Richard Brassey,Stewart Ross | 40 pages | 04 Feb 1999 | Hachette Children's Group | 9781858815497 | English | London, United Kingdom A (TV Series –) - IMDb

North of this was Caledoniainhabited by the Pictiwhose uprisings forced Rome's legions back to Hadrian's Wall. In the following century, Irish missionaries introduced the previously pagan Picts to Celtic Christianity. Following England 's Gregorian missionthe Pictish king Nechtan chose to abolish most Celtic practices in favour of the Roman The Story of Scotlandrestricting Gaelic influence on his kingdom and avoiding war with Anglian Northumbria. The was united under the House of Alpinwhose members fought among each other during The Story of Scotland disputed successions. The last Alpin king, Malcolm IIdied without a male issue in The Story of Scotland early 11th century and the kingdom passed through his daughter's son to the or Canmore. He left only The Story of Scotland infant granddaughter Margaret, Maid of Norway as heir, who died herself four years later. England, under Edward Iwould take advantage of this questioned succession to launch a series of conquests, resulting in the Wars of Scottish Independenceas Scotland passed back and forth between the House of Balliol and the House of Bruce. Scotland's ultimate victory confirmed Scotland as a fully independent and sovereign kingdom. James VIThe Story of Scotland king of Scotland, also inherited the throne of England inand the Stuart kings and queens ruled both independent kingdoms until the Acts of Union in merged the two kingdoms into a new state, the Kingdom of Great Britain. During the and Industrial RevolutionScotland became one of the commercial, intellectual and industrial powerhouses of Europe. Later, its industrial decline following the Second World War was particularly acute. In recent decades Scotland has enjoyed something of a cultural and economic renaissance, fuelled in part by a resurgent financial services sector and the proceeds of North Sea oil and gas. Since the s, nationalism has become a strong political topic, with serious debates on Scottish independenceand a The Story of Scotland in about leaving the British Union. People lived in Scotland for at least 8, years before Britain's recorded history. Neolithic farming brought permanent settlements. The most northerly point of Britain was called Orcas Orkney. By the year 71, the Roman governor Quintus Petillius Cerialis had launched an invasion of what is now Scotland. He is said to have pushed his armies to the estuary of the "River Taus" usually assumed to be the River Tay and established forts there, including a legionary fortress at Inchtuthil. After his victory over the northern tribes at Mons Graupius in 84, a series of forts and towers were established along the Gask Ridgewhich marked the boundary between the Lowland and Highland zones, probably forming the first Roman limes or frontier in Scotland. Agricola's successors were unable or unwilling to further subdue the far north. Aroundthe Romans undertook a reoccupation of southern Scotland, moving up to construct a new limes between the Firth of Forth and the Firth of Clydewhich became the Antonine Wall. Having taken twelve years to build, the wall was overrun and abandoned soon after Roman influence on Scottish culture and history was not enduring. In the centuries after the departure of the Romans from Britain, there were four groups The Story of Scotland the borders of what is now Scotland. In the east were the Picts, with kingdoms between the river Forth and Shetland. In the late 6th century the dominant force was the Kingdom of Fortriuwhose lands were centred on Strathearn and Menteith and who raided along the eastern coast into modern England. Scotland was largely converted to Christianity by Irish-Scots missions associated with figures such as St Columbafrom the fifth to the seventh centuries. These missions tended to found monastic institutions and collegiate churches that served large areas. Conversion to Christianity may have sped a long-term process of gaelicisation of the Pictish kingdoms, which adopted Gaelic language and customs. King of Alba. He was later credited with bringing Scottish Christianity into conformity with the Catholic Church. After fighting many battles, his defeat at Brunanburh was followed by his retirement as a Culdee monk at St. The reign of King Donnchad I Duncan I from was marred by failed military adventures, and he was defeated and killed by MacBeth, the Mormaer of Moraywho became king in Particularly important was his second marriage to the Anglo-Hungarian princess Margaret. The two ruled Scotland until two of Edmund's younger brothers returned from exile in England, again with English military backing. Victorious, Edgarthe oldest of the three, became king in In The Story of Scotland Norse control of the Isles was loose, with local chiefs enjoying a high degree of independence. He was succeeded by his brother Alexanderwho reigned — When Alexander died inthe crown passed to Margaret's fourth son David Iwho had spent most of his life as a Norman French baron in England. His reign saw what has been characterised as a " Davidian Revolution ", The Story of Scotland which native institutions and personnel were replaced by English and French The Story of Scotland, underpinning the development of later Medieval Scotland. He created an Anglo-Norman style of court, introduced the office of justicar to oversee justice, and local offices of sheriffs to administer