green congressional we knocked on state of Maine. When doors, people most often confused us with Greenpeace—few had ever heard of the Green Party. Little did I know then that this relationship—mentorship—would continue into the future and result in the creation of a strong and viable if you Green Party in Maine. Today knock on a door most people will recognize the Green Party label in Maine—and I believe have a positive a long way over have come We view. the last 28 years. Much of this success would never have occurred if it wasn’t for the dogged and politically astute guidance of that eclectic political science professor I met back in 1992, John Rensenbrink. I know for myself that my life has been made fuller and richer because I was fortunate enough to cross paths with John. I marvel at how lots of things we talked about in our early Green campaigns, which often got tagged as radical, now are part of the mainstream. John has always been a leader of the vanguard for economic, social, and . Thanks, John, for all that you have accomplished. Thanks for being a are the greatest! friend. You a botanist, forest Jonathan Carter, activist, Maine Green congressional and twice gubernatorial candidate, is currently Director of the Forest Ecology Network.


...... 11 Blessings, John, for your years of service to Life in all its myriad forms and to a Greener Horizon. Ellen LaConte is a retired memoirist, and editor former homesteader, the of Farmstead magazine. She’s author of the widely endorsed Life Blueprint for Surviving Rules: Nature’s Economic and Environmental Collapse (2012) and the novel Afton (2015). After 23 years living in mid-coast Maine, she moved to she was her great joy, in 2001. To introduced to John Rensenbrink in the early days of Green Horizon. Although I may have met him at a have met I may Although the sometime during Green meeting I otherwise only knew early 1990s, on our mutual participation John from with a calls. I had linked up conference the who called themselves small group Network. Green Politics in John was deeply involved of establishing the Committees in 1984, Correspondence, beginning the clearinghouse and helped establish All this early work in Kansas City. movement helped push the Green on the forward, but it was stuck Eventually, question of electoralism. like-minded a disparate group of Martin, Tony people—John, Linda I’m sure I’m Affigne, Dee Berry (and to link forgetting a few)—sought state-qualified Green parties that were not represented in the CoCs. This small group came to connect a number of state parties, organize the “Third Parties 96” event in Washington DC in 1995, and recruit to the California ballot line to run for president in 1996. Though Ralph eventually qualified for 22 state ballots, California was the first. I sage advice on remember how John’s the telephone led the effort. Hank Chapot is a San Francisco native He with a degree in plant biology. worked primarily as a gardener, recently retired from the UC Berkeley grounds department. In 1989 he was recruited to the San Francisco Greens and dedicated himself to building the Hank ran for California Green Party. the 14th Assembly District three times and has been notable for collecting party archival materials, which are Hoover deposited at Stanford’s Archives. (continued on next page) on (continued magazine horizon green


• spring / Tragically, the current state of politics, now degraded into competition for private degraded into competition now state of politics, the current Tragically, to fall of politics continues into cynicismThe promise by ever and hopelessness more us of the cultural and ecological of this form reminds of (degraded) consequences John an of our species requires and destiny needed to change the direction “big action” The And then there was life itself! The horrors multiplied and affected one’s work as a as work affectedand one’s multiplied horrors The life was itself! then there And could not We ended as the APSA hoped. dream Politics” “Transformational This winter (and planet). This sort of “big action” requires politics, i.e., a communal deliberation deliberation a communal i.e., politics, requires “bigThis sort of action” (and planet). good. for the common concern bullied shared any up for this task as it has pushed aside, is not self-interest, mad bulls have many lost their way. Too for the public good. common the of pursuit Rather shared and noble a than people. the of sections jaded of conflict. a tragic source politics has become good, and our uniqueness, politics—a politics that glorifies and magnifies our individuality, and our sameness, nature, communal our our separateness at the cost of concealing winner take all struggle, conflict, The glorification of competition, our togetherness. radical individualism (all underwritteneconomics, of separation) by the ontologies Ourtoo often degraded appear as virtues rather than the social pathologies they are. political world increasingly matches our degraded ecological world as the state of each in rhetoric and practice. “normalized” is continually issues of our time, Seriouson the great reflection of this tragedy of politics. overcoming Ted Becker ( Northwestern University) is the author of Ph.D., Rutgers Law School; Ted J.D., Walter He was the first resolution. American and conflict government fifteenon law, books University School of Law; chair of and professor York of LawNew at Meyer Professor Emeritus Science Universitythe at chairand Holladay Alma and Hawai’i; of Political serves of the Board on Ted University. of Civic Engagement Emeritus at Auburn Professor Horizonthe Green Foundation. of the conference, but how tough life had become in their own departmentsown in their life tough of political become had how but conference, of the every It was easy for becausescience. became it participant empathize to with them, lured had that Tower” “Ivory beloved the longer no was Academe that prettyapparent one fund-starved,for a hierarchical become had It nightmare professoriat. the into us a huge prestigious a low-level state university, state university, whether at a top and all, private university or small liberal arts college. of the revealwas ashamed to any one no so universal, Being teacher. and researcher “friendly and listener” Everyone“good pitfalls of life became which had befallen a them. He was also Rensenbrink. John was of the regulars the most regular Among suggestor.” the most friendly the best listeners and among It was at and empathetic counsellors. these Support and I reallyJohn that became Groups him friends for and my respect Party Green for respect my that this through was It political beyond science. way went Rensenbrink. John was Party Green the U.S. to me, In fact, values also grew. to me, get enough members to survive However, and disbanded in the early 2000s. the heart- treasure (a) to experience were the entire out of to come best things the and (b) to get warming experience of the Support conferences, at professional Groups “Grandthe friendship Old I have and appreciate developed Man of to know with that Rensenbrink. Politics”—John Transformational 2020

• spring / winter in September (see picture at left), and he and Carla hosted He has made numerous other appearances one in January. at MGIP and/or campaign events, has written a good analysis piece about our chances under ranked choice voting, and he LfM the wisdom of experience in many continues to offer team decisions. It is hard to imagine that I would even be a US decades of hard Senate candidate today were it not for John’s work to elect candidates who uphold Green values. and grandmother organizer, antiwar Lisa Savage is a teacher, currently running for the US Senate under ranked choice voting in Maine. For years she has led the Conversion Campaign aimed at tackling the climate crisis by turning Bath renewable energy solutions rather than to building Iron Works learn more about her positions on Green weapons systems. To issues visit magazine horizon green In spite of, or perhaps because of, the dismal reality of the current state of things, of things, state the dismal reality of the current perhaps or because of, In spite of, This is the radical possibility at the world; by an ecological of looking way inspired that an ecological of way recognition lies in the Party of a Green promise The great time to recognize those few It’s among uncertain and live in dark times for sure. We John! Thank you, our resources, and abilities to constructively and abilities to pessimism leads many these issues deal with our resources, climatedisaster, rising seas, extinction, mass Ubiquitousand even pollution, hopelessness. pernicious forms and exclusionary of ethnic inequality, economic growing not to mention too oftennationalism public life. and the withdrawal lead to despair from John others, Unlike some the tragedy politics. of overcome must argues that we John sense of despair or anxiety no great optimism that but ratherexpresses a confident a new and transformed can politics and nurtured be cultivated as an instrument of a shared and cooperation, care, community, a politics built on healing and thriving: all still in it together is within our reach. sense that we are of seeing the worlda way pursuit to teach our constant us that that has the power and interrelated, a world depends on structured by shared, of self-interest already world the at ecologicalAn looking of way teaches mutually cooperation. beneficial only is of privateus that our pursuit when our (and sustainable) possible self-interest An and cultivated. respected, is recognized, of all, good the common interests, shared the and replace at the worldecological of looking to overcome way has the power and political condition. cultural, ecological, of our current Hobbesian roots the world at looking ultimately offers a framework for wise policy pollution, concerning gender inequality, economic for also but climateand upheaval, loss, habitat extinction, and social justice. equity, a path forward able to shed light on us who are that has the potential to drive a new and revolutionary politics—a life-affirming politics. of Philosophy is Professor of the Kansas Party, member longtime a Green Brown, Charles S. and written philosophy essays many in environmental He’s at Emporia State University. Eco-Phenomenology: dialogue and has co-edited two volumes: intercultural Back to the Theory Boundary Edge: and Practice. Explorations in Ecological EarthNature’s Itself and Society in the International for Universal Dialogue. Charles has been a colleague of John’s PHOTO CREDIT: MARK ROMAN PHOTO CREDIT: I am continually amazed at the energy and passion that John still brings to organizing for the Maine Greens. You would think that for the Maine Greens. You I am continually amazed at the energy and passion that John still brings to organizing enter a race for the US Senate seat of Susan Collins and presently guiding the party as we growing the party, founding the party, would have him resting on his laurels. Au contraire! John reached out to me early in the exploratory period of my campaign to express David Gibson who eventually decided not to support and to hook me up with key Maine Green Independent Party folks, including house party back John was present at our first campaign run himself but to join the Lisa for Maine (LfM) team as an energy adviser. I consider John an icon of Green icon of John an I consider mid-2000s met him in the I first Values. Party Annual National at a Green through conversations Meeting, and workshops he and attending I found myself becoming conducted to learn more. highly motivated a deep Over the years I’ve developed tenacity, admiration for his wisdom, and kindness. intelligence, knowledge beyond John has taken concepts ideas the parameters of just into his and implemented them his ecological communities. Through educational work he has provided of all ages. opportunities for people activism we Through his political Party of the now have the Green his sharing United States. Through of expertise, we have a body of publications that have influenced his readers to become more engaged in the political and environmental processes. I feel honored to have had my life influenced by John Rensenbrink. As I continue to grow I hope to achieve just a fraction of what John has achieved for the protection of life on our planet. of the is co-founder Dee Taylor educational non-profit Blue Sky Institute and also serves as Secretary a of her Community Council. She’s member of the Green Party of , the Green Party National Women’s Caucus, the Green Party Annual National Meeting Committee, and the forming Green Party Elders Caucus.


...... 13 In our personal experience learning from John Rensenbrink over three decades, we recognize in him a wise, generous and persevering progressive mentor who has inspired thousands to awaken, to self-educate, and to welcome opportunities to serve others right down to the grassroots long community level in America’s quest to develop compassionate, equitable and sustainable self- governance. Thank you, John, for your indefatigable enthusiasm for creating a greener and more just society. Rich and Debra Csenge used to live Maine. Now near John in Topsham, they reside in Kanab, Utah. While in in Fine Maine Debra obtained her BFA Art from the University of Southern Maine. Rich continues to enjoy his lifetime career as a self-employed custom furniture craftsman creating beautiful hardwood furniture to order and restoring antiques. They both work at the grassroots level to pursue their dreams for a sustainable future for the Earth and all its inhabitants. I first tried to connect with John by with tried to connect I first in in the 1980s Topsham postcard in an ad he ran in a local response to about the Green Party newspaper we Maine. Unfortunately, forming in loss! connect then. My didn’t the I was able to find Months later of Veterans Greens through a member in helping for Peace. Then later, Cross- organize Jonathan Carter’s bid for Maine’s Maine Caravan in his our overnight governorship, one of rambling Carla’s stops was at John and Cathance River. home overlooking the have since developed a warm We and his family, friendship with John and parties. sharing weddings, lunches, to this day, That friendship continues a bit less frisky. though we’re becoming dedication to the Greens and John’s tenacity to environmental causes still inspires me…and I’m 95 years old! It has been an honor and one of life’s pleasures to have known John as a friend. Bob Dale was a representative of the National Science Foundation on various international scientific expeditions, mostly aboard icebreakers and research been a longtime member ships. He’s of the Maine Green Independent as treasurer of the having served Party, Merrymeeting Greens local group. magazine horizon green


to form a Working Group on Electoral Action. Reflecting the Reflecting the Electoral Action. on Group Working to form a •



he Green Party exists today as an organized exists today Party politicalhe Green party fielding candidates for parties state the national On the level, office. national for and states most in office

But it was not always so. Over thirty years ago, there were no state Green Parties— Green state no were there Over thirty alwaysnot was it But so. years ago, in January U.S. Party in the the founding of the first state Green co-convened John of Committees of the Green Group Working the Politics After Eugene, Maine with fellow co-sponsored John by a successful proposal This was followed Electoral on Group Working the even boldly more and controversially, later, Months (GPOC) in February Organizing Committee Party in Boston met 1991 The Green T winter Green Electoral Strategy BY MIKE FEINSTEIN Key Role in Early U.S. U.S. Early in Role Key John Rensenbrink Played Played Rensenbrink John have come together to form the Green Party of the United States. Party together to formhave the Green come the Instead, Party. Green indicationand no national for a wings in the nor plans was in its early movement nascent Green and self-discovery, stages of self-definition involved should become the movement in electoral politics. when and how including if, RensenbrinkJohn in those debates in the late 1980s and early a key played role 1990s, into electoral diving politics. leading to Greens to a project In 1987 he co-initiated and co-coordinated Party. 1984—the Maine Green a policy electoraldevelop to create platform in order Green identity the first national for Gathering in National at the June 1989 Green role a strong Then he played the Greens. two daytime were There advocating participation in electoral politics. , Eugene, and nightly Left and discussions Green-sponsored electoral strategy, on workshops daytimeThe strategy politicalstate building oriented toward were sessions debates. Leftthe while politicallya building oriented parties, toward were marathons Green voice and consistent Rensenbrink In those sessions was a strong organized movement. Greens. by U.S. for an electoral commitment electoral activity. statement encouraging issued a first-time Green Correspondence begin running“Greens candidates at the local level that and only It recommended a substantial number level were to the state and then to the national proceed when there officeholders at the levelof Green immediately below.” Tilly (IC) meeting in Committee at the October 1989 Inter-regional Matt Green D.C. Washington, but diversity was very discussion about electoral of opinions strategy tense, at the time, ultimately passed with 90% support. the proposal 1990 IC meeting in San at the March to form proceeded a national Diego Action including John, the 15 founding co-signers, There Organizing Committee. Party Green “The of this new to the IC and the GCoC was discussed and group relationship stated: ourselvesThat we consider a cooperating (1) upon: agreed points were the following ourselves consider We the IC and the GCoC and (2) from organization but autonomous morally Movement.” Green accountable to not only the GCoC but the entire energy that the growing Convinced for a Green organized. at a meeting that John political party they sought a new necessitated organizational structures that embraced it, and strategies. structure work balancing electoralnational movement and non-electoral of Correspondence Committees structureThis meant altering of the Green the power Parties. number of state Green for the growing representation direct by providing 2020

• spring / winter himself, garnering a respectable 4% (23,441 votes). In doing In garnering votes). (23,441 4% respectable a ranSenateUS for himself, Confederation of Independent State Green Parties”); and to pioneer a Third Third a pioneer to and StateIndependent of Confederation Parties”); Green magazine horizon green The struggle over national Green structure—and how state parties state structure—and how be should struggleThe Green national over former GPOC many members— , AfterWest Gathering in the 1991 Greens with U.S., the across numbers large in ran first the also was 1992 Greens year Betweenwould help organize 1994 and 1996 GPN members series an additional US Greens helping to shepherd RensenbrinkJohn was involved with all of these, represented within it—would play out for years, leading in 1996 to the formation of formation in 1996 to the leading years, out for play within it—would represented and ultimately co-found) helped (which John to of Statethe Association Parties Green States of the United Party the Green of the formation in 2001. including a new 1992 to establish in March Rensenbrink—gathered entity called the as rapidly to facilitate GPN founders vowed as possible (GPN). Network Politics Green state parties of a citizen/voter-based of autonomous (calling Party the creation Green “Theit the presence that stemmed from a goal “Third (or Force”), Project Coalition Party and organizations groups during kindred last two of many the days conference of the attend. to which been invited had In 1993 two post-election elected. were Greens Twenty 93 candidates in 13 states. candidates featuring Green and campaign multiple held to debrief, were conferences “Green organized the CaliforniaFeinstein Mike local Green In Santa Monica, teams. featuring five campaigns western conference states Green from West” of the Parties This was ) and also Rhode Island. Hawai’i, California, , (, coordinated College in Maine, at Bowdoin Way” “Doing It the Grassroots by followed candidates Green and It featured Rensenbrink by John in concert with the GPN. Missouri and Rhode Island. Maine, , Hawai’i, Alaska, campaigns from ‘94” “Thirdcandidacy: presidential 1996 a to lead to designed conferences of Parties “Third June 1995) and a follow-up (Boulder, ‘96” “Third Parties June 1994), (Oakland, They key played also roles organizing DC January 1996). (Washington, ‘96” Parties that year in the establishment of the Draft Clearinghouse Nader and then in the Nader campaign. for President in With ingrained that commitment as part strategy, of Green into the electoral arena. he 1996 of Maine. state in his home as a force Party so he helped to establish the Green was a and City Mayor Councilmember, Green CA a former Santa Monica, Mike Feinstein, Rensenbrink met John He first during the of California. Party the Green of 1990 co-founder contributions Gathering and was personally Green involved1989 National of John’s in many to the party listed above. Mike and John It’s not about either/or, not about either/or, It’s but about both/and.” “ John Rensenbrink is a steady and constant inspiration towards a better future for all. He understands not just the problem but the kind of solutions that will enhance human and community development while restoring our ecology. Howard Switzer is an ecological architect and student of monetary science. He is a former co-chair of and the Green Party of has served a number of terms as a TN delegate to the Green Party National Committee. He initiated the ‘Moving the Money to Main Street Campaign,’ adopted by GPUS in 2007 (which has since been taken up by other groups as well). In 1999 I was one of the fortunate of the fortunate I was one In 1999 part of students to be Bowdoin College recall the taught. I don’t a course John of the course, but it covered exact title studies, and women’s environmental looking at and grappling along with focus on struggle to with humanity’s of competition; collaboration instead dismissal of ideas. on review instead of Thank you, John. were encouraged to be cognizant We realities of the sources and current of our disregard of nature—plant were encouraged to and animal. We move beyond acknowledge and yet all flora and the survival instinct of an existence fauna. Can humans share exist without with nature? Can humans inquiry did not nature? Much of our lead to answers—more questions were raised, fewer answers appeared. Since then, even more questions continue to be raised. Thank you, John. One concept stands out among John’s lectures and in-class conversations: It is this sentence that continues to be both guide and challenge in my shared life with all of humanity and nature. Thank you, John. born in Germany Christine A. DeTroy, in the late 1920s, came to the US in II. She has lived War after World Brunswick, Maine since 1989. Along with being a confirmed Green, she has been an active member of the Peace and Justice community for years.


