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EDITOR Denise Brasile [email protected] 602.741.5339 phone CREATIVE DIRECTOR Zone 8 2006, 2009 and 2011 "Region of the Year" Charles Brasile [email protected] IN THIS ISSUE 602.741.5338 phone 8 SPONSORSHIP AND FEATURES ADVERTISING MANAGER 5 ................ President's Column Mark Lindabury 7 ................ From The Editor [email protected] 12 ............... Return to Laguna Seca Raceway 602.663.1327 phone 16 ............... Engine Oil in Your Porsche 480.283.2037 fax 19 ............... Southern California Trip 20 ............... 2013 SoCal Trip to San Diego EDITORIAL ASSISTANT 25 ................. Book Reviews for Porschephiles Rook Younger IBC .............. Laguna Seca [email protected] NEWS & EVENTS P R I N T I N G 8 ................ 2013 Calendar of Events Communiform 8 ................ 2014 At-A-Glance 401 East Loyola Drive 9 ................ Region Events: Willcox Wine, Dine, and Drive Tour Tempe, AZ 85282 10 ............... December Membership Meeting preview 480.517.1790 phone 10 ............... 2014 Upcoming Membership Meetings 10 ............... AZPCA Renewal Reminder M A I L I N G L I S T 11 ............... Autocross MANAGER 11 ............... Driver’s Education Travis Tonzi, Membership Chair 28 ............... October 2013 Meeting Minutes [email protected] BC ............... AZPCA 2013 Holiday Party 480.299.6738 phone DEPARTMENTS CONTRIBUTORS 4 ................ Arizona Region Board Linda Axelson 4 ................ Executive Appointees Stephen Axelson 6 ................ Zone 8 Staff & Websites Chuck Brasile 24 ............... Arizona Region Membership Update Mike Christodolou 27 ............... Goodie Store Kelly Flood 29 ............... Classified Ads Bruce Herrington 30 ............... Sponsor Index Mark LIndabury 30 ............... Sponsorship Program Greg Mannion Scott McIlvain Dwane Stewart Travis Tonzi Cover: Chas Wirken jada cruise on san diego bay by jada crew AZ.PCA.ORG Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published monthly. Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and toGoing Places. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. The DeADLINe for ArTIcLes AND ADverTIsemeNTs submITTeD for pubLIcatioN Is The 15Th of The moNTh Two moNThs prIor To The moNTh of pubLIcatioN. Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication. POSTMASTER: Address Changes to: Travis Tonzi, AZPCA Membership Chair, 16707 E Emerald Dr, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268-5431 G O I N G PLACES 812.2013 | 3 | ARIZONA REGION BOARD EXECUTIVE APPOINTEES 8 P R E S I D E N T SPONSORSHIP AND N A M E B adges Dwane Stewart A dvertising Betsy Andrade 623.476.2441 Mark Lindabury 602.550.1212 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 602.663.1327 phone 480.283.2037 fax NE w SLETTER Denise Brasile VICE PRESIDENT A utocross 602.741.5339 Hugh Starkey [email protected] 480.895.4198 Rick Althouse [email protected] 480.314.0532 [email protected] PANORAMA LIAISON Kim Kemper Mike Labowitch 480.231.9315 602.717.2515 S ecretar y [email protected]. [email protected] Mark Lindabury 602.663.1327 C hie f D riving N. ARIZONA L iaisons [email protected] instructor Burkhard Franke, Flagstaff Dale Willis 928.607.3690 480.473.8429 Tom Hettinger, Sedona [email protected] [email protected] Bob Frith, Prescott T reasurer [email protected] Dennis Brookshire COMPETITION/ 480.991.9077 DRIVER'S EDUCATION [email protected] Andy Schermuly S A f et y [email protected] Kim Kemper 480.231.9315 TECHNICAL [email protected] P ast P resident Scott McIlvain Mark Dreher 480.968.2858 SUNDAy D R I V E S 480.345.0500 [email protected] Rick Mukherjee [email protected] [email protected] E q uipment Dave Fisher SOCIAL MEDIA 602.763.2996 Rachel Carroll D irectors - at -L arge [email protected] 480.225.8189 Richard Avellone [email protected] 602.265.4500 E-N E w S [email protected] Jeff Carroll w E B M A S T E R 602.476.1212 Jeff Carroll [email protected] 602.476.1212 [email protected] Susan Bookspan G oodie S tore 602.522.8494 Betsy Andrade w EBSITE [email protected] 602.550.1212 Rook Younger [email protected] 602.216.1691 [email protected] H istorian Loretta Aman SOCIAL COMMITTEE Frank Grimmelmann 602.938.1317 LaVonne Shelker 623.551.1526 [email protected] 