localities. He established the first royal burghs The Story of Scotland Scotland, granting rights to particular settlements, which led to the development of the first true Scottish towns and helped facilitate economic development as did the introduction of the first recorded Scottish coinage. He continued a process begun by his mother and brothers helping to establish foundations that brought reform to Scottish monasticism based on those at Cluny and he played a part in organising diocese on lines closer to those in the rest of Western Europe. These reforms were pursued under his successors and grandchildren Malcolm IV of Scotland and The Story of Scotland Iwith the crown now passing down the main line of descent through primogeniture, leading to the first of a series of minorities. By the reign of The Story of Scotland III, the Scots were in a position to annexe the remainder of the western seaboard, which they did following Haakon Haakonarson 's ill-fated invasion and the stalemate of the Battle of Largs with the Treaty of Perth in To prevent civil war the Scottish magnates asked Edward I of England to arbitrate, for which he extracted legal recognition that the realm of Scotland was held as a feudal dependency to the throne of England before choosing John Balliolthe man with the strongest claim, who became king in Over the next few years Edward I used the concessions he The Story of Scotland gained to systematically undermine both the authority of King John The Story of Scotland the independence of Scotland. InEdward invaded Scotland, The Story of Scotland King John. The following year William Wallace and Andrew de Moray raised forces to resist The Story of Scotland occupation and under their joint leadership an English army was defeated at the The Story of Scotland of Stirling Bridge. Edward came north in person and defeated Wallace at the Battle of Falkirk in Inhe fell into the hands of the English, who executed him for treason despite the fact that he owed no allegiance to England. Rivals John The Story of Scotland and Robert the Brucegrandson of the claimant, were appointed as joint guardians in his place. However, Edward's forces overran the country after defeating Bruce's small army at the Battle of Methven. Robert defeated that army at the Battle of Bannockburn insecuring de facto independence. The Declaration has also been seen as one of the most important documents in the development of a Scottish national identity. Inwhat may have been the first full Parliament of Scotland met. The parliament had evolved from an earlier council of nobility and clergy, the colloquiumconstituted aroundbut perhaps in representatives of the burghs — the burgh commissioners — joined them to form the Three Estates. Balliol finally resigned his claim to the throne to Edward inbefore retiring to Yorkshire, where he died in However, the English captured him en route and he spent the next 18 years as a prisoner held for ransom. When Scotland finally paid The Story of Scotland ransom inJames, aged 32, returned with The Story of Scotland English bride determined to assert this authority. His son James II reigned —when The Story of Scotland came of age incontinued his father's policy of weakening the great noble families, most notably taking on the powerful Black Douglas family that had come to prominence at the time of the Bruce. Inthe last significant acquisition of Scottish territory occurred when James III was engaged to Margaret of Denmarkreceiving the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands in payment of her dowry. Scotland advanced markedly in educational terms during the 15th century with the founding of the University of St Andrews inthe University of Glasgow in and the University of Aberdeen inand with the passing of the Education Actwhich decreed that all sons of barons and freeholders of substance should attend grammar schools. The invasion was stopped decisively at the Battle of Flodden Field The Story of Scotland which the King, many of his nobles, and a large number of ordinary troops were killed, commemorated by the song Flowers of the Forest. Once again Scotland's government lay in the hands of regents in the name of the infant James V. James V finally managed to escape from the custody of the regents in He continued his father's policy of subduing the rebellious HighlandsWestern and Northern isles and the troublesome borders. The day before his death, he was brought news of the birth of an heir: a daughter, who would become Mary, Queen of Scots. Once again, Scotland was in the hands of a regent. This took the form of border skirmishing The Story of Scotland several English campaigns into Scotland. Mary was then sent to France at the age of five, as the intended bride of the heir to the French throne. Her mother, Marie de Guise, stayed in Scotland to look after the interests of Mary — and of France — although the Earl of Arran acted officially as regent. Byafter a change of regent in England, the English withdrew from Scotland completely. FromMarie de Guise, took over the regency, and continued to advance French The Story of Scotland in Scotland. French cultural influence resulted in a large influx of French vocabulary into Scots. But anti-French sentiment also grew, particularly among Protestantswho saw the English as their natural allies. This led to armed conflict at the siege of Leith. Marie de Guise died in Juneand soon after the also ended, with the signing of the Treaty of Edinburghwhich provided