PROSPECTUS 2021 WELCOME TO A fundamental objective THE SIXTH of the is to provide an education which prepares FORM COLLEGE students for life in a rapidly changing world. FARNBOROUGH I am delighted that you want to find out We offer outstanding support while you We are committed to about the many opportunities available are here including a specialist Personal maintaining a community to you here. Tutor, nursing provision and a dedicated counselling team. We also have an excellent where democracy, the rule This College is an exceptional place to study, offering you a trusted stepping stone careers programme which provides of law, individual liberty, from into employment, training, an independent information, advice and mutual understanding and apprenticeship or Education HE): an guidance. We believe that these services important stage in the development of all will help you make the most of your time tolerance of those of young people. Many students have taken here. different faiths and beliefs the step to join us and 95% of them would I am proud to be the Principal of an recommend this College to a potential are respected. ambitious college with high aspirations future applicant. for students and ourselves. Our aim is The College has a reputation for being lively, to provide a spacious environment in caring, scholarly and purposeful. Students which students can grow and develop as lead full lives and become engaged in a individuals. wide range of enrichment activities outside See for yourself at one of our Open Days in the classroom, including volunteering, sport October - we look forward to meeting you! and performing. Activities such as these encourage the development of a wide range of skills which will certainly help with your progression through College and beyond. Catherine Cole They also help you make new friends. Principal



WAKE UP STUDY PERIOD TRIP COURSEWORK *BEEP-BEEP-BEEP* It’s Monday I have a Study Period which I hand in my permission slip for The sunshine was too nice AM AM PM PM 7:00 - time to get ready for college! 10:45 means I don’t have a timetabled 2:30 the upcoming trip to eading 4:45 earlier to stay inside so now I normally grab breakfast at home and lesson. This gives me a chance to get to experience a day of I need to finish off the work I started then head to the bus stop, which is just some coursework done. I go over to the financial trading. It will be amazing to earlier in the day. a 10 minute walk from my house. The Lower Bagnall Learning esource Centre, see what I’ve been learning in A level bus takes 20 minutes from where I live log on to a computer and do about 45 business come to life! in Camberley, so just enough time to put minutes of work. My friend messages me DINNER TIME my headphones on and listen to some and asks if I’m we head outside, PM music. sit on the grass and enjoy the sunshine! FINAL LESSON 6:00 My last lesson of the day is BTEC performing arts. We’re PM FRIENDS LUNCH TIME 2:40 rehearsing our latest piece in CONSOLIDATION My friends and I usually meet in Yay, food! Me and my friends the Prospect Theatre today in front of I write up the feedback that I AM 8:45 the uad for a catch up before arranged to meet in Shades our teacher, so we get into costume and got in my performing arts lesson PM PM heading to our lessons. 12:15 and I get myself a freshly filled practise our stage makeup. After we’ve 7:00 today and think about the ways wrap. We sit at our favourite table and performed, the teacher lets us know to improve on my performance. catch up about our weekends. I then what went well and what we need to FIRST LESSON head over to my enrichment group, the improve on. My first lesson is A level media Environmental Society, which is run by CHILL OUT TIME AM 9:00 studies. Today we’re put into one of my friends. After a busy day, I spend my groups and asked to carry out some HOME TIME evening relaxing and unwinding, PM analysis of the type of language that is I head for the bus stop just 8:00 ready for a good night’s sleep! used in different forms of media. PROSPECTS outside of the College and make PM It’s time for my Prospects 4:10 my way home after a busy day. The College’s facilities are brilliant! Diploma session in The Simon There are lots of places to study, PM STARBUCKS 1:00 Jarvis Lecture Theatre. This week eat your lunch and catch up with After my first lesson, I need to we’re focusing on our internet footprint AM your friends. There is even a shop 10:30 refuel so head to the Starbucks and how potential employers could where you can get everything you on campus I always order a Caramel perceive us based on the content of our Macchiato!). social media accounts. need for college.” SUFIYA GUUNG formerly of Alderwood School) studying business, English language, maths and financial studies.

