J. Moll. Stud. (1997), 63,425-430 1 The Malacological Society of London 1997


RACHEL COLLIN* Zoology Department, University of Washington, Box 351800, Seattle, WA 98195, USA (Received 19 April 1996; accepted 8 January 1997)

ABSTRACT branchs are still not well resolved (Bieler, 1992; Mikkelsen, 1996; Wise, 1996). This low Higher level relationships within the are resolution is due to both the small number of difficult to determine, in part due to the paucity of putative homologies that are phylogenetically identified synapomorphic characters. Larval shell hydrophobicity may be a useful additional character informative at this level, and inadequate avail- for gastropod family systematics. A survey of 57 able character information for many groups. indicates that larval shell hydrophobicity is Because anatomical characters traditionally common or ubiquitous in pyramidellids, opistho- used for gastropod systematics are often absent branchs, and marine pulmonates but is unknown in or not informative for lower heterobranchs patellogastropods, vetigastropods, and caenogas- (Mikkelsen, 1996; Wise 1996), it is important to tropods. The taxonomic distribution of hydrophobia investigate unconventional characters. Descrip- larval shells is consistent with the hypothesis that it is tions of gastropod embryology and larvae are a heterobranch synapomorphy. Unfortunately the beginning to yield such potentially useful char- condition in key 'lower' heterobranchs such as archi- tectonicids and valvatoids is unknown. acters for systematics (van den Biggelaar & Haszprunar, 1996; Robertson, 1985). Useful characters should be consistent within taxa, INTRODUCTION vary among taxa and should not be obviously functionally dependent on other characters Malacologists have yet to come to a consensus used at the same level of analysis. Larval shell on higher level relationships within the class hydrophobicity may be one such unconven- Gastropoda (Bieler, 1992). Discerning relation- tional systematically useful character. ships is difficult because derived characters Larval shells of many heterograstropods and shared among these many disparate groups are opisthobranchs are hydrophobic (an unfortu- scarce. Considerable attention has recently nate but standard term); in other words they are been focused on the relationships among physically characterized by a surface that is groups within the 'lower' heterobranchs: the water repellent. Because calcium carbonate is architectonicids, pyramidellids, mathildids and hydrophilic, hydrophobic shells are probably others (Haszprunar, 1985, 1988; Ponder, 1991; due to lipids and non-polar proteins in either the Waren, 1993). These groups have traditionally shell's organic matrix or the periostracum. As a been viewed as morphological mosaics of consequence of this, larvae with hydrophobic prosobranch and opisthobranch characters, but shells frequently become trapped at the air- they also share several derived characters. The water interface in standing cultures and presence of a pigmented mantle organ (PMO), survival is significantly reduced unless measures ciliated strips in the mantle cavity, chalazae in are taken to break or reduce the surface tension. the egg masses, heterostrophic shells, and a In order to explore the systematic usefulness unique osphradial type unite several families of hydrophobic larval shells, I investigated its within this group and suggest relationships with distribution among marine gastropods using a opisthobranchs and pulmonates (Haszprunar, combination of my observations and published 1985, 1988; Ponder, 1991; Robertson, 1985; reports of larval hydrophobicity. Waren, 1993). Despite the clear monophyly of the hetero- MATERIALS AND METHODS branchs, the relationships among 'lower' hetero-