...... 15 For several of to be a tower years Keli has been and continues For We Greens from around the world around from came Greens in Canberra together We been no direct has There feel is missing. something that We the world has changed greatly in the past two As we know, RE-VISITING THE FIRST GLOBAL CONGRESS AND THE BERLIN AGREEMENT in 2001, created believe that were that the global institutions We (GGC) and the Global Green Coordination the Global Green a viable organizational beginning for a were (GGN), Network Party Green and the Australian Group The Reference global body. that had called Congress the gathering Global Green of the first with a confederated structure the Congress in Canberra presented The structure would Coordination. they named the Global Green KELI YEN AND AMY TYLER until recently Global Secretary Yen, with Keli have spoken We in also now are We a Convener. and now of the Global Greens Amy the newly appointed Secretary, her deputy, with contact Global on participated Amy very effectivelyWorkshop in a Tyler. Meeting of Restructuring National Greens Annual at the recent ; United States of the Party the Green in Salem, gaveand very a informativespeech well and to the received activities. gathering as a whole about Global Greens together and in facilitating the Global Greens in holding strength has started of contact whichways up. a measure in and through have kindly assistance in provided together with Amy, She, of Green-to-Green enabling further contact elements of direct Sending this Letter is to you Party. to Green Party and of Green an important example. brief description of our Committee’s structure and processes at structure and processes brief description of our Committee’s each all and know to get to keen are We Letter. this of end the the planet. throughout of you Charter a Global Green and a Global Green in 2001 to create and can little about you we know But after 18 years, Structure. just as little about us. know that you fact take it as probable have nor effective which contact we could by now means through a on it need We conversation! want We contact. direct in been a global structure need impede that does not We basis. regular it! but evokes and stimulates debate and discussion, conversation, face new and new situations threats and powerful We decades. to the survival and livelihoods of the peoples of the planet and integritythe planet’s which our survival on and our livelihoods fullynow unite must World the of Parties The Green depend. and to strive threats the for the full of the realization to resist and worldpromise ringing resolves in the Global contained The Charter in the chaos of beacon stands like a Charter. Green a world in pain and confusion. magazine horizon green John Rensenbrink, Correspondent Rensenbrink, John


• spring


his is the official his is the to the 2019 November Letter sent in Committee by the International World of the Parties Green US Green Party; Keli Yen, Convener, Global Greens; Global Greens; Convener, Yen, Keli Party; US Green Global Greens Secretary, Tyler, and Amy

Let’s enfranchise the Green Parties throughout the world the throughout Let’s to Parties enfranchise the Green a full unitycreate of Global Greens. as the logicalLet’s Network revive the Global Green Parties. Green of the world’s home institutional of the structuralLet’s aware imbalance and more become the Global from away tilt of the Global Greens consequent social ecological wisdom, principles: six foundation Charter’s sustainability, non-violence, participatoryjustice, democracy, for diversity. and respect Let’s the idea of decentralization in up on contained follow “continental” four awkward Coordination’s the Global Green them with a suitable alternative suchentities but replacing as Parties. Green of contiguous each composed bio-regions, Step for a Next at the upcoming Let’s to prepare begin now in SouthGlobal Congress Korea. We present here FIVE KEY IDEAS—they are developed IDEAS—they are KEY FIVE here present We

— T winter FIRST, SOME RELEVANT BACKGROUND SOME RELEVANT FIRST, Committee members of the International are We Who we are. have appended a We of the United States. Party of the Green 1.  1.  2.  3.  4.  5. THE FIVE IDEAS Letter to the Green Parties of the World the of Parties Green the to Letter Dear planetary colleagues, Green farther down scroll As you down. scroll as you detail in more your to with respond to will the person find in boldface you and suggested changes. comments Greetings from the International Committee of the United States the International Committee from Greetings World. of the Parties to the Green Party Green To: The Green Parties of the World of the Parties The Green To:  Cc: of the US Green Party. As of the date of this writingthis of date the of As ( Party. Green US the of January have and commitments been favorable comments there 2020), leaders in Algeria, Party Green dialogue from to Global Green and Bangladesh, Jordan, Africa, West Egypt, Uganda, Nepal, is latter The Council. Federation’s Party Green Asia-Pacific the the first of of the discussion to commence about Five Key Ideas callsIt enfranchisement the for (granting voting Letter. the in It Parties. to) each all Green and of the 100-plus national power is at the crux in the Letter. of the other four Key Ideas presented 2019 7, November 2020

• spring / winter Effective communication is essential for the smooth Effective communication The Third Key Idea is that the exclusionThird of the Global Green The Key betweenlayer idea of having a the that Idea is the A Fourth OurThe Fifth immediate Step. Key Idea is to take a Next SOME ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS to bear in mind for ideas/considerations some are The following us as well among achieving and deeper communication greater as a united world in common Parties. as taking action of Green One idea is that if and of democratic organization. functioning have not been honored, as described above, and the GGN has has and the GGN as described above, have honored, not been documents. view in recent from and expunged been sidestepped a severe structural has created Network in the Global imbalance political has led to a dangerous and tilt of the Global Greens principlesthe and from away is tilt The Coordination. Green Instead the policy Charter. of the Global Green approaches to a accommodation—accommodation is on now emphasis systemcapitalist by mega-corporations economic dominated life earth’s drivingthat destroy policies unlimited growth-addicted military to accommodation supporting capacities; organizations to attitudes and actions imperialism; feature that suchNATO as and to mega-corporate perpetuatingdomination colonialism; of downplaying a with hand in hand goes This governments. of and community integrity, democracy, grass roots social justice, A claimed climateconcern for change values. hasnon-violent blurring and setting aside the older commitment been advanced, of ecological crisesto the integral interrelation with social, CharterThe Global Green which crises. and economic political, expressly calls the shelf. has been put on for that integration one. is a good Parties and the individual Green center institutions continental features Coordination the Global Green know, As you than have more Federations But some four of them. federations, not embrace do and some whole parts continent one of the world, of the world unrepresentative a as making the Global Greens each of which entities, believe that having regional We whole. fitting is more of ecologicalembracessocial unity, a degree and So above instead of federations imposed from do-able. and more think of them We below. from of regions we urge the formation more much They are smaller. larger some some as bio-regions, bodies will their advise The regional viable in size than continents. and be an opportunity Parties for communication, member Green them and will in turn and debate among be in a closediscussion The Network. the Global Green with relationship consultative GGC as such would be transcended but its decentralist idea and flourishwould live the bio-regions. on in and through and alert Parties and allfocus is to remind the other Green you what we can to think about and act on do in our World of the South in Korea. Congress for the next Global Green preparations what would most effectivelyConsider help to bring about voting Network, build a renewed Global Green Parties, for Green power Federations and help to find structural to the continental options the Federations. to replace such of bio-regions as our notion magazine horizon green The Second Key Idea is that enfranchising the Green Parties The Second Key Parties Idea is that enfranchising the Green There was a measure of concern in Canberra of concern such that a structure a measure was There year the organizersThe following of both bodies met in Berlin its Executive wielding the GGC, But in the ensuing years,

16 The FirstThe Key eachthat is Idea everyand givenbe Party Green and that together they the shall constitute voting power direct authorityinstitutional of the Global Greens. and for by, of, be a home must and home, an institutional requires to be is available Network The Global Green Parties. the Green It has its origins in the founding of the Global Greens that home. was it There Canberra in 2001. in Congress Global first the at nurturing communication facilitating and chargedenabling, with with relation be in a consultative Parties—and the Green among And founded. was it whom with Coordination Green Global the it was anticipated in the Berlin year, of the following Agreement But these provisions will evolve. Network Global Green that the DESCRIPTION OF THE FIVE KEY IDEAS EXPRESSED IN THE OPENING WORDS OF THIS LETTER be composed of four continental Federations, each Federation each Federation Federations, four continental of be composed to serve delegated representatives having three as a coordinating a body of yearsThese 12 in turn created have recent in group. They each Federation. from one themselves, among four from servenow a whole. as as the Executive Global Greens of the with the footing a strong on Greens did not base the Global was representation Direct World. of the Parties individual Green After it was debate and discussion advocated delegates. by many decided to include asNetwork a modified form Green of a Global and the United Mexico earlier Canada, by delegates from proposed all among be to foster communication would Its function States. advisory consultative and to provide assistance Parties the Green twoThe bodies—GGC Coordination. Green Global the to unanimously together in a singleand GGN—were approved did reapprochement the But Canberrathe by document assembly. not sit well of each with influential members body. and after the Berlin bargaining they produced hard Agreement. with the GGC of eachThe side-by-side cooperation group, The Agreement was affirmed. having the executive authority, included Network that the Global Green the vital expectation This presumably that as the Network meant “evolve”. will of the world Parties would be enfranchised. the Green evolved, They did not seek consultation the GGN. overshadowed Authority, They denied in the documents. as directed issues, with GGN on thein evenagenda and the on place a GGN the microphone the on and Liverpool, Dakar 2012, 2008, (SaoGlobal Congresses Paulo Then in Statutes theyRules and newly adopted in 2012, 2017). with position its side-by-side summarily the GGN from removed part and demoted it to an obscure Coordination the Global Green only it was mentioned where document, lengthy a Statutes, the of the GGC might with other possible networks in the same breath haveto thought was GGN the fact, In time. to time formfrom by newly altogether disappeared appointed staff members.

...... 17 John is a source of tremendous positive energy—and it all John is a source of tremendous positive energy—and comes straight from his heart! him to draft a I quickly discovered this when I worked with to Green Parties letter from the GPUS International Committee like I’d known John around the world. Chatting on Skype, I felt his voice, I for a long time. I could feel his kindness through his vibrance in could see his wisdom in his eyes, I could sense who is still tirelessly his laughter…What an amazing elder, working to better this world! service to others, In fact, this love of the world, and this selfless and healthy at 91. If still so sharp is most probably why he’s most about John, one thing that impresses me the there’s undoubtedly be his besides his huge positive heart, that would from a place of massive skill of working with people. Coming to anyone, in a love, John always knows what to say or write always inspires. way that always nurtures, always encourages, world to figure And working with Green Parties around the the vision John has out how to save our planet—that’s so lucky to have his We’re dedicated much of his energy for. untiring dedication to pursue this important work. The world needs many more like John. If more of us could learn to be like problems . . . him, we’d be able to solve so many of the world’s Originally from China, Maggie Zhou attended graduate school in the biology program at Georgetown University and then completed a Ph.D. in the genetics program of the University of -Madison. After becoming concerned about the threat of climate change she got active with the non-profit organization that was founded by Jill Stein and John Andrews, Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities. That led to of which she her involvement with the Green-Rainbow Party, Maggie was privileged became a State Committee member. to meet in-person with some of the global Greens during the 2015 Paris climate conference. While there she assisted Jill Stein with her activities and interactions with global Green leaders. After residing in Massachusetts for many years, Maggie moved to Switzerland in 2013. She still has US citizenship and currently serves on the GPUS International Committee. A NOTE ON OUR INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL ON OUR A NOTE AND PROCESSES STRUCTURE ofOur Committees of the regular is one Committee International Party’s for our responsible the United States, of Party the Green The general the Global Greens. with and relationship contact which is headed Committee is the National of the Party Committee Internationalthe Internally, Steering nine-person a by Committee. Committee elected by the is led by our two Co-Chairs, Committee via its business and conducts members for two year terms, In seeking consensus consensus-seeking. and debate, discussion, Questions are of testing for agreement. round is a continuing there for recommendations and appreciated, are comments explained, If accepted and incorporated the text are in most cases. improving or requested objections no more are there after several iterations, the matter continue, If objections is declared. consensus changes, Our the has had over majority Committee prevails. vote, to a goes of the Americas, for the affairs of the Federation years sub-groups for a sub-group until recently, and, Network for the Global Green Parties. of Green the African Federation magazine horizon green


• spring / Whenour via respond please write you backus, to The International Committee of the United States Party Committee The International Green Hoc and the Ad Co-Chairs Bahram Zandi Elnagar, and Romi Rensenbrink John Correspondents Restructuring: on Committee Romi Dean Murville, and Jaqui Deveneau, and Maggie Zhou; and Bahram Zandi. Elnagar, Solidarity! Our warmest greetings, A renewed Global Green Network would form would various Network Green A renewed Global and the regions, Network Both the renewed Global Green the Charter select these quotes from to alert us of the need We ecosystems, the integrity and restore of the Earth’s “Protect correspondent John Rensenbrink, who, with Maggie Zhou, did Zhou, with Maggie who, Rensenbrink, John correspondent the drafting for this Letter. and research when a renewed Global Green Network comes about, hopefully about, comes Network Green Global a renewed when we can in SouthCongress Korea, Global Greens at the next listservs. email One is for of three to the establishment move Parties Green the all delegates from among general discussion listserv A second will be for Network. Green to the Global listserve third A GGN delegates. the among decision-making all members among discussion willenable and promote be to have would their The regions in the world. Parties of all Green and appropriate listserves. means of email communication own is work This way specific tasks. on to work committees working made directly by delegates of the member are and decisions done rather than in the GGN, parties committees different through not directly elected people who are of smallby a fixed group The the case GGC. with the as is now by the member Parties and with the through working transformed Global Greens Secretariatresponsibility decision- and of scope the define would make decisions and would of each committee, making power This would importanton things not delegated to a committee. requiring a Parties the from coming proposals through be done whicha be put to then would of co-sponsors number minimum vote by the transformed Global Greens. of the transformed institutions being as they will be foremost shall the principles be based on and purposes Global Greens, laid forth Charter. Global Green in the heartto take to need the regions its and Greens Global the for to be at the same time ecologically planet based and committed equality. to social justice and economic with special concern for biodiversity that and the natural processes all of ecological, interrelatedness the Acknowledge sustain life. key is justice to social processes…The and economic social, both the equitable distribution natural of social and resources, human needs unconditionally, to meet basic locally and globally, all that people have fulland to ensure opportunities for personal declare is no social justice that there We and social development. justice and no environmental justice, without environmental without social justice.” winter 2020

• spring / winter magazine horizon green The Brunswick Downtown Association is in favor of a Buy Local Association The Brunswick Downtown Campaign for us to share “packet” David will get the Portland in Portland. similar to one also want to have a handout—a fact sheet with a We with Brunswick businesses. Stacey Mitchell of ILSR buying local how positive spin on can save a downtown. [Institute for Local Self-Reliance] for that kind of information. source is a good step He sees it as a good will for this project. be our point person David Frans politicalfor his upcoming the Brunswick campaign to get to know business to locally a tour of introductions Bob Dale will take David on owned community. would then be set A meeting of those business owners businesses in Brunswick. Maine Association. to the Downtown up asking them to make a presentation Businesses for Social Responsibility be willing to offer funding and may some from away take too much stores the big box [Still, support for getting things started. prices (not always of lower and the assumption Easy parking locally businesses. owned the case) keep this imbalance in place.] Hersch will Stan contact Gerzovsky state up a meeting with interested to set Bartholemew Jon of Common legislators including Hinck John and Seth Berry. introducing will possible legislation Discussion center on Cause will also be invited. in place Voting we have Ranked today in Maine. [And Choice Voting RunoffInstant running against Susan Collins Lisa Savage, and an excellent candidate for US Senate, with no spoiler effect to intimidate voters!] n thinking about my experiences working with John at the local level, I looked looked I localthe at my experiencesn thinking about John with level, working back earliest at my called notes of what was then It was the Merrymeeting Greens. The first meeting notes in my records are dated January 22, 2007. I’ll 2007. dated January are copy a fewrecords bits in my The first meeting notes 22, By 2007 the Merrymeeting active and had a long the context: already Greens Here’s the minutes of that meeting excerpts are from with interspersed commentary, Below, 1. IRV (INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING) – JOHN RENSENBRINK REPORTING (INSTANT 1. IRV FRANS REPORTING – DAVID 2) BUY LOCAL CAMPAIGN BY ROSALIE PAUL a Long-Ago from Notes the of Meeting Merrymeeting Greens our regional group. Members lived in Brunswick, Topsham, Bowdoinham, Freeport, Freeport, Bowdoinham, Topsham, Members lived in Brunswick, group. our regional Durham, Maine. and Pownal, of the issues that were I felt a jolt like the one when reminded hoping to give you below then most noteworthy. I believe this was the first a temporary had been but there hiatus of activity. history, first at Hersch Sternlieb’s met monthly, We meeting of the newly energized group. As is typical Rensenbrink of John (sadly not house and later at the local public library. typical local the same dedication group of most political small, this leaders) he offered has John Greens. and international national supportand passionate he gave to state, making everyone of a way feel member of the like a vital and valued in the room bringing out the best each of us has to offer. endeavor, in January 2007: I All of us early Greens will treasure courage and wise heart forever. John’s After a career as a nurse, Abhi Hudson turned to activism and Green politics. Recently she was a leading member of the Occupy St. Petersburg elders working group. I first met John when I was an when I was met John I first at Williams undergraduate he was in the Political College and I, a mediocre Science Department. never on my best days, undergraduate into one of his classes, dared step I began But, later, fully intimidated! wife, in , when my to know him and I and our six-week-old Margy, flew from Lebanon, where I Wendy John and Carla was teaching, to visit Katherine (then and their six-week-old in Nairobi. Margy and Carla “Trink”) Margy when later, are sisters. Years our family back and I decided to move attracted to to the States, we were John and Carla in Maine, having visited one summer. Topsham to know and Since then I’ve come him respect John as I’ve watched evolve. I think he has led and is life. I believe leading a near-perfect he was destined to help found and lead the Green Party long before he or anyone else knew or dreamed it. I believe he was and still is an I believe he has extraordinary teacher. grown to respect, trust and nurture far more people than he can imagine. And I believe he and Carla and their three daughters have made a loving, I’m challenging, and happy family. relieved that I overcame my young, thumb-in-the-mouth fear of this intellectual Lincolnesque, gangly, fellow to get to know and love this remarkable friend and brother-in-law. Al Miller graduated—just barely— from Williams College in 1960. After teaching for several years in Lebanon, he and Margaret Miller moved to Brunswick, ME where they raised five young’uns. In 1972 Al founded what is now The Theater Project, where he has been a clown, mime, storyteller, director and playwright—and teacher, is still at it!