4 5 The choice of courses at the College is amazing. Every course is taught by teachers who are incredibly passionate about the subject and encourage you to achieve your best.” BEN KOSH 2021 formerly of Woking High School)

PROSPECTUS 2021 studying maths, music technology and physics. COURSES ADVANCED LEVEL COURSES (LEVEL 3) • Accounting • Geography • Performing Arts - single vocational option • Biology • German • Philosophy • Business • Graphic Design • Photography • Business • Health and Social Care - single vocational option - single vocational option • Physical Education • Business • History • Physics - double vocational option - Modern • Politics • Chemistry • Information Technology • Psychology - single vocational option • Computer Science • Sociology • Law • Criminology • Spanish - single vocational option • Law - single vocational option • Sport • Drama and Theatre Studies - single vocational option • Mathematics • Economics • Sport • Mathematics and • English Language - double vocational option Further Mathematics • English Language and • Media (Digital) Literature - single vocational option • English Literature GCSE OR • Media (Digital) EQUIVALENTS • Extended Project Qualification - double vocational option for second year students) • English Language • Media Studies • Fashion Textiles • Mathematics • Medical Science • Film Studies - single vocational option • IELTS • Financial Studies • Music - single vocational option We make every effort in this prospectus to • Music Performance present the most up-to-date course • Fine Art - single vocational option information at the time of printing. However, we reserve the right to keep the curriculum • French • Music Technology under continual review: additional courses not included here may be offered in the year. Courses can be withdrawn if recruitment numbers are not viable.

Single vocational option equivalent to one A level Double vocational option equivalent to two A levels

6 7 8 PROSPECTUS 2021 and oneAlevel. course, ortwovocationalcourses level coursesandavocational you maychoosetostudytwoA be studiedtogether.Forexample, not mutuallyexclusive-theycan A levelandvocationalcoursesare and examination. coursework, supervisedassessment varies bycourseandcombines vocationally oriented.Assessment equivalent toAlevelsbutaremore These arequalificationsthat Vocational years. examination attheendoftwo courses mainlyassessedthrough These aregeneralacademic A levels Stage 5. level 3,whichareequivalenttoKey A levelandvocationalcoursesat Here attheCollege,weofferboth WHAT WEOFFER Before choosingyourcourses,itisimportanttounderstandyouroptions. COURSES YOUR CHOOSING

once you know your GCSE results. once youknowyourGCSEresults. interview andagainatenrolment advice onyourcoursechoicesat Your PersonalTutorwillgiveyou subjects youhavetakenatGCSE. or lessconsistentacrossallthe the gradesyouachievearemore GCSE profile.Bythiswemeanthat You shouldhaveagoodoverall English languageandmaths. to haveatleastagrade4inGCSE of success.Allstudentsarerequired are settogiveyouthebestchance different entryrequirementswhich website thateachsubjecthas the ‘Courses’pagesonCollege right foryou.Youwillseefrom indication ofwhichcoursesare Your GCSEgradeswillgiveagood YOUR GCSEGRADES

closer tothetime. more informationabouttheEP of yourfirstyear.Youwillbegiven This isstartedinthesummerterm and equivalenttohalfanAlevel. qualification, valuedbyuniversities EP isanindependentresearch Stand outfromthecrowd- QUALIFICATION EXTENDED PROJECT groups youparticipatein. sessions, aswellanyenrichment Tutorial andProspectsDiploma your timetablewillalsoinclude In additiontoyourchosencourses, an individuallytailoredtimetable. Every studentattheCollegehas YOUR TIMETABLE ( EPQ )

STUDIES YOUR on ourwebsite, Full detailsofallcoursescanbefoundunderthe‘Courses’tab maths English languageand Grades 7to9including language andmaths 4 oraboveinEnglish Grades 4to6withgrade GCSE GRADES ACHIEVED YOUR PREDICTED/ Have alookatthetablebelowtoworkoutyouroptions: YOUR OPTIONS our Oxbridgeprogramme You willbeeligibletoparticipatein the optionoftakingEP In yoursecondyear,youalsohave maths asafourthsubject You maychoosetoaddfurther combination overtwoyears Study threelevel3coursesinany the optionoftakingEP In yoursecondyear,youalsohave combination overtwoyears Study threelevel3coursesinany

politics andpsychology. studying Englishlanguage andliterature, formerly ofTomlinscote School) ALEC TAYLO fully supported.” for mewhilstalsobeing to studyinawaythatworks and Iamgiventhefreedom The teachingisreallyengaging I chosetostudyatFarnborough. I lovethesubjectsthat 9 FAQS Do you have large class sizes? Does Farnborough have high entry

