Alexandria in Antiquity a Topographical Reconstruction

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Alexandria in Antiquity a Topographical Reconstruction ADVERTIMENT. Lʼaccés als continguts dʼaquesta tesi doctoral i la seva utilització ha de respectar els drets de la persona autora. Pot ser utilitzada per a consulta o estudi personal, així com en activitats o materials dʼinvestigació i docència en els termes establerts a lʼart. 32 del Text Refós de la Llei de Propietat Intel·lectual (RDL 1/1996). Per altres utilitzacions es requereix lʼautorització prèvia i expressa de la persona autora. En qualsevol cas, en la utilització dels seus continguts caldrà indicar de forma clara el nom i cognoms de la persona autora i el títol de la tesi doctoral. No sʼautoritza la seva reproducció o altres formes dʼexplotació efectuades amb finalitats de lucre ni la seva comunicació pública des dʼun lloc aliè al servei TDX. Tampoc sʼautoritza la presentació del seu contingut en una finestra o marc aliè a TDX (framing). 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PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION V1: Ptolemaic 3rd-2nd century BC K3 43 DA1 K4 DA1 Dock P2 K2 F1 DM1 Dock K5 F2 el-Anfouchy P1 Ras el-Tin Bay 45 F3 44 DM2 44 Megas Limen F3 Pharos Island F4 DA2 el-Anfouchy F5 F3 9 Cape Lochias DM3 el-Silsileh J5 J4 Inner Port (z) K1 P3 F6 Abu Bakar H3 J3 Dock J2 J6 Inner Port (Y) 140b Dock SG 140a 150b MF FP (ζ) HV 150 a.4 140c B3 141 J9 J1 Wall J7 AA Heptastadion FP (ε) Eunostos Silted-up Isthmus Poseidion AA Subsided Zone 2 Silted-up Isthmus AA Key Antirrhodos41 B1 E1 42 T1 H1 Wall Ptolemaic Street J8 Wall Eastern Nekropoleis 40b B2 139 Pseudo-Coastal Belt 138 150 Ptolemaic Enclosure J10 Inner Port (X) Subsided Zone a.2-3 el-Ibrahimiya 40a Gate 139 C2 E2 145b 8 Roman Street Heptastadion J12 J13 H2 Pseudo-Coastal Belt 12 Camp Caesar Roman Enclosure J11 Northern District 7a 7d 112a 28 Late Antique Street 7b Eastern Subsided Zone FP (δ) 7c 134 MR-AF PRODUCED BYANAUTODESKSTUDENTVERSION el-Mansheiya MR-AF el-Mazarita Royal Quarter 133a 132a 150c 134 Late Antique Enclosure 3 105 132b 128d 133b Nekropoleis FP (β) 132c el-Chatby 128c 6 115 116 βασίλεια ad Pseudo-Coastal Belt 117 119 128e 120 131 131 128f 1 14 129 Silted-up Isthmus Graeco-Macedonian2a 144 Ancient Setting 131 131 el-Chatby 2b 2c 121 Bab el-Bahr 114 118 Eastern Suburbs Modern Setting Elite Quarter 128b Alexandrēam 122a 125b Bab el-Akhdar 5 el-Ramleh 122c FP (n)-(MF) 128a C1 FP (m)-(MF) Kom el-Nadura 109b 15b 122b xxx Archaeological Site xxx Catalogue Number C3 15b 125a 24 24 124a 137a 15a 123 FP (P)-(MF) 126 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION SG Saint-Genis FP(x) Fortification Point 32c 32d Western Gate 89 el-Messallah Gharb 74c el-Messallah Sharq 85 1 72b MF Mahmoud el-Falaki J(x) Jetty 82 FP (α) 147 4 83 FP (γ) Eastern 90 el-Shallalat FN Ferdinand Noack F(x) Reef 63 76a 17 77 Nekropoleis 64a L1 (πλατεία) 69c 146 el-Labbane Bab Sharq C.9 GB Giuseppe Botti K(x) Rock-Feature el-Attarine Civic QuarterCentral District Ptolemaic Gate Jewish Quarter Tariq Bab Sharq-Fouad Minet el-Bassal 146 70 18 C.1 66 (el-Horreya-Abu Qir) el-Ibrahimiya EB Evaristo Breccia P/E(x) Fairway 19 18 Latin Quarter