...... 19 When I think about what to write about John Rensenbrink—of John Rensenbrink—of write about what to I think about When maverick, a a political animal. A politics. He’s course I think But when I think our democratic trust. a guardian of pioneer, above all that I admire say about John Rensenbrink of what to back up. friend. So let me husband, father, else it’s WGAN studios in Portland, live on the air in the I met John talk liberal/conservative the liberal on a staged Maine. I was because—while our content was radio program. I say staged atmosphere—the supposed to have a point/counter-point to be best made and ultimately points that were supposed points. victorious were the conservative walked into the studio for his The day John Rensenbrink for the , the interview while running voice that eviscerated all other left had a strong unwavering I sat there, during the show. arguments brought forward slack jawed and attentive, as I heard headphones on my head, values—as a way forward. John pronounce his values—green this man I admired as a guest on the Little did I know that my my campaign manager, my mentor, radio would become friend. He became a I was a young single mom when I met John. us to ball games. surrogate grandfather to my kids. He took I returned from I called him for guidance. I called him when or on the dangerous or frightening assignments in Guatemala died. campaign trail. I called him when my mom were his John openly shared his talents—whether they intelligence, his ethical leadership or his deep clear-minded courage and a compassion—with me. He gave me advice, and dreams. compass with which to steer my own hopes I’ve written I was going to write about John—and I notice he means to us. The about myself instead. Because John is what and believes in great thing about a man who speaks the truth knowing him a bit others is that each person comes away from my imagination to better than when they first met. It staggers way he has me. wonder how many people John inspired the Thank you, John Rensenbrink. for Governor Pat LaMarche was the Green Party candidate manager of her of Maine in 1998. John Rensenbrink was the with Pat when campaign that year and he also worked closely President in 2004. Because of draconian ballot she ran for Vice access laws, Pat was the last Green on the ballot for Governor of Maine when she ran again in 2006 (no Green has made the gubernatorial ballot since). magazine horizon green Pat LaMarche and John at the 2004 Pat LaMarche convention. nominating presidential


• [As the Brunswick Navy Base began plans to close, began plans to close, Base [As the Brunswick Navy spring / NEXT CONTRADANCE FUNDRAISING/PARTY BUILDING NEXT CONTRADANCE FUNDRAISING/PARTY PLAN? – BOB DALE REPORTING GARDEN PROJECT REPORT – REPORT PROJECT GARDEN REPORTING HERSCH STERNLIEB Bob has spoken with Doug Protsik of Old who Gray Goose with Doug Protsik Bob has spoken twofor willingis yeara dances price. usual his play half to for Doug will Bob willbulletin. put our ad in the contradance As the contradancers. announce our dances to his elist of 500 Thanks to Bob release. we will do a press dates draw closer, Dale for all this legwork. April 14 National Day of Ralliesof Day via Change Climate on AprilNational 14 enough about this yet but know don’t We Bill McKibben. will keep our ears open for the details needed to get a big to gather in localgroup support of the and to raise awareness importance of how issue demands. [This this reminder is a stark given all the intervening could have years.] been done, more much A groundswell of enthusiasm and familiarityand of enthusiasm groundswell A project the with are There for political looking support. are We is building. Bob Lezer so far. 700 in the database signers, 2000 petition Baldacci Gov. with A meeting willBeth Edmonds. talk with to make him familiar with the point should happen at some Everything Zoning is vital. board. him on planning and to get “passive be zoned the runwaywest and south of must recreation”. community use planHersch for Sternlieb camewith a beautiful up was pollutants—and military safe from parts those the land—or of The met in the community. response many from with enthusiastic ultimately Gardens Botanical Boothbay alternative well-funded and Town denied Project was and our Garden center stage took support.] re-vitalization Base Those notes speak to the energy we had back then for building Those notes speak to the energy winter Rosalie Paul, artist and retired teacher, is a social justice/non- teacher, artist and retired Rosalie Paul, Action She with Peace has worked violence activist and organizer. Service the Maine Green The American Friends Committee, Maine, She is currently and the local PeaceWorks. Independent Party group active with the Lisa Savage for US Senate campaign. the membership and celebrating together. Today we’re excited by Today together. the membership and celebrating (lisaformaine. campaign for Maine Lisa of the possibilities the Fred environmentalist and of lawyer candidacy the and org) still is And John Rensenbrink legislature. state the for Horch very much involved! 6) 5) STEP IT UP CAMPAIGN – BOB LEZER REPORTING 5) STEP IT UP CAMPAIGN 3)  2020

• spring / winter magazine horizon green One lesson I appropriated from Strauss appropriatedI from lesson One importancethe was my learningof alongside the purpose of all classroom of the who is to advance the knowledge me, For students. including the professor. participate, You succeeded in college and then pursued your doctorate at the . succeeded in college and then pursued You against the behaviorists I studied under Leo who were who thundered Strauss, Yes, He into a mechanistic science. to turn political philosophy in the 1950s, attempting, Hobbes. Rousseau, Aristotle, me to all of the greats—Plato, introduced countless Bowdoin students to the same. And you then introduced PHOTO CREDIT: MICHELE STAPLETON PHOTO CREDIT: Growth” a “Larger Finding interviewThe following Magazine (spring/summer 2018). in Bowdoin appeared with John at age fourteen in Pease, . formal schooling almost ended Your to the public high school My mother did not want me to go in town right. That’s our hardscrabble on My father thought I should work because it was not Christian. and So and I managed the farm, my older brother But then he passed away. farm. the American courses from School in me to take correspondence my mother allowed wrote a formallimited her with education, mother, amazing my later, And Chicago. appeal to Calvinpersonal College to accept me as a student. Poem of the One World This morning the beautiful white heron was floating along above the water and then into the sky of this the one world we all belong to where everything sooner or later is a part of everything else which thought made me feel for a little while quite beautiful myself. David Tilton was a high school social David Tilton studies teacher before becoming a Career Leader, Corps Team Teacher Opportunities Program Coordinator, and Maine Department of Education Education Field Director of Teacher Services. As an activist, he was US Senate the treasurer for John’s campaign in 1996. Dave has a son and in daughter who now live, respectively, Portland, Maine and Portland, Oregon! I don’t know if many Greens would I don’t but I link John with a love of poetry, know that one of his favorites (mine John too) is by the late Mary Oliver. asked that I send him a copy after I had quoted it to him: I have known John since I was about was about since I known John I have over half a century. six years old, Carla to Maine, he and After moving who with my parents, became friends and in the civil rights were involved As children, anti-war movements. me his daughters and John delighted of Joe the with his made-up stories He always had time for Woodsman. on being young people and carried daughters. very supportive of my accomplished Although a serious and penchant for academic, John has a always He’s the simple joys of life. others. I have ready to engage with and my fond memories of John the kitchen youngest waltzing around and I having laughing—and of he was in his a leaf fight when John known him, eighties! Since I have he has always been active in Green politics and is such a star in all he has contributed to the cause. is an artist and Susan Freelove Dolloff activist living and working in Ireland for 33 years. She was originally from Brunswick, Maine.


...... 21 I can never thank John enough John enough never thank I can a platform from for giving me my thoughts and which to express what I consider some studies on pressing social and of the most challenges we face environmental encouraged and guided John today. I wrote articles me over the years as for Green Horizon about nuclear disaster at the power (including the power Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Islam, and station), Native Americans, Green Party other issues which the been a It’s in its wisdom addresses. for me to deeply satisfying experience and reaching an see my ideas in print audience. and for me, I am a student of history, Third World to incorporate modern history from a Green perspective into my articles was a precious chance to contribute what I have learned in my rather disorganized life. I could not have done that without John’s unwavering support. John is engaged in an Right now, expansion of his lifework for creating this and inspiring the Green Party, time on the international stage. As a longtime member and former co-chair of the International Committee, John, along with Maggie Zhou, is working to re-create and infuse the international organization of Greens, the Global Greens, with a new vision of democracy within the international movement. Reference the text of their “Letter to the Green Parties of the World” [printed elsewhere in this issue], a magnificent testimony to John’s continuing dedication. Romi Elnagar is a retired teacher- librarian who lives in Baton Rouge, . She is a founding member of the Green Party of Louisiana and is She also co-chairs currently co-chair. the International Committee of GPUS and is a regular contributor to Green Horizon Magazine. magazine horizon green * * * * *


• spring / The bio accompanying the interviewThe bio accompanying Rensenbrink of seven John is one children read: . Plato of the darkness is aware . Politics a story I recount Plato’s from In it, Read my book! by dishonest Socrates, by the trial teacher, of his times exemplified of his and execution mouth and has Socrates describe in Socrates’ He puts words a man political authorities. who sees the wickedness himself under a shelter. of humankind and chooses to protect and departspeace in eviland unrighteousness, from pure life, livesThe man his own state that Adeimantus, Plato observer, has a young with bright hopes. will, and good but yes, work, great “A which Socrates replies, To work. such a great a man had done he will have unless he finds a polis which is suitable to him—where not the greatest, That passage has as well as of himself.” and be savior to his country, a larger growth It is in politics. to abandon my life for its refusal to me throughout been an inspiration “a larger growth.” that we find Plato us, reminds interacting with others, is a former Tom Putnam this interview conducted permission. reprint and obtained Tom and they have maintained a friendship ever since. student of John’s During these politically divisive times, it is tempting to retreat to the fringes, to it is tempting to retreat During these politically divisive times, politics and the public to stay aloof from focus on ourselves and our families, and inclined to follow that path? are to those who your response What’s square. and his Netherlands, was born in the Effie, of Dutch-American His mother, farmers. A highly of government professor admired of immigrants. was the son John, father, beginning thirty than for more at Bowdoin years, he taught studies, and environmental live in a former teacher and university Carla, professor, He and his wife, in 1961. and spearheadeddaughters they RiverCathance the raised three where Topsham, For Ecological Politics: The paperback of his newest edition book, Education Alliance. Survival He will be published this summer [2018]. and Democracy (Lexington Books), Louis Cardinals. fan of the St. is a lifelong Woo, that’s a good statement. Did I writeI Did bringsIt that? eyesmy to tears because statement. it good a that’s Woo, Wow. me of the challenge we face. reminds In your new book, you state: “In contemplating the fact that I will not live In your new book, you state: “In contemplating that need help. But life itself is the trees not only call. It’s I feel life’s forever, dear to me. But life itself may be Not just in me or in those threatened. severely a whole, my species, the one I belong to.” extinguished in the human species as In 1984, in addition to teaching, you became one of the to teaching, you became one of the In 1984, in addition Party—nationally and in Maine. of the Green principal founders thing I’ve ever the hardest a newThat’s tried political create to accomplish—to party. offer possibilitythe newa creating of Values Key Ten its and Party Green the me, For For ecologically tuned political culture. grassroots, in the land and a rooted economy achieving became this vision my passion. years, You were considered a bit of a firebrand. a bit considered were You over when the campus aflame was in the 1960s, career at Bowdoin I began my I offered One year, and coeducation. rights, civil Vietnam, issues such as controversial seminar for freshmen?” “A a breakthrough. That was Africaon a seminar for freshmen. But acceptable.” not It’s kidding? you Are studies? “non-Western secondly, and, of with one then And Coles. “Stacey” James I was supported by President fortunately, which was Barry we started a student-taught course, Mills ’72, my students at the time, truly inflammatory! winter 2020

• spring / winter Volume 2 (1997) FromVolume Pages, Green magazine horizon green he eyes of the Green worldhe eyes of the Green the weekend of October 3 to 5 Maine will be on 19 member state parties of State from Delegates of the Association Green [1997]. The theme is “Building a Party of a Different Kind.” It will be the third meeting It will be the third “BuildingKind.” of a Different a Party The theme is Party The keynote Green Saturday on speaker morning will be Madelyn Hoffman, Waves in “Making Green will take up the group after officers, electing On Sunday, of the G/GPUSA meeting the heels of a national on comes The ASGP conference Minnesota, Lawrencethe to California, Representatives gathering from Party Green state-based national The ASGP is dedicated paying, to a non-dues T BY JOHN RENSENBRINK Building a PartyBuilding a of Different Kind Parties (ASGP) will assemble in the Grange Hall in Topsham, a coastal town “down “down a coastal town Topsham, (ASGP) will assemble in the Grange Hall in Parties parties at the point of state Green are Additional east” thirty Portland. miles from and kindred Parties Green state Non-member joining and will be sending delegates. organizations will have observers at the meeting. Green a national of stated purpose whose the creation for to work is ASGP, of the purpose companion whose and to is Parties, Green state autonomous on based Party The ASGP was launched in all 50 states. Parties assist in the development of Green Virginia shortly Middleburg, in formally was and 1996 after November in election the in early Oregon April. founded at Portland, Madelyn joined [Update: election. candidate of New Jersey in this fall’s for governor alternating The conference, in 2019.] Horizon of the Green the Board Foundation will up in separate take sections and plenary discussions small group sessions, and Party,” Green a National Towards “Building in 50 States,” Parties Green “Growing Dinner that slated for Saturday. are These three “Organizational Affairs of ASGP.” by followed Maine clamnight will be an old-fashioned bake with all the trimmings, and dance. music relations Theyparties, will third other with cooperation with deal WideWorld.” the and the development the platform, a national of organizationswith of color, people of 2000. Presidency Though the Lawrence meeting 27 to September Massachusetts August 2. in Lawrence, authorized the preferred with ASGP on to negotiate the formation of a team of three attachment to a locals- own its it did not veer from Party, Green structure of a national Howie an amendment by accept it did However, body. national paying, dues based, Green which if implemented by G/GPUSA’s organizer, veteran Green Hawkins, starting By its terms, Congress. of G/GPUSA’s would modify the composition Council, members of locals dues to the who pay half the delegates would represent one in 1999, chosen by Parties partynational of state Green half would be representatives and one Dues role a play could payingconsiderations form proportionalof some representation. to this proposal. according but might be voluntary, in state party representation, the G/GPUSA structure, those seeking to reform among who were and New Mexico, consequentlyThey are in Lawrence. with the outcome dissatisfaction have expressed likelyturning to ASGP as a more vehicle which to achieve through Green a national and organizations. Parties in state Green rooted Party willand waysMaine in up take achieveto diversity delegates of composition the in presidential future and to a Committee each member state to its Coordinating from to the events in discuss its relation therefore, It will also, convention. nominating with G/GPUSA. Lawrence of negotiation and the question It was John who got me interested in the Greens. I can remember sitting as he talked with him over coffee about Green philosophy and how it Like many was grounded in ecology. others, I found him to be thoughtful, intelligent, well-spoken and very good The at putting his thoughts to paper. most important things I learned about John came from our trips to Green meetings, where I had the opportunity to talk with him about all kinds of topics. Some were not your typical “Green” topics, yet they somehow became related. He encouraged me to get involved with developing the party. nicest quality was that when John’s we traveled he always made sure we and something had time for coffee/tea delicious to go with it. John is known for his intellectual ability and all he has done for the but I also will remember Green Party, him for his kindness. He is a good and decent man. Fusco has worked in the substance Tom abuse, mental health and organization development fields since 1970. He was active with the gubernatorial campaigns of Jonathan Carter and Pat LaMarche in Maine, as well as the Ralph Nader and presidential has served as Maine’s campaigns. Tom representative to the GPUS National Committee and co-chair of the Maine He had the Green Independent Party. honor of being appointed by Governor as a member of the Maine Environmental Priorities Project. My work with John goes all the way goes all with John My work beginning of Green back to the the SPAKA and Time (Movement) the attempt to fill in process—our It Key Values. the Ten issues behind I and I think, in 1985 and was his idea, has jumped on it. John many others leader for over been our pre-eminent he has never 40 years, even though Committee. served on the Steering GPUS after He led the way to forming and he still leads the split in G/GPUSA International with his work on the Committee. of the Budd Dickinson was Secretary States for Green Party of the United and from 2006 four years (2012-2015) seven co-chairs to 2009 was one of the was one of the of the organization. He founders of the California Green Party in 1991.


...... 23 Not only that: The Rebel. Not only that: Thus Spoke Zarathustra. At One-Dimensional Man or My idea had been to take a break a break to take had been My idea of the from the authoritarianism in Germany and student rebellion mind. Preferably in make up my Chicago. NYC would Berkeley or Then Fulbright okay. have been a scholarship for came up with Maine—a Bowdoin in Brunswick, on a map. place I could hardly find odds, I went Against all (internal) something like and started there as the SDS. I a forward observer of their gentle met John Rensenbrink, He correctly. if I remember adviser, Government became my teacher of precisely: and Legal Studies. More fellow political theory—all German Nietzsche, countrymen: Hegel, Marx, (nobody Marcuse and, well, Sartre politics of is perfect)—and the development. Unforgettable… not only the learning experience the introduction but, in particular, to the politics of development: a 45-minute lecture on (actually a harangue against) colonialism, after which Professor Rensenbrink left the classroom to give us time to think and were in awe. I had found discuss. We my teacher. Nevertheless, at the end of that semester I wanted to return home. Too very tired of fraternity much snow, life, Bowdoin terribly mono-ed. No charismatic teacher can compensate those deficits, I thought. It was then gently that he intervened, fatherly, and as always combining concern with should stay here, he told me, wit. You project – what and work on an honor’s will it be? I suggested Camus, The Rebel (at the time, oh, so hopelessly bourgeois). He had expected, I assume, Marcuse’s Nietzsche’s least some work on the young Marx. But John Rensenbrink went along with my choice sensing that this was what I had to do to make up my mind. I think I did, even though I did not quite understand In addition, I developed the idea that I wanted to become a teacher like John. Helping students to make up their mind. The genuine authoritative but anti-authoritarian Green-Rensenbrink lesson we, his students, learned in ’68/’69. I have cherished our friendship ever since. Günter Frankenberg graduated from Bowdoin College in 1969. He went on to study law and political science in a Senior Professor he’s Munich. Today of legal philosophy and comparative law at Goethe University in Frankfurt. magazine horizon green


• spring /

Will whites ever forgive themselvesWill for enslaving blacks? blacks ever The hope and the chance of that happening is greater be able to forgive? when and as we take into ourselves the validity and beauty an ontology of the world that in race relations the revolution This is is of being related. enlivens that when translatedto politics, It is this revolution, waiting for. and enables politics to be a healing force. politics, The Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party [my party] Party The Massachusetts Green-Rainbow has taken a step that rainbow The and for all in all people lands. Parties is a model for all Green “the or “E Pluribus Unum,” “people of color,” significantlygoes beyond as melting pot” to describe society the kind of that is emerging and which, to a post-racist world. the way shows it emerges, iving the active life advocated by Hannah Arendt, it had never to me that occurred iving the active life advocated by Hannah Arendt, a political party embodying that particular practice arise might in a country whose Ecological Politics: For Survival and DemocracyFor whose originality I value most— Ecological Politics:

For the past two months, I have I in a bitterly been immersed fought internal the past two months, For the development of ecological of the Europe in politics Tracing book: about the But And finding head space when John Rensenbrink’s statement in the section of of section the in statement Rensenbrink’s John when space head finding And winter For Survival and Democracy BY ELIE YARDEN John’s Ecological Politics: Reflections Upon Upon ReadingReflections battle between two camps, about whose names should appear on the Green- about whose names should appear on battle between two camps, the by yeara than ago more preceded was This Primary ballot. Presidential Rainbow “Rainbow” to study the possibilityappointment of a committee of eliminating the the and to reduce the name of the Massachusetts party;from for GPUS conformity, the In the midst of this we received when canvassingneed for explanations for votes. as an elected member of the City Council, It was he, death. Turner’s news of Chuck with the guidance of Mel King gave the City of the practice a model of Boston of the His District Seven Relating new office became politics. a center of political activism. of theory practice and the activities of in the initiatives whose success depended on ecological An practicein politics such rarelyhas as developedwho residents the them. to the status quo that had to be citybeen seen in any a genuine threat presented stopped by an FBI operation. science turned That is when European the nineteenth century sense. makes complete man, making him an object of his own its new the subject, investigative methods on Alexander the Englishman, the humanists who anticipated this was Among knowledge. eighteenth century by the continental was admired whose work enlightenment. Pope, in the rhymed classical couplets of he wrote, Replacing theology by anthropology, English poetry:

very of necessary a dehumanizing exploitation is founded on existence and the labor technological that through of minimizing work invention. his Social Cultural and Life”—I read Economic, Transforming Being Related is “How that… L 2020

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winter “I everything hate merely that instructswithout me These or directlyquickening increasing my activity.” well may ceterum like a sincere censeo, of Goethe, words worth the on head of my thoughts stand at the and the instruction why in them I will show worthlessness of history. that slackens rein the knowledge “quicken,” that does not be must phrase, in Goethe’s in fact history, why of activity, as a costly and superfluous luxury“hated,” seriously of the still the necessaries in want of for we are of understanding: We superfluous is an enemy to the necessary. and the life, the jaded idlers differently but quite from do need history, however grandly they look may of knowledge, in the garden In other our rude requirements. on and unpicturesque down not as a convenient we need it for life and action, words, a selfish life or to excuse and a to avoid life action, way and would serve history onlyWe so far cowardly or base action. as it serves a certain beyond but to value its study point life; that certain and this is a fact and degrades life: mutilates symptoms make it as necessary of our time marked as it may be painful to bring to the test of experience. Ecological Politics offers an Ecological Politics Rensenbrink’s Reading John alternative to the pathos of individual finitude by showing a alternativeshowing to the pathos of individual finitude by the only political town, in the self-governing practice rooted that can of the neoliberalinstitution withstand the onslaught the a refuge—from as well, offers, It attack the Demos. on waste of American determined all capitalism values are where truly the markets—in and competitive by unregulated political. has been of Music Emeritus College, at Bard Professor Yarden, Elie He Party. member of the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow a longtime oftenhis views at expressed Cambridge to moved 40 years almost ago, at 2013 in council the ranthen and on seat a for citymeetings, council He Mysticthe joined 90! Elie age of the localRiver 1997. in Greens has served and Party the State on of the Green-Rainbow Committee the Platform of GPUS. Committee magazine horizon green The Uses and Disadvantages of HistoryThe Uses John Rensenbrink came to my kitchen table in 2002 when I was thinking about running John Rensenbrink came to my kitchen table in 2002 when I was thinking about running for the Maine state legislature and gifted me with a copy of his book Against All Odds. companion Heather, A fitting beginning for our friendship. He had inscribed it: “To best wishes!” He door- and compatriot on the frontier for a green and just world. Very knocked with me through that campaign and was a steady source of support during Since that day my respect for John has grown my tenure as co-chair of the state party. and grown. It is rare to say that you count among your friends the founder of a party a and a movement who has walked side by side with you in the continuing struggle for transformation of American politics. Not to say that the way has always been smooth, but even when we disagreed about tactics we were always in sync about where we persistence and resilience has continually inspired me to keep were headed. John’s respect and friendship is truly one of the plowing ahead. Knowing that I have John’s great treasures of my life. Future. She’s Betsy Garrold is president of the Board of Directors of Food for Maine’s a former Green Party candidate for the Maine state legislature, former state party co- and in 2016 had the honor of running the ground campaign in New England for chair, the Jill Stein campaign. She first met John in 2002 and has loved him ever since. But the real work of studying the place, in nature, of the fully in nature, of studying work the place, But the real Argument of the Second Epistle Of the Nature and and Second of the Argument Nature Of the Epistle Individual. as an Himself, with Respect to State of Man, to study himself. but of Man not to pryThe business into God, not God to scan; presume then thyself, Know is Man. study of Mankind The proper of a middle this isthmus on state, Plac’d and rudely great: A being darkly wise, Withthe Sceptic side, for knowledge much too pride, With for the Stoic’s weakness much too or rest, in doubt to act, He hangs between; or Beast; a God, In doubt to deem himself Body to prefer, In doubt his Mind or to err; but and reas’ning Born but to die, such, his reason Alike in ignorance, or too much: Whether he thinks too little, all confus’d; Passion, Thought and Chaos of or disabus’d; Still by himself abus’d, and half to fall; half to rise, Created to all; yet a prey of all things, lord Great in endless hurl’d: Error Truth, Sole judge of and riddle of the world! jest, The glory,

24 ‘vita activa’ as the only ‘vita activa’ of Arendt’s its anticipation is rich; for Life, begins: The prologue to individual mortality. response bipedal primate endowed with, and dependent on, symbolic speech on, and dependent with, bipedal primateendowed forphilosophical and project ‘scientific’ becamefor its proliferation a Rensenbrink, Weber. and Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, Darwin, Comte, the center is a rare at of Nietzsche and thought placing the work movement, women’s on the European of his influence recognition Socialist on and his birth the individual from of status, the freeing It was he who asserted that every thought. Anarchist philosophical He systembe ignored. not could values that of set a concealed recognized the importance of history by denying the possibility of its on The ‘meditation’ objectivity.

...... 25 John has been an inspiration to me and my family for his vision, wisdom, kindness, and endurance. His writings have and will continue to guide me throughout my life. an is currently Brie Welzer environmental scientist at Green Seal Inc. She has provided mission and research support to the US Environmental Protection Agency and managed innovative programs in partnership with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. John Rensenbrink’s influence on my own lifeown been has my on influence Rensenbrink’s John Horizon, of Green as co-editor a magazine he Additionally, newof a pain the pain like no idea, there’s that said been It’s we challenge, John’s rock-like commitment to the potential of to the potential rock-like commitment John’s we challenge, it all, Through transform to the worldGreen has never wavered. serving deeply stayed and loyally at involved, committees on he’s candidate, running Party as a Green levels, various Party Green and—yes—pushing to do us mentoring new Greens, and young capable have we were of. thought than we may and be more more of inspiration. ideas and perseverance His a source are considerable. kindliness and he brings Green to any humor, the wisdom, Also, a great lucky committee Party to have a member provides him as effectively to work example of how within a group. he SteveWelzer, visionary, Green another with established Green for up opportunitiesopened my passion me to share for Horizon Green me to also introduced with a wider audience. various writers the cutting edge of evolving on thinking. Green forever deeply grateful opportunities. for both I’m an idea whose time has come. no stopping and also that there’s no matter how “Green,” the idea of dedication to realizing John’s During is evident in his life and writings. the seas become, rough ecocide the rising when tides of fascism, these stormy days, visionary leadership John’s and militarism our world, threaten surely as steadily and Greens the fellow as his guide to continues the rugged of the lighthouses along beacons powerful coast of state of Maine. his home served Linda Cree as a Michigan delegate the mid-80s, since A Green and is a former years, for some Committee to the GP-US National its Platform and later, Committee co-chair of the party’s Eco-Action family, her greatlyshe enjoys teaching, from retired Now Committee. and waters, woods, the and writing, artfolk painting, drawing, Upper Peninsula. wildlife of Michigan’s BY LINDA CREE magazine horizon green A Leader for Our Times for A Leader


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reens take pride in our decentralized form of leadership, a pridetake in our decentralized reens form leadership, of style that encourages every to be a nexus individual Green

We should really appreciate the fact that John Rensenbrink has stuck with the cause of should really appreciate We we’ve been swimming For 35 years now, been easy. the Greens all these years. It hasn’t against the current of the entrenched two-corporate-party system as well as most peace, justice, and environmental movements, which have been resigned to trying to uncomfortably with our had to live sometimes lobby and elect the “lesser evil.” We’ve John is still here fighting—perhaps in spite of me, Yet within the party. own differences strategy! But John has never let on program and with whom he has had his differences of the controversies of the moment discourage and stray him from the long-term goal building the independent Green political alternative. While half a dozen progressive third parties have come and gone over these years, only the Green Party has lived on For that we should all be thankful. John is a big reason why. to fight another day. who has been active with in Syracuse, , is a retired Teamster the Green Party since its first national organizing meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota in of 1984. He was the first US candidate to campaign for a Green New Deal in the first Party in 2010, governor that won ballot status for the Green three runs for New York 2014, and 2018. He is currently seeking the 2020 Green nomination for president. Although circumstances kept me from attending earlier kept me from nationalAlthough circumstances helped guide the infant party visioning Green through John’s Over have been and despite the buffetings Greens the decades, of change. Yet, even with such a diffused leadership, there are there even with such leadership, a diffused Yet, of change. cannotwho people virtueby out stand but help intellect, their of they’veand the role in the struggle played and integrity, personality, Rensenbrink John is such a leader. we call Party. dream Green the until of meeting John have the honor gatherings and I didn’t Green As of him since the 1980s. I’ve known into the 21st Century, we were John’s in the United States, Party of the founders of the Green one He rapidlyinvolvement saw that the dominant has been pivotal. moneyedpolitical and corporate on parties too reliant interests were the transformative needed today. kind of leadership that’s to provide He was equally quick to realize that only our political by rooting ideology in ecological we be able to adequately would wisdom social/political/ecological and interconnected the multiple address is John interview In a recent Magazine, crises for Bowdoin we face. Values Key Ten and its Party the Green me, “For quoted as saying: offer in the land the possibility rooted a new economy of creating ecologically attuned political culture.” and a grassroots, earlythe exciting years of wide-ranging political discussions, he was When hesitated, others and strategic planning. activism, fearlessthe political become to arm peace, of the in urging Greens As and social justice movements. environmental, anti-nuclear, canit allmake difference the canactivist tell front-line you, any in the world the same wavelength to have when a legislator on politics is And trying are you politically. done to get something something worse, for or better for can much so happen, where Party impossible to imagine a Green It’s fullyJohn understands. in our country him! without subjected to by the political and corporate whose hegemony interests

winter G 2020

• spring / winter magazine horizon green t’s time to leave 20th-century behind 19th- and t’s political ideologies that shoehorn human impose orthodoxy and conformity, history formulas, and behavior into single-model Ideologies that call themselves ‘scientific’ have all easily too to been employed ‘scientific’ call that Ideologies themselves mythologies. to waste time on afford we can’t climate with the global crisis, Faced and other right-wing radical heads of Johnson, Bolsonaro, Trump, The emergence of Labour Party with the UK’s along the Democratic in the US, Party Meanwhile, enough just to invoke not but it’s deservesThe Bernie contingent a lot of credit, dealing with the merger of the corporate that sector and the state in a way We’re in watered- adopted and Greens US by in the Deal—introduced New Green The 21st- we need a and coercion, privilege, Instead of ideology as a basis for authority, very are there few people who grasp the urgent necessity Greens, Even of among of and the descent Trump called the advent of a horror He wrote it before President and establish coercive institutions (the state, corporations, police and armed forces, clergy). armed police and forces, corporations, (the state, institutions and establish coercive Marxism useful remains human rightscases mass murder. and in some suppress commit can of scientific heave its pretenses We for analyzing and classeconomic relations. determinism overboard. which replaced Neoliberalism, right the corner. around The end of capitalism isn’t post-9/11 with failing began Keynesian1970s, late the in beginning economics “Big Government that The idea Streetof 2008. bailouts Wall and the nationalism nevermust interfere with the Market” fairy was exposed as a But suckers. tale for we can a count on capitalism the wake of its latest crisis, in is endlessly adaptable and, new mythology neoliberalism. to replace brutal more and less apologetic might be something state tells us that the replacement its old country-clubThe GOP has abandoned conservatism and and power. about greed enthusiastically to the new signed on reactionary populism with hardly the blink of an eye. The is clingingand centrist parties to neoliberalism. in other democratic countries, has embraced and Biden, including Clinton, Obama, Democratic establishment, Party mentality tryingis and hold to policy foreign doctrines neocon War newa and Cold the fort a left against led by Bernie Sanders insurrection and a few others. evenwe desperately though leftistthe usual like reforms need pieties and programs, items. agenda and other progressive wages, livable college, free universal health care, at happening makes Big Gummint and it’s a wholly subsidiary owned of Big Business, a time when humanity crisis is facing an existential as the planet heats up. Democrats—is newthis form seriousa and some by situation address to attempt down need to We not enough. But it’s overturn doctrine the dangerous of endless growth. we think about politics and governance. reorient the way ecological century democracy, of ideology kind dedicated to humane values, that’s and sharing nonviolence in the midst of the climate the quest for solutions crisis, wisdom, The and an acceptance of complexity. of resources, and hoarding instead of competition natural part world are Humans of the natural world. is endlessly complex. Rensenbrink John of them. is one shedding the political of previous centuries. philosophies with him occasionally I’ve conversed twenty at for a little over John I’ve years. known in 2017 after but I began to understand him a lot more he meetings, Party Green national Survival and Democracy. For sent me a copy of his newly Ecological published book Politics: Democrats into anti-Russia paranoiablame-casting and their humiliating election over BY SCOTT McLARTY BY SCOTT Some Thoughts About About Thoughts Some John Rensenbrink I John Rensenbrink has been dedicated to the Green Party in a way few can work. imagine. It has been a life’s Through up and down John has remained faithful to the notion that our nation needs an alternative vision I and an alternative political party. congratulate him for his stick-to-it-ive- people willing to need more ness. We dedicate their lives to ensuring that future generations will have a chance for life on our Mother Earth. Bruce K. Gagnon, of Brunswick, Maine, has been serving as coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. Over the winter he took an unpaid leave of absence from that position in order to help with the successful petition drive to get US Senate candidate Lisa Savage on the ballot in that state. After moving to Maine, one of theMaine, one moving to After Maine I did was to join the first things of At one Party. Green Independent I met I attended, the first conventions That conversationJohn Rensenbrink. over of many we’ve had was the first years. Those conversationsthe ensuing from growinghave broached subjects aboutvegetables to strategizing Having Key Values. advancing our Ten for as long as I canbeen politically active a decidedly left-leaning with remember, of the Mainebent, becoming co-chair proved to beGreen Independent Party than having my own opinionsdifferent long before I hadand voice. It wasn’t in my speed number embedded John’s are manydial. Among Greens, there onviews, those with a concentration others who wantenvironmental issues, to end the capitalist system, and many focuses betwixt. The Green Party is a collaboration of members and views. We all have the same motivation anddon’t agenda. Though I have my own leanings, I realized that I had been elected by all of the Maine Greens. I also realized that my position required counsel to be an Hence the speed party leader. effective John has been number. dial with John’s a resource, an inspiration, a confidant a friend. Thank and most importantly, you, John, for all you have done for me and for Greens around this globe we are trying to save. Gil Harris is a past co-chair of the Maine Green Independent Party. He currently serves as a selectman in Limerick and as chair of the York County Greens. When not politicking, he spends time homesteading and growing organic veggies.


...... 27 John Rensenbrink’s was among the among the was Rensenbrink’s John when I first names I encountered Party in the Green became interested 1990s. At that time there in the late an surrounding was some confusion that claimed to represent organization the Green Parties around all Green and etc. I was one of the its history, country, tracked down few individuals to have of various independent corroboration a factual details to better determine history. more about the In that way I learned Green politics work John did to bring States and into play in the United him in person was honored to meet meetings. at one of the national in touch off Since then we have been found his and on, and I have always presentations and writings insightful and enlightening. His vision, writings and general presentation of “green politics” has been very educational; open friendliness his also, importantly, is especially welcoming. This is the kind of inspiration we need more of. Thanks to his work, I and others in my state party joined the Green Politics Network books and the and have found John’s magazine Green Horizon very valuable. Greens throughout the US, indeed We throughout the world, owe a great thought and work. debt to John’s Holly Hart became interested in the Green Party in 1996 after reading about the New Mexico Greens in The Nation. She coordinated the 2000 Nader for President petition drive in , ran for Lt. Governor in 2002, and has held various state and local party positions, including past co-chair and current secretary of the Iowa Green delegate from She was the first Party. Caucus to the the national Women’s , served and three terms as National Secretary, is currently a co-chair of the GPUS Media Committee and a member of the Coordinated Campaign Committee. He lives in magazine horizon green