PROSPECTUS 2021 requirements? Our class sizes are on average between 18 and 19, ideal for study at this level. There is no overall points score required to come to Farnborough and we will work with you to agree the courses you study. Our courses do Is the College too big for me? require you to have certain GCSE grades, and this is because we want to give you the best chance It’s true that this is a big college. HOWEVER you of success. More information regarding course will be part of a small tutorial group and will requirements can be found on our website, quickly get to know other students studying the same subjects as you – remember all of you will be new to the College. With a big college, you benefit from a greater range of subjects and subject combinations, more facilities and teachers How will I manage my workload? who specialise in 16-to-19 years education. As part of your timetable, you will be assigned study periods which we encourage you to use to complete your work. Our Learning Resource Will I know anybody? Centre has four areas across the College site For those who join as the only student from your where students can study independently or as current school, we have special ‘getting to know a group, and there are also a number of social you’ events so you can meet people in the same spaces that students can use to work. situation. Taking part in enrichment or joining a club or society are also great ways of making new friends who have the same interests as you! Can I get food at College? There are several catering outlets on site which are dedicated to providing a variety of delicious Is Farnborough only for ‘academic’ students? meals, snacks and drinks - Time Out, Café Direct, Shades and The Greenhouse. The College also has We offer a wide range of courses including its very own Starbucks! We operate a cashless “There are so many opportunities vocational subjects. These are assessed through catering system at Farnborough using Upay. available to you at the College. coursework, supervised assessment and I’ve learnt so much about myself exams and are valued for further study, HE, apprenticeships and employment! and the careers team have helped me to decide my career path – they were so friendly and kind!” SAMUN GURUNG (formerly of Kings International College) studying fine art, graphic design and IT. 10 11 12 PROSPECTUS 2021 year -anamazingachievement. high grades,a10%increasefromlast 2019, 91.6%ofstudentsachieved the vocationalcoursesweoffer.In The pictureofsuccessissimilarfor cohorts inthecountry! cohort isoneofthelargest16-18 particularly impressiveasourmaths the 491achievingA*toC-thisis incredible results,with409of Our Alevelmathsstudentsachieved at eitherA*orAand85%ofcoursesweregradedtoC. Our students achieved an astonishing pass rate of 99.2% at A level. Almost a third of these were awarded 2019 -ANOTHERBRILLIANTYEAR OUR RESULTS achieve exceptionalresultswithus. English languageandmathsalso Students whohavetoretakeGCSE Distinction*. 63 studentsgainingadouble fantastic results,with57outof business studentsalsoachieved grade ofDistinction*.Ourvocational students achievedthehighest course, astaggering86outof90 vocational healthandsocialcare For thestudentstakingour one gradehigher! quarters ofourstudents achieved and inGCSEmathsjustoverthree achieved onegradehigherwithus, GCSE Englishlanguagestudents 0.76 inmathsmeanalmostallofour Our scoresof0.85inEnglishand have doneatanaverageinstitution. at Farnboroughthantheywould students achievefarbetterresults with similarpriorresults,showsthat achievements ofotherstudents our students’resultstotheactual The progressscore,whichcompares success intheircareers. to avarietyofdestinationsandenjoy After College,ourstudentsmoveon A STEPPINGSTONE 58.8% 5.6% 2.7% 1.7% 3% or traineeship Took upanapprenticeship starting university Took agapyearbefore in FurtherEducationFE) Carried onwithstudies employment Entered paid Group 28.1% attendingussell Went ontoHEwith

by sector a first/uppersecondclassdegree Percentage ofstudentsachieving other sixthformcolleges. stateorprivatelyfunded)and students whoattendedallothertypesof upper secondclassdegreesthanthose more ofourstudentsachievefirst/ HE isstillthemostpopularchoiceand only optionavailabletoyou.However, it isclearthatHEfarfrombeingthe The educationlandscapeischangingand CLASSIFICATION DEGREE first/upper secondclassdegree! a staggering92.9%ofthemachieved went ontoussellGroupuniversities, For thoseFarnboroughstudentswho 87.4% 79.4% 87.7% 78.1% State sector College sector sector Independent College Farnborough The SixthForm Bristol UCA, Farnham Birmingham Cardiff Nottingham eading Loughborough oyal Holloway Sussex Bath Exeter Winchester Surrey Bournemouth Southampton Portsmouth in 2019. Top universitiesbasedonthenumberofstudents self-directed, independentlearning. grounding foruniversitylifeincludingpreparation Farnborough providedthemwiththebestpossible Feedback fromthesestudentsconfirmsthat universities acrosstheUKandincreasinglybeyond. Our studentsgoontostudyatthemostprestigious A UKPERSPECTIVE have doneformanyyears. flourish hereandfulfiltheir potential, asthey post-16 studybyanymeasure,ourstudents Farnborough isanoutstandingchoicefor York Manchester Plymouth Chichester Southampton Solent Oxford AUB, Bournemouth Oxford Brookes Kent Brighton Nottingham Trent Swansea Warwick Leeds UWE, Bristol 13 WE ADD PROSPECTUS 2021 VALUE Whilst our results are impressive, you need to take a deeper look to really understand how well all of the students who choose Farnborough do in their studies.

