Background Report
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1 I GIPPSLAND LAKES LAND USE STRATEGY PLAN L:•'•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•!•:O!•!O:•!•!•!•!•:O:··~··:::·:•X•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:-:·:·:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:-:-:-:o:-:-x.:~;.;-·-:·:-:·::-·:··-:·;.:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:.-..:•:•:•:•:•:•:>:•:•:•:•:-:•:•:•:•:•:•:·:···:•:•;.,,..._"o,;... ..._"o,;.;ia......_..._..._..._ .... ~ F.•:; •••• .•.•.•.•.•.•.•.. •.• ..•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•!9. :-. -···················································-·.-.································-.································-=-.-..-.., .·.·~••••• -. .·.·~·················'V..if'.•.•.-.•.•.•.s•.·.···················="·'···•·~~~~,,~~ BACKGROUND REPORT TOWN &COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD· NOVEMBER 1978 711 . 3099 456 j GIP:P br 111&00 'I ', '[ TO.WN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD MPE LIBRARY 4227 LIBRARY llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll M0004110 GIPPSLAND LAKES LAND USE STRATEGY PLAN • BACKGROUND REPORT TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING BOARD NOVEMBER. 1978 .. \ 1658688 ! (711.-3099 I I I 456 GIP:P br Gippsland lakes land use I I strategy plan : 1 background report I ! I I l __ -- --· ----- --·---- . __) .CONTENTS PAGE 1 .. INTRODUCTION 1. LAND CAPABILITY 3 1.1 Land Capability Studies as a Planning Tool 3 1.2 The Land Capability Mapping Programme 3 1.3 The Mapping Process 3 1.4 The Use of Land Capability Maps 4 Example 1: Me tung 4 Example 2: Tambe Delta Area 5 1.5 Special Policies for Areas with Physical Development Constraints 6 1.6 1Floodprone Areas 6 1. 7 Designated Flood Levels 7 1.8 Drainage of Land Act 7 1.9 Management of Floodprone Areas 8 2. WATER QUALITY 15 2.1 Introduction 15 2.2 Water Quality and Land.Use 15 WATER USE AND SALINITY 16 2.3 Water Use 16 2.4 Salinity. 17 SEWAGE EFFLUENT DISPOSAL 18 2.5 Possible Effects on the Lakewaters l~ 2.6 Sewage Disposal Options 19 2.7 summary of Factors Affecting Water Quality 23 2.8 Planning and Water Quality 24 3. LANDSCAPE 28 3.1 Landscape Features 28 3.2 Statutory Powers and Implementation 28 3.3 The Need for General Principles and Flexible . Implementation 29 3.4 Landscape Enhancement 30 3.5 Broad Landscape Guidelines 30 SITING GUIDELINES 33 3.6 Hills and Ridgelines 33 3.7 Significant Views 35 ,3 .8 Scenic Roads 37 GENERAL SITE LAYOUT GUIDELINES 40 3.9 Subdividing a: Rural Site 40 'PAGE 4. VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE 42 4.1 Vegetation 43 4. 2 Wil~:Hife 44 4.3 Areas of Conservation Significance 44 4.4. Strategy Plan Policies 46 4.5 Role of Local Planning 46 5. SITES OF SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC OR HISTORICAL INTEREST 47 5.1 Introduction 47 5.2 Sites of Special Scientific Interest 47 5.3 Sites of Historic Interest · 48 5.4 The Role of Federal and State Governments 49 5.5 The Role of Planning at the Local Level 51 5.6 Planping Schemes and Interim Development Orders 51 57' 6. POPULATION, EMPLOYMENT AND SUBDIVISION 6.1 Population 57 6.2 Main Population Trends 58 6.3 Location of Population 59 6.4 Employment 60 6.5 Demands for Subdivision 60 6.6 Rural Subdivision 61 6.7 Urban Subdivision 61 63 7. BASIC SERVICES 7.1 Introduction 63 7~2 Sewage Disposal in Townships 63 7.3 Sewage Disposal and Water Supply in Ru~al Residential Areas 64 7.4 Electricity 66 7.5 Fire Protection 67 8. IMPLEMENTATION 71 ·,i ,I I 8.1 Introduction 71 lt 8.2 Special Policies Maps 71 . ('I 8.3 Special Controls for Areas with Physical 1 I. Development Constraints 72 1: :1 8.4 Special Controls for Development on Flood :1 Prone Areas 73 8.5 Special Controls for Areas with Special Landscape Features 75 8~6 Special Controls for Sites of Special Scientific or Historical Interest 77 8.7 Special Controls for the Preservation of Water Quality 79 8.8 Other Special Policies 81 APPENDICES 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY 123 .. ~·:'! t TABLES PAGE 1. Key to Symbols Used in S.C.A. Mapping Components of the Gippsland Lakes Area. 10 2. Land Capability Rating for Secondary Roads and Car Parks. 12 3. A Summary of Land Capability Rating for Urban and Rural Residential Development in the Lakes Area. 14 4. Detailed Annual Water Budget by Subsidiary Catchment in Thousands of Megalitres. 25 5. Possible Water ~udget by Subsidiary Catchment for Year 2000 in Thousands of Megali tres·. 26 6. Projected Water Use in Year 2000. 27 7. Some Broad Landscape Guidelines. 31 8. Sites of Special Sci~ntific Interest in the Gippsland Lakes Area .. 52 9. Population of Strategy Plan Area by Shire, 1971 and 1976. 57 10. Number of Persons Aged 0-49 and 5o+-and in the Main Townships and Rate of Growth by Age Group.· 58 11. Number and Percent of Permanent and Holiday Homes in Main Townships in the Lakes Area 1971 and 1976. 59 12. Percentage Annual.Rate of Growth in Permanent and Hol'iday Homes Compared with overall Rate of Growth in Home Building, 1971 to 1976, for Main Settlements in Gippsland Lakes Area. 59 13. Number of Rural Allotments Created and Permits Issued for Dwellings in Rural Areas, 1974-1977. 