for the removal of French and English troops from Scotland. The took place only days later when the Scottish Parliament abolished the Roman Catholic religion and outlawed the Mass. Despite her private religion, she did not attempt to re-impose Catholicism on her largely Protestant subjects, thus angering the chief Catholic nobles. Her six-year personal reign was marred by a series of crises, largely caused by the intrigues and rivalries of the leading nobles. The murder of her secretary, David Ricciowas followed by that of her The Story of Scotland second husband Lord Darnleyand her abduction by and marriage to the Earl of Bothwellwho was implicated in Darnley's murder. After her defeat at the Battle of Langside inshe took refuge in England, leaving her young son in the hands of regents. In Scotland the regents fought a civil war The Story of Scotland behalf of James VI against his mother's supporters. In England, Mary became a focal point for Catholic conspirators and was eventually tried for treason and executed The Story of Scotland the orders of her kinswoman Elizabeth I. During the 16th century, Scotland underwent a Protestant Reformation that created a predominantly Calvinist national Kirk, which became Presbyterian in outlook and severely reduced the powers of bishops. In the earlier part of the century, the teachings of first Martin Luther and then John Calvin began to influence Scotland, particularly through Scottish scholars, often training for the priesthood, who had visited Continental universities. The Lutheran preacher Patrick Hamilton was executed for heresy in St. Andrews in Wishart's supporters assassinated Beaton soon after and seized St. Andrews Castle, which they held for a year before they were defeated with the help of French forces. The survivors, including chaplain John Knoxwere condemned to be galley slaves in France, stoking resentment of the French and creating martyrs for the Protestant cause. Limited toleration and the influence of exiled Scots and Protestants in other countries, led to the expansion of Protestantism, The Story of Scotland a group of lairds declaring themselves Lords of the Congregation in and representing their interests politically. The collapse of the French alliance and English intervention in meant that a relatively small, but highly influential, group of Protestants were in a position to impose reform on the Scottish church. A confession of faith, rejecting papal jurisdiction and the mass, was adopted by The Story of Scotland inwhile the young Mary, Queen of Scots, was still in France. Knox, having escaped the galleys and spent time in Geneva as a follower of Calvin, emerged as the most significant figure of the period. The Calvinism of the reformers led by Knox resulted in a settlement that adopted a Presbyterian system and rejected most of the elaborate trappings of the medieval church. The reformed Kirk gave considerable power to local lairds, who often had control over the appointment of the clergy. There were widespread, but generally orderly outbreaks of iconoclasm. William Wallace | Biography & Facts | Britannica

William Wallacein full Sir William Wallaceborn c. He served as guardian of the kingdom of Scotland during the first years of the long and ultimately successful struggle to free his country from English rule. He led the Scottish resistance forces during the first years of the long and ultimately successful struggle to free Scotland from English rule. On August 5,William Wallace was arrested near Glasgow. Taken to Londonhe was condemned as a traitor to the king even though, as he maintained, he had never sworn allegiance to Edward. He was hangeddisemboweled, beheaded, and quartered. William Wallace is remembered for leading the Scottish resistance forces during the struggle to free Scotland from English rule. The elder Wallace The Story of Scotland a minor landowner and a vassal of James, 5th steward of Scotland. Sporadic resistance had already The Story of Scotland when, in MayWallace and a band of some 30 men burned Lanark and killed its English sheriff. Wallace laid siege to Dundee but abandoned it to oppose, with Andrew de Moray, an English army that was advancing toward Stirling under John de Warenne, earl of Surrey. Surrey failed to bring Wallace to terms outside Stirling, and, on the morning of September 11,the English began to file across the narrow bridge over the Forth. Wallace and Moray, in a position northwest of the Abbey Craig, held The Story of Scotland their troops until about The Story of Scotland the English had crossed. They then attacked with such sudden fury that almost all who had crossed were killed or driven into the river and drowned. Surrey, with the rest of his army, retreated hastily, having first destroyed the bridge, but the Scots crossed by a ford and pursued them. With only The Story of Scotland small following, Surrey escaped to Berwick and York. For the moment Scotland was almost free of occupation. Wallace now ravaged Northumberland and Cumberlandburning Alnwick and besieging Carlisle. To the monks of Hexhamhowever, he granted special protection. Upon returning to Scotland early in DecemberWallace was knighted it is not known by whom and was elected or assumed the title of guardian of the kingdom. In the name of King John de Balliol, then a prisoner in London, Wallace set himself to reorganize the army and regulate the affairs of the country. The Story of Scotland himself crossed the Tweed on July 3 and moved toward