VALUE ADDED TEACHING EXCELLENCE Value Added VA) is a measurement For vocational subjects, this would The mission of the College is to be a with many contributing to and writing used to analyse a student’s progress mean a student in another college distinguished provider of the highest exam board books. from their achievement at GCSE to their working at a high Distinction would quality education and we commit Teachers from across the College are final grades. have achieved a Distinction* if they had to this by ensuring we employ the asked to speak at prestigious local, studied at Farnborough. The VA figures show that 1,076 out of best teachers, whose passion is to national and international events 4,830 A levels were graded one grade Simply put, students who choose improve students’ achievements. Staff about their subject specialism and the higher when taken at the College than Farnborough for their studies achieve go above and beyond to support teaching methods they implement in if they had been taken at a college or better results than those who attend students throughout their time here their classroom. school sixth form achieving the national any other in , and this is reflected in the results and Staff are dynamic in their approach average. For vocational qualifications, Berkshire or Surrey. positive feedback we receive in student to learning, keen to try new teaching this figure is 123 out of 212. surveys. A number of teachers have Compared with schools and colleges methods and share good practice been nominated by former students for Another way of looking at this is to say across the country, our A level and to find the best approach for their the University of Oxford’s Inspirational that students in average colleges who vocational students have achieved students. Teachers involve students Teachers Award. are working at the top of a grade would results over the past three years in their learning so they leave here The teachers are so helpful, have achieved the next grade higher at that put them in the top 10% - an Staff often contribute to academic with the skills required to flourish in journals and articles, and have published enthusiastic and caring. Farnborough - for example, a student in outstanding achievement! this ever-changing world. This goes another college working at a B, would books relating to their fields of beyond subject specific skills: we want They do everything they can have achieved an A if they had come expertise. Many of our teaching staff our young people to be motivated, to help you achieve your best!” to us. are also examiners, meaning they are resilient, reflective, independent, and experts in exam technique. They also fully prepared for their next steps after ADWOA OWUSU-SAFO formerly of Garth Hill College) have a deeper understanding of the college, whether it’s higher or further studying health and social care, psychology and sociology. standards required for assessments, education, training or employment.

14 1515 SUPPORT PROSPECTUS 2021 FOR YOU At Farnborough, every student matters: both in and out of the classroom, we take supporting you very seriously.

FROM SCHOOL TO COLLEGE PERSONAL TUTORS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE The transition from school to college can be Our team of Personal Tutors are carefully selected You may be entitled to receive financial support daunting, but don’t worry! There are several to ensure that they are the right people to guide for transport, meals and learning costs. opportunities for new students to visit the and support you at every step of your journey Detailed information can be found on our website College and familiarise themselves with life at through College. Weekly tutorials will cover or you can contact our Health and Wellbeing Farnborough. These include our Getting eady everything from investigating your future career Co-ordinator on 01252 688351 or email Days where you have the opportunity to take options, and HE applications, to developing part in taster lessons of your chosen subjects. vital life skills. Simply put, your Tutor is your Even during your first term at College, there are rock during your time at Farnborough, listening, lots of events and in-class activities to make the challenging and supporting you to achieve your HEALTH AND WELLBEING step from school to college as easy as possible. very best. We understand how important it is that our Parents/guardians are also invited to Transition esearch shows that using professional Personal students have access to support for their physical Evening where they can find out about all the Tutors to provide support is the most effective and mental health. The College has nurses who support available to students. model in terms of enabling students to achieve can help with any health issues, and our Health their best. and Wellbeing Co-ordinator can give advice and guidance on medical, emotional and welfare needs. STUDY SUPPORT Students get so much support We are committed to responding flexibly and effectively to students with special educational COUNSELLING from the College. The Personal Tutors needs whenever practicable. Our team will work During your time at College, you may find that and teachers are very dedicated and if with you to identify and address individual you need some additional help. We provide an I ever have a problem or need advice, learning needs, arranging appropriate support on site, free and confidential counselling service I know there is a lot of people I can sessions or technical support. which is open to all students. The College has get help from.” been accredited with the AcSEED Award which recognises those who adopt best practices to MAX MOOE support the emotional wellbeing of students. formerly of ) We are proud to be one of very few Sixth Form studying drama and theatre studies, English literature and sociology. Colleges to have achieved this award.