61 14. Existing and Proposed Basic Services in the Lakes Area Settlements. 68 15. Possible Methods of Sewage Disposal in the ( Gippsland Lakes Area. 70 i Ii l -·::. ;_. ··'\ ·.. ,: ..... " MAPS PAGE 1. Strategy, Plan Area 2-3 2. Township of Metung - Land Capability for Residential Developments 4-5 3. Tambe Delta Area Land Capability for Rural Residential Development 6-7 4. Special Controls Implementation - Tambe Delta Area .72-73 APPEND! CES · PAGE 1. Town and Country Planning Act 1961. Extract. Third Schedule. 82 2. Town and Country Planning Act 1961. Extract. Part lllB - Historic Buildings. 83 3. (a) The History of Planning ~ontrols in the Gippsland Lakes Area. 84 (b) Statements of Planning Policy. 90 4. Landscape Features of the Gippsland Lakes Area classified by type and Shire. 92 5. Vegetation of the Gippsland Lakes Area. 96 6. Mammals and Bird Species Occurrence by 104 Habitat Type. 7. Number of Persons Employed in Agriculture, 121 .11anufacturing and Related Industries as Percent of Total Workforce in the Shires of Avon, Bairnsdale, Tambe and the East Gippsland Region. The following State and local Soverrunent agencies have been consulted during the course of the preparation of the Gippsland Lakes Strategy Plan and Background Report. Shire of Avon Shire of Bairnsdale Shire of Rosedale Shire of Tambo l Department of Agriculture I Country Fire Authority l Country Roads Board l Ministry for Conservation ,I Department of Crown Lands and Survey Education Departrr\ent Environment Protection Authority Fisheries and Wildlife Division Forests Commission Department of Labour and_ Industry Land Conservation Council Latrobe Valley Water and Sewerage Board National Parks Service Ministry for Planning Ports and Harbours Division, Public Works Department Soil Conservation Authority State Electricity Commission of Victoria State.Rivers and Water Supply Commission Transport Regulation Board Particular thanks go to the informal Inter-Departmental Working Group which included representatives of the Ministry for Conservation, Envirorunen.t Protection Authority, Latrobe Valley Water and Sewerage Board, Soil Conservation Authority I and State Rivers and Water Supply Commission and which enabled . I a common approach to be adopted with respect to many of the i major issues relevant to the future planning of the Gippsland I Lakes area. Meetings have also been held with: East Gippsland Regional Planning Committee The Victorian Eastern Development Association and'a cross section of local business interests. 1 INTRODUCTION This report is a companion volume to the Gippsland Lakes Land Use Strategy Plan and sets out a range of detailed background material that complements, and where appropriate, supports the information and policies outlined in that document. The area covered by this'report is similar to that covered by the Strategy Plan (See Map 1) and comprises parts of th~ Shires of Avon, Bairnsdale, Rosedale and Tambo. The Strategy Plan has been compiled in these two parts to enable the reader to swiftly locate the main provisions and recorrunendations in the Plan itself, without having to work through large sections of background data and technical information. A cross referencing system in -the margins of this report refers to the relevant sections and/or maps in 'the Strategy Plan. The Strategy Plan incorporates a reciprocal cross referencing system to link its largely illustrated data and its policies to more detailed background sections contained in this report. The cross referen.cing system that has been used to link this d9cument to the companion Strategy Plan works on the basis of margin references which simply relate the topic or subject being described to the relevant text or table in the Strategy Plan. The notation for these references is as follows: SP4.6 Strategy Plan Section 4.6 SPT13 Strategy Plan Table 13 SPM2 Strategy Plan Map 2 This Background Report can also be· considered as a "users., manual" for the Strategy Plan. It not only expands on the technical background to particular policies, but also sets down guidelines for the implementation of those policies, including the use of the important information on land capability set out in Section 1. Briefly the sections in this report deal.with, and expand on, the following matters:- 1. Land Capability and Flooding SP2.3 & 9.2 Details of those parts of the Strategy Plan area that are subject to particular physical constraints, and guidelines for the future control of development in these areas along the lines referred to in the Strategy Plan. 2. Water Use and Quality SP2.l An outline of the options available for sewage dispos~ al in the Lakes area and the problems created by increased water usage and possible future increases in the salinity of the lake waters. 3. Landscape SP2.7 Identification of a number of the significant landscape features in the Lakes area and some guidelines for ensuring appropriate standards of subdivision and development in their vicinity. .--------------------------------------------- 2 4. Vegetation and Wildlife SP2.5 A review of the vegetation types and wildlife that can be.found in the Lakes area and the types of mea sures required to ensure their protection in the face of increased development.