480.502.3260 [email protected] [email protected] I nsurance Leslie Richardson Hugh Starkey 480.585.3053 480.895.4198 [email protected] Kim Kemper [email protected] 480.231.9315 MONTHLy M E E T I N G [email protected] M embership COORDINATOR Travis Tonzi Susan Bookspan 480.299.6738 602.522.8494 [email protected] [email protected] | 4 | president's column Last President’s Letter for the Year dwane stewart ast night we enjoyed another great event, the first of the hope all are signed up for the holiday party on Dec 7th. LFlight 36 Charity events. The reception was hosted by It is being held at Tatum ranch Golf club and we will be Molina Jewelers. Lyn St. James, race car driver and friend supporting camp sunrise and sidekicks as our charity. of our host Alfredo Molina, was there supporting our charity by donating part of her book sales to The 100 Club. Here As you know with this year drawing to a close, your AZpcA is a little history for those that aren’t familiar with Lyn. She dues are due January 1st. The dues are still $20 and you has driven in Indy 500s, has won in class at the 24 Hours can pay on-line or by printing the membership form and of Daytona and the 12 Hours of Sebring, and is now an sending it with your check to our membership chair, Travis author. It was a quality event and a GREAT time was had Tonzi. If you want to use the easy method on-line; just go by all. Hors d’oeuvres and wine were served. There was a to AZ.pcA.orG, sign in to get to the members area, click great response to a scotch tasting bar. I personally really on the big yellow reNew membership banner and follow enjoyed the scotch tasting. Of course, the jewelry was the instructions for the motorsport web site. The printable exquisite. Many beautiful pieces were displayed, some form for renewal also resides under the big yellow banner. even adorning our club members. Upon hearing all of the comments about the jewelry, I hope all went home with a special jewel. Alma mentioned several times that the PCA Remember, it’s not just the cars, but the people who make president should buy the diamond necklace and put it in his this club great. Come out and join in the fun. wife’s Christmas stocking. I would like to thank Al Molina for being our host, and Frank Grimmelmann and Lyle Capstick for organizing the event. by the time you read this it will be December. The club will have elected the new AZpcA officers for 2014 (hasn’t happened as of this writing). I want to thank all of you who have helped and supported me during my terms as president. I especially want to thank the 2013 board of Directors and all the appointees. Your investment of time and talent in our club this past year produced many events with hopefully something for everyone. please assist the new board by volunteering. You will still see me at events and meetings and I plan to volunteer. This has been a very successful year. The list includes some 64 events and meetings: 11 monthly meetings, 24 Driving events ( sunday Drives, Autocrosses and Driver education), 12 socials (porsches N pancakes and socials), 9 week end social events including flight 36, 7 board of Director meetings and 1 Tech session. That is 5+ events per month. Again thanks to all of you who helped with these events. G O I N G PLACES 812.2013 | 5 | Z O N E 8 S TA f f ZONE 8 w EBSITES 8 R epresentative C hie f D riving A R I Z O N A O range C O AST Tom Brown INSTRUCTOR [email protected] Scott Mann [email protected] C al . C entral R I V E R S I D E T reasurer Linda Cobarrubias C L U B R A C E C al . I nland S an D iego [email protected] C O O R D I N A T O R 310.453.9602 Vince Knauf [email protected] G olden E mpire S an G abriel C oncours 619.287.4334 VALLE y Joe Nedza [email protected] w E B M A S T E R G rand P rix Ken Short S anta B arbara R ally [email protected] Revere Jones L as V egas [email protected] RULES COORDINATOR S O . A rizona Russell Shon L os A ngeles T ime T rial & D E [email protected] David Hockett [email protected] SECRETAR y Skip Carter A utocross [email protected] David Witteried [email protected] | 6 | f r o m t h e EDITOR denise brasile f you enjoy coverage of track events, you will be glad to know that IChas Wirken wrote up his recent experience at Laguna Seca for an article in this issue of Going Places.