Current Address: Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University of I observed development type and larval shell Chicago, Culver Hall, 1025 E. 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637, USA hydrophobicity. Adult Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus, 426 R. COLLIN 1758) (Caenogastropoda) and Boonea bisuturalis larvae and empty larval shells of hydrophobic (Say, 1822) (Pyramidellidae) were collected in the species were also hydrophobic, while shells of summer of 1993 at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, other larvae were not. Larvae that are not U.S.A. All other specimens were collected at San normally hydrophobic do, however, become Juan Island, Washington, U.S.A. between 1994 and trapped in the surface tension after being fixed 1996. Eggs and egg masses or capsules were kept in small glass bowls at ambient sea temperature in 10% formalin. These observations provide (8-12°C) until hatching. Larvae were reared in further evidence that larvae become trapped at unstirred 0.45 ^m-filtered sea water and fed a mixture the surface as a result of shell surface properties of Isochrysis galbana and Rhodomonas sp. All obser- and not larval behaviour. vations were of live larvae of known parents. Larvae that became trapped at the air-water interface were counted as hydrophobic while those that were never DISCUSSION stuck at the surface were not considered to be hydrophobic. When placed on a slide with a cover slip, larvae with hydrophobic shells also became The distribution of hydrophobic larval shells trapped at the air-water interface along the edge of among gastropods suggests that it is a derived the water drop. character shared by pyramidellids, opistho- I also surveyed published accounts of larval shell branchs and marine pulmonates. Its distribu- hydrophobicity. Species were scored as hydrophobic tion is congruent with, but not identical to the if the author stated that veligers became trapped in distribution of pigmented mantle organs the surface tension or if special methods of reducing (PMOs), heterostrophic larval shells, ciliated the surface tension were necessary to successfully strips in the mantle cavity, chalazae in the egg rear larvae. Unfortunately, many studies of larval masses, and unique osphradial and sperm development do not mention hydrophobicity or the specific conditions of larval culture and could not be morphology (Haszprunar, 1985, 1988; Ponder, used for this survey. Because hydrophobic shells 1991; Robertson, 1985; Waren, 1993). Because cause higher mortality in cultures of long-lived feed- a phylogenetic hypothesis that resolves the ing larvae than in ephemeral non-feeding larvae, relationships among the 'lower' heterobranchs studies of feeding larvae were more likely to mention is not currently available, none of these puta- hydrophobicity. tive homologies can be tested for congruence on a cladogram (Patterson, 1982). However our inability to demonstrate homology a priori does RESULTS not preclude a character's use in phylogenetic analyses (Hennig, 1966). Larval shell hydrophobicity is clearly associ- Before larval shell hydrophobicity can be ated with taxonomic category (Tables 1 and 2; used as a character in a thorough phylogenetic three-way G-test, 53.1

Species Larval type* Hydrophobic Referencet

Patellogastropoda Lottia digitalis (Rathke) nf, p n Loft/a pe/fa (Rathke) nf, p n Tectura scutum (Rathke) nf, p n Vetigastropoda Calliostoma annulatum (Lightfoot) nf, p n Calliostoma ligatum (Gould) nf, p n Diodora aspera (Rathke) nf, p n Haliotis kamschatkana Jonas nf, p n Margarites pupillus (Gould) nf, p n Tegula funebralis (Adams) nf, p n A. Moran, pers. com. Caenogastropoda Crepidula dorsata Broderip f,P n Crepidula fornicata (Linnaeus) f.P n Fusitriton oregonensis (Redfield) f,P n Lacuna variegata Carpenter f,P n D. Padilla, pers. com. Lacuna vincta (Montagu) f,P n Littorina scutulata Gould f,P n D. Padilla, pers. com. Trichotropis cancellata Hinds f.P n per. obs. and B. Perner, pers. com. Pyramidelliae

Boonez impressa (Say) nf, p y White Kitting & Powell, 1985 Odostomia columbiana f,P y (Dall & Bartsch) Cephalaspida Acteocina canaliculata (Say) f.P y Mikkelsen & Mikkelsen, 1984 Gastropteron pacificum Bergh f.P y Hurst, 1967 Haloa rotundata (A. Adams) f.P y Amio, 1963 Haminaea callidigenita Gibson nf, p, b y Haminaea solitaria (Say) f.P y Harrigan &Alkon, 1978 Haminaea vesicula Gould f.P y Melanochtamys diomedea (Bergh) f,P y Philine aperta (Linnaeus) f.P y Hansen & Ockelmann, 1991 Anaspida brasiliana Rang f.P y Strenth & Blankenship, 1978 Aplysia californica Cooper f.P y Kriegstein, Castellucci & Kandel, 1974 Aplysia dactylomela Rang f.P y Switzer-Dunlap & Hadfield, 1977 Aplysia Juliana Quoy & Gaimard f.P V Switzer-Dunlap & Hadfield, 1977 Aplysia parvula Guilding f.P V Amio, 1963 Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot) f.P V Switzer-Dunlap & Hadfield, 1977 Stylocheilus longicauda f.p Switzer-Dunlap & Hadfield, (Quoy & Gaimard) 1977 Saccoglossa Elysis chlorotica (Gould) f.P Harrigan &Alkon, 1978 Elysia hedgpethi Marcus f.P Nudibranchia Aeolidacea Berghia verrucicornis (Casta) f.P Carroll & Kempf, 1990 Hermissenda crassicornis f.P (Eschscholtz) Tenellia pallida (Nordmann) f(?), p Eyster, 1979 Arminacea Janalus barbarensis (Cooper) f.P Armina californica (Cooper) f.P Hurst, 1967 428 R. COLLIN Table 1. (Conr.)