Qibly Kibotos 21 el-Khandak 68 Kom el-Dikka 146 AA Achille Adriani H(x) Haven C.2 Bab Gharb 31 el-Qibly el-Hadra el-Bahareiya Western District Wabour L'2 T(1) Esplanade 92 Mieczysław Rodziewicz el-Meyah Abd el-Moneim-Abd el-Qader MR-AF 146 C.7 146 Ahmed Abd el-Fattah C.3 DA(x) Ancient Dyke (Ismaīl Mahanna-Suleīman Minet el-Bassal Yousri) 146 Polish Centre of C.7 PCMA DM(x) Modern Dyke 46 Eastern Suburbs Mediterranean Archaeology Readjustment Bab Sidra (19th century) Southern District L'3 146 Gabbari C.5 Base Map 1798-99 Setting 47 el-Khedeiwi el-Auwal 146 Moharram Bey C.4 Plan Général des Deux Ports, de la Ville Moderne, et de la Ville des Arabes 146 C.6 Description de l'Égypte, Etat Moderne II, 1817, Imperial Edition 1809-22 el-Hadra Smouha Kibotos Canal Kibotos 48 Rhakotis Mareotic Quarter C3 Qibly (Eleusis) L'4 Bab Sidra el-Mafrouza Minet el-Bassal L'5 Eastern Nekropoleis Prolongation 52 Karmouz L'6 el-Wardian Nekropolis (16th/17th century) FP (G)-(MF) Schedia 30 km R2bis R9 R2 51 FP (I)-(MF) R8 FP (H)-(MF) Western Suburbs R7 R6 R5 R4 Kibotos Canal Kibotos Kom R3 el-Batalsa R1(πλατεία) el-Taufiqeia el-Shuqafa Pereira Suez Canal Road Southern el-Genneina el-Mathaf Ibn Khaldoun Gabbari el-Dardaa Abu el-Nebi Daniel Prolongation (16th/17th century) Canal of Alexandria (Mohamed Rafat) el-Wardian Nekropolis Canal of Alexandria Western Suburbs Tributary el-Max Lake-Port AutoCAD: Amr Abdo @ 2019 PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION STUDENT AUTODESK AN BY PRODUCED PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION V2: Late Ptolemaic - Roman 1st century BC - 4th century AD K3 43 DA1 K4 DA1 Dock P2 K2 F1 DM1 Dock K5 F2 el-Anfouchy P1 Ras el-Tin Bay 45 F3 44 DM2 44 Megas Limen F3 Pharos Island F4 DA2 el-Anfouchy F5 F3 142 9 Cape Lochias DM3 el-Silsileh142 J5 J4 Inner Port (z) K1 P3 F6 Abu Bakar H3 J3 Nikopolis Dock J2 30 stadia 140c (5.00 km) Inner Port (Y) 142 Dock J6 140c 140c FN 150 B3 a.4 J7 J9 J1 Eunostos Silted-up Isthmus Heptastadion Poseidion Silted-up Isthmus 39 Subsided Zone Key Antirrhodos41 B1 E1 42 T1 FP (A)-(MF) FP (B)-(MF) C4 167 Ptolemaic Street H1 J8 Eastern Nekropoleis 40b 2 B2 138 FN Pseudo-Coastal Belt 150 J10 Inner Port (X) a.2-3 el-Ibrahimiya Ptolemaic Enclosure Subsided Zone GB 40a 139 30 L5 MR-AF E2 138 8 Roman Street Heptastadion J12 J13 MF 10 EB MF H2 Pseudo-Coastal Belt 12 MF Camp Caesar Roman Enclosure 112b J11 Northern District MF MF FN FN Neapolis FN 7a 11 27 L4 37 27 EB MF 148 MF 28 Late Antique Street 10 MF Subsided Zone el-Mansheiya el-Mazarita PRODUCED BYANAUTODESKSTUDENTVERSION 150c 113 3 Late Antique Enclosure EB Lα 26 104d 104bFP (β) MF SG el-Chatby 25 6 GB 130 104a 115 116 MF Pseudo-Coastal Belt 117 119 104c 120 AA 14 34 144 MF Silted-up Isthmus MF 96b MF MF 93 MF MF el-Chatby Ancient Setting MF MF MF MF MF 96a MF MF MF 114 118 Eastern Suburbs Bab el-Bahr 94 95 36 MF 106 107 127 L3 Modern Setting 97 MF 122a Bab el-Akhdar 5 100 Alexander the Great el-Ramleh98 122c 100 99 FP (n)-(MF) 109a FP (m)-(MF) FN Kom el-Nadura 109b 15b (el-Tram-Omar Lotfy) MF 122b 102 xxx Archaeological Site xxx Catalogue Number MF FN 15b 24 24 111 FN 137a FN MF HRIAC 15a 73 MF Eastern District 137b MF MF MF 123 MF MF MF MF MF MF MF FP (P)-(MF) 