• spring / I met John Rensenbrink in February 1984 at the second meeting of the Maine Greens.I met John Rensenbrink in February 1984 at for a meeting of Canadian Greens andJohn had gone with Alan Philbrook to Canada I did not hear of the January 1984 meetingcame back to Maine and called a meeting. invited me to accompany them to theuntil after the fact, but friends who had gone out green policies, but started writing procedures and fleshing February meeting. We fight between the vegetarians and thewithin 18 months the group blew apart in a manure and need some way to disposebiodynamic farmers who raise animals for the of the farm. After the explosion, whichof the animals that exceed the carrying capacity and me. consisted of just John, Matt Tilley, drove away nearly everyone, the next meeting was expert at putting one foot in front ofI worked with John a lot after that, and he but we four kept the Maine Greens movingthe other to move us along. It took a while, also shared a perspective in the internecine warfare forward and in the public eye. We of the national Green collaborations that have been a part and parcel of the Green decentralization, believed in , Party since its very earliest days. We were both prolific writers and peace, and we used an ecological lens in our analysis. We as well. I have not read everything John has written, but quite a bit of it, and some of it is as good an explanation of sectors of Green politics as you will see. His support of my work designing the Association of State Green Parties, which eventually morphed itsinto the Green Party of the United States, was critical to moving the Green Party into understanding of itself as a political party and not just a movement. When I moved to Rhode Island my work with the Green Party of Rhode Island kept me connected to the Green universe and for many years I worked with John on the Green Party National Committee where he brought his wisdom and willingness to get things done. He continues to keep his hand on the tiller when called upon and help negotiate and avoid the Green Party—in Maine, in the US, and in the efforts, the pitfalls. On account of John’s and truer to its cause. (And he and his family throw great parties!) world—is more effective on ecological healing and Greg Gerritt has been an activist focused Since the first Earth Day, economic justice. He helped found the Green Party as well as many other organizations and currently focuses on Climate Justice, amphibians, creating nature videos, forests and advocating for economic development in Rhode Island that is based on green values. His day job is serving as the Administrator of the Environment Council of Rhode Island. The idea of a politics based on ecology isn’t entirely new. In the late 1800s, at In the late 1800s, entirely new. ecology based on The idea of a politics isn’t Sartre other existential humanists of the mid-twentieth and century talked about would be widely John recognizedsuccessor to political as a In an ideal world, winter Washington, DC. After joining the Greens in 1996 Scott ran for the Ward 1 seat on the DC 1 seat on Ward After in 1996 Scott ran for the joining the Greens DC. Washington, City Council in 1998. Scott McLarty of the United States. Party for the Green is former media director defeats. (And let’s not forget that a Hillary forget that not let’s (And would have administration increased Clinton defeats. drillingfossil-fuel have and would authorized and consumption same kind of bloated the military with bipartisan is passing now In a recent enthusiasm.) budgets that Congress update Trump-Era which effectively Declaration,” “Deepa as functions Green essay, Howard Gerritt, Greg colleagues Party Cree, Linda Green joined John to his book, demolishing the myths in that endless is possible andSwitzer growth and SteveWelzer to save us. going structures are power ideologies and that entrenched a also was who Kropotkin, Peter anarchist Industrialthe of height the Revolution, observed to in contrast aid) between of cooperation biologist, species (mutual the role theory would be useful cooperation and suggested that mutual of competition Darwin’s for human society as well. and threats power especially by oppressive when confronted and responsibility, freedom ecological of foundations the surely politics. among whichto survival, are we Although I suppose that in an ideal world, and Sartre. like Kropotkin philosophers White in the House or a global climate waiting catastrophe Trump have also wouldn’t be limited to the the political And field wouldn’t and grandchildren. for our children Street. twoWall parties of war and 2020

• spring / PHOTO CREDIT: JIM MCCARTHY PHOTO CREDIT: winter magazine horizon green We spent the long morning planting posts. Dad’s strong hands created deep holes in hands created strong Dad’s morning spent the long planting posts. We Dad showed per post. one we spent hours carefully attaching the insulators, Next, gesticulating. crying, laughing, we were but soon who saw it first, remember I don’t Home Ground AND LIZ RENSENBRINK, AND JON McMILLAN GRETA THOUGHTS FROM CARLA, KATHRYN, DAUGHTER KATHRYN who pony, my heart’s desire—a my dad helped me acquire when I was eleven, In 1973, 50 white ceramic a giant insulators and the supplies: Dad purchased a fence. required woods, our carry to from posts the cut Dad wire of spool wooden electric the current. to build the fence in a day. he and I, and we set to work, a post hole digger, borrowed Then we both stomped I held each pole in place while he filled in the dirt. the earth. stories of his childhood a farm, He shared on together tamping the earth into place. time a Storiesriding from Beautyhorse his collect to fields of miles mail. the through the The sun fell our backs, hot on when his family well-built fences. depended on of row growing the by propelled on, worked we but stickyour plagued mosquitos skin, tamp. plant, dig, posts and the rhythm of the work: to hang them so they could support but not hold it too closeme how the wire to the In the running of the wire. for the grand final moment, ready last we were At wood. wanted for dinner but unified in our and we were my childhood memory it was dusk, enclosing field. the acre of posts, rows our sturdy We admired to finish. determination at the posts again. looked We spool. at the great looked We In short the order though each of the eyelets. It would not be possible to pull the wire John and Carla dedicating Rensenbrink Way ODE to JR: ODE to John Rensenbrink A Ballad for getting my I procrastinated submitted, to the very contribution is probably because this last minute, hardest things to write. one of the say to or for a person What can you lifetime to the who has dedicated a As a scholar improvement of others? and writer John has continually challenged both conventional of the knowledge and the wisdom conscience of ages. He has been the politics. His Green scholarship and debate and insights serve to push sit around spur action. When others John moves think-tanks chattering, tables and white the conversation past to the hearts pages (“green pages”) and minds of people who will act on a powerful Green Agenda. While he is not superhuman, he is a Green Superhero! John has a keen eye for spotting good writers who are also good thinkers. He may not always agree with the perspectives posed, but he always pushes for good journalism and sound reasoning. He holds the highest of ethical standards and operates with he Personally, the greatest of integrity. has supported me—but also challenged me to explore ideas, to consider perspectives, and think deeply and passionately about the issues. In so many ways he has been like a father these to me and I am so proud to offer words in tribute to him and to his legacy of scholarship and service to humanity and the Green spectrum of philosophy and activism. Thank you, John Rensenbrink, for all you have given, sacrificed, and done to make possible a new world and a are a shining new Green future. You light and we salute you. I salute you, are loved and and I thank you. You appreciated. Darryl! LC Moch is a former co-chair of the Green Party of the United States. He was chair of the DC Statehood Green Party and currently serves as co-chair of the National Black Caucus. Darryl! has been a consultant, activist, advocate, performance artist, psychotherapist/life coach, and In addition to having run minister. for office, he has served as an adviser to campaigns and candidates in various parts of the country—locally, Darryl! is and nationally. regionally, currently on the Board of the Green Horizon Foundation.


...... 29 John Rensenbrink has had such an has had Rensenbrink John even my life that I can’t impact on I meeting him. Although remember there always known him, feel like I’ve when I did not. I clearly was a time and moving to Brunswick remember of one of the founders learning that United States the Green Party in the That was a person I lived close by. wanted to get to know! meeting recall our first Perhaps I can’t nothing because there is absolutely John. false or pretentious about and feel I can see his warm smile from dozens his hearty handshake and if not hundreds of political seen his sincere organizing events. I’ve rooms of jaded enthusiasm win over filling and cantankerous activists, them with hope and shared purpose. No matter who you are and how outlandish your ideas, John is willing to listen to you without judgment and give you the benefit of thoughtful consideration. One of the lasting monuments wisdom and power of to John’s persuasion is the Cathance River nature preserve. The fact that generations can enjoy the trails around the Cathance River is impressive, but I’m personally even more impressed that John was to able to persuade my wife, Hadley, serve on the board of the Cathance River Education Alliance. success in getting people I think John’s to do good things has to do with the empathy he has for people who don’t like to be told what to do. On one of the many long drives to Green Party events around Maine, John shared a story about what a dean at Williams College told him. “John,” the dean run in problem is you can’t said. “Your harness.” an attribute shared by virtually That’s wisdom John’s every Green I know. and spirit has helped our political party of independent spirits persist and work even grow for decades. His life’s need to keep proves that you don’t a team in harness to achieve great things; instead, you can inspire them by example with love. Fred Horch lives in Brunswick, Maine, been inspired by John to where he’s run for office as a Green four times (including an upcoming 2020 campaign for the Maine House of Representatives in District 49). magazine horizon green


• spring / “How about a Joe the Woodsman story, Lizzie?” Dad interrupted my whine before Lizzie?” story, Woodsman about a Joe the “How the oldest and bossiest. Trink, declared “Yes!” as a matter of Trink even though she usually with disagreed declared Greta, “Yes!!” to change course. but reluctant excited I sniffed, “Ye..ah?!” Whining made her teeth hurt. cried Mum in grateful relief. John!” “Thanks, learned ago bass voice we had long asked my Dad in the booming “Who’s John?” Dad and his sidekick Snaky fragmented. are Woodsman My memories the of Joe to enjoy invitations were Golden Galoomph and the Great Snaky, The stories of Joe, But I still get centering place. to the woods because I go this day it is a tranquil, To “PonyFence” became my dad’s code word for an important missed detail that, with for an important code word detail that, missed became my dad’s “PonyFence” winter SON-IN-LAW JON SON-IN-LAW fell CollegeIf you in the ’80s—or ’70s in with a certain cadre of students at Bowdoin the name John heard you before for that matter—it would not have been long or ’90s, it was imparted In my case, known. as he was sometimes “The or Brink” Rensenbrink, they (possibly of strident idealistic anarchists by a group idealists, young anarchistic rare Rensenbrink exciting, something exactly who had found in Professor sure) weren’t me aside to drive comrade took One eager the point and extraordinarily compelling. DAUGHTER LIZ South hike from a 9.6-mile I was a 6-year-old Branch on to bored. bored, I was bored, I was limping a little because I had stubbed back. And in Baxter State Park. Russell Pond running root after tree a even toe on big my sisters barefoot my big though I wasn’t perfecta cut had Dad round swollengiant my for toe, room make to order In to. supposed He made it possible for me to starthole in the white rubber the tip with a camping knife. but it ruined my favorite at them made me sad. sneakers and just looking back, hike long sad and starting to whine. achy, tired, sticky, I was hot, bored, just I wasn’t its reached principle. was Joe’s. eachused a distinct voice for characterand usually characters chasing the after were the rightthe mysticalat up moment, showed who melancholybut Galoomph Golden Great a family Joe joined us for many but always hike and sidelined unearthly in shadowy ways. and dragging feet. and imagined, aches real epic whines, sibling arguments, and the burble my head over canopy of a of trees green the great the natural world; carefully If I looked the mountains to the sea. race its passing me by on from stream I could see the magical glimpse of a moose, to Joe/Dad, according and paid attention, a and just there, or a bear mama beckoning her cubs, antlers hung with tangled leaves, and this place. who led us to this moment Golden Galoomph flicker of the Great up with growing from that comes the knowledge sadness is from Today’s hikes. sad on and his work, his life’s efforts, that despite his prodigious knowing Rensenbrink, John better He understands the survival Earth green is not secure. of our great passion, great And shoe. as simple as cutting a hole in your isn’t than most of us that the resolution the story Golden Galoomph. will of the Great not be finished with the capture wire would become too heavy and too cumbersome. We invented a dozen invented impossible We too cumbersome. heavy and too would become wire lay each insulator, would have down to take We our fate. we accepted before solutions Which wire. the around insulators the reattach then and the perimeter, around wire the Eventually. we did. It is a lighthearted term full of might have seen sooner. one or knowledge, better planning fence episode captures his energy the pony me and enthusiasm, For his intelligent humor. be it the glory the and absurdity of hubris, in human endeavor, and genuine delight work. of shared or the sweet pleasure inevitability thrill the of tenacity, setback, of 2020

• spring / winter magazine horizon green When I was a kid, those 40 acres had been a mature pine forest, thickly carpeted pine forest, had been a mature those 40 acres When I was a kid, In the early of saws and screams seventies we spent a summer listening to the growls I was worried. and proud, defiant and excited When me about his purchase, Dad told My friends were right, at least about John. I was immediately enthralled. He was, He was, I was immediately enthralled. John. at least about right, My friends were an exaggeration of much not It’s as I could. as many with John, I kept taking courses I never really became disclosure: friend John left a good and eventually his class. (Full SPOUSE CARLA the lot that it backedWhencame with and I bought our first and last house in 1965, John changing, Gradually the river—winding, to know we got the Cathance River. onto it and paddled years we walked along it and skated on For and unpolluted. undeveloped, of a large alarmed when we heard But in 1999 we were and assumed we always would. DAUGHTER GRETA in the earlyMy father retired adulthood and more 1990s while I was busy attempting was; I thought I (Or anyway other time in my life. than at any my parents distant from of them I always much it would take years carry for me to see how with me.) Because funds retirement had taken half of Dad’s late that my parents of this I discovered Living paycheck land abutting their property. of cut-over 40-odd acres to purchase a bunch beggaringfrom of stumps I was pretty to protect oneself sure to paycheck, development to the earth was taking this whole commitment thing a little far. infrequently, walked there We with needles fragrant and airy roof. underneathits high, climbingof anticipation the remember I But the of out becauselegs. little for far was it telling Dad stridinglittle gully along, our property along up to the magnificent woods. The only place of worship that ever felt encouraging us to discover. exploring, stories, trees four squared logs connecting long Wildwood, in the to me was the Church sacred it upon so coming He could never exactly it was, remember where named by my Dad. added to its mysteries. misery sense of shock that and my own my parents’ I remember as the place was leveled. back the property Creeping on afterwards, this destruction to happen. be allowed could visible. of our familiar paths were that none troubled startledwe were by the sun, by quicklyreplaced But watching desolation the newa found we beauty land, that in new of stumps, the base out of Findinggrowing saplings young shrubs. then grasses, new to the spot where trails connecting claimingvarieties the pines, of trees space from we cut an astonishingly the cat and the place where us had followed we discovered Wildwood in the the Church where never on could agree We sparse Christmas tree. back. we watched that land fight its way the years, But over had been. small I understood the big hope in that gesture. argue. But I didn’t home: “There are three things you must do at Bowdoin, but the most important but the is take do at Bowdoin, “There must you things three are home: for up signed I course, Of Such reputation. his was Rensenbrink…” John with course a what the other two (I have things forgotten since a class next semester. with him the were…) to difficult It’s and human being. activist thinker, teacher, and compelling a rare and is, so “teach” He didn’t characterize at that time without hyperbole. at Bowdoin his role politicalof root the drawat as ideas philosophy. of battle the into students his much or that we weren’t never expected to join the fray—he were imagined we couldn’t We as he was. as fascinated and passionate Rensenbrink in John us did! He at that time—lots of “major” could that you to say young minds thousands!—of for hundreds—or at a pivotal time was a pivotal figure exploring new ways of thinking. he will always before—and long be “father-in-ideas” But he was my my father-in-law. more.) and much that to me, As another of the US Green Party founders, I want to express my gratitude to John Rensenbrink for all he has done over the years for the should be especially proud We party. of the very fine periodical he has been publishing for all these years. It clearly expresses the values of the GP in every edition. And its graphics are first rate. I am also grateful for the positive tone he brings to his online forum posts. They encourage, inform, and express peace and nonviolence whatever the topic. In my opinion, he represents the key values in human form. to a bright future for Green Here’s Horizon! Genevieve Marcus is a co-founder of She and the California Green Party. her husband, Bob Smith, formed Experimental Cities, Inc. as a nonprofit research and educational institution to seek positive solutions to social and environmental problems afflicting all large cities. She is also a Musicologist, a Relationships a university lecturer, and an editor of an author, Counselor, journals in several fields. Genevieve lives in Los Angeles. John has always been a pleasure to been a pleasure has always John of the As the former co-chair work with. I Meeting Committee, Annual National desire impressed with John’s was always attend, even after travelto not just present. for him, but to became difficult the glad he did! Hearing And I’m so elders in realwisdom from our party time is a great honor. of the Hillary Kane is the Director Network Philadelphia Higher Education Since for Neighborhood Development. the Green Party becoming active with numerous leadership held in 2000 she’s as well as positions at all levels, campaigns. various roles on candidate of Treasurer Currently she serves as United States the Green Party of the Coordinated and is a member of the Campaign Committee.


...... 31 I’m always happy when writing when writing happy I’m always for Green Horizon something door is wide Magazine because the wonderful range of open and a a Green future will strategies for heard I’ve never keep me company. word from John a discouraging somebody” Rensenbrink, the “senior respect for the who seems to share my Mystery; OM principles: Originating Mind. In Old Mother nature; Open to respond fact, John has taken care own to anything with an article of his an “answer” I’ve sent in that needed expansion of or an enhancement or magazine some kind. Because this its own that is now has a character of not defined or always influenced but I am character, determined by John’s will continue to very confident that it be an important reference point for the Green movement USA, and world- wide, into the long-term future. IF there is one? I am also very grateful and hopeful about the coincidence [December 2019] presence on our of Greta Thunberg’s shores along with the beginnings of an impeachment process that must include some Preamble and Ninth Amendment Articles on the Green Basics in addition to the 12 Articles crafted so far by colleagues and the 25 Ralph Nader’s another work in developed (so far, progress) by David Swanson at Roots I am Beyond War. Action and World collecting Poetic Articles or Particles of Impeachment if any reader has People’s to Box 511, 06039). (Send some handy. Along with the above blurb about John, Charlie Keil also sent in some very good suggestions for thematic pages for future issues of Green Horizon…thanx! Charlie is author of Song (1979); Urban Blues (1966); Tiv Keil and Dick Polka Happiness with A.V. Blau (1992); My Music with S. Crafts and D. Cavicchi (1993); Music Grooves with S. Feld (1994); Bright Balkan Keil, R. Blau and S. Morning with A.V. Feld (2002); Born to Groove with Pat Campbell on the web (2006). Charlie retired from teaching in 1999 and has been morphing into an instrument- playing poet who gardens sloppily. PHOTO CREDIT: JAN SMITH PHOTO CREDIT: magazine horizon green


• spring / That was twenty years ago. CREA built an Ecology CREA to get Center and began programs That was twenty years ago. a recent At the development into the Preserve. that leads from a road There’s The developer proceeded with a 9-hole golf course and houses, but he moved them allthem moved he but developerThe course and houses, golf a 9-hole with proceeded winter kids out on the Preservekids out on for summer camp or elementary school field trips or high school into programs outdoor expanded—taking have Those programs now projects. research training teachers to trails their playgrounds, on helping schools set up nature schools, a providing encouraging learning, hands-on take outdoor fieldtrips with their students, Thousands of local people—and variety and fieldtrips of programs and walks for adults. and visit the Preserve the year. CREA throughout away—encounter even from some that was delighted—a way John Way. dedication it was officially named Rensenbrink backyourself, to the worldleads from of trafficand business into the heart of nature, a deer the call can of a crow, you back notice the ferns to a quiet place where uncurling, collaborative, maybe way—creative, the also And river. the along walk you as print, dedicated—that has led to the preservation small of this bit of the planet. retirement community with an 18-hole golf course going in upriver from us. We formed We in upriver us. course going with an 18-hole golf community from retirement work—our and then—when that didn’t to oppose the development, led by John, a group, the size it reducing course and moving of the golf an alternative proposed plan, group didn’t who Wasileski, John developer, the to plan our presented We river. the from away went at it Wasileski Rensenbrink John and John began. The negotiations quite laugh. the local leader wanted The developer with his project; wanted to proceed for months. to spoil my swimming in the NOT going are “You to preserve the river and its banks. countrythis in up They traded stories growing about with said. he River!” Cathance they a compromise. reached remarkably, eventually, And names. unspellable foreign Preservewith River Cathance Nature 230-acre riverthe the for from room make to away by a conservationtrails that would be open to the public and protected easement with A victory! Rensenbrink But John wanted more—to Trust. Land the Brunswick-Topsham W. John with negotiated He stewardsPreservethe of future for earth). (and our provide for seed money to start the Cathance River Education Alliance (CREA