Species Larval type* Hydrophobic Referencet

Dendronotacea Dendronotus sp. f.P y Doto amyra Marcus nf, p, b V Goddard, 1996 (Gmelin) f.P y Kress, 1975 (Forbes) f.P y Kress, 1975 (Montagu) f.P y Kress, 1975 Melibe leonina (Gould) f,P y fimbria Bohadsch f.P y C. Mills, pers. com. Tritonia diomedea Bergh f.P y Doridacea Adalaria proxima nf, p y Todd, Bentley & Havenhand, (Alder & Hancock) 1991 Archidoris montereyensis (Cooper) f.P y Doridella obscura Verrill f.P y Perron & Turner, 1977 Rostanga pulchra MacFarland f.P y Triopha catalinae (Cooper) f.P y Pulmonata Siphonaria gigas Sowerby P y R. Emlet, pers. com. Siphonaria japonica (Donovan) P y Amio, 1963 Siphonaria palmata Carpenter P y R. Emlet, pers. com.

* nf = non-feeding, f = feeding, p = planktonic, b = benthic. tPersonal observations unless otherwise noted.

Table 2. Summary of relationshi ps between larval type and hydroprnobicity.

Hydroph obic Not hydrophobic

Taxon Feeding Non-feeding Feeding Non-feeding

Patello- and Veti-gastropod* 0 0 0 9 Caenogastropod 0 0 7 0 Opisthobranch and Pyramidellid 33 4 0 0

* Patellogastropoda and Vetigastropoda are combined here for statistical power and because their larval development shares some peculiar features not present in other gastropod groups.

The functional consequences of hydrophobic The distribution of larval shell hydropho- larval shells in nature are unclear. Cloney & bicity among gastropods sheds little light on Hansson (1996) suggest that hydrophobicity is either of these ideas. If hydrophobicity is actually disadvantageous to planktonic larvae indeed detrimental to small planktonic , because it causes them to become trapped by long-lived larvae like those of Odostomia the surface tension and to stick to debris. They columbiana Dall and Bartsch, 1907 with a interpret the surface coverings of ascidian, poly- planktonic period of over two months (Collin & chaete and sipunculan larvae as hydrophilic Wise, in press.) might be expected to have adaptations to reduce the risk of becoming reduced hydrophobicity. However I found no trapped by the surface tension. However, the obvious relationship between planktonic presence of hydrophobic exoskeletons on other period or larval type and hydrophobicity. Pyra- small marine invertebrates such as amphipods, midellids and opisthobranchs with long- or barnacle cyprids, some infaunal bivalves and short-lived, feeding or non-feeding larval adult eulimids suggests that hydrophobicity is phases were all hydrophobic, while non-hetro- not universally detrimental. In fact Highsmith branch gastropods which encompass similar (1985) suggested that rafting in the surface film variation in larval types were never hydro- may be an effective dispersal mechanism. phobic. It is also unlikely that becoming caught. LARVAL SHELL HYDROPHOBICITY 429 in the surface film would greatly alter the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS dispersal potential of planktonic larvae, as it would benthic juveniles and adults. Because I thank R. Bieler, M. Strathmann, R. Strathmann and many opisthobranchs have internal adult shells R. Robertson for helpful comments and suggestions, R. Emlet, C. Mills, A. Moran, D. Padilla, and B. Per- and nudibranchs lose their shells entirely at net for personal communications, and the faculty and metamorphosis, the effects of the larval shell on staff of Friday Harbor Laboratories and Woods Hole these life stages may be negligible. Surface Oceanographic Institution. This research was sup- hydrophobicity may also effect fouling of ported by a National Science Foundation Predoctoral the shell since it has been shown to alter settle- Fellowship and a grant from the Pacific Northwest ment preference of fouling organisms (Mihm Shell Club to the author and NSF grant OCE-9301665 & Banta, 1981). Before the ecological and to R. Strathmann. evolutionary consequences of shell hydro- phobicity can be evaluated further it will be necessary to determine if hydrophobic larvae REFERENCES get caught at the surface of the or if AMIO, M. 1955. Observations on eggs and floating natural turbulence or surfactants prevent this habit of larval shells in some marine gastropods from happening. 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