16 17 ‘ASPIRE’ PROGRAMME Preparing for Oxbridge and competitive & course applications STRETCH For those students with ambitions to study at the most competitive universities, we offer PROSPECTUS 2021 many opportunities to help you reach your full potential. We provide dedicated information and CHALLENGE resources which encourage you to take action, Regardless of ability, all learners are actively encouraged to take advantage break barriers and achieve your goals!

of opportunities which extend and deepen their subject expertise and, where All students with a strong GCSE profile will appropriate, go beyond the limit of the subject specifications. become a member of the ‘Aspire’ programme when they enrol at the College. Students will be contacted on a regular basis with information In lessons, teachers highlight EXAMPLES: about opportunities they can take part in - these which activities are designed to range from practical interview tasks to webinars. Want to stretch and challenge yourself in computer science? stretch and challenge students, These activities will cover the entire academic Attend one of the many programming clubs. so that those who feel able to can spectrum and students will be encouraged to take on those tasks. Outside of the Want to stretch and challenge yourself in psychology? embrace them in order to develop their wider classroom, students are invited Take part in the College’s annual Psychology Week. skills and mental agility. to attend talks and workshops, Want to stretch and challenge yourself in modern history? The range of activities and support available complete extension activities Get involved in the Italian Studies Extension Project. to you include: and conduct research to inspire • Expert Tutor support throughout the their learning and challenge their Visit our website,, to find out more UCAS process thinking. about the numerous opportunities subject areas offer to stretch and challenge students. • Preparation for applications and admissions tests • Staff who specialise in specific subject applications • Personal statement workshops and feedback • ‘Introduction to Oxbridge’ talk from Admissions Tutors “There are so many opportunities • Interview guidance sessions and mock for students to stretch and challenge interviews themselves. As well as lots of resources • Open Days, Oxbridge Conference and HE Exhibition visits and information, the support from Our success speaks for itself: over a quarter of our teachers and Personal Tutors is students who applied to Oxford or Cambridge fantastic!” universities in 2019 were made offers. If you aspire to attend the world’s very best universities, you EMIL KAUTOVAARA (formerly of Woking High School) can do no better than to study at The Sixth Form studying economics, maths and physics. College Farnborough.

18 19 91% of recent leavers ...felt in a good position to take the next step after college. YOUR PROSPECTUS 2021 PROSPECTS Knowing and understanding all of the options for your next steps after college is immensely important. Whilst the vast majority of our students go on to HE, increasing numbers choose an apprenticeship or employment-based training following their studies – there are lots of options.

OUTSTANDING CAREERS THE PROSPECTS ESSENTIAL ADVICE INFORMATION AND DIPLOMA WORKPLACE SKILLS The ‘Prospects’ team are here to GUIDANCE It is clear that employability skills Whether you carry on in education help you make informed choices All students are encouraged to are an essential part of the toolkit or enter the world of work, it is about your future. They have been book a 1-to-1 appointment with one you will need whatever you choose highly likely that you will be asked awarded the national uality in of our professional careers advisors to do in the future. At Farnborough, about your essential workplace skills Careers Standard, recognising their to explore the opportunities all students complete the Prospects – skills such as resilience, effective commitment to provide impartial, available to them. Diploma over two years which helps communication and problem solving. independent careers education, them to collate and evidence their The College has links to local, We also hold two major careers information, advice and guidance. own workplace experience and national and international employers events at the College each year: The College fulfils all the Gatsby skills. Students build a ‘professional across a range of sectors and can the Training, Employment and Benchmarks, a framework that profile’ which they can use to put help you identify relevant placement Apprenticeship Fair and Moving defines what makes the best careers together a CV and take with them and volunteering possibilities. Having On Day. These offer opportunities provision in schools and colleges. when they leave College. this experience really will give you for students to speak directly to the edge, and is a key component of hundreds of universities, employers, The Diploma, which is compulsory, The Prospects Diploma. training providers and global forms an essential part of the corporate businesses. Tutorial programme and was designed in collaboration with Throughout the year, expert employers, training providers speakers from academia and and HE institutions to ensure industry are also invited into It is so important to be prepared that it meets the needs of College to share information about future employers and education for whatever comes next and the the different progression pathways establishments. College really understands this.” in their field. KAITLIN WELLS formerly of St Nicholas’ School) studying computer science, photography and music technology.