• spring / winter hen I was invited to my first Green meeting in 1993, my instant reaction was, was, reaction my instant meeting in 1993, my first Green to invited hen I was replied Rensenbrink, John host, The Green.” enough to be a not good “But I’m magazine horizon green • We would only agreement. which we might find some discuss issues on We • by consensus. that agreement would reach We • When the various groups produced their recommendations, they were turned over to turned over they were When their recommendations, the various produced groups Later, I would describewould I myself Party chair the as caucusMac Big the of Green the of Later, he when died father His easy. lifea with place this from to far was that come had John political and activist scientist philosopher, a professor, The man who would become in hosting a conference I joined a number of other Greens years after called John me, Two Rensenbrink, but John weekend, Washington It was a recklessly idea for a dangerous established two basic rules: We of the kickoffI was one speakers and said: Let’s“This embrace it not as sectarians or as prigs but as happy then is our task. topic. each different a with dealing so, or ten of tables into meeting the broke We W BY SAM SMITH “That’s All Sam…” “That’s Right, instant run-off voting) and so forth until a clear consensus of three issues emerged. instant run-off voting) and so forth until a clear issues emerged. of three consensus that was physical and visual as but one This scheme not only a consensus, produced well as intellectual and fun to watch. representative Each selected a small group negotiation.” “fishbowl as a what was known behind sat in a circle with those they represented The representatives for it. to negotiate but conference a small group and request could stop their representative Anyone them. well. remarkably It worked could speak in the larger assembly. only the representative like a Tammany Hall pro, “That’s there’ll too.” all right Sam, be a libertarian there, Hall pro, Tammany like a alwaysfeel cause. to the up I didn’t evenmy participation with birthing, in the because, Rensenbrink saw me as just the years, students he had taught over as with other But, another challenge to make better. With to run Minnesota dairy him and his brother leaving no the family’s farm. was 15, course for several a correspondence years he took and then went to time for high school, a the University from of Michigan, degree a master’s got Calvin College in Michigan, at the University of Chicago. and a Ph.D. Scholarship in Amsterdam, Fulbright life of reality living a hard rather theory. than there had gotten of the founders of the one ranging from Over partyof third up, showed a hundred activists. Democratic Socialists backers, Perot Ross Libertarians, American Labor to Greens, Party campaign made her whose 1988 presidential of Lenora and followers Fulani, of America, and the first Africanthe first woman American to gain ballot access in all fifty states. and I was doing, what they were Affigne seemed to know Tony and Linda Martin, along. happy to go as radicals Not permanently in exile but as members of a newfellow mainstream. Let’s new laugh and make moderates friends arrived. of an age that has not quite and onlythat the dictum are we sin Let’s Camus’ remember another. one with gentle be the eye the place where keep in our mind’s let’s all, above And not permitted is despair. good a pleasant morning and makes us feel stoop on that this is how sun hits the front everything else should be as well.” participantsThen writtenwere newsprint proposed on Allwere that policies posters. Everyone then went up them. color stick-on dots with their names on given three were so their favorite voting style, and placed their dots on to the board issues (cumulative those with After the vote, issue). one be placed on if desired, dots could, that all three onlychoice la (à second their to them move to particular a allowed on dots their were issue

(continued on next page) Celebrating John Rensenbrink is one of John Rensenbrink is Celebrating me. A things ever asked of the easiest hat ago, wearing my quarter century the main national group as head of representation proportional supporting choice voting in the and ranked I read an article about United States, gathering and a national Green Party have to get to said to myself, “I really Little did I know that know that guy.” a wonderful John would become such ally at Green Horizon. Countless energy is infectious. John’s an email blast times he has received a promising about from FairVote if I’d be willing development and asked I’ve been to turn it into an article. in receiving grateful for his patience believe that his the final product and persistence is one of the reasons we’ve developed such strong support among Green Horizon readers—support that has played out with increasing success on the ground for fairer election systems around the country. particularly apt that Maine is It’s ranked This November, leading the way. choice voting (RCV) will be used in home state for electing the John’s president, Susan Collins’ U.S. Senate seat, and two congressional seats—and the races very likely will be decided in where “instant runoffs” Independent, Green and Libertarian candidates will have run vigorously and fully free of the “spoiler” tag. Already RCV in Maine has flipped one congressional race outcome, allowed its non-major party vote in 2018 to be among the largest in the nation, and given a Democrat a chance to run an aggressive campaign against incumbent independent senator Angus King while also free of the “spoiler” tag. RCV is now in place in more than 20 cities, and that number is growing rapidly as public support grows and the barrier of antiquated ever-frustrating voting equipment and software has largely been removed—with voter- verifiable, auditable paper ballot systems ready to run RCV soon to be the national norm. Expect more statewide ballot measures this year (including in Maine), a new wave of city adoptions, growing calls of support Act in for the Ranked Choice Voting Congress, and expanded use of RCV in presidential primaries. John has always stood with me in knowing that the most powerful


...... 33 When I think about John Rensenbrink, what strikes me most is the courage gentle, curious of his convictions. He’s and soft, and yet when needed can hold be strong and vocal. He doesn’t punches! I am currently working on a documentary film about him (“Connected in St. Louis”) where these qualities are on display and which I am film The going to share with you later. was shot in St. Louis in 2015 during the Green Party Annual National Meeting, but what also jumps out of my memory is a scene from a conference in Japan. with a group of conference Together, participants, we were sightseeing and casually discussing things. At one point I voiced a shallow and limited opinion about something socially important. Instantaneously I felt a rather strong Surprised, I whack on my shoulder. stopped and turned toward John. He was agitated. His physical reaction was followed by a rapid explanation why my thinking was wrong (which it was!). mince John: a friend who doesn’t That’s words, a constant teacher in small and big. Thank you, John, for your guidance. Pawel Kuczynski is a filmmaker ( who for the last twenty-five years has been documenting the International Society for Universal Dialogue, a philosophical society of which John was a former president. (continued from previous page) previous from (continued change is proportional voting reform nationally representation—embodied Representation Act (HR in the Fair recently earning new 4000) and Palm in Eastpointe (MI) and adoptions Desert (CA). we all Together So, thank you, John! perfect union can create that more envisioned in our Constitution’s each successive preamble—one that to achieve so generation must strive truly does that the arc of the universe justice. keep bending toward FairVote Rob Richie has directed Action since since1992 and FairVote key role in 1999. He has played a implementing advancing, winning and electoral reforms at a local and state level, including ranked choice voting in Maine and in more than 20 cities and plan in 16 the National Popular Vote written states. Through the years he’s over a dozen articles for Green Horizon Magazine. magazine horizon green


• spring / Transformation can be conserving, reform-minded or revolutionary, depending or revolutionary, reform-minded can be conserving, Transformation means Transformation and taken. is considered in which action the context on it citizens worthreinvigorating with a sense of personal and responsibility, it means business and in government, both in means reviving grass roots and power the profits over and the environment choosing communities requires Transformation . . of mega-corporations and big government. Despite the wide range of views present, despite the near total absence of Robert’s of total absence the near despite range the wide Despite views of present, I as it wound down and The handwriting Rensenbrink this event, of John was on I learned Rensenbrink that had observed He had spent change not only in our land. heartthe At Solidaritythe of achievement whichwith Internetthe something was was impressive. for freedom search in their The variety of techniques used by Poles dilemma in the 1980s seems strikingly applicable description his of Poland’s And Solidarity’s of me that some told John early the trains place on that organizing took non- “a Rensenbrink John thinker describes Green transformationof politics the as and identities of responsibility, mutual Such“freedom, a social policy insists that the winter Rules of Order, the final document, with full consensus, called nothing less than for with full consensus, the final document, Rules of Order, unanimously to supportThe group agreed proportional a major transformation. level a playing elections;” provide in “to field reform campaign finance representation; corporate the end of welfare; better ballot access; and recall; referendum initiative, end to the war on an freedom; and reproductive sexual policies; environmental strong a dramatic ratherhealth matter a as a crime; as drugsthan addiction of treatment and democracy of workplace empowerment cut in military and the maximum expenditures; and human social responsibilities fairness, with “consistent people in their communities meeting at which bad for a nobody yelled Not at anyone. rights.” closely. told myself this guy more that I needed to follow in the country’s became interested new professor, as a research time in Poland some Solidarity that described and wrote a book movement was the change this group As eventually Berlin of the aiding such things as the demolition Wall. helping to cause, “Many of the East German members opposition noted, activist Rafał Rogulski, Polish Solidaritythat stillsay how them because showed it universityof a kind was them, for The East German leadership was so afraid of these changes that things could be done. elections free 1989 The adventthe Solidarity of closeto it led Poland. with borders its encouraged East Germans to the streets.” to take of decisions not by the precise has since made us familiar—a form politics that spread of of mass a of decisions vaguer and tiny smalla aggregated the by but leaders of number Solidaritywas an early In a sense, flash mob or internet meetup. and unwired citizens. Challenges Divided a Poland Rensenbrink book, in his contemporaneous example, For hands became popular primarily because it kissing women’s described how World, the Soviets. annoyed “Itthe struggle is that of a nation pursuit state in ludicrous of a situation: own to our it is the struggle trying of a nation And, way to meet to find a it cannot seem to find. citizen.” free of posture the in but supplicantof avenger, or posture the in not state, the they had time to drink where coffee and to the shipyards, rode the workers of many a debt to the innumerable examples of change owing are there history, In our own talk. example, For simple serendipity of people of like values and sensibilities being together. the rise in this country of Irish political power was aided considerably bar’s by the Irish of information. for the exchange as an ethnic DMZ and a center role The change sought is in violent evolutionary method of seeking fundamental change. ecologicallyand a community-based democracy, a consensus-building of direction the social policy.” and a person-centered sustainable economy view: In Rensenbrink’s and celebrated.” respected, all citizensnurtured, are 2020

• spring / Progressive Review Progressive winter magazine horizon green both a sturdy defense of communities and persons and a resolute will to and a resolute and persons defense of communities a sturdy both fundamentally structures of society power alter the at all levels. elite political with that not only and one thought breaks big order This is a beyond also goes It radical that of traditional well beyond but goes left politics. political for it blends the the personal. with politics, conventional John on a panel with David Cobb at the 2014 Annual National Meeting I simply cannot say enough good things about John Rensenbrink, nor over-emphasize John Rensenbrink, nor over-emphasize I simply cannot say enough good things about Party in the United States. I remember first his importance to the creation of the Green that created at the meeting VA meeting John in November of 1996 in Middleburg, In 2001, the ASGP would evolve into the Association of State Green Parties (ASGP). struck by his knowledge, his kindness, his the Green Party of the United States. I was course of the next two decades John seemed to be Over the and his humility. sincerity, participating without ever becoming at every national Green Party gathering, actively to replicate. If you have not yet read domineering. It is a leadership trait I struggle I of American Politics, his seminal work Against All Odds, the Green Transformation book helped convince me to invest my time strongly recommend that you do so. That I am proud to have worked Party of . and energy in helping to create the Green am fortunate to have him as a friend. And alongside John for the last few decades. I for the work he has done. Greens everywhere owe him a debt of gratitude Nader 2000 campaign, managed the Texas David Cobb helped co-found the GP Texas, in 2002, was the presidential nominee in 2004, ran for Attorney General in Texas and managed Stein/Baraka in 2016. He helped popularize the concept of “corporate personhood” as a principal with the Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy Amend, and currently works with Cooperation (POCLAD), was a co-founder of Move To Humboldt. David serves on the Board of Directors for the US Solidarity Economy US. Network and on the Collaborative Design Council for Transition Says Rensenbrink, “The with another power power existing just to replace is not goal Says Rensenbrink, Rensenbrink John experience has been an knowing of purposeful In the end, but to alter the way power is exercised.” Political transformers, therefore, believe that therefore, transformers, Political is exercised.” power but to alter the way citizen but the politician and the as well—those change, politicalnot only must power American As in the decades the before and those affected by it. power exercising movements—the and women’s environmental, duringrevolution—and the civil rights, heartscatalytic of our own and minds. the congress be legislative body must the experience has And he has projected pedagogy. rather than pretentious perception rational and ecologically not only more a future towards of us to move helped many decent and pleasant. but far more sound, the edited has presidents, nine under Washington Sam Smith covered helped to been published in five anthologies, wrote four books, since 1964, and its predecessors and the DC DC Humanities Council, Party, start five organizations (including the Green served successful class was a plaintiff in three suits, as a Coast Guard action Statehood Party), in jazz bands for four decades. and played officer, (continued on next page) In Maine we have been blessed with with been blessed we have In Maine of one unifying constant: the presence when From that day John Rensenbrink. a small first sprouted at the seed corn 8, 1984, Augusta on January meeting in state party—and the at which our born, national party—were vision of a there has been one to the present day, and individual witness, participant growth over that advisor to the party’s tenure: John Rensenbrink. became involvedIn 1994, when I first beenwith the Greens, having andan apathetic, non-political with no attractiondisenfranchised voter John inspired to either major party, own lifelongthe development of my commitment to this eco-focused His 1996 campaign for political party. eat US Senate, with the slogan, “Don’t the seed corn,” enlightened me that political participation does not need to be confined to simplistic dichotomies of left/right and liberal/conservative oppositions. Centrist, conservative, liberal, libertarian, moderate, socialist— none of these labels mattered. If you believed in the Green Party’s were a Green. you Key Values, Ten Green values surpassed all other political designations; people from any political persuasion could relate to our values—and were welcome to. After all, trees and oceans are not liberal or conservative. These labels are constructs of humankind. John taught me to try to perceive the world outside of my perspective as one human—to be aware of my interconnection with an environment larger than myself. Both major political parties in the US have been, and continue to, “eat the seed corn.” Whether the seed corn is eaten from the right or the left matters not if the seed corn is eaten and the policies of each “side” unsustainable. Escaping the polarity embedded into the American political subconscious is no easy task. Rensenbrink has always realized the gravity of this task. This duality of oppositions continuously surfaces to thwart the momentum of new ideas. both nationally and in Internally, Maine, we have at times contended with the emergence of two opposing factions fighting for the identity of the In all cases, when the dust had party. settled and the party again unified itself around a common, instead of one divided, identity,


...... 35 (continued from previous page) previous from (continued always present, a critical person was on its to refocus the party contributor John Rensenbrink. shared purpose: has most shaped my For me, John can that humans political philosophy to the do better than to succumb are capable We convenience of duality. perpetuating a of being smarter than cedes control of two-party mode that corporate our government to wealthy individually interests. Rensenbrink that the very shaped my political belief readily adopts, duality that America fabricated and is in itself, contrived, people incapable of representing wholesale. shun a new I have never seen John Green for having come from a conservative, libertarian or Republican are all humans, after background. We all, and capable of changing our views over time. If you want to preserve, conserve—save—the planet, you are a Time Green and welcome in our party. and time again, I have seen him relate in a positive way with people of all political dispositions and backgrounds. but Internal divisions are never easy, when they potentially threaten the very existence and future of our party, Rensenbrink is there to calibrate us, orient us and help us transcend to a place where we do not hold ourselves to be our own enemies. He sees things from all sides, and as we labor to improve our world, seemingly “against all odds,” John is there to keep us from getting in our own way. As a co-founder of the Green Party of the United States—one of the only co-founders involved continuously to the present day—Rensenbrink deserves recognition as an indisputable influence who has helped make the party what it is. It is an honor to have such an inspiring figure among our ranks in the Maine Green Independent I still do not know if I this day, To Party. would ever have become involved with politics if not for my discovery of the Green Party and John Rensenbrink. Thank you, John, for a lifetime of service to transforming public policy through political enlightenment. Ben Meiklejohn is currently secretary of the Maine Green Independent Party. He served as its co-chair from 2000 to 2004. Ben was an elected member of the Portland School Committee from 2001 to 2007. magazine horizon green , that I discovered the Green objectives fitthe and Green the discovered I that , Politics Green


• was on my nightstand, too. I too. nightstand, my on was Transformation of and the Politics The Greens spring /

t wasn’t until my husband Mike and I moved to Hawai’i in the ‘90s that I became‘90s that I to Hawai’i and I moved until my husband Mike in the t wasn’t for ballot position. was collecting that signatures presence Green robust of a aware Through numerous meetings with slow-growth leaders throughout the coastal cities leaders throughout meetings with slow-growth numerous Through While we were still in CA, I was becoming aware of a group of Green advocates of Green of a group aware I was becoming While stillCA, in we were us back took to Hawai’i work I began attending where husband’s my Meanwhile,

BY LINDA MARTIN Mentor and Friend Previously, in San Diego, I’d worked with like-minded activists from up and down the up and down from with like-minded activists worked I’d in San Diego, Previously, Vista partya grassroots Chula Ourcoast from to Santa was to grow goal with Cruz. the major objective of challenging the rubber-stamp allowing politicians who were developments forward San to go large residential without suitable infrastructure. and the big of the county, into the far reaches housing was creeping residential Diego’s fire roads, developerseverythinggetting were water, inadequate despite they wanted, It was The locals called it the Los of San Angelization Diego. and schools. protection enough to turn obsessed cancerpro-choice a survivor advocate. into a land-use it became obvious that starting a California-based alternative party was beyondof CA, so I joined the Sierra“Open Space” and started Club Executive Board an grade, my pay Charlene But it was through Spretnak and the land-use issue. to focus on committee of authors Capra, Fritjof

between “slow growth” efforts and the Green Movement (not yet a party). Soon, John Soon, (not yet efforts a party). Movement and the Green growth” “slow between Rensenbrink’s would form for our the foundation Values) Key platform (Ten The Greens’ was hooked. rampantthe addressing ballot30 measures were Soon there CA. in initiativemeasures The developers determined to scare were coast. the CA up and down growth residential we (Actually, the electorate socialist ideals. into believing based on our objectives were current our as much strategyTheir worked, time.) the at Communists labeled were leadership attracts fans by scaring who will of socialist regulators them with visions After the major developers spent more capitalist democracy. “marvelous” our destroy all our measures to canvass often as volunteers, employees using their own than $4 billion, to and I was ordered movement growth pivotal in the slow was My role lost at the polls. and our It backfired land use planning. on the state legislative committee testify before bullying the from press in Sacramento. lots of good I took got groups planning an entity activists who were core to Maine—hard the Midwest from spread was at John ballot status and run to acquire that would work candidates in the states. countrythe heartthe of effortthis of regions different in meeting began we and to trying were friendly to stay We a reality. organize dream Party and make our Green make it easy. but they didn’t folks, Movement with the Green Rohter, The late Ira elected co-chair of the state party. was soon meetings and Green prevented state employment His him the UH Manoa faculty. was on my co-chair, and good John with encouragement from So, participating from in partisan politics. Statehood Review Party, and active with DC’s editor of Progressive friend Sam Smith, After we qualified for the ballot in into politics in a big way. to jump I was ready in our with others along the party John, persuaded me to run1992, for the US Senate. Although I had the endorsement of supported group the move. Green intergenerational Senator Dan Inouye kept his seat but Ross Perot?), the state Reform (remember Party spending less than than 13%, That was more lost nearly 50,000 votes to my campaign. cycle. ballotthe election another for place on a the Greens vote entitled The total $10k. was elected to a non-partisan the Big Island County Bonk activist Keiko seat on Green Keiko accomplished She was named chair with four Dems and four Reps. Council. I winter 2020