126 MF MF MF MF AA MF 33 MF MF MF MF MF PRODUCED BY AN AUTODESK STUDENT VERSION SG Saint-Genis FP(x) Fortification Point 91 MF MF 32c 13 EB 32a L2 54d 32d AA Western Gate AA AA AA el-Messallah Gharb AA MF 61b el-Messallah Sharq 85 el-Sultan Hussein 72b MF Mahmoud el-Falaki J(x) Jetty 72a 13 MF FP (C)-(MF) FP (α) EB 149a 4 83 (Istanbul-Salah Mustapha) 32a 23 74b MF 23 23 23 FP (γ) 22 22 75 23 AA el-Shallalat 63 23 FN Ferdinand Noack F(x) Reef 63 23 MF 76b 17 C4 64b 23 88 23 23 23 23 64a MF 32b 63 PCMA 69c MF el-Labbane Bab Sharq MF Canopic Gate GB Giuseppe Botti K(x) Rock-Feature MF el-Attarine 20 20 Civic QuarterCentral District 63 MF MF L1 (πλατεία) Minet el-Bassal Jewish QuarterMF 70 18 PCMA MF PCMA PCMA PCMA 66 PCMA PCMA MF Tariq Bab Sharq-Fouad el-Ibrahimiya 18 EB Evaristo Breccia Fairway 19 L'α 10 MF P/E(x) Latin Quarter 69b,d EB EB 69b 69e MF Qibly PCMA Kibotos EB 29 21 AA el-Khandak MF (el-Horreya-Abu Qir) Kom el-Dikka 68 L'α AA MF AA Achille Adriani H(x) Haven MF MF 31 Bab Gharb MF MF el-Qibly el-Hadra el-Bahareiya 67 MF MF Western District Wabour MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF 92 MF T(1) Esplanade MF 58 Mieczysław Rodziewicz MF el-Meyah MR-AF MF L'2 Ahmed Abd el-Fattah FP (D)-(MF) Ancient Dyke MF DA(x) MF Minet el-Bassal Abd el-Moneim-Abd el-Qader MF MF 10 MF 57 GB 16 MF MF MF MF (Ismaīl Mahanna- Polish Centre of MF 59 PCMA DM(x) Modern Dyke 46 Suleīman Eastern Suburbs MF Yousri) Mediterranean Archaeology Readjustment MF MF Bab Sidra MF MF (19th century) MF Eastern District MF Southern District MF MF MF MF MF MF 10 MF MF Gabbari MF MF MF
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    E1437 v. 2 vol. 3 Arab Republic of Egypt Public Disclosure Authorized Governorate of Alexandria Public Disclosure Authorized Alexandria Development Project Public Disclosure Authorized Integrated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) Final Report June 21, 2007 Public Disclosure Authorized HASKONINGvol. NEDERLAND 3 B.V. ENVIRONMENT 27 Yehia Ibrahim St., Apt 4 Barbarossastraat 35 Zamalek P.O. Box 151 Cairo 11311 Nijmegen 6500 AD Egypt The Netherlands +20 (2) 7351045 Telephone +31 (0)24 328 42 84 Telephone +20 (2) 7383091 Fax +31(24)323 1603 Fax [email protected] E-mail [email protected] E-mail Internet Internet Arnhem 09122561 CoC Document title Alexandria Development Project Integrated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) Document short title IESIA, ADP Status Final Report Date June 21, 2007 Project name Integrated Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Alexandria Development Project Client Alexandria Governorate vol. 3 Abbreviations ABA Alexandria Businessmen Association ADP Alexandria Development Project ARP Abbreviated Resettlement Plan ASDCO Alexandria Sanitary Drainage Company AUDI Arab Urban Development Institute AWCO Alexandria Water Company CAA Competent Administrative Authority CDD Community Driven Development CDS City Development Strategy CEPT Chemically Enhance Primary Treatment DO Dissolved Oxygen DWTP Drinking Water Treatment Plant EEAA Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency EGP Egyptian Pound EHD Environmental Health Department
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