
ABA ESiJupdate . v e s t 1 g a t 1 0 e • • e • • • • • •

4HOT Cairns: offensive song lyrics

Complaint song's lyri cs contain.a do uble meaning: they can The ABA received a complaint about a song be understood as a cooking recipe or can be titl ed 'Chocolate Sa lty Ball', broadcast by 4HOT take n to have a stronger adult theme. However, on 7 February 1999. The complainant claimed the ABA found that the song did not contain any that the song contained unacceptable language language which would offend to a substantial and that the station had not responded to the degree the contemporary standards of decency complaint. held by the audie nce of the station. The ABA fo und that the licensee, Greater Re levant code Ca irns Radio Ltd, breached clause 5.2 (b) of the Clause 1.2 of the Comme rcial Radio Codes of code as the complaint was not conscie ntiously Practice provides: consid ered or responded to as soon as practica- A licensee shall not broadcast language which ble. . would offend to a substantial degree the contemporary standards of decency h Id by Action taken the audience o f the statio n. Greater Cairns Radio Ltd advised the ABA that a Clause 5.2(b) of the code provides: breakdown with internal communications had A licensee shall m ake appropriate resulted in the complaint being overl ooked . Th arrangements to ensure that: li censee also advised that new procedures had (b) complaints will be consc ientiously been put in pl ace; it had contacted the complain­ considered, investigated if necessa ry , and ant apologising for the manner in which the responded to as soon as practi ca ble. complaint had been handled; and it offered to meet with th e complain ant to discuss the matter. Decision The ABA is satisfi ed w ith the new procedures 'Chocolate Sa lty Balls' by 'the ' is described and the response to the complainant and de­ as a ''. It o riginated from the anima­ cided to take no further actio n. tion series '', broadcast by SBS. The

TVQ 10: unsuitable material for G classification

Complaint creet and sensitively edited, could rai ea number Following a complaint the ABA commenced an of questions in the minds of young viewers that investigation into an episode of the seri es 'The most parents or guardians would wish to discuss, Bold and the Beautiful', broadcast by TVQ 10 on and therefore PG would have been the most 27 January 1999. The complainant alleged that a appropriate classification. The PG classification scene in this episode, set in a hospital and indicates to parents or guardians that, clue to the in volving a young woman about to have an nature of material within a particular program, aborti on, was not suitable fo r a program classi­ th ey may wish to be present if young viewers are fi ed G. watching.

Relevant code Action taken Clause 2. 10 of the Commercial Television Indus- In response to the ABA's decision etwork Te n try Code of Practice states that: wrote to the ABA: M aterial cl ass ifi ed G must not contain any this particular story element has been finished for marter likely to be unsuitable for children to a considerable length of time and is unlikely to wa tch w itho ut the supervision o f a pa rent. recur. Network Ten has incorporated the ABA's find ing in this matter into the principles it applies Decision in classifying programs for broadcast. The ABA decided that th e scene was unsuitable Conseq uently, we w ill ensure that future for chil dre n to watch w itho ut the supervision of p rograms broa dcast comply w ith the ABA's a parent and that etwork Ten (Bri sbane) Pty interpretati on o f clause 2. 10. Limited, li censee of TVQ 10, had the refore The ABA was satisfi ed with this response and breached clause 2. 10 of the code. The ABA decided not to take further action at this stage. o pinion was that th is scene , despite bein g dis- [[]