20 21 VOLUNTEERING PROSPECTUS 2021 All students at Farnborough are encouraged to get actively involved in volunteering.

Volunteering helps to develop Students volunteer regularly in… vital work skills such as • Schools and colleges confidence, problem-solving • Health centres/charities and communication. It can be particularly beneficial for those • Animal trusts wanting to study competitive • Hospitals subjects such as medicine, • The College, as ambassadors teaching, dentistry and • Scouts/Guides/Beavers veterinary medicine or those • Nursing homes who have made applications to Oxbridge. We have a dedicated • Homeless shelters Volunteering Co-ordinator who • Local councils can advise you on all of the • Community groups ENRICHMENT opportunities available. ...and many more!

Enrichment is for everyone - you do not need to be studying the Our students engage in subject to join in! more than 30,000 hours of It is important that all students maximise their Many of the clubs and societies are run by volunteering each year! potential inside and outside of the classroom. Our students for students including the eSports diverse enrichment programme will help you to Society, Medical Society, Gender Sexuality “I volunteer as part of the Coppers Award gain numerous life skills, develop your interests Association and the Debating Society. If we don’t programme and have found this experience and try out new things! offer a particular club or society, why not start your own? so beneficial. It has helped to broaden Whether your passion is performing, the DofE my awareness and understanding of Award, volunteering for a charity or film making, You can discover and sign up for all these there is something for everyone here at the activities at the Getting Ready Days in June working with individuals with complex College. By taking part in enrichment, you will and at the Freshers’ Fair in September. Both learning difficulties.” enhance your learning, add a dimension to your are brilliant opportunities for you to speak to SALMA BENNAGI CV, make new friends and immerse yourself in students and staff about what is on offer. (formerly of Frogmore ) College life. studying English literature, law and psychology.

22 23 TRIPS ecent trips to support the curriculum have seen students travelling to a variety of destinations, including Berlin,

PROSPECTUS 2021 New York, Paris and Valencia. Students also go to see West End shows, visit world-famous museums and attend conferences with renowned speakers.

We work closely with Outlook Expeditions to offer exciting overseas trips to students: these have included Costa ica, Mongolia, Morocco and Vietnam. There is also a chance for students to visit our partner school, SPORT The Presbyterian Secondary Technical School, in Aburi, Ghana. We have excellent facilities: The College supports independent travel abroad and gives students the • opportunity to apply for a Travel Scholarship. Past scholarships have Two large sports halls supported a fantastic and varied range of projects including: • All weather floodlit hockey pitch • Volunteering with an education charity in Sri Lanka • Football, cricket and rugby pitches • Teaching in schools in South Africa • State-of-the-art fitness suite • Taking part in community projects in Costa Rica

• Volunteering at a children’s home in Nepal If you enjoy sport whether you are studying We also support the many students who compete at international level in a multitude of sports and help them to juggle demanding it or not), there is definitely something for you training schedules with their studies. at Farnborough! Recent highlights include: • the badminton team qualifying for the finals of the Association of The College competes in football, rugby, netball, hockey, badminton, Colleges’ AoC) National Cup. basketball and cricket at county, regional and national levels. There are also opportunities to represent the College in swimming, tennis • the men’s hockey team reaching the finals of the AoC National and cross country. Cup and the mixed hockey team getting to the semi-finals. There are 15 sports teams that play weekly in the winter terms and • 20 of our students representing in golf, badminton, cross country, we have over 300 students who represent the College on a weekly tennis and basketball at the AoC National Sports Finals as part of basis in the Hampshire leagues. the South East team. Every student medalled in their sport, with our women’s basketball team winning overall! Training is added to a student’s timetable and teams are coached by experts to ensure each player has the opportunity to reach their • the women’s basketball team qualifying to represent the South full sporting potential. Students compete against top teams from East at the AoC National Finals to defend their national title. across the country and achieve much success. We’ve even had former • the men’s football team getting to the semi-finals of the English students who have gone on to compete at the Olympics! Schools’ Football Association U18 National Cup. • the swimming team reaching the elay National Finals representing in both freestyle and medley.

