Approved on August 9, 2012 by CEO, Chairman of the Board, Sberbank of Russia (indicate the issuing credit institution's body that approved the Quarterly Report on Securities) Minutes No. - dated - QUARTERLY REPORT Sberbank of Russia Code of the issuing credit institution: 01481-В for Q2 2012 Location of the issuing credit institution: 19, Vavilova St., Moscow 19 (indicate the location (address) of the permanent executive body of the issuing credit institution) The information contained in this quarterly report is subject to disclosure in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation on securities CEO, Chairman of the Executive Board Sberbank of Russia __________ H. Gref signature August 9, 2012 Chief Accountant of Sberbank – Director of the Accounting and Reporting Financial Department __________ Kruzhalov signature August 10, 2012 Seal of the issuing credit institution Contact: Vladimir A. Pavlov — Head of Department for Working with Bank’s Securities and Subsidiaries of Sberbank (indicate position and full name of contact person in the issuing credit institution) Tel.: (495) 505-88-85 fax: (495) 505-88-84 (indicate the number(s) of the telephone (fax) of the contact person) E-mail address:
[email protected] (indicate the e-mail address of the contact person (if any)) Address of the Internet page(s) where the information contained in this quarterly report is disclosed: 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Number of section, Name of section, subsection, annex Page subsection, number annex Introduction 6 I Brief information about