Stirling with a strong force of heavy cavalry, a body of archers, and Irish and Welsh auxiliaries. Edward, with his army half-starved and mutinous, was on the point of retreat when, early on July 21 near Kirkliston, he learned that Wallace was awaiting him near Falkirk. Edward advanced and on the following day found Wallace on a carefully chosen sloping ground, his front protected by a small river. They drove off the field the small body of Scottish horse under Comyn but made no impression on the schiltrons and suffered considerable losses. Wallace retired northward with the survivors, burning Stirling and Perth as he went. Edward, unable to maintain his forces in Scotland, returned south, reaching Carlisle on September 8. His military reputation ruined, Wallace resigned the guardianship in December and was succeeded by Bruce and Comyn. There is some evidence that Wallace went to France in and thereafter returned to Scotland to act as a solitary guerrilla leader, but from the autumn of nothing is known of his activities for more than four years. The rebellion he had led nevertheless continued untilat which point most Scottish nobles submitted to Edward. On August 5,The Story of Scotland was arrested near Glasgow by Sir John Menteith, and, according to two early chroniclers, by treachery. He was carried to Dumbarton Castle and then to London, having possibly been brought before King Edward along the way. On August 23, The Story of Scotland, Wallace was conveyed to Westminster Hall, where he was indicted and condemned to death. There was no trial because he was declared a traitor to the king; Wallace emphatically denied this The Story of Scotland, as he had never sworn allegiance to Edward. That same day he was hangeddisemboweled, and finally beheaded and quartered at Smithfield. In Bruce raised the rebellion that eventually won independence for Scotland. Wallace was unmarried and is not known to have fathered any children. There is no portrait of him and no contemporary description of his appearance. A huge monument —69 to Wallace stands atop the rock of The Story of Scotland Craig near Stirling. Article Contents. Home World History Military Leaders. Print print Print. Table Of Contents. Facebook Twitter. Give Feedback External Websites. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. External Websites. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high The Story of Scotland students. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree Top Questions. The Story of Scotland depicting the Battle of Stirling Bridge, September 11, Get exclusive access to content The Story of Scotland our First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today. Learn More in these related The Story of Scotland articles:. Wallace defeated the English at Stirling Bridge in but lost at Falkirk the next year. He was executed in London inhaving shown that heroic leadership without social status…. From then until the midth century Stirling flourished and…. History at your fingertips. Sign up here to see what happened On This Dayevery day in your inbox! Email address. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Notice. 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ByKing Edward I of of England reasonably assumed that Scotland had ceased to exist as a political entity. InCharles I Stuart, a Catholic at heart, turned his belated royal entry in Scotland into a disaster by imposing a more 'lavish' Anglican style on its native, staunchly austere protestant The difference between the highland and lowland cultures are considerable and it all began The Story of Scotland a feud The Story of Scotland two families in 15th century Scotland: the Stewarts and the MacDonalds. Looking for a movie the entire family can enjoy? Check out our picks for family friendly movies movies that transcend all ages. For even more, visit our Family Entertainment Guide. See the full list. Title: A History of Scotland — A documentary charting the birth and growth of the Scottish nation. For those of us who have an interest or Scottish ancestry and want to know about the history this series is a great entre. While everything may not be exactly according to fact it is enough so and presented in such a way that you are riveted to every moment of what's going on. In some cases there is a bit too much repetition of images but for the most The Story of Scotland it's colorful and dynamic. Neil Oliver, as a native Scot and a history expert, is the perfect choice as a presenter. His delivery is in the fine tradition of Scottish story tellers and part of the reason to watch. Definitely worth watching. Looking for something to watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Episode List. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. Episode Guide. Available on The Story of Scotland. Added to Watchlist. Top-Rated Episodes S1. Error: please try again. Favourite TV. Documentaries - Educational. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Episodes Seasons. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Series cast summary: Neil Oliver Edit Storyline A documentary charting the birth and growth of the Scottish nation. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this. Add the first question. Edit Details Country: UK. Language: English. Filming Locations: Scotland, UK. Sound Mix: Stereo. Color: Color. Edit page. Add episode. October Streaming Picks. Back to School Picks. Clear your history. Self - The Story of Scotland 10 episodes,