• spring / winter magazine horizon green It’s not in print but is still It’s available online. Up. Grow The Greens Nader: Driving Mr. John has been my mentor, eventually the Nader encouraging coordinate me to mentor, has been my John show delighted to and we were visited, John After backwe moved San to Diego, the Olympic on WA Townsend, Mike and I left to Port California and retired In 2006, movement/party was the single individual pasting the Green John In my view, much by setting agendas to accommodate the public’s participation. Her second win win Her second participation. the public’s to accommodate agendas by setting much the ballot for ten years! on Shortly Party kept the Green John after campaign, the I won’t It was an honor convention. Party the Maine Green me to address invited than Hawaii’s. aggressive more much mosquitoes are easily as Maine’s forget back had relocated us work DC John, to where Mike’s campaign in 1996. presidential Legalthe Community of Environmental Defensepresident Linzey, Tom Sam Smith, and I ran campaign the national entity as an independent with no (CELDF), Fund was Nader work-around, not ours.) By taking this (His choice, to Nader. connection report to his expenses or reveal no to the feds his taxes and received not required or communications connection any having from He was also prohibited donations. This verysituation awkward party. to join the also refused Nader Greens. the with a tiny in especially running show since we were the entire of help, meant I needed a lot this experiencerecorded I’ve Dupont volunteers. Circle office with a handful of loyal in and little accomplished had ‘90s Diego San the of fights land-use The sights. the him the coast during living on were We not sustainable. at rates that were was still growing especially after jumped the fire to evacuate if necessary, and prepared the 2003 fires has experienced severe more CA Since then, the coast. 15 and headed toward Highway we reason real But the and whole communities. brushfires that have obliterated towns had to get out of SoCal was the traffic. Victorian a small seaport although they of 10,000 very inhabitants, green Peninsula, ourselves those of us who still considered In 2016, mostly Democrats. vote for green come to tempted John we haven’t Unfortunately, of course. voted for JillGreen Stein, Topsham and worldthe end of the to have but Portland him in visit to managed here He and Carla still living in the house they bought when John are several times lately. saw them last in We faculty he has kept his emeritus status. where joined the Bowdoin the spring was still collecting for his writing of 2019 and John honors and recognition never as John blows this, have known wouldn’t We ecological on issues. for his work not he’s 91, At his coffee table. on see the latest book but happened to horn, his own campus us to treated and Bowdoin us the but he showed was, as nimble as he once group— resistance Townsend’s was delighted to hear of Port John a lobster dinner. PTIndivisible we’ve taken to educate—and the actions the electorate to the disasters Our country democracy is not only creating. losing our own policies are but is Trump’s scaryin living are worrywe and times We globe. the around dictatorships reinforcing what our seven will grandchildren gone. be left to deal with after we’re campaigns1996 and 2000. both in presidential impressive to leading together, dichotomy deserving. is more one No for dedicating Rensenbrink. Thank you this issue to John Linda Martin was raised in a midwestern Republican family but became when disillusioned had her surveilledNixon sex education films for a local for producing hospital! After moving Publica to led health from Hawai’ito graduateHealth degree reproductive in interest her the early In Hawai’i of Party was recruited1990s she Green by the be to Manoa. UH activism her continues she entering decade, ninth her Now, candidatetheir Senate. US for “resistance” as a docent/interpreter for the Marine Center and member of a local Science movement. (continued on next page) The first thing I must say, is what I is what must say, thing I The first the the time when I have say most of of our Maine Green honor at one John Rensenbrink, events to introduce “Thank you, John, for and that is: head a reason to bang my giving me the wall since I came to against the But I have been Green Party in 2000!” the state where very blessed to live in the Greens was the first meeting of in Augusta, held in January of 1984 and his friend Maine hosted by John to call the founder Alan Philbrook. And friend. John of the party my dear a wonderful and his wife Carla are the pleasure on couple and I have had time at their many occasions to spend is as warm and beautiful home, which welcoming as they are. As I sit here writing this, I can look up at the many pictures hanging near my computer and there is one that run for is an actual poster of John’s US Senate in 1996. And below it is a picture of John sitting in a rocking chair in the living room of my old mobile home with my wonderful sleeping soundly departed cat, Tigger, in his lap, which is a testament to the Not that personality. calmness of John’s riled from time to time! get he can’t I had the pleasure one year of driving John, in his Prius, to the Green Party’s Annual National Meeting (ANM) in back On the way Alfred, New York. I got to see where he and Carla got married. He and I were actually traveling companions to many an ANM and Convention. Now his travels are limited because of his age and health, he was able though at 91, last year, to attend part of the ANM in Salem, Massachusetts. John has not only been the driving force for the Maine Greens since 1984 but also very much involved in the building of the GPUS International Committee [IC]. Last year I finally was able to find time to join that committee—just in time for John to all to lead a letter writing effort the Green Parties around the world. The letter invited them to join us in making our Global Greens stronger and opening up a dialog between them and the IC. Several countries have already replied. I am not only happy that John was able to do that in his lifetime, but that he is now also able to be involved in the Voting race for very first Ranked Choice a Green for US Senate, right here in


...... 37 John in the living room of my old John in the living room mobile home with my wonderful soundly sleeping departed cat, Tigger, in his lap. (continued from previous page) previous from (continued can go to Maine! You get about Lisa Savage and to read all able to wish is that John is involved. My sworn into the US Senate see a Green in 2020. being a Green, It is a long hard journey as Rosa but there is no alternative, presidential Clemente (the 2008 vice Green Party is candidate) said: “The an imperative.” not an alternative it is the over And here in the US—among the world where 100 countries around have the Green Party is active—we thank for being John Rensenbrink to Thank you, John, one of the founders. and for your for building the party friendship. jacqui deveneau has dedicated the past twenty years to the Green Party and saving the world for “People, Peace a retired hospitality and Planet.” She’s currently living in Portland, worker, Maine. Jacqui ran the Peace Action Maine office from 2010 to 2012, served and County Greens as chair of the York Cumberland County Greens, and was a founder of the Maine Green Women’s worked on every Green Caucus. She’s presidential campaign since Ralph Nader ran in 2000 …“with love and compassion for all living things.” magazine horizon green


• spring / I met John Rensenbrink when he invited me to speak on democracy at a conference in Olympia. We met at a restaurant in Portland, in Olympia. We I met John Rensenbrink when he invited me to speak on democracy at a conference for what is right. This was the stimulus that led me Maine, and I was immediately impressed, both by his courtliness and by his passion eyes I saw the Through John’s academically. to write a book on ancient democracy—a subject I had studied for many years but only I will always be grateful to John for democracy. enormous importance of appreciating the ideals toward which we aim in promoting that. The very next day I sat down to start the book! (First Democracy: The Challenge of an Ancient Idea) on Socrates well-known for his influential articles at Austin. He’s is a professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas Paul Woodruff students for leadership. and Plato and is currently writing a book on the role of higher education in preparing It may seem as if John Rensenbrink has always been a steadfast, convivial presence presence convivial been a steadfast, always has John Rensenbrink seem as if It may that. John was even better than it’s but Party, for good in the Green and a force formative national Green Party Party even before the the Maine Green involved with August was founded, in of Correspondence) (the Green Committees organization The Global Promise after the book Green Politics: Paul, MN, six months 1984 in St. 1984) were Greens (formed in January odd that the Maine it’s Frankly, was published. 62 other conference, as were to the founding to send two representatives not invited Spretnak, David within the convening committee (Charlene groups, since the person sent out the letters Catherine Burton, and Gloria Goldberg) who Haenke, Harry Boyte, jumped in. In any event, John soon . of invitation lived in in 1991 was Elkins, WV, founding and the national gathering at The period between the and blocked anti-party group crashed the founding conference rough because a small At theParty there and in the years that followed. to form a national Green all efforts of the Green that group finally managed to gain control Elkins national gathering, John Rensenbrink was able At the same time, however, Committees of Correspondence. state Green Parties could which all members interested in forming to negotiate a space in reneged on the original agreement John the anti-party group do so. (Unfortunately, over the nascent state minute that they would have oversight won, insisting at the last ways.) Immediately so the party-building was hindered in several Green Party organizing, not want to be under the control of the smallthere was a mass exodus of Greens who did and who streamed into the workgroup of anti-party Greens in the old organization party-building that energized theof building state-level parties. It was the state-level 1990s after the difficult start-up in the 1980s.American Greens during the first half of the Green Parties in a way that would be entirely Many people envisioned uniting the state John Rensenbrink and others founded free of the old organization. For instance, had as one of its goals to link the state the Green Politics Network in 1992, which convened a conference in Santa Monica Green Parties. Then in 1993 Mike Feinstein The unification idea finally came to fruition after of the Green Parties of the West. where Steven Schmidt, Mike Feinstein, the national gathering in New Mexico in 1995 vision of the Association arrive at John’s and Greg Jan presented a strategic plan to The plan included the the following year. of State Green Parties, which was formed based on a serious, credible national platform and 40-State Green Organizing Effort, Ralph Nader). an energizing national campaign (featuring first run as a Green for president, in 1996, the small anti-party group that had After Nader’s filed a misleading application with the Federalgained control of the GCoC in 1991 secretly united “Green Party of the USA.” StevenElections Commission claiming to be the newly filing with the FEC for recognition of theSchmidt and others blocked that attempt by Party of the United States. He also led theactual unified Green Party and its name: Green was submitted to the FEC. to draft the 2000 national Green Party platform, which effort to be through these pivotal moments in its The Green Party of the United States came state engineering the possibility of building history: the founding conference, John’s Mike, Steven, Linda Martin, and by John, Green Parties in 1991, and the tireless efforts countless others to build up the state parties and then to unite them in the mid-1990s, Had John first as an association and then as the national Green Party in our country. not managed to turn crisis into opportunity at the Elkins national gathering, the mass exodus of grassroots Greens out of the original Green organization after the take-over would have resulted in a fruitless dispersal with no state parties or national party to show for it. John cleared a path for all that followed. Charlene Spretnak is the author of Green Politics: The Global Promise (1984), which was the catalyst for the founding of the Green Party-building organization in the US, and two other Following the founding conference, she of which she was a cofounder. Her other books on the Green Politics analysis and Key Values. Greens wrote the Ten vision include The Spiritual Dimension of Green Politics (1986), The Resurgence of the Real (1997), and Relational Reality (2011). winter 2020

• spring / winter he assassinations of John Kennedy, Kennedy, John of he assassinations and Robert Martin Luther King, I had alwaysI hankeringa had for T Kennedy in the 1960’s grieved all of us Kennedy in the 1960’s our countywho cared about and the been a I had hit me deeply. It world. farmfor the first 20 kid years of my life and then a university in Minnesota But collegestudent and then a professor. their murders than aching grief, more focused and sharpened my political things had come understanding of how the country to be in coming to be or were choice. of my immigrant grandparents’ for seriousIt pushed me into looking behalf of seriouspolitical on action alternative politics. having written my first politics, Letter- Topsham, Maine — January and March 2020 and March Maine — January Topsham, magazine horizon green I balanced my involvement with progressive causesmy involvementbalanced I intense interactivewith with progressive Department and LegalGovernment of Studies and, Bowdoin’s ’80s I chaired In the and Maine anti-nuclear a fellow activist, Alan Philbrook, in January 1984, Thus, with the major who directly compete we meant a body of men and women By Party Candidate for Maine State Senate 1978 BY JOHN RENSENBRINK Some Notes About Me About Notes Some to-the-Editor at the age of 14 to the Minneapolis Starto-the-Editor at the age of 14 to the Journal. But with the evil I knew in my gut that the Republic I had nurtured leaders, of these progressive murders hopes for and identified with in the formativesuch strong years of my life was in deep realized in the ’60s and more I more deadly from trouble—trouble internal enemies. who activists most to contrast in But enough. be to going not was reform that ’70s and if I believed change, that fundamental that fundamental change was imperative, agreed electoral politics. had to be through it was ever about effectively, to come going severalI initiated whom for new College, Bowdoin at my students with engagement successfully, albeit fight, to had I includingcourses black on seminar Africa. freshman a This eventually spot. a tenure I secured it and because Through of it, to avoid being fired. political on action. and more more made it possible to concentrate with my family in the days of Solidarity’s having spent a risky semester in Poland I Russianeventually oppression, Communist from successful struggle free to break sought and achieved Bowdoin. amicable disengagement from Party to be I called what we later learned was the first Green a meeting to create in Seventeen Augusta, States. United the in camefounded people capital, state the to we had people with whom Most were before. the day the wake of a huge snowstorm only nuclear plant to its power successive campaigns in three to bringworked Maine’s Two of Maine. Movement formed what we called Party/Green the Green We knees. and (2) Independent Values (1) about our purpose: things stood out in our discussions building. Party Green , Values we meant nature-awareness, By parties for public office. racial and gender equality—many of peace, politics, grass roots social responsibility, them parallel with what Charlene Spretnak et alia came up with later that year as the and Gerritt joined us and ran Greg as our first, A few later, months Values. Key Ten It has been a pleasure working with John on the International Committee. His innovation, poise, and diplomacy have been a true inspiration. We are lucky to have him and hope his leadership stays with us for years to come. A true Green blessing. Ahmed Eltouny I met John Rensenbrink for the first time for John Rensenbrink I met meeting Portland, Oregon in 1997 at the of State Greenof the Association was own role at the time Parties. My General of the Europeanas Secretary of Green Parties. TheFederation Group as well as the Green Federation, were keenin the European Parliament, to create efforts to learn more about the in the US. We a national Green Party Green contactsalso wanted to increase both politicallybetween our continents, organize. and in terms of how to important role John, of course, had an because of his in this from the US side of the comprehensive understanding at the state development of the Greens and conflicts level and of the issues movement in confronting the Green America. I happily connected with John because of his insights and wisdom and his ideas on how to move forward to John build a national US Green Party. and I had many interesting discussions when we met on several occasions in the US and elsewhere. As a European, I also appreciated John because of his ability to view the US Greens—as well as his own country—from an outside, international perspective, a key asset for international connection and cooperation. He always showed great curiosity about Green parties political elsewhere, their different contexts and various stages of development, as well as what experiences could be useful for the US Greens. John, together with other internationalists like Annie Goeke and Mike Feinstein, therefore played an important role in linking US Greens with Greens worldwide. These international contacts were also useful in very practical cooperation terms; not least as Greens worldwide in the late 1990s issued a number of common statements on climate change—already by then an important Green issue. Ralph Monö is former International Secretary for the Swedish Greens and former Secretary General of the European Federation of Green Parties.


...... 39 John Rensenbrink has always provided provided has always Rensenbrink John Green visions for the the broad-gauge attain practical ways to Party and the shown what stamina, them. He’s and self- consistency, perseverance, all about with his own renewal are personal example. good Greens Now is the time for all committing to step up their activism, state, and themselves at the local, the party national levels to expand to budget by online fundraising full-time staff. support hundreds of advocate, Ralph Nader is a consumer He was the Green author. and lawyer, in 1996 Party candidate for president and 2000. I was initially going to refer to John Rensenbrink as “The George but I of the Green Party,” Washington savage then realized, given the latter’s racism toward First Nation peoples, that it would actually be an insult! the more relevant comparisons Rather, Jose Marti, might be to Simon Bolivar, or Jose Rizal... Noticing my dedication to the John who first it was Green Party, nominated me for the Maine Green Steering Committee years ago upon my return from Hawai’i. I’ve recently been reading his deeply philosophical and erudite book, Ecological Politics: which I For Survival and Democracy, recommend to those who want to go deeper than simply electoral or mass I appreciate John’s mobilization efforts. thorough integration as a synthesis of individual and collective needs and responsibilities, and his treatment of He brings new insights, the “other.” too, regarding “already existing” relationships. With this tribute I wish to convey that I acknowledge, with great respect early and and appreciation, John’s continuing insight, wisdom, and and that he organizational capacity, remains a guiding force for us all. Beyond that, I am proud to call John my friend and colleague. A deep aloha to you, John! Jon Olsen was a founding member of the Hawai’i Green Party thirty years ago. Upon his return to Maine in 2001 he joined the Maine Green Independent Party and has served three times on the state steering committee, most recently as co-chair. magazine horizon green


• spring / But the Maine idea of blending/balancing Party and Movement ran into difficulties. ran difficulties. into and Movement Party idea of blending/balancing But the Maine of the meeting initiated the creation Paul the St. side, Values the on However, I served forward, As things moved newly New England to the a delegate from as over what kind of entity level, at the national building In spite of conflict we were favoring Hawkins had formed the LeftHowie back in 1988, (LGN) Network Green winter the nation’s first, Green candidate for state legislature. He later moved to Rhode Island Rhode Island to He later moved state legislature. for Green candidate first, the nation’s there. Party the Green to help create Murray of followers the by Movement; Bio-Regional the by resisted was side Party The Institute for Social and his Bookchin Ecology; personal who forefronted and by people in meeting Paul life-style the St. At party from change shied away and and politics. but the 1984—presumably to found a full scale party—there talking, was much August, to fulfill It would take until 2001 the was set aside. idea of forming it then and there of its eventuality. promise a brilliant for the perennially and a historic umbrella breakthrough Values, Key Ten left.fractured Green the as known also Committee, formedStates United Inter-regional Green shepherded and I started, coordinator, its Dee Berry, of Correspondence. Committees There Strategy in Key Areas. Approaches and Policy SPAKA: and helped produce local hundred groups. three of over the contributions distilled from 21 of them, were in our first for our and pavedyears the way Program Platform.This was our Green Politics A Green spontaneously began forming the country. all over Parties state Green was founded in late March/early to help create, hard which I worked (GPN), Network to give the state parties inter-connection. the beginnings of a nationwide April 1992, of State efforts of the Association formation Parties in the resulted Green GPN’s of the GPN and leaders of other Green- Affigne Tony Then in 2000, (ASGP) in 1996. peoples to form of oppressed for representatives agreement reached minded groups The caucuses part and become of the overall structure with state parties. side-by-side on centered for the achievement open Party now was Green way at last of a national The full-scale electoral and on action. direct ten key values, caucuses, state parties, calledASGP Santa in meeting a Party formto 2001 Barbara Green the mid-August in rejoicing. amidst much was accomplished This of the United States. It worked strategy. Party did not favor a state Green LGN a radical socialist agenda. localparty and dues activists of national for a instead groups from representatives with in 1991(at the University was a springboard for the creation The LGN paying members. This was Virginia USA (G/GPUSA). Party in Elkins) of the Greens/Green West of an activist organization more than an electorally focused But it gradually political party. focus of most The dwindled. on fixed was now Greens Howie parties. state their G/GPUSA with remained but when the for a while, of the United Party Green States emerged in 2001 in He he joined. Santa Barbara, election has since then sought candidate Party as a Green localin many and statewide running three campaigns, of New times for Governor he is running now And York. 2020

