Minister Gan Kim Yong leads 65 companies to Province to explore opportunities

MR No.: 011/12 Singapore, Wednesday, 18 April 2012

1. Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health, will lead a business mission comprising 65 Singapore-based companies to (including Changxing ), and in Liaoning province, . He will be accompanied by Mr Stanley Loh, Singapore‟s Ambassador to China, senior officials from International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Mr Teo Siong Seng, President of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI).

2. The mission, coordinated by IE Singapore and SCCCI, will deepen companies‟ understanding of the Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt and Shenyang Economic Region. Taking place place from 22 to 26 April 2012, the mission will involve companies from urban solutions, transport and logistics, environmental and business services.

3. Minister Gan and Liaoning Governor are the Co-Chairmen of the Singapore-Liaoning Economic and Trade Council (SLETC). IE Singapore is the Singapore secretariat of the Council. During the trip, Minister Gan is expected to meet key provincial and city leaders, including Liaoning Party Secretary Min, Governor Chen, Shenyang Chen Haibo, Dalian Party Secretary Tang Jun, Yingkou Party Secretary Wei Xiaopeng, Yingkou Mayor Ge Lefu, and Changxing Island Director- General Jin Cheng. (Please refer to Annex for Chinese terms)

4. Dalian and Shenyang are looking to expand their urban areas by developing and districts as the New Area and Ganjingzi in Dalian, and in Shenyang. The delegation will visit these sites to better understand the potential for business collaboration.

International Enterprise Singapore is the lead government agency driving Singapore’s external economy. IE Media Satement 18 April 12

5. Other highlights include visits to Changxing Island 1 (in Dalian) and Yingkou Bonded Logistics Centre. Changxing Island and Yingkou are part of the Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt strategy. In July last year, the State Council approved the opening of the Changxing Island Port, where 68 berths will be built. On 26 April 2012, Minister Gan will grace the official opening ceremony of Pacific International Lines‟ ship recycling and ship repair project on Changxing Island. This new project was a result of strong support and facilitation by the SLETC.

6. In 2011, bilateral trade between Singapore and Liaoning reached US$2.4 billion 2 , making Singapore Liaoning's 6th largest trading partner. On the investment front, Singapore's cumulative actual foreign direct investments in Liaoning reached US$2.79 billion, with a total of 865 projects3 as of end 2011. Singapore is Liaoning's 4th largest foreign investor in 2011.

7. Current Singapore projects in Liaoning (non-exhaustive list):  Crestar runs kindergartens in Dalian, and Shenyang.  IMC operates three public berths in Changxing Island.  Koh Brothers is developing “Singapore City @ Shenyang” township project.  Rotary set up its Rotary-Dalian Overseas Test and Training Centre in Dalian Jiaotong University to provide technical training.  Breadtalk runs outlets in Dalian and Shenyang.

Annex: Chinese terms ---End---

Note to Editor Please use „IE Singapore‟ or „IE‟ if an acronym for „International Enterprise Singapore‟ is required. In addition, unless otherwise stated, the use of statistics cited in our media releases, website or Statlink, should be attributed to IE Singapore.

1 The development of Changxing Island was approved to be a state-level Economic &Technical Development Zone on 25 April 2010, and the Comprehensive Reform Experiment Zone of Liaoning Province on May 12th 2010. 2 Source: Liaoning Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau 3 Source: Liaoning Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau

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IE Media Satement 18 April 12

Issued by IE Singapore.

For media enquiries, please contact: Ms CHENG Kiat Loon Divisional Director (Media) Corporate Communications Group DID : 65 6433 4465 Phone : 65 9799 0904 Email : [email protected] ______International Enterprise Singapore

International Enterprise (IE) Singapore is the government agency driving Singapore's external economy. We spearhead the overseas growth of Singapore-based companies and promote international trade.

We partner Singapore-based companies in their international expansion through our "3C" framework of assistance (Connections, Competency and Capital), and through our global network in over 35 locations spanning many emerging markets.

We also anchor global trading companies in Singapore and position the country as a base to expand into the region in partnership with Singapore-based companies.

Visit www.iesingapore.com for more information.

Singapore-Liaoning Economic and Trade Council

The Singapore-Liaoning Economic & Trade Council (SLETC) was established on 18 November 2003. The launch of SLETC was witnessed by then Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong and Chinese Premier . The Council is to promote economic exchanges and cooperation between Liaoning Province and Singapore. It is formed by leaders, government officials and private sector representatives of Singapore and Liaoning.

The Council shall endeavor to achieve its objective through the following means:

a. exchange of economic data and information, and familiarize each other on the respective economic policies; b. promote, guide, and assist in bilateral trade and investment; c. organise exchange activities in the areas of economic, trade, and investments; d. coordinate and help businesses solve problems in joint businesses; e. other work that are mutually beneficial for economic and social development.

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IE Media Satement 18 April 12

ANNEX Chinese terms

Singapore-Liaoning Economic & Trade 新加坡-辽宁经济贸易理事会 Council International Enterprise (IE) Singapore 新加坡国际企业发展局(简称:企发局)

Mr Gan Kim Yong 颜金勇先生 Minister for Health 新加坡卫生部部长

Co-Chairman 联合主席 Singapore-Liaoning Economic & Trade 新加坡-辽宁经济贸易理事会 Council Mr Wang Min 王珉先生 Liaoning Party Secretary 辽宁省委书记

Mr Chen Zhenggao 陈政高先生 Liaoning Governor 辽宁省长

Co-Chairman 联合主席 Singapore-Liaoning Economic & Trade 新加坡-辽宁经济贸易理事会 Council Mr Chen Haibo 陈海波先生 Shenyang Mayor 沈阳市市长 Mr Tang Jun 唐军先生 Dalian Party Secretary 大连市委书记 Mr Wei Xiaopeng 魏小鹏先生 Yingkou Party Secretary 营口市委书记 Mr Ge Lefu 葛乐夫先生 Yingkou Mayor 营口市市长 Mr Jin Cheng 金程先生 Changxing Island Director-General 大连长兴岛管委会主任

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