24 25 PERFORMING ARTS Our performing arts facilities incorporate the modern, purpose-built MUSICAL THEATRE Prospect Theatre and teaching suites for dance and drama which will ENRICHMENT enable you to study and perform in superb and inspiring surroundings. This group works towards an annual Christmas production and continues through the

PROSPECTUS 2021 The following enrichment activities are open to all students who have an interest in year with smaller performances. All shows performing arts: encompass the disciplines of acting, singing MUSIC and dancing, catering to everyone from first time performers to those who are already Our music and music technology PROSPECT THEATRE LAMDA SHORT COURSES experienced on the stage. departments are some of the most COMPANY The London of Music and Dramatic renowned and versatile in the country, This is the College’s dedicated theatre Art is a world leading conservatoire and providing outstanding musical tuition company that all students are eligible awarding organisation. Students can undertake FLEXI-CREW to audition for. The company visit local LAMDA’s nationally recognised qualifications The flexi-crew create and operate the and enrichment to students. schools to deliver masterclasses, take part in acting and musical theatre at the College. various technical aspects of performances. in workshops, see shows and perform in the They are asked to prepare audition speeches Without their help, productions would not The departments offer extensive performance Prospect Theatre. and songs for a visiting examiner. be able to take place. If lighting, sound, stage opportunities to all musicians covering a wide range management, set or costume design are your of musical styles. From grand choral projects, pop, thing then this is the place to be! rock and jazz concerts to intimate recitals and small ensemble performances, students are able to fully Recent performances from all these groups develop their passion for music. have included Bye Bye Birdie, Mary Poppins, The House of Bernada Alba, Around the Our students have performed in some of Europe’s World in 80 Days, Scuttlers and The Wolves of foremost venues, including Westminster Abbey, St. Willoughby Chase. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice and Nikolaikirche, Leipzig. Students also enjoy unparalleled industry experience, such as performing, recording and mixing at the world-famous Abbey Road Studios in London.

The College recognises the huge benefit that music has within the community. Students perform in local venues such as schools, hospitals and hospices and lead masterclasses to inspire the next generation of musicians.

The department boasts world-class facilities including a fully equipped purpose-built recording studio, 60 iMac computers running Logic Pro X and NI Komplete Ultimate, 2 mixing suites, a band performance room, a 300 seat theatre, a recital room, 4 grand pianos (including a Bösendorfer), 12 fully-equipped practice rooms, 3 bespoke contemporary music rehearsal spaces and 20 MacBook Pro computers.


PROSPECTUS 2021 ARTS For those who have a passion for the creative arts, there are numerous opportunities to enhance your skills, be inspired and prepare for a successful career in the industry. We offer students the unique opportunity to work on project briefs given by real clients across the creative disciplines.

We have an in-house production team, ‘F6 Productions’, who create media products for local clients, an invaluable experience which helps to prepare students for life after college in this incredibly competitive sector. ‘F6 Productions’ have made STUDENT promotional videos for local companies and organisations, including Hydrolife, Makaton and Happiful Magazine. Photography students often provide the photography for local ASSOCIATION charity and community events, enabling them to build up a portfolio of work to present to universities and employers. Their The College strongly values Each year, an SA Committee is elected to represent the views of our 3,900 strong student body. This way work is also displayed in venues across the local area. the views of all its students of engaging with the students to make Farnborough Our graphic design students regularly attend workshops and and it is important for ‘student-led’ has a long and successful history. talks from well-known illustrators and designers, as well as them to have an active former College students who have progressed into a graphic As well as organising events, such as Freshers’ Week, design career or a creative course at university. role in developing how AG Week and the Leavers’ Ball, the SA Committee the College is run. Every ensures that feedback is collated from across the In 2019, the College held its inaugural ‘Creative Kickstart’ event, cohort to help facilitate real change for students. student is part of the three weeks of talks and presentations delivered by specialist The SA create a really warm and The Committee’s President and Vice President sit on speakers, giving students a direct insight into the range of job friendly welcome for new students Student Association SA). the College’s Academy uality Council which works roles and progression routes within the areas of graphic design, and organise lots of fantastic events to closely with the Senior Leadership Team to shape film, media, architecture, journalism and photography. In the the future of the College. summer, the creative arts departments come together for the ease you into College life. I can’t image annual Art Exhibition and Fashion Show which showcases and my life without the College!” Details about applying for the SA Committee are celebrates the amazing work that students have produced. shared with students during their first year. BETHAN HOGGAN formerly of The Wavell School) studying German, history and politics.