• spring / winter In the first decade of the millennium, it was my good fortune it was my good millennium, closelyto work with several Green candidates for high office in state and Ralph Nader LaMarche, Pat nation: them Knowing Carter. and Jonathan a with them taught me and working stringenciesthe about lot seeking of (whichoffice high experienced had I myselfSenateUS for bid a in in only you And a wild ride. It’s 1996). in synch are piece if you make it in one mean That doesn’t another. with one It doesn’t to get along.” along “go semblance of mean avoiding any means knowing But it disagreement. magazine horizon green His turn to serious behalf of a serious electoral politics on political party is a far have I participated me say let Green the most of in partymy about on Moving work, serving first in 1997, Party I started of the US Green Committee International the and with the firm solidarity of the International this year, I have been working US Senate candidacy 1996 to be the Green Party’s candidate in 2020 for President of the United States!the United of He is an candidate for President in 2020 Party’s the Green to be amazingly leader. Party incisive and durable Green cry days the he sat at the feet when and initially Bookchin of Murray from absorbed government and anti-representative anti-state and anti-party, anarchism Murray’s seen and were at loggerheads, because allwere he and I this here I mention politics. the start, From Party/Movement. of a Green direction and the nature over that way, I put priority citizen-grass electoral up. politics from on values and strong roots on I feel he has changed startedHowie with socialist ideology and cadre-run party activity. I also pragmatic. and his electoral appealing bent is more is more in that his socialism in complete he and I have been and are the getgo note that pretty from much must the crucial on importanceagreement an independent politics. of I at all those I attended. workshops Meetings and have presented National Annual often Party—an Green of the Committee to the National Maine am a delegate from served who’ve as all know it on and even experience, but interesting rewarding onerous to serve.and continue I participated the US as Chair and then as co-Chair in its early as delegate from years. in Australia in Canberra, meeting of the Global Greens in the founding Party Green a workshop 2008—doing in Brazil, Saoin meeting the follow-up and in 2001 Paulo, an organization Network, the Global Green to create In Canberra worked I in each. each of the national among, communication and direct for, representation to provide than 100 now! more are of which there Parties, Green of the and send a Letter to compose Parties to the Green behind me, Committee First the Five among The Letter Ideas callsParties. the for dialogue among World. to each and every is granting for dialogue voting power recommended Party. Green As of this writing in early 2019. there January 2020, It was sent out in November, of the four one and from Parties six different from have been eight positive responses in progress. negatives! It is an engaging work No of the Global Greens. Federations trulyfor together is to work The call changing Parties the the Green to I make world—to the rapeearth of the combat and resist run-a-wayand its inhabitants by offer, to but only that, Not corporations. behemoth and governments irresponsible and and well-being of for all the populations of resuscitation programs and act on promote, our home. our planet—and of the planet itself, Angela Flynn and I founded the DC Green Party and put Ralph Nader on the DC ballot in 1996. Without work (in the John Rensenbrink’s have done it! background) we couldn’t Jenefer Ellingston In the early 1970s I had become I had become early 1970s In the with the so-called frustrated the Maine newspaper, “progressive” with the I had arguments Times. vision I believed his publisher because future for Maine was of a bright hills and white board one of rolling wrong, but fences. I may have been imagine it was not a vision I could Millinocket. I for Mechanic Falls or elitist. Anyway, thought the paper was wind of my John Rensenbrink caught Lloyd Ferriss frustration. He invited his home to and myself and kids to was a lovely pick blueberries. There house. The kids patch across from the Eventually picked and we talked. garden. we wandered into John’s gardening and Lloyd and John talked by John’s politics. I was overwhelmed conversation and his determination that change must happen. I listened. Full disclosure: Lloyd was by this time writing for the Maine Times. The following summer John, Carla, their kids, our kids, Lloyd and I were camping in Baxter State Park. I think it was the summer of 1972. Sitting around the campfire at South Branch Pond, John introduced me to his idea of “The Reform Democrats of Maine.” He volunteered me to be secretary! talked of the sacrifices a true We revolution would involve. I miss those days of trust and belief that we could change the world. I wanted a world John talked of political without war. justice. The ideals expressed then have not changed. For me the sacrifices have been minimal, and John still looms bigger than life, however humble. Sue Pastore is an involved grandmother living in Portland, ME. She is an active member of, the Green Party, Extinction Rebellion Portland, and she supports the Conversion Campaign. Sue volunteers three mornings a week at Florence House shelter for women and in the evening makes quilts for the Linus Project.


...... 41 For my birthday a few years back, a few years birthday For my my wife, to frame I asked Kristen, a three-color for me. It’s something white, and green— poster—black, US John Rensenbrink’s created for John’s of 1996, with Senate campaign a I bought it for $20 at signature. as part of a Green Fall Gathering, Rensenbrink donation. On the poster, traffic light, stands next to a classic As if with the green light illuminated. like we learn in kindergarten, to say, “green means go.” because I wanted I hung it in my office of politics I a reminder of the sort a progressive hoped to be a part of: to accomplish movement that looks a battle over something, rather than John has personality or ideology. whether founding always been a doer, the Green Party here in Maine with Alan Philbrook or publishing Green Horizon Magazine. Some people have ideas; others act on them. Just when I had decided that politics was not for me, with the seeming national turn toward meaningless rhetoric and empty hyperbole, John pulled me back in, reminding me that there is still a place for practicality in politics. There is still a place for getting things done. Sitting across the table everything from him, sipping coffee, seems so simple. How can the Green message not resonate, when it is such a way forward? practical and clear-eyed In this age of social media and 24-hour news cycles that revolve around what someone tweeted, we must as Greens remember what it is we’re trying to accomplish: more peace, less war; more conservation, less waste; more How do less divisiveness. inclusivity, we accomplish these goals at the local, state, and national levels? One step at a time, and with what power we can gather. Thank you, John, for reminding me to celebrate the victories that get us closer to those goals and to worry less about those things that seem, sometimes, so far out of reach. Whenever I start to forget, I just need to take a look at that poster from 1996, the first election I ever participated in, and remember that “Green means go.” West Sam Pfeifle is the founder of Gray Creative and the vice chair of the Maine. MSAD 15 School Board in Gray, magazine horizon green


• spring / Several my party to in addition programs/projects claimed work as a new my energies chiefI feel of the and fundamental change for lasting programs one that I have Society International The for Universal Horizon Green on in a moment. More February in 2001 was and the Environment Justice, on Race, conference The five-day involved I am much in the historic Ranked-Choice-Voting-based Currently, It has been a Horizon and I founded Green Magazine 2001-2003. SteveWelzer a rising have received tide of support Horizon. for Green Steve has begun to We Wikipedia has have missed that might be of interest. other things I may are There winter how to work through with another the often another with through to work feelings tough-to-manage how of in the heat and friendship. smarts, fortitude, their courage, for I salute all three battle. the Horizon Green Magazine, RiverCathance Education Alliance, hold. millennium took Meeting form of Town Topsham’s preserving International Society for Universal Dialogue, Environment.” and the Justice, “Race, on at Bowdoin conference and a five-day government, a Professor I, and a developer, Wasileski, John helped found and develop is in education. Future,” “Topsham’s a citizen with working group dedicated to the Environment, a is now It Topsham. Riverfounded the Cathance Education Alliance in 2001 in and experiment- hands-on, of nature-based, and leading example ground-breaking The for their teachers. people—and encouraging and young education for children Preserve education is in whichunpaved this freeing-up path leading to the Nature last summer. “RensenbrinkWay” was named done erudite chief Janusz Kuczynski, by Professor Dialogue (ISUD) was founded in the 1990s cultural body It is a cross Departmentof the Philosophy of the UniversityWarsaw. of worldwide nations many who thinkers from and philosophy-minded of philosophers and became eagerly, I joined it, differences. dialogue across to strongly committed are years Charles of Emporia In recent University Brown in 2007-09. their President “Dialogue and and Malgorzata editor-in-chief of ISUD’s Czarnocka, as President During brilliantly have worked further inspire to sustain and growth. Universalism,” the many Among of incisive films. a creator Kuczynski, Pawel to know got I these years, I was one. of whom friends, philosophic about three one he created he has produced, justice. and social ecological derangement, race, in raising issues about class, a milestone Barry my former student and in the beginning of his acclaimed 15-year tenure Mills, strongly supportedhis and funds with conference the College, Bowdoin of President as as Keynote I invited those Among SpeakerWangari was presence. invigorating own Prize. Peace the Nobel received year, following in the who, Maathai of Kenya campaign of Maine colleague Lisa Savage for the US Senate to unseat Susan Collins Her first-everand the in voice progressive Green Senate. strong a body that to add and The Party. electoral success for the Green and greater to greater the way race shows nothing in 1984 to a viable from trek is fabulous and a fulfillment of the long prospect transformative political party. to the spirit boon for me and Steve—editingtremendous with a wide and relating been a way It has in its own spectrum and small. of authors to speak of matters great of closely the frontier than that it has been and is on But far more despair. shield from the insidious separation and politics—so as to overcome of culture linking the realms from been a major factor in turning away fissure—has separation—or The of the two. politics—if on and focused get aroused politics by precisely the people who must to survive. and our species are planet, our democracy, daily the of producing multiple and the decisions of the work and more more take on each leaning on other, almost 20 years we have been a closely knit team, For Magazine. and sparking/sharing the humor that invariably raising the money, inspiring each other, Steve! Bravo to you for astounding best wishes And such as this. a venture accompanies success! and growing detail. more 2020

• spring / winter not powerful. “Social distance” and lock “Social distance” not powerful. not know We prevail. now must down Our chance of seeing one long. for how ever person another in again recedes. beautifullya beautiful song is There sung “The Mozart’s in women by three Magic haunt, Their blended voices thrill, Flute.” repeated and achingly proclaim farewell, After Weidersehen.” “Auf several times: director Rick Wilson, and with ongoing support from Wasileski, from Wasileski, director Rick Wilson, and with ongoing support for the community. CREA grew and became an important resource family, barn, owned by Wasileski’s The frame of a Civil War-era and was converted into an was trucked from upstate New York “the building that nicknamed ecology learning center, off-grid local schools teaches.” CREA made agreements with a dozen Preserve, and to to bring students to the Ecology Center and Spring and provide nature-based programs in the classrooms. nature for the first summer camps introduced young people to gem and learning time, parents and children discovering a scenic On-premises high opportunity right in their own community. school and college research programs followed. the vision that John and Carla created Now in its twentieth year, teacher CREA is extending its reach through is established reality. education and programs which encourage on-campus nature (“exploration outdoor learning, using an innovative technique sense of wonder to before explanation”) that allows a child’s they are experiencing. grow before they learn the details of what is change for the The mark someone leaves by a life well-lived is a much better better in the place they call home. Topsham place, in terms of cooperative, constructive dialogue, and and volunteers of CREA, thanks to through the resources, staff, John and Carla. None of this would have been possible without patience, love, and dedication of the Rensenbrinks. the tenacity, by their lasting legacy to the community. are all honored We For more information about this wonderful organization that John helped to create, go to: resident and Navy career Janvier Smith is a long-time Topsham Future and CREA retiree who has been associated with Topsham’s since early days and is dedicated to nature education and land president and is a member preservation. He has served as CREA’s of the CREA Advisory Council. the first refrain of “Auf Wiedersehen,” the second is softer, the is softer, the second Wiedersehen,” “Auf refrain of the first and fades lovingly away. and the last is remote softerthird still, is such sweet sorrow.” “Parting Shakespeare said it well, magazine horizon green With John Wasileski Out of that cooperative effort, Out of that cooperative effort, CREA was born. The Preserve was placed in permanent conservation through an easement managed by the Land Trust. Brunswick-Topsham were cut to the most Trails scenic features. Through the of first executive tireless efforts of American Politics Transformation The Green Against All Odds: in 1992; Transformation of and the Politics The Greens PHOTO CREDIT: JAN SMITH PHOTO CREDIT: I first met John and Carla Rensenbrink in the late 1990s whenI first met John and Carla Rensenbrink in conservation andthere was a series of confrontations between Developers development interests in the town of Topsham. expanded commercialwere pushing for big box retail stores and and openzones that threatened established neighborhoods force behind thespace. John and Carla were the motivating Future, a citizens’ group that spoke for creation of Topsham’s and moratoria,conservation-minded residents. Through petitions in Topsham this organization was able to change the conversation plans thatand contributed to a series of new comprehensive of life. Forplace great emphasis on open space and quality Town had a Conservation Commission. Topsham the first time, and open space areleaders finally recognized that quality of life economically advantageous in a more environmentally-aware as “green.” nation, and developers sought ways to identify of thePart of that watershed change was the creation Rather than engageCathance River Education Alliance in 2000. approach was toin confrontation alone, the Rensenbrinks’ leaders andspeak calmly and face-to-face with development a more balanced andpersuade them to pursue development in By working closely with John Wasileski, nature-friendly way. the developer who created The Highlands and Highland Green retirement and 55-plus communities, 235 acres of what would have been an expanded golf course was set aside as a nature preserve. While the popular image is of a senior living community soon found centered on an 18-hole golf course, John Wasileski that many more prospective homebuyers were attracted by a nature preserve, so only a nine-hole course was built, leaving a large tract of land near the river to return to its natural state. Steve 70-plus of the told me has

42 Ecological Politics for Survival and Ecological and Democracy Politics in 2017. in 1999; In addition to a book about Poland’s Solidarity in 1988, I have written and published three books about the US Green Party and related Green Green and related Party I have Solidarity written the US Green about books and published three in 1988, about Poland’s to a book In addition themes: statements about me that will about me that statements appear neverI thought Frankly, issue. this in that this levelor dreamed and quality I am of tributesto me. come would say dare I and (Yes!, immensely honored Will I continue I am 91. so) I feel loved! by? As I years as these go to see you the earth has suddenly shifted sign off, A contagious the world will neverunder our feet, be the same. the rich and worldwide, here viruseveryone, corona threatens the and the powerful and the weak, the strong poor, and the

...... 43 ...thanks to all! on Liz Rensenbrink, Maine Liz Rensenbrink, MarylandRob Richie, FloridaBarbara Rodgers-Hendricks, California Jeanne-Marie Rosenmeier, Minnesota Schultz, David A. DC Washington, David Schwartzman, Maine Lacher Scully, Tammy Michigan Evelyn Seberry, Oregon Brian Setzler, Maine Mac (Charles) Sexton, Ohio Skinner, & Mark Wendy Maine William Slavick, & Ursula Maine Sam Smith, Washington Thom Speidel, Charlene Maine Swift, Steve Massachusetts Swift, Iowa Taylor, Jeff & Shirley California Lisa Taylor, & LeslieThompson Pearlman, David New Mexico Maine Tilton, David & Marilyn Jersey New Tredinnick, Victoria New York Rachel Treichler, Alabama Rhoda Vanderhart, Pelt, Van Alida Maine Blaisdell, & Karen Pelt Van John Tennessee Dave Vollrath, Brielle Welzer, New Jersey SteveWelzer, & Laura SouthWhiteman, Carolina David Julia Willebrand, York New Texas Woodruff, Paul Maine Zack, & Peter Margaret magazine horizon green Fred & Hadley Horch, Maine & Hadley Horch, Fred Maine Howell, Clare Florida Hudson, Abhi Carol Maine & Brad Jackson, Patricia York New Christopher Jones, Maynard Kaufman & Barbara Geisler, Michigan Charles Keil, Colorado Robert & Kimberley Kinsey, Jim Krosschell & Cindy Dockrell, Massachusetts Kansas Krumm, Paul North Carolina Ellen La Conte, New Mexico Lacayo, Joseph Connecticut Hector Lopez, New JerseyMargie & Bruce MacWilliams, Maine Maine State Library, Washington Linda Martin, McMillan, Brent Iowa Raymond Meyer, Maine Al Miller, DC Washington, Daryl! Moch, L.C. Maine Murray, Jason Pennsylvania Ochs, Michael Maine Olsen, Jon Maine Rosalie Paul, Arizona Karen Peterson, Connecticutt & Liz Piel, Tony New Jersey Suzan Preiksat, Pritchett, Joshua Roy York New Virginia Rasmussen, RensenbrinkWilliams, Greta & Kat Virginia West Maine & CarlaJohn Rensenbrink, Kathryn Maine Rensenbrink McMillan, & Jon

Z hori green 2020

• GREEN HORIZON FOUNDATION SUSTAINERS FOR THE 2019/2020 CYCLE FOR THE 2019/2020 SUSTAINERS HORIZON FOUNDATION GREEN spring / winter Tony & Melba Affigne, Rhode Island & Melba Affigne, Tony Steve Florida Baker & Katy Dolan, Maine Richard Barringer, FloridaDavid Bath, Connecticut Battista & Justine McCabe, R. John Alabama Becker, Ted Rhode Island Glen Bennett, Maine Blasi, Antonio Maine College Library, Bowdoin Broeksmit, Peter New Jersey Denise Brush, New Jersey Lisanne Budwick, Maine Dana Cary, Illinois Crawford, Don Michigan Dunn, Aimee Cree Utah Rich & Debra Csenge, Maine Christine DeTroy, Maine de Rivera, H. Joseph Hawai’i Budd Dickinson, Oregon Charles Fall, York Charles New Fitzgerald, York Fluck,Jonathan New Pennsylyvania Fox, & Francine Walter Maine David & Melissa Frans, Maine Bruce Gagnon, Gerritt & KathleenGreg Rourke, Rhode Island Wisconsin Gilk, Paul New Jersey David Greenwood, Maine Gil Harris, Iowa Holly Hart, Vermont Hawk, Robert L. Massachusetts Heichman, Michael Minnesota Douglas Holden, number 40 winter/spring • 2020

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“...he represents the Key Values in human form.”