28 29 BY BUS Stagecoach run safe and reliable local bus services across Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex, Berkshire and Wiltshire. Stagecoach bus passes give students unlimited travel on all Stagecoach buses and can be used outside College hours, including holidays.

Please see the map below for the areas Stagecoach buses cover. For more detailed route information, please visit the Stagecoach website.


Crowthorne JOURNEY Finchampstead You will see from the maps on these pages that there are lots of ways to travel to the Sandhurst Chobham College from wherever you live. Many students ‘think green’ and walk, cycle or use Eversley College Town Lightwater

public transport to get here. For the most up-to-date transport information, please Yateley Frogmore Camberley visit our website, Bisley Blackwater Frimley Knaphill BY TRAIN There are three stations within easy walking distance of the College: Farnborough Main, Farnborough North and Frimley. Please see the map below for routes. Farnham Hartley Whitney Cove

Fleet North Camp

Reading CrowthorneBlackwater North Camp Guildford Church Crookham

WokinghamSandhurst Farnborough Ash Ewshot Weybourne North Crondall Farnham

Farnborough Weydon Basingstoke Winchfield Main Woking Walton-on-Thames London Waterloo Wrecclesham

Hook Fleet Brookwood Weybridge Surbiton Sleaford

There are so many ways to travel to College! Ascot Camberley Ash Vale Lots of my friends walk, take the bus, cycle Ash BY CAR or catch the train, and it’s so easy because the BagshotAFrimley ldershot There is limited reserved parking on and around the College College is in such a central location.” Guildford site - students will receive information about this during their Wanborough first year. We encourage all students to walk, cycle or use public JESICA GUUNG WALKING TIMES TO COLLEGE formerly of Cove School) transport in order to reduce congestion around the College site studying history, law and Farnborough Main 15 mins Farnborough North 15 mins Frimley 20 mins and the impact on local residents. psychology.

30 This information is subject to change but is correct at time of publishing. 31 YOUR

PROSPECTUS 2021 STEP BY STEP GUIDE joining the College!

1 2 3 4 5 6 Open Days Submit Application In the system Your Interview Interview Day Confirmation Attend our Open Days to Submit your online application. Need help Great now you’re in the system! Once we’ve received your reference, Don’t worry! This is an opportunity If we can offer you a place, we will discover Farnborough. Email or We then request a reference from we’ll arrange your interview and email for us to get to know you and talk send you and your parent/guardian a call us on 01252 688200. your school. you the date and time. We look forward about future options. If you need confirmation email. You have 14 days to October 2020 to meeting you! more advice, we might invite you accept or decline your place. for a second interview.

7 8 9 10 11 12 Information Evening Getting Ready Day Transition Evening Good Luck! GCSE Results Welcome Need more advice It’s okay because Accepted your place You’ll be invited Your parent/guardian will receive an Good luck with your exams! We’ll send emember to tell us your GCSE results It’s Enrolment time. Welcome to our Information Evening is another to Getting eady Day to experience invitation to attend Transition Evening you an email in the summer holidays online once you have them. The Sixth Form College Farnborough! chance for you to discuss your options. what it’s like to be a student at to find out about the support we about how to enrol at College. GCSE Results: August 2021 Enrolment: August/September 2021 March 2021 Farnborough. provide whilst you’re a student here. June 2021 June/July 2021

32 33 PROSPECTUS 2021 FIND US ONLINE Visit our website for more information about the College,

We use social media to share important messages with our students and celebrate their fantastic achievements, so make sure that you follow us!




And remember to #joinf6th2021


Prospect Avenue, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 8JX 01252 688200 [email protected]